IR Global Additional Services Pack

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Additional Services Via our in-house expertise and external strategic partners, IR Global is able to offer competitive rates on a variety of support services to our global membership base, comprising: social media; web and design; editorial; firm management and cyber security.

Social Media Services

“The top two benefits of social media marketing are increasing exposure and increasing traffic. A significant 89% of all marketers indicated that their social media efforts have generated more exposure for their businesses. Increasing traffic was the second major benefit, with 75% reporting positive results.” – Social Media Examiner, 2016

“Since the IR Global team assumed management of our Twitter account we have seen a significant increase in the number of followers. Not only have they improved the number of followers we are engaging with, but they have also helped improved our brand recognition and online presence.” Tom Schramski and Bradley Smith Vertess Advisors LLC

IR Global is the market leader in social media for the professional services sector. Back in 2012 we recognised that social media would grow to be one of the most important marketing channels for advisors, and after investing significant time and resources into developing what has proven to be an incredibly successful strategy, we decided to look beyond our own needs and focus on you, our members. In 2014 we were delighted to launch IR Social Media Services to share our knowledge and expertise within the professional services community, focusing on our members to help increase their online exposure and brand equity.



We will target the right people. IR Global is aware that social media is all about the quality over the quantity of your followers which is why we will create conversations and improve social engagements, opening the door to new business opportunities.

We will work with you to improve the traffic being redirected to your website from your active social media platforms. Our goal is to increase the number of web hits you are getting month by month via social referrals.



IR Global will share industry specific content across your network, targeting your ideal audience and specific practice areas and jurisdictions of your choice. Resulting in driving potential client traffic to your website and increasing your online presence.

Be at the forefront of the professional services sector with cutting edge social media marketing. We will create highly engaging content which is relevant to you and differentiates your firm by becoming the market leader in your field.


We will directly communicate with other members of IR Global as well as our own 40,000 + followers. This will increase your international presence and you will benefit from cross marketing in multiple jurisdictions.

As your platforms grow and our interaction with your network develops, we will continue to showcase your firm’s skills and expertise with the intention of generating leads of interest.


How do I start the 3 month trial and what can I expect? Once agreed, IR Global’s in-house Social Media team will arrange a call with you to discuss the setup process. This will include what you can expect from the first 3 months, discussions regarding the content and topics / industries you would like to target. This will help us with increasing the quality of followers and engagements in the first 3 months.

What do you need from us? IR will need access to your firm’s social media platforms to enable us to manage your accounts. If you have any useful links, firm marketing packs, or any ideas in terms of content, then please provide us with this information. This will help us when preparing your targeted content for distribution.

How much does the trial cost? The 3 month trial is priced at £300 per month (£900 in total). We feel 3 months gives us enough time to demonstrate the improvements and growth which can be achieved across your platforms.

What happens after my 3 month trial? Once your 3 month trial comes to an end we will prepare you a detailed report to show you the areas of development and how successful your trial has been. We will then discuss your continuing involvement for a further 6 or 12 months term.


3 Month Trial Package

£300.00pcm £900.00 total cost * Full 3 month payment to be made before the campaign start date. Please note that due to high demand we are currently only able to accept a limited number of new accounts. Please therefore send your application at your earliest convenience.

For further information, please contact

Rachel Finch: Channel Sales Manager

Web & Design Services

A large part of IR’s success can be attributed to our effective branding and emphasis on creating quality marketing materials. You only have one chance to give a quality first impression, whether that be via a website, business card or firm brochure. In a competitive market, it is essential that your brand stands out, creates trust and gives confidence to prospective clients. Our design team are able to offer you the support you need when it comes to

WEB SERVICES IR offers a full array of web design and development services. It is vital that your website is user friendly, professional and representative of your expertise & experience. We can work with you to improve your existing website (for example, ensuring it’s mobile compatible) to developing a fresh new concept. PRINT DESIGN SERVICES We also offer an array of services from business card and brochure design to complete re-branding. We utilise our knowledge of the professional services sector and the skills of long term strategic partners to fit your brief, whilst ensuring that your marketing content stays on-brand and that you have a consistent look and feel across all of your promotional materials. All IR web and design services are bespoke and therefore quoted based on clients’ individual requirements following agreement of a creative brief.

creating a leading brand.

For further information, please contact

Rachel Finch: Channel Sales Manager | page 5

Member Spotlight & Infographics

IR Member Spotlight


The IR Member Spotlight series has been created to capture the individual skills, expertise and passion of our members, both in and outside of the workplace. It gives your professional network, colleagues, clients and industry partners the chance to get to know you by gaining a valuable insight into your working philosophy, professional experience and career highlights.

Infographics are a visually appealing approach to promote your firm and the opportunities for doing business in your jurisdiction. A well-designed infographic can do wonders for your brand, web traffic and is a shareable tool which reaches your target audience.

We have a long standing relationship with journalist, Nick Yates who will pinpoint your strengths strengths in a succinct article, resulting in a valuable marketing tool which can be promoted throughout IR Global and your own network via online channels and incorporated into printed marketing materials.

We have created engaging data visualisations for more than twenty member firms who have used them to promote their services both throughout and beyond the network. Each infographic can be used across your member profile, website, social media platforms and much more. Please visit the resources section of the IR member login area to view recent examples. Bespoke infographics are priced at a flat fee of ÂŁ650.00.

We are aware that meeting on a face-face basis isn’t always possible which is why our IR member spotlight series have been designed to enable your audience to virtually engage with you. This is a fantastic platform for you to build a strong level of trust and understanding of your practice. We will feature a limited number of IR members per month to ensure maximum promotional value across the network, website and our social media platforms. IR Member Spotlights are priced at £500.00 and you will retain full copyright for future marketing purposes.

For further information, please contact

Rachel Finch: Channel Sales Manager

Member Spotlight on Shai Kuttner, BWK Partners in the Netherlands

Virtual Series

We invite IR members from around the world to collaborate with us on joint marketing projects by joining a webinar/conference call which is then recorded and professionally transcribed, designed and globally distributed.

The goal of our IR Virtual Series publications is to provide an insight into the challenges and opportunities identified by the specialist practitioners featured. Each discussion includes just one representative per jurisdiction, with the subject matter chosen either by the steering committee of one of the networks working groups or by member request. This initiative brings members together to discuss the ever changing and complex multi-jurisdictional regulations across various practice areas and sectors. This is a great way for participants to position their firm, as a leading authority on selected subjects. This marketing initiative is an effective way to build stronger relationships with other members of the IR network and for your firm benefit from both IR’s and other participants’ global marketing reach. We firmly believe that the power of a global network comes from sharing ideas and expertise, thus enabling our members to better serve their clients’ international needs.

OPTION 1 By invitation only and on a first come, first served basis.

International Asset Protection Planning The debtor’s dilemma - planning for and protecting against future judgments Virtual Round Table Series, December 2016 Private Client Working Group

£350.00 per participant The Art of Negotiation

Shifting Paradigms

A Global Review of the M&A Deal Process

New Approaches to Global Tax

Virtual Round Table Series M&A Working Group 2017


Virtual Round Table Series Tax Working Group 2017

Subject and participants can be chosen by the member. Co-branded and Including a full-page introduction to the member. | page 1

For further information, please contact

Rachel Finch: Channel Sales Manager

Six page feature: £2,000.00 (+£250.00 per page thereafter) | page 7

Editorial Services

Would you like help in developing your firm’s mission statement and marketing content? Perhaps you are considering creating a piece of thought leadership research to showcase your expertise? Or you would just like to have all your existing content reviewed by a professional editor?

We work exclusively with Nick Yates, Principal Consultant at Scribere, to offer a full range of editorial services to our members. Nick has edited a leading professional services magazine and held senior communications roles in two major investment banks. Your firm’s marketing material represents your business and we are focused on enhancing the value of its content and your standing. We can ensure that all your marketing communications are written to the highest standards and engage your audience. Our service offering can range from preparing or rewriting your website content, marketing material or helping you create informative blog/news articles which can be promoted via your website, social media platforms and across the IR network. Furthermore, if English isn’t your first language, we can review your site for grammar and readability, ensuring that you give the best impression to international clients. The costs for IR editorial services are calculated on a sliding scale based on word count.

For further information, please contact

Rachel Finch: Channel Sales Manager

Cyber Security Services

Lawyers and accountants are acutely attacks and security lapses. These

Increasingly, professional services are subject to express obligations to keep data secure and to inform affected clients in the event of a breach. For this reason, IR Global have teamed up with eosEdge Legal and its eosCyber™ Alliance partners to offer a cyber security risk assessment for our members who require assistance.

attacks can be directly damaging to

The purpose of which is to:

their businesses and reputation, but

• Assess your level of preparedness for a cyber-attack

can also raise legal and regulatory

• Perform a due diligence review of your cyber defences

aware of their vulnerability to cyber-

issues that need to be anticipated and addressed.

• Ascertain your areas of highest risk • Gain insight into attack motivations and methods • Gauge the appropriate level of investment in cyber security • Identify clear actions to improve your cyber security posture • Reduce risk of litigation through cloaking and information sharing

It is becoming easier to locate and steal high-value data from small to medium sized professional service firms. As more and more lawyers, accountants and professional advisers of all kinds transition from paper to digital records, it is now more important than ever to have the right security and processes in place to prevent an attack from cyberthieves. For pricing and more information please get in contact.

For further information, please contact

Rachel Finch: Channel Sales Manager | page 9

Firm Management Services

We offer an array firm management/consultancy services to firms in the professional services sector. Via our strategic partnership with London based, Hodgart Associates and Kerma Partners in Mexico, we provide support on: STRATEGY & GOVERNANCE


A strategy comprises a number of coherent actions designed to ensure a firm is competitive within its chosen market position. A strategic objective identifies the desired market position.

There is a strong, direct correlation between strategic and organisational development within professional services firms. Sometimes a competitive strategy cannot be developed until some aspects of the organisation and its processes are addressed. We have a significant amount of experience in dealing with these issues whether of lesser or greater complexity. An important element of our methodology is that it is based on our deep knowledge of both Partners and Partnerships.

The essence of a strategy is that it clarifies what needs to be done for a firm to build and sustain its competitiveness. Hence, it provides direction and guidance to people as to where they should expend time and energy – and where they should not. MERGER EVALUATION & ADVICE Given the global professional services market consolidation, there are many merger opportunities, sought after or ad hoc, available in the market. From a strategic perspective a merger question, this can only be addressed if it can help the firm to achieve its strategy. We help our clients to answer the question; how a merger can help to achieve their competitive position once it’s clearly set? The merger will only be successful if it ensures that both firms end up better off after the merger than without it.

PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT & REMUNERATION Within our genuine methodology of law firm strategy implementation, performance management of Partners is the paramount process evolving from firm’s strategic and business unit plans. Using our deep knowledge of both Partners and Partnerships, we set up performance management programs linked to remunerations systems.

For further information, please contact

Rachel Finch: Channel Sales Manager



IR Global The Piggery Woodhouse Farm Catherine de Barnes Lane Catherine de Barnes B92 0DJ

Rachel Finch Channel Sales Manager +44 1675 443017 Terence Wu Digital Marketing Manager +44 1675 443018

Telephone: +44 (0)1675 443396

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