Newsletter 93 - Faces from IPSF

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International Pharmaceutical Students’ Federation

IPSFNewsletter November2011 IssueN°93

Students Today, Pharmacists Tomorrow

Students Today, Pharmacists Tomorrow

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International Pharmaceutical Student’s Federation

Since establishment in 1949, IPSF now represents more than 350,000 pharmacy students and recent graduates in 84 countries worldwide. IPSF is the leading international advocacy organisation of pharmacy students promoting improved public health through provision of information, education, networking, and a range of publication and professional activities.

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EDITORIAL Publication team Issue 932 November 2011

My dear IPSFers,

Design and layout Ines Harzallah

It is my pleasure to write the editorial for this newsletter. Included in this newsletter are information on the IPSF executive team 2011-2012. As individuals from different countries and cultural backgrounds, IPSF serves as the foreground that unites us all. With that in mind, we serve the federation with a common goal: to expand and excel IPSF.

Chairperson of Media and Publications 2011-2012

Edotrial Board Yuqian Liu Jason Hong Raja Barazi Asmaa Ismail Dayl Eccles Andy Walsh

This year, one of our major goals is to bring the IPSF executive committee closer to our members. To do so, we have launched the IPSF Blog, which is going to be the main platform where executive members will post news about their IPSF experiences. I hope you will enjoy reading these stories of our lives and become inspired to serve the federation just like us, and maybe next year you will make your appearance in this newsletter as well.

Contact Ines Harzallah Chairperson of Media and Publications 2011-12


Sanne President

My dear friends from around the world, It is my pleasure to introduce to you the new IPSF team for 2011-2012 I am Sanne Tofte Rasmussen, a 25 year old student from the amazing Copenhagen, Denmark. I am, at this very moment, located in the beautiful Hague at the IPSF office. I remember the first time I heard about IPSF. It was at an ‘International Night’ at the faculty where a girl (also known as Lærke Arnfast, IPSF Secretary-General) talked about this great congress she had attended in Romania. I was thinking; what a great opportunity to meet new friends and expand my horizon – I must do that! Sadly I was unable to attend the congress in Bali due to other commitments, so the congress in Slovenia was my first direct contact with IPSF. I was already snared away by the idea of IPSF before I even left for Slovenia, and had already planned my trip to Thailand in 2011 and Egypt in 2012 before the end of my first congress. I am much honored to serve you as your IPSF President 2011-12, and together with this amazing team of enthusiastic IPSF’ers I hope to move IPSF forward. I look forward to meeting as many of you as possible at national, regional and of course IPSF events throughout the year – especially in Hurghada, Egypt in August 2012 for the 58th IPSF World Congress. Vive La Pharmacie! NEWSLETTER 3 IPSF Faces from IPSF

International Pharmaceutical Student’s Federation


Secretary General

Dear fellow IPSFers, I am Lærke Arnfast and I am currently in my 5th year of Pharmacy at the University of Copenhagen. This is my second year on the IPSF Executive Board, as I was elected as the Secretary General for 201012 in Ljubljana, Slovenia last year. Before that, I had the chance to represent my national organisation at the 55th IPSF World Congress in 2009 in Bali, Indonesia and again at the 56th IPSF World Congress in 2010 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. However, my very first IPSF experience was participating as an official delegate in the 54th IPSF World Congress in 2008 in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, which completely swept me off my feet. Since then, I have been inspired and motivated to work for students’ organizations, especially IPSF! I am very honoured to be able to serve you as your IPSF Secretary General, and I do hope I can lift my achievements and those of the Executives’ to an even higher level this year. May this year be full of great achievements, letting IPSF grow stronger and ever more contagious. I look forward to work with all of you this year and to meet you at the 58th IPSF World Congress 2012 in Egypt! Viva la Pharmacie, Lærke


Veronika Treasurer

Dear IPSFers and Friends of the Federation, My name is Veronika SochovĂĄ, and I am currently a fifth year student pharmacist at Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. My hometown is KoĹĄice, a city in eastern Slovakia. My first involvement with IPSF has started three years ago, when I was elected Treasurer of the Czech Pharmacy Student Association (CPSA) and received invoices from IPSF. As the new treasurer, I had to deal with budgeting, accounting, and the financial statements. Through this, I discovered the size and usefulness of IPSF. I was totally infected by the IPSF Spirit in Ljubljana at the 56th IPSF World Congress, where Jan Roder was elected as the 2010-11 President of IPSF. His enthusiasm and openness had attracted me even more and give given me courage to participate more in IPSF; and so I ran for Treasurer. I look forward to meeting you and working with you. I hope you will be captivated by the IPSF Spirit, as well. Greetings from Prague. =) VIVA LA PHARMACIE! Veronika NEWSLETTER 5 IPSF Faces from IPSF

International Pharmaceutical Student’s Federation


Chairperson of External Relations Hi my beloved friends of IPSF! It is a great pleasure to introduce myself as the new Chairperson of External Relations. I started my adventures as an associate student in my early years of pharmacy. After IPSF Congress in Slovenia last year, I was also infected by the virus and fell deeply in love with the IPSF spirit. Afterwards, Bastien introduced me to ANEPF, and I got the position of CP for ANEPF. From that moment on, I turned completely international! This year, I will try to bring as many students into our great family as possible, reaching out to new associations, new members and friends of the federation. This will help IPSF to grow and expand, as well as help us share our experiences and knowledge worldwide. I will also do my best to represent IPSF in the various events that I may attend. Above all, I will be here; as an executive member and as a friend, to whomever may need my help! Take care my dear friends, Hugs and kisses from France. NEWSLETTER 6 IPSF Faces from IPSF


Chairperson of Internal Relations Dear IPSFers!! It is a pleasure of mine to greet you as your 20112012 Chairperson of Internal relations! My name is Ana Babic, and I am from Croatia. I am currently studying Pharmacy and Medical Biochemistry at the University of Zagreb. I am 23 and currently in my 5th and final year of studies, which allows me more time to dedicate myself to IPSF! My first IPSF duty started in April 2010 when I was elected as the Contact Person (CP) of CPSA, Croatia. I was a CP for one and a half year, and that position made me want to get even more involved in IPSF. My first congress was in Ljubljana, Slovenia, in 2010, and the IPSF spirit literally swept me of my feet. I look forward to spend this year with the CPs from all over the world, and I anticipate a great collaboration, and most importantly, great friendships. Let’s spread the IPSF spirit together!! Yours in IPSF, Ana


International Pharmaceutical Student’s Federation


Chairperson of Professional Development Dear IPSFers, My name is Eric So, from Vancouver Canada. I am a graduate from the University of British Columbia, and I am currently working as a community pharmacist. This will be my fifth year involved in the International Pharmaceutical Students’ Federation (IPSF) and will be serving my second term as the Chairperson of Professional Development. I got involved with IPSF all the way back in 2008 in Cluj-Napoca, Romania when I attended my 1st congress. I initially wanted to travel with my friends to the previous congress in Taipei, Taiwan but was unable to, yet I was enthralled with the pictures and stories that they brought back. I wanted to see what IPSF congress was like, and I must say I enjoyed it through and through. Subsequently, I became the Patient Counselling Event (PCE) Coordinator, Clinical Skills Event (CSE) Coordinator and later elected to my 1st term as Chairperson of Professional Develop in Ljubljana, Slovenia in 2010. Professional Development is dear to my heart as I was involved in running many PCE, CSE, and Leaders in Training (LIT) over the past few years. In my second term I hope that if you haven’t partaken in any of IPSF’s events, you will, and that our efforts in IPSF will inspire you to be passionate about our profession, pharmacy, and be enamoured with the “IPSF” spirit. Vive la pharmacie! Vive le IPSF! Eric NEWSLETTER 8 IPSF Faces from IPSF


Chairperson of Pharmacy Education

Dear IPSFers, It is my pleasure to write to you today as the IPSF Chairperson of Pharmacy Education. I’m a fifth year student at the University of Alexandria. My first involvement with IPSF was back in 2007 when I served as the contact person of ASPSA-Egypt. Later that year I was appointed the regional coordinator for the Eastern Mediterranean region. My first congress was Romania 2008 where I instantly fell in love with the IPSF spirit and decided it’s the right place for a pharmacy student to experience scientific and intercultural activities. Following Romania, I spent three wonderful and challenging years of my life witnessing the establishment of EMRO and working with the regional team to take it to a higher level each year. This year, I have the honor to target my contribution for IPSF in the field of education and research, a field that will acquire the care and enthusiasm of all those interested in the prosper of our beloved profession. With inputs from the wonderful members of IPSF, I believe we can together contribute to the pharmaceutical society more vividly, and mark our fingerprints on the map of future pharmacy as the soon-tobe leaders of our profession. I look forward to seeing you all next year in Egypt, where history meets the future. Regards, Marwa


International Pharmaceutical Student’s Federation


Chairperson of Public Health

Hello IPSFers, Introduction time! My name is Christine Cooper, and I am a 3rd Year Pharm.D. Candidate at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. Before attending pharmacy school, I completed two bachelors programs, one in Biology and the other in Chemistry along with a minor in Business Management. One of my favorite sayings is “if you want something done, give it to a busy person because the lazy person doesn’t want to get up to do anything.” I like to live my life by being busy and following this saying. I began working with IPSF in 2008 as the Contents Co-ordinator for the ACDC. In 2010, I attended the congress in Ljubljana, Slovenia and was bitten by the IPSF bug. Inspired by those I met, I became the ACDC Co-ordinator and thoroughly enjoyed the role. Public health work has become a passion of mine since becoming involved in IPSF, and it is an honour to serve as your Chairperson of Public Health. I look forward to seeing all of you in Hurghada, Egypt! Viva la Pharmacie!



Chairperson of Student Exchange Dear IPSFers around the world, Greetings from Serbia! My name is Milanka Marunić and I am the newly elected IPSF Chairperson of the Student Exchange. I am currently in my last year of studies in the Faculty of Pharmacy at the University of Belgrade. My first taste of IPSF was back in 2006 when I became part of the SEP Team in the National Association of Pharmacy Students’- Serbia (NAPSer, Serbia). After spending a fulfilling summer with SEP students, I had fallen in love with IPSF ever since! As a consequence, I have decided to get more involved. The following years I have worked as the Local Exchange Officer (LEO) and then in 2010 I was the Student Exchange Officer of NAPSer. I’ve attended three IPSF Congresses: Taiwan (2007), Bali (2009) and Slovenia (2010) and I will always cherish the memories from those events. The Student Exchange Program has always been an area that I am passionate about, and it has always been a great way to spread the IPSF Spirit and learn more about pharmacy and the different cultures in other parts of the world. I am looking forward to working closely with the SEOs and the Students Exchange Committee members. I am sure we will have fun and elevate SEP and IPSF to the next level. I hope to see you all at 58th IPSF Congress in Egypt! Vive la Pharamcie! Milanka NEWSLETTER 13 IPSF Faces from IPSF

International Pharmaceutical Student’s Federation


Chairperson of Media and Publications Dear IPSFers, Exactly one year ago, I designed my first IPSF Newsletter as a member of IPSF Design and Creativity Sub-Committe; it was the executives introduction. At that time, I could not even imagine that I will be editing the 2011-2012 edition of the IPSF Newsletter. It is a great honor to write these lines. My experience with graphics began two years ago, and I have came a long way since the day I created my first poster. My name is Ines Harzallah. I am 24 years old, and I am in my 6th year of pharmacy studies. I laugh very loudly; I love cheesecake, IPSF International Nights, and my cat that I left in Tunisia (Choupette, I miss you). Right now, I am doing an internship in Paris. Yes, lucky me! I will be staying for six months, and after that, I will return back to my lovely home country of Tunisia. Media and publications are an interactive network that intertwines between the regional offices ICCOs (Abdallah, Exaudi, Vicki and Clement), the Marketing Coordinator (Egle who is doing a great job regarding IPSF social presence), the Design and Creativity SubCommittee, the Editorial Board and me. This year, we will do our best to give the image of IPSF a new breath. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter , YouTube and the new fresh IPSF blog! I would like to express my deepest thanks to my predecessor, Bastien Venot who encouraged me to apply for this position and of course my great Editorial Board, without whom my article would be full of mistakes. :) Yours in IPSF, Ines NEWSLETTER 14 IPSF Faces from IPSF



fresh IPSF

blog k c i l c re he

International Pharmaceutical Student’s Federation


APRO Chairperson Hello to pharmacy students across the Asia Pacific and the world, My name is Geoffrey Chai, and I’m from Australia. I was elected as the Chairperson of IPSF-Asia Pacific Regional Office (APRO) at the 10th APPS in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. I am extremely grateful to be a part of this pharmacy family. My newest Regional Working Group (RWG) is currently working hard to ensure that the office runs smoothly throughout the year. We have conducted online meetings, contacted APRO CPs regarding their activities, as well as began working on our first APRO Newsletter. Since our RWG composes of old and new members, we hope to inject APRO and IPSF with innovative ideas that will shape its future for the better. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact me at chairperson@ With warm regards, Geoffrey



EMRO Chairperson Ahla (Hello), I am Zied Ghezaiel, 25years old, from Tunisia and I am currently preparing my thesis to graduate as a Doctor of Pharmacy. My involvement in associations started when I joined ATEP. Full of ideas and ambitions, I progressed to finally become part of ATEP’s executive committee. Then, I had the opportunity to participate in the amazing 56th IPSF World Congress in Slovenia. This experience was very rich for me and I immediately cought the IPSF SPIRIT. That’s how I decided to get involve within IPSF and join the 2010-2011 team of Membership Promotion Committee. As IPSF EMRO Chairperson, I am thrilled to say that this year our region will host two important IPSF events: the 3rd EMPS (Eastern Mediterranean Pharmaceutical Symposium) JULY2012 in SUDAN and the 58th IPSF World Congress August2012 in Egypt. See you there! Zied


International Pharmaceutical Student’s Federation


AfRO Chairperson Dear IPSF members, Greetings from Algeria, my name is Redouane Soualmi, I am a recent pharmacy graduate from Algiers University. Inspired by the IPSF spirit after attending the 56th IPSF Congress in Slovenia, I began to understand the role of associations in the professional development of pharmacy students as well as in the promotion of pharmacy and public health. I was motivated by this congress, and I returned to my home country Algeria to incorporate what I learnt in order to train future pharmacy leaders. I am glad to have introduced IPSF to Algeria, and I am happy that new leaders have emerged amongst ASEPA Algeria members to pursue this good work. Today, as the IPSF AfRO Chairperson, I am honored to serve Africa, to fulfill new challenges and to promote pharmacy and IPSF within the region. We’re expecting a very interesting year with the African Pharmaceutical Symposium in July 2012 – Algiers – Algeria. I look forward for all of you to join me and your fellow IPSF and FIP leader, and meeting every single one of you. It will be an unforgettable experience filled with pleasant surprises! See you soon in Algeria! Viva la pharmacy



PARO Chairperson

Hello IPSF’ers! It is with great honor to be greeting you today. My name is Van Duong, and I am a 2nd year student at the University of the Pacific Thomas J. Long School of Pharmacy & Health Sciences in California, USA. My IPSF involvement started on a local level where I served as IPSF-Pacific’s co-chair, and since attending the 57th Annual World Congress in Hat Yai, Thailand, I have been enlightened by the boundless opportunities IPSF holds in furthering the pharmacy profession worldwide. From the different IPSF programs including the Student Exchange Program (SEP), varying health initiatives, and the opportunity to participate in World Congress and meet pharmacy students from all corners of the world, I believe being involved with IPSF can truly enhance one’s pharmacy education experience. As PARO Chairperson, I am working closely with the IPSF Executive Board and my Regional Working Group to strengthen the Pan American Regional Office and spread the IPSF spirit. I look forward to an innovative and progressive year, and I hope to see you at World Congress in Egypt! Viva la pharmacie! NEWSLETTER 19 IPSF Faces from IPSF

International Pharmaceutical Student’s Federation


58th IPSF World Congress Chairperson Hi IPSFers, My name is Ahmed Hamdy, chairperson of the IPSF 58th World congress, Egypt 2012. After attending two successive IPSF world congresses in Ljubljana, Slovenia and Hat-yai, serving in the EPSF for three years ended by a presidential term in 2010-11, I am continuing in this two years position leading the extraordinary team of RC, aiming to have a different world congress for all pharmacy students around the world this year and to introduce you to the unique culture of the middle east and the ancient civilization of Egypt. Finally, I would like to welcome you to enjoy the charming beauty of the Red sea in the beautiful city of Hurghada sharing us the revolutionary spirit of another IPSF success story. Greetings from Egypt, Ahmed


International Pharmaceutical Students’ Federation P.O BOX 84200 2508 AE Den Haag The Netherlands Tel: +31 70 302 1992 Fax: +31 70 302 1999 Email: Website: Students today, Pharmacists tomorrow

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