IPSF Public Health Spot 5th issue

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IPSF Public

IPSF Public Health Spot July 2015

lic b u P h alt alt e H c i l ub P h h t l t l a a e H ci He blic u P h t l th l a a e e H H c i c l b bli u P h t l lth a a e e H H c i c l i ub ubl P h t l l a blic He h Public Hea t il c Heal Public lth

Health inside-out


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Public Health Newsletter issue 5

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ipsf.org www.

Since establishment in 1949, IPSF now represents more than 270 000 pharmacy students and recent graduates in over 70 countries worldwide. IPSF is the leading international advocacy organisation of pharmacy students promoting improved public health through provision of information, education, networking, and a range of publication and professional activities.


Ms. Ana Duarte IPSF Public Health Advocacy Coordinator 2014-15




IPSF Public Health Inside-out

Page 2

Public Health Advocacy Page 19

Humanitarian Page 33

Public Health Awareness Page 56

Medicine Awareness Page 84

Issue #5, July 2015

Cover Photo by

Mr. Paulo Malta

IPSF Design Coordinator 2014-15

Content & Layout

Ms. Essra Noureldin

Chairperson of Media and Publications 2014-15

Mr. Paulo Malta Proofread by Ms.Sheena Patel

[Editorial Committee Coordinator]

Mac Ardy Junior Gloria Ifeoma Ibe Jessica Zook Yasmin Osei-Kuffour Simone Gunsberger

Chairperson of Media and Publications Editor-in-Chief editor@ipsf.org



Dear Readers, My name is Ana. I am the Editor-in-Chief of the 5th issue of SPOT. I am also the Public Health Advocacy Coordinator of the IPSF. Presently, I am in my fifth and last year in the Integrated Master’s Degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences. The first time that I got in touch with the IPSF was when I applied to be a part of the Reception Committee under the Logistics Department for the 60th IPSF World Congress in Porto, Portugal. Organizing that event proved to be a true challenge, but it was absolutely worth every single bit. Participating in that Congress was nostalgic. It was like being in a different yet parallel world for 10 days. Despite having to work almost all of the time during the Congress, I could feel the unwavering IPSF spirit all over the place. It was through this event that I saw people from different places of the world holding each other like they had not done it for ages. I have come to fully realize that the IPSF brings us something much more than campaigns and congresses -- it brings us a whole new family. After what I said, it is now easy to figure out why I have been interested in the IPSF Public Health SPOT. Personally speaking, I perceive this publication just like a family album where we can view what everyone from around the world has done throughout the year, regarding public health. This also gives us a moment to appreciate our accomplishments and celebrate our achievements. I hope that you will have the opportunity to go through all the articles, and review those which you liked the most. If you have the chance, try to talk with the people who wrote them, even if you would just want to express your congratulations. Finally, I thank everyone that, in one way or the other, has been involved in this SPOT’s issue -- from the writers, to the editorial and design committees; to Bárbara, who chose me to be the Editor-in-Chief for this project, and to the Public Health Committee who always showed a lot of support. I do hope you will appreciate it, Ana Catarina Duarte Public Health Advocacy Coordinator 2014-15




l u c b i p l lth u h c he b a t p l u e h a t p h l e h c a h lt li e c a b th i h l l e u c a b i h p l e u c b i h th p l u h bl a ic t p l u e h a t p h l e h a h lt lic e h c a b t i h l l e u c a b i h p l e u h c b i t p l u h bl a t p lic h l u e h a t p h l e a ic h lth l e h c a b t i h l l e u c a b i h p l e u c th l a e blic h lth publi ealth pub health p lic health h ic l b u c a b i h p l e u c ublic h alth publi health pub ic health p blic health ublic healt p l e u c b i h p l u h c b al i t p l l u e h b a t p h l e h c a t pu i h l l e a b ic h lth l e u c a b i h p l e u c b i h p l u h c publi ealth pub health p lic health ublic healt public hea c i h p l ub h c b i t p l l u h b a t p he l e h c a t pu i h l l e h c a b t i h l l e u c p li ea ub ch b i h p l u h c b i t p l l u h h b a t p l c e h i a l t pu h l e b h c a t i h u l l e p b h lic ea u c b i h p h l u t c b l i p l u a h b he ic h c l i l b b h pu ic health p blic health public healt u u p p h t h l l u t b l a p u a e h t e p h l lic h h c a b t i l c l e u i a l b th h p e b u c p h pu t l h blic h lth publi a t h l u e t l a p ic h l a e c b e i h l u h c a b i p lth c l e u i b h p bl u c i th u p l l h p b a t l u e h a t p h h l l e t c l a b i h l a e u c b e i h p l u h c alth b i p c bl th pu l bli u h a t u p l e h p a t h l e h b t h lic ea u c b i h p l u c b i p l u health public heal h b p lt u h a t p l e h a t h l e h c a t i h l l health public hea h public he lth public ealth pub health pu c a t i h l l e h u c a b t i h p l l e u c a b i h p l e u h c b i h t p l b al th pu l u e h a t p h l e h c a t i h l l e h b t h p lic ea u c b i h p l u h c b i t p l l u h c heal b a p lt e h a t pu h l e h c a t i h l l e h c a b t i h l u bl he p lic u h c b i t p l l u h b a ic hea t p l u e h a t p h l a ic he lth l e h c a b t i h l l e u c a b i h p l e u h c b t p l u h bli a t p lic h l u e h a t p h e c al th i h l l e h c a b t i h l l e u c a b i h p l e lth a e blic h lth public ealth pub health pu lic health h c li b u c a b i h p l e u c b i h th p l h a t l e a h ublic alth publ health pu ic health e h lic c b i l u b p l e u c b h p li lt public ealth pub health pu lic health ublic health public hea c i h p l ub c b a i p l lth u e h b a t p h l e h c a t pu i h l l e h c a h lt li e ub c a b i h p l e u c b i h p l u h c b a i t p l e h a t h l e h c a t publ ealth pu i h l l e b h lic ea u c b i h p l u c b i h p l u h c b i p lt e h a t h l e h c a t publ ealth pu i h l l e c a b i h bl ic he pu l u c b i h p l u h c b i t p l l u h b a h pu ic health p blic health public healt public he th public h l u h bl a t p l u e h ic a t p h l l e h c b a t i h l l u e c a b th p i h l e u b h p lic u c b i p lth l u h a b t p e l u h h a t p l e c h i a blic t h

Public Health inside-out

h Ms. Bárbara Scoralick Villela th lth alth ealth health healtIthdoes not seem real that nearly one year has th and that the mandate over me is almost healpassed, over.h When I applied for the position of the lt a of Public Health, I truly had many c he Chairperson plans. lthSome of which had changed with the a e h c li coursehof time. Few persisted. Meanwhile, some tdeveloped simply over time. l a e were h blic th l a e h one of my goals for this year has ublic Apparently, h lt establish better connections with been to a e h c i which can result to the ubl relevantalstakeholders, h t he development of interprofessional collaboration. c i l b u p This idea th been fostered when I attended lhad a e h c i Third Global Forum on Human Resources for publthe th this, we had a mini-joint l Health. Toaaccomplish e h lic last November with the International pubcampaign th l a e h Veterinary Association (IVSA) on the lic Student’s b u p h lt resistance (AMR). Moreover, h topic iofcantimicrobial a e h blassociations,ltalong our with the International u p h h Federation a e Medical Students’ Associations of h c i l b u and IVSA, h local campaigns in thosted l a th p(IFMSA) e h March blonic the topiclthof tuberculosis (TB) and u p ea TB. In the years to come, it alth multidrug-resistant h c i l b is p myuearnest hope that h more associations will t l h a t l e a continuebtolisustain h c interprofessional projects and u p Furthermore, lthcollaborations do not a e h ealthcampaigns. c btolithe creationltofhsignificant projects, only lead u p h they can also aas an opportunity to meet e serve h c i healtbut l b u p th l h t a l e a h e ch blic u p th c heal

IPSF Chairperson of Public Health 2014-15

IPSF Public Health inside-out

One year of turning IPSF inside-out great friends and not just co-workers. Indeed, we have progressed in many goals, such as making our campaigns more populationoriented while keeping them student-oriented. No matter what country we, IPSFers, are from, we have something in common: our society, parents and/or personal efforts have permitted us to attend universities, a privilege most of the world’s population did not possess. With this reality in mind, it is important that we do not only keep our acquired knowledge within the university walls, but share it. It is so amazing when I read outcome reports and see that many people have been positively influenced by our campaigns, and to think that, hopefully, we have made their lives a little better. To sum-up, my main goals for this year had been centered in making IPSF more focused on the human being, and not just the science. I focused primarily on the patients and our interpersonal connections, being with pharmacy students, students from other areas and the health professionals. I have seen some great improvements this year and I hope that I will be able to help my successor in progressing them even further.



Ms. Yasmin Osei-Kuffour

IPSF Public Health Committee 2014-15

Ms. Ifeoma Ibe

IPSF Public Health Committee 2014-15

IPSF Public Health inside-out Throughout the years, IPSF has prioritized the engagement of our members by designing and providing materials they can use to create public health awareness and positively impact their communities. In order for these materials to be created, the IPSF Public Health committee works day and night to bring the federation’s public health ideas to life. This year, the Public Health Committee (PHC) consisted of 24 members, among which were the Chairperson of Public Health, the Regional Project Officers, four coordinators, and 13 general committee members. The committee has worked on multiple campaigns and project, revamped some old projects, and built new projects such as the Vaccination Project. We have also been able to work with some external organizations in some projects and this has greatly complemented our development as a group. In order to showcase our work as a committee, we decided to pose some questions to the other committee members. When asked about what had impacted him the most during your time as a committee member, Canly Hansen explained his thoughts to us when he stated that ”being a



PHC member is a modified commitment, where we have to not just do the work (committed), but more like to realize that our work could save lives. Being in the committee makes me think that things matter and what can give it a boost is that we do it in international scale.” This is an opinion that we both share with Canly, and believe that most (if not all) of the other committee members do as well. We also realize how enormous the scope of coverage is within our work (if it wasn’t obvious, we cover the entire world) because we strive to create a GLOBAL awareness of public health issues. This has helped us to become more aware of the world around us, and discover more ways in which IPSF can positively impact this world. We also asked the PHC members to talk about some their favourite projects they have worked on. As a member of the PH committee there are a vast range of portfolios that you can get involved in. The four main areas are health advocacy, humanitarian, public health awareness and medicine awareness. During the PH meetings, we work together to find out to organise and exchange ideas about how to implement these at local level. Simone Gunsberger particularly liked the antimi-

IPSF Public Health inside-out PH Committee’s meeting over Skype crobial resistance campaign, as she felt this portfolio was very relevant to her as a hospital pharmacist as it is something that she comes across on the hospital wards every day. She added that “seeing how resistant some bacteria are growing is a very scary thought and something that I believe everyone should be aware of. Through advocating for correct antimicrobial use hopefully we can preserve some of the great drugs we still have left.” Working on the PHC enables you to develop a range of key skills such as organisation, teamwork and communication skills. Bruno Racki mentioned “I have further developed my language and communication skills, refreshed and advanced my knowledge in Microsoft Office, Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator and learned how to compose a proper e-mail”. Bruno also had the opportunity to lead a PH meeting which was an enjoyable experience for him.

Working on the PHC has been such an insightful and rewarding experience. We have had the opportunity to learn more about members of the PHC on a personal level through PH hour, and the work of their associations during the PH meetings. Some weeks it can be quite interesting to juggle both school work, life, and PHC tasks. But amidst all the busyness, we have formed great friendships and had the opportunity to work with such stellar group of individuals, and we won’t change that for anything in the world. We would like to encourage all pharmacy students to apply for a position on the PH committee, as it’s an unforgettable experience!



Ms. Sarah Krones

IVSA Standing Committee on One Health Chair 2014-15

IPSF Public Health inside-out

Veterinary pharmaceuticals and the roles of veterinarians and pharmacists This means that we as veterinary students have a great opportunity to form relationships

As a veterinary student, the focus of my education is on veterinary medicine – how animals are built and how their bodies work, all the microorganisms that can alter normal function, effects of diet and toxins, the pathophysiology of disease, surgical options, and how to interact with clients to explain end of life needs. And I mean all the animals – snakes, canaries, eagles, dogs, big cats, small cats, chickens, goats, horses, pigs, llamas, cattle, and giraffes. There are significant differences between species and in one area in particular – the array of pharmaceutical drugs that are available. Each drug has its own mechanism of action. Certain drugs are toxic to some animals because of physiological differences. Sometimes we use human drugs in different formulations or doses. Some drugs are illegal for use in farm animals.

with pharmaceutical students. For instance, veterinarians can share species-specific drug differences and toxic effects, and pharmacists can share their knowledge of drug classes and interactions. Already, the International Veterinary Student Association and the International Pharmaceutical Students’ Federation have collaborated on multiple projects, bringing the knowledge of veterinary medicine and pharmacy together to enhance our understanding of diseases like tuberculosis, and current challenges in medicine like anti-microbial drug resistance. Recently, Linda Kim-Jung, PharmD, Consumer Safety Officer with the United States Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Veterinary Medicine, spoke with my class about accidental drug use. In particular, she talked about medication errors resulting from packaging or labeling. These are preventable errors that can cause inappropriate medication use and possible patient harm. Drugs with similar names are discussed by expert panels before marketing, but mistakes are made and everything is catalogued in an Adverse Drug



Experience database. Packaging: Some over-the-counter human drugs can be used in veterinary medicine, except not all formulations are safe and sometimes the packaging is very similar. For example, Tavist (clemastine) is an antihistamine. It also comes as Tavist ND or Claritin (loratadine), and Tavist Sinus (pseudephedrine and acetaminophen). The packages can look similar, but Tavist Sinus is toxic to cats! Acetaminophen is metabolized in the liver by glucuronidation, and cats are deficient in this enzyme pathway. The drug is therefore metabolized by other pathways to a toxic metabolite that causes liver necrosis and hemoglobin oxidation. Any amount of acetaminophen is toxic. Since all Tavist formulations are over-the-counter, it is up to veterinarians and pharmacists to remind our clients to look on the back! Labeling: There are three main ways drug names can cause errors in veterinary medicine: 1. Human drug names. There is legal extra-label use of human drugs to treat animals. Human drug pharmacies carry these drugs, and veterinary care facilities carry both animal and human drugs. The drug names could like alike or sound alike. 2. Animal drugs names. Within veterinary specific drugs, names can look alike or sound alike. For example, we have Cerenia and Convenia. Cerenia (maropitant) is an anti-emetic. Convenia (cefovexin, a cephalosporin antibiotic) is licensed to treat skin infections in dogs. Accidently switching the two could cause patient harm.


IPSF Public Health SPOT

3. Confusing human and veterinary drug names. For example, a veterinarian called in Zeniquin (marbofloxacin, a veterinary fluoroquinolone antibiotic) to a human pharmacy. The pharmacist thought it was Sinequan (doxepin, a tricyclic antidepressant that is labeled for humans), and the veterinarian didn’t correct the prescription. Subsequently, the dog experienced lethargy, vomiting, and had to be hospitalized. What happened here? For one, the drug names have the same letters, in the same sequence, with phonetic similarities. Also, perhaps the pharmacist had a strong familiarity with Sinequan. Maybe the pharmacist didn’t know about Zeniquin. We do use Sinequan in an extra-label manner to treat dogs for obsessive-compulsive disorder and some skin conditions, and perhaps the veterinarian wasn’t familiar with this. Both drugs when used in animals are given twice a day and there is a wide dose range, so it would be easy for this error to occur. For all these situations, it is very important for the veterinarian to state the brand and generic names, the purpose of the medication, and for which species, and make sure it is acknowledged by the person filling the prescription, whether it is the pharmacist or in-house. Building relationships between pharmacists and veterinarians allows us to expand our understanding of prescription processes, medical needs, possibilities for error, and opportunities for correct drug use. Conclusion – meet your local veterinary and pharmaceutical students and get to know them! We’ll be colleagues in the near future.

Ms.Waranyu Lengwiriyakul (Kimmy) IPSF APRO Regional Project Officer 2014-15

Public Health Campaigns from the Asia Pacific Regional Office (APRO) have been developed for many years with the intention of raising awareness of health issues among pharmacy students within the Asia Pacific region. As the Regional Project Officer (RPO), my responsibility is to increase interest and participation in these public health campaigns by organising fun activities, projects and competitions, as well as continuously promoting our campaigns to the public. Teamwork is very important in ensuring a successful campaign: your Regional Working Group, your Sub-Committees and collaboration with the IPSF Public Health team are the key to success for your projects. APPS 2014 - NO TOBACCO CAMPAIGN During the Regional Symposium each year, students conduct a street campaign to demonstrate to the public the importance of raising awareness on accessibility to health care services and health related issues. Last year during the APPS in Malaysia, the Public Health Campaign chosen was on smoking prevention with the slogan of ‘Say No to Tobacco’. Several activities were put into the campaign including: getting 30 car honks to support a smoke free environment at each traffic light,

IPSF Public Health inside-out

What’s going on in the Asia Pacific region?

getting signatures from pedestrians to support a smoke free environment, informing smokers on the harms of tobacco, spreading around short messages to support smoking cessation, collect-

ing cigarette buds from the streets for creating a ‘Save Your Lungs’ sculpture that contained two



large lungs full of cigarettes and also performing a flash mob in front of the shopping mall. If you wish to take a look at some of the activities that were described above, you can use the following link: https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=ocXcX-m3oaw All participants were involved and learnt how to create a successful public health campaign to raise awareness in the community. APPS 2014- PUBLIC HEALTH SHOW As well as the Regional Office, members from each student pharmacy association also organised their own internal public health campaigns with the best campaigns selected to present at the Public Health show during the annual Regional Symposium. This aims to allow students to present their local health issues from their region and exchange ideas with members from other associations within the Asia Pacific region. The winning Public Health Campaign from thePublic Health Show at APPS 2014 was "The Iron Tablets Usage Assistance for Expectant Mother to Reduce the Danger of Anemia during Pregnancy in Yogyakarta" from Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa Farmasi Universitas Sanata Dharma (BEMF USD), Indonesia. The campaign had a significant outcome because not only was it relevant because it was a health issue within


IPSF Public Health SPOT

their community, but it also had a role to play in training the local nurses to continue with the program to improve health outcomes. “The key to success is the passion to service others, having a well prepared method for your campaign and understanding the behaviors of our target population� said from the winners, Fransisca and Ivan from BEMF USD, Indonesia.

IPSF APRO - ONLINE CAMPAIGNS Across the year, APRO has been continuously promoting public health campaigns through social media. We created some fun activities such as the Pharma Selfie competition on World Pharmacists Day, and the Crossword puzzle on World AIDS Day. We also raised awareness by posting the photos,

IPSF RUN – Indonesia The highlight of all the public health campaigns conducted by APRO was the IPSF RUN for World Diabetes Day conducted by Indonesian IPSF association members, held in Jakarta, Indonesia. The increasing incidence of diabetes and people diagnosed under the average age is raising concern within their society. They combined physical activity and diabetes awareness under the

slogan of ‘Sweat over Sweet’ with the intention of persuading the public to do more exercise to fight the urge to over consume carbohydrates. They partnered with the Ministry of Health, WHO Indonesia, the Indonesian Diabetes Care-giver Association and other professional organisations to bring this campaign to a larger scale. The campaign not only consisted of doing the run, but we also conducted a public lecture to educate people about diabetes and raise awareness. The great moments during the event were captured by the participants in the selfie competition with a #JakGoBlue hashtag. There were hundreds of people who joined in the event and thousands were gathering around the state to listen into the

IPSF Public Health inside-out

videos and articles related with the theme of each .health issue, which were shared to our members

lecture and get free blood glucose tests. APRO is very proud of this event and in the future, we aim to bring this type of success to all of our public health campaigns.

The Regional Project Officer is responsible in managing the IPSF Public Health Campaigns and presenting them both on a regional and international level, but from my experience, it is not only my duty, but everyone’s duty to raise awareness of public health issues that exist within our society so we can improve health outcomes for all across the world. Public health awareness activities are proof of how much pharmacy students can do! Feel the IPSF spirit! Visit IPSF APRO at http://apro.ipsf.org/ or https:// www.facebook.com/ipsf.apro



Ms. Walaa Abdelrahman

IPSF EMRO Regional Projects Officer 2014-15

Mr. Mostafa Elshafiey, Mr. Mourad Mseddi IPSF EMRO Regional Projects

Public Health in IPSF EMRO Dear All, IPSF Eastern Mediterranean Region was established in August 2008, and our mission is to achieve excellence in the interrelated areas of education, research and public health. Our regional office has developed two focus projects dealing with public health awareness campaigns , which are AYP project (Ask Your Pharmacist) and HAD Project (Health Awareness Day).

AYP Project: Recent studies in the Middle East area have shown that the vast majority of patients diagnosed with diabetes, and are on insulin therapy, are improperly using the subcutaneous injections. This could be due to the lack of patient counseling and the


insufficient clinical skills to convey this medical information; this common phenomenon is an example of a weak guidance in informing patients and encouraging them to be involved in making their own medical decisions. On the other hand hypertensive patients are also under the influence of this phenomenon. However, the increasing rate of deaths are due to lack of information about the disease, and the best strategies for myocardium protection, as well as the drug窶電rug interactions that are also induced by the haphazard using of drugs and selfmedication.

Ask Your Pharmacist (AYP) campaign is a promising project, aiming to increase the percentage of well-informed patients who are diagnosed with one of the following common diseases: Diabetes,

AYP’s vision is to make the patients; aware of their needs, concerned about their lives, updated to the latest medical news, and to enhance the image of pharmacy as a profession, which has roots belonging to the era of Avicenna and still standing till this moment, despite the changes of attitudes. The AYP campaign will be carried out on the regional level (EMRO) and each country member in IPSF EMRO has the right to run this campaign. Nevertheless, once it is involved, it has to follow all the legislations and regularities of AYP’s guideline.

HAD Project: International Pharmaceutical Students’ Federation Eastern Mediterranean Regional office will be launching a healthy day for SOS villages, which have branches in different countries of Federation Eastern Mediterranean Regional. The campaign is directed to SOS children and their mothers who are part of our communities and cultures, moreover the children and teenager’s schools will be involved.

Regional projects subcommittee

education, and potentiates the level of projects to serve different levels of populations; including orphans and their shelters. HAD has been inspired to give a hand to those children and their mothers by providing them with some health issues awareness, and arming them with some soft clinical skills to be able to optimize their roles on higher levels. The campaign is well focused on increasing the awareness and knowledge of children and their mothers, teenagers and orphans. Also raise the global interest about orphans, as there is no reason to exclude them from our communities and deny their contribution. A major concern should be given to these children and related organizations, in order to re-define the description of orphans. Also, to provide the training that can bridge the gap between them and their communities. HAD is working from the public health’s point of view but it’s promised to open the door for all national/international health, industrial and governmental bodies to dedicate some of their projects for orphans.

Such organizations are in need to increase their potential to take care of orphans and grow them up to be able to share and involve in their national developmental projects and take their roles to enhance the image of their cultures. So IPSF EMRO is concerned with expanding the public health


IPSF Public Health inside-out

Hypertension, and Obesity. Truth to be told that, ASK YOUR PHARMACIST campaign goal; is to make a bold move to go public and to change the former conceptions about the profession of pharmacist as a drug seller. The AYP campaign aims to extend that to a comprehensive role description. The new slogan is suggested to be “Pharmacist is for counseling, dispensing, and promoting public health”.

Ms. Jessica Zook

IPSF PARO Regional Projects Officer 2014-15

The IPSF Public Health Campaign The IPSF Public Health Campaign participation has been growing in the Pan American Regional Office (PARO) region over the past couple of years. This growth was very evident at the 9th Pan American Regional Symposium in June 2015 when the associations gathered together and shared pictures and reports with each other of individual events in each country. PARO has a three main focus projects: World Diabetes Day, Healthy Living Campaign, and Vampire Cup, but also promotes other IPSF Campaigns as well. For World Diabetes Day this year, we followed the theme of the International Diabetes Federation “Go Blue For Breakfast.” The campaign focused on healthy eating habits for diabetics, starting with a Healthy Breakfast. Leading up to World Diabetes Day, PARO posted four healthy breakfast recipes that were relevant to each of the countries and cultures of the PARO region. The PARO associations were then able to use them in their public health campaigns as needed. For example, AEFRA Argentina handed out the recipes to patients in the pharmacies and also as


gave informational talks about diabetic glycemic control. PARO also encouraged the associations to spread awareness about World Diabetes Day by taking a photo wearing blue in a circle or using the World Diabetes Day selfie app. This year, CAPSI Canada focused their main health campaign on “Healthy Living and Diabetes.” They provided various health screenings, diabetes speakers, and interprofessional case competitions. CAPSI also fundraised around $4500 for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation through activities such as a health eating competition, silent auction, and dinner party auction. The IPSF Public Health Campaign participation has been growing in the Pan American Regional Office (PARO) region over the past couple of years. This growth was very evident at the 9th Pan American Regional Symposium in June 2015 when the associations gathered together and shared pictures and reports with each other of individual events in each country. PARO has a three main focus projects: World Diabetes Day, Healthy Living Campaign, and Vampire Cup, but also promotes other IPSF Campaigns as well. For World Diabetes Day this year, we followed the

IPSF Public Health inside-out

theme of the International Diabetes Federation “Go Blue For Breakfast.� The campaign focused on healthy eating habits for diabetics, starting with a Healthy Breakfast. Leading up to World Diabetes Day, PARO posted four healthy breakfast recipes that were relevant to each of the countries and cultures of the PARO region. The PARO associations were then able to use them in their public health campaigns as needed. For example, AEFRA Argentina handed out the recipes to patients in the pharmacies and also as gave informational talks about diabetic glycemic control. PARO also encouraged the associations to spread awareness about World Diabetes Day by taking a photo wearing blue in a circle or using the World Diabetes Day selfie app.

AEFRA Argentina giving informational talks about glycemic control.

APhA-ASP, USA - West Virginia University participated in photo to raise awareness for World Diabetes Day


This year, CAPSI Canada focused their main health campaign on “Healthy Living and Diabetes.” They provided various health screenings, diabetes speakers, and interprofessional case competitions. CAPSI also fundraised around $4500 for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation through activities such as a health eating competition, silent auction, and dinner party auction.

tinues to grow, it hopes to increase the connection of the campaigns from country to country and share pictures and stories of the health campaigns with each member throughout the region

Another focus project of PARO is the Healthy Living Campaign which focused on Kids Health and Hygiene for this year. The campaign began the weeks leading up to World Health Day on April 7th, and joined in on this year’s theme of “Food Safety” by raising awareness about handwashing for kids. Associations were able to share the various PARO blog posts about oral hygiene, healthy eating tips, and handwashing for kids. ACEQF Columbia gave a presentation to kids in a school about nutrition and food safety PARO also focuses on promoting the Vampire Cup to the associations. Various flyers and blood donation facts were made available to associations throughout the year encouraging participation in the Regular and Live IPSF Vampire Cup. APhA-ASP hosted a blood drive at an annual APhA meeting to work towards the Vampire Cup. Additionally, many of the other world health days and IPSF campaigns were promoted throughout the year. Associations from all over the region were able to participate in campaigns for World AIDS Day, the Anti Counterfeit Drug Campaign, and World No Tobacco Day among others. Many associations also participated in other types of campaigns. For example, AEFRA Argentina offered free blood pressure screenings for World Hypertension Day, and ACEQF Columbia gave food and gifts to children in need during Christmas time. As PARO con-


IPSF Public Health SPOT

ACEQF Colombia presenting to kids about Health and Food Safety for the Healthy Living Campaign and World Health Day.

Ms. Luísa Queirós,Portugal

Helpping Committee of the 60th IPSF World Congress

Imagine a group of foreign students conducting a cardiovascular screening at the streets of Porto, Portugal while promoting a public health campaign to the local community. What would you first think of? Personally speaking, my first impression was “it is a great idea, but what is its probability of going well?” Truth be told, the chances of it going wrong were high. People might react badly. They might also discriminate against the organizers. Likewise, the communication could be unproductive. Despite all of these, we decided to accept the challenge and tried to make the activity work.

IPSF Public Health inside-out

What’s the Probability? some time, we finally had everything that was essential in implementing the activity: materials, licenses to the public occupation, and campaign materials. On the 5th of August 2014, some participants of the 60th IPSF World Congress came out to the street and did a great job. The cardiovascular screening consisted of measuring the following: weight, body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, cholesterol, and blood pressure measurements.

The activity was not an innovation for us since we had done it annually with our students. Nevertheless, accomplishing it proved to be much more difficult.

All of these were taken for the purpose of assessing the participants’ risk for cardiovascular diseases. Aside from measuring the said parameters, the participants were requested to answer a questionnaire regarding health habits. At the end of the route, they were then counseled by a student based on their corresponding results.

The first step was to present the concept to potential stakeholders, and try to find partners that would believe in the project as much as we did. After communicating with some contacts, we found a group of professionals who were willing to help us with everything that we would need. Accordingly, the activity started to develop. After

To reinforce the need for leading a healthy life and having healthy habits, we organized an open zumba class during the morning. After the physical activity, we hoped that people will realize the significance of doing exercise primarily because this contributes to a healthy cardiovascular life as compared with leading a sedentary life.



Indeed, this cardiovascular screening has been one of the most amazing activities that I had the pleasure of being involved in. I consider it a true success, and I thank all the participants for the joy, responsibility and sense of compromise that they had printed on the challenge. The workshop and debriefing session that had happened before the activity were essential in preparing all of the participants. These made them feel more capable of carrying their tasks. Other positive points that I cannot fail to mention were the presence of Portuguese pharmacists who helped the participants with language details and with some scientific knowledge, and the usage of bilingue documents that we had prepared. Some students learned the native language through these means, and even chatted with the locals through Portuguese. Lastly, I would like to praise the attitude and open-mindedness of the Portuguese. Our project had been received with much excitement and without any discrimination or repulse considering the fact that the participants were students from other cultures. Definitely, my last word should be“congratulations�. Congratulations to the organizing committee, to the participants and to the locals! It was a memorable activity. By working together, we made it an example for other cities and students’ associations to follow.


IPSF Public Health SPOT

p y c a c o v d a h lt a e cy h a c c i o l v b ad pu h t l a y e c h a c c i o l v ad pub h t l a y e c h a c c i o l adv pub h t l a e cy h a c c i o l v b ad pu h t l a e c h a c c i o l v b ad pu h t l a he a c c i o l v b d u a p h t l a e h c public ealth advo h c i o l v b d u a p h lt a e h c i publ ealth advo h c i l v b d u a p h t al e h c i l ad pub h t l a e h c i l b a pu h t l a e h c i l b u a p h t l a he c i l b u p lth a e h c publi ealth h c i l b u p h public adv pub adv hea pub adv hea pub pub pu

y e c a e c h a e h a c c h c i c o ca l i c o v l i o b v l d b v d b a u d a pu u a p h p h lt th l t a l y a y e c a e c h a e h a c c h c i publ ealth advo cy public alth advo y public alth advoc e c h a h a c c he c i c o c l i c o v l i o b v l d b v d b a u d a pu u a p h p h t lt al lth y a y e c a e c h a e h a c c h c i c o l i c o v li dv bl vo d b a u d a pub u a p h p h t h l t l t a y ea cy al e c h a e h a c c h c i c o l i c o v l i b v l y pu ic health ad ocacy pub c health ad cacy pub health adv v li bl vo lic d b u d b a u a p u ad p h p h t h l t l t a l y cy a y e c a e c h he ca c i c o l i blic h lth advoca v l b u d b u a p u a p p h h t l t a l y a y e c a acy e c h a e h a c o ic ch oc v l i blic v l d b u d b a u a p u a p h p h t h l t l t a l y a y e c a e c h a e cacy h a h c oc ic c o v l i blic v l d b u d b a u a p u p h p t lth th l a y a e c e h a h ocacy public heal advocacy c c li vo lic b d b u a u p h p h t h l t l t l a y a e c e h a h ocacy public hea advocacy c o lic ic v l b d b u a u p h p h t l lt vocacy public hea h advocacy public hea advocacy public healt h t l t l y a y c a y c e c a i e c l h a c h a c b c c i c o u l i o v l p dvo b v d ad ub a pu y p h c h t l t a l y a c y c a e o c a e v h a dv c h d a c a i h l t h b l t advo y public alth advoc l a ea pu e h h c i y c c l i e c l a b advoc y public h alth advoca cacy pub ocacy pu ocacy pu v v e vo ac d d h c d v a a c o a d i h h v l a t t h d b l l t h l a a u a t a e l e p h e a h h h e c c i i y c h l l i c l c b b a i b l u u c u b he c i l h advo vocacy p dvocacy p dvocacy p ocacy pu b u p d v a a a y d h h c a t t h l a l t u h c a a p t o e l e v a h h d heal e y c c i i a ac ch h bl bl i c t l u u l o b p p a v u e d p h a ad th l blic h a t u l e vocacy th advocacy advocacy p a h e c i h l y c c b i a l l u h c a b p t o e pu h c i l y blic he public heal health adv advocacy b c ca pu o v y d c h i c a b l t y a l vocac cacy pub public hea blic health alth advoc vocacy pu u e d p h a dvo u y c a c p i h l t a y h l b c c t a l u y o a e a c v c p ca ch vo ad i o y l d h v c a b t d a l u h c a a p t p th l a y e c blic he public heal health advo advocacy h a ic oc l v b d u a c p h i l t h lt a y e c h a vocacy cacy pub public heal advocacy c c i o l v d ub a o p h v h t l t d y l a a y c a y e c e c h a h a c c c i c alth th advoca o l i o v l b v u d ad ub a p p h l h t l t a l y a e y c a e cy he ac h a c c c i c o l i o blic h lth advoca v l b v d b u d a a p pu h h t l t a l y a y e c a e c h a e cy h a c h a c c o c i c o v l i o blic v l d b v d b a a u ad pu h p h t h l t l t a l y a y e c a e c he ac c c i o l v ublic h alth advoca y public h lth advoca b d u lth a a y p

Public Health Advocacy

Ms. Parand Akhavan

IPSF President 2014-15

Ms. Filipa Oliveira

IPSF External Relations Chairperson 2014-15

Executive Board Meeting Each year WHO has two major meetings which are attended by IPSF; the Executive Board Meeting in January and the well-known World Health Assembly in May. During this one week meeting, the WHO Executive Board and the member countries come together to handle resolutions, standing agenda points, financial matters and use the time as a prelude to the World Health Assembly. For IPSF the Executive Board Meeting is the time and place to catch up on the matters going on in WHO and with our partners in Geneva.

This year the IPSF delegation consisted of: • Ms. Parand Akhavan, IPSF President • Ms. Filipa Oliveira, IPSF Chairperson of External Relations • Mr. Steve Estevao, IPSF Policy Coordinator • Ms. Ana Duarte, IPSF Public Health Advocacy Coordinator • Ms. Lara Turiya-Seitz, IPSF Medicine Awareness

On Monday the delegation was complete and ready for the long week ahead. After a word by the Director-General of WHO Dr. Margaret Chan, the meeting started. During the week different health topics were discussed amongst which included antimicrobial resistance, immunisations and emergency responses to name a few. The delegation spent their day attending the

Coordinator Mr. Arinze Committee





Mr. Aqil Jeenah, President IVSA South-Africa, IVSA representative

The week this year kicked off a day earlier with a special session on the Ebola outbreak on Sunday. During this day the affected countries shared the actions taken, the support received and the grievance that the international community took so long to react. They asked the Executive Board and secretariat to ensure a fast response for the future.

different sessions and taking notes of important points that came up. These notes will be used to discuss future plans in regards to statements

Public Health Advocacy

from IPSF for the World Health Assembly, and as a platform to think about new projects. We also worked on different statements in crunch time. Time is also spend on meeting partners and finding new partners. The day usually starts with finding a quick cup of coffee and grabbing a croissant or pain au chocolat and finding a seat in the meeting room and following the discussions. Here and there some jokes are made, the translators make funny comments or discussions come up with other NGOs on decision or comments that are made on the floor.

Next to all the formal obligations, enough time is spend on having some fun. From rushing in the morning to get up and going (hair, make-up, waking up in general) to the hunt for a decently priced meal and shopping for the stuffed animal version of different diseases. The latter leading to weird and funny comments like “You want Herpes?” or “Look I have chickenpox (whilst holding a stuffed version of a virus)”. The Executive Board Meeting is a nice small meeting but fades in comparison to the World Health Assembly which is so much bigger and educational for those who want to get a feel for how WHO works and what they focus on. It was a great experience and we want to thank the delegation for their hard work and all the fun. Viva La Pharmacie!


Dr. Marta Lomazzi

Executive Manager WFPHA

Millennium Development Goals Survey The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are eight

The respondents’ main activities focused on MDGs

international development goals to be achieved

4, 5, and 6. Their answers do not differ significantly

by 2015 facing poverty, hunger, maternal and

between respondents position, WHO regions, and

child mortality, communicable disease, education,

country’s gross national income. All 8 MDGs were

gender inequality, environmental decay and the

considered as relevant by some in the public health

global partnership. Most of activities worldwide

community. However, the importance assigned to

have focused on maternal and child health and

each MDG varies significantly, with MDGs 4 and 5

communicable diseases, while less attention has

considered most important in the African Region,

been paid to the environmental sustainability and

and MDGs 7 and 8 in the Western Pacific Region. Low

the development of a global partnership.

income countries attach high relevance to MDG1. All-together 51% agree fully and 40% partially with

Up to now, several targets have been at least partially

a positive statement on MDGs achievement.

achieved: hunger reduction is on track, poverty has been reduced by half, living conditions of 200

The post 2015 agenda is now under discussion.

million deprived people enhanced, maternal and

The new targets, whatever they will be called,

child mortality as well as communicable diseases

should follow today’s political situation, health and

diminished and education improved. Nevertheless,

environmental challenges, and an all-inclusive,

some goals will not be met, particularly in the

intersectoral and accountable approach should be

poorest regions, due to different challenges (i.e. the


lack of synergies among the goals, the economic crisis, etc.). The World Federation of Public Health Associations has executed a quali-quantitative survey to explore the opinion of public health professionals worldwide and their experience concerning the implementation and achievement of the MDGs not always taken into consideration by official reports.


Public public Health health Advocacy advocacy

Mr. Nuhu Bah

Contact Person NAPS-SL, Sierra Leone

The role of pharmacy students in eradicating the ebola virus disease One of the pillars which were thought to be essential in the fight against the EVD is surveillance.

the three countries for all travellers had been indicated “red�. Pharmacy students were in a state of confusion and panic. Some of the external examiners quickly returned to their home countries, while some of our lecturers contracted the virus. The final examination went successfully with no student contracting the virus though our classroom had been the main hospital of the Country.

On the 25th of May 2014, the first confirmed case of Ebola Virus in Sierra Leone was known. It occurred in a rural village called Boidu in Kailahun District, Eastern Province. Consequently, the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) had continued to spread rapidly across villages and towns. The reason for its transmission was not clearly understood by the health authority. Unfortunately, the outbreak of the virus coincided with the academic year of the pharmacy students at that time. The students had been preparing for their final examination when the first case emerged in the city.

NAPS-SL informed the IPSF with regards to the situation though at that time there had been some students who already started their registration for the African Conference in Zimbabwe and the World Congress in Portugal. Due to the emergency situation, some flights coming to Sierra Leone had been stopped and different emergency laws were established by various countries for the EVD-affected countries. NAPS-SL regretfully informed students not to continue their registration process because of the stringent laws, but unfortunately two students had already paid the registration fee for the World Congress.

The Country, together with Guinea and Liberia, was brought into a standstill when the WHO declared EVD as an epidemic. The EVD mortality rates within these three countries were appalling. The people were also contracting the virus at an alarming rate, such that the emergency status in

As the EVD had been a Public Health Emergency, the executive and members of NAPS-SL initiated consultations with the college authority on what their roles could be, as a health partner, in eradicating the virus in Sierra Leone. Then, the association partnered with various organizations to fight IPSF SPOT


SENSITIZATION NAPS-SL partnered with the Pharmacy Board of Sierra Leone (PBSL), the regulatory body on drugs in the Country, to educate the general public on the preparation and the safe use of antiseptics. Ebola virus does not have a cure, but its risks can be minimized by various non-pharmacologic approaches, such as: avoiding contact (hand shaking) with suspected people, properly washing the deceased people, early reporting of sick people to hospitals, and disinfecting vomitus and the floor of hospitals by using chlorine. NAPS-SL members were trained by the PBSL officials to conduct a nationwide education campaign and were taught on how to dilute and prepare chlorine solutions to have the following concentrations: 0.05% of chlorine to kill the virus on body surfaces, especially on the hands, to prevent transmission through direct contact (touching), 0.5% of chlorine for cleaning vomitus in households, and 1.0% of chlorine for hospitals. Working with the PBSL was timely and fortunate since there had been different forms of chlorine available in the market, but the knowledge to use


IPSF Public Health SPOT

them properly was not adequate. Booths had been built by the Board at various centers in the Country and the students were assigned to these booths. The booths served as points for engagement among partners, including Traders Union, Search for Common Ground, BBC Media Action, Health Education. These also facilitated the dissemination of information to numerous target audience, including traders, radio listeners and community household heads, on relevant issues such as the “ose to ose Ebola tok� to foster better understanding and collaboration within communities. The use of comedians was a tremendous success, such that it was popular in communities where the booths had been installed. Communicating in a culturally relevant and acceptable language, the comedians followed PBSL-established guidelines, delivered Ebola Prevention and Control messages, and addressed evolving issues associated with the Ebola response efforts. Below are pictures of members of NAPS-SL at various centers, and an illustration on how to prepare the concentration of 0.05% chlorine solution.

Public Health Advocacy

SURVEILLANCE One of the pillars which were thought to be essential in the fight against the EVD is surveillance. This is significant because it contributes greatly in breaking the chain of virus transmission. Nonetheless, znew cases have been reported. The word surveillance denotes searching for people who have been in contact with a suspected or confirmed Ebola case. Most students were recruited for contact tracing, and were assigned as district surveillance officers. There had been several non-governmental agencies that enlisted students to help in identifying suspected EVD cases. There had been several challenges during the surveillance. One of which was people refusing to provide information. This sometimes resulted to breaking into the people’s private lives just to obtain their crucial information. WORKING AT TREATMENT CENTERS One of the most difficult aspects in the fight against the EVD was to ensure the presence of health workers at the treatment centers. There had been a lot of health workers who contracted the virus. Many of them died within a month, which contributed to the emergence of the disease. NAPS-SL had been contacted by the Ministry of Health to recruit volunteers, especially those students in their final year, to help in the fight. Subsequently, the Association sent eight members to different Ebola Treatment Centers (ETC) to assist in dispensing medications to patients. All of the assigned members were given adequate training on how to wear the primary protective equipment before being deployed. This exercise was very dangerous and risky since many health workers had been contracting the virus.

President of Sierra Leone working at the Ebola Treatment Center as an Intern Pharmacist. This is the MSF treatment Center at the Capital city of Sierra Leone.



Despite the known risk, it is really good that no member of NAPS-SL has contracted the virus since then. We are very delighted that all the members have been safe.

tain areas had food to eat and had medicines to prevent them from dying due to the presence of other diseases (e.g., Antimalarials). NAPS-SL had 40 members who participated in this exercise.

DISTRIBUTION Distributing medical supplies and prime commodities, such as rice, beds and some cooking items to the ETC and some regions that had been quarantined was another effective pillar that some of the NAPS-SL members had done. In this exercise, members worked with different NGOs to distribute essential foods and medical supplies so that the people quarantined in cer-

TRIAL VACCINE Since there has been no specialized treatment for the Ebola virus for more than 30 years, the alarming mortality rate of this outbreak may be partly attributed to the pharmaceutical companies that have failed to produce therapeutic drugs to combat the virus. The UN and the WHO expressed concern over the repercussions that the outbreak will cause on a global scale. This growing concern urged some manufacturing companies to utilize their lead compounds which they have been studying to hasten the production of a drug or vaccine against the virus.

Alex Bayoh

Presently, the WHO has a trial vaccine and drugs that companies have been studying for the treatment or prevention of the EVD. In Sierra Leone, there are three ongoing vaccine trials and four drug treatment trials, including Zmapp and TKMEbola. NAPS-SL, together with the College of Medicine and Allied Health Sciences, partnered with the CDC of America in a trial vaccine project called Sierra Leone Trial to Introduce a Vaccine against Ebola (STRIVE). The trial vaccine is a live, attenuated recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus (rVSV) expressing the envelope glycoprotein of Ebola virus Zaire -- BPSC-1001, also referred to as rVSV ZEBO-GP. NAPS-SL members were recruited as Enrollers, Monitors, Screeners, Study Pharmacist, and Randomizers after successfully undergoing Good Clinical Practice (GCP) Training by the CDC.

NAPS-SL members distributing health products and sanitary materials to a primary health facility.


IPSF Public Health SPOT

Although the College has resumed the 2015 academic year, NAPS-SL members are still working in

Public Health Advocacy

Although the College has resumed the 2015 academic year, NAPS-SL members are still working in some of these pillars. The Ebola epidemic is still a threat against our lives since the cases have been increasing especially in the capital city. Nevertheless, we are implementing every precautionary measure possible for all students so as to prevent them from contracting the virus. NAPS-SL would like to thank the Ministry of Health and Sanitation, the CDC America, and the NGOs for their effort towards the eradication of the Ebola virus.

NAPS-SL members working as enrollers and Consenters for vaccine



Ms. Anastasiya Shor, USA

President APhA-ASP, USA

Say No-Lio to Polio The past few years have seen an emergence of hundreds of internet articles and public figures speaking out against vaccinating children, and many parents have unfortunately been influenced by the media to forego vaccination in children. This practice has led to re-emergence of diseases like pertussis (whooping cough), measles, and mumps all over the United States and has caused thousands of otherwise preventable hospitalizations. The primary reasons parents cite for not vaccinating their children is a belief that vaccines will hurt the child in some way- causing autism and subjecting the otherwise healthy child to unnecessary pathogen exposure. Due to the plethora of misleading information on the topic, many parents choose to not immunize their children thinking that they are doing what’s best for the child when in reality they are subjecting their child (and the children around them) to an increased risk of contracting disease. It is a little known fact that polio is very close to being the second disease that is erased from existence through immunization efforts (smallpox being the first), and we felt it was our mission to bring our University into awareness. In order to raise awareness of India’s recent annihilation of


IPSF Public Health SPOT

polio through the widespread use of the polio vaccine and to commemorate the fight against poliomyelitis across the world, our American Pharmacists Association-Academy of Student Pharmacists, Operation Immunization, and Student National Pharmaceutical Organization came together on October 22nd, 2014 to host a “Say No-lio to Polio” event at Long Island University in Brooklyn, New York. Student pharmacists researched the impact of the polio vaccine on the successful eradication of this debilitating disease and worked together to come up with engaging posters and slogans that attracted both students and staff of the University to learn more. Many students and faculty were under the impression that the disease no longer existed and were surprised to hear that Nigeria, Pakistan, and Afghanistan are still battling with this debilitating illness. Polio is still considered a global concern, since a single case can spread to thousands of people, and there is no cure. However, the disease can be wiped off Earth if everyone bands together and gets the polio vaccine- and protection for life. The erroneous belief that parents are doing the right thing by not vaccinating can lead to a re-emergence of polio in countries where

Public Health Advocacy

it has been wiped out, but this can easily be fixed through public education and provision of credible resources on immunization and the historical benefits of vaccines. We explained how eradication of polio can occur and educated the public on the importance of immunization and recommended information sources such as World Health Organization Website (http://www.who. int/topics/immunization/en/) and the Center for Disease Control ( http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/ ) if they wanted to learn more. Overall, our event attracted hundreds of students and staff, and if that day we made just one person change their mind, we made a huge dent in polio’s chances of coming back in full strength.



Ms. Amy Howard and Mr. Clement Haeck

IPSF delegation members to the 68thWHA

Live Report from the 68th World Health Assembly

IPSF Involvement and Commitment to Global Public Health In May we were fortunate enough to be able to travel as part of the IPSF delegation to Geneva, Switzerland. Together with nearly 30 other pharmacy students, we took part in the 68th World Health Assembly (WHA) held at the European headquarters for the United Nations (UN). The WHA is the supreme decision-making body of the World Health Organization (WHO), bringing together delegations from all 194 WHO member states and several non-government organisations to focus on the agenda prepared by the Executive Board in January. As one of only 202 non-government organizations designated with ‘official relations’ to the WHO, IPSF has the privilege of sending delegates and delivering policy statements to member states at the WHA. While in Geneva, the delegation attended daily committee sessions and side events focused on key public health issues such as health within the sustainable development goals, the Ebola outbreak, climate and health, emergency preparedness and the development of global health sector strategies for HIV, viral hepatitis and sexually transmitted infections.


IPSF Public Health SPOT

WHO’s ambition to build resilient health systems and its response to emergencies. Dr. Angela Merkel, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany and current chair of the G7, addressed WHO delegates as the invited speaker at WHA68. She called for a new plan to deal with “catastrophes” like the recent Ebola outbreak. Chancellor Merkel paid tribute to all healthcare workers who safeguard human health worldwide, urging them to “work together”. She pledged the G7 would focus on fighting antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and neglected tropical diseases as long as Germany holds the G7 chair. She emphasized the need for all countries to have strong and resilient health systems, and highlighted the key role of health in sustainable development. In her opening address Dr. Margaret Chan, WHO Director General, echoed Chancellor Merkel on the importance of building resilient health systems (the primary theme of WHA68) as well as defeating AMR. She urged delegates to ready themselves for the post-2015 development agenda and to ensure that health receives the attention and the

With the Ebola outbreak ongoing and the recent Nepal earthquake emergency, a major focus centered on plans to create a new WHO programme for health emergencies. The WHO recently announced a merging of outbreak and emergency resources. Dr. Chan plans to complete these changes by the end of the year – “I have heard what the world expects from WHO,” said Dr. Chan. “And we will deliver.” Indeed, WHO has been widely criticised following its dismal performance at the beginning of the Ebola outbreak, especially due to weak leadership during the crisis. An independent panel reviewed this issue prior to the WHA, identifying WHO weaknesses in response to global epidemics and concluded: “WHO does not have the operational capacity or culture to deliver a full emergency public health response.” For example, it took almost five months for WHO to declare the outbreak a “public health emergency of international concern.” As part of the WHO restructuring to address future global epidemics, the organization is also calling for a new $100 million contingency fund to boost response times and ensure prompt resource availability. Issues of particular interest to IPSF on the agenda this year included preventing the spread of AMR, global plans to increase the access and affordability of life-saving vaccines, polio eradication, progress in tackling non-communicable diseases, the need to address adolescent health, efforts to meet the health-related Millennium Development Goals and the inclusion of health targets in the post-

Public Health Advocacy

resources that it needs: “The goals are ambitious. Financing plans must likewise be ambitious but credible,” said Dr Chan.

2015 sustainable development agenda. IPSF delivered a statement on AMR stressing the importance of improving awareness and understanding of AMR, especially through the education of future healthcare professionals. Reiterating statements made previously in collaboration with IFMSA (International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations) and IVSA (International Veterinary Student’s Association), IPSF’s statement encouraged Member States to adopt the Global Action Plan on AMR, including improved training of healthcare students making AMR a key component of their curriculum. In the final hours of WHA committee work, the Global Action Plan was adopted. Underscoring the importance of this landmark recommendation, Dr. Chan took a moment to express her happiness by breaking into song! Reflecting on this experience, we believe IPSF’s involvement during WHA can only grow from here. As the role of pharmacy expands more each year, IPSF should take every opportunity to help further the voice of future pharmacists. There is a critical need for the organisation to begin developing a comprehensive set of policy statements reflecting our membership’s perspective on global public health policy through the lens of pharmacy. We encourage all members to help IPSF mold statements that will be the collective voice of pharmacy students globally. How do you see the role of pharmacists in the collaboration with other healthcare providers? What public health agenda topics should pharmacist be advocating – women and children’s health, eradication of neglected tropical diseases, universal health care, affordable access to medications? Moving forward we hope to hear from all of you and ensure the world hears from IPSF.




IPSF Public Health SPOT

ar t i n a um h n aria aria t t i i n n a a hum ian hum h n r a a i t r i a n nit ma a m u ni h a m n u a h tari n a i r ita ita n n a a m m hu hu n a i n a ar i t r i a n t a i m an m u h a m n u a i h r ta n a i r a t i n n huma ian huma ar t i ari n t a i n m a m u h n taria tarian hu ni a m m u u h h n aria nit t i n a m a m u h tarian tarian ni a m u h h n a i r a manit huma tarian taria ni a m u h n a i r a t i man hum tarian ta i n a m hu i r a t i n ma tarian n huma manit taria hum ma ta

i a u r a t u i h a h t m n i ri u a n a n h n t a m i a i u n ria m r n h a u a h m ria it n u a n t a n h a i i a r n i m a r n a ia nit ita r n a a n a i t a i r m an hu arian hum a n u m t a i h u h m an u n t h n m a i i a u n r i r n h a a um a a it i t h i r n n a n a a hum t n i a i r m a m u ri an ta u i h a h t m n i u a n n h n a m a it a i u n m r n h a u a a i t itari h m r i u n h an ita ian a r n i m a r n a u t a a i i h t m n i r n arian nitarian hu ian huma an human humanita umanitaria i r h a ar t a an i i m t h i r n n u a n a a h t n i a i r m a n i m a n u r a t u h h ta m ni i u a n n h n a m a a i i u r m r n h a u h m n u anita humanita manitaria a n h i a r i n ar a ita i t n i r u a a n h n t a i r m a i a n u m n t a i h u a i n h m r a u a nitar n h n m ia a u nit r i r n h a a t a a i i m t i r n n u ian h rian huma ian human humanita umanitaria anitarian m r n h a u a a t i t i h m r i n n u a n a t a n h a i i a r m n i m a r n a u a it ia hu t m n i r u a a n h n t a i m a i n u m a i h u an ar i t n h m r i a u a n n t h n a m a i i a u n m ri n h a ar t a a i i m t i r n n u a n a a h t i a i r m tarian itarian hu tarian hum ian human humanita humanitari r i n n a n a t a h a i i r m n ian m a r n a u u t a a i h i h t m n i r u a a n h n a it m a i n u m n r a h u a a i t h m r i u a n n huma n humanit manitaria manitarian nitarian h arian hum u a t u a i h i h t m n r i u a a n n t h n i a m a a i n i u r m r n a h u a a i t ita h r i n n a n a t a n a i i a r m n i m n a u ar a ita i t n i r a a n t a i m an h itarian hu arian hum n u m a h u h m u n n t h n a a i u n ri ia n hum rian huma humanita humanitar manitarian nitarian h u a a manit manitarian manitarian nitarian h rian hum ian huma a u ar ita hu h t m n i r u a a n h n n t a i m a a i i n u m r n r a h u a h m ria ita u a n n t h n a a i i a n r i m r n a a u t ia ita r n a n a t i a i r ian h arian hum n humani n m a a t u i h m n u a t h n i m a a i n i u r m r n a h a u a a t i t i h r i n n a n hum a t a n a i i m ar ria an um u t a i h h t m n i u a n h n n a i m a a i i n u m r n r a h u a a a i t t h m i r i u n n h n an a ita i a n r i m r n a a u t a a i i h m t n u ar ni t i ria n a a t i tarian nitarian h rian huma ian huma m n u a h m u r n a h a a a t i m t i r i an hu an human an human humanita manitarian anitarian u m n h u ari a ari i t t h i r i um a n n n t h n a a a i i a n r i m m r n a a u t a a h m it ri ni u a n a h t n a i a m i n m n r u a ita n a anita manitaria itarian h itarian hu rian hum m u h u n n a n h a t a n a i i a r m n i m n a r a u u t a a i i h h t m r n i a huma uman arian an hu arian


Ms. Nirajan Bhattarai, Nepal

General Secretary NPSA, Nepal

Blood Donation Program Creating and conducting like this scale would require a lot of plannings, frameworks and managements. Especially, the fund and resources management aspect of the project was little bit tricky. Though at the end, it was matter of pride proud that we had successfully completed the

and necessary technical supports. Then, the flex for blood donation program was designed and printed. The volunteer were called issuing a notice and circulating through social networking site. The blood bank was consulted for conduction of program and necessary requirements. The

program with active support from all colleague and seniors especially from first year juniors. The program conduction has enlightened team on event management skills, interpersonal communication skill. Public welfare being the core theme and spirited with the feeling of teamwork blend the whole setting to yield a day that worth remembering in entire tenure.

resources were searched and finalized for the program.

The blood donation program was successfully conducted by 13th executive body of NPSS on institute of Medicine on 20th Shrawan, Tuesday. The whole blood donation program was divided into two sections. The brainstorming session on blood donation program was called and completed with listing of necessary requirements and planning for successful conduction of blood donation program. Funding request was sent to Free Students’ Union (FSU) from where required funding was retrieved. Letters were drafted and submitted to campus chief requesting for funds and hospital administration requesting volunteers


The work has begun from 8pm morning. We located our site and cleaned the site by ourselves. Then, the flex were pasted and necessary material like chairs, tables, fan and water jars were placed on the site. The blood bank was requested to integrate and set their part of work. The blood bank arrived with necessary volunteers, material and equipments on time as promised, All setting were completed. Then the juices and fruits were bought and badges for guests were prepared. Finally all the preparation was completed before the inauguration. The inauguration was done by Prof. Dr. Balmukunda Regmi sir, HOD of Department of Pharmacy at 10:00 am by cutting the ribbon and badge of the program was handed over to him. Then the blood donation program was soon started. The participants were first checked for their B.P and general health status. The certain record procedures were completed and blood

Inaguration by HOD, Balmukuda Regmi

Developing and conducting such event would require precise management planning and implementation and would say a teamwork effort. At the end of the day, your body aches with the pain but the heart smiles with joy that something beautiful had been created and contributed, we do not know whether it made so much impact in public health but we sure did prepare a foundation stone for later generation of Nepal Pharmacy Students’ Society to act and contribute in public health prospect.

Volunteer showing her badge

Volunteers donating blood



collection was completed by the volunteers themselves. After the donation the participant were distributed with juices and fruits. Around 30 donors donated their blood in the program. Though a donor complication experienced feeling of weakness and blood pressure fall after the donation of blood, it was reestablished by dedicated health care team and nursing volunteers.

Mr. Matt Schneller, USA Mr. Kevin Klein, USA Ms. Heather Strouse, USA

Bridge Healthcare Clinic The BRIDGE Healthcare Clinic is a studentoperated, interdisciplinary health care clinic that provides free services to the underrepresented members of the community near the University of South Florida (USF) in Tampa, Florida. BRIDGE stands for Building Relationships and Initiatives Dedicated to Gaining Equality. While supervised by the USF faculty and other licensed professionals, the students are responsible for the clinic’s operational design and implementation.


IPSF Public Health SPOT

BRIDGE Pharmacy Clinic Financial Director BRIDGE Pharmacy Clinic Research Director BRIDGE Pharmacy Clinic Student Volunteer

Collaboration between students and staff of USF Morsani College of Medicine (MCOM), College of Pharmacy (COP), College of Public Health (CoPH), College of Nursing (CON) and Department of Physical Therapy (dPt) is essential to the delivery of optimal patient care within the clinic. BRIDGE provides an exceptional educational setting for USF health students and faculty who are eager to gain experience working with members of a culturally diverse community. Interdisciplinary collaboration at BRIDGE encourages long-lasting bonds between students from various health care settings and builds trust amongst professions. All volunteers are interested in gaining exposure to unique educational opportunities by providing medication services to a diverse patient population. In fall 2014, we had the support of international pharmacy students from Spain who brought a unique perspective to all the volunteers in the clinic.


When a patient is initially examined they meet with a team of students to identify their specific needs. Depending on the patient, they may be referred to medicine, pharmacy, social work, physical therapy, or public health. Medical students identify disease states and develop appropriate therapy plans. Pharmacy’s focus is educating the patient and/ or their families about medication therapy management, device training, and tips to selfmonitoring. Physical therapy students are able to screen the patient and provide rehabilitation guides, therapeutic equipment, and medications to improve the patient’s quality of life. Social work and public health provide the patient with various resources to support their families and perform screenings, such as HIV, without a charge. As an interprofessional team, our goal has always been to improve the health outcomes of our patients by offering expert advice and management from students and licensed health care providers. Students who engage in the BRIDGE Healthcare Clinic are exposed to the benefits of an interprofessional team earlier in their career. To continue advancing healthcare, students will take their knowledge into practice and continue forming relationships with various health professionals in order to provide the best care possible to their patients.



Mr. Bruno Rački, Croatia

Information Technology Coordinator CPSA, Croatia

Humanitarian December, Croatia


Dear IPSFers from all around the world, My name is Bruno Rački. I am an IPSF Public Health Committee member and the IT Coordinator

interesting and educational lectures on the topic, “AIDS is transferred by ignorance”. The lectures covered not only AIDS and the HIV virus, but other

of the Croatian Pharmaceutical and Medical Biochemistry Students’ Association (CPSA), our national association. Last year, our Association celebrated its 20th birthday and we have a lot to to be proud of. Every month, we organize different public health campaigns. Some of which involve the IPSF. But still, one month is always special - December - since this has been our most humanitarian and positively charged one. CPSA represents all pharmacy students in Croatia. There are two faculties: one in Zagreb, and one in Split. Students from the latter joined our Association in 2014. We are very proud of them. They have shown great enthusiasm in their public health campaigns. They were also very active last December with their two major campaigns AIDS Awareness Campaign and the Humanitarian Fritulijada.

sexually transmitted diseases as well, such as chlamydia, syphilis, and genital herpes. The goal of the campaign was to educate other students of the harm and danger that these diseases can inflict, as well as the importance of protection.

Right at the beginning of December, our members from Split held the AIDS Awareness Campaign in a collaboration with the Croatian Medical Students’ International Committee (CroMSIC) at the Faculty of Medicine in Split. Students conducted

Back in our headquarters in Zagreb, we organized the traditional Pancake and Cookie Day, also known as “Palačinkijada”, on the 18th of December. For eight years now and twice in a year (once in December and once in April or May), our students

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The other event, the Humanitarian Fritulijada, was a fundraising event which was held for the second time last 12th of December in the new student’s dormitory at the campus. Our members made cookies, cakes, and “fritule”, the trademark of Dalmatia which is a traditional homemade pastry, to raise money for the Association for Leukemia and Lymphoma Split. Some of the participants were deans, professors, students from other faculties, and even the rector of the University of Split. They all enjoyed the Christmas spirit and tasty homemade sweets.

I have to say that I am very happy to be a part of this Association since I can contribute and make actions like these possible. I recommend everyone to get involved in local and international associations because it is a wonderul experience. Moreover, the feeling of helping someone or contributing in a humanitarian action is priceless.


have made pancakes, cookies, muffins, grilled sandwiches and hot beverages with a goal of raising money for humanitarian cause. This December, we donated the money to four families with lower socio-economic status. I am very sure that we have brought smiles on their faces, and helped them get through this winter a lot easier. Aside from these campaigns, we collected food, clothes and toys for the benefit of one foster home in Zagreb in collaboration with our Faculty’s Students’ Council. Two big boxes had been positioned in the main hall near the grand lecture hall, which is the most frequent place on the Faculty, so more people could bring items for this cause. Needless to say, the boxes were fully loaded.



Ms. Claire Liew

Save the Children’s Ebola response in Sierra Leone

Outbreaks and new diseases: what’s the role of the pharmacist? The need for pharmacists in the humanitarian response to disease outbreaks is not new. Many of the leading international NGO’s include pharmacists as part of their Emergency Health Units, including Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), Save the Children and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). Those organizations that were mentioned are all active in the response to the current Ebola epidemic in West Africa. This outbreak was first identified in March 2014 although the first case had been traced back to a 2-year old child from Guinea who died of Ebola in December 2013. The shared borders among the three, most affected West African countries meant that transmission followed fast. As of April 5th 2015, 25,550 cases of Ebola had been reported with 10,587 deaths, 499 of whom were healthcare workers including doctors, nurses and pharmacists. Ebola is not a new disease. It was first recognized in 1976 and occurred in regions of sub-Saharan with normally fewer than 500 cases per year. Zero cases had been reported between 1979 to 1994, and this current outbreak dwarfs all those before it. Spread through bodily contact, Ebola is an indiscriminate disease that crosses all


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social, educational and economic barriers. Pharmacists, as medication experts, are well positioned to be an integral part of the large health team involved in managing disease outbreaks. Working closely with clinicians, logisticians, water and sanitation hygienists (WASH), and Quality Assurance specialists, pharmacists are a valuable part of the multidisciplinary team approach in disease containment and control. Managing the supply chain of pharmaceuticals and medical supplies is the most important role the pharmacist can play in this setting. Humanitarian logistics refers to the management of emergency relief supplies from their source to the beneficiaries, both efficiently and effectively. The importance of a coordinated supply chain management, as well as the optimized use of potentially scarce resources, acquires a crucial significance in a humanitarian context and cannot be underestimated. In the Ebola response, it was critical that IV fluids and antimicrobials, for example, never ran out. Furthermore, some relevant questions are as follows: Should you do daily/ weekly/ monthly stock checks? Does your team follow the FEFO (first expiry-first out)

dispensing practice? Will the roads be passable for your drug delivery if the wet season has begun? An integral part of an efficient supply chain management is procurement planning through needs assessment and quantification of requirements using consumption reports to trigger early international and local orders. As a pharmacist, you are responsible for ensuring that drug storage conditions, cold chain management, controlled drug management and healthcare waste management comply with established guidelines. Some pertinent questions are as follows: Should we follow national or global standards? Is local procurement an option and

Whilst it may not be the main task of a pharmacist in response to a disease outbreak in the humanitarian sector, clinical pharmacy is nonetheless an important responsibility and a familiar role from the usual ‘day job’ back home.

if so do local pharmaceutical suppliers meet quality standards? How should controlled drugs be managed? Who is accountable for them? If the electricity fails, what back-up is there for your cold chain items?

pump in a patient with only a peripheral line, for example. After the disease has been contained and case numbers subside, the next phase of the operation often begins. In the Ebola crisis, clinics for survivors were opened by several NGO’s


As a valuable resource to the doctors and nurses and a mobile medicines information department, the pharmacist is there to provide advice on therapeutic substitutions in a limited formulary, recommendations on antimicrobial choice in a patient with Ebola and severely impaired renal and hepatic function, and how to give magnesium and potassium replacement with no rate control

Figure 1 - Where the disaster relief pharmacist fits in



to provide both a clinical service with access to doctors, nurses, pharmacists and phlebotomists alongside experts in nutrition, child health and psychosocial support. The ongoing medical and psychological issues suffered by some people, who have lost their entire family to a disease they barely survived themselves, are very difficult to comprehend. Working as a pharmacist in this sector may also include the opportunity to work with local staff, including pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and doctors or nurses. One of our roles may be to provide training on drug management, clinical pharmacy and safe prescribing which happens either in an impromptu manner or as part of organized teaching sessions. Some relevant questions are as follows: Rather than running a training session yourself, can you empower a national pharmacist to run the session? Have you provided your colleagues with the knowledge and skills they need to take over from you when your deployment ends? Do the national pharmacists feel confident to challenge the doctors on prescribing issues? Working in disease outbreaks is not without its emotional and physical challenges but the rewards often far outweigh them. A job with meaning, where the opportunity to make a difference, to experience new cultures and to work with a community of motivated co-workers to improve the lives of others, is an experience you will never forget.


IPSF Public Health SPOT

Mr. Clement Haeck Ms. Carole Sattler

French Pharmacist, PhD student at Queen’s University Belfast French Pharmacist and general coordinator of the AVERTEM

Originally created in 1999 by a team of professors from the School of Pharmacy in Lille, France, the AVERTEM Association (Association for the promotion of Ethno-pharmacology in Tropical and Mediterranean Regions) was taken over in April 2008 by three pharmacy students who specialized in Ethnobotany, including Carole Sattler. Since then, Carole and all the French and Malgasy volunteers have helped the association to develop further and grow. Its main project, called “Madagascar: People, Plants, Remedies”, is still ongoing. The island of Madagascar is considered a hotspot for its exceptional biological diversity. The floristic inventory, which has been continuously increasing, amounts to thousands of vascular plant species.


Madagascar: People, Plants, Remedies traditional medicine is still largely predominant in Madagascar. In 2009, theWorld Health Organization (WHO) estimated that around 70 percent of inhabitants used this form of medicine. This can be explained by the ancestral and cultural use of this type of medicine, along with the relatively more cost-effective approach of medicinal plants use and ease of access to traditional medicine, as compared with conventional medication. On top of its health benefits, the preservation of medicinal plants in Madagascar also has an economic and environmental involvement. Madagascar is an important exporter of medicinal plants. However, deforestation hence overexploitation of natural resources is still taking place in some parts of the country.

However, this country’s biodiversity is endangered. About 90 percent of its flora is considered highly endemic. This is why Madagascar is one

Since 2009, pharmacy students, along with pharmacology, anthropology, environmental, botany and medical students, and other volunteers have been visiting Madagascar for study placements and missions.

of the world’s priorities in terms of biodiversity conservation. Despite the introduction of modern medicine,

Every summer, several fifth and sixth-year French pharmacy students go to Madagascar IPSF SPOT


on placements to undertake solidarity projects implemented by the association and in partnership with local facilitators. Today, the association has three main objectives: - To get to know all the medicinal plants currently used and enhance the general knowledge of these plants. - To help spread this knowledge to the local population in order to improve basic health care - To raise awareness about the protection of natural resources and the preservation of local biodiversity in the context of sustainable development. The association’s main office is still in the School of Pharmacy, at the University of Lille, allowing it to maintain a strong link with pharmacy students. Every year, the association organizes several events to promote its projects and missions. During the annual Pharmacy Forum, the association holds a stall to engage more with pharmacy students, to raise awareness among them about international solidarity and to let them know what is going on with the main project in Madagascar. It also promotes ethnopharmacology by following an intercultural approach based on strong ethics. From time to time, the association sells Malagasy craft artworks, exhibits photographs from Madagascar, and organizes awareness evenings in local pubs in Lille to raise funds for the association. Young pharmacy students from Lille have also raised awareness in France about sanitary and environmental issues around medicinal plants. They reached out to a varied audience including school children and retired people. In Madagascar, the association raises awareness around diarrheal and respiratory diseases to the


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local population. It also takes part in reforestation campaigns and implemented a pedagogical medicinal garden in an eco-touristic site in Tampolo forest. If you want to know more about the AVERTEM association, please visit its website (in French, sorry!) at www.avertem.fr , contact us via info@ avertem.fr and join us on Facebook at https:// www.facebook.com/groups/180357156835/




Ms. Adati Tarfa, USA

Vice President APhA-IPSF, Drake University, USA

How Prepared Are You for the Diverse World of Pharmacy? After two years of Pharmacy experience in the United States, I took a professional adventure

of literacy did not entertain my knowledge of pharmaceutical products as I had anticipated.

to apply my skills set at my hometown in Yola, Nigeria. The Tafary Pharmaceutical LTD was my site of choice. It is a pharmacy owned and ran by mother, a pharmacist who I strive to emulate. Enthusiastic as I had been with all of my knowledge on adverse drug reactions, drug interactions and customer service, I hoped that things would not be too different.

With the experiential service learning at Drake University, I was well prepared for the different types of patients who I would encounter in my profession. After all, I was home and still very passionate about giving back to my community.

Practicing the American Pharmacies’ chorus, I said to myself various types of statements: “Avoid grape juice when taking these medications.” “Sorry, this is not covered by your insurance Ma’am.” “We are still waiting to hear back from your prescriber.” On day one, no one came for statin therapies. On day two, there were no insurances. On day three, no patient was interested in hearing my list of adverse drug events. A week had passed by before I realized that perhaps everything was truly different. The drugs had stayed the same: albuterol, propranolol, Panadol (acetaminophen), etc., but the patients were diverse. Their culture, socioeconomic status and level 46

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I used my free time to observe closely the value of a pharmacist to the Nigerian population. Pharmacists are usually the patient’s first health care consultant. They diagnose less complicated diseases and prescribe appropriate medications. Patients only see a prescriber when their symptoms have worsen, and they are or may need to be bedridden. This poor behavior can be attributed to two factors: prescriber shortage and the cost of seeing a prescriber. With these obstacles in place, pharmacists’ accessibility is a great advantage to every community. Let me walk you down the disparity lane: The Pharmacy Store Pharmaceutical shops are called “Chemist” and usually owned by the pharmacist. In rare cases, they belong to businessmen who employ

Structure The pharmacy consists of one or two certified pharmacists and technicians. Technicians do not have a recognized name nor an education status that they have to attain. They are mostly dedicated people, in search of a job, with at least a high school diploma. They gain their knowledge through experience. There is always a pharmacist on seat and one or two technicians at the sides. Prescriptions Prescriptions are informal and come on a scribbled piece of paper. Their sources are questioned in some cases. In most occasions, the patient is prescribed with a drug on the spot, based on the severity of his/her disease and the symptoms presented by the patient. There are instances

where the patient presents a laboratory result and it is interpreted by the pharmacist before recommending a drug. Fast movers These are subjective in American stores. They are mostly blood pressure medications, asthma therapy, and pain killers. In Yola, they are chloroquine base due to the tropical weather that harbors mosquitoes, antibiotics for children and pain relievers. Certainly, the need to alleviate pain is global.


pharmacists. Nevertheless, all chemists are independent of one another and not under a drug store chain. Sometimes the chemists have a stationery store attached. These are usually small in size and do not include groceries as seen in the United States.

Controlled substances There is no necessity for controlled substances. Medication abuse is a global subject. However, occupants of this part of Nigeria can barely afford legal drugs, and thus people cannot afford to buy any for abusive purposes.

Medication/insurance Over 50 percent of the prescriptions are abounded in the pharmacy due to patient unaffordability. An



equivalent of $5 (1,000 Nigerian Naira) is the cut off mark for expensive medications. Pharmacist are trained to be empathetic and not run the chemist as a profitable place. Therefore, there are usually means in place to cover the cost. Sometimes, it is a loan. This usually works since communities are usually small and made up of trustworthy individuals. Counterfeit recognition Counterfeit medications comprise a billion dollar market that flourishes well in developing countries. National Agency for Food and Drug Administration (NAFDAC), is a Nigerian organization that battles this market. Drugs now must have special NAFDAC numbers. The more expensive drugs have scratch cards on them with special codes that need to be verified via text message. After five weeks of observation and experience, I realized that there is perhaps nothing as diverse


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as the pharmacy profession. While some practice specifics cannot be transferred directly between different practice locations, our professional curricula prepare us for differences we might encounter. I hope you enjoyed reading my experience and I hope it encourages you to go somewhere new and experience the pharmacy-culture shock that can easily be overcome with enough experience and the spirit of adaptation.

Mr. Luis Mejia Ruiz

Contact Person ACEQF, Colombia

A Smile at Christmas


A project made with love of other departments of the universities against A Smile at Christmas, or Una Sonrisa en Navidad in Spanish, is our humanitarian campaign. This campaign takes place in the month of December during the Christmas season. It seeks to generate smiles on the children’s faces by bringing them gifts, such as toys, clothes, and food, at Christmas. This project has been implemented by our association since 2005. It aims to stimulate the social and human sense of each partner of the ACEQF: the administrators, teachers, and support staff from various universities where the pharmacy program is being taught. It also seeks to unite the ACEQF in one thought at Christmas time by bringing smiles to the children in need by donating gifts, nonperishable food, clothing and cleaning supplies, and by generating a social impact on the chosen community.

the abandonment of some settlements; and, - To spread the perception of Colombian Pharmaceutical Student´s Association, or the Asociación Colombiana de Estudiantes de Química Farmacéutica (ACEQF) as a youth association that proactively aims to make an impact at different levels of the society. The project was carried out in five cities in Colombia. It benefited more than 500 children in poverty and those living with disease conditions. We conducted this campaign in various places, such as foundations of children with cancer, pediatrics ward of a university hospital and with people of economic shortage in our country.

The objectives of the campaign are: - To promote the active participation of partners in social activities and volunteering, in which the students can approach certain populations with vulnerable children in a region where the project is being promoted; - To sensitize teachers, administrators and students



Our results in the last Christmas of 2014 are listed below: City Antioquia (Bello) Atlántico (Barranquilla) Bolivar (Palenque) Cundinamarca (Sesquilé) Valle del Cauca (Cali)

Place School CARI Hospital Tourist Parador de San Basilio de Palenque Esperanza y Vida Foundation Casita de Belen Foundation

The methodology established for A Smile at Christmas is as follows: 1. Search the population of children in which the activity can be implemented (hospitals, schools, poor neighborhoods within the city, surrounding municipalities, etc.). 2. Introduce the objectives and the name of the event to potential partners and stakeholders in the business, inviting them to be linked either through donation of resources (grants represented in toys, clothing, non-perishable food and cash) or voluntary participation. 3. Generate a plan prior to the completion of the event action. This plan should include the following activities: • Academic activities of health promotion and disease prevention in the community where the event will take place (Example: talk about Dengue, hand washing, STDs, etc.) • Perform recreational activities with the participating children to A Smile at Christmas; suggested performing dramas, dances, competitions, or Christmas novena • Provide snacks to children and parents attending day A Smile at Christmas really has been an activity that attracted more members to our association, precisely because of the social 50

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Scope More than 80 children More than 50 children More than 50 children 45 children More than 50 children

impact it generates and social work that meets humanity. Finally, I invite you to watch the promotional video https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=PxNfpf1PIMk It has been an honor for me to share with all IPSFers this great humanitarian campaign ACEQF. If you want to know more about this project please feel free to contact me at this e-mail address: cpcolombia.aceqf@gmail.com See you in the next edition!

Ms. Aya Jamal, Sudan

Contact Person FPSA, Sudan

Because We Care

Background Medical convoys have been performed by the FPSA annually ever since the establishment

Taking one of the biggest convoys held by the FPSA as an example

of the faculty in 1946. These have been conducted to keep the members under a continuous atmosphere of practice, and to remind ourselves of those in need of our help those people who are just waiting for someone to give them the hope and most importantly the cure for life. Carrying out such medical trips is a primary must-do activity in the faculty. It is non curricular and almost 100% of it is done by the FPSAs’ students and other medical students. It has been considered as one of the biggest convoys held by a students’ association in Sudan. The aims of the activity are as follows:

AL GADAREF MEDICAL CONVOY Al Gadaref is one of the biggest cities in Sudan which comprises a huge number of villages that lack medical services. Accordingly, we decided to target those villages in order to achieve our mission. We hope that there will a come a time where we will be able to cover all the areas in Sudan, and even take our activity at an international scale. Duration of the convoy: - From the 13th to the 21st of December 2014. Targeted location: - 10 villages in Al Gadaref city. Number and type of targeted patients: - Men’s Clinic: 769 - Women and Children: 1,716 - Number of samples analyzed in the laboratory: 785 -Number of targeted audience for health education: 8,707 - The traveling time to the targeted villages was approximately 35 to 1:45 minutes from our central residence in AL GADAREF city.

- To deliver medical services and raise the health awareness in the deprived areas; - To allow the members to experience the humanitarian works; and, - To let the members experience a good practice field under the control of specialists. SO, - How to run such an activity in my association? - What is the best way to take it to perfection?



Medical Trip by FPSA-Sudan, University of Khartoum


Number of students taking part in the activity: (45 males and 35 females, for a total of 80) They are: - 40 Pharmacy students from the FPSA; - 25 from the Faculty of Medical Laboratories; and, - 15 Doctors. Other organizations or parties, including professors or advisors, involved in the activity: 1 - Faculty of Medical Laboratories. 2 - Qualified Doctors from the Ministry of Health. 3 - World Health Foundation. 4 - World Health Organization (the collaboration was only in the level of providing public health awareness posters and leaflets). Description of the activity: *Necessary Drugs: the FPSA sent official letters to major pharmaceutical institutions/ establishments (pharmacies, factories, companies, etc.) and specific individuals in an approach to achieve support from the targets (in the form of cash to purchase drugs and/or provision of the needed drugs). *Financial support: Also, official letters were sent to as many companies and individuals, as possible.


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*Health Awareness Materials: mainly via the Ministry of Health departments Methods and instruments: 1 - Leaflets 2 - Mosquito nets 3 - Sufficient amount of essential drugs 4 - Appropriate equipment needed for the work of medical laboratories and doctors 90 percent of the villages lacked health care centers, and the abandoned schools were the only alternative venue where the event could take place. The event involved a total of seven days. Six days were allotted for the medical treatment of the local community, and the last day for visiting the landmarks within the area. - The working hours: 8:30 am to 8 pm. - Students were divided into two groups (Group A and Group B). Each group targeted five villages. Within each group, subgroups were

of the organization, contents, structure, and campaign. Obstacles: We had encountered many obstacles of which funding was the most critical. The activity was fruitful and it was worth preparing for. It allowed us to determine the most common diseases in the 10 villages of Al Gadaref that we visited. Identifying these diseases helped us to think of ways on how to address them and to provide the area with the most used drugs there. Doing this will ensure that our mission had been achieved, and that it is time to move on to another area. A considerable number of students had participated. This stimulated them to assume the responsibility of cultivating the community about the general health. Finally, we in FPSA are trying to make our members more involved in such type of humanitarian activities, and our goal is to take this activity globally.


formed. - The students spent the day working in shifts, according to their subgroups, and they covered the following parts: 1 - Spending time with the doctors in the clinic to improve their patient counseling skills 2 - Spending time in the pharmacy, to learn about: - The therapeutic uses, contraindications, and adverse effects of the different drugs as well as their appropriate doses; - How to deal with/read prescriptions; - The different trade names of the drugs, their respective main active ingredient; and, - The different types of dosage forms. 3 - Conducting health awareness campaigns: in the health centers, schools, homes, souks, and also addressing crowds of civilians to strengthen their medical knowledge about the following: (AIDS, TB, diabetes, smoking and tobacco, cancer (mainly breast cancer), etc). 4 - Performing evaluation: A survey was conducted at the end of the activity in order to obtain feedbacks from the participants. The responses were used for the evaluation




Ms. Ana Catarina Santos, Portugal Ms. Sara Marques, Portugal

NASA Coordinator, AEFFUP, Portugal

Vice-President AEFFUP,Portugal

Vitamin ‘‘A’’ “What is volunteering?”

As a group of volunteers, we ask ourselves this question for too many times and the general answer has always been: volunteering is helping people and feeling good about it. However, as we started doing volunteer work, we came to understand that we have been completely wrong, but we will explain this further ahead. NASA, or Núcleo de Ação Social AEFFUP, is a group of volunteers from our college, Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade do Porto (FFUP), who dedicate their time once a week or twice a month to one of these projects: 1) Apoio Social da Zona das Fontainhas (ASZF), by providing support to children in their studies; 2) Cooperating with Amor Perfeito, by delivering food to the homeless people of Porto and by giving them “food kits” for the rest of the week; and, 3) Vitamina (A)legria, the most recent project, by visiting a Day Care House and by spending an afternoon with the elderly and young people. The Vitamina (A)legria project was born on the 29th of October 2014. It started in Serviços de Assistência Orações de Maria (SAOM), which is


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a Daycare House situated at the center of Porto with an amazing view above Douro river. It was established with the objective of rehabilitating and providing social support to the elderly and young people. At first, we did not know what to expect with the activity and we were a little bit nervous despite the day program being well defined. But still, we started with a cardiovascular screening by evaluating the people’s blood pressure, glucose levels, cholesterol, body mass index. In the end, a simple pharmaceutical advice was given to everyone in spite of our inexperience. At the same time, we playing cards and board games to entertain those were waiting. After which, we ate various types of snacks that were obtained through the sponsors and talked intimately with them at the sound of music. Finally, we invited our magnificent Tuna da Faculdade de Farmácia (TFP) to sing and enchant with their beautiful voices the ladies… and the gentlemen of course. In our perspective, this day could have never been better! It overcame our expectations from

the first to the last minute. As we were dealing with the older people, we had observed that they gave too much consideration to their health and they liked to feel full of attention. We noticed that from the moment that we arrived and dressed as pharmacists they became anxious to be involved in everything. They were interested in the screening and asked many questions. The snack time was also very important since it gave us an opportunity to talk with them, and to realize how much experience they have and how much we can learn from them. At the end of the day, the people, especially the ladies, loved the TFP actuation because a serenata was performed and they were very pleased. We felt that this day was extremely and enormously successful because we left that Day Care center bringing more than what we left inside. Nowadays, we realize that our main concern is guaranteeing that we are helping others and they feel good about it, not us! This is the pure way of volunteering -- expecting nothing in return. This is volunteering!



n e e H e H c r en i c r l a i c l a b i w l b u w a b u p a u h p s t h p s s l arene public Hea awarenes ublic Healt awareness ublic p th ss s l s sp lth e a s e a n e e n e e H n r e H c r e a i c r li a bl ic wa l b u w a b u p a u h p s t h p s s l t s s l e a waren ss public He lth awarene s public Hea h awarenes public s s lt e a waren ss public He lth awarene s public Hea h awarenes public s s lt e a s e a n e e n e e H n r e H c r e a i c r l a i l a ic w l aw b ub w a b u p a u h p s t h p s s l t s s l e s e a n ea e n e e H n r e H c r e a i c r l a i w l a b ic w l b u w a b u ha p a u h p s t h p s s l t ss es al ne ea e n e e H n r e H c r e a i c r l a i c w l a b i w l b u w a b u ha p a u h p s t h p s s l lt a ss es a ne e e n e e H n r e H c r e a i c r l a i c w l a b i w l b u w a b u p a u th a h p s t h p s ss s lt e al s e a n e e n e e H n r e H c r e a i c r l a i lth aw reness pub Health aw ness publ ealth awa ness public e c r a i cH re l a i w l a b i w l a b u w a b u h p a u t h p s l t h p s s l a t ss es al ne ea e n e e H n r e H c r e a i c r l a i w l a b w l a ealth areness pu lic Health a areness pub ic Health aw reness pub w a bl ub wa aw b u h p a u t h p s l t h p s s l a t s s l e a e s e a n e H e n e H cH re en are i c r l a i w l a b w a b u w a u h p a Healt wareness blic Health wareness p lic Health areness pu a u w a ub h p a t h p s l t h p s s l a t s s l e a e s e a n e e n e e H cH n r e H c r e a i lic ar bl wa aw b u w a u h p a t h p s l t h p s s l a t s s e n ic He h awarene public Hea awarenes ublic Heal e r a w a t h p s l t h s s l lic Hea h awarene public Hea awarenes ublic Healt awareness p s lt th h s s l a t s l e a e s e a n e H e n e e H c n r e H c r e a i c r l a bli i w l a b w a u w a ub h p a t h p s l t h s s l a t s l e a e e a n e ublic H alth aware ss public H lth awaren s public He th awarene a e es al ne e H n e e H c r e H i c r ub l a i c l a p b i w l b s w a b s u pu a u e h p p n lt ss e s lth a r s e a e a e n e H n e w H c r e a i c r en r a h t a l w w a publ ealth awa ess publi a a e H th h l t c l a i l a n e H b e e H c r u H i s publ Health awa ness public wareness p ness public ealth aware a re H ic re l a h c t a b i l w l ar u w a a b w p a e u h a s H t h p s l t h c s l a i t a e es bl al e H n e u H c e p H i c r l i s c l a b i s l ess pu th awarene reness pub c Health aw reness pub Health awa a l li a ic w a l a b w a e b u w a H u h p a t h p c s l i t h s s l a t s l e bl a e a n e He n e e H c r e H i c r l a i c l a b i w l b u w a ness p blic Health areness pu lic Health a areness pub ic Health aw l b u w aw b u p a u h p a s t h p s s l t h s s l e a t s l e a e e a n e en H n e e H H c re lic ar i c l a b i w l b u w a b u p a u h p s ealt ess p alth a ness ealth enes

Public Health Awareness

Public Health Awareness

Breast Cancer Campaign Coordinator FPSA, Sudan

Ms. Omnia Hamza Farah , Sudan

Breast cancer campaign

c Dear IPSFers Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed ic cancer in women worldwide, and is second to cancer as the leading cause of cancer deaths. lic lung When compared to other developed countries, incidence of breast cancer in Sub-Saharan Afblic the rican countries is low; however the cancer picture c i l ub in Sub-Saharan Africa is rapidly changing, especially in Sudan. Lately, breast cancer incidence c i l b u p and mortality has been rising. publiIncour campaign we aim further to close the gaps in icbreast cancer awareness and advance prevenl b u p s tion ,treatment and support for all who are affectc the disease - by fundraising for khartoum edliby b u p s s breastccare lth(KBCC). a e centre H i l b u p ess Aims:th public l e 1. aTo raise awareness in our society by advancH c i bl ic scientific understanding of all aspects ing the l b u p cancer. ness of bbreast c i l u increase our support to improve the lives of 2. pTo s s e n e ic by the disease by fundraising. l those affected b u p renes3. s To promote ic and encurage the early detection l b u p to minimize its risks. ssof the disease, e n e r c a Date and liof the activity : b u time p s es arenFrom lic to 26th of February . 22 u of b February p s es Sudan-khartoum. n e r Country: a lic w b u p s es n e r a ic l b aw u p ess n e r a aw th

Organizing association: Faculty of Pharmacy Students Association- FPSA. Other organizations involved in the activity : Khartoum breast care centre (KBCC). Locations of the activity: - Uofk ,medical campus ,Faculty of pharmacy on 22th feb. - Maternity hospital and women’s prison in omdorman on 23th feb. - Eastern Nile region (wd defe3a village ) on 24th feb. - Sudani telecom company on 25th feb. - Child city park (closing day ) on 26th feb. Numbers and and type of target audience: 1,250. Number of students taking part in the activity: 80 students. Description of the activity: - Methods and used materials/tools; - Fabric pink ribbon; - Instructive posters; - Videos. - Balloons and fabric logos; - Banners and flyers



- Brochures; - Bazar. Contents: 1) Workshop about breast cancer : The workshop was introduced by Dr.marseel from khartoum breast cancer centre , the goal from workshop was to give participants an overview about disease and to develop an understanding of campaign strategy. 2) The campaign: The inauguration was held in the medical campus. The sections of exhibition were: •

how breast cancer develops, and why our immune system cannot defend our body from cancer.

The symptoms of the disease.

factors increase the risk of disease.

Self detection.



Day 2: campaign targeted women in Maternity hospital and Students shared some tips about the disease with women . printed brochures , posters and bookmarks were used . Day 3: it was held in Eastern nile region (wad dafeaa village) Day 4: it was held in sudani company. In the closing day a woman who survived breast cancer talked about combating the illness. In FPSA-Sudan we seek out the best ways of


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awareness, bringing minds together and sharing knowledge to overcome and outlive breast cancer and other diseases.

Public Health Awareness

Ms. Raquel Oliveira, Portugal

Contact Person AEFFUL, Portugal

Public Health Campaign on Cardiovascular Risks Cardiovascular diseases are the most common cause of death globally, especially in third world countries. In fact, more people die annually from


CVDs than from any other cause. The key fact is that these diseases can be prevented by an early detection of risk factors such as hypertension, diabetes, and hyperlipidemia, along with public policies that educate and support people to prevent them from developing these type of diseases.

heterogeneous group of the population, from children to older people. To achieve this, the campaign was set in schools, faculties, adult day care centres, and by the pools and gym and of the faculty campus.

As future pharmacists, we have the responsibility to be informed and to address behavioral risk factors to the population. Therefore, aiming to help fight against these deadly diseases, and bringing closer to the population the role of the pharmacist, the Students Association of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Lisbon organized, on March of 2015, a Public Health Campaign on Cardiovascular Risks. The Campaign was divided in two parts. First, the theoretical matters, where students had two days of workshops and lectures so that they could better understand the physiology and physiopathology of the cardiovascular system. Then, all the participants spent one week on

The main goal of the campaign was to reach a

The campaign was subdivided in three stages. Firstly, people were to fill a form asking questions about their lifestyle habits and had their anthropometric measures taken. Secondly, their blood sugar, arterial tension and cholesterol levels were measured. Finally, the last stage focused on counselling the population in which the student explained the values obtained and advised each person on following a healthier lifestyle if needed. The total number of students that participated in this campaign was 85 and more than 500 people were tracked. We believe the main goal of this activity was achieved. We managed to raise the awareness of the population to this problem and hopefully we accomplished to change some unhealthy habits, improving the quality of life of some people.



In addition, we managed to educate students so that in the near future they will be informed pharmacists, ready to promote health between the population. By taking small steps on changing people’s mind and knowledge, we are working on a long pathway to a healthier world!


IPSF Public Health SPOT

Public Health Awareness

Ms. Marie-Hélène Charles

IDF Communications Coordinator

World Diabetes Day Uniting the global diabetes community Diabetes is a huge and growing problem. The latest estimates published by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) indicate that there are currently 387 million people living with diabetes, an alarming number that is set to rise to 592 million within the next twenty years. A further 316 million with impaired glucose tolerance are at high risk from the disease, with projections indicating that over 1 billion people will be living with or at high risk of diabetes in 2035. Diabetes is on the rise all over the world and countries are struggling to keep pace. The misconception that diabetes is “a disease of the wealthy” is still held by some – to the detriment of desperately needed funding to combat the global epidemic. But the evidence published by IDF disproves that delusion: a staggering 77% of people with diabetes live in low- and middleincome countries, and the socially disadvantaged in any country are the most vulnerable to the disease. The need for increased awareness of diabetes is enormous. It is estimated that close to half of all people currently living with diabetes have not been diagnosed, and in many cases the disease is diagnosed late, when serious complications affecting the eyes, heart, kidneys and feet have already developed.

World Diabetes Day (WDD) was initiated by IDF and the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1991 to address the lack of awareness of the signs, symptoms, consequences and costs of diabetes. From humble beginnings, it has developed into a large-scale global campaign that brings together the more than 230 members of IDF in 170 countries, the wider diabetes community and other concerned individuals and organisations to produce a powerful voice for diabetes awareness and advocacy. Celebrated annually on 14 November, World Diabetes Day is represented by the blue circle, the global symbol for diabetes awareness. Healthy Eating is the World Diabetes Day theme for 2015 in continuity of 2014 activities and materials which focused on the importance of the simple, cost-effective intervention that is a healthy breakfast, to lessen the global burden of diabetes and save billions in lost productivity and healthcare costs. The campaign encouraged everyone to “Get off to the right start.” 2014 key activities organised by IDF to mark the day included a high-profile breakfast event in Brussels - involving speakers from WHO, the World Bank and the European Commission - that promoted the importance of coordinated and concerted action to confront diabetes and other IPSF SPOT


non-communicable diseases (NCDs) as a critical global health issue, and a targeted social media campaign that leveraged the World Diabetes Day key messages and materials through Facebook and Twitter. IDF also launched an advocacy campaign on the occasion of the G20 Summit in Brisbane, Australia, calling on the G20 governments to implement national prevention plans and introduce policies to reduce sugar, salt and fat intake. In 2015, World Diabetes Day will continue to focus on the importance of healthy eating as a key factor in the fight against diabetes and a cornerstone of health and sustainable development. The year will mark the beginning of the transition of World Diabetes Day from a campaign focused on one day into a year-long set of activities and actions to engage key opinion leaders. Key opinion leaders – policy-makers, governments, UN bodies, health ministers, heads of industry, leading health professionals and celebrities – are the most influential people to advocate for greater access and availability of healthy food to reduce the global burden of diabetes, help save billions in lost productivity and healthcare costs and in the end make a real change for people with diabetes and those at risk. In 2015, World Diabetes Day will continue to work with a strong network of stakeholders including IDF members, WHO and other international bodies, NCD alliance partners active in the fields of heart disease, cancer, tuberculosis and other preventable diseases, industry and leading members of the diabetes community to deliver messages and materials that are relevant to local and regional settings. The campaign is also engaging and forging collaboration with national and global celebrities to help convey IDF’s messages to a mainstream


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audience that remains poorly aware of the individual and societal impact of diabetes. One example is UK chef and campaigner Jamie Oliver and his Food Revolution Day initiative. In 2015, IDF is supporting his global petition to persuade the governments of the G20 countries to provide their nations’ children with the basic “human right” of food education in schools. Closely connected with the World Diabetes Day 2015 theme, this support aligns with IDF’s global effort to demand immediate action to halt the rise in obesity and type 2 diabetes among young people. The rising diabetes numbers paint a grim picture but we have the knowledge and expertise to begin creating a brighter future for generations to come. By engaging and uniting a community of dedicated individuals around a common cause, World Diabetes Day contributes to building the levels of awareness and action that are required to halt the rise and make healthy foods and living environments accessible and available to all. Follow the World Diabetes Day 2015 campaign at www.worlddiabetesday.org

Public Health Awareness

Ms. Jana Končalová, Slovakia

Contact Person SPSA, Slovakia

Biochemical measurements: Do you know your cholesterol level? The essential part of Public Health Campaigns organised by Slovak Pharmaceutical Students’ Association is biochemical measurement. Educated students measure a level of cholesterol and glucose from sample of capillary blood, as well as blood pressure and Body Mass Index. This academic year we have organised six PH campaigns – four times during the project called Educated Student. Educated Student What is the quality of health among students? This is the question we asked in SPSA and it is the reason why we decided to organize biochemical measurements directly in selected faculties of our university. The first one was conducted at the Faculty of pharmacy, the second one at the Faculty of law during december, the third at the beginnig of summer semester at the Faculty of education and the fourth will be in May at the Faculty of management.

of measurements. We were truly surprised by students’ interest in consultations. Being an active provider of biochemical measurements is an enriching exprerience for students. In Slovakia , many community pharmacies provide this type of service free of charge and a pharmacist has to know how to perform them. Since the students are rarely able to perform these tasks during the compulsory practise in pharmacy, it is an unique opportunity to acquire handy skills. The fifth measurement: World Heart Day Every year on World Heart Day, SPSA is the part of campaign organised by Slovak Heart Foundation. Biochemical measurements are offered to passerbies on the main square of the capital. The

So far more than 200 students were examined. They got to know their level of cholesterol and glucose, blood pressure and BMI. The important part of this PH campaign is a guidance which is provided by our educated students after the end



measurements are carried out during the whole day and our students measure cholesterole, glucose and BMI. The sixth measurement: School of Health So far, this was the biggest PH campaign prepared by SPSA which was held in the spirit of interprofessional cooperation. Students of pharmacy, medicine, dentistry, health services and Red Cross Youth took part in this outstanding campaign. Our students measured the level of cholesterol, glucose and blood pressure as well as BMI and level of CO in breath using smokeanalyser. Medical students provided the guidance to self-examination of testicles and breasts and prevention information on colon cancer. They prepared the Teddy bear hospital to show children


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that they do not have to be affraid of injections or doctor appointments. Dentistry students taught proper technique of teeth brushing and Red Cross Youth manifested the accurate first aid. Students from Slovak Medical University provided guidance in the field of healthy diet. Last but not least, we would like to thank to all our members and also to our former vicepresident and chairperson for education, Lucia Matúšková who was the head of these projects. If you are interested in similar activities, contact our CP. Contact: cp.spsa@gmail.com

Public Health Awareness

Mr. Ivan Ramos, Portugal

Contact Person AEFFUP, Portugal

A Small step in the fight against tuberculosis... How many of us were aware of Tuberculosis? How many of us try to do something to eradicate this disease? Then came the opportunity to participate in an International Pharmaceutical Students’ Federation (IPSF) Public Health campaign with the theme “STOP TUBERCULOSIS”! We know we can’t change the world but our contribution may be a small step in the fight against this disease, a step that however small it may be, can make a huge difference in the future. It is not easy to reach people, not easy at all! Not only because many of them in their daily forays don´t want to dispense their time, even if it is just 5 minutes, and many others simply do not care. Sometimes ignoring becomes easier! If they help us, they would have a clear conscience, knowing they helped other people with their participation, not in a direct way, but through the spread of this type of campaign. In the Faculty of Pharmacy of University of Porto (FFUP), there was not the habit of taking part in this kind of campaign and, as such, our goal was that this could be the first of many! Certainly this was one of the most successful campaigns in

FFUP, not only the intervention in social media, but also by the “physical” intervention with our members. In social media, we had a huge membership, something completely unexpected. Several people altered the profile photo to one using the PicBadge and received many ‘likes’, meaning that many people realized that there really was a problem, and this is why it was created the “World Day of Fight Against Tuberculosis”. We need institutions to warn of this problem, in order to disclose the information, to prevent disease, but it is also necessary that the affected aware that other evidence. With the help of the Mobility core of our Students’ Association (NuMA), we were able to organize a joint campaign with the Students’ Association of the Pharmacy Faculty of Lisbon, a pioneering collaboration that worked really well. We tried to make an innovative campaign, different from those who had been done so far in both Universities, and with a linkage between both parties. A day before the beginning of the campaign, we put up several red paper sheets on the wall next to the campaign stall to make “visual impact” and leave some clues to make passers-by guess what was going to happen next day.



The feedback we received from many people was very positive, stating that such initiatives make all the difference, however small they may be! AEFFUP hopes to continue contributing to raise awareness to Public Health topics relevant to the world!


IPSF Public Health SPOT

Public Health Awareness

Ms. Diana Petrescu, Romania

National Coordinator of the Public Health Department for FASFR, Romania

Tuberculosis Awareness Campaign 24-26 of March 2015 Did you know that a third of the world’s’population is infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis? In Romania, there are many people diagnosed

Tuberculosis. Furthermore, they offered many information about prevention and vaccines. Even if we are studying pharmacy, we should try

with Tuberculosis and the number of patients is raising day by day, because of the lack of information. That was one of the main important reasons to organize a Tuberculosis Awareness campaign, in order to motivate the medical personnel for further progress towards eliminating tuberculosis as a public health burden. The aim of this campaign was to inform students and the general public about tuberculosis, its incidence, the symptoms, how to diagnose it, the available treatment and also about its prevention.

to know more about tuberculosis and how to counsel the patients. In that purpose, the Public Health Department for FASFR organized on the 25th of March a webinar for pharmacy students from all the universities. At the webinar were 60 participants. The speaker for the webinar was Stefan Radut, the Vice President of the Support Association of Patients with Multidrug Resistant Tuberculosis, who was a patient with multidrug resistance tuberculosis and he was cured. During the webinar, he shared with us some parts of his life, the way he was diagnosed and how he succeeded in managing this illness with the support of his friends and family. He has also told us about the appropriate treatment and the involvement of pharmacists in counselling patients with tuberculosis. At the end of the presentation, he told us about the Support Association of Patients with Multidrug Resistant Tuberculosis and why he decided to join them and to help patients with tuberculosis. In conclusion, I would like to add that pharmacists have an important role in counselling patients with tuberculosis and I hope that all the participants realized that.

The campaign took place from the 24th to the 26th of March in Bucharest, Oradea, Iasi and we also organized a webinar about tuberculosis named “Access to treatment and cure for every patient” for Romanian students. On the 24th of March, we promoted World Tuberculosis Day on Facebook through some leaflets made by local Public Health Coordinators. In every city where this campaign was developed, students gave leaflets to people in public spaces, informed them about tuberculosis, about the importance of early diagnosis and treatment before turning into Multidrug Resistance



Mr. Elie M. Mandela, Rwanda

Public Health Officer RPSA, Rwanda

Anti-diabetes campaign at the University of Rwanda


Just after a few weeks after the election of the new committee, the idea to do an Anti-Diabetes Awareness Campaign came up. But with a few

and local population during the two day campaign that ended on 14th November 2014. Thirty volunteers from different pharmacy

days to prepare a campaign, it all started small targeting only pharmacy students. But as days went by and a lot of preparation was made in order to have a successful activity, our eyes opened more and more. Ups and Downs were met during the campaign preparations, with high ambitions to have a huge impact on our community and many difficulties to overcome we grew stronger through the process. Impacting more than 1000 people seemed unattainable, but with a determined team like ours, it was not as difficult. The campaign coordinated by the Public Health Officer Mr Elie Mandela, was a two day event and took off on 13th November 2014 at the University of Rwanda, Huye Campus at the university’s stadium starting with a training for our volunteers on diabetes, in collaboration with the Rwanda Diabetes Association. The campaign consisted of free blood glucose screening, poster presentation on diabetes symptoms, diabetes risk assessment, diabetes counselling booth and a marathon that concluded the event tagged “SWEAT OVER SWEET RUN”. More than 800 people were screened including the university staff, students

levels conducted the blood glucose screening, counseling activities during the campaign. During the diabetes risk assessment, it was identified that more than 80% of the screened people had little or no knowledge about diabetes. It was through this result that more energy and focus was put onto diabetes awareness and hence more projects and campaigns are being developed to address this lack of basic knowledge about diabetes and other NCDs (noncommunicable diseases). Furthermore, following this activity the Rwanda Pharmaceutical Students’ Association signed a memorandum of understanding with the Rwanda Diabetes Association for more collaboration in combating diabetes and NCDs in Rwanda. RPSA hence embarked on making projects related to diabetes and NCDs a yearly campaign and priority in our Public Health Commission.

IPSF Public Health SPOT

Public Health Awareness

Ms. Diana Petrescu, Romania

National Coordinator of the Public Health Department for FASFR, Romania

Cancer Awareness Campaign, during “The National Congress of Pharmacy Students from Romania”, Cluj-Napoca “The cancer has started the fight, together we end the war” In 2015, from the 1st until the 5th of April, the Pharmaceutical Students Organisation in ClujNapoca, with the support of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Iuliu Haţieganu” ClujNapoca, had the honor of being the host of the XIIIth edition of the Annual Congress. The National Congress of Pharmacy Students from Romania is the most important educational event for pharmacy students from all university centers in Bucureşti, Cluj-Napoca, Craiova, Iaşi, Oradea, Târgu-Mureş, Timişoara, as well as students in Chişinău. The theme of this congress, “The Role of the Pharmacist in the Oncologic Treatment” is an actual one, very broad from both a professional and scientific point of view. This topic was chosen because cancer is one of the most widespread diseases of the XXIst century, the number of newly registered cases is growing continuously. Thus, it is essential to inform the population on the importance of early diagnosis, appropriate treatment and, not in the least, how

to improve the quality of life. At the same time, the role of students, prospective pharmacists, may reflect in their contribution to research and the discovery of new molecules with potential anticancer effect or reduce side effects of current therapy. During the four days of the congress we presented different types of cancer and their treatment, difficulties and resistance to antitumoral agents. We have also discussed ways to improve the quality of the patients’ life and managing the disease through a healthy lifestyle. Also, we wanted to inform not only the students but also the people from Cluj-Napoca, so we have organized a public health campaign with the same theme as the congress, its name being “The cancer has started the fight, together we end the war”. The campaign took place on 3rd April, the third day of congress and it was internationally recognize by the World Cancer Day, which is an amazing thing for us, is the second year when our activities from this field is internationally recognize. The main goal was to increase awareness of this disease in the population and to illustrate the continuous fight against this ruthless disease. So, we had some panels with different color ribbons,



each representing a specific type of cancer, together with leaflets containing information about this disease. The leaflets had useful information about different types of children cancer and gynecological cancer, the most common forms of cancer. These were exposed the whole day in the main hall of our university, where was the biggest part of the participants and speakers. A part of the participants of the congress were volunteers in the campaign, taking part in all the activities that were developed. Our volunteers have shared the colourful ribbons to everyone and informed them about this

Students also informed people about prevention, and advised them to have a healthy diet rich in many vegetables and fruits; on sports activities and the importance of having at least one medical check up in every year in order to prevent cancer. The feedback from people was very good, they congratulated us for our initiative and encouraged us to develop similar activities, and to organize more awareness campaign about cancer because many people do not have the appropriate information about it. In conclusion, the campaign was a success and we succeeded in raising awareness of people around us about cancer. As pharmacists, we

disease, the risk factors, ways to diagnose and how to improve their life, in order to prevent cancer. By sharing the ribbons, we raised money, that were donated to the children with cancer from the Oncology Institute “Prof. Dr. Ioan Chiricuta”, ClujNapoca. We also collaborated with the volunteers from Little People Association, who gave us some yellow bracelets, that are the symbol of children that survive cancer after a long and hard fight. Those were sold to participants and the money we raised were donated to the children from the same institute. Furthermore, this campaign “The cancer has started the fight, together we end the war” took place also in other universities from Romania, such as Bucharest, Craiova, Oradea, Targu-Mures. The main objective was to inform people about different types of cancer through leaflets and colourful ribbons in public places. The students were so involved in this campaign that they managed to convince a few doctors to offer free Human Papilloma Virus tests, which they gave to women on the streets and explained to them how important was to prevent this type of cancer.

have the responsibility to inform everyone about cancer, how to diagnose earlier and how to manage it through a healthy lifestyle. At the same time, we need to highlight the importance of the pharmacist in cancer patients’ care and the importance of developing clinical pharmacy in hospitals.


Public Health Awareness

Mr. Yehia Dogheim, Egypt

Public Health Coordinator ASPSA, Egypt

“Together we fight diseases!!” It’s important for a pharmacist to advise, help and improve people’s health.

of death. Therefore, it’s time to raise awareness about its escalating rates around the world and

We, in ASPSA, act on such bases.

how to control it.

27th of October was our starting point from which we held a meeting through which we educated the eager ASPSA members about breast cancer, the importance of self examination, and the successful treatment as long as it is early diagnosed. Four days later, the Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign took place in a well known club. People were keen on reading our flyers, asking questions on seeking a better lifestyle, and even advising us.

This year, our event took place in a hypermarket where we targeted the locals of Alexandria. I still remember asking a man: “What do you know about diabetes?” and his answer was “Nothing”. I then started to give him some advice, and as we finished our conversation he said: “Actually I’m a doctor and my wife is diabetic, I know all what you said but I just wanted to hear your information. Well done son!”There was definitely a progress in our members, in their communication skills, teamwork, and organization, how they approached the public with more confidence and how they shed light on the importance of our

Later, the pink color started taking over the club and almost each member was holding our leaflets. We were even asked by the owner of a playschool to hold an awareness session for their teachers and parents. Seeing hope and support in people’s eyes gave us more strength to prepare for the next campaign, which was the Diabetes Awareness Campaign. 274 million people have diabetes worldwide. The World Health Organization (WHO) projects that diabetes will be the seventh leading cause

message. And now it’s time for the third public health event this year, the Hypertension Awareness Campaign. This year it took place on our campus which was for sure a great experience. We measured blood pressures for our professors, students and even workers.



Currently, I’m planning together with my amazing public health team for the EVENT OF THE YEAR in Alexandria’s biggest mall to celebrate World Hypertension Day. On that day, we are targeting thousands of people.


Giving a chance for ASPSA’s members to discover their potentials has always been our objective, and promoting the growth of our beloved association is what keeps us going. We are planning for a better future; we have a dream we are working towards.

Public Health Awareness

Ms. Jackie Dunning, USA

Ebola Awareness Week In response to the recent and devastating uprise of Ebola worldwide, our University of the Sciences’ IPSF chapter joined forces with the Microbiology Club and the American Institute of Biological Sciences Club to help make a difference. While many charities and organizations were collecting donations to aid those affected in Africa, we decided to choose a charity called Hands For Life-Sierra Leone, which was started by one of our very own USciences’ alumnus, Sam Turray. Hands For Life-Sierra Leone is an organization that has been working across the country of Sierra Leone to support those suffering from Ebola. The victims of this illness were shown in photographs as being confined to one large house surrounded by rope, to signify they had been infected. The community, as well as the government, was afraid to go near these individuals, thereby depriving them of the supplies they desperately needed. Hands For Life- Sierra Leone worked to bring aid to these victims, such as food, water, and medical supplies. Sam had mentioned to his fellow University colleagues eager to help that he could not obtain rubber gloves in Sierra Leone, but they were desperately needed. With that being said, our IPSF chapter and our fel-

low organizations started to brainstorm how we could help fundraise enough money to provide Sam and his colleagues with an adequate amount of gloves, in order to care for these quarantined individuals. We decided to host an “Ebola Week” at our University, which consisted of four fun days of activities. All of the proceeds from our week full of events were donated to Hands For Life- Sierra Leone. We started our Ebola Week off on a Monday night, where we hosted a bingo event. Throughout games of bingo and prizes being won, we took time to educate the students about the disease state and about our charity we were collaborating with. On Tuesday night, we hosted our E-“Bowl”-A pasta night, where we had many different pasta dishes, salads, and breads that students could purchase for a price of $5. We were very successful with this event and were able to continue to promote awareness regarding Ebola. Wednesday, we continued fundraising for the charity by selling plastic gloves filled with popcorn. We sold each glove for $1 and we explained to all of our customers that we were selling these delicious popcorn gloves in order to help supply Sierra Leone with gloves. To end our Ebola Week, we had three great guest speakers come to our University. Our



first speaker was Sam’s wife, who had returned to America once the threat of Ebola became unavoidable. She had left with her children and she told us of the hardships and struggles her country Ebola Awareness Week. was currently facing. After she spoke, we had two excellent speakers from the CDC, who helped continue to educate us on Ebola and how the disease was being spread throughout Africa. Overall, our Ebola Week was extremely successful. We were able to raise $300 to donate to Hands For Life- Sierra Leone by hosting our popcorn glove and E-“Bowl”-A pasta sale. Most importantly, we were able to spread awareness and facts to a large portion of our student body on campus through-


out our all of our campus activities. Faculty members still continue to fundraise individually for this great cause and with all contributions that have been made, we have raised over $6,000 to help support Hands For Life- Sierra Leone.

International Vice President of IPSF/APhA-ASP, UMKC

The Stigma Behind Mental Health Care Mental Health Awareness

Anxiety, depression, panic attacks and suicidal ideation are some of the words that come to mind when the discussion of mental illness is conveyed among the public. These words and their negative public connotation, often stray people away from the fact that mental illness is an actual disease that often needs professional attention. This year, IPSF worked together with the Counseling Center at the University of Missouri – Kansas City (UMKC) to reach out to help students and young adults understand methods of coping with mental illnesses. The outreach began with a presentation on “Signs and Symptoms of Mental Illness” presented by UMKC’s Staff Psychologist & Outreach Coordinator, Rachel Pierce, PhD. Dr. Pierce spoke with UMKC students about how to appropriately seek help for themselves or refer a friend that is suffering from mental illness. During this presentation it was brought to my attention that many students and young adults in the United States have trouble seeking help because of the social stigma that comes along with having a mental health issues. Dr. Pierce mentioned that many students and young adults don’t get treatment because they feel they would be judged by their peers for admitting they have a mental health problem.

According to the American College Health Association’s National College Health Assessment (ACHA-NCHA), in a study that included over 32,000 U.S college students, 31% were so depressed they found it difficult to function at least once in the last 12 months, 51% reported feeling overwhelming anxiety at least once in the last 12 months, and 7.5% seriously considered suicide in the last 12 months. To bring this to the attention of my peers, I wanted to host an event where students could get confidential screening by professional counselors and not feel judged by others. Together with UMKC’s Counseling Center, we hosted a “Mood Screening Event” where students could come and take a quick 8-10 minute assessment that evaluated their current mood and mental status. The screening allowed students who tested positive to receive professional help and tips for coping with their issues. Students with a negative screening were educated about signs and symptoms of mental health issues and how these complications can happen to anyone. Overall as a new program, this event provided help and education to raise awareness for mental health issues and decrease the negative stigma associated with it.


Public Health Awareness

Mr. Giovanni L. Brown, USA

Ms. Shadi Izadi, Iran

Chairperson of Research Committee, IPhSA, Iran

Summer School, a New Tool to Raise Awareness Reproductive Health

“Iran International Summer School of Reproductive Health” was implemented on 1622 August of 2014 with collaboration of IFMSAIran(IMSA-TUMS) and IPhSA(Iranian Pharmacy Students Association) under the eye of Tehran University of Medical Sciences. In this article I mention some points about health International Summer School, a tool besides public health campaigns raising awareness among academic medical sciences students. Raising Awareness among Medical Students First : Consider that it is an international event and then the fact that your target population is medical sciences students. “international health concerns” best fits that! The last thing you have to do is to cross the WHO (World Health Organisation) website in mind. Inspiring young medical university students minds to have a role in improving health and preventing disease while training them to develop their skills and knowledge regarding international health concerns was expected to be the goal of health summer school. Today’s medical students are future health policy makers so early 76 IPSF IPSFSPOT Public Health SPOT

exposure to the most essential worldwide health concerns gives them the motivation to take a role in improving health status of their societies and prepare them to come up with innovative ideas and action plans in the future. For instance, they can play their role maybe as an awareness campaigner, maybe as a public health journalist or even as a young health policy maker . Why Reproductive Health : As you may all know ,youths in developing countries are at high risk of sexually transmitted infections (STI) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection . Specifically on HIV/AIDS, according to WHO about 1.9 -2.4 million people were newly infected to in 2013. In addition, everyday more that 1 million people acquire an STI. Moreover approximately one-half of all people currently infected with HIV are females in developing countries aged <25 years. It indicates that Young Females can be the major target for educating and raising awareness. All of this moving statistics plus the fact of deficiency in adequate university courses in education curriculum for covering this issue in Iran , resulted in implementing a Reproductive

Contents of the Summer School : This course included a one-week program of workshops from morning to evening . The method of workshops were based on learning by doing and teamwork .The course ended by group presentation of participants on most important discussed materials and the certificate was dedicated to them according to quality of their presentation. TUMS, Iran Research Center of HIV/AIDS with collaboration of UNODC and UNAIDS provided the following workshops for us : 1. Gender and sex, Social construction of gender inequality, Implication of Gender inequality (sexual abuse, violence against women, FGM 2. HIV/AIDS basic science ,HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment Pregnancy and prenatal HIV infection 3. Sexology, Most prevalent STDs Female reproductive cancers Male reproductive cancers 4. Condom negotiation (decision making and refusal skills) workshop, Sexual education of youth Neonatal and infant health and mortality, Maternal health and mortality, Policy making for improving maternal and neonatal health Inequality in maternal mortality reduction 5. Abortion workshop Reproductive health in young female population and HIV/AIDS were highlighted according to their level of importance among all! Don’t forget it’s an interdisciplinary event: Another aspect of international summer schools is that you can expand your territory, by

selecting a worldwide issue you can provide the chance for medical students to learn teamwork, communication skills, critical thinking, time management and presentation skills on that matter. Getting along with these challenges teach medical students how to transform their knowledge and ideas in an international inter-professional scale. Since It is proved that education standards will promote using an interprofessional method, we gathered medicine, pharmacy, dentistry and nursing students to be trained. International events , one level upon professional: Participants were from Iran , Austria , Sweden and Indonesia. First of all, comparing other societies actions on worldwide health concerns can affect other nations to improve their system and policy making about it. Moreover, international summer school is not for only improving the level of professional equal chance of development and education but also providing an atmosphere for all over the world medical students to expand their circle of communication to a wider scale and find international friends. Fun is one important motivation : International Social Programs: Deciding to advocate a week of summer to improve your reproductive health knowledge, you need extra reasons. A post trip to Isfahan, visiting touristic spots of Iran, cooking event and movie night were part of our summer school program! Maybe you should pay a visit too! Evaluation the Last Step : Like any other activity, it is impossible to have a clue of your success


Public Health Awareness

Health Summer School.

unless you evaluate it. At the end of each day an evaluation form was designed to get feedback from the participants about different aspects, such as the content of workshops, professors, accommodation, food and social programs . At last I encourage you all to have this unique experience within your association .


Coordinator of environimental department at street cause

Public Health Awareness in Rural & Underprivilied A wake up call We being the students can make a difference & change the world. Perhaps this is the newest challenge for the youngsters, to work to bring access to information. The spread of information will have a direct impact on the degree of accountability & transparency around the world. Only then will the world’s poor & under prcvileged have a real way out of the darkness that shrouds their voices & their hopes. Stepping into portals of a college is an exciting experience , as it forms a turning point in a student’s life. This study is rightly regarded as a launching pad for one’s career oriented future - as one can explore ourselves, extend our capabilities, take part in as many activities as we can,...,express ourselves,...,spread our wings of freedom. But in this endeavour, be responsible, do not lose your track remain the kind of person you are. We, the undergraduate Pharm-d student’s in association with Street cause society decided to organize a two days campaign with a lot of interesting activities. As it was our first camp related to the street cause society, naturally many would like to raise a toast to all the new faces in here. How, we feel at this juncture. Here, I go

the Novelty that has been fascinating to man since Neanderthal times. Novelty for us is the excitement & exuberance, surprise & science, cheerfulness & joy, hope & happiness, boldness & buoyancy, positiveness & passion. What I wish to express is the same hope & challenge as new players in a cricket team or a new twist in a good story. Basically, there are many campaigns implemented in different areas of a city/country. But what is it that really makes a campaign different from others? Answer to this appropriate question lied in counducting the camp in rural & underprivileged areas where no one would like to give their service. The Health Awareness camp(2015) implemented in Hyderabad, India is a good practical example for this. The primary question was how to implement a successful campaign? To this the target was to prepare a proposal that can influence the officials & administrators & gain their confidence& cooperation to achieve our goal. Participation of pharmacy students in influencing the lifestyles of individuals & raising their level


Public Health Awareness

Ms. Rafiq Unissa, India

of awareness considering their hygiene was the main concept of this campaign. Our theme was,” Access to pharmacists is access to health.” Next hurdle which arised in the camp was promoting the event, as it was the most important thing. So, it worked out by a flash mob - promoting process. The event news quickly spreads like a fire in the forest through this. Unlike other flash mobs, our’s was an unique one ,in which we played a skit ,demonstrating a road accident in which people lose their lives due to loss of blood. To this skit, we gave a Bollywood touch, which strongly attracted students & motivated them to take part in our Blood-donation drive. We culminated flash mob, in different campuses, targeting the university students - to bring more credit to our campaign & more officials could recognize us. To inform the public, we shared informative material within the campuses, on the streets & in hostels. We are also using an event on facebook & informing the local press about our activities. Let’s look at the campaign to demonstrate its importance - Blood donation drive was started on tuesday’10 feb’15,organized by the students of MRGI in association with Street cause &Thalassemia sickle cell society, Hyderabad, India. Officially launching with Sri Ch Malla reddy(Member of parliament, chairman of MRGI),Sri Ch Mahender reddy & Dr Raja reddy as the chief patrons. Apart from this, a screening exercise was also conducted on BMI, Blood grouping, Haemoglobin testing, Bloodpressure & free Eye check up by Value vision centre to collaborate public health. Participants were counselled prior to & after their individual assessments to allay any fears & to put them at an ease. They were few anaemic patients, who were given special attention & advice on


IPSF Public Health SPOT

lifestyle modification including diet & regular exercise by seeking to the available physicians in the camp. The ongoing Blood donation camp that has grown substantially droven up more than 350 units of blood donors for about an 6 hours. We were surprised & impressed at how they are encouraging people to donate blood. Our Blood drive ended up having more people than expected. On wednesday, we continued with Health Awareness camp in which we even included free medical check up. We divided ourselves into 3 batches in 3 different rural areas - Dhulapally, Maisammaguda & Bahadurpally of 30 in each. Again we were dispatched as 3-4 members in a group to cover a locality. Basic goal was to convey the message & raise public awareness via face to face interaction in an appropriate way. Additionally our voluneers distributed about 700 flyers of Swine flu awareness & advocated in public places, residences,I n schools even. We extended our knowledge by applying what we have learned on actual people that we never interacted with. Schools play an critical role by establishing a safe & supportive environment that encourages healthy behaivours. Students teams educated people via props & demonstration by telling them to carry out healthy & hygenic habits as the virus can be transmitted by an oral route (sneezing, sharing, saliva, coughing, touching, etc).For about 300 people free medical check up was conducted under the observance of Dr Shalini singh(gyaenocologist),Dr Imam rizvi(Neurologist),Dr Syed samuel(General medicine),Dr Azhar(Dental surgeon) by setting up a community parmacy. It involved people waiting for prescription’s. They came to ask questions

Public Health Awareness

concerning their health & we pleasurely were there to offer them the answers. However, within rural areas, mostly the government schools, there should be a change in the attitude towards work, moving from simple dispensary skills to medication management among others. No doubt, this campaign was a huge success. It echoed locally & lots of people seemed interested. The camp was very educational & informative. Part of the success was no doubt due to the performance of students & co-operation of lecturers as well. No matter how tiny are the sparks of victory but we know how to fan those sparks to flames. MRGI moto lies in creating global players - I mean to stand apart from global crowd. Certainly each Health camp shall leave the students with memorable experiences. We feel so privileged with an opportunity to a good education & to be apart of an amazing group,t hat it only feels the right to give back to the society. Preserving the reputation of pharmacy in the arena of education & rededicating itself to the cause of progress, sets new objectives & marches on & on. Today I encourage & challenge others to use their role in community as a health professional. Regardless, against all ods, we the pharmacists are the best professionalists at times. Not only we are helping our communities get healthier, but we are also advancing the profession of pharmacy to be an integral part of public health in our Nation, by expanding our services. The profession is in our hands, so let’s make it better. A little change by U & Me can make the public health in rural areas a better one.



Mr. Elie M. Mandela, Rwanda

Public Health Officer RPSA, Rwanda

Tuberculosis awareness campaign at Huye prision The World Tuberculosis Day is celebrated every year on 24th March globally. The Rwanda Pharmaceutical Students Association (RPSA) through its Public Health Commission celebrated this day in a unique way. In collaboration with the Rwanda Correctional Services – Huye Prison, a teaching session was carried out for more than 40 Inmate Health Advisors (Abajyanama B’ubuzima) with emphasis on Multidrug Resistant Tuberculosis (MDR-TB) as we pharmacy students are in a better position to provide more information about complications brought about by resistance to medication. Huye Prison hosts more than 10,000 male prison inmates, consisting of different society levels including health advisors. Prison inmates are among the most vulnerable communities at risk of tuberculosis, therefore education on its awareness and prevention is essential. The Campaign Four volunteers from different pharmacy levels who carried out the teaching session were first given a short training at the Department of TB, University Teaching Hospital of Butare. The teaching session lasted for 45 minutes, engaging the inmates to


IPSF Public Health SPOT

participate and interestingly they were very open and responsive to the activity. The activity was concluded by the Social Affairs Officer, and the physician in charge of the inmates. Taking pictures of inmates is prohibited because of security reasons. Outcomes Knowledge about Multidrug Resistant – TB was provided and will greatly decrease misuse of TB medications and as a result reduce incidences of MDR – TB in the prison. This campaign resulted in the initiation of a long term Health Education Project named “PIHEP – Prison Inmates Health Education Project” that will not only enable to improve the health knowledge of prison inmates but will also enable the participating students apply the theoretical knowledge acquired from school and hence develop their practical, interpersonal and public speaking skills. Conclusion The Prison authorities emphasized on the importance of Health Education in this facility as the health advisors disseminate the information they are provided with effectively to their fellow

Public Health Awareness

inmates. Therefore we are looking forward to develop more such Health Education campaigns to further improve the health knowledge and conditions of Prison inmates as it is among our goals in the Public Health Commission at RPSA.



r i s e c es e s i n e m w d e n a e r e s e e ne r e r e e aw awerenes reness m medicin icine awe w a e n i s d e e c s i e n w e e i d a n c m e w i e a e d r m s n e e e s i m in s ne c aw dic i s e e e e d r n e n e i m e c w m i r a i eness eness med medicine edicine awe awereness ness med r e e re m ss n e w e i re c a w n e i s a e e d s w r n e e e a e i n n i m aw ic ne re i s d e e c s i e n w e i d a n c m e i m s ere ea s ine n c e w med i i s n c a d i s e e e e d r e n e in m e c w m i r a d e s s e e s w s n erene ereness m ss medici medicine a e awerene reness me cin aw we ne i s a e e d s r n e e e aw e i n c n i m i e w e c d a i n r i s d e e c s i d ne me e e dicin dicine aw r m s e e s n e w m i s n c a i s e e e e d r n e n e i m ess m ic re aw d e s s e e s w s n e a m e i n c n e i re in c e ss i e w d awere awereness ness med n a e e e r m n e w ici s a e e d s r n e e e e i n c n i m i w en e c r a i r s e d e e s e w n med w e i a a n c m e e di re n s i n e e s i c i c e w m i d n a d e e e e r n i m n e i c i c w s i d s a eness eness me d e e e e n m n m e i r c i s e s s d r s w e e e e ne aw ine aweren ereness m medicine a ine aweren eness med c r i s w e s d dic a e e e w e e n n a m e n e m e i r r c n e e i s i s s d c w w e e a a di n e e e m e n n r i i m e s c c i i s w s d d e c s a weren reness me medicine e awerene reness me ess medi e n n e i s e w c s w r m i a e a e d e n s e e w e s n a r m e i cin e c n e i s d in re aw e c es e i e n m d w n e i e a r c s i e e re m n e i c w i a med dicine aw awerenes reness d e ne i m c i s e e d e s e w n m e ness ess medici medicine a ine aweren ereness m ness med e w n ic r a e d e r s e e w s e ss n a e m e i w c n n e i s e e n d r ea s r i e e c e e n m w w di e a a e r s e e e m s n n w e i i medic medicine a ine aweren wereness ess medic edicine aw m ea dic ss ren m s n e e e s i n c e w m i e s n a r d s e e e s e e r n e in m es e c w n i r a e d e r s e e s w e n e a ine aw ne aweren ereness m ss medici medicine ne awerene w e i i medic medicine a ine aweren wereness ess medic edicine a c m i s e d s ren s n e e e s i n c e w m i e n a r d ss e e e e r n n e i m e c awe wereness w i r a ed e ss we n e a m i n c e a i e s n d r e s r i e e c e e i n w m w d e a a e r dicin s e e e m s n w e in i c c a n i i s e e d d s r n e e e e i m m w en ci dic a i r s e d e e s e n m w e i ess a n c m e di ss re n e e e ss i n c e w m i e n a r d e e e s e r s n ne aw e awerene reness m ss medici dicine awe ne awerene i e e c e i in n w c m d i e a aw e r d s e e e e m s n n w e i i m c c a n i i ed ed ess ere ine

Medicine Awareness

Medicine Awareness

ess ereicine IPSF Medicine Awareness Coordinator 2014-15 eness Ms. Lara Seitz e r e w a e edicin Antimicrobial Resistance ss e n e r we Awareness e r e w a e n ine c i d e m id e m aware of the responsible use of antibiotics in order ness Dear IPSFers, s s e to prevent spreading of antimicrobial resistance n e r e w a e Workingerine-a community pharmacy gives you (AMR). w overview about potential mistakes in aa good e n i c i d therapyithat e lead to serious consequences. Antimicrobial resistance has become a serious incan c d e There is the young male who has a cold and threat to global public health in recent years. It s ess m s e is showing ren you an empty blister package of is becoming evident that resistance to common e w a hergot e-from his friend. “It helps against antibiotics that we often take for granted is cine macrolides e w a e nose,” he says; my runny occurring at an alarming rate. In November, n i c i d e in me IPSF ran a joint campaign with the International c i d e m oral contraceptives and Veterinary Students’ Association (IVSA) and s girl who nis etaking s s enesThe reJohn’s wort as she is having difficulty further emphasized on the importance of askingw foreSt a e from e a break interprofessional collaboration in order to address re- up; dicinrecovering w a Theicbusiness ine lady whonehas been asking the third this severe health problem. d e i against her headaches; week s m time this m dforicaspirin e ssmet them all.ness I have Through our survey “Students’ Medication Use e n e r e e r w e while Studying,” over 2,000 students worldwide w a e n ci Awareness israekey element of public provided us with an insight into their medication e w a mediMedicine e n health. we have a major consumption, and their experiences in taking diAscifuture pharmacists, e e n i m c di patients are taking their prescription medication without any prescription our e ess role in sensuring m e s in the correct medication way. ssMistakes can mean and associated side effects. The numbers and the n e e n r e e r w a a seriousnthreat wtoepatients’ health and can occur, shared experiences are alarming, but stimulants a e i e c r i dinstance, through taking we the wrong dose at consumption is just a small piece of the pie of a mefor e n i ic or interactions the wrong dtime ebetween other drug misuse, abuse and addiction. e n i m c i s d e task to inform patients and food. Itm is our renesdrugs s s s e caused byrtaking smedication nrisks aboutre the from Within an Interpol operation in May 2014, about e n e e w e a w aand to furtherremake origin patients 9.6 million fake and illicit medicines have been ine an unknown e n i c i e d e w a m e n i ess dic e m ss e n IPSF SPOT 85 e r we

detected. The World Health Organisation estimates that over 50 percent of all medicines purchased through unauthorized online merchants are fake. Counterfeits are responsible for approximately one million deaths worldwide. As students and young professionals our education is on the state of the science. It is up to us to spread awareness and to inform the public and our colleagues, through campaigns, workshops and symposia, about the importance of using their medication wisely and taking it appropriately. I believe Medicine Awareness is a portfolio in which a pharmacist can serve as a life saver, but there still remains a huge capacity to improve the patients’ safety. Let us be vigilant listeners and understand each person individually in order to guarantee them the best and safest therapeutic care.


IPSF Public Health SPOT

Ms. Lara Seitz Mr. Aqil Jeenah

IPSF Medicine Awareness Coordinator 2014-15 IVSA Standing Committee member On One Health

A recent research has shown that the bacteria isolated from a soldier who died in World War I was in fact a superbug that is resistant to penicillin and other antibiotics. This is a natural phenomenon. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) occurs when microorganisms have an internal error in replication or when the traits for resistance are exchanged between the organisms. While naturally occurring, misuse of antimicrobials can also accelerate this process. Alarmingly, this is a threat because our ability to cure common infectious diseases will be reduced, leading to the need for stronger medication or even the inability to cure diseases. For example, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), in 2012 alone there were about 450 000 new cases of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. There are already 10 countries where last resort treatment for gonorrhoea (third-generation cephalosporins) has failed. Resistance has also been a concern with malaria, HIV, and influenza treatment. As a direct result of AMR, we see an increase in mortality from previously treatable diseases, control of infectious diseases becomes more complicated, and health care costs increase. In addition, the WHO Antimicrobial Resistance Global Report on Surveillance 2014 stated, “The

Medicine Awareness

Antimicrobial Resistance Awareness pipeline for the development of new antibacterial drugs is now virtually empty.” In fact, only one new class of antibiotics has been developed during the past 30 years, and certain microorganisms have developed resistance against all antibiotics currently available. This paints a bleak picture, but there is hope. The International Pharmaceutical Students’ Federation (IPSF) and the International Veterinary Students’ Association (IVSA) have come together to promote the responsible use of antimicrobials in animals and humans and to highlight the role these two professions play in advancing health around the world. As future professionals, we have the responsibility to ensure that the conditions that lead to AMR are controlled and prevented. Additionally, we are working to disseminate information about AMR by raising awareness about its causes, consequences, and appropriate action. Interprofessional collaboration between pharmacists and veterinarians is of great importance to change the landscape of AMR. We believe that the role of the pharmacist is to speak out when there is an over-prescription of certain drugs. As health professionals, they have a responsibility to make sure the correct IPSF SPOT


antimicrobial is given for the correct type of microorganism. In addition, veterinarians, as well as medical doctors, should critically consider the use of antibiotics, and base their decisions on the detection of the correct type of microorganism whenever possible. AMR is a complex problem driven by many interconnected factors. As such, single, isolated interventions might have little impact. Coordinated action is required to minimize the emergence and spread of AMR. Through a collaborative project of IVSA/IPSF for AMR Day 2014, students shared their views on possible ways to halt the spread of AMR: Health Professionals can tackle resistance by: • Spreading awareness by educating the public that AMR is a serious threat to future generations’ health. • Trying to diagnose first a patient with the type of infection, and then giving an appropriate antimicrobial drug. • Rationally prescribing antimicrobial drugs and considering supportive care as an alternative when appropriate. • Having pharmacists intervene to prevent inaccurate antimicrobial prescription by double-checking the requirement of the patient. • Ensuring that medicine regulatory bodies closely monitor antibiotic utilization. • Following correct hygiene guidelines when dealing with human and animal patients to prevent the spread of AMR.


IPSF Public Health SPOT

The public can tackle resistance by: • Using antibiotics only when prescribed by a certified health professional. • Completing the full treatment course, even if they start to feel better. • Never sharing antimicrobial drugs with other people nor using leftover prescriptions. Policymakers, scientists, and industry can tackle resistance by: • Fostering innovation, research, and development of vaccines, diagnostics, and infection treatment and control. • Using combination antimicrobial drugs that complement each other to prevent AMR. • Using antimicrobial agents in hot spot areas of hospitals to prevent the spread of AMR. • Promoting cooperation and information sharing between various stakeholders. • Strengthening infection control and prevention policies. Throughout the activities of IVSA/IPSF AMR Day 2014, students, as the future of veterinary and pharmaceutical professions, spoke out and shared their views. It is up to us, as the future, to advance knowledge through research, learn to be conscientious health practitioners and most importantly, share information about the dangers of AMR and how to prevent the spread of resistant microorganisms. Antimicrobial Resistance cannot be handled by one or the other profession: rather, a multiprofessional approach along with the help of governments and civil society is needed to put AMR down!

Ms. Elena Popa, Romania

Vice President of Internal Affairs, FASFR , Romania

Humans have always felt the need to fight threats in order to improve their lifestyle and lifespan. From shamans, priests, people with miraculous

industry that is taking over the pharmaceutical market. The first time I had contact with this organization

powers or even alchemists, it all summed up to making a potion which creates a balance that is unaltered by any disease. This behavior led to the birth of drugs, firstly extracted from plants and then to chemically synthesized drugs, with the aid of industrial and scientific revolutions.

was during the IPSF Congress, which was held in Porto, Portugal. While participating during their presentation, I had the idea of integrating this program in FASFR Romania as well as in the Department of Pharmaceutical Education and Practice, of which I was the National Coordinator (2014-2015). Working together with the local coordinators, we set this campaign from the 1st to the 12th of December 2014. With the occasion of the Romanian Pharmacy Student National Gala (4th to 7th of December), we considered that it would be a great time to coordinate our efforts in order to yield a real success. Therefore, during the first meeting with the volunteers that took place in the same city where the FASFR Gala took place, Oradea, we made from FIMO pill-shaped brooches. It was there where we did the flyer model as well. It was later distributed during the gala and later, on a national scale. Meanwhile, “Fight the Fakes” and IPSF agreed to include us in their campaign calendar. Apart from the joy that I felt while I was being surrounded by volunteers that were eager to help, I found out that things seemed to be getting easier and easier. Morning caught us still making colored pills. More than

Presently, we can find active substances in various pharmaceutical forms which aim to improve certain pharmacokinetic or pharmacodynamic properties. Unfortunately, due to economic and social factors, in the same timeline with the development of pharmaceutical departments, counterfeit medicines started to appear. These represent a hazard to humans, especially in countries where the sanitary education lacks vital aspects or is nonexistent whatsoever. Counterfeits do not respect normatives started by the health organizations and federations, thus endangering those who use them. Having the purpose of stopping this phenomenon, the “Fight the Fakes” organization was born. It essentially aims to inform the masses on counterfeits and finds strategies to crumble this


Medicine Awareness

Fight the Fakes: A Fight Against Counterfeit Medicines


that, the pictures we took during the congress were the highlight of the meeting and I would not compare the time spent with the volunteers with anything else. After drawing the campaign main ideas, tasks were designated to each of us. The FASFR president of that time, Ioana Laura Bogdan, came up with the proposal of including in the campaign agenda her project as well as giving the fact it was based on the same idea. It was presented during the Gala Scientific Session, which garnered the third prize. The pill-shaped brooches were immediately purchased by the gala participants. Soon enough, our stand got to be the main attraction there, which was being praised by professors and guests. It was a real joy to see all those students with the pills on their coats, reading the flyer, wondering and asking us when the next campaign will take place. Being a real success, the campaign was implemented by six other FASFR members. They followed the same schedule and took this initiative to a national scale. Even more, in Targu Mures University, the volunteers made a statistical accounting project regarding the evolution of counterfeit drugs. This campaign also allowed us to run a fundraising for a colleague of us with leukemia, trying to help her as much as we could. The greatest joy occurred to us when we saw the pictures uploaded on Facebook. IPSF EuRO asked us to write a summary of the campaign that was later posted on their official page. After which, we had the pleasure of sending an article to EPSA as well as being posted on the EPSA Blog. We therefore managed to send this information


IPSF Public Health SPOT

to pharmacy students around the world, wishing them to be inspired and to come up with a similar campaign. It is absolutely necessary as future professionals in the field of pharmacy to know as much as possible about counterfeits and to warn our patients regarding the risks of using them. The campaign ended with the reports we have sent to IPSF, “Fight the Fakes” and EPSA. We wish in this manner to prove that the awards we have humbly received are not just for the moment. They determine us to reach out there and drive the change we wish to happen.

“Together we make a better future for our students!”

Ms. Morgane De Pol

Communications & Public Affairs, at IFPMA

Medicine Awareness

On behalf of Fight the Fakes partners.

Counterfeiters make it their business, make it yours too!

Morgane De Pol is Manager, Communications & Public Affairs, at IFPMA (International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations). She develops and implements communications and public affairs programs that facilitate mutual understanding, dialogue and collaboration between IFPMA and other global health actors. IFPMA holds the Secretariat of the Fight the Fakes campaign, and is responsible for the campaign management, focusing on extending the campaign’s reach, strengthening its network, and raising its profile among target audiences Here is a true story. The day Victoria Amponsah was diagnosed with malaria she also learned she was pregnant. Malaria is treatable, and so she left the hospital with an anti-malarial prescription. As would any other patient, she went to her local pharmacy. Soon afterwards, her condition worsened. She was then admitted to the hospital, only to learn that she had been sold fake medicine. Victoria survived and gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Now, she speaks out against fake medicines to protect others that might not be as fortunate. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that up to 10% of medicines in circulation globally are fake, though in some parts of Asia, Africa and Latin America, this figure rises to 30%. In much of sub-Saharan Africa, one-third of all malaria medicines is fake. Even in high-income countries with very secure medicine supply chains, fake medicines can still find a way in; it is estimated that one in two medicines sold from illegal

internet pharmacies is fake. So what does this mean? Fake medicines face no regulatory authority, and can contain the wrong dose of active ingredient or no active ingredients at all. What’s more, fake medicines have also been found containing dangerous toxins like paint, rat poison and drywall. Stories like that of Victoria are not rare. Dr. Daniel Wai, an endocrinologist from Singapore, has seen multiple young men fall into a coma or die from taking fake ED pills. Stephen Bala, a Kenyan public health advocate, says that the average person he meets in Kenya has fallen victim to fake medicines at least once, if not more. Mary Lamy, a researcher working in the Mekong region, witnesses the impact fake medicines are having on the spread of drug-resistant malaria every day. It may sound obvious to say fake medicines are a threat to global health and must be eradicated. One of the biggest obstacles to overcoming



this problem, however, is that many people are simply not aware of what fake medicines are and the risks that they pose. There are plenty of people who simply do not recognize the real danger in purchasing medicines off the street or illegal internet sites instead of using a licensed pharmacy, and do not even consider that experiencing unusual reactions to a medicine they have taken many times before may be the result of a fake product. Pharmacists around the world are placed in the prime position to keep the public safe from the dangers of fake prescription drugs. They are the gatekeepers of treatments and medicines, and therefore, patients trust pharmacists to provide them with the information to keep them safe and well-informed. At the frontline of healthcare delivery, a pharmacist is the first person a patient would approach if a medicine they have taken is reacting strangely or not working as it should. At Fight the Fakes campaign, we collect and share the stories of people like Victoria and Dr. Wai, people who have either taken fake medicines or work to combat this threat to patients and public health. We need the help of IPSFers in speaking up about fake medicines and sharing stories. If you want to join in the campaign, you can visit www.fightthefakes.org to read more stories of people that have been impacted by fake medicines, as well as find resources and infographics about fake medicines to share with your colleagues and with patients. Voice why you are committed to fighting fake medicines on social media with the hashtag #PharmacistsAgainstFakes. Have you worked to raise awareness of fake medicines in your community? Share your story with the campaign! No single person, organization or country can face the fight against fake medicines alone. We all


IPSF Public Health SPOT

have a key role to play—have you asked yourself what you can do? Fight the Fakes is an umbrella campaign to align the actions of major global health organizations in the global fight against fake medicines. Partners represent doctors, nurses, pharmacists, research institutes, NGOs and foundations, coalitions for consumer protection, product development partnerships, mHealth providers, pharmaceutical wholesalers, the research-based and generics pharmaceutical industry and civil engagement networks. Learn more about the campaign and member organizations at www.fightthefakes.org/ partners, and follow the campaign on Twitter (@ FightTheFakes) for updates.

Ms. Aya Jamal, Sudan

Contact Person FPSA, Sudan

Patients should be aware about their medicines and how to take them in an appropriate way. A pharmacist’s job is to counsel patients and to inform them about the appropriate use of medicines. One of the main topics for this year’s Medicine Awareness Campaign has been antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Thus, FPSA-Sudan (university of Khartoum) decided to take this campaign to the highest level with the aim of informing many people about the rational use of antimicrobials. AMR refers to the resistance of a microorganism to an antimicrobial drug that was originally effective for the treatment of infections caused by it. Resistant microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites, are able to withstand the attack by antimicrobial drugs, such as antibacterial drugs (e.g., antibiotics), antifungal, antiviral, and antimalarials, so that standard treatments become ineffective and infections persist, thereby increasing the risk of spread to other people. Moreover, AMR threatens the effective prevention and treatment of an ever-increasing range of infections caused by bacteria, parasites, viruses

statistics in 2012, which showed that there were about 450,000 new cases of multidrugresistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB). MDR-TB requires treatment courses that are much longer and less effective than those for non-resistant TB. Also, extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis (XDR-TB) had been identified in 92 countries. Another issue that we have tried to cover is “medicines used during studying” which has become a worldwide matter. The number of students actually struggling to survive their exams without taking medications, such as stimulants, tranquilizers or neuro enhancers, is alarming. So we have prepared our materials in order to cover all these issues. Our professors participated in developing the scientific content of the exhibition. Some of our graduates also helped with the orientation and provision of valuable pieces of advice on how to run a good campaign, especially those who were EX-members of the FPSA-IPSF office. Our targeted audiences were medical students and different types of people in the society with different ages ranging from 15-70 years old. We wanted to target the medical students mainly

and fungi. It is an increasingly serious threat to global public health that requires action across all government sectors and society. The World Health Organization (WHO) released

because we believe that if we want to change the irrational use of these medicines we should start with the health advisor first since they are responsible of giving the correct way of taking IPSF SPOT

Medicine Awareness

Medicine Awareness campaign


these medicines to the patient. The targeted locations were mainly the medical campus and local locations, such as streets, parks, and souks. The event had been held for three days: Scientific exhibition that aimed to achieve the following: 1. Activation of the FPSA-IPSF role in the society 2. Promotion of the role of pharmacy students in the society and to prepare them to become active participants in the public health system 3. Pointing out of some of the problems that face the public health system in Sudan, their causes and their potential solutions, mainly antibiotic resistance 4. Pointing out of some of the common mistakes made by pharmacists in Sudan and their correctio The scientific exhibition contained the following sections: • What an ideal pharmacy is; what should be available in an ideal pharmacy and how an ideal pharmacist should be • Common mistakes: Drug-drug interactions and food-drug interactions Misuse of some drugs in cosmetics Misuse of supplements General mistakes in the use of medicines • Antibiotics: What are antibiotics? Pharmacology of antibiotics Antibiotic resistance; what it is, its causes and solutions Commonly used antibiotics in Sudan • Commonly used drugs, including antacids, OTCs, antihistamines, NSAIDs and others • A fun and games section • Day two: A lecture about the rational use of


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antibiotics was held for the students. • Day three (Awareness day): This was held in the Streets. It aimed to aware the society of the same problems mentioned above. The goals of the event were successfully achieved. Students were taught about the common mistakes to be avoided, mistakes to be prevented by the public and general problems associated with improper medicine use. Furthermore, the society was cultivated with the proper use of antibiotics and provided with general tips regarding medicine use (e.g., common mistakes). Tips to implement a good campaign: -Plan properly. -Choose important topics which really need to be discussed. -Determine the targeted audience and then decide the proper way to deliver your message to them. -Choose attractive and simple presentation techniques. Be creative. -Always have Plan B and Plan C, if possible. Ideas arising from the campaign: -Planning regular lectures regarding the topics of the campaign, such as rational use of medicines, misuse and abuse of drugs and drug interactions, intended to be achieved in association with the pharmacy club of the faculty -Organizing debates on the topics, such as whether or not antibiotics should be classified as OTCs and whether or not cannabis should be legalized, intended to be achieved in association with the academic secretary of the FPSA -Using new methods for presentation such as plays, games and songs Sahar Abd El.moniem Alrayah samoabdo94@gmail.com



Medicine Awareness

International Pharmaceutical Students’ Federation PO BOX 84200 2508 AE Den Haag The Netherlands Tel: +31 70 302 1992 Fax: +31 70 302 1999 Email: ipsf@ipsf.org Website: www.ipsf.org

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