Newsletter 47 - Introduction of the executive

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28th SEPTEMBER 2007

53rd IPSF Congress The 11 days in Taiwan have been a memorable event in IPSF. More than 300 pharmacy students from 38 countries gathered and shared the IPSF spirit. New experiences and new friends will always live in our memory.

6. National Association of Pharmacy Students', Sierra Leone (NAPS-SL) 7. College of Medical and Pharmaceutical Association, Malawi (COMPSA)

We also held the General Assembly, our highest decision-making body, where we welcomed the following new associations in IPSF:

8. Ikatan Senat Mahasiswa Farmasi Seluruh Indonesia, Indonesia (I SMAFARSI) 9.

Member in Associations:

Counceil Etudiantes En Pharmacie Democratic Republic of Congo (CEPS)



1. Malysian Pharmaceutical Students' Association (MyPSA) 2. Pokhara University Students' Pharma Association (PUSPA) 3. Gadjah Madha University, Indonesia (UGM) 4. University Sanatha Dharma, Indonesia (USM) 5. University Indonesia, Indonesia (UI) Full Members:

This congress also marked the end of the IPSF Executive 2006-07 and we would like to welcome the incoming Executive 2007-08 on board. Let's contribute together to IPSF for the benefit of pharmacy students and global health! See you in Cluj-Napoca 2008 and Bali 2009!

1. Zimbabwe Pharmaceutical Students' Association (ZPSA) 2. Pharmacy Students Council, Morocco (PSC) 3. Jordan Pharmaceutical Students' Association (JPSA) 4. Association of Pharmacy Students, Japan (APS-Japan) 5. Korean National Association of Pharmaceutical Students (KNAPS)

Audrey Clarissa President 2006-07 The year 2006-07 has been another challenging and extremely busy year for IPSF. I am really grateful that I have had the privilege to serve IPSF and my fellow pharmacy students around the world as IPSF President. I couldn't believe that time has passed by and it's already time to say goodbye.

Though my term finished, I will never stop my contribution to IPSF. This Federation will always be in my heart, today and forever. I wish all the best and success for the incoming Executive and I believe you will have a great year together with them!

This opportunity has brought a big change to my life: moving from Indonesia to Netherlands; travelling all around the world for meetings with professionals and pharmacy students with no time for 'jet lag'; and spending most of my time reading and replying emails.

Juha Mönkäre Treasurer 2006-07

I really enjoyed this year working with the Executive 2006-07, they have been very helpful and supportive. And most of all I enjoyed working for all IPSFers around the globe.

Juha will continue in the Executive Committee as a Treasurer 2007-08

Geogina Gál Secretary-General 2005-07

Anna Watson Chairperson of Public Health 2006-07

My first IPSF experience was the Budapest Congress in 2002 and I am sure the Taipei congress was not the last one! IPSF has been a huge part of my life for the past 5 years, especially the last three as I had the opportunity to serve on the executive committee. IPSF was a school about people, cultures and myself; it was work, my dearest hobby and a lifestyle. It was a pleasure and a great honour to be part of this Federation! I wish the next executive to make the best out of the upcoming year!

Firstly, congratulations to all IPSF members on your work in public health over the last year. We have seen some excellent campaigns run this year! I wish you well for further developing such initiatives in your countries in the coming year! Thank you for making my year as Chairperson of Public Health an interesting and exciting one! There are also many new opportunities to come this year, including the IPSF Declaration of Commitment on Tobacco Control - watch this space for information on how to get involved!

IPSF Secretariat PO Box 84200, 2508 AE Den Haag, The Netherlands Interested in sending an article to IPSF Newsletter? Please send your article and photos to If you have any queries, do not hesitate to contact us at or

“IPSF is the leading international advocacy organisation for pharmacy students with the aim to promote improved public health through provision of information, education, networking as well as a range of publications and professional initiatives. Founded in London in 1949, IPSF represents 350000 pharmacy students and recent graduates from 75 countries worldwide today."


IPSF Newsletter #47 Zhining Goh Chairperson of Education and Practice 2006-07

Mohamed Atef Chairperson of Public Relations 2006-07

It has definitely been an extremely rewarding time being able to serve IPSF over the past two years, on Exec and as Moving On II Chair. A very big THANK YOU to everyone who has made it possible and I hope that more members will come forward to bring the IPSF agenda forward. I wouldn't call this saying goodbye, as I will be staying on to do further work for IPSF in pharmacy education. So, see you around! Best wishes to the new Exec and to all of you!

Only two weeks from today 300 IPSFers from all over the world celebrated their 53rd annual congress in the beautiful island of Formosa. For some of you it is a start, but for me it was the end of an astounding, astonishing and amazing year on IPSF executive board. For my lovely CPs I will always remember you so be good and "keep in touch"!! Now you have a new Boss, my successor Ms .Neveen A.E.G from USA, so work hard with her to make IPSF the best. So, as we say it in IPSF: See you one day, some where!

Annabelle McGowan Chairperson of Publications 2006-07

Natasa Nikolic Chairperson of Student Exchange 2006-07

It is with both sadness and joy that I say goodbye as Chairperson of Publications 2006-07. It has been the greatest pleasure to serve the Federation in this way and I hope you have all enjoyed reading the News Bulletin, Phuture and Annual Report. I also hope you like the new website we have developed for you, it took a long time but I think it was worth it. Please be patient with us as we work t h r o u g h a n y t e e t h i n g p r o b l e m s . This last year has been a lot of hard work and I am now enjoying my free time, holidays and lack of emails! It was great to see so many of you in Taipei, I hope you all enjoyed a great congress. I will miss all my friends from Executive a lot, but I'm sure we'll keep in touch and I'll see you somewhere in the world soon. Good luck to the new executive, I’m sure Karen and her team will serve the federation superbly!

I may openly say that this year was a great step for SEP thanks to enthusiastic Student Exchange Committee, all Student Exchange Officers and Local Exchange Officers. All together as a family we were working on infrastructure, promotion, improving the quiality of exchange, communication and knowledge. I believe we succeeded in many fields due to hard work, sacrifice and devotion. SEP is a huge 365 days active programme which says a lot. My tip is never to stop improving SEP, because there are at least 700 people behind it. The year full of memory, friends and great experience for sure will stay forever. What can I say, keep being involved, keep seeking for knowledge because the whole world is our playground! Because who works hard, parties hard !

Karen McGill Chairperson of Pan-American Regional Office 2005-07

John Nguyen Chairperson of Asia-Pacific Regional Office 2006-07

It has been both challenging and rewarding to have been the Chairperson for the Pan-American Region for the past two years. There have been moments of learning how best to motivate students, translate information into other languages, and coordinate many changes with a bilingual student team. With many new activities and programs developed over the year, I cannot wait to see much more participation in this region in the future!

Over the past two years, it has been a great honour to serve the Federation for the Asia Pacific Regional Office. I have great memories working with the APRO team and am very lucky to have met so many wonderful people across Asia Pacific, and it has inspired me to see the pure and genuine the spirit of pharmacy in the future generation of pharmacists. Always missing the great times, but I am sure there will always be more to come. Long live the fun spirit in IPSF!

Angela Chang Chairperson of 53rd IPSF Congress 2007 Reception Committee It has been a great honour that we've been able to hold this year's IPSF congress in Taiwan. I hope you have gone from our country with fond memories, not only of the Congress itself but also of the friendliness of the Taiwanese people. Although the year was stressful and tiresome for me, when I think back it's been rather fruitful and extremely awarding. On behalf of PSA-Taiwan I would like to thank everyone who came from their homeland to share the happy moments at the congress together, and making this an unforgettable summer! See you in Romania!

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