Spread Sunshine Updates by Danielle Kuznetsov Dear Members, I hope you had a good rest over the holidays because 2020 is off to the races and Spread Sunshine is already moving fast and furious - in a good way, of course! I want to recap what YOU have contributed to in fall and give you a heads up on the upcoming months. Consider this as your invitation to put the icing on the AWO Charity cake this year as we celebrate generosity in action. If you remember, AWO is raising funds for charities in 2-3 month time increments. We began in September with MPC Pensioner’s Program. YOU helped us raise enough money to supply MPC senior citizens with groceries twice per month until the end of May 2020. We also visited the pensioners, brought cookies, and served coffee and tea several times. During our last visit we gave them wonderful holiday bags filled with goodies to ring in the new year. A special thanks go to Black Star for the bags and Colgate for making this possible.
13 February 2020
Again, thanks to your contributions in collecting warms socks for the homeless, SamuSocial received almost 500 pairs of socks from us in December. We delivered another 50 pairs of socks and the remaining Colgate donations to the Samu office on the 26th of January. AWO will continue to collect socks for the homeless throughout the spring so please bring them in. SamuSocial has also received a donation of 30,000 rubles to allocate towards monthly birthday gifts for homeless women that French women organise each month. We also gave our first month’s donations of 148,347 rubles to purchase medical supplies needed to care for those living on the streets through Samu’s Mediko-Social Help program. These medicines will be distributed this week to those in need living on the streets. We have 220,000 rubles allocated for medicine/supplies, so we will keep you posted on a monthly basis with pictures and news for your review.