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Have your Event or Gig Listed Free!!*
Post: 12A Britannia Road, Ipswich IP4 4PE
Every Monday
New Horizons Club for older people, St Audry’s Club, Melton, 10am-2.30pm. Further information tel. 07514 364752
Warm Space at Whitton Baptist Church, 209 Highfield Road, Ipswich, IP1 6DH. 9.30-12pm. Free refreshments.
Badminton, Sidegate Lane Community Centre, 7.30-10pm, £2.50, over 18s only. Tel: 07711 811748
Line Dance Class: Improver to Intermediate, 7.00pm, Rosary Conservative Club, Bramford Rd, Ipswich. Bookings or more information contact Louise, 07941 069881 Woodbridge Citizen’s Advice, Woodbridge Library, 10am-noon. Independent and provides free, confidential and impartial advice to everybody.
Bumba Adult & Senior Fitness Class -
9.30 & 10.30am. Rosary Conservative Club, Bramford Rd, Ipswich. Bookings via “Bookwhen.com/Bumba” or 07450
Weekly Healing, Cedars Spiritualist Church (19 Main Rd, Kesgrave IP5 1AQ) from 7-9pm exc Bank Holidays. Further details thecedars46@gmail.com
Tea Dance with Teresa. 2-4 pm, at Sidegate Lane Community Centre, Ipswich, IP4 4HZ. With refreshments. £3.00pp members. 01473 422427.
Every Tuesday
Ipswich Reggae Choir. Come and join the fun with this reggae singing group. £3 a week. John Mills Theatre, Gatacre Rd, Ipswich, 7-9pm, all welcome, call Pat: 07533 867445
Craft Group. The Salvation Army, Queensway 10-12noon. £1.50 per session. Refreshments and lunch available at extra cost. Everyone welcome. For more details please call 01473 710721 or email ipswich.priory@ salvationarmy.org.uk
Carpet Bowls at Martlesham Community Hall, Felixstowe Road, IP12 4PB, 1.304pm. £2 per session (first 2 free) inc. tea and biscuits. Contact Sheila 01473 636608 – or just turn up!!!
Memory Lane Cafe, The Meeting Place, Limerick Close Ipswich IP1 5LR 11-2pm. For people living with dementia and their carers. Contact Tina on 07742 300293
Charity Bingo Night, Woodbridge Community Hall, Station Rd, Woodbridge, IP12 4AU. 7.45pm9.45pm. More information call 01728 660766
Co-op Senior Singers, friendly group singing a wide variety of songs for pleasure. No audition required. 10.0011.30am at the West Suffolk College, formerly the Co-op Education Centre, Fore Street, Ipswich, IP4 1JW. Contact Vera on 01473 879817.
Arts & Crafts Group, Castlehill Community Centre, 1.30-3.30pm. £2 per session. Call Lois on 07951 779271
Short Mat Bowls in a friendly and local location at the Pinewood Community Centre, Hawthorn Drive, Ipswich 10am12pm £4.00 members and guests.
Tea Dance at Sidegate Lane Community Centre, Ipswich, IP4 4HZ, 2-4pm, £3.00pp members. 01473 422427. Easy parking.
Every Wednesday
Lunch Club, The Salvation Army, Queens Way 12.30. Main course, dessert and cup of tea £5. Everyone welcome. Please call 01473 710721 to book in advance.
Anyone for Bridge? Woodbridge Library
3.45-5.15pm, £2 per person
Every Thursday
New Horizons Club for older people, St Audry’s Club, Melton, 10am-2.30pm. Further information tel. 07514 364752
Kurling and Boccia. Ipswich
Oddfellows, 37 High St Ipswich, 10m, £2.50 members. 01473 251867
Co op Senior Singers, friendly group singing wide variety of songs. All welcome aged 55 plus. 10-11.30am, during term time, West Suffolk College, formerly known as the Co-op Education Centre, Fore St, Ipswich. Info call Vera Manning on 01473 879817.
Line Dance Class: Improver to Intermediate, 7pm. Rosary Conservative Club, Bramford Road, Ipswich. Bookings or more information contact Louise07941 069881
Bingo Club, Dumbarton Road Hall, 2-4pm, entrance fee £1. Tea & coffee served. Info: Chris on 01473 404190
Every Friday
Reading Round - a book group with a difference! Ipswich County Library, Northgate St, Ipswich, 1.45pm till 3.15pm. FREE. Book a place, contact louise.millar@rlfeducation.org.uk
Ipswich Juggling Workshop, Handford Hall School Dome, Gatacre Rd, Ipswich, 7pm. £3 a session. Over 15s and up to any age. Beginners welcome Carpet Bowls at Martlesham Community Hall, Felixstowe Road. 1.30-4pm. £2 per session (first 2 free) inc. tea and biscuits. Contact Sheila 01473 636608 – or just turn up!!!
Art for fun, The Salvation Army, Queensway 10-12noon. £2.50. Everyone welcome. Call 01473 710721 or email ipswich.priory@salvationarmy.org.uk
Baby Boppers: Movement & Music for ages 1-4, every Friday 9.15am10am, Copdock Village Hall. Contact dancefituk@mail.com / 07516 332915.
Chess Club at Woodbridge Library, 4.30pm. Contact library for further info Knitting Group, Woodbridge Library, 2pm - 4pm. Expert to beginners, sewing to crochet, come and share your knowledge or pick up some tips.
Short Mat Bowls at Pinewood Community Centre, Hawthorn Drive, Ipswich IP8 3SL, 10am-12pm £4 members and guests. Tel 07785 236726 or 07808 628945
Sequence Dancing at Sidegate Lane Community Centre, Ipswich. IP4 4HZ. 7.30-9.30pm. Members £3 each
Every Saturday
Mannings Weekend Market, Mannings, Felixstowe Seafront, 10-4pm.
Every Sunday
Parham Airfield Museum, 11am5pm, free admission & parking, WW2 artefacts, unique museum about Britain’s secret resistance army with replica, underground bunker, www.parhamairfieldmuseum.co.uk