3 minute read
President’s Report
Craig Murrell
Thank you to everyone who joined us for the 2021 IPWEAQ President’s Breakfast in person at Victoria Park and via satellite. This time last year we had no idea what was just around the corner but maybe that rainy day in Brisbane was a sign. This year, the sun was out and we made the most of the beautiful weather. We also made the most of the opportunity to catch-up with colleagues – something we no longer take for granted – and to thank our Partners for their support for IPWEAQ last year particularly.
We were delighted to have IPWEAQ’s 7th President, Gil Holmes (1984-1986) with us to receive a gift to celebrate his contributions to the Institute as President and during those formative years. The Holmes training room at IPWEAQ’s new facilities in Eagle Farm were named in Gil’s honour.
We also celebrated the contributions of another IPWEAQ Past President, Peter Way. Peter was our 12th President (1993-1995). He is an Emeritus member – our highest honour – and has been instrumental in IPWEA’s global standing on asset management. Peter was featured in the June 2020 issue of Engineering for Public Works.
While each of the IPWEA Divisions are independent separate legal entities which form part of a federated structure, we do recognise the transfer of members across borders and we were delighted to recognise Phil Hawley who has been a member for 50 years with IPWEAQ and IPWEA NSW. Phil was a member of the Institute of Municipal Engineering Australia NSW Board when it resolved to join the IPWEA Group.
Last month, I was pleased to attend the SEQ Branch conference in Caloundra. The program was varied and relevant. A highlight of the event was the conference dinner at the Queensland Air Museum. An auction for Rural Aid, the President’s Charity, raised $1,200 with Phil Evans from Saferoads taking home the flight simulator experience for three people, the beneficiaries being Phil’s three children. Congratulations again, Phil!
I am delighted to announce that Seren McKenzie has been awarded Emeritus membership, the first female member to receive the highest award that can be bestowed on any member. A recipient must have served Queensland communities for at least 20 years and made a major contribution to the Institute. As our first female President and one of our longest standing Board members (possibly the longest), this recognition is well earned and we congratulate Seren for once

again etching her name into the history books.
A reminder that applications for Fellow membership will close 1 April. I encourage all eligible Members: minimum five years membership, active involvement in IPWEAQ activities eg on Working Groups, contributions to the sector and to the advancement of our Body of Knowledge.
IPWEAQ Working Groups offer valuable opportunities for you to contribute your experience and knowledge in technical areas for the development of technical solutions that advance our sector. I encourage you to get involved particularly if you see a need in the industry that requires a solution. Contact Craig Moss to discuss further, Craig.Moss@ ipweaq.com.
I look forward to seeing you at the SWQ Branch Conference in Chinchilla this March and/or at the Annual Conference in Cairns, 12-14 October which will be upon us sooner than we think. See you then!