1 minute read


Kneipp Concept

Sebastian Kneipp developed the concept of a holistic life, a the idea that viewed the human being, their habits, and their natural environment asinseparableandperfectlybalanced. As well as this, Kneipp has created a flexible concept that can be easily incorporated into everyday life using the offerings of nature (Kneipp-Bund, no date). Thus, make use of natural resources to gain a deeper understandingofthepillars


Kneipp Concept

When we examine the resources presented to us by the existing context on a regional and city scale, we can observe that some of the five pillarsaremoreprominentinparticular locations, as illustrated on the map(Fig.17).

Using this concept, we wish to enhance connections between Bad Tabarz and Friedrichroda. By strengtheningtheideasthatstandout in the local context, we developed a strategy that defines the Kneipp concept regionally by leveraging internal networks between the presentedcitiesandexternalnetworks at the city scale from this cultural concept,thereforecreatingspatialand socialmanifestations.

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