Feldenkrais Practitioner Manifesto
the essence of the work ˜ I challenge my colleagues to do the
Are ready to COMMIT? The work I do IS needed. I show up everyday. I work. I study. I find those like me. I throw out excuses that hold me back. My shortcomings are no more ˜ The FUTURE is NOW ˜ My success follows my commitment ˜
is my
NEW favourite FOOD
Bring it
on! My artwork is beautiful and it’s real. Who ever said there is no goal, only process, never succeeded.
goal ˜ The
IS a
GOAL is to integrate function for real
online time ˜ Then the process begins. The real work starts
I groove into myself the foundations and principles ˜ I help people weave a tapestry of richness for life ˜ HOW this is done is the juice of the process ˜ There isn’t a script ˜ Humans are hard to explain, so is Feldenkrais ˜ Revolutionary is never easy to explain ˜ It can’t be. What I do will never bore from this.
With a highly differentiated twinkle in my eye,
proudly, I say what I do: I
AM a Feldenkrais
Practitioner. It feels good to think it. It feels good
DO IT ˜ What I do IS NOT miraculous ˜ It should be common. It WILL become common. Soon. I CHALLENGE myself. What I do is an to read it. It feels good TO
important answer. But it’s not the only answer ˜ I preserve same. It’s
TIME. I challenge my world. TAKING
What others have
done is good. It’s time to make it even better. Remarkable.
Timeless. It’s time to COLLABORATE, CREATE and CHARGE. Ready, set… ©2010 Irene Gutteridge
Free to share. Make your own. POST IT!