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RAIC Gold Medal 2021 Jury Comments

By their relentless pursuit of excellence, Brigitte Shim and Howard Sutcliffe have produced a significant body of exceptional design works covering architecture, landscape, interiors, furniture and hardware—all developed to an incredibly high standard, with craft, rigour, sense of place, and mastery of proportions. Their work demonstrates a dedication to material expression and exquisite detailing across multiple scales, in addition to creating an intimate connection with each site. They continue to be an inspiration to other architects by demonstrating that exceptional projects are possible and by their tireless commitment to advocacy, teaching and mentoring. We wish to recognize them as a powerful collaborative duo, whose commitment to craft, tectonics, site and ecology will have a lasting impact on Canadian architecture.

–2021 Gold Medal Jurors Susan Ruptash, FRAIC, André Perrotte, FIRAC, Drew Adams, MRAIC, Marie-Odile Marceau, FIRAC, Susan Fitzgerald, FRAIC

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