Newsletter 53 - Exec introduction

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25th FEBRUARY 2008

IPSF Executive Committee 2007-08 Introduction

Suresh had his first involvement with IPSF

John first became involved in 2003 at the

when he was Contact Person and Student

Victorian College of Pharmacy, Monash

Exchange Officer for Nepal during 2003-04. He was one of the founding members of Nepal Pharmacy

University, Melbourne Australia. Prior to being appointed Chairperson of Professional Development,

Students' Society (NPSS) and served as the secretary of

he was elected Chairperson of Asia-Pacific Regional Office

the second NPSS executive committee. He attended the

(APRO) in 2006, Secretary General of APRO 2005, National

a Congress in Bonn and 6 th Asia Pacific Pharmaceutical 51st

Councillor for National Australian Pharmacy Students'


Association (NAPSA), Australia 2003, President of the

in Kathmandu. He is also one of the three

(APPS) IPSF representatives for the P-squared project in

Victorian Pharmacy Students’ Association 2004 and

collaboration with the International Federation of Medical

Chairperson of NAPSA National Congress 2007. He has







since attended three IPSF World congresses and three IPSF

appointed as the Chairperson of Pharmacy Education and

Asia Pacific Symposiums from 2005. He hopes to spread the

looks forward to an exciting year ahead. He is expecting to

spirit of serving the student body which has been fun and

graduate with a Master of Pharmacy in August 2008.

rewarding over the last few years. Vive la pharmacie!

The 9th Pharmaceutical Day in Rwanda 18-20 December 2007













(AEPHAR) in collaboration with the Rwandese Ministry of Health. It was organised with the aim of discussing the efforts of our government and other health professionals in prevention strategies and treatment of the main subregion diseases such as malaria, TB and HIV. The role of the pharmacist in executing positive changes to achieve these objectives was a main focus.


The two first days were reserved for workshops on AEPHAR issues, such as the General Assembly, AEPHAR future and other issues related to Rwandian pharmacy students. After the workshops the report and other AEPHAR official documents were approved. On 20th December, 2007 we About 300 health professionals participated effectively in the plenary sessions; they were very attentive to the presentations.

had a heavy programme, because of different interesting presentations given by different health professionals from our country. After the opening remarks we had a presentation on “AEPHAR achievements and perspectives”, by Mr. Albert Busumbigabo. From its foundation, AEPHAR has achieved








organisations in the pharmaceutical sector, as well as in other related fields.

many goals such as marketing its name inside and outside

He added that AEPHAR attended the 53 rd IPSF World

the country, establishing its standard constitutions and

Congress in Taiwan, China and its president has been

domestic rules, increasing members' participation in IPSF

honoured to be elected as the African regional co-

IPSF Secretariat PO Box 84200, 2508 AE Den Haag, The Netherlands Interested in sending an article to IPSF Newsletter? Please send your article and photos to If you have any queries, do not hesitate to contact us at or

“IPSF is the leading international advocacy organisation for pharmacy students with the aim to promote improved public health through provision of information, education, networking as well as a range of publications and professional initiatives. Founded in London in 1949, IPSF represents 350000 pharmacy students and recent graduates from 75 countries worldwide today."


ISSUE #53 ordinator. He explained the role of IPSF in the entire

ü Strategies of TB control in Rwanda and level of its

development of world healthcare awareness; this role is

infection in population, by Dr. Isaïe Nzeyimana in

crucial and beneficial to many individuals.

charge of Multiresistant Tuberculosis in the National Programme to Fight against TB (PNILT).

Monique Mukandabarasa, who works in pharmaceutical exploitation in the Rwandese Insurance Agency (RAMA)

ü The role

gave a presentation on the 'Contribution of RAMA in








fighting against Malaria, HIV and TB'. She gave a brief

(MSH/SPS) in strengthening pharmaceutical care and

background on RAMA, then explained its contribution in malaria, TB and HIV control. RAMA, as a health insurance

services, by Phn. Gaparayi Patrick from USAID. The closing ceremony was given by the Dean of the Faculty

of public workers, has a great role to play in disease

of Science, Mr. Celestin Mageza, Msc. in presence of the

control. The RAMA holds an open conference every year,

Academic Secretary of the Department of Pharmacy, the

with many healthcare professionals participating and

Representative of the Rwandese Pharmacists' Association

during which the official list of essential drugs insured by

(ARPHA) and the Representative of the Pharmaceutical

RAMA is decided.

Task Force (PTF) in the Ministry of Health.

In addition, there were also presentations on: ü Contribution of Pharmaceutical Laboratory of Rwanda

Albert Busumbigabo Pharmaceutical Students' Association of Rwanda

(LABOPHAR) in fighting against Malaria, HIV and TB, by Phn. Karamuka, Msc.

(AEPHAR), Rwanda

Xperience Pharmacy Camp National University Singapore 12-14th December 2007


hospital, retail, industry and regulatory settings. Certainly,

students was a vibrant and unforgettable affair. The

the talks gave the students a greater awareness of the

pharmacy profession comprises “multi-faceted, multi-

diversity of prospects of pharmacy.

Xperience Pharmacy Camp 2007 for Junior College

talented individual with competencies in a variety of domains






communication and teamwor.” Indeed, it was a chance


for students of NUS pharmacy to exhibit these qualities

The past Xperience Pharmacy camps used to be day

and enlighten prospective students about the pharmacy

sessions during which many students chose to skip

profession in Singapore.

certain activities. The transition of the camps from day

Detailed preparations began in March 2007 to ensure a

sessions to a three day-two night stayover ensured that

smooth and successful event. One hundred thirty three

students experienced the full package of the events

participating students were divided into groups led by

lined up and was thus more beneficial. We plan to look

student helpers and an introduction of the course was


presented to the students with a talk by our professors to

interesting yet educational workshops for future camps so

open the camp. After having an impression of how the

that these will leave a greater impression on the students

course functions, the students were thrust into the realm of pharmacy. A series of interactive dispensing sessions followed, which provided students with a chance to unravel the mechanics of formulating medications including creams, inhalations

and injections. The ‘Know Your Drugs’

workshops gave students a better understanding of minor ailments and appropriate medication use, and covered topics such as dermatological care, sunscreen







rather than the games which culminated the day’s activities. To fellow IPSFers, organising a pharmacy camp for prospective undergraduates is an excellent way in creating awareness about our profession among the inquisitive teens. Whether or not they choose to do pharmacy in future, we are certain that they have brought home the idea of how versatile pharmacy is. I wish you the very best as you continue to contribute to the professional development of the profession!

protection, diarrhea and constipation. These activities were conducted by some of our very own able and enthusiastic third year students. Talks were conducted by experienced and well-known

Selena Teng Contact Person National University of Singapore Pharmaceutical Society,

personnel of the major sectors of pharmacy in Singapore.


They included pharmacists and executives from the


ISSUE #53 2nd World Healthcare Students' Symposium 2007

Do you remember the first global healthcare students symposium called World MaPS held in Malta in November 2005? The original idea behind this event was to bring together students from different healthcare professions for a joint global event emphasizing an interdisciplinary approach






management. This first attempt at solidarity brought together over 220 healthcare professional students from over 40 countries! Set against the beautiful Maltese landscape, World MaPS was successful because for the first time, it officially acknowledged and recognized a need – it was a need for collaboration among students for the advancement of healthcare practice and the safety of our patients. Two years later, students from around the world gathered for a second time in Albufeira, Portugal, which was the site of the 2nd World Healthcare Students' Symposium (WHSS), held from 26 November – 1 December, 2007.

From left to right: Neveen Abdeghani, Mette Lykke Rathje, Pernille Miller, and Karen McGill during WHSS 2007 Portugal

Even more attended and far-reaching than its predecessor in 2005, WHSS in Portugal confirmed that although we

plenary discussions, interactive group breakout sessions,

have different healthcare roles, we are indeed working for

and case studies. Topics covered many areas, including

one goal: to provide the best possible care for our

multi-professional and livelong learning, curricula design,


cost effectiveness in healthcare and ethical implications,

A Joint Working Group (JWG) full of student leaders from

sustainability of healthcare workers, risk prevention and

the pharmacy, physician, and nursing professions, put

patient safety, pharmaceutical testing and expanding

together a packed schedule of events that included

influence, public health in developed countries, sexually

stimulating education sessions, an amazing World AIDS

transmitted diseases, neglected diseases, euthanasia and

Day display, and of course, plenty of site-seeing and

palliative care, and tuberculosis.

evening social events in Albufeira and around the Algarve

WHSS 2007 was a week of intense education, networking,

region of Portugal. Over the course of the week, attendees

and fun! This amazing event was made possible by a small

were treated to a variety of lectures, parallel sessions,

group of visionary student and new practitioner leaders from several European and international healthcare associations, including IPSF. The WHSS Joint Working Group (JWG) was chaired by IPSF Representative, Micheline






Neumann (Germany) as the second IPSF representative. The WHSS Organizing Committee in Portugal was cochaired by IPSF member and EPSA Immediate PastPresident,






counterpart, Samuel Ribeiro. Many thanks are owed to the above individuals and the numerous other volunteers who worked tirelessly and with unwavering dedication on this project for the past 2 years. Your hard work on this great event was much appreciated and is a true testament to the IPSF spirit! Viva la Pharmacie! Karen McGill and Neveen Abdelghani with 2 of the Portuguese OC in front of the World AIDS Day display

Neveen Abdelghani Chairperson of Public Relations 2007-08


ISSUE #53 2nd World Healthcare Students' Symposium 2007 – Egyptian Perspective

From the first breath I took on the plane heading to

Public health attracted great interest and the discussion

Albufeira, Portugal, I could tell that the 2nd World

and lecture halls were flooded with participants from all

Healthcare Students Symposium (WHSS) 2007 was going

professions as Professor Ni, Yen-Hsuan explained the new

to be an extraordinary experience! There was the

vaccine assembled in Taiwan, China to fight the Hepatitis B

magnificent blend of multi-professional speakers and

Virus (HBV), with passionate discussion on the possibility

attendants add to that the unique spices of Albufeira,

of one day eradicating HBV.

making it an unforgettable week!

A memorable quote from Professor Stephen Chapman was

The WHSS began with Professor Nigel Bax's lecture on

“We will one day have to make a decision that will affect at

multi-professional learning conveyed that it was a

least one life out there, so what ever we do we need to

necessary and feasible achievement. Professor Ian Bates

think more than once about it!” Being health care

later presented on life-long learning and the role of

professionals means a lot more than neatly pressed white

continuous professional development in professional

coats or smart looks but it is all about caring and if we do

education and the need to focus on how to lessen the gap

not truly sense that, then we are definitely in the wrong

between rhetoric and reality. In addition, ethics was also


discussed at the Ethics Code plenary discussion, with the dilemma of cost effectiveness and relative-effectiveness as hot topics for all.

As I headed home, my mind was full of ideas that I wanted to implement. As I write this today, I am taking my first steps towards implementing the best thing I learnt in WHSS Portugal - that is, working together as a multiprofessional healthcare team. Many thanks to the WHSS Joint Working Group for providing this access to the issues we tackled and will propose them on our upcoming event which will discuss multi-professional learning as one of its corner stone issues. Last but not least, I would like to thank IPSF for giving me the opportunity to attend such a wonderful event! My advice to all students is to attend the upcoming WHSS 2009, wherever it may be.

From left to right: Neveen Abdelghani, Bedan Mbuthia Maina, Mariam Badawi, Susana Gassmann, and Karen McGill during WHSS 2007 Portugal

Mariam Badawi Alexandria Scientific and Pharmaceutical Students' Association (ASPSA), Egypt Mariam received IPSF Development Fund grant for registration and travel costs for this event.

The 54th IPSF Congress in Cluj Napoca, Romania Registration open at

7 th APPS Thailand 27 June – 3 July registration available now at

7 th PARS in Mexico 2 – 7 June 2008


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