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Public Works Technical Subscription
Full access to Standard Drawings which can be shared with constituents (value $800 per individual user)
Discount for the multi-user version of the Queensland Urban Drainage Manual (QUDM) (value $140)
10% discount on annual ADAC subscription as a member of the consortium (value up to $700)
Copy of Lower Order Road Design Guidelines, PDF (value $400)
Copy of Complete Streets: Guidelines for Urban Street Design (value $400)
One complimentary registration to the IPWEAQ annual conference for a council nominee including access to the conference proceedings (podcasts) (value up to $1,800)
One complimentary registration to the relevant IPWEAQ branch conference for a council nominee including access to conference proceedings (podcasts) (value up to $450)
Your mayor, CEO and councillors receive a complimentary registration to the IPWEAQ annual conference (value up to $1,800 per person)
Your council listed on the IPWEAQ website linked to your website
Opportunity to include notices including job vacancies in ‘Connect’ our fortnightly e-news service
$4,100 (plus GST)