“This great looking bunch from our engineering department set off for an afternoon at the Build NZ trade event. They enjoyed meeting and chatting with suppliers about upcoming products and services. Keep up-to-date with the latest and greatest in HVAC technology.” - Cam Crawford from Chillex Group
The momentum is growing for the HVAC&R Hub 2024 A convergence of industry innovation, expertise and cutting-edge solutions, HVAC&R Hub is an opportunity to gather knowledge from local and internationally experienced leaders in design, construction, facilities management and HVAC&R. The boulevard for the HVAC&R Hub has sold out but there are still many opportunities for exhibitors to be a part of this event which showcases the latest in HVAC&R technologies. “Stands are available in the Hub, which is also the location of the networking lounge which generates foot traffic into the area,” says Gina McMaster, executive officer of HVAC&R industry associations. The co-host of the HVAC&R Hub is part of the BuildNZ, Facilities Integrate and The National Safety Show in June 25-26, 2024. If you are interested in exhibiting in 2024, please get in contact with our team.
Exhibiting For exhibiting enquires please contact us: Carmel Jones XPO Exhibitions carmel@xpo.co.nz 09 976 8366 027 494 0699 Events Coordinator IRHACE admin@irhace.org.nz