Newsletter 81 - What s happening

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81st IPSF Dear IPSFers, e next edition of the th u yo ce du tro in to airperson of I am very happy b of Bastien Venot, Ch jo t ea gr e th t ou ith great W Newsletter. editorial board, this e ol wh e th d an ns uld like to Media and Publicatio light of the World. I wo e th en se ve ha t no ition. newsletter would s contributed to this ed ha o wh le op pe e th of ?’, let me praise all of ‘What’s Happening pic to r te let ws ne SF en working on In line with this IP IPSF Executive has be e th at wh u yo to ce since briefly introdu s has already passed th on m e fiv t os m Al s. e to say that these past few month it is with great pleasur d an ive ut ec Ex w ne rtant the election of achieved a lot of impo dy ea alr s ha am te d to thank this great and motivate reality and I would like a e ad m re we as ide t b-committees goals. A lot of grea bers of committees, su em m o als d an ive ut their ec all of the Ex effort that they put into d an m ias us th en eir th , the new and and all members for f. Among other things el its SF IP p lo ve de d of IPSF work to ly launched at the en ul sf es cc su s wa se airperson of improved SEP databa ank Melissa Teo, Ch th to e lik d ul wo I . November 2010 job. I hope all of you t ea gr r he r fo e m m ogra Student Exchange Pr visit it. to IPSF World already had a chance portant event, the 57th im t os m ’s SF IP r fo n start The registratio gust 2011, is about to Au th 13 to d 3r d, an ail register to Congress in Hat Yai, Th to encourage you to e lik d ul wo I !. 11 , 20 on 15th January ! For further information irit sp SF IP e tru e th e rienc free to attend, taste and expe or feel ww at ite bs we ss re please visit the Cong t all of you in Thailand! ee m to pe ho I . us of ld of contact anyone its status within the fie ing ov pr im is y ac m ar your local I am glad to see that ph ntinuous activities in co ur Yo . rld wo e th t ss health care acro profession has a brigh y ac m ar ph e th at th e m e future association reassures future, so let’s make th e th e ar s nt de stu y ac future! We as pharm w? not us, when if not no Jan Röder better together! Who if IPSF President

Hello dear IPS Here is your N Fers, ew Year’s pre sent from IPS that I edited th F. It is with a re is newsletter, al pleasure edition numb articles for this er 81. I receiv edition, so I w ed a lot of ould like to tha like to use the nk the writers. se few lines to I would also thank once m the designs a ore Miss Ines nd all the Edit H arzallah for o rial board me Without them, mbers for the you wouldn’t h ir good job. ave such nice This edition is publications. full of news fr om different IP will have the SF fields. Firs privilege of re t of all, you ading an artic Manager of le from Myria Media and P h Lesko, ublications fo Pharmaceutic r FIP, the In al Federation. te rnational T hen will you fi on the web, e nd some new specially the n s from IPSF ew SEP Datab with a real ple ase presentati asure that we o n. It is also received an a the European rticle from the Association. Y EPSA team, ou will also fi Public health nd some n ew and the Profe s from the ssional Deve federation. Als lopment portfo o EPSF, the lios of the Egyptian Fed present their a eration, did a ctivities, which n article to are really num an article from erous! You ca a pharmaceuti n also read cal student fro who received m Indonesia, a Developme Estherina, nt fund to atte Slovenia, whic nd the IPSF C h is really nice o ngress in . Finally, I wish you all a hap p y New Year and good time rea a really ding these pa ges. Bastien Venot son of Medias and Publications IPSF Chairper

As we hope all IPSFers know, the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) is the global federation of national associations of pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists and is in official relations with the World Health Organization (WHO). Through its 124 Member Organisations FIP represents and serves more than two million practitioners and scientists around the world. In 2001, a Young Pharmacists' Group was launched within the structure of FIP to help serve this special sector of the membership and to encourage more young pharmacists to get actively involved in international pharmacy. FIP Members who are under 35 years of age or who graduated from pharmacy school less than 5 years ago qualify to participate in the FIP Young Phamacists' Group - you are automatically a member FREE OF CHARGE with your FIP Membership! To join FIP now, visit The YPG brings together young members of FIP and encourages them to act as a critical and innovative force. It acts as a member-to-member gateway to FIP activities, creating opportunities by exchange of information. YPG welcomes and encourages: Over 400 young pharmacists from 70 different countries Practioners, scientists, researchers, academics and members from ALL disciplines Innovative ideas and a professional forum for young people Active participation in the FIP bodies and projects Guidance for the new FIP members Support for innovative projects through the FIP Foundation A dynamic educational and social programme at the FIP Congress especially for young pharmacists Facilitated incorporation into an international organisation, easing the transition from pharmacy student to professional pharmacist involvement In addition to FIP Individual Member benefits, YPG offers: Discounted registration at the annual FIP Congress, including the special YPG programme Subscription to the International Pharmacy Journal (IPJ) and YPG publications Access to the members-only domain on the FIP website Access to all YPG projects and activities Eligibility to apply for the YPG Grant for Professional Innovation and other Awards Voting rights at the annual YPG Assembly and opportunity to stand for elections on the YPG Steering Committee

Find out more - join the free Discussion Forum! If you would like to find out more about YPG before joining, we would be pleased to welcome you to the YPG Email Discussion List, which is open to both members and nonmembers of FIP. This will give you the opportunity to learn more about YPG and hear the views of some of our current members. In addition to YPG activities, FIP is constantly moving forward in its efforts to advance pharmacy practice, science and education on a world wide level. For example, in March of 2010 FIP launched the FIP Academic Institutional Membership, or FIP AIM. This Membership that allows Faculties and Schools of Pharmacy to become inter-connected on a global platform of discussion, leadership and shared challenges and successes. The FIP AIM focuses on the parallel evolution of Faculties and Schools of Pharmacy alongside the ongoing changes in pharmacy practice, science, research and their respective funding. All Faculties and Schools of Pharmacy from around the world are welcome to apply for a FIP AIM. These Academic Institutes are represented by their Deans, Vice Deans and other Decision Makers within the Membership activities such as online discussion platforms and the annual International Dean’s Forum at the FIP Congress. If the Dean of your school would like more information on becoming an AIM Member, please contact Oliver at for more information. Myriah Lesko


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It is with great pleasure I announce to all IPSF members the launching of the new SEP Database! The new and improved SEP database was created and built by Webtown, Hungary, who has done an excellent job with the website! You can find the database at the same website address – To give you a sneak preview, here are some screen snapshots of the database! Start applying for SEP by creating an account on the system! The database is full of useful information including information about each country and association participating in SEP and also a useful ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ for new users. I hope that you will enjoy the new database as much as I have! Let’s SEP! Melissa Teo son of Student Exchange IPSF Chairper

Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Google are some of the most used websites by all of us online. You check what your friends are up to tonight, show them funny videos or prepare for tomorrow’s exam by using these sites. As social media gradually becomes the leading source of information for young people, IPSF got involved in this field too! The IPSF fan page on Facebook and Twitter accounts now reach 17.000 people, and in the future we plan to expand to other pages too! If you are not a member yet, don’t hesitate: LIKE! You can interact with friends, discuss topics of interest and many more on our page at udents.Federation . See you there! Tóth Bálint ordinator IPSF Marketing co

IPSF and EPSA are two associations that share a common root: Not only the mutual representation of pharmacy students, but also historically since EPSA was formed after the independence of IPSF’s European Sub-Committee in 1982. Back then, the European Community was discussing directives on the mutual recognition of pharmacy degrees and comparing studies between different countries. European pharmacy students felt the need to meet and brainstorm among them. The urge to make a position on these matters through a representative association led, in 1978, to the creation of a SubCommittee just to discuss them: The European SubCommittee (ESC), headed by Ms. Judith Richter from the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany), was formed. Four years later, ESC declared independence and since then the relationship between these NGOs became quite unstable – not everyone agreed with this decision of separation! Now, almost 35 years later, both EPSA and IPSF have their own identities: While IPSF represents pharmacy students worldwide, EPSA makes sure the European Pharmacy students’ voice it is heard by the European institutions and governmental bodies. However, despite the different path, structure or aim, the focus of both associations is exactly the same: YOU, the pharmacy student! In order to ensure that your needs and whishes are being fulfilled, EPSA and IPSF decided to join strengths and collaborate with the aim to present you great activities and events, joint statements and reliable formation. Since the beginning of the new IPSF mandate, both NGOs have held different meetings and worked on joint projects: 1. A joint e-group with students that have been active in both associations was created. The aim is to discuss within the members how this collaboration should be established, what kind of joint projects to introduce, what steps to take! Do you want to take part on it? Contact the IPSF or EPSA Secretary General! 2. In the next events held by IPSF or EPSA, we will provide you with joint sessions, which aims to give you the quality and experience of the members of both associations by attending just one event. Great, isn’t it? 3. The possibility of having a joint event has also been discussed and more updates will come soon! In the end of the year Jan, IPSF President, and Anette, EPSA President, will sign a Memorandum of Understanding between both associations to ensure that such collaboration will last for many years. To sum up, both EPSA and IPSF teams are giving their best to keep a high level of understanding and collaboration between the organizations – it might not as high as back in the time the “IPSFEPSA baby” was born, but the dedication is the same! Vive la Pharmacie! Yours in EPSA-IPSF, 10/2011 s ns 20 Mariana Frói t of Public Relatio en id es Pr ce Vi EPSA LAR /2011 Emre Şefik ÇAĞRe Co-ordinator 2010 al on gi an pe IPSF Euro

HIV/AIDS Awareness Day- Progress to Date In 1987, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the 1st of December to be World AIDS Day (WAD), a day where the world raises awareness towards AIDS & HIV and shows its solidarity with people who are infected by the virus. On the 1st of December, 2010, we had the 22nd WAD and, of course, IPSF has continued to organize and support HIV and AIDS campaigns worldwide. There are 33.2 million people living with HIV. Every year, approximately 2.5 million people are newly infected. To raise awareness, the HIV/AIDS subcommittee has prepared a campaign kit to support our members. The kit is composed of a number of different publications which include posters, fact cards, step-by-step campaign booklet, myths & facts cards, and of course, the IPSF Worldwide WAD Project – the Human Ribbon Project. So far we have not received any IPSF activity report forms on World AIDS Day 2010 activities. Contact persons (CPs), please send us your activity reports as soon as possible. We look forward to hearing from you! Finally, I would like to thank everyone who has been organizing an HIV/AIDS campaign this year, and a special thanks goes to Sharon, who has been a great support in organizing the campaign kit. However, my subcommittee and especially Lina shall not be forgotten. Without you, I would not have been able to get everything done in time! AIDS & HIV is not only among us on the 1st of December, but for the whole year! Thank you and keep up with the campaigning!

or Johanna Walz Awareness Campaign Coordinat S ID /A IV  H IPSF

Diabetes and healthy living This is one of the most important concerns in the world of public health. The number of patients newly diagnosed with diabetes continues to increase from year to year and the threats of this condition may not be apparent in the initial stages. On November 14th, IPSF and the numerous different organizations all around the world gave attention to diabetes and healthy living. Targeted audiences differed from country to country and organization to organizations; nevertheless, the message was the same: “Bring diabetes to light�. Campaigns from around the world aimed to help people by improving their health and changing their lifestyles. Successes of these campaigns are thanks to the increasing efforts of IPSF members and numerous volunteer organizations. Their efforts are greatly appreciated. Special thanks to the ones who took part in bringing international awareness to diabetes, for all the ones who gave their efforts and hearts into it and for my subcommittee members who had given all their energy into the IPSF Diabetes and Healthy Living Awareness Campaign. Together, IPSF members can make a difference in the world! d Fedaa Mahmouan d Healthy Living IPSF Diabetes mpaign Coordinator Awareness Ca


Since I was a child, I have always had a dream of traveling to Europe. When I entered university I was interested in IPSF. By joining the IPSF division in my university’s pharmaceutical students association, I can improve my English, learn something new, and perhaps attend some international events. When I became a CP for by university’s pharmaceutical students association, there was a chance to make by dreams come true by joining the Development Fund Event Grant program. I applied to attend the 56th IPSF World Congress 2010 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Before the end of the 2nd term for registration I got an email telling me that I was granted a partial grants to attend the IPSF World Congress 2010. Even though the grant was just a quarter of the cost to attend, this grant gave me hope. I also got other sponsorships to cover the cost, from my university, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), my faculty, School of Pharmacy ITB, and a pharmaceutical company, PT. Kimia Farma. After about 24 hours of travel from Indonesia, I finally arrived at Ljubljana, Slovenia on August 2nd, 2010. Although I felt really tired, it all disappeared when I met many new friends from other countries around the world who looked different, spoke different languages, and had different cultures. I know IPSF stands from International Pharmaceutical Students Federation, but it was my first time to see the meaning of it since this was my first congress. There were students from Asia, Africa, America,

Australia, and Europe. All continents were complete! IPSF is a really big and important organization. By joining and participating in IPSF, pharmaceutical students can contribute to improving the healthy lifestyle and quality of pharmacies and pharmacists in their own country. I also learned more about IPSF from discussing with other CPs and SEOs from all over the world, attending the General Assembly, doing a health campaign, and also joining the Poster Exhibition. In Slovenia, I discovered many different things and unforgettable experiences. I had to eat without rice and chili everyday; it was totally different from my daily meal. It was amazing for me to still see a bright sky at 6 p.m., because in Indonesia the sun sets around 6 p.m. every day. The number of citizens in Slovenia (one country) was the same as my city, Bandung (one city). Therefore Ljubljana as a capital city wasn’t crowded and there weren’t any traffic jams either. I was happy to stay there because of how calm it was and also because of the weather. In Indonesia, the weather is so hot with high humidity in the dry season. The best place that I visited in Slovenia was Bled, a famous tourism town in Slovenia. We found a really beautiful lake with mountains around it, and also a castle and a church in the middle of the lake. Even though my country has many mountains and lakes, this place was really different. There was also a wine shop and a letter museum. There is just one word to describe it, “wow!” I thank You, Lord for this trip. Thanks for the opportunity YOU have given me. I also want to say thank you to every sponsor for their support, to the IPSF Development Fund (DF) for the grant, to Jenna Carmichael as a DF-Event Grant coordinator and Vesna Terbuc the Coordinator of the Registration team for helping me to complete administration and to the reception committee for organizing the best congress ever. Don’t hesitate to dream something big! If it is God’s will, you will get! IPSF, Vive la Pharmacie!

na Marbun sia Estherina Juliapa randi’ ITB, Indone ae Pr rs HMF ‘A

EPSF is a Full Member (FM) federation in IPSF. EPSF was founded in 1982 and it now represents more than 50,000 Egyptian pharmacy students from 23 local associations. On August 25, 2010, a new Executive Board was elected, president was Mr. Ahmed Hamdy at the EPSF 20th General Assembly. Seventeen local associations attended, GA was honored by the attendance of Ms. Marwa Beltagy (IPSF EMRO ChP.) and Mr. Yousef El-Bromboly (EPSF President 2008-09). 2nd and 3rd Leaders In Training: For the first project of the year, we held our 2nd National LIT. We did the 3rd one a week later as we received 74 applications for all around Egypt. The 2nd and 3rd LIT were held at the end of September for 3 days. It was given by International trainers from IPSF. After that, LIT was also held locally in 3 associations: TPSS, ASSPSA, and EPSF-NUB. Breast Cancer Race for the Cure: The 2nd breast cancer race was held at the Great Pyramids and is considered the largest breast cancer event in the Middle East. It gave us the chance to put forth a serious effort to end the disease. EPSF had a delegate of 29 with the Public Health team, they were full of energy, wore race t-shirts, and ran about 2 Km. The event was organized by the Breast Cancer Foundation of Egypt and Susan G. Komen for the Cure. EPSF 15th Annual National Conference and General Assembly: Held in Mansoura and hosted by SAMPS Local Association with the participation of more than 180 students from 23 associations. The three day conference was mostly about smoking and lung cancer. Presidential, Public Health and Professional Development workshops were also given to keep local associations updated with recent projects. The EPSF 21st General Assembly was held over two days, and three new local associations joined EPSF. Pneumonia Awareness Campaign: EPSF was a main partner in the first World Pneumonia Day awareness campaign and celebration in Egypt. EPSF’s role was leading the awareness campaign, which included malls, universities, clubs, pediatric hospitals, and schools in more than 25 cities in Egypt. Our target was children everywhere. EPSF launched the WPD website in Arabic. A great celebration was held in a hotel, the campaign covered by famous national TV channels and newspapers. The Pneumonia Campaign was considered the largest awareness campaign in Egypt in 2010.

Diabetes Day: TPSS (full member association in EPSF) organized it on the university medical campus with the participation of 20 students from the Public Health team in collaboration with students from IFMSA-Egypt and from Tanta Faculty of Dentistry. The campaign depended on publications provided by EPSF to target about 2500 people. The main activities were measuring blood sugar, a march, and drawing blue rings. Clinical Skills Event: Students from 23 universities participated in the National Clinical Skills Event, which was held at Mansoura University. The plans and cases were prepared, the topic was determined, an instructor was called, posters were printed and evaluation forms were filled out. The three winners of the competition will represent EPSF at the world CSE in Thailand. The national event was held to be a model for the local associations to follow. World AIDS Day Campaign: EPSF organized a great celebration for World AIDS Day 2010 in collaboration with many national and international health care organizations; it was an event open to the public and had several youth activities and games for children. EPSF also distributed publications around the universities for the awareness campaigns. Humanitarian project: Blood donating campaigns were organized at universities by ASSPSA, EPSF-Assuit, and local associations in EPSF, students explained the importance of donation. Step On The Way 2011 Program: Considered one of the biggest educational programs for pharmacy students, EPSF recently launched it for the 3rd successive year. This year SOTW is different, it will be held in four regions to reach students everywhere. It will be sponsored by more than ten pharmaceutical and business companies and academic providers and include 18 different sessions. The program will start in February 2011. Viva La EPSF! Viva La IPSF! Viva La Pharmacie! Read more about EPSF and its events and projects at, and you’re always welcome to contact and share with us at our Contact Person e-mail EPSF official Facebook page is Khaled Mostafa IPSF EMRO Icco

It has been almost one year since we have last chatted at the counseling booth (via this column) and I want to share a lot of news and exciting developments with you. Reflecting on the past four years that I have been involved in IPSF, the quality and quanitity of people who are interested in professional development programs such as the Patient Counseling Event (PCE), Leaders in Training (LIT), Pharmacy Professional Awareness Week (PPAC), and the Clinical Skills Event (CSE), has steadily grown. Just to give you an example, the PCE participation rate at the 9th Asia Pacific Pharmaceutical Symposium had almost 30 participants, which was quadruple over the previous APPS. In addition, having seen the evaluation and work of each PCE participant from the world congress of ClujNapoca, Romania 2008, Bali, Indonesia 2009, and just recently in August 2010, Ljubljana, Slovenia, I am astounded at how well each candidate did, as how fierce the competition was between finalists in their overall performance. In the coming year the professional development department is looking at readjusting the format of PCE by introducing the case one day prior to the counseling event. Hopefully this would encourage more to participate by giving them more time to prepare. Finally, the highlight of professional development this year is the re-launch of the clinical skills event (CSE) after a long absence from IPSF. We had almost 20 participants who participated in the one hour event. For those who are not familiar with the concept, CSE involves clinical based cases where the candidates must identify and solve drug-related problems. As the world of pharmacy is moving towards a more clinical approach, CSE is a great opportunity for all future pharmacists to test and refine their problem solving skills. In addition to the individual case based format, in the coming year we are also looking into development of a team based event as well. If all goes well, it will be launched at the next world congress in Thailand 2011. But just in case you are craving for a chance to put yourself to the test, here is one: You are stranded on a deserted island after a plane crash. Fortunately, all the passengers survived. However, one of the survivors is suffering from palpitations, malaise and muscle weakness. He tells you that he suffers from hyperkalemia and was taking Kayexalate (sodium polystyrene sulfonate), which is a cation-exchange resin, but it was lost during the crash. It will be 2-3 days before search-and-rescue arrives, so you search for medications that other passengers have in hope that you can find something to help this poor man. From the search you find: 1) Ramipril 2.5mg capsules 2) Salbutamol 1mg/ml nebules 3) Insulin (normal human insulin) 4) Spironolactone 25mg tablets 5) Atorvastatin 10mg tablets How would you help this man? Until next time; Vive la Pharmacie!

ent Eric So essional Developm of Pr of n so er irp IPSF Cha

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