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Conceptual Thinking Re- Introducing Exota Lemonade By Mike Barendse Amy Gottenbos Irene v/d Heijden

Table of contents Exota Lemonade Target group & positioning Re-introducing concept New target group The product Package & Selling points Megatrends

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Exota Lemonade The soft drink brand Exota dates back to 1923. In the 50’s and 60’s ‘van Tuijn’s lemonade fabrieken en distileerderijen nv’ succeeded into making Exota

market leader in the market of soft drinks. Starting in 1948 all

of Exota’s soft drinks were bottled in cap bottles. These were replaced in 1967 into bottles with a screw-on cap. Exota was available in different colours and flavours: yellow-lemon, red-raspberry, green-grenadine, and brownchampagne. Exota was mixed with other ingredients, e.g. coffee milk and sugar what is called the Spoetnik. In December 1970 VARA-ombudsman Marcel van Dam claimed that the latter was


sensitive, which he underlinded by taping a very suggestive film. The sales of Exota collapsed and ‘van Tuijn’s lemonade fabrieken en distileerderijen nv’ suddenly were close to bankruptcy. That same year a judge ruled that VARA and Van Dam were guilty of illuminated conduct. The VARA had to air a rectification and were sentenced to pay a still to determined amount of severance pay. In

1972 the company was soled.

Target group & Postitioning Children, of middleclass families, were the mai Exota drinkers. Parents of these children can be seen as a target group, since the parents are buying the actual product.

leading the market. The lemonade was priced lower than Coca Cola but higher than a regular lemonade. For most households Exota was a luxury drink due to

Exota was a healthy company and was

the pricing and the sparkles; the latter was not common to drink at that time. The target group drank Exota at special occasions, for example, in the weekend, birthday parties or at their grandmother’s.


Exploding Danger to

Old 'fashioned' bottles


New bottles 'same nostalgia feeling'


Explosion of Flavour Tea with an Exota - Champagne´flavour

Beer with an Exota -raspberry- flavour

Coffee with an Exota - grenadine- flavour

Soda with an Exota -Lemon- flavour

Re-build Concept

New Target Group baby boomers are the ones that are familiar with Exota and drank this in their youth. Research encountered that babyboomers still feel a connection to this brand, it gives them a feeling of nostalgia. The

By targeting Exota in the right way we will reach the grandchildren of this target group as well. ´The baby boomers´ will familiarize their

grandchildren with Exota.

New Target Group

The product Exota will not be a bottled ready-to-drink beverage agian, but instead it have the

form of a ball. This ball

literally explode (dissolve) in the drink. Exota explode a surprisingly, fruity taste to the drink. The balls will come in the familiar Exota Flavours and colours. The new Exota can be combined with every drink, there is no limit. Exota was already combined with coffee milk but now it can be combined will

with coffee, tea, soda or even cocktails or beer. Since health is becoming more and more important vitamins will be added to the Exota balls.

Package The product will be available in the create a

old-fashioned bottle, but in a smaller version. This will

nostalgia aura, since the baby-boomers will recognize this product immediately. A takeaway

variation could be a little box ďŹ lled with Exota balls, similar to an sweetener case. The consumers will be able to take Exota with them

anytime anywhere and make their Exota drink whenever they feel like.

Selling points

supermarkets, vintage stores, special stores, and all other public venues. Mainly everywhere which has a logical connection to food and drinks to go or a family setting. The takeaway versions can be sold at gas stations, kiosks at train stations but We suggest as selling points

also in supermarkets.

Megatrends Individualisation. Consumers want to be individual, products need to be personalised and unique. People have the want to stand out, to show who they are and where they stand for. Exota will be the first company that gives consumers the opportunity to

personalize their drink, since people can add their

favourite flavour anywhere at anytime.

Flexibilisation. Consumers are on the run; most activities take place outside the office or home. Consumer take on many different roles on a daily basis: mother, employee, wife and best friend. Therefore, there is a need for products that are

as flexible as they are. Consumers are able to bring ‘Exota Takeaway’ wherever they go.

Dematerialisation. The products and services of today need to have an experience factor, it is no longer just the product. Brands need to add an experience to distinguish themselves from others. The explosion that

fun, a true experience and something to talk about.

‘the new Exota ‘ will create makes sure drinking will become

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