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We’ve opened our eyes and minds.

In safe hands

Our own well being is essential in this day and age. There is a new mania for our personal safety. Our kids all need cycle helmets and we choose comfortable backpacks over shoulder bags, to protect our vulnerable backs. Also mental safety seems rather important; our obsession with (check-) lists secures us and to see police moving around in bigger groups makes us feel safer. Burqa prohibition in schools is not to undermine or to disrespect religion at all, we just feel more comfortable and safe when seeing a smiling face.

Sixth Sense

Is there more than we can see? Did we grow to be more open-minded or are we more sensitive to what’s happening between heaven and earth? Curiosity is certainly there, as Beau van Erven-Dorens with his show “Het Zesde Zintuig”, and “Ghostwisperer” Derek Ogilvie are gathering viewers again and again. Bookshops also see a major growth in interest for books about spirituality.

Bona Fide

Convenience is no longer key in our consumption manners. We are true and we’re being honest again. We are letting our hair go - in its natural hair colour, natural style and natural afro, and after years of ‘faking’ good eyes with lenses, we are back to wearing glasses. We are reading real books again, instead of online articles. No more pretentious weddings; we’ll celebrate our marriage in the pub where we first met. Let’s be frank, even our conversations are honest, open and true. We are real, and we require our products to be real. No more plastic toys, we want natural wooden toys. Senseo is not good enough anymore, we need an espresso dispenser. No longer refrigerated food, back to the butcher, bakery and market, and cooking for ourselves. Even at the café we want real drinks; fresh orange juice and fresh mint tea.


Martin Lindstrom knew it; in his book Brand Sense he emphasises the significance of senses. And he was right. Senses are more and more important for us, especially smell and touch. Now that the smoking ban is a fact, fragrance and aroma are hot topics. Proven by the invention of the electrical nose and the Wake ‘n Bacon - alarm clock. And a party is not complete without a Disc Jockey, Video Jockey and now Aroma Jockey. Touch is also an important new fact. No new mobile phone without a touch screen. And look around you, aren’t people touching each other more then ever? A friendly pat on the back, three kisses when we’re greeting someone – even if it is a stranger we have just met, a kiss on the cheek when saying goodbye, and all the secret handshakes youngsters seem to have.

Don’t miss out

Don’t miss out. Be part of everything. Buy a ticket into space with Virgin, even though they don’t have a launch date yet. You don’t want to miss the opportunity when it’s there! Just like you don’t want to miss anything any of your friends or acquaintances is doing. So collect friends, everyone you’ve ever met, on Hyves and Facebook, and keep an eye on the Who, What, Where sections. And for an even more up-to-date overview of everyone and anyone, sign in on Twitter. Have your finger on the pulse!

Revelation Retailforcast

We have opened our eyes and minds. It’s uplifting to finally feel again and with it comes a wealth of opportunity. There is the celebration of being real and to truly sense that reality. Touching and smelling makes things concrete but there is also a curiosity about the possibility of more and a need to be safe. In one way we now see more beauty than ever before. On the other hand, we are aware of all the malice that is out there - which also has its pros. It makes us more aware of ways to protect ourselves. It’s what happening now. A new found mania with self-protection will definitely spread. Our advice to you as a retailer is to jump into that mania. Make it yours. Keep a sharp eye on what you can do to make your clients feel safe. A huge need for er-

gonomically designed, but fashionable, products will arise. They do not want to misuse their bodies for needless carrying around. Or take that load from your consumer and deliver it instead. Mental safety plays a huge role in this need for protection. Invest in customer care and make consumers feel at ease. Internet retail has the potential to grow but only if safety grows with it. Retailers: safety sells. The popularity of what’s going on between heaven and earth is growing. Rumour has it that Derek Ogilvie can talk to Coco Chanel herself. She is designing from her grave! Is fashion heading towards supernatural couture? Get in touch with Coco.

Being real is back! We need to know where things come from. Instead of big shopping malls we want to go back to the small individual, and most of all, really honest shops. Mini markets will be back on track from now on, as real, honest and personal communication is key. Make use of this fact. Focus on local communities. Make your group as small as possible; make them feel real. Go back to the real roots of clothing, let the consumer meet and see the designer at work. Or create a workshop –line up a few sewing machines, give your shoppers the possibility to make their clothing themselves and guide them.

We have senses! Some of us 6, most of us 5. Of course seeing, tasting and hearing have been in style for the last decades. But now we’ve finally come to realise that touch and smell have numerous possibilities in retail too, therefore expect those to gain popularity in the near future. Make use of that prediction. The shop environment will be much more attractive if it’s fragrance fits the brand(s) and the fabric of the clothing is tactile. Triggering our senses by touching and smelling the products will seduce more people into buying them.

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