Director Chris Belloni
Festival trailer Marion Habringer
Production manager Lara Nuberg
Award design Dionisios Argyropoulos-Ioannou
Producer Eero Nurmi
PR/ social media Antonij Karadzoski, Lara Nuberg Guest coordinator Antonij Karadzoski Programming team Chris Belloni, Sudeep Dasgupta, Lucien Govaard, Jackie Hooft, Antonij Karadzoski, Elie Karam, Quirine Lengkeek, Ana Paula Lima, Lara Nuberg, Eero Nurmi, Aziz Souhail Film handling Olivier Rekers Catalogue translation Shayne McCreadie Campaign image Daniel Arzola Catalogue/ flyer design Nuno Beijinho
Tickets (discounts available for Cineville/ CJP/ Stadspas/ De Balie Cultuurpas)
International Queer & Migrant Film Festival
6 – 13 December 2017
3 Welcome 6 Team 7 Programmers 9 Jury 11 Program 45 Exhibitions 47 International guests 50 Timetable 52 Locations
Welcome EN We proudly present the programme for the third edition of the International Queer & Migrant Film Festival, a distinct selection of films, debates, podcasts, photography and the Academy programme. Same as previous years, our festival consists of a high quality film program with international films on queer issues in relation to migration. This year IQMF will mainly focus on the narratives of people who have fled their home country due to their sexual orientation and/ or gender identity. We will screen films from their home countries and reflect on their refugee journey with film, talks and radio shows. For instance on the 7th of December, prior to the screening of the film ABU by Arshad Khan, LGBTIQ refugees will share a meal with their new fellow countrymen. On Sunday the 10th of December, we have composed a shorts programme followed by a discussion on the representation of LGBTIQ refugees in Western cinema. In collaboration with Secret Garden we organize a themed afternoon in which the video installation, The Crossing by Carlos Motta, is the starting point for a discussion on the way Dutch society welcomes new LGBTIQ residents. The marginalisation of (cultural) minorities isn’t only a western phenomenon. The opening film on Wednesday 6th of December is I Dream in Another Language by Mexican filmmaker Ernesto Contreras. This subtle film focuses on a dying language with only two remaining speakers that fell out of touch years ago. During IQMF Academy 18 international filmmakers join a three day programme of workshops and masterclasses by international film industry professionals. On Saturday morn-
ing the 9th of December these promising queer filmmakers will introduce themselves in a free programme. We encourage you to come and meet these wonderful filmmakers. The festival concludes on Thursday the 10th of December with the extraordinary programme Queer Faces, Migrant Voices in which eight LGBTIQ refugees share their personal story in a combination of live storytelling and earlier recordings. Afterwards the festival will travel to Utrecht, Rotterdam, The Hague and Haarlem. We hope to see you at the festival and at our parties! NL Met trots presenteren we het programma van de derde editie van het International Queer & Migrant Film Festival, een divers programma met films, debatten, radioverhalen, fotografie en het Academy programma. Net als in voorgaande jaren, bestaat ons festival uit een kwalitatief hoogstaand filmprogramma met internationale films over queer zijn in relatie tot migratie. IQMF besteedt dit jaar veel aandacht aan de verhalen van mensen die vanwege hun geaardheid of genderidentiteit hun land hebben moeten ontvluchten. We vertonen films uit hun land van herkomst en besteden aandacht aan hun vluchtverhaal door film, debat en radiopresentaties. Zo schuiven op donderdagavond 7 december, voorafgaand aan de vertoning van de film ABU van Arshad Khan, LHBTIQ-vluchtelingen met hun nieuwe landgenoten aan tafel voor een gezamenlijk diner. Daarnaast programmeert IQMF op zondag 10 december een korte filmprogramma met een debat over de representatie van LHBTIQ-vluchtelingen in westerse films. Met Secret Garden organiseren we de themamiddag The Crossing waarin we, aan de hand van de video-installatie van Carlos Motta, ingaan op de vraag hoe de ontvangende samenleving omgaat met nieuwe LHBTIQ Nederlanders.
De marginalisatie van (culturele) minderheden is niet alleen een westers fenomeen. Het festival opent op woensdagavond 6 december met de film I Dream in Another Language van de Mexicaanse filmmaker Ernesto Contreras. De subtiele film gaat over het verliezen van een taal die slechts nog door twee mannen wordt gesproken. De twee mannen in kwestie zijn elkaar echter jaren terug uit het oog verloren. Met IQMF Academy bieden we 18 internationale filmmakers een driedaags workshopprogramma waarin ze workshops en masterclasses volgen van professionals uit het internationale filmfestivalcircuit. Op zaterdagochtend 9 december stellen deze aanstormende queer filmmakers zich aan je voor tijdens een gratis toegankelijk programma. Kom vooral kennis maken met deze geweldige filmmakers. We sluiten het festival op donderdag 10 december af met het bijzondere programma Queer Faces, Migrant Voices waarin acht LHBTIQ-vluchtelingen hun verhaal vertellen in een combinatie van live storytelling en vooraf opgenomen radioverhalen. Hierna reist het festival verder naar Utrecht, Rotterdam, Den Haag en Haarlem. We hopen je te zien tijdens tijdens het festival en op onze feestjes!
Chris Belloni (1980) is the director and initiator of IQMF. As a filmmaker he also directed several films, including the award-winning documentary I Am Gay and Muslim and the Turkish Boat. Currently he is working on a documentary film on the Dutch LGBT police. He has curated IQMF programs at several film festivals worldwide and is our great representative everywhere he goes.
Lara Nuberg (1990) studied history and works as a freelance producer, writer and editor for several media and social organisations. She started working for IQMF since the first edition in 2015. As the production manager she is responsible for almost everything, but well... that’s actually not a big job if you work with colleagues like the IQMF team!
Antonij Karadzoski (1993) is a human rights activist and artist from Macedonia, currently living in Amsterdam. He strengthens the LGBTIQ-community through his artwork. For IQMF he is responsible for our social media channels – yes, he is the stalker guy on Facebook! Also Antonij arranges everything for the art exhibition and is our wonderful guest coordinator during the festival.
Eero Nurmi (1988) is a critical Gender Studies enthusiast who sees the potential of film to ‘queer’ the worldview of anyone and everyone. He especially aims to impact children and youth through media education. For the organization of IQMF he did so many things, we can't even make a list of it. Conclusion: There would have been no festival without Eero.
Programmers JACKIE HOOFT
Jackie Hooft (1995) studied film at the New York Film Academy in 2013. She is currently studying Sociology at the University of Amsterdam. As a programmer she focused on both the artistic elements of the films as well as the social relevance in relation to the festival’s themes.
Ana-Paula Lima is a Brazilian activist and works for COC Amsterdam where she is especially involved in programs for bi-cultural LGBTIQ’s. As a proud trans woman she strives for honesty, respect and equality. For IQMF she curated films from Latin America and focused on the way trans*people are represented.
Elie Karam (1987) fled Lebanon in 2015 and is currently working for Secret Garden. Elie selected the LGBTIQ Refugees: different realities program and curated film submissions from the Middle East and films concerning LGBTIQ-refugees.
Sudeep Dasgupta is an Associate Professor in Media Studies at the University of Amsterdam. He lectures and has published extensively in the fields of global media, aesthetics, post-colonialism, gender and sexuality.
Aziz Sohail is a curator, writer and arts manager based in Pakistan. He has worked in public programming and outreach for the Lahore Biennale Foundation and was a visiting faculty member at the National College of Arts in Lahore. He is a 2017 South Asia Studies Fellow at Cornell University.
Quirine Lengkeek studied Sociology in Amsterdam and works for Pink Terrorists. As a passionate queer activist, she has selected films that can inform a broad audience about queer and migrant issues around the world.
Lucien Govaard is a freelance consultant in Health Communications and Youth Development from Surinam. Over the last decade he has been actively involved in local and regional organizing, working on initiatives concerning the Advancement of LGBTQI rights; Youth Inclusion, Participation and Development; Intersectional ties between Sex Work, Migration and Health; as well as HIV. Through volunteerism, Lucien remains committed to regional work as an activist and advocate.
Marthe Djilo Kamga is founder and current coordinator of the Massimadi Festival Brussels. Her professional and personal paths have revolved around her interest in questions of vulnerability, identity, and equal opportunity. Her interest in art and cultural production (film, performance, photography, etc.) empowers her to re-appropriate images and public spaces for people in positions of invisibility. Reoccurring themes in her work are the coexistence of multiple identities and diverse modes of artistic and cultural expression. She does a little of everything and is constantly asking herself if one lifetime will be enough to satisfy all her interests. Marthe calls herself neither a militant nor a researcher (in connection with her work : “When Women Love other Women : A Consideration of Female Homosexuality in Cameroon”). Having benefited from academic training in the sciences, she defines herself as “a thwarted artist in self-analysis”.
Gizem Bayiksel was born in Ankara in 1989. She has been working as a photographer, cinematographer and director in the film industry for over 6 years. Since 2012 she has also worked as a coordinator, programmer and film curator for numerous events and film festivals. She has been involved in Pink Life QueerFest since the beginning of the festival, which is the first and only queer film festival in Turkey. She was the festival’s coordinator between 2012-2017, now she continues as a programmer. Currently she works at Pera Film / Pera Müzesi-Museum, Istanbul. In addition to serving on juries including Berlinale’s Teddy Award, Oslo/ Fusion International Film Festival and Faroe Islands’ International Minority Film Festival, she has been curating film programs with Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, International Film Festival Etiuda&Anima and xart splitta Berlin. Bayiksel’s personal interest in film and photography focuses on the female gaze and queer theory. She is currently living in Istanbul and working on her first feature film project, a sequel for her short Child’s Play, a lesbian couple’s story with Turkish politics on the background.
John Badalu came across the film industry by accident. He studied Economics majoring Marketing Management before taking New Media Studies for the post-graduate study at DAMS University in Bologna, Italy. He is one of the founders of the controversial Q! Film Festival, the LGBTIQ-themed festival in the biggest predominantly Muslim country of Indonesia. His previous works include Theatre Manager for Goethe-Institut Jakarta and Cultural Assistant for Istituto Italiano Di Cultura, and in Account Service Department of Ogilvy Advertising Agency. Badalu now works as a Festival Delegate and Programmer for Berlin International Film Festival, Shanghai International Film Festival and QCinema Film Festival (Philippines). He also started to become an independent producer with 4 short films and 6 feature films under his belt.
WED 06.12
Country Mexico, The Netherlands Year 2016 Duration 103 min Genre Drama
Language Spanish, Zikril Subtitles English
EN A young linguist travels to the Mexican jungle to research and save a mysterious indigenous language on the verge of extinction due to a fight between the last two speakers. He uncovers a secret, concealed by the language. NL Een mysterieuze inheemse taal dreigt uit te sterven doordat de twee allerlaatste sprekers met elkaar weigeren te communiceren. Een jonge linguïst reist af naar de Mexicaanse jungle om dit te voorkomen en de taal te onderzoeken. Tijdens deze zoektocht stuit hij op een oud geheim.
WED 06.12
THE WOUND (Inxeba) John Trengove
Country South Africa, Germany, Netherlands, France Year 2016 Duration 88 min Genre Drama
Language Xhosa Subtitles English
EN Xolani, a lonely factory worker, travels to the rural mountains with the men of his community to initiate a group of
teenage boys into manhood. When a defiant initiate from the city discovers his best-kept secret, Xolani’s entire existence begins to unravel. NL Xolani, een eenzame fabriekswerker, trekt samen met de mannen uit zijn gemeenschap naar de bergen om een mannelijk inwijdingsritueel voor een groep jongens uit voeren. Wanneer een rebelse stadsjongen zijn diepste geheim ontdekt begint Xolani’s wereld langzaam te ontrafelen.
Entrance €3
WED 06.12
22:00 - 1:00, VRANKRIJK — PARTY
WTF QUEER NIGHT EN WTF Wednesday creates a safe queer space with a mixture of visual and performance artists, musicians and local drag kings and queens. This night we celebrate the opening of IQMF festival with several performances. EN WTF Queer Night/ IQMF is een veilige queer omgeving waar beeldende en performance kunstenaars, muzikanten, drag kings en queens elkaar ontmoeten. Vanavond vieren we de opening van IQMF festival met verschillende optredens.
Language English/ Dutch
Entrance € 27,50/ Free* Includes a two course dinner and a ticket for the film ABU. The programme is a collaboration between IQMF and Secret Garden. *Free for new Dutch residents. Please apply with
THU 07.12
REFUGEE DINNER EN How does a LGBTIQ refugee rebuild a life in the Netherlands? During this dinner these new Dutch residents share a table with their fellow countrymen. The evening focuses on connection and exchanging experiences. In between the courses there are talks on the short film House, Tree, Animal. After dinner we will move to the Grote Zaal for a screening of ABU by Arshad Khan. NL Hoe is het om als LHBTIQ-vluchteling een nieuw leven op te bouwen in Nederland? Tijdens het diner schuiven deze
kersverse Nederlands aan tafel bij hun nieuwe landgenoten. De ontmoeting en het uitwisselen van ervaringen staan hierbij centraal. Tussen de gangen door vinden op het podium gesprekken plaats aan de hand van de korte film House, Tree, Animal. Na het diner verhuizen we met alle dinergasten naar de Grote Zaal, voor de film ABU van Arshad Khan.
THU 07.12
APRICOT GROVES Pouria Heidary Oureh
EN Aram, the Iranian Armenian youth who has immigrated to the US in childhood returns to Armenia for the first time to propose to an Armenian girlfriend whom he met and lived with in the US. Aram sees many cultural, religious, and national differences on the one-day trip, but harder obstacles are ahead. NL De Iraans-Armeense Aram is in zijn jeugd geëmigreerd naar de Verenigde Staten. Nu keert hij voor het eerst terug naar Armenië om zijn Armeense vriendin, met wie hij in de Verenigde Staten samenwoonde, ten huwelijk te vragen. Aram komt onderweg in aanraking met diverse culturele, religieuze en nationale verschillen maar er wachten grotere hindernissen op hem.
Country Armenia Year 2016
Duration 80 min Genre Drama
Language Armenian Subtitles English
The director will be present for a Q&A.
PROGR A M Country Canada Year 2017
Duration 81 min
THU 07.12
ABU (Father) Arshad Khan
Genre Documentary
Language English, Urdu, Punjabi Subtitles No subtitles
The director will be present for a Q&A.
EN Pakistani gay filmmaker Arshad Khan examines his troubled relationship with his devout, Muslim father Abu and their struggle with religion, sexuality, colonialism and migration to Canada. He uses family footage, classic Bollywood films and animation to introduce viewers to the tense relationships between family and fate, conservatism and liberalism, and modernity and familiarity. NL De homoseksuele filmmaker Arshad Khan trekt een parallel tussen het moeizame contact met zijn Islamitische vader Abu en de inburgering van zijn ouders in Canada. Met behulp van (persoonlijke) filmfragmenten en animatie belicht hij de lastige balans tussen familie en bestemming, conservatisme en liberalisme en de moderne maatschappij.
Country Lebanon Year 2017
Duration 89 min
THU 07.12
Mohamed Sabbah
Genre Drama
Language Arabic Subtitles English
The director will be present for a Q&A.
EN Omar, a photographer, has a special experience with death, which he tries to express through a new project. He invites three models to his studio. His "project" is not only
about the photos. He spends the day manipulating his visitors, playing with them, provoking them and putting them in danger. A story of sex, love and trauma in the city of Beirut. NL Fotograaf Omar komt op aangrijpende wijze in aanraking met de dood en probeert dit te verwerken in een nieuw project. De fotograaf ontvangt drie modellen in zijn studio. Zijn “project” gaat echter verder dan de foto’s. Hij manipuleert de personen, speelt met ze, daagt ze uit en brengt ze in gevaar. Een verhaal over seks, liefde en trauma in Beirut.
THU 07.12
Entrance Free
EN Soulfood, cocktails, tea, salacious gossip, fine music, art and performance, a marvelous party where everyone is welcome to fight ennui, relax and celebrate the fabulousness of all the colours in the gender rainbow. NL Soulfood, cocktails, thee, zwoele praatjes, muziek, kunst en performances, een spectaculair feest waar iedereen welkom is om te ontspannen en de adembenemende fabulousness van alle kleuren in de gender regenboog te vieren.
FRI 08.12
EN In 2013, Amina Sboui, who was 18 at the time, posted a photo of herself on Facebook, bare-chested with the text ‘My body is mine and not the source of other people’s honour.’ written on her chest. This was the first FEMEN protest in Tunisia. Her following arrest caused a worldwide array of protests, which resulted in her release. Three years later we visit Amina in the house that she shares with a group of LGBT friends. Rejection by family and society, and the pain that accompany this, form a constant thread running through their lives.
Country Tunisia Year 2017
Duration 80 min
Genre Documentary Language Arabic Subtitles English
TranScreen is a film festival in Amsterdam with international films on trans* and gender diverse narratives.
NL In 2013 postte de 18 jarige Amina Sboui een foto op Facebook van haar ontblote borst met de tekst: ‘Mijn lichaam is de mijne en niet een bron van andermans trots.’ Dit was de eerste FEMEN protest in Tunesië. We ontmoeten de mysterieuze Amina Sboui, voormalig lid van FEMEN. Ze huisvest een groep LHBT vrienden die allen verstoten zijn door hun familie en de maatschappij. Dankzij Amina duiken we in hun verhalen en worden onverwachte gebeurtenissen onmiddellijk vastgelegd op camera.
Country Canada Year 2017
Duration 81 min
Genre Documentary
Language English, Urdu, Punjabi Subtitles No subtitles
The director will be present for a Q&A.
In collaboration with Fonds1818 and the Canadian Embassy. Send an email to if you want to attend this screening.
FRI 08.12
ABU (Father) Arshad Khan
EN Pakistani gay filmmaker Arshad Khan examines his troubled relationship with his devout, Muslim father Abu and their struggle with religion, sexuality, colonialism and migration to Canada. He uses family footage, classic Bollywood films and animation to introduce viewers to the tense relationships between family and fate, conservatism and liberalism, and modernity and familiarity. NL De homoseksuele filmmaker Arshad Khan trekt een parallel tussen het moeizame contact met zijn Islamitische vader Abu en de inburgering van zijn ouders in Canada. Met behulp van (persoonlijke) filmfragmenten en animatie belicht hij de lastige balans tussen familie en bestemming, conservatisme en liberalisme en moderne ontwikkelingen.
FRI 08.12
THE WOUND (Inxeba) John Trengove
EN Xolani, a lonely factory worker, travels to the rural mountains with the men of his community to initiate a group of teenage boys into manhood. When a defiant initiate from the city discovers his best-kept secret, Xolani’s entire existence begins to unravel.
Country South Africa, Germany, Netherlands, France Year 2016 Duration 88 min Genre Drama
Language Xhosa Subtitles English
NL Xolani, een eenzame fabriekswerker, trekt samen met de mannen uit zijn gemeenschap naar de bergen om een mannelijk inwijdingsritueel voor een groep jongens uit te voeren. Wanneer een rebelse stadsjongen zijn diepste geheim ontdekt, begint Xolani’s wereld langzaam te ontrafelen.
FRI 08.12
GIRL UNBOUND Erin Heidenreich
Country United States Year 2016
Duration 80 min
Genre Documentary
Language English, Pashtu, Urdu Subtitles English
The film is followed by an after talk moderated by Isjed Hussain.
EN In Waziristan, “one of the most dangerous places on earth”, Maria Toorpakai defies the Taliban by disguising as a boy, so she can play sports freely. But when she becomes a rising star, her true identity is revealed, bringing constant death threats on her family. Undeterred, they continue to fight for freedom.
NL Waziristan is “een van de gevaarlijkste plekken ter wereld”. Maria Toorpakai biedt weerstand aan de Taliban door zich als jongen te vermommen om te mogen sporten. Haar bedrog blijft niet onopgemerkt en na haar ontmaskering ontvangt haar familie doodsbedreigingen. Ze blijven moedig vechten voor vrijheid.
Language English Entrance Free
FRI 08.12
QUEER ACTIVISM EN In what way can activism change your life? Prior to the film Grey Violet – Odd One Out we interview four queer activists on their work and the influence it has had on their life. Some of them have had to flee their own country and have rebuilt their life in the Netherlands. Do they still have hope for the LGBTIQ community in their own country? And what advice do they have for The Netherlands? NL Hoe kan activisme je leven veranderen? Voorafgaand aan de film Grey Violet – Odd One Out, een gesprek met vier queer-activisten over hun werk en de invloed daarvan op hun bestaan. Enkelen van hen ontvluchtten hun land en bouwden in Nederland een nieuw bestaan op. Vertrouwen ze nog op een betere toekomst voor de LHBTIQ-community in hun land? En wat kan Nederland van ze leren?
Country Finland Year 2017
Duration 54 min
Genre Documentary
Language English, Finnish, Russian Subtitles English
The director will be present for a Q&A.
FRI 08.12
EN Grey Violet, an educated mathematician and political activist, who is not a “he”, nor “she”, but “they”, is among the people to flee Russia due to the outburst of ultra conservative values and patriotic fanatics. Grey Violet’s mother reflects on the experiences of protecting her child who flees neo-conservative groups to Finland.
NL De hoogopgeleide wiskundige en politiek activist Grey Violet is geen “hij” , geen “zij”, maar “ hen” en maakt deel uit van de groep vluchtelingen die Rusland verlaat vanwege de uitbarsting van extreme conservatieve waarden en patriottische fanatiekelingen. Grey Violet’s moeder herinnert zich de beproevingen die zij doorstond om haar kind te beschermen, op de vlucht naar Finland.
Tamara Shogaolu
Country United States Year 2017
Duration 12 min
Genre Doc., Animation, Short Language Arabic Subtitles English
EN After a traumatic encounter, a young, gay Egyptian joins the LGBTIQ rights movement. He must choose whether to stay in the country he loves or seek asylum elsewhere as a refugee. HALF A LIFE is a timely story of activism and hope, set in the increasingly dangerous and oppressive social climate of Egypt today. NL Na een traumatische ervaring voegt een jonge homoseksuele Egyptenaar zich bij de LHBTIQ beweging. Hij moet kiezen tussen blijven in het land waar hij van houdt of elders
The director will be present for a Q&A.
asiel aanvragen. HALF A LIFE is een goed getimed verhaal over activisme en hoop, dat zich afspeelt in het toenemende gevaarlijke en onderdrukkende sociale klimaat van hedendaags Egypte.
Entrance € 12,50 Includes Paradiso membership.
FRI 08.12
23:30 - 05:00, PARADISO — PARTY
PERA X IQMF THE PARTY EN Club Pera invites IQMF for a night of sweaty beats in a sticky room. Openminded queer party with Pink Istanbul residents. Meet IQMF’s programming team and all the fabulous guests at this steaming party! NL Club Pera ontvangt IQMF voor een stomende nacht vol zweterige beats. Ruimdenkend queer feest met de resident artiesten van Pink Istanbul. Ontmoet vanavond ook het programma team van IQMF en alle geweldige gasten.
SAT 09.12
CHILDREN SHORTS EN The demand to conform to a binary gender system and a heterosexual norm prove challenging for children and youth who do not fit the mold. The short films feature young protagonists in the midst of self-discovery as well as rebellion toward the narrow societal attitudes toward gender stereotypes and sexuality. NL Het binaire gender systeem en de heteroseksuele norm van de huidige maatschappij zijn veeleisend voor kinderen en jongeren die zichzelf hier niet in herkennen. Deze korte films belichten jongeren die zichzelf ontplooien en afzetten tegen de beperkende maatschappelijke houding omtrent gender stereotypering en seksualiteit.
João Inácio
Country Brazil Year 2016
Duration 11 min
Genre Drama, Short Language Portuguese Subtitles English
The director will be present for a Q&A.
EN Shala is the story about Pedro, a young boy living in an orphanage in the Amazon, who has a hard time being adopted because of several prejudices from adoptive parents. Pedro creates situations to draw the potential parents’ attention, while cherishing his imaginary friendship with his only toy, a doll named "Shala." NL Kleine Pedro woont in een weeshuis in het Amazonegebied en onderhoudt een innige, denkbeeldige, vriendschap met speelgoedpop Shala. Omdat hij door vooroordelen steeds maar niet wordt geadopteerd, bedenkt hij verschillende listen om de aandacht van zijn potentiële ouders te trekken.
ESCAPING AGRA Pallavi Somusetty
EN Non-binary college student Naveen chronicles their experience of being illegally detained by their parents in Agra, India after their gender and sexual orientation are revealed. Naveen gives a firsthand account of the tribulations they had to undergo in the quest to live a life they could truly call their own. NL De non-binaire student Naveen verslaat hoe hen onwettelijk wordt vastgehouden door hun ouders in Agra, India nadat hun gender en seksuele oriëntatie wordt onthuld. Naveen doet verslag uit de eerste hand van de beproevingen die hen moet ondergaan in de missie om hun eigen leven te mogen leiden.
Country USA Year 2016
Duration 24 min
Genre Documentary, Short Language English
Subtitles No subtitles
PROGR A M Country Iran Year 2016
Duration 20 min
Genre Drama, Short Language Persian Subtitles English
Country Sweden Year 2017
Duration 15 min
Genre Drama, Short Language Swedish Subtitles English
I DON’T LIKE HER Javad Daraei
EN Eli is caught in crossfire between living out her true gender identity and her parents’ resistant attitudes. The constant taunts both at home and at school reduce her to tears, but she finds power within to fight back for her right of self-expression. NL Eli is gevangen tussen het uitdragen van haar ware gender identiteit en de weerbarstige houding van haar ouders. Het getreiter thuis en op school doen haar in huilen uitbarsten, maar ze vindt de innerlijke kracht om terug te vechten voor haar recht op zelfexpressie.
Lia Hietala
EN Cleo joins her older sister Gabbi and her girlfriend Majken on a roadtrip to their summer cabin. During the trip Gabbi and Majken struggle to find out if Cleo is in love with a boy or a girl. A story about emerging sexuality and the ability to gain and lose trust for one another. NL Cleo rijdt met haar oudere zus Gabbi en haar vriendin Majken mee naar een vakantiehuisje. Onderweg proberen Gabbi en Majken vurig te achterhalen of Cleo op een jongen of een meisje verliefd is. Een verhaal over ontluikende seksualiteit en het vermogen om vertrouwen in elkaar te winnen en te verliezen.
CHILD’S PLAY (Çocuk Oyuncağı) Gizem Bayiksel
EN Becoming an adult begins with moving out from your parents' house. While leaving the house, Derin hides an adult secret in the toy-box filled with her childhood memories. We step into adulthood sometimes voluntarily, sometimes involuntarily and it gradually expands with inevitable confrontations. NL Je wordt volwassen wanneer je het ouderlijke huis verlaat. Tijdens haar verhuizing verstopt Derin een ‘grote mensengeheim’ in een speelgoeddoos vol met herinneringen uit haar kindertijd. Soms groeien we vrijwillig op, soms onvrijwillig en dat leidt geleidelijk aan tot onvermijdelijke confrontaties.
Lucas van der Rhee
EN Elias doesn’t feel understood or seen in Ijmuiden where he works at the fishing tackle. He misses his parents after their departure for Turkey. When his brother, Kemal, rents their parents' bedroom, Tom comes to live with them. Seen first as an intruder, Tom turns out to help Elias in his journey to discover himself. NL Elias woont in IJmuiden, werkt bij een visserij en voelt zich onbegrepen en onzichtbaar. Hij mist zijn ouders sinds ze naar Turkije vertrokken zijn. Wanneer zijn broer Kemal de oude slaapkamer van zijn ouders huurt trekt Tom bij hen in. Waar Tom aanvankelijk als een indringer wordt beschouwd, blijkt hij uiteindelijk een bondgenoot van Elias tijdens zijn innerlijke ontdekkingstocht.
Country Turkey Year 2014
Duration 5 min
Genre Drama, Short Language Turkish Subtitles English
The director will be present for a Q&A.
Country The Netherlands Year 2017
Duration 13 min
Genre Drama, Short Language Dutch Subtitles English
The director will be present for a Q&A.
SAT 09.12
AFRICAN SHORTS EN The African Shorts programme brings forth stories of LGBTIQ individuals within an African context. What does it mean to live in a society where you are ostracized because of your gender expression or sexual orientation? Struggles with family relations and belonging also come into play. NL Het African Shorts programma vertoont de verhalen van LHBTIQ personen binnen een Afrikaans kader. Wat betekent het om in een maatschappij te wonen waar je wordt verguisd vanwege het geslacht waarmee je je identificeert of je seksuele geaardheid? Thuishoren en familieproblematiek worden ook aangekaart. Country Ghana Year 2016
Duration 8 min
Genre Drama, Short Language English
Subtitles No subtitles
EN The epistolary short film invites the viewer to witness the unsettling life of a young Ghanaian man, as he struggles to reconcile his love for his mother with his love for samesex desire amid the increased tensions incited by same-sex politics in Ghana. NL Aan de hand van brieven volgen we het onrustige leven van een Ghanese man die de liefde voor zijn moeder probeert te verenigen met zijn liefde voor mannen, terwijl de spanningen omtrent homo-politiek toenemen.
EN The film portrays the lives of two gay men and a transgender woman who have applied for refugee status in South Africa. Despite legal protection of LGBTIQ individuals, Flavina, Mussa and Junior encounter stigmatization, persecution and violence, which turn them into human rights activists. NL Twee homoseksuele mannen en een transgender vrouw vragen asiel aan in Zuid-Afrika. Ondanks wettelijke bescherming van LHBTIQ individuen komen Flavina, Mussa en Junior in aanraking met uitsluiting, onderdrukking en geweld, waardoor ze zich in gaan zetten voor mensenrechten.
DANCE WITH THE MAIDEN (Sina Nomakotshana) Thishiwe Ziqubu
EN Nolwandle, the apple of her minister father’s eye, feels lost in between the pressures of her religious family and her feelings for her contemporary dance partner, Khwezi. Confrontations cannot be avoided in this coming out story during a traditional Zulu initiation. NL Nolwandle’s vader is predikant en zij is zijn oogappel. Ze raakt verscheurd tussen de druk van haar religieuze familie en
Country South Africa Year 2015
Duration 29 min
Genre Documentary, Short Language English Subtitles English
Country South Africa Year 2016
Duration 26 min
Genre Drama, Short
Language English, Xhosa Subtitles English
haar gevoelens voor Khwezi, haar partner in moderne dans. De confrontatie blijkt onvermijdelijk in dit verhaal over een coming out tijdens een traditionele Zulu inwijding. Country Uganda Year 2016
Duration 26 min
Genre Drama, Short Language English Subtitles English
The director will be present for a Q&A.
Entrance Free
IMPUNITY Isaac Matovu
EN Despite the court ruling against the famous anti-gay bill, the LGBTIQ community in Uganda is in constant risk of violence and discrimination. The documentary portrays the government’s attempts to legally disenfranchise sexual minorities while the masses decide to take the law in their own hands with impunity. NL Ondanks de uitspraak van het gerechtshof tegen de beruchte anti-homowet, leidt de LHBTIQ gemeenschap in Oeganda nog steeds onder geweld en discriminatie. De documentaire portretteert de pogingen van de overheid om op legale wijze de burgerrechten van seksuele minderheden te ontbinden terwijl de massa de wet in eigen handen neemt.
IQMF PRESENTS IQMF ACADEMY EN Have you always wanted to connect with the IQMF Academy participants? Now is your chance, as this special screening showcases a diverse set of films by IQMF Academy participants. It is a unique opportunity to see short films by up-and-coming filmmakers, who are committed to queer and migrant topics. NL Heb je altijd al de IQMF Academy deelnemers willen ontmoeten? Dit is je kans! Tijdens dit speciale korte film programma vertonen we de films van IQMF Academy deelnemers. Een unieke kans om de films te zien van jonge opkomende makers, die zich richten op verhalen met het queer en migrant thema.
SAT 09.12
HOMØE: LOOKING FOR SHELTER (HOMØE: Auf der Suche nach Geborgenheit) Bin Chen
EN The documentary follows the lives of three individuals fleeing persecution and discrimination: Javid from Azerbaijan, who pursues political activism; Boris from Russia who has found his place in Germany’s first shelter for LGBTIQ refugees; and Melissa from Syria who encourages other refugees through her art.
Country Germany Year 2017
Duration 56 min
Genre Documentary
Language English, German Subtitles English
The director will be present for a Q&A.
NL Deze documentaire volgt drie personen die op de vlucht zijn voor onderdrukking en discriminatie: politiek activist Javid uit Azerbaijan, Boris uit Rusland die een plek krijgt in Duitsland’s eerste AZC voor LHBTIQ vluchtelingen en Melissa uit Syrië die andere vluchtelingen een hart onder de riem steekt door middel van kunst.
THE MIGRANT MIXTAPE (La Cassette Migrante) Elie Jean Tahchi
EN Arab LGBTIQ individuals send Helem Montreal the Migrant Mixtape, a series of recorded letters. They are asking for support to seek asylum in Canada in order to escape persecution and homophobic violence in their country of origin. One of them, Adib Mardini, tells us about the process that changed his life. NL Arabische LHBTIQ vluchtelingen sturen de Migrant Mixtape, een reeks ingesproken brieven aan Helem Montreal. Ze vragen steun bij hun asielaanvraag in Canada om te ontsnappen aan het homogeweld in hun eigen land. Adib Mardini vertelt ons over de procedure die zijn leven veranderde.
Country Canada Year 2017
Duration 22 min
Genre Documentary, Short
Language Arabic, English, French Subtitles English
SAT 09.12
MASSIMADI FESTIVAL PRESENTS Massimadi Festival is a film festival from Brussels which focuses on Africa and its diasporas. During IQMF the festival will screen two films. Prior to the screening Marthe Djilo Kamga, the founder of Massimadi Festival, introduces the program. Country Haiti Year 2016
Duration 21 min
Genre Documentary, Short
Language French, Haitian Creole Subtitles English
Country France Year 2016
EN A short documentary on the politically motivated media storm and homophobia that led to the cancellation of the first edition of the Massimadi Festival in Port-au-Prince organized by the Haitian Association Kouraj in September 2016. NL Een korte documentaire over homofobie en de politiek gemotiveerde aanval vanuit de media die leidde tot de afgelasting van de eerste editie van het Massimadi festival in Port-au-Prince, dat door de Haïtiaanse NGO Kouraj werd georganiseerd en in september 2016 zou plaatsvinden.
PARIS IS VOGUING Gabrielle Culand
Duration 64 min
Genre Documentary Language French Subtitles English
EN Lasseindra Ninja and Stéphane Mizrahi are two French pioneers of Voguing, a dance created in the 1970s within the gay community of Harlem, NYC. Their mission is to transmit this part of queer culture to the youth of the French suburbs by teaching their "children" to dance, to be elegant, but also to be proud.
NL Lasseindra Ninja en Stéphane Mizrahi zijn twee Franse pioniers van Voguing, een dans die in de jaren ’70 is ontstaan binnen de homoseksuele gemeenschap in de wijk Harlem, in New York. Het is hun missie om dit onderdeel van queer cultuur over te dragen aan jongeren uit de Franse buitenwijken. Ze leren hun “kinderen” dansen, elegantie, maar boven.
SAT 09.12
Language English/ Dutch Entrance Free
EN The film Rats that Eat Men is our starting point for this discussion with Dinah Bons, on the issues concerning LGBTIQ homeless people. Bons is trans coordinator for the Dutch Union for sex workers and is committed to supporting LGBTIQ homeless people in Amsterdam. Part of her work is the Out on the streets project of the municipality of Amsterdam which catalogues the situation of the LGBTIQ homeless people. NL Aan de hand van de film Rats that Eat Men bespreken we met Dinah Bons de problematiek rondom LHBTIQ dak- en thuislozen. Bons is trans coördinator bij de Nederlandse Union voor sekswerkers en zet zich in voor LHBTIQ thuislozen in Amsterdam. Ze werkt onder andere mee aan het project Out on the Streets van de gemeente Amsterdam, waarin de situatie van LHBTIQ thuislozen in kaart wordt gebracht.
RATS THAT EAT MEN Isobel Mascarenhas-Whitman
EN Rats that Eat Men is a short film about a gay, Ugandan physiotherapist and a young, Polish labourer who discover they're squatting in the same dilapidated London townhouse. Unable to escape each other's presence they warm to one another’s quirks and try their best to help each other cope with very different struggles.
Country United Kingdom Year 2015
Duration 17 min
Genre Drama, Short Language English
Subtitles No subtitles
NL Een homoseksuele fysiotherapeut uit Uganda en een jonge Poolse gastarbeider wonen beiden in een vervallen kraakpand in London. Ze kunnen niet om elkaar heen en raken al gauw aan elkaar gehecht. Samen proberen ze hun problemen te overkomen.
Country Canada Year 2016
Duration 71 min
Genre Documentary Language English
Subtitles No subtitles
SAT 09.12
TWO SOFT THINGS, TWO HARD THINGS Mark Kenneth Woods, Michael Yerxa
EN As a small group in Nunavut, Canada prepare for a seminal LGBTIQ Pride celebration in the Arctic, the film explores how colonization and religion have shamed and erased traditional Inuit beliefs about sexuality and family structure and how a new generation of Inuit are actively ‘unshaming’ their past. NL Een kleine groep LHBTIQ personen uit Nunavut, Canada bereidt zich voor op een grensverleggende pride viering in het poolgebied. De film onderzoekt hoe religie en kolonisatie van de Inuït hun oorspronkelijke overtuigingen over seksualiteit en familiestructuur hebben uitgewist en hoe de nieuwe generatie dit verleden weer in ere herstelt.
SAT 09.12
ASIAN SHORTS EN The films within the Asian Shorts programme focus on the diverse experiences of Asian-born individuals who strive to challenge gendered stereotypes, combine their gender expression with parenting, and stand up to structural violence that manifests as police brutality toward LGBTIQ individuals. NL De films in het Asian Shorts programma richten zich op de uiteenlopende ervaringen van mensen uit Azië die het hoofd bieden aan gender stereotypering, hun gendervoorkeur trachten te combineren met ouderschap en zich verzetten tegen structureel politie geweld tegen de LGBTIQ gemeenschap.
Country The Netherlands Year 2016
Duration 24 min
Genre Documentary, Short Language English, Indonesian Subtitles English
The director will be present for a Q&A.
EN Across Gender is an ethnographic film about the negotiation of visibility of trans people in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Focusing on personal experiences of different people who ‘cross gender’, it shares the experiences and societal views of LGBTIQ activists, drag performers, and students of an Islamic school for trans women. NL Een etnografische film over de wisselvallige zichtbaarheid van transmensen in Yogyakarta, Indonesië. De film richt zich op de persoonlijke ervaringen van verschillende mensen die de grenzen van gender overschrijden en verenigt de ervaringen en maatschappelijke standpunten van LHBTQI activisten, drag performers en studenten van een Islamitische school voor trans-vrouwen.
Country Ireland Year 2017
Duration 30 min
Genre Documentary, Short Language English
Subtitles No subtitles
Alice McDowell
EN Sexual and gender minority groups around the world face many forms of discrimination and persecution. As Human as I Am documents stories and strategies from LGBTIQ communities in Nepal, Malawi and Fiji, as they campaign for recognition, protection and inclusion.
The producer will be present for a Q&A.
NL Seksuele en gender minderheden rondom de wereld komen in aanraking met vele vormen van discriminatie en vervolging. As Human as I Am registreert verhalen en strategieën van LHBTIQ gemeenschappen in Nepal, Malawi en Fiji, terwijl ze strijden voor erkenning, bescherming en inclusiviteit.
Country Myanmar Year 2017
Duration 26 min
Genre Documentary, Short Language Burmese Subtitles English
EN "May I help you" is the slogan of the Myanmar police, but it does not apply to everyone, as LGBTIQ individuals are harassed by the police all over the country. In this investigative documentary, victims of police harassment voice their experiences with structural discrimination. NL “Kan ik u van dienst zijn.” is het motto van de politie van Myanmar, maar het is niet op iedereen van toepassing, aangezien LHBTIQ individuen landelijk worden geïntimideerd door de politie. Deze onderzoeks-documentaire laat slachtoffers van politie aan het woord over hun ervaringen met structurele discriminatie.
EN For fear of being rejected as a transgendered woman, an overseas Filipino worker father hasn't returned to her family in 10 years. One day, she finally gets the courage to come home. Will her family accept her? NL Uit angst om afgewezen te worden door haar familie durft een Filipino transgender vrouw en vader al 10 jaar niet terug te keren naar haar gezin. Op een dag verzamelt ze eindelijk de moed om terug te keren. Maar zal zij worden geaccepteerd?
SAT 09.12
REPRESENTING THE QUEER/ MIGRANT COMMUNITY: WHO TALKS FOR WHO? EN Who is the best representative of the queer & migrant community? As a festival we want to keep a critical gaze inwards as well and we also wonder who has a right to speak at any given time. We will explore this based on the following 2 statements: White LGBTIQ individuals are not equipped to represent queer people of color; Heteros should do more to support the emancipation of the LGBTIQ community. NL Wie vertegenwoordigt als beste de queer & migrant community? Als festival werpen we ook een kritische blik op onszelf en willen we onderzoeken wie Ăźberhaupt recht van spreken heeft en wanneer. Aan de hand van een aantal stellingen treden we met het panel en het publiek in gesprek: Witte LHBTIQ's zonder multiculturele achtergrond zijn geen goede representanten voor queer people of color; Hetero's zouden zich meer moeten bemoeien en inzetten voor de emancipatie van de LHBTIQ-gemeenschap.
Country Philippines Year 2016
Duration 10 min
Genre Drama, Short Language Tagalog Subtitles English
Language English/ Dutch Entrance Free
PROGR A M Country Taiwan Year 2017
Duration 90 min Genre Drama
Language English, Tagalog, Mandarin, Atayal Subtitles English
SAT 09.12
TALE OF THE LOST BOYS Joselito Altarejos
EN The friendship between Alex the Filipino and Jerry the Taiwanese aborigine begins as Alex arrives in Taipei from Manila. They quickly become friends and go on a road trip to Jerry’s hometown, which makes the two connect and reconnect with their respective mothers and realize a certain sense of identity. NL Filippino Alex reist van Manila naar Taipei en ontmoet daar de inheemse Taiwanees Jerry. Ze worden snel vrienden en ondernemen een roadtrip naar Jerry’s geboortestad. Onderweg raken ze verbonden met elkaar en hun moeders en verwezenlijken zo hun eigen identiteit.
Country Mexico, The Netherlands Year 2016
Duration 103 min Genre Drama
Language Spanish, Zikril Subtitles English
SAT 09.12
EN A young linguist travels to the Mexican jungle to research and save a mysterious indigenous language on the verge of extinction due to a fight between the last two speakers. He uncovers a secret, concealed by the language.
NL Een mysterieuze inheemse taal dreigt uit te sterven doordat de twee allerlaatste sprekers met elkaar weigeren te communiceren. Een jonge linguïst reist af naar de Mexicaanse jungle om dit te voorkomen en de taal te onderzoeken. Tijdens deze zoektocht stuit hij op een oud geheim.
SAT 09.12
THE WOUND (Inxeba) John Trengove
EN Xolani, a lonely factory worker, travels to the rural mountains with the men of his community to initiate a group of teenage boys into manhood. When a defiant initiate from the city discovers his best-kept secret, Xolani’s entire existence begins to unravel.
Country South Africa, Germany, Netherlands, France Year 2016 Duration 88 min Genre Drama
Language Xhosa Subtitles English
NL Xolani, een eenzame fabriekswerker, trekt samen met de mannen uit zijn gemeenschap naar de bergen om een mannelijk inwijdingsritueel voor een groep jongens uit voeren. Wanneer een rebelse stadsjongen zijn diepste geheim ontdekt begint Xolani’s wereld langzaam te ontrafelen.
SUN 10.12
REPRESENTING LGBTIQ REFUGEES EN Who gets to speak for whom? Popular culture representations are susceptible to constructing the refugee subject solely from a Western gaze. Issues of stripping the individual of agency, resulting in victimization, exoticization and eroticization, are discussed through four short films and a debate. NL Wie spreekt voor wie? De vluchtelingenproblematiek wordt in populaire cultuur vaak enkel vanuit een Westers standpunt weergegeven. Verlies van zelfbeschikking met als gevolg daarvan slachtofferschap, exotisme en seksualisering worden aan de hand van vier korte films en een debat besproken.
Language English/ Dutch Entrance Free
PROGR A M Country The Netherlands Year 2017
Duration 7 min
Genre Drama, Short Language Dutch Subtitles English
Country The Netherlands Year 2017
Duration 15 min
Genre Drama, Short
Language Arabic, English
Subtitles English when Arabic is spoken The director will be present for a Q&A.
HOUSE TREE ANIMAL (Huisje Boompje Beestje) Tom Cas, Koen Leerink
EN Dannie and Ferry have everything they could dream of, but there's something missing. Keeping up with the latest trend, they travel to Greece to extend the family. But is this what they wanted? NL Dannie en Ferry hebben alles wat hun hart begeert, maar toch ontbreekt er iets. Ze reizen voor een familie uitbreiding af naar Griekenland, maar is dit daadwerkelijk wat ze willen?
EN Sami has fled Aleppo to Amsterdam where he hopes to live openly as a gay man and escape the past. A chance encounter brings him face to face with Johan. Over the course of a night, unsettling secrets are revealed that make both men confront harsh truths about the very different worlds they come from. NL Sami vlucht van Aleppo naar Amsterdam en hoopt daar openlijk als homo te kunnen leven en aan zijn verleden te ontsnappen. Een toevallige ontmoeting brengt hem oog in oog met Johan. In het verloop van een nacht komen verontrustende geheimen aan het licht en worden beide mannen geconfronteerd met de harde waarheid over de verschillende werelden waar ze vandaan komen.
SKAI BLUE Guido Verelst
Country Belgium Year 2017
Duration 18 min
Genre Drama, Short Language English
Subtitles No subtitles
EN Tom meets Simon, a Cameroon refugee on a dating app. They have a short but passionate relationship and hope for a better life, happiness and love. However, Tom realizes that this relationship has a huge impact on his own life and is forced to make a difficult choice. NL Tom en Simon, een vluchteling uit Kameroen, ontmoeten elkaar op een dating app en hebben een korte, hartstochtelijke affaire. Beiden dromen van een gelukkiger leven vol liefde. Tom realiseert zich echter dat de relatie een zware impact heeft op zijn eigen leven en staat noodgedwongen voor een moeilijke keuze.
Gina Wenzel EN Laura is a self-confident young woman, a member of “Generation Y”. Spoilt for choice by life’s abundance of options, Laura has lost track of her own aims and ideals. One night she meets Safi, who has fled her homeland. The encounter gives Laura food for thought. NL Laura is een zelfverzekerde jonge vrouw van “Generatie Y”. Verwend door alle keuzevrijheid is ze haar eigen dromen en idealen uit het oog verloren. Op een avond ontmoet ze Safi, die is gevlucht uit haar thuisland. Deze ontmoeting zet Laura aan het denken.
Country Germany Year 2017
Duration 24 min
Genre Drama, Short
Language German, English Subtitles English
PROGR A M Language English/ Dutch Entrance Free
SUN 10.12
QUEERING THE STAGE EN The festival’s Queering the Stage program introduces ways of queering the performing arts. How can performing arts crush patriarchy, abolish gender roles, and move beyond the heteronormative axis on an trans-regional level? You are invited to discuss the topics with professionals from diverse cultural fields. Following the debate, three films – ANYA KNEEZ: A Queen In Beirut, Decoding DarkMatter, and Tango Queerido – supply the audience with possible approaches to the topic, focusing on the fields of drag, poetry, theatre and dance. NL Hoe wordt kunst queer? Hoe kunnen de uitvoerende kunsten grensoverschrijdend afrekenen met het patriarchaat, geijkte gender rollen en hetero-normatieve beperkingen? Professionals uit de culturele sector treden hierover in gesprek. Aansluitend aan het debat tonen de films ANYA KNEEZ: A Queen In Beirut, Decoding DarkMatter en Tango Queerido drie uiteenlopende voorbeelden met betrekking tot drag, poëzie, theater en dans.
SUN 10.12
QUEERING THE STAGE Country Lebanon Year 2017
Duration 11 min
Genre Documentary, Short Language English Subtitles English
EN After 23 years in the United States, Anya Kneez moves back home to live with her parents in Lebanon. She struggles with the values of a Middle Eastern society that fails to accommodate her lifestyle. The short documentary portrays the life of the boy who brought Drag from the slums of Brooklyn to the clubs of Beirut. NL Na 23 jaar in de Verenigde Staten keert Anya Kneez terug naar haar ouders in Libanon. De normen en waarden van een cultuur in het Midden-Oosten stroken niet langer met haar
levensstijl. Deze korte documentaire portretteert het leven van de jongen die drag van de sloppenwijken van Brooklyn meebrengt naar het nachtleven van Beiroet.
EN Decoding DarkMatter documents the journey of two Asian transgender poetry performance artists, as they progress from Stanford University, where they began performing together, to their first large theater production. As art activists, they discuss the obstacles trans people of color are facing worldwide. NL Decoding DarkMatter volgt de ontwikkelingen van twee Aziatische transgender poetry-performers, vanaf het begin van hun optredens op Stanford University tot hun eerste grote theatervoorstelling. Als artivists bespreken ze de belemmeringen die queer & trans people of color wereldwijd tegenkomen.
EN Tango Queerido offers insight from within the international queer tango movement. It highlights the paradox of how tango, a traditionally macho dance, has given LGBTIQ communities a tool of communication and political struggle through appropriation, rebelling against its heteronormative gender roles. NL Tango Queerido biedt een kijkje in de internationale queer-tangobeweging. Het belicht de paradox hoe tango, van oorsprong een macho dans, door de LHBTQI gemeenschap wordt ingezet als politiek wapen in de strijd tegen heteronormativiteit.
Country United States Year 2017
Duration 22 min
Genre Documentary, Short Language English
Subtitles No subtitles
Country Argentina Year 2016
Duration 60 min
Genre Documentary
Language English, German, Spanish Subtitles English
PROGR A M Language English
SUN 10.12
LGBTIQ REFUGEES: DIFFERENT REALITIES BY SECRET GARDEN EN IQMF has invited Secret Garden to join the panel LGBTIQ refugees: different realities, to address the issues LGBTIQ refugees face after fleeing to the Netherlands. The panellists will discuss exclusion, intimidation and abuse, a lot of which is experienced during the asylum seeking processes in Dutch refugee camps, where LGBTIQ refugees are humiliated and bullied by other refugees and often fail to obtain the protection they seek from Dutch authorities. In addition the panel will discuss how they are perceived by Dutch society in general and the LGBTIQ community in specific. With screenings of films House, Tree, Animal & The Crossing. NL IQMF nodigt Secret Garden uit om deel te nemen aan het panel LHBTIQ vluchtelingen: verschillende realiteiten om mee te praten over de problemen die LHBTIQ vluchtelingen ervaren na hun aankomst in Nederland, zoals uitsluiting, onderdrukking en mishandeling. Veel LHBTIQ vluchtelingen worden vernederd en gepest in de Nederlandse asielzoekerscentra maar krijgen geen bescherming van de Nederlandse autoriteiten. Het panel bespreekt verder hoe zij worden gezien door de ogen van de Nederlandse maatschappij en de LHBTIQ gemeenschap. Met vertoning van de films House, Tree, Animal en The Crossing.
EN The Crossing presents video portraits of eleven LGBTIQ refugees who speak about their experiences before, during and after the exodus from their homelands to the Netherlands. Their touching accounts demonstrate the challenges of living amid homophobia and transphobia. NL The Crossing is een verzameling videoportretten van elf LHBTIQ vluchtelingen die hun ervaringen voor, tijdens en na de vlucht van hun thuisland naar Nederland delen. Hun aangrijpende relaas belicht hoe zwaar het is om omringd te zijn door homofobie en transfobie.
SUN 10.12
Allan McDonald EN This documentary showcases the lives of transgender Muslims who share their narratives in a South African context. They struggle with multiple levels of discrimination due to the social and religious stigma that is accelerated by orthodox and extremist interpretations of Islamic texts.
Country The Netherlands Year 2017
Duration 23 min
Genre Documentary
Language Arabic, Farsi, Urdu Subtitles English
Country South Africa Year 2016
Duration 52 min
Genre Documentary
Language English, Xhosa Subtitles No subtitles
NL Een documentaire over transgender-moslims in Zuid-Afrika die mede door hun religie en het verschijnen van extremistische interpretaties van Islamitische geschriften steeds heviger worden gediscrimineerd.
NOT ACCEPTABLE Saman Haghighivand
EN A daydreaming trans-boy is put under pressure by his family, resulting in his rejection. The film highlights the difficulties that transgender youth face in families that fail to accept the diversity of gender identities.
Country Iran Year 2017
Duration 2 min
Genre Drama, Short Language Silent
Subtitles English, Persian
NL Een dagdromende trans-jongen wordt door zijn familie onder druk gezet en uiteindelijk verstoten. De film belicht de moeilijkheden die transgender jongeren ondergaan binnen families die weigeren om de diversiteit van genderidentiteit te accepteren.
Country India Year 2016
Duration 24 min
Genre Documentary, Short Language English, Malayalam Subtitles English
THAT’S MY BOY Akhil Sathyan
EN That’s My Boy is a documentary on identity, self-acceptance and feeling at ease with your own body. It portrays the successful and remarkable life of Sonu, formerly known as Sonia, who chose to follow his heart in spite of family pressures and now works to create awareness of trans issues in India. NL Een documentaire over identiteit, zelfacceptatie en je op je gemak voelen in je eigen lichaam. Het portretteert het succesvolle en opmerkelijke leven van Sonu, voorheen Sonia, die ondanks de druk van zijn familie zijn hart volgde en nu aandacht vraagt voor trans problematiek in India.
Language English
SUN 10.12
QUEER FACES, MIGRANT VOICES EN IQMF Amsterdam will conclude with a very special programme on the Sunday afternoon. A programme in the dark, where you can close your eyes and just listen. Eight courageous people who fled their homelands and left their family in search for freedom, acceptance and love will present their stories in a mix of live storytelling and recorded audio.
Queer Faces, Migrant Voices is a Stichting art.1 production in collaboration with IQMF, One World Festival Berlin & KIJUFI. The project is financed by Fonds voor Cultuurparticipatie, BJA-COW, Jonge Kunst - Fonds Soziokultur, Projektfonds kulturelle Bildung.
NL IQMF Amsterdam sluit af met een zeer bijzonder programma op de zondagmiddag. Een programma waarbij je je ogen mag sluiten en enkel hoeft te luisteren. Acht moedige mensen die hun
familie hebben achtergelaten en hun thuisland zijn ontvlucht op zoek naar vrijheid, acceptatie en liefde delen hun verhaal in een mix van live storytelling en opgenomen audio. Queer Faces, Migrant Voices is een project van Stichting art1 in samenwerking met One World Festival Berlin & KIJUFI. Het project is gefinancierd door het Fonds voor Cultuurparticipatie, BJA-COW en Jonge Kunst - Fonds Soziokultur, Projektfonds kulturelle Bildung.
MON 11.12
MIN HOMOSYSTER (My Gay Sister) Lia Hietala
Lucas van der Rhee
TUE 12.12
SEE P.24
ABU (Father) SEE P.17 Arshad Khan
TUE 12.12
SEE P.25
Lucas van der Rhee
WED 13.12
ABU (Father) SEE P.17 Arshad Khan
Lia Hietala
GIRL UNBOUND SEE P.20 Erin Heidenreich
WED 13.12
THE WOUND (Inxeba) SEE P.14
John Trengove
This screening is financed by Carel Nengerman Fonds
Exhibitions WED 06.12
17:00 - 19:00, DE BALIE — OPENING
In the restaurant and foyer of De Balie we present the photo series Kütmaan and Mr Gay Syria from Istanbul based photographer Bradley Secker. Seckers work often focuses on the consequences of social, political, and military actions, with a primary focus on the individual. He often covers stories on the way personal identity shapes lives in challenging and unexpected ways.
نامتك/ KÜTMAAN Means hidden or concealed in Arabic
This is an ongoing series of portraits documenting individuals in Turkey and Syria seeking asylum based on their sexuality or gender identity. The series also follows LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) Kurds as they struggle for their rights in the LGBT and Kurdish movements, in south-eastern Turkey.
The work comprises photographs from multiple projects and is a continuation of Iraq’s unwanted people, a photo reportage on Iraqi men seeking resettlement on grounds of sexuality in Damascus, Syria in 2010. This ongoing series forms part of a long-term documentary on LGBT identity in the Middle East. Originating from Iraq, Syria and Iran, hundreds of individuals have applied for resettlement overseas, based on sexuality or gender identity grounds. They are currently in Turkey, Syria and other counties in the region, waiting for their cases to be processed and to be moved to the next country. Kütmaan attempts to portray the waiting, the uncertainty, and the highs and lows of the resettlement experience in both countries, and the lives that are lived during those unknown months and years. As numerous factors continue to rip their countries and the wider region apart, LGBT refugees manage to find each other and unite in exile, despite their differences. All the individuals depicted in these images have been displaced due to their sexuality and/or gender identity.
MR GAY SYRIA 2016 marks the first edition of Mr Gay Syria, a contest to find a candidate to represent the country in the annual Mr Gay World contest, which aims to advance LGBT rights globally through a chosen candidate. At the time of the shoot the Syrian conflict was in its fifth year. Those forced to flee Syria have long since formed diaspora communities around the Middle East and further abroad. Istanbul has become one of the main centres of Syrian culture and life in exile, and is also home to a growing community of LGBTI Syrians standing up and asserting their identities and their rights. Hussein Sabat was the winner of the Mr Gay Syria contest, held in Istanbul, Turkey. This story follows Hussein and the four other brave competitors in the community, from the competition in Istanbul to Malta for Mr Gay World 2016. This isn’t just a story on the search for Mr Gay Syria, it’s a story about a movement of individuals forming a community and empowering themselves and each other in exile. This is a story about resilience in the face of fear, and unity amid increasing polarisation and sectarianism.
International guests REETTA AALTO
Reetta Aalto (1976) is a Helsinki-based filmmaker, who writes and directs fiction and documentary films. Grey Violet – Odd One Out is her mid-length documentary debut which will intrigue viewers during the festival. Aalto’s films often handle questions of inner growth and identity. She aims to convey precise and true perceptions of life through a raw and realistic, yet warm and often humoristic touch. Reetta Aalto has an MA degree in Documentary Film from the Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture (ARTS) and a MA degree in Russian Language and Literature from the Helsinki University Faculty of Arts.
Director of the IQMF 2017 film HOMØE - Looking For Shelter, Bin Chen (born 1991), studied German, TV journalism
and audiovisual communication in Shanghai, Hannover and Madrid. The former TV-journalist from China has broadened his palette into documentary filmmaking after finishing his Master’s studies in Germany. Bin Chen creates films and video reports especially on the topics of culture, migration, LGBT and human rights in different countries including South Africa and Chile.
Pouria Heidary Oureh was born in 1984 in Tehran, Iran. From a young age, he has been interested in visual and performance arts as well as storytelling, especially through drawings. He graduated from SAE Institute of Digital Film in Dubai, and has since worked with several renowned Iranian directors in Iran as well as abroad before moving on to direct his own films. His feature film set in Armenia, Apricot Groves, will stun this year’s festival viewers following its success in more than 20 international festivals.
João Inácio has spent 18 years in film production and movie exhibition. He has acted as a curator for the Festival Short Para Cine Brazil in Amazon, a developer of alternative film distribution in the Para state, and promoter of the inclusion of film language in public school curricula. The IQMF 2017 film, Shala, marks his directorial debut and the script won first price from Brazil’s Ministry of Culture in Brazil’s national competition for short films. It was one of only 20 short films from across Brazil to win awards from the Ministry’s Support for Unpublished Works in Motion Picture Production competition.
developing feature film projects in Canada and Pakistan. His documentary film, ABU, is an exciting addition to this year’s festival programme with its deeply personal story of the relationship between a gay man and his devout Muslim father.
Film director Isaac Motavu gets close to festivalgoers through his cinematic portrayal of the LGBTIQ community’s situation in Uganda. Impunity is a powerful feature film that highlights the vulnerability of sexual and gender minorities in a country notorious for its anti-gay laws. Motavu is also known for his screenplay of Outed: The Painful Reality, which deals with the consequences of public mass media outings of individuals in Uganda.
MOHAMED SABBAH Arshad Khan is a filmmaker, film festival director, festival strategist and film educator from Canada. Born in Pakistan, Khan believes in cinema as a catalyst for change. He hopes to make films that shed light on subjects that are ignored by the mainstream media. He is especially interested in realism in cinema and the new wave in South Asian cinema, yet not restricted to any one cinematic genre. He is currently
Beirut-based director Mohamed Sabbah studied filmmaking at the ALBA institute, where he received a BA in 2011 and an MA in 2014. His short films received international attention and even an invitation to the Short Film Corner in
Cannes in 2012. Sabbah was a guest of the International Class (ICLA) of the Film Academy Ludwigsburg in Germany to work on the script development for his first feature length film, Chronic. IQMF 2017 is proud to showcase the film - a remarkable story of loss - as a part of its official selection. Mohamed Sabbah has also been working as assistant director and director on TV commercials, campaigns and music videos.
Tamara Shogaolu has worked in film and media in the Middle East, United States, Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Her work has been featured at film festivals, galleries, and museums in the US and internationally, such as the National Gallery of Indonesia, the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) and others. She was a Fulbright scholar in Egypt, where she co-organized the first Cairo Refugee Film Festival. Her latest animated short, HALF A LIFE, film is currently shortlisted for a 2017 Iris Prize. In addition to placing in other competitive writing competitions, she was a 2014 Academy Nicholls Fellowship Semifinalist. She holds an MFA from the University of Southern California’s School of Cinematic Arts, where she was a Burton Lewis Endowed Scholar for Directing. She is based in Amsterdam where she is a member of the virtual reality incubator VRBASE.
Lucas van der Rhee (22) is a self-taught filmmaker from Amsterdam who writes and directs fiction. His first short film ON Y VA! won several prices at Cinekid film festival. His second film ELIAS will premiere at IQMF and was crowdfunded and produced with the help of friends in the movie business. He is interested in themes such as family ties, coming of age and mother-child relationships. Besides film he has a great passion for photography and he is always trying to combine these two forms of art. In addition to his work as a filmmaker, Lucas also works as an assistant director on film sets.
Timetable WEDNESDAY 6 DECEMBER 17:00 – 19:00
Exhibition opening Kütmaan + Mr Gay Syria
De Balie, Bovenfoyer
19:30 – 21:30
Opening ceremony + I Dream In Another Language (103')
De Balie, Grote Zaal
22:00 – 23:35
The Wound (88')
De Balie, Grote Zaal
22:00 – 1:00
WTF Queer Night / IQMF
THURSDAY 7 DECEMBER 18:00 – 20:00
Refugee dinner + debate
De Balie, Salon
18:30 – 20:05
Apricot Groves (80') + Q&A w/ Pouria Heidary
De Balie, Grote Zaal
20:15 – 22:00
ABU (81') + Q&A w/ Arshad Khan
De Balie, Grote Zaal
22:10 – 23:55
Chronic (89') + Q&A w/ Mohamed Sabbah
De Balie, Grote Zaal
22:00 – LATE
Genderqueer KIKI
FRIDAY 8 DECEMBER 18:00 – 19:30
TranScreen presents Upon the Shadow (80')
De Balie, Grote Zaal
19:30 – 21:15
Abu (81') + Q&A w/ Arshad Khan
Humanity House, Den Haag
20:00 – 21:35
The Wound (88')
Bijlmer Parktheater
20:00 – 21:45
Girl Unbound (80') + After talk
De Balie, Grote Zaal
21:00 – 21:45
Debate Queer Activism
De Balie, Salon
22:00 – 23:30
HALF A LIFE (12') + Grey Violet – Odd One Out (54') + Q&A w/ Reetta Aalto
De Balie, Grote Zaal
23:30 – 05:00
Pera x IQMF The Party
SATURDAY 9 DECEMBER 12:00 – 13:45
Children - Short Films + Q&A w/ João Inácio
De Balie, Grote Zaal
12:00 – 13:45
African Shorts (89') + Q&A w/ Isaac Matovu & Marthe Djilo Kamga
De Balie, Filmzaal
12:30 – 14:30
IQMF presents IQMF Academy
De Balie, Salon
14:00 – 15:40
The Migrant Mixtape (22') + HOMØE: Looking for Shelter (56') + Q&A w/ Bin Chen
De Balie, Filmzaal
14:15 – 15:50
Massimadi Festival presents: Le Festival Restera au Placard (21') + Paris is Voguing (64')
De Balie, Grote Zaal
15:00 – 16:00
Debate Homeless LGBTIQ Youth + Rats That Eat Men (17')
De Balie, Salon
16:00 – 17:15
Two Soft Things, Two Hard Things (71')
De Balie, Grote Zaal
16:00 – 17:40
Asian Shorts (90') + Q&A w/ Anouk Houtman & Alice McDowell
De Balie, Filmzaal
16:15 – 17.30
Debate Representing the queer/ migrant community: who talks for who?
De Balie, Salon
18:15 – 19:45
Tale of the Lost Boys (90')
De Balie, Grote Zaal
20:00 – 21:55
I Dream In Another Language (103') + Closing Ceremony
De Balie, Grote Zaal
22:10 – 23:40
The Wound (88')
De Balie, Grote Zaal
13:00 – 13:45
Debate Queering the Stage
De Balie, Salon
14:00 – 15:35
Representing LGBTIQ Refugees (64') + Q&A
De Balie, Grote Zaal
14:00 – 15:35
Queering the Stage screening
De Balie, Filmzaal
14:15 – 16:15
LGBTIQ Refugees: Different Realities by Secret Garden House Tree Animal (8') + The Crossing (23')
De Balie, Salon
16:00 – 17:30
Not Acceptable (2') + That's My Boy (24') + Locked In (52')
De Balie, Filmzaal
16.30 – 18:00
Queer Faces, Migrant Voices
De Balie, Grote Zaal
HAARLEM 19:00 – 21:00
Min Homosyster (15') + ELIAS (13') + ABU (81')
Toneelschuur Haarlem
19:00 – 20:25
I Dream In Another Language (104')
LantarenVenster, Rotterdam
21:00 – 22:50
ELIAS (13') + ABU (81')
LantarenVenster, Rotterdam
19:00 – 20:30
Min Homosyster (13') + Girl Unbound (72')
't Hoogt, Utrecht
21:00 – 22:30
The Wound (88')
't Hoogt, Utrecht
Locations DE BALIE Kleine Gartmanplantsoen 10 1017 RR Amsterdam 020 5535 100
TONEELSCHUUR Lange Begijnestraat 9 2011 HH Haarlem 023 517 3910
BIJLMER PARKTHEATER Anton de Komplein 240 1102 DR Amsterdam-Zuidoost 020 311 3933
LANTARENVENSTER Otto Reuchlinweg 996 3072 MD Rotterdam 010 277 2277
HUMANITY HOUSE Prinsegracht 8 2512 GA Den Haag 070 310 0050
FILMTHEATER ‘T HOOGT Hoogt 4 3512 GW Utrecht 030 231 2216
Cover artwork Š Daniel Arzola