Architecture Resume by Irfan Mohiuddun

Page 1

Per s onalSt at ement I ' mS eeki nganAr chi t ectPr of es s i ont out i l i s emy abi l i t i esandi nt er actwi t hpeopl eandgai n knowl edgeofAr chi t ect ur eandex per i encei nt he f i el dandI ' m al waysr eadyt ol ear nanyt hi ngt hat mayhel pmet obes ucces s f ul .Il ovear chi t ect ur e anddes i gn,andf orever ypr oj ectI ' m wor ki ngon. I ' mt r yi ngt of i ndt hebes ts ol ut i on,cons t r uct i ons andt oex pandmyknowl edge.Mys peci al i z at i on i sar chi t ect ur al dr awi ngs ,r epr es ent at i onandi nt er i or s .


Sof t war eSki l l s

Nat i onal i t y:I ndi an DOB:28071995 :i r f ans r i r 1@gmai l . com

S ket chUP


Phot os hop 3DsMAX


L umi on

DeccanS chool ofPl anni ng& Ar chi t ect ur e Bachel orofAr chi t ect ur e

Vr ay

I Qbal i aJ uni orCol l ege Boar dofI nt er medi at e

Aut oCAD

Al Mawar i dI nt er nat i onal S chool Cent r al Boar dofEducat i on

ACHI EVEMENT S/COL L EGI AT E Compl et edI nt er ns hi p

AtF i r m:I nnovat i on‘ n’Des i gn

Nat i onalModelMaki ngCompet i t i on-1s tPr i ce Hel dbyAs hokaS chool ofPl anni ng& Ar chi t ect ur e

I ndi anI ns t i t ut eofI nt er i orDes i gner s I I I DWor ks hop Wor ks hopPar t i ci pant

Z ahaHadi dExhi bi t i onWor ks hop

Vol unt eer edf ort heEx hi bi t i onhel dbyDS PA

AnnualNas aDes i gnCompet i t i on Nat i onal L evel -Par t i ci pant

Hos t edT heT al kSer i es-L AT ERALAr ch104 ByDeccanS chool ofPl anni ngAr chi t ect ur e

i l l us t r at or i nDes i gn T wi nMot i on Mi cr os of tOf f i ce

Har dSki l l s HandDr awi ng Model Maki ng Phot ogr aphy

Hobbi es+I nt er es t s

Box i ng

Readi ng

Ani me


S ket chi ng

I ns t agr am

J oggi ng

Movi es/T Vs

Wor kExper i ence I nt er ns hi patI nnovat i on‘ n’Des i gn 16t hAugus t ,2018-31s tMay,2019

Wor kedonDes i gnpr oj ect sl i keCompl ex s , Res t aur ant ,Caf e,Mul t i pur pos eHal l and Res i dent i al bui l di ngswi t ht hedes i gnt eam, undert hegui denceoft hepr i nci pal ar chi t ect . I nvol vedi ndevel opmentofConcept ual Des i gns ,pr es ent at i onand3DModel swi t h mat er i al boar dAs s i s t edwi t hpr oduct i onof Bas el i neandCons t r uct i onDr awi ngson Aut oCadand3Dvi s ual i z at i onDr awi ngson S ket chup,Phot os hopandL umi on.

Sof tSki l l s S el fConf i dence,Act i veL i s t eni ng,T eam Wor k, Coor di nat i on,Opent ol ear ni ngandgr owi ng asaper s onandasapr of es s i onal .

Document at i on

F r eel anci ngExper i ence Wor kedonI nt er i or sandex t er i or sof Res i dent i al bui l di ngsand3DRender i ng.

Ref er ees/Ref er ences Academi candChacr at erRef er ees/ Ref er encesar eavai l abl eonr eques t s .

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