Financial Times Seasonal Appeal 2014 - Compendium of Press Coverage

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Financial Times Seasonal Appeal 2014 Compendium of Press Coverage

Financial Times Seasonal Appeal 2014 Compendium of Press Coverage

Table of Contents Appeal print articles ‘Snapshot’ photographs (throughout) Interviews and editorials Fundraising articles MBA Challenge Videos Advertising Coverage list

Campaign Value Total campaign equivalent advertising value: £2.2 million

The International Rescue Committee helps people whose lives and livelihoods are shattered by conflict and disaster to survive, recover, and gain control of their future.

Appeal print articles Launch article: Syria’s stolen childhoods, p11 main paper, 8th December, including; front page promotion, online photo slideshow, letter from the editor and donation coupon.

Appeal article two: South Sudan’s displaced people, p9 main paper, 12th December, including; front page promotion and donation coupon.

Appeal article three: Signs of hope in Ebola-hit Sierra Leone, p10 main paper, 18th December. Advert for IRC’s US resettlement article in FT Weekend magazine.

Appeal article four: Refugee’s’ stories - A new life in the US, p18-24 FT Weekend magazine, 20th December. Trailed on magazine contents page and featured in FT US Life & Arts.

Appeal article five: Syrian refugees rekindle hope by learning a trade, p5 main paper, 27th December, including a donation coupon. Appeal article six: Boko Haram insurgency creates humanitarian crisis in Nigeria, p6 main paper, 2nd January, including a donation coupon.

Appeal article seven: Refugee charity seeks to develop disaster relief, p10 main paper, 9th January. Snapshot one: Central African Republic, back page Life & Arts, 13th December, including a donation coupon. Snapshot two: Syrian refugees in Lebanon, back page Life & Arts, 20th December, including a donation coupon.

Appeal article eight: At the border of hope and despair (Myanmar/Thailand), front page Life & Arts, 10th January, including video and a donation coupon. Snapshot three: Refugee camp North Kivu DRC, back page Life & Arts, 27th December, including a donation coupon. Snapshot four: Young Syrian refugee, back page Life & Arts, 3rd January.

Appeal article nine: Educating Syria’s lost generation, p8 main paper, 13th January.

Appeal article ten: Youth centre gives hope to Syrian teens, online, 12th January.

Interviews and editorials Deputy-editor’s appeal closing article: FT readers help raise £1.9m, p8 main paper, 30th January. Lunch with the FT: David Miliband, p3 Life & Arts, 13th December.

Leader: A precious gift of hope, p10 main paper, 23rd December. Snapshot five: Mathieu in Burundi, back page Life & Arts, 17th January.

Fundraising articles - Photography auction Snapshot six: Cecil Beaton photograph, back page Life & Arts, 28th November. Auction trail, p2 main paper, 3rd December.

Full-page advert, p21 Companies supplement, 28th November. Online story: Photography auction raises ÂŁ100,000, 5th December.

Fundraising articles - Experience auction Online story: Seasonal Appeal auction, 11th December. Full-page advert, p12 main paper, 9th December.

Nicholas Lander column promoting his auction lot, p18 Life & Arts, 20th December. Merryn Somerset-Webb opinion piece promoting her auction lot, p4 FT Money, 20th December.

Online story: FT Seasonal Appeal raises ÂŁ126,000, 23rd December. Quarter-page advert, p7 main paper, 15th December.

A peal of hope, with reference to the FT’s Christmas carol raising money for the IRC, front page House & Home, 6th December.

MBA Challenge Online story: FT MBA Quiz 2015, 28th November.

To the rescue, p28-30 Business Education magazine, 26th January.

Videos David Miliband on the FT Seasonal Appeal, 8th December. South Sudan’s 2m displaced people, 14th December.

Teaser video and email sign-up: The refugees in America, 12th December.

Interactive feature: Refugees in America, 19th December. US steel hub revived by refugees, 20th December.

Deadly virus – stopping Ebola, 17th December. Refugees seek relief from forgotten war (Myanmar), 9th January.

Advertising Half-page advert, p9 main paper, 20th January. Online appeal promo, world news, ongoing.

Financial Times Seasonal Appeal 2014 Coverage List Editorial Main appeal articles 1. The Big Read: Syria’s Stolen Childhoods p8 – 8/12 (and front page mention of article) 2. South Sudan’s displaced people p9 - 12/12 (and front page mention of article) 3. Signs of hope in Ebola-hit Sierra Leone p9 – 18/12 4. A New Life: US resettlement feature in Weekend magazine (UK) and Life & Arts (US) p18-24 – 20/12 accompanied by Charlie Bibby photographs. Also trailed on contents page 5. Syrian refugees rekindle hope by learning a trade p5 - 27/12 6. Humanitarian crisis in Nigeria p6 – 2/01 7. Refugee charity seeks to develop disaster relief p10 – 9/01 8. At the border of hope and despair (Thai/Burma) front page of Life & Arts - 10/1 9. Youth Centre gives hope to Syrian teens Turkey (online) – 12/01 10. IRC helps educate Syria’s lost generation p8 – 13/1 Interviews/editorials 11. Lunch with the FT: David Miliband p3 Life & Arts – 13/12 12. Letter from the Editor: Lionel Barber – 8/12 13. Leader: The Precious Gift of Hope – 23/12 14. Appeal closing article: John Thornhill p8 main paper, 30/01 Fundraising articles 15. Article on the success of the photography auction - 5/12 (online) 16. Experience auction promo – 11/12 (online) 17. Experience auction results article - 23/12 (online) 18. MBA Challenge & MBA Charity Quiz triple page spread p28-30 – Magazine supplement 26/01 19. Article on success to open next year’s FT appeal (Due December 2015) Photos 20. Auction photo slideshow and event details (online) – 24/11 21. Snapshot 1: Auction trail and photo back page Life and Arts - 28/11 22. Auction trail and photo p2 main paper - 3/12 23. Syria article photo slideshow (online) – 7/12 24. Snapshot 2: CAR back page Life and Arts - 13/12 25. Snapshot 3: Syrian refugees in Lebanon back page Life and Arts - 20/12 26. Snapshot 4: IDP camp North Kivu, DRC back page Life and Arts - 27/12 27. Snapshot 5: Young Syrian Refugee back page Life and Arts – 3/01 28. Slideshow of photos from IRC Lebanon’s education programme (online) – 03/01 29. Snapshot 6: Burundi back page Life and Arts – 17/01 Videos (online) Total video views: 133,596 30. Video 1: Appeal video – David Miliband on FT Seasonal Appeal – 8/12 31. Video 2: South Sudan video – 15/12 32. Video 3: Ebola video – 17/12 33. Video 4: Refugees in America video and photos slideshow – 19/12 34. Video 5: IRC Baltimore office video – 20/12 35. Video 6: Burma/Thailand – 10/01 Additional references to the IRC and the seasonal appeal 36. IRC mention for next FT appeal MBA challenge (online) – 16/10 37. House & Home Christmas Carol video (online) - 5/12 38. Donated Christmas Carol for Seasonal Appeal, FT’s House & Home supplement - 6/12 39. Trail for resettlement article (online) 40. Reporting Back: South Sudan Katrina Manson’s trip to Juba blog (online) – 16/12 41. Merryn Somerset-Webb FT column promoting her Experience Auction lot p4 FT Money – 20/12 42. Nicholas Lander promoting his Experience Auction lot in US FT article p18 Life & Arts – 20/12 43. FT Alphaville: link to the video of the day (online) – 22/12 44. MBA challenge winner result (Due October 2015)

Additional non appeal linked IRC editorial coverage in FT 45. Syrian refugees panic as UN cuts food aid amid funding crisis print & online – 3/12 46. Massive evacuation as Typhoon Hagupit nears Philippines online – 6/12 47. Listing of Carolyn Makinson’s CBE print & online – 01/01

Advertising Print: 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69.

Auction event details – 25/11 Full page photo auction advert – p21 companies supplement 28/11 Full page photo auction advert – p9 main paper 2/12 Seasonal Appeal banner advert on front page – 8/12 Coupon accompanying Syria launch article – p11 main paper 8/12 Full page experience auction advert – p12 main paper 9/12 Advert for Lunch with FT interview in Weekend Magazine – p7 main paper 11/12 Seasonal Appeal banner advert on front page – 12/12 Coupon accompanying South Sudan article – p9 main paper 12/12 Full page experience auction advert – Inside cover back page Life & Arts 13/12 Coupon accompanying CAR Snapshot – back page Life & Arts 13/12 ¼ page experience auction advert – p7 main paper 15/12 Advert for FT Weekend magazine, including US resettlement feature - p10 main paper 18/12 Coupon accompanying Lebanon Snapshot - back page Life & Arts 20/12 Coupon accompanying Syrian vocational training article – p5 main paper 27/12 Coupon accompanying DRC Snapshot – back page Life & Arts 27/12 Coupon accompanying Nigeria article – p6 main paper 2/01 Full page advert – Inside back cover Weekend magazine 10/01 Coupon accompanying Thai/Myanmar article – p2 Life & Arts 10/01 Half page advert –pg 9 main paper 20/01 Full page corporate advert - p20 companies supplement 26/01 Half page corporate advert – p19 companies supplement 27/01

Online only: 70. MBA challenge trail – 16/11 71. MBA quiz advert – 28/11 72. MBA quiz mention – 30/11 73. Seasonal Appeal banner advert on homepage – 8/12 74. FT Editors Choice email – 8/12 75. Link to appeal and donate button alongside article on Syrian refugees in Turkey – 11/12 76. US resettlement feature teaser video – 12/12 77. US resettlement feature email sign-up – 19/12 78. Appeal fact box accompanying World News story 79. Appeal fact box accompanying Lebanon story 80. Appeal banner across on homepage each day from 17/12 for approx. four weeks 81. Appeal break-out box on World News page each day for two weeks Non appeal linked IRC advertising in FT 82. Full page advert in Companies section during summer.

Total campaign value: £2,226,943 Advertising Total value for print advertising: £1,329,275 Total value for online advertising: £68,762 Total advertising value: £1,398,037 Editorial Equivalent advertising value for editorial print coverage: £730,019 Equivalent advertising value for editorial online coverage: £98,887 Total editorial value: £828,906

International Rescue Committee LON DON | B R USSE LS | G E N EVA | NAI ROB I | BANG KOK | N EW YOR K | WASH I NGTON, DC

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