Ways To Enlarge Your Manhood Naturally

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Penis Enlargement Bible

Penis Enlargement Bible

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The eBook is supplied for information purposes only, even though the contributors of this material are well conversed in the subject matter printed. The material content in this ebook does not constitute professional advice. This eBook is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information with regards to the subject matter contained. It is sold on the understanding that the publisher and its contributors are not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional advice. If professional advice or other professional assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. The readers are advised to consult with any appropriately qualified professional before taking any decisions. If you have or suspect an illness or have a health concern, always consult with your physician or health care provider. We have used our best judgment in compiling this information, however, the information presented may not have been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Any reference to a specific product is for your information only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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Penis Enlargement Bible

Table of Contents Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 4 Know Your Penis ................................................................................................................... 6 Measuring Your Penis ............................................................................................................ 8 Penis Exercises: The Basics................................................................................................... 10 Penis Exercises: Stepping It Up A Gear (Advanced Exercises) ................................................ 16 Penis Exercises: The Schedule .............................................................................................. 20 Conclusion........................................................................................................................... 24

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Penis Enlargement Bible


First of all, congratulations on your choice to download this ebook. This ebook may be free, but I can assure you it‟s priceless. Soon you will know exactly how to enlarge your penis! So consider yourself lucky, my friend, because normally you have to pay $49 just to read guides that are less good than this one. This is a real treat indeed. Now let‟s talk about penis. Your penis, to be exact. I„d bet that your woman has not said in your presence that a bigger penis feels much better during sex than a small penis. It‟s no surprise because she doesn't want to hurt your feelings. Copyright © PenisEnlargementBible.com. All rights reserved.

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Penis Enlargement Bible You see, one of the top complaints from women about their sex life is their partner's small penis size. So what can you do now to make sure your penis causes compliments, not complaints? Don‟t worry, I‟m here to help. If you want to know how to enlarge your penis, then doing exercises is one of most popular ways to increase the size of a man's penis. Nonetheless, there is some effort required - and a catch! By doing some penis enlargement exercises, you can train your penis to let more blood into it which will give you a harder erection and assist in penis growth if you follow the other necessary steps to cause big growth. (This is what the exercise "gurus" didn't want you to know!) But of course, exercises alone DON'T work. In the same way that your body does, your penis needs nutrients and biochemicals to repair itself and - more importantly for us - to grow. What's more, you can trick your body into restarting puberty style penis enlargement (i.e. natural growth) with biochemicals that were present in your body during puberty, but which left when it ended! When they left your body, penis growth ground to a sudden halt. A cool video all about biochemicals and their function in penis enlargement can be found at www.PenisEnlargementBible.com. However, right now you can read this amazing free penis exercise ebook and start straight away to improve your sex life. What I can say is that this guide has been changing the way a bucket-load of men think about treating their "size" problem. Within a few minutes, you will learn how to become a much better lover with a bigger penis. Now enjoy this free report and please pass it on to your family and friends. Tell them about PenisEnlargementBible.com. They need your help too. :) Let's get started!

John Collins, PenisEnlargementBible.com

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Penis Enlargement Bible

Know Your Penis

I'm not going to waste this space (and your valuable time) by telling you all about your penis. You know what a penis is already, right?! :) But there is some important stuff that you need to know if you want to make your penis bigger... As you know, the penis is not a muscle. It's also not a bone. Instead, it's made up of delicate spongy tissue which grew because biochemicals in your body made it bigger as you went through puberty. The most important thing you've gotta remember is that the penis isn't a muscle that can be exercised in the conventional way. BUT... You can use exercises to accelerate penis growth. And this free guide is all about those exercises which are most effective at accelerating the growth of your penis.

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Penis Enlargement Bible Unlike muscle, your penis consists of three cylinders or tubes of tissue. These are arranged with two cylinders on top (as you look down on the penis) and one on the bottom. They are each roughly the size and shape of a pencil. Running through the bottom cylinder is the urethra, the tube through which urine and sperm pass. These cylinders of tissue are firmly held together by a wrap of tissue called Buck„s fascia. If you want to make your penis bigger then you have to enlarge these 3 cylinders and the Buck's fascia. Here's a diagram of the male sexual organs:

Our objective is to make the shaft of your penis bigger in length and girth from the base all the way to the tip. When we do that you get a bigger penis. Penis exercises, unlike muscle exercises, are focused on trapping blood in the penis for longer than is natural. When I implemented my method of penis growth, this accelerated results and took me from a lowly 5” to a big 8”. This guide is focused on getting you gains that are between 2 and 4 inches personally. Before we look at the exercises themselves let's talk about measuring your penis...

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Penis Enlargement Bible

Measuring Your Penis

The truth is, the majority of men have no idea how to measure penis length accurately. To accurately measure your penis is vital if you want to record the increases in size. Here are the steps to measure your penis size accurately so you can give yourself an honest measurement about how you jack up to the male average of six inches‌ FIRST.... find a measuring device. A cloth measuring tape works best. IF you can't find one - then a piece of string will do. After measuring yourself with a piece of string you can place that string along a wooden ruler or some other measuring device! (I hope that makes sense)

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Penis Enlargement Bible IF your penis 'curves' or 'bends' [and many penises do!!] be sure to measure along the curve or bend. Don't measure STRAIGHT from your pubic bone to the tip of your penis in other words! Now the fun part... GET ERECT! Take your measuring device and measure your penis from your pubic bone (the 'pubic bone' is the bone you feel when you press in the area that is covered by your pubic hairs). Don't press TOO hard - but hard enough to be firmly against that bone. Now hold your penis - if you have to! - and place the measuring device (whatever it is that your using) along the top of your penis. (That„s the part of your penis that YOU see!) You are measuring from the pubic bone along the TOP of the penis to the tip of your penis. THAT measurement [whether in inches, centimeters or millimeters] is your OFFICIAL length. The reason I suggest measuring FROM the pubic bone is because it puts every guy on a level playing field. It's a way of being more accurate. Some heavier guys have extra fat behind their pubic hairs - making the penis APPEAR smaller. But we're going for the scientific method to measure your actual size. If you are using a piece of string or whatever, find the distance from your pubic bone to the tip of your penis and then measure the piece of string. To measure the thickness or 'girth' or your penis - stay erect and find the thickest part of your penis (along the shaft). Take your measuring device and wrap it around your penis to get your actual girth measurement. Take note of how many inches, centimeters or millimeters it takes to go all the way around. That measurement will be the official girth of your penis. That's it. That's all there is to it. Now, onto the basics of exercises... J

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Penis Enlargement Bible

Penis Exercises: The Basics

Penis exercises are a way of trapping blood in the penis. While some people sell systems on penis exercises this guide is free. And it's free because I'm not going to lie to you about penis exercises. I'm not here to make a quick buck. I was once where you are – trying to get a bigger penis – and I was scammed countless times. Here is what “gurus” who rip you off with exercise programs will tell you: o “Penis exercises are a great way to make your penis bigger. They're all you need to grow by 2-6 inches!!!”

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Penis Enlargement Bible o “Buy my stuff!!!” o “Exercises work because the enlarge the blood vessels in the penis and then your penis can accommodate more blood. That means you get a bigger penis!!!” I gotta tell you right now though. That's total BS! What you need is the two-step biochemical method to penis enlargement. One of these steps is exercises. So here's what you need to know about exercises. This is basic exercises, advanced exercises and finally a schedule for when to do what. Here's what you need to know... Some men, all too eager to see gains, have gone straight in at the deep end and done harm to their penis by not following the routine structure. Please be careful!

Warming up Just like any sports, warming up is very important to make sure that you protect your penis from any undue damage. If you fail to warm up properly then you're really putting a penis risk. I'll say it again, warming up is vital! First of all, you need to prepare your penis. Soak a washcloth in warm or hot water, then squeeze it out. Take the warm cloth and wrap it around the shaft of your penis (either flaccid or erect). Hold it right there for a minute, remove it, repeat at least twice. Next is to dry off your penis well. Many people have come up with different ways of warming up but I find the simplest to be dunking a towel in hot, but not boiling, water and wrapping it around your penis. The hotter the better – but please be careful not to burn yourself. Before you begin your daily exercises, you have to start off with this procedure for at least 5 minutes. The hot compress is useful because it draws blood to the area of your penis, thereby escalating the blood flow and making the skin more elastic. Another advantage is that this also ensures a good grip for the exercises you will be carrying out.

Lubrication Lubrication is necessary for all of the techniques we recommend here. Using the right lubricant will help you avoid irritation to the sensitive skin of your love gear.

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Penis Enlargement Bible There are many types of lubricants are used around the world. Of course, the most popular types are water-based personal lubricants. The water-based lubricants are so simple and easy to clean up, but tend to dry out quicker while you are exercising your penis. Therefore you may need to add more lube as you progress through your workout. While the petroleum-based lubricants are fine to use but they seem to be thicker and harder to clean up. Vaseline is the most popular of the petroleum-based lubricants, but we believe that VigRX oil works the best. This oil has been specially formulated to boost male enhancement. Now you are going to learn is standard stretching and standard Jelqing.

Stretching Standard stretching involves stretching penis so that the ligaments get longer under penis therefore gains length. The purpose of this method is to create tension in the erectile tissues by stretching the skin of the penis while in an erect state. Not only does this make the skin of your penis slightly elastic, it also expands the amount of the space in your penis chambers, the corpora cavernosa. The higher the amount of blood that can fill these spaces results in an enlarging of the overall mass of your penis. Stretching is so simple that you need to do is stretch the penis to make it longer. This involves gripping the penis just below the head and stretching it out with force to the ligaments gain size. There are six stretches. 

Stretch one: While sitting on the edge of a sofa or bed, begin stroking your penis using your thumb and forefinger (the same "a-ok" symbol used in our other methods).

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Penis Enlargement Bible Pulling the penis directly in front of you. You put the penis out directly in front of you from 30 to 40 seconds. As you stroke the penis from the base toward the head, maintain a firm grip and stretch the skin as best as you can. 

Stretch two: you put the penis directly down for 30 to 40 seconds.

Stretch three: people the penis directly up for 30 to 40 seconds.

Stretch four: you pull the penis directly to the left for 30 to 40 seconds.

Stretch five: you pull the penis directly to the right for 30 to 40 seconds.

Stretch six: you rotate the penis all the way in a circular movement for 30 to 40 seconds.

Repeat each direction 2-3 times. With these six stretches all you have to do is four sets of each everyday. Only do this after you have warmed up correctly. After you've finished the exercise you can release the grip on the base of your penis. You should feel the blood begin flowing again. Go ahead, you may ejaculate at this point if you feel the urge. Remember to use a firm grip and enough lubrication, always exercise caution! Do not grip your penis too tight so that you lose the circulation. If you are in pain or feel any discomfort, then you are doing the technique in the wrong way. Read the instructions again and retry the technique slowly.

Jelqing Stretching exercises are useful for lengthening your penis. But in order for one man to increase the circumference, you have to perform stretching exercise while your penis is in a partially-erect state. Jelqing is the technique that develops the whole penis so that its length, thickness, weight, and density all become proportionately enlarged. Jelqing (also called "milking") is actually one of those ancient practices that has been performed for centuries by various tribes and cultures around the world. It's considered the most successful method of enlarging the penis. These “milking” exercises could force the blood into your penis. Over the course of several months, the blood spaces in the penis will gain volume. In other words; they can hold more blood. As a result, your penis gets larger.

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Penis Enlargement Bible Jelqing is slightly different from stretching. Standards Jelqing involves forcing blood through the shaft of the penis by using your hand to trap it so that the blood vessels expand. The standards jelq, the one that you'll be using for the first number of weeks, requires that you make a shape with your thumb and forefinger. To make this easier to explain simply make an okay symbol with your hand. The 'O' that you create through doing this will form the basis of your jelq. The Standards jelq involves gripping the penis at the very base, squeezing tightly, and milking penis as you would a cow so that blood is forced to the tip. Standard jelqs should each last 3 seconds from the base to the tip. 1. Apply your lubricant all over the skin of your penis. Keep your lubricant close by since you will want it to last for as long as you need it. Don‟t use the soap because it tends to dry the skin. 2. With your thumb and forefinger, squeeze the base of the penis shaft. Pull downward. Stop at the head. Repeat, alternating hands. Each stroke should last about three seconds. The stimulation will certainly help you reach an erection. 3. When your penis becomes semi-erect (not fully-erect), make the "A-OK" sign with the thumb and forefinger of your left hand. With this hand, grip tightly around the base of your penis. 4. Now starting from the base, pull the penis gently yet firm. Stretch downward and outward. You have to maintain your semi-erect penis at this point. Make certain to start from the base the head with each stroke. Note that the head of your penis will get bigger with blood. 5. Switch to your right hand and repeat the stroke, starting from the base and stretching downward to the head. Alternate both hands in a smooth rhythmic ("milking") movement, touching upon every part of the penis except the very top part of the penis head. This is the very foundation of jelqing.

Don‟t forget that jelqing exercises are not performed during fully-hard erection. Make sure that your penis is between half to 3/4 erect. Results cannot be obtained until a partial erection is present. After this exercise has been done for quite some time, you will notice that your penis appears both longer and thicker. This is a fact. And we can assure you that from within one to several months of routine exercise, your penis will emerge quite huge; this is due to the impaction of blood in the penile tissues.

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Penis Enlargement Bible Carefully choose ONE of these jelqing exercise techniques that you feel comfortable with to include in your daily routine.

PC Muscle Workout What nearly everyone doesnâ€&#x;t know is that the pubococcygeus muscle (pyoo-bococksee-gee-us) or PC muscle plays a critical role in the functioning of the penis. The pubococcygeus muscle is actually a group of muscles that run from the pubic bone to the tailbone. The PC muscle is the muscle you bring into play to stop the flow of urine from the bladder. It is also the muscle that contracts whenever you ejaculate, moving the semen up through the penis and out of the body. The PC muscle is a busy little muscle, you know? But as far as most men are concerned, it is still grossly unknown. Mastering the techniques of male multiple orgasms is easy once you know how to train your pubococcygeus muscle. When you urinate and you want to get the last drop out, you use your PC muscle in the opposite direction. By doing this you'll feel your anus open and the feeling will be somewhat different. Most men can do Kegels anywhere, since they're seldom aroused by the exercises. Continued over a lifetime, the exercises can help men and women avoid urinary incontinence as they age. That, plus greater arousal, enhanced orgasms and longerlasting sex, make Kegels one of the simplest, most beneficial exercises a man or woman can do throughout their lifetime. Be careful though. Using your PC muscle can have negative effects. If you produce too much testosterone then you will find that you ejaculate prematurely. However if you follow our guidelines you will actually enhance your ejaculation control. The basics of the PC muscle work out involve you clenching your muscle as hard as you can for a certain amount of time. To find the muscle in question all you have to do is stop the flow of urine when you are in the toilet. In the e-mails that we send you we will give you an exact routine every week.

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Penis Exercises: Stepping It Up A Gear (Advanced Exercises) These next exercises are more advanced. You will use these as your penis becomes more used to being exercised in this way. They introduce more strain to the penis. If you were to use more advanced exercises immediately then you would do far more damage than good. The stretches and jelqs are slightly more complex. You will not be using these exercises for a number of weeks. You will be e-mailed exactly what you should be doing that week, and these exercises will make up a part of your later routines. Advanced Stretching Advanced stretching it's just different ways of forming stretching exercises. They stretch different parts of the penis.

The Wrist Stretch The wrist stretch is a way of applying pressure to the middle section of your penis midstretch. It stretches the ligaments more authority, but could also do more damage to your penis if your penis hasn't been trained by doing the simpler exercises first. The Wrist Stretch involves gripping your penis just below the head, as with the standard stretch, and stretching penis directly in front of you, to the left, to the right, up and down. To add more pressure to this stretch, you take the wrist of your free hand and apply pressure to middle of your shaft as you stretch before force. So, if you were stretching to the left, you would apply the wrist pressure on the left hand side of your shaft. If you were stretching up, you would apply wrist pressure to the other side of your shaft. If you stretching down, it would apply pressure to the bottom etc. Please don't attempt the Wrist Stretch unless directed by one of our e-mails.

The Big Seated Stretch This is a very long stretch for those of you who have time and privacy. Each stretch takes 10 minutes to complete. By that I mean literally 10 minutes of nonstop stretching.

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Penis Enlargement Bible To perform the stretch, grip your penis while seated by raising one leg up and putting your hand underneath it then gripping just below the head. Then, pull with full force and hold for 10 minutes. For the next set, lift up your other leg and using your other hand repeat the process.

The Big Squeeze The Big Squeeze is placed in this section because it is more a stretch than a Jelq. This routine simply involves squeezing your penis by putting it on the table, and using the flattened palm of your hand, push down on the penis. For this you push firmly by placing one hand on top of the other and using all your weight to squash the penis. You separate the penis into the upper and lower parts, and push down on each for 45 seconds

Advance Jelqing Advanced Jelqing is for those of you who want to see big girth and length gains. We've already seen standard Jelqing, but these advanced techniques will do much more to improve your size. You will notice there are quite a lot of Jelqing exercises that you can do. After you have completed our program, you will be a pro, and then you can develop your own jelqs. However, by the end of our program you will probably have reached the size that you desire anyway -- so you can forget all about Jelqing! Most Jelqing improves your length and girth. Stretching is reserved for length gains, but then length can also be obtained from Jelqing correctly. However, the main reason for using Jelqing is to improve your girth.

The Double-Handed Jelq Erection strength: 95% This is a variation of the standard jelq, the difference lies in using both of your hands instead of one. What you must to his start a standard jelq using your right hand, moving it up your shaft by about an inch, then with your other hand grip at the very base i.e. where your first hand started. Your left-hand is being used to trap the blood.

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Penis Enlargement Bible Now, with your right hand, jelq all the way up to just below the head of your penis. At this stage lots of blood will be trapped. Now, to gain length, finish your jelq with the first hand (your right hand) and slowly move your left hand up to just below the head. Then, take your right hand and gripped the very base again and continue this cycle. Important things to remember: your penis must be, and remain 95% erect. Only ever do this exercise after you have warmed up properly. This exercise is mainly for length gains, but by making a small variation you can turn it into a girth jelq. That is what we shall be looking at now...

The Double-Handed Girth Jelq Erection strength: 95% This Jelqing exercise is designed solely for improving girth. Start as you did the previous exercise -- so that your hands are either end (one at base, one just below the head). The only difference with this exercise compared to the last one is that this is your starting point. Now all you have to do, when there is lots of blood trapped in your penis, is to slowly push to hands together while maintaining a tight grip. What you will notice is that your shaft is being expanded as the blood is forced outwards. This is held for 30-60 seconds. Important things to remember: again, your penis must be, and remain, 95% erect. Only ever do this exercise after you have warmed up properly.

The Double-Handed Girth Bend Erection strength: 95% This exercise is similar to the last. With one hand at either end of your shaft, literally bend the penis forwards slowly, ruling it so that the bend moves from top to the bottom. Do this for 30-45 seconds. Repeat the exercise but in reverse i.e. bend it the other way.

The Ultimate Girth Jelq Erection strength: 95% Copyright Š PenisEnlargementBible.com. All rights reserved.

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Penis Enlargement Bible Similar to the Double-Handed Girth Jelq, the object of this is to force your hands closer until they almost touch. The time spent on the movement from each end of your shaft to the center point should be 30-45 seconds. You can concentrate on different parts of your penis shaft while doing this. If you want to see more gains at the base than simply don't move your base and. If you want to see more gains closer to the tip, then don't move your upper hand. You can mix up the exercise depending on whether your girth gains are level or different at different points of your penis. Important things to remember: 95% erection. Ensure that you warm up.

Warming Down Each step of exercises should be ended with a gentle massage and a warming down session with the help of a hot towel. When you give a massage to your penis and apply some heat to it, it helps healing and rebuilding of the cell tissue. You see, heat promotes faster growth of tissue cells and it restores the sensibility problems you may have had during your enlargement exercises. So after each exercise, you have to massage your penis softly for about 1 minute. You should perform a soft and circular motion with your forefinger and middle finger along the base and the shaft of the penis. Be very gentle with your moves here since your penis has just been through some serious hard workout. Following the massage session, you should apply another hot towel around your penis, just like you did for the warm up. This part of the practice is as essential as the first one because the heat will stimulate the damaged parts and will make them function well again.

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Penis Enlargement Bible

Penis Exercises: The Schedule

This is the schedule that you can start today. Alone, it won't have any affect. Until you have assimilated all of the required nutrients and biochemicals into your body, you will just get improved erections and maybe a very small amount of growth. Usually it takes 10 weeks to see real gains, but you will notice a harder penis after a few weeks. Biochemical growth will cause rapid growth – it's what worked for me when I finally after years of trying – stumbled upon the secret to getting a bigger penis. But exercises increased the speed at which I gained by about 22% when those biochemicals were present. Here is the exact exercise schedule that I used...

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Penis Enlargement Bible


Weeks 1-3

Time spent on exercises per day: 15-20 minutes. Gently massage your penis and surrounding area with a warm cloth. You want to loosen up your penis and the muscles around it. Do this for 2-3 minutes. Standard stretching is the only way to begin! For this hold each stretch (outwards, up, down, left, right and around) for 30 seconds. Your penis must be flaccid to do this or you will hurt yourself. Go through this cycle twice. Exercise you PC muscle in the process by flexing it in the manner similar to controlling your bladder flow. This technique helps you preclude premature ejaculation. After 20 minutes, give your penis a rest. Wrap a warm towel around your penis and then repeat the routine after a few minutes of sufficient rest. Now continue on to the standard jelq. Do this for 10 minutes, and then warm down. Perform these exercises 5 days a week. Give yourself the weekend (or any two days) off. You will notice that your erections become harder and you may see a little growth. In week 3 spend 10 minutes doing the Double-Handed Jelq as well. Exercises to use: Standard Stretching Standard Jelqing

Weeks 4-5

Time spent on exercises per day: 15-20 minutes. Exercises to use: Standard Stretching Take a seat with you back vertically straight and mare sure to lubricate you penis. With one hand, grab the base of your penis squeezing the

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Penis Enlargement Bible penis shaft as you move towards the penile head. Once there, use your other hand and start anew. Do the squeezing routine for 3-5 seconds as you moved from the penis base to the head. Repeat this action over a 5 minute period without attaining a full erection or ejaculation. Standard Jelqing Gently encircle your penis and moving your hand up to the head, concentrate of pushing the blood up the penis. On reaching the head of your penis, take your other hand to the base and perform the same motion with your other hand. The Wrist Stretch Grip your penis firmly just below the head and stretch it gently to the left, to the right, up and down. Repeat this technique for about 5 minutes. The Big Squeeze Place your penis on the table, squeeze and put pressure on your penis with your palm firmly. But donâ€&#x;t be so hard on your penis. Keep repeating this for about 2 minutes.

Weeks 6-8

At the end of this cycle you will have your body at its optimum. This is the last transitional stage. Because of that you shouldn't do everything yet. However, you can split your exercises into morning and night. You should do more advanced, intensive jelqs and stretches as your penis starts to get ready for growth. Spend between 20-30 minutes a day exercising. Now you can do everything but the Ultimate Girth Jelq and the Double-Handed Girth Bend. If at this stage you have already begun to see growth then by all means do the others. You'll now know the feeling of a good workout so you will know which exercises you respond to best. Also, mix up what you do. Keep your routines fresh for the best results.

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Penis Enlargement Bible Week 8

Well done, my friend! You have been through a great experience towards enlarging your penis. Don‟t get too excited though because your first week is nothing. But now you can create your own routine. You‟ll have noticed what you respond to best. Tailor-make your exercises and growth will happen. Spend at least 15 minutes a day on intense workouts.

Note: Before any exercise you have to warm up and afterwards you have to warm down.

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Penis Enlargement Bible


That's the basis of penis exercises! This is a complete part of the system that I discovered (almost by accident!) which caused my penis to get bigger by 3 inches in length and 2 in girth. Why am I sharing this? I'm sharing this information because some really sneaky “gurus” are selling this information and making a profit out of it. That would be cool, and I'd be fine with it if it worked. But, here's the thing, it doesn't on its own! I personally wasted hundreds, if not thousands of dollars on penis enlargement stuff. And ALL of it failed until I stumbled upon the solution that worked wonders for me. So, this free guide is here to stop you getting ripped off. I am not a wealthy guy and at some points when I shelled out a fortune on these products I was really frickin' poor. So if I help one guy save a bit of money and get better educated then I think this guide is a good thing. So how do natural size gains happen? I've said exercises accelerate growth, and here's how my complete system worked for me. Please remember that I'm not an expert! I'm just a regular dude who found

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Penis Enlargement Bible something that's worked incredibly well for me and the few people I shared this info with. The way that my biochemical method works is by making your penis naturally grow. All you need to do is to restart the production of certain biochemicals in the body. These biochemicals were responsible for growth when you were going through puberty, and can be made to be produced in the body now, just like they were then. If you can do this then you will begin penis growth. Most people don't know about this vital technique because the enlargement industry makes much more money selling very expensive methods which don't deliver results. However, getting your body ready to make your penis bigger is the only way (other than surgery) that you can cause real gains in your penis size. That is the reason why other products (as you probably have discovered) fail, because they ignore this highly important aspect of growth. The way to make your penis bigger is by getting those biochemicals (which caused penis growth during puberty) back in the body. Then: BOOM! You will start to see gains. If you guys are interested in this then let me know. If you're not part of my members email list then sign up now - and you can email me directly from there! It's at www.PenisEnlargementBible.com. If you guys want these secrets badly enough then I'll tell you them! I would rather that than you getting scammed by the big businesses like I did. All the best. Your friend,

John Collins http://www.PenisEnlargementBible.com

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Ways To Enlarge Your Manhood Naturally The larger, The higher: Ins > Published June 18, 2016 June 18, 2016. Eric Dumo. Harrison Akpeyi panted restlessly as he flashed his face from one facet of the road to every other. Scanning the complete panorama as speedy as his strength ought to accommodate, he pushed in addition into the busy street, hoping to find a clue that might ultimately lead him to the ‘hidden treasure’. A normal vacationer to Ikeja, the capital of Lagos, he in no way knew the region held the important thing to the happiness he had lengthy sought. Thirty 4 and averagely built, the Delta State indigene has not specifically loved maximum of his adolescents. His enjoy with the ladies has been quite regrettable. Though a dedicated lover and being concerned partner, his ‘true’ coronary heart has no longer been sufficient to tie down the girls that have come his manner in current years. One after another, the women have walked out on him after coming across his worst-stored mystery. “The trouble commonly begins when it receives to the extent of intercourse,â€​ the young entrepreneur says. “The second the ladies see the scale of my penis, they completely disconnect,â€​ he keeps. “No count number how a great deal I try to reveal that my length isn't always a barrier and that I can nevertheless lead them to glad, they don’t show that initial excitement anymore. In a count of weeks, the whole lot ends. “The ones who've the courage tell me that my manhood is simply too small and that I can never convey them happiness in the bed room while others without a doubt stroll out on me with out giving any concrete motive. It has turn out to be a piece of embarrassment for me; that is why I am looking for assist,â€​ he instructed our correspondent whom he mistook for a frame enhancement artist even as searching for an deal with a chum referred him to in advance in the week. With the address in his arms matching the area where he came throughou. Ways To Enlarge Your Manhood Naturally our correspondent, Akpeyi disappeared into one of the many stores inside Centage Trade Centre, Ikeja, after creating a short telephone name to a person. Littered with dozens of small stores throughout floors, the huge complicated like the rankings around it's far where tens of frame change of various forms take vicinity every day within this sprawling Lagos suburb. From tattoos, pink lips, breast, hip, bum and penis growth to vagina tightening, it's far wherein males and females passionate about the appearance in their bodies are ‘recreated’. Driven by means of curiosity, our correspondent traced Akpeyi into one of the shops on the first floor in which two younger guys have been interacting with him in some thing that regarded extra like a lecture. Five minutes later, the 34-yr-old and one of the guys who might later introduce himself as Anthony Idara, walked right into a smaller and darker room filled with exclusive baggage and a small wooden table with foam portions on it. Away from the prying eyes of others, the 2 remained within the place for over forty minutes, discussing and laughing before eventually rising from the internal chambers. “Bros, inside the next one to two weeks, you cross name and thank me thoroughly once you verify the levels,â€​ Idara said boastfully in Pidgin English as he led his brand new customer back into the store earlier than handing him a small nylon bag containing drugs and a unique cream. Armed with the objects and the assurance of a ‘extraordinarily improved’ manhood following the unique remedy session that saw a tool being plugged to his penis for several mins, the Delta native strolled out of the tiny keep like a man who had simply been liberated from years in captivity. All over his face, the exhilaration and optimism was raw. “The men told me that during two to 3 weeks, I could see the end result I need,â€​ he stated with a tinge of smile as he made for the steps opposite the store. “I can not wait to peer my length develop. The friend who directed me to this region as soon as did this and he advised me how a good deal his lifestyles and relationships have stepped forward. It is the equal issue I want, to experience a new lifestyles of happiness and self belief. I can't wait,â€​ he said as he went out of the view of the reporter. While nevertheless trying to get Idara’s attention for a quick chat on how their exchange runs, two other younger guys walked into the shop one at a time within a space of 3 mins. Looking forlorn and desperately in want of a way out, it is simple to see the trouble they were via from the paleness on their faces. In turns, they had been ushered into the inner room like Akpeyi to go through the unique therapy that promises to transform their lives. And after round one hour within the ‘theatre’ each, just like the many others earlier than them, they sauntered out of the area carrying a brand new garment of self belief. “Baba, if this thing paintings properly as you inform me, na me cross dey carry better clients come give you,â€​ the primary man could be heard announcing to the shop owner quietly as he headed in the direction of the stairs. He became soaking wet in exhilaration. The 2nd man who emerged from the area mins later, evenly walked away without uttering a word or requiring any reassuring comment from Idara and his colleague. For him, the destiny must come fast. Across the enormous complex, the situation is almost the identical – minute after minute – younger guys of different ages and backgrounds movement into the vicinity for a taste in their very own salvation. While some are journeying the vicinity for the first time, others who had previously undergone the manner and had come returned for the special creams and drugs after being impressed, ensure these tiny shops and their owners by no means run out of customers. Bright Otovo turned into all smiles when our correspondent got here throughout him even as purchasing one of the lotions used to decorate his penis size. About two years ago, he opted to boom the size of his manhood as in step with him he wasn’t getting due admire from girls. Several months since that time, Otovo sings a specific song today. “There isn't any female I sleep with these days that doesn’t commend the dimensions of my penis,â€​ the younger man said boastfully as he recounted what the enjoy has been like in the course of a pleasant chat with our correspondent. “In fact, the one I slept with about 3 days in the past has been calling to invite while we can have a great time together again. She advised me she enjoyed it and wants it once more. “I did the enlargement here in Ikeja earlier than touring to Ivory Coast where I became very famous amongst ladies. Over there, you've got extra girls than men and that they love guys with big penis who can make like to them thoroughly. There is not anything you ask them that they gained’t come up with if they have. A lady I became dozing with rented an condo for me and additionally helped me get a great process. I stayed in Ivory Coast for about one year and six months and handiest back to Nigeria final December. “Enlarging my penis has been like a blessing for me. But due to the fact that I lower back to Nigeria, I were more careful on how I relate with women. Most of the girls who've tasted my manhood have asked for more,â€​ he said. While his ‘newly advanced’ penis has opened doorways for him, in uncommon instances, the ‘asset’ has additionally

created boundaries in like manner. “There became an afternoon I turned into very attractive and approached a prostitute at a brothel. Immediately I removed my pants and she noticed my length, she refused and stated that she might handiest conform to do something with me if I brought an extra N1000. Though we didn’t finally do anything together that night time, I left the brothel with quite a few pleasure. My new length constantly makes me assured,â€​ he stated, earlier than gulping the complete content material of a calming beverage drink in his right hand. Though no longer a totally new phenomenon, the fashion for penis growth amongst Nigeria’s younger male populace seems to have surged in recent times, mainly over the past 3 years since the rise of the social media and cheap cell internet. Apart from posting pictures of their big endowments labelled ‘egg plant’, a number of young guys, in particular celebrities, tend to electrify and seduce girls with their huge ‘belongings’. In a bid to partake inside the frenzy and also wow the girls, dozens of young men, bitten with the aid of the bug, have flocked similar complexes like Centage across maximum parts of the country for such ‘reinvention’, leaving clever men like Idara laughing all the manner to the bank. According to findings with the aid of Saturday PUNCH , having the scale of your penis enlarged thru the manne. Ways To Enlarge Your Manhood Naturally used in those tiny shops in Ikeja and comparable centres doesn’t come reasonably-priced. For instance, the cream and pills given alone cost between N15, 000 and N25, 000 even as the operators rate among N50, 000 and N120, 000 for his or her own provider and expertise. Persons needing domestic service would must pay double that quantity as such could be considered a special remedy. At the start of the entire method that would run into numerous weeks depending at the skin and frame machine of the individual the usage of the goods, the massager is first plugged to the penis for a little over 30 minutes. Thereafter, the cream is carried out thoroughly at the organ whilst some of the capsules whose dosage would be decided by way of the operator, are taken rapidly earlier than bedtime while the frame would be in a comfy nation. Subsequently, the cream may be applied as typically because the client needs in a day and may prevent as soon as the desired size is performed. Result, in keeping with the ones in the business, relies upon totally on the pores and skin and body of every character. “Everything depends on the pores and skin and gadget of the person who desires the growth,â€​ Idara said. “There are instances once I take a look at the person’s frame and spot that his skin is hard, they will have to pay better than the N80, 000 that I fee for my provider due to the fact the sort of case might be more tough to handle. In reality, those who name me for domestic service pay double the regular quantity as it is not clean for me to desert other customers and visit spend nearly the complete day with them. “But there's no patron that I actually have dealt with that doesn’t name me lower back to present testimony. In fact, a lot o. Ways To Enlarge Your Manhood Naturally them refer a number of their friends to us after patronising and seeing what we have achieved for them. “Apart from growth, we additionally assist customers who have huge penis to reduce it to the dimensions in their desire. Some of those guys go to Hausa folks who use herbs to make the penis larger and soon it turns into a trouble for them due to the fact the surprisingly massive length by and large prevents them from making like to a female. They come to us for assist and we help them,â€​ he stated. Apart from the massager, cream and capsules a number of the guys inside the enterprise use on their customers, there are also different strategies of penis enlargement available in those tiny stores that litter dozens of the purchasing complexes around Ikeja Under Bridge location of Lagos. According to Justice Okwu, any other young guy inside the commercial enterprise, there is the injection and surgical treatment choice which ensures exceptional outcomes but with a touch rate to pay. “There are some people who want instantaneous end result. For such humans, we inform them approximately the injection and surgical procedure choice. But then, we make it clean to them that the ones two have side results. On uncommon cases, we use injection for individuals who want immediately result despite the fact that we let them know the risks. “The injection weakens the male organ to the extent that even before you get to 40, your veins might also no longer be capable of stretch. The surgical operation is likewise a completely complex and delicate procedure. We give an explanation for all of those to clients but when they insist, we virtually inform them to appearance someplace else if they don’t want the secure technique we propose fo. Ways To Enlarge Your Manhood Naturally them. We address every consumer in keeping with their desires,â€​ he said. With no formal training past the 3 to 4-week tutelage they on occasion get from makers of those organ enhancement products, some of the men inside the enterprise have endured to ply their alternate with none form of law or drawback, raking in mega dollars from desperate younger men like Akpeyi who would pass any period to collect bigger ‘rods’ to electrify and preserve the women who come their approaches. “We have those who come in here now and again to train us the new tendencies in body enhancement. The schooling normally takes round three weeks and it is thru those human beings that we get all the kits, creams and drugs that we use on clients. It is usually a certain sensible consultation and now we are the use of that talent to help many men,â€​ Okwu said. Reassuring as the techniques of those nearby body amendment artists appear, a clinical physician, Michael Daniso, says patronising uncertified men and women to carry out this type of sensitive venture on a touchy organ inclusive of the penis isn't always best risky however suicidal. “I don’t see any reason why all and sundry should challenge himself to such danger through going to extend penis in a tiny save wherein folks who have no proper training and certification operate. It is too risky. “For example, the pills and all of the other objects they give are filled with unregulated components which are very harmful to the skin and capable of negative the veins on the penis itself. If all and sundry dreams a bigger manhood, I suppose the primary issue to do is to talk to a medical doctor and no longer simply move straight to use any item or patronise uncertified humans,â€​ he said. Professor of psychology, Oni Fagboungbe, blames the rising trend of penis expansion among many young men at the consequences of a sub-way of life received through interaction with different cultures. He stated the upward thrust of the social media and Internet has further helped gasoline quite a few bizarre behaviour inclusive of the craze for frame change. “Usually sex has to do with man’s dominance over girls, therefore in a state of affairs wherein the man feels that he isn't in a position to reveal his dominance through overall performance, he starts seeking out approaches out of it. Some might motel into taking tablets and where it doesn’t paintings, they search for the next solution. “The Internet is the supply of the

today's aggravation of this demanding fashion. In our days, there may be a trend that have been operating inside the city centres howeve. Ways To Enlarge Your Manhood Naturally we by no means were given to realize about it till perhaps in the course of Christmas and New Year celebrations while a lot of humans from the city travelled to the village for vacations. But today with the Internet and social media, matters may be visible concurrently anywhere inside the world as they take place. People don’t hassle to invite questions, they just replica and imbibe the whole lot they see online. This is the danger,â€​ he stated. It isn't always unusual nowadays to discover dozens of ads selling male organ expansion jostle for area on exclusive information websites and other critical platforms on the Internet. The ads often feature memories of fellows whose spouse nearly left them because their penises were too small and couldn’t supply any pride but later became champions after undergoing organ expansion. In a few cases, visitors are proven raunchy pix of women who might pay any amount for male with large ‘rods’ who can drive them wild. The adverts come in special bureaucracy, luring scores of younger men to include the rising fashion each day. Those unable to find the money for the high price of the service supplied through the likes of Idara, embody all forms of herbal treatments and reasonably-priced growth pumps sold across maximum neighbourhoods in the country. But a sex and relationship professional, Adaeze Ebuka, explains that the scale of the penis doesn’t important determine how a whole lot pleasure a person can supply a lady inside the bed room. “What a whole lot of people don’t know is that pleasurable a woman in bed is not all about the scale of the penis. “I am aware that a few women love it big due to the fact the hugeness drives them crazy; ordinary, it's far the tenacity and innovative usage of the penis by way of the person that delivers pleasure. There are such a lot of other things a man can do to make his female glad on mattress no matter the scale of his organ. But dashing for penis growth is never the answer to happiness in any relationship,â€​ she said. A pass segment of young ladies whom our correspondent engaged, gave distinctive responses whilst confronted with the difficulty. While a handful stated they had no problem with a mean-sized penis, a variety of told Saturday PUNCH that they constantly like it massive. “What might I be doing with a man who can not fill me up?â€​ one female requested quietly whilst biting her lips and staring our correspondent immediately inside the eyes. “I experience it extra when I can experience the scale internal of me,â€​ she delivered. Many women on this class gave similar responses – its either a ‘biggie’ or nothing. Though no acknowledged information on the quantity of penis enlargement that occurs in Nigeria annually, in Ikeja on my own it's far believed that dozens take area each week at the same time as in different locations the fashion for such enhancement stays rife. Copyright PUNCH. All rights reserved. This cloth, and other digital content material in this internet site, may not be reproduced, posted, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed in complete or in element without earlier specific written permission from PUNCH.

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