romy engel

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romy engel

mixed work

muthesius academy of fine arts and design & school of fine arts, university of erfurt 2012-2015

romy engel master student interface/interaction design muthesius academy of fine arts and design kiel, germany

2014 - 2015

interface design projects muthesius academy of fine arts and design

within the sketching the user experience project a sensing experience was created where one could hear, see & feel like a dichotomous sensor

analysing customer experience jouneys within a service design project

exploring possible everyday life challenges on the iss trough roleplay within the human computer interaction seminar

graphical proposal for a calendar app

drawing redesign conclusions from on site user testing & paper-prototyping the implications

understanding electronics within physical computing

2013 - 2014

spatial project school of fine arts university of erfurt

the installation 11400 matches questions

collaborative forces

2012 - 2013

painting project school of fine arts university of erfurt

2012 - 2013

recycling project school of fine arts university of erfurt

the recycling project explored the global plastic waste problem by knitting an irish fisherman jumper out of the approximate amount of 65 plastic bags used annually per person in germany


b.a. student anthropology internship helios media publishing berlin germany

2005 german “abitur“

freie universität berlin germany

2006 conservation volunteer work umhverfisstofnun reyjkavík iceland

places encountered so far

research assistant social psychology universiteit van amsterdam the netherlands


2008 student psychology

universiteit van amsterdam the netherlands

research assistant school of fine arts

hotel clerk kabelv책g hotell lofoten

university of erfurt


2009 social therapy coworker camphill vidar책sen norway





b.a. student psychology & fine arts university of erfurt germany

2015 m.a. student interface design muthesius academy of fine arts and design kiel germany


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