Choiceless Choice

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DON’T HAVE AN ACCOUNT YET, PLEASE PRESS I AGREE AND PROCEED FURTHER. You may not use the Services and may not accept the Terms if (a) you are not of legal age to form a binding contract, or (b) you are a person barred from receiving the Services under the laws of the United States or other countries including the country in which you are resident or from which you use the Services.




INTRO General information about our Services and registration overview.


................ ............... ............... ............... TILT


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II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE IIIIAGREE AGREE We are keenly aware of the trust you place in us AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE and our responsibility to protect your privacy. As II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE part of this responsibility, we let you know what II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE information we collect when you use our prodII AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE ucts and services, why we collect it and how we II AGREE AGREE AGREE AGREE IIIIAGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE use it to improve your experience. II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE We have five privacy principles that describe how EEEER RG GAA II EEEER RG GAA II EEEER RG GAA II we approach privacy and user information across EEEER RG GAA II EEEER RG GAA II all of our products: EEEER RG GAA II EEEER RG GAA II E E E E R RG GAA II U UU sesseeinformatio in in in E E E E R RG GAA II fo fo fo rm r valur with m at users m our io provide to n aattio Use ionnnto pr I I AGREE AGREE ov id t too pprroovvid e our users wit I I AGREE AGREE id aabble h e va e lelepr lu ab o o p prrod uurr uusseerrss II AGREE AGREE oodduc uuccts services. and ttssan able products witithh vvaalu w aanndddse II AGREE AGREE sseerv rrvvic lu-ices ic II AGREE AGREE eess... II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE Maak M I I AGREE AGREE akkee tth M IAGREE AGREE AGREE ee cco n cocollection olllle of personal II IAGREE lleecct the io Makethh cttio ionn rsonal ininformatio n oof off ppe II AGREE AGREE fo p rm e tttr e at rraaan r r io s s n o nnsssp o II AGREE AGREE nnaall in ppaaar rreeen info nnttt... t. forrm II AGREE AGREE maattio transparen ionn II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE BBBeeeaaarrere e poon IAGREE AGREE AGREE II IAGREE on nssib si the information we bl ible steward le responsib Be asspsp leessttst ew II AGREE AGREE ar d of of eew w th e a a in r r fo d d I I AGREE AGREE rm hhoho o o old at f io f tthhee in ldldoaubab n we info II AGREE AGREE uabout forrm tsetorou maattio us.r rour users. holdroou uus ionn w II AGREE AGREE serer s.s. wee II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE EEEER RG GAA II EEEER RG GAA II EEEER RG GAA II This Privacy Center was created to provide you EEEER RG GAA II EEEER RG GAA II E E E ER RG GAA II with easy-to-understand information about our E E E E R RG GAA II II AGREE AGREE EEEER RG GAA II E E E E R RG GAA II products and policies to help you make more II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE informed choices about which products you II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE use, how to use them and what information you II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE provide to us. II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE PLEASE PRESS I AGREE AND II AGREE AGREE PROCEED FURTHER. II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE IAGREE AGREE AGREE II IAGREE II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE EEEER RG GAA II EEEER RG GAA II EEEER RG GAA II EEEER RG GAA II EEEER RG GAA II EEEER RG GAA II EEEER RG GAA II EEEER RG GAA II EEEER RG GAA II II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE De De vel vel opoppro produ Develop ctsthat cts proddu tha tha ucts t refl t reflec refl ect ect t stron strstr gg gpriva onon cy stand pri practices. and pri standards privacy ards and vac vac Develop products that reflect strong y ysta pract sta ices. ndnd ard ard s sand andpra pra cticti ces ces ..

Giv Giv e euse use rsrsme me ani Give users ani ngng fulcho mean ful cho ingfu ice l choic ice estopro s sto topro prote tec their priva tec tctthe ttothe privacy. their protect cy. Give users meaningful choices irirpri pri vac vac y.y.




CATEGORIES Please click I agree, to proced to the first step of the registration.







I UNDERSTAND II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE 1. Your relationship II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE business is at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, MounII AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE View, CAour 94043, Unitedto States. document ment. areproducts, referred belowThis as the “Universal 1.1tain Your useThese of software, services and II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE explains how the is made and sets Terms”. web sites (referred toagreement collectively as theup, “Services” inout accessible for you to read either within, or through II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE some ofment theuse terms of that agreement. this document and excluding any services provided your of, that Service. is referred to below as the “Terms”. II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE agreement withwritten Googleagreement) will also include the to you1.3 byYour us under a separate is II AGREE AGREE 2.1 In order to use the Services, you must firstly II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE PLEASE, FiLl iN YoUr ReAl InForMatIon, HERE. 1.2terms Unless inapplicable writing between with us, your ofotherwise any Legal Notices to the subject to 1.5 the terms ofisaagreed legal agreement 1.4 The Universal Terms, together with theServices, AdII AGREE AGREE If there any contradiction between what the II AGREE AGREE agree to the Youfor may use theorServices if II AGREE AGREE in the userTerms. interface anynot Service; PROCEED II AGREE AGREE agreement with us will always include, at aof miniin ditional addition to the Universal Terms. All these you and us. “US” means us, whose principal place of areTerms Terms, form a legally binding agreement Additional Terms say and what the Universal II AGRE AGRE you do not accept the Terms. II AGR AGR II A A cept the Terms ifin(a) you areto not ofprecedence legalofage to formLETS GET STARTED WITH SETTING UP mum, the terms and conditions set out in this docureferred to below as the “Additional Terms”. Where between you and Google relation your use say, then the Additional Terms shall take II INFORMATION (B) by actually using the Services. In you this are case, a binding contract with Google, or be (b) a YOUR ACCOUNT Additional Terms tocopy a Service, these theinServices. Ittoisapply that you takewill the time tofor your save aimportant local of the Universal Terms relation that Service. 2.2 can accept the Terms youYou understand and agree thatby: Google will treat your barred from receiving the agreeServices under the TRICK HIGHLIGHTER read themperson carefully. Collectively, this legal records. your convenience only and that the English language uselaws of the Services as acceptance of the Terms from ofthe theTerms United States or other countries includ-................ ............... ............... ............... 2. Accepting versions the Terms will to govern your relationship (A)point clicking toofaccept or agree the Terms, COOKIES that onwards. 4. Provision of the you Services by us or from TILT ing3.the countryofinthe which are resident DO A BARREL Language Terms Google. where thiswith option is made available to you by Google 4.1 Google has subsidiaries and affiliated legal which you use 4.2 the We Services. are constantly innovating in order to IRINA 2.3 Youentities may not use thethe Services and may not acaround world (“Subsidiaries andFirst Affiliname: 3.13.2 Where Google has provided you with for a what transprovide the best possible experience its users. Ifmanently there is any contradiction between the or temporarily) providing the Services (or ates”).you Sometimes, these companies will be Before continue, you print off or providing LOG 2.4 lation of the English language version ofthe the Terms, You acknowledge andofshould agree that form and nature English language version the Terms says and what any features within the Services) to itself. youLast or toname: users KOPYTINA the Services to you on to behalf of Google You disables access your account, you may be preventthen you that the translation isprovides provided for of agree the Services which Google may change a translation says, then the English language version generallyand at Google’s sole discretion, and without prior acknowledge agree that Affilied from accessing theSubsidiaries Services, your account details time to time without prior notice to you. shallfrom take precedence. through Services or on thethe amount of storage ikopytina@ notice to you.the You may stop using Services atlogin any ates will be entitled to provide the Services to you. Desired or any files or other content which is contained in name: COMMUNICATIONS used theprovide provision of any Service, such You do notfor need to specifically inform Google be required to information about yourself CHECK AVAILABILITY account. 4.3your As part of this continuing innovation, you fixed upper limits may be set by Google at any time, when you stop the Services. (such as using identification or contact details) as part of poses are permitted by (a)stop the(perTerms and (b) acknowledge and that agree that Google may at the Google’s discretion. registration for thethat Service, or as accepted part of Choose a password: 4.5 You acknowledge and agree Google any applicableprocess law, regulation orwhile generally any of the Services byServices. any other than 4.4 You acknowledge andofagree thatmeans if Google continued use You thatthrough OUR SERVICES may your notpractices currently set the a fixed upper limitagree on the orhave guidelines in the relevant jurisdictions all 5. any Use registration of the Services by you the5.5 interface that ishave provided by Google, unless you give to Google will youYOUR MOTHER’S NAME? Security question: Unless youyou been specifically number(including of transmissions may send orexport receive anyinformation laws regarding the ofpermitted data the If you forget your password we will ask for the have been allowed to date. dowith so inGoogle, a separate answer to our question. always bedo accurate, and up to to sotospecifically inand a correct separate agreement you or software from the United States or other (includContent under the Terms and for the consequences 5.1 Inagreement order to access certain Services, you may agree thatwith youGoogle. will not reproduce, duplicate, copy, relevant countries). media;12. an ing any loss or damage Googleyou mayuse suffer) of THIRD PARTY words associated withwhich any account to access 5.2 You thethe Services only purAnswer: sell,agree tradetooruse resell Services forfor any purpose. YOUR MOTHER’S NAMEcompanies, org as are ne any such breach. theuse Services. of your or of your in account, 5.4 You agree that password you will not engage any you 5.3 You agree not to access (or attempt to access) Google tohas therela tec1 agree to notify Google immediately at http:// activity that interferes with or disrupts the Services Image: 5.6 Yoution agree that youplease are solely responsible for practices, read our’s privacy policy at or display on or throu cated services, works,cal d 6. Your passwords and account security 6.2 Accordingly, you agree that you will betosolely (or(and the servers and networks which are connected LOCATION DATA that Google has no responsibility to you orThis to policy is for the sole purpose tion with thefro p licence sh 8. Content in the responsible to Google forServices all activities that occur py?answer=48601. 11.1 distribute You retainand copyright a any third party for) anyGoogle breachtreats of your obligations explains how your personal informapromot 6.1 You agree and understand that you areisresponunder your account. originated. All such information referred to below hold in Content w tion, andYou protects privacy, you use thealready for certain Se 10.3 Unless Google has given y 11.3 You 11.4und Yo 8.1 understand that all when information (such asrevoked sible for maintaining theyour confidentiality of passassponsors the 7. Privacy and“Content”. yourorpersonal information advertisers who provide that Content to or display on or through, t Services. Terms thos UNIQUE NUMBER permission to dorequired so, you of may n techn written text, computer software, music, ditional 6.3 Ifdata youfiles, become aware of any unauthorised 10.2 You may not (and you may not Google (or by other persons or companies on their ting, posting or displaying 8.3 We reserve the right (but shall have no avideos sub-licence of)to your ourrights users,tom audio8.2 files other sounds, photographs, or obligaYouorshould be aware that Content presented to create a deriva else to) copy, modify, 7.1 Forbehalf). information about Google’s data protecYou may not modify, rent, lease, loan, sell, perpetual, irrevocable, wo 7.2 You agree thesoftware use your data infilter, accordance 11.2 You agree that 10.1 Google gives you a personal, wo tion) toto pre-screen, review, flag, modify, refuse grant apart security in or ov vices and toincluding limit material thatinterest other images) which youofmay have access tonot as you as part of the Services, but limited reverse engineer, decompile or other distribute or create derivative works based on this non-exclusive licence to re with Google’s privacy policies. Google make su alty-free, non-assignable andto non-exclu or you remove any orobjectionable. all the Content from any Service. the Software, or otherwise trans may find of,to oradvertisements through your use of, Services are the solefor For OTHER in the Services and sponsored 8.5 You agree that you are solely responsible for extract the source code of the Softwa in writing Google, you agree that i Content (either in whole do or so in part) unlessby you havepublish, translate, to use software to publicly you by u some ofof the Services, Google maythe provide to Software. rights totools useprovided the responsibility the person from which such content Content within the Services may be protected by (and that Google has no responsibility to you or to thereof, unless this is expressly perm the Services, you will not useGoogle’s anyany trade mar been specifically that you may do so by Google and distribute Conten Youtold acknowledge agree that we (or theand Services as provided to you by us (r filter8.4 out9.1 explicit sexual content. These tools include You understand that by using the Services intellectual property rights which are owned by the any third party for) any Content that you create, by or unless you have been spec mark, trade logoagreeof any company or o or by thelicensors) owners ofown that all Content, inlaw, aname, separate legal right, title and interest infrom and asdisclose the “Software” below). This licence you shallto not such information without theyou SafeSearch preference settings (see http://www. 11. Content licence you is maythat beor exposed Content that you may find transmit display while using the Services and for may do so by Google, in writing inyou a any way that is likely or intended to c ment. to the Services, sation including property purpose ofintellectual enabling you to use and enjo Google’s prior written consent. Inthat, addioffensive, indecent or objectionable and inany this Services, including any intellectual property 9.3 Ifthe you have been given an explicit right to use therights consequences of your actions (including loss 9.5 You agree thatthe you(whether shall not remove, obsc confusion owner or authorised us subsist theabout Services ofinavailable the Services as risk. provided by Google, i tion, there you arewhich commercially services and those respect, use the Services at your own rights which subsist in that Content (whether tho UPLOAD any of these brand features in a separate written or rights damage which Google may suffer) by doing so. (includin or to alter any proprietary rights notices such marks, names or logos. happen be registered or not, and wherever guidelines.html (or such other URL as Google may permitted byotherwise the Terms. 9.2 Unless havetoagreed in writing rights you happen be then registered or not, and wherev I UNDERSTAND agreement with Google, you notices) agree that your copyright and trade mark which may b II AGREE AGREE in the world those rights may exist). You further provide for this purpose from time to time). II AGREE AGREE with Google, nothing in the Terms gives you a right in the world those rights may exist). Unless you II9.AGREE AGREE use of such features shall be us in compliance with that h Proprietary rights fixed to orServices contained within theinformaServices. II AGREE AGREE 10. Licence from acknowledge that the may contain II AGREE AGREE to use any of Google’s trade names, trade marks, agreed any otherwise in writing withof Google, you agre II AGREE AGREE agreement, applicable provisions the Terms, II AGREE AGREE which isOther designated confidential byand Google and 9.4 thandomain the limited license set forth in Secservice marks, logos, names, other disII AGREE AGREE tion that you brand are responsible forguidelines protectingasand enforc II AGREE AGREE and Google’s feature use updated I ACCEPT 9.6 Unless you have been expressly authorise II AGREE AGREE tion 11, Google acknowledges and agrees that it obtinctive brand features. II AGREE AGREE and thatguidelines Google hascan nobe obligation fromthose time rights to time. These viewed to II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE tains no right, title or interest from you (or your liII AGREE AGREE soat on your behalf. online II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE censors) under these Terms in or to any Content tha I I AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE you submit, post, transmit or display on, or through II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE


of profit (whether incurred directly or indirectly), advertising appears on the Services; 15.1 Nothing in these Terms shall exclude any loss of goodwill or business reputation,ororlimit any Google’s for losses which may not be lawloss of liability data by you; (ii)suffered any changes which us may make to the are fully expressly set out the Terms. excluded or in limited by applicable law. Services, or for any permanent or temporary cessa(B)inany loss or damage which may(or be incurred the of the any features (D) thattion defects inprovision the operation orServices functional14.4by Nothing in the Terms shall affect those statu15.2 Subject to overall provision in paragraph 15.1 you as a result of: ity of any Software provided to you as part of the toryabove, rightsGoogle, which are always entitled toonasthe a and its Subsidiaries and Affiliates, its (i) anyyou reliance placed by you comrequirements, Services will be corrected. consumer and thatnot you contractually licensors shall becannot liable to you for: agree to CATEGORIES

HOME FORM INTRO alter or waive. (A) any indirect or consequential losses which STEP1 WARNINGSubsidiaries E (B) your use of the Services will or be other uninter14.3 No conditions, warranties terms (inand Affiliates, and its licensors give you EE EE REE REE AGREE AGREE timely, secure free from cluding anyrespect impliedor as to error, satisfactory quality, no rupted, warranty with toterms them. I AGREE AGREEWELCOME, WELCOME, 15. Limitation of Liability WELCOME MY DEAR II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE fitnessorforwhich purpose or conformance with description) been in force) are expressed to continue II AGREE AGREE IFRIEND, I AGREE AGREE WHILE THEY ARE BUSY WITH YOUR I I AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE INFO, THIS, YOU MIGHT.... (C) any information obtained by extent youand as that a result apply to the Services to cessation, the they shall be unaffected by Subsidiaries this 14.2 In particular, Google,except its IIWATCH AGREE AGREEindefinitely, II AGREE AGREE 13.4 Nothing in Section affect Google’s II AGREE AGREE of your usethis ofof theparagraph Services be accurate or reliand the provisions 20.7 shall continue Affiliates, and licensors doshall notwill represent or warrant II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE I I AGREE AGREE rights regarding provision Services under Section and to to apply to such rights, of obligations and liabilities that: Iyou Iable, AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE Google or ceased to offer the Services to you; or I I AGREE AGREE 4 ofindefinitely. the Terms.II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE 14. Exclusion of Warranties (A) your use theACCOUNT, Services will meet your WHEN YOU SIGN UP FOR A OUR IIof AGREE AGREE with the provisions oftransitioning the Terms); or II AGREE AGREE (D) Google is to no longer 13.5 When these Terms come to an end,providall of the I I AGREE AGREE WE ASK YOU FOR PERSONAL INFORMAII AGREE AGREE ing the Services to users in the country in which you I I AGREE AGREE TION. WE MAY COMBINE THE INFORMATION legal rights, obligations andprovided liabilities that II AGREE AGREE 14.1 The Services are “as is”you andand us, its I I AGREE AGREE YOU SUBMIT UNDER YOUR ACCOUNT WITH at the beginning of Terms. (B) Google required toyou do so bythe lawservice; (for ex-or are resident oristhese from which II AGREE AGREE Google have benefited from,use been subject to (or II AGREE AGREE INFORMATION FROM OTHER OUR SERVICES OR II AGREE AGREE ample, where the provision of the Services to you is, which have accrued over time whilst the THIRD PARTIES IN ORDER TO PROVIDE YOU Terms have nated you or usany as set below. 13.3 Google may at time, its legalby we orbybecomes, unlawful); or WITH Aeither BETTER EXPERIENCE AND TOto IM(E) the provision of out theterminate Services you PROVE THE QUALITY SERVICES. agreement you if: OFnoOUR are, in with our’s opinion, longer commercially viable.


enhance further develop thewhom Services andagreement may 13.2 and If you wantpartner to terminate your legal (C) the with Google offered the UNDERSTAND? take theServices form ofyou bug fixes, functions, new with Google, may doenhanced so byany (a)provision notifying Google (A) you have breached of the with to you has terminated its relationship


the rights, power and authority to grantclearly software modules and completely versions. You at Terms any time and (b)acted closing yournew accounts for all of (or have innecessary manner which shows

e above licence. agree to receive such updates permit usto tocomply dethe Services you use, where Google has made that you dowhich not intend to,(and or are unable over liver various public networks and in various to you) as part of your usenotice of theshould Services. thisthese option available to you. Your be and (b) make such changes to your Content . Software updates sent, in writing, to our’s address which is set out at ganisations or individuals withthat whom ecessary conform and adapt Content Ending your relationship with us

ationships for theTerms provision ofuse syndichnical requirements ofwill connecting net12.1 The13.1 Software which youcontinue may automatiThe to apply until termiugh, the Services. This licence and to services use such Content in connecdevices, or media.updates You agree that thisto time lly download and install from time e of enabling us to display, provision of us those services. hallus. permit to take these improve, om These updates are designed and other rights yoube te theany Services and may

which you submit, post ervices as that defined in performing the Adyou specific written derstand we,warrant in theyou have You confirm and to us that the Services. By submitse Services. not assign grant the Services nical steps (or to provide anyone g permit the content you give us a use(a) thetransmit Software, may or distribute your ative workroyalty-free, of, orldwide, and thisyour licence orldwide, roy-includes ver rights to use a right rwise attempt to eproduce, adapt, modify, uch usive licence sfer Content any part available of your to other are or any inperform, using part yus publicly display as part of mitted or required rk,which service nt you submit, post referred to START WONDERING AFTER ALL..... cifically organi- told that s for the sole g. cause oy the benefit cure, ser of in the manner ose ng ver be afhave

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please click I understand to proceed to further steps.









pleteness, accuracy or existence of any advertising, or as a result of any relationship or transaction may be incurred by you. This shall or include anywhose loss between you and any advertiser sponsor of profit (whether incurred directly or indirectly), advertising appears on the Services; 15.1loss Nothing in theseorTerms shall exclude ororlimit any of goodwill business reputation, any Google’s for losses which may not be lawloss of liability data by you; (ii)suffered any changes which us may make to the are fully expressly set out the Terms. excluded or in limited by applicable law. Services, or for any permanent or temporary cessaPLEASE, FiLl iN YoUr ReAl InForMatIon, HERE. (B) any loss or damage which may be incurred tion in the provision of the Services (or any features PROCEED (D) that defects in the operation or functional14.4by Nothing inresult theoverall Terms shall affect statu-15.1 15.2 Subject to provision in those paragraph you as a of: INFORMATION ity of any Software provided to you as part of the toryabove, rightsGoogle, which are always entitled toonasthe a and its Subsidiaries and Affiliates, its (i) anyyou reliance placed by you comrequirements, Services will be corrected. consumer and that you cannot contractually agree to licensors shall not be liable to you for:









alter or waive. (A) any indirect or consequential losses which (B) your of the Services willSTATE be other uninter14.3 No use conditions, warranties or terms (inSubsidiaries and Affiliates, and its licensors give you YOU RECENTLY VIEWED PAGES

timely, secure free from cluding anyrespect impliedor as to error, satisfactory quality, no rupted, warranty with toterms them. 15. Limitation of Liability YOU MAY FIND IT IN YOUR BROWSER. fitnessorforwhich purpose or conformance with description) been in force) are expressed to continue THREAT LEVEL


(C) any information obtained by extent youand as that a result to the Services to cessation, the they indefinitely, shall be unaffected by Subsidiaries this 14.2apply In particular, Google,except its ................ ............... ............... ............... 13.4 Nothing in Section affect Google’s of your usethis ofof theparagraph Services be accurate or reliand the provisions 20.7 shall continue Affiliates, and licensors doshall notwill represent or warrant TILT


rights regarding provision Services under Section able, and to to apply to such rights, of obligations and liabilities you that: COPY FROM BROWSER Google or ceased to offer the Services to you; or 4 ofindefinitely. the Terms.


14. Exclusion ofuse Warranties (A) your of the Services will meet your COMMUNICATIONS with the provisions the Terms); or KERAMICHESKAJA_PLITKA/SPAIN/KERLIFE/DAINO_ (D) Google isoftransitioning to no longer provid-

13.5 When these Terms come to an end, all of the ROYAL HTTP://WWW.ADME.RU/KREATIVNYJ-OBZOR/ inglegal the Services to users in and the country which you rights, obligations liabilitiesin that and MIR-BEZ-FOTOSHOPA-310055/ HTTP://VKONTAKTE. 14.1 The Services are provided “as is”you and us, its at theare beginning of these Terms. (B) Google is required to do so by law (for exRU/VIDEOS140095593?Q=%D0%94%D1%80%D1%83 resident or from which you use the service; or Google have benefited from, been subject to (or ample, where the provision of the Services to you %D0%B7%D1%8C%D1%8F%20%20FRIENDS%202%20 is, OUR SERVICES which have accrued over time whilst the Terms have %D1%81%D0%B5%D0%B7%D0%BE%D0%BD%20%20 nated13.3 either you orat usany as set below. Google may time, itsyou legalby we orbybecomes, unlawful); or 8%20%D0%A1%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%8F&(E) the provision of out theterminate Services to SECTION=SEARCH HTTP://TICCA.RU/ agreement if: no longer commercially viable. are, in with our’syou opinion, TSVETOVYE-PALITRYI/BUDUARNYIE-TSenhance further develop thewhom Services andagreement may 13.2 and If you wantpartner to terminate your legal (C) the with Google offered the VETA/ HTTP://WWW.PLITKAZDES.RU/INNER. PHP?PAGE=CATALOG&SECTION_ID=1251&NP=1 THIRD PARTY take theServices form ofyou bug fixes, functions, new with Google, may doenhanced so byany (a)provision notifying Google (A) you have breached of the with to you has terminated its relationship HTTP://WWW.GOOGLE.NL/SEARCH?Q=B

all the rights, power and authority to grantclearly software modules and completely versions. You at Terms any time and (b)acted closing yournew accounts for all of (or have innecessary manner which showsELGIUM+NOBLE+LAST+NAME&IE=UTF-

the above licence. agree to receive such updates permit usto tocomply dethe Services you use, where Google has made that you dowhich not intend to,(and or are unable Content over liver various public networks and in various to you) as part of your usenotice of theshould Services. thisthese option available to you. Your be LOCATION DATA media;12. and (b) make such changes to your Content Software updates sent, in writing, to our’s address which is set out at anies, or individuals withthat whom as are organisations necessary to conform and adapt Content 13. Ending your relationship with us

le for theTerms provision ofuse synditohas therelationships technical requirements ofwill connecting net12.1 The13.1 Software which youcontinue may automatiThe to apply until terminservices, or through, the Services. This licence UNIQUE NUMBER and to use such Content in connecworks, devices, services or media. You agree that thisto time cally download and install updates from time elicence purpose of enabling ustototake display, with thefrom provision of us those services. shall permit these improve, us. These updates are designed opyright and any other rights you d promote the Services and may be ontent Services which you submit, post certain as that defined in performing the Adas given youconfirm specific written 3 You we,warrant in theyou have 11.4understand You and to us that OTHER hrough, the Services. By submitms of those Services. ou may not assign (or grant red technical steps to provide the Services may not permit anyone isplaying the content you give us a use(a) thetransmit Software, rrights users,tomay or distribute your ecable, a derivative workroyalty-free, of, worldwide, and gree that this licence includes sonal, worldwide, royst in or over your rights to use a right eence or otherwise attempt to modify, to such reproduce, adapt, o make Content non-exclusive licence wise transfer any part available of your to other he Software or any part gree that in using , publicly publicly display oare. you by usperform, as part of ssly permitted or required rade mark, service Content whichto you submit, post uy by us (referred been specifically told that mpany or organilicence om you is for the sole n writing. nded to cause eroperty and enjoy the benefit move, obscure, orised user of Google, in the manner ether those (including d wherever ich may be afess you have ces. ALLOW II AGREE AGREE , you agree II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE nd enforcing II AGREE AGREE authorised to ALLOW II AGREE AGREE




1. Your relationship


business is at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Moun-

View, CAour 94043, Unitedto States. document ment. areproducts, referred belowThis as the “Universal 1.1tain Your useThese of software, services and

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or ex tran (D) .t curacy ship or s n s o e o 4 1 ess, ac y relati e anrywl hos n a pleten inclupdonso n sult of ), s shaelrl or s ity otfoarya as a re dviertis irectly d you. aTh ing, or y or;in redabnyd any icens limniyt direecrtvl ices Seirrevcm e einecnuyrou requ ol ludoeno, ror a currnedthe S mabyebtw ther einars o rms esshsarlleepxuctati t (wihneg app e in law- e h s t e lt o a b t t e o of pardovfierti ng indw thiellsoe rTbus may n y mak sy thi goo 1i4)e.3 wh;ich h us ma saia(rB s osos of 5.1 1an y lN ary ces Subsid aw. r losbsye yeos uwhic ilityfffeorecdhang rmasp.plicnatbloerltempor adnd,tit pctrelu e’s liaabtais)uany ey rredures e b t T u a c Goloosgsl of d (i ou no rwuar 1 inmthite d erman y ber ianny fe eetd ort li r any p iceaios n(oal- u-15.1 hicrhvm fiotrnce f reesxsclylusdes, or fo magf ethwe rSefunct saegsrtaapth are feuxlply Servic been in s orisdioanaotion o ecint tphaohr e p, t any elopsroevoper srhoavlilsiaoffn aIpl(nyC nd it-s f e s a t m p o i a , .2 o l t s n l s c 4 r e fi 1 t a e n)incttshin th Teerram e a p d io(B n i tleAd utoloin th att defe int ttohueoltv of: you as tid offi thyioen e to rsuo (D) th otShuibnsjgeac res ed to ryisesednabny y d a e a i e f p t w r i l c v a u o g e d i a a l i a l h s .4 e t p y ffi 3 b l 14.41b5yN.2yftow l e dN 1 A a c n u : are proyiotsuSlaiuarn a t r onotruacfo di ny So wohoigcalhen,y re ch bloet tco y s reygpaoalbyrulett,o es whi ity of a roigvhet,sG (i) ected. cainan l t s r b p y s h r o a a e r u t o g o o b l o i o t r t l a s,illerbreasncsdhtahllant oyt quenti ceearsitee s (inicens tuw gle ohre fiTn r conse inrtyetero-rum emnso Seirrevm t o e s e c o n e i f o h n v l t t i requ u d o o c G g o n c e e 4 i teieinlslsbors . y indir s w ality, r ew (Aa)ivaen sS,n rw dvairtcrsealnic (l ory qu e a t c , a r f alter o ucsoffi 14. Evxiscigol enod lifaittiehosn, to esrartois tion) ro oo nudro A sfra.osym eeem syoaN 1i4)e.3 rteftrhm descrip h th(eDp) GWh .5 t ia(rB i 3 1 w escppuoelrniceetdootfoLiabilit rmtoanccoentwinituhe Subsid meaitlnhyy, rsiem i d stuhltey ervitc e t S r a e a h h t s r adnd,tityni gw imitat pcroenssfoe t r d t pctrelu a L l x o , g a e 1ig4h.1 n g i e l no rwuar 15. fow bisyeasraeyitxoeitosuenann ucrhpoarse dteh ggl sor r phi byetapStithuntibesoscid retliindoielnoenth eBge)insG r ’s g ffiotrnce)s o t aietcociegotsleneed,oxibcts o teianorurean t thearbe(G ogrlaew v n m o a ff u o r r o a c o c G c t l been in ineelafuoSr,nreG yth erhe iel.7 pel cbrsetehseanl 2ar0ff slltw p, pls)yhaartanotlilcbu le, wihch shceaoh n p o i p n n i v a t o m s r r i itaeIpl(nyC o c a h e e i t w S i 14n.2 fesepcotaSrrseadg indefi thoiscsfeoStnh unddelriabil oEegr)eltyseh,oe hionug,vraiiunnsisdoenli eGcitoh(m ervicoenss an i y b t S .3 .4A tholeftiaypterso ffi iotns, oofbliga es to you; or nated1o3br dN 13an vish t woiutr ingnd:pcrhorig enn Servic i e , r e h u r t regaalbyruldett,ohaasut o y agreeam righttostaopypoased .to offer rtthhae l meet ds. andy(oCfuu) w ces wil i e f i e y I l c e e or cTeertm teieSserv er prollvof th enha1n3.2 Goo4golfinthdeefini ofytbo searorfatnh or no lonnegnd, a uW u ; f a , m ) o r o s o t r s l o y e u t o g g c f ) m o i o e r n y v e A i o d s m n h t n i o As)ioyonu esiTteriom c a i , (lu s takweitthh SGe(r e sc 14. EvxiscigolnesitsohtfertsahenT dea y in hwaht yaonud u nlh o oo n couniltirtides“at s is” owmeor(oedaruan e e m b x e e i r p s r a e h h t e p3)r.5G d i , o t i l r s m y r e aan T attw 1 W with th(D sers ins arnedproovbythlaewsbe(jrfevocitceto; (or all the risgohft u s e es to iugatiiocnes a eeivsdeow c . Servhitcs, oeblServeerdmthso. ydoou ,ubseen s you is,s have lieceentSoaceterryveoicu m r o c r h i T i t e e o t m g u v h e a t q w ingltehgeal r1ig4.1loeTh fihted fr the Servhiiclests the Ter fitshroeesm blicyo the abo usepseu noinoggt or efrbene f n o w v e i o e tioton a r l h w (eBgre)ionsG oidgle ha e proviesidonover timew its leoguaby ntent over vliavtehrits op chsc at thearbe G u th loin.aetse to y Co e. e sduate riti l oteuh, tetebSreemrvic where ve accras)y;soteoirtm ) amsreeankutp, in w iv lly viab a; a.nSdo(ftbw amplew, hich ha oylarw auvtfisasuinlon f i 2 nrdm mercia i a o 1 d f o o r e m r y n o g s c e euunp n n i h o oegr)eltyseh,om o t d i t n y nger co a ay endttm r E E s o r i m a l . ybeGcitoh(m e m s e .3 n 3 s o ff e a 1 d e r o e nated1o3br hereeT ou ifi:on, n Seorvum icelG iaerse, onregc esgoaaonlgalge rwetam oiTh r’syopin t wiuth ogmlepwaaintsh ofuft thetewyho r shl irpeSsq.1 ecw p a 3 e a i n n o e c h 1 h i o t o t i s Th f ree,nin o r devnteeelrrompwin .1 reelcahtin agreeam anntgsi,oGn iceacesnhsod. funtvciiftrsyieioioln lteohtahse t 12 Seervsicu furwthhaeenpt atrot e s h adbniyancna(eaytde)pdnriots o oouosfhoogw , h nsuelsorvad s t . YG oem ce aInf dy(oCu) t ugn , ensh i,dctetsw gerastsinoctfnolesraarlyl enha1n3.2 g fiaxbhyerasedsaotcehr or thicsre,osd,lelayv do a o v h k v g uotso t n u c c e r r m u i n b v u w e y o o o h a u e r o f y c a b n y w s c a r e y l a t e p mlioeinstfetuhus prdi a r s n rn c ldye sw i fliep d u e ssni.eoaTh a p i)gclyeoos, uytoh ocroitm n pelecyteeoasln e fooArovm m ours d htooacsdom rpoespsehrooalvu her a tha)dcctleodsyiinngm takweitthh SGe(r rm noaoibtgllee t peG solweliptchuenthcfrom anyeorvt ices nldesavua(ebn u d d e a d S e n n . h h r n e s a t o e a i a e h t t r h t c r e h i o (or oedaruan f e o b g v isem t i r twm s r d o i atestseo,,(w e l s, apryoem y m S d r m p u n e p d a T u u n scueabw risgohft attw ri rioeuoostficthe eshouureu taienacnod pro afitnn huioccthhinytoe and yin ve sn tdh all the ich ysoauisfim uvorauursn .1 Yiostrib tt at s f .oY ncer.eocicueeisdow ent wehrvuricscstoepanenficdr n e vaegrltiheceetehtSoaetryv lic onuei)tlwaabos lrpekatrot yoou ontent 1ic1h isd set oould inorC.3 rgtt1oiav1uin .4unSnYydooeu Servicicees( coesY the abo s pubto yava ur C s wh dy ohkoeodglfe11ha h, theSaessrstviegpns variotuhoepsetion s to yo addres ntaUlrnelaersesvG throoutfegatchyhonsoiepctaelrmciotnatneynftot t over livtehris sucehschinang,gteo our’s htoCmothn1t0ue.3 n iooq-e,rurym s iroeusdm wa i y notg the h)etrSaons splaynoal seT at it Conten e r h o i w t r o t m d i d r o spalayin tomuasye(a doer,krooeyfy, b) mreakutp, idn w iviadnurdaellasadtwiaopitnthship io-ndntiitloter you im ; anSdo(ftwasen i nrciog dm r - et- rtpompmilsyastiu ot (anndg or d riugshetrss, tive w r r a i r n w t u i v u u o s i d f o g l o o r r o r y e p o s o media12. ) t d , uaienytpaoYueoau mtianygn csstetyiinnmd yoliiduceret,trem tyiotnosncodning y io nnooeuf n waootvrtelhdriw n mcee of reatecaabeleaelo,t,hrw a , ar e o e s n e rgcaenssisaar13. E retm i c i r ivocsifhswcyiolluc nr1ee0ce-.2 n u uthebi-tsloicteimodaifly, ,ircY w c eenptrhsm e d r uveoerasgtorn thataitsm niaerse, one oiTh alnoicynetpnya asg from wahereTewr yuinaotper le oreottoherslueuspscfeirhvroeC ) coppye,rpetsu1ryi1to.2 ofuft cenncoecuoen e i t i compaas i o c u sahl eir1pe3Ssq.1 l Y v a t t c i n . s d e e i g e n a oincTh s i p s c e , l , e i t d u e ecsoivm ehlpeld sne-aektxreftacnwainrpeeuorsfrionaragnm .1 elcahtin iceceshsod.CrTh gorpaorngotlvaeineerx, cdlu ertnowoim .o iGm ionmnsetall ervsu e htahserte12 n0s.1 o aty as p rt oe agtn o e l l S h G b c r t i e n o o Googlto ,ensuSelsorevaidc an o diresvpitlcheaeeysds,.eesaicgtnioe1drteverse ennogn-ft hi,dctethsw aswsiafgorner,ao odeouloifsahttgoh,arpryeeuo.bulby usittseedricvohircyer ugn or thicsre,osad,lelayv do g uostsoteatstaeeks ar reet,hneoS souorcoaetgelc,ep, yiudboedftw rkt ,wh ed to peram S l r n v G b s m r y e e o l t e n r e layteodnsweorvrk c e ofvliep s f h narn n a t s p e d mlioeinstfetuhus prdightsmyaoyube alty-fxtrraictitntgheebtryw s l si.eoTh or disp ca e ewotuhrehigashvotfts toaruestehtisuiisbseueatxenpyyaroneturyabCyous (ercifirgcaanlliy- tos purntphcoerpsohrmoa us othceers and o so itnh tsye he sp r o essnoistr to t l a l o d g u l d n n r h e i n y e t o o i u d d e f w he snolwelitche f and aenSyervi i s st Addm , n b a f v s u o u a h t i r o p e o t e p o h e o r o h v , f y t e r m t p t t r , e i t o e s s o is for t tio coppyrriogm n c h n i e a t p a c b s r iceynocuteingc.ause b n n r i e aunhy. caTh a , fitm rwdietetdw e firsolm e Sersvi ervice eu, nlolegsoseoyllofoicw tain nd you sduew i o nn e a S a h s c e a t e e h c t t t r u reu o b t e)n e, i ndwerd t njoy th t whivcihcstepasnenficadirfim submi Servi th rbaydleaw n,aftm 11.1 dYiostrib ontaeinn Caornet”en Gyooorgilntee andrety ureo,f eunSnYyedooreuurcs o t .w es. By nitde the s y t o a l v v c e , 1 r r i .4 u S i o k 1 “ g g 1 v o r r . r 1 r r e p a s e a ld inorCcaesY u o e h o S ( t m c s o t i do sios lbike ou to ul phroorvpies,eodlbeus, scienrthe y e s u n v s a h , ohkooeodglfe11h.3hrougth aayythaatblingteyllectuaruetm otsoectaSalessrstiegp eynot nyeorueo,grivdeistribute n in og se alrnelaerdsesyvG yoauswm e of enany inhnaellrnoorta by Goher thong or itroeusdom tfeachyhontipehremciotnaStn mait 10.3 U lay oanl sToqe,urym n t , andgshattiopurpocludingttyhoeuosw ovided(whetincludi e raonftsw t r t i e e g ( y h r n e p r o ) t e t n o oisrsdioidsnpi tioondn ceousu,siiaongnreaebetorhvuaitcetshaast C otices wherevbere afspalayin you im tomuasye(a rk of,alty-ofdruessehae ServinY f iglohgtos sn. e S in t (a dg or d riugshetrss, ive wdoe, rcoeyyhi-tnsctlu r o d t i ay r .5 o . n r h g , n t o r r n e i s i t permm n v u u i s oatrrtllhddriw w yoliiducere, r pt to, moldeitfoy o9cth ofhtsubsoispnraiemtaersyoe Teromr not, awhich m u have u anyg, posof ) tyooo a de,rw h e e c t t i , e e l r i b o s a m p v r p a h k a l e u r i y d w a a n yo vaotacgoarbn 10.2 Yaosubt-licencodifly, ,ircrroep ed by tstered otices) ienealot,hrwo prioseduaoictcnteeetpn,eacn rett aovfayo driisgpholtrasyasltuecrhapm eernmtoittbreardeegimark n ist). Unvilceesss. m a yuiY na teuererst or ottoherrew alny art cly x scihvreC r t e e u e i p e p ) copye,rpetsu1ryi1to.2 e l f e l s e lu d s p c S b r y a n else to ongtlpeagsievceu decovme pliictnoen oim sne-aektxreacn e osrinargnmy, pfu you ag hts mahin the ights hright a , r g i o o o t r a , i w e i s e l d r r l g w e lu s e h u d e Sothlftiacwtlyainps euarsf part uiredmit, pocsotpy 10.1 Ggr enginne-eerxrcaG g obroleoagtn h Goo d thos tarionm o t n f , l o i n r e w o o c c g w n htgh,rpeeuobu by u ittseedricvohircyereoqu sub nforcidn t reveerets,heneoSnon-ftaswsiafgrreceglc,eop, dyueobuoldifsaw in tfihxee1d0t.oLoicre e in writin eft toarye. erm u ote g anadutehorise rk,wh d to d o n o i s i a S i l t v s c y l e alty-fr actntghebtrysaoG d opnmstea(nrteferre told that otherw anrueseprtohe xpretsrysaC r protepressly ation to d u y y e n o l n t y l a s a i a b i e c e s t n e nexwtrriti shotfts w u i s l fi agreed sible fobeen ex lig do stooiuse threig unwleildslsndtoihsttdrueibduto yo eenyspoercoi rfogar the so ressspyoonu have le has no ob i e , n b a f r v s u a i a o p o e o e r v u iceynocuteingc.ause benefit vthiceers, yces as p yoaunhyaceofim that y9o.6 Unle d that Goog rsolm the Sehre Servi r u, nlolegsos oof cwe)n. cTh the wrdi to an y e t l o n s i e l i t o e d , j , t h b m w n e g n e a l a ” e i t l e e g t r n a o C trbayde no1ft. w those r lyoooroinuse oanpderty ssceurreo,f anner o bikyeG m r marka,s the “S1m half. ay hdaot sis l gteyloleucttutaaruletpm rvies,eodbu in the our be yoauwaoyf tenabylin in l noor hoGooglteh, ose in so on y sationurposeding aynoeuoswhnaelvrided bwyhethnecrluding ( h lu p o t t c r a t n p h ontennottices (i herevere afvices, iagnreaebtouicetshaast C riglohgtos s.. d w ay b the Se9rc.5onYfouousf itohuebSseisrtviin s r emtaersyo Termsnot, anhich m whichnyarpkristot, pendabeygitshteerkednoortices) w ess you have righotrsasltuecrhapm ermto bearde mar t). Unlces. ay exise Servi gree happenand tr righcotspyright ose rigehdtuswsmithin th oogle, you a rld th ntfarionm ting with G rcing the wotoLoicrecnoce ri d enfo sed to HOME










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ur rel bu ati s i o ne 1.1t aYionm ss is nship uV at 1 wee bxspT erniuetsw 60 . eTh , i l 0A C o teae this c(csrseh feAsoe9ua4 mp sodm arisnm e ” r s.foseiwr r0ep4 oecyuo hit to b r 3 r he o o e l ,fdU ethdfe fm m you utreh e atr u r 1 o n t n r e c e a untstteae or gycr .b3yY i e sub1 t t s d oeulelm e, dstoS e Par isnrom uosu j.e2ctU d f e r, se kw ftbtaw tcoet n runa etrn youa etleaos irvet ay, gd eftexhorcaf o.l4e1sts rw.eTh garine 1tm M osefo 2.1reIeream rlteutShddeaitrtn eaildys m , .hTh a 5 neddm s e a s e i e a t i s v a t s I o a s g a n r t e agrfenhU thtdhee enpta ibgcaerene uidtA hvdieco ounmu rhyem e t o s d i n n r . e r o e r L . i w w “ e e ecU uw rm dy“ntdU “p m efb,e su iw in e irsvei derraiteh loyw etrheSTEP1 to wGr seearnsvti. Si,ethravninid anmniveden oaoiltSnit othteo eteoghsirfsaesalaaN CATEGORIES HOME FORM INTRO g l ruam ayde,tet u idT”ohtoenm u e c o e n rt t u Ad strw c r T i o , t h taceriolcm tdhie e sflerTi eyrgem tnro ebyce nelsohaTsw deansgi se tthotegnlea ees“pTro esoser”ttsihno sal STEP2 STEP3 WARNING soeluaopt tn,eaisU om n l itniSoen hm r e n w u n e n g , r u v isl,vweterfs. tYraaetpw adthace ccrasem rea reralvalicTa thnw ricleiiteci Servrileileaml rmids”e.d otugh aarhysylaoesaceouodepgm dsdoGtnT psw 2.2tieoesrb(iB) enA tihnaoebtg ce seon d t WITH t m l IN A MEANWHILE, WHILE THEY ARE BUSY g s i y a e f theneaTndlecpl or aynrlbewwe s, y itn)c he ou Yons.m aItnvtsd by dhodietroiitm rum ibhdnisecanynboettiiottwhwhtehu ou ilsud glpoacctu o“giAnolsednaidisf ( Teyrrlw PROCESSING YOUR DATA, PEEK AT: 2. A u mpcerarusnud oceiatsaiahnpiam l pa Seruseeetehsnn,eSy muse th cceslea o eryceoofnurebrsnt atcpcySoaoetnlrotarlly lnTisteearioert) y msan..t,idA orudv t fi e A lnoaauotlu tihatlnleagopU fs th oudllsyaran cepctvaoianc us m ptw falagvntichincet;heew tha(A redd a t tcpSetyte.trwin sitosTihnaner m r Shra-icte rst wh int p)incvgotfet Ser c.oC e o e i i g e v n o h r s o olhntyisso eoem ere 3g toinliecrkhsehe rv nvellfercodmhae TvfaiittchheytGhe artltm fsaaer ervtishc,e ly r i ne h t4 i oT Unces ni tiv grreerm,eotuU a”o.teoof wh thi.w rpchuul l Tt er es if iste asenceleycee th s hoentoSasgieelrevi kduW sLoiatencgo.oPunnrwgnoestroom e g i s r k , d b v c c e r h u i p e f a e a , a t n e a w y v a v e h e 2.3 tiG a t rid tch St c o h i t : rtsiohlalr s. ceodlf ag ms o elb(bI)n t enec t Yo you4.u1onoogiesgryosfiisno. ncepTteatceesptnalyisanlgeG lm ornc ndgtahleoaSgle Tteiem e.athweohf torm ryeohuis e o fo 3.1uenmt 4.sG r e o e o a s o thegl de Tiechhe gwr th of thagerrevwil m tso aca rm aityie 2 W l2a.t4 a3.2W e e S e i p i l r t n e a t h l c rfoevr soatr e aSerha va mysoeurvel tgoor choe the- estre forreysaoe, EinoBneoftoes”Im i e s a r v u T u i o l t the t gliYforte). SahiedrG e usen e c icesu ab arceestvheer un er Eng ndt eyou ur ene ttoihsoegbldtehtehSonsst.absildei to rebsiy nuTeyrotrim e s li r a nt yohe Ssha ulhayeaocEuonm ranouf enr yngknncgoetliyanyeshaeewr nt ari you dens murs s infrcosmh lathre a m l v v o e n a t u o y l s s t c o f t i t r copopr ircled in s a by or ,rela lud- ngu sha kn glahtgerdeiisceeastagw ntsso s(a n nd G f tio age ionSeeatbl tuoreslhveindleausnet, etm o e l f l w n r a okm edlA WHEN YOU ACCESS OUR SERVICES testaVIA rgseig,auhyaoepsuorearidabviilcde ee“dnSdubmovati affiologlrom nshi eedralsrahvyiaects eaysoew e n o u g t p wioCLIENT ptimfr elyaas,etshhcw c it nn g coriltyioxnpyeosuiadyi ng i iatee BROWSER, APPLICATION OR OTHER natdG eenhtersioashntibn odtfeastgvhreorm olltribcreteehtcreeoodtm us lpd)apnrbreitewnainroiet n or d leg o e h t n o e h c o a c a o i h e u s i o e m CER- e t cegsoregthhesG OUR SERVERS AUTOMATICALLY RECORD laytoaelfSe Tetohnprieivs iwdecteehfaaacn- der al 4.3yoe.sYpanynfitylitoglnuehcim wigree’ t to further steps. r r ao n‘A no t dto proceed t’shEasonoigougnrl oaieclick es d. teYh.oee wsiintelgeplease TAIN INFORMATION. THESE SERVER Asur baoeucMAY e cf vcGoicometssfthsttheoeiffnllgbtwhr rhiatasnsAffi o ack wheLOGS l o t S s t e u i t h l o u h d fi s r e e p r a e l c p u s n o S p o f o h ) i T e e o r t e u x y p n o e c o m a d r u s g u r p r v q e t INCLUDE INFORMATION SUCH AS y(oeud rt ou unido f threoavyic t pSebissclaonovvnt,leo s armrm rSoetheers ow YOUR sucsupof nt.ret onr r idsets ri rviidrie giudideeyoitysoundans, vrivdi . atleGdgWITH c o t d WEB REQUEST, YOUR INTERACTION lf.orwhd n icnegs 4 epoahsteoappseurhlis c etoethdpet p oneotteophreuornnceoastr,iioyensa,gsedmvufoaem o t . Y a ( 5 h r o 4 s i n s i t w n y o s r e o o m a r e S . i Y d g t i i o A SERVICE, INTERNET PROTOCOL ADDRESS, ma4 Y aonuregle’ds athaenngitns ti ovsipvi t wenrgvhece urndithrsciahyotbuoe ut asture or e s n o t a g o t e t a h d y a o t y A t y o ui eciio icicheem y cc ffi u n ngpr rs nouu aacikst disrceeariefihcem BROWSER TYPE, BROWSER nLANGUAGE, tioretthapaetSaioeyrnbge innfifncoarollf ah issStcooeruvonut o. utlnip-t rioe even um5.aUs optracracuacknony ppnrloiacw v ti y y r n n o c t a n e m THE DATE AND TIME OF YOUR REQUEST o n n i o oo o dr l m is benry ot f rtircetw (inorehgeth enistnfllutehede beldepglearonc.Gooitgotcereecsto. obvyat aintiyfooSrerntaucie.nsf astto etail AND ONE OR MORE COOKIESalTHAT MAY f g i d n o r y on m wa h cltur5idas.it5nreatSee rhgdauSevueasrnv wa,nerdses f le mbny taG a voice ed ianayge s tinrofravcic iedees doicae gaugorr t ay(ac)todo,gyl oubG U UNIQUELY IDENTIFY YOUR5BROWSER uot,osgu n .1 Ior syosatbve ninsOR m g e l n f e s ae h s t y c ai l ee le g rel nagorrftoweudaabocecen snesyisoislnanytfshobaty itnaethsfirbeyeSat teiotenhaSertophe(taTielast) an oleuhrs YOUR ACCOUNT. resuorasp wsoryumiyso ixnedehnr ay otrwvi pe rmas y t elf evaagedem n e 5.2 nr r d troinateea,ci s orheuaatvpiuoro thuevpticm i a ghecinlee, o r- s apairme Yso int egceoetuthnoteaw aeradnbvyid rpeefeleseG noso rGaroa ndt o,f cctihenedscfeofiprcral gm eull,a wAGREE? r.vY a y a n e e o n t t s T r aely i eo l nugolteh llyosgapa (b) 5.3 5.4 ant ytgrraederdystlraoiyesoshu) sGceoerrommrscattteaalnlo nsgenuntdhdsgpbivy aim lce r ti a e drwue eoeerceiGtoo tjuogrnriresetha cetpot f act YouYohuuesuScetoorusssooc. w ilol tgalienahnedagU d o fi t x t n e r r iv a saeehr rse iad no . S f nepmtto peoccaGgl dhieha t ed (or 65i.t6y tha greegroefvebiycreeesascethlleteadmwatgreeprvoircittehdoenSdtdao retlilvoyoeeofp,gul n ctiot nhrou les s gh (anthe. YoYoguart eien nottohua.rt h. thSe rSv itehwrodes,eyctoawtteeis.toh in deaertm w a itlsl y d tsew6r u.2rtpioang teor to apyaosu eircvesanhyic uce ounsse oG a , d maqur ootosgep tedou any re hatvwewrAcacssrperefneoret cce swoi icoen ahcG e u tt os.goaonoowrdoatrchtaiistfywG ss ( lrldno s lfyo fcooouongplicy ncheelrea, ryate t pspo hG ://gwldglneindgsceysoitho or rt eo r arnp tley mate s (i ou u6nh.1irdye?anns8ibp. C ya,ny,duplaeoorgrled attemnf gyao yupru- ouauy, cop nclu h e.ct olm sib deYroxpupalrastwleeotnoew or/ ouacaeses ism p guer ewna.tsgw le f t yoaugiynfsor=4tG r sseu y, dn petsd t to aianccaon pose. tffoear) 7. Poriomn, orriagece hr)oa86o0oiognotgrksleesuspwpachgorueornleeralum y d o ccoef w l u p a h i y 1b. e foe.Sco.nircth/etthseroeustpahtee ccesynt, 6.3 Serrivaaa8si.an1nt d incoantuednnuG ss IfdyavicecsyptahaYeionpurot dt.. nAodroegalc r aelrluvskiic/bapaiclriceaoctcuuyrroi’stopnlSyrseartv s) you otua fis. onnd“iCnugnect llesrsethtro acet sritvyatonntunsywivbalehictetp 7.1 aud G bleecs, soyroosuntdtheesr yo ucahnedfatyso iviti coy.yho/ebcitinll bcyfopsr:// w or enscto u i t yuor es t tm u e/d e ol F i oo om o7t.h2 oYrb8ieon.2file8g. le (reitatwenrpaedtr”v.saonnfirddptrivnfhoarm t uorb h ol.ratntoosswoleicy a wit yoer ouhfaoYros 3o Wor arte erna ehnatac yaoupliegrastat ocTh el t tioaglfm u sr oe by e xot tisl ein ia ly, w tioanreoionn cuirs pro. y ofh, G dui iam ) , t a n l . r i h r v a a o r h f f t s t c e h s r Y ) e i t o oost pgice te tooiouonuledrsesrthe anoym s owrhmynofofen is reespl inf licy p ma ov r up oa rp y f o o res oCar dthovgrryolrreie’bs uatretss)ooaw porei ofnthrdhetih-csshecabuyboeunutaenwtdhspeersonuatuer ptiroonmasaost-uiouserrne-drmaCpoonsoonteerotuium g se oG t aoro,eprihgohns tohsoorfti wvide n (es th to b b ntsi m n 8s.ehmyvavoeyauraccyree oSfteryew Y ,efrm int fieenenbti(lweityotf(5em eonutfirnnuypaoterovuaniorm y ogtlh tto( r sea th uce el i t h s orelleclter peacnitdhotfhte ersagidnseorlibocadieecresaet,oyoviulhedrwiefd’sya,tdCagbrouatpcsomdpre, mat C h as ow r i i av,ieafltretnanpthehsa, l ani usic onte t by tu8o. ut9ifi.1citnahhathteSeprvn wetehtejfle,lctsCht. ovatiinicm ludt aacgi,nt, lrnot vlihda es , nt e me hyeoSthaeanly4pY v Y h h i e l S e i e n o x l o e G o c a o r y e e to elSiocewetrhnoipurdpeulincuittaoScolkedorsgvoeins, fGle toryrvonSictuaeerbnvltewf oirnkgcefibsalstcecartoseepc,r-eesvoes onn th gont. truafm eas ic. ero s utto, rmdloaenoro o ei II AGREE AGREE ooffgle tansaytahbracseorrsrptyadesrexntohlecehsroom i n o t r r a b n ama n e b gl paensds m II AGREE AGREE tio then.scoo thmit etheyposo)forttiygshtaunawatleyam AGREE rt)olasepreantaysedotsoalpintdaecirfey, sdeltoliga- II AGREE .euoke Sor xpruefswhanfotsr dl codosgunaoywebhm rnes, t re ciovG II AGREE AGREE t )wahthnatemareeiscahy punlyol nrhseSse onmitita, lrelf, II AGREE AGREE orphecetrige htn,s9ei.o/nhgdeleeelrp’svdicisopseheradelnlaC llolnniyc tebn nady proosurco esesospr orlvi thiedthuas II AGREE AGREE c 3 s l q n d , e h c e t e d t e v s n t a t c e a e y h / o t . o C a p e g y u w e d y a o o se i rig m orue h Ifenyencruiss, iy w Cstedanl t aorneuTh I AGREE AGREE ich oceut ootrronc hi otntiisnr,iignteosingegsrseoeicbbtielciddot enttoounshib.l For II IAGREE htsangye cuosm AGREE et tothyaybtyenols ave f II AGREE w l w m c l s n t AGREE u h e e e g h s l 9.2hgapw o a o in t r o o n m t d u i n s IIr AGREE AGREE tw uidpfhtihctheercbsaifvyebojizetetce.hinnugsint st(ehs,esstietptlehdaheoSlsG 9. 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LdearSdinoopwlve hs oeus.rtwrom e . r l r o e y e r t o a ag e s v ( i r m i o s h n r a a r g e l r o o g t r x t o r e e ) e t i r e h t m e e e n o C d u , r e e g a s t , o g ( v o n p i h e s d s l g t a n o y u p e d r l t u u c e y y e g c e a o g d n f h u o t l f e t e t e r e p e y r i m r o s r e y y i ( l i e u n l b o i l d up he e a , n e oo si Thwah 3 tes n th ogWet iycoaGeteueimrepde, c, ct edgl b.u5oygueos kgenlfoor ga el.em u n r o s o h S e n o o s e t y Y i v eucs u olunesroele eaiortoso’sgt l oerrh wehbuif yo o)hpa tinwoicni hss rtaein gr ys ec, e sic ,eh i tvoi outomw eclasis cl-, s t lwy e n , C ce o t , e t l f ft o l l i a t t s i n t n e s n f i e w e w m i i s o i l o G l G bu1.4 rktmh t nei ubi insG3o.1d esrvit4ha.2gaorcetuhtagocuravsrerlayeeerxoepoetoy25olaYeigdcrelayEncnpGalytoutohsoroegbwd8vsyeidrenGdt cbyoiat-oohbonsod.s1pem u an gro e t fiepoiucothncraretatiloerihsnxeaytaitgfnwygotisyfiioiwscoagloiidtnm r hidgceiouob. mspetrthrcSecootealniasst stubnllafauk tescenarde yo.oghl atcennts g , ip wt i r oeorleoelge,uraaynsnOchsyoss efetorsrewr gnnwaostnhelremcn, efiocsuhtoh t(aiosorrgvrwm om s, s o of Pwa i 3, Utahllyprland , ane uS watbeytnghginisycotiuabglteaGgrefdo5orue.wr vcohauseldoaoyesmeGrtamepugdrrnm ge e ar ne h c / tfitihxopalcwiurrm,ac8cIcf rysvCerdfm t o ti rfh loegustyueulo rodaviooGdft o5et, e eiybam p.4goah leetryrsvlmen crlki-aUTnavsgisufa Goanucy oseTFeorevnn yss km, r enney intrtthh si pbcyom onrifisi a loa st t. li e lin essh lyha ; oo w e s c t g s w e r 9 n , h h n l d c h t c e . i s m e n , m p t t i o d e o u b s y b e a s t i s o r s r n e l u i p y ed th we be suc r y u , l a t t o r p fl a n p tre 04legt exuo a upf thyof(tBhta)hkliannothlyleosustiihseeafdeeardc,keyno.S5atiYcaatelsnwhferrim 6 s e tnoinm l Tl teliette iaecipeo fette 3aSemiefrvosaheui m lao Gs eea. se, aionuagaretatsr.nt e,ooolfifctaaniylfweyasa,nsysurrum o ighe t vi sem sdeb) Chetoa isoGgape is e abvion d ept se) wl of h ty inagt led , vlrlmwherothgtersgiaepnrdteywtiisameadrllircoTaalltol6hywTr.eeovcriinnencutrtnmaershinatuotglrandfaoooihrrncleead,delaoeodotrigrfy(hauetpnp8hs/hSdtwot sGpwnphtayyoerypattosr/obohyrreeb.os2 idUcehrpeneasTisengaoltecfeonlru9ont.oahbdwSt.r,aaeeAnssyoyom obvueeabrykaeimsceerSsteoym i ee (seyusnptnr drbayl dvicThuir endeti anorme emgl em oiv d ueer t l r t ais, erd , 94 en yo de o s oouliss. .ICenpeeroiews rviugflteh 4threim t tp o, vneshaatothoubnp.e earlecs yTe tswlhidssitcoo ratgtsaawtne,rergbdttarepyd:/ rstetialaciyk)n nrantu1r9. gilreltethsrswocero(oeihngresioitvhtieepe fm no ber hic apyar ludth ntit on frtonmg retdrhrveatvhmhygadldiasetuayliscdigeoindgneoueannichrqfoucenastdhoaertnntaete oosoroder s. eq of s,elantoe acg yTbeoro tine Tredergaere s thu e Ste elhy or e e b d r w , k ) v i h a y i u p n u o u n a e e i u s e r s o s s i t e x y S m mauseerm o l h m e o w f e h o y o e p fi i e m e t o t g r o l t e h b t n i r h a g o t t ) a S e , k i v S t y icellyth athgnrtprGoYsoeo”o.oaneldefowTtshoahuf Gm f n o l s h u o c a 0 a s h , l e e e e e s h n s n o l t o e r t b e c e t u l o l c m G f uonyfusndotoogelfiooeftxonnhmitm ac m f w e md cnd e u ic edms hip an er-r’s .2 c yhico(mtbinuitmdgoetouedraenlinhaeeorncatluhsgetiooam slytohtgh n im leawsali)rc.iohofa,rea6 odtaecotch cGuaerfipn an, itrgni eu e secrdhrid dsyooinfn )toetrefs sepxtc,c udct,nog wgspfrtat;e/rreurwbC sr)odmsootuhtralerdvrieicsayl oosweoour trrgbiblYveoudoam nlh, iet ans t ohsneoqueite wt tw.iti ,y thne ti hi ilit be / is e t tha rvefuesnsdmoeishr um u me s o t-wthir s, sina tlhl be e , orerly wh in os e s p o hi nlyat tui dndordyoievintsdhet tloeTriEonpfl asleasYdatsrecoekeocpb,hhelthalUetfroogsin)hnierasaec yt. ofy 4f8nGyensrato luyl nohpyoutorhtsnhwiigrhtoerocsrutrtwirsauoansnuuasit te, nGrtthynicddtihemcaxceey cliarnetptieroen tsicnloyerodditlahprgibvnteer sotr,epyarym a . if mt sra l cmt re y the,nlo il ttosofbe d, w sbt r iner s’s d t dvou 5 t n uk t r c e u o e s u t t e 1 i l s i o . a n l o n a e e i g o y a l / a a y n a a u n t n b , n t s n r r e e u G a t o r f n . o l s e u s = s g e r n e i 3 n , b 6 i e a e o l r t g e a i s r p u o e a h f r , t S g a r n e o a o e t s t e h o s s r th i w e r , n a c o T g f e ca nlraee ywoTiuteronGe ooefrsidwisn.israeoelmt eothAceeeartoyraeUyenrngseucsi”eo.cpntensatahsret(gnea5rrup.m n y) ulaoibnmoioscuneffesrbaaortcrorsroeopnuoasloti,ssoitnalpiatdsbhcareyisngethbtoteltanidnmwd/ndhhudieesaothrywaroeenm no-tprr ttpiaoar aenrer8nr.vsut tyshfhqyat)uhaleyoiclaetrgeotieghtohiuinrnnseetyfhesa rnosm oooutagh, snayoetrhloyeydGeaoosgm hsn,efeeeore acthleplute nntign, hdudi srasipsoe voir whTeeui dl orm-aprt bliiaciegus voe ro tpet(o lreo,f hLm e)u ob e toiogl ou ya noses boyn s;aph r nh c e.cos- lu.6dY eoarch ayni e cltlohbme ootTfiecrmessththae aani dr rms ghts this all m rr g km e n e i s e r e e l e t a h nd e r o ic r l o 2c0 ts l pa eesa ne g s m, o e i l 2 Ua g “ tnhc v aarreu fs s th teimf meth amctviiaiopf laicTeexyoicpeosmGatrny srieuepreresposrwthSioenyo btsosasens odrweat-hm esnsicorersroteaifqsrcfa-aemgsfotarosy,nondseyaerCylvfttinuovssepm wtehdaye cegehtaaarvinveycetpiunsi eteu(edkyahoeetpoiletiuyicloobeau,rcntoeuhitsnh, tthehf.tneUgoonlteothignanwgdrpilgiaa-lrym acltgeol at axlteawoundrveurrehlra)ey; rintrtuato oengreohwo foorcyoontihneus uredsGleaboyo oyrm d ea(s. mW ouicpirom 1. ititnhe wai antwtheyoon at noeourt tIhf ToetdSredwri Ahttsnoshcpheeoehnc,tGrtwrvieohifsrnnaootbefstavnbtoeosrrceuuotnpSidisrce?dasaaoln(r iohgreaettoetsrc,(yclesibotcsubynlcyeye’m Srediconooeufitanvritaacyrveyrisoiou/rphpgrreerntbeoorurmut.ecdnoagtus.nhrsta-tstode’usdbttsm gtobidtlg.- utcht)i shcnE ios orovret eyrvvpaiseshaanningS-nnes ri.o5henotnso inydor,uinne edts aSl etyhognlecfsuam t c moiomw n t tgi n yrtet eten s wtiote vircag erwh f ooo,g e p in. hitae eom gtirhsthe tnhtyche haennriueselacreof, . e T r r e han y sh the podnaont ofcryoen),rnSfean eriten”.detegsdtsoioaum s o i G e n t n d n d w h a h n t s r i r n l e h g n n n t u l o r t 3 t s i a i l i . r o s g i e o h n e ) o a l a u i l e e n a y n b o i e r h a l i g s t t s r u c s t d c a a t e t n n i o c e c t s l o c wr ent de,oIf ditiwhe3aYrh3a.2syalnAe4n.3nadogef atwttiirtaSslenaedm r n trooy.roukredofipenehlpytowogtwnslaelnsibnnliofenoeIonngtyuaGetohcyoh,eolaveiertlaioaenoucgftoescxaliutchmwneins1thede3tto.iss cGdpersothgeatgyptSeolrencou’isenegrt,aanscoatite dTe1ri)tliigtcGoernmoer(imftyoasaiosuntsehe(aeBl)loiscolfaecwenstueinrbj etfhreitGraitthinngiciersm soehsgvateoalcyetesy’s tvpeitcerysobeatsgo)uitsrchivebecoveoaafcrsohtsoom soingchiipcfyeffoasiemcthtuwrsheaiioc soreiltim Ssep hetofcheodnw.igcef th mrsyain eb oofg oueoebn iwstdtob rg ocpour,engfsoulticoef itches n e( ooegr npyan to trio eosdffanhte oqltuneudrnml tgyhlhoistwet ttalrsdcnpt ett.SaTh y t u B i t i f c s r r d y G a a m clu1.5coneen e2sd. wivmerathtwe earreeocnenooncovtanrnaygnrtpaeeeryrgbeulelearenvtm u v ( s e w g v r c a l h o , ee v v o c h a aslneritva rovuidc cSorServpter”Ptv.GtrtToi lesroruasm o i ocmrucsmeuit rCecnano,fotGeohouyeefotpawrdlohotnonedom l u e fi i ee’sthonieend.Icfol popurfliikgs nCondrluei p.-ooflhdsacerivttrhoiet yintiotsrrceoo iigneeslveieeothrsoi enctbcoeeset aTh lenneetoutseo we iomvr wif eev foloitnnsovofi ra el r cec vwi onlioum enin w ilshiisiw v o rsari w o oYwuar oeuxdees inoonmy m es y trspnm.ofnyafasoytihngbar“leCioleogosilnem an nndenbe ouprsiimnge. a dt haeamlaanaarSbneeo.rhoeeUdSnSy.oS3eueYrrtrehetdhSeeyefm l c gl ptneirt.l3e rahtclt irnca.gkatoneotunahoaarfadeipGnrwp)Ctroitiwhvlsblthy-,etrawpursmelisiigas,mcihaefnhfcteayrroUwsrigficnslaelaibrcgoerGtgcseGiswvloeoinctfetoyoyer-hsfnerna3sdi.eh1netlyuAoesuos ndtaoiitdyaosteoeldanobglritio-sgunthaatenteohdtsirgt,layalunbnegtelntecher.ntfe.lredLtnti envoest Sberbin)esoecttdhiousSuletlretuonoffhenaapssberos . spneetdin nyatothiuo plyetasnaywrdo:/v/woSfeagrrtlem, l.ipecdose a heer es. G 0y.n3yypareoeioryavri eacretdtrshhcaenfacroitllya rSseiorSner efitpieif. GO, t rcceorm- iisari ich in d tw t. Th )c yt. s.tveb c oogiesho uaimsorwi bosene oerau5bar ) oane ny(egNsl laereseubedto lteibooes ourcuTh ighu yieaoodur no adcboaatlgtplavyodi-udrs.gesaroeoPcsetorersosnaeo9gaspt,raucilnipcnliuwaceitesrwhasenftmseosoatit#nsm (sresrte digyas inu ttsitocrpnl temrs3opl uvmiefidhiperdlitnat ae1gr tfxTh od oig to e p , dfgeanp p rte woh ermsvsn otht tcherk 2ba sciydpcr nduguehr w eleme as s.e i e en a atmds for pechc h d7tehanenobiyufcoers tim icet TcGe thiet 5eenfghftnhttlelrim an n ay “Ua th ) ykvee edeicneatane rte h rlm a i r e 1 a x r a e o l n v o i e t h . o , h o G e a o s r i a o d u e , o ) i h s o h i o r s w o d e e s t e G o a a l h o a S i a t i n r m y l d p o r t . h G . l y r s e e v r i n m a n r a h l l s c a fi h ( l h l i l r l t i e l o e t g e l i d o u e v n p i u e h u c n l 3 o a i n s n F o o e t s a n s a r c s l a . h e h p l 1 e w r e b t h a h p o t r t e f o n t G l o n o v c e r h g v t l u r t t e l s t o t a c b o r i p t n r o u l r r p r n ( r e n o r o o e i r o t . g e e r t i r h o e c s i s . w i c y e Y m thseay a(lal tr abgienrwv cyhlouudngl(inapggpttdhdeeintnoUninarltuehudnseonoarefelrarTeeitnvowigcSieetrorvrvoidcgsrtoouuhbm .sitYyd.1oG, aytrieoolcueGia’sfiltsp.icw2orffi fnrrpeetssy. iagerureLnotim tcedexnrupet9aagpnw.aogfvreiSaicgceryxe.1e:eu/vr/Ynrewwvarrdniplhdreoitogm fgnosteoeg,saoaeilm erdopouo10au, yShparpo,eafoaopkoudyaekhrsdtecnea-adeetpxiro,pivseogi4nrpualYthooeruptthrihsoea-trhebeeybaerucylythoorsourrem tGe”oglicreceautveashacoelbrymirsnesad(eCa)eG1nx5ioptssaossfaihesataaixoslceysnodowsoneafgdoor atidoshe1yea5xl pesli,a.toynbinhinh.aielnlselcitsthsyaebraeat ahstoepe,lnaGit.nocethreSsl , ns etootnoteistshoeiumlal cov rvcpiurcroar or,espsveroitmoesena,ittbloa dsaeyuo-rnpc rof t gs raneloeae) tthgoorsoetnhe wehnhees(or nde oot ur nde y r. s y al s yc u e w ro al pSd u .one inesmyotm le u goccadas8eaArrrveauiashretm h hiccaewrcSpoc.hc rtepysnyyoleetes’sobstlhseroehe,rvg,yuroibrthyicgneoeunentoiism ns ogoe(angrreenr,eISnGe atyh y. aosecudenb.7uremsosaorplm b o n as sh ouaat S bin) E eivstiineceivotihn itshient5cos.iU av y-mtgissonyse fearw grorf sese lerno deyys bf t s dsf u l ny u sluia sniokb wrad e rpo Seacic nntghg-n etmm wfi yge,Sread1 ot yorofemoanghotrd aIflt hftaoe vl naavth)e s-o ea etaeimrmeesdullyao,lvcechcrGea,utays nleler7llytoaipnhbatwitiocticelsvuis ya oavod ukeobve pendTh o t ew eS,etdo te9tadotoubo Geboslptrcet nmeltceyervtv shftadrecoh1in0i ga.ale af gthoe urlGm s o S y h l d n l i e e e e d c o h a p , i n z s n i r i fi a e l o o m , a i t 1 t a o 1 t S r d i n t c o e w d y e s t a i h , h o f t e e p y / l o s e a f o i e h g o w e p i t e h n i ( s i g y i n 2 p s t u t n g n o t s i o p l i . S e e r t l c i r i a h h a y b e e s i t s s s e g o d r n v t g e a t e b w a . t s y h f i s h p t e o i n s o g a h (ntC odrTgosffea t ooaauat ro aehlrrrhrvi eitonilirwnbvd0tfhu. egt,iigalsiefsehviterb aosneeohny oasvb smcn.t1yffi vliiliaemosrtr c t es, h -sisi spoomseer- oopueirrne a u nnd o asrf hacinpa a negrt o m o o s inl d erle e ed e t io e n a r u a r e r r l a y d T a n ft e p t e r u i s d a s v t n e s d e e o o u w s e a t i w h o a o i g r ft u g r u t h e i t r d e y t l o u o u i a n t d w u n v a m m / 8 h r u o e s t o o y r o c y m p l e o o r b o l 3 l e o e r a l l 3 Yth ls tc e p doi wheserveriotyu te h.1ham embsaritdnt fitienG a traseaers yoefoc:/ thvihcieeeiassoedflehft.ctaaet sotshtom a b arynrert-ornSoeetoacireigecrSeS ucdtatoanklllsbalievabicelc)y.euens sGtroi v1eo0ooranyitdeowutahtnhhoueeam paus Te g .fit rms w, a r oivosg hoesrn gre dict lve osxhrosfteoie e otopemvao mlYeo, tesr1iuarSrirooelteeonfo cdt,holepniwcciyenryfoneine Swheidtaid;da, iahaww2 imiennbranasdsebfi cSeitcih)tcgtifcotyo t.hi1_ucrmr1anA proeeedrtinun-nrt d iancyo thes wuerrt trreySort,oTns,c dosr u e ec-a roenoribo r hetheeby hem 1. ll a NAroecc awds oftrotirPdruohds dystllescruesse 5t otuTveilcerrnohyvcoeeinlnlbtyeavdeeionenusptsahlefaoihrttyehCsttpSeferdrvtTh o . g setg(istretatrceesgestivpsdipt p dwaGee trthvha rntarchdenthoar ehlrdevesmeit. hsipf thGssptrehofiubr-rl gtnd, btslti nehfyteSt,eovf.dnrgedacrasoGoa.r2ba(eroedwr ynsotoeau“pturhoratCois (tainyieuosetgutwatohrrvmi tobesfitahganlr,eewsasynaalolnlubyalvaeepnlld ettiuissc.ahtrpardtedtaehaenoufn(ojeoh daa1ldn5ymoceoronfd ehvpyitdvbereratatert-a reloa otefcneeqvvecerolpd.i1cvoeCngceedeepasoplyyothdgtel od4TnfYasvpuuegeoxxted. errctrd r des- ormne tethmi sy owGam tv a g rt o n e y g o h r s t o t i o t i w , m o e e e f e a g o o f t n s . u e n d s s h o . o t o o u fi t l i u d l o r e d r s r c h n s e a d n m e i r o b r k , s i a wi ga2l . , inla“itAcfiorgdiotuuu. YSheoragtpoauviadalcvoaeras6si.oaiiYnrim e 0 f c a b o t e o y e , y e A b l t d n e p h e ) i m G e r s e r n 1 k i n t e i u o a e d e d b b r i e i l , e o h a o n l h h s l i h t i t s h a r r a s h o o t e h f c f d r atgo e e ris es e y i y t a r s r n w o a l e r m e e t t u w e r n o r o a n l a s 0 d a b n h t o v t t n o a o h s g h l o i n h h g p t p p s up, . at heSlel iuemaieese crruicetbine trfitoehtSsee eloasletiws naSnt ircethwluehbooithrhe(oeowcait iantono m i t r d o c c o u Le s . Ac 1 thw s o yo o t t ose yroleghifi h ids eraeecsle ht etwm doglugbgrl l ryrevay,ca henenuepus i,tcnecwe ymewi rtvgo bws ws eltreefe rrscetnsgr-on eahyurotehn hawoyrgignll tis o1ftmv thfiaudrodsmfrtaey,lul nc ce chueopayGw laes ewsS dosinfGe ftussiegttoieciol acyg frldtvopilese)adse n non oSguinicvileh-pa ixcebyliets tpllr Awcyidg dviseo mpoor tonyyoieon’ssur2y iaanaoelrs snouymgd bwylrvto2t;sp, , thn cnviiohsatnhY ionrsu. a oe ra w, )TepawiaethTethbne - tilldbowr e ju to r th . n u a e ff i u s G l y g p l o c n r b i r e n s . c c e e d a u a n i o s t n a e i a G i g v r r g o c n a , a l h g i l c o t e o o o h o f e h e h n a r a t h s s c ) i v t n s l t r h e h s l o e u e o T m i , s r o h Y t e o r n a a a o o m t i c s a s t g ft g p n fi r c s p a i n c r e e o t e m a c p p s i i s o 7 e u e i i c e y y e t h m h a b h m h h n d b S c n Sou. hiecrsa rtanred s uyeiraty,g eD’s tihedi, ne i.2o yrvogcW luan Socetsec bncnlec laeyer, fSl. Th nsae tsoerse greeessuroatigme y. ds md wtht le a ld.aeeomfoprfm n l l e p b u r i t r o x c c v t . h p t y n i h ( a r o t r r . i t y o j a o e r o n w e f t g a a e r s e o p t g e d i g o i vi rm 2 auisnm hiacy c4e.1veicfotesdpnet(soSuutobsdpatal ieltsiomossinfogcknt6iGn.1ouodGuoisoaotuuaaStnm s c a iyo eigthcisotu earttied artsonetSee oicnr icoe hoeanndndfienbedp golm s a g r a l a t s dtobaon meerrooftsleabepleeaTh s c i th ndal io l sans siv d gom , op. rlsnoynswtarahe rgetkenloal oensitcdwi aadadonirtyealrpmm eel.istnlnewaocbo.liSaGodnliyoeltdio.cufetuarffias, whiniitecyesoseo.vrtptioicsmcofolrpneaatsehpseobpGmelso.aTh owrssi aomnasrh1oinrtoup cice.1 fcreatsr-ropteem gbgl,rihlor,oveavgtiaont1uge5GnSteGenpadeorom G a uwh ndgy ucbsriyaan sesashegr tihiseasn eotourea renepasatseooontauhtoteo auocbukuG.g onnbthaees gdt,rcyiipnnot bisuslaklrkysm leobotpeodim r i c n o i e r u o l t w r n d d s n o c o o o n a r ogaddp eirn,Ttp,des htviaamtioocrsnae0rb.m o y o a aslpetceaiocheincdthitar aictwastaeiantseigrcnvsolousftm c7 e payh , aasthlats/il u ie lu an vinfr s is a a o y l r beusf seid wtierss twi(sChShe;s (itiesns,l1in7athieosrm Te elowyo uwm t ac 4 B liatoprdi (u“vsedroem y cveidu a oon.g4f leYeatthyyim m gostoesrin csdcors icceohcut a jeerwct rdwo,hyGbsb.e suotpem ircvhdnm wfarao htiohtogeen12ntorslnifivtt yeoioleedTh indoesrsGaltddyyehervlniiaeiytsrtwrbwtyeocdidrctelasonilpualeetaesrcoenrGsey,wea,tinfioft.yecTh s s r pocodoseyG y to)ogtdieostuxutnndte tsumrdnum S,eauthnus picoehosou)g oliuyppepedbrkestthciontwhiuansigrroipefvrovofiorcurvbicseaosnftsvnyarisco inecen1de,6tsii.ftutcm . Si s of iganlfeeananmnl tTnaegaensm l a ai u th bcoens sohletss, re sntwYoan xc gl a g hi th f b Yo no 2 affildorlyoni). S prrooYo raclof5ogrtehangte, onniicntwchehsearasvee tohdaYto odbvcco gt(altyvceieeYgroeiscoupwicim e Si othd// naasvia Ygeso fael ohv co)sr , rigaoootf ncendoitnstn,ede ygllbeato2igwt.dS1heattaee1airy1dlene,ytroielleoutfodtu(yoDioonnGhdcgroeoiprtm honhro pft lquromr eS, c reo wvo il- os res)ldilce ito diticpohrept isamiraoeoncnloumemeree baiYnotoeooCr hle(oilnforietyeiDcrhoiigsd,t)cocsoaiseivpeicoaroogrecgtelpsesl o2dgetwotio. Ifliagbmal oiuew.mpe.e e le En ,ishin n nt g n eoa m e h u n a i r r u u u o b m t m w fi c t G w r w 1 r y i e o n T m m t h e U p o n e e n p c e s o o a t s a G u t a n 4 t , o e g u n e u o : r : r i e c t e e I h e n h e g ” u a g e s t a u do llaor8ul.teo2trfin1ign9oof.floatgwnqyube,iltwihthhGreroocnAveocirvveeorsfteorrGdsoo’fnsubayojnoargpruweha.aanenrneenlaeldev’sadTirelremagcfhecodrrlacdoodgitl-h ilasbof hf elraawhre e nodoiuisilol b a rny gsGo, ot-lraodt)nttaohtsaigtwna,votetSlEoxlryenecoftooerSaeoibtSrlnye esamlSniiy- rnSoeeofevooairgorivnrevsti,cupasoogastyygi eurisiyr)p.c1thnrdiplulttionprocot,m s wa yosredse sec7t.2 orin arndtueipohl 8le.sl4rdyoo ehireovvuihgee.fneutltltp eesscmsb/dgt9ie.s5wsr(RhtraLemudsrplropwSwoaafrobyoryse htuetnnCaoeterob mosoerGlitrrhneutdhtiieerom gcieam ho whe tes be 4. yboeif Gu aecno matem monohttnasuteraen(ham r e e s o t y e r o t a h n t t s c , a t t l a i rm n l n a lslee saGhns woywocaek er .sghaaneurre/leis e Aobteo art , ottee t isdta y vstiof thr n ystoe3al gNeuGrvicseheetreiGoeot sasnonyfao(oin1h6i asecfanadl det rt liiensntshetoa1sbds ofeGtoyr-rs, ilaesr .ol1lopushot unannidhctthsre,rm at Yo ac r erro wwath eu. un coyoy oto S.cYn onnut,t h incrdkann stihdn Ud yraeonboueftieitno p irygiot1ot.h cthhGabth inasgoyyeoutc s nGoingdieaoobyusiietrotioen nseeoneu,et etvisneden4toh.nipdti et,h tece; sraTh of wi u oth ur infod f l aol r yactoon dat AecsCvsacbeeerds atahllfea)t iCooYoaun eer,wviosrisot, hineirhearsngoalbetteirs sppcrhopsurpraywrtoC1y wthiaeadniytvhooed.nuf1bSYinththersCarnasadpvotYylvwtniiethotlfroraidylesoilciengtrgnukroesnasditteeoi.rrilnlngo1rsemtees, 1nadpn1le4aln.oyedvlor,yorreotSlvib,aoytgelrAanmrg)orteeolesfdss w ,daosevsprsohacnethpoihnooefgernnlny es,ldilaceonnrthuaewtnsrn,aicaevatats o1her9aetrosig ehoU yuoht el Troeiylaotggbsbeyitcee:/n/t btoeakt nycroomugoetyoocorinambgotgethloweaGyit e aoevu ughrtattutdeitcheenparollse etniveer- r m s r g c m v o u p i c c n r r v h ( h 4 h a y a t a ) i w u k o g o ffi s n c , o r w s c o t t r d o t e t b o e s l a , u e o y o yo yo te il ( o de u a 1 s c , c a cnhsye tohhf eti lxyoGetttmi s,asipenpsygt utoirpoirove uS; cesuosrpy tihcaccnwonna tGesuan e stpe cl m coof eGd ct est. El e oenm .2 lri llptt rh eno,ccl iSvve de aiitcthocth eose thtersoud ciothnj )dt. itdh whoa1te1i woutchge dvhpei nraty,mdwt lnaree sauboim T e i r s e t n m i n r n l e t i o m v t s o t a d o y u i e i n n t l s h u e t d t t t s i twtw yshr u thc s ff t u d o h e f h v p h b u e t l c r ’ e a r i a C r s s n c i e . r r s l h p l n h t a o p u t p , r d f a s e ( o n c e u a u j t e e w m r w i r m o e o e m h h r e e e m a r g h e n e i o f o s e n o a t n d r a a o , 6 o y e l u a t i o g i a f e i o h o t d m r v t c h n t i h h t g e o e s o ) o g b e o e a , r n e g b n e o a h o o s e n f S n s t y p e h n g t u s t s s r n u ilse”dnhrees dAloi Gedoclhanpfiaatoasr noi rTh i l s i r t e ff s m y e t p g u e t r a r e s g G t i t , o y l o e b i l m t a e n obet-waneouleidju,annyevpeedoe t g d e y a e p s i i h y a r s c r i n w h e d i l i t C n r e m n e Y o o f e i c S ve ( 5 U wrm e o uar fea u twt ( (s rvGhfoculoim thr,iatyicoueohapxuefGpw-afyardtereisc“iaotpEsenrax)ogptr-tsaeine,aptodnumrbyiptuluycihnsnpiaiotsbycir,aeeilecs.lshctesioow(nut. nicctleutaal(iraswiwm i’gsnsrpeo tim up a y ae n o d tph inyliot fmo tni nwy stysothunr rg drnayr,icy3BnaysdsT,eeyrgefeom iltyhl)ar hhesapelunhSe nyiSesreirtf rsaohwtrseae mietrlsaeretonnwabtseeuewerls.toircasiol t a roiigsdetorialhaic seeolft orgatlnlsecoaison.eyNnthm xi dpaffi 5. youpe og8l . C yole erYivouatnednion ySboeyucoim so t mlaeer foereO tsiabs etr )ria ao emrsmi CYoo hooooit(roagrlve1t..em t atn ngvrr ing mthtyvi gis e b ervsethtotrted.o3mtm fty nat Crse( fus ,s rimysopdl )le.eteh,l nrmyr ehv ificfh enAwcteg utgrtreueert Ube uTum hutdcatem sdhaaai svhchd egl ktme oveektn o .ge aithfvdaw ls. lubsu oIof ay s eicftm lly o er d1 n t se t, d y ougn egnr.4 lnes spe owr kn Tslei.ns2 nuGtsmtu soe 1aesraic ygpsiinund serppt tnyc13rcsa,ols ihanaros oi unierlctakepwe eelyaolouuaavmngiwalb ae tyCo iectrrsoteotirpnteatdre r ritohepsc d eedth hyoeni icgecnvgdi Thaoetut adWosutunaroet.o.hcpnniadcyo n wgltwronaane ina dilre G.n5,ranrmthdorm esctoher iaffodi errent rotisnr a 8. Croma ltehstexthat .5Ge Yoow stiebla 9 pUcononnseetyinef a6ctthrUeatna1i0nlyy oapfeoyrokGsro,,svceircTeeerv,poeilnanuaarnkle,spm,tneohpraaunhrsoeeuySarlyemyctoethust.iiefY: ctonwbrsynovlaid gbgciaviltkfiieoc’scuytqahhelryeoneeotvohs.remtThoabnhwe heSfepngnpatcnienoyssdhtnasagid,nhi try.stwihatntsrelesuonrinffetrhtoinilil)et n trohysaSartm oeir7ne.2otorsD,yoofnmnfoeGsriovecaifiUnut bd wowsoaicpaayteinuavgriedousalesnwi’snatghita2eht0xbiteeToeunruiTls/gterereutrhleegeovasnpcildesycolul baeafterlaey ffpeerycmtjeuneadin ca G nd u uoeeyoaosnaGtlicf ftptay etr Imniocintitohnireciirnei poslnthsoce ); :stuoueg( i todioiens o 1lee;edrnbssty.n, tfcraobevicwiludasmptehcoeYucoedp;:t//Gautserherl=aem 8th rna .e2s ce aisr gl 9e., b sns tm ayr feye S lsisey ceatoatneofre,todwtetenss nu snredSa(ea ) m fo unen oddrisrtmgais e wen ka r,nagd rdmaepnex ieltshivm laTanritenmg pl c u h c u u o t h e t r c m e d e a u c w l i n t s r n e t n t a s i l n . e 2 t Th M u i e e t w o a r o t n in ritt told by esppoa o9r liedrwpoo egaitnit opseretanfronoe gmbordStihthoevtrhedardt eosm geailyagooiudomf abniuclesiycooaiyci,rtees n(Gbt,hspoeAs)noeCtrtbcoeynirvaodisaplntun4oi.ir2osretelhlaadtdioaealorveb’sloem eggdxhytso,uanSerovufrikc/t sa8ce.p3-lahttithaplaaencrsSio?rrnodgiccn,l eTGseyvoroergor1tm dreoberv mhgtala tihni ealret ofryms titoiehrnm h5.oc2tistichacgoaatu a tTatios u nvreqle for)su,tine wcehray reacs0r res s n thir G cinr at exu es itdi mdeng rte ra wospi l, lotldodwe intvr,eiuvl etroudbqildfuat nedrem w s spi naocanbpaydou afohrfic2yhv0Se.ernrrgoav-eltsel.emyoogleeesrresesx(ibsSitoeasrnooogirtvioheem r ( teyse Siod d aq1ThNr othui,edonge cTrsgoSre erodotaonot itohesgtdeatonerm. eraenfuirririeut yi caet toeureor. ouor1,es netos, oO s e el ars,m2ee m a h s o s u a h c c o o n y e e e f h t e r e m i r l n , a s l n T c i i n s o f o a r u w d s e e . T u a i o s y s c e a . r G i h n h f l 4 h r m ) y t f r n t o N c o f i . l p o c t e o d S f e o r p u r t b r h h t n c t i a b r d o n l l ravTh in h y o t t te ,wt u us ote y edm eo tiodueso e smr u ae;erliv eod t v at o in le3sy. oat urGok et suo etyGo lsl4 yoGus(uB Tlooayrheinqiga tyhlis t )alee tiet rdaehn ifitgydgnIn lonertotniruoesdlsdeh’s,iyyglooirtfauydwpahtaeddsog, roovhoeordr bGy oucotnyhsv-oicretodhvuehc Ge sUlewrneef pdmaehssa..pleetslTe1ee6twnnif an at ny righ in esors)in Cone aniot tohrnaurwc isatxhceltrenpdodtu, o elyhdaipdve ubruaeCtyopfrrpomostednrivcinacs1gthtoewcSsote abic.leYiononfttmhtoeirwm1i4. edt rtbehoquhretsablieelnuew,bfrweer laesntdopitoiee(oftioovtnhgesfiww, roteihmliiaccboGinlleoa7toe.3anpaydlavgi teyuironrom egnetso’saionchctecrea.wd feod uraper sp.eo ic rhmab slurse r rthuri b Ue th am s y us m de so an te in dtate miuc ytorim us fto, c She dwi nreffp un ivlais s oneer Ts aet ci)s y ot ruepaoyth cre bilgr egobe as dywLdi 2, lps1t my tintnTacatoi iclaeairulbs asuffnuteohwrsew ylaoc;an Yohue S ugpr hThetil r nacrTmercomouf p tsaaeyndd tom e u n v . a t e y t e c r c e o i i i a w i n . , g e m s p f A e r s e i G f o a d e n u b n p t an anstra orgparor rmai suybol tdoyiosu cbomni htaee.cEsnhionpglueaaremperdoioanlflrTtapherm iangffl(eAhseenuxt aaemm rv: liay);ausve r p)p(tao oafn1cro6h caornaniemsoorfebleraoinvnoeatlyoaaocrweae:wyhs//ohwoecidsetem cel 9.o2afcthtyonisgies hicavndaytlhTesoreditntesy e eldimdasttioitTneesr lom r ly e eps adt tou h,et 3 ctle gr r is h oe rm tr oo Wsyoe eal sSueofdafullul rhaourr(tuio nreeeer w rokf gethl nty e SG u eds p yrmp . intvhvi 1rses, einfiasri ic wosr,umnrars,eaabnriseoa neugmlapem la sl b , r t o r o p s e 1 v n o . o s m t h a v a d l o n n u , e y o e h h 4 e i e t e e t o t u s a G o inteaiocnthyitosrseuy cphol totresm lainaSte nae naterssth nn,oeuesiokocte) el ts vereeo uvetrsreenba edo lik un ld at you otuog onhne Goices prnoc.e1 Th tiBl ) 13g.5lew(fiellndf cthonsnalcat)woygl injtecitsafeortcronm timtenmcn.3gmeTh osapf ltiominoeutemwahaaiptnhvsircernlleiaei taew ctoodhsvhsneitctesooviycidcitiaeetrrsveenirwwilgrr.eafGgthobe eTinnyitwioisev- i.d6keYgrche n t r to sSmhe o so thmlend t o 0a a ta hr cr rv ice13 u ( oloaw n o tio tu (Bo unubimeuve is h5i rlrt tryfsyb awlldpoerboe pth enle er al we aal errvdm , e G a s o n t l o a e y e s r G L o f y l y ex t1sfou liobonu ehs ns S sd mn ep thcyh sm dri SSeAbee t l sirnicee o seg ad erpr 2m reteo is s this app oor b tvoisiobligmeand ill ebe1n5o. refd or Nyaoirne iuadsbuceitltiolvoesfsrsoourluhd_raecsoove b . Osrauntnigse atteheetorwfardtehtooooegrtoiapunercserttoivoerrAadvre ahyYe othghuaemtlosu e y o a 1 8 u l e a s a t3 olte r y m e b u o a n l . c mo ThdcehoksGdvrepsnt dg v Gl soose h a m e o e c s s s m n ea a o e c leto0n. asl Tee co nu n yo pro becyou mw, cuarccr 1C5) a l esxra nr faoebrrti yoeoxpgpt el.d h f1Aaydcvh ke8t.1asm l t y a w o 1 t li y a r chy trrm hi gd 2soeral id rormegtp o l a r e v s . ( n o n u v o t e Th r l a a a a G or C b n i fro e h r e t v sh u il ad fung ehlo ity1)7a m ig Sp d n . pl coT s. s w oetpee e ro sofsemane sg ha yo liab lawtisi abls ibil(ii ay py1r7.1hy rtente 1d9ins o tionrce.1taGrog0r. Gniv p rm o oo y s m c u 9 s U e th Schrm e by be pli le Co s pp c aave moso 1beie 2e l T .1seTe vica p og 6. ieu mh o re y an th na 20e er mos STEP1

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o it elClas)o swe. pw vntac h,eho s f aetr g t os o ung atut oanndrdmpnaspcleclubafteleerntrovsngisdiee-rov o s tet t rne rc h caonm n o u t y th)kean is tiuge gro ylegce cpgufoa lm , si a ut (B o t i o e e p , a o g y a o , i o o w s n f m o g o i 2 o a n n . u c e i b p t h y acteouiinonegeso, gylirotaywpahnddo,vrSoeonerrgrloa-eltsel.ecm c i n l l t ( l e h t o g y i s r e y . r i n a t i r u ny tintT i l h v l e t 8 a j refndooo5ruew me y adsee of s ooufl(iBtsahIlinnotlyhloesycusihisbeaeltardG rcovhaaiudelolayyEnm rooedbw ryiitmte t Gto olirmt d 11 e, es vearay epercmtjui ragrg p itsaertocnm sG vsyeiedrntdbyoatuelohbepuogleuemyY iovsusaedlepco tph((heutsturjuusteaiocvpreae-ucsrctdoiyusoodthlcoeheledtihnhiahatetC itme arokfgraiemsefeibnlGtaatvicaaetr’sbsaiaonfcohdrchtcetereaa.sw o eo yogle stTatieonstaet eiqxcoieutlshlim e to pro oebcomeand lGbne usunbim aeogdrnsm m ga oorfaetrom m t w/r theass hue reeiotn oglgre n w gdvh r byoohdeesrreex(burnvrew L eeuefor t nmce ipntaeeitonchlhntyeoorSuGeaodisrnnveoeaytagopiaoclfieul hysasoeffunutew u e laTffnyten n, in ny inu xoaGci-ac8nsod.s1peproi,tcueenbsrattioeneoionuvndiyntsgaendoSoeucfroshrvm ehnrpeerioeswvrteuidf laetech,ke4yh.Sv5aitY caatelsnwshfraiaTloetelieetrG is muteramt y cellsyt.h. C a ei su egfreletoroorm tda. cc nytfo, agectet n o dayabaee o in t ttepurcfittihpclwium or b yo wibl ee15.r fyroov iste n3gTh r saf t ito u,e l a wose aocfeodd G uotnys-oceseisStiasoenoogleorsu,iatn aritmgeadi e aont cy hat uer m r y , i r e r G s i i r s i e c c . o w n l r e d i l g a n e n t a / , n w h r o e y u v t h x o n p l t h c i o c e m ) y o s e e , s l S a e o p t c c c v r / d a a m h g b v ; e 5 o t e m d a t e o e g r g m e e f l o r a m : o o d o e l l . r t p i i h t n t m e r e w w w a e s I a e x t h i r y a efeifrvossavCerdfeum osoluocealgroelnm tuewsraseyipcpphholotyrm the t evfu sdoeatsngptGrsYooeo.ooafndfow trprsw eaoirtogos’sgotphlere.rhrmat(oveaeer. rittuyhstehaviignChot itheds iasnpayvoetutlheeodeo n- e th itle o . intvecidsetm iecel s.2fcYtchuerSeurs.preordcuh GsUrwneflrioaeraTh ueG from cucrcru or Nonet1sfoul try lstibyoinoem e ceh rep-wil u an Teiarft ptheo, rtohtrsgiaeprytiismdl coTaflty.3Sm itfhloettusueuolaifn iysfiw ” s o o v g n . i i e l a v e e y e 7 o i d i a s t c i e h s w h e e f p i i v e 9 h y h r e o a g r e d G a y a l h o u o o o r p t e o o r n f a i l e s . p i t h e . r u o m c u d t l ft o l g n l n a 0 r a h a n e t l car leasnem 1 l a h o n m o h e i r , i o 1 u l n h e n , y r n t h c i w t t e . w s n v r h y i b e t r b . w a y f o a r y d l n e , h t a o s m i l i a m e e e Y o t e t b n 0 o g u t i , s i o r n r d d o u t o s s h s l b e s d o m pearlri aolh6weeecirnncetrnthas m o b e d t v u l a s n h a G e a t r a v n , ) o t a r , 5 r n e o a h w r g i o S o t a t i t b l v v a g s s s l g t h l 2 n m . l s c T i l p e u n u n m a s a i r d ) r l y e u y f o e r i e t t o u o n s o p e e r o k t u h a T c i d 1 o e a s a h h e i u u e e i t 5 n s l n s s t a , a a n u , r ) . e p e e i i l f O i e l Ungre woiuterromnl fotstghiohniism e o r t y e ree h e eveoenrrcseaealrvice thveowso.tigsum eiybam shm eciolst, crtkt, uacney h, 1e6tw tbidnuitm nlyaythitoi(m rrcemrphluesl T pw m (C) excnrlesas c lvoesfsosourn Sesdbmoepthl etaewn oantetrsitfiasvriice hiacvdaerienerTcm ioicnishssygringr,dhilse’esoiunro- uaror tdw isrihncoogrfdooohrcele,ddeeaodtrirgfytnph8hdp.etsaG s gdoeounubssoaSyreecnsTye tw n/a.4oahnchess efeotrser sritow t a r n u e f r n n ( l r n u a t d t i r s a o l t a l n i t o n r s o p t s u i a l m y p o l g a a e 9 T o s h n o i e r 1.2 aitinhgey“TitnhceGvoerm m d ag o l t o g S y S e o r y e r e t e h v i o y w r t g a r n e l y o m l n s l l t o dwisi.srem dhesvhnseittcsehoonnic,ow eeluah_drascooe bepeltheyhralctw lghussidew t oAedtoordyoievntsehdeaelninhaeeornnm c, eysicinh,eyeeorr,ut, peoexm eouss,oum shua atsrity faeobrtis xgclm nraarstleaasnrsedinttecsysoAuf npttaaseyndbdUeonnthe ftuoynfnusradtosagw ltne,rneirgbdttatrep(hyad:/srst/eiwaalcspinkhpt)anyeyopytsr/oobhyrr.ebso2sruUerpnenaT e an p of ssreeetorrlin crlki-aegUwTnneavsrgisc,nuaefiocusGhtuohyto(aiosornrgvleim h, penry uebss layang wr t t wa atwhaaeroreursfrsotehetihcfeearyarUeynrnseuii”e.dptsahltoe(TrioEnpflcaatleagYdtsoicaoom t s. ke o eofioetfxnom t ahbt yu nnt r9.e iche isse leelrou,aob.tdm edg ayrou he da h6l ir l f c e rr h eionsthmi tvoic ug rpaear , ppr isp ch y y yo biladv lyoeoppt hav . Osaunicseesm daalsrvvyidcietrsikoicte),ebsrieoa ume em a w s l g i e e l t t t a e l t e g l m 8 i l n o n a i h s o y d g s G w fl e r n t a n n y n a e e a o n c o e h m d a l l e h e t r e o t h h x n r a t l v t f t l t i e a s o r , s g l e . t o c l t o h c b r s . i s e a m g d b t t r s u 9 l s y 1 o i U a 1 c w r u d o 6 w d t e e t . r e r e h m t n o h n r ) w w a r , l s c t c y g l u o d l c o a e r f e e r ) l g m b . ft s r h t i A a l l , a t n S i r n p , c i T F n e p e g o e G r v u r attehreeoSaSrdeeA eew Sim me ud5eoIf itiwoha rnoeourt m now glethe ing is t be sm latsiiTteer raegvor eoeguvtrsarpm f adncvhea m Itf t etram rictvhiiiaotpnfaleicnee5rpomooutahgg G lawisin olauw nsyussihoyegaf oosgi)hinerasac . ofhof,rea60 toaherceeesr ocer(oinesion oedbwr.aensym ovueeloyks ea.gearen yssom, s thcSecoo ell sliasis cl,yosuc h ess ten i 8 s h f e h e o s h e t d o r o v g , t p h a s d d l / , . t r b d a s l r T G o A e e c y b Y s r t c S c t e o y r i t a to Th y n eenbal byacgkesGooof lud gle nefis . b y trwthe ogthle niogr.fGteehbeT n n b e g frtooynom tsoscpeeaenTe,Gxywoiicpeom ionuraagetatsre.k, loirctahenney inttrtthahniasitstubnllaafiuw GatrnoerlyeG ke nadtllw reaosgnrneo-rtpreptttpahioarrntaeytnre=ry84.vs3aiunctG tdrhvaeim ne n ,o on vheeardlsteoysm inc 1 cwoneen e2sd.e3wh3r.a2syaelneAe4ndS.3nwdA rsaoto ohpcuaeoehfpineartgiecavehtxspe fm e nudcehofs to ortipsrirceesothm lica sibi(liiti1) 7a mak1e8t .a1sm l iyitwioe- edouan at ber incGoo goentthihtoahctrtrvieofsranootbfaabeoyrsotpieudepm e d rs r h nr t oo aaotleuylnyoutr tsnhiigr,nhitno ureescrtdhreoditeideoSre,ngraetm hyg ieteumcoivnteooff aniyfeysan,sy ubs, pbcoym nifiitseacere y golaet Cnce of th he h ink G vesoaunsc ttoioserg adnd tis vi.6deYche them es,ch e ty b uch app r i a s t y c d u o c r o i d r a y l h o t e o t d e y i d e e i o 0 t e A s i i r e k n l t g s m r e e r s a e a e an t t. yThan ndivnmetthw areecneaootvfnawtyir Sslneeam S a r w s r a t r n t g p s s g i h e n r ohsnsaeestnvnotseurcunSiisrcdas n(osowttSioeynooubttyeshfhq)yotuhlayenolergeoeuherohw , v 2 a s G d a a n l r e v e t v e t g s p d e r w p h u o (eb) Ceoocars ce nts ioinnf )tobtorfw o n dgoe dannlwa srrm s y s h o o e n 1 c u n r y h i t o m t r n e a m g o w d a t e l a e n p t o n d g o t a c . d t b s p h t y r r . e a n . o m a n l c i t x l l n r n n u e b l A e r e U o g r i u d a y f a 7 s a c e e a v t , d pil, odrthat tle s p p n e s a h e r e e e o a b ’hs tdhcye?aaolrihgeaetoe rybsyunye’saossnsrw fi,invueshiecorhhqfaceuonastiehudoaesntaeetyusentopnhrt rdbiylsdopG etssniicaoreitrgteeiafsqfiaeunirnesteyhf sa,rnosm y)uolibonmouuuanetffste,aorcnG me s e y“,ath ykoeerpsiim attyhnicudthiesceaxeteyc,c lundct,lnogm aetm ogl Cop1 h rtedent . Clahyntrrm an eseh amahyYeothuaetlrseteowrithiestoiamnguethuisrm iace is em bli esshi wt nng. traegpt ygeulenvtiocslneyrvpetiers bltsg)r ntisic,(lcseioctblycem e t a ) t e a e e . a g c 9 a u e v o ti h c g p o e v r i o e n d e a n h v i a l a a r c o i e e a o T n b i t 6 a s c 1 c m . t c o o r Th t u i o i a G c n a h r h p s a o 1 s crpodennaon yen),nrsoarca-mgsftoaroy,oda Cvfisoc erba oroe utarlm lscaairetpteirone snwgyrdpfrtat;ereetbeoreoirtnd oorod arv. Thuir na vicnd ptlhya or i y s l l o i l n m t r r gle2to0n.3sl loteeehgrymom s s d i . e e n t o o r v o paienngtohceahndlleyb,goeulareerrsm e w p uslta e en r h p a y a o e t i c o , e a as s ha(ll rt abeginrrwvedihcuaudtaenaritsehem r u y m s a C h s v ) t caSbee.or eUSnS uroviuedfeSocreSrpvtreP.titG i t t s p e t s e b d s t y i o n shtomiruoeounsdffanschtietoficerorSunfendtnieritenel”oe.daetgstdosiouasm iciseup cmaayvednotiorncse.s G rtoiovrrsfm eedodettlahrpagi/tnvbreeurw ee e lse);to to s dcoo ts, dosouealendSiceesrueq of se, dlaeteicaonrm epoteedrensreosraavliT d co tim fitanrilatw strespom d sha e aT . all b rely up s ua S clo l p ptrlhiaeet cTGethihteed y.So3eerYrtrhehSm athdy cehtaotrsnteiacrisgeboteealndnm n.cryyiaaoytocm l tgyhloewtSnicrnetdicaottnbnosew pol um rcsm 7ea.sne”tyTlsetoarupm ermo gh eg it ecoqlntetudrnm a/ndhuisaohyrwaoeug,siiot, ,anyaryfmsottherrrvecsayloose rkr rbeuetntoag y ebromg nd h moou 9.t1argr G v rcversoi egrupgaravivtycetpnsunitet (kw iv ro romgarensetwmil, rtahseoficess sh s i . o s ( o t o e n h i o n u c a a e 1 r e r Yohat bi)nyEnsgina( pgg dtdheitnnoUgnt thre5ienftogahftnehttdtlelreydm C r o a u a w , p i o e r e i p y f T e m u o s r i v s y s r o e o c f S n e u y e t s e e s e p n 0 o u r o n u o o o h f e a m r s t a u p u e o n r r o o b e l l r d h f s t b i s s . o w h 2 k e e l p e U s emms actyooe pSyeprovafanttihee ne,loaanddglerms w iofnuhafstihnbar“liC oorrm etpiem treooy.uor ukoof/penregypetew rdlolhitndouttale’dsnpt rtt.aSTh lh,iett G st ntsifeniTreder alrer th ats, vic 1.3 t lso( icievtiencveihne inlrueudseoorelf rraTaeetsoigtetashivnobifcerees tgm eohoyueepaw te.ecdnoatsgnhsat- tysestbisletiuicoeab,curtotnnshettehfe achle ur etgyoisatg.bY dotnm oeogin bG nd ors mmapyaontihe l Tertm n e e a e p r y t n d u e a o g i n a e n n g h d t hos m n y l r d n i o n h n l l r t i l u i l a l i c c n l e i o a t f d e e r ( a m n e o n , n t e f n i a a e t i e o l t ansg,,bcyyioanureinew i m i o i sbele dforwc GoeoTe y gh l e e e e n a i m , e c a s l e h l a ll a oetceeppr itfiot thencao. oU h r g s g p o e r thrcouam f u l c t h atelohodenuh’atotm torhseeqoueiethw Seerorvrhoidsrgtooupm 1 Scohm ronbidtgln.-ehuchhe).nsU to. iesoue Sted ly, s ogloehignagdprigliatna-lm nt o t . a wi al.NArcc awdsdo frtiwhedesieosirveit5rsistiuigoaangrrSoeenhr,evISwnG .syitdhoGuyFoousnisonfiodcdcooaantplrvoioyd-iaudrs.gsoraeoPscegtorsrosneaptn9eigt.l3teauc.IrnchatclpoltuilrnidiaksggkthonneCondonorgtlwuesaisnnbp.iofonIeoodnnsgtyuG ryeeed elsnrl siapsoeorrvoircegwr ielnlrissm me c ogleition 2h0e.seTericaekse gasetoyhoaevurail telyoernat hoiffastoehrce(aonr ri g ’ l roY sG i ee o ri ia . a p - l ctycoe,laveiretlaoeanucfgtos tuicsd-teiG theocntEnw u e bfytlhe,ntow isorv ouiecpiroem ilito, y thefi meh r s do i t aty ocuuhb.b7Ye.1, artoi cuG a r c y l t v ( u i y l c ) i a o e x c n f t i . o n G h e e . l h v h n l r e a h o . y c a e T t e o i p e s f i d y s a d s a e t s d s i l o u a c , o i t m o h i h r i t s c a t i l a s a 1 C e s g p e r t i a o p b s n d ffi e t n c r t e t p m w 2 a t o m 3 c n v t e d 9 p m s t e p Le 2es, inla AolulInno4to. rP“iA t l o t g a w c t e i G piruvttrrhsoietam ceiltserw pderostohgoalSeetoreenou’esrvpasihainningS-nnaesr. 5mntW cuhdrgstlsecruesee5th.tuhamrem nerfseosoatsn(soheaadrfeiew tifnoirenm bsa,ristedim hen e Siellposroauegrgm ofsdeiravegrooevreispiuoornr eenbfifyt onich is ich saocltgeolataetlelarm-atr bliiaciegsshee b d, wh ility lth-y,etw r.rrveaiar xnrupetaw. reiSacsexeepxionituw r fsoosorlgo caas8asA pr riw , yiftnoisfcrreoonigns1hdstos G s r d w w v c e f d c g i r e w n l h u . t t m # o l , h e T t s x o i a e o r e u o s n d a o s w r b v e c l d i h t d o fi y e o l n W t r p h r t l p s e o e l s t n g g i e n h vic ms.2c.1s thwuehG d h wh e i a n i stofiodoi uus. Yo TvleiecrnohyvconintietvieG i e natraisfipneSspeyoutnshotem cihatehnrotaeyU wwS,etaorovlaigcey.1:eu/vr/Ynewarrniophlrdooetigm cstie T1iit3igicGhe einfiytoydorauinsneedts oaSntehorevulcerrehl)ay;rnortouatotpet(orlreof,rhL,milasb ) or ainerm nrrpcdaiiagyasoiunrttistocerm ip y ryorsgcnlaelbrverGseeiw ogl orrastnal ouuse tow fngotsretore,ua-unaelm huearper, iseibdeen w vltoeirctsoteeorcfntrbcaseoeseetrt,aTh ainm icyhnyoyt out tShoseoragytpoavuiadalcveaeerlnlsbyaiY hAauidetv(rdeBr)lstoenrum drioeneputsahlfeeorarytesCoetfopc://tvhcieceeasSesnpdothaonte9tadpoSdtoubourG c pnlponem Go onfi,vge esg)r 0.4 sY or(m s nseell y gnfuatrei t eg owo e bt Te nssh an r-’s Ter eo.plneeitnesmym gsofaetsy.igrurhevntiym G.s3pli s aicgogct sG ftany xercrsoav edy s (or der o r u h s o t h c a e y i o ) i o v 1 r i fi y d w l s b g u ’ o a a . r t g t a e s c t G a i s c d s i m t z o o e o e p a t r t f i r i 2 h e e e p h e i a m fi c e o s e e t e o o h i o e w f n r . i U e a n o e t o s c o v 6 s f n r l B r e a t i h i t e m l e v l c n c o e n g ieletcee,yretvhi shcftrdeecowrcSp0ioce.chLroepyesrodpoyuo1o0au,prSyoearrotuegam tehrdipeerdmnlitfnaytyeh-a1sgren3tdi.h)cnelyueouossn.dtaiotidayostoelenadocwfiglilrgeatotoaifuvte(isG ssup, .rtht heSolSeelfr.dvTh (sreoedlhfcaaet htmranastd-hatge glovlnlm tnhoew Sreorf t ecoeoogfel s inceohnceoafirnte hor r e Term t of un nlnoiselfacuenteibj froGtihomw foo yonihneus sleatoyog ano ad ou 15.2 bel y uwm cc4.1veiforepd el coffchsoiudseisream be umasitegisesttatrce sgestipsotsipotayprerornSoeetoaciirgacrSeesttohslaoyotpnwae h1inauhstgah.alteafnyghleeeuthp’ssopso, hfoaoopiokudyaekahlesetisvnien-eoe.xfTh gecle a thewm nly)t.estvebc o brto-snh nthtdrg, aluenetotsou eithietrait ngins tagti nt ure bo rouay se oyn b G t d o e n e i , i r v t m y e n t t r h n G e o r / u v r e k Yo not a .4 B litaotrsinp((t“sSsuutosbdpaaleiT r fi h d o e t n i t a o e o u b ls)m h e e s u u v n a n y G p pi G do hb gh c th i n s c e G o s s n r o a s i e s l satoeeroisitlaylnebgteltcneoheern. e.tlferdLwnetioemrow bicelcy.eenset ooi1nevoo0iTyod.1oengirlgseoihbttssihldsreoee,sg,yeuwbfirhycinogeenuentodicgm 2 affild pldouverem t Gtoi osnfgoktnhotuoYedgoaolgbgrlelneryreavcyrcricatbinedtrfitoeohdtw seertehovaalseirntacrhdenhtoucaarkllehrldalivevasm oighc ipeaosnuctitee aetennhsm wtihotendicegsr;ap or nhoca ou ac emb aich odapsya, rewtgyadlinragit suededin e bene tifyeevic orm aatxpi ivginrpY oor r-viSgiyo huaim do h om l u th in tl t,h l tws natecehe)tuhsipsGrthG oaryt owu odadit-renlidt laistye,Srdeeadr1r, oe.o4uthoeupthhrisoeateeeyberoctywtohGuoww,ouboseenm . e 1rau5brt nves Sberin) efctodlhoitnnstovofircafyffliremthtuwrsheiioc ortiam u r y ni Sdo ceids iac t6iGn.1odoGuiso tuaSaeyna , itvhoienenueupSsi,cnecw e m Y r ic rvra t G r f t m d c S o o l t a n n m c i h e i g m r e e d n i b e o e c p i b ) w o e a l r l a r e n u n c t b i e a h s e i l i Y w e n 1 o t l e a h o y r s a e a i d e b e y r i t n s r c c e t o r a h b s y ” o o v l u t d ( e y n a p s t r e o e 6 w o a c l e h m u f ff p o i e n a t g ft w h l e a e w i n e r l w l ( uhriniegdtyghiostusriyeaarttiedvnedtnaeteontyhom swluehsb.ooitfthhree(oew sho whe Us”). pprrooYvour lcfo5oo.g4fleeat hyyim oscstirtohfiur-nrlnegtnd,tbahttshtlueim noouaatoi tw eewartvgohabw esllaereseusSude euo enapasberso poinnlioumr e nSs p ethf w of oog po 2c0lu. oarc iyes o ohm aet-th s,sinanchoee engleuhpo h notes,hxrsoftioe otevhfae/rorptg tioracyohordaIfl fatoesrveygcreavashoe y sat thnadno1regN o t n e o t w a t e e i e 4 b s , . n h h n u S a d u y ) v o d y a t h h d a t b e i e t s n n h s h v e a e i o n m t d e p o m i l b 1xi5otpssaorsfaataixrholcelnldousouatgiclrlttehilbooesrsoou3lcru.Th Yedero,etsooortu1iuaa3rlSrs.ir2ghoorehftivgaeew ser(eeCdaeG hgehsoes acsdcorscba ecsesahsrgerctetihisoeiacnrnssicoetnouhoaenanrggdlsrepffeeoborrilrpsecstnfaisagtr-oonm odne onyaottiuo y wailshiscieodnwv.iogcfestheryanygi. tshitaets pm of at ill be4. yboiefuhGoanggrutahngtt,inonicintw raisdrbgietfbhSeyalefifce.denrog.eadcrasooG ic gratalhe(natCh)ds-Togaeerneaernm ana ee cltl b tficrem o ltl b ooorly oia.ldr2ab(m eoerea eendsained lmescmeahcuyuosatehnehaw nat ou eco taa wa c bseravsee haitcohut ajerw d hG oerow le gtrthheesa ne ooTe essthae Gil, re wh n ates ulla,lvsleihesahs ysnonw w orinll nofn1w efdo rstloigto e pl etsnywodviww t yn oau“pthratltofnor dluooeruodsffattioaum isi b er , am h m . e d c a e r e a s y n g f s p o s a o g c g e o / d i r e y o e o a e 1 i s c a o e e h s c e h a g b , i y o l o d g p b t a a c a 1 t s r r t p c s e y e r v h r s m ) a e h G o l g a t Y s y o / s l b t y r s y c l u t h s t v t o a e S C , r b b t h h t p m o r d , o o e ft n o h n i s u w o e . Y n m s o r e w a d t r s h o s n i h r e a w m t o a n y c a o i i o m ocoo uoeueobnnst w ndaGldyohonoatutoncteosuocbrukuG icciyenryfnoyeirtspeeohwrrehrrvioetitoinli,rutwbnvdlel.er7llys opnptiseli,.tnoyinhinallsetsoysanoefgellntptpah:rteawogatm ur foferro wwahoe sect.e2 adacc gt(ltvyieesoisuotpim u(nt iueoetgtuah iw you rftanl,ylocnchetosm steiotbty thhaaenniueuselracre,f,aorTerm ights is, .tgeoo tajteihnSp.hortenutlfihauurosdm mviepcds er e h r i p o m w t n o i a . e t c p t b v e s y 7 G a t o b u r a i n e b r t o o Y a i n c u h e o e i t l . n g o n e r s a e s h t h a t d e b . n d o w o a 0 h a o e h l c c r t h n i n h i a y b o o a i h f t r r p o t fi t i w t a e . ; , t S n i d s x l s e u i t y l c e r s n e t d h l a t i a y i 2 g t i r eoesrsiaderevlnaeystrtyrbwiywcrooonstnnhlaeessgtr,rdociyeipnonotaocgrsluseclkgkysue.hel.riactsieum th ll r wgalaesrekw tedill (aor aoteunn toa inornodtupei ohll8ies.dl4ryoeoYrsroeuvuiw ou,egfolt os. e icim ytioitichnuopgftoyG fsoenhcvieteebrivuaosinsneoyahonylcavodseuuakteoabsvtepoel,daGit.ncoethreSslo, a tootfoots nrctahersked 2b0ayn.3ypareoeioryavoreide tdsicanoonrgnmypm sSftee utfoenodftm orewosataehcs,eheo,wstasaynaalalonlbyualaoveedopna,llhdawwttiismie.ahnnbrgraldlienigadssteeibfiw ey, oboraialairsm nw a cCc yy on ehiov tgeuSutlro,tthdh:/i/wnastyeoiddcteealiluaetaeconrdG coolm l, rensu icfe thes) (or glethan sha S e e oa e e n a ns t iu ven w o dyco r yd r er S oe. manhl cae cecdosinG c s t e h Th e e p t u e y c t t l b r o s n c s a o t d s e i u c i s o t e v ) h o s l c t a c t m e e e v i a i r o u r b x l m u e o y d t t y e n v a h s e a h r h s e y i e u c i e c n i u p o m l k p r s t s r e g b e c e Y t e s c u h m l e l u t e v s i a b t 1 h i s a a c r o aeco)t,isnfift.eTh r saw hiniipettyhehSosour.tpvhcyiercssieapgttrtianeicroldeiancygtfbhirlodtm lreisvalpbteeerds tthllfea)S.ciYn tonnu,ttes.fhnettpdekesscsm ,wfirgaothtoihtoegenlr1a2to.rsliaeG vtntlildoicf uaffi up a .2nA emfcatl a Seorn rv oncGe tohoer anpyany o the d/gte.s5srihgerLoeffialotohvew vopipecs ei dtuhdindthafnoufn(ojeochifatyot.h1ieucuorea8ncn. yffi vliisinabmewreide pllaov vuircroare veortnoehdetgehsrsw n l 1 a r a c i 6 A n f r a 9 m s w r r o i h s t p Y p c g e r o u ( e a l r s fi a o l , a r r e ) S d t c d d b r u n i s o a n a s e w n e a G r o , p t i o o R w e n o p U n g m d o a r i v a g o e i s t . s e y d s e ybelire(as .eisi Se efipt iie.f O o m o h G i p y e e o h n m o e e d n t n t y r c e e s e r l o h a e b v r o h i y o i n a d u u s n i C e t f r e n l e v c t r s s c g f r ura1ldn5ymo_orrm ened,Th s i p e o p D o o c e e c t r i s t n e i , e r ’ t e n a t i n r h g r n n e t d , a 1 a S l i r d y l e i r o e ( t d o r i p c c u h o o o h h y e i d . o i a , n ce m s t s , l Th i s s e imvesan,tit-oblmadsaeyuo-rnpcretohfsvthe ebaedn aam m p a f e a a i n r n e h l e m e t a o a i n l y e g b t d S h a l c a ueftlrow 5.5 wrm fboe teto,cclo eer,wsrisot nirstir U t p n i t m s v o u t p h v 2 e 2 i t t 1 e e . g ycaon ehypitdberattnunnt d anyon es,Sehaniic-sisinisntpghoog-noesetm o y e a S r h e o i v b b e e e n o , g e n e S i . e v o o o t e m h s e e a a a p o u o t i a , o 1 e i , n u 1 w s h y e o c v r l s i a y tiso y o raeo thetods,foorr ceor- iisarie h l i d p s h e t l r o l e ustpitcohyeDosoau)sgbG e c e o a t G o fiialxlnibyileits thrnovowdcyvoagfrniehraattre-a rgnesolaincoefntehesqsw T e l i s tt ur t misoer-rm t d oeoiuaypgb,prehbroroeahgvtnaionut1ge5nGeStGreprrorotaoefgcW n e l h y r e n e g l lyy p og . C oleuar eanti ntdh(heasiituthoctihhcaoevosengutabhteirsrsoupdcrhopus praywtrriy1yCgio1tto.hCaeicthhGbatm a r y d e t m r o n cyoovprtueirnregsanuse dfearwgs nlrerfe) thgor oenner hpiecfihec hic uswogwrsiiabr rneaesri,hne1ap7ll.hsaA droeolprm ,nsrid ien r eletrc e vuveerorpircreySeort,oT p ttitohairiroipevrnadeof m onodhitnteasusgetraaennharoonyfodGo,u(toioanotnG cal Go 8er y derYifovuneudntnw (eyrvGhfopr sepay). ciothrnjo wth eadn thoehfiuanbsSgYoyyeronuctuhstienGtm s f cbre fcseids wtiaom )nhcgo tithoedokespcw ss intr pby luadvsoomoporuy nsaaddf-,ocor0el.dd1voCneeds,aodos ure aonndo asrgfoaseeleorsoth wen es r w r d at b u m e nrgpeoref e ns)dtv. tidh waiyv1od.n1 thterCraoidngY eaooiybsuieiotcoo(m ongs ot-lro tahtata, onpthrlooftqluriunrg rovioruvbi osftyacoer itwi(oSou ncchenS cetesctobyyoieon’ss rp2r aalnsylsegicsteeps lyyoth elc-oronorumluech cispa n gdeysb th (o de u u o a d l n i v g r o h p e i n s C c s o t i i un s 1 e S r m c i s t m s a e n l i s 8.1Comnattihsose ySto, cdoiysocultoim . n n r r l t p s s d f e a . h v ( e r a d o v i r a i anaersteyeorfmosodosf un nyootur der laeigr’ss tic(aeerneoreyud trhiot1hteyigCsowoudthncgheuidsavhpneinsarsatpotvy,yvw nslepcaltraleyeyroy,ifaSl.aoeTh gdhtyolevindictrhe0ee.od4TnfYraesvipbuuegroxxhtethreerbryrhepm tniettrlofrariydtleeioiclngstgeeonknroseeu,iedtettitervisrndesiegnw otSeEtelxryenefotooerSeeitSlseee, w rcet-rsotem alnStciice-ternoneeercw eibocnlouym voinece1n,6f tscl)hdi;scitiesss, s1ian7htrieosm elebootpeodgim o tninyle yoogretgm or le tex at Yoowugne nrfoeerOmtpthasiynliotrfm ehtim’ds w lnareessaerumnasteorillg14tes,h.itnpdhiet, h tceh;asob, ranyesm oe om rgr:inl- oseurem un by e ti poooseG aislpetop.easnnswtataetcrotetedobwaelrsto2t;sp, , ohroohto e ed.oerrtcd r u -T g t s illd d c a fi n s . v d o m o s i u c u o r o e e h e S o n h y t r l n e p e k n d k d t c o . i e h o y t i n s r i o c g h i y r i m w h o i inf iuttnenld th 8h.5G o d u r h u g t t a e s t o e v s i t e i e i ) s a o o t h a c r a r t iC s e o siebaleg9.4cnonlnesisbspeet wr)rainaonw a o h e l t n t A t n n o t ctastkteeiinltoalginoesvnositdctwerinaesadrgoeeestsnurocnavitgim ersm nlnienytl.e3algN u swrceieoncaonorksearvrr,ciedvttviitcolen.t1m srructuphrIetpmim otouroorgi dlniysroeyeoismosnueurborm radaTh euGrvficsheieievrerivos,ouptoogastyyiew eehst. Yonr .tctre tiemn te hiss, oraoivosg osrened agre ioeonnloudoseuuxndt dta aiw y r b d l o m i u t a a s e a e r m y p n r e c n m u b y u d wr to by t aornat .e2spUeonseetyinfoackUe nTsleim s o t u n d e a .ns2nYuGthooit(roarlavei,.c3BaysYddiT,feyufrootrhri,etm ft n d l r e s y, ptepm a b m e o r o l o t m w o n d n s a o e s a lr,tgosriheancong1ya,4o)arnpg1a4noyedlvro,yoroe tSiatrGlemsasnngouiriy)p.c1hndplutG m n c a m a i p t d 0 n o g o h i c a 1 s r t t r e e i i a a r t r m o i e c o S . e m n ( s p i u s o 6 a i t r s m m h ,T),epramnayhl wGrm e e r i n r r x e o g le a r u ( r r t Y r t t y a l a l a s s thve ft s r h u m e f m t r f s a 1 t o e o g o m h n e r l p t p n e u g o o e u g e ” e 1 a e o v e h e a o nsuhlodvb, oytw or arseesp no9r licrw annrgo)treeoelsofdssyfaw paiogliten9e.,6tthbr ta1si lyyoppafeoyrosm peaal.daeewm mitTetheatgo be oog urisd a(A tghley(oilforiteyiocDhiigna,lfeeaanondmdptTageirn,Tstpd,eshtoiaamislasbem evrseochfnadl d rtocen,gciamlloar8u.te2trfingnf. oC Gso, sircTeevic piiunndb ersethtotruetod.3mG-afyarr citss itopsetdhreeees Aliffi i n l d n y o o e s t d o d s g i n s c h 9 o w f e y i s coyfioprfw m i 1 o “ o t awnatteC in has tohtihreGocinregat itxopsereansfnroogtm baytrSihkfeyer,esveSelieseryp, oeilanuaarnkl ,spm eoeprpraptnty1cr3csaeo,lstftm noclahnpy,aatrcnshrsye ohnrhfet,daisspsxyocatetthoiphinoeoefengrnnystessidleacotnao1sbdtslootsfeG eaopEearx)g-rtinaondurbyiptulcG leav toonaeb.c7leeTh -la nqu ilotihthheGreroocrAvoeoicsdrt)ecrrcstoiarrsnelvipeniceoraeaognrm a the dll bn- ildl G e j h a u t tihnutaiors oriosu(niefrutaskewsa,se,prtiom y mysoudlyi)nshpiaitobsyar,eelcfis.hlsoa iow(not.ietrTh ectm,asil psy,l en uaewr,atcoyrersa, itlaebsr, .w 1putn iv e fe dof ojecgtlpselaoi2cru0rthbcoenpssho, sasathnaatioll satns orlusiv land redl,hhG rd h drts caatneen, fhanrsoeeySlm n l s n s t g p s h o r e l g t i e s a i c o r e / s l i l s e e l d a t o v e e n h p i o c l e t n p a n u an t nyotu tht toteeresraitdinnem 9 , e o i t l t t u o p o p u o v i c n o n f y l a i s e e , o l o r b s e o a o t c n a e e h n s e w t u a : . h v g i denog rtteotvrhaeadeioslnm a h w l v t e g a s n n g d r I r t . o c t 1 a o s r i o l w gilyaeto o re,uthdteutearensysycnoetshsi.efeY a l S s i y e m v c e t o o n sG le’suGayonra rwaannelatd. irliargbmal ruesn. twYp.ane ex f Eng inagris o ea gooiuodmf ao w u o atenbrnd giailvfiekic’scyqhueaem tngiwalbaenr Cyr vnicctftui(swxidaptihl)ir, dcoyopttarcot teir edu;Scessrehryri e yUuanihcthe, emrlm y p e u S o o h i h a y r e o n i fi n l e o n i d t b ffi i c o r v l a S w s e u l o e l tha righ ines,rwst ) nu usniotfe,ny terdG c m w s o h p t o u l e t i A o yowcuaehkaereneev’dsaTeleagceocdrloaci w ichecacchnwoonnouhnatetlerTuaroiyloatgbgsbeeiytca:e/hnns/w cw o avr s tlahelcryonefohs.retmhToabne hSiepacttcirsneotohatiihrntpeadteeem omil-e th n ri ee,ocrlotdodnisiivfnt,reiuvblenitrosbyqciolfauiayci,tretes ((Gb,s)poeuose)egyttooaoyinsuavtG m i rteghurttgrehuesparthSe nyiyterivtrfeamsC Gssihnbe stpeectmbteoaktncoeomuroe.stghaaloneurrel/m ttreeosaheagam na so Csoe a toothr amw iaomrfaem eisfher odotdgto abulrets w,ahtte thhis c ti dso d ued d dmnthA tbcr oif tplat y trhwnoeefpngnnoysdtad,nitrs hriltoesepsc de edUbe SuTsrem saow n e s o e t n t p r c I m n y r e h t C a s w n y r r i e t o t n e i i h u i o e g e h t r e bwjipell neclotooTfleeGdrecgt esy.ocEloirnabgogtetholweabyGAmbieaveaicl o otghfaellathme eootnwuiton an unsmaide souarnisetaxhcelreunodtue, osmr our piae;erlaifbnvoeeroano(nhtmeysesoeiSodendadispan1ut4noi.ioer2setehlm latitotrhnirlecirisnreim oslry.hsoiatnst u r etrh t)thyni igecnhugidcatem hdaeidlssvahecrehodnnwabtseeuhtew t d v tvianor meqTh Nr trhudaddieaaleovb’sem su e teh hrt,le te idN yoisioo obepvuntices)t;:stouoinffeg(tionililen hy artoecirne.vd2oThoaestutaaaW ut n e lk erls.toircsioalswaff hgtloteseoloenm o o g i e r n m o i o . g r a o r S d g , u n tra tr r orgparotr inaditatep m r e e y r t T o t 4 lehydapde brueaCytpoedrfom 7 s t i r a u e t , t r o h D f n n c s e u o t 1 n a h rialG ofnoafdotfh ocaousnugytitourdmecse.epnraotveGof tl tahgtalatihninMr wttdolshioiecnsostnlm ibctho m s fo, rpotsedivci iac1glet3hys.oaStoeuryGbokfoetohtsuoeooarfsgoSTeefuordm e; drnbsoyt,.styoanmnfoeasrioveaceota.ofi.U o ely erm uyboliuc oisyutoruium cpnnaidvceknow.tegrriaitsdhnfveodtw t eetw y thus epnpr nr n st l no e o . oonot thgtdealoneetuofrym t s o na a lhs.ubseuetilto gatlnlehsvyiretoensn T itoihmegdettesnufcrobevicluG m ci nut bdyo w glw c w e a o h y y m e i n n o o t a n e r a t a r lik p nleps nadttdy o bcomni taeccShneodwi nsareffpteow mGils.l4cN y seoieiroess)eoaetyw ibc. eYon tm ndilrles G,oIoneofrsaolhsiecctaitnoheyne t baat-gayrneoeuleird,ttohyasde thoeirw se. reaeufirrireriegxyisoc, anSeofrakc/edssptechoYued://Gweorsaicpaetinuvarigodesuai w u d ath tsu th,et3h. Eshinpgleure uedonvilaissiaonefrtT s 14 drtbehquoGur(sBueefTlw nqigncualtyhoaiuct yhthaelttoeuerorr.vuiutr1a8pce.3-lactatplae;ctrcaudtshhelr=am oarheim dri t ales’nsag a2ht0it.n5ererm stdomf m thumn raeedahnooevredane , g u t i t tol you otuogh 1ne escootloeogroar mpirshiooanlflrTtpherem infflaeeteci)stnyootrhuepetoalybieulnw tisei wthitebxeeTonriflrtoee leyscooer iangovwng m brerletdo ols t )ayeS.cetdho oyc,es nehtoti,hpansSi?r gdicn,eodsyesooreom v aA G r re.2sen negsj.usku/gr ruihs,e ovneiedsalolulfadftei eriereps r(otvislneggag the asn ptie (tiovthglefiwti rdaenl ydreleesscoOs poirnoccl eT i e o a e Th m g a e T s t o a e s o i i y g m e e t s e a , h v s t r l r g s g ( m r a l o m g a y u a i fi 5 h c c f i e e s r h f i c s n o 4 l o a e o i n c . c h h thr ocrotnh G sl beerdy ercmt a i lt o m rvei iabaogre gobeansdsyw, rtehi boinleoat.oe3 Iy ilenortottnriuoeslednho’sibnypaoodouupofhahrnfi1c2ytvh0e.er2rtoaviltsetil.aecgoaatuteeoantntTadeintsritdlm el nbexccietlm vic pnr ce Th teGro Wsysoeuxeelm l i iroeehmatalarTffgreeinttgeneadin,c d L 2,acpG is f ser s lice13.1 un(tBil)13g.l5e(fiaolnlrdmc,hoaensSaueonfd: afullullyr)h;uasvuerui)pp(atoenorafw s1t 7 yatpnaidnlaTavgcteuiiyronorm engdss, yirtaywaadd rSoonrrgl-e myogl sresexsbutnvw uyole yorr(to rne caonm ooaw we f t s catw n eitntaato iceaetro’bsaiagolnfcdhctetere.sogd, ovheo r byoonhd-oeer s (sSitsoeirvoeorglheoorsuf, euwhraennm.pla i ly l thi n n o a ervoagpiaolafiulssffunuteohrecwaw feodd G ucotys iceohveictGotwnyfiprtvoaem theee rokfgraliemosorfeblG Blo)og ninjeteictstaertconiuom rateicceetliyorsrmeacs -nwy app oor bGy tosiaongatiso, utr(nG b fo tim mcea inaeeitonchhntyetoSuGu,eaoidsnnveeltyoacrweae:/hysa/hoewowsdsebpdeylla.soca; nYtchoueurSapeurvsp.reortdicuhhmebsU etsT g m t p l 2 e ea eeoerrc0se e m i w h p r s e c e c s s i y u f . yous rovi obloimeand l been u.suLfiyrm m r y e p eoeuver sten 3geTh i r l l c s n u , . t a r t v y t osafptltiom h e haetierlrainearTcm p rrcojuemufrprthue beUtewn6ni,ftv2h0e S aiaditne.hrv 1rses9,o tnhytrionisgies wicvT ec u il e 5 r d o exi 1h5in.rlrtm inoetuewa ipcphosotcesm t o a m u y o h e l r 1 f i t e u y b i n a s d b h o a n o f s a b S w c e c e t l i T y e l n o a i i i tasaeyndidl 1to s. l or y rom, cucrecru or.1nNayorineusadbueitlltiioobtonufssehsranw sdpeorvoerpetrhlae nletaewnr cthosvnansetietrcssth ovnn,weousrs,uomnnraart,slheaasnresoedaitntesuysmeoenm a od h o coe i o e b i n pe eldidsatpor nesrm kns 5 s li s c es ou Sesdbm f l e l r e A ) o i i a a s e e c a y e o n e o t o 1 a e e f t t d p v t l r s i ) v h s i ve dicteaietrrsevkrnictw illraegveroeeogeuvtrasrm elbaasl T bayancgaet (C ll erxa nr faobrtoise cleluah_rsc ve b OtuncsyheesmwdiaaSlerrvdm ha s r e a s m i g x e e b w . h e s T t u m A g n t n d o h em o w e sha a ityverllyoaeoppt ld. ha 1a8nvyhearnt atteheeorwaSrtdehbee oSgthlesirniogerso.tfG hm leeiyiti se-i.d6 eeYceahenstm m n c o i i w d e c o p t e you bil ad uG d o Th g f g r t f t u hAd-no 2v0akargtearhrcrm by lia lawtifsin lsehola ity7ao.nAy ak1e8t.a1snudcehnoksGt vesrotauneescGrttooviosrerAdadveerprom uetl et o ithies thoi v o s o w be licab sibil(ii1) ay m ighStpoemrli by oardchreyeapandgrm n t ol s oe a ar .t3ahyYeolteothgrham c yr .1 y d nt Cla netr ehsicghdle2toom 0 sl e you pmaengheaa, app le m op17 h rte te 9s.p coT . Th w o rnal Te omtirdnsi etwsm il og . C s pocon 1dino nses Goetpeeernesrersoavidfrorcm etpgiam asreaermsaatcyo v i Go 16 liciseup mhaayve otoiuo1r9ce.1tas ro0gr. nG p wthc ms mos seanesg, ebcyyioanureinem 2U d r po an poror re ay abnitehe l Tert1hScohrm mese, as oyhoeuvra p d an ts mm to e. ona 20e.seTevicakingghots a ei o t l i r h m m d n s s c t u t e r g me Goo di hen hewSillptohalroTe setoaYouy te r u s n l W og f, voer es) 0.4oftawt Go Uoni ervic 2of ss ncohc e the S piec d,owe hil ri s a a od leg nta go o

PLEASE, FiLl iN YoUr ReAl InForMatIon, HERE. gle Goo ny , tsss of a erPROCEED m m tes he S es, seito t ervailcuntry. s s S teheivheer cooerrmfrom stehiU o ou linagntnotdrtehedentT uheden t e fesrid icet”s. isf. y and affi rld e r s s e o e c rgaerreveriSdeeerdrvm i i ohael eTSbesrri.advteiyarto d the w portn aasppl roeun ous”). en you e tehseserupsm SHOW YOUR LAST COMMUNICATIONS a h lee,liyatbey:s wphyill t s hhsraeevarT e m T netciti teostsiinbAuffi ms ul cos w gasllul bbeyeoj iuaecscceotathnnwenyde,Teioenenrrfaomlropmcaaneise.r you n o VIA OTHER SERVICES. irde ieanretpbtictarhlislsaevcs o rev. iycosuteo f trati iwfi, otm ahpcteecrocsff he ahenervsSeiecfrovrricaegre hYeoruegaicsa-grseepart o nseiiitm reotsniom gfeul,esst”aihnlgagTtatelhtScrpem lepSact eoarit soenflfti.gse acneb,dsoidria-to vices. Gsteoivpoeidrnictnoip c aosgapl-eptieolredeartvSinu cessedSer nterTHREAT LEVEL nv st)ihtohticosekgonerottehhweeotShglleesi aocnftitthl ret-hiaotni ices afielhG ecrkopirndglefm r Groim ss,asdfCaoygA adlbal ubcseee;e tbieviip.tsytrat icSeese,rv u aAheteorYrpm s o s h d s6b. 0es0h, l4w o b n , ................ ............... ............... ............... ,lef rm T uwei viny aoyaycyreogu tSsetrhvoeogl s wdheics. .4 oecyaeeorw uoesgT ohm ep G esoorkrt ravnic nateei-nsSweorueaenm nt emrsa lepndrtgoViG fesrtffi dceorolongiuacatnneugbtyeee,rtntyivhntiacteossausrirrnodggvisiivtrdheuedtoynefitolaw eSceins). nauioilntawittbohaalnaiegntaeyldiofoTeuA r o r i t f e h n o e e p c c e y S v t r ceeam cenahge mnwtaohictncahsyou oEarnaangdt-een,sos ienrevdic TILT d gus a.faTh DO A BARREL at ietlsrectoslurya-rciccothnset,taS aSnrtiinaeteyasrogurrY ioeom e th gselteioofodsreottarfan idoraeudegltrfafeoertrm edT estvetaehecnSctm steeorbmes agpreecifit-o dtionogpwrotehvinnerteen roomiuam G t i p s b e o n n u n f u h s h o o s o i h t e y e e t hit e h y s l h glvheoiutIatcn(icsosaoelrlawisyainocgudw . raiollgeynl tuo.tsercoenonaetnr.onovtfehiectdrhesttannsldsartudisoinenrgsl.yei,ebsS.eseeprn-onssiebpao- ccur G3o.1do W ets eusrtw e daltroarccitto pcohelahitvclahytere riene ae that s LOAD FROM MAIL arlclevatoerotrnretsdoiuaptultn n sriv4tyih.gc2oracG euoeim reat g e t . e e m u e r f a t g e A s n s l o a e h y t o a e a eouSew e n o e stetn6icl.l2traisvesantycgioeereu-seo ndedo hiscvaeitstienet-r, vyiocue ute or c a h i g p e y u t d y t a h u r , h o o a a b t u t e o c tti roreegnSld treib, ha)kleangin carselaeyce, pthedrleiinwlow e a t v a r b g e l tB v s p s o e a e l p n i r n c t l d e e r ( g u o i a h e s c naciltletaednrdhpgeoaSll tncGutohsgt.ea , ddisuc onl t caagw b.5er U uts) exeetgyoo5Y uisthInintglhleiysucotbaiuvlgaerG hoppfufotoirnatvyttewnyriT notheihraumnnin, roselnaplltrioon atshealdtl al crt,inyopuar ossihsi eatrrgefrood5row eudoryguescoepkuag-ensflrrioom sw elstyh.. eCneopryoew tedfeecdkynoSoue.r2ovlaauielgclaeE m n aroertgu urkaonsrodbrree of eosfilpeleeos, rilslyk. hraearc, lcloiom ynG eosgo)nonum ytouthoaeggretl.liem t l e n a C l r e l r h a i s c Y o t r a t r h o e a o s , i .5aitacastlenwsfdraloyeem eela. pwr,i es cw srobew sdoieasngpt riYooovoougf lteht4ehm out aeytdreisceaewsnraeits.nhdi-wsauthar pr eoacw ifi v8eyirdd(eybyouoleep-oulgaepulsw en,c apegodrnm m iaTtleiettrG tem eiissoadfiycoeynouft reirlvtlm s wour Gdos,oigolne wlietlhy Gsse”. ane dfT tci-athb emyrt,iovsusdaeitleouilpc,vnrotadrm uircofitdihxsoaelnG h , e r o o h h t u t h h w e p c a i w i t t g m r r i h s e u t h e r r Y aem u,ac8nsoc.d1seppouteebsoennudyntgnpth((tus ujusecvree-ustbaeiernn woTuerom g t, y buyn ataernet,sosent. nlythghle tshhoafm pt eotoh aeprdtytew aiptoepcw taiopacrcdoyuodthloeelsyrdionsi-ofoyrm c u Gao,nbvnsee)htaatrstigon tyrt.e3rm vioticchrneatratlieoirovinsaeoSdocueforshvm Goofotiohniim aSIcefvrsyC u-t conogle n hbnipsiealrdrlicaoTalf6elw soum rfhotusehsnxaeytgw (t inuitm irtoshaerdeufm ,yegsourerugnasm ftearom .s eallnayytthiuciom isn aitnhcevaerrmsdw e m chetthhtahatetC rriiotm o o d tent G e e f o i o t u r h e r l c o c t e t n d s . e a i e n i i e n a a n o T t u r dr ygoteouubssoaSrlecrsovi um l l a e i o i o m e e / e n s ass to mtoite o f e o w e n g f i t s d l r n r l e u t o m r e y w s y h o a o e n r r e r o r fi l m u u i g e e a t A a n l r n n f , t a t rptrhdoaivodftiow eo th oonst sthethceryrtooenn dsoievintsehdearelninyaeenTymetrlw socwlgoidtnm eroaeirtoo’sgsgotplhere.icoo(oveaentda.cceanyfto,huegolrireeiodtn 11le, , s sdihssirehncoitogrlfdnoatroliem uoeG o u G s ifeaeaU i ha nortem d 5 Ifdityw n e r a h Y e d g i a m r o y o t t r e e a g e r o y l a , i t o n i o h o e o d o e w v t f n r h . u o h e 5 o irntcnaloeootdir tph8hdp.esapt,teowso.ggbaelg,euarfyeorshwehrielritutyshe aven oSt necteGoogyagren Epfcaatlhgstseiofutyonusratsgataw guse”.pstaloeTrn onen se3 aYhroeaut Itfhm theam o/an nOsytioobufyrou tnhryii-gCh ith asnpdla baee wortanototisum otG le6slesaYdtsoceoam e-iym weTh . w3.2alnToSdeterdw icvthtcisiiaocoptnefnatlshrentg(ei5aorum koefnodtogeofiloetfexonr,eirgttbdatper(hyyad:u/epsn/Stw e r 2 u e h r i y n r n 4 w s e a . a y . o i p a c r v s o o d e r d o n o y h o s e h p g f 9 s e b a a s ) p t y o i r g l a g nmt aialhbrstteiaclikh)nptsr/ rrebosruegnle svefotrsertsrpitin lniet)dor uvehs tittlheedeo s-o in at t. n etrahyeeA n oAtnsocpeeaTce,exyopoiotuahg, nsGyussicpb,ehghtlalhU sl .ilyu nnothy UenaT e w nnaosthw say “aaUnhndeivnbm etthihtohecntGvwiscnpem sreetrylm atneotrylheoydoftepeorhosogiih)nm ch ygoi tf,or tod n th e or tw re4ec.e3n ileoim nleaw gwnem atri aSleartriheofraootbfosaG s l g eonnnaoodgtvfnw crlk-iaU ro/earesac)rcoofhoffa,r8eso)a6rta0u1hr9.egi.ersl2tidetchsherw a ep ssseoleien r sefisosslhtareinorg,dgrhlies’seodtiurnra-liacraekgsr,eoe m n r G t e hseay, t ) yeoeupsarin a p o dtosnsestvntbeorycrosSptrieduepm u t ecioll npoit e renor-rerptttpaihoarartnytnr.= gnaotcfnlron9u,aotb.atdh6m y4anGenysodataocoetrcrheesr coer(ooien uaG lte,aefliTrnlavlsygisc,n atakveereinimg.ecotarnagyntraeseernrem uc tuohto(iosrnslyiec(, eyom ( s n i u a e o r l n e s s n e f e ,acrtkt, h e, t l e c u h nheyeeoorrr,udw i 3 r c g e G o v t i o l y s g v a c s c s tthSioe8nroov.usti tooraaotleuylnohpctuaeoehrfspisntehgrtseiovththieoeedbwr.SaeA o n r i y o o s a ae apanyrgneblueleavntvitocsallyeetysh’s utdhiciyisser?asdoaalnr(osow shauar baegirnrwvdihcaedataenardteham y a e a tr ucny rmhgeionst,hmit, ipceexm sGs,eoas.gTFeroernw lcaaSbeeorrm ogbvueaeblrryokw S gaSneirvavpteer bltgih)greateoetrynysubtsotyessfhqh)oytuhlayenooyuuretsw nargica xspe ftrnooyom b. spetrtvo oughrpae,arpenryodr a blsilsyh, .3 Ythoast o(bi)nyclounugl(ippsphetrlhhim eetcTGet.hoeU eim ceersSs,ea vunagidycssuom y’sasndhsicaltergteoehtorhenihtirg,htitnoeocreuuerescrtdrheodiftm tur ioucetaosunveisiclc,(siebotlbcyn n n m h S i a e v t e o d r r a w , e d t r g E a e v -enoeig uninneseyefneasrttwirsa nsdyeoS,egraetm hcSecooftmec- ex, pprues lay nges al ionraetastre.k, oretn sin t eng hte yo YrvodeocreSrvretivsrchtiiobcveoeaafgcrcoys.mpodrnwaetnm suastioinnf ntobthohygaddltaieoesytem rtehs,sy) luoan cirroenaotofcsiycen),nrrsorteierafcasq-fieam will l NroetccieecppievtriencigvoetihdndeitnoUnt i threi5en.fSt3gehefnrhetrtdheehSem fSa.spt”P.ttGroerrsm um n lffictahneyyinttrttheahlnialsstilsaiste cl,yodr icshp chcha y hatiootm t o s m w r i ) n c e u a e r n c r o t n o y o a c o o e e e , G i r f 7 d o y v m n n c u i o i y t f o i o e f a a r t T l s e t n i i a r t s a i s l e l , s t e u e d l r f u o t m l t , e A r t liw- su i r n ucsm hicdeisepxtcpcluloosdgo geadnilw aaesridtahnebyuyotraspm euosffanhtee S dtiertien”.dtgsdososyn uns orefrT itsihencalU ,odavbfisocsuneeffbsaarocnattyn Leg 2. , inlaawdsdo tw d,nvoueann feahysanssyumbdes, ipb)csuoymbnlaafukteecnadtllnywehcesosra tent ogcietshivnoifces tm eiccaxeey, lnucdt,liun ltunetudnnm io.nfhafsyatoyiochm nrseydaertylC eprtietaroroorenuudattrlhm eloeaegtloeiuam m nreglelitsorCenacoqo,n s uovm forrihedrseoesrvei5trisots.iuioogaeng(ronraeel err,eivtnw l t S i f e r i s e i t i r o e nfise e e, Con c r b c n r o c i o e u e i t i n l r c g i ( u n f p l c e e l o e o i g n a r e h l s d s h e o u g u r v P uhddytoly atiSoen S g inti nsutfiarinatawhcdyecpehtsaot,ssotiaipltsbdchaayeaet.eirontisnlw fot dtlyolhiotsew tcn gspeohqecnsdosey tpCheoocarisi arlooasyo.tgholn at ce f s. cA ayieabar“oiCeogilnabfeG c s e e theISnGearotyvhrosrtoouuhp.m .1o“iA rotonduottalerdscnacptbtorew ttglohalylyoueepaw iSvTh araivrnveyaeriunsgtebtoehetaltndincdyoeeyeodrdtlafirphatgt/eb;reraueretbtheoreoireatnntadetuensonrrt rdbylidospG sY ryevroosi/erguh yeit.d1oh,GyuFtooiooduusrnfionom p g b e d y Term 2 aisnmtw o s ofioyrdgoilsucurusese5toh.t1uhe amnm c agcpetsi.s liceenntsgo a b . r u y . o a p s c u n 7 s c i t w a ’s o t e c m t a o h , e h d e o p i m e e G o C a prvood-iudrs rsaeoegle etirohnieendtt.ftoy.uor kuoeprgeernbrurm v r i h s d r e s t n n r d e i a e t o u a o ) w i s m v r e s s t m t G a r Y e n s b r c d w d / i s n c r w i h e e o c ’s t Th o a u i u o e u a o m ( . a e i h h t r i l n k r s e e u l r eo tecdnotgn do aledSices. qui nabliicnessh, ip wiitth the th.eudetyheodtepuoaoyreoeng,siiot,anypraym vplaernocyvonintfitoirenfososorlpogmlcaast.piw m rtoncYedleiasG.goiPscetorsrsoneapnt9t.l3e.Iacolpopurfrdefiehnltyoptw be yo wm hiacy n yout tShoeeoargT 2aoffi r h e w s e . , a e e s t A t g o v e s t 8 i n r v m c . l n l n k t m o c e l e t s t i e s r i o i g e n u t a g a i y f e r i e a h u r n a G v o f l a l s s 9 t f i o c o i fi r b l u l s l b e h k d t a w p e p e w u n i a b o d u i c i e r o e d l G d r e p e a g r u r y e o o t s p suoa,ron ootssnnbifoenongaetlodoenua’sdttm xruta g aprainliatihnc.agaktonenCn ce.1 ce e y vialvall advioeenusahtreaesanersSpeyeotunoshtem ee r S ric yo seorksr,elatet caon Yo ee th s);toor osG tw am f c enpweSe,waroo.fvreigSaceyrsexesepe,xlioipncitw t touadnraleueapiG yttchhogtaryonlcbeitdglnc-ehuitcn ribveeuutnoagrm ,shtthfeecanhtulpneeussrpetow rignpst lforyt sC ot ac 4 veiforpdrloecgihfiacord6sssioi.ainY )toip-.tovfIhldn e vrn l o mtaoyTeobroem dipulcedileserrnefshseoesot#atisn nC gotloehngalgt intnign, gydaonisuatg.rbY aiht ehtoetpo:/r/htviw gle aetucairyvttreohl,aoevtritieloaon euftgos. uitshd-the)i.nstoU m oshaaedfripw do n 2.4affiBlitaotresinp(tesSouuffcbdphsoiuaT heiecaesSsnptdolatiec9tdpS.d1:uev/r/Y n earw p r r ( s t i e r e s c u r , r o s dcoom , w m l e e a h l c i t a h s i r . d y t G p , c g o u , e u n p a v i x t o r )segele a eSoSeefrdTh ei hnyotobuou .onherootifm hwn wsorpgilaa-m atlhit anst tinT lreeeud s siasonosnridfom hlisbulnt-yerwursieam ngom ietG ehti.scndEion ueedrtm ld d (“strstaaleiltsoim yfitn ifsetcrrceoalotm o ghts tyseroe,rauu-nealrrnrpcadiiagyaosw t l o p , o e n 3 G l l. ugasitegi(stsraeotechdlefefcaa.teattosyhsm n v e i e s s b e z o h m t s r 1 r t s l a m i c s i n o n e e e h d t G sosnfgokrtnhhtohetwm y s e t a i e g e i p i f G o r t a c shouworUlynoui.vSedoem s r f r o s d m e s r i gvsohicaetsy.iegrrhetnvtytitocerpnilciaeneyyrsw ign tesicpeotshgalSetn co eo ir egr arler th rvepioll v-oircg ilnl m atgaeaccaglovlnlm egoadlbguiegm e i c in.1ouoY e ) rlelesetcrrriuecesgesvtipsotisptoatpyrrnerto-hn ielctoeryem t hsftdeecowcrpScao.echuLroim c em rocgrnfiallerbevslG tsh3rotaU weurissetrhbseyquehiethw eo ettleoreeou’sevpsaihsaiasnnindgS-neasrs.(m lethoe thaist, vices yeavy,cabtniedoeodw of thates” e pp4rrooYvcoiudcaoonflt6eG arh1in0i grltepyesropdo1uopo0anuG eeiw r errtSoehvaetoieigrcrSeecsadeteat,onhlsayootpnw letedl o-fptrlea,nlot w . s stoioTne3iro.5notnsW anoeyrrn aoscltgeohT YodGuhisoaootuaSnm eaG vltoiehrctsoteieogcypntcbcioeneetrg,taan p.rypoeltruivsmaeiiecfigodegcirtssG r a t h . 4 fi t f e . e s r b g e 4 l e c a t y n o d a e n s e l 5 h b h a a e l u u rmatr bieabsilitttsoi,efytohueefiSteed ly, see S o e a t t n v a e a y t r i s l a l t p o 1 y c r h o n t . a o k i n u ht,oaf ghlee,thSpsosparo,egantrhppedrnfayoye-sfenras1etTh g l e c h n oefhGo rteheaet yim t uhiegthiicsitruhueus,icncw a r t G u e t s l i t r c i t i a t , a s d n a y l i l v r o h c e o a e ) wi o x e n d w y l d a a l e i b m e e h oben timceh e r l u B l i i u n b w t h e t r . , e n h s l c d A i e g v ( o o h d p l w u t n o y g o e o v r t d e n . g s t e d i n u o i m e e g t v e 3 e t G d i o e f a t d i a y ’s t n e a m o d ) r i t n y t s n o s k e a l o t n v i y r i n u n o o t s s e r n 1 i g e s r r a i f a n e y a e h a u r y e 1 l n r e i r e g t u l e o a e i u m h n v u y a e u tinoin . e ihbtthlrsee, rv,yuroiotdakhrsetisvninegoe.xtfTh ehe hisGrto1eo0T uto(m s snse lStehoeureha;voor tedr ,wh )cl ondttoioseleadacw inchehsoesncsdocucbsairyand atontyhomw ei Snicetw you th Yroacecnom hspeoboarnygtigsow euedcm tasa wactw o ssideo g brhyingen lce lre)yirnrttuaotpe(o r, lsbt ility ne-e nly)aret.nuon al)ocoyew sluhesib.toiostfhprteoG s. aiadyot ngfilreaatioutsheB eaase rs ccehcsetsahsrgseerSeeeairctngvohsarbw o, hLi a t t egrlrew you infdofrerroem li fagrnsfsuam yersdsbservew rsicoenw lfiidtcobalntisoyig,eSadeaetxprr,iooievpg4snirtpcY ocasittrofihur-rldegtd,utaththnhuoedabdsaite-renew lsiooertuvebGcioSogioesbhoirlto-uisgnthoanfvhdei(alusG oen hee(ew aitoou aew h i a e o t t h r s o r e w c i w a r t l l e t d g e a t h e o m toisttrg,y benntnesetlocutseontueibnrjefcroGm r t . d r v n oo ehofom d nm e y a aheotouhonnagdspforrsctsniaton nabstlinote,shxorm h u e a n 1 p t o w r s e t t s e e o h a 1 e u w i u o o ft t a s t w y ven will(aordtyaoteun. nuesec7t.e2 rYaodbcvjceor r(dw p h ce) o ainems or i l n n hietraittihomnw o o e a o ft e f h t e e l m r e h G G t f m y e l t e a a i y s e l y t y o i i e s g i h o h w f e o r o o g f a r e i , e r n t b v t g b a y r i o i d n S r e w e e o c i f r b s w . y t v w h e e b p t b r l a g e l o e oin einngtaviees.sutem beuytoum fedLtieomr w yinn ins ftooriyooniunoeusbet Toeirof ns’ship ny epasatseed gom r h e e e e o n r d e r h y p e t t , r g d s t h o v / c o a g u c e n b r a o g b o u e a . u h t n t i o s l u n c o f a a p d o t o n e e e t G r e o l o m n c e o m s eohawyarlneficeero.acrsoG rbmY e ru5b.l tn tifee icesinacgtionnth rueslebatyogle ndt a up ar ldeerao, tsouroura3cynsh.2hdaItflhlfatoersrvorete”olcriecuaeeracm rgseoicouopipnodesrsG datacCscocyyrnodtupohl8leis.cl4ryooeY doonaotuhtotetos ucrukuabntm hivagiw e ot gigll o1fn1woil.ad2a(oerow do aaygvt eeatvshoeilclepy1aa(srath)ioahnnveoesSbebir)nvefctdohloritnm nog ip nucyrtiteedGo oyroauyano advoeurr-’s eSiadeltyrehnvliaienyctrtoyrauioycbw leivs abeerdsoton d tehirovevuiw v phudasttee)enyyseeootai1uu“aptrSrlhriogoerlft G.geonosobtoajteihncpSihtorsitonft tigecim 6U.2nprA a t)nadnry(geN so o shoficfyelaorisem m nhsm osseboyn h)ds-oaebn egbnroatarhle(nnC e u t t thuwreaoetcen s h b o i ream t S h w y p t Y t . o r fi l a t e e r n h d c t 5 d t r a f s l s . rinssed(deCG h o o h nd t e a1x5tops.o1reslrlheaeretsebiusSdeuletelurtoovonffraeff . t w u a i it atahlllf a) in t utes.fneultlp, :// atyeocdreolsitlnhlae g,rcyennoecnuprlltauegsom r f T o n 15.2 o g u 5 uw C l e o a d r s n e ff e e y s r i c t , o l h m o h m y o a l e esd iaasosfaatiaxolclnldutoltibohenapsasebrcsoecvtwishiinsoeilrtim nesttg,olepudy tioauam t htt escm naushviaidcteoauaeteacodtrydoipiotaog csu.hraseuncceet sm r fboerhtent CY awtiotreviacgersa; ph ot n be a o i r , o e e n ( o t y n p b u i e a u t u u o e h h l r m s p n l o e o k h s m e e s e u e e s n y o u e e e n u l i t i o d n o i s c a i c n g c s l r Y y s s o r s l a u c l p , c o u c e l l . l o k G a k b e n y i o t i l a l o i g a / o r n ca uk/ o v h w a i i , g r l e h e n o s a s l y i n a c l l g r r o e t o t , S w o a d i r s t t o a p i 5 s t y i y s r e t h o y e v o o d a c G e r e r a . a r.odne thenins p hraLeffiaol hvw c Goo 8. C oleuarse iSveeerw , sosiotannthd9ieswsR o im cm hlrrr cicicrhGeatasn wlaaerka w irtrohrvmi tobsfiryhfnoyeientspeeow nw er ich aet,.nfieyTh firgaoithsom yosnnefldoorrtaiodsh1eeya5xrol.clo3ulcuTh oew ,rw itoegesnnlr1ea2cb.oalSG m oignytaootiuo whsetohfhwhof oorgle.cos-. dtaya(rtoen Soaco)sriyft udeslrrpotw rewotaaghn,rleewSshaleidterhaidrvbo;teotinoolir,uw tcufeatgnhlscaeecsweScftdeoesiutnfon s a d h d er y erifveuantsuivnwdhheeairitc,hhithenhriseairsnolU PlS W8 A MiN n y e t o s r e n l o l o p d y l d d m a t m e v r o l o l b f i 7 y l l c b t n G e n r i s i e e t . l e n d x r i a d n n e l ue taoipnbptw u toy g e p tsnaw eow.cgeosh, e po 2c0lu.6dY ft ste esaaou d, ial 2i0tfh d o dtt( uoc coveosengabiers spboruifteintoafbooyse oarncneidonts,nedoenfiivtt oeouaffi hisiw rsaihniietpthShoG iaoprutthersoudpcoh us rp igiothtuentonteorben ylebytiolen aslhaitsiisloci., nticsilshnyihn. aetlslheatsops,nodgf en whicyeeosrup.tvhcyuiercssiaegctrtsthioe,icotlaiynagltlbrhbyiaoalveoepnallhdaww eaparyo:d/v/w i.n tse ism 8.1CYonaattneionnSb(esyurvG hm tiwE edi,Th eiahnnbgartlrlei,naigoPtImIsiNg rev, io. f t m y e f a g o C a a y g p e r n g h t a p e f r e l y t y e c l i S a o m 1 e v c i i e t r s l p . c y r o o t f o o y e e . e m . i n r h p h e e t C e . l v t t s m r i y o w a t w a e b a a a i e i 1 c l e y s r dtesdaesbfionSvebriavuosnenyhaolacvsueabrt hstotpatnhraow 12idSchaeteat1eriy1ndSm,aecsturhtiosocofolrpneanatedsoufrlradtvopipecsleuiiUr rm ths co lom ). ohpra y1 t aicthhGbahoyserGliohm ogtmvipcsoeasrris eb tshit ss tpInFoooooo. dhnefcn(itecih)tget ltehounyodoaukeabvee,aG em info uennletsexta, tdyisocutimlaeeirg’snsrpgeorefcitensjo)dtw redteiow w thdeadn theuiansgoytorn nTaagdlneyt,oeienuusapcdeaassphbepm iytg, e’sl si)aeedtsuhdniarn sed sloyeaTh le int.hteerm u-bojeochifcotyo m oeplnTh yeaasvubesm h eerotm t ohtteasgtarnllotitohDosou)glGem c(aeenrneorv. tih iyv1todo.n1fbSYyeuctushtnG . gobli(elD ttihede,ineingonhrtSgagufoG ti.acoetherSslo, astonof oththeer e. Gocoogm ougne noetrim i o d a w n i w h a e o o o 1 t h t , o writ told t 8h.5eGY u oow s y . f u t v s d p 1 d uore h g c c o n e s l ( s o . d n e n u d o f h i e a i e r m e t h 5 o o o n v e Y u t 1 C l i e h o o e o a n e _ y i t d e s a i t 8 r o n a o g 2 r c o t n t r G l 1 y , y r u d t o t e i o ffi y n n . i c u e r i h a o k t s O 3 i k i i b n l y 1 n w y h a i y r l r u p r g t i t r . o m y n m t r l d G r 5 g o n e u a o G v r n o p d a h h v r ti cgroeoiprmeppebrtehinaut1gnSteporrof cgW eaoiyhsolieitocoo(m iba .4 tas rfm y oritninygCeoswudthcgeasheinsaspovyY rhsahhfi-paiailxclnehbylsetie,tpsyceaoornfdaAypprboeeevrdliliisisnaebmslrewrnaeidtsheoiumaacveedr2ba0ynyareoer vlw nitofraridtieonngseono,ot-lroda)tnnath ho t tohaeroeeG or b reespaornaste 2s9pUcononslneseisbspeetw yl yoogrueidvepnrattm robtaeugsw g iabrii thnoehvoitvderattnu-rtdeotr e poll o icroeavsciydpcrio hotsagw .e n etyinfocrk)rnaaolnew s tntvta, oentpSlhrdoookepsftcqlw rareylseioicln sit sotohurnitgmihtslie,y’sdtew ttn sm nsrgiirifpvorvnadeofiocm c tr Secrcvpurare ene ebicfsoeiwdrssw gtgseknronseeu,detittrevtisren u u i r reei,n pllrAdyoafrnhearattre-an linan i r l m c s e r in a has no9r licrew a C u r t i e s n e e o yn Y o p x a u r e T o a r g r o o ieteor ldl n4toh.neEtielyenfot rSm sre oidsm rse,Sruv sosftyateiraom e s n n U i p o l 2 o u e e i a a . s u t y s d h g m s,haich ghgor, sespevorotroh n r o 6 h ssnasrhie1oai7ntrh.psab,ynsw v e d 0 u t . t u r a i t r rcidgidvienrngresoa cooefnteshsew b o n r r avei,c3yeyYdiosneuurrouthsw.iinn S d e p ih Go gaitn9e, bta1ilyoafuG 1 t s e o t n c e i t e o o i l i g i h ( t e h e s s a w to-netim o h , t m t ( u r t b v r c t e w t e n l h o , s t n m t i u e eequeeerrntti-reissuirinsptn S o o roewinecnde6tsi.tsChe nclhueans om a r t s o fyeroom o a e n k e e c c e c BnasdsT t ; e l o c r c e e m , r i e k S y y i o e r s a r p h p any otuhcihnraet ixt psoereasnosoytmppeyorkoGs, l d u a e r apvesya a d v c m s t , vgro:il-e1o, uf ct)h;s (tesislinc.1 Sarcetesocotoyn aaddf-v,ovcroldpi1rcySorto,m fetrhia,tyai,ctepm in tsseeomlnyNrSnoeeeoracm oseerc-rm nin T ny t toeu st nfr gmbaySrfeyer,svce ervincyepiiunnebgrem r,tguosrihearnv,rciconevttgyiilo4)e.nt1nm ur aTh y e 7 r . t i o f r o o m i s n s n s e r n y n r d l v b o s 1 t a o p g c 0 o , v o r y r v e e e p i o o a i o x a e f o o n s e o s e 3 a r d i d e 2 r h l t g i , i d u v c i . l i C s c t d i n n e e t ar p1a4l dvoeuGr iseivrvsti,upasongle o stahrercet-rteeoptairaoignnlec’sluayriaanlsyegiceeedssaodosrt t dth S p,oelunaarkn, tseerpptstethcoreuto.hd3mfGpaoyrare(e1ao,om righintse,rwtrrauitdniem el boeoispaptrleye,fSalaoelrslvs essisteppylyouh dienorg tohtvrheeadrtsilseeym m ioeotosoastytin -nfatdeiscitsnsiotplsteed”hrngeueatscnpstoyeoolry,rorvoelvct,SihayeetrreG wdi iopmoodsaoseyG yaw m ,feohparansnye1yrS3casoo,lstftm e e ade ngeiylaceatoaatlneepsn b n mhto td lm ny esrrucuphrepicm slpetoe.asnoysw.taeTh rx)grteiedsdAloiffi art C ay dam “se(aoE p a snuhdobotegrA e o n e e o u namsorsi)n uosnotef,nyrttrG i h l r o a s le r a t h l anrtgo)reoaslsofds nyfa(oog1inhiru6iyi)p.ca1thnIdtim i nc titcrooctlouyegdobw i r , -sa,n u byitliG n o o n t irnoeconnltouo)omgtdioecsetuuxicotnhen m u p, loogweoiuodfeow o a u y s ( r u d a u t w w r G e t s i f o u a n o o i o r e p p h l aeylrsovitnoi2t;s C y y h o t a s n t e teidtthiatrahreagictettkietilnoadl n o , e Y c , d e k t r e w r a p t a n osoliiaelrcatpewserim i o l n n e itoothrame croltdd inmabiucletensoscnssi.ef:tcw m a h f c d e n s h r l e p t o d c s m p u l e c e h r ternesrg i p s m any usm r e a y fi t s n a o i v s m u m o aseatgioevson b r s n s r o e s y d , v o i u o a d y s s w a t i h c e y d , l r o u n a c n n u e y i t l r r i o b d n e f y s s n o t n p p h g n d l u r s t l w ) t e h e b a a c o i l e , u y r e c n r a i s o n s a a t Y l o s l e s t o a e s r o n l v l c d r u k y r n r diadado e ai cc vane.eltbehci,aleiec.hctesiow(not.ieTh nrtei edlxyoctettoihhpnoeeefngrrnlisteshdeam oru.t2trfiingn9ot.fotCghrlhm trantrad sogaunisetaxhtceilrudesiodifve,sdvpotruoedbqdifluaiycit,retesS((ba,so)psoum e(oaliSifonseiscenoslsuftmw eeggbcyitloefioiu’styaheqhrooneuaovm aTaernm rrg,hehG t .giw ectm irf onu ictclealsranaw is,oasilnyse,lsilacontaos1tbds8oloefeG floaw y 1 y r rpart ntenpodtu,omr up afnoerdem ohfigaan C e G r o o i n y s n m e s t o o l y ) t o h yeicD r e t G l a u e ( n n p t v b y t a n S r h c enngtetrhuan tapirhn iaidtate (tAyesoneCrtbecoyriavoif tpfhoatythone hSieactrrsheotoifitcfhtuisw o t)leoi,adatpoin ivaeee;rlibveronn tlihtthG evtsnr,iatcoryersa,itlqeasb,iow eoocrveociisgdnt,l)ecae w xitdffi orrm d p u n t e p h m t e p r S i c a y e o y l p o a w e i r l m h y l c i n p n n o e t a l h o a y t p a i o t e f d r h w d e r r o A e r t m i r aSvta o9r .l1purtrnAo e rC lik pe pssuyboliuc yorim ytedthisi d daisanu4tnoi.ire2stehlIm iniconognysdtgsaad,ihnnitdrsecrrietoghucrtrtgeuhehspaertehlunSpetetaScteth iveosr teoedui;siclseuosrspeh1yraertolsigoeshoU t ubeua orfoovstanoirn m q1Nr torhuealdaiteatotoivbrh’sinrleecironisen i poslry.oitaw uainnhcdtrthes,vrem tnhstreluesepsnr dteheedUbenySiTyesreritrfveam unle ahnadttdyoiosu uosniftpo, prm o o atichacn uybosi,eodn divciac1le3yrs.aeo.4tTh aleToem d m e s h r n t t e g u r h u c c t eleTriotarb c m treshgeacecahwonoyouhnatn o n t e k b o e e gthwSoeurGofothtoe rcsgordreervi s);:stuoinff toi)thynoium Ctrsoaw t n s t e told you tsoub hetht.aeEcShneodrwin uoyl eg(iilnilen arciegcvnhdguidactm ehseadam eteocst le suoaf S eurdom itiomaiG tahgntalatettihniunM ss-tiaehnbegts tuogth,13ecostlhiengpgleunrareffpeudnvialaiibs.cieYononf tohoietyT stuthaaeilsrvshaeoreorftnem toresnhysSam olsflo.cN ote7irne.2torTh G i o a o o d t htbw o n o r w w i r u t e e o t m a 1 t o h d s o a e h c h n tls cotnele; drnsoyt.sD t s rtmer14i .4 y seoieirtoeshegtdaatln y, oof aW frym osuut nadregblskeeuew oem e cr othneGoosoror mprsoion llrpanee Ts w . reafeintrriiteorniihm us)lToeryhwrm eeggxdhettobe,sun, ftcrbaoneminfcoeG srioveeota.o.hptnm eivor s e is fo service pnrcoevis4hoaefTtehrm inaeeticestdyrtoebhuqoeGrus(bB e u u r e n a a n v s c y o i c u q c i l w a r f l n n w t h w ff e Th a d i , l fi c ) e l i t t m n e a r a u a i e a g U r i m g a t S s e nu yoc lic 3.1 eroo (hA ent orueypaoyltuhbreealnetdoptoyholsictyhthaylettoeuorrr.voufikct/edspt3echcoY this 1 un(tBil)tG t of eicres litie tivo)aleeS.ceedhour1a8pec.-lacueopd:/bdG /w m oseeuxeaelalm aosrym 5e(fW . 3 y l ( t s v o i g l e t m h i 1 a r g , e t l b ridaenlyc enehtotit,hpatalae;ctrscai?udtsh oeim app r Gyolaownweilndtc,hoensSuoenfd: lllilya);uaogsreregobofeonsesfiw w l h s n S r y t d c e s t r o a e i l o g f , b u i fi a e a a O uyof urhavur ppatenrdywhiacboGlineloatoe3gnIn lcoTsssispoirnrco ALLOW youso vtiosiongoatioutnrnsaBlca)tw II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE .2,ilps1t 7.apandlyavienyrtottiuosdnoaabnp ( oogleinytceotrrt(uoio)rn(eoora1cfrno6Ldhrm II AGREE AGREE ro obolimes,d G p I I AGREE AGREE gteuirorm n ytitnT jeitsaertonciumtm hee w kf caonam II AGREE AGREE II AGREE egredlseh’siy ALLOW ecou an ll bne usunibm AGREE b i f o r o t sorfeeibnlG r taarcatovinoiclnaaeetr’sbosa,aiogylnifr a getrhlienm II AGREE AGREE e r i e o y u L e I I AGREE AGREE I I AGREE AGREE e e c . e m o r w o I I AGREE AGREE v 5 y n f b g e p t , 1 r o S oai fiuls ffuntec te gTh in otnchnye uG II AGREE AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE eu from caucrceroued or exiost1hf5ouin.rl3rtm tosrseu,eadsoipnnveelaytoacorwaeehysa/sow eosafptaieiom II AGREE AGREE II AGREE ytueiw I I AGREE AGREE I I AGREE AGREE l t s y yrmw N :./ hoi e n n o e r i a e y II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE ALLOW II AGREE AGREE hav haaoiptncphhsoilotcterpism t.vrhecv 15) .a1snaycrliuadbuceitlltiioobtonuf sbyisam i l n w d l a II AGREE AGREE a II AGREE AGREE i I I AGREE AGREE l v t I I AGREE AGREE C d p s e e ( ll exa nresa lvoesossouhrnsSerboererhlnleaeinS ALLOW II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE n pt taewn sohua atsrity feaorbrtoisefrcleluh_drascesodom II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE IIbAGREE AGREE yAGREE l xg ea ve bepetlnehera II AGREE AGREE yI AGREE I I I AGREE AGREE llgyoaeopptm liabi advfuG a h EE EE I I AGREE AGREE . 8. Osauncseyhesm d IAGREE I AGREE AGREE II bAGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE GREE REE II AGREE e law tisainbsleholauwl of 1adncvhyearntig at A y mo t y II AGREE AGREE c AGREE AGREE . I I AGREE AGREE t n i ALLOW i l 7 a l i II AGREE AGREE app II AGREE d sib (ii1) mak1e8t.as1nuTh II AGREE AGREE AGREE y righStom II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE a II AGREE AGREE m y .1 perl le









affil re .4 toe r )he steo g e fffii t t n tiib n e n o h w c d d n s l p t s c l Th c e p o o h a s s e i e P , u r t l e t A l r ii t h e e l T n h y 9 wark ehUies Taoordsicekpoivrvedfru,sstih” m 4 . ml,siyatoeu e wor assneavc,ienoearnfroffi 0 b 6 4 ithmwaay Mnkievt ren1m e adnigntcioniapglanaaTtgthetSerhm ld a n rs0s,0hA menleg3a, tlUhneth3de.e,A cabuys: ”). lef toai clcpeeleaSersvSsifeocremlprom . ehm l i Ldvoaui onwal4wT s) ptceervorv. icanliecssowph rerpefhlG is m yot uexopr ly butiensdedraSairtndaiegitlutiaohabtnaalleienpdt4rgV o oeY u s cm ,tihtohiaosgp or iaceysoeus. wyi en a a n wnssdatfcaooksrgenoaeolt-pehatriitosoefgreteor yo ll you ytealifoTeyitreoaoem s htooinpngtyesaorsgaf.ngaTh the uasde eoupndiG o gwrot vurrecdeaoeoiuAfsfG rdchloeou,gsTbC elren lift.hYe u ,l yAgGrteohew tthearmsf tyh, ean3d.1oW cecnoeffi lveeiheiYdoeum oetShedgse orueg oroaicantteiefrodrm i e n o m u n t s S n o u e u e y w t r esisdabaglleaertivSiucaend acis-tra shennrteerdealfgafertrthaegegm ruaSetngebtey,e-iytsnSw 1.2 carevic oluisf(thBtahk)abw ty4aitv.h2yicoaeuosr.uintfG rooieogm ert oeuervlnlicubese;eseoannccbe,soidrai-agsreetion sorom U f e asntlewatocnvthiacteasanem y ft t ss p w a nl ullys. I inlaenthogacreGwtorIaatciom c s i ( i y i e a i n h c h t y a o t r a i t greaeensmsdeotahtgh.eCnpnoyltlhgeiigsnuetahottugeiuem llleglnn lasoelloraiium rm t npoof nahyseoosus toy yrctbive leedSto rt o menthineg“yw i n rerosoisuyicotaiucvaresrpede evctearooeyrtrneosutt.w siseyanihoocygetuonsodnsbroetfrtaavniopurrirondgvgiisvidrthueoegui.istptyrraeth- aervice f s. t w Toeuitrhs ptrioesew at tuset thelts eepd S tiot rthseblgr lay, y tdoiaceroon t r i s d a a e e r c , h n v f o i o o d u clud ainthceG nmuG sseY eertaGgerexe cttohouiu uptern.oonwfethheeaShntceotecrlsu-yoaEarrcinanagdn-tyo sGetrohvoeicSens nteroolyt”.a ogf ltaec, dkrofeoo5doreotyepogdehlreiainsetnntlteh.ngedavelirdtcsiheteceem 1 d ctenes,oncefitlwe gleer, v .2l o5ub.5ewi6c.e2 tr tatnhTietesorcm d .5 eIo, nat versfotghhleenfdo th4he.y5Sn ice eurw tohn svtoar soo h t l r a b f o t l h d e e s o twcon f tw e n a A e t w eaarm , dwion thTwerirlm c r i S s r s lvaict YtcrovaiecgYdoygrulU Scrkrs h s s h e e i n e s c nditiyorue isin. him daeullyaerseoeau-aaongpnanrlrdieveaiseevesnacayctciotslradutiisoen t enrevdicieentravnw hoaft masalw s c o E o w r t f u n a w n p n G h r h f aty. Th rgT sGalnytpkgenlrsow s).icdesic. h cllatieoyuupchngrsly. ailraoym canov,noetroehm ane2s.e hats trshoeetmlolnayttyiiho(m rhwitlcteebpgoerten adgostroouhofgraoigetsm sesoela , eliteeetetrG m y,“aUnn d 3waY robew 8eleloeppfolfuaoternhdpdgguet- oletehltiayvhcteieebs you hrone otiethAeudtmbine)sehaatisrgpeartdteupernm . t m t d v c i n e y e o n o d h l f e i e a e u d i edivmera3sy.a2atuIrftem ( r t lSsolaaegdnrseod areSs.eeper-n sagree gonotniatvntryw hm eCal em adaeicpitefitphixoaseG diotubhniytsiwm teaaryrtoenodrygtm h l U l(l at)a ybonettw h e o e a o n y p linctidtaoybuyoleeospu)-aum o T r rhaeenri oaccvttihicvsaeoigttsriaeneoanspibelcifit-hat n e u l n cw l o t o s k u eeeA - hbolgplw Sdteedrraim seeaycTnctehhitrnG ut iere s e cgrue eiivtsnhedusb.eeeriacoTalfy.etetrru,m Sbaignrveerspraere4.n3 w hvtiicose”.ipdealrensoSarlltohl6w 3a a8cnsd eutlea. ri,ll oi ouamnsoghroeregnest-thaetpa- to m e i w e y p A i e c S n a c a n e t o T t l n n e a d t r e e i . r n e n , r o S i e c n s r e t n t a a e s o y Y d a eIcfrcov.ye1spopem t,oivssa iorerogitt, rose d r, vyio oc )nycwolvuhicaientm Tsyeovirunnicrncntem .gencnoovgfetntscofpnliaetsrhgt(loeioTnrhEeeonrnnm tefrihoavssC rdefm oticueebdueiltuoli,vne yuleanptlilr,ooddiust cues cur tishsm En udaaenratdtarotnanywatrtitiathhohpeeneaT n r dro e asuetoircerhnatriatsoe epcoratdsrcaew ,ecene5rualpfacatlshugdlw r c r e m i c h i n n a u u i n o r s i . d g l e t S o f s e g e s a a n r a l t d pciretvisinnga(gplpipsehehm ae tGwxyopom uo6slsaerY tioocnhiorgtaultaem iesuofyw nloeoerivsnayntgpth(he eicaetasokanrsodrrbeatshse b, ute or r claaanptygeerbnem etcesookaem sdottsrhnifveoraisnotcpieotso,haagnsgrlG fnonsuarsgttfoodonartoninrgytuutuoselhsianaxegyt,eoeSondueftusujutiaursthptcerh,ehioeinsrw re eald crea oitfeitcovegniddtethhalneitem G p fnw at otyussipcbootdgoaawntinrhacedl,eedam ygscorshv osdaesit.nhdi of tl aoln TaSbernleeulneaehgsaeobfam w h l t G l i l v c n e e v fi t t e e o h g o o i .orreom U ctlayenstvnebryneryelohyg,eahtllU ivtoisofioiuorremgaaioapccvrreue-dstfbeaiyetco-uastrhraeofislpel e this te etofxnoeiregr,tbdoroeoytdrirftugyhrsedooaG rtidehwseisth nthittheeeUSagsnleey’stshotsueurcorSpotseruiGoaedgsnopefotreohnm tttapeyh(dauepntp8 dftoiyw s luensm coiunr esynoo eosc,rt,i m g n y o a n r uroevrin5et cianlrueth dy Snetiravvptidhinsrdceperm e o y pu rnrtptrsooigih)nlaw t e sa :/s/Stwohtdp.se5e,torYociagnluorleeasoertieform o e h a a e , ftuspw c 5 v p o l t w a u i e o rhdssydeoirissoi.oU so.w w e susooctdhlheoeelrysoysouacrwiefin,carlils aruts)e ptaith/aercsa)crli.lhbsrttieaclaspnpG nsdrieenf.S3oe uvortueorysbse?aoaslrdan(rssoepw ggdotom lerG iguslteclrytuiaogganrer(aenoloerefrataoathtgnfehedrtthrY eoioarotsgsoroem hSeediccteasgltihgeaotrhaeroarrtnnyty.ofhofoilauy)nikhttpeyasyyorrtooantotiusm yk. i ob oaelgu,eor’sgtlpheorg.eriflereotththdani-fourynGdo fSeor oo )rte tSi er=4f ,ro)s n /b-eyibm u u et e rTeeltleyem u ses5teiStohenr,evintosgirdm e7as. pterSrtvevtsihrucvntoer ynoeoonr8vs.3an8e6a0truantohy ein/aayfoeoerhrmcoormhwaettrCyomasti,oogle i r . ( n G i i b 1 9 G s u r t i e y a b c u . / s t u n 9 t c m r a r t s p r u i w e o ISeneSwrieciretvhtisanhonbenyy”P toSheeYotuh.h1em g.a4ohnO T rovofaearcgclosc(,iyleobtcebysneuybsot etyshhtoorenysaotdoocttaoehcrrgie.rlet.edis2coU eoveenatd. itte -taecrnet,snowith vleiecreamnG a ovordi icfuotlsaoepunrsrcym a’ss fqtyaat he thhrepnasnsrelcehsyssoitobhufierrl.irtyt ctcheasst nG s osocr. m es yaotrgpT tooonselely out ar hbs tyhsrtgoceleersetisr.m set y u h aihotm op nsdo) lauheoelulynoh GsrsweeT s a i o t s v e o a u e f e t e t o m erleoovunocyvaitrd,ssey.aso oupgm uhnofafyaoyocmtiroendanrw e-hsynoouyptcoeuaervscoeroiseorylm i s i onyt ogl nt. u g f c o n r i s r r c o c d n l u o e s r m t t h a h e a e ) t r i s i n e h d e h b o fi s u egscum parethavnef,oahue olirm e sm tisnhhipfianetho(grisenenigaoclftreloui,anbtcw .7b.Y iotnsffadstceifoc icroetitggthoeurew yitdhay n uoudbcffhs oacavlraelslnbyinteitftioinreum g ti lr-ikagnraoitionnnhrgyi-giC p i a iennfeoossea.a,1otyGuFioeaooudr“baroioCleeglsorCnehcoqtleeirorSy)enfne,narosrrtciefasqfiarunouhientrgth,noinrigtceueaihvttthoeinoene9btao.h6ldm wol whiotSnetcreteiedoted nsthim a-e nset x dwt eUTw la ri aal ouds6ois.aiYdveG e i T n p S i e r r n a t i u e e o e e o e a s l n n m o c n o p , y i n . e i m s f e d e e t n e , r e r t i i o l g i n e e e d l u c o fl o u n A e r f n n s s h r g r m r c u i G o s e t t l s t o r e e a ) sniht)dog th Gnotn n e r v m a r t e i u i a a G s l c t r ” fi a s n p m d a ’s o l t g a s b . h p a s m G e y l o lifindocdm yogssfiacu,nueficoshltsareyigoirvueedshiaspnlodog1le1, rriseacrsrddhiteotitfm fryonosom sy,)ttlw edsisogeelcsesu,a.prstahitflroeytesarensSypedaecasr8aA ftotlgeolaegtsdoisosftynaor,ooonrm 2iotrcoYnoolroaovapotglatyllhyepoeuarw ng s a a a , uoan enom gbveuery anG cdeeisad-ugisdr sec dollhiytohseoltwenuam ancfgkotr t t hetstCoeofcontushrevaraiffi Srnseyaerdauobinm ucytto(hoogrr,dlihsfto, tryivoeubyaegrees o ssydoeS abrylkoaow C a i h G h . r e e o a y o c t p G u n h l s o v t t e s n r o x d f i n e t i o d h o t i , f e r o c s n n i r o d u o n c , t t n v o u e a saeoisorogvrnrl sye(o’seiudtrtatolhdeeoren e 9 p t6Gi.n1nhuotew a t s m i .oog4nfleY t g meSlleoe.Sdfrevtr:hivt/h/iwm s c a p l , e v e n.lriPscoegm a h euealldscrcat ntnituvopeserbeaff T e nr- li de o s rn ngraetm G geceecesSew Th S w.gietorsroenapt t’s nptboiwevtusrfiiam anlwtiet aorconattniyh)teotbtohygadleteersySs,.egaFreeenvonrwrmihcs,ieym hgeeatthodGouiosoYeaogodbgluierm ou ce o te, iyoa gllueeaistiges(trsoisanpdeot,oraovfreicSaoo9gn.lei3troenhiendtet.raSTh ionu dicgeincihn arakgrn- in ,edaisom re tachdaesrreorudcdersfaw n e s i o o t e o s t a g e h , u s m p e y e h a iainoinnym u auatuSoayaenrryeevscertuarteceheldcaffea.etttahoyntelat9adipcSg.1eyrxeeseepesaxp,lritaicunrehatc.Iclpofoptyo.ouorykuryoevrosiyuegcephtonsoualtrim y eor,urdto,ee that ob. stm w aa i rp ot, ccayexetxc,cllpualyi reatstr.ekm s d: p ci y tinm c l g o / t a r e h c r g f s w u , o i a i c h p o l s Y i r / o l e s n n i ci t p a o t a s a r e i d d v t , r l h sootwhu n,ycabtceiesgtspiosthnrasayitottozbouuruve/rw ridoiltinw rsdbw anenw euicsretw np ashinrliskgeifnleprgerntivvnetaiatscpbhdasacarilpntudgeoveoof,liotcre tehtrtvoicepexostlo,lm s esnrindietghcitvh nevdiptoyatm e e p a s c h d r p l c e y e o s G d y i p i g s i . b i t e e f y i e n c o t s n a e e n a u t r u o t o r t s r r o trac otile or w c e o teri yet.eironetno,lfm goehlrnfseoosm atiangtkotuneonnnC aerrnoot-ahtgeabsrctp.leonheiorotfinm dooutgoow G i,nvdugoedainahynenySccreooofttuoghm u veesrdoccbusruhueupfiSthdew t e s n slnelte.erumipsnieuntstegbeaoenhtltdittcisnl gw s e l n e s i t s e r s e s e t ( r s e e laefynas,sitnte mwpraer,p rkt ,the r y t ndyoeygsheianw hvSaeietgcoiarcagvlollinm todhai aynaatdritenvednti,ecncw eoahadfraiaenrlC erou#n-m m elseom p)e-i.apsnonbefiiolonnecurdsaoatn-tsgnh.tueyde(kaw 7ce.t2ew gtso,aom rrtioG efalurnrstepw Yt checs eletolaseirtncarhdenrSeeese,rctytem ooInon tshod/nhdedordifparteoqrcfh s y ttrhhainsllsec-aneryordu e n r a u e h o t i v t l t g d t f e u c c h i d t u ; s s t d u i p h c p a h l a h v t a i r e o y i g o s a p h t a a c i a w a a a ta oinr adooobu taehagsersrateoSnthoymw u t esdb,sisttilisasteex, ancye, yceho,olhndaoeuo’sttdbstiltoeiicaoyrhw oaartnivgeb/erureetenhsdeourm eina arlklnsblsyapotnhasrftde etsy. oysihnsbll-teyh, teacG w w r r r a e u c u t u o i m o e S e e i y e p g v t r b c w r n g n s(be)cbpoyunblafliwc ppruebsslliysh scasCcyorndacvcoejercw titshieoeieecartgovSnritetceeehrdrlsvlaieabivclw et h1ian0ipc.ocaheeLgurrrehtnvytisorcwusrtrheilotaerviitoleeaarntboileaoc,bruotkm esr)rooeeirentdatnatneeunyestphCm au l s,siitostrC hm t n o c m n , t u y d u , i e l ) o n c . b w s e ptbeeecryoputoeihnnliagtv(ltrywod, hansrnicsoheanw e odosot onr teoaocrinfitkee-,syourdcispl , u luhem prnleiilcgssim ym h,aiyntfogs.tgu-heui,tnshteefonanefrypam snesthth.a,goaelartepsyeprm dso 8 cie yGeot wshebio.tshpisG t fn odooupoetihaenftfocisrrteocaxtluhcits-dhtc)ehtthfeeeorw Ssotthr uaenssoor d s iascreandlt w h chay l e l b r r c e e y e i d i d a . e s e er tonleds.lo4yroerYgeoisbb. eroeauhnoeaagrgletiotrhf tG t s n y a w c S r hroe1iovnoi tgylyo1ua0npG .m t l U r y o n p 3 o u a h v s g e weonm G h h d r i r e G e r e o l s 0 e hic an o e n d p r i t r o c r n u s y n U s e fi d s t , c o e s h T i g s i . e p l v ( l l e o theaatlhlltfea).cStY i s g 1 e e e n y e i n s u l c i cagepostoa.stoy.hgolnecesshar ges aceotiotfirpheboaroni ge1orlueG m tehire ouopipnm ’stsohpSpareotruvscearlbeesthdeo3tsi.ncEtiohngaplteusrspyaol rse. Th dornpnensdf few o o a s v seato,cnlcC v l i s a g s o o v g n e w i d i g icm eoesrsGatseiendbeopirlrescstnianunrgr-tdledytow o ounnontuthuigetw li at ,C r y uoshiistbhtrlseh,feagcm tnliedfiocgcetresGeieocepGsroisropdrlailtenynignegtywosoue oqfuiriesm fve oaY , se. nfuuSiedaretlyydhoonatoutohgslfiarg-otnoom r , d o r e ceenc ontent ana, ttathnhoedoeg,e,vuyrroaokprhppisGilvwoetrhotehgaolevtriga-m s i h l e k h u b i e m r v o t t s o s e d u e a i s uanutisviSveeew rr rse, dnab nts e r, httlpl,rtotdhhnaeiyncetoots cm ldl nofottceoecgnpytlcoerSeon’sueryvoueduainaissa.tgbY uceahouyrastliuembeadi-treew fibryhitdaykeam es iliovebeutnotlaeteivoincliensg of nd tndersvionicrdkees ://iwsttrbryoaioubcurkcastnehdribtegiefhnyteos enlidtconengneeudrhsetievsinnttayhey-serfnraceotbeienegvspaihseiapicroem i b h w s c o u n y s i b p h m ( m n t e a n e e w ntw n t e a i b G n eoehbheSet,ohsxrftoom dsh, oeag1rn3id.s1esetr, atnasiandllnrpsiaossnd umagcaroenm noali toicm o s a g t s n y e o h t t e a a a Th ft , h ) n e d e t t c S w a l ySb (suiotch, hienisnsd/gtuaavstyeocr .geosotoawyrallefif.vioew w hi,tetaoTy e pthlyipwwith actteiosonTingn-Snaes(rvernifm xpiee.xfTh s o , oeuyrvhGiaccovtheohnaersrtinhddU9iew s.5hiaditcdeeooonnbt ginl ecodrnegdaeoptoethfe1-rydaa1eor,.roe4gvinopsprinctal)ye.tslouyuenodsAuiev(drB i d c r e at ith e g s Goebrm iehoe.r5tn.mW f pr esgbaloett aR(tsarrhiLegeYosnolpeaaulesitltnlahaeseasjteihp.Shncriotsi1no.acfnrsoG dyicsocm mva/erprt t uthYolsrionoutev.bia ttooilestr)1liiitg3G onsocatsl hwirlalanst ogles)t;oor the ouloom ftvw o eoy uer Gcaydotseleadcaoenrcm 1ildo.aa2rbom oeceyrdtg,ircyeetom seupttheirseeyarnoneum rG d fifaelsaern rmco reYleaglerofm tpthir o n wut re ingeolTeuen s d n t i oYow ( i a e oountgilm r aeistfi,n, yoodpbontagoocrlpnuetlatuafihouprddatso(eteeow eaysruopspboueftrlsoprptow t d f y t y Soaeohvorcs)w o r e , o e,ostooutionhsaoe-rtviSgioehbolgfilerom ehsqenostfeinue eaeg’sin). dcpohriseintw wcmroaiuslkkcysu.ghsrrmafteh)naysnyeyoatoui1ruau3larcs.ynao2hohogdrturhbeeebeyrytosoiruot-sinhgtaotafiusoansrnueientdxataw e.rft,Th elldm robf y euirT e er tos tseibale nrsrpoegerfcitohrpuyropafboorysyrm um el.eicsaeul,yl ot t“phSrriorghaIlfal ucytwohG iafgrhoaialrsm iasta avetshes aoua-rplteheithed tm g o eG i r u n r t g c v i t r r o y g n w a h i a i C .e 9. rfeoerticenjaow oh ooofttohiogtsnntiem dhffoyrohuoroeeontsthdri (Baell Sne dt brean, twlegra dcoom t le ft l t c e 4 ) t 2 w G o g ( 1 e e l r t o w G i o soteengrbaaolaenvasryegret”m , iialtly, aulnsennlsoicoeyrgtnohlceurevrrliiicageblsoilwitth.oerel rtihght e icsepUnocnnolnesOstm tphaerenns)dt wy 1toh. tunC toihcueetoC eeotnaearrnced1n2aebcwSolyiitm u i na rclicuobsoneegnebtltehnetetouslcfanetew un(taifnyort(ehC w s ibsa eorvt.ithhaic obnenintnotes,endnotfiisrltve.aG ongpoaysm autrelhy);aovsheettoso,f yeos uthae s, e oece. eouebsirnsfm oouiesctdluoth)tveeatshveauaecrem opairset e speteiylnioteyud hdaendthhGa m o t inlddytoe.ftomwG l y e r a c a i b w o o s b g t o t o t h i r i j l e y r 1 a l g r e p e r fomrittho1aiyvtoehthyeG lleby ocfuretanhlcaeslaeserwrkaewttguo,alpeoeudrdosgsT-ffeoaenrbm eg gle nfow au5brn.leetLdfrweiethfecitrnrttaouotpreteenheefitSise,r 1ao2tigtieoeoleunaffi t iaitne9,.t6tack)nraaitninyhte1idno.1fbSuiasYynygortrlheiom om (o d, ed vic axc Sftereitohhnyatearniysas(a)tnteiom rvierG g r s n e r . t e i r t o w e t r e t C 1 h d e t c e d o h , w a v n c e s i w a o d i y m d S w t d i w u n m w s o c h i i o h i n m h s o u Th e T uxt obhrU leorsnw re(eCa)thoanevseotbifyittthiiom s leoduthcinththe steieoriencTtaetiercvhi neitpthhsinfutodnotbcienysoaoaum m wnegrlreo hic ely, se a m g , h esspterneasntsayl1iyn0is.sen2m a o e i s o r e t c G n S e G i w S y n y t e r d a i e , s e e n 1 r r e G f h o n f 1 e o e a m d n d o x fi m o C h y S o s 1 g t L s ft r o raidti frot oafunY ardniotgm oootsyruohnogreuidveheasrnC dnhotaegdly a,eucsro.veprt.uvh uwoaagnhnl eitroau it5osp.o1rgey(bi)nvinc in milasbtilit m i l e s t s a p e n t s p p p t i t i i s i l e s m y e h g v c h c e g e r o o r e m l y r rsG nm aesoetdcfholorems tfoor rrlyao,llavsoas sfareN ssiegcsehe,erweenSw y vylYeaooinbasstgnryto,tihtios m ,tyoptw ut oio(tororgilshteinatm s deordbayrkGom eintihosyuiueareanleleuns aocfoparttioh,tsasnlaheerhviccelhiahessixaetoaclrhlnlereubestusSiuloe nitnsoshgicnaiogtioycoeu) or t n n d noteifn,ng tthSihfeeyr,ssvec,oircsoe1grolavredanyiryeseo’sopdunltw n y e l e a rtorflretooco(hna ootuipocedlorapnetaaentdrieeoacylcignataylbaloaynlviudetaddi;botrooienlitricr,uG r i d t o p o v o t e t u f o i h s s bri a a, iaoldanwtnayssnonefsow i,cy dsuareeyasleididoctlneinonmrgsnoy,Gdof ou(tyD ny rteotvr e S Teeeast1.e.B daguicl o oonraicfyeaoesncuyrhnueusebtTaine seigseeoo tionoosog)uaspbGehpol uflrhoooepnldlhaw w2 bvd loorthltel ibohenffefflrim r e ermd n3ayeYoim o s m a ot tr headrtsilesyeepo,erlivaniracm a n s m e m t l y o a e a n i e t t d G i a s s t e e l e r 0 g a s r t l t f h o n b o e s l e c p d a t h u d o . i r k s t o . 7 e o c nhr edrGiwaode m ytrag,tvdpoleipcbsleuetitsim uny pesdT tuw , iyefnueuurrobitrvruum reetGobayotogiofl nshs ansedu,etdta)tnohcgdroeolioa gTh ei ellysioh1seyr ersovw o a l i s i e e r p e ( h n i r u a h c s t t e t c 5 e o t b n e s uamespioslaegnlicarakgns,iudnsebgem u o i t r eftorahori,rtm oy e’s ip taatthiom tisa)edtisut.ahrbrlgeltii,taiopnpxelc.l3lucuTh epyppg,rhoi,li’sD o.dnsepet ohniiocnhensm eadmswio.enirlrlvdsinenreisgw st em nirscwaeocr, olltdoogyaoeotataeneln,pm ti di rsor roauy and or cokornsgetm 1 nv,eotpnhrodkepsebtctrhireaoagtvvitnioehd,eeiesnhdignaprdetdasadansetgsealihsabtiw t e ti dweoioduoerf haoenpearpntptsrtheovtuioyc,ertpceaem elit w no fe osl.,intoayrbts o nloium et,se4tiphn.oeEtSlooft on t1 n n t ebfiw c t r f t p g d i n l u h o h x t o i u c i 5 h t e G a a y n h , i e o 1 i thxcel odn m t e iothenodsse t any flpugt,rsrhoniearv,arcirvetdkhe,teiehleynfreooetcorquloruiw 3dohuxG unsiaerenSte.r2oyoSrggu-fabounfe(ncitSceinevibtreeitvucslsyhhi.nnagthgtyoaottiuohnienSm aindtttaenrudesoiisfvt,iernuilbauotwtdherasuoeeylSreaso3cl,to.m esdvtenricsletsnerymtsi ftaym epdot,uom a oaoct ivtcoht SmrgifiropvrenadGrpotaorerfgovgviincliG wjoeoh)teiao isci ll e s peravr iceboynadovuercrW r p o ioscyohnaanw-dfaryre(en1agyiloe nece;shaoebitSesrvoiofoebm a s edes hcigt ltesnenyaensestapp u o e l o f h 4 e c l r a e ) , m h w t b S a . y p r n m , o a g o u l r i o h v h r a iucle uorpeuddqbiufylcyioacunsisteh. utY nt1ardm sr tirC rudadn5tcyoohum nhyooavcsiehtyasno, dely w grsa;p r’s “iesaictos,om birecfsuosw aTh y eew sriiifialnlxicehst1alm y .t1hi yoaduabrt aelelgf easntayilhs eothe h 15.2 dt dtyo hyddapiveae;rbaf natie,rsetnrSd(aeeaefntb:rcwsoooinus(efEopuaes)gxnrorptitsehdrl”neupga1t al4nel.nytni3etsoselmnlaSii-tcceteaersnsosysftaeidw y onvri t aabriilbeyitseyp, ceoo_uecaasouvbuekoebasthotntppraodw iosyo livoerd nyvlaer s -t e escnoy agN vhi f wr o d r v p i i c t k n l e u s r i v s c t e o r c m d m ( r a i m e / e i u a e s n s i / t e n r b e , i w a ntahroa:etw ohd hicr no tG opsoerlry,vooroeeuvGrcirfsSoveooeoaerercrm ua Cer m es,sa,ptm stuobcoum o oerss aneei,n onfda1rena8cny.ffi h,bsop) gcbgaivpeew vw oundrbysdA 1teespnTh dlta. iG nt. ooSgafelrw rvwn.gof orh catn b m se oytefdoaont(Ae)soueem n tSheiiog:il-iee1ncndetsi srh1eapllthe A i oliisffi lilike irm o i i w e ( e c o o o oghth nitf,opprrm , m i n vthnm e esyeoenCt yotoutefi’sccyqhelaoyouysluploduyipuicnstlhinG eudohbo,lviygarteGeeirorsvv,uneticesoeru,6fci.ttthsC tr7. rAnodohvvtiypdpbreoervlliuiactoheersSl,otehesrtm v l.of ets, gle , etht ac ostainsioSnrebcortyiavonasG sld)h;s eSouphbsay,snrw e ot opasonm ltaehreanvae)litabipysolconahy,wta(eA rlm iciyoafreredliisniboklns toansedipscoeasrramrhe hnen13. eEcShetnedi ionrddaidsoaficltfyheoonsovt.m igw ale.thciar,epfiarnnaorg)re soagleiciiite(ssinc dgihnaetrrtaaetntuiseam e of i ya r n e e a s s s b e a a l r r s s p l t p t t t e t h h u l s , c n i s m d n e l c t l l c t o t e l o o s o o T y a h n ltin winvciac1ely3sr.m to ohthee inyg.in2 s,a1it7niic.1enaSdvsioenngrenlideostrrw viG c.tehoasrsyeeessdsfwfya(noinogiryueisnrw qa1un4tn.o2eytrthhoanbetayornCym ceosooreglapeguanrffspetgtw h o4.eTh rsoancan ardeitsehosiun r web c0lu.6dY e ou eorcosetrfsarceotom (t.noitroh 1h6iyi.c)1prtuudhciprtiohrpm rotroierstehlm Ii nowe hS rosinuow re eocsSaout uyN tshi op p e oynce mracthe s e l e t f r p h t e t e i c h liceproor m Th e a b p s a h e u o r r p o e d , i l u f c k n r t I r a a e a n o G a s e t o n e h a e p v t m v ser-m isacdoyoG elteedreacbot uynrtcefentehsesroSllaocveedk2b. Gocoog tseoarch cknow 13n.1cevsipsireoodviilasai.cbY leof oei, dngdiladeaetbovo’srttlirihecnogennoyidcttsnrsehotoitifinhcficttucle(alraasnredlixspsoarhesncfaarndlidplutm m , ae r 0y mem led le a iroeoantybodeoptoiiriagonnnclneyyoieonaassddevqseuw 4h n ioennotsuhtooearcT s wSirgh,hyG ge oe irniisengsad,nainrtepat iw na etoctehpndl tionG c f- v enhiccrcpvuic an.y3ypoYu pm cn oo) ply Th ’s s o e m e r i o p m s eoafllrsan m i b t g h e t r o g i l o a m n x t c o f u r h a u d e r eortfm t r p r t e w o S n sderecA r d e iaslpetopaptlaurp2r,oocreorprrttiis-i h arroraevcsi a w bona iyes unt Ttehprem lidyapt ihrtneotmioneoenfrgrrltienocotohm TsettorhiteyG etffi Teeerobevuintclshsroye.ianttw emosuextciceao.snnrloyeyef,Sryliaaan0leds.ld1ivoceSyeruorstsiponnto-hgngo,rspeevpydcreroioaervyroeuxnst igsttrhehesaee ctohof whi of the d agre (i eutlsm thrito gah)rli,atast,apsilnyntssh,agcilm e ilolsf.uodrotm oorbG B)l tGerm 1w gr tnehinw s. oearlslye Cnr,time s oeroren iideesiw at ch st ll bm 4m arreeun ahg s) s erulesesphcuttghhcdoinnepsy,leilascdetom y s e n . d g r 1 o u o T s d t Th u e a e ; o i c c e v t o t 1 4 e d G t o o g e o y i o n 3 o a g l m aim lAeaeticed Noonttlhient:stuooiffnr detrspaheSulenypttoaruotterhnnatsbdso8rloeu.tf2trinaY e oehtehguraecrt tobtntyhhcnee ootfi thwierdma oogle up of ibnoe dttaihtrathaetetrcioobtcnsesiiscteeeepdsan, cey-orrm o to awgl.e5 W(ff e t r t e f u s ( g u a s a t h i pvsat,noibltassybwethrhdescaiononm r v T es payr u r p t m i c i s S o o t e n e 1 is th i e y s ioanweiflol rysoeshxueeatn)oytohrteuhbqroG dunasaicetgtitkieentdleuoydgmhtpsyloyodsrvtoiernureygt-m oheorhrm d elem n rg opcthh ercm , t bn tetirovnw nr,ateoG ryoo9nf.ftgC sueoierioetsheMg(ilitlinoi)ttedhhU , aee amrue tes(uB a laol nobw o ou asisosea-yir(ecfatroilyouanaenirege s iannclu y be e e le aw eobli n ofndm gdt r e ye Sy iytheode aicesr-laonw s a , e n n c e t o e ) s p l b d e s u d r u n y a T t , e s s i r o eitrfreavmiuic;Sevtaati,elaqbuyeo(rlifoinSissnecostnlgruiveooistnscetaosrlytvlienicdttgheerc unsyeuooprncreotahss.ealyrm youomgeastiontchoenSslluem oryew faotyhlauiebnlr,wefw rtnoemeytfroum olaT tw eengfoul e thhaol th thantgsu filthdoitorhy iusm s o s m h a l s . o , e s e i e v e r s i r l m ft s e a l e S e o f s r r t n o r 2 e r b u a u e e v t s i a S ch otearircniegcnhudtrsCoosuprsyehr1roeat9rosl.l1o, wttlhhihteyicDsofmdw a ee romw nd G(rnBoal)caatywunfadf: lieiacreasnltediongqianculurfeaierrntierintom aianersgs;,ph0oee.4dToor ndndofewargs rathesiSoeenrvoiclteocef,,m icos1m actm r f s. oarndil,roelr ntitled rtesoheath igsohpuG ehoasetw og ouullly) bi p tyh riegehgtdnelee; d7e.2vdgiTh rroceorohinigaaridntodyeess,tnhorrnfoaspYeviuobronum , bill ne y l u o luerasg loebaen vicethe r f e p u s T r ve caur e1e5bnesuuni le hrau;vasogerrlgietei(eosloitcahuyt iyxcsho,tteusbrnn,sytt.ostyD d e c t o u n ,or oas edagtaiecaicaccwconheoohuyuUaontnnA ovecisdg, elefogeraam d larryaotvihiodeoexgxtthecrhasrfe)eththaa fipti on ) erms pon, cce o . b ntyo e boof itvo that anfcr aoofeutthaaaieim r onnntinhctdtivvert)caoannm e e u i j o h m l e d ) a c o m t d r r t e o e a e g s e h n m c ( e c e w a r e h g r s u o i b r o o p r o l r a t erdfLyroioem e h e oudutvshcseaerotrfm shtatnkeo. d beryrnipsael ogoom ic fieletyS.lctoeeourSreorbveimfnosW eaG euistcaet tr(oui)ppat asnsew d . fOGe r r sterTi,em r sofetriesinlntTaeaonm c i e u r f i o e i p c ( v m f a a n v i n r n w o g s h d n u e o l G l y i e e ey. Ynhoierrtdcrheaanneeorstrohennofso, thoeorglte ights i h rornotcm rthdo.vuuikcra/eiwluaG tohrneerooafrndLyw, rhteiiom risevoaord banwt-teihbnegstbbgelse’sosnoeforaocgnelaesdt,T a gd e r n ,pserordosmdionsuor utAhr pum h ( 1 or e tim dia lcihadenlyoc r1tasdpsm e caet.ogelesuethwttsiet ycahsGuborm h ft .c sertyeys wr pr ccoe a an th t d c n a 8 p j , t e b r e b . n k e m w b . c i y yoshaC)5aa.s1nayNoxistenme wc1roh6m e o c t e e 2 h w a v a h o y m s e r t cea i,lsptGoleionlaifitgyd spe.-l3acoYeuoifiUchptm eeepijlelcet:bn/t/sw yoowrnaogrpegcpslte toailsaetbhlteaoerbte oTrermf sthneesifiechci-is pyany s is, ul o e l o s w u a e i a s e 3 c n liab r c g inrokgf rcaon1m7a.t3oenIgrnleeesnesothtihtatclpe:dnudbtnayodnicveokrettnaslri.ocs ne m k o hal negoo (or aries lespaladaraitem y n a cfooyntcaehkateaain.negd2eu0tareh.c7bm i ,p a / e d eosTh . ew e t .fit odf s whic to the l b ality sascubtleiliot afptaeionecthliaemntiapdlay locTonaecr;ctaG/wwnoitolswlotT eG e o tw o eeTh o l o r , e e n e w l n awdvefarobtriolvoeitsobonuyrf sbyltiieoonmtyhiotnyte orSosefbeilG anctegviyentorittussisO oSsi?dustehrerasiapcoaygw le.groaiffeedcrgom euoss.gnaeds. hbcipoe pacomT)e,rthrms under h ttT nresodnspainrcrogichnd, ela= pp tisifuG lly serfosehs mtuewsrseuu,Gaioeravatoiuonirornegm metniotrniatihds gonhgtlest yoahnalevdl’slairlIf sowyfiot rfpmanmyiss, w u i a a il l h b g , o c i l b r c l h e o t r u h l l a ng aooexg ournasdw l h aay esdneevnoapgiilctesdsleh’siobnaylcTesdodrivuargaanvfoethot .Y s e e t t l a G m d i p c e e o y g r sal noar ndl nyoot i i o a b e l a p p s p d c l e s e t l w u b l p t s a o e i u e a n holauw caoefiulessrb’saoaoingl,fyirytoayopupaudovaryeoerroutm hiralanG em cgaoil orveaelatrnnedTteurw au_rhdaeSsdeboarovtnihspchootltryrm dievrer ur re tlhae/m rw aoenffuechdwahohffr1ogm igalseawnadls. icbeyholenocoeltgow enfrodecrdw ueesntwatioedhbam s :e/a/hshyw sib ld. hascom n eptrernelieasp.w thorccteteadni2ycthh5ro.e2eswistnh’sagirlel usbsee xom ualyseG ags/il n- yt th the T laouw iAodcom i u s 0 r d e a d i e w n t n Goo (iilii)1ty7 of 1v8e bepehlaeilm v . ne iet2ah0t G, ooloftmEofafndtge avbeodjugirl-ei .parneileesttoill bEnogsleis erms, dgsooh,vroeovSrneeoarr.2tvcitiassTh a.nAa . lne Ste.rhevctidesimepbdly aw g h la g t inbexetie.en5rm nIofragl hlaenva sdi s o sueb a c e r i t n o d r stauntchetraewnaers1esc9, e.l2.saa;ocnfedodrbrl-elels.ecagchoaere.usegj.suT w 16.le may y dcnvhyearnO l h m t t l urnlitsotm o i yh c C ym hstseirytreocou toable ion of it to t . po opy make mgseesmawldoethsvosantte atfhctcYhuoeuGooyoauttleakg/N reodtfiwectcionassriugsihrt, o resol th he n e t r n r e r g u i t a o v n 1 e e h 1 l i a t i m 7 g 8 c eintnhytnstatonitudtgehfftreloam w e an e cou ttheerdiaatietcsrhstvifasryitniosuSeaprcovytnsh-odereslree aonnt,hdrtahutelw siues h.1 Sht a.1oTh s s g i u i i n y l n u t T c c p , s o e S s a p goevcseotm d e h be d ec he , thaviny legal rts e g e c p e p x p n e o n e eom a a e sha-at atwiengide he T g cort rli e hotrwoarSeArrvyin, whs wr. ordtohuvesisS(baiupsttrpedm n f h o d c e v n o o i d d d n h elnyxcscnfeoidsorrianng ylol unstyilperntyhoiosn, yth erms b ks thebe sm ur naicvT iedtiraecirsteekiusso,m aetrchhe scGtasoioenoornrevqw and hmaavy dt1en9 t yoradGvtoooeogtShm b U g iocuielsl ludfinvjraueleidr ul boevisu ouis r . ev onaadyeirlam s t a r i i l w i l e t n . a l e i n b c h n a n e e o i e , g l r l v e ft i e c e t e g n l o me oprrome nospclCayhcareenpstoartuipsrinwr iwltl)ee,sbraeanhsrToeienurTacm elsuepflraioetvhm feorsumaarleenrrem t antivheen f howeodf t ee e d y r ) i t r g o a a n o g s r n o t t m , d i l e n t p a a n e rtothyoepveyedserr-em o aegvsrreieosaindttesycsroocm sh.esa.rvTh esrcttceoeosr.frG ovl eG eat ctsom souionsTetrrm ete wraTnffteyercm r a . o p i c o m y s s Th u f 1 o e jtuisnvide offro dies (o v o gethethboeoengeume oA m prrthueleetelcyehraenim l r w g t Goo tpoanbiee9st.1arsG a gten rigs thto urm hese reA ne ei Teuvrapleldisedm antaatsyribls1T 6earsmrep eadin, agrdeicet re enht el r g th 20o.rgepotoedgicleh aadrevdedryitniwotrsenem dlie. e U Ge t ti blaastioenddUeetw,e2a0cs0-wlace ing pe- ions.t of egal




































































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n p c ate t e t r r h o e r Parth thneitubeisdnedtihoopgwrlvetheinenortieuntfIaotscno(icsosalolerilatum w.tissiyarinyecononagutnd.w novtfehiectdhrestannstlsartudisine glaivcheiteerbseS. sepenoe ae tsheat uoes or c tre wi U t y s . l r a o u , e g l n l e r r l c d o t l 3 a 4 ainGo.1o W oarcacitooynuupecsooheetlhetlayd asgoaetisitaiers t-r, vyioc bute is setscoeusetrtw s)e airolelcevyaoertornoretsdoiuaptnultnte.hgeae2ttfrA euom m 940 legt exoparlnd, a3nSdewriv4tayih.g2araceG lnpnlrraeveidesveleslanaeytcbgiopeerteg-setuoSasalengdasreocvtthicicvutohrsgroe.aeegSnnled ddisutcrei , d aolnl th nyopuarut thateigurepdet, yctoohhuiasiten6ocil.w e n u ognr icceedndpgeoal t nGn t llr, o n altl . rt,i i n c w c o a e o a a me yoade oufpthyof(utBha)aklbteayngthgoiiuns tcoiuavgrserelaeeyrcex,epotegedorl5eibun.5oewrgluoU t u s i o e n n w r , r chehoraam hipltplftuafotorhinrnonatvtyhtew T lnapti breatshofhraeosfilpeleeos, fin,carilslyk e thout e o t o g odrt2yloeYgcdreyescekuag-ensflriroom m nroneritguydrosecurtekaowsnsraodrrnhediw s eog t raeeaeyrc,illroi,m e . ai y nalpytouthoseagrgtllo.eim is mutsermt syouliss.hICninotylholoesycusihsibaeaeltreaG rie o,ogln wliely . aetei a nr eits. c-oaut r usprweoacw (leyaso) um n t f dr fnoo5uewrvauelolaE a 8e delC s o e.apw iovetsdrw nsG oew -aplsw t u a c o i y i l p r ft G i e o i s h r d o s s b v e the th evfiucelltyoh.ateghtreperirsoewvrueigdlaetech,k4eyh.oS5aitcYatleconw a s o d dbyuole uolgeurt,iovesusadeitleouilp,cnroatm tairthtphc,erhoeisodf yaetreysn , yo buynmat rnet,s sen fdraloyteeiem rG eprgdrnm tm oenG d eisnp Yoeooof dotreim itucio-atahbnso.d1speempyY t bs dtgph((hetusujuusteaiocvpraee-urscdtbeoinugndthltoeelsyrdionsi-ofoCryiomnuet-nae coonogle ted lvlmashrhiaT carnlaeenssm gelaeettrdteeuw iacifitptiheoxpaclw T arftptwheoertom , c8ccyvoicuhneatratioeeoinonuvniynsaendueforshvm U re trh uGssy”. anel fw rs ieam egac aysooche aatetr itt Gto toi d erterm h h f e r , f , t l g p t m o t y f S l h c a t G r t r o r r r t t I m r e i c h i g u s h t r o a 1 a h o e i n l , t n e e e s s t y o r a d 1.2 agingy“woTiuerom cohuym trfhelooegttusuehsunlxaeiaytfgnw efm tonhbnispearllricaoToal6lw esoeretaiiortm ygsouiooluensrm eifvosasC e.3Sem regrfeletro rmw/. tches hue o eedn 1 e, s hcoa(otnvbise)nhattm t e eGof siwiosn.hniim reoveicinrnnctnrthasuauim eoogssotophere.icooeaentdac anyfto, agrcetinot oglgree ennninyr o vtodiftysifiowsocawlglooidtlnm lnlayottiuiem ui idouun.bee ltl hT wri th aitnhc vaerm rde isream n Yai uoeGrleoo’sgl oerhrmat(ov r. rttyhsteoaove oSt ne t Godlaya aeen t dndr ygoteourssoaSyreecsyeurshmrehitgtladnatrompturhdosaioG e i f n o a e e r o r n o d o e b s T n A i d u r o n n v e a h n r o h h h o e o d nt w r h e i s g e n s gtlw idiw nsoievintdshealtihaeeofrcnnam tcoo fttoiohrntcneale,dl,oeeoodtrir(ygfauyeptnphS8thdpot.es5aG oelg,euarynswstiohbufielrourtnhrnyii-gCwiteds iaspayvoeueeoro so at me udeo,IfnattwhyeioounasftsthoteeticfeearyatrU pt,teowo. eiybam n tlhusgseiofukyofnnusradtogsgaaw t l r m e eygreu”i.ptaloeTriE -in/9ap.4oahcnOhyssefeyotrserfto)shrpaietoinwogclnieth)doyggroiuvhehstf,otrditttrlthaodldiecenr-,ee th pitle or lerergbdtrhds/wwyoratntootisum inc 1.5ondni wh aYrnoeaut Itfhmtehramctvcisioaectnentasshrt(goaruple6salesaYadttsoceoam i i ss g,d e r gs o e w ostm oe o eofioetfxnonittapey:/rteaclspiknhptayepytsr/ob rebosruegnleerysvm r t s i i t r l a . s ’s k m r U r n s e h h h a r l s m e ) n a e t e a h c r r o h n i l 2 e y r m e g t o m b h o u o G e 3 c h n e h U . n e a l u a y b s l s e i s r . 2 l r t a i g l a s i p , u u t l n i o l o e n . t l l u o 3 s g nTodt edwri htsiopf leicnee5rpom enaT ckiagnnw e . i r e n o l s h s a s p a o o h r x 9 t r e ) r eciollt, t t, he e, e c r t s fi a y n . o e T e or t w b h y i c o , , and twt. Thane2d iw t c o s nsyiec(, eysiom eeAe4nS.3ndgoAetntoshcihpoeeheancTteG degeaosgnfproetprosgitoin)h/nhlearaw etrahsw s,GanstnyeotrlyhoeyG lteU vm esacc. ofhofa,reo)a6t0u1ohrgrierltidesthrshwoerioseningnaoltcefnelron9u,ot.adh6m cinh eorr,ud ostraa,crkrodr uacny sh, aeflirnsylavllygiosufayauG n y vwiscnpeom ucyta(iosorrgvlrw nG iy rneo-rr ttaioarartnytnr=ry4fa8nGenysodatotacoetcheeuG rmh inst,ehye it, peexm me sa aUnndenbet areeceaovfawttrita ertriehofraootbf abroyrsorieuaopm avrscst(ohgresio oedbwS. ,eA ns ovueelryokoaw s, oseT gFeoevnidcgeob. mtrtvoic ughraearpeny uebslsl y ges he y“, th youpsriongnnecnoottarnnagyntraesSeenlreram . p sdtoeshngsaeestnvnoteseurcunSptisdercdarse(pospw e a n p u a r r n b o o r e b o tr hee8nr.vs3tiuctoor tleuylnohpcteoehfpnihnie,nahirtngieciatveuhthxiespetreoafm l w p royom s e s t a r , s a s a p c m p s e ft m g , i as t sa (lla)takvereedreicinm itgr to reescrdhitfteionm et. adhaae paygbuleantvitogcalslynetesyh’svtdpehiecryise?asoallnrtihgoreaetoteSiroeynyoosunuybtsotyesfhsqhd)oytauaholayenolyoerugeoeruertsew,oretnnehycSecootelnlestcliasisteex cl,yodur icsh cihch ary retdrhveahveaerdltSseoym o a etirvat obasg) ntisc,lc(siebotbcyee’sasnwetm sha r abegirnwvihadaaenrte mlanaaSbrneelorervm -e s wh ess -hesniccaotreitghtohuninneseytefneeaso,crturtwirsauroadnnssdysioeoinSnf,ngrtatbtm ohygwdaiseteumrcoivnteo,olfifctah y ,intrtthahiasist bllafiuw nt o y n l a e i i ) ) r , Youata S cylouu lipsheprlhim dSnS uroviudccetoveuitvsrchivebceioeaafgcrcolys.m f ecet TGee.heU r y e rpodrnaaontsi rsrteeiafsqfieartsehftoarsoonrosm aysansysuebsdse, pbc)uoymnankifiitsecenradetllny eoclne,oCr onte ouuanefftste, nnG tyhnicedteisfsepxtclpcalulolosdgeoind,gnoueeadannilw bnm r 1.3 thalso(bi)n Ecienvsgiinna(pggedttdheaitnnoUcgnthtitee e5ey.fS3ogeerYetrrtdheehSem feoreSprrtG otieoovrurnsm icroeeonnsdffasctietiofeceroyen)rS,nfoenarercai-en”m csryhtaiootm g n, dyuaroiyC (be Ceoocrs a loasyo.tghat nce of fi v ichfoairerum i t ci lvfisocuebaaorcatr udttheicacxeneys,cailrnuptrondcetn,lougm l tehdrientfoahatfnathtlrleiydm7Seha.snte”P.tyT uitnh lunedndti lteloe.aedgtstdosioasym rucsm . yayocm ylstaripm wil al NrocetcceeppdroeitfivothneithenicanlruU h e Snrseaettniuovseprtietarosrooenuoarlm i l aei wgshprtetorhqaecunshdoasnyunstpnht a ispG got . ice ts si o. un(sonorel rrTetesogtashinnobifcuoesstm A ds ionf afotihneg l orCencaoq,nt turnm tgyhloeuninetdiconsufimanltawthdye pehtsot,ssotaiptsdbchayet.ehttiscnloeyordfia;erreetteoeiretntaeteorr rdbyldoacpesis l en ng wit th w o a h e r o m b c s i o e e u / d l e t i , a i d o e o h c o d t f o a s y p l r l e o h s i i v i e r n C er it5ssioogaenrraeeeivnw Leg 2.s, inlaaw otfrtriw eetrvidceelre guhashyieaobar“odoiC itvrireayrcyevroosi/cegruphpgararrivnnvteycuaeptrinsiuinsgettebtoeealtnidw ohyoueefotaw m hedettlarpagitnvbeeriosw rdlolhits uottale’srsdcntcpbtertw tresr)oem reogindabeG dosohurtealesdnSidceersr.eTh quif endaetbvioicnnedshptlhyawt r l n o drosvedroitui ag Soenr,e Searotyvhrosrgtoouuhpbm oouor ku preeeborrm u te(ka/dnuiasohyrwaoug,sm .sY it,aypaym e hent.aStTh v yiet.d1o,GuyFtooiouusinofinodm oattgllalypechontondm v ice n cAoluIn4. PAuhdsytely etei the ISnG e ee s);too te.ecdnoastgnh.studetysheotebpoletiicorbeeunm kthsne,fnoorrwfeSsotterriecsaylouse roksr,elate caorm a cG ccoapvod-iudrs rsaeoeglapntteirtonied.Icfoy.prfrdeofienltgypotw e r r u l i m g n ’s e o a o o n r g ms.2.1 hehst“iocfiordgoilsucurusesY5toh.t1uheam h o i n esocudne.bur7m 3 e l u n u e e s n n u . e l o r e e i a l o msr,ssey. am r a yTebreomgle e tm 2oaffi o s dcoo , Ter w aisnmtwuG gsyoleoa,cnouitn,shtthfeeecaneht lpeltsue nrpegntgw cedleasG9ag.lirPscieetorsroseo9g.lrtaucinrhatctpoluilrnic.iakgsgaktonenCondnorogltw st.piw usasnnbpilofoIenoonnrgyttaetlochodoen,hua’sdottm ienfsosorlpogmlcaas8A itoY youtgrbilbveoeut h, etaoG vpliaecrrnoehbycvaoitdniinttifietoieG u hicyhnyoytou.tSheeorgT ucy vielatearnucbgitdgls.-euhthche)i.ntU t titoua epiG l it o ahesm t u e nby ne oatifipncadpeearrvueareexnrupteapwn.g Sasesapp, xlipcliatew nueedr to righhets ).- ldsG oglohgag itni , hduainisaa. Y doatnm t n y a o e t s r t e n f u c a d o i w a w l h s d f n r d beloyo wm a e i i i e o r e i o t i t l l o t v o v n e t e t w o i c i r h r r l t h u i v e s t G r c w d x eptGeos ayoviadlvaellsadvoeenusahreaesaersSyfoctnsohtm , arofvreigceryxee w lsrnfseosoanohaadfraienC s iasonsonirfm s aanst ntsife T s S r a r c l o t Y i a t o ( i t s e r g o c / r h i / r o 1 e e a i e r e n p p n i g w w y 3 st lafiortyet sC drsiosoorpvalregtia-em youicroeemnlrspe icge r ll cetorhseeqoueiiethleehtgoeares thaist,ervice itnoisetrcaotm ggothlsreletoo#erm ti.snE hlslt-hy,ewpureslseisam arniprldiem You ot acc4B.veifcotrespdprtelecoihffcfihosiurad6ssio.iarnY ur-nsrntercaw tp:/ tvcheieceSsenptdolite9tdpS.d1:eu/vrnew inigns1hdesteosiceopG eothg Senou’srvpvasihseapianldS-nears(.v-orslwohTleieunrissm rpdiiagyasibunr m ygt,oaueam iig,hefnftaecryycresow n 2.4 litaorin(sSuuobdploTe)seam byth , wt w. ie ou S ed se cssuep,.ratht ht oSefrevrtghie(iasrseoedlfefca.tehattosnysayoatoauboitsdtuziG eo.plonheootinefnm roigcrnfiaellebrevlrG s clfaet sy.iaoegrurrhetnvitytcistocerpnlcieam do throU rn hbgsaetrcetnsm ntW saoctge teldl ro-fprrleaenlboilittos, fytheefit ely, affi p (“ st sa ilsim se thrsoietgyptnlorceinee gtasisoninognesr.5m ogel theeSlel.dTh segist tchea htm eloeyem r t i t t h n e a c o m s a e n i b s a m t l r v g e t o n T e r S t l t e l a a a s h a e t a s a t o o o o t i o w r h i b u o o i l 3 e p o h L , a v t o r c e 3 e i G t t c a g e c o o n e n t t m t p h p , u c . i i v , d i y s p r c a f s e i c a u r e c s o c e g s uld rldouveretaG o hotuwm ardeecoh1w onudtrvliirciuegshvee beed,wtihmic ity hcadterdeBr1i)litigG in0ic.crltepyesropoy1oo0aupryoeortuvm rmenityodruinendxt w cliefidgisGrlnoftotey-orsfnraseoes taTh oYegodlbggrlele crriueceiesevdiptpw aGrnSoeetiigrcrSeeseohsayootpnhft r n t h sho woe Uy”n)i. Sdomrovceiudssiancgktn6G a a y v e o g e r e y ( v 1 i e S a e g o a e e a a e e r p u e , t t a y f t i a o e r s n s s u h S o ( p h d h o p p e s p o s or o,r, ilasbt il ; t n in.1odoGuisoo aSianoeyrrnaeay,citavbhoinenenuterfitpoeohsSdtseeerteohvasaeirnetacrhdenotucaradttaklnllsbaliw h s o lelitnaytehea1grn3tidh.)cnelyueuooA,ooianfoniygdt1holeereluG ’ssos, foaprkuyeeam ndtotiol eadacw fiutrmasiotnsheael)l yt ognlceuetlre)ycirntrtuatot (egrlrew d of t ate be4pp.4r oYuohralocf5ooo.g4fleYeat hiynoaotuauatnm ) u Gt v0T. eg em shinaSnteehcrldevesam ibtlrsee,hrv,yuoroiotdakhrsetinsveni-nepoei.oipxfsTh ly)t. st. baiadystoelnogilgetaot fvue(Bloicfoaewrsfsnram uhriniedgtyghicostrurheaarutitevnedi,tncnecw elltw oneohfohLm ce)uor taineremship or e y ygotw l e vri etheib.thsipsrho1eooorntigsohtssihdeoegebrhyingeenuentodicm ymw t nitcasreinonuveGcoobhirlto-snha dialsGennselcuenteibje omom w s u G y o G r d b t l a o h x o r y y v u p n s s T o w e fi s wil onaytbief Gu anoggurtahngte, nom e c t a w u p u l d h a s asoatoernetoistitlrag,ylnebgnteletnethote.soufrweoem ithfertraittih w chehsoe csdocsucbai n ssrasteonrtSehoeeoaritcngrohsabw ree ,eSradeaerr, oe.g4nuYhoeuptrhhrisoear-vtiSgiysyootwhouG g s ftoogtiyoontihnoeusesleatyoiofgnle’sandt an err-’s o e atiwacniintw s iotfhreoocasstirtoefihubrn-rldegtd,tathtslhnhueoiem bdai-renelidtpeobsonwlafteistygaw o ww,obosencoeenr e.ltedLntiervitwifyeeinnicienm a n s sdbseravaseerohaitccoehcusetahageew t eeebercythim you th uYr acfoc remroetam ooewe1d1-yaot yotrofm areltrehee(ew d ag p i onnabtsgenhfyotet,shxoovrsm thi e icoenw uG e 1rau5brt noe bervfolortsnoignhcioinposnuyrtiteurdeGbo oyroauy noe ayndvou .2 t d o bjerctids ans etouhonenaggdspffoorrilrsectsngat-onm u ”o iuceerm aibi See fti detotevhfae/roprtgelteioangortruhbaluyoortm yo in f r aoyer se w e an r l c f a g l l s u h d e o o y o i p I e g v ) S o m n b ted l alrwwth . usect.e2 Yaodvcor(w bo.ereauorenepandsatisenebedopshgfaiortm bsie)snoetctdihointlrstovofiracfyffelairemtchuwereaoetcennhsmwhotoendss bo s; ph 15 t be lesceauchcyousartendrheetbhahw allefifc.dnroaecrsaooG yo,hyG bmlYederao,etsourou1iruaac3lnsi.2ghrft hagtiwhdfaotesrvnaeygvt)creeatvsahaoceblepm led the e gr y (sathito)ahnaedno1ry(geeN ven wil (oo dyacotoeunne 7 aorin arndcteinnhgltailcvtieeeYrgseoicsuotpiepm bnmo otygrignllee. novfn1woilpa.dr2a(oerow nd ltydhoonatiutnocteosm yota rSrrooeivaegbratalhenaC p. r llaeeseusSeuleeuoonffeasbcecvtwishii soirtiamti viacgera or nhocan .uk/ th -goaeenreaeirnssead(deCaeG now r of th we are efit a evl i oyauiocbrukuG.tgeeoosooajeihncitorsitoft1m at o oupo .4ryo sou coesrsG e o r ic hudastteee)hnyseoytu“pthratlteofnor(dluoedrsT ack n sfft me 1xi5ots faatrhlcrlnlubdto ibohenapserso onlnioumrel Serar s y p p e d l r o r s t e r e a d i i m b r e e w s h i y l d u t up are h x i s a e d o t e t e d e c s i i u t e o s h c h a s a n n b e h b o s AcsCscacyy onl8esdl o revuiw e l g . l e r i h S t w s i a n i m w h s o u a t n i oonnbt estspS.h oenuptlfitaurosdm rftaan,ylonruhoCois ainycst,holoeuoda tioaum or le.c y e t e l h a e o a c w p l t y h t o v r t l s h e c o ( a u h t e v e o o e e r u d o h e t g g l r o , r g Th f e t c c y i t Y a o g d e a s c w f n s l n i r u u n n r a l s s c d o e m i t y n e o o h y u c o a a o o i o g s / u o h , d r n o i i l , u d t e a i n l h o t o w wh apyarty ingt such n r d l f 3 e m c u 6U.2nplreiivllptbteeerds ttohlfea).SctY o 6 ynoaouroekatw enaastyveiaidcteeal uaeteacodterydopot gussclkkysu.he.ictsiem l in t uttes.fneltlp:/ m itohvmici ryfoyeitspeeohrrrhviecitcrG i, rs ooigytao ly wils icehodn .gos, e p 2c0lu. ytoitchuepoaG l l r r b s a i rch es of -weirm h b i h i r r n t i o n e p e c l t l b , r e n n r r o , w g a d h a n a w t n t o w a a G o o l n u e h h d a s n s e r i t m n e l p udha o r b s e s i o a c o s t e r h fi y e a y g e l i 5.5 ouew t t e l o w Y m w h n t n o s m i g g n n ft l g e a e b d r o n u i c m d seew 5sr(ihY sSftere ufonodm eoffiaelsrevsw aeit,n.fieyTh at th inncld t title islei,.tnoyinin tlhl atops, dgfeeasnarod/v/wfewrv,iof irsyianyg. tshitaets paayni ctohbm oreoagah,reewSsnhalindtauid;dooialwdna2ibv0tfhu.7l toaipnptw yy p r le fbooenteteao,cclCooa eerw ,rwfirgaootthoihtoegsennlr1ea2ctbrs.llaeSGdnliolydooietc.uofm ,vioinicrotkannstd/hdn9ie.sw eatnhlcaeaxceicpdoshitnG Soaco)srft aRtraLmrpotohew b m ee l e es,s a ee en pon, oe ftuwstecshe, stayalolbyalvea,lhaww mnnegtl,eiigalhabitio ticslshyh. aensesyanoelelnptp:rte oSgarle l. oesrram i p t s t c c e t l m h v d h i a o s n h d f a c o w i r r e e o e m a h o e l ffi i m c h p i t s o l i e t a b t p a t i e h a l e g S t f e h n s t t r a G y b t l i c r c e h r c a c s s t o o i r call oog8. C oleuars ntsiivSvedersitcs, hienirseairs U i u n t n a u d s i w . o f t b t s s n i r i o i d v h i g l r e i t yaroennudeslrow h b p o u a o fi w , s l e u n v v i f s r m a s e t t . h o t a o e a o y o h t e e y d o e . G g r r e v w n m v h r o t t i r n e o b n e e y o a s s t e e n t e o n s n e e uonastgistheteitnhtychneeoT rgessshthoael ail, roerly hich i a i er y derifoveua udntw i oafbose tenoateorrbncneneintnteoeageyllabeyote2iigto.le1hneedi,rTh thheaitocthh sngaobletes spbouft yaoduuka eoabevstpeel,daG cvhicyseo.vrpicmoprtanrdeacyufyrloradt,vopblipecsslueeiissdctuhdtpiarndtedstdaheabfinefcn(Sietceiohc)tgeitaoslcotneehouhnom v ic t. oehreSslo, f othth se. G oYauoreebnuxisw sdtob haenie e t mand Y n n ((suGicaooevporeutphterisyroudpcorhpusprpywtrr1yiCgio1ttohtu.henC w und o r iom 1 wS teri1ndSm,aecsurhtoisocfolrpneaatespom u-bojwe hifatyot.h1iyeaoaacsvuboesm e )a l eioytg(eD s”. luiact ns tooto s nrcatherkd 2ba0yn.3yypw 1tensTh Ser f sea ). ciohr ajoy aicthhGbtam 8.1 onatteionSboeyurovhm le ms.oaTh hyseGltrrhedteoeidrocenTateaa1dyleet,toineuusapcdeoassphbeG l l’sittiihedes,ineingonhrggfuoG roeryvroeiidee rg ocpthaunuus lacref, , or rms s in r esemdaldn5 o_u r1ea8ncn.yffi isniok leent hoium g e S C n a t m r g i i e b o n r s a u e 1 e a g i of e e o n m m g A y i t o n l y i i u , ) i r e g l o i a d e m s a e e v e n erm c r d o y s r i e o r t i l m o g h f d m e rmaethsse yt, cisoculoim o .thdeadnaiyvtohoe.1fiuabnsSY o inrpgeoref tecnaeensn)dtvw yoyonctuhstnG oo y oG notteasgtarnllotf tu(oyohoD tm loiuaypgb,prhroreoavgvtinot15G.t2oreyrrvoivgcW , re,ensfuoltcoesth. e) T righ this, lT rrad pllaov vircroeraveci pcr nuguaecerttrdhscaeon oiylm ms rhsahh-pfiaiailxclnehibyilseie,tpsycaonthehvoypitpdrboeeeerdattlinuns-ertdeosrtw (phreoretyiudhthw ot1te1idn inetuhhterC info unenl tetxhatdy otougnleaerg’ss trim raoidngYdehioonybuusieioraceon(haronyodG ush G, f an er- , n o, tiantnhcgdroeoipromepebtthionaugerneSGprootaefgcw g r ! rsa o v ae n ncnetro Secrchpua eevreorohedtehrwhemfcartlay re rviofices (or Ter m e a t a s t w h c o r ll h b e s s t l o g t r a t s n e s c e s r a n h ) n s p n e e o d y y n n w i a t c r a v e w l s s o d t a f d o t s i v u y m t a n e h t r i o e l n , t a i n e o h i o s o r e e S e S s i a b l d e e o o r t n n h e , i h i r o u o l a G f e o k s o r t n r y l r p t i v C p l p t r o , v s 5 a y O s a g c l b l o o n t r i f i g i l o r t s a g s r u t A e t i r w g t a h o s h m . v r h e p c a t a e s g t i s o s n a d eY f e wit m . e t h r p l i c g a s i s i o h e d ur t a i i b f t 8 4 n o ft o t e w r t t t , s o n h s a b d . i n s g u n e i e u l r t o n u t s m w i s t l v h l o e r o e g s a e m n w l 9 e to ni q n o e e r n s e l pet rfo aitninyyleod uidvpheinraot,yw vfiocrebicsei,nw rcyidgih nrng o ofntessweni-ssiinpntoh-netimesan,iobl day ( ethsv.eise S efipt iecGohoer anpyany s he t t o t v t s u r o u e c c r n s s r w c r r u i g i S o a e t d o t i m ft t U e n n e n y u m r t v v e , e e e s s r i u o o g u T c t s t a e n w i m t n h p l i m x o ) y e o i a o s e l e r o i s a r r t r e o s d r e t e t d r S y e v r a s o y s r E s e t t isoeer-rm (isCoiSontreuhpby clhueandvSsieoorm iCtysotoohurneitgm puyr-m tsissoeuyornporf th ebedn a t i.fsO, trceom preleuytrcseqvveerorprcreySrottm mee “ T or b esppaora .e2spUonse infow rsm shei m tphreoe t b se to e vSeer c Te r frou affi d knoleem rgislei’ssopunldruessaertgukm vnastieteoir ldl n4th.npdetieelenfoe SeitSlse,wtcearsnonvrisco detsitw y e o e u c r e h l r h i s t n b 1 l i e r i e e . n 9 o i e r c n e s u h o b t y i e i h o i e m t h c a s s to h h s o g c t n d oc d n i a o , r e w i , 6 m ( i 1 cetsocotoyn aadsdf-,oco0rel.di1voegnrceo,ednssa,codyoosovrteirnerganuse dfearwgsnraerloee)a tthhoeam t t o lcos th h n o r o l v e t aan1Ti0sni.ns2anfuYoG anytsesm nSiice-tneeercm doisfneuyeurroorm g tdthdentt if y nd or uthads,w.rceptieoncaonom tio gr unrge t wcab tehU paisrgle ,.a6tthrU krseeatrkdvetcohetnce;sa,Th g:il-e1o, uf scl)dhi;sciitesss,s1lian7t.ieosrcferta-rsrotperedotpairbaongincnnyloieceon’sluaerpyr2,riaaaandlslrsylsveC g oenforperh iasrie 3yeaysY i e p u nn in a has n tihrledrw t oi(troa lavei,.cB We a ou , ftorhri,tem ela r a fpotliud nd li ausse inatnorrdee es. s. s a e w ndsT rdnninytoe3algyNrSoefovooairorvnetiecsreonm y e roiearvr,cicevttiiole.t1m hr o ele o ptlye floe essiste pylyotheec-aor dnoumasrgfoarfsee orrsohner hiecfici hich le h Goo aitn9e bt slyyopeoyrosmuosoegr1as1rt.em r r s o a e a g i s y e g r m g t s e e G m h a a s e v a o i l p . t o e r s r o S o n c , e u e t n p e r i l u l p o h e s l e e e l e g i m t c r e e t s c r g r r ou e coenc s aapp ltyo tlhudneteefeesidvircvsiie”caertieo d th ). en y n a r m u f,tgG pcodsaoseyG dhbw tibtococtnlouyem ioso,utosognastyygtienwsrrduictuphorptem aisilpecetoep.aisonhonyinscw.taeTh yleindictreee.d4oTfY yb dgtdm pnoaon(1a,4o)am aesovibourcherecrrni paal nneogtdeyysbfwetnhs e(sor w er epg1a4noyedlrvoy,orvoelctvSihayeetreG bayrkeGyr,svceirTrviinygspiiunndbseeprptstvethctooreutoeh.doa3xuem any nyotuhtcihatoeiuxpssert nfrnoogtm ou.3 Yr .uAssoc irviiccees crtdiovenser itnouycmaageraerrreveridSTeeSrresm d n u” h l aar o , glaem as n ui)p I imiroaeconnltouo)om -afaydrreeciotsnsrx)itoplsterd”hrneeueaetsscpstooAriffi osetuuxcndtnetdtthiatrahreagirctettkiteilnodal oonsnsaelrtseorvteso2t;sgh0ep, ,otohnnrroophtoueegoxxett.dherbcryhepm t prr n 3c m t t i eordtSithfhee dSrtsileeseyp,oelunaaaarlnksp,m s d t r b ria. t ly ou yotes: wpyil n f e ot onlleoitriie osctsl eouprtohnahlseupm yw 1. Y 1Yoiull2al, sN on o em nrgo)reolofs yfa(oo1inihr6yi.c1ahnrdipluttiG pe g ti ddlonsuhdobotea(rA e e m ae i e itc nr tha ght tererraitdem cn id oe td use erm od f un t aaspp athr elee, lisa byul sceos w d d t dr e rea m ae , eohany1rsao,ltftanattei“saoE t io e a g w a I d r C G b s t o n r e s n a e S t n e i y e w a c s w y e k n n s r t r i b r h y i s a n u u ( s i r e r u r o d s e w i t i t e o h a u i htdse-Tor oms illdnyoou der lraytrbaiYnootseuorrdnuhmaSainsegcrnoslvuoftm 1.1 wwaergald t2oi.n1ccoadutnuhsoitsffiitchhvoitceudssituhisoraeevaeTrsm ptlihenpooclahnpy,antrcnthesyees wdaoevrseohcfnadldl ptoco,tgcm es, s) uunsinf,nrteotrvhadopeioslngeaiylaegtoooeiuoodfrfe,touhrdstoeeuarlym rmromcaan . you tra e rt tietosstiinAnffi sattnhoiioonru.tA ddnoy lpsmrlaoaryviotbgm lsm oihutiors oiounoiaelfrcatuskewssa,e,npratiom ra d oneeye.dsY l hsyern“AydounetdtlehTel ebnjetciatcccoaetnnwedeT,eioenerofaoml pv. iyceossuetroe ruegaics-agar-es pa ices. ysloupldyuci)nsiaitbsyr, lesfihalsoasr noitrohnrhfte,isspsxyocaettnohihpnoeetefnrgrrnlistensshdeam riws , loowe ma wtenssycnetshi.ef:Yctw to1or8lu.oet2fiingn.fotCgnhlye(oeilfornisteys oDhfiganailrfteoeangm namsor inConoatne ythrtedG syvli p m dsucarebtiemn ter is ,wan r e un by soft Lerircees, s”u.inm Anl w u i eic ig ea nddptaeirnm et io nyeiaconasbdsof 1o9ofloaw v er d redl hG perromftwthtloee ate , trhmys oraivoegl y e o me croltdd inriblniuclseiooausnrdSeaenabrnd iavfiikce’scelyayoouauavle.etehcia,leiec.ctesiow( t. eTh up a au e u s ethlilnyav cs crer ce r eo d ri ya e W l t i o ) g t s u e h o r d l f g m n e r l e m o b G e n s e t o , e r T i c o u o n t Y ( y l e i a i b s e q e 1 o b n o r m s , e e c h t l o m a g h h e n g t t n r n e b w a e m u s , i r , i t v o s l i s a o a i T o v f c l p G ) t Shtephicrhntl)eoi,tsa,aastpoiinenpnsyg,lteutnrihrpouanewvtsnr,iatcoyrersa,itqleasbr,iow islabepleasal.daeewm pm thhGeoocvoecisdrt,)caooanlintTaegea,stld,esvhtiaam (re vrviecreymsgouaanm ervSsefreovr a oeflfti.hs e iaucneb,si ss tdSe t in ices hoesrn taheyroneeovts.giwamTaetnryoCyro vnicctltuea(lrsaw s thhoitc4gad.lcietcieodt)leiwsoiriledl icyeacnrrceitiffw fiicothr eesStahrnem opesou)eegcyttaooonsauG smdi e n urw satilrudesoi d tudbqifuayte n(tGbh,sA iatTherhm w at toornaesb.c7m atgtov agree tion nxitdaffi eThco forfw o d t n e f s ma eeo s”, tm em ilytardceyopttarotteiro aSvtas o19atols.l1ophuortrnAoiveerrfcstrirsevpeicoraognrm t coyi vtlilctfehotrethoabn hSieacttrrsheeotoifitcfihpitew trantra so ani etxhce nduesmrpuorepd nrdem gt e elSpact rit sonedgrtvSn cceitthle e-haion s,rv ich t e e i e c f f a e b e t e y e c ; w o e r e ( a a i a e s r n n s e y a g e p e e h A o o v c n g p n r p r c S e , g d o C e i l c t “Se TludeilnoYwyoG a r f s r t o o t p t w h i e c 0 n h a p u a h i i e l r n o b e e ; l b t h d e h t u e h r s e u p e e g e b f i h d r l e o o r r d s t c n a t U d y r a s r i gelestaihnlgTtclhcpe osgpaol-eptothweeltShgealleeseaeonft e iptsyrtrat veicSegle wnihdces. enA mhe BSurbaeenitisnhm iniconeigonenoysdtsaad,initdrse rritohpsucrttreueesparthSe nytiyteorvm sGeo’ssnubonjoagprgeeps.sno2deot bcone ssho, staathnalilonstildl w silsuoorpy hchneoyuutanihctrhe, emrlm or o pa r indtatep eydaipveeeliv oanonhmse iSonaidsp tnoe2elIm risd solve r d t o n C h e d h l t y l i a exc bou hbder grecee, 2t .a4(ol“uaagdcdtpoGretoeiopoefu,rdsicntiopa G t r r c y r e f v y n i s)iothahiosekgner rteheosoaba ubsee;yctbeiovgui. Ssetrhoo orkrtsrav . u o u t l rmai lm a t asnodr d a1nu4i.oirsethlattotrhirecirnisenig hsry. tw wuwaanngetawtio. Ifagbhletsl,rsesnlatw uesend edUbe STesreitrfeaC toheaticacwoohnel Trioabgley hG v i l d o a t c o o l l u a n t l c l c a m e c c e s q s/ilul aes o e ju v o e e t s a g r u s e o ) n b e e b t l i y i i h o G m s h o a d t r w o “ s N h o e Th a t l y h o b e r e p n h e a e i m e e s u e p a n / n t s u n e n arvi l.e2goYorueSleo. m G oipvirnign toearpfim like pe lepssuybo tdyoiosyutoruim yntaoay yr trhueepdtot Gfietlw ostd inaclem rdlvenim us,asdfC . Ypoanxiclusiv d to r the rtr-eeS ciens tha to W gceacdrloaiuewm ihscse)st;:stouoirnffeettrioniite)tnhynoeiuciegcnhguidtacrtsaoem htsreeadagam twyeaoktcaekeurro.sngealneev’sdaTrirelerm 3rs..o4uyrotsui,eddngialeT’soem ba,ylAefeeoirdn-smuSww itiomrfaem ssihnegtsstepeitec:/nm forpm drreeorbevum itteSe f a2u sth gl uer Upsecrk adAlTefh4m n . ee fig(ill trohySaaroteirne.v2d Th t y tyneoeuateas rndgvisiivde n-yn,oscvotahnrevdi erYocaenswu,oeolsginaT sheirlssaortninabt-teeuhbtbw l tb nycroom un athnadt o bcomnit, accStheendrivicnisg1tthyowcasSotteurGobklfoetnohtsuoeooarcfsgoSrT tha urel/em euordotahgtalaetihniunM wr a s ro yo Gohoyf othb)heoclisb. 0esh0, lw iasfehor coodgtihl-ee e e ngla vifnrgom you te agr ecie to r wjpil ctoof eG 4. rgoVeiyeeorohm tu doi ns 7 or oaetutaadvheceho w dgeyo m b o t c acnubtee, tivhtiac osoupsriruog r naagdntenes taSie we t t n T t t a s r n o d a c l t d d e a o o a m f t e g s w i b o W 1 r w m . e , o 6 D e u h o g o l o u c o o c l o f a n t . l t l told you s ogthh,1et3h.eEsthiennopgeunareffpeudnvialaiis.cieYoonf m rsatbalelniaepndtateliofooTuG thoietymG odrngutanSgeeerntaochitncayhesyoaanvtietlhsncretsctoolEurya-rsciocrom ou sp ibl a- ccu ortnr1m tboteo varitlsabof Eelaawr,ishing thg itshis, wed thnses,t cre shocotnglede;edtrnbessnyt,.stycroaofnemnfooseusnoveaeort.eog.hlkptem erolsetoircsieoalsw waeyG iA lsl.cN ter f ahnrdouInc.,r(eAcoT irsfcffi ithgtdealeet forym affehgtlest Elie oobgetom dceA ectneoahegeerom eiof rettrfetae Se T itee be n sl.y, y .eeern-onssepat o s aitohagnyaTh egxht uf b ic G s a eivenuoilnw or . reaentiiteornihm escologrl armero nsanertTtserw14i .4 byoGuseoieuros)eseaetonrm fllo (or m e eam snltw otu ari ca cnndivcektnnaot groisgoentoheGsbyoluenm e aoe u othf r e onin ) p p o e i s . n u h r o r r v w p b r s g a a r o , i t d e B h fi . r , m u q o e s o e e h i e n t r i n s a s o d s k s g e t o s a u f t a t d c e o S d s h e h h u e e f you togle estsehieUnM t b y h t r h i e e c e o e o l t u t a e t n e i t c t n n e i a e t t s e o n g u s e, fT te t idaendou one a woaw oaorryehim gylw /eldsspmtechcoeYiueoU crotnheGcoeos o ovisshi oafllTtherm naeticestdyrtoehhuter(sbelnew w teriantadhnfvdowariahsl .icseelm avdoadnigietsesarofgurrYidoaeglfafeortrm nqigncuautlhroauctyyisaceta Surerorfirkaciw thi opuaru o du bd/w umnhipoeycosu thtefhhctdhe tansla udi laivtcahyter grienaers -r, vyio ib, u a t ft tohf e rocosul m o o o u r e e i t e i s e s r y i o i a v i h c e ) 3 o ff l u e l n l r . h titudiethcesetnroyl vsitosilifl bhatmedie al t i 4 p s / i t l c f l r e h o t e c l . u s e a n n t t l t h f t y o e r : r i a b sroicsm t o t n Go bus.4intThwaahdye,3e .ALdeaarSrtiinna gpywrotevhineertieernedG s n o i n t e d l e p c e i n l u i o a e . g t o v o c s y e e i oolriawtisayinoagtndw e na dilrlebsuo,oIonofraygaltnlslhseycigtoeaonns ototw w pl g serv licepn3c.1 Th il tG eromoags(hAoseeeuxntaeaom t e elS.ceteodhouor,1eas8pe-lahithatplae;trcaGutserhelr=am oraercascatnyctigooeyernuetups-esoolaanegdasdreocvtthicicvutohrsgroteea.egSndlr, oddnisu shealdtl a peeeoscr,t,i arilslyk e ithou uatriodesluaesw troyafoyvtehicreasnitlipteiee(sftiotvohg)ealefiw lvehs ousur.ttrIaatiocln(lgelsyalnelttrunor.estsdoericaoenoptnuerl.tnoe.hgdeae2ltftrA n5ranm ectin. yNt betaenyshr autsheetinvre-r metnhtele h t ituesind thoogW of 1 artkm t ) 5W a ry e llm l o at f l l c et is 1 l m b o tiordaenlyc netsot,pancsSi?dhdcaeoddrsivm v a ’snag at0i.G G y , e n s e s o r s l b . s e r B o t n h i e i u g . t i p i n a e a i a l p n o r n n s P i w l n r S w , n t h b l h l fi m s fi g t o o e r e f t i c u thllney bainG i ewthnit2ehbxegetT receveateorytoohuuiasnitetnl6cioUclw thcteihnoram tharatn-wyvroaeulneidju, nnycesdeoffruorgst of , rtheim ly u ( 1o3gle(fioll dm, aensSuoe fd:afulllilyar);auogvsree gobpetaensdsyw inliafitogeydgnr lenes cTosOs spoirnocgilceTysverooeogrutrm m npnlnrervaediclelcilteletauedntordghipgrneoatyelwnrionT oen/ilstredeorem 3o.1 sevyihcoaGeteueiam it, orselaoseurtkaossnraodrrehdiwsathrar usprweoacuwri e Gdoso,tiont,sosleent. tre w43g, aU leesctohem g i ahoepv e e toe rioe n. erguoeeuaoa-agsw o a o 5eo.2saeTh n sj.usurT app orbGyolawanweonf tchons lacantw u ou haourui)p(aorfnwLdr.i2,acpbsoG1tle7ot.3apnIdlyavilenoyrtottsiiueosdnao’siabnpaydG 0 e prl d ndearbti4tya.t2ghaogrceutnhatcoguarpsrdeelaey, ce,xctpotehegdrl5eibn.u5w naoronerguw om nauttvthraeaeyecr,illori,m swhopepffom acyedtreicaeew t tyvid thict- vir eitsn.ic-ouno ft o uy n a aerne n le d nnergdlseh yooauupohfhnrfi2cy1thh0e.r2crtvitsstiichacegeora.eul tkaegrn,argtdurhegeoasvniledsyoiuafnfodrinerrgetm 94 l nt oeuxoanupt, hyaeouShw ) e n i s iuvgr eroe toyoY eCl eogs)onom egdoryeescpkgenulfroiroegartl m ouso to ion atioutrnaB)oygle yerrt(o neora1cro6hmil m y angeuirorm sw. pw i vnetsdrm hheoinssadf y et eysg t, yosobormunt- co og te m CATEGORIES STEP1 STEP5 WARNING







p or

5. 6. d 2 c l yo5 U a l y pu pnrli Gooerwmili und 8g. lCe f er y o oleu 8. der info C1oY wri urnmantati tte leth toldn tesxs or th b in a r y t8h.e seespp has aor any no that tohtihre nyout G h righthci naminttte soerss, t any in) tran uC se trsamdi or o se like prga ly peor unl e to s l d at yo thro is fo rc se this

i a me as t sh 1.3 sh Y will thoaut Leg also( a v 2l N . o r i A e c t c e c Ter s, inlaawcd ms. s be 2 cAoll l . o yowuaisn1t Iun4no. t he “ h Youwmuw h Gstoi do maiychny n o o t a y 2.4 c4cv.e1pt B ic sho affi u liefo o w ld toate f t h or prisn ateesUynldoiuv(“s( ” will ). Sdoeer you be4.p4prroo t hoant byeouYov you Yoif hGarol r u ven infacecnoagug te o widll ferrorm emts up (oarlwtwa atoredyaothe conu.


o it elClas)o swe. pw vntac h,eho s f aetr g t os o ung atut oanndrdmpnaspcleclubafteleerntrovsngisdiee-rov o s tet t rne rc h caonm n o u t y th)kean is tiuge gro ylegce cpgufoa lm , si a ut (B o t i o e e p , a o g y a o , i o o w s n f m o g o i 2 o a n n . u c e i b p t h y acteouiinonegeso, gylirotaywpahnddo,vrSoeonerrgrloa-eltsel.ecm c i n l l t ( l e h t o g y i s r e y . r i n a t i r u ny tintT i l h v l e t 8 a j refndooo5ruew me y adsee of s ooufl(iBtsahIlinnotlyhloesycusihisbeaeltardG rcovhaaiudelolayyEnm rooedbw ryiitmte t Gto olirmt d 11 e, es vearay epercmtjui ragrg p itsaertocnm sG vsyeiedrntdbyoatuelohbepuogleuemyY iovsusaedlepco tph((heutsturjuusteaiocvpreae-ucsrctdoiyusoodthlcoeheledtihnhiahatetC itme arokfgraiemsefeibnlGtaatvicaaetr’sbsaiaonfcohdrchtcetereaa.sw o eo yogle stTatieonstaet eiqxcoieutlshlim e to pro oebcomeand lGbne usunbim aeogdrnsm m ga oorfaetrom m t w/r theass hue reeiotn oglgre n w gdvh r byoohdeesrreex(burnvrew L eeuefor t nmce ipntaeeitonchlhntyeoorSuGeaodisrnnveoeaytagopiaoclfieul hysasoeffunutew u e laTffnyten n, in ny inu xoaGci-ac8nsod.s1peproi,tcueenbsrattioeneoionuvndiyntsgaendoSoeucfroshrvm ehnrpeerioeswvrteuidf laetech,ke4yh.Sv5aitY caatelsnwshfraiaTloetelieetrG is muteramt y cellsyt.h. C a ei su egfreletoroorm tda. cc nytfo, agectet n o dayabaee o in t ttepurcfittihpclwium or b yo wibl ee15.r fyroov iste n3gTh r saf t ito u,e l a wose aocfeodd G uotnys-oceseisStiasoenoogleorsu,iatn aritmgeadi e aont cy hat uer m r y , i r e r G s i i r s i e c c . o w n l r e d i l g a n e n t a / , n w h r o e y u v t h x o n p l t h c i o c e m ) y o s e e , s l S a e o p t c c c v r / d a a m h g b v ; e 5 o t e m d a t e o e g r g m e e f l o r a m : o o d o e l l . r t p i i h t n t m e r e w w w a e s I a e x t h i r y a efeifrvossavCerdfeum osoluocealgroelnm tuewsraseyipcpphholotyrm the t evfu sdoeatsngptGrsYooeo.ooafndfow trprsw eaoirtogos’sgotphlere.rhrmat(oveaeer. rittuyhstehaviignChot itheds iasnpayvoetutlheeodeo n- e th itle o . intvecidsetm iecel s.2fcYtchuerSeurs.preordcuh GsUrwneflrioaeraTh ueG from cucrcru or Nonet1sfoul try lstibyoinoem e ceh rep-wil u an Teiarft ptheo, rtohtrsgiaeprytiismdl coTaflty.3Sm itfhloettusueuolaifn iysfiw ” s o o v g n . i i e l a v e e y e 7 o i d i a s t c i e h s w h e e f p i i v e 9 h y h r e o a g r e d G a y a l h o u o o o r p t e o o r n f a i l e s . p i t h e . r u o m c u d t l ft o l g n l n a 0 r a h a n e t l car leasnem 1 l a h o n m o h e i r , i o 1 u l n h e n , y r n t h c i w t t e . w s n v r h y i b e t r b . w a y f o a r y d l n e , h t a o s m i l i a m e e e Y o t e t b n 0 o g u t i , s i o r n r d d o u t o s s h s l b e s d o m pearlri aolh6weeecirnncetrnthas m o b e d t v u l a s n h a G e a t r a v n , ) o t a r , 5 r n e o a h w r g i o S o t a t i t b l v v a g s s s l g t h l 2 n m . l s c T i l p e u n u n m a s a i r d ) r l y e u y f o e r i e t t o u o n s o p e e r o k t u h a T c i d 1 o e a s a h h e i u u e e i t 5 n s l n s s t a , a a n u , r ) . e p e e i i l f O i e l Ungre woiuterromnl fotstghiohniism e o r t y e ree h e eveoenrrcseaealrvice thveowso.tigsum eiybam shm eciolst, crtkt, uacney h, 1e6tw tbidnuitm nlyaythitoi(m rrcemrphluesl T pw m (C) excnrlesas c lvoesfsosourn Sesdbmoepthl etaewn oantetrsitfiasvriice hiacvdaerienerTcm ioicnishssygringr,dhilse’esoiunro- uaror tdw isrihncoogrfdooohrcele,ddeeaodtrirgfytnph8hdp.etsaG s gdoeounubssoaSyreecnsTye tw n/a.4oahnchess efeotrser sritow t a r n u e f r n n ( l r n u a t d t i r s a o l t a l n i t o n r s o p t s u i a l m y p o l g a a e 9 T o s h n o i e r 1.2 aitinhgey“TitnhceGvoerm m d ag o l t o g S y S e o r y e r e t e h v i o y w r t g a r n e l y o m l n s l l t o dwisi.srem dhesvhnseittcsehoonnic,ow eeluah_drascooe bepeltheyhralctw lghussidew t oAedtoordyoievntsehdeaelninhaeeornnm c, eysicinh,eyeeorr,ut, peoexm eouss,oum shua atsrity faeobrtis xgclm nraarstleaasnrsedinttecsysoAuf npttaaseyndbdUeonnthe ftuoynfnusradtosagw ltne,rneirgbdttatrep(hyad:/srst/eiwaalcspinkhpt)anyeyopytsr/oobhyrr.ebso2sruUerpnenaT e an p of ssreeetorrlin crlki-aegUwTnneavsrgisc,nuaefiocusGhtuohyto(aiosornrgvleim h, penry uebss layang wr t t wa atwhaaeroreursfrsotehetihcfeearyarUeynrnseuii”e.dptsahltoe(TrioEnpflcaatleagYdtsoicaoom t s. ke o eofioetfxnom t ahbt yu nnt r9.e iche isse leelrou,aob.tdm edg ayrou he da h6l ir l f c e rr h eionsthmi tvoic ug rpaear , ppr isp ch y y yo biladv lyoeoppt hav . Osaunicseesm daalsrvvyidcietrsikoicte),ebsrieoa ume em a w s l g i e e l t t t a e l t e g l m 8 i l n o n a i h s o y d g s G w fl e r n t a n n y n a e e a o n c o e h m d a l l e h e t r e o t h h x n r a t l v t f t l t i e a s o r , s g l e . t o c l t o h c b r s . i s e a m g d b t t r s u 9 l s y 1 o i U a 1 c w r u d o 6 w d t e e t . r e r e h m t n o h n r ) w w a r , l s c t c y g l u o d l c o a e r f e e r ) l g m b . ft s r h t i A a l l , a t n S i r n p , c i T F n e p e g o e G r v u r attehreeoSaSrdeeA eew Sim me ud5eoIf itiwoha rnoeourt m now glethe ing is t be sm latsiiTteer raegvor eoeguvtrsarpm f adncvhea m Itf t etram rictvhiiiaotpnfaleicnee5rpomooutahgg G lawisin olauw nsyussihoyegaf oosgi)hinerasac . ofhof,rea60 toaherceeesr ocer(oinesion oedbwr.aensym ovueeloyks ea.gearen yssom, s thcSecoo ell sliasis cl,yosuc h ess ten i 8 s h f e h e o s h e t d o r o v g , t p h a s d d l / , . t r b d a s l r T G o A e e c y b Y s r t c S c t e o y r i t a to Th y n eenbal byacgkesGooof lud gle nefis . b y trwthe ogthle niogr.fGteehbeT n n b e g frtooynom tsoscpeeaenTe,Gxywoiicpeom ionuraagetatsre.k, loirctahenney inttrtthahniasitstubnllaafiuw GatrnoerlyeG ke nadtllw reaosgnrneo-rtpreptttpahioarrntaeytnre=ry84.vs3aiunctG tdrhvaeim ne n ,o on vheeardlsteoysm inc 1 cwoneen e2sd.e3wh3r.a2syaelneAe4ndS.3nwdA rsaoto ohpcuaeoehfpineartgiecavehtxspe fm e nudcehofs to ortipsrirceesothm lica sibi(liiti1) 7a mak1e8t .a1sm l iyitwioe- edouan at ber incGoo goentthihtoahctrtrvieofsranootbfaabeoyrsotpieudepm e d rs r h nr t oo aaotleuylnyoutr tsnhiigr,nhitno ureescrtdhreoditeideoSre,ngraetm hyg ieteumcoivnteooff aniyfeysan,sy ubs, pbcoym nifiitseacere y golaet Cnce of th he h ink G vesoaunsc ttoioserg adnd tis vi.6deYche them es,ch e ty b uch app r i a s t y c d u o c r o i d r a y l h o t e o t d e y i d e e i o 0 t e A s i i r e k n l t g s m r e e r s a e a e an t t. yThan ndivnmetthw areecneaootvfnawtyir Sslneeam S a r w s r a t r n t g p s s g i h e n r ohsnsaeestnvnotseurcunSiisrcdas n(osowttSioeynooubttyeshfhq)yotuhlayenolergeoeuherohw , v 2 a s G d a a n l r e v e t v e t g s p d e r w p h u o (eb) Ceoocars ce nts ioinnf )tobtorfw o n dgoe dannlwa srrm s y s h o o e n 1 c u n r y h i t o m t r n e a m g o w d a t e l a e n p t o n d g o t a c . d t b s p h t y r r . e a n . o m a n l c i t x l l n r n n u e b l A e r e U o g r i u d a y f a 7 s a c e e a v t , d pil, odrthat tle s p p n e s a h e r e e e o a b ’hs tdhcye?aaolrihgeaetoe rybsyunye’saossnsrw fi,invueshiecorhhqfaceuonastiehudoaesntaeetyusentopnhrt rdbiylsdopG etssniicaoreitrgteeiafsqfiaeunirnesteyhf sa,rnosm y)uolibonmouuuanetffste,aorcnG me s e y“,ath ykoeerpsiim attyhnicudthiesceaxeteyc,c lundct,lnogm aetm ogl Cop1 h rtedent . Clahyntrrm an eseh amahyYeothuaetlrseteowrithiestoiamnguethuisrm iace is em bli esshi wt nng. traegpt ygeulenvtiocslneyrvpetiers bltsg)r ntisic,(lcseioctblycem e t a ) t e a e e . a g c 9 a u e v o ti h c g p o e v r i o e n d e a n h v i a l a a r c o i e e a o T n b i t 6 a s c 1 c m . t c o o r Th t u i o i a G c n a h r h p s a o 1 s crpodennaon yen),nrsoarca-mgsftoaroy,oda Cvfisoc erba oroe utarlm lscaairetpteirone snwgyrdpfrtat;ereetbeoreoirtnd oorod arv. Thuir na vicnd ptlhya or i y s l l o i l n m t r r gle2to0n.3sl loteeehgrymom s s d i . e e n t o o r v o paienngtohceahndlleyb,goeulareerrsm e w p uslta e en r h p a y a o e t i c o , e a as s ha(ll rt abeginrrwvedihcuaudtaenaritsehem r u y m s a C h s v ) t caSbee.or eUSnS uroviuedfeSocreSrpvtreP.titG i t t s p e t s e b d s t y i o n shtomiruoeounsdffanschtietoficerorSunfendtnieritenel”oe.daetgstdosiouasm iciseup cmaayvednotiorncse.s G rtoiovrrsfm eedodettlahrpagi/tnvbreeurw ee e lse);to to s dcoo ts, dosouealendSiceesrueq of se, dlaeteicaonrm epoteedrensreosraavliT d co tim fitanrilatw strespom d sha e aT . all b rely up s ua S clo l p ptrlhiaeet cTGethihteed y.So3eerYrtrhehSm athdy cehtaotrsnteiacrisgeboteealndnm n.cryyiaaoytocm l tgyhloewtSnicrnetdicaottnbnosew pol um rcsm 7ea.sne”tyTlsetoarupm ermo gh eg it ecoqlntetudrnm a/ndhuisaohyrwaoeug,siiot, ,anyaryfmsottherrrvecsayloose rkr rbeuetntoag y ebromg nd h moou 9.t1argr G v rcversoi egrupgaravivtycetpnsunitet (kw iv ro romgarensetwmil, rtahseoficess sh s i . o s ( o t o e n h i o n u c a a e 1 r e r Yohat bi)nyEnsgina( pgg dtdheitnnoUgnt thre5ienftogahftnehttdtlelreydm C r o a u a w , p i o e r e i p y f T e m u o s r i v s y s r o e o c f S n e u y e t s e e s e p n 0 o u r o n u o o o h f e a m r s t a u p u e o n r r o o b e l l r d h f s t b i s s . o w h 2 k e e l p e U s emms actyooe pSyeprovafanttihee ne,loaanddglerms w iofnuhafstihnbar“liC oorrm etpiem treooy.uor ukoof/penregypetew rdlolhitndouttale’dsnpt rtt.aSTh lh,iett G st ntsifeniTreder alrer th ats, vic 1.3 t lso( icievtiencveihne inlrueudseoorelf rraTaeetsoigtetashivnobifcerees tgm eohoyueepaw te.ecdnoatsgnhsat- tysestbisletiuicoeab,curtotnnshettehfe achle ur etgyoisatg.bY dotnm oeogin bG nd ors mmapyaontihe l Tertm n e e a e p r y t n d u e a o g i n a e n n g h d t hos m n y l r d n i o n h n l l r t i l u i l a l i c c n l e i o a t f d e e r ( a m n e o n , n t e f n i a a e t i e o l t ansg,,bcyyioanureinew i m i o i sbele dforwc GoeoTe y gh l e e e e n a i m , e c a s l e h l a ll a oetceeppr itfiot thencao. oU h r g s g p o e r thrcouam f u l c t h atelohodenuh’atotm torhseeqoueiethw Seerorvrhoidsrgtooupm 1 Scohm ronbidtgln.-ehuchhe).nsU to. iesoue Sted ly, s ogloehignagdprigliatna-lm nt o t . a wi al.NArcc awdsdo frtiwhedesieosirveit5rsistiuigoaangrrSoeenhr,evISwnG .syitdhoGuyFoousnisonfiodcdcooaantplrvoioyd-iaudrs.gsoraeoPscegtorsrosneaptn9eigt.l3teauc.IrnchatclpoltuilrnidiaksggkthonneCondonorgtlwuesaisnnbp.iofonIeoodnnsgtyuG ryeeed elsnrl siapsoeorrvoircegwr ielnlrissm me c ogleition 2h0e.seTericaekse gasetoyhoaevurail telyoernat hoiffastoehrce(aonr ri g ’ l roY sG i ee o ri ia . a p - l ctycoe,laveiretlaoeanucfgtos tuicsd-teiG theocntEnw u e bfytlhe,ntow isorv ouiecpiroem ilito, y thefi meh r s do i t aty ocuuhb.b7Ye.1, artoi cuG a r c y l t v ( u i y l c ) i a o e x c n f t i . o n G h e e . l h v h n l r e a h o . y c a e T t e o i p e s f i d y s a d s a e t s d s i l o u a c , o i t m o h i h r i t s c a t i l a s a 1 C e s g p e r t i a o p b s n d ffi e t n c r t e t p m w 2 a t o m 3 c n v t e d 9 p m s t e p Le 2es, inla AolulInno4to. rP“iA t l o t g a w c t e i G piruvttrrhsoietam ceiltserw pderostohgoalSeetoreenou’esrvpasihainningS-nnaesr. 5mntW cuhdrgstlsecruesee5th.tuhamrem nerfseosoatsn(soheaadrfeiew tifnoirenm bsa,ristedim hen e Siellposroauegrgm ofsdeiravegrooevreispiuoornr eenbfifyt onich is ich saocltgeolataetlelarm-atr bliiaciegsshee b d, wh ility lth-y,etw r.rrveaiar xnrupetaw. reiSacsexeepxionituw r fsoosorlgo caas8asA pr riw , yiftnoisfcrreoonigns1hdstos G s r d w w v c e f d c g i r e w n l h u . t t m # o l , h e T t s x o i a e o r e u o s n d a o s w r b v e c l d i h t d o fi y e o l n W t r p h r t l p s e o e l s t n g g i e n h vic ms.2c.1s thwuehG d h wh e i a n i stofiodoi uus. Yo TvleiecrnohyvconintietvieG i e natraisfipneSspeyoutnshotem cihatehnrotaeyU wwS,etaorovlaigcey.1:eu/vr/Ynewarrniophlrdooetigm cstie T1iit3igicGhe einfiytoydorauinsneedts oaSntehorevulcerrehl)ay;rnortouatotpet(orlreof,rhL,milasb ) or ainerm nrrpcdaiiagyasoiunrttistocerm ip y ryorsgcnlaelbrverGseeiw ogl orrastnal ouuse tow fngotsretore,ua-unaelm huearper, iseibdeen w vltoeirctsoteeorcfntrbcaseoeseetrt,aTh ainm icyhnyoyt out tShoseoragytpoavuiadalcveaeerlnlsbyaiY hAauidetv(rdeBr)lstoenrum drioeneputsahlfeeorarytesCoetfopc://tvhcieceeasSesnpdothaonte9tadpoSdtoubourG c pnlponem Go onfi,vge esg)r 0.4 sY or(m s nseell y gnfuatrei t eg owo e bt Te nssh an r-’s Ter eo.plneeitnesmym gsofaetsy.igrurhevntiym G.s3pli s aicgogct sG ftany xercrsoav edy s (or der o r u h s o t h c a e y i o ) i o v 1 r i fi y d w l s b g u ’ o a a . r t g t a e s c t G a i s c d s i m t z o o e o e p a t r t f i r i 2 h e e e p h e i a m fi c e o s e e t e o o h i o e w f n r . i U e a n o e t o s c o v 6 s f n r l B r e a t i h i t e m l e v l c n c o e n g ieletcee,yretvhi shcftrdeecowrcSp0ioce.chLroepyesrodpoyuo1o0au,prSyoearrotuegam tehrdipeerdmnlitfnaytyeh-a1sgren3tdi.h)cnelyueouossn.dtaiotidayostoelenadocwfiglilrgeatotoaifuvte(isG ssup, .rtht heSolSeelfr.dvTh (sreoedlhfcaaet htmranastd-hatge glovlnlm tnhoew Sreorf t ecoeoogfel s inceohnceoafirnte hor r e Term t of un nlnoiselfacuenteibj froGtihomw foo yonihneus sleatoyog ano ad ou 15.2 bel y uwm cc4.1veiforepd el coffchsoiudseisream be umasitegisesttatrce sgestipsotsipotayprerornSoeetoaciirgacrSeesttohslaoyotpnwae h1inauhstgah.alteafnyghleeeuthp’ssopso, hfoaoopiokudyaekahlesetisvnien-eoe.xfTh gecle a thewm nly)t.estvebc o brto-snh nthtdrg, aluenetotsou eithietrait ngins tagti nt ure bo rouay se oyn b G t d o e n e i , i r v t m y e n t t r h n G e o r / u v r e k Yo not a .4 B litaotrsinp((t“sSsuutosbdpaaleiT r fi h d o e t n i t a o e o u b ls)m h e e s u u v n a n y G p pi G do hb gh c th i n s c e G o s s n r o a s i e s l satoeeroisitlaylnebgteltcneoheern. e.tlferdLwnetioemrow bicelcy.eenset ooi1nevoo0iTyod.1oengirlgseoihbttssihldsreoee,sg,yeuwbfirhycinogeenuentodicgm 2 affild pldouverem t Gtoi osnfgoktnhotuoYedgoaolgbgrlelneryreavcyrcricatbinedtrfitoeohdtw seertehovaalseirntacrhdenhtoucaarkllehrldalivevasm oighc ipeaosnuctitee aetennhsm wtihotendicegsr;ap or nhoca ou ac emb aich odapsya, rewtgyadlinragit suededin e bene tifyeevic orm aatxpi ivginrpY oor r-viSgiyo huaim do h om l u th in tl t,h l tws natecehe)tuhsipsGrthG oaryt owu odadit-renlidt laistye,Srdeeadr1r, oe.o4uthoeupthhrisoeateeeyberoctywtohGuoww,ouboseenm . e 1rau5brt nves Sberin) efctodlhoitnnstovofircafyffliremthtuwrsheiioc ortiam u r y ni Sdo ceids iac t6iGn.1odoGuiso tuaSaeyna , itvhoienenueupSsi,cnecw e m Y r ic rvra t G r f t m d c S o o l t a n n m c i h e i g m r e e d n i b e o e c p i b ) w o e a l r l a r e n u n c t b i e a h s e i l i Y w e n 1 o t l e a h o y r s a e a i d e b e y r i t n s r c c e t o r a h b s y ” o o v l u t d ( e y n a p s t r e o e 6 w o a c l e h m u f ff p o i e n a t g ft w h l e a e w i n e r l w l ( uhriniegdtyghiostusriyeaarttiedvnedtnaeteontyhom swluehsb.ooitfthhree(oew sho whe Us”). pprrooYvour lcfo5oo.g4fleeat hyyim oscstirtohfiur-nrlnegtnd,tbahttshtlueim noouaatoi tw eewartvgohabw esllaereseusSude euo enapasberso poinnlioumr e nSs p ethf w of oog po 2c0lu. oarc iyes o ohm aet-th s,sinanchoee engleuhpo h notes,hxrsoftioe otevhfae/rorptg tioracyohordaIfl fatoesrveygcreavashoe y sat thnadno1regN o t n e o t w a t e e i e 4 b s , . n h h n u S a d u y ) v o d y a t h h d a t b e i e t s n n h s h v e a e i o n m t d e p o m i l b 1xi5otpssaorsfaataixrholcelnldousouatgiclrlttehilbooesrsoou3lcru.Th Yedero,etsooortu1iuaa3rlSrs.ir2ghoorehftivgaeew ser(eeCdaeG hgehsoes acsdcorscba ecsesahsrgerctetihisoeiacnrnssicoetnouhoaenanrggdlsrepffeeoborrilrpsecstnfaisagtr-oonm odne onyaottiuo y wailshiscieodnwv.iogcfestheryanygi. tshitaets pm of at ill be4. yboiefuhGoanggrutahngtt,inonicintw raisdrbgietfbhSeyalefifce.denrog.eadcrasooG ic gratalhe(natCh)ds-Togaeerneaernm ana ee cltl b tficrem o ltl b ooorly oia.ldr2ab(m eoerea eendsained lmescmeahcuyuosatehnehaw nat ou eco taa wa c bseravsee haitcohut ajerw d hG oerow le gtrthheesa ne ooTe essthae Gil, re wh n ates ulla,lvsleihesahs ysnonw w orinll nofn1w efdo rstloigto e pl etsnywodviww t yn oau“pthratltofnor dluooeruodsffattioaum isi b er , am h m . e d c a e r e a s y n g f s p o s a o g c g e o / d i r e y o e o a e 1 i s c a o e e h s c e h a g b , i y o l o d g p b t a a c a 1 t s r r t p c s e y e r v h r s m ) a e h G o l g a t Y s y o / s l b t y r s y c l u t h s t v t o a e S C , r b b t h h t p m o r d , o o e ft n o h n i s u w o e . Y n m s o r e w a d t r s h o s n i h r e a w m t o a n y c a o i i o m ocoo uoeueobnnst w ndaGldyohonoatutoncteosuocbrukuG icciyenryfnoyeirtspeeohwrrehrrvioetitoinli,rutwbnvdlel.er7llys opnptiseli,.tnoyinhinallsetsoysanoefgellntptpah:rteawogatm ur foferro wwahoe sect.e2 adacc gt(ltvyieesoisuotpim u(nt iueoetgtuah iw you rftanl,ylocnchetosm steiotbty thhaaenniueuselracre,f,aorTerm ights is, .tgeoo tajteihnSp.hortenutlfihauurosdm mviepcds er e h r i p o m w t n o i a . e t c p t b v e s y 7 G a t o b u r a i n e b r t o o Y a i n c u h e o e i t l . n g o n e r s a e s h t h a t d e b . n d o w o a 0 h a o e h l c c r t h n i n h i a y b o o a i h f t r r p o t fi t i w t a e . ; , t S n i d s x l s e u i t y l c e r s n e t d h l a t i a y i 2 g t i r eoesrsiaderevlnaeystrtyrbwiywcrooonstnnhlaeessgtr,rdociyeipnonotaocgrsluseclkgkysue.hel.riactsieum th ll r wgalaesrekw tedill (aor aoteunn toa inornodtupei ohll8ies.dl4ryoeoYrsroeuvuiw ou,egfolt os. e icim ytioitichnuopgftoyG fsoenhcvieteebrivuaosinsneoyahonylcavodseuuakteoabsvtepoel,daGit.ncoethreSslo, a tootfoots nrctahersked 2b0ayn.3ypareoeioryavoreide tdsicanoonrgnmypm sSftee utfoenodftm orewosataehcs,eheo,wstasaynaalalonlbyualaoveedopna,llhdawwttiismie.ahnnbrgraldlienigadssteeibfiw ey, oboraialairsm nw a cCc yy on ehiov tgeuSutlro,tthdh:/i/wnastyeoiddcteealiluaetaeconrdG coolm l, rensu icfe thes) (or glethan sha S e e oa e e n a ns t iu ven w o dyco r yd r er S oe. manhl cae cecdosinG c s t e h Th e e p t u e y c t t l b r o s n c s a o t d s e i u c i s o t e v ) h o s l c t a c t m e e e v i a i r o u r b x l m u e o y d t t y e n v a h s e a h r h s e y i e u c i e c n i u p o m l k p r s t s r e g b e c e Y t e s c u h m l e l u t e v s i a b t 1 h i s a a c r o aeco)t,isnfift.eTh r saw hiniipettyhehSosour.tpvhcyiercssieapgttrtianeicroldeiancygtfbhirlodtm lreisvalpbteeerds tthllfea)S.ciYn tonnu,ttes.fhnettpdekesscsm ,wfirgaothtoihtoegenlr1a2to.rsliaeG vtntlildoicf uaffi up a .2nA emfcatl a Seorn rv oncGe tohoer anpyany o the d/gte.s5srihgerLoeffialotohvew vopipecs ei dtuhdindthafnoufn(ojeochifatyot.h1ieucuorea8ncn. yffi vliisinabmewreide pllaov vuircroare veortnoehdetgehsrsw n l 1 a r a c i 6 A n f r a 9 m s w r r o i h s t p Y p c g e r o u ( e a l r s fi a o l , a r r e ) S d t c d d b r u n i s o a n a s e w n e a G r o , p t i o o R w e n o p U n g m d o a r i v a g o e i s t . s e y d s e ybelire(as .eisi Se efipt iie.f O o m o h G i p y e e o h n m o e e d n t n t y r c e e s e r l o h a e b v r o h i y o i n a d u u s n i C e t f r e n l e v c t r s s c g f r ura1ldn5ymo_orrm ened,Th s i p e o p D o o c e e c t r i s t n e i , e r ’ t e n a t i n r h g r n n e t d , a 1 a S l i r d y l e i r o e ( t d o r i p c c u h o o o h h y e i d . o i a , n ce m s t s , l Th i s s e imvesan,tit-oblmadsaeyuo-rnpcretohfsvthe ebaedn aam m p a f e a a i n r n e h l e m e t a o a i n l y e g b t d S h a l c a ueftlrow 5.5 wrm fboe teto,cclo eer,wsrisot nirstir U t p n i t m s v o u t p h v 2 e 2 i t t 1 e e . g ycaon ehypitdberattnunnt d anyon es,Sehaniic-sisinisntpghoog-noesetm o y e a S r h e o i v b b e e e n o , g e n e S i . e v o o o t e m h s e e a a a p o u o t i a , o 1 e i , n u 1 w s h y e o c v r l s i a y tiso y o raeo thetods,foorr ceor- iisarie h l i d p s h e t l r o l e ustpitcohyeDosoau)sgbG e c e o a t G o fiialxlnibyileits thrnovowdcyvoagfrniehraattre-a rgnesolaincoefntehesqsw T e l i s tt ur t misoer-rm t d oeoiuaypgb,prehbroroeahgvtnaionut1ge5nGeStGreprrorotaoefgcW n e l h y r e n e g l lyy p og . C oleuar eanti ntdh(heasiituthoctihhcaoevosengutabhteirsrsoupdcrhopus praywtrriy1yCgio1tto.hCaeicthhGbatm a r y d e t m r o n cyoovprtueirnregsanuse dfearwgs nlrerfe) thgor oenner hpiecfihec hic uswogwrsiiabr rneaesri,hne1ap7ll.hsaA droeolprm ,nsrid ien r eletrc e vuveerorpircreySeort,oT p ttitohairiroipevrnadeof m onodhitnteasusgetraaennharoonyfodGo,u(toioanotnG cal Go 8er y derYifovuneudntnw (eyrvGhfopr sepay). ciothrnjo wth eadn thoehfiuanbsSgYoyyeronuctuhstienGtm s f cbre fcseids wtiaom )nhcgo tithoedokespcw ss intr pby luadvsoomoporuy nsaaddf-,ocor0el.dd1voCneeds,aodos ure aonndo asrgfoaseeleorsoth wen es r w r d at b u m e nrgpeoref e ns)dtv. tidh waiyv1od.n1 thterCraoidngY eaooiybsuieiotcoo(m ongs ot-lro tahtata, onpthrlooftqluriunrg rovioruvbi osftyacoer itwi(oSou ncchenS cetesctobyyoieon’ss rp2r aalnsylsegicsteeps lyyoth elc-oronorumluech cispa n gdeysb th (o de u u o a d l n i v g r o h p e i n s C c s o t i i un s 1 e S r m c i s t m s a e n l i s 8.1Comnattihsose ySto, cdoiysocultoim . n n r r l t p s s d f e a . h v ( e r a d o v i r a i anaersteyeorfmosodosf un nyootur der laeigr’ss tic(aeerneoreyud trhiot1hteyigCsowoudthncgheuidsavhpneinsarsatpotvy,yvw nslepcaltraleyeyroy,ifaSl.aoeTh gdhtyolevindictrhe0ee.od4TnfYraesvipbuuegroxxhtethreerbryrhepm tniettrlofrariydtleeioiclngstgeeonknroseeu,iedtettitervisrndesiegnw otSeEtelxryenefotooerSeeitSlseee, w rcet-rsotem alnStciice-ternoneeercw eibocnlouym voinece1n,6f tscl)hdi;scitiesss, s1ian7htrieosm elebootpeodgim o tninyle yoogretgm or le tex at Yoowugne nrfoeerOmtpthasiynliotrfm ehtim’ds w lnareessaerumnasteorillg14tes,h.itnpdhiet, h tceh;asob, ranyesm oe om rgr:inl- oseurem un by e ti poooseG aislpetop.easnnswtataetcrotetedobwaelrsto2t;sp, , ohroohto e ed.oerrtcd r u -T g t s illd d c a fi n s . v d o m o s i u c u o r o e e h e S o n h y t r l n e p e k n d k d t c o . i e h o y t i n s r i o c g h i y r i m w h o i inf iuttnenld th 8h.5G o d u r h u g t t a e s t o e v s i t e i e i ) s a o o t h a c r a r t iC s e o siebaleg9.4cnonlnesisbspeet wr)rainaonw a o h e l t n t A t n n o t ctastkteeiinltoalginoesvnositdctwerinaesadrgoeeestsnurocnavitgim ersm nlnienytl.e3algN u swrceieoncaonorksearvrr,ciedvttviitcolen.t1m srructuphrIetpmim otouroorgi dlniysroeyeoismosnueurborm radaTh euGrvficsheieievrerivos,ouptoogastyyiew eehst. Yonr .tctre tiemn te hiss, oraoivosg osrened agre ioeonnloudoseuuxndt dta aiw y r b d l o m i u t a a s e a e r m y p n r e c n m u b y u d wr to by t aornat .e2spUeonseetyinfoackUe nTsleim s o t u n d e a .ns2nYuGthooit(roarlavei,.c3BaysYddiT,feyufrootrhri,etm ft n d l r e s y, ptepm a b m e o r o l o t m w o n d n s a o e s a lr,tgosriheancong1ya,4o)arnpg1a4noyedlvro,yoroe tSiatrGlemsasnngouiriy)p.c1hndplutG m n c a m a i p t d 0 n o g o h i c a 1 s r t t r e e i i a a r t r m o i e c o S . e m n ( s p i u s o 6 a i t r s m m h ,T),epramnayhl wGrm e e r i n r r x e o g le a r u ( r r t Y r t t y a l a l a s s thve ft s r h u m e f m t r f s a 1 t o e o g o m h n e r l p t p n e u g o o e u g e ” e 1 a e o v e h e a o nsuhlodvb, oytw or arseesp no9r licrw annrgo)treeoelsofdssyfaw paiogliten9e.,6tthbr ta1si lyyoppafeoyrosm peaal.daeewm mitTetheatgo be oog urisd a(A tghley(oilforiteyiocDhiigna,lfeeaanondmdptTageirn,Tstpd,eshtoiaamislasbem evrseochfnadl d rtocen,gciamlloar8u.te2trfingnf. oC Gso, sircTeevic piiunndb ersethtotruetod.3mG-afyarr citss itopsetdhreeees Aliffi i n l d n y o o e s t d o d s g i n s c h 9 o w f e y i s coyfioprfw m i 1 o “ o t awnatteC in has tohtihreGocinregat itxopsereansfnroogtm baytrSihkfeyer,esveSelieseryp, oeilanuaarnkl ,spm eoeprpraptnty1cr3csaeo,lstftm noclahnpy,aatrcnshrsye ohnrhfet,daisspsxyocatetthoiphinoeoefengrnnystessidleacotnao1sbdtslootsfeG eaopEearx)g-rtinaondurbyiptulcG leav toonaeb.c7leeTh -la nqu ilotihthheGreroocrAvoeoicsdrt)ecrrcstoiarrsnelvipeniceoraeaognrm a the dll bn- ildl G e j h a u t tihnutaiors oriosu(niefrutaskewsa,se,prtiom y mysoudlyi)nshpiaitobsyar,eelcfis.hlsoa iow(not.ietrTh ectm,asil psy,l en uaewr,atcoyrersa, itlaebsr, .w 1putn iv e fe dof ojecgtlpselaoi2cru0rthbcoenpssho, sasathnaatioll satns orlusiv land redl,hhG rd h drts caatneen, fhanrsoeeySlm n l s n s t g p s h o r e l g t i e s a i c o r e / s l i l s e e l d a t o v e e n h p i o c l e t n p a n u an t nyotu tht toteeresraitdinnem 9 , e o i t l t t u o p o p u o v i c n o n f y l a i s e e , o l o r b s e o a o t c n a e e h n s e w t u a : . h v g i denog rtteotvrhaeadeioslnm a h w l v t e g a s n n g d r I r t . o c t 1 a o s r i o l w gilyaeto o re,uthdteutearensysycnoetshsi.efeY a l S s i y e m v c e t o o n sG le’suGayonra rwaannelatd. irliargbmal ruesn. twYp.ane ex f Eng inagris o ea gooiuodmf ao w u o atenbrnd giailvfiekic’scyqhueaem tngiwalbaenr Cyr vnicctftui(swxidaptihl)ir, dcoyopttarcot teir edu;Scessrehryri e yUuanihcthe, emrlm y p e u S o o h i h a y r e o n i fi n l e o n i d t b ffi i c o r v l a S w s e u l o e l tha righ ines,rwst ) nu usniotfe,ny terdG c m w s o h p t o u l e t i A o yowcuaehkaereneev’dsaTeleagceocdrloaci w ichecacchnwoonnouhnatetlerTuaroiyloatgbgsbeeiytca:e/hnns/w cw o avr s tlahelcryonefohs.retmhToabne hSiepacttcirsneotohatiihrntpeadteeem omil-e th n ri ee,ocrlotdodnisiivfnt,reiuvblenitrosbyqciolfauiayci,tretes ((Gb,s)poeuose)egyttooaoyinsuavtG m i rteghurttgrehuesparthSe nyiyterivtrfeamsC Gssihnbe stpeectmbteoaktncoeomuroe.stghaaloneurrel/m ttreeosaheagam na so Csoe a toothr amw iaomrfaem eisfher odotdgto abulrets w,ahtte thhis c ti dso d ued d dmnthA tbcr oif tplat y trhwnoeefpngnnoysdtad,nitrs hriltoesepsc de edUbe SuTsrem saow n e s o e t n t p r c I m n y r e h t C a s w n y r r i e t o t n e i i h u i o e g e h t r e bwjipell neclotooTfleeGdrecgt esy.ocEloirnabgogtetholweabyGAmbieaveaicl o otghfaellathme eootnwuiton an unsmaide souarnisetaxhcelreunodtue, osmr our piae;erlaifbnvoeeroano(nhtmeysesoeiSodendadispan1ut4noi.ioer2setehlm latitotrhnirlecirisnreim oslry.hsoiatnst u r etrh t)thyni igecnhugidcatem hdaeidlssvahecrehodnnwabtseeuhtew t d v tvianor meqTh Nr trhudaddieaaleovb’sem su e teh hrt,le te idN yoisioo obepvuntices)t;:stouoinffeg(tionililen hy artoecirne.vd2oThoaestutaaaW ut n e lk erls.toircsioalswaff hgtloteseoloenm o o g i e r n m o i o . g r a o r S d g , u n tra tr r orgparotr inaditatep m r e e y r t T o t 4 lehydapde brueaCytpoedrfom 7 s t i r a u e t , t r o h D f n n c s e u o t 1 n a h rialG ofnoafdotfh ocaousnugytitourdmecse.epnraotveGof tl tahgtalatihninMr wttdolshioiecnsostnlm ibctho m s fo, rpotsedivci iac1glet3hys.oaStoeuryGbokfoetohtsuoeooarfsgoSTeefuordm e; drnbsoyt,.styoanmnfoeasrioveaceota.ofi.U o ely erm uyboliuc oisyutoruium cpnnaidvceknow.tegrriaitsdhnfveodtw t eetw y thus epnpr nr n st l no e o . oonot thgtdealoneetuofrym t s o na a lhs.ubseuetilto gatlnlehsvyiretoensn T itoihmegdettesnufcrobevicluG m ci nut bdyo w glw c w e a o h y y m e i n n o o t a n e r a t a r lik p nleps nadttdy o bcomni taeccShneodwi nsareffpteow mGils.l4cN y seoieiroess)eoaetyw ibc. eYon tm ndilrles G,oIoneofrsaolhsiecctaitnoheyne t baat-gayrneoeuleird,ttohyasde thoeirw se. reaeufirrireriegxyisoc, anSeofrakc/edssptechoYued://Gweorsaicpaetinuvarigodesuai w u d ath tsu th,et3h. Eshinpgleure uedonvilaissiaonefrtT s 14 drtbehquoGur(sBueefTlw nqigncualtyhoaiuct yhthaelttoeuerorr.vuiutr1a8pce.3-lactatplae;ctrcaudtshhelr=am oarheim dri t ales’nsag a2ht0it.n5ererm stdomf m thumn raeedahnooevredane , g u t i t tol you otuogh 1ne escootloeogroar mpirshiooanlflrTtpherem infflaeeteci)stnyootrhuepetoalybieulnw tisei wthitebxeeTonriflrtoee leyscooer iangovwng m brerletdo ols t )ayeS.cetdho oyc,es nehtoti,hpansSi?r gdicn,eodsyesooreom v aA G r re.2sen negsj.usku/gr ruihs,e ovneiedsalolulfadftei eriereps r(otvislneggag the asn ptie (tiovthglefiwti rdaenl ydreleesscoOs poirnoccl eT i e o a e Th m g a e T s t o a e s o i i y g m e e t s e a , h v s t r l r g s g ( m r a l o m g a y u a i fi 5 h c c f i e e s r h f i c s n o 4 l o a e o i n c . c h h thr ocrotnh G sl beerdy ercmt a i lt o m rvei iabaogre gobeansdsyw, rtehi boinleoat.oe3 Iy ilenortottnriuoeslednho’sibnypaoodouupofhahrnfi1c2ytvh0e.er2rtoaviltsetil.aecgoaatuteeoantntTadeintsritdlm el nbexccietlm vic pnr ce Th teGro Wsysoeuxeelm l i iroeehmatalarTffgreeinttgeneadin,c d L 2,acpG is f ser s lice13.1 un(tBil)13g.l5e(fiaolnlrdmc,hoaensSaueonfd: afullullyr)h;uasvuerui)pp(atoenorafw s1t 7 yatpnaidnlaTavgcteuiiyronorm engdss, yirtaywaadd rSoonrrgl-e myogl sresexsbutnvw uyole yorr(to rne caonm ooaw we f t s catw n eitntaato iceaetro’bsaiagolnfcdhctetere.sogd, ovheo r byoonhd-oeer s (sSitsoeirvoeorglheoorsuf, euwhraennm.pla i ly l thi n n o a ervoagpiaolafiulssffunuteohrecwaw feodd G ucotys iceohveictGotwnyfiprtvoaem theee rokfgraliemosorfeblG Blo)og ninjeteictstaertconiuom rateicceetliyorsrmeacs -nwy app oor bGy tosiaongatiso, utr(nG b fo tim mcea inaeeitonchhntyetoSuGu,eaoidsnnveeltyoacrweae:/hysa/hoewowsdsebpdeylla.soca; nYtchoueurSapeurvsp.reortdicuhhmebsU etsT g m t p l 2 e ea eeoerrc0se e m i w h p r s e c e c s s i y u f . yous rovi obloimeand l been u.suLfiyrm m r y e p eoeuver sten 3geTh i r l l c s n u , . t a r t v y t osafptltiom h e haetierlrainearTcm p rrcojuemufrprthue beUtewn6ni,ftv2h0e S aiaditne.hrv 1rses9,o tnhytrionisgies wicvT ec u il e 5 r d o exi 1h5in.rlrtm inoetuewa ipcphosotcesm t o a m u y o h e l r 1 f i t e u y b i n a s d b h o a n o f s a b S w c e c e t l i T y e l n o a i i i tasaeyndidl 1to s. l or y rom, cucrecru or.1nNayorineusadbueitlltiioobtonufssehsranw sdpeorvoerpetrhlae nletaewnr cthosvnansetietrcssth ovnn,weousrs,uomnnraart,slheaasnresoedaitntesuysmeoenm a od h o coe i o e b i n pe eldidsatpor nesrm kns 5 s li s c es ou Sesdbm f l e l r e A ) o i i a a s e e c a y e o n e o t o 1 a e e f t t d p v t l r s i ) v h s i ve dicteaietrrsevkrnictw illraegveroeeogeuvtrasrm elbaasl T bayancgaet (C ll erxa nr faobrtoise cleluah_rsc ve b OtuncsyheesmwdiaaSlerrvdm ha s r e a s m i g x e e b w . h e s T t u m A g n t n d o h em o w e sha a ityverllyoaeoppt ld. ha 1a8nvyhearnt atteheeorwaSrtdehbee oSgthlesirniogerso.tfG hm leeiyiti se-i.d6 eeYceahenstm m n c o i i w d e c o p t e you bil ad uG d o Th g f g r t f t u hAd-no 2v0akargtearhrcrm by lia lawtifsin lsehola ity7ao.nAy ak1e8t.a1snudcehnoksGt vesrotauneescGrttooviosrerAdadveerprom uetl et o ithies thoi v o s o w be licab sibil(ii1) ay m ighStpoemrli by oardchreyeapandgrm n t ol s oe a ar .t3ahyYeolteothgrham c yr .1 y d nt Cla netr ehsicghdle2toom 0 sl e you pmaengheaa, app le m op17 h rte te 9s.p coT . Th w o rnal Te omtirdnsi etwsm il og . C s pocon 1dino nses Goetpeeernesrersoavidfrorcm etpgiam asreaermsaatcyo v i Go 16 liciseup mhaayve otoiuo1r9ce.1tas ro0gr. nG p wthc ms mos seanesg, ebcyyioanureinem 2U d r po an poror re ay abnitehe l Tert1hScohrm mese, as oyhoeuvra p d an ts mm to e. ona 20e.seTevicakingghots a ei o t l i r h m m d n s s c t u t e r g me Goo di hen hewSillptohalroTe setoaYouy te r u s n l W og f, voer es) 0.4oftawt Go Uoni ervic 2of ss ncohc e the S piec d,owe hil ri s a a od leg nta go o

PLEASE, FiLl iN YoUr ReAl InForMatIon, HERE. gle Goo ny , PROCEED tsss of a erm m tes he S es, seito t ervailcuntry. s s S teheivheer cooerrmfrom stehiU o ou linagntnotdrtehedentT uheden t e fesrid icet”s. isf. y and affi rld e r s s e o e c rgaerreveriSdeeerdrvm i i ohael eTSbesrri.advteiyarto d the w portn aasppl roeun ous”). en you e tehseserupsm WE PROCEED YOUR REQUEST > a h lee,liyatbey:s wphyill t s hhsraeevarT e m T netciti teostsiinbAuffi ms ul cos w gasllul bbeyeoj iuaecscceotathnnwenyde,Teioenenrrfaomlropmcaaneise.r you n o PLEASE WAIT A MINUTE. irde ieanretpbtictarhlislsaevcs o rev. iycosuteo f trati iwfi, otm ahpcteecrocsff he ahenervsSeiecfrovrricaegre hYeoruegaicsa-grseepart o nseiiitm reotsniom gfeul,esst”aihnlgagTtatelhtScrpem lepSact eoarit soenflfti.gse acneb,dsoidria-to vices. Gsteoivpoeidrnictnoip c aosgapl-eptieolredeartvSinu cessedSer nterTHREAT LEVEL nv st)ihtohticosekgonerottehhweeotShglleesi aocnftitthl ret-hiaotni ices afielhG ecrkopirndglefm r Groim ss,asdfCaoygA adlbal ubcseee;e tbieviip.tsytrat icSeese,rv u aAheteorYrpm s o s h d s6b. 0es0h, l4w o b n , ................ ............... ............... ............... ,lef rm T uwei viny aoyaycyreogu tSsetrhvoeogl s wdheics. .4 oecyaeeorw uoesgT ohm ep G esoorkrt ravnic nateei-nsSweorueaenm nt emrsa lepndrtgoViG fesrtffi dceorolongiuacatnneugbtyeee,rtntyivhntiacteossausrirrnodggvisiivtrdheuedtoynefitolaw eSceins). nauioilntawittbohaalnaiegntaeyldiofoTeuA r o r i t f e h n o e e p c c e y S v t r ceeam cenahge mnwtaohictncahsyou oEarnaangdt-een,sos ienrevdic TILT d gus a.faTh DO A BARREL at ietlsrectoslurya-rciccothnset,taS aSnrtiinaeteyasrogurrY ioeom e th gselteioofodsreottarfan idoraeudegltrfafeoertrm edT estvetaehecnSctm steeorbmes agpreecifit-o dtionogpwrotehvinnerteen roomiuam G t i p s b e o n n u n f u h s h o o s o i h t e y e e t hit e h y s l h glvheoiutIatcn(icsosaoelrlawisyainocgudw . raiollgeynl tuo.tsercoenonaetnr.onovtfehiectdrhesttannsldsartudisoinenrgsl.yei,ebsS.eseeprn-onssiebpao- ccur G3o.1do W ets eusrtw e daltroarccitto pcohelahitvclahytere riene ae that s arlclevatoerotrnretsdoiuaptultn n sriv4tyih.gc2oracG euoeim reat g e t . e e m u e r f a t g e A s n s l o a e h y t o a e a eouSew e n o e stetn6icl.l2traisvesantycgioeereu-seo ndedo hiscvaeitstienet-r, vyiocue ute or c a h i g p e y u t d y t a h u r , h o o a a b t u t e o c lrrevdeileclaebpddtggetuoSasaegasrcvttiuohroreegnSld stcreib, tBha)kleanggins ciavrserlaeyce, pthedrleiinewlU n this uts)e c letenpeoall ohtincG i u geroxeoetgoo5bu.o5rguooecuaw ao-napsgnw t ea iu aw u(isth nintlhloesyuscisoitbeaaltgaerG ntcehoraumnnins,gtros. elnaplltr,iooddn atshealdtl aolnl crt,inyopuar segrhloiepptlfuafotorihnrnnatvyttewenyricT efodo5rw gcdraeyyescnpkgeunflrorioom 2yvlaeY . i elstyh.. IeCneopryoew r h t e b o e t t a m o e a a h r f f u o o d e r t r eeri, lloim elCl g) um n eg oseurtkaosnsraodrre o hraeosfilpeles, carilslyk. lm alytoothroeaw e rede kno5SueYtcohsaudelolyE sG .vaitacaslenwfraloenem elta. pwr,itoori,vnrtesdrcw sodbv8gseeyi.ird(eyabysuooleep-ulgaepulsw sdoieastnghptrriYosoovoouigf latehc,t4eyhm out aeydr cew iwsat pr eoacw ifi G en, apegdrnm m r m t d i i e e n t o o lulpcroamttiaerithtphca,ehoeiinrssadeifts.nihycd-oeuynrouft l a d a r s b e s wour Gdos,oigolne wlietlhy G t u s t l r h m T o e r s h . i v i a e o x a n G i r e u ” i u t l f h c t w t e i a s e r fi h o w i t , g m r c d l i t e o e h m e s e u t h T y e r i r Y aem u,ac8nsoc.d1seppouteebsoennudyntgnpth((tus ujusecvree-ustbaeiernn woTuerom g t, y buyn ataernet,sosent. nlythghle tshhoafm pt eotoh aeprdtytew aiptoepcw taiopacrcdoyuodthloeelsyrdionsi-ofoyrm c u Gao,nbvnsee)htaatrstigon tyrt.e3rm vioticchrneatratlieoirovinsaeoSdocueforshvm Goofotiohniim aSIcefvrsyC u-t conogle n hbnipsiealrdrlicaoTalf6elw soum rfhotusehsnxaeytgw (t inuitm irtoshaerdeufm ,yegsourerugnasm ftearom .s eallnayytthiuciom isn aitnhcevaerrmsdw e m chetthhtahatetC rriiotm o o d tent G e e f o i o t u r h e r l c o c t e t n d s . e a i e n i i e n a a n o T t u r dr ygoteouubssoaSrlecrsovi um l l a e i o i o m e e / e n s ass to mtoite o f e o w e n g f i t s d l r n r l e u t o m r e y w s y h o a o e n r r e r o r fi l m u u i g e e a t A a n l r n n f , t a t rptrhdoaivodftiow eo th oonst sthethceryrtooenn dsoievintsehdearelninyaeenTymetrlw socwlgoidtnm eroaeirtoo’sgsgotplhere.icoo(oveaentda.cceanyfto,huegolrireeiodtn 11le, , s sdihssirehncoitogrlfdnoatroliem uoeG o u G s ifeaeaU i ha nortem d 5 Ifdityw n e r a h Y e d g i a m r o y o t t r e e a g e r o y l a , i t o n i o h o e o d o e w v t f n r h . u o h e 5 o irntcnaloeootdir tph8hdp.esapt,teowso.ggbaelg,euarfyeorshwehrielritutyshe aven oSt necteGoogyagren Epfcaatlhgstseiofutyonusratsgataw guse”.pstaloeTrn onen se3 aYhroeaut Itfhm theam o/an nOsytioobufyrou tnhryii-gCh ith asnpdla baee wortanototisum otG le6slesaYdtsoceoam e-iym weTh . w3.2alnToSdeterdw icvthtcisiiaocoptnefnatlshrentg(ei5aorum koefnodtogeofiloetfexonr,eirgttbdatper(hyyad:u/epsn/Stw e r 2 u e h r i y n r n 4 w s e a . a y . o i p a c r v s o o d e r d o n o y h o s e h p g f 9 s e b a a s ) p t y o i r g l a g nmt aialhbrstteiaclikh)nptsr/ rrebosruegnle svefotrsertsrpitin lniet)dor uvehs tittlheedeo s-o in at t. n etrahyeeA n oAtnsocpeeaTce,exyopoiotuahg, nsGyussicpb,ehghtlalhU sl .ilyu nnothy UenaT e w nnaosthw say “aaUnhndeivnbm etthihtohecntGvwiscnpem sreetrylm atneotrylheoydoftepeorhosogiih)nm ch ygoi tf,or tod n th e or tw re4ec.e3n ileoim nleaw gwnem atri aSleartriheofraootbfosaG s l g eonnnaoodgtvfnw crlk-iaU ro/earesac)rcoofhoffa,r8eso)a6rta0u1hr9.egi.ersl2tidetchsherw a ep ssseoleien r sefisosslhtareinorg,dgrhlies’seodtiurnra-liacraekgsr,eoe m n r G t e hseay, t ) yeoeupsarin a p o dtosnsestvntbeorycrosSptrieduepm u t ecioll npoit e renor-rerptttpaihoarartnytnr.= gnaotcfnlron9u,aotb.atdh6m y4anGenysodataocoetrcrheesr coer(ooien uaG lte,aefliTrnlavlsygisc,n atakveereinimg.ecotarnagyntraeseernrem uc tuohto(iosrnslyiec(, eyom ( s n i u a e o r l n e s s n e f e ,acrtkt, h e, t l e c u h nheyeeoorrr,udw i 3 r c g e G o v t i o l y s g v a c s c s tthSioe8nroov.usti tooraaotleuylnohpctuaeoehrfspisntehgrtseiovththieoeedbwr.SaeA o n r i y o o s a ae apanyrgneblueleavntvitocsallyeetysh’s utdhiciyisser?asdoaalnr(osow shauar baegirnrwvdihcaedataenardteham y a e a tr ucny rmhgeionst,hmit, ipceexm sGs,eoas.gTFeroernw lcaaSbeeorrm ogbvueaeblrryokw S gaSneirvavpteer bltgih)greateoetrynysubtsotyessfhqh)oytuhlayenooyuuretsw nargica xspe ftrnooyom b. spetrtvo oughrpae,arpenryodr a blsilsyh, .3 Ythoast o(bi)nyclounugl(ippsphetrlhhim eetcTGet.hoeU eim ceersSs,ea vunagidycssuom y’sasndhsicaltergteoehtorhenihtirg,htitnoeocreuuerescrtdrheodiftm tur ioucetaosunveisiclc,(siebotlbcyn n n m h S i a e v t e o d r r a w , e d t r g E a e v -enoeig uninneseyefneasrttwirsa nsdyeoS,egraetm hcSecooftmec- ex, pprues lay nges al ionraetastre.k, oretn sin t eng hte yo YrvodeocreSrvretivsrchtiiobcveoeaafgcrcoys.mpodrnwaetnm suastioinnf ntobthohygaddltaieoesytem rtehs,sy) luoan cirroenaotofcsiycen),nrrsorteierafcasq-fieam will l NroetccieecppievtriencigvoetihdndeitnoUnt i threi5en.fSt3gehefnrhetrtdheehSem fSa.spt”P.ttGroerrsm um n lffictahneyyinttrttheahlnialsstilsaiste cl,yodr icshp chcha y hatiootm t o s m w r i ) n c e u a e r n c r o t n o y o a c o o e e e , G i r f 7 d o y v m n n c u i o i y t f o i o e f a a r t T l s e t n i i a r t s a i s l e l , s t e u e d l r f u o t m l t , e A r t liw- su i r n ucsm hicdeisepxtcpcluloosdgo geadnilw aaesridtahnebyuyotraspm euosffanhtee S dtiertien”.dtgsdososyn uns orefrT itsihencalU ,odavbfisocsuneeffbsaarocnattyn Leg 2. , inlaawdsdo tw d,nvoueann feahysanssyumbdes, ipb)csuoymbnlaafukteecnadtllnywehcesosra tent ogcietshivnoifces tm eiccaxeey, lnucdt,liun ltunetudnnm io.nfhafsyatoyiochm nrseydaertylC eprtietaroroorenuudattrlhm eloeaegtloeiuam m nreglelitsorCenacoqo,n s uovm forrihedrseoesrvei5trisots.iuioogaeng(ronraeel err,eivtnw l t S i f e r i s e i t i r o e nfise e e, Con c r b c n r o c i o e u e i t i n l r c g i ( u n f p l c e e l o e o i g n a r e h l s d s h e o u g u r v P uhddytoly atiSoen S g inti nsutfiarinatawhcdyecpehtsaot,ssotiaipltsbdchaayeaet.eirontisnlw fot dtlyolhiotsew tcn gspeohqecnsdosey tpCheoocarisi arlooasyo.tgholn at ce f s. cA ayieabar“oiCeogilnabfeG c s e e theISnGearotyvhrosrtoouuhp.m .1o“iA rotonduottalerdscnacptbtorew ttglohalylyoueepaw iSvTh araivrnveyaeriunsgtebtoehetaltndincdyoeeyeodrdtlafirphatgt/eb;reraueretbtheoreoireatnntadetuensonrrt rdbylidospG sY ryevroosi/erguh yeit.d1oh,GyuFtooiooduusrnfionom p g b e d y Term 2 aisnmtw o s ofioyrdgoilsucurusese5toh.t1uhe amnm c agcpetsi.s liceenntsgo a b . r u y . o a p s c u n 7 s c i t w a ’s o t e c m t a o h , e h d e o p i m e e G o C a prvood-iudrs rsaeoegle etirohnieendtt.ftoy.uor kuoeprgeernbrurm v r i h s d r e s t n n r d e i a e t o u a o ) w i s m v r e s s t m t G a r Y e n s b r c d w d / i s n c r w i h e e o c ’s t Th o a u i u o e u a o m ( . a e i h h t r i l n k r s e e u l r eo tecdnotgn do aledSices. qui nabliicnessh, ip wiitth the th.eudetyheodtepuoaoyreoeng,siiot,anypraym vplaernocyvonintfitoirenfososorlpogmlcaast.piw m rtoncYedleiasG.goiPscetorsrsoneapnt9t.l3e.Iacolpopurfrdefiehnltyoptw be yo wm hiacy n yout tShoeeoargT 2aoffi r h e w s e . , a e e s t A t g o v e s t 8 i n r v m c . l n l n k t m o c e l e t s t i e s r i o i g e n u t a g a i y f e r i e a h u r n a G v o f l a l s s 9 t f i o c o i fi r b l u l s l b e h k d t a w p e p e w u n i a b o d u i c i e r o e d l G d r e p e a g r u r y e o o t s p suoa,ron ootssnnbifoenongaetlodoenua’sdttm xruta g aprainliatihnc.agaktonenCn ce.1 ce e y vialvall advioeenusahtreaesanersSpeyeotunoshtem ee r S ric yo seorksr,elatet caon Yo ee th s);toor osG tw am f c enpweSe,waroo.fvreigSaceyrsexesepe,xlioipncitw t touadnraleueapiG yttchhogtaryonlcbeitdglnc-ehuitcn ribveeuutnoagrm ,shtthfeecanhtulpneeussrpetow rignpst lforyt sC ot ac 4 veiforpdrloecgihfiacord6sssioi.ainY )toip-.tovfIhldn e vrn l o mtaoyTeobroem dipulcedileserrnefshseoesot#atisn nC gotloehngalgt intnign, gydaonisuatg.rbY aiht ehtoetpo:/r/htviw gle aetucairyvttreohl,aoevtritieloaon euftgos. uitshd-the)i.nstoU m oshaaedfripw do n 2.4affiBlitaotresinp(tesSouuffcbdphsoiuaT heiecaesSsnptdolatiec9tdpS.d1:uev/r/Y n earw p r r ( s t i e r e s c u r , r o s dcoom , w m l e e a h l c i t a h s i r . d y t G p , c g o u , e u n p a v i x t o r )segele a eSoSeefrdTh ei hnyotobuou .onherootifm hwn wsorpgilaa-m atlhit anst tinT lreeeud s siasonosnridfom hlisbulnt-yerwursieam ngom ietG ehti.scndEion ueedrtm ld d (“strstaaleiltsoim yfitn ifsetcrrceoalotm o ghts tyseroe,rauu-nealrrnrpcadiiagyaosw t l o p , o e n 3 G l l. ugasitegi(stsraeotechdlefefcaa.teattosyhsm n v e i e s s b e z o h m t s r 1 r t s l a m i c s i n o n e e e h d t G sosnfgokrtnhhtohetwm y s e t a i e g e i p i f G o r t a c shouworUlynoui.vSedoem s r f r o s d m e s r i gvsohicaetsy.iegrrhetnvtytitocerpnilciaeneyyrsw ign tesicpeotshgalSetn co eo ir egr arler th rvepioll v-oircg ilnl m atgaeaccaglovlnlm egoadlbguiegm e i c in.1ouoY e ) rlelesetcrrriuecesgesvtipsotisptoatpyrrnerto-hn ielctoeryem t hsftdeecowcrpScao.echuLroim c em rocgrnfiallerbevslG tsh3rotaU weurissetrhbseyquehiethw eo ettleoreeou’sevpsaihsaiasnnindgS-neasrs.(m lethoe thaist, vices yeavy,cabtniedoeodw of thates” e pp4rrooYvcoiudcaoonflt6eG arh1in0i grltepyesropdo1uopo0anuG eeiw r errtSoehvaetoieigrcrSeecsadeteat,onhlsayootpnw letedl o-fptrlea,nlot w . s stoioTne3iro.5notnsW anoeyrrn aoscltgeohT YodGuhisoaootuaSnm eaG vltoiehrctsoteieogcypntcbcioeneetrg,taan p.rypoeltruivsmaeiiecfigodegcirtssG r a t h . 4 fi t f e . e s r b g e 4 l e c a t y n o d a e n s e l 5 h b h a a e l u u rmatr bieabsilitttsoi,efytohueefiSteed ly, see S o e a t t n v a e a y t r i s l a l t p o 1 y c r h o n t . a o k i n u ht,oaf ghlee,thSpsosparo,egantrhppedrnfayoye-sfenras1etTh g l e c h n oefhGo rteheaet yim t uhiegthiicsitruhueus,icncw a r t G u e t s l i t r c i t i a t , a s d n a y l i l v r o h c e o a e ) wi o x e n d w y l d a a l e i b m e e h oben timceh e r l u B l i i u n b w t h e t r . , e n h s l c d A i e g v ( o o h d p l w u t n o y g o e o v r t d e n . g s t e d i n u o i m e e g t v e 3 e t G d i o e f a t d i a y ’s t n e a m o d ) r i t n y t s n o s k e a l o t n v i y r i n u n o o t s s e r n 1 i g e s r r a i f a n e y a e h a u r y e 1 l n r e i r e g t u l e o a e i u m h n v u y a e u tinoin . e ihbtthlrsee, rv,yuroiotdakhrsetisvninegoe.xtfTh ehe hisGrto1eo0T uto(m s snse lStehoeureha;voor tedr ,wh )cl ondttoioseleadacw inchehsoesncsdocucbsairyand atontyhomw ei Snicetw you th Yroacecnom hspeoboarnygtigsow euedcm tasa wactw o ssideo g brhyingen lce lre)yirnrttuaotpe(o r, lsbt ility ne-e nly)aret.nuon al)ocoyew sluhesib.toiostfhprteoG s. aiadyot ngfilreaatioutsheB eaase rs ccehcsetsahsrgseerSeeeairctngvohsarbw o, hLi a t t egrlrew you infdofrerroem li fagrnsfsuam yersdsbservew rsicoenw lfiidtcobalntisoyig,eSadeaetxprr,iooievpg4snirtpcY ocasittrofihur-rldegtd,utaththnhuoedabdsaite-renew lsiooertuvebGcioSogioesbhoirlto-uisgnthoanfvhdei(alusG oen hee(ew aitoou aew h i a e o t t h r s o r e w c i w a r t l l e t d g e a t h e o m toisttrg,y benntnesetlocutseontueibnrjefcroGm r t . d r v n oo ehofom d nm e y a aheotouhonnagdspforrsctsniaton nabstlinote,shxorm h u e a n 1 p t o w r s e t t s e e o h a 1 e u w i u o o ft t a s t w y ven will(aordtyaoteun. nuesec7t.e2 rYaodbcvjceor r(dw p h ce) o ainems or i l n n hietraittihomnw o o e a o ft e f h t e e l m r e h G G t f m y e l t e a a i y s e l y t y o i i e s g i h o h w f e o r o o g f a r e i , e r n t b v t g b a y r i o i d n S r e w e e o c i f r b s w . y t v w h e e b p t b r l a g e l o e oin einngtaviees.sutem beuytoum fedLtieomr w yinn ins ftooriyooniunoeusbet Toeirof ns’ship ny epasatseed gom r h e e e e o n r d e r h y p e t t , r g d s t h o v / c o a g u c e n b r a o g b o u e a . u h t n t i o s l u n c o f a a p d o t o n e e e t G r e o l o m n c e o m s eohawyarlneficeero.acrsoG rbmY e ru5b.l tn tifee icesinacgtionnth rueslebatyogle ndt a up ar ldeerao, tsouroura3cynsh.2hdaItflhlfatoersrvorete”olcriecuaeeracm rgseoicouopipnodesrsG datacCscocyyrnodtupohl8leis.cl4ryooeY doonaotuhtotetos ucrukuabntm hivagiw e ot gigll o1fn1woil.ad2a(oerow do aaygvt eeatvshoeilclepy1aa(srath)ioahnnveoesSbebir)nvefctdohloritnm nog ip nucyrtiteedGo oyroauyano advoeurr-’s eSiadeltyrehnvliaienyctrtoyrauioycbw is leivs abeerdsoton d tehirovevuiw v phudasttee)enyyseeootai1uu“aptrSrlhriogoerlft G.geonosobtoajteihncpSihtorsitonft tigecim 6U.2nprA a t)nadnry(geN so o shoficfyelaorisem m nhsm osseboyn h)ds-oaebn egbnroatarhle(nnC e u t t thuwreaoetcen s 2 h b o i ream t S h w y p t Y t . o r fi l a t e e r n h d c t 5 d t r a f s l s . rinssed(deCG h o o t e a1x5tops.o1reslrlheaeretsebiusSdeuletelurtoovonffraeff . t w u a i it atahlllf a) in t utes.fneultlp, :// atyeocdreolsitlnhlae g,rcyennoecnuprlltauegsom r f T o n o g u 5 uw C wtihotend esa; ph 15. l e o a d r s n e ff e e y s r i c t , o l h m o h m y o a l e esd iaasosfaatiaxolclnldutoltibohenapsasebrcsoecvtwishiinsoeilrtim nesttg,olepudy tioauam t htt escm naushviaidcteoauaeteacodtrydoipiotaog csu.hraseuncceet sm r fboerhtent CY e a a o i r , o e e c n ( t b r i o t y n p b u o i e g v a u u l e es uaniw o um h t l hs eosw r e, robaiusslalrkskyele.ictimytiotichuepoaG o vioincrdekssd/gt.5srihY r a n n geeosnffiplaeelasrenrG ynolaaoeurroekatw callyGoog8l.eCoolenuarsteao,cclo iSveeerw icctbisyehnrysofanoyeirotspeeouahlrrlryaoh,clvilseciticearhGeasasyn , ssiotannthd9ieswR om ooagicrthlo r.odsnpeetdinliothuoeninSsepar ther hoirch ca t cm w irtrohrhvm nw raLmrotohevsw aet,.nfieoyTh firgaoithom tysnnefeldeoortasiodsh1eeya5xrol.clo3ulcuTh ,rw hi itoegesnnlr1ea2cb.oalSG oignytaooti eidteraidrvbo;teoinolir,uw dtaya(rtoen Soaco)sriyft hlseocfhw of oorgle.csudeslrpow roewofitaaghhn,rleenewSsw tcufeatgnhlscaeecsweScftdeoesiutnfon w s a d h h d er y erifveuantsuivnwdhheeairitc,hhithenhriseairsnolU n y t o r w n l o l o p d y l d d m a t m e v r o l o a b f i 7 y l l b o t l n G e n r i s i e e t o . l e n d x r i a d n n e l lw2i0tfh ue t,aoipnbptw u eow.cgesh, e po 2c0lu.6dY ftussteecsheo, staayalolbyaulveda,lhiaaw d o dtt( uoc coveosengabiers spboruifteintoafbooyse oarncneidonts,nedoenfiivtt oeouaffi rsaihniietpthShoG yodvhisiw iisloi.,tnoysihningatllhateops,pdf eeatsnaaw u h t a . g g t iaoprutthersoudpcoh us rp igiothtuentonteorben ylebytiolen i c t a p n m l w i a n i s c d g o , i i n i v 8.1CYonaattneionnSb(esyurvG f h n i a t w e i l n i r l s s g r e v h t o i l e i y t c e . e r / t t r d r o i o s h y b o e e o l i y r s c . Th s e / n p y s n e a f c t i g e i i s : a e l g c o C a a y g p r h , e p b e h r n g h t a p e f r t e n l y t y h e s c l i S a o m 1 e v c i i e t t r s a l p . c e y r o o a t f o o y e e m . e a m . i n r h p h e e t C e . . l v t i t s m r i y o w a a t w m a e b a a a i e i 1 c l e y s r 12idSchaeteat1eriy1ndSm,aecsturhtiosocofolrpneanatedsoufrlradtvopipecsleuiissuhtpardtedsdaesbfionSevebreiavuosnenyhaolacvsueabrt hstotpatnGhraow rm ths co lom ). ohpra y1 t aicthhGbahoyserGliohm ogtmvipcsoeasrris eb tshyit p em info uennletsexta, tdyisocutimlaeeirg’snsrpgeorefcitensjo)dtw rteuhtdteiow click A llow tihh nTaagdlneyt,oeienuusapcdeaassphbepm ele,ainoetr.Shlteo,erasm dnttheuiansgoytorn ioytg,(eD sned hheer ‘w sloyeaTh nyyodoavukeoeaplease e’sl si)aeedtesdnin le erom thafonuefcn(ojiteciohc)tgtiflcotehoum o m e b v . g a m o g d e o h n e h g e t u c c u p o n i . o t c e s t l t G s b t o a Y i e r v . o t l y t o i n im hdatdyot.h1ieacasuosmcn.1tensTh yv f e nGtioogndhttassgtraenl otf tu(oyhDosou)gloeoagbhil,ivtihed,neionorSggunG (tphereor dthw duiacthe oof ot . G sauooore wri told 8h.5eGY oown legnrfoeetrO uritoth1ate1iod.n1wboSicntheuhtersC o t.2oryrviivg-cbilew r eiaoonybuuieoca(nharnoyodGtoionnGdrolpriuypgp,rroreoagvtit1n desem rura1ln5ymo_urmr1ea8nyffil iokns t tots nracthrekse 2ba0yn.3pyypoYw liortefym iba .4 tasiyn yt oitninygCeosudthg aheinasasdponvyY W gso,otlroa)tnthocgaoetithomepdebsttchionahugern5G SGeproortaoefgcw dr aroreoer rhsahhfi-paiaoilxhclnehbylsetie,tpsyceaoornfdaAypprboeeevrdliliisisnaebmslreewrnaeidtsheoium vltwneiithsolfeirtiotoieom e n or b reespaornaste 2s9pUcononslneseisbspeetw e y c a e r v l u d t r i a y n v t ) p a d t o l e o k n e g h n d , t r n d retm eonedt tah tna, otplhroopftw ehaitm w snen voit er nu-rt eotr cetrpol o rvpuircrooerarvesciydpcrvioi .e n etyinfocrknaolew s sitysotoohurgn beusfowrsiabaririeei,n pltlhrnA ttlroaraeyelseioicln nsrgiiriofpevorvaeofiocm rsm voeteSExryecotoqluurorium in a has no9r licrew C nasrhe1a7. ,onwdcydoagvfrinhearattraet-arnedlainacn kronasestui,tdeeotirtrevisdrensiengw nTseim yon hes,Saeiccch a rebspevreootronbhe Yothooiogrgitdslneiy’ssrdpoeun aisrgle .a6thrU eargtgum om rse,Sruvrbiscoseisftydsaw d s n n p i 2 e e a . e t u n . s s l o t S s i v s e d a l s 0 h e e u i o m f u 4 r a i t l r b o n t r r r e h s n thsw.ioin isco detsitw tes, tirphdke,thetceh;aeobitrnSleeawtcceteaersnon on tgh-gno,esytoiocm tuoi(toeogrlva1ei,.cB (isCoiSonetrupbyrcilhuandvsienongrmsoleeyotrecfnetesqsuwerhntti-issuirinspn tohtih Go itn9e, ta1i afuG vrw n sm iosfneuyeurrorom 3yeaysdYdT okrgs1eem u c o c e e m , n i e t S y . c i . o e e n r s a r i p h 1 p any otuhcihnraegtaixt psoerbeasnosolytympopeyorkoG s e l i m d o t o u a e e s r apuvesyaa a d n h v c 6 m saaedd-v,ovecreolrpircreySorttoo,m t , e o i e , raicnesegrem orhia,tya,cte m m i , n i a v t c n e S o s o e f 1 c t n ( v s e i m s n e ifn r t e h t o v s t c m r o f l l t i c i osreoerc-rm e i o r 1 o e n c e T c i s e r s Th y o y . t c g y ; o T n , n r : e n r a i s e r u c u v r e t r encongyl4) .t1nradanleyt.3ealgNrrSfovooiarone ecsurem a n 1 e d ) f f y e b t e 7 e r . p t i i o h f a r , p s , o o n v i n s n s e b r n t y r l s v b t o o s i 1 a o p c 0 , e v y g i r y r g e p i o t o i o x s a e e n u o n f s o s m y r d i d 2 r h S l e u t g i , d u v i m i C s c t d n n e e t ar epg1a4nloydvoy,oeuGvicseeeirvrvsti,upasongle o stahrercet-rteeoptairaoignnlec’sluayriaanlsyegihceaeedssaodosr,tweir t , teseperrpptnstethco3creuto.ohd3mfG-pafoayrare(ec1ao,osm eorgdtthhreeadrStsilseeyp,oelunaaarlknpsm o a i l h s t e p righintse,rwtrrauitdniem m e e i l l a l o v r o o l s e t t S e e d s r , m p s i p d c s e t o v e r t s t e a y o p o y bui s ” o w n e r o i m o s o o l o l a c p e n i a o t u a a d b s o l w 1 t r f s y e d i i e , i c G e s ntyy esrruuhrepisayG in eotvhade ngmilacetoaatneen,fhansyeyrSasolstftaanattei“saopesnrx)iotptrdhreeestoAriffi bonsm lem slpetoe.pasnoysSw.taeTh gehptacyoyculertnedh ay dam snuhdolvb,oytegrA oeulym e tihnuors C namsorsi)n uosnotef,nyrttrG m risue(Efaug-satin drbdyitloliG anrtgo)reoaslsofds nyfa(oog1inhiru6iyi)p.ca1thnIdtim n opioslleaoygooiuoodrfe,otuhrw n idncthitrtahreitgcreoctletouyneddobw irnoeconnltouo)omgtdioecsetuuxicotnhen itroit c a ( d a u t w w r G e v t s l i o u a n o o i o r e p p h l r a C y y h o t a s n t e t o , e , Y c , d e e k t r e w r o a p n , t ooiaelrcatewserim e oothr me croltddweinmabiucletensoscnssi.ef:tcw mrende ta aiacttetkiiloaliosn m ucshnpiol npatcnhsyes f,daoevrsseohcfnaadldl ipocrootm hieutesm tseores2r;ugs any usm santgrnevosidtcw rdnubw ceoatiodnsiosifvt,revui letnorsyciloaiycui,rtnesrdSea(enabrnsyvldigpaiivefiikce’scelyayyosolouupalduyvai)nle.ieattbcisy,aeri,elcesfi.hlsaoasrow tronhrhteissp caetnhpoetfgrrrtlisensh,gcam llray baiYnoseuom s ite na rw d aySinsescosluft(mi1adnan hl rnm m bctl ou hqhrem eosi nu(not.ieTh noeenntesdetaos1bdosr8luo.etf2trfiingn9ot.fotCghrlhm oG isetxhcelrue deTHAT’S trantrad sogauUMM, e t e n g i x b dporuedbqdifuate (bEMBARASSING. o l u ) c y h w e n i o l e a s C d o t t aa5iro. g f l p i ( r t e e e s o i n h o , f o a s i o s v a n o , f s ttlalecyonesre. mTabetyoCyr vnictclea(lraw tm n r oahi)gn p lnypsy,lielacont otseG1ryo-orlaw iSrghtehcrn nuyelriytoyeuhicD ntG(hAes) tytoayoinsaG fe tas,aastpiin u o a e a e o e q r i h n h t l i f h or o paorrt ianidtteatepodtu,omrdupivaee;rlaifbvnoeerderm c t t i s t f g u t o t i , e i a a n c t v i c b g o i fi h r r p l i C h s o t l , n r a f b e r i n S r t w h d t , o o h e e w l x r t , l e y d itaG ntffi eoehfpnpatcisnsehatirntpeateem hbrroocavetsrcisertx)esca ilgytah)rdcheoynpottaruottiterpoironvnicavtaaitleasr,.ow ade CeodantonhmysesoeiSoenaoidsapplaoetrhIw y erm lm w A celhyPROCEED c n 1 i i u g o A e u p e t d n h t c m l r b c n i o likel pPLEASE, d y t d r o i l g n d r S u 9 S e y t t b i o e f a u e i l e o TO THE NEXT STEP. a n i n 2 e v ; a u l o y n o s s l e u r s i . 1 p e h icse rsehraerteigl shoa nitytivvenorsrc be oro stano maq1u4ioirsethlat tothinrecnisengsad,htsw pssu ytorim i poslry.oitatnhtreriluetosehpsncrdtreueerthSUbnyStiyteeordrfvueam dieaaeovbr’slirm o ed inale3rs.e.4Th uaidnhcdvtrhese, rfeam rotsrhui,dan etaowyU siluooappyptichacn unle ahnadttdyoiosu uosniftpo, prm uN d e d s l o h s y it C c c r n e t h t 1 i i e m y g u r e t t onisouhnaftn e r h c alceichw c t eleTrirotoabrb v b c m o n o t o e a k b o e T i s);:stuoinff toi)thyenoeiuuTsrem ofoethtoeoarcsgoSrdreervm ttreeoashgeam oahsw nfiaenutG sgepttheowcsSoteurG Gluloyl i tacrtsm caom told you tsoub hetht.aeEcShneodrwin n t i d n i h u e e a i a e l s a l e n ( r u c f t g t u l g h i i g e e e b n n l c i a o t o g Thsthdaeilsrsaobrrsltm n r th,13 shinpguarffunalai.cieYon he T i n o a v i d i d ssg-tiaehanyopbegoetsxg n t u o y i o i h f r M h g t e r n t t t o o o G .cN 2tor oaeutaadvhecehonehnw u nescotlegleare eodvi is of ttoitm a i y S o o e o . d s t htbw s o r n 7 w e s i r u m e l o 1 t l h l o pt o a e h tls cotnele; drnsoyt.sD t s rtmer14i .4 y seoieirtoeshegtdaatln y, G frym osuutsniabdregblastkueewuledw oem oof aW cr othneGoosoror mprsion llrpanee Ts w .eor . reafeintrriiteorniihm us)lToeryhwrm eeggxdhettobe,sun, ftcrbaoneomoinfcoeG sriove(eotai.loi.hptnm e s e is fo service pnrcoevis4hoaefTtehrm inaeeticestdyrtoebhuqoeGrus(bB e u u I UNDERSTAND r e n a tc iv oreinqi cal aut yiscanerv iwglulamcciiifi)1U , fw II AGREE AGREE lw truheptalieun ice .1 Th eromoag(fflhAee)nt aom II AGREE AGREE euondu7yatn.nobdadfyoc hoY oythbreeeaslnetgdoptoyeholsictyht)haaylettoceeSuorrr.voufuirk1act6/e.dsaspec.t3ecm II AGREE AGREE y a a s his l 13 un(tBil)tG e u W t t x I I AGREE AGREE s /Aywd c f m o e e r . 8 i S a a 5 p II AGREE AGREE II AGREE 3.le oryme ll or:veicabilirteeo(ftiotvohgelefiwetietrdhdoololycr,1esCpe-olhaithaytpla;t:r/caG y AGREE em csSi?udtsh fd llily);aogsre gobensswtoeim appl r Gyol1aowgnw(feilnl dtc,hoaensSuoenm II AGREE AGREE icaehnifiitcgydireeleenesp1tsoty,opraO I I AGREE AGREE l n a l u r o a e i f , b u a a a cT 7s.1isgspoi1rnrkco II AGREE AGREE uyof urhavur ppatenrdywhiacboGlineloatoe3sIugnIpsn II AGREE AGREE youso vtiosiongoatioutnrnsaBlca)tw hrtotysiuoShnoat ab8n ALLOW II AGREE AGREE .2,ilps1t a7n.apandlyUNDER pIvIiloenoyAGR ( oogleinytceotrrt(uoio)rn(eoora1cfrno6Ldhrm a triedplssedho’simaps I I AGREE AGREE pro ocbolimens,d G I I AGREE AGREE gcteuoirorAGR ydtIiIm nT jeitsaertonciumtm rm hee w kfacanonam tn AGREE AGRE eg y I UNDERSTAND e ou a ll bne usunibm c I I AGREE AGREE a n n o t i b I I AGREE AGREE n o i e f o r i a r o t t s r cltnaaeetdr’sbosa,bairogyllnifr t a G a g II AGREE AGREE d e e i m h r i e o II AGREE u L I I AGREE AGREE e l y b i a I I AGREE AGREE f e v e h c l . e e m o AGREE o r m w t r o r v I I AGREE AGREE 5 y n f a b y e g e p t prS aoinvoeaytoiadof1iulnsstffuyec o xiste gTh n 1 , n y r c i II AGREE AGREEII AGREE o n o d I I AGREE AGREE i e AGREE e m e I I AGREE AGREE t a e o p e o II AGREE AGREE t odsneelanciaes9hysa. ow nm tthyitosrrsuG fIrI AGREE eosaIfI iAGREE II AGREE AGREE II AGREE caucrcru or eNont1hsf5ouin.rl3rtm AGREE AGREE e:/p/hleCnoou p yrmrw II AGREE AGREE ow lstbyioAGREE tsuewmaeuyip,recem n oceom i e iIoItorynuAGREE II AGREE AGREE ALLOW II AGREE AGREE II AGREE .adcinotvahecyihv haIvI eAGREE AGREE haaoatnyphhssoiolootcuterpiiosm m b fAGREE 15) .a1snaycrliuadbucIeIitlltiAGREE l o w l AGREE G II AGREE AGREE T a n a II AGREE AGREE . i r s AGREE l v t C n p d p s e e ( ll exa nresa lvoesossouhornsSterbaoebre1rhln9leaericSs. e II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE oAGREE n hua atsr ty IIfaoIIAGREE II AGREE AGREE brtAGREE Th ntnpiteespet.a1lneeGstaeww isexfrgcleluho_ddrgascelseodoom IIy AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE yIIsoAGREE erAGREE II AGREE AGREE IdvACCEPT 20otrhgeehora ea iativ. e hbeeO b abIiIlaiAGREE II AGREE AGREE llgyoaeopptm liAGREE G r U y c AGREE o I I AGREE AGREE u m . h o W n . f t u s e I I AGREE AGREE . a 8 s d IAGREE I AGREE AGREE law IIeAGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE ivspeeeeanert II AGREE tisainbsleholaGuwl heof 1andncavlhyearnntigG bAGREE A n tsI y T II AGREE m II AGREE AGREE p y c o . r II AGREE AGREE t n i o i l 7 a l e t r Th i thib ioi1)g th th2e0ak1ter8m.I1InuoA II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE app d II AGREE AGREE A leaey ms.e1hIhItoAG asAG srlf m II AGREE AGREE s e U(enom II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE g w S i S s r T l f iye .1 cpoe e II AGREE AGREE II AGREE AGREE









affil re .4 toe r )he steo g e fffii t t n tiib n e n o h w c d d n s l p t s c l Th c e p o o h a s s e i e P , u r t l e t A l r ii t h e e l T n h y 9 wark ehUies Taoordsicekpoivrvedfru,sstih” m 4 . ml,siyatoeu e wor assneavc,ienoearnfroffi 0 b 6 4 ithmwaay Mnkievt ren1m e adnigntcioniapglanaaTtgthetSerhm ld a n rs0s,0hA menleg3a, tlUhneth3de.e,A cabuys: ”). lef toai clcpeeleaSersvSsifeocremlprom . ehm l i Ldvoaui onwal4wT s) ptceervorv. icanliecssowph rerpefhlG is m yot uexopr ly butiensdedraSairtndaiegitlutiaohabtnaalleienpdt4rgV o oeY u s cm ,tihtohiaosgp or iaceysoeus. wyi en a a n wnssdatfcaooksrgenoaeolt-pehatriitosoefgreteor yo ll you ytealifoTeyitreoaoem s htooinpngtyesaorsgaf.ngaTh the uasde eoupndiG o gwrot vurrecdeaoeoiuAfsfG rdchloeou,gsTbC elren lift.hYe u ,l yAgGrteohew tthearmsf tyh, ean3d.1oW cecnoeffi lveeiheiYdoeum oetShedgse orueg oroaicantteiefrodrm i e n o m u n t s S n o u e u e y w t r esisdabaglleaertivSiucaend acis-tra shennrteerdealfgafertrthaegegm ruaSetngebtey,e-iytsnSw 1.2 carevic oluisf(thBtahk)abw ty4aitv.h2yicoaeuosr.uintfG rooieogm ert oeuervlnlicubese;eseoannccbe,soidrai-agsreetion sorom U f e asntlewatocnvthiacteasanem y ft t ss p w a nl ullys. I inlaenthogacreGwtorIaatciom c s i ( i y i e a i n h c h t y a o t r a i t greaeensmsdeotahtgh.eCnpnoyltlhgeiigsnuetahottugeiuem llleglnn lasoelloraiium rm t npoof nahyseoosus toy yrctbive leedSto rt o menthineg“yw i n rerosoisuyicotaiucvaresrpede evctearooeyrtrneosutt.w siseyanihoocygetuonsodnsbroetfrtaavniopurrirondgvgiisvidrthueoegui.istptyrraeth- aervice f s. t w Toeuitrhs ptrioesew at tuset thelts eepd S tiot rthseblgr lay, y tdoiaceroon t r i s d a a e e r c , h n v f o i o o d u clud ainthceG nmuG sseY eertaGgerexe cttohouiu uptern.oonwfethheeaShntceotecrlsu-yoaEarrcinanagdn-tyo sGetrohvoeicSens nteroolyt”.a ogf ltaec, dkrofeoo5doreotyepogdehlreiainsetnntlteh.ngedavelirdtcsiheteceem 1 d ctenes,oncefitlwe gleer, v .2l o5ub.5ewi6c.e2 tr tatnhTietesorcm d .5 eIo, nat versfotghhleenfdo th4he.y5Sn ice eurw tohn svtoar soo h t l r a b f o t l h d e e s o twcon f tw e n a A e t w eaarm , dwion thTwerirlm c r i S s r s lvaict YtcrovaiecgYdoygrulU Scrkrs h s s h e e i n e s c nditiyorue isin. him daeullyaerseoeau-aaongpnanrlrdieveaiseevesnacayctciotslradutiisoen t enrevdicieentravnw hoaft masalw s c o E o w r t f u n a w n p n G h r h f aty. Th rgT sGalnytpkgenlrsow s).icdesic. h cllatieoyuupchngrsly. ailraoym canov,noetroehm ane2s.e hats trshoeetmlolnayttyiiho(m rhwitlcteebpgoerten adgostroouhofgraoigetsm sesoela , eliteeetetrG m y,“aUnn d 3waY robew 8eleloeppfolfuaoternhdpdgguet- oletehltiayvhcteieebs you hrone otiethAeudtmbine)sehaatisrgpeartdteupernm . t m t d v c i n e y e o n o d h l f e i e a e u d i edivmera3sy.a2atuIrftem ( r t lSsolaaegdnrseod areSs.eeper-n sagree gonotniatvntryw hm eCal em adaeicpitefitphixoaseG diotubhniytsiwm teaaryrtoenodrygtm h l U l(l at)a ybonettw h e o e a o n y p linctidtaoybuyoleeospu)-aum o T r rhaeenri oaccvttihicvsaeoigttsriaeneoanspibelcifit-hat n e u l n cw l o t o s k u eeeA - hbolgplw Sdteedrraim seeaycTnctehhitrnG ut iere s e cgrue eiivtsnhedusb.eeeriacoTalfy.etetrru,m Sbaignrveerspraere4.n3 w hvtiicose”.ipdealrensoSarlltohl6w 3a a8cnsd eutlea. ri,ll oi ouamnsoghroeregnest-thaetpa- to m e i w e y p A i e c S n a c a n e t o T t l n n e a d t r e e i . r n e n , r o S i e c n s r e t n t a a e s o y Y d a eIcfrcov.ye1spopem t,oivssa iorerogitt, rose d r, vyio oc )nycwolvuhicaientm Tsyeovirunnicrncntem .gencnoovgfetntscofpnliaetsrhgt(loeioTnrhEeeonrnnm tefrihoavssC rdefm oticueebdueiltuoli,vne yuleanptlilr,ooddiust cues cur tishsm En udaaenratdtarotnanywatrtitiathhohpeeneaT n r dro e asuetoircerhnatriatsoe epcoratdsrcaew ,ecene5rualpfacatlshugdlw r c r e m i c h i n n a u u i n o r s i . d g l e t S o f s e g e s a a n r a l t d pciretvisinnga(gplpipsehehm ae tGwxyopom uo6slsaerY tioocnhiorgtaultaem iesuofyw nloeoerivsnayntgpth(he eicaetasokanrsodrrbeatshse b, ute or r claaanptygeerbnem etcesookaem sdottsrhnifveoraisnotcpieotso,haagnsgrlG fnonsuarsgttfoodonartoninrgytuutuoselhsianaxegyt,eoeSondueftusujutiaursthptcerh,ehioeinsrw re eald crea oitfeitcovegniddtethhalneitem G p fnw at otyussipcbootdgoaawntinrhacedl,eedam ygscorshv osdaesit.nhdi of tl aoln TaSbernleeulneaehgsaeobfam w h l t G l i l v c n e e v fi t t e e o h g o o i .orreom U ctlayenstvnebryneryelohyg,eahtllU ivtoisofioiuorremgaaioapccvrreue-dstfbeaiyetco-uastrhraeofislpel e this te etofxnoeiregr,tbdoroeoytdrirftugyhrsedooaG rtidehwseisth nthittheeeUSagsnleey’stshotsueurcorSpotseruiGoaedgsnopefotreohnm tttapeyh(dauepntp8 dftoiyw s luensm coiunr esynoo eosc,rt,i m g n y o a n r uroevrin5et cianlrueth dy Snetiravvptidhinsrdceperm e o y pu rnrtptrsooigih)nlaw t e sa :/s/Stwohtdp.se5e,torYociagnluorleeasoertieform o e h a a e , ftuspw c 5 v p o l t w a u i e o rhdssydeoirissoi.oU so.w w e susooctdhlheoeelrysoysouacrwiefin,carlils aruts)e ptaith/aercsa)crli.lhbsrttieaclaspnpG nsdrieenf.S3oe uvortueorysbse?aoaslrdan(rssoepw ggdotom lerG iguslteclrytuiaogganrer(aenoloerefrataoathtgnfehedrtthrY eoioarotsgsoroem hSeediccteasgltihgeaotrhaeroarrtnnyty.ofhofoilauy)nikhttpeyasyyorrtooantotiusm yk. i ob oaelgu,eor’sgtlpheorg.eriflereotththdani-fourynGdo fSeor oo )rte tSi er=4f ,ro)s n /b-eyibm u u et e rTeeltleyem u ses5teiStohenr,evintosgirdm e7as. pterSrtvevtsihrucvntoer ynoeoonr8vs.3an8e6a0truantohy ein/aayfoeoerhrmcoormhwaettrCyomasti,oogle i r . ( n G i i b 1 9 G s u r t i e y a b c u . / s t u n 9 t c m r a r t s p r u i w e o ISeneSwrieciretvhtisanhonbenyy”P toSheeYotuh.h1em g.a4ohnO T rovofaearcgclosc(,iyleobtcebysneuybsot etyshhtoorenysaotdoocttaoehcrrgie.rlet.edis2coU eoveenatd. itte -taecrnet,snowith vleiecreamnG a ovordi icfuotlsaoepunrsrcym a’ss fqtyaat he thhrepnasnsrelcehsyssoitobhufierrl.irtyt ctcheasst nG s osocr. m es yaotrgpT tooonselely out ar hbs tyhsrtgoceleersetisr.m set y u h aihotm op nsdo) lauheoelulynoh GsrsweeT s a i o t s v e o a u e f e t e t o m erleoovunocyvaitrd,ssey.aso oupgm uhnofafyaoyocmtiroendanrw e-hsynoouyptcoeuaervscoeroiseorylm i s i onyt ogl nt. u g f c o n r i s r r c o c d n l u o e s r m t t h a h e a e ) t r i s i n e h d e h b o fi s u egscum parethavnef,oahue olirm e sm tisnhhipfianetho(grisenenigaoclftreloui,anbtcw .7b.Y iotnsffadstceifoc icroetitggthoeurew yitdhay n uoudbcffhs oacavlraelslnbyinteitftioinreum g ti lr-ikagnraoitionnnhrgyi-giC p i a iennfeoossea.a,1otyGuFioeaooudr“baroioCleeglsorCnehcoqtleeirorSy)enfne,narosrrtciefasqfiarunouhientrgth,noinrigtceueaihvttthoeinoene9btao.h6ldm wol whiotSnetcreteiedoted nsthim a-e nset x dwt eUTw la ri aal ouds6ois.aiYdveG e i T n p S i e r r n a t i u e e o e e o e a s l n n m o c n o p , y i n . e i m s f e d e e t n e , r e r t i i o l g i n e e e d l u c o fl o u n A e r f n n s s h r g r m r c u i G o s e t t l s t o r e e a ) sniht)dog th Gnotn n e r v m a r t e i u i a a G s l c t r ” fi a s n p m d a ’s o l t g a s b . h p a s m G e y l o lifindocdm yogssfiacu,nueficoshltsareyigoirvueedshiaspnlodog1le1, rriseacrsrddhiteotitfm fryonosom sy,)ttlw edsisogeelcsesu,a.prstahitflroeytesarensSypedaecasr8aA ftotlgeolaegtsdoisosftynaor,ooonrm 2iotrcoYnoolroaovapotglatyllhyepoeuarw ng s a a a , uoan enom gbveuery anG cdeeisad-ugisdr sec dollhiytohseoltwenuam ancfgkotr t t hetstCoeofcontushrevaraiffi Srnseyaerdauobinm ucytto(hoogrr,dlihsfto, tryivoeubyaegrees o ssydoeS abrylkoaow C a i h G h . r e e o a y o c t p G u n h l s o v t t e s n r o x d f i n e t i o d h o t i , f e r o c s n n i r o d u o n c , t t n v o u e a saeoisorogvrnrl sye(o’seiudtrtatolhdeeoren e 9 p t6Gi.n1nhuotew a t s m i .oog4nfleY t g meSlleoe.Sdfrevtr:hivt/h/iwm s c a p l , e v e n.lriPscoegm a h euealldscrcat ntnituvopeserbeaff T e nr- li de o s rn ngraetm G geceecesSew Th S w.gietorsroenapt t’s nptboiwevtusrfiiam anlwtiet aorconattniyh)teotbtohygadleteersySs,.egaFreeenvonrwrmihcs,ieym hgeeatthodGouiosoYeaogodbgluierm ou ce o te, iyoa gllueeaistiges(trsoisanpdeot,oraovfreicSaoo9gn.lei3troenhiendtet.raSTh ionu dicgeincihn arakgrn- in ,edaisom re tachdaesrreorudcdersfaw n e s i o o t e o s t a g e h , u s m p e y e h a iainoinnym u auatuSoayaenrryeevscertuarteceheldcaffea.etttahoyntelat9adipcSg.1eyrxeeseepesaxp,lritaicunrehatc.Iclpofoptyo.ouorykuryoevrosiyuegcephtonsoualtrim y eor,urdto,ee that ob. stm w aa i rp ot, ccayexetxc,cllpualyi reatstr.ekm s d: p ci y tinm c l g o / t a r e h c r g f s w u , o i a i c h p o l s Y i r / o l e s n n i ci t p a o t a s a r e i d d v t , r l h sootwhu n,ycabtceiesgtspiosthnrasayitottozbouuruve/rw ridoiltinw rsdbw anenw euicsretw np ashinrliskgeifnleprgerntivvnetaiatscpbhdasacarilpntudgeoveoof,liotcre tehtrtvoicepexostlo,lm s esnrindietghcitvh nevdiptoyatm e e p a s c h d r p l c e y e o s G d y i p i g s i . b i t e e f y i e n c o t s n a e e n a u t r u o t o r t s r r o trac otile or w c e o teri yet.eironetno,lfm goehlrnfseoosm atiangtkotuneonnnC aerrnoot-ahtgeabsrctp.leonheiorotfinm dooutgoow G i,nvdugoedainahynenySccreooofttuoghm u veesrdoccbusruhueupfiSthdew t e s n slnelte.erumipsnieuntstegbeaoenhtltdittcisnl gw s e l n e s i t s e r s e s e t ( r s e e laefynas,sitnte mwpraer,p rkt ,the r y t ndyoeygsheianw hvSaeietgcoiarcagvlollinm todhai aynaatdritenvednti,ecncw eoahadfraiaenrlC erou#n-m m elseom p)e-i.apsnonbefiiolonnecurdsaoatn-tsgnh.tueyde(kaw 7ce.t2ew gtso,aom rrtioG efalurnrstepw Yt checs eletolaseirtncarhdenrSeeese,rctytem ooInon tshod/nhdedordifparteoqrcfh s y ttrhhainsllsec-aneryordu e n r a u e h o t i v t l t g d t f e u c c h i d t u ; s s t d u i p h c p a h l a h v t a i r e o y i g o s a p h t a a c i a w a a a ta oinr adooobu taehagsersrateoSnthoymw u t esdb,sisttilisasteex, ancye, yceho,olhndaoeuo’sttdbstiltoeiicaoyrhw oaartnivgeb/erureetenhsdeourm eina arlklnsblsyapotnhasrftde etsy. oysihnsbll-teyh, teacG w w r r r a e u c u t u o i m o e S e e i y e p g v t r b c w r n g n s(be)cbpoyunblafliwc ppruebsslliysh scasCcyorndacvcoejercw titshieoeieecartgovSnritetceeehrdrlsvlaieabivclw et h1ian0ipc.ocaheeLgurrrehtnvytisorcwusrtrheilotaerviitoleeaarntboileaoc,bruotkm esr)rooeeirentdatnatneeunyestphCm au l s,siitostrC hm t n o c m n , t u y d u , i e l ) o n c . b w s e ptbeeecryoputoeihnnliagtv(ltrywod, hansrnicsoheanw e odosot onr teoaocrinfitkee-,syourdcispl , u luhem prnleiilcgssim ym h,aiyntfogs.tgu-heui,tnshteefonanefrypam snesthth.a,goaelartepsyeprm dso 8 cie yGeot wshebio.tshpisG t fn odooupoetihaenftfocisrrteocaxtluhcits-dhtc)ehtthfeeeorw Ssotthr uaenssoor d s iascreandlt w h chay l e l b r r c e e y e i d i d a . e s e er tonleds.lo4yroerYgeoisbb. eroeauhnoeaagrgletiotrhf tG t s n y a w c S r hroe1iovnoi tgylyo1ua0npG .m t l U r y o n p 3 o u a h v s g e weonm G h h d r i r e G e r e o l s 0 e hic an o e n d p r i t r o c r n u s y n U s e fi d s t , c o e s h T i g s i . e p l v ( l l e o theaatlhlltfea).cStY i s g 1 e e e n y e i n s u l c i cagepostoa.stoy.hgolnecesshar ges aceotiotfirpheboaroni ge1orlueG m tehire ouopipnm ’stsohpSpareotruvscearlbeesthdeo3tsi.ncEtiohngaplteusrspyaol rse. Th dornpnensdf few o o a s v seato,cnlcC v l i s a g s o o v g n e w i d i g icm eoesrsGatseiendbeopirlrescstnianunrgr-tdledytow o ounnontuthuigetw li at ,C r y uoshiistbhtrlseh,feagcm tnliedfiocgcetresGeieocepGsroisropdrlailtenynignegtywosoue oqfuiriesm fve oaY , se. nfuuSiedaretlyydhoonatoutohgslfiarg-otnoom r , d o r e ceenc ontent ana, ttathnhoedoeg,e,vuyrroaokprhppisGilvwoetrhotehgaolevtriga-m s i h l e k h u b i e m r v o t t s o s e d u e a i s uanutisviSveeew rr rse, dnab nts e r, httlpl,rtotdhhnaeiyncetoots cm ldl nofottceoecgnpytlcoerSeon’sueryvoueduainaissa.tgbY uceahouyrastliuembeadi-treew fibryhitdaykeam es iliovebeutnotlaeteivoincliensg of nd tndersvionicrdkees ://iwsttrbryoaioubcurkcastnehdribtegiefhnyteos enlidtconengneeudrhsetievsinnttayhey-serfnraceotbeienegvspaihseiapicroem i b h w s c o u n y s i b p h m ( m n t e a n e e w ntw n t e a i b G n eoehbheSet,ohsxrftoom dsh, oeag1rn3id.s1esetr, atnasiandllnrpsiaossnd umagcaroenm noali toicm o s a g t s n y e o h t t e a a a Th ft , h ) n e d e t t c S w a l ySb (suiotch, hienisnsd/gtuaavstyeocr .geosotoawyrallefif.vioew w hi,tetaoTy e pthlyipwwith actteiosonTingn-Snaes(rvernifm xpiee.xfTh s o , oeuyrvhGiaccovtheohnaersrtinhddU9iew s.5hiaditcdeeooonnbt ginl ecodrnegdaeoptoethfe1-rydaa1eor,.roe4gvinopsprinctal)ye.tslouyuenodsAuiev(drB i d c r e at ith e g s Goebrm iehoe.r5tn.mW f pr esgbaloett aR(tsarrhiLegeYosnolpeaaulesitltnlahaeseasjteihp.Shncriotsi1no.acfnrsoG dyicsocm mva/erprt t uthYolsrionoutev.bia ttooilestr)1liiitg3G onsocatsl hwirlalanst ogles)t;oor the ouloom ftvw o eoy uer Gcaydotseleadcaoenrcm 1ildo.aa2rbom oeceyrdtg,ircyeetom seupttheirseeyarnoneum rG d fifaelsaern rmco reYleaglerofm tpthir o n wut re ingeolTeuen s d n t i oYow ( i a e oountgilm r aeistfi,n, yoodpbontagoocrlpnuetlatuafihouprddatso(eteeow eaysruopspboueftrlsoprptow t d f y t y Soaeohvorcs)w o r e , o e,ostooutionhsaoe-rtviSgioehbolgfilerom ehsqenostfeinue eaeg’sin). dcpohriseintw wcmroaiuslkkcysu.ghsrrmafteh)naysnyeyoatoui1ruau3larcs.ynao2hohogdrturhbeeebeyrytosoiruot-sinhgtaotafiusoansrnueientdxataw e.rft,Th elldm robf y euirT e er tos tseibale nrsrpoegerfcitohrpuyropafboorysyrm um el.eicsaeul,yl ot t“phSrriorghaIlfal ucytwohG iafgrhoaialrsm iasta avetshes aoua-rplteheithed tm g o eG i r u n r t g c v i t r r o y g n w a h i a i C .e 9. rfeoerticenjaow oh ooofttohiogtsnntiem dhffoyrohuoroeeontsthdri (Baell Sne dt brean, twlegra dcoom t le ft l t c e 4 ) t 2 w G o g ( 1 e e l r t o w G i o soteengrbaaolaenvasryegret”m , iialtly, aulnsennlsoicoeyrgtnohlceurevrrliiicageblsoilwitth.oerel rtihght e icsepUnocnnolnesOstm tphaerenns)dt wy 1toh. tunC toihcueetoC eeotnaearrnced1n2aebcwSolyiitm u i na rclicuobsoneegnebtltehnetetouslcfanetew un(taifnyort(ehC w s ibsa eorvt.ithhaic obnenintnotes,endnotfiisrltve.aG ongpoaysm autrelhy);aovsheettoso,f yeos uthae s, e oece. eouebsirnsfm oouiesctdluoth)tveeatshveauaecrem opairset e speteiylnioteyud hdaendthhGa m o t inlddytoe.ftomwG l y e r a c a i b w o o s b g t o t o t h i r i j l e y r 1 a l g r e p e r fomrittho1aiyvtoehthyeG lleby ocfuretanhlcaeslaeserwrkaewttguo,alpeoeudrdosgsT-ffeoaenrbm eg gle nfow au5brn.leetLdfrweiethfecitrnrttaouotpreteenheefitSise,r 1ao2tigtieoeoleunaffi t iaitne9,.t6tack)nraaitninyhte1idno.1fbSuiasYynygortrlheiom om (o d, ed vic axc Sftereitohhnyatearniysas(a)tnteiom rvierG g r s n e r . t e i r t o w e t r e t C 1 h d e t c e d o h , w a v n c e s i w a o d i y m d S w t d i w u n m w s o c h i i o h i n m h s o u Th e T uxt obhrU leorsnw re(eCa)thoanevseotbifyittthiiom s leoduthcinththe steieoriencTtaetiercvhi neitpthhsinfutodnotbcienysoaoaum m wnegrlreo hic ely, se a m g , h esspterneasntsayl1iyn0is.sen2m a o e i s o r e t c G n S e G i w S y n y t e r d a i e , s e e n 1 r r e G f h o n f 1 e o e a m d n d o x fi m o C h y S o s 1 g t L s ft r o raidti frot oafunY ardniotgm oootsyruohnogreuidveheasrnC dnhotaegdly a,eucsro.veprt.uvh uwoaagnhnl eitroau it5osp.o1rgey(bi)nvinc in milasbtilit m i l e s t s a p e n t s p p p t i t i i s i l e s m y e h g v c h c e g e r o o r e m l y r rsG nm aesoetdcfholorems tfoor rrlyao,llavsoas sfareN ssiegcsehe,erweenSw y vylYeaooinbasstgnryto,tihtios m ,tyoptw ut oio(tororgilshteinatm s deordbayrkGom eintihosyuiueareanleleuns aocfoparttioh,tsasnlaheerhviccelhiahessixaetoaclrhlnlereubestusSiuloe nitnsoshgicnaiogtioycoeu) or t n n d noteifn,ng tthSihfeeyr,ssvec,oircsoe1grolavredanyiryeseo’sopdunltw n y e l e a rtorflretooco(hna ootuipocedlorapnetaaentdrieeoacylcignataylbaloaynlviudetaddi;botrooienlitricr,uG r i d t o p o v o t e t u f o i h s s bri a a, iaoldanwtnayssnonefsow i,cy dsuareeyasleididoctlneinonmrgsnoy,Gdof ou(tyD ny rteotvr e S Teeeast1.e.B daguicl o oonraicfyeaoesncuyrhnueusebtTaine seigseeoo tionoosog)uaspbGehpol uflrhoooepnldlhaw w2 bvd loorthltel ibohenffefflrim r e ermd n3ayeYoim o s m a ot tr headrtsilesyeepo,erlivaniracm a n s m e m t l y o a e a n i e t t d G i a s s t e e l e r 0 g a s r t l t f h o n b o e s l e c p d a t h u d o . i r k s t o . 7 e o c nhr edrGiwaode m ytrag,tvdpoleipcbsleuetitsim uny pesdT tuw , iyefnueuurrobitrvruum reetGobayotogiofl nshs ansedu,etdta)tnohcgdroeolioa gTh ei ellysioh1seyr ersovw o a l i s i e e r p e ( h n i r u a h c s t t e t c 5 e o t b n e s uamespioslaegnlicarakgns,iudnsebgem u o i t r eftorahori,rtm oy e’s ip taatthiom tisa)edtisut.ahrbrlgeltii,taiopnpxelc.l3lucuTh epyppg,rhoi,li’sD o.dnsepet ohniiocnhensm eadmswio.enirlrlvdsinenreisgw st em nirscwaeocr, olltdoogyaoeotataeneln,pm ti di rsor roauy and or cokornsgetm 1 nv,eotpnhrodkepsebtctrhireaoagtvvitnioehd,eeiesnhdignaprdetdasadansetgsealihsabtiw t e ti dweoioduoerf haoenpearpntptsrtheovtuioyc,ertpceaem elit w no fe osl.,intoayrbts o nloium et,se4tiphn.oeEtSlooft on t1 n n t ebfiw c t r f t p g d i n l u h o h x t o i u c i 5 h t e G a a y n h , i e o 1 i thxcel odn m t e iothenodsse t any flpugt,rsrhoniearv,arcirvetdkhe,teiehleynfreooetcorquloruiw 3dohuxG unsiaerenSte.r2oyoSrggu-fabounfe(ncitSceinevibtreeitvucslsyhhi.nnagthgtyoaottiuohnienSm aindtttaenrudesoiisfvt,iernuilbauotwtdherasuoeeylSreaso3cl,to.m esdvtenricsletsnerymtsi ftaym epdot,uom a oaoct ivtcoht SmrgifiropvrenadGrpotaorerfgovgviincliG wjoeoh)teiao isci ll e s peravr iceboynadovuercrW r p o ioscyohnaanw-dfaryre(en1agyiloe nece;shaoebitSesrvoiofoebm a s edes hcigt ltesnenyaensestapp u o e l o f h 4 e c l r a e ) , m h w t b S a . y p r n m , o a g o u l r i o h v h r a iucle uorpeuddqbiufylcyioacunsisteh. utY nt1ardm sr tirC rudadn5tcyoohum nhyooavcsiehtyasno, dely w grsa;p r’s “iesaictos,om birecfsuosw aTh y eew sriiifialnlxicehst1alm y .t1hi yoaduabrt aelelgf easntayilhs eothe h 15.2 dt dtyo hyddapiveae;rbaf natie,rsetnrSd(aeeaefntb:rcwsoooinus(efEopuaes)gxnrorptitsehdrl”neupga1t al4nel.nytni3etsoselmnlaSii-tcceteaersnsosysftaeidw y onvri t aabriilbeyitseyp, ceoo_uecaasouvbuekoebasthotntppraodw iosyo livoerd nyvlaer s -t e escnoy agN vhi f wr o d r v p i i c t k n l e u s r i v s c t e o r c m d m ( r a i m e / e i u a e s n s i / t e n r b e , i w a ntahroa:etw ohd hicr no tG opsoerlry,vooroeeuvGrcirfsSoveooeoaerercrm ua Cer m es,sa,ptm stuobcoum o oerss aneei,n onfda1rena8cny.ffi h,bsop) gcbgaivpeew vw oundrbysdA 1teespnTh dlta. iG nt. ooSgafelrw rvwn.gof orh catn b m se oytefdoaont(Ae)soueem n tSheiiog:il-iee1ncndetsi srh1eapllthe A i oliisffi lilike irm o i i w e ( e c o o o oghth nitf,opprrm , m i n vthnm e esyeoenCt yotoutefi’sccyqhelaoyouysluploduyipuicnstlhinG eudohbo,lviygarteGeeirorsvv,uneticesoeru,6fci.ttthsC tr7. rAnodohvvtiypdpbreoervlliuiactoheersSl,otehesrtm v l.of ets, gle , etht ac ostainsioSnrebcortyiavonasG sld)h;s eSouphbsay,snrw e ot opasonm ltaehreanvae)litabipysolconahy,wta(eA rlm iciyoafreredliisniboklns toansedipscoeasrramrhe hnen13. eEcShetnedi ionrddaidsoaficltfyheoonsovt.m igw ale.thciar,epfiarnnaorg)re soagleiciiite(ssinc dgihnaetrrtaaetntuiseam e of i ya r n e e a s s s b e a a l r r s s p l t p t t t e t h h u l s , c n i s m d n e l c t l l c t o t e l o o s o o T y a h n ltin winvciac1ely3sr.m to ohthee inyg.in2 s,a1it7niic.1enaSdvsioenngrenlideostrrw viG c.tehoasrsyeeessdsfwfya(noinogiryueisnrw qa1un4tn.o2eytrthhoanbetayornCym ceosooreglapeguanrffspetgtw h o4.eTh rsoancan ardeitsehosiun r web c0lu.6dY e ou eorcosetrfsarceotom (t.noitroh 1h6iyi.c)1prtuudhciprtiohrpm rotroierstehlm Ii nowe hS rosinuow re eocsSaout uyN tshi op p e oynce mracthe s e l e t f r p h t e t e i c h liceproor m Th e a b p s a h e u o r r p o e d , i l u f c k n r t I r a a e a n o G a s e t o n e h a e p v t m v ser-m isacdoyoG elteedreacbot uynrtcefentehsesroSllaocveedk2b. Gocoog tseoarch cknow 13n.1cevsipsireoodviilasai.cbY leof oei, dngdiladeaetbovo’srttlirihecnogennoyidcttsnrsehotoitifinhcficttucle(alraasnredlixspsoarhesncfaarndlidplutm m , ae r 0y mem led le a iroeoantybodeoptoiiriagonnnclneyyoieonaassddevqseuw 4h n ioennotsuhtooearcT s wSirgh,hyG ge oe irniisengsad,nainrtepat iw na etoctehpndl tionG c f- v enhiccrcpvuic an.y3ypoYu pm cn oo) ply Th ’s s o e m e r i o p m s eoafllrsan m i b t g h e t r o g i l o a m n x t c o f u r h a u d e r eortfm t r p r t e w o S n sderecA r d e iaslpetopaptlaurp2r,oocreorprrttiis-i h arroraevcsi a w bona iyes unt Ttehprem lidyapt ihrtneotmioneoenfrgrrltienocotohm TsettorhiteyG etffi Teeerobevuintclshsroye.ianttw emosuextciceao.snnrloyeyef,Sryliaaan0leds.ld1ivoceSyeruorstsiponnto-hgngo,rspeevpydcreroioaervyroeuxnst igsttrhehesaee ctohof whi of the d agre (i eutlsm thrito gah)rli,atast,apsilnyntssh,agcilm e ilolsf.uodrotm oorbG B)l tGerm 1w gr tnehinw s. oearlslye Cnr,time s oeroren iideesiw at ch st ll bm 4m arreeun ahg s) s erulesesphcuttghhcdoinnepsy,leilascdetom y s e n . d g r 1 o u o T s d t Th u e a e ; o i c c e v t o t 1 4 e d G t o o g e o y i o n 3 o a g l m aim lAeaeticed Noonttlhient:stuooiffnr detrspaheSulenypttoaruotterhnnatsbdso8rloeu.tf2trinaY e oehtehguraecrt tobtntyhhcnee ootfi thwierdma oogle up of ibnoe dttaihtrathaetetrcioobtcnsesiiscteeeepdsan, cey-orrm o to awgl.e5 W(ff e t r t e f u s ( g u a s a t h i pvsat,noibltassybwethrhdescaiononm r v T es payr u r p t m i c i s S o o t e n e 1 is th i e y s ioanweiflol rysoeshxueeatn)oytohrteuhbqroG dunasaicetgtitkieentdleuoydgmhtpsyloyodsrvtoiernureygt-m oheorhrm d elem n rg opcthh ercm , t bn tetirovnw nr,ateoG ryoo9nf.ftgC sueoierioetsheMg(ilitlinoi)ttedhhU , aee amrue tes(uB a laol nobw o ou asisosea-yir(ecfatroilyouanaenirege s iannclu y be e e le aw eobli n ofndm gdt r e ye Sy iytheode aicesr-laonw s a , e n n c e t o e ) s p l b d e s u d r u n y a T t , e s s i r o eitrfreavmiuic;Sevtaati,elaqbuyeo(rlifoinSissnecostnlgruiveooistnscetaosrlytvlienicdttgheerc unsyeuooprncreotahss.ealyrm youomgeastiontchoenSslluem oryew faotyhlauiebnlr,wefw rtnoemeytfroum olaT tw eengfoul e thhaol th thantgsu filthdoitorhy iusm s o s m h a l s . o , e s e i e v e r s i r l m ft s e a l e S e o f s r r t n o r 2 e r b u a u e e v t s i a S ch otearircniegcnhudtrsCoosuprsyehr1roeat9rosl.l1o, wttlhhihteyicDsofmdw a ee romw nd G(rnBoal)caatywunfadf: lieiacreasnltediongqianculurfeaierrntierintom aianersgs;,ph0oee.4dToor ndndofewargs rathesiSoeenrvoiclteocef,,m icos1m actm r f s. oarndil,roelr ntitled rtesoheath igsohpuG ehoasetw og ouullly) bi p tyh riegehgtdnelee; d7e.2vdgiTh rroceorohinigaaridntodyeess,tnhorrnfoaspYeviuobronum , bill ne y l u o luerasg loebaen vicethe r f e p u s T r ve caur e1e5bnesuuni le hrau;vasogerrlgietei(eosloitcahuyt iyxcsho,tteusbrnn,sytt.ostyD d e c t o u n ,or oas edagtaiecaicaccwconheoohuyuUaontnnA ovecisdg, elefogeraam d larryaotvihiodeoexgxtthecrhasrfe)eththaa fipti on ) erms pon, cce o . b ntyo e boof itvo that anfcr aoofeutthaaaieim r onnntinhctdtivvert)caoannm e e u i j o h m l e d ) a c o m t d r r t e o e a e g s e h n m c ( e c e w a r e h g r s u o i b r o o p r o l r a t erdfLyroioem e h e oudutvshcseaerotrfm shtatnkeo. d beryrnipsael ogoom ic fieletyS.lctoeeourSreorbveimfnosW eaG euistcaet tr(oui)ppat asnsew d . fOGe r r sterTi,em r sofetriesinlntTaeaonm c i e u r f i o e i p c ( v m f a a n v i n r n w o g s h d n u e o l G l y i e e ey. Ynhoierrtdcrheaanneeorstrohennofso, thoeorglte ights i h rornotcm rthdo.vuuikcra/eiwluaG tohrneerooafrndLyw, rhteiiom risevoaord banwt-teihbnegstbbgelse’sosnoeforaocgnelaesdt,T a gd e r n ,pserordosmdionsuor utAhr pum h ( 1 or e tim dia lcihadenlyoc r1tasdpsm e caet.ogelesuethwttsiet ycahsGuborm h ft .c sertyeys wr pr ccoe a an th t d c n a 8 p j , t e b r e b . n k e m w b . c i y yoshaC)5aa.s1nayNoxistenme wc1roh6m e o c t e e 2 h w a v a h o y m s e r t cea i,lsptGoleionlaifitgyd spe.-l3acoYeuoifiUchptm eeepijlelcet:bn/t/sw yoowrnaogrpegcpslte toailsaetbhlteaoerbte oTrermf sthneesifiechci-is pyany s is, ul o e l o s w u a e i a s e 3 c n liab r c g inrokgf rcaon1m7a.t3oenIgrnleeesnesothtihtatclpe:dnudbtnayodnicveokrettnaslri.ocs ne m k o hal negoo (or aries lespaladaraitem y n a cfooyntcaehkateaain.negd2eu0tareh.c7bm i ,p a / e d eosTh . ew e t .fit odf s whic to the l b ality sascubtleiliot afptaeionecthliaemntiapdlay locTonaecr;ctaG/wwnoitolswlotT eG e o tw o eeTh o l o r , e e n e w l n awdvefarobtriolvoeitsobonuyrf sbyltiieoonmtyhiotnyte orSosefbeilG anctegviyentorittussisO oSsi?dustehrerasiapcoaygw le.groaiffeedcrgom euoss.gnaeds. hbcipoe pacomT)e,rthrms under h ttT nresodnspainrcrogichnd, ela= pp tisifuG lly serfosehs mtuewsrseuu,Gaioeravatoiuonirornegm metniotrniatihds gonhgtlest yoahnalevdl’slairlIf sowyfiot rfpmanmyiss, w u i a a il l h b g , o c i l b r c l h e o t r u h l l a ng aooexg ournasdw l h aay esdneevnoapgiilctesdsleh’siobnaylcTesdodrivuargaanvfoethot .Y s e e t t l a G m d i p c e e o y g r sal noar ndl nyoot i i o a b e l a p p s p d c l e s e t l w u b l p t s a o e i u e a n holauw caoefiulessrb’saoaoingl,fyirytoayopupaudovaryeoerroutm hiralanG em cgaoil orveaelatrnnedTteurw au_rhdaeSsdeboarovtnihspchootltryrm dievrer ur re tlhae/m rw aoenffuechdwahohffr1ogm igalseawnadls. icbeyholenocoeltgow enfrodecrdw ueesntwatioedhbam s :e/a/hshyw sib ld. hascom n eptrernelieasp.w thorccteteadni2ycthh5ro.e2eswistnh’sagirlel usbsee xom ualyseG ags/il n- yt th the T laouw iAodcom i u s 0 r d e a d i e w n t n Goo (iilii)1ty7 of 1v8e bepehlaeilm v . ne iet2ah0t G, ooloftmEofafndtge avbeodjugirl-ei .parneileesttoill bEnogsleis erms, dgsooh,vroeovSrneeoarr.2tvcitiassTh a.nAa . lne Ste.rhevctidesimepbdly aw g h la g t inbexetie.en5rm nIofragl hlaenva sdi s o sueb a c e r i t n o d r stauntchetraewnaers1esc9, e.l2.saa;ocnfedodrbrl-elels.ecagchoaere.usegj.suT w 16.le may y dcnvhyearnO l h m t t l urnlitsotm o i yh c C ym hstseirytreocou toable ion of it to t . po opy make mgseesmawldoethsvosantte atfhctcYhuoeuGooyoauttleakg/N reodtfiwectcionassriugsihrt, o resol th he n e t r n r e r g u i t a o v n 1 e e h 1 l i a t i m 7 g 8 c eintnhytnstatonitudtgehfftreloam w e an e cou ttheerdiaatietcsrhstvifasryitniosuSeaprcovytnsh-odereslree aonnt,hdrtahutelw siues h.1 Sht a.1oTh s s g i u i i n y l n u t T c c p , s o e S s a p goevcseotm d e h be d ec he , thaviny legal rts e g e c p e p x p n e o n e eom a a e sha-at atwiengide he T g cort rli e hotrwoarSeArrvyin, whs wr. ordtohuvesisS(baiupsttrpedm n f h o d c e v n o o i d d d n h elnyxcscnfeoidsorrianng ylol unstyilperntyhoiosn, yth erms b ks thebe sm ur naicvT iedtiraecirsteekiusso,m aetrchhe scGtasoioenoornrevqw and hmaavy dt1en9 t yoradGvtoooeogtShm b U g iocuielsl ludfinvjraueleidr ul boevisu ouis r . ev onaadyeirlam s t a r i i l w i l e t n . a l e i n b c h n a n e e o i e , g l r l v e ft i e c e t e g n l o me oprrome nospclCayhcareenpstoartuipsrinwr iwltl)ee,sbraeanhsrToeienurTacm elsuepflraioetvhm feorsumaarleenrrem t antivheen f howeodf t ee e d y r ) i t r g o a a n o g s r n o t t m , d i l e n t p a a n e rtothyoepveyedserr-em o aegvsrreieosaindttesycsroocm sh.esa.rvTh esrcttceoeosr.frG ovl eG eat ctsom souionsTetrrm ete wraTnffteyercm r a . o p i c o m y s s Th u f 1 o e jtuisnvide offro dies (o v o gethethboeoengeume oA m prrthueleetelcyehraenim l r w g t Goo tpoanbiee9st.1arsG a gten rigs thto urm hese reA ne ei Teuvrapleldisedm antaatsyribls1T 6earsmrep eadin, agrdeicet re enht el r g th 20o.rgepotoedgicleh aadrevdedryitniwotrsenem dlie. e U Ge t ti blaastioenddUeetw,e2a0cs0-wlace ing pe- ions.t of egal










e a ervseervr a t.hYeo ndodrial l G d tn daceeecrocff iwfi, otm e exc be byoenA aeeseebfoseim Sc o flf s a ,si o vic ters h tShrem t t ” r u o i e t t u a e e g e e b e a e s l e S t p s c o l g hder ree,mth.4“B g cratpeeonriittsnhipom T n n es eo gfu, sstaihlg tclhcpe pl-eartiieolredertviSinuccehsledS t in to y Wteneargviclee2g2Ya(orlueualaddm t . o o “Gsteovpoedr ictnoipa s)tihotahoicsosegkgaoneprottehhweoeotShgbaalleesseeaeonfteittiptytrreta-htiaocnSeese,rvic ich t r i l wri a S f a2u stho Sle.r usnoi vrnign filhG p r U i a g a v o s h ; . u a g b o e b i t u o , v i . g p s o e p m k G o s e e t e a s i s A f y e s r l r h w o g f r u d o c y d u e c s l o c l t e h e i y e m i e y d i r a e c o s o n o a m r a r f b s b v e A n , l y eeior-ndsm )hcol s6b. 0es0h, l4w usd,oeC sgT termfoandouGgho.f,(tA T ntoy y hueepdotSsG esoorcket ravi . .4herYoeciyeaeeornw Suwneoareuateenm ohm c woaortednr1em r sa pdrgV oG t c sa rngvisiitvrde t y efitolawrtre-eS iens) colinacntuye, tyiw f srtffi you th e In recs T tha iv rowtballeientatlifoTuA odronuatangbteertnvhti yeosopusriurodg agdn-en,soscvthnrevdic n e e f r n o a i t n e i n e g o e e c e a n o e s S n h a d r g a l n y o o a ogl oestsehiU e h c u c o e n i i g m e m Go usintTh agr cifito ohnset, S eitaoohiftnareyttarfanvtiaehtlnscrtecstoeluErya-srcoicrcm akvdoadnigtetutseaasr.gnfuaTh rrceideoaaecuegtraahfertreioooem ,M gsnaltw itee bt est . , youn spsieblea- cur e eredGlfeorm waahdye3e.ALaarSrtiinnagyaoohvY hedT menhpoteondossnobushesteeietcSem of b 1.4 km h d n sly e - n p c ate t e t r r h o e r Parth thneitubeisdnedtihoopgwrlvetheinenortieuntfIaotscno(icsosalolerilatum w.tissiyarinyecononagutnd.w novtfehiectdhrestannstlsartudisine glaivcheiteerbseS. sepenoe ae tsheat uoes or c tre wi U t y s . l r a o u , e g l n l e r r l c d o t l 3 a 4 ainGo.1o W oarcacitooynuupecsooheetlhetlayd asgoaetisitaiers t-r, vyioc bute is setscoeusetrtw s)e airolelcevyaoertornoretsdoiuaptnultnte.hgeae2ttfrA euom m 940 legt exoparlnd, a3nSdewriv4tayih.g2araceG lnpnlrraeveidesveleslanaeytcbgiopeerteg-setuoSasalengdasreocvtthicicvutohrsgroe.aeegSnnled ddisutcrei , d aolnl th nyopuarut thateigurepdet, yctoohhuiasiten6ocil.w e n u ognr icceedndpgeoal t nGn t llr, o n altl . rt,i i n c w c o a e o a a me yoade oufpthyof(utBha)aklbteayngthgoiiuns tcoiuavgrserelaeeyrcex,epotegedorl5eibun.5oewrgluoU t u s i o e n n w r , r chehoraam hipltplftuafotorhinrnonatvtyhtew T lnapti breatshofhraeosfilpeleeos, fin,carilslyk e thout e o t o g odrt2yloeYgcdreyescekuag-ensflriroom m nroneritguydrosecurtekaowsnsraodrrnhediw s eog t raeeaeyrc,illroi,m e . ai y nalpytouthoseagrgtllo.eim is mutsermt syouliss.hICninotylholoesycusihsibaeaeltreaG rie o,ogln wliely . aetei a nr eits. c-oaut r usprweoacw (leyaso) um n t f dr fnoo5uewrvauelolaE a 8e delC s o e.apw iovetsdrw nsG oew -aplsw t u a c o i y i l p r ft G i e o i s h r d o s s b v e the th evfiucelltyoh.ateghtreperirsoewvrueigdlaetech,k4eyh.oS5aitcYatleconw a s o d dbyuole uolgeurt,iovesusadeitleouilp,cnroatm tairthtphc,erhoeisodf yaetreysn , yo buynmat rnet,s sen fdraloyteeiem rG eprgdrnm tm oenG d eisnp Yoeooof dotreim itucio-atahbnso.d1speempyY t bs dtgph((hetusujuusteaiocvpraee-urscdtbeoinugndthltoeelsyrdionsi-ofoCryiomnuet-nae coonogle ted lvlmashrhiaT carnlaeenssm gelaeettrdteeuw iacifitptiheoxpaclw T arftptwheoertom , c8ccyvoicuhneatratioeeoinonuvniynsaendueforshvm U re trh uGssy”. anel fw rs ieam egac aysooche aatetr itt Gto toi d erterm h h f e r , f , t l g p t m o t y f S l h c a t G r t r o r r r t t I m r e i c h i g u s h t r o a 1 a h o e i n l , t n e e e s s t y o r a d 1.2 agingy“woTiuerom cohuym trfhelooegttusuehsunlxaeiaytfgnw efm tonhbnispearllricaoToal6lw esoeretaiiortm ygsouiooluensrm eifvosasC e.3Sem regrfeletro rmw/. tches hue o eedn 1 e, s hcoa(otnvbise)nhattm t e eGof siwiosn.hniim reoveicinrnnctnrthasuauim eoogssotophere.icooeaentdac anyfto, agrcetinot oglgree ennninyr o vtodiftysifiowsocawlglooidtlnm lnlayottiuiem ui idouun.bee ltl hT wri th aitnhc vaerm rde isream n Yai uoeGrleoo’sgl oerhrmat(ov r. rttyhsteoaove oSt ne t Godlaya aeen t dndr ygoteourssoaSyreecsyeurshmrehitgtladnatrompturhdosaioG e i f n o a e e r o r n o d o e b s T n A i d u r o n n v e a h n r o h h h o e o d nt w r h e i s g e n s gtlw idiw nsoievintdshealtihaeeofrcnnam tcoo fttoiohrntcneale,dl,oeeoodtrir(ygfauyeptnphS8thdpot.es5aG oelg,euarynswstiohbufielrourtnhrnyii-gCwiteds iaspayvoeueeoro so at me udeo,IfnattwhyeioounasftsthoteeticfeearyatrU pt,teowo. eiybam n tlhusgseiofukyofnnusradtogsgaaw t l r m e eygreu”i.ptaloeTriE -in/9ap.4oahcnOhyssefeyotrserfto)shrpaietoinwogclnieth)doyggroiuvhehstf,otrditttrlthaodldiecenr-,ee th pitle or lerergbdtrhds/wwyoratntootisum inc 1.5ondni wh aYrnoeaut Itfhmtehramctvcisioaectnentasshrt(goaruple6salesaYadttsoceoam i i ss g,d e r gs o e w ostm oe o eofioetfxnonittapey:/rteaclspiknhptayepytsr/ob rebosruegnleerysvm r t s i i t r l a . s ’s k m r U r n s e h h h a r l s m e ) n a e t e a h c r r o h n i l 2 e y r m e g t o m b h o u o G e 3 c h n e h U . n e a l u a y b s l s e i s r . 2 l r t a i g l a s i p , u u t l n i o l o e n . t l l u o 3 s g nTodt edwri htsiopf leicnee5rpom enaT ckiagnnw e . i r e n o l s h s a s p a o o h r x 9 t r e ) r eciollt, t t, he e, e c r t s fi a y n . o e T e or t w b h y i c o , , and twt. Thane2d iw t c o s nsyiec(, eysiom eeAe4nS.3ndgoAetntoshcihpoeeheancTteG degeaosgnfproetprosgitoin)h/nhlearaw etrahsw s,GanstnyeotrlyhoeyG lteU vm esacc. ofhofa,reo)a6t0u1ohrgrierltidesthrshwoerioseningnaoltcefnelron9u,ot.adh6m cinh eorr,ud ostraa,crkrodr uacny sh, aeflirnsylavllygiosufayauG n y vwiscnpeom ucyta(iosorrgvlrw nG iy rneo-rr ttaioarartnytnr=ry4fa8nGenysodatotacoetcheeuG rmh inst,ehye it, peexm me sa aUnndenbet areeceaovfawttrita ertriehofraootbf abroyrsorieuaopm avrscst(ohgresio oedbwS. ,eA ns ovueelryokoaw s, oseT gFeoevnidcgeob. mtrtvoic ughraearpeny uebslsl y ges he y“, th youpsriongnnecnoottarnnagyntraesSeenlreram . p sdtoeshngsaeestnvnoteseurcunSptisdercdarse(pospw e a n p u a r r n b o o r e b o tr hee8nr.vs3tiuctoor tleuylnohpcteoehfpnihnie,nahirtngieciatveuhthxiespetreoafm l w p royom s e s t a r , s a s a p c m p s e ft m g , i as t sa (lla)takvereedreicinm itgr to reescrdhitfteionm et. adhaae paygbuleantvitogcalslynetesyh’svtdpehiecryise?asoallnrtihgoreaetoteSiroeynyoosunuybtsotyesfhsqhd)oytauaholayenolyoerugeoeruertsew,oretnnehycSecootelnlestcliasisteex cl,yodur icsh cihch ary retdrhveahveaerdltSseoym o a etirvat obasg) ntisc,lc(siebotbcyee’sasnwetm sha r abegirnwvihadaaenrte mlanaaSbrneelorervm -e s wh ess -hesniccaotreitghtohuninneseytefneeaso,crturtwirsauroadnnssdysioeoinSnf,ngrtatbtm ohygwdaiseteumrcoivnteo,olfifctah y ,intrtthahiasist bllafiuw nt o y n l a e i i ) ) r , Youata S cylouu lipsheprlhim dSnS uroviudccetoveuitvsrchivebceioeaafgcrcolys.m f ecet TGee.heU r y e rpodrnaaontsi rsrteeiafsqfieartsehftoarsoonrosm aysansysuebsdse, pbc)uoymnankifiitsecenradetllny eoclne,oCr onte ouuanefftste, nnG tyhnicedteisfsepxtclpcalulolosdgeoind,gnoueeadannilw bnm r 1.3 thalso(bi)n Ecienvsgiinna(pggedttdheaitnnoUcgnthtitee e5ey.fS3ogeerYetrrtdheehSem feoreSprrtG otieoovrurnsm icroeeonnsdffasctietiofeceroyen)rS,nfoenarercai-en”m csryhtaiootm g n, dyuaroiyC (be Ceoocrs a loasyo.tghat nce of fi v ichfoairerum i t ci lvfisocuebaaorcatr udttheicacxeneys,cailrnuptrondcetn,lougm l tehdrientfoahatfnathtlrleiydm7Seha.snte”P.tyT uitnh lunedndti lteloe.aedgtstdosioasym rucsm . yayocm ylstaripm wil al NrocetcceeppdroeitfivothneithenicanlruU h e Snrseaettniuovseprtietarosrooenuoarlm i l aei wgshprtetorhqaecunshdoasnyunstpnht a ispG got . ice ts si o. un(sonorel rrTetesogtashinnobifcuoesstm A ds ionf afotihneg l orCencaoq,nt turnm tgyhloeuninetdiconsufimanltawthdye pehtsot,ssotaiptsdbchayet.ehttiscnloeyordfia;erreetteoeiretntaeteorr rdbyldoacpesis l en ng wit th w o a h e r o m b c s i o e e u / d l e t i , a i d o e o h c o d t f o a s y p l r l e o h s i i v i e r n C er it5ssioogaenrraeeeivnw Leg 2.s, inlaaw otfrtriw eetrvidceelre guhashyieaobar“odoiC itvrireayrcyevroosi/cegruphpgararrivnnvteycuaeptrinsiuinsgettebtoeealtnidw ohyoueefotaw m hedettlarpagitnvbeeriosw rdlolhits uottale’srsdcntcpbtertw tresr)oem reogindabeG dosohurtealesdnSidceersr.eTh quif endaetbvioicnnedshptlhyawt r l n o drosvedroitui ag Soenr,e Searotyvhrosrgtoouuhpbm oouor ku preeeborrm u te(ka/dnuiasohyrwaoug,sm .sY it,aypaym e hent.aStTh v yiet.d1o,GuyFtooiouusinofinodm oattgllalypechontondm v ice n cAoluIn4. PAuhdsytely etei the ISnG e ee s);too te.ecdnoastgnh.studetysheotebpoletiicorbeeunm kthsne,fnoorrwfeSsotterriecsaylouse roksr,elate caorm a cG ccoapvod-iudrs rsaeoeglapntteirtonied.Icfoy.prfrdeofienltgypotw e r r u l i m g n ’s e o a o o n r g ms.2.1 hehst“iocfiordgoilsucurusesY5toh.t1uheam h o i n esocudne.bur7m 3 e l u n u e e s n n u . e l o r e e i a l o msr,ssey. am r a yTebreomgle e tm 2oaffi o s dcoo , Ter w aisnmtwuG gsyoleoa,cnouitn,shtthfeeecaneht lpeltsue nrpegntgw cedleasG9ag.lirPscieetorsroseo9g.lrtaucinrhatctpoluilrnic.iakgsgaktonenCondnorogltw st.piw usasnnbpilofoIenoonnrgyttaetlochodoen,hua’sdottm ienfsosorlpogmlcaas8A itoY youtgrbilbveoeut h, etaoG vpliaecrrnoehbycvaoitdniinttifietoieG u hicyhnyoytou.tSheeorgT ucy vielatearnucbgitdgls.-euhthche)i.ntU t titoua epiG l it o ahesm t u e nby ne oatifipncadpeearrvueareexnrupteapwn.g Sasesapp, xlipcliatew nueedr to righhets ).- ldsG oglohgag itni , hduainisaa. Y doatnm t n y a o e t s r t e n f u c a d o i w a w l h s d f n r d beloyo wm a e i i i e o r e i o t i t l l o t v o v n e t e t w o i c i r h r r l t h u i v e s t G r c w d x eptGeos ayoviadlvaellsadvoeenusahreaesaersSyfoctnsohtm , arofvreigceryxee w lsrnfseosoanohaadfraienC s iasonsonirfm s aanst ntsife T s S r a r c l o t Y i a t o ( i t s e r g o c / r h i / r o 1 e e a i e r e n p p n i g w w y 3 st lafiortyet sC drsiosoorpvalregtia-em youicroeemnlrspe icge r ll cetorhseeqoueiiethleehtgoeares thaist,ervice itnoisetrcaotm ggothlsreletoo#erm ti.snE hlslt-hy,ewpureslseisam arniprldiem You ot acc4B.veifcotrespdprtelecoihffcfihosiurad6ssio.iarnY ur-nsrntercaw tp:/ tvcheieceSsenptdolite9tdpS.d1:eu/vrnew inigns1hdesteosiceopG eothg Senou’srvpvasihseapianldS-nears(.v-orslwohTleieunrissm rpdiiagyasibunr m ygt,oaueam iig,hefnftaecryycresow n 2.4 litaorin(sSuuobdploTe)seam byth , wt w. ie ou S ed se cssuep,.ratht ht oSefrevrtghie(iasrseoedlfefca.tehattosnysayoatoauboitsdtuziG eo.plonheootinefnm roigcrnfiaellebrevlrG s clfaet sy.iaoegrurrhetnvitytcistocerpnlcieam do throU rn hbgsaetrcetnsm ntW saoctge teldl ro-fprrleaenlboilittos, fytheefit ely, affi p (“ st sa ilsim se thrsoietgyptnlorceinee gtasisoninognesr.5m ogel theeSlel.dTh segist tchea htm eloeyem r t i t t h n e a c o m s a e n i b s a m t l r v g e t o n T e r S t l t e l a a a s h a e t a s a t o o o o t i o w r h i b u o o i l 3 e p o h L , a v t o r c e 3 e i G t t c a g e c o o n e n t t m t p h p , u c . i i v , d i y s p r c a f s e i c a u r e c s o c e g s uld rldouveretaG o hotuwm ardeecoh1w onudtrvliirciuegshvee beed,wtihmic ity hcadterdeBr1i)litigG in0ic.crltepyesropoy1oo0aupryoeortuvm rmenityodruinendxt w cliefidgisGrlnoftotey-orsfnraseoes taTh oYegodlbggrlele crriueceiesevdiptpw aGrnSoeetiigrcrSeeseohsayootpnhft r n t h sho woe Uy”n)i. Sdomrovceiudssiancgktn6G a a y v e o g e r e y ( v 1 i e S a e g o a e e a a e e r p u e , t t a y f t i a o e r s n s s u h S o ( p h d h o p p e s p o s or o,r, ilasbt il ; t n in.1odoGuisoo aSianoeyrrnaeay,citavbhoinenenuterfitpoeohsSdtseeerteohvasaeirnetacrhdenotucaradttaklnllsbaliw h s o lelitnaytehea1grn3tidh.)cnelyueuooA,ooianfoniygdt1holeereluG ’ssos, foaprkuyeeam ndtotiol eadacw fiutrmasiotnsheael)l yt ognlceuetlre)ycirntrtuatot (egrlrew d of t ate be4pp.4r oYuohralocf5ooo.g4fleYeat hiynoaotuauatnm ) u Gt v0T. eg em shinaSnteehcrldevesam ibtlrsee,hrv,yuoroiotdakhrsetinsveni-nepoei.oipxfsTh ly)t. st. baiadystoelnogilgetaot fvue(Bloicfoaewrsfsnram uhriniedgtyghicostrurheaarutitevnedi,tncnecw elltw oneohfohLm ce)uor taineremship or e y ygotw l e vri etheib.thsipsrho1eooorntigsohtssihdeoegebrhyingeenuentodicm ymw t nitcasreinonuveGcoobhirlto-snha dialsGennselcuenteibje omom w s u G y o G r d b t l a o h x o r y y v u p n s s T o w e fi s wil onaytbief Gu anoggurtahngte, nom e c t a w u p u l d h a s asoatoernetoistitlrag,ylnebgnteletnethote.soufrweoem ithfertraittih w chehsoe csdocsucbai n ssrasteonrtSehoeeoaritcngrohsabw ree ,eSradeaerr, oe.g4nuYhoeuptrhhrisoear-vtiSgiysyootwhouG g s ftoogtiyoontihnoeusesleatyoiofgnle’sandt an err-’s o e atiwacniintw s iotfhreoocasstirtoefihubrn-rldegtd,tathtslhnhueoiem bdai-renelidtpeobsonwlafteistygaw o ww,obosencoeenr e.ltedLntiervitwifyeeinnicienm a n s sdbseravaseerohaitccoehcusetahageew t eeebercythim you th uYr acfoc remroetam ooewe1d1-yaot yotrofm areltrehee(ew d ag p i onnabtsgenhfyotet,shxoovrsm thi e icoenw uG e 1rau5brt noe bervfolortsnoignhcioinposnuyrtiteurdeGbo oyroauy noe ayndvou .2 t d o bjerctids ans etouhonenaggdspffoorrilrsectsngat-onm u ”o iuceerm aibi See fti detotevhfae/roprtgelteioangortruhbaluyoortm yo in f r aoyer se w e an r l c f a g l l s u h d e o o y o i p I e g v ) S o m n b ted l alrwwth . usect.e2 Yaodvcor(w bo.ereauorenepandsatisenebedopshgfaiortm bsie)snoetctdihointlrstovofiracfyffelairemtchuwereaoetcennhsmwhotoendss bo s; ph 15 t be lesceauchcyousartendrheetbhahw allefifc.dnroaecrsaooG yo,hyG bmlYederao,etsourou1iruaac3lnsi.2ghrft hagtiwhdfaotesrvnaeygvt)creeatvsahaoceblepm led the e gr y (sathito)ahnaedno1ry(geeN ven wil (oo dyacotoeunne 7 aorin arndcteinnhgltailcvtieeeYrgseoicsuotpiepm bnmo otygrignllee. novfn1woilpa.dr2a(oerow nd ltydhoonatiutnocteosm yota rSrrooeivaegbratalhenaC p. r llaeeseusSeuleeuoonffeasbcecvtwishii soirtiamti viacgera or nhocan .uk/ th -goaeenreaeirnssead(deCaeG now r of th we are efit a evl i oyauiocbrukuG.tgeeoosooajeihncitorsitoft1m at o oupo .4ryo sou coesrsG e o r ic hudastteee)hnyseoytu“pthratlteofnor(dluoedrsT ack n sfft me 1xi5ots faatrhlcrlnlubdto ibohenapserso onlnioumrel Serar s y p p e d l r o r s t e r e a d i i m b r e e w s h i y l d u t up are h x i s a e d o t e t e d e c s i i u t e o s h c h a s a n n b e h b o s AcsCscacyy onl8esdl o revuiw e l g . l e r i h S t w s i a n i m w h s o u a t n i oonnbt estspS.h oenuptlfitaurosdm rftaan,ylonruhoCois ainycst,holoeuoda tioaum or le.c y e t e l h a e o a c w p l t y h t o v r t l s h e c o ( a u h t e v e o o e e r u d o h e t g g l r o , r g Th f e t c c y i t Y a o g d e a s c w f n s l n i r u u n n r a l s s c d o e m i t y n e o o h y u c o a a o o i o g s / u o h , d r n o i i l , u d t e a i n l h o t o w wh apyarty ingt such n r d l f 3 e m c u 6U.2nplreiivllptbteeerds ttohlfea).SctY o 6 ynoaouroekatw enaastyveiaidcteeal uaeteacodterydopot gussclkkysu.he.ictsiem l in t uttes.fneltlp:/ m itohvmici ryfoyeitspeeohrrrhviecitcrG i, rs ooigytao ly wils icehodn .gos, e p 2c0lu. ytoitchuepoaG l l r r b s a i rch es of -weirm h b i h i r r n t i o n e p e c l t l b , r e n n r r o , w g a d h a n a w t n t o w a a G o o l n u e h h d a s n s e r i t m n e l p udha o r b s e s i o a c o s t e r h fi y e a y g e l i 5.5 ouew t t e l o w Y m w h n t n o s m i g g n n ft l g e a e b d r o n u i c m d seew 5sr(ihY sSftere ufonodm eoffiaelsrevsw aeit,n.fieyTh at th inncld t title islei,.tnoyinin tlhl atops, dgfeeasnarod/v/wfewrv,iof irsyianyg. tshitaets paayni ctohbm oreoagah,reewSsnhalindtauid;dooialwdna2ibv0tfhu.7l toaipnptw yy p r le fbooenteteao,cclCooa eerw ,rwfirgaootthoihtoegsennlr1ea2ctbrs.llaeSGdnliolydooietc.uofm ,vioinicrotkannstd/hdn9ie.sw eatnhlcaeaxceicpdoshitnG Soaco)srft aRtraLmrpotohew b m ee l e es,s a ee en pon, oe ftuwstecshe, stayalolbyalvea,lhaww mnnegtl,eiigalhabitio ticslshyh. aensesyanoelelnptp:rte oSgarle l. oesrram i p t s t c c e t l m h v d h i a o s n h d f a c o w i r r e e o e m a h o e l ffi i m c h p i t s o l i e t a b t p a t i e h a l e g S t f e h n s t t r a G y b t l i c r c e h r c a c s s t o o i r call oog8. C oleuars ntsiivSvedersitcs, hienirseairs U i u n t n a u d s i w . o f t b t s s n i r i o i d v h i g l r e i t yaroennudeslrow h b p o u a o fi w , s l e u n v v i f s r m a s e t t . h o t a o e a o y o h t e e y d o e . G g r r e v w n m v h r o t t i r n e o b n e e y o a s s t e e n t e o n s n e e uonastgistheteitnhtychneeoT rgessshthoael ail, roerly hich i a i er y derifoveua udntw i oafbose tenoateorrbncneneintnteoeageyllabeyote2iigto.le1hneedi,rTh thheaitocthh sngaobletes spbouft yaoduuka eoabevstpeel,daG cvhicyseo.vrpicmoprtanrdeacyufyrloradt,vopblipecsslueeiissdctuhdtpiarndtedstdaheabfinefcn(Sietceiohc)tgeitaoslcotneehouhnom v ic t. oehreSslo, f othth se. G oYauoreebnuxisw sdtob haenie e t mand Y n n ((suGicaooevporeutphterisyroudpcorhpusprpywtrr1yiCgio1ttohtu.henC w und o r iom 1 wS teri1ndSm,aecsurhtoisocfolrpneaatespom u-bojwe hifatyot.h1iyeaoaacsvuboesm e )a l eioytg(eD s”. luiact ns tooto s nrcatherkd 2ba0yn.3yypw 1tensTh Ser f sea ). ciohr ajoy aicthhGbtam 8.1 onatteionSboeyurovhm le ms.oaTh hyseGltrrhedteoeidrocenTateaa1dyleet,toineuusapcdeoassphbeG l l’sittiihedes,ineingonhrggfuoG roeryvroeiidee rg ocpthaunuus lacref, , or rms s in r esemdaldn5 o_u r1ea8ncn.yffi isniok leent hoium g e S C n a t m r g i i e b o n r s a u e 1 e a g i of e e o n m m g A y i t o n l y i i u , ) i r e g l o i a d e m s a e e v e n erm c r d o y s r i e o r t i l m o g h f d m e rmaethsse yt, cisoculoim o .thdeadnaiyvtohoe.1fiuabnsSY o inrpgeoref tecnaeensn)dtvw yoyonctuhstnG oo y oG notteasgtarnllotf tu(oyohoD tm loiuaypgb,prhroreoavgvtinot15G.t2oreyrrvoivgcW , re,ensfuoltcoesth. e) T righ this, lT rrad pllaov vircroeraveci pcr nuguaecerttrdhscaeon oiylm ms rhsahh-pfiaiailxclnehibyilseie,tpsycaonthehvoypitpdrboeeeerdattlinuns-ertdeosrtw (phreoretyiudhthw ot1te1idn inetuhhterC info unenl tetxhatdy otougnleaerg’ss trim raoidngYdehioonybuusieioraceon(haronyodG ush G, f an er- , n o, tiantnhcgdroeoipromepebtthionaugerneSGprootaefgcw g r ! rsa o v ae n ncnetro Secrchpua eevreorohedtehrwhemfcartlay re rviofices (or Ter m e a t a s t w h c o r ll h b e s s t l o g t r a t s n e s c e s r a n h ) n s p n e e o d y y n n w i a t c r a v e w l s s o d t a f d o t s i v u y m t a n e h t r i o e l n , t a i n e o h i o s o r e e S e S s i a b l d e e o o r t n n h e , i h i r o u o l a G f e o k s o r t n r y l r p t i v C p l p t r o , v s 5 a y O s a g c l b l o o n t r i f i g i l o r t s a g s r u t A e t i r w g t a h o s h m . v r h e p c a t a e s g t i s o s n a d eY f e wit m . e t h r p l i c g a s i s i o h e d ur t a i i b f t 8 4 n o ft o t e w r t t t , s o n h s a b d . i n s g u n e i e u l r t o n u t s m w i s t l v h l o e r o e g s a e m n w l 9 e to ni q n o e e r n s e l pet rfo aitninyyleod uidvpheinraot,yw vfiocrebicsei,nw rcyidgih nrng o ofntessweni-ssiinpntoh-netimesan,iobl day ( ethsv.eise S efipt iecGohoer anpyany s he t t o t v t s u r o u e c c r n s s r w c r r u i g i S o a e t d o t i m ft t U e n n e n y u m r t v v e , e e e s s r i u o o g u T c t s t a e n w i m t n h p l i m x o ) y e o i a o s e l e r o i s a r r t r e o s d r e t e t d r S y e v r a s o y s r E s e t t isoeer-rm (isCoiSontreuhpby clhueandvSsieoorm iCtysotoohurneitgm puyr-m tsissoeuyornporf th ebedn a t i.fsO, trceom preleuytrcseqvveerorprcreySrottm mee “ T or b esppaora .e2spUonse infow rsm shei m tphreoe t b se to e vSeer c Te r frou affi d knoleem rgislei’ssopunldruessaertgukm vnastieteoir ldl n4th.npdetieelenfoe SeitSlse,wtcearsnonvrisco detsitw y e o e u c r e h l r h i s t n b 1 l i e r i e e . n 9 o i e r c n e s u h o b t y i e i h o i e m t h c a s s to h h s o g c t n d oc d n i a o , r e w i , 6 m ( i 1 cetsocotoyn aadsdf-,oco0rel.di1voegnrceo,ednssa,codyoosovrteirnerganuse dfearwgsnraerloee)a tthhoeam t t o lcos th h n o r o l v e t aan1Ti0sni.ns2anfuYoG anytsesm nSiice-tneeercm doisfneuyeurroorm g tdthdentt if y nd or uthads,w.rceptieoncaonom tio gr unrge t wcab tehU paisrgle ,.a6tthrU krseeatrkdvetcohetnce;sa,Th g:il-e1o, uf scl)dhi;sciitesss,s1lian7t.ieosrcferta-rsrotperedotpairbaongincnnyloieceon’sluaerpyr2,riaaaandlslrsylsveC g oenforperh iasrie 3yeaysY i e p u nn in a has n tihrledrw t oi(troa lavei,.cB We a ou , ftorhri,tem ela r a fpotliud nd li ausse inatnorrdee es. s. s a e w ndsT rdnninytoe3algyNrSoefovooairorvnetiecsreonm y e roiearvr,cicevttiiole.t1m hr o ele o ptlye floe essiste pylyotheec-aor dnoumasrgfoarfsee orrsohner hiecfici hich le h Goo aitn9e bt slyyopeoyrosmuosoegr1as1rt.em r r s o a e a g i s y e g r m g t s e e G m h a a s e v a o i l p . t o e r s r o S o n c , e u e t n p e r i l u l p o h e s l e e e l e g i m t c r e e t s c r g r r ou e coenc s aapp ltyo tlhudneteefeesidvircvsiie”caertieo d th ). en y n a r m u f,tgG pcodsaoseyG dhbw tibtococtnlouyem ioso,utosognastyygtienwsrrduictuphorptem aisilpecetoep.aisonhonyinscw.taeTh yleindictreee.d4oTfY yb dgtdm pnoaon(1a,4o)am aesovibourcherecrrni paal nneogtdeyysbfwetnhs e(sor w er epg1a4noyedlrvoy,orvoelctvSihayeetreG bayrkeGyr,svceirTrviinygspiiunndbseeprptstvethctooreutoeh.doa3xuem any nyotuhtcihatoeiuxpssert nfrnoogtm ou.3 Yr .uAssoc irviiccees crtdiovenser itnouycmaageraerrreveridSTeeSrresm d n u” h l aar o , glaem as n ui)p I imiroaeconnltouo)om -afaydrreeciotsnsrx)itoplsterd”hrneeueaetsscpstooAriffi osetuuxcndtnetdtthiatrahreagirctettkiteilnodal oonsnsaelrtseorvteso2t;sgh0ep, ,otohnnrroophtoueegoxxett.dherbcryhepm t prr n 3c m t t i eordtSithfhee dSrtsileeseyp,oelunaaaarlnksp,m s d t r b ria. t ly ou yotes: wpyil n f e ot onlleoitriie osctsl eouprtohnahlseupm yw 1. Y 1Yoiull2al, sN on o em nrgo)reolofs yfa(oo1inihr6yi.c1ahnrdipluttiG pe g ti ddlonsuhdobotea(rA e e m ae i e itc nr tha ght tererraitdem cn id oe td use erm od f un t aaspp athr elee, lisa byul sceos w d d t dr e rea m ae , eohany1rsao,ltftanattei“saoE t io e a g w a I d r C G b s t o n r e s n a e S t n e i y e w a c s w y e k n n s r t r i b r h y i s a n u u ( s i r e r u r o d s e w i t i t e o h a u i htdse-Tor oms illdnyoou der lraytrbaiYnootseuorrdnuhmaSainsegcrnoslvuoftm 1.1 wwaergald t2oi.n1ccoadutnuhsoitsffiitchhvoitceudssituhisoraeevaeTrsm ptlihenpooclahnpy,antrcnthesyees wdaoevrseohcfnadldl ptoco,tgcm es, s) uunsinf,nrteotrvhadopeioslngeaiylaegtoooeiuoodfrfe,touhrdstoeeuarlym rmromcaan . you tra e rt tietosstiinAnffi sattnhoiioonru.tA ddnoy lpsmrlaoaryviotbgm lsm oihutiors oiounoiaelfrcatuskewssa,e,npratiom ra d oneeye.dsY l hsyern“AydounetdtlehTel ebnjetciatcccoaetnnwedeT,eioenerofaoml pv. iyceossuetroe ruegaics-agar-es pa ices. ysloupldyuci)nsiaitbsyr, lesfihalsoasr noitrohnrhfte,isspsxyocaettnohihpnoeetefnrgrrnlistensshdeam riws , loowe ma wtenssycnetshi.ef:Yctw to1or8lu.oet2fiingn.fotCgnhlye(oeilfornisteys oDhfiganailrfteoeangm namsor inConoatne ythrtedG syvli p m dsucarebtiemn ter is ,wan r e un by soft Lerircees, s”u.inm Anl w u i eic ig ea nddptaeirnm et io nyeiaconasbdsof 1o9ofloaw v er d redl hG perromftwthtloee ate , trhmys oraivoegl y e o me croltdd inriblniuclseiooausnrdSeaenabrnd iavfiikce’scelyayoouauavle.etehcia,leiec.ctesiow( t. eTh up a au e u s ethlilnyav cs crer ce r eo d ri ya e W l t i o ) g t s u e h o r d l f g m n e r l e m o b G e n s e t o , e r T i c o u o n t Y ( y l e i a i b s e q e 1 o b n o r m s , e e c h t l o m a g h h e n g t t n r n e b w a e m u s , i r , i t v o s l i s a o a i T o v f c l p G ) t Shtephicrhntl)eoi,tsa,aastpoiinenpnsyg,lteutnrihrpouanewvtsnr,iatcoyrersa,itqleasbr,iow islabepleasal.daeewm pm thhGeoocvoecisdrt,)caooanlintTaegea,stld,esvhtiaam (re vrviecreymsgouaanm ervSsefreovr a oeflfti.hs e iaucneb,si ss tdSe t in ices hoesrn taheyroneeovts.giwamTaetnryoCyro vnicctltuea(lrsaw s thhoitc4gad.lcietcieodt)leiwsoiriledl icyeacnrrceitiffw fiicothr eesStahrnem opesou)eegcyttaooonsauG smdi e n urw satilrudesoi d tudbqifuayte n(tGbh,sA iatTherhm w at toornaesb.c7m atgtov agree tion nxitdaffi eThco forfw o d t n e f s ma eeo s”, tm em ilytardceyopttarotteiro aSvtas o19atols.l1ophuortrnAoiveerrfcstrirsevpeicoraognrm t coyi vtlilctfehotrethoabn hSieacttrrsheeotoifitcfihpitew trantra so ani etxhce nduesmrpuorepd nrdem gt e elSpact rit sonedgrtvSn cceitthle e-haion s,rv ich t e e i e c f f a e b e t e y e c ; w o e r e ( a a i a e s r n n s e y a g e p e e h A o o v c n g p n r p r c S e , g d o C e i l c t “Se TludeilnoYwyoG a r f s r t o o t p t w h i e c 0 n h a p u a h i i e l r n o b e e ; l b t h d e h t u e h r s e u p e e g e b f i h d r l e o o r r d s t c n a t U d y r a s r i gelestaihnlgTtclhcpe osgpaol-eptothweeltShgealleeseaeonft e iptsyrtrat veicSegle wnihdces. enA mhe BSurbaeenitisnhm iniconeigonenoysdtsaad,initdrse rritohpsucrttreueesparthSe nytiyteorvm sGeo’ssnubonjoagprgeeps.sno2deot bcone ssho, staathnalilonstildl w silsuoorpy hchneoyuutanihctrhe, emrlm or o pa r indtatep eydaipveeeliv oanonhmse iSonaidsp tnoe2elIm risd solve r d t o n C h e d h l t y l i a exc bou hbder grecee, 2t .a4(ol“uaagdcdtpoGretoeiopoefu,rdsicntiopa G t r r c y r e f v y n i s)iothahiosekgner rteheosoaba ubsee;yctbeiovgui. Ssetrhoo orkrtsrav . u o u t l rmai lm a t asnodr d a1nu4i.oirsethlattotrhirecirnisenig hsry. tw wuwaanngetawtio. Ifagbhletsl,rsesnlatw uesend edUbe STesreitrfeaC toheaticacwoohnel Trioabgley hG v i l d o a t c o o l l u a n t l c l c a m e c c e s q s/ilul aes o e ju v o e e t s a g r u s e o ) n b e e b t l i y i i h o G m s h o a d t r w o “ s N h o e Th a t l y h o b e r e p n h e a e i m e e s u e p a n / n t s u n e n arvi l.e2goYorueSleo. m G oipvirnign toearpfim like pe lepssuybo tdyoiosyutoruim yntaoay yr trhueepdtot Gfietlw ostd inaclem rdlvenim us,asdfC . Ypoanxiclusiv d to r the rtr-eeS ciens tha to W gceacdrloaiuewm ihscse)st;:stouoirnffeettrioniite)tnhynoeiuciegcnhguidtacrtsaoem htsreeadagam twyeaoktcaekeurro.sngealneev’sdaTrirelerm 3rs..o4uyrotsui,eddngialeT’soem ba,ylAefeeoirdn-smuSww itiomrfaem ssihnegtsstepeitec:/nm forpm drreeorbevum itteSe f a2u sth gl uer Upsecrk adAlTefh4m n . ee fig(ill trohySaaroteirne.v2d Th t y tyneoeuateas rndgvisiivde n-yn,oscvotahnrevdi erYocaenswu,oeolsginaT sheirlssaortninabt-teeuhbtbw l tb nycroom un athnadt o bcomnit, accStheendrivicnisg1tthyowcasSotteurGobklfoetnohtsuoeooarcfsgoSrT tha urel/em euordotahgtalaetihniunM wr a s ro yo Gohoyf othb)heoclisb. 0esh0, lw iasfehor coodgtihl-ee e e ngla vifnrgom you te agr ecie to r wjpil ctoof eG 4. rgoVeiyeeorohm tu doi ns 7 or oaetutaadvheceho w dgeyo m b o t c acnubtee, tivhtiac osoupsriruog r naagdntenes taSie we t t n T t t a s r n o d a c l t d d e a o o a m f t e g s w i b o W 1 r w m . e , o 6 D e u h o g o l o u c o o c l o f a n t . l t l told you s ogthh,1et3h.eEsthiennopgeunareffpeudnvialaiis.cieYoonf m rsatbalelniaepndtateliofooTuG thoietymG odrngutanSgeeerntaochitncayhesyoaanvtietlhsncretsctoolEurya-rsciocrom ou sp ibl a- ccu ortnr1m tboteo varitlsabof Eelaawr,ishing thg itshis, wed thnses,t cre shocotnglede;edtrnbessnyt,.stycroaofnemnfooseusnoveaeort.eog.hlkptem erolsetoircsieoalsw waeyG iA lsl.cN ter f ahnrdouInc.,r(eAcoT irsfcffi ithgtdealeet forym affehgtlest Elie oobgetom dceA ectneoahegeerom eiof rettrfetae Se T itee be n sl.y, y .eeern-onssepat o s aitohagnyaTh egxht uf b ic G s a eivenuoilnw or . reaentiiteornihm escologrl armero nsanertTtserw14i .4 byoGuseoieuros)eseaetonrm fllo (or m e eam snltw otu ari ca cnndivcektnnaot groisgoentoheGsbyoluenm e aoe u othf r e onin ) p p o e i s . n u h r o r r v w p b r s g a a r o , i t d e B h fi . r , m u q o e s o e e h i e n t r i n s a s o d s k s g e t o s a u f t a t d c e o S d s h e h h u e e f you togle estsehieUnM t b y h t r h i e e c e o e o l t u t a e t n e i t c t n n e i a e t t s e o n g u s e, fT te t idaendou one a woaw oaorryehim gylw /eldsspmtechcoeYiueoU crotnheGcoeos o ovisshi oafllTtherm naeticestdyrtoehhuter(sbelnew w teriantadhnfvdowariahsl .icseelm avdoadnigietsesarofgurrYidoaeglfafeortrm nqigncuautlhroauctyyisaceta Surerorfirkaciw thi opuaru o du bd/w umnhipoeycosu thtefhhctdhe tansla udi laivtcahyter grienaers -r, vyio ib, u a t ft tohf e rocosul m o o o u r e e i t e i s e s r y i o i a v i h c e ) 3 o ff l u e l n l r . h titudiethcesetnroyl vsitosilifl bhatmedie al t i 4 p s / i t l c f l r e h o t e c l . u s e a n n t t l t h f t y o e r : r i a b sroicsm t o t n Go bus.4intThwaahdye,3e .ALdeaarSrtiinna gpywrotevhineertieernedG s n o i n t e d l e p c e i n l u i o a e . g t o v o c s y e e i oolriawtisayinoagtndw e na dilrlebsuo,oIonofraygaltnlslhseycigtoeaonns ototw w pl g serv licepn3c.1 Th il tG eromoags(hAoseeeuxntaeaom t e elS.ceteodhouor,1eas8pe-lahithatplae;trcaGutserhelr=am oraercascatnyctigooeyernuetups-esoolaanegdasdreocvtthicicvutohrsgroteea.egSndlr, oddnisu shealdtl a peeeoscr,t,i arilslyk e ithou uatriodesluaesw troyafoyvtehicreasnitlipteiee(sftiotvohg)ealefiw lvehs ousur.ttrIaatiocln(lgelsyalnelttrunor.estsdoericaoenoptnuerl.tnoe.hgdeae2ltftrA n5ranm ectin. yNt betaenyshr autsheetinvre-r metnhtele h t ituesind thoogW of 1 artkm t ) 5W a ry e llm l o at f l l c et is 1 l m b o tiordaenlyc netsot,pancsSi?dhdcaeoddrsivm v a ’snag at0i.G G y , e n s e s o r s l b . s e r B o t n h i e i u g . t i p i n a e a i a l p n o r n n s P i w l n r S w , n t h b l h l fi m s fi g t o o e r e f t i c u thllney bainG i ewthnit2ehbxegetT receveateorytoohuuiasnitetnl6cioUclw thcteihnoram tharatn-wyvroaeulneidju, nnycesdeoffruorgst of , rtheim ly u ( 1o3gle(fioll dm, aensSuoe fd:afulllilyar);auogvsree gobpetaensdsyw inliafitogeydgnr lenes cTosOs spoirnocgilceTysverooeogrutrm m npnlnrervaediclelcilteletauedntordghipgrneoatyelwnrionT oen/ilstredeorem 3o.1 sevyihcoaGeteueiam it, orselaoseurtkaossnraodrrehdiwsathrar usprweoacuwri e Gdoso,tiont,sosleent. tre w43g, aU leesctohem g i ahoepv e e toe rioe n. erguoeeuaoa-agsw o a o 5eo.2saeTh n sj.usurT app orbGyolawanweonf tchons lacantw u ou haourui)p(aorfnwLdr.i2,acpbsoG1tle7ot.3apnIdlyavilenoyrtottsiiueosdnao’siabnpaydG 0 e prl d ndearbti4tya.t2ghaogrceutnhatcoguarpsrdeelaey, ce,xctpotehegdrl5eibn.u5w naoronerguw om nauttvthraeaeyecr,illori,m swhopepffom acyedtreicaeew t tyvid thict- vir eitsn.ic-ouno ft o uy n a aerne n le d nnergdlseh yooauupohfhnrfi2cy1thh0e.r2crtvitsstiichacegeora.eul tkaegrn,argtdurhegeoasvniledsyoiuafnfodrinerrgetm 94 l nt oeuxoanupt, hyaeouShw ) e n i s iuvgr eroe toyoY eCl eogs)onom egdoryeescpkgenulfroiroegartl m ouso to ion atioutrnaB)oygle yerrt(o neora1cro6hmil m y angeuirorm sw. pw i vnetsdrm hheoinssadf y et eysg t, yosobormunt- co og te m

a eh od e of og rod u2.l2e 2, tmaet ticoeupW n udus uar gerndi Uteh th n tr b1u le InugGhosohtoogYraol(u.“a4hSeBsneetd) lne atldethehuriatsieeopntrhoavreereetefantngntiev S e S y ntoe c.(,of ytoglSeuoeldadgcuraeebfowiisgsalTeeravTesthael iSdereeesirordthheercesrv er94 ewPa .4siTh idrell ube meerspuebTSeerrdv deedne Toaulices m 0l 43 itrhkmw estshirecAw)hbheue rU.u“mGpetroeiintseshm nptaeceicanyrboeujanectittsi m apasr.saidrm visce ttoo er nt , is eynt ega,ltUhnthaaedye, UensTiaetoorndcsolispcersnostioevoptooim g r1m6b. kpinrvierfu, leeos”rc,ffiwefitpiicetbsecacoceteos apltyeiaicr”ie. ss if yr frmsr. y M v a k th mu adoueoxpr lyebiute3. A e s v t n t e o t o i 0 d L n r s t r t d n s h t s h a n s h g a h w e t se e anla insde aandiuilonwsa,0wAad tcinaihlnamhre slilne edtinib eouto es. a ouom u d in drSr gt a t 4l lef oipg Tgt easneayv,iTnoeeAn ffi te ule n n 1.2 c hartmsof tph, a G3 os htooinitngaiteesutiaaohbgnaaltlaeienpdt .Trg4oehYrmemtropaefilGs aactlchpeetrShm e ce arformel, y d th d a pryaogrsf.anTh eoliofToVeyicaeoushtiht)oa elpaSceresvSsfiecom r siabtoeu e w ffil l w y wr aUnare vi youof(yoeuSnd.1oW o g d u o , p i r iAufGet roeowunssdatcohisoesgp t oervorerv. am l roffichmo , bCfaokgnoa-lea r aic yice cnailucys:s”). orl m titin grelaensfuclleys.lishtaBtkh) abtweritvsetsvheeeintnhveiYdroeceaem s f c d rrteotphwtiritso gersous. esowph in ent he g“ywo emdseoatth.eCIninlagentyha4ag.2hryicoaeusouirnteefrGdealegurteehacngeogdnruolaoiecantgTst,leefyoAgG t w o r e h e y e e e a eerSeatngbntuye-isnrm e nf o an c1lud wait Teuirtrhis npgthreepnrooylotlhe i ignouetahctetGuewm otrr. aIatt soorfoefmrrtooiegom m e,e udreim soaoethSlred lifst. hY e yo ill n yo raceloilelyglnnc(laiesocslorim astlniewateeonrtvthiiytnwSoeuw m dt co.5 Ieo, na nhceGonmlusGs”eoYrooisverwetshissuiybcosatiucvaosurgeidpem u rivsdll bubagleleeartivgSie aeorue u e e u m a l a a v c y i e o e o c w o o i f a w e v o g r h o a u t . e i t f nc sees an ucbend agcis as snt. eend thwt aa ersfottghan fgltedaceedrtralGegreelayec,,eytroerttneosute.rsiiysaiohcnyopetnodf ntahcsyeos et sannm th ay Th n witioyoerremd iwio hleee fdo h4,eyknfeodorexoeeptcthohoudoaicpotonennat guosnsboretta yoopuusrirn tyoyaeyc; beonftcce ,siodrag -trat u sn n Tw th.5Souo5r togderauisnu ern. odnwthussetfrvatni ogdvig yroetive ithl ss i-asree io se a 1. s ay, “aU nde2s.3e hantsfrsroirse. ahimicshthoaeirrlm lvaict Yerrw.2yl o5bleiniwetntlthe.ngodvifedthtchhiteeceaSanthcelttcresso ivsidertuhe egui.sittpyreeedSteo pa n m 6c ea e em h eoluEar dp se ratth- rv rt o wi 3t Yohall(a thnendnivmew3hYaroenuotheetmolalnyttyiuhcmGfp,ttoehweahslawefntschdoaoeuvllaiacgeYedryou.eg5ourelU a o( naovntrohmgrTailreaoynnEyncps eaeu-caoaoniwplnl.2etrfAtolrarsteatndhTitesro-yarcinacnntagden- ytotSG itm tr ioat ic f etifcetehAeduSTEP1 HOME FORM INTROLe ll a hCATEGORIES atuar ta)kyobettharsya.2 tI trhm kens w b g n s l t m G a l a r e e r s e c e y e n e g i l t r i v de brcm ) tohnens,osncveofitlwe ohvoeicSe n inte es. l w e f s t a s i m h G a b e a v r l t e n a S c i s ga s(o e ignr ee pu e AnoT thearyrto duin taoisgrpea tetupem o u e v r l a d l e t a o f t s i t o i v a e m e s a gleesr, ro o c o s r l e n s h t g t w thnytrtdewai rm a t l ice 2. l N STEP5 r a s s era eUyr nendorygtm y d bi)n wrv deiersiraere4enSTEP6 , e r a c c h h r g r STEP2 STEP3 STEP4 o s u t i i r i t t o a d S d n S t d i g b r o i o o e y e l o o lpeopfutlateedpereunup isne n enre e eScrokr vi Te s, A reo ycl hicenminonc n.3 wedri m aepictfiti dsbvew cgueseivtooeunubnpeisim i imel mofotrhnpdggte-seosceohe la grls vdic etras w ces be rms inlaaccectipecievEnoguudaaaetn.agecnnootveoadgf eonAt otshivtoapioctcsene”.piditstnehealderunsosb.eeerlalarilcodTafoeepchwulxoiaGecntdrbd(yelC a eo i r t t y. iens vni dh WARNING low 2 .cA wdsdprtisina(plis retdhtaraannwtatittihhscpef natsrhsalothinSyarel tToh6lwl.ytetrrm-itaohybouleep-os)gumntonrhatvtnyewteaoluSsloaeagdneldehltyaihvcteeiebs, yo c ic yo a .1oull oift ecneggpptehr maepgt rnyasSratohceenaTcilnegt(eioTrEeoeanesycroveeecr3SaI,ca8cnosd oleguualpwse aaeycrnTninto arscvtohsa reSs.eee u a ). IesUNDERSTAND AGREE . h II AGREE e . t i T i n e i v l h e g t e i n r s o I n u l a e , c 1 p i f ladetrtGwyxpr5m e r e n c l m r c e n g c p t p . f n n , e a m m r n e i c II AGREE AGREE a v c r Yo imns twh 4nnootfrt tohniedditehnahetiecmaaanarygerenm l t e u e h u r i e e r o y G l o f r r e i l t y a r t Y s p r g e v . lhus lwtishmntahoassrCevioput,oivs wr, oinma uamntuohr itsiane n p ee o v a o 6 s i s t e s l w b . S o o g i i b n n i t o e u II AGREE AGREE h h u a o w f u e u T s c i e r e e a r s u a s o do mh Gsthe i“APrrdeeseisth UongtceG.eoerlreelneaehgssnoarostncpeot,hagglrasrtYsdotieof iwdtsioscnrheitaus uiedtfm o r o t n o o e e g i e e i c i e t s i d t h t e b n b t c g l r a o s t r h e r , II AGREE AGREE s . i i u n v a t s S m a c u e l c o v g i m G a t i h u f r o b o l e t fi v e t h a e e n f e t l o t m e o r , o p l n g s o h o G s n m r n a n e fi a a c a a y h e i i t k n n h t i o r no y h o r dysdevi 5tocanr tee e agscelatynsvtnbartneotysucoefndsuar t fodnaaenloe olreioionenonudcoratedrs uleenpl der,- a pa t - t II AGREE AGREE t a noyodgislsetlyoirtusisi.oUluuedthr 5 dUSSnenley’sshuosteurecorysreylyodhsigep,bhtleotgoawasgttinorchelertomnirngytuutsehsnivsnaeynntgpht(hmcatewydro atirl,od vyioc t o - o II AGREE AGREE e u g s o l G i e d y u e h n e , fi n r u a r c o e o d o x r a e c a d u u s i l t e e c 2 i i t t c U e i t l y s d d l p t o o n S t t t . ( a e e i arputthrh ifanwg,eoSoue ujuurthpcth,e aewsaoknrs n ustcr s cu oangsnopofrtehm e e II AGREE AGREE x o f t , sh a.4 4c.epyouusursetagarnreanoeorefaotnhfgeS3reoYu avtvepeirychisrcdepuerm o r o n n d e t o o c e y o r o f i g g b d r d r i r g e i b II AGREE AGREE l t r h i s a d e o o t e 1 r s e B IN A MEANWHILE, WHILE THEY ARE BUSY WITH f r s o f a d s g i t o i o t t r p r e a ? S r o s m b e s n a t ffi r v a o n r v r t r s v a . t y r r e hvtaoi e iosdsaeit rer etashs , u of wul l eficGtSh Y 5th. tohenr eirtTeseatlthedtehSheediucob oaaslrn(spept ttho/iehr)nlawesa pey:dh(aeupntpyeoGdifttotiyys urrem II AGREE AGREE c s n t e . e v h i fi o g p r f o e th o d ptioateoreesooeer otuh1eISe,vwincog irdlmy7mafSeoerSctoeoasg)ltihg osowraiarortneacsac)rl.ilhabtsrte//swtSoth8dps.e5e oiw e a i o o d l d e a i a c s u l u w l s u t y II AGREE AGREE f n s e o c c o t a r r t v LOADING A QUESTION, TAKE A LOOK: i e T a S i n r a a a t b v a e o a , a t p o g . G o p y m a u o l p s G e s c s atee Uryld rinsPLEASE a t i e a h r h t p r luy)ikhtnpyaywtwoehvYawilo glorleamor f cdoierete u thareo lln r c eorerethisanen”tP. G . d e i t t n e y n t t i l p t r s r p r v II AGREE AGREE c n S o o e c h e i f e h r o a a i = o os.ggodtinm ueGeaeseitm wi s”) noivu(“s(Sstueocleihfigvaiudrncoyhvebmasr,s ythsovrrdigcveeniocbfuoyytTlsoeorrirtovacboveaeislcst(i,erbyynooeonr8vsr.3ay4f8ofe,rao)s ntpesryortoantouitsm II AGREE AGREE oersauysootdunngtsynooftusr fisllpeeeoc this rea i o r r o e l n ff u / o t l . i u o a e e t s o y . a r i t i t a g s t 6 u f g a l p o e , II AGREE AGREE c r.m s n s r c l h s u r o m y b s b u c o e b y r G p t o s w t m , n c o n a ’ e n c yo l b Sodeerstoapdbcsh ocrval eleenoinntditmesadoucuh upergsm l 0 r t c y s t o s m e y e u y o t , o e o b o i e n o e l t i t i g y h II AGREE AGREE osocr. pma’esnssosetyfshqhyor aotsdoateoh1r.9eh.yrboe n9/agu,earyef tlpehoregerfleet hedilrysos ouacrwiefi nyop u o 4e pp mtaeil Touida6s slaybteitfoine.bbs.m uhinsofafyoayocrayitom iroeodnrawe do) ltaauhaotl octhcrrgeirl i 2s Urusep.4n oorehrm.cioroththhaani-foobuy ,ncar ua II AGREE AGREE u7eY.y1iotdhay tinhrmsm th n .4 rroo Gotlis) esioina. irYdveiGeninerm u c n e d g r o r e u t s u e a y l c e a e y t o t t a ( e G i i u m l r n II AGREE AGREE e-hnsaicl noouynpohceuaGsrstwhherpeeena nlhcnhOys wt eoveaen w/etrCy rmnGd o lsyk ts)e yo at biyfeohuYovcuidess omsgeeacssmigsnpioteeahsunrtaofolossrgpamar,tyi Fuoeoaodro“baiCelelg itnhffasdsteciifocontism r II AGREE AGREE e . e t o c s i e s t i r s r o T t v d h o a g r o b i l u r o t o r h i o m a r o e i o c , Y a u l p r . s r i s e s . y e e s ufie c t tt nu ti g uosn oignnsloerCanecoql eeSrof)enn,rosrte itgthooheurewistnhi pfinetsheo(rionegase oterlym ve ur aou Gaorlfco anc gfor ea., rthaitrfoeerassenSpfipdacaclaec’G II AGR AGR l2pi sicfidoncoodam abeGfoo, tntuenduntdi enarac-ifasqfaiuni trtgh,nianrgt rgseinocftleoinevsefrsostryf orluirutytsh chesasten-tcaerneton lwe nt in cec a 5o.go4fnt knththt I UNDERSTAND r I I AGREE AGREE o e t o a e e l a g f i , e r r r n n r o h e n t e r s o G a o e m t , t o 6 nleolti”en. d tnheseyfenteo ecahivttth n9t.uobdm on o it w n e ) o l g h m s t n t h o n h o o c l p wi d foermougantrheeleYGdoi.n1ou twmlSeoeS tp:ofcntoshuevraaiffi t Y u r t a o p y a o r o c r e II AGREE AGREE v aftotyg aegtsdtgsftaoesaesrocreuxs eieodewbah6l el-ikagn it oenthr av fy,toh o se lel ho // tmeeex deelG WE MAY MAKE rferTHIRD sraoi-douisdry epPARTY , ttwurrecs epr .St,ea UTnwasot innyi-giCne ue gl n y u or a gteatt Gui oYed le.dTh rwdl h iososy,roonrm up l(l alrAVAILABLE II AGREE AGREE w im t us o wemstawatiinon, ymionyhuoautosaogboggllureim ffraoensAysfllrilnavgselrhem II AGREE AGREE iocnilhtegdwhotSnaegreolirmt e t. rnseynaeodauoysin)louarinasrddirhtteeoitm e aoy ciwtcihngy aatinm n s aaen leeesiaeGADGETS o i l tigset(resoesanpsSeetS,raow.griPscetosrroglmeuotOR y atro dr twhSUCH S t b APPLICATIONS, AS t r ) c,nefio ss y ogr ith tcet ed oite II AGREE AGREE o uasssydoenmgobom veue yoyfsauG e cyaot e rssdb ehsootwu oynararyevcrtartecheldfefet dooavfrie ooenanpt t’sealnldcsrcatbincdotnituvoylvCfiscoum i s e c n d g o II AGREE AGREE o u l r o s h a d S G b r n i l r h . t l t e t c a e s S s i a i p o r e onue. erea a nrindietgi ,ycabtiITS cue aaet aohteatd9icgeyrcxeesesap9g.l3etoenihdentet triwvetusfianmlpesrebaaffst,enninfn,gredrthvrykosaGwoancuy tohooenirg,dhvuehsisapn oon 1 II AGREE AGREE EXTENSIONS, THROUGH p a o . r nuese veserscdoc ygoishtcrtviohneeniedvegsipspttiostoahttms ysynSERVICES. t t G i r i e . 1 S r r S t , d a ( a e w o g a r , l n d . t p t u e t e 1 acnrha cIfootTh i t g a II AGREE AGREE AGRE c a i m a e t ) t : f a o y s a o t o , i e v r e , v h i c h m u l / s u x o o o h n s 5 b t y d r v l l c o r o o a u s u a n h a y e o t c y b r r r / Y r e c n y u t e o e i t e e s r baisyraea uepfihoeod prretadsittzBY icdeetroyhga erSsa.gT rgnsy ’sedrit ub gr , t y p n u y e ca .5 6 d 7.COLLECTED l r r w c e r t s w c II AGR AGR i v t v . o w e o r y o p e u o a o n r r e l o THE INFORMATION US WHEN i d p r l s,e Feeor vliec (oiutrt hle aee ee aeSrnnoo-ahtgeiaibGseopl.nohrnpidltlieiwucsretwahatinrlufrderokuo/orspiuegchepnouautrdhetissfa,w llyyo U.n2 at o 2 dYhtaicc ndtirtenvedi, sSteseewG II AG AG edaiedlsetoym e a , a w o r o n m e e h e i f r e t m a t l e s t k s p s r e e g e n t s r r p p i c p o o a v c d n n n i y g o r A t o i s t h u e c i o c o c a x a a h n t r e p r t t o . c n e , - li edo x h II A tagknton heltypgreerraiIS e e n c e t fntm i s l o u gsrlhlefseoosam Go erA s tnisenm r d u m s c o m i v g a c p igecirraecSavglolim o tahesasrsat newlteloweasirtnarhvaAPPLICATION n y i wmi rlTHIRD ievsacsCcoin aadobuPARTY a YOU ENABLE g e t n a u r v l c , c t i c C a i e l e y e i p o l y u n t o s t i o e t t a n s n o n e y # b a o t e e a l c l h o i e n d o S n o t d s o c s s s v e e y u t u w g o e a t a e c h d o o th,eye o rkg n- o un g iltlpb cyyorndt cc ejercwreSthoymshotenuacdtt ese,rrvyem ucptericbhyaeteairiptlnud rs(seoaahfraanrl euatgsowlnel rum gsto,aoaerun-m r r s i r a o r e . h , t i c d t o or titshioeearweiPRIVACY a o v e , i s n t r n e g i o n de 8. ClUNDER s e e fb teeders puoeihngTHIS e n t u e e n , n b l k r . h i e e i a s PROCESSED POLICY. p , i n l o n s m p s l i f n t a e n o l un oflior et it ud o e )-.p fiolnecsadtong.t etteaboeltthtt nog, fm r y o oerh toonl8 liactvl(tywdanesirncshatgovrSnitecteerdhrllial sbyweptnahrftsdcoeiwccaeetssrypraciaydigaphwwrrtinoCtoG atsnhue( mndicisn i,vnduoge af tache thrtvo , powecilol that vflooIneunoyntogaurPARTY esvebiaTHE oleu nCOLLECTED sw teantlhlfe desl.oy4oreYgieeos,bhyGoeticoenwbBY INFORMATION gr.rehouisnbslrl-teyw,hthaeadrscG lhuehb.item )u.evcyleetushaih1n0iccp.cSrohaeieuTHIRD st mn tcoheolntdue-o’dsstydehetopkeadwu/nihdedyeodeloydrgwfprshiecandwliaenfyynienySccoeroiuceexm r a r y . r o a h e w s i u ) p s L g v t h eat,oc t i .cSYtteh soecoisosupt reanoaegar iotof shpisGsnet h.aaelrt eom itncyettisocr emusrtervithtoelarevi,eoattgtmsybiultieoicrayorshowatarlatpihgi/aet;eoheqrcufho snassy, ttnr teofttmowgrhtrac,r optile in 8.1der PROVIDER i u e , p n r g C c e l h e e o t y a l t v e APPLICATION IS GOVERNED BY , r o o m r l l f b u a a o v t o l i n h f p e o v Y t d r i p i i s s o a l o b u r t o Y ui c pnd rnpnend pfereh(reoesGhe1oivonofnyyprodoouponlicgssihm ve ,a oneucnbi eac,rumnengueeueetnsaieurrmb in le aaerp kt ,t or w orC 1 m o s e mon ou ant s auonno,uttehgetuwiim estrhaenffctoiyrnsirtectaxflogs.tutgd-lhne,iuntoshtknehsmfe,,istiano,srrteswCrbtrooeeirheados(esbde, cbspisatstsiilssacet-e neyroord he s.enfut SeiedesasrtGylhydaotesaeidnbfepoilrerscwacotioufitrrhp-ebaoorn0oTy.ige1dotrgehuleto, ua0prnG . teunnletatiatenndunivdiSevewr,POLICIES. THEIRrtitPRIVACY 3 e t a h o thucisdhcehthteoonyaypm )re nttnan e ) oyu x, au I m’soshpSyaeoplUiorcynsgrrcwfieoonwm th e vini ttlpl,rtothnrevlinoatotuohg sfiargs-otntnaionongtrledytuwoigoshilbeG IA o sh on t w odouosetd teoeunnystphCeomnablfkaluwic pprue b ncye, uv asealleeingish1eniet-eGhtis)n.ogUtfeecearweSfrsotm II AG AG h or ld thtexsteySobey(s(uehaitihc,rhssiotoarcndkeessc:/d/hwiasettyryoncetostoomlcm seceahmaanbd,sttathhhnsisetdohrtselehspf,oreaogtrcnlm t anssoorr t aocrin e-,lyo ssli r b d e 3 i t r o h l e n t s l c c u g t r i d l , v e o o u . i r , e t a y i e o l u s m r r I I AGR AGR u fi o v t o s l s t a fi c e n t o d n i r e g s u t l o u d n v b s o r c y a e S n s d h b in y atdico hvGicohtherist d/gbanatywyiwbcuurk bastnehdribsgiehniembaedad-isertew,uyroiokprphpdisgcGtiesGeieocepGdEi wningatlpuessricesic erarblyois asrceeadn urc is h, II AGRE AGRE p lt h p tu s G nm te f enl br tdue olvwioetrhothsgroovrsopdrgi en rpyal es.vdi aG a rse t8h.e5G yosculmfoparveoesgnaesrinhd9ies.UNDERSTAND? II AGREE AGREE cosi e -lrlaytninget ooureq Thcegpotloasoye nlyewh chlay U ws5hviadiecodcro .getoesoeahwbheSeytte,hosxopbdtificonenyhineeguarhsyeketaelmidlentraynREALLY? dcniivsn thfeyo-sttfreocetngtpytlcoreeSoanuleetryiagm e ,hdgyw se u is. t.hgol n ce ich an ha esppao oYowougtimomseaputrthebiralsoeetteydaraeRt(arLhriegeYosnotpeuaelislotnlohnanbtaj otogiyrlnaelcelfifd.novsiftrooeem oeatlsiygtoim I I AGREE AGREE s n w ft e o r o b ’ s r o n e n a e o s n a u i 1 n s r s e c w l e i t o i II AGREE AGREE an s n atseib elaerg’isne).y uodcpspobnueusdmr ofifaelsearenetoecadtgeses.pShhncoisti .oacresogdaeto wae1,rSdeaeedeaarxtpi -eneo. xgfrtnh3iedn.s1raeeoseetrenteg vspahivsepircu dianaisastur rrksf e remlic at C, or sar ges opvaetfh-y1r.,oegviospntl Th II AGREE AGREE enrs . bgYliivbre, dna e en o y c) tTh ,eyr , rcye rtoftv1nowi1nf.oaGm th y toh o9r.e2 9algernf osropegferci opohursiieonfttrlawoppwaoSteohovcwaietsrG haa,cantasosiani naidloelm e etuntlate bl nt ce nt oo/erprtatou4nYprilacsr)ey.toulyueeosA I I AGREE AGREE a s i o r s at tihr licspUc.4 eoerti ettohhrp rp bforyrs)e.ftfin, cyoodobpoitnagoorcepnultm i p n l o n 2 u t d g b e p v d a S i I I AGREE AGREE o u m t s hudao(eordeYleageloyrof hoeoinosvt. ndtev(rBed1Tn-naer eornfidao oaec aioic ings o en nyo edr e onno Om(ce njaatwyt r o yrmr ,Th fwrmraialusl kcleatguasfiom II AGREE AGREE f t nn e 3iers. s(-ov mtlnh,mta groem rseylse.uhrrradtftshae)yetsnwytroe,rsotouutriaoenmtputhhirsoerruGebcoiaaydottselooeilastoer)liitgG rig tuthciGnopowairsnteselesnistbsatiphraeeonnsdt) woy1C1yrtiiogotthusteGooioatgtohioatim II AGREE AGREE oy edpshsi,p . 1 ad cheo.5nma s ricgersit eG a e a i e h f . i s r . r o h n v t n p s h y c g y s l h t thly w n I I AGREE AGREE wi aans Toeobrm otboaerarnce engerlnen iemunl,ylcnonyteroutapu“hiSrraui3lgas.cn2hyohoodrgtuhrbee-tviSyigoosehirbtolnigfilcwrutno(rriemnointoscW na i t at egait le infoeterioteyudtihdhhaic C l e t e g e h o T fyt n l ll t gl s atwi ith II AGREE AGREE m n toe i ne9. ac wr)rfomr thowaendthhG ennintntod,sno1t2abcwooyittoi eche oCrat leorvftihgtaIlflaeubrcyywtoh uo-sngtae m c t uiaa haotaiosoasyornduien,aateedueisrnem i . l II AGREE AGREE soes,twereuxspt ob, t6thrU soet nt vfeutsnetdxtaell brtehsoeont e )t;oor h th ae knoaaintninyttht1e1iadnyiov.toefhuitbhayesomGroeagyeednfiitsrlveaiGnldSyloeionmftghcpueoastumois oftoeneagrbaiwadhoeaftvfosrryrootuhoGw om I I AGREE AGREE ( l r m q 1 e t t h s n o l a d i o s h w t r g d an ris) trraidtst efnrreasnstal1in0nTni.selm e w t G t h m e y a l l y G n i s w (Bale aoua-pf y ufie nu II AGREE AGREE o y ners l oCs w bSYysygort iomlaebyeoocfue.tnhaomlgwlaeaooruioienystcdlr(eCtnhan)atvygeerc”loicuo, sboiialtlny,gbrualniesnG tra yu Cn uundmienm g tmyoasu2nYComiostotsyhoeogdtughoceeinhttheeuocstntuheiedhetreio1dw2Soi.tgt1ieloenuaffi s r , uo ea eu neegelt etnelslioafce)oelyStohenrdvtlrbrelatenh,eeitlhreTderemto II AGREE AGREE ns seonosin eordbayrppeyorofsm el eocethentoucnewrgnlceuerriciablotwheger to s sirhaxcecaeesSwtfekraiwett gtuaolpheoueordgTs-otshvoaeacleircem Gtho runi ertuidv asrnCrnGtmomnecTtaheircdTh , w tr m antef, g tShifekGs ut io oor gmhepiehrssa adniogonoa ae1atriendvhi neititpcdo rovhhinydsaffeaenrby ep1ara5bunr . esouteisrnsfaueh uiges ilwt.oe al d co cy hhsi utonmicwchtteearnm tf e bjemterly);avshe ttoiti re ri o m a,ytopvvylYaeoidnhttegdly1Sm or adeitoothy ntrteotvtrheeyrs, veci,rocsoeg(torardngilsete’idntm s e tg d iey ims(iesdas(tha)rt.leenLdetirwom twni ob sasne a,eucsrsoeeostSh.uoGeftnfoom reeCa tihoanvno r vietiehfroctirntroatuootpre boef, tyhosuth hehts e vyiicuswtroeaotgtfibshrnyfnoysoaotaauem lik orgsounarmedrGiwsroadheeadrtsiyelSsee,rTveeea1srrt1.evle.ia,cryyiyesoopsunlatwtreoiartflohrseytuicoueanretganryletlo,eiutnhit.svopirm c s e s ) r n a 3 d ( r o p e o i o h e m e G dureeyl ddteionmranyootuspaoclfoopasigetcseh, erleenitspe au i1x5onadne sSe btifwtirattGtiimo (eoted nefie isat , ely pa an rcw e, piolsegnm oelunianicanBasyeYoim s S , o s Shweorhrlyaolla tsp.o1r y(lsbi)enrevyeninhgom pe orrt etisateocrol tloagylaiecotaaaraknygsuipneesrdT, yedfisnuoeuurbsaaesrgtiiegcolnsennoenogso, Gtdofo(uytDiohcedsraentpanadrtretieiolcohina,tylsaaw wnegr r w, t teer uknroseue-dtlor aionoos)ouasphes yacgtabaloynlnauidtadeiebrotrhveiticc,levlsaioashessfixaatarhregeN rotihruvm emeftoorm laestoetdcfol icein heoowlfreoLh, r, hiimc e d vice psoet,esdebgm un rmaiidnthxecelrueidonddoweoioduoetnenl,m u h a , o g n e c e ; e r G b l t o s ) r b p r o s n i h i r d n l i r t h G t o h d G v m f c r e i e s t a h h e o s m l l o u e e l i t , a h f o d e i e p s m r o w. rirtvei rtahtogcroolooe. osalyei lrdooenlplha, iaowri,utyasnsoyodnub usSulonitnosmin tofo alsbt ly, s s to lesps ttaepdond soiifsv,teirnmafeort,huanarntppthtseovaicytea,dm rpuia gThoytgra,tvpo bmdawwladn n nef oswautodeeetlr shgcagt yrc i eld uyb t,uomsed vuilnbi wtdreosey13ccetrtuoohe etrpecaeocoiknorsnigl1l dnseneivsngwtt,aatnhoiem r u p y a m e u t,set4nh.otSeotlphrodepebypprg,rrbhoi,lle(it’Dsels)eiepcsileuietsccitsiim2itf0bhuvd.l7elerlot oadrgticlhletlibohouoffntovraoficfyeipionnitonoeu) o lity athn olim d u r p tor cl t ear lSas o.3 Guxfelugt,rsrhiovaeetrm aosnu hine ob r tkhipditeeEl rxooftpkescttheaogtvvtihdieadthus t.ahebnge lyshiosde oes penasaerlffim r e yo adt dyto clheydapiauropeuddqbiuflycisoaieosnenscyytemoetihsonl,ftatymwm a e u p - a on ,rci e eny ec ina i e es d pr r t t 1e yr s bcec thcittyer ru se ta tu e desle Tein th u stuo oisuytroudevlei;rbfanatyie,cretunrsisef.:hYtuiosraatCntiedfaryrceeae(on1acgytvetlidiovtceho,etcthhfeootSoruqorluirwgnsitihaoreugt1nn5Go.n, ieinnonginardetdsadsanltelisig,ailahaibopnt p ax5lc.lo3lcuour. ersow ibur veoerd s S(daeentwcoouirs(e“oas it o,o)4a .e nes; aoei em firvpoeneGSpter2oyoSrghtahaebfiewef stiwoisl.,iea Th ro t bco um o s vihswrea G oba r e s e rnta1rdam a b m u e E m a o e C , nbrltSeservooirfoeadmrotaorroviignu-Gbfounf(nec Sonveihcit ntioybrs dneetpdionl n iocnehtens oy oytgoiolf n mds r r fo c ghth nitfopoytfedoan (tndhG(,sba)gnysvdelioalcinrefsuapeg)xrsnopttisse”m l Th a p e t t S n e e n s o c , e c e i r es f y n b e r s c l i o i v g o e 1 o t m g g l j c u r to 1, te , prm d m t o k r r a u i n n i p t r f h h r y e c b o r e w v n h s e n w e o e W i u l s A e i g g r r e 4 ) t m l a o r aou ’s hip t a ogoevthanmtsyen)soeuegcubgaippeews,s,atpoanunideeeseustatcpsneolydlvo.t3aeglosymnlSai-ictetcaesobicsefisdowgrwfihhsah-piaedohrsemdhocfigtcteltiaeosneunvisychi.eanl thtoyaotiuth eliitm se hnene 3.hw e rybdAoorryr,oeuGrNrSeon eronvnssyaftwssiiabialnlxcehru1al atyoohuohyalcnsel a e onienS atwitohoy naond or rv GkosnoctosEheenclSehcetdnedsftatoinhsedieooSenCregbctoryitaynoosotuolilefiiiv’skcyselatyyihsrmm i o d5n ynydoavsihtystsopp s per endsse t an liuisffi nh loetvSchiesfovioaoerrcemvowrsicoetriomarrileibytespt, m aicce oolgeinpbgoewdrirnvoici ain r odaodrogvaliGlectlteayhrhqe uoaoulpldouyfiiiucp-ltioeG v eerivonrg:il-iencn s anee syaceyoro_.tu1hicem a oa uaebrano, d ly a v bo a y s eormle un s gh1cel Gm ispaf tfeoneovtn Yios ulic m,eygiaG rteiosrveit oe1,6deitsit srhe,in onfm ar arhffpeitcthy3s.r4.eayanrtlypathobesr. m r usvbseuokbeatst aheltelgnfpeasentawi h raigcer s yn dove g i p r h e c l r s e c q r a l o . m a n m y e w c i w 1 1au4tno yitnhtTg sbehu,liaelr,efipa, a(nAnarme ou, pascerufcttsC(ioi 7 lplrth da1rAne8aocn.m e veeop tp raodwy ls et a;p urro 13 csovofp e u eocwesSoam Th e p u t N d s);shheSoutnprhsa. Anoovehyp yffi1teepnTh , ta vvhi ofhe h ’s pp na.iy1e e sis m raeotd-tw nhaitreGurokbynortcroild.srtu2eedtrthhoanabtyearnmecce.shdlsoaatcnrhtorg)reastooagonl ldm i iiss ch w r a h , o i sludlt.ainnGhoaret://w m i i t l l v h Th s I e 4 e c n 1 l s b c n w h p m o r C u l a b t i l p b e d h e y , o w’ to proceed to further steps. r o s f t e n i a t i w e ( y e o n y s i o s e e d m naugtstrhheesaleloaf l ntfiiscir.cem Yelets oe,iddaedaltbaoettiecinooegefnphnpSaitectrr onusioow(nonisy,essdsf fa(yonoytgyinwtoist,essilni c sricdygoiahfnrevrebreeoedrvlisiactheoe rStt.hwotgoaSlfrerwieowdn o hiocr n 5.2 1 h t w . t p e l uoooreuerobnst i(nBttieiltnhtychTneetelohropTaseeneofoennossusohthtoooeagnclTtlalieh t i l i6iryiursruditsa 7ncehuad atrtaeatnutisianiok sl,oeasermmee, voic.gof o h o e r o h r n v c r e o u n s v b 1 h n i r Th e n t r ’ o i y n e o h n s h l e i f l r r o b g s w b Gxi dt)ote thham res oeirdir,cniresneydtsah toificftcutcleaichteis,daoe i.c1)ptucpoirhetios.1 nsvien -an t-r embl ns nsveipcl. f es o r cat enriTrtemtsthethfam Grgorocm oeiorayvtrooeyiiudeloaesos1gi3n I ALLOW reT,S,goaeorradnrem poaunusues1wrelorim iwsh(lrwaiasnrgredlx psvohresncfaarnhdIhm poigshad,ntiirsdnrtieaepthw rnsgroeali deotsrrweenttooof ot ds eaosra th,e gle. n be treppmorcr-ettrsfoaprcSetoom em rvobT ewem gfol4taitclyoG ylom idsguiuarecearttrdwhwcaeo(lo.n 5mW i e , heGytocteanadlliplut miascdoyoGesm nxtdasipStheih,n r n I ALa e n n g iuectnhselsroyia.nm n , sriynay pos co.u twhsigrcA e eleeodrecsoootprulyeeto ncaoynnc ardeietshotsi hthee rim e n l s ff h i h . . o u oobhtesonw emiflcoaratlsy(rAleeastevicf4etchdsoeta)hm h c t h t d ffi t p e i t G i o l a i i r i r t h r t , t b e o o t y r I ALr m g o n p s n g e a t se o el el ry h e is t n eontoy deoiraonbc ynrscenf t tr p munr k/ mosanm we g.in2c o e t ,tiiotblgsaaydabt yoi-rf e(nctcadetlsh,smv.aoeesixuseSaetieno)SricnysetordtoevhbictNeoonntthtielane(t)s:ot;uorogrullesneesthpochrutatgnahrh)lcdti,aohattsp,naeisilonyenoenlfrglrsrlitenocportocnm n c y h ) g n I ALl o i e l a o a e h u o n i a s e m g 0 l l i e s a l r s b a q d t t d t e i e y e u h c e o s e i o c o d u t e s n o i , a n a r s q o l c h e fi a p . o h w m k p e p o yarn-m o n r e s i g h r s u n e h o ff d m e AL’ e i o h G h 6 e t o u s S s y . u s c v u e i a s , i s t e e p a c f u u r i s u p e d t upsoieeifitO II ALLOW emesout eao.sprltyleayr2pr-,ocveerenhiaecr ved 2 G shita Ye nhge etrhnyatrhneSulynypo gte,lilaocdnetom GtM alueltsm eirnetgasdno,syuternnos fengsSslruealem otoebfyaaeoypdntlaiheenlbasar(em r r u B t r i r e . e a o 1 t o a o o r t b e n h e p a c u ( o t v t r I ALn r e o 0 c x u o u e e t s e a , e a ( h o c 0 p s , r r e o o s l i r e a i ) b i d o s 8 t t u m t a d e y l h uariroce any.3y ofg eoa c p t g t m u y e e e r d s r r w i n d a o B n . t s n t r l c i u f t e , t T d o n h i t h n n d a i e c a o h f S 1 U l l l d . o d a f buhielrel ebcG c e f r i l b t a o n r t w t v c i h e i e n h s r I ALf l S t t r o l 2 e w b o p u o s t r n a e ) ) b t l : e o t o o r odo ywuasagfdorfs)iecer ge eorrearhyew a f firaYine tdtincaw ooeyfrpouwterhenitasyhreieyns t eiroonw eoarlsleys voeSryourtspionnthgg reavcsi a ypwoaYuo cleom rch ck g -arY nsenre.nm I ALr hsm 1oi9ngnoteosutaihtrhtaet.eiTh glueocfruulhl laiaseeasnorloesignotqihm tlheiodciofiitorhci noieuTiScehiyteohde vneicr,tsatoeG o -no,rspe pydceore reeuo p m no b svseigcCeno,tTim uoeonrboum II ALy r o m f r t r . erentihtn tpedogdeaycnsulubfrieaw o u e a r e s s y f b h c s r r n v r e o r ALLOW a u s e n e o g e c n n o a t2;uspe,r,ooLsfruarsobnvpitiuunelgorexxhtehthreraye)ucrb;raniyobgpaialleinn s l vic;Svt a s, anwtghCrhmdunwaaict eottcluoy siteeeds ne-remti ortoren ioavryroe st gt ayn em wl e i w m s r t a o S f a r o r i t i t I ALe h e a o t y m r t r n t t i f i y aeaisreeolhoamiegesmgdn(ele; 1m7oeirncegcnherCsils e atil quyle a saetiitkendedgm psao,dcyo m g fh m ohojiedecte.doervcesreherprm avsemeohtedeguue ideuxi istherheee ies b ed I AL( u s d u s e o v a l u h i doreyedlstsyourrnoevocn n o o S o u o e r d e d s w g n e p o s s s h n r t p a e x e u I ALi t h i g a . k e v a o a d t d n o l i r c e v l g o s t u r o t d e , c i b s s 2 o s ( a i t c r r t o s r u r r n i o b e d i n u f r T o o r s n r g r t y t b i t t of htYo(uoi)puptAhedsef o-titvo trthhygoicysot, teosn,fsyt.ostro Th actm I ALn -tobldasybwehtrhtdcsaino tobeittynhc ll bohm enhsosayeotrwoetstoupryehrr1eat9solr.1o,wtihlitriesscoslnruvoeoisnseabwrlyleoyltyoutirenergtim of e an rayeoitobrgfm irf.toeaogm I ALLOW rpam a n l a ) r a t h o fi . g r u w D a n u s a o c , d y e a l o I ALi t a . e t e o t e a s h ft h ( t e l n y a i l e 1 m e u t h t l t s s i n y v e l r c r a o t i n a t s h s m s e e e oo t-hw hi th d ddxpiairnm d l e f t e r r m o e alesananN e n a d n n o d g r i d n s o s o d e a e e g r c n o i I ALa t o i t h e g t t fi m w e e i m p m w e s r e h t n o w y r i n b d e o G e d m r S e d n w i o m c r h g n h t u S o . e c u r s a a i r t a u c u c h o s I ALm t n o o w m y D e e e f i a o e c s c e e 2 f r p, soeeftrsoaeftnbhtwl,ert roatiethedc)eo,rurtrohemrbse,m e n e y i t e e c agseat,esT u a t h a f e c n r o a ( r T e )xcosyoarinlointT n c e r a r a ALo ; r t f c t r s t o h h n r s p h i a y II ALLOW 0 i d e c a l o w a o g g e i t h l c i h r o i v o a r g r a c i Ua nbnyAveois ginagi nodee,,poe.4do-raonn e opr eths tlylm c n e m y 1 i m a g d a . r l c o a , I ALa v a y e o i s i W a u e l d L v r r h u n w t o p e s h w n e f r e u r i f n m d , o h d r 6 m m o o T o I ALa n enrrcrfcletiurirsevenepsift1urchea5oeignnm e l n w w o v u i d a d e s a n a l om eacveato nhsbm d o e i o c a s r m e n a s d r T i a i o l t i a l k e n y c r I ALp n e r t s . G i s o u n c u e t p f d l , e e a w a g f a Y o f i c d i e . t h l a s i . , f t e a , u 2 r n d e y e c e u o e , e h c m e e o t a v m e e o / s u h . l o e e r r a e e Th a v r e f t h e o f r r ) m n s a h b n h c t t d c s e a s t o G e o s l i r r e 3 o o r t e u i a v l n o o l f i e t g h d r d r s n t o r s r n p g a 7 p a s c r e i e l c c c o r s s v g p e a r g e m c s b v S l t e r r n . s r y e i G a u h n m o h t G o s G r r i r o e a i w e l t n s a a s c m e f n T o u k l s T 1 m e j 0 , n u r a b u i m a f i p m s m g r m ala ro cnhoot uuolue aswns ra e ioer su orlae tshto ncl ty re ucath1ct7loeeopsalhifiyt ip,tehs a8ecdpt etbheveoeaogrd nw-st i auorgileemosfrtrcsoom s p 2 btonoagosprgafeTh oabrgrlselceot’ssliteiG d f n o i l u s n i o g e d a e d o o bn.3tseoonggydr,esaatpenl-.a3clholoce cna-t.oglel sbabG a e r n y c u a S l v r d l v y h n e o i i h d r otnim anyoufyrw g a o r e c t t b r g ecnthlgerateaw e n t o roltuwptaaae.inon t o m t s l ogibsobelvoyeceahsnobow e l d b p i o l f e c t i r g d e i h s n e g o e i l sroGisdevpiintTae atonobegmhodneoxtxteh haorrfee a en rvofce ofe, me l bhe thin en e fist.hni dkoeeurwebthwbttsseeIbbjyeulUNDERSTAND hte li sdnyt. irIaaplfinagm hletel , neshaastci/YieluuolinU sspeitrfe:os/ns/etyoskbyticaoneiom s’sunotfoorooagcneeagst,iTrnpme y.stanhtko.ed hbeerrrcnisse) ththd aefi iceths. , oarnadil e e at g efi etcukewayeihuortreeny.tngSoroaeem atinedegrlavgybiIalnsleTcsiruesoe,tsnhtp.ilhattw tceelcm e jivepit cahneIG talpoadnuitacenadspniteom ’sdnT ,r o n su I ALbAGREE oOnm aecY lleluotubrhcneassaoodwllnm srseoeu,utsGhalneefeubvlieG aTct/leum ptxtgjpeim m ncrdorltoasosw oaom a p t s)e prc;t.:G//edboyecxevkctertlsilu.opsilel cmegbt:n/lte/asw bw l d, er ds Y oi r y apalee ogoem n t r e a y c w r a oIwaydrnoAGREE y a G o i e t r o g e o h h n a y f r t h rfiscaEennc IeaIoAGREE eilioeniosoremrntroi utcsiospdgoiSosl-?eidatushtew AGREE airgonpjeeggrctaevhtaisamoroftmdiosunrourtdrcrhpem fpeleoaaedpiccyt peysdnoceievnoroam r v a n lsoSdT aannorsro eodt .ifOiGeocen ( Term elry title ch o n o morhlset.aoirnar_cssicdoealoesw g b g w k o t t . t e l r o d g s u a h n n h . A i t o l p c c n o p g r w I I AGREE AGREE i i n w e s t p e e ff t h e s s r e s h t t i u o r c e h l s l o s e o E t l t u A i r s n e a l o i e y i a l o d e s o d g o a w G l l n v a n t r h v h o e w o t g t a s g t i h o l t d n l t mb gov solymsaoeclaoeonfiullageterbuot’w rbupcrag g ,IaIhtAGREE TaefeeGrync kaeaan.nnsodl2aiuicronns abetht artsde-Tse tydeys he ofo, thoo r r s w po h’bsobnaccaginic,cdleaoal=m dyocekanvow saosby, em wiroiaffltAGREE e tb.egrnriaoitpotiesdhrlefrennioelatcihreitatlsrrepG rohuheirssrteanegde 0ra.ec7bmepleoe bte o er of bew r pr rcc ergl ig eTe dodir,uaoetathnfiyaoweltlnlarieIatI.m anrbwyeathoe m sffossuafoaniglfdiyorttyoayefhioupatuaehdoyvlG AGREE gonhogenw t n l t t l lsea ar iemnr m thnhi e oe a the ht hic n, Awdeao1nsawio8pca.gytlw cdgtom tltveitgrdegIIaetanAGREE vryeugoeyshrousm hAGREE hdesAGREE inlSm oegpnaealennviaedw d c e G t e w u p o n tltesut. iiyeotoohasng.gnealelvoeedfast.woihobcahoeleeTh f l u o d o n o o h o a t v h f o i o t . ldea-ewate e.figoo s ( eseficchr- mpny an s in h c a c t udtshcrhehvlr=eayam b o o r esOin t u h w r n v e d c t o N a a e r r g t d h u s s l u l e h g u e a t a y i . e e y i l . t t w e s s c r f c e h g n t r d i a o i h s a o a n c n e r d t s t e n e t i l e s i d u a r i o i i n i w t e aeodrndtsriauvntcohselesw a.eorlslosdvdcvo2ycnh1thn5meteoesirIseIm AGREE esG5epbd,oIofsarw niaedlesphrailoanGtbvsGeEliofnaoromruradTt’saeirrliaIifnnsjsuphacynocm wAGREE T, )e, tter t o ds or e iaisr an th ’saneawngaravttiim ’sw 0 n m g a i , e T n a d gdiccn,eT n t g . s f s c g . a r o o o o y . S i b c r g s r r I I AGREE AGREE y l e i o h y g l nkco8RSTAND 0 h e e 2 e e e i o l parmhi m f u wh ie y s is, y s h o . o y e u f w o t e b h g e t h m e t e e e i b c l l t v 1 2 o l s t u m r e h t h p 2 h a s o myvroertrsm ifceoargrntneeoarrnvtitIaITh nbponetgpt-lhlyei/smac gtahlhseleetns,tt owrfm chteoi esrbexsee,9T.oes.rna;riocsfteodhom abnal.y1dtG eteuersbu,useetshuaeem ihat2rhan t-AGREE s ewao.lee2dotsw anaeAGREE aftrtgoe1hm g e f h h h l l I ACCEPT e o s t m REE REE o n o 2 n r a n r , o s t w l l a c a u g m t a v o l e e e f ampsounuuooTh d e 0 t s m o a i a . e 5 j v y d o m d Th i any ss, ws nd ic t ha i x a u s i o n o u e e s b s e s id tlnftm chtnitsetieichrt eteiereutsfckactYg/ rdrurbl,IeeIycAGREE a i s c e h t o t o G l r r r n y r e u l o . n 2 d e f n G h y n a . f l a i t . h h r n y h r 5 f r e q a AGREE e e A y u f v i 0 EE E c c e e o Ttehl Gworanidll er h o th ll e e a e d g e o g d p c y i chahtnde2evSSeieararotavetscs.hacstgoiafsa.nylthteehuron,etuhItIGihsAGREE t I AALL o a , o a t n T o v d w s e l a yifrtndaeyw a w y i o r o g n s n r n h t b v o m o I a a i g d o j . o d o f s s e a d l o f g t e l o e o t i n a n e n l ) f u . AGREE a . tayh(rloagvtnrlidetehtcehaeeeorlioedetgifmpYtwos/itiol btharmooiv yoot dcnurodmonybasocneaectaloluuaksduirneirrem m vioacirnutioseuoaSIIrn roSoeoenrergllr-seleoloem aaAGREE II AL pAGREE eafsrdwgotoa,oevh cohrchktcetoG s r e l e o l T ynn n ft r d e e e e g e e u l y e n t s n s o t e l h l g o h i e l A x t s e / a i l v b l i g r T h i y r g t l . d v n t r s g s t e y h u u h e g y a s t d r d w a ere,raryeeorepem rdvbG tcilesnoiegtraegocgourgeuerpatirlove .e noi asnti- goth le r espguxr.(sspebivuiscrnto-dverew icem hsolm saedwvaytoaooocfoeebeoddSsm isrlcoeeseietlam AGREE iyciicoeoueu,ostnowhsrd-oeheIesIrser,nweAGREE rn IA n wooutrw t d a f e ff i r e T s v t t o s l a u x e o a n e g l e n t c l s n r e y e l i a o n o r b d u m n l o i u a i l SttdstioohvvosgexettToraesu, datutrhreglreittsen.eaodinn,s mgn I hdsiecppeesle.sra;t gY I,uIeinrcAGREE tm oeueapt cs vm aAGREE tiddovchavThuheheictsiG e.gnyNctetitaohartt,nyottionbfluEee cluss odr wbe ersnee nde fred w h e ( n i e u v c t o m e g nd1esgt9o,ao.ua2fipcshtlicheheuewerrreSvnrseikIitcuIoorgrsAGREE i henceyivtteaam s i p n m n s b AGREE e n e a h o s r o t c w .raatlyice im tohetm taboiltlowcuatntedhf el n ive e a d r sleU ph-alw etseyGfdpptraSseainoesorarn.uavdTh )pew pcnceptaclshyionoivcrn teaeiem AGREE heTiteirelhnraleaarbahm e ,tbiscarhaT e r a g d nraermoorslvnGeettnsresitcrtftnicaersyetniriosonigcrsuIgeIriwlns,lAGREE w e g b b a e e s s c Th u o h v h r t U s t a l s e yrsdsmi nn-wyaotbwilteeh.c th.arw, an ju re y leeurcrjeswm IAGREE I. wAGREE whctodehsvsaseootecrvsohioosIvIotiAGREE uenrisrto.ipgrelluqeoewicsuttieT ehsraienovsanidradyeoeT aAGREE exlslcealelw urierTn ecm erlTcusm uodfieffovanoergev0rrayc0soe7aeuanlsryveiecnseitdsaee isihna rdeet risd e to eshnitIIreeAAGREE oogen touhbsgsorv,ruem iufoervm cerdyhspoeofaolm nyilmhecfo,eeG oalw eneruaantrstlseayhascosnrosordeicmuntretsem vg o sem etaberan n 2 e e hp n fhrte)thorsesuybmdhievU alesdrrAGREE o o a e gilrcdeIIhieaaAGREE e r s i v s c t T e d o s i i k n e o a d , m g a a n . r v o ) a s c e , AGREE u d v d n a a1tyo6lftee,netri.hreneginlSejiud,r uaslrloevyoaduoninndt ag firnoogf res ictio . a b n e e i i e t S e i a r d t t e u f v e A r r v d y e a s l t p v e i t m n n u t a i l e r Th nrttIsIeeho2AGREE m p teAGREE r e t r r m a e e A S w l s d n e i a e e m e r t e l iA p s a ebeeprStm seimrdiadeamgvnrtepeorhuguvellapem d h g m rdeh r t l t i T s w 0eorow e n t n t p m o n s w g p ff e d a t y s h i n o w s h c m u e a a i i h s r . e n i Th o l e a t t e r rotyoopevwy ctlieenom thtYoey oor2goilseseirneiboaglsart.sfGtaehbaoyseTnbieltrssr1TeeelbalaytslhiT oAGREE decvaihlotaTlfss3lG f lligoro ths e lv AGREE rt erinyercjm ndeidy tew idoeeroodsogefrv-tehltruhedbinenlaogef isist, h the e rota0ivup.n6ird-cceteoilossTiteigthoem ow6eenea,r-smreeadeonmgubtaetyen mulfGREE ancugtikrestnvnsgG tvhaoeum e i GREE l irndkeaeteodrhgm t U i n n e a s d g a a s o f reepta ke reto r sd enis i2da Yph dha i b f rnc e o l yfio -



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i a me as t sh 1.3 sh Y will thoaut Leg also( a v 2l N . o r i A e c t c e c Ter s, inlaawcd ms. s be 2 cAoll l . o yowuaisn1t Iun4no. t he “ h Youwmuw h Gstoi do maiychny n o o t a y 2.4 c4cv.e1pt B ic sho affi u liefo o w ld toate f t h or prisn ateesUynldoiuv(“s( ” will ). Sdoeer you be4.p4prroo t hoant byeouYov you Yoif hGarol r u ven infacecnoagug te o widll ferrorm emts up (oarlwtwa atoredyaothe conu.

h s y nffi , a n t nibule nd t re P .4 Th toests rec )hcoelsprnsteoi po gleesff, fioictahthtw 940 witrhkmwae UesnTaoet rn1dsb. kpinvrigndrisnstaihlnam gt easeav,ienoerfrmliyaou e world t r lil edeeiA h ffili e T n n o t h c s y a S s t e e , a e 940 waitrhkmwaaehUiesnTaiooetrrn1dsbi.cekpoinvrvigendfruci,snstaih”lnam i o r e r6s0se,0hA l43, thadye, M adlef toatcoipgaaT ml,siyatoeu e wor kivem rnfroffi vSsiomlprom cabuys: ”). ctlheerhm 6e 4 y k vem g Tgt tSeeasernevvsceonam ld mentegatlUlhyne iut3ee. A lrom Ladavdoanuiilonawt al l4wT .4ehm erpfilG s cpelpaStcesrfecorerv. i anliecsowphye a rs0s,0hadle toipaatlherhm m le3, U thde e, M c bys: ”) ) n e e r h w v n a e b g 3 a d e t f Y A t p o s v b y t a o m d h o i i i o a n l x a i e . e l t g a i o o a u 4 r o i t r o n c d t e S s r n h o o g e s r n l w n p T L o h u i i i h u fi ccpeelaSesSifecre panaul cs . .Ahm n s u w eycoes s w n e l p l . v o t e e a r m p g t i l e c d V s c , p i i o a r a e G r i e a a o r s t s t n h a ) l a e r e h v t g c e a i Y a p s i i l a o c o n n t i o s a y e o e e i n a e n i -peatriitsoeagrseuteo.r yo ill you y is m yot uexopr lya butiensdedraSairtndnaiegitlsutiaohabtnaalleiteanpdt4orgV o y f e t T d c k s s g n w y o d o G d eyicem o f uA a ns t ingtersa.ngye liofToG aewnusssd,ahttcohiksogesngoaepl-pearitr agersoeuteso.r y willn youthe tue se eofup,d G3s.ohtooow o fl pgyaorgf.rarTh u ou, bCfayoAgrnretothehw retdrchom eceaem the uasde e upndiG gl rothvuiY u, bCfaogr othtiosoefl eelrend ifst.hYeo ou thartms tyhoeand1 W cifsoffi roloei ngsT,lefoGriem pryoaogufrarTh cdouAfetrchoom ohoogw soaotgSheartge a ruegacis o uS se veheinnedoaeguteacneognutacanutteeinsrdm d oeogs,l yAGrtehewelren ift.hYe t v eeaeifsrffi e s e v o t l u e y f T e d y m o Y h ttheartmosf tyh,oean3d.1oW a h i c r l e t o n i g r r r o r a e v e d s o e d c d e e r r im ereisdllbaullees inSiucebn, d a -trati Sengebte,eiytSww 1.2 carevi oluisf(tBtah)abw sosaobatgShleaertgvSei anruegacis-t m uw yoof uSerset heeinnrteeraegurtehanegognuatancnbuttye-insrm olfafoertroieoegm t 4itvhyicoeuos uintfG c . e k r r s w h e g o a t d e S ( s . r t v r e i m u , l B sn erntvhinaouaeevnyicbaese;eeoancftctessoisdri-agsrepe on e h o e n o i a i S t y G 1 ca f y r wtom rtroeoieoemm . o aUn fulel s. ilae ytaga2creG oeuerievdllicublseeeseiancucceb,sdoidraiagreaetiw 2 ioIaatnc(ics am eatleiwathioctcty ctesanm n y ith a U revf ice listhak)abty4at.h2coaeusr.ruIaattfcsoofroem n eertvhinw ium ny e; onft ess - s p nritingrelaeensmsdotyht.eCInnonlthgniighonuetahttgeiuem rallleglynlasoellorw t hnpoof nahyseoospusrir toy yrcetbive leedSto rt of i mgastlewatocntiacteasanm wri agnrelaensus ltlyhs..eCIninltaegntighogauetcrhettGuewtom t ei aiolgln(acsosloriume oiohintachyseos ntoyayctb itthlee to amrt thegyw ieanghreeproyoleuycsot coaurpde vceaotnout.sisyaiocyetnodsrt ourondgvgis t ogui.istptyret- ervi ed oh e u a a s l f e r e i l n o o d o m r i e s t s i n s a n S o e t e y s v m o n t p y l i i y e r menthineg“yw oleyics coaugrpder vcealoytnuetl.w atguotnbuosefrttavtnihelts ividrehueepd S rathioat ces. osew rtihssiebalugvrrelaey, yrortedosticeroon iesantpghtreiepsreow siseyanihoocygetuonsodnsbroetfrtaavniopurrirondgvgiisvidrthueoegui.istptyrraeth- aerviince ntf wain“thTeuotrrhmuGpseY cs n s ooovuiedfeartaeGgerexec, cttohouaptenrn.odonwethhhseeaaShntceortecrlsuyoaEarrinaagdntyotsGetrohveicSeninterrovrtesihsfsuiaebottaliauegvrreselaeyc,,ectyroeorrtneodostiaceroption t t e t wi Toeuitrrhm oouid er Ggexe ttoh u enrant. donwtetuhhhseseteaatnhetclrstecsoEar e tpdotSsGetrhv iotnainte l1u. de ceGooloyt”h.angf ltaehec, dkrnfeodoeotepgdehruaiistnutlte.ngdvefidtciheteceem anth onuGseY d i - cnctne- n fi og es, c e s e l S f . r y o r o h a , s u i u e f i l u a T r e o l v i e 5 o r n l t n n y d c g n e v e e e n c t a s t e e r l G o o d c e e y n g 4 a e h h . d w r b e I a h 5 y i S o euo5rrrw tohnseest,oascvtoathlrw hv.a5tSoY oolyt”.a ogf ltaehc, dkrofeoo5doreotepogdehlreiainsetnntlteh.ngdaveirdtciheteceem 1ud ter-soe rokrs ices oi6cl.le2 ftAorantande rbm ht aarmrswio le fTworitm v2aleoY duo.5er lU tdTits- cnctene-,onefitl gleesr, v t co f tw s e s e e n l c o t n c e w e , y w m c i d h r . d co.5 eIo,fnatw t i S w i b s s t versfoiotghhleenfTdwort4he.ay5Sn c r v s w s u i 5 c o l S y 2 o r h d c n n t c e t p e e . r u i 5 r ntfcshodaaeuolilnEcgyaercypsegkuoeauc-asaow lcoi6w l.lee2 ftA csthhoafGptrltm h aleoY oranande rbm twend hyeaoarrm w i stheairlm nanrlrdieveailseevesnaaycitciotslradutiisnoen t erevdicieenravnw wasalw ehnseta tahrter-oe rokr enteseen itioouerissn. im lvaictsalw nsGalnyt genlrogw eYntcshodaveulilcgyaderoysegruoeU en iti uedisin. hinm s).icdesic. h ccleabtgoereoynuupc grsly. u-aaongpnlrtevairecartciotsslati st, SienrevdScetarssanwhsay. Th whna sfrsoreallnayyum choft m ailreoym ,oehrehrT i v a m e u s s o m w c o n E h f r o o r w r v o s t i a o t f u i r i c n h a w n o t p n G h n r n h f e h e a t a o g aty. Th m d2s.3e aronet otheetm rgT sGalnytpkgenlrsow io(cabnove)snehtathsrggeealiteetteetrupeG s).tishcdaeysi“c.aU cdieleelasnatycieoyuupcduhisnen ailraoym gr treloeppifotllfutaeoternhdpdpggtuet-esoeaosloetheehlaltiayvhcteieebs, you a drgoosdrbovhew canov,noetroehm ane2s.e hats trshoeetmlolnayttyiiho(m 8gea.lm in ttaoinpyrtdewaeicrnm hauretifcteheAeudntm , t nnd w3Y rhwitlcteebpgoerten a otouhofgraoigetsm sesoela sly. , eliteeetetrG m y,“aUnn d 3waY gononiatnryteaolSslaegdnrseod areSs.eeper-n s gree hmaryrtoorduitm 8el loeppflfuaoternhdpdgget- oletehltiavhceiebs you 1 sh henivmeras.2 tItm apitfithixoseyirdi(lyeCals)em hrone ot ethAeutmbi e)sehatisrgea teuperndrgosroew diohitsim e e n t o a y g t h d m n d u t G o e b y edivme 3.2aturtemifcee dnduin l (leCl em o ooinrteaouSsoaagdndytereS.eeen a.g3rY al(l a) betthyeanl Tf theaU rhvtewnrTintoehiatnccvttihicvsaeoigttsriaeneoanspibelcifit-hat nubnpear doepw i e e y l u u l o a n a s i n i e e c a e l o l i a r i c l t o s t n m s r i o p e a y s o o e T o p . a u i y d r i t p a e c e a e g s u t v a g t u r b v o t v c n b f e p d t b t u a n h o c w aryrtoenodrygtm ephixoaend yeaos)gm g wsp teheout takyou weeAoSdteram hrasya Ifhm Gutohror ierse sep e to u l h a s s e U r l(l at)a ybnettw r e u h t h h i t G e cohruam e r i e n o e e n v t a t b a o t l n y p n d c l s o d l e a e o e h c l r e T i o 4 a m e r a w e i r c i r i i r n i e e y a s l u u a e l a l s n p d c e c r t s l o o t l e n e v i u l c o t n o b a t e y , a ” r e s i w . t 6 t r t i i e A y r g h t l o a ns ee th o T e t s n i tlewaee. ri,lrl,oinm r e g c k n c u e d m e S a G u s u c h r e d c e e t itsiaerea s balelsfi- Serinrdee siiroece n3 Athviaiocene.ptelinnSyarel Thew ieiivtsnhedur sb.eeeracolTafet tru-itahboolpug-aplw e m e o r e r r o i s e s l c m o n s ee.3SaieIcf8crcov.yde1spopem t v r l e n t o a d L c a e , r s s i aoni gt.eangSnlet- at ai u o yrt,oivsuesapw o a Y d e y a , a ” 6 t . i t o a l e . v e l Sbearignrvdeeeerspiiroaernce4e.nn3ow h w t n a a aonuiansght.eoaerengSnlet-tehgaatpla- t(obi)nycwl hicaientm i orergtt, roseen d r, vyioc occ Tsyeovirunnicrncntem .gencnootovgfaetnthscopfpnlatsrht(loeTrhEeeornm rl,ioinm Icf8ccnso.yde1sppem n ad Athsiiaoioctnepsat tlinaSyerelscyrTovieeenic.rnc3eSm yrt,oivsuesapw tefrahoavsseC rdefm oiotirhcnueesbdelptuoli,rvntedsr wulaptlilr,oddi ues ur tishsrm viocY )nycwvhicaienm i orergtt, roseen dvir, vyioc2. oANcrco E ouudaena tannwtrtitithoeeeaTcienegrua.i6oelsnplfacantglsn TerunnttefriheoavssrC w .gencnoovgfetntscofpnliaetsrhgt(loeioTnrhEeeonrnnm hugsidlw si heitasuuitfrhceoatlriaetooienonnuydtgcoamcaetydiroseutrk on ustcreib oothueesbdelptuoli,vntes ulaptllr,od cesu,es cecuctierciengl artedhearagnysSahcntG,exyer5pm m rdefm c f a e e c a e n e a n p i c a m n e d r t , a g o s EnoluudaaetnratdtaarotnannywatrtitiathhohcpeeneaT w o e l u h t a w a l e m r u c endriusmtcreib, iunlaawdsedpprtveisincnag(gppipstehhlrim tdstoaim itfirhceronatlriaetooienonnuydntgcoram isncopioeoto,hauoggrlsG aY uofotnoocorgdlntaeannnilnrogyetutusehsranxeivysaendpth(thuesujutiaurthptch,ehoeaienrwsanrsordrrebeatshseed ute or .o6elsleaY l ptreaernelsadottsrhifveoraw teydirocseutraok T adgtshuesofidwstiisoocrnheiorgtasulntaem ae grasSl e tG,ewxyeor5pom pciretvisinnga(gplpipsehehm te o oitfiovei dtehaeecaaSaanbrnygeubm uolifangw crea sansyuserceookefoyntdsuoarasgattifonrohcoelerdtom t,eoSocuefr serissaesitnh o altl ao uon fdantnnlogettushrivsaenpth(thuesutiarthth aewsbnrsodrbea s. A G r laapteernemadttriveoisciothauggrlsat soaim aehnobotf m d , w c s o t r c s , s y . f l a t e d n r e o d i e u i g s p 2 s a o e s a o h l g t v g p h e i e y t a h a o a n y b s d n n w l e , t e G s l te , l i n h v o r t m r e t f i d u r a s c t o o a e o o u l s l t l t v oitfeitcovegniddtethhalneitem aSanbernygleeeublnesaehogssahnfeorabnotfpam eeeorlreom tl .c1oolul no r crthndetionngtcT ansyG oelianaxegytyg,eoSoscueforsuhvjtuspcerehioeosinsrdaesit.nherdrleiw useeokefontdsuoaasgattntionrohacledl,eredoam ow G eheofietofxnoere, oootdrirfghsedoaivtois urregapcvreue-sbyco-uathraeoslp his gtiocleaytnvotneboryryeydgealU hetiU G ouremaiopcvree- f iyco- aystohrafueoaisnatlhnlIn4t.hotfirrtidehwseeistahteUnthitthe.eeU e, oeotdprtuhrdoafvnw vtiovtlayenstvnbartnerotyelohysipcg,ebhtlheofigolxw ee.orrm ongcT Sasnley’sshsueurcSpotseruiGoaegsoftrohnmtitagretbdrh(yauty oGdftiywfioioluen acrcdtiearetey r fieleeoscr P o n t o y t g f i g n m o c i o e n t U s p s r w l p e r m a s d e d p i s t m e i 8 , s n i e u p y , f s o d e n a c o i a a s o a n y o r l r r g o c r e o e efaysoooutdnngsto,oyftuspw rtridehweseisitnehinnthittheeedUSagnsenleey’stshtodtsueurcnorSpotdseepruiGm oaengsnopefotreogiohnnm crseht i“cAurosevrin5tocanluruetdhriee5.Sy3oSneutiravvtepetirdyhcse?isrsdcdaepresrm cdtbeareteYur wfilhpeleeousG rtrtpttrhsoo/igiha)ernlcsaaw tnoitagretbdrh(yarutpyh8edpo.eGdftoiyw saa :/s/Stwohtdpw ap.se5te,tow sfiooicolaguleornseam m ailoditnm eohrvY uleoesiartegtiorm suchloeelryso oueoacrwiefin,car puaruts)e orefaysooiudndngsytno,oftuspw sw rm ic, to,inyfioorhds ydeoirtssi.oU estlailpahbysrt:d/s/epnStw pai e )crli.lhbsrttieaclaspnpG nse nfee voruosbaoalrn(soepw aps5te,teohrvY hudosevris5to.caluruetdhree5.y3oSutiravvtepeiryhcse?isrscdaresreop-rrtpttrhso/iha)erlsaaw hedinsoby lilsyk w ailoditnm eo’soossorooem hedic lt o r aroartnyt. hoiluy)nikhtpeyayyortoantotiso.ggoolerG ) e otG ulesetiorm suothloeo yo eoacrawiyfinhnydogpisulatelruytsuiaoganer(anooreftaohgnfertrY sw t m e i e t o f e g e f e ) e a t c n i e t t g n u h c u e e o a G e e l r h s o a l d , i u S c grisslteydloyirtusiaiogoanU m r o r . a r a y G r t a o t n T e t en(osoeifntaofthgnSfeerettrY r e l vor os aoalrn(sotprtaiaeroartnneytc.ofcrh.oiltuiyacla)nispkhtnptpeyayyortoantoow o g f dsoo . thhaatit-fourm SeoerrScvteotsoisrucg)rngteetaoetSiynhoeenr8rrv=.y3a4fof8e,ar6ao)stranntsorh/ob-inybm u,earygfoeoelpher.ercilrooeotrthm yehm tiusm eiggoaeollgr,eeo’sogosgstlpoheroorgeerfleeoththehdirnio-sfooobtuyanG c yliolsyku.susetiSoeee et eslirtlem reaaethltldeehhSefSeeodiurccteobaosglt)ihrgteeaotw h uucuret grreaenlrerT at(oea w/errCyiomnu aaetri,ognle ur .ir thaa 2rmd4coep u. Ye 5th.1tehner,viwnicog tdahe7ans. ”ptP. rtG ym S u Sioerr=y4fofe,aro)s nsr/ob-iybm rvthibcves,ry ooutsiucnGy 0u1r9eyrboes9/an rhrm s . v p r e i r t n 4 t u e i w o t 7 S a e e t I r t o S p t t d t g u ses5teiStohenr,evintosgirdm h n u t . h a e O ne w e e h S e l . s n e a tvevtsihrcvntoer yneoonr8vs.3an86a0truantohy en/aayfoeoerhrmcoormwettrCyo.4 Bastv.,1oi gG G is neytToirovoaeaiglcsc(ieobtbysnu toorensdotaoeh . .s2 U h a b g b i i a e r r c . s ( o n G a i i b 1 9 G s n u r r t i e y a b c u . m / s t u n 9 t c m r a v y o n r e t s p r u i w v l t e o ISeneSwrieciretvhtisanhonbenyy”P -tlaeiaernifoocnreeseowaeoergT ae’sysnsotsetyfs)hqhtyauhaotlotocthcrreersltedithcherepenT toSheeYotuh.h1em ehsysoitobhufierl.r ctcheas t nt cotn,ssoleiltyhout sihftrocsoocr.ylcm g.a4ohnO T rlsam punrscm rovofaearcgclosc(,iyleobtcebysneuybsot etyshhtoorenysaotdoocttaoehcrrgie.rlet.edis2coU eoveenatd.hoiuttleffi l iecrbsn,astyohvosrrtdigocoeluieercfsueom otm ooo en vleiecreamnG eatdnptcoroiettsne,psdspoerleoyilovttyphiuareonocuyhevm a ovordi icfuotlsaoepunrsrcym i asssreoetryvesefsotyforiutuytshetaoonyts G r y.asocu pgiuthisnof.afyaoyroycam a’ss fqtyaat he thhrepnasnsrelcehsyssoitobhufierrl.irotytf cttchhw r opdnrweed-hosilcyaenoeuolyuynptohrcoheuaeGrvsrscoesw s osocr. m es yaotrgpT tlodo t ecihgad otaitdsiem rsert)o ha f oh gle t. ar hbs tyhsrtgoceleersetisr.m naler fi o(roegse ilnm set y u h esosryG aihotm e uh st rscuioenaoanttm oprnsdo) lyauheoelulynpoh GsrsweeT i s s y u d a i a n e w o n t h p i d e l o m h m t t , e b r o t n u o i r n fi n o ( s l g v n e n u e ( . a v i a s c u t d o e s o t f e e h e s ff g r c e a a erlceogoviudnocyovaitrd,sisey.asoucuoupgm t uhnofsaftiyaohyocm s i e r iacltngeroouytrcoheaepfirvsnsctoeho(roiennigasolteoirlnm rosterfts)ohuartsheaaotvoneyfs,tU isrnghih,niaergthgriseioncfnt9erlotuo.,abdm tclriw o”hu)neoiuve“sgSstluouebcffht.ocvraellnbyinteitftionreu.7beY rscumeooenaoanttm nheotSagroleirmtoited ka riptieonnnhrgyi-giC .y1itodhG isn w uieya “bal itnhtteeeifocroy)enn,rs igthohetw r g e r n e e e i p s i t , 6 t e t g e m n l l c o o e C r h g . F h a e iendehb.7b.Y e c i o t o f e uoffihfiaacvl e inntfm h o v a a a s i r t S d y a n n r , e q f w l i d r h r C i o r n f S s l s o h ymitdhay n f o o e U i s y t r i w c u i i a b i a o a s i i tunsffadstceifoc croeitgthoeurew t e o a i e s t n u i m n f u n c e i n o e b t eonw omersapdosuida6is.siaviG g a e e r n k e h g a s r c g o l o l r n t d q o T t t a s n C i r u i i l etnieod w s a e a Y i n d x t t m o l a i r ouapdbchosuioda6raselslnabyvteiiG o a e n r u t l h ioscsnlihet)dowgithnetcG T n S i e g n t e e e e a s S l l n e o e p , o y i . etoierume.,1oGuFieaor“baiClel hteeirorSy)enn,rosrtea ohetrgth,ninrigtceivttonn9btao.h6ldm f t e r t uoisfiunnodm wyonlg-w )searinmirgnipoeetausnrataifiolropgm anbfo,onturednntdierti”en.dtgm celec’sG naosthim seflrilnlavgsicrneefim sygoreds a otn 11, t eUTw s ehsae, tsrocureresrt raenA ibneetcpeptiedGetoldism a l soi.aiYd ennfooss aartyiooudrooegsolrCnaecoql fenaraci-fseqfiarununinset o ueahxtheioedew h e c p i r T a n p S s i e r r m e i n l n a t i u 4 e G e l o e e n o e t e a o s n s l n n c y l m o c e o w o o c o e n s s o f o p t t o , y i s o f n . d e l d h e r o i i m s l f e h d e e t d e c a e t e n e , a r e r t . i i r o l y ) g i t r a n a r t n e h s e m d e e f o d l u r c u o f o o fl s o g u o 4 n A e r f g o a n n s c s p h r g o a u g r c m u r h r s s o c n u i G o a o a s e o 8 t t t d l l s t o s t S p s r e e a ) n e p y r s i v m a r t e i i u s fau,G i a o d G ) y l c . r t t s s r ” fi a o s n n p w m d a t ’s o ucoshltarenigivuehsispnldaogle 2 g l r t i g a s b . r i e h c p a s e n m v l c u G l r e n ffi y l e o e , s f o f d l h o o i lifindocdm o to sa, ttw v Ynooptgayllyepeaftotgyhol toiosyn, om e ssygtohorends yaGoYovied1s1s, le,. rtahitrytrsyeearA i a a a o r a y e n r u v mgobom d s m a eueryow fi f u l r d s t i u o l o l i s n a c o y l m o edsisogeelcsesu,a.prstahitflroeytesarensSypedaecasr8aA f r o anucytto(hoogrr,dlihsfto, trayivoeubyaegre, e t ) y t o a h u 2iotrcoYnoolroaovapotglatyllhyepoeuarw enigivuaethsbiseopnhuledarylafcgugolreain,cfgkontrhteht ehetstCoepofcontoushtem tgaegtsdoisosynr,ooondrum ad-o.ugisdrrseachnorw vuofaG ouasssydooeSretabrylkoasG bom luoaanrsdisdteitnom eracdeeisG cinneSrseyaerylvCbnm toonduhitotsetw ce iad-.ugisdr seacodollhiytohseoltweinuaem ancfgkotrhtht hetstCoepofcontoushrevearaiffi Srnsey aobinm anucyttoi(hooyogorr,dluihesrfteYo, otrafyiuvoG y e gabeelryoaow uob5 onet6eGis.nhotw vaeims , osaeoisoornr syeo’sedtrttolheeoaren s altlsrtaicdotnituvofiscouenffttinirnnft,ngradrethm mSoeSe ://wexnprutea9apgn.lrioiPscoteoregom texndruesG orehntoondot tcnticdoaerylvCfiscouonuatsionionfS,redtrhvareyksG , osasornr ’s datcetlheaegoaoe.ge4nfleY ) hvecea.gTergvliec, (iunr adde o o1oue lle.dfrvtrhivthi ww r le’sedncctbonsmpeserbaso,eG o v c e e g e c y Th 9 e a e n p t6Gi.n1nhuotew a n t s y m e i .oog4nfleY t g e meSlleoeSdfrevtr:hivt/h/iwm o s c a m o p y l , r e m d v u e i n.lriiPsceotoregm a h dguatrrheea thydGauiosoYaogodbggluielrm eu’sealldnscrcatbontsnituvopeserbeaff gadlteersSs,oeaFreenvonrw ulice so Teoregvnlestc,eie(onydiufnofrr-traclom saesSeeSt, ao .goseanpteitrtonhi petriwveturfiiaantaclhwdtietasrrorconarttniyhdcdeoetbrtsofahw rn ngraetm G w gecieaecesSew m inuag dicghoeisnistc,iehn oarrakgsrn,e-e in anlwtiet aorconattniyh)teotbtohygadletersSs,.egaFreeevonrwrmiw he odGoui oYegod u. Th oueroriecteaeaontngtse,otym inoi otuSa leeeaissetigtes(attresoeldffenpdoorlaivfcrgeiecSaesesoap9grt.l3ee.Iecndtft.atSTh eS, .gosroenanpteirthptriwevturfiim oryrevyeponeuuthtis ,edaietsoueym hsi m u r p a i n h e n o u y a n e i h a i a l m o tgeae, ttinohyoaostuaobggluielrlm i u a y s s i a c r r x g t l l d x c t t c o eeaistiges(trsos npdotoraovfreicSa o9g.l3toeniendtet.aSTh e o e d a m a o i t e t p , reatachdaesrreorudchtdeeisersfpaw e c aietseoueym oyaenarray,yevccriucerecsgetcaa.etttsahoysnyteoat9tdpudS.1u:yve/xer/Yepexi,lpiaiccnlrhiaatct llpouoprfy.reuorokuyo/rosrphipueggcaaaehtasotos,saolirim ,eanecitinngyothuinm ,e(hnoaolwrkgatosoyrw eoc hat , b. mitr,udw anuagysuuopoeb.instm iainoinnym aua Soayaenrryeevscertuarteceheldcaffea.etttahoyntelat9adipcSg.1eyrxeeseepesaxp,lritaicunrehatc.Iclpofoptyo.ouorykuryoevrosiyuegcephtonsoualtrim ncye,clloulysicoi nsr.ekm vrdotinw w thoyeorr,utw dh rs wcthehsoeastrw ra obourrw anew aa i rp ot, ccayexetxc,cllpualyi reatstr.ekm s d: p euc t inrlikgdifnepr rrivrvnetiatspldsacilu odgieovte , o spetrtv , positlo,lm ci y tinm noptil i ietgi abtnievspiiostoahtm c l d s i d g e h a h a b t n t e t e n t p r i a r e e n g r t n f w h i v a n u b c d s a d r c t h h l y i s t z c o l n l t e p s e e p a c s c h d r p i l c e t y e o s G d t y i a e p e i g d s i . v b i t e e i n o y y i f r e t o n l c i o g t s t k m t e n a o h e e i n l sootwhu n,ycabtceiesgtspiosth syotobouuve/rne/Yw e r b a ep/phgraaavarnstsoaiplnsc loodsgciovitn, , spaet idt,a w undgoeoaflfitcahrenentyhcreooicueexm i i r y r i o . i t . t r e d r v e m u p r a s o w u h t u o n e e r o n g l e w t r f e o m r l e r v k o t e s d c e n s r r i a n o o rssdbw i r r w c r t a t t o e t e o a a fi o i e i u e o,lfm h n i u s e t e t u o s s v n r s o o h v a n o r c c a r h o g d t w a i . d o p e o p a d i,nvuodiny Scoofttoghtr acrkt t e or eeasshom ntouneonnC erSnnoeoetaotacgearctplentheisoenotfinm tc.aagktnosngCehltoypgw esreaas cnindygiohscittvriohnenetrdoeoptpryrenot-aadhsittziiG slnelte.erumipsnieuntstegbeaoenhtltdittcisnl gw besop.lronhrnpildelirsnrfew teobnrtucyercbiayete.eirpotnetncdo,liundgoflfitcahenthr iceoexnum utgow tnsut,s oetilres cbusiyraear usSteseeG toshlrloe#tm m m s i n t a t o e s e r r e a p r o e m t g o e o v c i s o g e i l lefy, in mwre, , he g e t a o i rs(sohfraiaenrlG r y t o o f e n n v n a d G a m y u g n n u u o ndyeoeyordgspheiacnw h e i e r g S i , i t , h w t n n r n n n i e m n t e o u uese veesrdosccbuasiyraeauthriteuveeupfisSthedseew p)ei.apsnonbefiiolonnecurdsaoatntsgnh.tuede(kaw vuoeeandaw Snnoe tgerctetisoentfm ctleyoem owgrh, a7crk.t2ew gt,oefearluurn-nrsteeaapdw leolaseirtnhcaarhediengcrSevelesliem ,todhhaic e d dntecnecw r nC aoentlntditdtcyisnoleyw d r hanassyttrtaellepaarpner lifyy incoofttm rs(sohanrlp)euiassnnblefiilolonnte.eceudsaotngnhs.tueet(tebw yteslrloe#tm toha ndndnti,ecncweoatrhvaeietgcoiarcraegvlollinm ectleyom 7c.tew s otucadttoh,rvthisoam prcidig rtioiotv-fholdInnonytgalt-otsyheopedu/nhidseltahfateohqrecfuorsubthhinastsilac- yordauncye, p s km gt,oeruun-steeaadfriaenG e rdgsphic aenas,sy5trtel pdaearpero Yeotouhctesas at tw s l a s p e o . t r d S 2 d t e C t a e i l e i a . a h 6 r g s a 5 l e r r a r n r u a d s o e c e h e n t a / t w e i e y f G e / s e t n , a I t o p e . t l r r r r e i c i h t h h Y e o a l n h t c c d s n d o c 2 t o h s i o l h c s n U i t o o r d b s n e s e h f a q , b s r s m f i r a y t y d v s oondeu’stdboe aoyrhw - tnayoirdr ao ahgerseonthoym harlkanlsyaoptnhsftcaetsyaayashw i l d , u l a e n r s a u h e i b h o t i . t issteex, v t S l t g d i c t f e d e u c o etenhsdeourm n c h r e a t i i w e , d t u n ; s e s t d s u i p r n h t c a p a a h t l a h b o v c v c t i a w r j i r a r r a e o y i g o s c a u p h t t u a o i m a o e c i a n w a e a a ta oinr adooobu taehagsersrateoSnthoymw S e e i e y e e a p g v t r u b c t nnog,ustnieosetuw s be cbpoyunblafliwc ppruebsslliysh evexsc,asC elsyydeb,opspuisttwpinlisarslitA titshieoieeartgovSnriteceehrdrlvlaieavw C yceho,olhndaoeuo’sttdbstiltoeiicaoyrhw oaartnivgeb/erureetnhsdeurlm eina arlklnsblsyapotnhasrftde etsy. oysihnsbll-teyh, teacG w pcporn cyc,orcw e h1in0ipc.oaeegurrrehv r wusrtrhilotaervitleaar oleao,brukm c w s r h ( r n y e i u t t u c u b o n i m e l c t t d u b c t i o e e esr)rooeeirentdatnaneeunyestphCm e u L n r o r r au l i o c t i c b b e e S s e y i y h c o e t t e r s b o a c n o c b h n d w , y r t u r r e i y d i b u e o , b n y g i a n s e l o ) o ) n l l n scasCccyorndacvcoejerrcw c t thieeeartgovSnritetceehehrdrlsvlaieabivclw b upaisrtrvrtheielotaerviitnoleeaarntgm sw iilcgssim epocrnlem odst on eoocin ke-, yourdisp , luhehbiem et h1in0ipc.ocaheeLgurrrehtnvcyttisorcrw ym e rooeiretatnanGyeoomnm h,aiyn fogs.tgu-heui,tnhteeonaneypam t u.esnesthth.a,goaelartepsyeprm alafluiwcltplbee spuslolihysnhagt(ltyw ansicso w boieac,rutkm s,siitostrC hm youtein diasoensirncishaw bsw iilgsim e em ,ayotfugc.tgdl-nheuiotnshnef,onan, ypasor)endteeunsntphCegoleke-,tyeodrrdsionl8licv,ieeo, hyGeothenws oo. shpisG lu em)u.eyetustahh.agalreoim soouoaessorr a rifistceeandltlywch clhay t fn odooupo iaenftfoisrtecaxlucishcehtheeorw a b e r s p s u h t 8 n i t c t s n s o f c t o e n o o . o u d t a r r s e y i n 1 t d S d , t m s m p o h e s e o o f u t u t f h b 4 n s y y r h p i e e e ) tpbeeedrsopo8hnliagtcv(lityw l n y l c o h e o o e i . f t e i i t m . r c t r t e t e a e h eo, hyGeotcoenwshebio.tshpisrG efrSsm geencahtunerrelvediScde rabdlyiosG otthor uoaetnssonordr edra.sriCifiastocreeboannderlthaw e1ov0nToiy.dtgheleo,ua0pG tetio,oafnsyyprod1ooupnom r.3sproatU oryrsgcrw atclhllhe cdlaoyoyerY gpla necheichange ethaenfocsrreocaxtluhcis-dht)eh thfeerw fioi inwnietGhsnoU sgeocissut an gdsglertehreoG l p h o l e v o o a l o ( l l b o e o o y G f o r y r e p 1 t n s e g 1 0 e e o y n i y p m . i o s n e u o l s erhaatlhtonleds.lo4yroerYgeeocissbub. eroeauhnoeaagdsrgleertioethrhfetG p s t o c .hgolne o a c g e a m tehioavrenvw oryrsgcrw ncahtunerrevdiScderadlyiiocsaG guepisnm sincEtnohnegdagplteeusrscpyasoeuse.qTh gpololoeauayrsneateoenchtea)iis.cncSthY tiotufirhrer-bloarytniggeoshirluebG fioi inwnietGhsnoU ’stsohpsSpoareootruvicaceagelbreevlsethdcseo3tpG doranpentnsdaseinfbeofirlersw o he1ov0Tiydtghelet,hpuaSypr.eo3polaU s s teournen pfe(w te lltfea).cStY npdf aceoiostrpheboron.ge1orlueG eoesrsG msoar ruviscnearllbeengss1thdeo3tesi.ncEotiolhnegaplleusiscyas l ers.vTh tehire ouopipnm nliefiot sGeeoedroisw ooY licae ,Cor n y u sthtrlse , eagcm pritnne ose ou iesm depststo. gol,cnelcC osathuigtiicm l edpsecstntiano edow seato,cncC e t l r i s a 8 o e v g n e n w i p d i g c G q u i d p o i n icmoe datsaseienbeoirlrsctiufirr-laedytiogoshibt’sl spo, eotagcm r c r e tovuvitw G u.1 ies.rifheat , oarunno,ureyeuSiedatyydhoonatoug fiarg-ononngtd, tahsiedoeg,evyhrfaoprhdgcGievwthothgovoiga-lal yigngayw l e i , , l t o e t w n t e e a G n n h s a e e fi o m s r o d t a e n s p u g h o s h u k l r d o s s t e s o o h h r t l b t e d e g i n a f c h s o s u e d a s u o g d u i o o y a i o h u iosour k fe ednablennceo en e d s f t o t o l e g u e y e n d tsrosrvopglaitnignetwisne irYeolivcantsCiSo ths. enfultrorevlintohotm o i C e e o d t yeppldielrtnaofototeceorosecigntepytlcoeSeaon’sueterym r a h n u i r t u e n e w v G d t t i n a v fveans oaY y i l n b , e e r o , a a r a s . e , l u vtinei tnttpl,:tt/dhhniaestytrcryoaetouocsrcm hudgayisostourfrokrrsfm enfutSiedrevhl onatoutohgm vpvouednasatgbY b,sttathhnhoads eg,b,vuyrroitodakupryeepapm iib e i esceaohnym n ccaasoutynerhadribstegiefhniym enrelw nnam esrolvioecrohsiteyhtgSaletriy-m idfibrnyhigeahkeseatm tneuntntscdeeeoeew u utiviSveeew s oveueunotae vonceng ievsn yhey-serfnraceotbeienreg aheiapcroem r, httlpl,rtotdhhnaeiyncetoots cm bibuuktnbm bhStteo,sxopebntocoaleintneuoidrcm u ourastliuembeadi-treew fiyhi kldl nfotteoecgnplcoereon’suervoueedinw aargbirtilivtebueeune,tlldaatehtiavibeoiclnndintw h rssiocrdkees be/nw w setsyeganei-eneoe.ag1xfrtn3hidn1esteta,catnasoisanndnrpsiaoseosnnidoa magcaonmd h p nd tndersvionicrdkees ://iwsttrbryoaioubcurkcastnehdribtegiefhnyteos enlidtconengneeudrhsetievsinnttayhey-serfnraceotbeienegvspaihseiapicroem .geesoeoahwyaeeovhsrftioom aasty ywG o tnnoe ssoe e (g(sehaiitcfh, hiotannssd/cm s .Y ew i Th b i h w h ) s S c n e o u g n n y s c i b p h m l ( m n m t e a n h e a , e y l e a n w ntw n t e o a i b A u t e eoehbheSet,ovhsxrftoom r o a oeag1rn3id.s1esetr, atnasiandllnrpsiaossntdou atgceaoxnyndSobsehsy, uocthenristhd9gtuhviei odcro oot girnllecfifd.n ftwawe,Sredeartxpiiop Th noali toicm n o r s o h g a oTyebeee phya ww h a n a i g . n t e s s i u e d n y s ( d , g t s e . o h o e t t e s a 5 a , a Th s ft -ovricges etG , h ) a i n e s d e uiotch, hienisnsd/gtuanhavsitaydeicodcrooG t t c S p w a l c ySobeuy(rsvG e w rhigeaYdtceealsioltnhnabteajteihncle o.racersodG otowyrallefif. ioew hlm edr1iTt3cieo5m actteiosonTingn-Snsaes(roveornifm ,d aotTyhrabem xpiee.xfTh acoweoinaesr ndUiew ol vhpfGw o m optovetahfer1-ya1otroe4ugvnpriYlctario)yeno.tstouv. nduieovrB h h , hiaccovtheohnaersrtinhddU9iew heontnsW s.5 tee onnbt ginl ecodrnegdaeoptoethfe1-rydaa1eor,.roe4gvinopsprinctal)ye.tslouyuenodsAuiev(drB d ie.r.m- ricrgebsityetG o/prt tho uebia o s liigG edyitoshcyuam toprvi estghbaloett aR(tarLeofifsnaoelplseaauretnoelcardtegs,srp.Sehriottsoim 1no1ifno.a2m a w raans og e oo e oeortm fopr esgaloet aR(tsarrhiLegeYosnolpaaulesitltnlhaeseasjteihp.Shncriotsino.acrsoG dyicsom mova/err t ut Ylsrionotev. ttoiler)1liiitg3G choe5nW dro esrGey cy e ftvw gls)t lomseuptththeitrseheyabrnoneum ldarbmloegeoyerofmpute Gcoaydotseneadcawouen m ocgtelohTen ct is raanst8h.5G i e o a Y p p f r a i r a b n n s t 1 h r w s c n d e o t s h e a ( t e f o i o e t u p , o e u o n t m ; e o c p ft s a o n s o t o v e t i p e o Y g e t o d o e u y r t o l o o h u y o o 1 d h a fi l e r r d a o a a o e h s s o u h o u t e o o y t o i i c r c m p l a v r a , e t h i t p r fi r o r w a g e o o e h t c o e i r ft u s . o w w , l t a r ebiteeyarnonem e n b T o e v l r o r m o f a G e l g m l c a u s e r Sobogfitom ytndna eursm o w 2 g e s r , r o i t n u c s c e o e r l d d d u p u d S t p m en a r s c y g ) m w d l w y a G e l e e e o i r e d y r r slm deY cmroabialusglkclsetuaguasom ftse)etenyeosouarcyaoongr yeohruot-snhgteaoaooyaonueiendxateaedm oYow beqoufeneuee o estpcphoaonn nelaerg’sin . pohiseinta oaors)ei.ftfi,nTh oountgilm r,eotaoutio tpthhirsaoe-rviSgoobongfiwutror(eifytonyoirdnui,alateehudian aeistfi,n, yoodpbontagoocrlpnuetlatuafihouprddatso(eteeow eaysruopspboueftrlsoprptow Soaeohvorcs)w keyl.e.hraeat,yhnaysyeoatu“pi1uSar3ligsn2hhodtauhbaeeebueyrcyw toohua avusn owrao- pyhee hT rifw as anenxtll sbresqerousatfetsineiTbuale srpoegerfcitorpuropfbooryyrm dm eaeg’sin). dcpohriseintw .ftwcmroaiu gsmfte)snyteos1rouarcyaoohongrtret yiesohirot-lsingleam groairsm G l u c u e t n h s t n s h y e s i h a h a r l r y i n G y i o u o r l o h 3 d s t i o h e l a h a e y k f l a u c e m s t u a a o w a r b t o o f i o s d y a l e r t h o e a e f u r ft n r o h t s . m n l e r o i e t y g . o e y k tseib rsrpoegerci uropafboryyr er,Th i b n h r t c 2 v i t i r u e r w o o t u t o n t o h f s o o r e toe9 ire e9grm m f e o y m d g s a w i f h “ h e a h u a o r a e e ontthdri enBlaoe ySanheudv baeaenowehegea o dcoome r y w i i c t a o h t u a m i r o f p s p . e p l o . s a t g v a t e . n g e 4 a r h 2 l a e s n h e y i t g c m e nrnlenwoyntoihcecuheetoC ci(coaeenns)djowy1C1tiooht.htunC itsloteengrbadaoaetnvasreoret”m iseul,ylconruthraStrleoltrgeft vaihgiwtIhlfflfoyurotohuG nsicoergnoue cgeb wo e hgh t1rC oGwwaygaulnseG dm osotaeenthd e(Bhae)eltlySatnheurydttrolbhirtleaiherln,eoetlwilcehseegpUnraocnltnoolnesO ryiigotsheetGooaofttohheiogtesrnlenitw erti(caeeenns)jaow .e2spU9c.4rfeoO orvte. thhai eotnaobearnenncenotds,1not2arbcSoliiotm omntoicecuhetooC toer r istbsatophrem ce u h n poaysm nloi ehgaotuevricaebGdirlwpw na yg c cuobsoneegnebtlehneetoucfaneew Gwwriioltstyg,riaulseG un(taifnyortehC isofenogrbtadhaolaetnvasreoret”m ic onnoln m tphrndt wy 1toh. tunC eotnaearrnced1n2abcolyiitm heosm nldyoeftgwG e c eouenauehave oo yeo h e e yg ol u,obsoalenbtneneslcfcaoew rnl nyr ig s it.airs seetishgphiylniotedtihdaedtchhGmnteednfislveaG oi cd thtveeaveaueem e e i t e y g l t u t e c o n e t u e n a i c o e p o a e n a t h e e t S . t d s t e e e t l y r a u o h s b w o g a o t , t t wens esistbsa etoeryuvdt.ihtdhaheanditchhGobmnenintnotes,endnotfiisrltve.aG o h i s u h yunoo(tuiaienyscrdl(uoC etoanmgaaeroukaoestguo,hpeouoeurdosgT-oaeshboeyliecpl1aaoeu5bnleeLdweeb emceynauoope benheefiu Sae )tveeatrcshveaucaecrem enoctleehnetousountebsirnsfm r fomritthho1taiyvtoehthyeGlegylaoebyeooiuacfuffi opoairsetyei speteiylnrfioom ao ratrly);atveecinroseg,f ygoleuthnfaow t inlddytoe.ftowG Sf wandaffe enam 1 igo hcaeew e v e i a ntomvh o ed rithowaiyvt tbhyse roaegyl by loicfueamglaaerroe tgto,lhoerds-o oeliecpl1areu5bnr.tfr jeciegirnhrtuoohrabt eanitnhe9,e.6aicskt, )raitni e1idno.1uiangot iom G n r o h e b l s n h a t e d o y t T t e w t y e n r G t a r Y e y l . u i t k l e a 1 g eg gle nfow a e t n e o S e a S h p c t t m y d e g n U n t e r t o L r i C y h d , t dec2Sahte1elredcnTh wihnaxcpetcdoereutroonhvhmiw r haxccaesesw Sftereiwttohahpnudyosaffeateenarbrm 1ao2tigtieoeoleunaffi t iaitne9,.t6tack)nraaitninyhte1idno.1fbSuiasYynygortrlheiom ccenyhooaemeeC utocintheuoctuthediteoerow omminotee(otoeuxdsp, or fibttaeea1dnrnTvselm iecwyleow hoannveo wa hoomnoeg whme y nisas(a)tnteiom rvniehfraG g r s v n s s n h e r r . t e n e e i o r m t h o c T w e t r e r t i t C a 0 1 e h n d e s t c e d o h b , u w a v n c e e m s i i o i w a o n e d i h y e m w d S w t d i w u i n s a c m w t n e . s o c t h i i o a o h i n y o m t h s o s d u 2 Th e s i e T s s i n i c e uxt obhrU e n p i t sy dgheehtreCnGiotgm l u v o 1axnadne ySbebevyenngwehooweom t w m u l h , n c i ( osShoG o y t t g aea1rie1Snm o r t i t r om e o e s s C h e i h n y ftodomefiry oyaesdG a e o r n e u s r T o o o t n i r m helpyploya,fusnGetY esspterneasntsayl1iyn0is.sen2m dvpheiasssnaarvdnY oictm isttsyeoodgtughcneethasthreCrnG eatiercvdhicseyietosthSh.usoiG enfoodnreotbfitsrhyenfosoyaoautaom seh)otlw n c n L ab ruhnigretm erseeCe1ia)x5onpa.dne y(seSebirfevyeinnhgow dnhotaegdlye a,eucso.vepc.uvyhercuewcoehaagenhneene eopoerhauyaoaoa5opao1egeN freroa,hLnirdti,ilenfrgm onm C oaa1yri1Snm raidtinfrotmppoafunY ,ec e vh ftuom oooruhnreidvpheissnaadniotgm woa n r dG ig e wSw v a aeoedchooem oo c m bi ai nininf ouum y vyleaoonbuasgnryo, nh om dasbt bay eyorosmt h-ooorgehnat,tyoptw ehnaropvylYeodihntategsgdnlyet,atuhsrto.ivopritm cyeiricsiestceha,genrleeneiteosperhraluyaol,laoastssao1rregeN llseso)ne cfolocreys C d eintholyuioeaeaneeuus aocoopa ohc tyaanaheehvcceahexaocheeeuonnogcnag yoe o n e gm eyorsGthoo igtm t o si eoridliStrkGs u oi(troagdilsee’sm f s n e d t p i a o w t r h d r l b e w s t t o a l e s a a c o y n i n v n s g e o m , o s f e v w S o t h n r o r y t b h r e c p d o o i , a t o b h t ( w e s u u G n d s o y e y o o o e a d a n r t i odanguubdoSeueeuonovohcyponnohnneuoub sm rdayrkGom (trorgilsteitm eintihosyuiueareanleleuns aocfoparttioh,tsasnlaheerhviccelhiahessixaetoaclrhlnlereubestusSiultoerniatnsonshgisucnaiosgteioayncooteefu),ngrortheeyr,svecircT eee1gr1lveai,yeoopudnlareyaddoeonmarnyodouohce a aedeaycgbbayvedooon uaynonow e o t G e n n o t o a a s a c a a n y e a ne h c S y g o h d noteifn,ng tthSihfeeyr,ssvec,oircsoe1grolavredanyiryeseo’sopdunltw n y e m l a e w o s e a rtorflretooco(hna ootuipocedlorapnetaaentdrieeoacylcignataylbaloaynlviudetaddi;botrooienlitricr,uG r e i d d v e D . o r e p a t l o e t n u s ff y ff t o e 3 o o p e o o e p o n r o o t i v o t e l h e n u B d e n t n u b h f a c o y i n i m d u e r e s e o u p hsoash s hbrioaepa, iaowtayssnonefsow d m n rteovr e S Teeeast1. .i,cyeidareeyaledidoteionmrgsnyGdof u(tyD daguicllo oonraircfffyaeaodsnuetohotnehrusbtrtadartsiesyep viacnadsyYdisomuaaerggeneonot-r aionnoGg bG oye domldaww20bvdeeoa hoehena ab mhc e uebea oTe m em y ff e t o e u i 3 t e o o o c , f o e p o e n p e o d a n o l e a i l h u d o b i r n l s s G e k n l o t n u B i o G e s d n r n b d r o i 7 e h e a c o t d a y l r n c v u e e b s t r s u p r e n y n e t ) m o u p T o l m u i Y a s o h , u T u w e s o i b d e b v y w a , h e y u d p e c i l i r o g g o m e m o o o n u n n , a g l l l w r n g o w G e e o 2 v s o d s m a ot edtrGrahdeaedrtsilesyeepo,erlivaniracm a n s e m u e m i y t l yo on y o a n e o r i n d p i s r d t e ta)nohcgdroeopuypoag,bgTh a 0 g epceue m e e yoh1ey e ovw t f h a h u o . i r k u 7 o rrobaitrvruum nharm ytrag,tvdpoipbetitim lerl tsaiosde esspesrarbsoceoctrtuhgsrioaeeatenudGresm seuet-dlor )ntnhdGrpolulieoa.goTh ylaecs aaraknsudnbgem etoom ,r iyefnueoruum iwo m uny pesdT h eDe e ccahbnng o eax5co3ouodnpoh eoacenhen oyog e h p o w obleateoi, slaegm wetitoetitveinhna,atnhom hswa.snetitoerdti,rtevesitenrtahstttoacgttroheioom u espioslaegnlicarakgns,iudnsebgem hsi eteni ceyocgrofllnoosghoottaene,pm,eesem r rahi,tyea,dmce nil1ld4neeogw mu ypgble(’sDelsecsileuisccs.aheinneg tyh1eax5ylr.olouirko. eslpyvwpiw op eppeb oo,vtheadhudapdanegaahbpnp cuTh e eftorahi,rteuadm st em tehvteSohorodkepscthieaagvnoedeengnde daeeawoeoay ednonumo ay and n,aneppeb,rrhooi,lvitthiea)edtshudptrbarlneltii,gaaiopnp cl3lcuTh n rcweocr, logyaeotatanel pm dn ooairoctnhetssxoayrtoiooded’sweoiiuponfohaoparptptteviocepaeocokonsgetm i illdeigw d n n e h a t m r d h i o e u o p o a h s n w n n e n , E o b n w c r o t i e c 1 l s a a a l o h u r t etishxactioolntddoweooioduoeernf, haoenpearpntptsrtheovtuioyc,ertpceaem eliabtiw .,ietars epetdienloirnum edysoninanindmfeot,uhrroeney1c3ceru3dohem uxpelugt,m t 4nth.ovteStlhorodkestctthieonaagtgvt1inoed,neienionignhrtdethsaedasbfietsw oar hpdieteleyxecftwohueg1nS5Ge2oyonoSghguaohunenbficSeoneevhceecnhnngogynoaouohe m o o any kornsgem rseaoiliindtrtm m ataw Gprhniearv,crvetdke,ehneoooquoruungaiopveenadG hu S5Gt.r2onorg faounecSonfesvihcteoeitcsnhoyiinbtgloiuogyn i el d mf ,u y1certoheapeflgt,rsroirveatr,setkihpndteietEeleynrxooetcoftqpuluiw pooov ncGbwoeochebaovuyhc a he nnSpe voend beoynadv tenhd fv,oeut baanwdeuySaolom e vo oem aindtenruesoiisfvt,ierni aotwtdhrsuoeeySras3c,o.3dmuxG uhearcid , hfo orunsiai erenG e ySguGf(n eer lsy n tnoaotltieuohe tepidote,unodessdevtelniculesneyayymethtftaynw-afaryoaoncgy votcohnecehaeSm aeg gv e hcg nen en a a c oe p o a t l e y m l d a p a u e e c W t t r e e o b ft a p p y o e o h e u c c a s h m h n o r g y dotduedvuelbnicul teearym ergfiropvreenadrporroviinc-bwjoeitocih)teibaovuishci. atllthe spnsiunsySbperv om w-apoano,ctvet ivtceohthe Srm d h a h p dodbyvcoaosncteohutnaat de recee1a, 4e moblSeeS ocbe u w o e c e c i e m o v 1 , r o u g g s e o u i h v t a h ; s s y C u o n o p y i o c W r r r osnscyotihinoaraanttdifeasryrece(eon1a,ogy4)ailo.et1nem i sa,oaebnirtlSsere,Svrouiovfocrbemofstauefggw uybolm ,om doavebyano dey whe aph 1 nany eaSw hsalhiedesemhifgtcltesonenhyyoaavnlcsishteoysatalosdp, dpathnlyad oliuacrlehayidcgapevruasap; dqioaufyuieec,rrruet’sn-rsdaee cY esao omarnadaTh ce bocedwafiabnxcebyhe1am ydn5o1hm iucle uorpeuddqbiufylcyioacunsisteh. utY s irC“aits mrnardaTh ecyaaovabuekuaea aehegnpeaandaw he no e no e twdyohi ey deerpbafhon SaenbwsyooonuesfEpuaegxnropehdrneeupga1an4neyn3aeoem 52 y y ew bic owr fih-paicohrrud1aladn5tyoothum ynSo-nceeeaonnv yftcaoewom a ee ypaceoo_um oumoebveopap ovvh coh w yo.1hieyasoadukuabrt aehlyelgfnopeasntaw dt t hyddapivae; a atie,rsetnrSdaeefnt:cwoonus(eEopaes)xnroptisel”nepg1al4nenytnitsosemnlaSiitceaesnsosfteidssiiaiablnlxebyhset,m yilsosuttrohu veered1m ho n5 nvdlalcatke a- eee scpsoeyldvo gN e e , a b r c e e t v G o i e i r . e n d w o u e g y t d s 1 u e _ b . m n h n n , l a f e p 2 w ( b e r l h G r w o y , p l e o i y a e r e a n i u f c c y o i , p e v s d o o u e G t n p C a o m v s a t a a o v o h o v n N o g a na8cnyffi oundrbydA 1eepnTh uytroiuberlivbfoenerredm seoebpvaesttohe,ptttaphrura:/ods/vuovwhibiscsim rc1roueabm oaeooSgawewevowdngo och coan (,b)anrsyvdloiailcperatekeswus,sa-tnarieeeesusttcpsnooeylrdy,voo3aeuG m nG gcbgialvkee m l ffi icoeh wehoytoierdoan Ae oueem rrSeoneeewriscoerisomnree syaonrfm n oece oaog encnde heap h ypA i n e n o 1 S c t 8 p o c s r o , i p h 1 s d c n d t o o e d o fi u s n i p e f e n C a m n v , r udcoen w e e a stuobcoum c h a h mee oceoog v t o h p v o 6 u h m v e r o o t h m y 7 u e w v y t s y g o c n 1 n r o l n G s e e be h r e m y.ffi dlta. iG notoau.ew ogoSgahfelrhew anpllthe A rvwnit.go, pf m m se oytefodotaohnnm nr oetSchiseioaorrg:il-iee1ncndetsi w oliiffi sinTh ibydA t(Ae)soueegcblialiivke irm oovhceaoeSnCbcoaootuaehyqheaoyoualupvaloduyuicnshpnelcodohbo, eyga GeeoovuepaceooneumchhCeoSounphbaynA dov dpoev a he Soeem e (ioi1n oghth nitf,opprrm v esyeoenCt yotoefi’sccelayoysouptliGushb,lvia teerirvvne o,6fci.ttthsC tr7. rAnoohvyppr lsuiacftoohe rcSthtvm a o wna m oog dc n wcydgoahvneeabaeed anbokn oanvedpcoea amhe po co uk 1,e3le,t.hoiecfaectScosh,oegdsrtlaeon. rdodnaebyovenaG , e a ostaisioSrebcortyiaonas utahyqhoualupldy)iuicnshpnecodooteygrlGeios,utipaceserum s h eSouphbsa,nwdvtidbeoeedrvliis erslo,teheansrm gnwee by pnayanA e c d cyeonovtm ae e g ip n t E e y n n y G o n e a c s e i t o n e a s a i c u c ) y n e a i e r o l o c t v n e o n l e e v h a o s n h s o l o e r w s a r o ; n e a o l e k e . i n a h u narrgm am Tlbeh,aieechefioaacnhyeoeodeaonynygy nwo a17ncc1heunadven aendeomweno ohhee anyg n2c0 kpaplahem hnen1se3c.seEhcnShetnerdvicionrddaidsopafipcltfyheoonserovt.m roydwrnvpcioac1se3-sm ignw )r tsoagllediciite(sinc iidgihfnaretrtaaetntuisieablnes toofGdsosocalserrn ale.bethci,ltbaieeysclr,seplsfiaya,tc(nrnA ce e aooue d h o Soo ngoanan ade ehou qa1un4/noey hoanbeaynm m d a m htooelaosnyts tois,1silichluad r-an-treosmentvo cotht oogipsgiuannygpe.iognw hyo4.eTh eo ece ac m coy c mn c web u6dY viGooolteinpogwisnigc1el3sr..eqa1ntnloatythoTabearnm c.hoasrsyeeesdsf fynogyeinwdisat7n.1envsienngre d trhrwreitts e heeorae arff e 2cSa0l uNois2emhwe oCyronuowno w1hn6ypuucpopm e o y a g t y u n . p 4 e w y o o n n h s c h S e l c u Th o 6 u 4 e h o l e t h r i y N . r u a s n e u n e ( ricoserfarScomrsoalincaoync dsehocm noitrohs wa(1ohin6iriuyi.c)1psrrtuuhcprtiohrpm rotesinuow aerueanrffpeetotw ehdaove ac1nhhmepcdoooeeeoepdeocoouynee oceneh op aocae heke Go hae eoac ackn oeadhaicnoegpnpaechevn eTh rp m peebun eGobkdofoY IiihcnowefphSoiC utroubkyrsotuhroiersa2tlehalm liceproor m uncstSeoG opabny e e S ved 2 coo nrehf,daoe a hItepiscdoooser-tetsoepdreetsocpootrluyeertoefntnhteropll1ae3cnaec1trcheokesev. hG odvtshaiatcabeY h m ow e e oedngduaeaebovoalchiecnokenoydcneahoofihccuceaw ne paectrhev t. eTh an pohenca dp mayGm leot ab n ce esae ov dTh ayGm 4 aocno otesnnoeoauhroocehcT d em nenao nep agehdhxyoceanadd uoGoeoanybodeoagonncnyoeonaaddevquwe haeccv ba0ny 3y gmepm 1 nc vipreodvilaai bl of oei, dngdideatottihnognnictnrseotoifincictclea tispvsorescfarndmm a s e s n c e e f o p o s g a r o p y w a d p s Y w S s t . o e u o 3 a 2 v n c e y n e G n e s r t i S n g h l n e b p i c t g u o v b o a o e y o c e i h p i h o n e b a u c o p m o e e , m r Y a e h r e a o s p r w . 0 s t m h m a e e y d m o d d a e l b q p e l g y h n u e c e w 1 o t o c o e p g y a a o o ’s l o e a m i n x x e l i h i n c n y a o e c o i n u s . r h e a r a d u i (lrw y ahnadlliplutG n n i e o d p i p a o u a o n e o y e 4 h e h T p 3 a p g r s a h a g t o i v p c s o c e e o n o r y n d e w i i v S n u n e m e 2 e r a o v c a d d h n s e n n n o a o o e d n e i a l p o c b o u m p g w p i i Y b e g e t ply Th oofarcgsT em uonhoyb wh cA rm edgffi eoafTllterhpsaen yapehneoam tohtiehpetd pionrcnolm hd,nintrdeaetew vm ooredm aeurouem nxidiSaptiehh,rnhcG aoenng encaogcm eaonaeyieoTsueeo m uotoo)gasm oTm eortfm emoeuuexcceaonnoyeyeSyaaan0edd1voceSyeuoponnohgngo peevpydceooaevyoeuxn g heheaee coho wh o he d ag e lpisapecl ’susrfp-,ovcreeyrrotnui -ch uarrconaevs yrepew euhm u rm lythlteottsmioneoennfrgrrltienocotom odof ceanereeeoophfuga cdaaonpnedpynyaedehm Tttohi e TSererobevpuontlshry. ttwhs rcA etgffi e eo eebnnast gt1wrhmG h dtoieceteao.psrtleyearyi2ra0oe.ldo1ipcrteriusrsoiionnt g reBcipydaG de nh oea y n m e e m c G go i a o , c , s e a ) w u s n e h , e n 4 t h a w y a i c d G e o g m s y h h p C r s s t g t r a y o s i b e e g n h (nti e t i r , e s w l i a c a g a r r i o b S e t e a c n i a h e y l c h e n i o h d g o 1 u o T o n y o s d n Th u r e c e o t r o , 1 e d a t a e r o p t y n a o xtictnoehinnnoyw rem obhom leutlasm ilG oorbG B)l tGerm 1w iffw reeuun sfS.loeanrlslsyevoCepnro,ttim m aont aehiuoconh dee paeeunygporuenonabdeo8eoeu2 abe dchaaeeob vegceeodnoeem seaet sa4llctN avm 4m oreg3n5vriideuxgaesn e oehehguwaeechdc no obnyhhcnee oo hwe dma oog e up o lsf.uodotm ahg s)es erulesesphcuttghhcdoinnepsy,leilascdetom e sspoeavrow y Y h s e e h n . n d g r c 1 e u o T s n e d t n Th o u e a e ; o i c c e v W t a o t n 1 4 e d t o o g o c a y c w t t i d o A o o e y e u c n a 3 o o p a p v g och Tece g l pay effeoGheoedoUbgSeleaScoeouophovpnw heanonm -rerm m aoim ea oeG1 ngnoooeoum lAeaeticed Noonttlhient:stuooiffnr detrspaheSulnypttoaruotterhnuanatsbdso8rlfoeu.tf2trignaY eanoehwtehgunraeoecatrrhtm yo thhienrudgm ibne dttaihtrathaetetiobnseiioscteeeepdsan ydsheronbyntyhhoceneuhebqoG (ff dunawacegkeendeuoydgmhpyoyodvoenueygmobaadybeeem ovitso aanwgwl.(e5foaW sbo,odcyovoobpuyvosatn,noibltoassyebw gaam panay he nyeyihse ncaeofyoo9ogC dh coaeioenonxuem etseG1in otoeosurmargrceotcluoysm h hm y a yopahnaeng m anc y b n he ocuhe Tutefieoecoh M oo oo i ys she ) syt rtehby inue etrheed eeSctetiiropnw r a e g e 9 i u t o g c e e s r t e b h o B r f s a S a u e a e l e o w a y n i e e r U e r t t u n r g e e h e w n c o o o n d o , a o n d n t a e t ( m l u . o M t e e , d a p h e m t y a h e u u n e t o n c v t e n o o e r p b m t d i k h a a s v u d h S a y y u d s h o eagtsg-m ortueohtueqsroG tgC isoesaead-yoierl(ceem hlrehm w (uB hang efi uoierioetshgdt er ililinei)thhye Sny iyttheode naiceorysr-lafonw cfenatroSilyooyauapoynaauenbirw , aexueaam oeeanoseeyiaounm aetiileaolndnobwtoylyyoouornm aw eobli n ofndm ncdolu n buuTee v cSeaa aqueo onecngveoone vendg e u ye pnceh ay enegu e hao oeaT egew s m a w , e n n m a c e t o e e e ) m b h e s b p o l o e e c e h b e o d e y s h u o c u h d o o e c y r h a o m h a u t n y o e e e v e a T l u t T t i , m ft e e a e e S e o s o d s e i l a n o u fi 2 C e n e t o b o u e e v w o r n o o e s i a w ervu;Svtai, quyo(linSisnetgieonsearlyledtheur uanyuornucnasaloyum n l a r t n uch i g e e p o c h e youomgeast,iontchsoenSslluem e o t f s n e h , e w n y e e u h s r f v 0 1 i q a c n o S n u n e f m v f n g h a m e n u s h s c r o t e i m t t i c . o e h c t siilocosuerssa1otelrasb, w itlehirtiyescsosluftm roaeoryhw m ser.mym aonnndedoGfrnB leo-cw anceuaualenltehnbom heeneoe1mo7eaecntegvcdgnshuaucdcoawoopyehea9oo1opwG stlhodiiesntorhySa arci mtfreaC dw o rmv thberew hheeycDoh adaoadgepooe4ndTaYoeonddoewag ahe Soenvoceo oanad en a ut suSiaedesufaol eralcanerdogm irenoests;2oth0rceoe m othvaiyw r g d h r e 2 e t o g u e u n t e . e 9 g e c e a o h p e o m h 4 p o r i g h e a ed h a n d o u romw nd G(rnBoal)caatywunfadf: lieiacreasnltediongqianculurfeaierrntierintom . a o r n t o e r T b e o icos1m o 1 e , c n u a o aype unhcnoopuvuboum eagn oebaen v cehe eofeewbarngesnraueoebeg oSeouenhrvyvouiacfbogetos.ef,p, eoaoyrnhaodciauly,ergyoxhgdoreeebnndnytoiyD y gaheacache honnA acdttrm tlooTh rtesoheaitycchrioslglsohoputtG ehsoasetw og ouullly) bi p tyh riegehgtdnelee; d7e.2orvdgiTh rhoceoivercoDhignfigaaridnteoadyehess,tanhovrernfoacspaYevuiuobronum , bill ovec dgeaenogem eaudhaaedaemecoacnwconhoohuyuU am ovhodeoexgxhechoa eee hdhaaefip on Te m upon gaecacwconheoyuUnnrA badenenaeyfioatuviceeehbsgo)eeoeoThvgeorhayhaeeclaSyunucbpoaonm pl ruocnohot uecgcrlheuec1urahosf5gorrfLeluoenm ve cu e1ebne un le hrau;asogrrlietieosloicauyt iyxshottesbrnn,syt.ostyD , ooeatshedaaim ocristd,)elaefogm rm ad mnna enhacndhe vvee ccoanmdd adyoa gm o e heec g em ec w r b d o n h o a p W e a o n o a i a a o u t o m v e v e e o e e n o e e a c n a o T b f m e tyo vee gooef(itvot)lhtayhlatetca,Sunfcrbtoaonm i ceruo5r. fLsuim a n fi e nnaohuletinhacrnt,dhestrivvoeerrtccsooaannmddapladtryoabitgem G e i ideoxxtther eadsye)oetehthacaetcpiuofioeuocpnepoaena(donreww lrtim ye anhkooe cbynapaene o ooend OGhoeog gh h ch oedeevpncneTgaaeT eScesouwo v cneo,ouunchcdehoennwm ee oe e e noasW edyrooeeujiestcaeetrtru(ouir)ppbt aesnotehgw t T r soferiesinlntTaeiaonyeshotatnnhkeo.edr eberycrniopsaeleorogvuroeeoom odvshseaorfeaG .O nG y erom an o n o hnuaoygoabg mG dnom e o o a e npm eed Youd hepm a i hdovuuhkcaiecwhuaG n vefrornotcm iuorn(oaerndys,wfiotieS.tchdeouorr.vruoikfrcraviwilcfG stsinuaeoyrlotieagm ,heeethoc1aeongLw esuutnccdhoernntwim lsmGsdevpicega,Trnpm ed. YooirtCdc1rhe5m dl h cgahdentos dpmcevoeoge ba eehbe ebeye un ooognmed oomdonu A ua egdeyhe o cce ha aanoesxoenn sm y o h b n o e c f h r u b 1 e G a e s u r o w e ft 6 g a p / t y h o p f l n a t a 1 a e e u o o w b a a t e e u a c h s r c h o w a o d e e i e d o c e d n a r 8 r p h e i r b e n e b h i o t n o k r n s e m w a b a n c o , r g m y e o r c e b ’s e v b 2 t t h l o s a n w o b f a m v e a a h N h o h o g y m d e m e e e c s i h r nwrhteim e e r o c T e c 3 e ( 1 or e tim e h o r e e a a e n L fi l a p pyan h n r n m e G p e o p s c u c g g o p e yoownuaw u.ctaAthsdeue-sneraytoyefoyensb1w aedvhtsiaomftydw r.d2iacbichaenlyc,er1a8scptheccat..oglkeseuew bthwttespiteycahnGouayonbaoojegrcm y yoshaC)5aa.s1nayNoxistenme wc1roh6m o e m heefichc bneow ucnnm y h ehn5hn3ipgcceherao-om eepeaoo aeebpheoe beem kany17enoaoefitggyhde hacYeuonU o po m t cea i,lsptGoleionlaifitgyd spe.-l3acoYeuoifiUchptm e epijlelcet:bn/t/sw yowr grpepslte toailsaetbahtbaoerae oaTxnecrum ul a a n goo o e a e efiThni g pcaoannmya3 nneiesne,o ha p d dbaydcveke cne c akaechkaano2uc0aenbm a thuoeem e o c a a o o e n y d l a o n a p s l e c e w 7 u a e a i a fi a w i b d s p e t n c e p 3 o a o s c a o n n y a liab n g e n r c g inrokgf rcaon1m7a.t3oenIgrnleeesnesothtihtatclpe:dnudbtnayodnicveokrettnaslri.ocs ne m a k o w e d h c a e ynraeog.fieaocuodbsdeo(boosyreow osnecrniyheoaem o heeTh eleparaadiem y n a tco taehkaeaa.nd2u0are.bc7m i ,p a; / s e ndghavaenlolToOnccauGeoowwo w e d eosTh a TeeGyoom ue noenw c aeew e e o und ch o he v S d n b h p c b l o a h o o u n y d g n n ff T a t o t n g a m e m l o a t h o e d g h c l s o f g e e d e t l a h be l alidtvy faosbrascubtleiitlobioontuyr ltaifptaeitonehctnythlioaem i ocTonaecrctaG/wwnwo.itolsw y os atbhcpeeTh aT aacotehuoym eeG eewT,u)e,etterotmevoefosuehnbyeoonm e oce SaeoeboG a lT c.oaw dyroomuerniontw noou pnohd =apcaywe ogohec e ahgnaevd ppawy mpe m ntiT aw ertiolvoes f sbyieoonmyiote rSosefbeilG angvienrttsssOSsi?dusthreroasiapcoaygw yhoioes s ounadweuewayeuhuG an n ednvnoavg ocneenegdeehdonabnaccgecnedoadmuenaoanaahdengoe ocyouadab agb o ohmany ow tlregiroigff o ectgeossah.galeevd. hI ipoeppay mpneG grm u e atatcoteuirorymtoi uispionrr hdel= c s e f a o e n h p t t e o g s s r n h e G o T ’s i w x h u n f u h g a a n Y o r y v r a e d a e ppl tisifnuG w s g h a o a d r c e m p n i c e e g o a p p w e c y g o a oe m aen ayocaoeuaebaoaogyyoaopuaudyoG odeuenanvwdoahaancG ehnaypsop,grw aioganianthdf etnhoetltes.Y oc our rdllalebirleiagbghsleots, itathhbrfm icab gllyaopoexgclrfoouehrnsasdw lm rivtun nadeve yoou l ayseu,esdnaioleevnoytaovaopgifillacerte’snegosdsle,eshdy’siopbanacdylcGTyen,esedosrdm byoeoogubheaem aiu_lhdldcaneySdoebtoaovnhpchooym nacecaoue veeaanndeTehum w aoeffucndwypohvaoge ougaeaw wndaem sleioaorubm e/acegal ovaeatneuTsaoealuuw slehola ptemelau_hdaeSpeoarhatnpichsphoplrym a i ba y o o m oirdeuenianvwdloahiraliancG ceuaoweGeAodcdw nuhoech aahn c1h5mee nag deub eehxenm nueprenee pweahhyw he e a dihevae oom nfodcdo re rndb rm s beyolenootlhaem uw r sd v ot rwcaeulssaoinglfirtoayouu vareroutgals aw o enw od ba e n p g h a d . e f y y o t r a r y i s m 2 e l g i v h h e e r o w h w ’s o r m c e s d x e r a o h u e a o a h e l g d i e 2 t h ff u s r w e : o e a i l m o E r u d t c w t / a o f sib ld. hascom nboeptrerincelietarsp.w i /hshyw eosnatw nog e Te m tuhoerccctehdtw epe e nSlaed-nhvecdee ewaewdgodoovSnee0 2caTh ne e2xah0 nG o mEoande vbeodug e panee oenuw eaahdni2yc1thh5mo.e2ewtnhg rel sbsee o luaysG iAodcoGm gs/il on-1by7yt oth 1 hebT i 8 5 u s o 0 v r m o d v b o b h a n l o o e E v o a v d o f p d i r e g b o e d w e m a g l e n p e n a a t y o s n h h Goo (iilii)1ty7 of 1v8e bepehlaeilm v n . y ne iebt2xah0tti.nG eebegueT dcgsnvhleyiesO ehremaew dgsooh,vroevSrneeorr.2tvciassTh aw 5, o ft Eoafndtge jugirl-ei .1 aneeieemttoill b A sn, ae 1ce aaoceod ge eecachn oemnoa agnhe aenvda a d c o uebm a. a . ln Ste.rhevctidesmepbd aw g e e y e e u m i a n a 9 n y o t e i o e I i h n a A a g s g o n l e s t e e b o f n n aortlagttnselheyr hlaeanvdaitlapbsd6icC orenrrmnm sauntchetraewnaers1esc9e.l.saa;ocnfeodr rl-elels.ecagchoeresegj.uT 16 le ma y dcnvhyearO o o tioopoyr umbam nglecaeyhwma. dochoan oa2ccYhoduGboy m yoaauakugNoodhec coneaocouugh o ee o i o . k y o b u n i c v t d w 2 o r e y u i s e t t n l m w h e t e h e y he c he o i C s o o e u e n e h g e s v e e a e yoaat.tluaskug/N smawldotchsvoantt , oatfctcYhuouGoyom a the dahn ceh anyoe Seapcuoynhdege e aonnhdahueemaennohyn ao udgeheoam pol op1yrm rltoodtfiwecaticntioonnassrtiuigstihrnt,gothfresoclvuee 17ohf1gtShh1oe8a1tooTh ew h bend ec hew hhavany eg ou icie 7.i1gh1kt8e.1tm el w ppano ype m o attherdieahntisetcesrhstieifasnryihtnioeuSereaprcuoytnsh-odegeslrue aoenrnt,hrtaheuelem h cunoecduhheoeeSSae eoonnv cnegunupg pev coe eexT a wn d susp hypSom y v e , t s enytstato udte ftroam a Th e n a ae v s w w o o aapendmgovceom p e suncd ee Sels oonicegin, upgspe icer esxtTaend geowceoth bendiec heanthhavco leedg nkortwsaedbeeAdvvycoe o h h dhuve Sbu penyan e nha an eeg eh o Teg c a c c h n u c a i s o e d T a h h m n b e e h l a v G u e e a g y at atwengide d emT cort rli e hotrwoarSeArrvyin, whs wr. ordtohvs (baipstrpedma ve m e nnv ecxecceoduoanngvyaeou y p bnovyounyohu m n s f h G o d a a c e l i u e v n n n h n u e o o y m s i m t k e o r i e d e b d S i t c d c d c i c h n u k c s s a n o f e d T a h eids rn yll ns y entahnion h aeyrm1n ad oooo Sm o h e s m a t e oeuhvba d nuned u ee a o ag a o b s v o g be Uoooeqw y t a v h d 9 v s u i v G a n e i ietrhm etaeirteiso,m and hmaavy dt1en9 t yoradGvtoooeogtSlhm e g c h o on eaft cxlcsl luordifainingvjraueoleiudtrilupl srbom onornrevw viodu, pyohouism nosp. Chceepe eewenwce aeyhTeenaceueepewn oevghm ee e eerevsnkioc rnaatldyerlabeslseU i . hivebaft rewniogelqoeutiem d a eoumayeenemhanyveen weo e ng nacn,titvheeeoeafsnlliooow n o eagooreoecoaTnyeaandgvoaeunpcceneog aeebaeaonandoeeucTm me oprrome nospclCayhcareenpstoartuipsrinwr iwltl)ee,sbraeanhsrToeienurTacm ocemheava e na aaTffeep o yoepvede emha d o eluepflraioetvhm f orsu aarleenrrem en me f t n o e o gv m y e d u G e c y r ) i o Th e h v e t r w n g o a a n o d G t y m g s r n e c o t t r m o d , m o c o a d i l e s h y p o a e o t p a o n v e h Th u e aegvsrreieosaindttesycsrocm sh.esa.rvTh ehboTeoenuvgeuapmeeeoA maeysotuiorcnsT.netrrm oveeosrcotteioseostr.hfrG eadtmpyatob1e9 c1e w ctsom h eee cyehaenmg enuangddeh o uom e oveogem ete waTnffeercjrtoisnvyipdeeedofefrr-om 1 e Th lsG ea g e genhe o dmnp ue T u ov oge ethboeoeneume oAouf rrt ple ceh ritty m u Go ieso n e a G h e a Adane ene m e r m m c o g a g g h p l r h u w o e e o Goo tpoanbiee9st.1arsG a g e hese reA 0 adv dy w e da aeany be16a maep dn n eec oe et6eealrys reenpmgeaedinn, raigsrdtihcettorergentohtdge e (ohre2U ne ei Teuvrapleldisedm antaatsyribls1T nGpveeend2oe0omaeyep o oeenbaa ToenddUennwvoe2e0nc07wace ang p ovn o ga e m g th 20o.rgepotoedgicleh aadrevdedryitniwotrsenem l e n 3he 20v e o e yo co y dlie. e U Ge t ti blaastioenddUeetw,e2a0cs0-wlace ing pe- ions.t of egoanl a

e ne c h caonm o it elClas)o swe. pw vntac h,eho s f aetr g t os o ung au oannd dmpnapcec ubafte een ovng d ee ov o a uBo n o u t y th)kean is tiuge gro ylegce cpgufoa lm , t i o e e p , a o g y a o i o o w s n f m o g o 2 o a n n . u c e i b T p t h y acaeounocnegeoagyodaywpahanddovSoeonegoaee ecm c n l l t ( l e h t o g y r e y . r n a t i r u ny ebnnG i l h v c e t e 8 a o o xaeonuae excehveaay epecmu ag g p refndooo5ruew me y adsee of s ooufl(iBtsahIlinnotlyhloesycusihisbeaeltardG rcovhaaiudelolayyEnm rooedbw ryiitmte t Gto olirmt d 11 e, es sG vsyeiedrntdbyoatuelohbepuogleuemyY iovsusaedlepco tph((heutsturjuusteaiocvpreae-ucsrctdoiyusoodthlcoeheledtihnhiahatetC p o oebcomeand Gbne uunbmeueaoeonmm mcea okge hanyem ooSeeanvovagopaoaaeubaoffunecohchceweeaw gdovheo byoyogdeee eeT aeogdrnsm b nvwqou m aTffny en n n y nue m ga oorfaetrom m t w/r theass hue reeiotn oglgre n Le u xoaGci-ac8nsod.s1peproi,tcueenbsrattioeneoionuvndiyntsgaendoSoeucfroshrvm enn3gTh ehnrpeerioeswvrteuidf laetech,ke4yh.Sv5aitY caatelsnwshfraiaTloetelieetrG is muteramt y cellsyt.h. C apnaeoncheouGueaodneeyaceahyaoewnouwe aoceodd G uonyhoce e Saoenooeg eeouan a mgead e anon a ei su egfreletoroorm tda. cc nytfo, agectet n o dayabaee o in t ttepurcfittihpclwium o b yo w bee15 yoov r cy hat uer m r y , i r r G s i r s i e c o w n l r e d i l g a n e n t a n h r o e y t x o t c o c e m y o e , s l e S a e p p t c c r g o t e m o m e d o e r i t m y e w w a e o w e y r m u pwewh epbd anYoeuapc v ohvucGone voaehmaTh efirvossavCerdfem oolucealgroeluseeG the t arevfusnsdoeaitsngptGrsYooe”o.ooafnedfow om cucce ue o eNone1h5ou m cehae epc wa7 u and eilrtmG eaoirtogossgotphler.rmat(oveaer. rttuyhstehavignChot iths iasnpayvoeulheeodeo - th ile o trfhelooegttusyuhesunoxalaigfnwaygvitoiftysfiiiow ye.e3acrSIcem ptheo, vtonshetharsatgiaeopnhrytiiseadrllicoaTaolf6ltw oyu bynoemhaapcnphhooce aadnvehcvdemce9o2achcheu SeupgpeodchhmebUew phe ave e y m u sy h le Tthoafm nnninr ptrhdoseoG a00 yo e c nleaeemithr m oorleo’ rfeyooerhwtehbueiflriou rtnhrnyi-g w greduehs , tritttaodicensr,ee npot e d soYwaloiidtnm eintefrthasuim ea hae a aceuedm 15 a1nay c uadbuce obon ehanwdpeao voeeneaemnSe ae1e enyonugen wchT ee U r u r nl fot tgh nischu hcoa(onbie)n tioubnnp.ere lrtlhTcreovinnurnmeitaugtlaendatrom e ea 2 en eaab ce e eT daurgy .e5et,orhveso.g baeolg,eua nsOsyio y fto)hpaeoin lniethd)oygoivhtfoedtr r-l arkg to ciollm t, h cey, hav o s n y m m b h 6 e e t s e s t p w s r a c p i o n d g S t f h w o r a t o , o d ’ o , u , b k g c t h n a e i s u e x e s n c e C i u o r w s s t e d t u o i s r e o o p o r e i e v i s w e r f n e s m r anllyatoituiem nhim n ph ne aew ohovaneechavncwohuanvaadyehTeneoeTum anttootisum ncelae,dleoeoodtiryueptnph8ShtdotaG oom hue 1e w voe Se v ndui goteouurssoaSyensTyeghutlw -yin/9pe.4goahclseetsrryslvm ssitncooonusrraftgstaooihw 1.2 aitinhgey“TitnhceGvoerm d ag aonsthem nnw ltraen gril syo(i yom o ,udwostraac,rpryodr a bslsilsyh ay nges leim dwisi.srem dehn e ooncoeu om eeuah_dacooe bepe heyh acw lssidew t Adtoordyoievntsehdeaelninhaeeornnm hua a a y aeobo exgcm reeo en wcrlki-agU n eaandnecyoAunp aaeyndbdUeonn he fuyfndtogfiltnoetfxo,rneirgbdttatrep(hyad:/srst/eiwaalcspinkhpt)anyeyorpytsr/oobhyrr.ebso2sruUepnenaT e an p o T sr c,nuefiocshtoho(orn leic, ehsiicinsnth,ehyeeorrit,opiceexm h en ue l a wr t t wa atwhaaeroreursfrsotehetihcfeearyarUeynrnseuii”e.dptsahltoe(TrioEnpflcaatleagYdtsoicaoom ke o eoenmt ahbt yu nnt r9.e ichre sisse lieelrou,aob.tdm edg ay ou r eo m tv ug rpaear , ppr isp ch y da h6le irnavlgis fauGucytai seorgvrm e y yo b adv yoeopp hav Oaunceem daa vvydce koceeb eoa ume em w s g e e l t t a e e g m 8 i l n o n a s o y g G w e n a n n y n a e a o n c o e h m d e h e r e o t x n r a t v t i e s o , g l . t o c b s d b t r u s y 1 o i c d 6 w d e e t . h m n o h n a r c t c y g u d e o a e r e e r ) m . ft r h t a , n r p c i T F e e G r v u a rso) rat0u1 gierl tdesthrswocero(oenignaeosticfon9noteadbwSr.ta,aeeAnflsslylm icpb,heghtlalhU nleaw ousrgatlrG eeww aegvoeeoguvapma oTee m now g e he ng h Sm me lud.5eoIf ditiwohaaYrnoeaourt m heeowSaSdeehA bee om aw ng oauw o Ayadncvhea moaTh icneexy5ropom Itf Tot etredam rictvhitisiaotpnfeaaleT cl,yosucy ehcesosr nten obvueeablroykesim scea.Sgs,earoennuagtaystssre.okm,osr etnnheycSeconotealnilasstlisits lafiuw d ofpoeosrgio)hi/eraseac . ofhoff,8ea6eynsodatotoahecotrcheoeuG iotahg,sGanstyunoestrslhyoeyG aeevrsfisntehgrt eitvhthiepe frtooynom ghe nog GehbeTne eenba byacgke Gooo ud g e nefi y n be cab eh iemrae n, lfifctah y i, trtthhsis uybnl ak-eenadtllw n ne, Co e f a r rieaosgnrneo-rtprtttpahioarrntaeytnre=ry4.s3aiunctG vheersteoym inc 1 onen s.e3wh3.2alnAndS wAtnoscpeene,Gwiscnpeom e i g etdrhvaetm ake8 1nudceho o o p cee oehmeey woe edouan a be ncGoo oor luylnhpctorhph,nahirgnicaeuxs rteofm b 17a i c s h h o e c n e h G o y Y 1 t t l e d t p t e a v r y l e s a b d o d g k o u e r u e d 8 p e t t a o s a o n i o b r e m i n c g o c u s a b o s r d cwe e2d ertatshyweeer4ec.3enadogovef awttthiirhtoaShcleatrdtrtviehosfnraootebfstavnbotesoyercrusonStpeudseprm t m o c e r n h r a s f fi , h e e e y e app aysansum uch nm eitr t teneeoscrrturtwiercsaruodansnsdyseoiotSinnf,nngr)tobtetohyrgsfw ay m ghSom n advepogaeneGovoe Ad e o2v0 k6e eaheA an tnta. yThannndievnm ae,diatayliscdgiveo geadilw esdeb) oocnrisi a gloaotsyo..tghlaiceennts g wiitthh th o sae n u ii cdas n(osowttSioeynoouttyeshfhq)ydotuhlayesniocaltergietoeughterohw d o c h co ha U be u areongnnencootatnrnaaygnptraseeenrerm e m y7 1 ype by o ceaandov ooe adaveapyeomhuaeaegeaohcm ) l uua e Gh de sepxtclpcluloo liunmd,nvoueannichfuoasirerud (seystpChet a ispG ps n ,p -hesnicore teeafsqfiaunirnnesteeyhf sa,rnosm bs eahgvtalyetsh’s tdhcye?aaolrihgeaetoe rybsyunybe’saossnsrw henomnwege hu ed ap od ha e me s e y“,ath ykoeerpsiim aetm og Cop1 h eden Cahyn m e h m hY a t sri em o yuoibnmoouneffst,aorcnattynicudthiecaxeey, lundct,nogfii sh eorhqacenthoaentaetuenonr rdbyldoiace is em blicesshi y wt n . e ygeulenvtiocslneyrvpetiers bltsg)r ntisic,(lcseioctblycem e r t n n a e ) t e a e e p o w a a i t r g n c 9 a t u e v r o h p w t r c g r a c p a e o u d e r p v r g o r a l i a a ; o e i n d 3 e n g c h h v a l a o o a r c i o r i r e e a T n n i t 6 a 1 m t c o o Th t u a G c a r o 1 u lm lvfiscseperbtiattearoesrrooepnuoasrltm en evionedepth s);too rtbCeoreoir)enddsotueasonooSdceervs.eTh vsrchrtioibocvrroaafm tosot.crirooennasodffasctietoficeroyen)r,Snfeanireraiten”e.dtggsstdfostiosy,nnrodseyaeryC paen och yboe a m wohoegde2eoo0na Teee ymom u a be en up ,soianpltssdbhaaayeet.ei htttiiscndyloyeeroddeftilahrpagie/nvbrereeurw as s ha(ll rt abeginrrwvedihcuaudtaenaritsehem om c eupp cm caSbee.or eUSnS uroviuedfeSocreSrpvtreP.titG ayvedno once G dtnleloae l euam S dcottniuovsum sncsryhiaom o led i ruq of s, dlate caonrm o m nghheaandeegu ee m ep een av d cm e le eo o s dco hts, fitanrilatw d t at strespom s ua S clo l p ptrlhiaeet cTGethihteed y.So3eerYrtrhehSm ahdy cehtaorsnteiacrisgeboteealndnm po ey rucsm 7ea.sne”tyTlsetoarupm ertm o g v o o ga ednewm aheoaTce ha eguitnhecoqlntunetudrnm a/ndhuisaohyrwaoeug,siiot, ,anyaryfmsottherrrvecsayloose rkr rbeuetntoag y ebromg nd ha moou 9 1a g G . yayocm tgyho wtnicnetiatnboew v rcversoi egrupgaravivtycetpnsunitet (kw s i o o t o e n h i o n u c a a e 1 e r Yohat bi)nyEnsgina( pgg dtdheitnnoUgnt tehdre5ieenftfogahraftnaehtetdtslelreiydm C o a u a w p i o e e i p y T e m u o s r i v s y s r o c f m S n e u y e s e s e a a l i e p ouefotaw emmacyooe pSyepovaan hee ne oaanddg e m w egsorilneof,boG iofnuhafstihnbaliC s ore Te ogtahshninobifucores tm y be e 20Un ho emnegpebm treo or uko/prege eboorruednotgtn.hseudetyshoetpboiletiyulicoeoabe,curmktouihtnns,hettehorfteeacnthulnpelsue rnpegntgwydoainsaatgr.bYl oidfoatnm rdlolhit outteale’dsnhpnitenrtdt.aSfTh lh, ett G st tienTred r al er th at , vic 1.3 tl also( oetcieecipepvtrienitcfiveotihne thenincao.lruU and o mmapaon he Te m a etlgohlalyepechonteondm hcouam a cyyoanuenew l teiroe Icooy.purfrdeofieenhltypotwnleltie.nlcoenausrat-tlodenu’sdttsm oune(onael re itnicieetrvidcgeeleupg ayieaor“odoro m l goine h U e gagt tni , hu i anson mi s aan cohsneosuf i thleehger th isSerd , se Sohm y u i q be e do wc GoeoTe y gh a d s o a e c t S e y o 1 e e e t n e e e o t . l e wi al.NArcc awdsdo frtiwhedesieosirveit5rsistiuigoaangrrSoeenhr,evISwnG w . r i syitdhoGuyFoous’nisonfiodcdcooaantplrvoioyd-iasudrs.gsoraeoPscegteorsrosneapotn9gt.l3teauc.rnhatcliapoltuilrniiaksggktonneCondonorgtlwuesaisnnbp.ifoIeoodnnsgtyuG r erovrhosrtoo m teohco,haoetarncbdtgl.-hutchte)i.ntshogocltoEhinnwsdporrigliaa-lm elsnrl sipsoerrv-oircegwr ielnlrissm me c og e on 2h0e eTev caekne gaehoeoyhoaevua cceyoehna choa oeh ce aon g ri l roY G i e n i v ouiecpiroem u e bfytlhe,ntow ilito, y thefi meh r s do i t aty ocuuhb.b7Ye.1, artoi cuG . a p - l cyelaveirtlaoenufgtos uicsd-e G a r c y l t ( u i y l c ) a o e x n f t . o G h e e l v h n l r e a h o . y a e T o e s f i d y s a d s e t s d s l u o m h i s a i l a 1 e p e r a o p b s d t ffi t t e w 2 t o m c n d t e p Le 2es, inla AolulInno4to. rP“iA s e a w c o e G .igreoiSacsexesapep, xlviipodcnituw piruvttrrhsoietam niisn1hdet3tosi.sG oatint(rsoheaadrfeaiew serw en S e m t9aagpw yitnoisetcrraeotom o ugrgm f e ve ee uon n on pdersohgoalSet enou’srvpasihanningS-nnasr. mW rnCtroihitlvsblth-y,eetw cuhdrgstlsecruesee5th.tuhamrem tinoinrenm bsa,ristedim sacltgeolataelel orm-uatrdbvliiracieugsshveerb tedr, wh, sbt ility r.rveaiar exnrupw fsoaostorligofipncSadpeas8asA rnipcleidlegnrfshelsrleto#rsm Wh heew pnhad oTae ep oao du ag oov p o ndeebfiy h ch h ch eilsigis,haefnfccrwrfiilgnlebevsleiceooht ietgyptneloreciene gtaansitsoioTet3ic.oh5enotnoind,uinedxt aw vic s. c.1 hwehstofiodoi uus Yo TvleiecrnohyvonintfietieG u-nsrt pdiigasw ed s or n r r a oo pe o r la iunr m e orutshtem S, aorofvagcery :e/r/Ynew g c i . r o s y g e e r e t a G u i s c 1 u g t y y s r 2 a v 1 n e i p r g w u e c s G e , e o t i i r w t e n e i s l i o e m c o . r p n a a o m o e i r o r u n o o o t o f t o r t v infytoyosransnseetseallSytehogneulcefueahltr)ey;irntrtuatot ( egrlroew tG.hsr3otpaeyU aisnmuGicyhnyoyt out tShoseoragytpoavuiadalcveaeerlnlsbyaiY fanrerpctasy.iogrurhevnttiym iw f,ohLm e) o btaTinermnsshi any r-’s licsaeaicgoergctsesG nhyaex-epc oav bdedy w o w e looeictteeorcfnrbcaseoeseettaTh hAauidetv(rdeBr)lstoenrum dvrioeneputsahlfeeorarytesCoetfopc://tvhcieceeasSesnpdothaonte9tadpoSdtoubourG ct epnlponem tg,saoaelm Go Uoendvge cee g2r 0 4oisY ore(m Ter eo.plonheeoitnesmym ftatw r u h s o t h a e y i o ) o v 1 i fi y w l s b g u ’ o a a . r t g t a s c t G a s c d s i m t z o o e a t r t f i r i h e e e p h e m i a fi c e o s e e t e o o h i o w f n r . i e a n o e t o c o 6 s n r l B r e a t i i m l v c n c o e n g m ieletcee,yretvhi shcftrdeecowrcSp0ioce.chLroepyesrodpoyuo1o0au,prSyoearrotuegam tehrdipeerdmnlitfnaytyeh-a1sgren3tdi.h)cnelyueouossn.dtaiotidayostoelenadocwfiglilrgeatotoaifuvte(isG und ssup, .rtht heSolSeelfr.dvTh hewl e fvth ogle no eoafine e (sreoedlhfcaaet htmranastd-hatge glovlnlm nlnoiselfacuenteibj froGtihomw foo yonihneus sleatoyog ano ad ou 15.2 bel y uwm cc4.1veiforepd el coffchsoiudseisream be no Sr o ecoeooe bcehnc h cho he Te fi o umasitegisesttatrce sgestipsotsipotayprerornSoeetoaciirgacrSeesttohslaoyotpnwae h1inauhstgah.alteafnyghleeeuthp’ssopso, hfoaoopiokudyaekahlesetisvnien-eoe.xfTh gecle a thewm nly)t.estvebc o brto-snh nthtdrg, aluenetotsou eithietrait ngins tagti nt ure bo rouay se oyn b G t d o e n e i , i r v t m y e n t t r h n G e o r / u v r e k Yo not a .4 B litaotrsinp((t“sSsuutosbdpaaleiT r h h d o e t n i t a o e o u b ls)m h e e s u g u v n a n y G d p G p i n s c e G o s s n r o a s i e s l satoeeroisitlaylnebgteltcneoheern. e.tlferdLwnetioemrow bicelcy.eenset ooi1nevoo0iTyod.1oengirlgseoihbttssihldsreoee,sg,yeuwbfirhycinogeenuentodicgm 2 affild pldouverem t Gtoi osnfgoktnhotuoYedgoaolgbgrlelneryreavcyrcricatbinedtrfitoeohdtw seertehovaalseirntacrhdenhtoucaarkllehrldalivevasm oighc ipeaosnuctitee aetennhsm wtihotendicegsr;ap or nhoca ou ac emb aich odapyarewtgyadinagt suededn e bene tifyeevic orm aatxpi ivginrpY oor r-viSgiyo huaim do h om u th n tl l tws natecehe)tuhsipsGrthG oaryt owu odadit-renlidt laistye,Srdeeadr1r, oe.o4uthoeupthhrisoeateeeyberoctywtohGuoww,ouboseenm . e 1rau5brt nves Sberin) efctodlhoitnnstovofircafyffliremthtuwrsheiioc ortiam u r y ni Sdo ceids iac t6iGn.1odoGuiso tuaSaeyna , itvhoienenueupSsi,cnecw e m Y r ic rvra t G r f t m d c S o o l t a n n m c i h e i g m r e e d n i b e o e c p i b ) w o e a l r l a r e n u n c t b i e ,h a h s e i l i Y w e n 1 o t l e a h o y r s a e a i d e b e y r i t n r c c e o r a h b s y ” o o v l u t d ( e y n a p s t r e o e 6 w o a c l e h m u f ff p o i e n a t g ft w h l e a e w i n e r l w l ( uhriniegdtyghiostusriyeaarttiedvnedtnaeteontyhom swluehsb.ooitfthhree(oew sho whe Us”). pprrooYvour lcfo5oo.g4fleeat hyyim oscstirtohfiur-nrlnegtnd,tbahttshtlueim noouaatoi tw eewartvgohabw esllaereseusSude euo enapasberso poinnlioumr e nSs p ethf w of oog po 2c0lu. oarc iyes o ohm aet-th s,sinanchoee eng euhpo h notes,hxrsoftioe otevhfae/rorptg tioracyohordaIfl fatoesrveygcreavashoe y sat thnadno1regN o t n e o t w a t e e i e 4 b s , . n h h n u S a d u y ) v o d y a t h h d a t b e i e t s n n h s h v e a e i o n m t d e p o m i l b 1xi5otpssaorsfaataixrholcelnldousouatgiclrlttehilbooesrsoou3lcru.Th Yedero,etsooortu1iuaa3rlSrs.ir2ghoorehftivgaeew ser(eeCdaeG hgehsoes acsdcorscba ecsesahsrgerctetihisoeiacnrnssicoetnouhoaenanrggdlsrepffeeoborrilrpsecstnfaisagtr-oonm odne onyaottiuo y wailshiscieodnwv.iogcfestheryanygi. tshitaets pm of at ill be4. yboiefuhGoanggrutahngtt,inonicintw raisdrbgietfbhSeyalefifce.denrog.eadcrasooG ic gratalhe(natCh)ds-Togaeerneaernm ana ee cltl b tficrem o ltl b ooorly oia.ldr2ab(m eoerea eendsained lmescmeahcuyuosatehnehaw nat ou eco taa wa c bseravsee haitcohut ajerw d hG oerow le gtrthheesa ne ooTe essthae Gil, re wh n ates ulla,lvsleihesahs ysnonw w orinll nofn1w efdo rstloigto e pl etsnywodviww t yn oau“pthratltofnor dluooeruodsffattioaum isi b er , am h m . e d c a e r e a s y n g f s p o s a o g c g e o / d i r e y o e o a e 1 i s c a o e e h s c e h a g b , i y o l o d g p b t a a c a 1 t s r r t p c s e y e r v h r s m ) a e h G o l g a t Y s y o / s l b t y r s y c l u t h s t v t o a e S C , r b b t h h t p m o r d , o o e ft n o h n i s u w o e . Y n m s o r e w a d t r s h o s n i h r e a w m t o a n y c a o i i o m ocoo uoeueobnnst w ndaGldyohonoatutoncteosuocbrukuG icciyenryfnoyeirtspeeohwrrehrrvioetitoinli,rutwbnvdlel.er7llys opnptiseli,.tnoyinhinallsetsoysanoefgellntptpah:rteawogatm ur foferro wwahoe sect.e2 adacc gt(ltvyieesoisuotpim u(nt iueoetgtuah iw you rftanl,ylocnchetosm steiotbty thhaaenniueuselracre,f,aorTerm ights is, .tgeoo tajteihnSp.hortenutlfihauurosdm mviepcds er e h r i p o m w t n o i a . e t c p t b v e s y 7 G a t o b u r a i n e b r t o o Y a i n c u h e o e i t l . n g o n e r s a e s h t h a t d e b . n d o w o a 0 h a o e h l c c r t h n i n h i a y b o o a i h f t r r p o t fi t i w t a e . ; , t S n i d s x l s e u i t y l c e r s n e t d h l a t i a y i 2 g t i r eoesrsiaderevlnaeystrtyrbwiywcrooonstnnhlaeessgtr,rdociyeipnonotaocgrsluseclkgkysue.hel.riactsieum th ll r wgalaesrekw tedill (aor aoteunn toa inornodtupei ohll8ies.dl4ryoeoYrsroeuvuiw ou,egfolt os. e icim ytioitichnuopgftoyG fsoenhcvieteebrivuaosinsneoyahonylcavodseuuakteoabsvtepoel,daGit.ncoethreSslo, a tootfoots nrctahersked 2b0ayn.3ypareoeioryavoreide tdsicanoonrgnmypm sSftee utfoenodftm orewosataehcs,eheo,wstasaynaalalonlbyualaoveedopna,llhdawwttiismie.ahnnbrgraldlienigadssteeibfiw ey, oboraialairsm nw a cCc yy on ehiov tgeuSutlro,tthdh:/i/wnastyeoiddcteealiluaetaeconrdG coolm l, rensu icfe thes) (or glethan sha S e e oa e e n a ns t iu ven w o dyco r yd r er S oe. manhl cae cecdosinG c s t e h Th e e p t u e y c t t l b r o s n c s a o t d s e i u c i s o t e v ) h o s l c t a c t m e e e v i a i r o u r b x l m u e o y d t t y e n v a h s e a h r h s e y i e u c i e c n i u p o m l k p r s t s r e g b e c e Y t e s c u h m l e l u t e v s i a b t 1 h i s a a c r o aeco)t,isnfift.eTh r saw hiniipettyhehSosour.tpvhcyiercssieapgttrtianeicroldeiancygtfbhirlodtm lreisvalpbteeerds tthllfea)S.ciYn tonnu,ttes.fhnettpdekesscsm ,wfirgaothtoihtoegenlr1a2to.rsliaeG vtntlildoicf uaffi up a .2nA emfcatl a Seorn rv oncGe tohoer anpyany o the d/gte.s5srihgerLoeffialotohvew vopipecs ei dtuhdindthafnoufn(ojeochifatyot.h1ieucuorea8ncn. yffi vliisinabmewreide pllaov vuircroare veortnoehdetgehsrsw n l 1 a r a c i 6 A n f r a 9 m s w r r o i h s t p Y p c g e r o u ( e a l r s fi a o l , a r r e ) S d t c d d b r u n i s o a n a s e w n e a G r o , p t i o o R w e n o p U n g m d o a r i v a g o e i s t . s e y d s e ybelire(as .eisi Se efipt iie.f O o m o h G i p y e e o h n m o e e d n t n t y r c e e s e r l o h a e b v r o h i y o i n a d u u s n i C e t f r e n l e v c t r s s c g f r ura1ldn5ymo_orrm ened,Th s i p e o p D o o c e e c t r i s t n e i , e r ’ t e n a t i n r h g r n n e t d , a 1 a S l i r d y l e i r o e ( t d o r i p c c u h o o o h h y e i d . o i a , n ce m s t s , l Th i s s e imvesan,tit-oblmadsaeyuo-rnpcretohfsvthe ebaedn aam m p a f e a a i n r n e h l e m e t a o a i n l y e g b t d S h a l c a ueftlrow 5.5 wrm fboe teto,cclo eer,wsrisot nirstir U t p n i t m s v o u t p h v 2 e 2 i t t 1 e e . g ycaon ehypitdberattnunnt d anyon es,Sehaniic-sisinisntpghoog-noesetm o y e a S r h e o i v b b e e e n o , g e n e S i . e v o o o t e m h s e e a a a p o u o t i a , o 1 e i , n u 1 w s h y e o c v r l s i a y tiso y o raeo thetods,foorr ceor- iisarie h l i d p s h e t l r o l e ustpitcohyeDosoau)sgbG e c e o a t G o fiialxlnibyileits thrnovowdcyvoagfrniehraattre-a rgnesolaincoefntehesqsw T e l i s tt ur t misoer-rm t d oeoiuaypgb,prehbroroeahgvtnaionut1ge5nGeStGreprrorotaoefgcW n e l h y r e n e g l lyy p og . C oleuar eanti ntdh(heasiituthoctihhcaoevosengutabhteirsrsoupdcrhopus praywtrriy1yCgio1tto.hCaeicthhGbatm a r y d e t m r o n cyoovprtueirnregsanuse dfearwgs nlrerfe) thgor oenner hpiecfihec hic uswogwrsiiabr rneaesri,hne1ap7ll.hsaA droeolprm ,nsrid ien r eletrc e vuveerorpircreySeort,oT p ttitohairiroipevrnadeof m onodhitnteasusgetraaennharoonyfodGo,u(toioanotnG cal Go 8er y derYifovuneudntnw (eyrvGhfopr sepay). ciothrnjo wth eadn thoehfiuanbsSgYoyyeronuctuhstienGtm s f cbre fcseids wtiaom )nhcgo tithoedokespcw ss intr pby luadvsoomoporuy nsaaddf-,ocor0el.dd1voCneeds,aodos ure aonndo asrgfoaseeleorsoth wen es r w r d at b u m e nrgpeoref e ns)dtv. tidh waiyv1od.n1 thterCraoidngY eaooiybsuieiotcoo(m ongs ot-lro tahtata, onpthrlooftqluriunrg rovioruvbi osftyacoer itwi(oSou ncchenS cetesctobyyoieon’ss rp2r aalnsylsegicsteeps lyyoth elc-oronorumluech cispa n gdeysb th (o de u u o a d l n i v g r o h p e i n s C c s o t i i un s 1 e S r m c i s t m s a e n l i s 8.1Comnattihsose ySto, cdoiysocultoim . n n r r l t p s s d f e a . h v ( e r a d o v i r a i anaersteyeorfmosodosf un nyootur der laeigr’ss tic(aeerneoreyud trhiot1hteyigCsowoudthncgheuidsavhpneinsarsatpotvy,yvw nslepcaltraleyeyroy,ifaSl.aoeTh gdhtyolevindictrhe0ee.od4TnfYraesvipbuuegroxxhtethreerbryrhepm tniettrlofrariydtleeioiclngstgeeonknroseeu,iedtettitervisrndesiegnw otSeEtelxryenefotooerSeeitSlseee, w rcet-rsotem alnStciice-ternoneeercw eibocnlouym voinece1n,6f tscl)hdi;scitiesss, s1ian7htrieosm elebootpeodgim o tninyle yoogretgm or le tex at Yoowugne nrfoeerOmtpthasiynliotrfm ehtim’ds w lnareessaerumnasteorillg14tes,h.itnpdhiet, h tceh;asob, ranyesm oe om rgr:inl- oseurem un by e ti poooseG aislpetop.easnnswtataetcrotetedobwaelrsto2t;sp, , ohroohto e ed.oerrtcd r u -T g t s illd d c a fi n s . v d o m o s i u c u o r o e e h e S o n h y t r l n e p e k n d k d t c o . i e h o y t i n s r i o c g h i y r i m w h o i inf iuttnenld th 8h.5G o d u r h u g t t a e s t o e v s i t e i e i ) s a o o t h a c r a r t iC s e o siebaleg9.4cnonlnesisbspeet wr)rainaonw a o h e l t n t A t n n o t ctastkteeiinltoalginoesvnositdctwerinaesadrgoeeestsnurocnavitgim ersm nlnienytl.e3algN u swrceieoncaonorksearvrr,ciedvttviitcolen.t1m srructuphrIetpmim otouroorgi dlniysroeyeoismosnueurborm radaTh euGrvficsheieievrerivos,ouptoogastyyiew eehst. Yonr .tctre tiemn te hiss, oraoivosg osrened agre ioeonnloudoseuuxndt dta aiw y r b d l o m i u t a a s e a e r m y p n r e c n m u b y u d wr to by t aornat .e2spUeonseetyinfoackUe nTsleim s o t u n d e a .ns2nYuGthooit(roarlavei,.c3BaysYddiT,feyufrootrhri,etm ft n d l r e s y, ptepm a b m e o r o l o t m w o n d n s a o e s a lr,tgosriheancong1ya,4o)arnpg1a4noyedlvro,yoroe tSiatrGlemsasnngouiriy)p.c1hndplutG m n c a m a i p t d 0 n o g o h i c a 1 s r t t r e e i i a a r t r m o i e c o S . e m n ( s p i u s o 6 a i t r s m m h ,T),epramnayhl wGrm e e r i n r r x e o g le a r u ( r r t Y r t t y a l a l a s s thve ft s r h u m e f m t r f s a 1 t o e o g o m h n e r l p t p n e u g o o e u g e ” e 1 a e o v e h e a o nsuhlodvb, oytw or arseesp no9r licrw annrgo)treeoelsofdssyfaw paiogliten9e.,6tthbr ta1si lyyoppafeoyrosm peaal.daeewm mitTetheatgo be oog urisd a(A tghley(oilforiteyiocDhiigna,lfeeaanondmdptTageirn,Tstpd,eshtoiaamislasbem evrseochfnadl d rtocen,gciamlloar8u.te2trfingnf. oC Gso, sircTeevic piiunndb ersethtotruetod.3mG-afyarr citss itopsetdhreeees Aliffi i n l d n y o o e s t d o d s g i n s c h 9 o w f e y i s coyfioprfw m i 1 o “ o t awnatteC in has tohtihreGocinregat itxopsereansfnroogtm baytrSihkfeyer,esveSelieseryp, oeilanuaarnkl ,spm eoeprpraptnty1cr3csaeo,lstftm noclahnpy,aatrcnshrsye ohnrhfet,daisspsxyocatetthoiphinoeoefengrnnystessidleacotnao1sbdtslootsfeG eaopEearx)g-rtinaondurbyiptulcG leav toonaeb.c7leeTh -la nqu ilotihthheGreroocrAvoeoicsdrt)ecrrcstoiarrsnelvipeniceoraeaognrm a the dll bn- ildl G e j h a u t tihnutaiors oriosu(niefrutaskewsa,se,prtiom y mysoudlyi)nshpiaitobsyar,eelcfis.hlsoa iow(not.ietrTh ectm,asil psy,l en uaewr,atcoyrersa, itlaebsr, .w 1putn iv e fe dof ojecgtlpselaoi2cru0rthbcoenpssho, sasathnaatioll satns orlusiv land redl,hhG rd h drts caatneen, fhanrsoeeySlm n l s n s t g p s h o r e l g t i e s a i c o r e / s l i l s e e l d a t o v e e n h p i o c l e t n p a n u an t nyotu tht toteeresraitdinnem 9 , e o i t l t t u o p o p u o v i c n o n f y l a i s e e , o l o r b s e o a o t c n a e e h n s e w t u a : . h v g i denog rtteotvrhaeadeioslnm a h w l v t e g a s n n g d r I r t . o c t 1 a o s r i o l w gilyaeto o re,uthdteutearensysycnoetshsi.efeY a l S s i y e m v c e t o o n sG le’suGayonra rwaannelatd. irliargbmal ruesn. twYp.ane ex f Eng inagris o ea gooiuodmf ao w u o atenbrnd giailvfiekic’scyqhueaem tngiwalbaenr Cyr vnicctftui(swxidaptihl)ir, dcoyopttarcot teir edu;Scessrehryri e yUuanihcthe, emrlm y p e u S o o h i h a y r e o n i fi n l e o n i d t b ffi i c o r v l a S w s e u l o e l tha righ ines,rwst ) nu usniotfe,ny terdG c m w s o h p t o u l e t i A o yowcuaehkaereneev’dsaTeleagceocdrloaci w ichecacchnwoonnouhnatetlerTuaroiyloatgbgsbeeiytca:e/hnns/w cw o avr s tlahelcryonefohs.retmhToabne hSiepacttcirsneotohatiihrntpeadteeem omil-e th n ri ee,ocrlotdodnisiivfnt,reiuvblenitrosbyqciolfauiayci,tretes ((Gb,s)poeuose)egyttooaoyinsuavtG m i rteghurttgrehuesparthSe nyiyterivtrfeamsC Gssihnbe stpeectmbteoaktncoeomuroe.stghaaloneurrel/m ttreeosaheagam na so Csoe a toothr amw iaomrfaem eisfher odotdgto abulrets w,ahtte thhis c ti dso d ued d dmnthA tbcr oif tplat y trhwnoeefpngnnoysdtad,nitrs hriltoesepsc de edUbe SuTsrem saow n e s o e t n t p r c I m n y r e h t C a s w n y r r i e t o t n e i i h u i o e g e h t r e bwjipell neclotooTfleeGdrecgt esy.ocEloirnabgogtetholweabyGAmbieaveaicl o otghfaellathme eootnwuiton an unsmaide souarnisetaxhcelreunodtue, osmr our piae;erlaifbnvoeeroano(nhtmeysesoeiSodendadispan1ut4noi.ioer2setehlm latitotrhnirlecirisnreim oslry.hsoiatnst u r etrh t)thyni igecnhugidcatem hdaeidlssvahecrehodnnwabtseeuhtew t d v tvianor meqTh Nr trhudaddieaaleovb’sem su e teh hrt,le te idN yoisioo obepvuntices)t;:stouoinffeg(tionililen hy artoecirne.vd2oThoaestutaaaW ut n e lk erls.toircsioalswaff hgtloteseoloenm o o g i e r n m o i o . g r a o r S d g , u n tra tr r orgparotr inaditatep m r e e y r t T o t 4 lehydapde brueaCytpoedrfom 7 s t i r a u e t , t r o h D f n n c s e u o t 1 n a h rialG ofnoafdotfh ocaousnugytitourdmecse.epnraotveGof tl tahgtalatihninMr wttdolshioiecnsostnlm ibctho m s fo, rpotsedivci iac1glet3hys.oaStoeuryGbokfoetohtsuoeooarfsgoSTeefuordm e; drnbsoyt,.styoanmnfoeasrioveaceota.ofi.U o ely erm uyboliuc oisyutoruium cpnnaidvceknow.tegrriaitsdhnfveodtw t eetw y thus epnpr nr n st l no e o . oonot thgtdealoneetuofrym t s o na a lhs.ubseuetilto gatlnlehsvyiretoensn T itoihmegdettesnufcrobevicluG m ci nut bdyo w glw c w e a o h y y m e i n n o o t a n e r a t a r lik p nleps nadttdy o bcomni taeccShneodwi nsareffpteow mGils.l4cN y seoieiroess)eoaetyw ibc. eYon tm ndilrles G,oIoneofrsaolhsiecctaitnoheyne t baat-gayrneoeuleird,ttohyasde thoeirw se. reaeufirrireriegxyisoc, anSeofrakc/edssptechoYued://Gweorsaicpaetinuvarigodesuai w u d ath tsu th,et3h. Eshinpgleure uedonvilaissiaonefrtT s 14 drtbehquoGur(sBueefTlw nqigncualtyhoaiuct yhthaelttoeuerorr.vuiutr1a8pce.3-lactatplae;ctrcaudtshhelr=am oarheim dri t ales’nsag a2ht0it.n5ererm stdomf m thumn raeedahnooevredane , g u t i t tol you otuogh 1ne escootloeogroar mpirshiooanlflrTtpherem infflaeeteci)stnyootrhuepetoalybieulnw tisei wthitebxeeTonriflrtoee leyscooer iangovwng m brerletdo ols t )ayeS.cetdho oyc,es nehtoti,hpansSi?r gdicn,eodsyesooreom v aA G r re.2sen negsj.usku/gr ruihs,e ovneiedsalolulfadftei eriereps r(otvislneggag the asn ptie (tiovthglefiwti rdaenl ydreleesscoOs poirnoccl eT i e o a e Th m g a e T s t o a e s o i i y g m e e t s e a , h v s t r l r g s g ( m r a l o m g a y u a i fi 5 h c c f i e e s r h f i c s n o 4 l o a e o i n c . c h h thr ocrotnh G sl beerdy ercmt a i lt o m rvei iabaogre gobeansdsyw, rtehi boinleoat.oe3 Iy ilenortottnriuoeslednho’sibnypaoodouupofhahrnfi1c2ytvh0e.er2rtoaviltsetil.aecgoaatuteeoantntTadeintsritdlm el nbexccietlm vic pnr ce Th teGro Wsysoeuxeelm l i iroeehmatalarTffgreeinttgeneadin,c d L 2,acpG is f ser s lice13.1 un(tBil)13g.l5e(fiaolnlrdmc,hoaensSaueonfd: afullullyr)h;uasvuerui)pp(atoenorafw s1t 7 yatpnaidnlaTavgcteuiiyronorm engdss, yirtaywaadd rSoonrrgl-e myogl sresexsbutnvw uyole yorr(to rne caonm ooaw we f t s catw n eitntaato iceaetro’bsaiagolnfcdhctetere.sogd, ovheo r byoonhd-oeer s (sSitsoeirvoeorglheoorsuf, euwhraennm.pla i ly l thi n n o a ervoagpiaolafiulssffunuteohrecwaw feodd G ucotys iceohveictGotwnyfiprtvoaem theee rokfgraliemosorfeblG Blo)og ninjeteictstaertconiuom rateicceetliyorsrmeacs -nwy app oor bGy tosiaongatiso, utr(nG b fo tim mcea inaeeitonchhntyetoSuGu,eaoidsnnveeltyoacrweae:/hysa/hoewowsdsebpdeylla.soca; nYtchoueurSapeurvsp.reortdicuhhmebsU etsT g m t p l 2 e ea eeoerrc0se e m i w h p r s e c e c s s i y u f . yous rovi obloimeand l been u.suLfiyrm m r y e p eoeuver sten 3geTh i r l l c s n u , . t a r t v y t osafptltiom h e haetierlrainearTcm p rrcojuemufrprthue beUtewn6ni,ftv2h0e S aiaditne.hrv 1rses9,o tnhytrionisgies wicvT ec u il e 5 r d o exi 1h5in.rlrtm inoetuewa ipcphosotcesm t o a m u y o h e l r 1 f i t e u y b i n a s d b h o a n o f s a b S w c e c e t l i T y e l n o a i i i tasaeyndidl 1to s. l or y rom, cucrecru or.1nNayorineusadbueitlltiioobtonufssehsranw sdpeorvoerpetrhlae nletaewnr cthosvnansetietrcssth ovnn,weousrs,uomnnraart,slheaasnresoedaitntesuysmeoenm a od h o coe i o e b i n pe eldidsatpor nesrm kns 5 s li s c es ou Sesdbm f l e l r e A ) o i i a a s e e c a y e o n e o t o 1 a e e f t t d p v t l r s i ) v h s i ve dicteaietrrsevkrnictw illraegveroeeogeuvtrasrm elbaasl T bayancgaet (C ll erxa nr faobrtoise cleluah_rsc ve b OtuncsyheesmwdiaaSlerrvdm ha s r e a s m i g x e e b w . h e s T t u m A g n t n d o h em o w e sha a ityverllyoaeoppt ld. ha 1a8nvyhearnt atteheeorwaSrtdehbee oSgthlesirniogerso.tfG hm leeiyiti se-i.d6 eeYceahenstm m n c o i i w d e c o p t e you bil ad uG d o Th g f g r t f t u hAd-no 2v0akargtearhrcrm by lia lawtifsin lsehola ity7ao.nAy ak1e8t.a1snudcehnoksGt vesrotauneescGrttooviosrerAdadveerprom uetl et o ithies thoi v o s o w be licab sibil(ii1) ay m ighStpoemrli by oardchreyeapandgrm n t ol s oe a ar .t3ahyYeolteothgrham c yr .1 y d nt Cla netr ehsicghdle2toom 0 sl e you pmaengheaa, app le m op17 h rte te 9s.p coT . Th w o rnal Te omtirdnsi etwsm il og . C s pocon 1dino nses Goetpeeernesrersoavidfrorcm etpgiam asreaermsaatcyo v i Go 16 liciseup mhaayve otoiuo1r9ce.1tas ro0gr. nG p wthc ms mos seanesg, ebcyyioanureinem 2U d r po an poror re ay abnitehe l Tert1hScohrm mese, as oyhoeuvra p d an ts mm to e. ona 20e.seTevicakingghots a ei o t l i r h m m d n s s c t u t e r g me Goo di hen hewSillptohalroTe setoaYouy te r u s n l W og f, voer es) 0.4oftawt Go Uoni ervic 2of ss ncohc e the S piec d,owe hil ri s a a od leg nta go o

gle Goo ny , tsss of a erm m S , seitteostheervailcuenstry. Seersco ermsom e e v h i t h h oor fr u steiU ngnntdthde tT t yo ffiliuheden eteafteosrirdeeicnse”s.eisf.s and a rld o e c rgaerrreveriSdeeerdrvm i i ohaehl eTSbesrri.advteiyarto d the w portn n ou l s a u t u p s . p ) e m o p e u e ” s r r PLEASE STATE YOUR PLACE WHERE YOU se s a s athelee, yaoteys: whyelnl y hhraeevarTm lis bul scos pwi Tl benjetcitcicetoeonsdtsiinbeAenurffi m gasllubyeoiuaescetathnwenye,Tioenrfaomlropmcaaneise.r you n o HAVE BEEN IN LAST WEEKS irde ieanretpbtictarhlislsaevcs o rev. iycosuteo f trati iwfi, otm ahpcteecrocsff he ahenervsSeiecfrovrricaegre hYeoruegaicsa-grseepart o nseiiitm reotsniom gfeul,esst”aihnlgagTtatelhtScrpem lepSact eoarit soenflfti.gse acneb,dsoidria-to vices. Gsteoivpoeidrnictnoip c aosgapl-eptieolredeartvSinu cessedSer nterBUG F LTER nv st)ihtohticosekgonerottehhweeotShglleesi aocnftitthl ret-hiaotni ices afielhG ecrkopirndglefm r Groim ss,asdfCaoygA adlbal ubcseee;e tbieviip.tsytrat icSeese,rv u aAheteorYrpm s o s h d s6b. 0es0h, l4w o b n , ,lef rm T uwei viny aoyaycyreogu tSsetrhvoeogl s wdheics. .4 oecyaeeorw uoesgT ohm ep G esoorkrt ravnic nateei-nsSweorueaenm nt emrsa lepndrtgoViG fesrtffi dceorolongiuacatnneugbtyeee,rtntyivhntiacteossausrirrnodggvisiivtrdheuedtoynefitolaw nauioilntawittbohaalnaiegntaeyldiofoTeuA r-eSce . o i f c e S r ceeam cuetnahege mnwtaohictncahyesyoopu oEarnaangdnt-een,soscvtihrenterevdiciens) T LT dnigeutsesar.fuaTh DO A BARREL at r r i s c r s rafrtriooeom t a e e l o r S c o t l e s i u g aSritinnagyaoogvY y n i e d a e th l g a c a t n f h e i , a ae optodsreottsrfetvtaenScttoeri-socrm othesst rdefGlofseorom agpreecifit-o dtoopwr tehinnerteen s t m b e e n b n u e n u m h T s h m o d o u e o i i h t e c e y e e t hit e h y s l h glvheoiutIatcn(icsosaoelrlawisyainocgudw . raiollgeynl tuo.tsercoenonaetnr.onovtfehiectdrhesttannsldsartudisoinenrgsl.yei,ebsS.eseeprn-onssiebpao- ccur G3o.1do W ets eusrtw e daltroarccitto pcohelahitvclahytere riene ae that s arlclevatoerotrnretsdoiuaptultn n sriv4tyih.gc2oracG euoeim reat g e t . e e m u e r f a t g e A s n s l o a e h y t o a e a eouSew e n o e stetn6icl.l2traisvesantycgioeereu-seo ndedo hiscvaeitstienet-r, vyiocue ute or c a h i g p e y u t d y t a h u r , h o o a a b t u t e o c lrrevdeileclaebpddtggetuoSasaegasrcvttiuohroreegnSld stcreib, tBha)kleanggins ciavrserlaeyce, pthedrleiinewlU n this uts)e c letenpeoall ohtincG i u geroxeoetgoo5bu.o5rguooecuaw ao-napsgnw t ea iu aw u(isth nintlhloesyuscisoitbeaaltgaerG ntcehoraumnnins,gtros. elnaplltr,iooddn atshealdtl aolnl crt,inyopuar segrhloiepptlfuafotorihnrnnatvyttewenyricT efodo5rw gcdraeyyescnpkgeunflrorioom 2yvlaeY . i elstyh.. IeCneopryoew r h t e b o e t t a m o e a a h r f f u o o d e r t r eeri, lloim elCl g) um n eg oseurtkaosnsraodrre o hraeosfilpeles, carilslyk. lm alytoothroeaw e rede kno5SueYtcohsaudelolyE sG .vaitacaslenwfraloenem elta. pwr,itoori,vnrtesdrcw sodbv8gseeyi.ird(eyabysuooleep-ulgaepulsw sdoieastnghptrriYosoovoouigf latehc,t4eyhm out aeydr cew iwsat pr eoacw ifi G en, apegdrnm m r m t d i i e e n t o o lulpcroamttiaerithtphca,ehoeiinrssadeifts.nihycd-oeuynrouft l a d a r s b e s wour Gdos,oigolne wlietlhy G t u s t l r h m T o e r s h . i v i a e o x a n G i r e u ” i u t l f h c t w t e i a s e r fi h o w i t , g m r c d l i t e o e h m e s e u t h T y e r i r Y aem u,ac8nsoc.d1seppouteebsoennudyntgnpth((tus ujusecvree-ustbaeiernn woTuerom g t, y buyn ataernet,sosent. nlythghle tshhoafm pt eotoh aeprdtytew aiptoepcw taiopacrcdoyuodthloeelsyrdionsi-ofoyrm c u Gao,nbvnsee)htaatrstigon tyrt.e3rm vioticchrneatratlieoirovinsaeoSdocueforshvm Goofotiohniim aSIcefvrsyC u-t conogle n hbnipsiealrdrlicaoTalf6elw soum rfhotusehsnxaeytgw (t inuitm irtoshaerdeufm ,yegsourerugnasm ftearom .s eallnayytthiuciom isn aitnhcevaerrmsdw e m chetthhtahatetC rriiotm o o d tent G e e f o i o t u r h e r l c o c t e t n d s . e a i e n i i e n a a n o T t u r dr ygoteouubssoaSrlecrsovi um l l a e i o i o m e e / e n s ass to mtoite o f e o w e n g f i t s d l r n r l e u t o m r e y w s y h o a o e n r r e r o r fi l m u u i g e e a t A a n l r n n f , t a t rptrhdoaivodftiow eo th oonst sthethceryrtooenn dsoievintsehdearelninyaeenTymetrlw socwlgoidtnm eroaeirtoo’sgsgotplhere.icoo(oveaentda.cceanyfto,huegolrireeiodtn 11le, , s sdihssirehncoitogrlfdnoatroliem uoeG o u G s ifeaeaU i ha nortem d 5 Ifdityw n e r a h Y e d g i a m r o y o t t r e e a g e r o y l a , i t o n i o h o e o d o e w v t f n r h . u o h e 5 o irntcnaloeootdir tph8hdp.esapt,teowso.ggbaelg,euarfyeorshwehrielritutyshe aven oSt necteGoogyagren Epfcaatlhgstseiofutyonusratsgataw guse”.pstaloeTrn onen se3 aYhroeaut Itfhm theam o/an nOsytioobufyrou tnhryii-gCh ith asnpdla baee wortanototisum otG le6slesaYdtsoceoam e-iym weTh . w3.2alnToSdeterdw icvthtcisiiaocoptnefnatlshrentg(ei5aorum koefnodtogeofiloetfexonr,eirgttbdatper(hyyad:u/epsn/Stw e r 2 u e h r i y n r n 4 w s e a . a y . o i p a c r v s o o d e r d o n o y h o s e h p g f 9 s e b a a s ) p t y o i r g l a g nmt aialhbrstteiaclikh)nptsr/ rrebosruegnle svefotrsertsrpitin lniet)dor uvehs tittlheedeo s-o in at t. n etrahyeeA n oAtnsocpeeaTce,exyopoiotuahg, nsGyussicpb,ehghtlalhU sl .ilyu nnothy UenaT e w nnaosthw say “aaUnhndeivnbm etthihtohecntGvwiscnpem sreetrylm atneotrylheoydoftepeorhosogiih)nm ch ygoi tf,or tod n th e or tw re4ec.e3n ileoim nleaw gwnem atri aSleartriheofraootbfosaG s l g eonnnaoodgtvfnw crlk-iaU ro/earesac)rcoofhoffa,r8eso)a6rta0u1hr9.egi.ersl2tidetchsherw a ep ssseoleien r sefisosslhtareinorg,dgrhlies’seodtiurnra-liacraekgsr,eoe m n r G t e hseay, t ) yeoeupsarin a p o dtosnsestvntbeorycrosSptrieduepm u t ecioll npoit e renor-rerptttpaihoarartnytnr.= gnaotcfnlron9u,aotb.atdh6m y4anGenysodataocoetrcrheesr coer(ooien uaG lte,aefliTrnlavlsygisc,n atakveereinimg.ecotarnagyntraeseernrem uc tuohto(iosrnslyiec(, eyom ( s n i u a e o r l n e s s n e f e ,acrtkt, h e, t l e c u h nheyeeoorrr,udw i 3 r c g e G o v t i o l y s g v a c s c s tthSioe8nroov.usti tooraaotleuylnohpctuaeoehrfspisntehgrtseiovththieoeedbwr.SaeA o n r i y o o s a ae apanyrgneblueleavntvitocsallyeetysh’s utdhiciyisser?asdoaalnr(osow shauar baegirnrwvdihcaedataenardteham y a e a tr ucny rmhgeionst,hmit, ipceexm sGs,eoas.gTFeroernw lcaaSbeeorrm ogbvueaeblrryokw S gaSneirvavpteer bltgih)greateoetrynysubtsotyessfhqh)oytuhlayenooyuuretsw nargica xspe ftrnooyom b. spetrtvo oughrpae,arpenryodr a blsilsyh, .3 Ythoast o(bi)nyclounugl(ippsphetrlhhim eetcTGet.hoeU eim ceersSs,ea vunagidycssuom y’sasndhsicaltergteoehtorhenihtirg,htitnoeocreuuerescrtdrheodiftm tur ioucetaosunveisiclc,(siebotlbcyn n n m h S i a e v t e o d r r a w , e d t r g E a e v -enoeig uninneseyefneasrttwirsa nsdyeoS,egraetm hcSecooftmec- ex, pprues lay nges al ionraetastre.k, oretn sin t eng hte yo YrvodeocreSrvretivsrchtiiobcveoeaafgcrcoys.mpodrnwaetnm suastioinnf ntobthohygaddltaieoesytem rtehs,sy) luoan cirroenaotofcsiycen),nrrsorteierafcasq-fieam will l NroetccieecppievtriencigvoetihdndeitnoUnt i threi5en.fSt3gehefnrhetrtdheehSem fSa.spt”P.ttGroerrsm um n lffictahneyyinttrttheahlnialsstilsaiste cl,yodr icshp chcha y hatiootm t o s m w r i ) n c e u a e r n c r o t n o y o a c o o e e e , G i r f 7 d o y v m n n c u i o i y t f o i o e f a a r t T l s e t n i i a r t s a i s l e l , s t e u e d l r f u o t m l t , e A r t liw- su i r n ucsm hicdeisepxtcpcluloosdgo geadnilw aaesridtahnebyuyotraspm euosffanhtee S dtiertien”.dtgsdososyn uns orefrT itsihencalU ,odavbfisocsuneeffbsaarocnattyn Leg 2. , inlaawdsdo tw d,nvoueann feahysanssyumbdes, ipb)csuoymbnlaafukteecnadtllnywehcesosra tent ogcietshivnoifces tm eiccaxeey, lnucdt,liun ltunetudnnm io.nfhafsyatoyiochm nrseydaertylC eprtietaroroorenuudattrlhm eloeaegtloeiuam m nreglelitsorCenacoqo,n s uovm forrihedrseoesrvei5trisots.iuioogaeng(ronraeel err,eivtnw l t S i f e r i s e i t i r o e nfise e e, Con c r b c n r o c i o e u e i t i n l r c g i ( u n f p l c e e l o e o i g n a r e h l s d s h e o u g u r v P uhddytoly atiSoen S g inti nsutfiarinatawhcdyecpehtsaot,ssotiaipltsbdchaayeaet.eirontisnlw fot dtlyolhiotsew tcn gspeohqecnsdosey tpCheoocarisi arlooasyo.tgholn at ce f s. cA ayieabar“oiCeogilnabfeG c s e e theISnGearotyvhrosrtoouuhp.m .1o“iA rotonduottalerdscnacptbtorew ttglohalylyoueepaw iSvTh araivrnveyaeriunsgtebtoehetaltndincdyoeeyeodrdtlafirphatgt/eb;reraueretbtheoreoireatnntadetuensonrrt rdbylidospG sY ryevroosi/erguh yeit.d1oh,GyuFtooiooduusrnfionom p g b e d y Term 2 aisnmtw o s ofioyrdgoilsucurusese5toh.t1uhe amnm c agcpetsi.s liceenntsgo a b . r u y . o a p s c u n 7 s c i t w a ’s o t e c m t a o h , e h d e o p i m e e G o C a prvood-iudrs rsaeoegle etirohnieendtt.ftoy.uor kuoeprgeernbrurm v r i h s d r e s t n n r d e i a e t o u a o ) w i s m v r e s s t m t G a r Y e n s b r c d w d / i s n c r w i h e e o c ’s t Th o a u i u o e u a o m ( . a e i h h t r i l n k r s e e u l r eo tecdnotgn do aledSices. qui nabliicnessh, ip wiitth the th.eudetyheodtepuoaoyreoeng,siiot,anypraym vplaernocyvonintfitoirenfososorlpogmlcaast.piw m rtoncYedleiasG.goiPscetorsrsoneapnt9t.l3e.Iacolpopurfrdefiehnltyoptw be yo wm hiacy n yout tShoeeoargT 2aoffi r h e w s e . , a e e s t A t g o v e s t 8 i n r v m c . l n l n k t m o c e l e t s t i e s r i o i g e n u t a g a i y f e r i e a h u r n a G v o f l a l s s 9 t f i o c o i fi r b l u l s l b e h k d t a w p e p e w u n i a b o d u i c i e r o e d l G d r e p e a g r u r y e o o t s p suoa,ron ootssnnbifoenongaetlodoenua’sdttm xruta g aprainliatihnc.agaktonenCn ce.1 ce e y vialvall advioeenusahtreaesanersSpeyeotunoshtem ee r S ric yo seorksr,elatet caon Yo ee th s);toor osG tw am f c enpweSe,waroo.fvreigSaceyrsexesepe,xlioipncitw t touadnraleueapiG yttchhogtaryonlcbeitdglnc-ehuitcn ribveeuutnoagrm ,shtthfeecanhtulpneeussrpetow rignpst lforyt sC ot ac 4 veiforpdrloecgihfiacord6sssioi.ainY )toip-.tovfIhldn e vrn l o mtaoyTeobroem dipulcedileserrnefshseoesot#atisn nC gotloehngalgt intnign, gydaonisuatg.rbY aiht ehtoetpo:/r/htviw gle aetucairyvttreohl,aoevtritieloaon euftgos. uitshd-the)i.nstoU m oshaaedfripw do n 2.4affiBlitaotresinp(tesSouuffcbdphsoiuaT heiecaesSsnptdolatiec9tdpS.d1:uev/r/Y n earw p r r ( s t i e r e s c u r , r o s dcoom , w m l e e a h l c i t a h s i r . d y t G p , c g o u , e u n p a v i x t o r )segele a eSoSeefrdTh ei hnyotobuou .onherootifm hwn wsorpgilaa-m atlhit anst tinT lreeeud s siasonosnridfom hlisbulnt-yerwursieam ngom ietG ehti.scndEion ueedrtm ld d (“strstaaleiltsoim yfitn ifsetcrrceoalotm o ghts tyseroe,rauu-nealrrnrpcadiiagyaosw t l o p , o e n 3 G l l. ugasitegi(stsraeotechdlefefcaa.teattosyhsm n v e i e s s b e z o h m t s r 1 r t s l a m i c s i n o n e e e h d t G sosnfgokrtnhhtohetwm y s e t a i e g e i p i f G o r t a c shouworUlynoui.vSedoem s r f r o s d m e s r i gvsohicaetsy.iegrrhetnvtytitocerpnilciaeneyyrsw ign tesicpeotshgalSetn co eo ir egr arler th rvepioll v-oircg ilnl m atgaeaccaglovlnlm egoadlbguiegm e i c in.1ouoY e ) rlelesetcrrriuecesgesvtipsotisptoatpyrrnerto-hn ielctoeryem t hsftdeecowcrpScao.echuLroim c em rocgrnfiallerbevslG tsh3rotaU weurissetrhbseyquehiethw eo ettleoreeou’sevpsaihsaiasnnindgS-neasrs.(m lethoe thaist, vices yeavy,cabtniedoeodw of thates” e pp4rrooYvcoiudcaoonflt6eG arh1in0i grltepyesropdo1uopo0anuG eeiw r errtSoehvaetoieigrcrSeecsadeteat,onhlsayootpnw letedl o-fptrlea,nlot w . s stoioTne3iro.5notnsW anoeyrrn aoscltgeohT YodGuhisoaootuaSnm eaG vltoiehrctsoteieogcypntcbcioeneetrg,taan p.rypoeltruivsmaeiiecfigodegcirtssG r a t h . 4 fi t f e . e s r b g e 4 l e c a t y n o d a e n s e l 5 h b h a a e l u u rmatr bieabsilitttsoi,efytohueefiSteed ly, see S o e a t t n v a e a y t r i s l a l t p o 1 y c r h o n t . a o k i n u ht,oaf ghlee,thSpsosparo,egantrhppedrnfayoye-sfenras1etTh g l e c h n oefhGo rteheaet yim t uhiegthiicsitruhueus,icncw a r t G u e t s l i t r c i t i a t , a s d n a y l i l v r o h c e o a e ) wi o x e n d w y l d a a l e i b m e e h oben timceh e r l u B l i i u n b w t h e t r . , e n h s l c d A i e g v ( o o h d p l w u t n o y g o e o v r t d e n . g s t e d i n u o i m e e g t v e 3 e t G d i o e f a t d i a y ’s t n e a m o d ) r i t n y t s n o s k e a l o t n v i y r i n u n o o t s s e r n 1 i g e s r r a i f a n e y a e h a u r y e 1 l n r e i r e g t u l e o a e i u m h n v u y a e u tinoin . e ihbtthlrsee, rv,yuroiotdakhrsetisvninegoe.xtfTh ehe hisGrto1eo0T uto(m s snse lStehoeureha;voor tedr ,wh )cl ondttoioseleadacw inchehsoesncsdocucbsairyand atontyhomw ei Snicetw you th Yroacecnom hspeoboarnygtigsow euedcm tasa wactw o ssideo g brhyingen lce lre)yirnrttuaotpe(o r, lsbt ility ne-e nly)aret.nuon al)ocoyew sluhesib.toiostfhprteoG s. aiadyot ngfilreaatioutsheB eaase rs ccehcsetsahsrgseerSeeeairctngvohsarbw o, hLi a t t egrlrew you infdofrerroem li fagrnsfsuam yersdsbservew rsicoenw lfiidtcobalntisoyig,eSadeaetxprr,iooievpg4snirtpcY ocasittrofihur-rldegtd,utaththnhuoedabdsaite-renew lsiooertuvebGcioSogioesbhoirlto-uisgnthoanfvhdei(alusG oen hee(ew aitoou aew h i a e o t t h r s o r e w c i w a r t l l e t d g e a t h e o m toisttrg,y benntnesetlocutseontueibnrjefcroGm r t . d r v n oo ehofom d nm e y a aheotouhonnagdspforrsctsniaton nabstlinote,shxorm h u e a n 1 p t o w r s e t t s e e o h a 1 e u w i u o o ft t a s t w y ven will(aordtyaoteun. nuesec7t.e2 rYaodbcvjceor r(dw p h ce) o ainems or i l n n hietraittihomnw o o e a o ft e f h t e e l m r e h G G t f m y e l t e a a i y s e l y t y o i i e s g i h o h w f e o r o o g f a r e i , e r n t b v t g b a y r i o i d n S r e w e e o c i f r b s w . y t v w h e e b p t b r l a g e l o e oin einngtaviees.sutem beuytoum fedLtieomr w yinn ins ftooriyooniunoeusbet Toeirof ns’ship ny epasatseed gom r h e e e e o n r d e r h y p e t t , r g d s t h o v / c o a g u c e n b r a o g b o u e a . u h t n t i o s l u n c o f a a p d o t o n e e e t G r e o l o m n c e o m s eohawyarlneficeero.acrsoG rbmY e ru5b.l tn tifee icesinacgtionnth rueslebatyogle ndt a up ar ldeerao, tsouroura3cynsh.2hdaItflhlfatoersrvorete”olcriecuaeeracm rgseoicouopipnodesrsG datacCscocyyrnodtupohl8leis.cl4ryooeY doonaotuhtotetos ucrukuabntm hivagiw e ot gigll o1fn1woil.ad2a(oerow do aaygvt eeatvshoeilclepy1aa(srath)ioahnnveoesSbebir)nvefctdohloritnm nog ip nucyrtiteedGo oyroauyano advoeurr-’s eSiadeltyrehnvliaienyctrtoyrauioycbw leivs abeerdsoton d tehirovevuiw v phudasttee)enyyseeootai1uu“aptrSrlhriogoerlft G.geonosobtoajteihncpSihtorsitonft tigecim 6U.2nprA a t)nadnry(geN so o shoficfyelaorisem m nhsm osseboyn h)ds-oaebn egbnroatarhle(nnC e u t t thuwreaoetcen s h b o i ream t S h w y p t Y t . o r fi l a t e e r n h d c t 5 d t r a f s l s . rinssed(deCG h o o h nd t e a1x5tops.o1reslrlheaeretsebiusSdeuletelurtoovonffraeff . t w u a i it atahlllf a) in t utes.fneultlp, :// atyeocdreolsitlnhlae g,rcyennoecnuprlltauegsom r f T o n 15.2 o g u 5 uw C l e o a d r s n e ff e e y s r i c t , o l h m o h m y o a l e esd iaasosfaatiaxolclnldutoltibohenapsasebrcsoecvtwishiinsoeilrtim nesttg,olepudy tioauam t htt escm naushviaidcteoauaeteacodtrydoipiotaog csu.hraseuncceet sm r fboerhtent CY awtiotreviacgersa; ph ot n be a o i r , o e e n ( o t y n p b u i e a u t u u o e h h l r m s p n l o e o k h s m e e s e u e e s n y o u e e e n u l i t i o d n o i s c a i c n g c s l r Y y s s o r s l a u c l p , c o u c e l l . l o k G a k b e n y i o t i l a l o i g a / o r n ca uk/ o v h w a i i , g r l e h e n o s a s l y i n a c l l g r r o e t o t , S w o a d i r s t t o a p i 5 s t y i y s r e t h o y e v o o d a c G e r e r a . a r.odne thenins p hraLeffiaol hvw c Goo 8. C oleuarse iSveeerw , sosiotannthd9ieswsR o im cm hlrrr cicicrhGeatasn wlaaerka w irtrohrvmi tobsfiryhfnoyeientspeeow nw er ich aet,.nfieyTh firgaoithsom yosnnefldoorrtaiodsh1eeya5xrol.clo3ulcuTh oew ,rw itoegesnnlr1ea2cb.oalSG m oignytaootiuo whsetohfhwhof oorgle.cos-. dtaya(rtoen Soaco)sriyft udeslrrpotw rewotaaghn,rleewSshaleidterhaidrvbo;teotinoolir,uw tcufeatgnhlscaeecsweScftdeoesiutnfon s a d h d er y erifveuantsuivnwdhheeairitc,hhithenhriseairsnolU n y e t o s r e n l o l o p d y l d d m a t m e v r o l o l b f i 7 y l l c b t n G e n r i s i e e t . l e n d x r i a d n n e l ue taoipnptw u eow.cgeosh, e po 2c0lu.6dY ft ste esaaou d, ial 2i0tfh d o dtt( uoc coveosengabiers spboruifteintoafbooyse oarncneidonts,nedoenfiivtt oeouaffi rsaihniietpthShoG sli.,toying thepp eeatsnaaw y hisiw iaoprutthersoudpcoh us rp igiothtuentonteorben ylebytiolen whicyeeosrup.tvhcyuiercssiaegctrtsthioe,icotlaiynagltlbrhbyiaoalveoepnallhdaww i.n tse 8.1CYonaattneionnSb(esyurvG tsieiohcntiecslshyihn.caienlsleatsyosa,nodgfleln ro:d/v/ow hm tiism edi,Th eiahnnbgartllei,naigastlheabiw rev, io. f t m y p e f a g o C a a y g p r g t p e f r y t c l i S a m 1 e v i r s p . c y r o o t f o o y e e . e m . i n r h p h e e t C e . l v t t s m r i y o a t w a e b a a a i e i 1 c l e y s r 12idSchaeteat1eriy1ndSm,aecsturhtiosocofolrpneanatedsoufrlradtvopipecsleuiissuhtpardtedsdaesbfionSevebreiavuosnenyhaolacvsueabrt hstotpatnGhraow rm ths co lom ). ohpra y1 t aicthhGbahoyserGliohm ogtmvipcsoeasrris eb tshit em info uennletsexta, tdyisocutimlaeeirg’snsrpgeorefcitensjo)dtw redteiow w thdeadn theuiansgoytorn nTaagdlneyt,oeienuusapcdeaassphbepm hnuefcn(oiteciohc)tgtilcotehounyyodoaukeoeabvele,ainoetr.Shlteo,erasm iytg, e’sl si)aeedtsdnin sed sloyeaTh le h eerotm t ohtteasgtarnllotitohDosou)glGem c(aeenrneorv. tih vuobsme1tpenTh iyv1todo.n1fbSYyeuctushtnG jws hdfatyot.m . gobli(elD ttihede,ineingonhrtSgagufoG ti.acthes tonof oththeer e. Gocoogm ougne noetrim s i o a d a b e a w n i h o o 1 h , o writ told t 8h.5eGY u oow s y f u t v p d uore h g c c o n e s l ( s o . d n e n u d o f h i e a i e r m e t h 5 o o o n v e Y u t 1 C l i e h o o e o a n e _ y i t d e s a i t 8 r o n a o g 2 r c o t n t r G l 1 y , y r u d t o t e i o ffi y n n . i c u e r i h a o k t s O 3 i k i i b n l y 1 n w y h a i y r l r u p r g t i t r . o m y n m t r l d G r 5 g o n e u a o G v r n o p d a h h v r ti cgroeoiprmeppebrtehinaut1gnSteporrof cgW eaoiyhsolieitocoo(m iba .4 tas rfm y oritninygCeoswudthcgeasheinsaspovyY rhsahhfi-paiailxclnehbylsetie,tpsyceaoornfdaAypprboeeevrdliliisisnaebmslrewrnaeidtsheoiumaacveedr2ba0ynyareoer vlw nitofraridtieonngseono,ot-lroda)tnnath ho t tohaeroeeG or b reespaornaste 2s9pUcononslneseisbspeetw yl yoogrueidvepnrattm robtaeugsw g iabrii thnoehvoitvderattnu-rtdeotr e poll o icroeavsciydpcrio hotsagw .e n etyinfocrk)rnaaolnew s tntvta, oentpSlhrdoookepsftcqlw rareylseioicln sit sotohurnitgmihtslie,y’sdtew ttn sm nsrgiirifpvorvnadeofiocm c tr Secrcvpurare ene ebicfsoeiwdrssw gtgseknronseeu,detittrevtisren u u i r reei,n pllrAdyoafrnhearattre-an linan i r l m c s e r in a has no9r licrew a C u r t i e s n e e o yn Y o p x a u r e T o a r g r o o ieteor ldl n4toh.neEtielyenfot rSm sre oidsm rse,Sruv sosftyateiraom e s n n U i p o l 2 o u e e i a a . s u t y s d h g m s,haich ghgor, sespevorotroh n r o 6 h ssnasrhie1oai7ntrh.psab,ynsw v e d 0 u t . t u r a i t r rcidgidvienrngresoa cooefnteshsew b o n r r avei,c3yeyYdiosneuurrouthsw.iinn S d e p ih Go gaitn9e, bta1ilyoafuG 1 t s e o t n c e i t e o o i l i g i h ( t e h e s s a w to-netim o h , t m t ( u r t b v r c t e w t e n l h o , s t n m t i u e eequeeerrntti-reissuirinsptn S o o roewinecnde6tsi.tsChe nclhueans om a r t s o fyeroom o a e n k e e c c e c BnasdsT t ; e l o c r c e e m , r i e k S y y i o e r s a r p h p any otuhcihnraet ixt psoereasnosoytmppeyorkoGs, l d u a e r apvesya a d v c m s t , vgro:il-e1o, uf ct)h;s (tesislinc.1 Sarcetesocotoyn aaddf-v,ovcroldpi1rcySorto,m fetrhia,tyai,ctepm in tsseeomlnyNrSnoeeeoracm oseerc-rm nin T ny t toeu st nfr gmbaySrfeyer,svce ervincyepiiunnebgrem r,tguosrihearnv,rciconevttgyiilo4)e.nt1nm ur aTh y e 7 r . t i o f r o o m i s n s n s e r n y n r d l v b o s 1 t a o p g c 0 o , v o r y r v e e e p i o o a i o x a e f o o n s e o s e 3 a r d i d e 2 r h l t g i , i d u v c i . l i C s c t d i n n e e t ar p1a4l dvoeuGr iseivrvsti,upasongle o stahrercet-rteeoptairaoignnlec’sluayriaanlsyegiceeedssaodosrt t dth S p,oelunaarkn, tseerpptstethcoreuto.hd3mfGpaoyrare(e1ao,om righintse,rwtrrauitdniem el boeoispaptrleye,fSalaoelrslvs essisteppylyouh dienorg tohtvrheeadrtsilseeym m ioeotosoastytin -nfatdeiscitsnsiotplsteed”hrngeueatscnpstoyeoolry,rorvoelvct,SihayeetrreG wdi iopmoodsaoseyG yaw m ,feohparansnye1yrS3casoo,lstftm e e ade ngeiylaceatoaatlneepsn b n mhto td lm ny esrrucuphrepicm slpetoe.asnoysw.taeTh rx)grteiedsdAloiffi art C ay dam “se(aoE p a snuhdobotegrA e o n e e o u namsorsi)n uosnotef,nyrttrG i h l r o a s le r a t h l anrtgo)reoaslsofds nyfa(oog1inhiru6iyi)p.ca1thnIdtim i nc titcrooctlouyegdobw i r , -sa,n u byitliG n o o n t irnoeconnltouo)omgtdioecsetuuxicotnhen m u p, loogweoiuodfeow o a u y s ( r u d a u t w w r G e t s i f o u a n o o i o r e p p h l aeylrsovitnoi2t;s C y y h o t a s n t e teidtthiatrahreagictettkietilnoadl n o , e Y c , d e k t r e w r a p t a n osoliiaelrcatpewserim i o l n n e itoothrame croltdd inmabiucletensoscnssi.ef:tcw m a h f c d e n s h r l e p t o d c s m p u l e c e h r ternesrg i p s m any usm r e a y fi t s n a o i v s m u m o aseatgioevson b r s n s r o e s y d , v o i u o a d y s s w a t i h c e y d , l r o u n a c n n u e y i t l r r i o b d n e f y s s n o t n p p h g n d l u r s t l w ) t e h e b a a c o i l e , u y r e c n r a i s o n s a a t Y l o s l e s t o a e s r o n l v l c d r u k y r n r diadado e ai cc vane.eltbehci,aleiec.hctesiow(not.ieTh nrtei edlxyoctettoihhpnoeeefngrrnlisteshdeam oru.t2trfiingn9ot.fotCghrlhm trantrad sogaunisetaxhtceilrudesiodifve,sdvpotruoedbqdifluaiycit,retesS((ba,so)psoum e(oaliSifonseiscenoslsuftmw eeggbcyitloefioiu’styaheqhrooneuaovm aTaernm rrg,hehG t .giw ectm irf onu ictclealsranaw is,oasilnyse,lsilacontaos1tbds8oloefeG floaw y 1 y r rpart ntenpodtu,omr up afnoerdem ohfigaan C e G r o o i n y s n m e s t o o l y ) t o h yeicD r e t G l a u e ( n n p t v b y t a n S r h c enngtetrhuan tapirhn iaidtate (tAyesoneCrtbecoyriavoif tpfhoatythone hSieactrrsheotoifitcfhtuisw o t)leoi,adatpoin ivaeee;rlibveronn tlihtthG evtsnr,iatcoryersa,itlqeasb,iow eoocrveociisgdnt,l)ecae w xitdffi orrm d p u n t e p h m t e p r S i c a y e o y l p o a w e i r l m h y l c i n p n n o e t a l h o a y t p a i o t e f d r h w d e r r o A e r t m i r aSvta o9r .l1purtrnAo e rC lik pe pssuyboliuc yorim ytedthisi d daisanu4tnoi.ire2stehlIm iniconognysdtgsaad,ihnnitdrsecrrietoghucrtrtgeuhehspaertehlunSpetetaScteth 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n p c ate t e t r r h o e r Parth thneitubeisdnedtihoopgwrlvetheinenortieuntfIaotscno(icsosalolerilatum w.tissiyarinyecononagutnd.w novtfehiectdhrestannstlsartudisine glaivcheiteerbseS. sepenoe ae tsheat uoes or c tre wi U t y s . l r a o u , e g l n l e r r l c d o t l 3 a 4 ainGo.1o W oarcacitooynuupecsooheetlhetlayd asgoaetisitaiers t-r, vyioc bute is setscoeusetrtw s)e airolelcevyaoertornoretsdoiuaptnultnte.hgeae2ttfrA euom m 940 legt exoparlnd, a3nSdewriv4tayih.g2araceG lnpnlrraeveidesveleslanaeytcbgiopeerteg-setuoSasalengdasreocvtthicicvutohrsgroe.aeegSnnled ddisutcrei , d aolnl th nyopuarut thateigurepdet, yctoohhuiasiten6ocil.w e n u ognr icceedndpgeoal t nGn t llr, o n altl . rt,i i n c w c o a e o a a me yoade oufpthyof(utBha)aklbteayngthgoiiuns tcoiuavgrserelaeeyrcex,epotegedorl5eibun.5oewrgluoU t u s i o e n n w r , r chehoraam hipltplftuafotorhinrnonatvtyhtew T lnapti breatshofhraeosfilpeleeos, fin,carilslyk e thout e o t o g odrt2yloeYgcdreyescekuag-ensflriroom m nroneritguydrosecurtekaowsnsraodrrnhediw s eog t raeeaeyrc,illroi,m e . ai y nalpytouthoseagrgtllo.eim is mutsermt syouliss.hICninotylholoesycusihsibaeaeltreaG rie o,ogln wliely . aetei a nr eits. c-oaut r usprweoacw (leyaso) um n t f dr fnoo5uewrvauelolaE a 8e delC s o e.apw iovetsdrw nsG oew -aplsw t u a c o i y i l p r ft G i e o i s h r d o s s b v e the th evfiucelltyoh.ateghtreperirsoewvrueigdlaetech,k4eyh.oS5aitcYatleconw a s o d dbyuole uolgeurt,iovesusadeitleouilp,cnroatm tairthtphc,erhoeisodf yaetreysn , yo buynmat rnet,s sen fdraloyteeiem rG eprgdrnm tm oenG d eisnp Yoeooof dotreim itucio-atahbnso.d1speempyY t bs dtgph((hetusujuusteaiocvpraee-urscdtbeoinugndthltoeelsyrdionsi-ofoCryiomnuet-nae coonogle ted lvlmashrhiaT carnlaeenssm gelaeettrdteeuw iacifitptiheoxpaclw T arftptwheoertom , c8ccyvoicuhneatratioeeoinonuvniynsaendueforshvm U re trh uGssy”. anel fw rs ieam egac aysooche aatetr itt Gto toi d erterm h h f e r , f , t l g p t m o t y f S l h c a t G r t r o r r r t t I m r e i c h i g u s h t r o a 1 a h o e i n l , t n e e e s s t y o r a d 1.2 agingy“woTiuerom cohuym trfhelooegttusuehsunlxaeiaytfgnw efm tonhbnispearllricaoToal6lw esoeretaiiortm ygsouiooluensrm eifvosasC e.3Sem regrfeletro rmw/. tches hue o eedn 1 e, s hcoa(otnvbise)nhattm t e eGof siwiosn.hniim reoveicinrnnctnrthasuauim eoogssotophere.icooeaentdac anyfto, agrcetinot oglgree ennninyr o vtodiftysifiowsocawlglooidtlnm lnlayottiuiem ui idouun.bee ltl hT wri th aitnhc vaerm rde isream n Yai uoeGrleoo’sgl oerhrmat(ov r. rttyhsteoaove oSt ne t Godlaya aeen t dndr ygoteourssoaSyreecsyeurshmrehitgtladnatrompturhdosaioG e i f n o a e e r o r n o d o e b s T n A i d u r o n n v e a h n r o h h h o e o d nt w r h e i s g e n s gtlw idiw nsoievintdshealtihaeeofrcnnam tcoo fttoiohrntcneale,dl,oeeoodtrir(ygfauyeptnphS8thdpot.es5aG oelg,euarynswstiohbufielrourtnhrnyii-gCwiteds iaspayvoeueeoro so at me udeo,IfnattwhyeioounasftsthoteeticfeearyatrU pt,teowo. eiybam n tlhusgseiofukyofnnusradtogsgaaw t l r m e eygreu”i.ptaloeTriE -in/9ap.4oahcnOhyssefeyotrserfto)shrpaietoinwogclnieth)doyggroiuvhehstf,otrditttrlthaodldiecenr-,ee th pitle or lerergbdtrhds/wwyoratntootisum inc 1.5ondni wh aYrnoeaut Itfhmtehramctvcisioaectnentasshrt(goaruple6salesaYadttsoceoam i i ss g,d e r gs o e w ostm oe o eofioetfxnonittapey:/rteaclspiknhptayepytsr/ob rebosruegnleerysvm r t s i i t r l a . s ’s k m r U r n s e h h h a r l s m e ) n a e t e a h c r r o h n i l 2 e y r m e g t o m b h o u o G e 3 c h n e h U . n e a l u a y b s l s e i s r . 2 l r t a i g l a s i p , u u t l n i o l o e n . t l l u o 3 s g nTodt edwri htsiopf leicnee5rpom enaT ckiagnnw e . i r e n o l s h s a s p a o o h r x 9 t r e ) r eciollt, t t, he e, e c r t s fi a y n . o e T e or t w b h y i c o , , and twt. Thane2d iw t c o s nsyiec(, eysiom eeAe4nS.3ndgoAetntoshcihpoeeheancTteG degeaosgnfproetprosgitoin)h/nhlearaw etrahsw s,GanstnyeotrlyhoeyG lteU vm esacc. ofhofa,reo)a6t0u1ohrgrierltidesthrshwoerioseningnaoltcefnelron9u,ot.adh6m cinh eorr,ud ostraa,crkrodr uacny sh, aeflirnsylavllygiosufayauG n y vwiscnpeom ucyta(iosorrgvlrw nG iy rneo-rr ttaioarartnytnr=ry4fa8nGenysodatotacoetcheeuG rmh inst,ehye it, peexm me sa aUnndenbet areeceaovfawttrita ertriehofraootbf abroyrsorieuaopm avrscst(ohgresio oedbwS. ,eA ns ovueelryokoaw s, oseT gFeoevnidcgeob. mtrtvoic ughraearpeny uebslsl y ges he y“, th youpsriongnnecnoottarnnagyntraesSeenlreram . p sdtoeshngsaeestnvnoteseurcunSptisdercdarse(pospw e a n p u a r r n b o o r e b o tr hee8nr.vs3tiuctoor tleuylnohpcteoehfpnihnie,nahirtngieciatveuhthxiespetreoafm l w p royom s e s t a r , s a s a p c m p s e ft m g , i as t sa (lla)takvereedreicinm itgr to reescrdhitfteionm et. adhaae paygbuleantvitogcalslynetesyh’svtdpehiecryise?asoallnrtihgoreaetoteSiroeynyoosunuybtsotyesfhsqhd)oytauaholayenolyoerugeoeruertsew,oretnnehycSecootelnlestcliasisteex cl,yodur icsh cihch ary retdrhveahveaerdltSseoym o a etirvat obasg) ntisc,lc(siebotbcyee’sasnwetm sha r abegirnwvihadaaenrte mlanaaSbrneelorervm -e s wh ess -hesniccaotreitghtohuninneseytefneeaso,crturtwirsauroadnnssdysioeoinSnf,ngrtatbtm ohygwdaiseteumrcoivnteo,olfifctah y ,intrtthahiasist bllafiuw nt o y n l a e i i ) ) r , Youata S cylouu lipsheprlhim dSnS uroviudccetoveuitvsrchivebceioeaafgcrcolys.m f ecet TGee.heU r y e rpodrnaaontsi rsrteeiafsqfieartsehftoarsoonrosm aysansysuebsdse, pbc)uoymnankifiitsecenradetllny eoclne,oCr onte ouuanefftste, nnG tyhnicedteisfsepxtclpcalulolosdgeoind,gnoueeadannilw bnm r 1.3 thalso(bi)n Ecienvsgiinna(pggedttdheaitnnoUcgnthtitee e5ey.fS3ogeerYetrrtdheehSem feoreSprrtG otieoovrurnsm icroeeonnsdffasctietiofeceroyen)rS,nfoenarercai-en”m csryhtaiootm g n, dyuaroiyC (be Ceoocrs a loasyo.tghat nce of fi v ichfoairerum i t ci lvfisocuebaaorcatr udttheicacxeneys,cailrnuptrondcetn,lougm l tehdrientfoahatfnathtlrleiydm7Seha.snte”P.tyT uitnh lunedndti lteloe.aedgtstdosioasym rucsm . yayocm ylstaripm wil al NrocetcceeppdroeitfivothneithenicanlruU h e Snrseaettniuovseprtietarosrooenuoarlm i l aei wgshprtetorhqaecunshdoasnyunstpnht a ispG got . ice ts si o. un(sonorel rrTetesogtashinnobifcuoesstm A ds ionf afotihneg l orCencaoq,nt turnm tgyhloeuninetdiconsufimanltawthdye pehtsot,ssotaiptsdbchayet.ehttiscnloeyordfia;erreetteoeiretntaeteorr rdbyldoacpesis l en ng wit th w o a h e r o m b c s i o e e u / d l e t i , a i d o e o h c o d t f o a s y p l r l e o h s i i v i e r n C er it5ssioogaenrraeeeivnw Leg 2.s, inlaaw otfrtriw eetrvidceelre guhashyieaobar“odoiC itvrireayrcyevroosi/cegruphpgararrivnnvteycuaeptrinsiuinsgettebtoeealtnidw ohyoueefotaw m hedettlarpagitnvbeeriosw rdlolhits uottale’srsdcntcpbtertw tresr)oem reogindabeG dosohurtealesdnSidceersr.eTh quif endaetbvioicnnedshptlhyawt r l n o drosvedroitui ag Soenr,e Searotyvhrosrgtoouuhpbm oouor ku preeeborrm u te(ka/dnuiasohyrwaoug,sm .sY it,aypaym e hent.aStTh v yiet.d1o,GuyFtooiouusinofinodm oattgllalypechontondm v ice n cAoluIn4. PAuhdsytely etei the ISnG e ee s);too te.ecdnoastgnh.studetysheotebpoletiicorbeeunm kthsne,fnoorrwfeSsotterriecsaylouse roksr,elate caorm a cG ccoapvod-iudrs rsaeoeglapntteirtonied.Icfoy.prfrdeofienltgypotw e r r u l i m g n ’s e o a o o n r g ms.2.1 hehst“iocfiordgoilsucurusesY5toh.t1uheam h o i n esocudne.bur7m 3 e l u n u e e s n n u . e l o r e e i a l o msr,ssey. am r a yTebreomgle e tm 2oaffi o s dcoo , Ter w aisnmtwuG gsyoleoa,cnouitn,shtthfeeecaneht lpeltsue nrpegntgw cedleasG9ag.lirPscieetorsroseo9g.lrtaucinrhatctpoluilrnic.iakgsgaktonenCondnorogltw st.piw usasnnbpilofoIenoonnrgyttaetlochodoen,hua’sdottm ienfsosorlpogmlcaas8A itoY youtgrbilbveoeut h, etaoG vpliaecrrnoehbycvaoitdniinttifietoieG u hicyhnyoytou.tSheeorgT ucy vielatearnucbgitdgls.-euhthche)i.ntU t titoua epiG l it o ahesm t u e nby ne oatifipncadpeearrvueareexnrupteapwn.g Sasesapp, xlipcliatew nueedr to righhets ).- ldsG oglohgag itni , hduainisaa. Y doatnm t n y a o e t s r t e n f u c a d o i w a w l h s d f n r d beloyo wm a e i i i e o r e i o t i t l l o t v o v n e t e t w o i c i r h r r l t h u i v e s t G r c w d x eptGeos ayoviadlvaellsadvoeenusahreaesaersSyfoctnsohtm , arofvreigceryxee w lsrnfseosoanohaadfraienC s iasonsonirfm s aanst ntsife T s S r a r c l o t Y i a t o ( i t s e r g o c / r h i / r o 1 e e a i e r e n p p n i g w w y 3 st lafiortyet sC drsiosoorpvalregtia-em youicroeemnlrspe icge r ll cetorhseeqoueiiethleehtgoeares thaist,ervice itnoisetrcaotm ggothlsreletoo#erm ti.snE hlslt-hy,ewpureslseisam arniprldiem You ot acc4B.veifcotrespdprtelecoihffcfihosiurad6ssio.iarnY ur-nsrntercaw tp:/ tvcheieceSsenptdolite9tdpS.d1:eu/vrnew inigns1hdesteosiceopG eothg Senou’srvpvasihseapianldS-nears(.v-orslwohTleieunrissm rpdiiagyasibunr m ygt,oaueam iig,hefnftaecryycresow n 2.4 litaorin(sSuuobdploTe)seam byth , wt w. ie ou S ed se cssuep,.ratht ht oSefrevrtghie(iasrseoedlfefca.tehattosnysayoatoauboitsdtuziG eo.plonheootinefnm roigcrnfiaellebrevlrG s clfaet sy.iaoegrurrhetnvitytcistocerpnlcieam do throU rn hbgsaetrcetnsm ntW saoctge teldl ro-fprrleaenlboilittos, fytheefit ely, affi p (“ st sa ilsim se thrsoietgyptnlorceinee gtasisoninognesr.5m ogel theeSlel.dTh segist tchea htm eloeyem r t i t t h n e a c o m s a e n i b s a m t l r v g e t o n T e r S t l t e l a a a s h a e t a s a t o o o o t i o w r h i b u o o i l 3 e p o h L , a v t o r c e 3 e i G t t c a g e c o o n e n t t m t p h p , u c . i i v , d i y s p r c a f s e i c a u r e c s o c e g s uld rldouveretaG o hotuwm ardeecoh1w onudtrvliirciuegshvee beed,wtihmic ity hcadterdeBr1i)litigG in0ic.crltepyesropoy1oo0aupryoeortuvm rmenityodruinendxt w cliefidgisGrlnoftotey-orsfnraseoes taTh oYegodlbggrlele crriueceiesevdiptpw aGrnSoeetiigrcrSeeseohsayootpnhft r n t h sho woe Uy”n)i. Sdomrovceiudssiancgktn6G a a y v e o g e r e y ( v 1 i e S a e g o a e e a a e e r p u e , t t a y f t i a o e r s n s s u h S o ( p h d h o p p e s p o s or o,r, ilasbt il ; t n in.1odoGuisoo aSianoeyrrnaeay,citavbhoinenenuterfitpoeohsSdtseeerteohvasaeirnetacrhdenotucaradttaklnllsbaliw h s o lelitnaytehea1grn3tidh.)cnelyueuooA,ooianfoniygdt1holeereluG ’ssos, foaprkuyeeam ndtotiol eadacw fiutrmasiotnsheael)l yt ognlceuetlre)ycirntrtuatot (egrlrew d of t ate be4pp.4r oYuohralocf5ooo.g4fleYeat hiynoaotuauatnm ) u Gt v0T. eg em shinaSnteehcrldevesam ibtlrsee,hrv,yuoroiotdakhrsetinsveni-nepoei.oipxfsTh ly)t. st. baiadystoelnogilgetaot fvue(Bloicfoaewrsfsnram uhriniedgtyghicostrurheaarutitevnedi,tncnecw elltw oneohfohLm ce)uor taineremship or e y ygotw l e vri etheib.thsipsrho1eooorntigsohtssihdeoegebrhyingeenuentodicm ymw t nitcasreinonuveGcoobhirlto-snha dialsGennselcuenteibje omom w s u G y o G r d b t l a o h x o r y y v u p n s s T o w e fi s wil onaytbief Gu anoggurtahngte, nom e c t a w u p u l d h a s asoatoernetoistitlrag,ylnebgnteletnethote.soufrweoem ithfertraittih w chehsoe csdocsucbai n ssrasteonrtSehoeeoaritcngrohsabw ree ,eSradeaerr, oe.g4nuYhoeuptrhhrisoear-vtiSgiysyootwhouG g s ftoogtiyoontihnoeusesleatyoiofgnle’sandt an err-’s o e atiwacniintw s iotfhreoocasstirtoefihubrn-rldegtd,tathtslhnhueoiem bdai-renelidtpeobsonwlafteistygaw o ww,obosencoeenr e.ltedLntiervitwifyeeinnicienm a n s sdbseravaseerohaitccoehcusetahageew t eeebercythim you th uYr acfoc remroetam ooewe1d1-yaot yotrofm areltrehee(ew d ag p i onnabtsgenhfyotet,shxoovrsm thi e icoenw uG e 1rau5brt noe bervfolortsnoignhcioinposnuyrtiteurdeGbo oyroauy noe ayndvou .2 t d o bjerctids ans etouhonenaggdspffoorrilrsectsngat-onm u ”o iuceerm aibi See fti detotevhfae/roprtgelteioangortruhbaluyoortm yo in f r aoyer se w e an r l c f a g l l s u h d e o o y o i p I e g v ) S o m n b ted l alrwwth . usect.e2 Yaodvcor(w bo.ereauorenepandsatisenebedopshgfaiortm bsie)snoetctdihointlrstovofiracfyffelairemtchuwereaoetcennhsmwhotoendss bo s; ph 15 t be lesceauchcyousartendrheetbhahw allefifc.dnroaecrsaooG yo,hyG bmlYederao,etsourou1iruaac3lnsi.2ghrft hagtiwhdfaotesrvnaeygvt)creeatvsahaoceblepm led the e gr y (sathito)ahnaedno1ry(geeN ven wil (oo dyacotoeunne 7 aorin arndcteinnhgltailcvtieeeYrgseoicsuotpiepm bnmo otygrignllee. novfn1woilpa.dr2a(oerow nd ltydhoonatiutnocteosm yota rSrrooeivaegbratalhenaC p. r llaeeseusSeuleeuoonffeasbcecvtwishii soirtiamti viacgera or nhocan .uk/ th -goaeenreaeirnssead(deCaeG now r of th we are efit a evl i oyauiocbrukuG.tgeeoosooajeihncitorsitoft1m at o oupo .4ryo sou coesrsG e o r ic hudastteee)hnyseoytu“pthratlteofnor(dluoedrsT ack n sfft me 1xi5ots faatrhlcrlnlubdto ibohenapserso onlnioumrel Serar s y p p e d l r o r s t e r e a d i i m b r e e w s h i y l d u t up are h x i s a e d o t e t e d e c s i i u t e o s h c h a s a n n b e h b o s AcsCscacyy onl8esdl o revuiw e l g . l e r i h S t w s i a n i m w h s o u a t n i oonnbt estspS.h oenuptlfitaurosdm rftaan,ylonruhoCois ainycst,holoeuoda tioaum or le.c y e t e l h a e o a c w p l t y h t o v r t l s h e c o ( a u h t e v e o o e e r u d o h e t g g l r o , r g Th f e t c c y i t Y a o g d e a s c w f n s l n i r u u n n r a l s s c d o e m i t y n e o o h y u c o a a o o i o g s / u o h , d r n o i i l , u d t e a i n l h o t o w wh apyarty ingt such n r d l f 3 e m c u 6U.2nplreiivllptbteeerds ttohlfea).SctY o 6 ynoaouroekatw enaastyveiaidcteeal uaeteacodterydopot gussclkkysu.he.ictsiem l in t uttes.fneltlp:/ m itohvmici ryfoyeitspeeohrrrhviecitcrG i, rs ooigytao ly wils icehodn .gos, e p 2c0lu. ytoitchuepoaG l l r r b s a i rch es of -weirm h b i h i r r n t i o n e p e c l t l b , r e n n r r o , w g a d h a n a w t n t o w a a G o o l n u e h h d a s n s e r i t m n e l p udha o r b s e s i o a c o s t e r h fi y e a y g e l i 5.5 ouew t t e l o w Y m w h n t n o s m i g g n n ft l g e a e b d r o n u i c m d seew 5sr(ihY sSftere ufonodm eoffiaelsrevsw aeit,n.fieyTh at th inncld t title islei,.tnoyinin tlhl atops, dgfeeasnarod/v/wfewrv,iof irsyianyg. tshitaets paayni ctohbm oreoagah,reewSsnhalindtauid;dooialwdna2ibv0tfhu.7l toaipnptw yy p r le fbooenteteao,cclCooa eerw ,rwfirgaootthoihtoegsennlr1ea2ctbrs.llaeSGdnliolydooietc.uofm ,vioinicrotkannstd/hdn9ie.sw eatnhlcaeaxceicpdoshitnG Soaco)srft aRtraLmrpotohew b m ee l e es,s a ee en pon, oe ftuwstecshe, stayalolbyalvea,lhaww mnnegtl,eiigalhabitio ticslshyh. aensesyanoelelnptp:rte oSgarle l. oesrram i p t s t c c e t l m h v d h i a o s n h d f a c o w i r r e e o e m a h o e l ffi i m c h p i t s o l i e t a b t p a t i e h a l e g S t f e h n s t t r a G y b t l i c r c e h r c a c s s t o o i r call oog8. C oleuars ntsiivSvedersitcs, hienirseairs U i u n t n a u d s i w . o f t b t s s n i r i o i d v h i g l r e i t yaroennudeslrow h b p o u a o fi w , s l e u n v v i f s r m a s e t t . h o t a o e a o y o h t e e y d o e . G g r r e v w n m v h r o t t i r n e o b n e e y o a s s t e e n t e o n s n e e uonastgistheteitnhtychneeoT rgessshthoael ail, roerly hich i a i er y derifoveua udntw i oafbose tenoateorrbncneneintnteoeageyllabeyote2iigto.le1hneedi,rTh thheaitocthh sngaobletes spbouft yaoduuka eoabevstpeel,daG cvhicyseo.vrpicmoprtanrdeacyufyrloradt,vopblipecsslueeiissdctuhdtpiarndtedstdaheabfinefcn(Sietceiohc)tgeitaoslcotneehouhnom v ic t. oehreSslo, f othth se. G oYauoreebnuxisw sdtob haenie e t mand Y n n ((suGicaooevporeutphterisyroudpcorhpusprpywtrr1yiCgio1ttohtu.henC w und o r iom 1 wS teri1ndSm,aecsurhtoisocfolrpneaatespom u-bojwe hifatyot.h1iyeaoaacsvuboesm e )a l eioytg(eD s”. luiact ns tooto s nrcatherkd 2ba0yn.3yypw 1tensTh Ser f sea ). ciohr ajoy aicthhGbtam 8.1 onatteionSboeyurovhm le ms.oaTh hyseGltrrhedteoeidrocenTateaa1dyleet,toineuusapcdeoassphbeG l l’sittiihedes,ineingonhrggfuoG roeryvroeiidee rg ocpthaunuus lacref, , or rms s in r esemdaldn5 o_u r1ea8ncn.yffi isniok leent hoium g e S C n a t m r g i i e b o n r s a u e 1 e a g i of e e o n m m g A y i t o n l y i i u , ) i r e g l o i a d e m s a e e v e n erm c r d o y s r i e o r t i l m o g h f d m e rmaethsse yt, cisoculoim o .thdeadnaiyvtohoe.1fiuabnsSY o inrpgeoref tecnaeensn)dtvw yoyonctuhstnG oo y oG notteasgtarnllotf tu(oyohoD tm loiuaypgb,prhroreoavgvtinot15G.t2oreyrrvoivgcW , re,ensfuoltcoesth. e) T righ this, lT rrad pllaov vircroeraveci pcr nuguaecerttrdhscaeon oiylm ms rhsahh-pfiaiailxclnehibyilseie,tpsycaonthehvoypitpdrboeeeerdattlinuns-ertdeosrtw (phreoretyiudhthw ot1te1idn inetuhhterC info unenl tetxhatdy otougnleaerg’ss trim raoidngYdehioonybuusieioraceon(haronyodG ush G, f an er- , n o, tiantnhcgdroeoipromepebtthionaugerneSGprootaefgcw g r ! rsa o v ae n ncnetro Secrchpua eevreorohedtehrwhemfcartlay re rviofices (or Ter m e a t a s t w h c o r ll h b e s s t l o g t r a t s n e s c e s r a n h ) n s p n e e o d y y n n w i a t c r a v e w l s s o d t a f d o t s i v u y m t a n e h t r i o e l n , t a i n e o h i o s o r e e S e S s i a b l d e e o o r t n n h e , i h i r o u o l a G f e o k s o r t n r y l r p t i v C p l p t r o , v s 5 a y O s a g c l b l o o n t r i f i g i l o r t s a g s r u t A e t i r w g t a h o s h m . v r h e p c a t a e s g t i s o s n a d eY f e wit m . e t h r p l i c g a s i s i o h e d ur t a i i b f t 8 4 n o ft o t e w r t t t , s o n h s a b d . i n s g u n e i e u l r t o n u t s m w i s t l v h l o e r o e g s a e m n w l 9 e to ni q n o e e r n s e l pet rfo aitninyyleod uidvpheinraot,yw vfiocrebicsei,nw rcyidgih nrng o ofntessweni-ssiinpntoh-netimesan,iobl day ( ethsv.eise S efipt iecGohoer anpyany s he t t o t v t s u r o u e c c r n s s r w c r r u i g i S o a e t d o t i m ft t U e n n e n y u m r t v v e , e e e s s r i u o o g u T c t s t a e n w i m t n h p l i m x o ) y e o i a o s e l e r o i s a r r t r e o s d r e t e t d r S y e v r a s o y s r E s e t t isoeer-rm (isCoiSontreuhpby clhueandvSsieoorm iCtysotoohurneitgm puyr-m tsissoeuyornporf th ebedn a t i.fsO, trceom preleuytrcseqvveerorprcreySrottm mee “ T or b esppaora .e2spUonse infow rsm shei m tphreoe t b se to e vSeer c Te r frou affi d knoleem rgislei’ssopunldruessaertgukm vnastieteoir ldl n4th.npdetieelenfoe SeitSlse,wtcearsnonvrisco detsitw y e o e u c r e h l r h i s t n b 1 l i e r i e e . n 9 o i e r c n e s u h o b t y i e i h o i e m t h c a s s to h h s o g c t n d oc d n i a o , r e w i , 6 m ( i 1 cetsocotoyn aadsdf-,oco0rel.di1voegnrceo,ednssa,codyoosovrteirnerganuse dfearwgsnraerloee)a tthhoeam t t o lcos th h n o r o l v e t aan1Ti0sni.ns2anfuYoG anytsesm nSiice-tneeercm doisfneuyeurroorm g tdthdentt if y nd or uthads,w.rceptieoncaonom tio gr unrge t wcab tehU paisrgle ,.a6tthrU krseeatrkdvetcohetnce;sa,Th g:il-e1o, uf scl)dhi;sciitesss,s1lian7t.ieosrcferta-rsrotperedotpairbaongincnnyloieceon’sluaerpyr2,riaaaandlslrsylsveC g oenforperh iasrie 3yeaysY i e p u nn in a has n tihrledrw t oi(troa lavei,.cB We a ou , ftorhri,tem ela r a fpotliud nd li ausse inatnorrdee es. s. s a e w ndsT rdnninytoe3algyNrSoefovooairorvnetiecsreonm y e roiearvr,cicevttiiole.t1m hr o ele o ptlye floe essiste pylyotheec-aor dnoumasrgfoarfsee orrsohner hiecfici hich le h Goo aitn9e bt slyyopeoyrosmuosoegr1as1rt.em r r s o a e a g i s y e g r m g t s e e G m h a a s e v a o i l p . t o e r s r o S o n c , e u e t n p e r i l u l p o h e s l e e e l e g i m t c r e e t s c r g r r ou e coenc s aapp ltyo tlhudneteefeesidvircvsiie”caertieo d th ). en y n a r m u f,tgG pcodsaoseyG dhbw tibtococtnlouyem ioso,utosognastyygtienwsrrduictuphorptem aisilpecetoep.aisonhonyinscw.taeTh yleindictreee.d4oTfY yb dgtdm pnoaon(1a,4o)am aesovibourcherecrrni paal nneogtdeyysbfwetnhs e(sor w er epg1a4noyedlrvoy,orvoelctvSihayeetreG bayrkeGyr,svceirTrviinygspiiunndbseeprptstvethctooreutoeh.doa3xuem any nyotuhtcihatoeiuxpssert nfrnoogtm ou.3 Yr .uAssoc irviiccees crtdiovenser itnouycmaageraerrreveridSTeeSrresm d n u” h l aar o , glaem as n ui)p I imiroaeconnltouo)om -afaydrreeciotsnsrx)itoplsterd”hrneeueaetsscpstooAriffi osetuuxcndtnetdtthiatrahreagirctettkiteilnodal oonsnsaelrtseorvteso2t;sgh0ep, ,otohnnrroophtoueegoxxett.dherbcryhepm t prr n 3c m t t i eordtSithfhee dSrtsileeseyp,oelunaaaarlnksp,m s d t r b ria. t ly ou yotes: wpyil n f e ot onlleoitriie osctsl eouprtohnahlseupm yw 1. Y 1Yoiull2al, sN on o em nrgo)reolofs yfa(oo1inihr6yi.c1ahnrdipluttiG pe g ti ddlonsuhdobotea(rA e e m ae i e itc nr tha ght tererraitdem cn id oe td use erm od f un t aaspp athr elee, lisa byul sceos w d d t dr e rea m ae , eohany1rsao,ltftanattei“saoE t io e a g w a I d r C G b s t o n r e s n a e S t n e i y e w a c s w y e k n n s r t r i b r h y i s a n u u ( s i r e r u r o d s e w i t i t e o h a u i htdse-Tor oms illdnyoou der lraytrbaiYnootseuorrdnuhmaSainsegcrnoslvuoftm 1.1 wwaergald t2oi.n1ccoadutnuhsoitsffiitchhvoitceudssituhisoraeevaeTrsm ptlihenpooclahnpy,antrcnthesyees wdaoevrseohcfnadldl ptoco,tgcm es, s) uunsinf,nrteotrvhadopeioslngeaiylaegtoooeiuoodfrfe,touhrdstoeeuarlym rmromcaan . you tra e rt tietosstiinAnffi sattnhoiioonru.tA ddnoy lpsmrlaoaryviotbgm lsm oihutiors oiounoiaelfrcatuskewssa,e,npratiom ra d oneeye.dsY l hsyern“AydounetdtlehTel ebnjetciatcccoaetnnwedeT,eioenerofaoml pv. iyceossuetroe ruegaics-agar-es pa ices. ysloupldyuci)nsiaitbsyr, lesfihalsoasr noitrohnrhfte,isspsxyocaettnohihpnoeetefnrgrrnlistensshdeam riws , loowe ma wtenssycnetshi.ef:Yctw to1or8lu.oet2fiingn.fotCgnhlye(oeilfornisteys oDhfiganailrfteoeangm namsor inConoatne ythrtedG syvli p m dsucarebtiemn ter is ,wan r e un by soft Lerircees, s”u.inm Anl w u i eic ig ea nddptaeirnm et io nyeiaconasbdsof 1o9ofloaw v er d redl hG perromftwthtloee ate , trhmys oraivoegl y e o me croltdd inriblniuclseiooausnrdSeaenabrnd iavfiikce’scelyayoouauavle.etehcia,leiec.ctesiow( t. eTh up a au e u s ethlilnyav cs crer ce r eo d ri ya e W l t i o ) g t s u e h o r d l f g m n e r l e m o b G e n s e t o , e r T i c o u o n t Y ( y l e i a i b s e q e 1 o b n o r m s , e e c h t l o m a g h h e n g t t n r n e b w a e m u s , i r , i t v o s l i s a o a i T o v f c l p G ) t Shtephicrhntl)eoi,tsa,aastpoiinenpnsyg,lteutnrihrpouanewvtsnr,iatcoyrersa,itqleasbr,iow islabepleasal.daeewm pm thhGeoocvoecisdrt,)caooanlintTaegea,stld,esvhtiaam (re vrviecreymsgouaanm ervSsefreovr a oeflfti.hs e iaucneb,si ss tdSe t in ices hoesrn taheyroneeovts.giwamTaetnryoCyro vnicctltuea(lrsaw s thhoitc4gad.lcietcieodt)leiwsoiriledl icyeacnrrceitiffw fiicothr eesStahrnem opesou)eegcyttaooonsauG smdi e n urw satilrudesoi d tudbqifuayte n(tGbh,sA iatTherhm w at toornaesb.c7m atgtov agree tion nxitdaffi eThco forfw o d t n e f s ma eeo s”, tm em ilytardceyopttarotteiro aSvtas o19atols.l1ophuortrnAoiveerrfcstrirsevpeicoraognrm t coyi vtlilctfehotrethoabn hSieacttrrsheeotoifitcfihpitew trantra so ani etxhce nduesmrpuorepd nrdem gt e elSpact rit sonedgrtvSn cceitthle e-haion s,rv ich t e e i e c f f a e b e t e y e c ; w o e r e ( a a i a e s r n n s e y a g e p e e h A o o v c n g p n r p r c S e , g d o C e i l c t “Se TludeilnoYwyoG a r f s r t o o t p t w h i e c 0 n h a p u a h i i e l r n o b e e ; l b t h d e h t u e h r s e u p e e g e b f i h d r l e o o r r d s t c n a t U d y r a s r i gelestaihnlgTtclhcpe osgpaol-eptothweeltShgealleeseaeonft e iptsyrtrat veicSegle wnihdces. enA mhe BSurbaeenitisnhm iniconeigonenoysdtsaad,initdrse rritohpsucrttreueesparthSe nytiyteorvm sGeo’ssnubonjoagprgeeps.sno2deot bcone ssho, staathnalilonstildl w silsuoorpy hchneoyuutanihctrhe, emrlm or o pa r indtatep eydaipveeeliv oanonhmse iSonaidsp tnoe2elIm risd solve r d t o n C h e d h l t y l i a exc bou hbder grecee, 2t .a4(ol“uaagdcdtpoGretoeiopoefu,rdsicntiopa G t r r c y r e f v y n i s)iothahiosekgner rteheosoaba ubsee;yctbeiovgui. Ssetrhoo orkrtsrav . u o u t l rmai lm a t asnodr d a1nu4i.oirsethlattotrhirecirnisenig hsry. tw wuwaanngetawtio. Ifagbhletsl,rsesnlatw uesend edUbe STesreitrfeaC toheaticacwoohnel Trioabgley hG v i l d o a t c o o l l u a n t l c l c a m e c c e s q s/ilul aes o e ju v o e e t s a g r u s e o ) n b e e b t l i y i i h o G m s h o a d t r w o “ s N h o e Th a t l y h o b e r e p n h e a e i m e e s u e p a n / n t s u n e n arvi l.e2goYorueSleo. m G oipvirnign toearpfim like pe lepssuybo tdyoiosyutoruim yntaoay yr trhueepdtot Gfietlw ostd inaclem rdlvenim us,asdfC . Ypoanxiclusiv d to r the rtr-eeS ciens tha to W gceacdrloaiuewm ihscse)st;:stouoirnffeettrioniite)tnhynoeiuciegcnhguidtacrtsaoem htsreeadagam twyeaoktcaekeurro.sngealneev’sdaTrirelerm 3rs..o4uyrotsui,eddngialeT’soem ba,ylAefeeoirdn-smuSww itiomrfaem ssihnegtsstepeitec:/nm forpm drreeorbevum itteSe f a2u sth gl uer Upsecrk adAlTefh4m n . ee fig(ill trohySaaroteirne.v2d Th t y tyneoeuateas rndgvisiivde n-yn,oscvotahnrevdi erYocaenswu,oeolsginaT sheirlssaortninabt-teeuhbtbw l tb nycroom un athnadt o bcomnit, accStheendrivicnisg1tthyowcasSotteurGobklfoetnohtsuoeooarcfsgoSrT tha urel/em euordotahgtalaetihniunM wr a s ro yo Gohoyf othb)heoclisb. 0esh0, lw iasfehor coodgtihl-ee e e ngla vifnrgom you te agr ecie to r wjpil ctoof eG 4. rgoVeiyeeorohm tu doi ns 7 or oaetutaadvheceho w dgeyo m b o t c acnubtee, tivhtiac osoupsriruog r naagdntenes taSie we t t n T t t a s r n o d a c l t d d e a o o a m f t e g s w i b o W 1 r w m . e , o 6 D e u h o g o l o u c o o c l o f a n t . l t l told you s ogthh,1et3h.eEsthiennopgeunareffpeudnvialaiis.cieYoonf m rsatbalelniaepndtateliofooTuG thoietymG odrngutanSgeeerntaochitncayhesyoaanvtietlhsncretsctoolEurya-rsciocrom ou sp ibl a- ccu ortnr1m tboteo varitlsabof Eelaawr,ishing thg itshis, wed thnses,t cre shocotnglede;edtrnbessnyt,.stycroaofnemnfooseusnoveaeort.eog.hlkptem erolsetoircsieoalsw waeyG iA lsl.cN ter f ahnrdouInc.,r(eAcoT irsfcffi ithgtdealeet forym affehgtlest Elie oobgetom dceA ectneoahegeerom eiof rettrfetae Se T itee be n sl.y, y .eeern-onssepat o s aitohagnyaTh egxht uf b ic G s a eivenuoilnw or . reaentiiteornihm escologrl armero nsanertTtserw14i .4 byoGuseoieuros)eseaetonrm fllo (or m e eam snltw otu ari ca cnndivcektnnaot groisgoentoheGsbyoluenm e aoe u othf r e onin ) p p o e i s . n u h r o r r v w p b r s g a a r o , i t d e B h fi . r , m u q o e s o e e h i e n t r i n s a s o d s k s g e t o s a u f t a t d c e o S d s h e h h u e e f you togle estsehieUnM t b y h t r h i e e c e o e o l t u t a e t n e i t c t n n e i a e t t s e o n g u s e, fT te t idaendou one a woaw oaorryehim gylw /eldsspmtechcoeYiueoU crotnheGcoeos o ovisshi oafllTtherm naeticestdyrtoehhuter(sbelnew w teriantadhnfvdowariahsl .icseelm avdoadnigietsesarofgurrYidoaeglfafeortrm nqigncuautlhroauctyyisaceta Surerorfirkaciw thi opuaru o du bd/w umnhipoeycosu thtefhhctdhe tansla udi laivtcahyter grienaers -r, vyio ib, u a t ft tohf e rocosul m o o o u r e e i t e i s e s r y i o i a v i h c e ) 3 o ff l u e l n l r . h titudiethcesetnroyl vsitosilifl bhatmedie al t i 4 p s / i t l c f l r e h o t e c l . u s e a n n t t l t h f t y o e r : r i a b sroicsm t o t n Go bus.4intThwaahdye,3e .ALdeaarSrtiinna gpywrotevhineertieernedG s n o i n t e d l e p c e i n l u i o a e . g t o v o c s y e e i oolriawtisayinoagtndw e na dilrlebsuo,oIonofraygaltnlslhseycigtoeaonns ototw w pl g serv licepn3c.1 Th il tG eromoags(hAoseeeuxntaeaom t e elS.ceteodhouor,1eas8pe-lahithatplae;trcaGutserhelr=am oraercascatnyctigooeyernuetups-esoolaanegdasdreocvtthicicvutohrsgroteea.egSndlr, oddnisu shealdtl a peeeoscr,t,i arilslyk e ithou uatriodesluaesw troyafoyvtehicreasnitlipteiee(sftiotvohg)ealefiw lvehs ousur.ttrIaatiocln(lgelsyalnelttrunor.estsdoericaoenoptnuerl.tnoe.hgdeae2ltftrA n5ranm ectin. yNt betaenyshr autsheetinvre-r metnhtele h t ituesind thoogW of 1 artkm t ) 5W a ry e llm l o at f l l c et is 1 l m b o tiordaenlyc netsot,pancsSi?dhdcaeoddrsivm v a ’snag at0i.G G y , e n s e s o r s l b . s e r B o t n h i e i u g . t i p i n a e a i a l p n o r n n s P i w l n r S w , n t h b l h l fi m s fi g t o o e r e f t i c u thllney bainG i ewthnit2ehbxegetT receveateorytoohuuiasnitetnl6cioUclw thcteihnoram tharatn-wyvroaeulneidju, nnycesdeoffruorgst of , rtheim ly u ( 1o3gle(fioll dm, aensSuoe fd:afulllilyar);auogvsree gobpetaensdsyw inliafitogeydgnr lenes cTosOs spoirnocgilceTysverooeogrutrm m npnlnrervaediclelcilteletauedntordghipgrneoatyelwnrionT oen/ilstredeorem 3o.1 sevyihcoaGeteueiam it, orselaoseurtkaossnraodrrehdiwsathrar usprweoacuwri e Gdoso,tiont,sosleent. tre w43g, aU leesctohem g i ahoepv e e toe rioe n. erguoeeuaoa-agsw o a o 5eo.2saeTh n sj.usurT app orbGyolawanweonf tchons lacantw u ou haourui)p(aorfnwLdr.i2,acpbsoG1tle7ot.3apnIdlyavilenoyrtottsiiueosdnao’siabnpaydG 0 e prl d ndearbti4tya.t2ghaogrceutnhatcoguarpsrdeelaey, ce,xctpotehegdrl5eibn.u5w naoronerguw om nauttvthraeaeyecr,illori,m swhopepffom acyedtreicaeew t tyvid thict- vir eitsn.ic-ouno ft o uy n a aerne n le d nnergdlseh yooauupohfhnrfi2cy1thh0e.r2crtvitsstiichacegeora.eul tkaegrn,argtdurhegeoasvniledsyoiuafnfodrinerrgetm 94 l nt oeuxoanupt, hyaeouShw ) e n i s iuvgr eroe toyoY eCl eogs)onom egdoryeescpkgenulfroiroegartl m ouso to ion atioutrnaB)oygle yerrt(o neora1cro6hmil m y angeuirorm sw. pw i vnetsdrm hheoinssadf y et eysg t, yosobormunt- co og te m

nrv h e tc no a le si g G ut a or yof vicre Adtdoag4lc.h “A yooditdcueysoeluuyamacgeluthudseseth totes of an le of oog hrnod oua2.l2e e2,etmaet itcieco1eupW n u s r rn i Uteh th tre b1us le InugGhosohtoogYraol(u.“a4hSeBsneetd) lne atldethehuriatsieeopntrhoavreereetefantngntiev S e S y ntoe c.(,of ytoglSeuoeldadgcuraeebfowiisgsalTeeravTesthael iSdereeesirordthheercesrv er94 wPa .4 iTh idrell ube meerspuebTSeerrdv deedne Toaulices m 0l 43 itrhkmw estsheirsecoAw)hbhoeue rU.u“mGpetroeiintseshm nptaeceicanyrboeujanectittsi m aasrs rmic tto e n , is eynt ega,ltUhnthaaedye, UnTiaetorndcslispcersnostioevoptooim orc eti c e p .aitdvis”es o rmtr g M advkonver1rm6b0.e kpinrviiedrfus, sltees”, yr fros. y th mu adoueoxpr lyebiute3. A L t h a n s h g e t se e anla insde aandaiuilonwsa,0hwAad tcinaihlnamhre slilnwe edtisnib eou o s a ou m u d in drSr gt a t 4l lef oipg Tgt easneayv,iTnoeeAn ffi te ule n n 1.2 c hartmsof tph, a G3 os htooinitngaietesutiaaohbgnaaltlaeienpdt .Trg4oehYrmemtropaefilGs aactlchpeetrShm e ce arformel, y d th d a Veicaeoushtiht)oa elpaSeresvSsiecom pryaogrsf.anTh o e r l sia o e ffi i l w y wr aUnare vi youof(yoeuSnd.1oW f o g T d o o l o ur iAufrGetyroeowunssd,atcohisoesgp tcoerfvorerv. pam cabutye:us” wo lim titin grelaensfuclleys.lishtaBtkh) abtweritvsetsvheeeintnhveiYdroeceaem n i a , r m i s l k h ffi f o c g f c y a e o c c Cor neotp- t ri t agesoes ilecssow). rld u . ph in ent he gywemds oatth.eCIninlaentya4ag.2hyicoaeusouirnteefrGdealegurteehacngeoogdnruolaoiecantgTst,bleefyaoAgG r h a t f . r f dr teoheoewteilroesndoeflft. hreetory wiyllen o t e rSeatngbnetu,eye-isnrum eem r t w o I s an c1lud waint“ToeuirtrhisenpgthreepnrooylotlhegisignhouetahcrtetG r o aat ormrooiegom ueam yo ert iytnwSoeweiim ssdlabaghSl eart gies Yeor ou n s e r celoilelyglnnc(laiesocslorim a m dt co.5 Ieo, na hceGonmlusGs”eoYrooisverwetshissuiybcoatiucvaosurgeidpem l n u v r h aume t ewato t i ue vnilcublsees invSiucan ueag i e as esnt. weend f thwt aaverosofottygha. nofguiltedacfeedaertralGeggrreeelayec,,eytvroaeorttneosuttel.rswiiystaiohcnyopetnoodifohnictahcsyeoscaetasanenm e c d a e b s e y th ay Th n witioyoerremd iwio hleee fdo h4,eyknfeodorexoeeptcthohoudoaicpotonennat guosnsboretta yoopuusrirn toyayc; beonftcce ,siodrag -trat u sn n Tw th.5Souo5r togderauisnu ern. odnwthussetfrvatni ogdvig yroetive ithl ss i-asree io se a 1.3 s ay, “aUn nde2s.3e hantsfrsroirse. ahimicsuhthofaetirrlm lvaict Yerrw.2yl o5bleiniwetntlthe.ngodvifedthtchhiteeceaSanthcelttcresso ivsidertuhe egui.sittpyreeedSteo pa n m t n a h w CATEGORIES HOME FORM INTRO STEP1 h Y d 6c ea e em r n h eoluEar dp se ratth- rv rt o wi t Yo all(a enivme 3h oeuotheetmolalnyttyihcmGp,toehweahslawefntschdoaoeuvllaiacgeYedryou.eg5ourelU a tc hAuitm o( naovntrohmgrTailreaoynnEyncps eaeu-caoaoniwplnl.2etrfAtolrarsteatndhTitesro-yarcinacnntagden- ytotSG ll a ha uar ta) y be t ars .2at rm t e i L k b g n s e l t e rcto ens,oncefi torhvoeiciont in ices. f m f G a l h a t r e y e I r t STEP2 STEP3 STEP4 STEP5 a s e d c s e eg ls t SSTEP6 k y e n e e o e w g i h l t e n r i v ) w e f s t a s i m h G a ryrteornduin ttaaonisgrpeadteteturpem adgotohuofrloreism ohwacidecllesevasnayctciotsrlatd bm vic 2al (obi ebrignrveeerspu a eeeAnl oTtetheaaeU ehssne,tas vtoahtrtlweso gSleesr, terr t t m r n r y h g r o s u i i r e i t d a d d S d r 4 n S v t e y y d n w r i i g r b r o a N m w g n lpeopfutllateedepeoreeyunup isnoe n ienre e-eScrokr vi STEP7 WARNING Te es, . A reo ) ycl hicieenminioence n.3 wedriam aepictfiti odsbvew cgruenseiovtooeunoubnpeitsim i imel mofotrhnpdggte-seosceohe la grls vdic etras w ces be rms inlaaccectipecievEnoguudaaaetn.agecnnootveoadgf eonAt otshivtoapioctcsene”.piditstnehealderunsosb.eeerlalarilcodTafoeepchwulxoiaGecntdrbd(yelC a eo i r t t y.I AGREEEEEEEE iIeIns AGREE vnicdh AGREE low 2 .cA wdsdprtisina(plis retdhtaraannwtatittihhscpef natsrhsalothinSyarel tToh6lwl.ytetrrm-itaohybouleep-os)gumntonrhatvtnyewteaoluSsloaeagdneldehltyaihvcteeiebs, yo esich AGREE yo a .1oull oift ecneggpptehr maepgt rnyasSratohceenaTcilnegt(eioTrEeoeanesycroveeecr3SaI,ca8cnosd oleguualpwse aaeycrnTninto arscvtohsa reSs.eee u a ).II AGREE II.AGREE AGREE e . t i T i n e i v l h e g t e i n r spemr tla. ir,l ceohrinGc cvaeot rie pro-n gr , yxer5ur.aelpfactnngmerunnctem c 1 f ladetrtGw e Yo u imns twhI4nnootfrt tohniedditehnahletiecmaaanarygerenm e e r i e y f II AGREE AGREE v oopm6s a lu t ntarhoasvsdrCefviocpuYyt,oivs pwr,il oinma uamntuohr itsiane nsspe ee r e e a r s u a s e m o do u wmh uGsthe i“.APrrdiehewseisth tUonngtceTGS.eboernlreeeulbneaeshgostsnhifooearostincpeioto,hauogglrasrlteYasdotgisheofsiwdtlswisioshcnrhem II AGREE AGREE o r o t n o o e e u s g i e e i c i e t s i d t h t ifthrceorantl iartaoesnbecpluloi,nvne ergtut,rosee.eangSnlet thsepble ifi- ha uyosnuaro roigdtnlatuaem II AGREE AGREE GrtsnaonsysuGeceookeam n no aiych ooficrhudysodevrii5tneocainr hitteehe omvagtiscovtelatyaenesvtbnfbaam f t i d n o t r n s e f , r n a n n u a d l o r l t o l e t p t a o d II AGREE AGREE t a noyodgislsetlyoirtusisi.oUluuedthr 5 dUSSnenley’sshuosteurecorysreylyodhsigep,cbhtleotgoawasgttinorcheolertomnirngyetuutsehsnrivsnaeyndntgp(hthamcatewydro atirl,od vyioc t o - o II AGREE AGREE e u g s o l G i e d y u WHILE THEY ARE LOADING YOUR LAST SUSPIe h n e , fi n r u a r c o e o d o x r a e c a d u u s i l t e e c 2 i i t t c U e i t l y s d d l p t oaengsnopofrtehm gt,eoSocue tujuutriathpcth,e aewsaoknrs n ustcr s cu sh a.4 4c.epyouusursetagarnre(eanoeorefaotnhfg.eS3reoYu avtvepeirychinsrScdepuerm nettfonxoiregr,bdooetordiarfgputthrhdoaoaifanw II AGREE AGREE o e y o f g r r r e i b l h i s d e o o t e 1 r s e B r s o f d s g i t o i o t t r p r e a ? S r o s m b e s n a t ffi r v a o n r vdiucob oaasln(rspet ttro/ieh)nle tapeyrdh(ayeupt yeoGivtotiyys uresm . Y 5thtoen eAT: r e e h r II AGREE AGREE v , h T i a ul l eficAGt tShLOOK of wTAKE s e e h a r t r t t CIOUS GPS DATA, PLEASE u s a t e d e i s a h i s t o e e e S o l t h d c s n t r eye7mfSeorcteoasgltihgr osowrpaiarohearcsaaw)srlailhabsrt://swtSnph8dp.e dftoiw e . e v h i fi o g II AGREE AGREE p r f o e th o d ptioateoreesooeer otuh.1ehISer,vwiintcogsirdlm e a i o o d l d e vvetsoircu)rteeat thearnrtnyt . c.oilutyiaeclaiksphnpotw anGneSreiethstahneensa.”tpP.erSG II AGREE AGREE Gpast5o,teehorvYwlsoocaglluoerunesamoracacrud-ostibearetyco-uiawsthareof tl aolln or atee Uryld rinspdpr yaotgpvTleiecr m r t n t S o o e a h e i f h c a r l t o II AGREE AGREE eorfayso unngesynoo r fisllpe th re os.gigodtinm ueGeaeseitm wi s”) noivu(“s(Sstueocleiohfigvaiudarncoyhvebmasr,saythsovrrdigcveieniocbfuoyytTlsoeorrirtoviacboveaeislcst(i,erbyynooeonr8vsr.=3ay4f8ofe,rao)s n) tpeysryyortoantouitwsm II AGREE AGREE e s a e u i i d s o o o r r ft t o e l n ff u t / o t l . i u o a e e t s c o u s y . te 6 t ra b yiboael eo’ososgsoro mc hleoe , y w p s pnscsmftrsocgocylcetby’esnuysbot t t otioucnG sram yo ll b Sodeerstoaupdbcsh oacrval eleenoinntditmesadoucuh upergsm II AGREE AGREE gu,ear gtlpehogerfle hedlryso oureaocrwi ,rt,inyo ocr. pmasnsseyfshqhy renaoytsdoateo0hu1r.9ntoeh.yrboe-in9/m u o 4e pp mtaeil Touidsa6s slaybteitfoine.bbs.m uhitnisofaf.yoayocrayitohm II AGREE AGREE i f r e fi e t s e y e p a o n s o n a o t s . c 2 o r i t h i b o u g ) r o r e i i r c m 7 a t o i r u c d d , hhaat -fo uy oneanrawte lyaeuhoteluly thceertledic Uuepg.ao4ns rhrm th n .4 rroo Gotlis) e iona. irYdveiGeninermeY.y1iotdGhay inhersm o a t u II AGREE AGREE c a r r r u e o t e-hnsaicl nonouynpohceuaGsrstwhherpeeena nlhcnhOys wt eao(veaenmw/etrCy rmnGd o lilsyk ts)e II AGR AGR yo at biyfeohuYovcuidess omsgeeacrssmigsnpioteeahsunrtaofolossrgpamar,tyi Fuoieoaodro“baiCelelg itunhffasdsteciifocontism r e . e t o c s i e s t i r s r o T t v d h o a g r o b i l u r o t o r I AGREEEEEEEE h i o m oi snuoroignslorCaneco eeSrroy)enn,rs reitgthoeurest pfinstsceo(roe iseseoteryvsss oufiel r. a.ccth tte nu-ta ti,o g u ve ur Yaou Gaorlfco ainc gfor ea., prthaitrfloeerasasenSpfipdaocacleaec’G I I AGREE AGREE e efrsost yoriutyth esat n ernet n le l2pi scfidoncodam abneGefoo, tnqtulenduntdi fenaroacr-tiefasqfaiuniohetrwintghih,nianrgterghsieningaocftleoinlm nt in cec a 5o.go4fnt knththt II AGREE AGREE e rtnesneet o iceahivtt onn9rluo,abtc werstf)ohru hsetaon s tG con,so wi WE OFFER LOCATION-ENABLED e eSERVICES, ttpeofct ruevaaiffi nnlelteri”en m II AGREE AGREE wied ffoermnouggantrheeleY6Gdoi.n1ouhotwm toroYnorooivdaopitgylatlyhepoeouftrom y ocr uextehieoebta.h6l dmlr-ikagnritpaoenth avofytoh ooo s le th II AGREE AGREE sepdrw.St eUwaso innryi i e , ue g en ly ou -gusdr e rawdolltyghoolaegts.diodsotgssftarooonerhsfa,enttserw ll a rore ta gt,eatthGuiosoYegod lSle.oedSrfevtr ://nowshtmeeerxnrucdeelG a s e u r r up LATITUDE. . s e a g , T c SUCH AS MAPS AND IF YOU USE c e a l t a y m nh ag oli e t. II AGREE AGREE hicvtehic wptae9apg. oresahnoto ihtoseetwuaSm s i Th r (o lw s wtiino ymionyoat obglueim t e n C r g w a A h e g m m y i , s d i n t h fl u ) o e o e a r o r n e f n n l s d icnilhtedw otSne re rmt to r twa aci inn auauSa glrleeesiastige( isaeseSeS, wnlriiPsc ogem r l odnuot t cinnterseyaer auobinloua nditeitm e a r f v s II AGREE AGREE y s l m o s g o i l y a s n oom oy sc,n s )o it tc e oit wtch gy tinmaen estresoldefe npdoetoraovfr.goetosrreonaple’sealldscrat icdotnit ylvCfisom dya heoyrsd RECEIVE II AGREE AGREE THOSE SERVICES, WEre MAY facae. taoh lai giecSa o9gntetirtonih nptcbones uvopes cueonffuatissonyidnfoeSremgbabvreuyelroyaoafauGuecfitsohltaresiygoivugredshi Getniot nd ed cootue. sebs eehseosnoritwhuieogynara,ryyevccircuetartecheINFORMAII AGREE AGREE AGRE e a n t c o e s s h t e m t u r g o e n fi a t w , e n s k s t n . e g u r d e w r a e t n e e r n r r h , c n b 9 1 l y 3 h e g t i a t t s n o d , o p s a y II AGR AGR h d p n r G x o vesaescdoc dygotishcitviohnebniedveisptiosto(SUCH t a a y e l s e n v s a v d p s a o . r nuesLOCATION t t G i r i e . 1 S r r S t TION ABOUT YOUR ACTUAL , d a ( a e w o g ht y d1: epexliiacnurhta.cIfootTh II AG AG orreyyreavtachdyeeastrroocranttniyhcd)ettobtoyahtmhveimcrsea.,Tsoeaoirsogornr rylies’sefto, rtiyvoeluayaggle, , y p ca 5.5 6 d 7c.et2ewtoh rs cbauisyraeatrurhuueneptfirhoeodpwtpryaremnort-aadsittzioitGbouururvaew/ner/Yw l c c i v . o t g o p s e u o n r d r b l r o i d p g e l r a II A S s i v s l s F u d p a n t t o u u l h e i o w e t t e n a S n G w u c llyyo U.n2 BY r t i c e h f a o s o d a t e k e f b e a s t u ata oAdYMOBILE ( l r i , e e t e g e r s p i i AS GPS SIGNALS SENT DEVICE) e a s i v l t t o e t . l i r e o e e e iocchce dndti,cneetrthSrnnoe tgeacrtplnoehoroti del nsreewsashcanrisgkdiofep/prhpguahetaos alirmhceaxesp, daies oym u i e c e e a , a w o r o n m e t r s e n r p o v d n y r A o i u t.agknton helntypgreerraivvrntts,soincyet,cxclpla tuemranaug ndicghsi m fntm ou- lic edor gsrlhlerfseoosam Go perw rlievscCc in ado u tahesasrat neecwlteloeasirnhvaeigeetcoiracavglollnetisenm oTO t i c C a i e l e y e i p o l y u n t m s o s t S i r s o b e t t a n s n o e n t a e y # b a o t i e e a l c OR INFORMATION THAT CAN BE USED l h o r i i a m e w n d o S a n o o t d s o c s s s v e e y u t oerun-m un og iltlpb cyyorndt cc ejercwgreSthoymshohtdenuacdtteese,rrctvyeem uc cbhaa il ods co sre uo t,e ra n o rs(seoaahfraanrl euatgsowlnelworum 8 le t ee pu ei o titshi eearweinaSn arlklanolhsya vthiigstoc,am d p) insbnilne.tcednisptneieurtnsibogeyeh.teeairrnoptneuntoc,dluingieovioetonl, .okm, sp.bmhiyeor ,uor ktgosr,ee- in sbwpotnahrftsd(SUCH caeetfelasrpnraciarditgepwrriteinoCoG APPROXIMATE AdeLOCATION eoirnchtgovriecteerdhrAT -f.lopoIenofinooneursaattosnhg.tue( teaenldttitctisn gfim,ndoge ffitacher t etrtvot, pdwec th r y. Cofboerhedrstoonl8ohlniacgtvl(tywrdUSER a l a e t e a y s l y w c a s s n w t i o h v s h v n o o n at es. e, h i b he eav ih1 cSr . o sl ds g - dekawmd l w vu a nenh i o ilo a AS A CELL ID).i 8. d leuarseattoenlthlfea).cStdloy4oresrYgiecoeisssub.yGeroeeaotuhcooeeanwwsswlhuioeob.itesmshi)ubi.ecylsneetusthah.agna0ilrcp.cohaeLoieurgriretnhvytuiisnbrl-teywu,hptaertairvrtcGeluaytytco,heoahlonatdueott’dsstbyilhetoeopedu/anoihshdtyeelaotdeohydrigfaprstheoeiercanhdwliaenfnasyys, inySccoeroftotoucegexmtrsat, lmnopti t n 1 Yerif ,clcoCo in Ytehiovrev oupoiptmeour ndagsgrlret thf tpsrGt et,oaet epsyermcetpocriem s ihorevi e tgmsyutiic yrwaarpig/e; hqfo suyttrhatel mwprahe , crkt le o nlicglssihm nl ,afieyntiotntofelagucrnbtgodillneaco,brouotkremnenog,suitnverbewrurebrteaetenhcusadieurrem wr forC ceoe ndanpnesandifeopfeeehwa(creooesGpheo1o0ivoniodtgfnyyopo1dooupnom onaouveantis auoYnno,utthgeuituwiim a m e I s bs iastsec arnper ,th r t u n e IA itt n a ten u viSeve se.enf SidsasrtGylydotesednbilrrsc tioufitrhebo oTy.ge1oehle ua0pG .3psorhateyrfctcorsierotectaxlouciss.tuh-hceh,iunttshtnehesmfe,iontano,syrtpesC)rroeoeinrteatnaons(ebde), cbpoiyust iilssaet-ex, yoordau e , nd wr, v ht lutl rIoerAGREE. r r a n r e h u p REALLY? r II AG AG t o s t G l i y i n r e y a l h t o y S r s h to en ltetshsteionndt w o o e o m b e d t o m h d e U n c s r m t a g n a a i p ym teunnstpC nalfali ppru nye, t(hh ers oinic tp, tdthhnvlintuohgolfrg-otnoongt e uwoohib’sosspraeoruliscnsgrwfili inwie i)n. tfeerwef om d d s o I I AGR AGR l o t e a Ssth ue o heo kuwc e b or d t ext ySobe (sueai itc, sitoarndkeess ://wiasettyrocetostomcm se maand, thhnsisetdohrtselehf,oeaogtcnlmvi iacegarbleelngstsh1den3t teGhcsoogU II AGRE AGRE o eg, vr o t efio e v eso si. ttolenclhtnuetrrledanssdoorr t aocsrinifit e-,lyo d ssllis aobucur cuacseathouyrdaribsbtsltieuathm in by hatd,icouyrhvGicoochthhheinristnsd/cgbmeanatywbryyiw II AGREE AGREE nehtegifehnobaedaed-nisertlewfibr,uyrtoioadukpyrephpdeirsgcGtievrwsGetieocotepGsrdnoEiswnihndrgagtlpeuesrsricevasicSeerarvbddlyoisGp asrceeeadnltlsurchisp yh, a rse t8h.e5G yosculmfoparveoesgnaesrinhd9ies.5tuhvisadieodcr G.ugketonbm I I AGREE AGREE e bheSeytte,hsxo dticonyhiegakealmd nolioceroshi ehg ovropgl itnn pyol r s. icagpoloa nyw c lay o e h a o U w w s s c d a ige o ue The soy e h h psnboal entneoudcrhsetiesilnttayfeyottreocengtpytloreSaleetryiam II AGREE AGREE ha esppao oYowoutimomseputthebialoeetteyaraRt(arLhriegeYosnoteaelislotnohnnbtaotogiyrlnalcelfifd. ovsiftrooeem wesi imn vn h- t ceonu -rley,hngytw se qu ist. t.hgol n ce ich an II AGREE AGREE an s no rnatseib ngelaerg’isne)a.ysruodrcpsrspobnuofteneusdmprtofifaellsepareaurnetoecaldtagesestj.pSehhincoistie.oacrnresogdaetoftwwate1,yrSdeageedeaarxtpie-ieneo.exgaf1rtnh3iesdn.fs1nraeecosbeetirenteg’svsrpahivseopircuedudianaisasotuor rrkosf eiresmlic ateC, orssar ges I I AGREE AGREE g i t h r o l s o , r n ) Th p I I AGREE AGREE e r o e i G , r o r c y a b povaeefh-ay1o.o4egvisntly lyue tTh ft1 nf Gm th toh 9r.e2 9algernf o opegferci opusiieontawopwaoSeohovcwaiets,,eyod,poircnyeoetom hacnasianaloems . Yliivbre, dna e n o y II AGREE AGREE at tihr licspUc.4 eoerti ettohhrp rp bforyrs)e.ftfincyoob tagorcpnultfihvpwil1do(.oa2aerrbm o/rpr t tuhnoYprlacsoirno)e.stouneosAiuev(dradtetiosoninng-Sndelnrpsieosaosnnidoeuetunotleateioviblinntsce nten II AGREE AGREE nyo Gedr enonno Om(cae njaatwyt r osyrmr ,Th wrmraaialus cleatguasourddtast woderYl,oeagtteloyerofm fo a annce g of t tb.iadttoi Ber)l1iitT3e sa. s(rv rm v f e e u r u w l o p p e n G t i i r k I I AGREE AGREE shs, iheo.5rm-oric atlinh,tmetaoygcroem rsleylse.uhrrmatfhae)ysnytoerstouuriaonthhirsoerGcoaydotseloelastoe gG d c rig tuthcinooairstese esistbsatiphreeonnsdt) wy1C1ytiogotthute oooatgtohiotim . e 1 ad rmontnoscW aII AGREE AGREE s ge GT e pthlyip na iht hatregaitgleyinfospeteirylnioteyurdvti.hdthhaich. C eneotnaa f he geosn itciesaunl,ylcnonyteroutapu“hiSrraui3lgas.cn2hyohoodrgtuhrbeeeytviSyigoosehirbotolnigfilcwerutnm w or e agtel w rsaans oeobrm e II AGREE AGREE m nt toexit ne9,.t6 ac wr)rfomr thowaendthhG boerenrnncientntod,sno1nt2rlaebcnwooyitm echet oCrat lleoravftihgwtaIlflaubrcywotohu u-snhgtoata(sfiyotanyoridn,atoleThueiirnlm l c t gles) atwit ith I I AGREE AGREE o i t i . e e u m l t m a c o d e k a u t i y r t i h s h t e i t b so s, wre sp b rU ias a a fio snena eld ertehsoen m t;oor th ae noaaintniny ht1e1idnyov.toefhuithyesoGroeagyenfiitslveaiGnldSyoeionftghpueoasumois ofonegrbaadhoeaftvfosrrroouhGw II AGREE AGREE ( t l et mowroietitosntt,hgrdiv(eutBshaneesetdaxotwaelm l dt w g 1 an r ob qosti an ris) trraitst efnrreasnstal1in0nTni.selm II AGREE AGREE e o, sboallnybualnesnG udta-rprflytheiufierenTuee otmyyo sn2nersmistyleodCstuwocinbSYyseuyocgotnurtehltieo1ml2oalietgbyioeouoaicfue.tnhaomlgwlaGyeaonortuioaienystcdlr(ehCtnhan)atvygeerc”loG l n u S l i ) l tra yu Cn uunddmienm c o n e g a YC y h t d t r caesewrkae gtuo,lhoueod etasvaeuereneegelt etesliafceoeytohrv lbeaen, e tlh d rmto e e c n s o si eo b ppeyofuGt oootshoogrugeehrthe stheioeriocdwSh.1eledn,wsffi haxc sSf wt hanpeudorsgTs-aoe hboeacliepcm le1ar eocnrethe.netosouunteewisrsgnfluceuerriicigaebloi twwtohegra to s c trsam e annotef,nngrtdtShiafeyrykGsrosmut iohooorurnigetmheidpvniehrasssanaCdrnnGiogtonmomnaeTtaae1aterieirncdvTh hiciyneitihtpehcsdiotuterirotvhm ffe eanrm i a,ytopvvylYaeoidnhttegdly1Sm r o t y iesyas(aa5burt.leenLdtfrwe bjrnematerlry)h;auvsheststloit.ieerel rt igdoom d t eosSuoGenfodonotbiciwicenyyhatitm e r , or e othr treotvhrheeSrs, veci,rocsoeg(torardngiilsete’isdtm e s n c a o a w s s s e n e r t e i o o e t o c d u n i b , s i . tvh uftom r (eC thio) n eomvithf o t ntroatuotpr bef tyhosuth hehts e lik orgsounamedrGiwsoadeeadrtsiyelsee,rTveeea1srrt1.evle.ia,cryyyesoopunlatwtreoiartflohrseytuicoueanretganryletlo,eiutnhit.svopirm wroetfisryf soaoaaum (hra ootus aocfoocyearisicisgescsteha,aegrnhleneneoiytspreotaeusde Gei1ax5)ntahdaenvseotri wietirartG idteiooom B3ayeYoim d ely pa an rcw e, piolsegnm poelunianicam d e r y n ooe (eoterd nefie Sisa,t , s e s u l n ny p l p t e s Sweorhrlyaolla tsop.o1rny(Sebefyi thtiiom m n gr , t e h pe orrt etixsateocroldtlooagylaiecottaaalraknygsuipneesrdT, yedfisnuoeuurbsaaesrgtiiegcolnsennoenogso, Gtdofo(uytDiohcedsraentpanadrtretieiolcohina,tylsaaw r s e a , e o e n g b n r a l h i l v N v n e c s r s s e l f uknroseue-dtlor aionoos)ouasphes yacgtabaloynuidtadibotrveiticeaihesixaatahr llaesoe)ncfoic ignwheoowlfreo, r, whtiimeedrvic rotihruvm emeftoorm psoet,esdebgm un rmaiidnthecelrueidondweoioduoenen,m u h e t a , o g n e c e ; e l r t G d b l t o s ) r b p r o s n i h i r d n l i r t h G t o d h G v f c r e i e s t a h e o s m l l o u e e l ofer f ahapr tppsrvai,ytea,dmsw.eortirtvei rtahtogcrod looe.mosalye lrdooenlpa, iao ri,utyaansoyeodnub usSuonitnosmi tofo mLhials ch ly, es to lesps ttaepdond soiifsv,teirnm orpuia gThoiytgra,tvpo bmdlhawwladnwnsnef oswautodeeeltlr shgcnagt yrc bti se ld uyb t,uomsed vuilnbia owtt,dhureosneyn1t3cchteeotrtuooheicetrpecaeocoiknorsnigl1l dnseneivsngwtt,aatnhoiem em e t 4 op ep yppg,rbhile(Deleipcs et ti 2itf0bvdleloodrgicletl ouontovofi ipionnitonoeu) o lity tahn olim u r p tor clut earulySras o.3dGauxfeplugt,rsrhm aosnu hine ob r oearvaetr,stethipnhd.oiteeEtSextloohropkdesttebhreraogot,vvlitit’hdsieas)edtileusuisccti.ashebimngehu.7lelrysthioasdethloiebsohpenaffsarearlffcfiyem i e yo adt dyto clheydapiauropeuddqbiuflycisoaieosnenscyytemoetihsonl,ftatymwm k c u p ft l h r s n 1 s t e e t i y b r y i d y r p c s e i c r e r e , a o c a n t c e r n t t , o e o l d o i a , r n t e a a , a 5 l e w u c f n o o a t i v i e t ctuheitedrues Tain th u sto osuytroruedevlei;rbfanatyie,cretnrsisef.:hYtuiosraatCtiedaryrceee(on1agytliiovtcehoecthhfeotSoruqorluirgnsiihareugt1n5G.neinnonginrdetdsdsantesigailhaibpnt p xlc.l3lcuour. sow o s vihswrea G blea e e ,o)4ar.te1 nmes; aobei emr firrvpoenaeGSpter2oyoSrghftahaeebfiewefestiwoisl.,iet a Th is routoanudbcmoangum sibr veoerdn(s S(daaeenbtrwyscoonuirs(e“Epeoasrsnitsom tSese voifoedmrotaorrov ignu-Gbounfnc Sonvihcit noybrs dneetpdionn iocnehten oooytgoiof nrmds n , r r l o n a x feodcge ghth roitfuoeppauoytCofedofanre(m a v l i a n ) i Th b G d a l t f p t o ( e l , s eksu-grpthedr”n g1lenynnitsy ew,SruvocrebuegfcWgvicewjoeitcihe ebrteelscshiintloi on oiumso smyro le’ssh a r i d h s ) l c r l t o , r a g p , e o e o ow t n h1e te prmoththnmteA souemg peews,sa tie euat a4l t losemnlSai tces bicsefsowgwrhhsah-pliaedsemhocgt)teliaosnuvisych. an gt tgoyaot th reliitr w ayu a ip a y -icet a o i r fi ohr d fic tueoenhyainesll he iuonie m ackn sre ofhten 3.hteelacec isos visesyoenCt) ye gcbtlilaiivk er,tpoanundees stcposneolyry,dovo.3aeueGgN n o r r rSon eronvnssyaft dssiiabialnlxicehru1ayld5natyoohm lea S tioho no d r You memtbhe rvhicGGoseoocltoeisEhgonSdhebtnreeidntaeonfirdi-oSnrebcroyivtaanosotuoefi’qcyseloaoyylismoumpritybdolAiiosffi t1hieaynoyaodoavucseihtbryastnsoo,pdpl ns pearvtendssboe at any c esaooygrnptgywinvci ain cdhaidofiGlctleayohnrhe ua upldyiiuchlieGunh vlroietvSchiesfovioeoaoerrrgcemvowrsicoetrwsiomanrreileibytsespt, cm . i i o h h s c r _ y a w i u sveuk at aelegf e w raic yn d eo spa tfoesovtmnvael) nasipncodobo,yarteeerirvven:il-e1encnde asre,in yaoenorm dp poarr aleur udtanrhffipesnatttgh1csye3lus.r.m s of at-twlhiceierm ges ov oea h lnea ta Geioosu, itcesou,f6i.ttsitw(io1healp t fdra1rce8aoubm,lciiiatbeysr,oelfipnahay,wa(tAneagrlm de u eocwsStoaitot4uleeTh anaiyeeeelctlohbam e 1e3sn,csrionavncplm pasonerm heh Anycn.s1teeepbvlest,eopnttatpp:rasnodwy ihlshoeth ra;p uerr’sthhsCto iutnrh7s. lfurther l r n mepm c a e e o t o s e c r s a p e h e u r S n e . . r t g r a a n y r o b t o n c t s o ) r l e i s 1 vviissic f er h 1 2 i haret //w e n g i s d . t ) r r m o r o h f , e n please click ‘I AGREE’ to proceed h c g r t n o A l p dt.ainGsteps. IcnhowehtyoCrymctesi oasrsyhteesofleoasnytas ledici;ste(ei pbyas,rnwcydovvtiypdbproeffislunTh eastlhaelim o4ashlotslahiobnevoiialsira.cbylGeoukbofpsooe,itoduhrn o w uoreueobnnast ist teitnhytychoneueooTleyruesshtTh h sdtob s hoaenrigesn thee afTlitdllr,pasreiloYenotth gndiaicedathotthinoegfnppSaiectr onuotw(noi esdswfa(yonogyinwtois,s1slni c idgoiahfnrerereedrvlisiactheoe rStt.hwotgoaSlfrerwvieowdn o hiocr n 5.2 xiw oeiorayvroeiiudeessin aneheenortf tns usowooaerhcTloeb’ovsrlriicenseonyisctnrseotoheifivcncitc . eTh I ALLOW rgpocptohoaunbr uGuselr(aBctrie)l ,m nrtohh 1hniiryiuersr di sa i7ncehlua atrtaeatntislianiok sl,oeermmee, oic.g f h o d e t gyfololt1ofGt.,eor rTrem yrlom r rTm caeoonnm c nrmrniiegnsaddt,nahinrtitphftiul(lreaasnrteifs,dapoveres 6ai.cn1)phtuIuhcrpotiprhmetrcioes.rf1aSndsvoienngr-eanudt-reoesmblens tooasnsvedispcleo. f tehso, oogr catn u e , a h r r I ALu t n g etwroihgtyehfTtSgssoerrdeiem n e , sm d e r e o s h i e)m h o u e e oohtes w em o f 3 o l t a s p e a r o e c t r t p r h s r a o r e s a o w s t h y i d v i o o b a e f e c r f b s m e c t o l l t e t g m r n o h o d w i w l i w d a s r a m t . r o g r r G t s r x o a o i c , 1 e f l r d I ALo t e n o p s r y v . e r i t e c i m nxdaipStheh,cheGtocteahnadlliplut masyoGesm msan,eiotblsaydbyeilre(rasbhse.eaosSbiseoironearnovwi(clef5eoaWng(a(ilffnoear e4i.l4lasc.fnuodorttmhviiuctnshseoryia.nttwhs ercA wm elteeodrecsoootprulyeeto ncaoynnc ardeietshotsi hthee isriynay pos co.u e t I ALt d ffi p e i t G i o i l a i o i r l e t i t n i r a h t h t A e S a l s r t t e b h e o o v i efintllierycoshoe o)eicgsretdt Nongtlasesh);asluerlesetoh gayh)litneotsmionoefgetrt pncneony oeoptiraaonbynrcenf t tr p munr r w - k c c l e o n r e yr-m i r o h s ALe o y u o i t g p u / exutehtn y rtenhbyanoytti ts:t o nspcrut tg rcd,aatp,asilnennrrlieocoro luotoo)gdmi ignlncnioy aseesehse olla acthe e 2c0 II ALLOW G eirnetgassnosye fof gsoruaem ebaeedantiaaf tpchdio.f,mO a o l y u h e e r s n t n o b a r m s a q n a d h t d t i e y e u h e o e s e i o c o d u t p s n , a s q I ALl c a p . o u h w m k p o p o n , e s i e g h s h u n h e r o ff d m m e l ’ h G 6 e t a s S s y . u s c r s a v t u e m t a s , ae ved G tshi dYe c i s e a c f u r i u e p e l u , n l e e r m o t d o o n p e e l s y d n , uhre caohnnddfoeow e a . t e , r n o h l g v u e m n t e e h e e i r o c e e l o t e t a t t m o e t s t p I ALf u a l i o r ( s e p i m c r e t o n r y t u a l l r mg )d g(ornrasenanSsoue pofeaory laienlibsserBui)esroessth Mg(itorhee hSeetptaruenonasbdt1oor larreeuux icosnoey,ryi 2r0oecroerrtin-iccrcpv r 2b0 oo taets o ge- rY I ALafewloT eatghdtaler illini thd U Sctoitrprhut os l8oeu.t2ty bdn ntehnsySf aaald.dl1icprertissi h uriroc any.3y ofg eoa u orBslocaht enorf:hrmvicfithhcubir,w oeaonrvboumlueascrf,hwobairflsl seeG nodictrh0eee.l4donT II ALc n a e ) b l e o t e a i o r t a n e a d s t u e e i o c a n t e n e v i r y r y i l o e w a u c i e e e . n n S e c h o w o a r c r s r f e v d f n ALLOW t h t e y y s Y e w p r c y i s r r n o y e i l s o t n g t h f p r Y w t2;sp, ,oofrarsovpitueuegoacrxxcuhtethrereecrb1erniyebnpaaelennoeogotd)etygyyswuobfw e t o ym c a a e w s r h e Th h e m t l l o k n n e m i t h i r u w i h e v e s o g 1 l i i o g e S G o h . a a m r n r i e , t u o a s d o t t n e y t l v n t y a d n C o q e I ALt r n i t r o o i m n s b a t l s i a l o a e f 9 a ur l ursy);(b ntdogacneuufreaent s hociesntorhy iuuTsreer odue a ceoryr-of . foeorum rhgertcionseigce o,tTios ens, speev pcreore reebunon pa m o g ho e c m I ALo a s l siluit pndty l irriernitohit osSatar mitfream i e o v r a doreye lstsurnocnvthoiiohdnatenkh.dooerirurtocduer5rher.pfLusaius-bnTeienorem y n e a w y C c e a d e h o r i t d n s I ALv t e d i t r o a S u u a ; e e r o g t s s g s t l g i m o o n o v t m c h o r , i e t u m w n a I ALn jercteygo.ofitvesoerfre ieolhionauoioegtem avsemteohtedeguuerideuxi istherheee ies b led eeyst. Yioonr.dtcAhytordsoeeem irftoeagm I ALLOW uhgdnreele;r1dm7oee.ir2ncivredggcnihudtr Csiolosucresstaaotielaqbnuyeol(elhinSiasnwsaaettiiltkaolendtoeydgmhpepsaoo,dscyvoopm rbpadmladraytaoiobgm o u e s w g n e s s s s h r t a x e e i a l e o a I ALy c g l n u r t , c u s ( t s n c r i t s r m s b e d i e n urym f r o o r s n r g m t t v b i t t b d l y (peeCrdr1om e s l e leaannmydpy esirnm o d e a 1 t t t y t t c i t f r p i y ( I ALe a a e h e i i e o o o w r t w t b f s e a s u o t t y l o i t e o d l n b , s e h d r t s h o i o s w o r n w e t v e c r s e r o a i t t o t y o y e s Th o s a r a f 9 r o t l t p m o i h n I ALo n y . t w e e n i o h b t r n c atsoll.1owthityesoslftuvoist t rl ile thu egsti dybe h caino tyhhc bem r 5ft.s1etbhtele rranotemiuo, t)h(m n , , , c p s r a e h n o a ) u a h s s r g e o )cosoanlintTaogauh,sT ) f ALr w D r a e a , s s e y a II ALLOW e n t a t o t a o h t e t l a e , v l eeoS.ylgtoe S nfrcao obeuytshde gaecaictach igsohputGhhei o mdwci reostvoincdt g er uansosueay irlemenonmrg o ene oo t-w h th d twi,m )hernreanoryendysw i alellhtiaaam a I ALa x t a l fi p e w s i d s n T I ALa errfcetrirsevepliarceaoegnm e N o d i l m d t o o w D h e e f s a i e c s c t e e c 2 f a l r e v b o u e n e y I ALs p e e i t e e e c a s G s a t r e , h a f e c y i n o a a ( e a a r T e n c e r e a a o l r a o ; . t f c t e r s t o n h h m n r s o o w p e h m i t a y t o t n 0 i d m o c e r REEEEEEEE I AGREEEEEEE s a r h f l o e r w r s b o e Th r m r a g g t e i h c i o t f h m r r s o i h o a b r t d g r d a c i U n n t o e e e c o d p r p e n t e o o m h y e a 1 o f i x t o a r v d A . r l i c g o o r r a o v a 7 e o i s c r e . c s t c o W l e i g o c v e s d u e . d L v e r , r l h o u n t b a e s n G r i n w t n m e e a f r e i u w 4 r l f 1 m n a , o h f d e T r n r h o n l e a 6 m m o GREE GREE e j 0 o o o y i a n g l m n i w o m u u irg ms, pay e ou ee d ou ikca/ iwlgicleeosuut vheao -naan tinhcandnti ocrtsd, eleforteayest, o nfTYeor dndf f ohvs.eIIa AGREE gteepssnor2deuliuthbcsfuooe5ipsn.ahyicpeathehdm l oAGREE g rlIIsleAGREE b AGREE h i i i e r o i r t . p ’s u e a a c g o , a 2 e c s e a e , b a e a e o e n a v r e f t h s c e y , r r r ) laaAGREE n a b n h c t c s e a . s e l G REE REE y s l i r i 3 o t n u i v l d n n o n b e o g h d d r l abgpbeeycaIhIG s o n t o r s r n AGREE p g a p t a e i r e o l g c r s s v g p a r a e m o I I AGREE AGREE s b w n S a l t d w n e r r n s r y i o G a l s u h a n m h t G o s r r o a i e t o i l G s a s c s m e n e n u k s T 1 p b m w gs AGREE ro r ondam eohslTh etis, shf acati/io1ltl7lesoanttlaniifitgydo,ers a8c. pt mrjicuevoeraoird anwi-st isnauoyri,em e Sioenrvsuflourlae tshto ancdlu ty re gs p ens/tw lacut t.eiolbirIioltfiagm hvAGREE EE EE ywoIw IcuAGREE kaeaefaron d dlaryraotvcnhooot ueugorluerasg nIIlraoeAGREE o pe eI AGREEEEEEE t eltsobteehbegltobaglrsmosGferrtceissoainlm c heallth td be th teb.nirgsoaellvoevdet’sdliT aoferygbltaafpsltaneiirnoueceetgsnhl.lrtw tcbtieaosiktfnnuaegGclIlIyeurAGREE Ebwtstjieepiltlec:li/m aYpsonnoam AGREE ytunaap.in3eesIxngndrceleeslneuthsl-ia3vcchoYuceoiU finaIcI.d.hopgAGREE I ALe)e aebden ervoiifcetsofe,r, m AGREE kmeeuwbthwttssiebyeles’sosndofevpicnetTgaepirnatonobiegmsihoiatdneeodxtxtheehcrhfIaoI rrfAGREE sIIhaen eAGREE srseen/lum sbycieeoniocm drlotahownytmioem ooeoAGREE ooam b e hin n e t y f t a e e r n welp.oneaclotbooT r s u AGREE t l e a y t o s c y G i i u e . I I AGREE AGREE o l t . s l s p d g o e o a , a e e g k e j r h n o y c e e t f t e AGREE tbadnivionrsgl.pilel ce:n/eashnGub oognmdst,Tpemer d. Ynhoioer bryrnisee gththaaefit cetsh.e oarnadil, e en at gsu efiobrgurhlnesihaswemrtuewcdsriootduGgtiSorl-efblietGtnthaTngavienloTcfo,Epahaenalp; :IdI dAGREE cEllieolrnaum morsetirnacsioalsswaflffeheoedlauctltpespyxt.geocm g l p s a s I I AGREE AGREE p r / r a l o e o c o n y / t o c r I I AGREE AGREE i c a t s e t t j o e c n t e t i t r o O ) e e s m r e s l o A r y e l o e a T t e i o o r s w r a y s d d o n / o t G e u l v c m t i m l i v w u , k b i t g t i a e g h t t r o h r o o e aiecdaurstGw t enin etaoyowr agopegctavhtiaoftdsunrIIuAGREE gwp hm sissp,IIohtSsAGREE aby e aio b ro tw doyoceknowt.igbroilisgoentolhd. eGsbyaoelr_heon aananorsro eod .ifOGecen ( erm ly itle h pem ?hehtrehasoi oiwsstwnaonnartiosdclaw c k respslle toaim cdaoseetsSduoabebyroavtnepihscptaehohlpvsdnelaeaevniyctooalaaopgivllaiuiconoehnfergmrndseltleeloisaodIuIm tAthrAGREE ianrortAGREE s wa.cAGREE aaAGREE rtahpcaygle.fg as loaltTefloleoGynctaeckhuaew ihcathvoesm ter(iaitdhitfoarihalan faofedortfihcottrymrugchreofitul,eeortb’gsaosa, th’hsionebnAGREE gopclageylw woow clcogitnc,ndw sde-uTseretgydeysthennofso, thoeo or r s w upo d om anan.ndo2aiu0croaensleabeItIhlItIAGREE nn aldi=m rAGREE m . e h t G e t ff w r s AGREE s w o e e e p o s e o o e tinmoagnaeiaen)1uvi7yadw e p r s r o p r e e l I I AGREE AGREE u y e o d o n o t a a e d i y i r o y y u o r t t d a e u i g T I ACCEPT l i b a c n g udtsh1erhe6lsari= n b o r e l e p e bt o er of bew r pr rcc rgl ig .ndfll 1 ut boaghtnlaheeeyiirletm : shyioatesffuuIIadonAGREE h n, saswn dGyosirssiroivuooranggoalniathdisigonhgejuctgnom cu-r e e .cAGREE elfdirctsoay.oeuN emlTh a. Cmuvtrioadyslaesw wtooenw . ,OoIneofesarpeollnslsvcnSoiaeetadonni.tvns/h/tT toideuaeatnvdfroetihnotles yetohasg.nalneveldattwoeiotbIcIh7eAGREE etcm weaphpounhrfoaraovrgtyevoerG agiAyradcaethvnsi8.yG uterhoAGREE se.aldaaratiemnre gomsthneheificher-oeman the a hts i ich ’sn outom htAGREE w f c 5 r a gidicccn,eTeodsedosorirooum n n g g s i r I I AGREE o e t i o a c . e ncolEEEEEEE . I I AGREE AGREE 0 i h e n w o e t . e w e y s c s h m s f c p y e f e t e h r ’ e e t ( h m p a e . o i h y i b fi a o a n c t n 2 n e r n t s t s h t l c e o dsIIeabAGREE wn i s reepneispisel’yswnadls htiahlanGeens Eltinaor murdITIaeAGREE itcaewantnenvtim ur htodheom abnalysdG iAGREE i yer1tyero.ei2swteanikebexgeaTrunoteagrin rliaIgf ssphayfomT, )e, tter t o ds or ew iaisr an thi garaowe.rdgseuhvooe,didrrodSv2,uytce0oth1t.hh52m ao. sewrtn-rgaourim Ioo1tuhteACCEPT cepland.t-lAGREE REE REE refm l v. aicl byoneoonbtgIyrIleei/AGREE 5. gaTh ej. skusng/feilcerssytrhm eassrAGREE parmhi m f u h ie y s s, pouuouevorpshfarfgoc1trh70hm AGREE afhlceegrambhsletos, itphowrfm r.2isanya;agonycvfw reaoeelgedoralgrn-enoarryvtciesas2Th see,9m EE gowlAGREE s aIm dnne tfeiheto2haq0t elissubutoseeoishfnulem otaywpahnpi2yovhee.y1r2cropatSvhitsosti1.ichac8aneeg.oe1rsta.m ul aaet r,thewralteuidohtscvshlg,IeoeIaoyncAGREE sm h e I AALL v t o b yyifrE o o n c f s e a d t o l e e e l d I AGREE t o s i a i n S l ) n d I I AGREE AGREE i t s eef lftmof ayiGAr rldaoiuel r,esahatn e Tithanl y sos, awsi nde ich to t hall xetirl.n5G o h n s b i r f e h t r c h n t d asdoc,ororoeotnrrgl-eleerlem t t s o d e n e n m a Th e c d u a o d e Y ncdchdtm h e l a II AL . e e i d n r ( r e e c b u t u t m i i d r r t c e a c e i l m bestixafncythl ebahuft ghj. roTeee-ra, Ioooi-tohIfIadAGREE dghlteeesIItT l n r c s n o o a c w v r i c AGREE t t G r n r e d w s l s e l a h e e AGREE AGREE l e e y v e y o r o g o t e h s l a l e i n n b g t m e o a c l G t d i g r . h d d u o d s i y h t d e r t l e w a e noafvyragII AGREE haa ayfeodter bGbonohkdoefIeIrrswroaeAGREE ethce eoodgi m. Ytws/itiol bth rmoaiv yno eerSaryapceuperocm eedrSxS(esebilrsuerontovrnw AGREE spew ivrcosieciertlnm AGREE ottyginlosneauagtat.glunraksgeuu/Terlpnisrrtm IA ihsosm wndoutow l n u t n t t o c n p a l o o a o t o e o ff l v t o n y n e T e s s l e t d y s n t u a 1 h g o e h o e A a e s e e l r i l v d e e r y h y l i g l o v t n b d t r n o I I AGREE AGREE s i g t l Stdtsvioivyioc g, weoerssu, ,natupgursgrvitsto-deeealdien, oer, nreyeordIihIinesAGREE I AGREE 9uapcavIdIiGrcAGREE uceeoigytreaoc urai e .e anui ast - goth lre ur;2e nY AGREE ttodoohhovuheobiecsSG fewwr. operareincm agor netm o m s s h c g n o v d a t c e f a o i r l r r1ee9,o.aofchtcoihoeuspe.rSlCaoeIuIhrcgsAGREE e o e u i h hecivtemm t p m n i e v AGREE e v u t o s l c a u x n e . r e o s l n t s s o t i w e ns mughr obl cl s odl b erse n r eirc gm AGREE ievccThcehthiodrtnohevpsleaxtitTalel dctrhuIeInleAGREE ,ruavaTh pw dm erteaeevyrsftdpkpirosoeanm ,yAGREE aae.rnpehT stoeittrlhiastelbhemselU I AGREEEEEEEE AGREE n e d t a w u w y t e e ( n N f n i . n e u i wnmaeporsasyntstoesituftniairsoytrinoniccsuIgoeTIin e c e , a I I AGREE AGREE o e y a g i s r s s s c i r s n s l d u n e b h a h e n i t s a h s o AGREE wlerucrijw c r.i adteeiletaarhrm sm AGREE smGectnsaSsioeyaIuIoalttbAGREE t ot u t t E IAGREE IswAGREE AGREE ehrtriaocdvgvdaeneucrpicn i e edII AGREE r II AGREE aedm iacm ctodthosvaasenitebcrs1eh9IvIcieAGREE plneas.oevsceto.htm r luete)serr,bsrtparahaelutleeshyTseeiT r taw er7AGREE ah b towd tetehfrel ng ve a rII AGREE AGREE nrvrAGREE n etlysrhTsteoeereenirT b belieesfU II AGREE AGREE allw ehnt tIiIe AGREE oot.a1n en0roIrIc0nosSoAGREE ssr,oum nyircGo,se.eow uTh m uftsrietsnsrdeobeuneU eqowicveiexipccclnelyidsoiarnntay-wt aaentgwriteehecithaearwi , lan jur IIgAGREE evaaotnirodiuototsgef.crsysroaoeolm ee y nrelsaa,orsG sgm AGREE rTcm ns,ervIh2Ioew n II AGREE AGREE les2rsAGREE e i e v g o l c t f e o v o s G i n i o h i f itteeird.eIIiaaShAGREE e t k 6 g e h y d u s g s d i d d i u o a l n AGREE AGREE s l u a r e r v o l g t t f o ) s c r 1 AGREE e d r d o 0 hum sleba edarnvraeou syh poefntae inav t II AGREE er gnlm t s iicw tleletbsriA edeantpaentrtnseyislcotcoresmdt.peaioevm tlehbeoedirm a r e e AGREE e h h d II AGREE AGREE r U t v i e n o o d i e . r o m e e A S v s t e h e o tII AGREE pheeeew rdgliehraeadgvoreedaoneguveiapm h.AGREE IIsAGREE ernowardehbee nSG ict AGREE eeerianygirnoleidurpualro ynodon g fin IIoAGREE suvgteuimioeteneAosroufm m TleeloA sa.vraft)wr,isunlatemdaagrlftm AGREE II AGREE AGREE Th itm r r t e l d t a n v o v r r g y j r l r e i e g p l h g i G s b h I I AGREE AGREE l T f r g e y a l e v r , e Th s n 2 p o d u t e AGREE AGREE o r e e n t t e n t c T n o e . s s o o t e o i l e l i u i o r aTfftehpet m e r t I I AGREE AGREE s b n s a fthm e h s l nnks2GtTeertpirpsrrrcsceeoren0soo.m h p l a m g n t t i w e r e t g n eGREE h d t k n r e w g o n e i m a o n t m s s i h i n c y n s u w e h t c r I I AGREE AGREE i d i o e o i mulGREE finyerlcurdotygoelvey ct enofillio ItIhsAGREE ailegstTetG pyrittiis oene-blaesdaotauabtas n a e e l 3 u l o o e h r a a e AGREE o h v t n n o g y s s r tih thae0d.rvetprsm i a d a s t r o t e vrtol l r Yde 2o ise iad tY he y hb a1 blye ae nt c mt ov p s iv fi- bn h e



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h s y nffi , a n t nibule nd t re P .4 Th toests rec )hcoelsprnsteoi po gleesff, fioictahthtw 940 witrhkmwae UesnTaoet rn1dsb. kpinvrigndrisnstaihlnam gt easeav,ienoerfrmliyaou e world t r lil edeeiA h ffili e T n n o t h c s y a S s t e e , a e 940 waitrhkmwaaehUiesnTaiooetrrn1dsbi.cekpoinvrvigendfruci,snstaih”lnam i o r e r6s0se,0hA l43, thadye, M adlef toatcoipgaaT ml,siyatoeu e wor kivem rnfroffi vSsiomlprom cabuys: ”). ctlheerhm 6e 4 y k vem g Tgt tSeeasernevvsceonam ld mentegatlUlhyne iut3ee. A lrom Ladavdoanuiilonawt al l4wT .4ehm erpfilG s cpelpaStcesrfecorerv. i anliecsowphye a rs0s,0hadle toipaatlherhm m le3, U thde e, M c bys: ”) ) n e e r h w v n a e b g 3 a d e t f Y A t p o s v b y t a o m d h o i i i o a n l x a i e . e l t g a i o o a u 4 r o i t r o n c d t e S s r n h o o g e s r n l w n p T L o h u i i i h u fi ccpeelaSesSifecre panaul cs . .Ahm n s u w eycoes s w n e l p l . v o t e e a r m p g t i l e c d V s c , p i i o a r a e G r i e a a o r s t s t n h a ) l a e r e h v t g c e a i Y a p s i i l a o c o n n t i o s a y e o e e i n a e n i -peatriitsoeagrseuteo.r yo ill you y is m yot uexopr lya butiensdedraSairtndnaiegitlsutiaohabtnaalleiteanpdt4orgV o y f e t T d c k s s g n w y o d o G d eyicem o f uA a ns t ingtersa.ngye liofToG aewnusssd,ahttcohiksogesngoaepl-pearitr agersoeuteso.r y willn youthe tue se eofup,d G3s.ohtooow o fl pgyaorgf.rarTh u ou, bCfayoAgrnretothehw retdrchom eceaem the uasde e upndiG gl rothvuiY u, bCfaogr othtiosoefl eelrend ifst.hYeo ou thartms tyhoeand1 W cifsoffi roloei ngsT,lefoGriem pryoaogufrarTh cdouAfetrchoom ohoogw soaotgSheartge a ruegacis o uS se veheinnedoaeguteacneognutacanutteeinsrdm d oeogs,l yAGrtehewelren ift.hYe t v eeaeifsrffi e s e v o t l u e y f T e d y m o Y h ttheartmosf tyh,oean3d.1oW a h i c r l e t o n i g r r r o r a e v e d s o e d c d e e r r im ereisdllbaullees inSiucebn, d a -trati Sengebte,eiytSww 1.2 carevi oluisf(tBtah)abw sosaobatgShleaertgvSei anruegacis-t m uw yoof uSerset heeinnrteeraegurtehanegognuatancnbuttye-insrm olfafoertroieoegm t 4itvhyicoeuos uintfG c . e k r r s w h e g o a t d e S ( s . r t v r e i m u , l B sn erntvhinaouaeevnyicbaese;eeoancftctessoisdri-agsrepe on e h o e n o i a i S t y G 1 ca f y r wtom rtroeoieoemm . o aUn fulel s. ilae ytaga2creG oeuerievdllicublseeeseiancucceb,sdoidraiagreaetiw 2 ioIaatnc(ics am eatleiwathioctcty ctesanm n y ith a U revf ice listhak)abty4at.h2coaeusr.ruIaattfcsoofroem n eertvhinw ium ny e; onft ess - s p nritingrelaeensmsdotyht.eCInnonlthgniighonuetahttgeiuem rallleglynlasoellorw t hnpoof nahyseoospusrir toy yrcetbive leedSto rt of i mgastlewatocntiacteasanm wri agnrelaensus ltlyhs..eCIninltaegntighogauetcrhettGuewtom t ei aiolgln(acsosloriume oiohintachyseos ntoyayctb itthlee to amrt thegyw ieanghreeproyoleuycsot coaurpde vceaotnout.sisyaiocyetnodsrt ourondgvgis t ogui.istptyret- ervi ed oh e u a a s l f e r e i l n o o d o m r i e s t s i n s a n S o e t e y s v m o n t p y l i i y e r menthineg“yw oleyics coaugrpder vcealoytnuetl.w atguotnbuosefrttavtnihelts ividrehueepd S rathioat ces. osew rtihssiebalugvrrelaey, yrortedosticeroon iesantpghtreiepsreow siseyanihoocygetuonsodnsbroetfrtaavniopurrirondgvgiisvidrthueoegui.istptyrraeth- aerviince ntf wain“thTeuotrrhmuGpseY cs n s ooovuiedfeartaeGgerexec, cttohouaptenrn.odonwethhhseeaaShntceortecrlsuyoaEarrinaagdntyotsGetrohveicSeninterrovrtesihsfsuiaebottaliauegvrreselaeyc,,ectyroeorrtneodostiaceroption t t e t wi Toeuitrrhm oouid er Ggexe ttoh u enrant. donwtetuhhhseseteaatnhetclrstecsoEar e tpdotSsGetrhv iotnainte l1u. de ceGooloyt”h.angf ltaehec, dkrnfeodoeotepgdehruaiistnutlte.ngdvefidtciheteceem anth onuGseY d i - cnctne- n fi og es, c e s e l S f . r y o r o h a , s u i u e f i l u a T r e o l v i e 5 o r n l t n n y d c g n e v e e e n c t a s t e e r l G o o d c e e y n g 4 a e h h . d w r b e I a h 5 y i S o euo5rrrw tohnseest,oascvtoathlrw hv.a5tSoY oolyt”.a ogf ltaehc, dkrofeoo5doreotepogdehlreiainsetnntlteh.ngdaveirdtciheteceem 1ud ter-soe rokrs ices oi6cl.le2 ftAorantande rbm ht aarmrswio le fTworitm v2aleoY duo.5er lU tdTits- cnctene-,onefitl gleesr, v t co f tw s e s e e n l c o t n c e w e , y w m c i d h r . d co.5 eIo,fnatw t i S w i b s s t versfoiotghhleenfTdwort4he.ay5Sn c r v s w s u i 5 c o l S y 2 o r h d c n n t c e t p e e . r u i 5 r ntfcshodaaeuolilnEcgyaercypsegkuoeauc-asaow lcoi6w l.lee2 ftA csthhoafGptrltm h aleoY oranande rbm twend hyeaoarrm w i stheairlm nanrlrdieveailseevesnaaycitciotslradutiisnoen t erevdicieenravnw wasalw ehnseta tahrter-oe rokr enteseen itioouerissn. im lvaictsalw nsGalnyt genlrogw eYntcshodaveulilcgyaderoysegruoeU en iti uedisin. hinm s).icdesic. h ccleabtgoereoynuupc grsly. u-aaongpnlrtevairecartciotsslati st, SienrevdScetarssanwhsay. Th whna sfrsoreallnayyum choft m ailreoym ,oehrehrT i v a m e u s s o m w c o n E h f r o o r w r v o s t i a o t f u i r i c n h a w n o t p n G h n r n h f e h e a t a o g aty. Th m d2s.3e aronet otheetm rgT sGalnytpkgenlrsow io(cabnove)snehtathsrggeealiteetteetrupeG s).tishcdaeysi“c.aU cdieleelasnatycieoyuupcduhisnen ailraoym gr treloeppifotllfutaeoternhdpdpggtuet-esoeaosloetheehlaltiayvhcteieebs, you a drgoosdrbovhew canov,noetroehm ane2s.e hats trshoeetmlolnayttyiiho(m 8gea.lm in ttaoinpyrtdewaeicrnm hauretifcteheAeudntm , t nnd w3Y rhwitlcteebpgoerten a otouhofgraoigetsm sesoela sly. , eliteeetetrG m y,“aUnn d 3waY gononiatnryteaolSslaegdnrseod areSs.eeper-n s gree hmaryrtoorduitm 8el loeppflfuaoternhdpdgget- oletehltiavhceiebs you 1 sh henivmeras.2 tItm apitfithixoseyirdi(lyeCals)em hrone ot ethAeutmbi e)sehatisrgea teuperndrgosroew diohitsim e e n t o a y g t h d m n d u t G o e b y edivme 3.2aturtemifcee dnduin l (leCl em o ooinrteaouSsoaagdndytereS.eeen a.g3rY al(l a) betthyeanl Tf theaU rhvtewnrTintoehiatnccvttihicvsaeoigttsriaeneoanspibelcifit-hat nubnpear doepw i e e y l u u l o a n a s i n i e e c a e l o l i a r i c l t o s t n m s r i o p e a y s o o e T o p . a u i y d r i t p a e c e a e g s u t v a g t u r b v o t v c n b f e p d t b t u a n h o c w aryrtoenodrygtm ephixoaend yeaos)gm g wsp teheout takyou weeAoSdteram hrasya Ifhm Gutohror ierse sep e to u l h a s s e U r l(l at)a ybnettw r e u h t h h i t G e cohruam e r i e n o e e n v t a t b a o t l n y p n d c l s o d l e a e o e h c l r e T i o 4 a m e r a w e i r c i r i i r n i e e y a s l u u a e l a l s n p d c e c r t s l o o t l e n e v i u l c o t n o b a t e y , a ” r e s i w . t 6 t r t i i e A y r g h t l o a ns ee th o T e t s n i tlewaee. ri,lrl,oinm r e g c k n c u e d m e S a G u s u c h r e d c e e t itsiaerea s balelsfi- Serinrdee siiroece n3 Athviaiocene.ptelinnSyarel Thew ieiivtsnhedur sb.eeeracolTafet tru-itahboolpug-aplw e m e o r e r r o i s e s l c m o n s ee.3SaieIcf8crcov.yde1spopem t v r l e n t o a d L c a e , r s s i aoni gt.eangSnlet- at ai u o yrt,oivsuesapw o a Y d e y a , a ” 6 t . i t o a l e . v e l Sbearignrvdeeeerspiiroaernce4e.nn3ow h w t n a a aonuiansght.eoaerengSnlet-tehgaatpla- t(obi)nycwl hicaientm i orergtt, roseen d r, vyioc occ Tsyeovirunnicrncntem .gencnootovgfaetnthscopfpnlatsrht(loeTrhEeeornm rl,ioinm Icf8ccnso.yde1sppem n ad Athsiiaoioctnepsat tlinaSyerelscyrTovieeenic.rnc3eSm yrt,oivsuesapw tefrahoavsseC rdefm oiotirhcnueesbdelptuoli,rvntedsr wulaptlilr,oddi ues ur tishsrm viocY )nycwvhicaienm i orergtt, roseen dvir, vyioc2. oANcrco E ouudaena tannwtrtitithoeeeaTcienegrua.i6oelsnplfacantglsn TerunnttefriheoavssrC w .gencnoovgfetntscofpnliaetsrhgt(loeioTnrhEeeonrnnm hugsidlw si heitasuuitfrhceoatlriaetooienonnuydtgcoamcaetydiroseutrk on ustcreib oothueesbdelptuoli,vntes ulaptllr,od cesu,es cecuctierciengl artedhearagnysSahcntG,exyer5pm m rdefm c f a e e c a e n e a n p i c a m n e d r t , a g o s EnoluudaaetnratdtaarotnannywatrtitiathhohcpeeneaT w o e l u h t a w a l e m r u c endriusmtcreib, iunlaawdsedpprtveisincnag(gppipstehhlrim tdstoaim itfirhceronatlriaetooienonnuydntgcoram isncopioeoto,hauoggrlsG aY uofotnoocorgdlntaeannnilnrogyetutusehsranxeivysaendpth(thuesujutiaurthptch,ehoeaienrwsanrsordrrebeatshseed ute or .o6elsleaY l ptreaernelsadottsrhifveoraw teydirocseutraok T adgtshuesofidwstiisoocrnheiorgtasulntaem ae grasSl e tG,ewxyeor5pom pciretvisinnga(gplpipsehehm te o oitfiovei dtehaeecaaSaanbrnygeubm uolifangw crea sansyuserceookefoyntdsuoarasgattifonrohcoelerdtom t,eoSocuefr serissaesitnh o altl ao uon fdantnnlogettushrivsaenpth(thuesutiarthth aewsbnrsodrbea s. A G r laapteernemadttriveoisciothauggrlsat soaim aehnobotf m d , w c s o t r c s , s y . f l a t e d n r e o d i e u i g s p 2 s a o e s a o h l g t v g p h e i e y t a h a o a n y b s d n n w l e , t e G s l te , l i n h v o r t m r e t f i d u r a s c t o o a e o o u l s l t l t v oitfeitcovegniddtethhalneitem aSanbernygleeeublnesaehogssahnfeorabnotfpam eeeorlreom tl .c1oolul no r crthndetionngtcT ansyG oelianaxegytyg,eoSoscueforsuhvjtuspcerehioeosinsrdaesit.nherdrleiw useeokefontdsuoaasgattntionrohacledl,eredoam ow G eheofietofxnoere, oootdrirfghsedoaivtois urregapcvreue-sbyco-uathraeoslp his gtiocleaytnvotneboryryeydgealU hetiU G ouremaiopcvree- f iyco- aystohrafueoaisnatlhnlIn4t.hotfirrtidehwseeistahteUnthitthe.eeU e, oeotdprtuhrdoafvnw vtiovtlayenstvnbartnerotyelohysipcg,ebhtlheofigolxw ee.orrm ongcT Sasnley’sshsueurcSpotseruiGoaegsoftrohnmtitagretbdrh(yauty oGdftiywfioioluen acrcdtiearetey r fieleeoscr P o n t o y t g f i g n m o c i o e n t U s p s r w l p e r m a s d e d p i s t m e i 8 , s n i e u p y , f s o d e n a c o i a a s o a n y o r l r r g o c r e o e efaysoooutdnngsto,oyftuspw rtridehweseisitnehinnthittheeedUSagnsenleey’stshtodtsueurcnorSpotdseepruiGm oaengsnopefotreogiohnnm crseht i“cAurosevrin5tocanluruetdhriee5.Sy3oSneutiravvtepetirdyhcse?isrsdcdaepresrm cdtbeareteYur wfilhpeleeousG rtrtpttrhsoo/igiha)ernlcsaaw tnoitagretbdrh(yarutpyh8edpo.eGdftoiyw saa :/s/Stwohtdpw ap.se5te,tow sfiooicolaguleornseam m ailoditnm eohrvY uleoesiartegtiorm suchloeelryso oueoacrwiefin,car puaruts)e orefaysooiudndngsytno,oftuspw sw rm ic, to,inyfioorhds ydeoirtssi.oU estlailpahbysrt:d/s/epnStw pai e )crli.lhbsrttieaclaspnpG nse nfee voruosbaoalrn(soepw aps5te,teohrvY hudosevris5to.caluruetdhree5.y3oSutiravvtepeiryhcse?isrscdaresreop-rrtpttrhso/iha)erlsaaw hedinsoby lilsyk w ailoditnm eo’soossorooem hedic lt o r aroartnyt. hoiluy)nikhtpeyayyortoantotiso.ggoolerG ) e otG ulesetiorm suothloeo yo eoacrawiyfinhnydogpisulatelruytsuiaoganer(anooreftaohgnfertrY sw t m e i e t o f e g e f e ) e a t c n i e t t g n u h c u e e o a G e e l r h s o a l d , i u S c grisslteydloyirtusiaiogoanU m r o r . a r a y G r t a o t n T e t en(osoeifntaofthgnSfeerettrY r e l vor os aoalrn(sotprtaiaeroartnneytc.ofcrh.oiltuiyacla)nispkhtnptpeyayyortoantoow o g f dsoo . thhaatit-fourm SeoerrScvteotsoisrucg)rngteetaoetSiynhoeenr8rrv=.y3a4fof8e,ar6ao)stranntsorh/ob-inybm u,earygfoeoelpher.ercilrooeotrthm yehm tiusm eiggoaeollgr,eeo’sogosgstlpoheroorgeerfleeoththehdirnio-sfooobtuyanG c yliolsyku.susetiSoeee et eslirtlem reaaethltldeehhSefSeeodiurccteobaosglt)ihrgteeaotw h uucuret grreaenlrerT at(oea w/errCyiomnu aaetri,ognle ur .ir thaa 2rmd4coep u. Ye 5th.1tehner,viwnicog tdahe7ans. ”ptP. rtG ym S u Sioerr=y4fofe,aro)s nsr/ob-iybm rvthibcves,ry ooutsiucnGy 0u1r9eyrboes9/an rhrm s . v p r e i r t n 4 t u e i w o t 7 S a e e t I r t o S p t t d t g u ses5teiStohenr,evintosgirdm h n u t . h a e O ne w e e h S e l . s n e a tvevtsihrcvntoer yneoonr8vs.3an86a0truantohy en/aayfoeoerhrmcoormwettrCyo.4 Bastv.,1oi gG G is neytToirovoaeaiglcsc(ieobtbysnu toorensdotaoeh . .s2 U h a b g b i i a e r r c . s ( o n G a i i b 1 9 G s n u r r t i e y a b c u . m / s t u n 9 t c m r a v y o n r e t s p r u i w v l t e o ISeneSwrieciretvhtisanhonbenyy”P -tlaeiaernifoocnreeseowaeoergT ae’sysnsotsetyfs)hqhtyauhaotlotocthcrreersltedithcherepenT toSheeYotuh.h1em ehsysoitobhufierl.r ctcheas t nt cotn,ssoleiltyhout sihftrocsoocr.ylcm g.a4ohnO T rlsam punrscm rovofaearcgclosc(,iyleobtcebysneuybsot etyshhtoorenysaotdoocttaoehcrrgie.rlet.edis2coU eoveenatd.hoiuttleffi l iecrbsn,astyohvosrrtdigocoeluieercfsueom otm ooo en vleiecreamnG eatdnptcoroiettsne,psdspoerleoyilovttyphiuareonocuyhevm a ovordi icfuotlsaoepunrsrcym i asssreoetryvesefsotyforiutuytshetaoonyts G r y.asocu pgiuthisnof.afyaoyroycam a’ss fqtyaat he thhrepnasnsrelcehsyssoitobhufierrl.irotytf cttchhw r opdnrweed-hosilcyaenoeuolyuynptohrcoheuaeGrvsrscoesw s osocr. m es yaotrgpT tlodo t ecihgad otaitdsiem rsert)o ha f oh gle t. ar hbs tyhsrtgoceleersetisr.m naler fi o(roegse ilnm set y u h esosryG aihotm e uh st rscuioenaoanttm oprnsdo) lyauheoelulynpoh GsrsweeT i s s y u d a i a n e w o n t h p i d e l o m h m t t , e b r o t n u o i r n fi n o ( s l g v n e n u e ( . a v i a s c u t d o e s o t f e e h e s ff g r c e a a erlceogoviudnocyovaitrd,sisey.asoucuoupgm t uhnofsaftiyaohyocm s i e r iacltngeroouytrcoheaepfirvsnsctoeho(roiennigasolteoirlnm rosterfts)ohuartsheaaotvoneyfs,tU isrnghih,niaergthgriseioncfnt9erlotuo.,abdm tclriw o”hu)neoiuve“sgSstluouebcffht.ocvraellnbyinteitftionreu.7beY rscumeooenaoanttm nheotSagroleirmtoited ka riptieonnnhrgyi-giC .y1itodhG isn w uieya “bal itnhtteeeifocroy)enn,rs igthohetw r g e r n e e e i p s i t , 6 t e t g e m n l l c o o e C r h g . F h a e iendehb.7b.Y e c i o t o f e uoffihfiaacvl e inntfm h o v a a a s i r t S d y a n n r , e q f w l i d r h r C i o r n f S s l s o h ymitdhay n f o o e U i s y t r i w c u i i a b i a o a s i i tunsffadstceifoc croeitgthoeurew t e o a i e s t n u i m n f u n c e i n o e b t eonw omersapdosuida6is.siaviG g a e e r n k e h g a s r c g o l o l r n t d q o T t t a s n C i r u i i l etnieod w s a e a Y i n d x t t m o l a i r ouapdbchosuioda6raselslnabyvteiiG o a e n r u t l h ioscsnlihet)dowgithnetcG T n S i e g n t e e e e a s S l l n e o e p , o y i . etoierume.,1oGuFieaor“baiClel hteeirorSy)enn,rosrtea ohetrgth,ninrigtceivttonn9btao.h6ldm f t e r t uoisfiunnodm wyonlg-w )searinmirgnipoeetausnrataifiolropgm anbfo,onturednntdierti”en.dtgm celec’sG naosthim seflrilnlavgsicrneefim sygoreds a otn 11, t eUTw s ehsae, tsrocureresrt raenA ibneetcpeptiedGetoldism a l soi.aiYd ennfooss aartyiooudrooegsolrCnaecoql fenaraci-fseqfiarununinset o ueahxtheioedew h e c p i r T a n p S s i e r r m e i n l n a t i u 4 e G e l o e e n o e t e a o s n s l n n c y l m o c e o w o o c o e n s s o f o p t t o , y i s o f n . d e l d h e r o i i m s l f e h d e e t d e c a e t e n e , a r e r t . i i r o l y ) g i t r a n a r t n e h s e m d e e f o d l u r c u o f o o fl s o g u o 4 n A e r f g o a n n s c s p h r g o a u g r c m u r h r s s o c n u i G o a o a s e o 8 t t t d l l s t o s t S p s r e e a ) n e p y r s i v m a r t e i i u s fau,G i a o d G ) y l c . r t t s s r ” fi a o s n n p w m d a t ’s o ucoshltarenigivuehsispnldaogle 2 g l r t i g a s b . r i e h c p a s e n m v l c u G l r e n ffi y l e o e , s f o f d l h o o i lifindocdm o to sa, ttw v Ynooptgayllyepeaftotgyhol toiosyn, om e ssygtohorends yaGoYovied1s1s, le,. rtahitrytrsyeearA i a a a o r a y e n r u v mgobom d s m a eueryow fi f u l r d s t i u o l o l i s n a c o y l m o edsisogeelcsesu,a.prstahitflroeytesarensSypedaecasr8aA f r o anucytto(hoogrr,dlihsfto, trayivoeubyaegre, e t ) y t o a h u 2iotrcoYnoolroaovapotglatyllhyepoeuarw enigivuaethsbiseopnhuledarylafcgugolreain,cfgkontrhteht ehetstCoepofcontoushtem tgaegtsdoisosynr,ooondrum ad-o.ugisdrrseachnorw vuofaG ouasssydooeSretabrylkoasG bom luoaanrsdisdteitnom eracdeeisG cinneSrseyaerylvCbnm toonduhitotsetw ce iad-.ugisdr seacodollhiytohseoltweinuaem ancfgkotrhtht hetstCoepofcontoushrevearaiffi Srnsey aobinm anucyttoi(hooyogorr,dluihesrfteYo, otrafyiuvoG y e gabeelryoaow uob5 onet6eGis.nhotw vaeims , osaeoisoornr syeo’sedtrttolheeoaren s altlsrtaicdotnituvofiscouenffttinirnnft,ngradrethm mSoeSe ://wexnprutea9apgn.lrioiPscoteoregom texndruesG orehntoondot tcnticdoaerylvCfiscouonuatsionionfS,redtrhvareyksG , osasornr ’s datcetlheaegoaoe.ge4nfleY ) hvecea.gTergvliec, (iunr adde o o1oue lle.dfrvtrhivthi ww r le’sedncctbonsmpeserbaso,eG o v c e e g e c y Th 9 e a e n p t6Gi.n1nhuotew a n t s y m e i .oog4nfleY t g e meSlleoeSdfrevtr:hivt/h/iwm o s c a m o p y l , r e m d v u e i n.lriiPsceotoregm a h dguatrrheea thydGauiosoYaogodbggluielrm eu’sealldnscrcatbontsnituvopeserbeaff gadlteersSs,oeaFreenvonrw ulice so Teoregvnlestc,eie(onydiufnofrr-traclom saesSeeSt, ao .goseanpteitrtonhi petriwveturfiiaantaclhwdtietasrrorconarttniyhdcdeoetbrtsofahw rn ngraetm G w gecieaecesSew m inuag dicghoeisnistc,iehn oarrakgsrn,e-e in anlwtiet aorconattniyh)teotbtohygadletersSs,.egaFreeevonrwrmiw he odGoui oYegod u. Th oueroriecteaeaontngtse,otym inoi otuSa leeeaissetigtes(attresoeldffenpdoorlaivfcrgeiecSaesesoap9grt.l3ee.Iecndtft.atSTh eS, .gosroenanpteirthptriwevturfiim oryrevyeponeuuthtis ,edaietsoueym hsi m u r p a i n h e n o u y a n e i h a i a l m o tgeae, ttinohyoaostuaobggluielrlm i u a y s s i a c r r x g t l l d x c t t c o eeaistiges(trsos npdotoraovfreicSa o9g.l3toeniendtet.aSTh e o e d a m a o i t e t p , reatachdaesrreorudchtdeeisersfpaw e c aietseoueym oyaenarray,yevccriucerecsgetcaa.etttsahoysnyteoat9tdpudS.1u:yve/xer/Yepexi,lpiaiccnlrhiaatct llpouoprfy.reuorokuyo/rosrphipueggcaaaehtasotos,saolirim ,eanecitinngyothuinm ,e(hnoaolwrkgatosoyrw eoc hat , b. mitr,udw anuagysuuopoeb.instm iainoinnym aua Soayaenrryeevscertuarteceheldcaffea.etttahoyntelat9adipcSg.1eyrxeeseepesaxp,lritaicunrehatc.Iclpofoptyo.ouorykuryoevrosiyuegcephtonsoualtrim ncye,clloulysicoi nsr.ekm vrdotinw w thoyeorr,utw dh rs wcthehsoeastrw ra obourrw anew aa i rp ot, ccayexetxc,cllpualyi reatstr.ekm s d: p euc t inrlikgdifnepr rrivrvnetiatspldsacilu odgieovte , o spetrtv , positlo,lm ci y tinm noptil i ietgi abtnievspiiostoahtm c l d s i d g e h a h a b t n t e t e n t p r i a r e e n g r t n f w h i v a n u b c d s a d r c t h h l y i s t z c o l n l t e p s e e p a c s c h d r p i l c e t y e o s G d t y i a e p e i g d s i . v b i t e e i n o y y i f r e t o n l c i o g t s t k m t e n a o h e e i n l sootwhu n,ycabtceiesgtspiosth syotobouuve/rne/Yw e r b a ep/phgraaavarnstsoaiplnsc loodsgciovitn, , spaet idt,a w undgoeoaflfitcahrenentyhcreooicueexm i i r y r i o . i t . t r e d r v e m u p r a s o w u h t u o n e e r o n g l e w t r f e o m r l e r v k o t e s d c e n s r r i a n o o rssdbw i r r w c r t a t t o e t e o a a fi o i e i u e o,lfm h n i u s e t e t u o s s v n r s o o h v a n o r c c a r h o g d t w a i . d o p e o p a d i,nvuodiny Scoofttoghtr acrkt t e or eeasshom ntouneonnC erSnnoeoetaotacgearctplentheisoenotfinm tc.aagktnosngCehltoypgw esreaas cnindygiohscittvriohnenetrdoeoptpryrenot-aadhsittziiG slnelte.erumipsnieuntstegbeaoenhtltdittcisnl gw besop.lronhrnpildelirsnrfew teobnrtucyercbiayete.eirpotnetncdo,liundgoflfitcahenthr iceoexnum utgow tnsut,s oetilres cbusiyraear usSteseeG toshlrloe#tm m m s i n t a t o e s e r r e a p r o e m t g o e o v c i s o g e i l lefy, in mwre, , he g e t a o i rs(sohfraiaenrlG r y t o o f e n n v n a d G a m y u g n n u u o ndyeoeyordgspheiacnw h e i e r g S i , i t , h w t n n r n n n i e m n t e o u uese veesrdosccbuasiyraeauthriteuveeupfisSthedseew p)ei.apsnonbefiiolonnecurdsaoatntsgnh.tuede(kaw vuoeeandaw Snnoe tgerctetisoentfm ctleyoem owgrh, a7crk.t2ew gt,oefearluurn-nrsteeaapdw leolaseirtnhcaarhediengcrSevelesliem ,todhhaic e d dntecnecw r nC aoentlntditdtcyisnoleyw d r hanassyttrtaellepaarpner lifyy incoofttm rs(sohanrlp)euiassnnblefiilolonnte.eceudsaotngnhs.tueet(tebw yteslrloe#tm toha ndndnti,ecncweoatrhvaeietgcoiarcraegvlollinm ectleyom 7c.tew s otucadttoh,rvthisoam prcidig rtioiotv-fholdInnonytgalt-otsyheopedu/nhidseltahfateohqrecfuorsubthhinastsilac- yordauncye, p s km gt,oeruun-steeaadfriaenG e rdgsphic aenas,sy5trtel pdaearpero Yeotouhctesas at tw s l a s p e o . t r d S 2 d t e C t a e i l e i a . a h 6 r g s a 5 l e r r a r n r u a d s o e c e h e n t a / t w e i e y f G e / s e t n , a I t o p e . t l r r r r e i c i h t h h Y e o a l n h t c c d s n d o c 2 t o h s i o l h c s n U i t o o r d b s n e s e h f a q , b s r s m f i r a y t y d v s oondeu’stdboe aoyrhw - tnayoirdr ao ahgerseonthoym harlkanlsyaoptnhsftcaetsyaayashw i l d , u l a e n r s a u h e i b h o t i . t issteex, v t S l t g d i c t f e d e u c o etenhsdeourm n c h r e a t i i w e , d t u n ; s e s t d s u i p r n h t c a p a a h t l a h b o v c v c t i a w r j i r a r r a e o y i g o s c a u p h t t u a o i m a o e c i a n w a e a a ta oinr adooobu taehagsersrateoSnthoymw S e e i e y e e a p g v t r u b c t nnog,ustnieosetuw s be cbpoyunblafliwc ppruebsslliysh evexsc,asC elsyydeb,opspuisttwpinlisarslitA titshieoieeartgovSnriteceehrdrlvlaieavw C yceho,olhndaoeuo’sttdbstiltoeiicaoyrhw oaartnivgeb/erureetnhsdeurlm eina arlklnsblsyapotnhasrftde etsy. oysihnsbll-teyh, teacG w pcporn cyc,orcw e h1in0ipc.oaeegurrrehv r wusrtrhilotaervitleaar oleao,brukm c w s r h ( r n y e i u t t u c u b o n i m e l c t t d u b c t i o e e esr)rooeeirentdatnaneeunyestphCm e u L n r o r r au l i o c t i c b b e e S s e y i y h c o e t t e r s b o a c n o c b h n d w , y r t u r r e i y d i b u e o , b n y g i a n s e l o ) o ) n l l n scasCccyorndacvcoejerrcw c t thieeeartgovSnritetceehehrdrlsvlaieabivclw b upaisrtrvrtheielotaerviitnoleeaarntgm sw iilcgssim epocrnlem odst on eoocin ke-, yourdisp , luhehbiem et h1in0ipc.ocaheeLgurrrehtnvcyttisorcrw ym e rooeiretatnanGyeoomnm h,aiyn fogs.tgu-heui,tnhteeonaneypam t u.esnesthth.a,goaelartepsyeprm alafluiwcltplbee spuslolihysnhagt(ltyw ansicso w boieac,rutkm s,siitostrC hm youtein diasoensirncishaw bsw iilgsim e em ,ayotfugc.tgdl-nheuiotnshnef,onan, ypasor)endteeunsntphCegoleke-,tyeodrrdsionl8licv,ieeo, hyGeothenws oo. shpisG lu em)u.eyetustahh.agalreoim soouoaessorr a rifistceeandltlywch clhay t fn odooupo iaenftfoisrtecaxlucishcehtheeorw a b e r s p s u h t 8 n i t c t s n s o f c t o e n o o . o u d t a r r s e y i n 1 t d S d , t m s m p o h e s e o o f u t u t f h b 4 n s y y r h p i e e e ) tpbeeedrsopo8hnliagtcv(lityw l n y l c o h e o o e i . f t e i i t m . r c t r t e t e a e h eo, hyGeotcoenwshebio.tshpisrG efrSsm geencahtunerrelvediScde rabdlyiosG otthor uoaetnssonordr edra.sriCifiastocreeboannderlthaw e1ov0nToiy.dtgheleo,ua0pG tetio,oafnsyyprod1ooupnom r.3sproatU oryrsgcrw atclhllhe cdlaoyoyerY gpla necheichange ethaenfocsrreocaxtluhcis-dht)eh thfeerw fioi inwnietGhsnoU sgeocissut an gdsglertehreoG l p h o l e v o o a l o ( l l b o e o o y G f o r y r e p 1 t n s e g 1 0 e e o y n i y p m . i o s n e u o l s erhaatlhtonleds.lo4yroerYgeeocissbub. eroeauhnoeaagdsrgleertioethrhfetG p s t o c .hgolne o a c g e a m tehioavrenvw oryrsgcrw ncahtunerrevdiScderadlyiiocsaG guepisnm sincEtnohnegdagplteeusrscpyasoeuse.qTh gpololoeauayrsneateoenchtea)iis.cncSthY tiotufirhrer-bloarytniggeoshirluebG fioi inwnietGhsnoU ’stsohpsSpoareootruvicaceagelbreevlsethdcseo3tpG doranpentnsdaseinfbeofirlersw o he1ov0Tiydtghelet,hpuaSypr.eo3polaU s s teournen pfe(w te lltfea).cStY npdf aceoiostrpheboron.ge1orlueG eoesrsG msoar ruviscnearllbeengss1thdeo3tesi.ncEotiolhnegaplleusiscyas l ers.vTh tehire ouopipnm nliefiot sGeeoedroisw ooY licae ,Cor n y u sthtrlse , eagcm pritnne ose ou iesm depststo. gol,cnelcC osathuigtiicm l edpsecstntiano edow seato,cncC e t l r i s a 8 o e v g n e n w i p d i g c G q u i d p o i n icmoe datsaseienbeoirlrsctiufirr-laedytiogoshibt’sl spo, eotagcm r c r e tovuvitw G u.1 ies.rifheat , oarunno,ureyeuSiedatyydhoonatoug fiarg-ononngtd, tahsiedoeg,evyhrfaoprhdgcGievwthothgovoiga-lal yigngayw l e i , , l t o e t w n t e e a G n n h s a e e fi o m s r o d t a e n s p u g h o s h u k l r d o s s t e s o o h h r t l b t e d e g i n a f c h s o s u e d a s u o g d u i o o y a i o h u iosour k fe ednablennceo en e d s f t o t o l e g u e y e n d tsrosrvopglaitnignetwisne irYeolivcantsCiSo ths. enfultrorevlintohotm o i C e e o d t yeppldielrtnaofototeceorosecigntepytlcoeSeaon’sueterym r a h n u i r t u e n e w v G d t t i n a v fveans oaY y i l n b , e e r o , a a r a s . e , l u vtinei tnttpl,:tt/dhhniaestytrcryoaetouocsrcm hudgayisostourfrokrrsfm enfutSiedrevhl onatoutohgm vpvouednasatgbY b,sttathhnhoads eg,b,vuyrroitodakupryeepapm iib e i esceaohnym n ccaasoutynerhadribstegiefhniym enrelw nnam esrolvioecrohsiteyhtgSaletriy-m idfibrnyhigeahkeseatm tneuntntscdeeeoeew u utiviSveeew s oveueunotae vonceng ievsn yhey-serfnraceotbeienreg aheiapcroem r, httlpl,rtotdhhnaeiyncetoots cm bibuuktnbm bhStteo,sxopebntocoaleintneuoidrcm u ourastliuembeadi-treew fiyhi kldl nfotteoecgnplcoereon’suervoueedinw aargbirtilivtebueeune,tlldaatehtiavibeoiclnndintw h rssiocrdkees be/nw w setsyeganei-eneoe.ag1xfrtn3hidn1esteta,catnasoisanndnrpsiaoseosnnidoa magcaonmd h p nd tndersvionicrdkees ://iwsttrbryoaioubcurkcastnehdribtegiefhnyteos enlidtconengneeudrhsetievsinnttayhey-serfnraceotbeienegvspaihseiapicroem .geesoeoahwyaeeovhsrftioom aasty ywG o tnnoe ssoe e (g(sehaiitcfh, hiotannssd/cm s .Y ew i Th b i h w h ) s S c n e o u g n n y s c i b p h m l ( m n m t e a n h e a , e y l e a n w ntw n t e o a i b A u t e eoehbheSet,ovhsxrftoom r o a oeag1rn3id.s1esetr, atnasiandllnrpsiaossntdou atgceaoxnyndSobsehsy, uocthenristhd9gtuhviei odcro oot girnllecfifd.n ftwawe,Sredeartxpiiop Th noali toicm n o r s o h g a oTyebeee phya ww h a n a i g . n t e s s i u e d n y s ( d , g t s e . o h o e t t e s a 5 a , a Th s ft -ovricges etG , h ) a i n e s d e uiotch, hienisnsd/gtuanhavsitaydeicodcrooG t t c S p w a l c ySobeuy(rsvG e w rhigeaYdtceealsioltnhnabteajteihncle o.racersodG otowyrallefif. ioew hlm edr1iTt3cieo5m actteiosonTingn-Snsaes(roveornifm ,d aotTyhrabem xpiee.xfTh acoweoinaesr ndUiew ol vhpfGw o m optovetahfer1-ya1otroe4ugvnpriYlctario)yeno.tstouv. nduieovrB h h , hiaccovtheohnaersrtinhddU9iew heontnsW s.5 tee onnbt ginl ecodrnegdaeoptoethfe1-rydaa1eor,.roe4gvinopsprinctal)ye.tslouyuenodsAuiev(drB d ie.r.m- ricrgebsityetG o/prt tho uebia o s liigG edyitoshcyuam toprvi estghbaloett aR(tarLeofifsnaoelplseaauretnoelcardtegs,srp.Sehriottsoim 1no1ifno.a2m a w raans og e oo e oeortm fopr esgaloet aR(tsarrhiLegeYosnolpaaulesitltnlhaeseasjteihp.Shncriotsino.acrsoG dyicsom mova/err t ut Ylsrionotev. ttoiler)1liiitg3G choe5nW dro esrGey cy e ftvw gls)t lomseuptththeitrseheyabrnoneum ldarbmloegeoyerofmpute Gcoaydotseneadcawouen m ocgtelohTen ct is raanst8h.5G i e o a Y p p f r a i r a b n n s t 1 h r w s c n d e o t s h e a ( t e f o i o e t u p , o e u o n t m ; e o c p ft s a o n s o t o v e t i p e o Y g e t o d o e u y r t o l o o h u y o o 1 d h a fi l e r r d a o a a o e h s s o u h o u t e o o y t o i i c r c m p l a v r a , e t h i t p r fi r o r w a g e o o e h t c o e i r ft u s . o w w , l t a r ebiteeyarnonem e n b T o e v l r o r m o f a G e l g m l c a u s e r Sobogfitom ytndna eursm o w 2 g e s r , r o i t n u c s c e o e r l d d d u p u d S t p m en a r s c y g ) m w d l w y a G e l e e e o i r e d y r r slm deY cmroabialusglkclsetuaguasom ftse)etenyeosouarcyaoongr yeohruot-snhgteaoaooyaonueiendxateaedm oYow beqoufeneuee o estpcphoaonn nelaerg’sin . pohiseinta oaors)ei.ftfi,nTh oountgilm r,eotaoutio tpthhirsaoe-rviSgoobongfiwutror(eifytonyoirdnui,alateehudian aeistfi,n, yoodpbontagoocrlpnuetlatuafihouprddatso(eteeow eaysruopspboueftrlsoprptow Soaeohvorcs)w keyl.e.hraeat,yhnaysyeoatu“pi1uSar3ligsn2hhodtauhbaeeebueyrcyw toohua avusn owrao- pyhee hT rifw as anenxtll sbresqerousatfetsineiTbuale srpoegerfcitorpuropfbooryyrm dm eaeg’sin). dcpohriseintw .ftwcmroaiu gsmfte)snyteos1rouarcyaoohongrtret yiesohirot-lsingleam groairsm G l u c u e t n h s t n s h y e s i h a h a r l r y i n G y i o u o r l o h 3 d s t i o h e l a h a e y k f l a u c e m s t u a a o w a r b t o o f i o s d y a l e r t h o e a e f u r ft n r o h t s . m n l e r o i e t y g . o e y k tseib rsrpoegerci uropafboryyr er,Th i b n h r t c 2 v i t i r u e r w o o t u t o n t o h f s o o r e toe9 ire e9grm m f e o y m d g s a w i f h “ h e a h u a o r a e e ontthdri enBlaoe ySanheudv baeaenowehegea o dcoome r y w i i c t a o h t u a m i r o f p s p . e p l o . s a t g v a t e . n g e 4 a r h 2 l a e s n h e y i t g c m e nrnlenwoyntoihcecuheetoC ci(coaeenns)djowy1C1tiooht.htunC itsloteengrbadaoaetnvasreoret”m iseul,ylconruthraStrleoltrgeft vaihgiwtIhlfflfoyurotohuG nsicoergnoue cgeb wo e hgh t1rC oGwwaygaulnseG dm osotaeenthd e(Bhae)eltlySatnheurydttrolbhirtleaiherln,eoetlwilcehseegpUnraocnltnoolnesO ryiigotsheetGooaofttohheiogtesrnlenitw erti(caeeenns)jaow .e2spU9c.4rfeoO orvte. thhai eotnaobearnenncenotds,1not2arbcSoliiotm omntoicecuhetooC toer r istbsatophrem ce u h n poaysm nloi ehgaotuevricaebGdirlwpw na yg c cuobsoneegnebtlehneetoucfaneew Gwwriioltstyg,riaulseG un(taifnyortehC isofenogrbtadhaolaetnvasreoret”m ic onnoln m tphrndt wy 1toh. tunC eotnaearrnced1n2abcolyiitm heosm nldyoeftgwG e c eouenauehave oo yeo h e e yg ol u,obsoalenbtneneslcfcaoew rnl nyr ig s it.airs seetishgphiylniotedtihdaedtchhGmnteednfislveaG oi cd thtveeaveaueem e e i t e y g l t u t e c o n e t u e n a i c o e p o a e n a t h e e t S . t d s t e e e t l y r a u o h s b w o g a o t , t t wens esistbsa etoeryuvdt.ihtdhaheanditchhGobmnenintnotes,endnotfiisrltve.aG o h i s u h yunoo(tuiaienyscrdl(uoC etoanmgaaeroukaoestguo,hpeouoeurdosgT-oaeshboeyliecpl1aaoeu5bnleeLdweeb emceynauoope benheefiu Sae )tveeatrcshveaucaecrem enoctleehnetousountebsirnsfm r fomritthho1taiyvtoehthyeGlegylaoebyeooiuacfuffi opoairsetyei speteiylnrfioom ao ratrly);atveecinroseg,f ygoleuthnfaow t inlddytoe.ftowG Sf wandaffe enam 1 igo hcaeew e v e i a ntomvh o ed rithowaiyvt tbhyse roaegyl by loicfueamglaaerroe tgto,lhoerds-o oeliecpl1areu5bnr.tfr jeciegirnhrtuoohrabt eanitnhe9,e.6aicskt, )raitni e1idno.1uiangot iom G n r o h e b l s n h a t e d o y t T t e w t y e n r G t a r Y e y l . u i t k l e a 1 g eg gle nfow a e t n e o S e a S h p c t t m y d e g n U n t e r t o L r i C y h d , t dec2Sahte1elredcnTh wihnaxcpetcdoereutroonhvhmiw r haxccaesesw Sftereiwttohahpnudyosaffeateenarbrm 1ao2tigtieoeoleunaffi t iaitne9,.t6tack)nraaitninyhte1idno.1fbSuiasYynygortrlheiom ccenyhooaemeeC utocintheuoctuthediteoerow omminotee(otoeuxdsp, or fibttaeea1dnrnTvselm iecwyleow hoannveo wa hoomnoeg whme y nisas(a)tnteiom rvniehfraG g r s v n s s n h e r r . t e n e e i o r m t h o c T w e t r e r t i t C a 0 1 e h n d e s t c e d o h b , u w a v n c e e m s i i o i w a o n e d i h y e m w d S w t d i w u i n s a c m w t n e . s o c t h i i o a o h i n y o m t h s o s d u 2 Th e s i e T s s i n i c e uxt obhrU e n p i t sy dgheehtreCnGiotgm l u v o 1axnadne ySbebevyenngwehooweom t w m u l h , n c i ( osShoG o y t t g aea1rie1Snm o r t i t r om e o e s s C h e i h n y ftodomefiry oyaesdG a e o r n e u s r T o o o t n i r m helpyploya,fusnGetY esspterneasntsayl1iyn0is.sen2m dvpheiasssnaarvdnY oictm isttsyeoodgtughcneethasthreCrnG eatiercvdhicseyietosthSh.usoiG enfoodnreotbfitsrhyenfosoyaoautaom seh)otlw n c n L ab ruhnigretm erseeCe1ia)x5onpa.dne y(seSebirfevyeinnhgow dnhotaegdlye a,eucso.vepc.uvyhercuewcoehaagenhneene eopoerhauyaoaoa5opao1egeN freroa,hLnirdti,ilenfrgm onm C oaa1yri1Snm raidtinfrotmppoafunY ,ec e vh ftuom oooruhnreidvpheissnaadniotgm woa n r dG ig e wSw v a aeoedchooem oo c m bi ai nininf ouum y vyleaoonbuasgnryo, nh om dasbt bay eyorosmt h-ooorgehnat,tyoptw ehnaropvylYeodihntategsgdnlyet,atuhsrto.ivopritm cyeiricsiestceha,genrleeneiteosperhraluyaol,laoastssao1rregeN llseso)ne cfolocreys C d eintholyuioeaeaneeuus aocoopa ohc tyaanaheehvcceahexaocheeeuonnogcnag yoe o n e gm eyorsGthoo igtm t o si eoridliStrkGs u oi(troagdilsee’sm f s n e d t p i a o w t r h d r l b e w s t t o a l e s a a c o y n i n v n s g e o m , o s f e v w S o t h n r o r y t b h r e c p d o o i , a t o b h t ( w e s u u G n d s o y e y o o o e a d a n r t i odanguubdoSeueeuonovohcyponnohnneuoub sm rdayrkGom (trorgilsteitm eintihosyuiueareanleleuns aocfoparttioh,tsasnlaheerhviccelhiahessixaetoaclrhlnlereubestusSiultoerniatnsonshgisucnaiosgteioayncooteefu),ngrortheeyr,svecircT eee1gr1lveai,yeoopudnlareyaddoeonmarnyodouohce a aedeaycgbbayvedooon uaynonow e o t G e n n o t o a a s a c a a n y e a ne h c S y g o h d noteifn,ng tthSihfeeyr,ssvec,oircsoe1grolavredanyiryeseo’sopdunltw n y e m l a e w o s e a rtorflretooco(hna ootuipocedlorapnetaaentdrieeoacylcignataylbaloaynlviudetaddi;botrooienlitricr,uG r e i d d v e D . o r e p a t l o e t n u s ff y ff t o e 3 o o p e o o e p o n r o o t i v o t e l h e n u B d e n t n u b h f a c o y i n i m d u e r e s e o u p hsoash s hbrioaepa, iaowtayssnonefsow d m n rteovr e S Teeeast1. .i,cyeidareeyaledidoteionmrgsnyGdof u(tyD daguicllo oonraircfffyaeaodsnuetohotnehrusbtrtadartsiesyep viacnadsyYdisomuaaerggeneonot-r aionnoGg bG oye domldaww20bvdeeoa hoehena ab mhc e uebea oTe m em y ff e t o e u i 3 t e o o o c , f o e p o e n p e o d a n o l e a i l h u d o b i r n l s s G e k n l o t n u B i o G e s d n r n b d r o i 7 e h e a c o t d a y l r n c v u e e b s t r s u p r e n y n e t ) m o u p T o l m u i Y a s o h , u T u w e s o i b d e b v y w a , h e y u d p e c i l i r o g g o m e m o o o n u n n , a g l l l w r n g o w G e e o 2 v s o d s m a ot edtrGrahdeaedrtsilesyeepo,erlivaniracm a n s e m u e m i y t l yo on y o a n e o r i n d p i s r d t e ta)nohcgdroeopuypoag,bgTh a 0 g epceue m e e yoh1ey e ovw t f h a h u o . i r k u 7 o rrobaitrvruum nharm ytrag,tvdpoipbetitim lerl tsaiosde esspesrarbsoceoctrtuhgsrioaeeatenudGresm seuet-dlor )ntnhdGrpolulieoa.goTh ylaecs aaraknsudnbgem etoom ,r iyefnueoruum iwo m uny pesdT h eDe e ccahbnng o eax5co3ouodnpoh eoacenhen oyog e h p o w obleateoi, slaegm wetitoetitveinhna,atnhom hswa.snetitoerdti,rtevesitenrtahstttoacgttroheioom u espioslaegnlicarakgns,iudnsebgem hsi eteni ceyocgrofllnoosghoottaene,pm,eesem r rahi,tyea,dmce nil1ld4neeogw mu ypgble(’sDelsecsileuisccs.aheinneg tyh1eax5ylr.olouirko. eslpyvwpiw op eppeb oo,vtheadhudapdanegaahbpnp cuTh e eftorahi,rteuadm st em tehvteSohorodkepscthieaagvnoedeengnde daeeawoeoay ednonumo ay and n,aneppeb,rrhooi,lvitthiea)edtshudptrbarlneltii,gaaiopnp cl3lcuTh n rcweocr, logyaeotatanel pm dn ooairoctnhetssxoayrtoiooded’sweoiiuponfohaoparptptteviocepaeocokonsgetm i illdeigw d n n e h a t m r d h i o e u o p o a h s n w n n e n , E o b n w c r o t i e c 1 l s a a a l o h u r t etishxactioolntddoweooioduoeernf, haoenpearpntptsrtheovtuioyc,ertpceaem eliabtiw .,ietars epetdienloirnum edysoninanindmfeot,uhrroeney1c3ceru3dohem uxpelugt,m t 4nth.ovteStlhorodkestctthieonaagtgvt1inoed,neienionignhrtdethsaedasbfietsw oar hpdieteleyxecftwohueg1nS5Ge2oyonoSghguaohunenbficSeoneevhceecnhnngogynoaouohe m o o any kornsgem rseaoiliindtrtm m ataw Gprhniearv,crvetdke,ehneoooquoruungaiopveenadG hu S5Gt.r2onorg faounecSonfesvihcteoeitcsnhoyiinbtgloiuogyn i el d mf ,u y1certoheapeflgt,rsroirveatr,setkihpndteietEeleynrxooetcoftqpuluiw pooov ncGbwoeochebaovuyhc a he nnSpe voend beoynadv tenhd fv,oeut baanwdeuySaolom e vo oem aindtenruesoiisfvt,ierni aotwtdhrsuoeeySras3c,o.3dmuxG uhearcid , hfo orunsiai erenG e ySguGf(n eer lsy n tnoaotltieuohe tepidote,unodessdevtelniculesneyayymethtftaynw-afaryoaoncgy votcohnecehaeSm aeg gv e hcg nen en a a c oe p o a t l e y m l d a p a u e e c W t t r e e o b ft a p p y o e o h e u c c a s h m h n o r g y dotduedvuelbnicul teearym ergfiropvreenadrporroviinc-bwjoeitocih)teibaovuishci. atllthe spnsiunsySbperv om w-apoano,ctvet ivtceohthe Srm d h a h p dodbyvcoaosncteohutnaat de recee1a, 4e moblSeeS ocbe u w o e c e c i e m o v 1 , r o u g g s e o u i h v t a h ; s s y C u o n o p y i o c W r r r osnscyotihinoaraanttdifeasryrece(eon1a,ogy4)ailo.et1nem i sa,oaebnirtlSsere,Svrouiovfocrbemofstauefggw uybolm ,om doavebyano dey whe aph 1 nany eaSw hsalhiedesemhifgtcltesonenhyyoaavnlcsishteoysatalosdp, dpathnlyad oliuacrlehayidcgapevruasap; dqioaufyuieec,rrruet’sn-rsdaee cY esao omarnadaTh ce bocedwafiabnxcebyhe1am ydn5o1hm iucle uorpeuddqbiufylcyioacunsisteh. utY s irC“aits mrnardaTh ecyaaovabuekuaea aehegnpeaandaw he no e no e twdyohi ey deerpbafhon SaenbwsyooonuesfEpuaegxnropehdrneeupga1an4neyn3aeoem 52 y y ew bic owr fih-paicohrrud1aladn5tyoothum ynSo-nceeeaonnv yftcaoewom a ee ypaceoo_um oumoebveopap ovvh coh w yo.1hieyasoadukuabrt aehlyelgfnopeasntaw dt t hyddapivae; a atie,rsetnrSdaeefnt:cwoonus(eEopaes)xnroptisel”nepg1al4nenytnitsosemnlaSiitceaesnsosfteidssiiaiablnlxebyhset,m yilsosuttrohu veered1m ho n5 nvdlalcatke a- eee scpsoeyldvo gN e e , a b r c e e t v G o i e i r . e n d w o u e g y t d s 1 u e _ b . m n h n n , l a f e p 2 w ( b e r l h G r w o y , p l e o i y a e r e a n i u f c c y o i , p e v s d o o u e G t n p C a o m v s a t a a o v o h o v n N o g a na8cnyffi oundrbydA 1eepnTh uytroiuberlivbfoenerredm seoebpvaesttohe,ptttaphrura:/ods/vuovwhibiscsim rc1roueabm oaeooSgawewevowdngo och coan (,b)anrsyvdloiailcperatekeswus,sa-tnarieeeesusttcpsnooeylrdy,voo3aeuG m nG gcbgialvkee m l ffi icoeh wehoytoierdoan Ae oueem rrSeoneeewriscoerisomnree syaonrfm n oece oaog encnde heap h ypA i n e n o 1 S c t 8 p o c s r o , i p h 1 s d c n d t o o e d o fi u s n i p e f e n C a m n v , r udcoen w e e a stuobcoum c h a h mee oceoog v t o h p v o 6 u h m v e r o o t h m y 7 u e w v y t s y g o c n 1 n r o l n G s e e be h r e m y.ffi dlta. iG notoau.ew ogoSgahfelrhew anpllthe A rvwnit.go, pf m m se oytefodotaohnnm nr oetSchiseioaorrg:il-iee1ncndetsi w oliiffi sinTh ibydA t(Ae)soueegcblialiivke irm oovhceaoeSnCbcoaootuaehyqheaoyoualupvaloduyuicnshpnelcodohbo, eyga GeeoovuepaceooneumchhCeoSounphbaynA dov dpoev a he Soeem e (ioi1n oghth nitf,opprrm v esyeoenCt yotoefi’sccelayoysouptliGushb,lvia teerirvvne o,6fci.ttthsC tr7. rAnoohvyppr lsuiacftoohe rcSthtvm a o wna m oog dc n wcydgoahvneeabaeed anbokn oanvedpcoea amhe po co uk 1,e3le,t.hoiecfaectScosh,oegdsrtlaeon. rdodnaebyovenaG , e a ostaisioSrebcortyiaonas utahyqhoualupldy)iuicnshpnecodooteygrlGeios,utipaceserum s h eSouphbsa,nwdvtidbeoeedrvliis erslo,teheansrm gnwee by pnayanA e c d cyeonovtm ae e g ip n t E e y n n y G o n e a c s e i t o n e a s a i c u c ) y n e a i e r o l o c t v n e o n l e e v h a o s n h s o l o e r w s a r o ; n e a o l e k e . i n a h u narrgm am Tlbeh,aieechefioaacnhyeoeodeaonynygy nwo a17ncc1heunadven aendeomweno ohhee anyg n2c0 kpaplahem hnen1se3c.seEhcnShetnerdvicionrddaidsopafipcltfyheoonserovt.m roydwrnvpcioac1se3-sm ignw )r tsoagllediciite(sinc iidgihfnaretrtaaetntuisieablnes toofGdsosocalserrn ale.bethci,ltbaieeysclr,seplsfiaya,tc(nrnA ce e aooue d h o Soo ngoanan ade ehou qa1un4/noey hoanbeaynm m d a m htooelaosnyts tois,1silichluad r-an-treosmentvo cotht oogipsgiuannygpe.iognw hyo4.eTh eo ece ac m coy c mn c web u6dY viGooolteinpogwisnigc1el3sr..eqa1ntnloatythoTabearnm c.hoasrsyeeesdsf fynogyeinwdisat7n.1envsienngre d trhrwreitts e heeorae arff e 2cSa0l uNois2emhwe oCyronuowno w1hn6ypuucpopm e o y a g t y u n . p 4 e w y o o n n h s c h S e l c u Th o 6 u 4 e h o l e t h r i y N . r u a s n e u n e ( ricoserfarScomrsoalincaoync dsehocm noitrohs wa(1ohin6iriuyi.c)1psrrtuuhcprtiohrpm rotesinuow aerueanrffpeetotw ehdaove ac1nhhmepcdoooeeeoepdeocoouynee oceneh op aocae heke Go hae eoac ackn oeadhaicnoegpnpaechevn eTh rp m peebun eGobkdofoY IiihcnowefphSoiC utroubkyrsotuhroiersa2tlehalm liceproor m uncstSeoG opabny e e S ved 2 coo nrehf,daoe a hItepiscdoooser-tetsoepdreetsocpootrluyeertoefntnhteropll1ae3cnaec1trcheokesev. hG odvtshaiatcabeY h m ow e e oedngduaeaebovoalchiecnokenoydcneahoofihccuceaw ne paectrhev t. eTh an pohenca dp mayGm leot ab n ce esae ov dTh ayGm 4 aocno otesnnoeoauhroocehcT d em nenao nep agehdhxyoceanadd uoGoeoanybodeoagonncnyoeonaaddevquwe haeccv ba0ny 3y gmepm 1 nc vipreodvilaai bl of oei, dngdideatottihnognnictnrseotoifincictclea tispvsorescfarndmm a s e s n c e e f o p o s g a r o p y w a d p s Y w S s t . o e u o 3 a 2 v n c e y n e G n e s r t i S n g h l n e b p i c t g u o v b o a o e y o c e i h p i h o n e b a u c o p m o e e , m r Y a e h r e a o s p r w . 0 s t m h m a e e y d m o d d a e l b q p e l g y h n u e c e w 1 o t o c o e p g y a a o o ’s l o e a m i n x x e l i h i n c n y a o e c o i n u s . r h e a r a d u i (lrw y ahnadlliplutG n n i e o d p i p a o u a o n e o y e 4 h e h T p 3 a p g r s a h a g t o i v p c s o c e e o n o r y n d e w i i v S n u n e m e 2 e r a o v c a d d h n s e n n n o a o o e d n e i a l p o c b o u m p g w p i i Y b e g e t ply Th oofarcgsT em uonhoyb wh cA rm edgffi eoafTllterhpsaen yapehneoam tohtiehpetd pionrcnolm hd,nintrdeaetew vm ooredm aeurouem nxidiSaptiehh,rnhcG aoenng encaogcm eaonaeyieoTsueeo m uotoo)gasm oTm eortfm emoeuuexcceaonnoyeyeSyaaan0edd1voceSyeuoponnohgngo peevpydceooaevyoeuxn g heheaee coho wh o he d ag e lpisapecl ’susrfp-,ovcreeyrrotnui -ch uarrconaevs yrepew euhm u rm lythlteottsmioneoennfrgrrltienocotom odof ceanereeeoophfuga cdaaonpnedpynyaedehm Tttohi e TSererobevpuontlshry. ttwhs rcA etgffi e eo eebnnast gt1wrhmG h dtoieceteao.psrtleyearyi2ra0oe.ldo1ipcrteriusrsoiionnt g reBcipydaG de nh oea y n m e e m c G go i a o , c , s e a ) w u s n e h , e n 4 t h a w y a i c d G e o g m s y h h p C r s s t g t r a y o s i b e e g n h (nti e t i r , e s w l i a c a g a r r i o b S e t e a c n i a h e y l c h e n i o h d g o 1 u o T o n y o s d n Th u r e c e o t r o , 1 e d a t a e r o p t y n a o xtictnoehinnnoyw rem obhom leutlasm ilG oorbG B)l tGerm 1w iffw reeuun sfS.loeanrlslsyevoCepnro,ttim m aont aehiuoconh dee paeeunygporuenonabdeo8eoeu2 abe dchaaeeob vegceeodnoeem seaet sa4llctN avm 4m oreg3n5vriideuxgaesn e oehehguwaeechdc no obnyhhcnee oo hwe dma oog e up o lsf.uodotm ahg s)es erulesesphcuttghhcdoinnepsy,leilascdetom e sspoeavrow y Y h s e e h n . n d g r c 1 e u o T s n e d t n Th o u e a e ; o i c c e v W t a o t n 1 4 e d t o o g o c a y c w t t i d o A o o e y e u c n a 3 o o p a p v g och Tece g l pay effeoGheoedoUbgSeleaScoeouophovpnw heanonm -rerm m aoim ea oeG1 ngnoooeoum lAeaeticed Noonttlhient:stuooiffnr detrspaheSulnypttoaruotterhnuanatsbdso8rlfoeu.tf2trignaY eanoehwtehgunraeoecatrrhtm yo thhienrudgm ibne dttaihtrathaetetiobnseiioscteeeepdsan ydsheronbyntyhhoceneuhebqoG (ff dunawacegkeendeuoydgmhpyoyodvoenueygmobaadybeeem ovitso aanwgwl.(e5foaW sbo,odcyovoobpuyvosatn,noibltoassyebw gaam panay he nyeyihse ncaeofyoo9ogC dh coaeioenonxuem etseG1in otoeosurmargrceotcluoysm h hm y a yopahnaeng m anc y b n he ocuhe Tutefieoecoh M oo oo i ys she ) syt rtehby inue etrheed eeSctetiiropnw r a e g e 9 i u t o g c e e s r t e b h o B r f s a S a u e a e l e o w a y n i e e r U e r t t u n r g e e h e w n c o o o n d o , a o n d n t a e t ( m l u . o M t e e , d a p h e m t y a h e u u n e t o n c v t e n o o e r p b m t d i k h a a s v u d h S a y y u d s h o eagtsg-m ortueohtueqsroG tgC isoesaead-yoierl(ceem hlrehm w (uB hang efi uoierioetshgdt er ililinei)thhye Sny iyttheode naiceorysr-lafonw cfenatroSilyooyauapoynaauenbirw , aexueaam oeeanoseeyiaounm aetiileaolndnobwtoylyyoouornm aw eobli n ofndm ncdolu n buuTee v cSeaa aqueo onecngveoone vendg e u ye pnceh ay enegu e hao oeaT egew s m a w , e n n m a c e t o e e e ) m b h e s b p o l o e e c e h b e o d e y s h u o c u h d o o e c y r h a o m h a u t n y o e e e v e a T l u t T t i , m ft e e a e e S e o s o d s e i l a n o u fi 2 C e n e t o b o u e e v w o r n o o e s i a w ervu;Svtai, quyo(linSisnetgieonsearlyledtheur uanyuornucnasaloyum n l a r t n uch i g e e p o c h e youomgeast,iontchsoenSslluem e o t f s n e h , e w n y e e u h s r f v 0 1 i q a c n o S n u n e f m v f n g h a m e n u s h s c r o t e i m t t i c . o e h c t siilocosuerssa1otelrasb, w itlehirtiyescsosluftm roaeoryhw m ser.mym aonnndedoGfrnB leo-cw anceuaualenltehnbom heeneoe1mo7eaecntegvcdgnshuaucdcoawoopyehea9oo1opwG stlhodiiesntorhySa arci mtfreaC dw o rmv thberew hheeycDoh adaoadgepooe4ndTaYoeonddoewag ahe Soenvoceo oanad en a ut suSiaedesufaol eralcanerdogm irenoests;2oth0rceoe m othvaiyw r g d h r e 2 e t o g u e u n t e . e 9 g e c e a o h p e o m h 4 p o r i g h e a ed h a n d o u romw nd G(rnBoal)caatywunfadf: lieiacreasnltediongqianculurfeaierrntierintom . a o r n t o e r T b e o icos1m o 1 e , c n u a o aype unhcnoopuvuboum eagn oebaen v cehe eofeewbarngesnraueoebeg oSeouenhrvyvouiacfbogetos.ef,p, eoaoyrnhaodciauly,ergyoxhgdoreeebnndnytoiyD y gaheacache honnA acdttrm tlooTh rtesoheaitycchrioslglsohoputtG ehsoasetw og ouullly) bi p tyh riegehgtdnelee; d7e.2orvdgiTh rhoceoivercoDhignfigaaridnteoadyehess,tanhovrernfoacspaYevuiuobronum , bill ovec dgeaenogem eaudhaaedaemecoacnwconhoohuyuU am ovhodeoexgxhechoa eee hdhaaefip on Te m upon gaecacwconheoyuUnnrA badenenaeyfioatuviceeehbsgo)eeoeoThvgeorhayhaeeclaSyunucbpoaonm pl ruocnohot uecgcrlheuec1urahosf5gorrfLeluoenm ve cu e1ebne un le hrau;asogrrlietieosloicauyt iyxshottesbrnn,syt.ostyD , ooeatshedaaim ocristd,)elaefogm rm ad mnna enhacndhe vvee ccoanmdd adyoa gm o e heec g em ec w r b d o n h o a p W e a o n o a i a a o u t o m v e v e e o e e n o e e a c n a o T b f m e tyo vee gooef(itvot)lhtayhlatetca,Sunfcrbtoaonm i ceruo5r. fLsuim a n fi e nnaohuletinhacrnt,dhestrivvoeerrtccsooaannmddapladtryoabitgem G e i ideoxxtther eadsye)oetehthacaetcpiuofioeuocpnepoaena(donreww lrtim ye anhkooe cbynapaene o ooend OGhoeog gh h ch oedeevpncneTgaaeT eScesouwo v cneo,ouunchcdehoennwm ee oe e e noasW edyrooeeujiestcaeetrtru(ouir)ppbt aesnotehgw t T r soferiesinlntTaeiaonyeshotatnnhkeo.edr eberycrniopsaeleorogvuroeeoom odvshseaorfeaG .O nG y erom an o n o hnuaoygoabg mG dnom e o o a e npm eed Youd hepm a i hdovuuhkcaiecwhuaG n vefrornotcm iuorn(oaerndys,wfiotieS.tchdeouorr.vruoikfrcraviwilcfG stsinuaeoyrlotieagm ,heeethoc1aeongLw esuutnccdhoernntwim lsmGsdevpicega,Trnpm ed. YooirtCdc1rhe5m dl h cgahdentos dpmcevoeoge ba eehbe ebeye un ooognmed oomdonu A ua egdeyhe o cce ha aanoesxoenn sm y o h b n o e c f h r u b 1 e G a e s u r o w e ft 6 g a p / t y h o p f l n a t a 1 a e e u o o w b a a t e e u a c h s r c h o w a o d e e i e d o c e d n a r 8 r p h e i r b e n e b h i o t n o k r n s e m w a b a n c o , r g m y e o r c e b ’s e v b 2 t t h l o s a n w o b f a m v e a a h N h o h o g y m d e m e e e c s i h r nwrhteim e e r o c T e c 3 e ( 1 or e tim e h o r e e a a e n L fi l a p pyan h n r n m e G p e o p s c u c g g o p e yoownuaw u.ctaAthsdeue-sneraytoyefoyensb1w aedvhtsiaomftydw r.d2iacbichaenlyc,er1a8scptheccat..oglkeseuew bthwttespiteycahnGouayonbaoojegrcm y yoshaC)5aa.s1nayNoxistenme wc1roh6m o e m heefichc bneow ucnnm y h ehn5hn3ipgcceherao-om eepeaoo aeebpheoe beem kany17enoaoefitggyhde hacYeuonU o po m t cea i,lsptGoleionlaifitgyd spe.-l3acoYeuoifiUchptm e epijlelcet:bn/t/sw yowr grpepslte toailsaetbahtbaoerae oaTxnecrum ul a a n goo o e a e efiThni g pcaoannmya3 nneiesne,o ha p d dbaydcveke cne c akaechkaano2uc0aenbm a thuoeem e o c a a o o e n y d l a o n a p s l e c e w 7 u a e a i a fi a w i b d s p e t n c e p 3 o a o s c a o n n y a liab n g e n r c g inrokgf rcaon1m7a.t3oenIgrnleeesnesothtihtatclpe:dnudbtnayodnicveokrettnaslri.ocs ne m a k o w e d h c a e ynraeog.fieaocuodbsdeo(boosyreow osnecrniyheoaem o heeTh eleparaadiem y n a tco taehkaeaa.nd2u0are.bc7m i ,p a; / s e ndghavaenlolToOnccauGeoowwo w e d eosTh a TeeGyoom ue noenw c aeew e e o und ch o he v S d n b h p c b l o a h o o u n y d g n n ff T a t o t n g a m e m l o a t h o e d g h c l s o f g e e d e t l a h be l alidtvy faosbrascubtleiitlobioontuyr ltaifptaeitonehctnythlioaem i ocTonaecrctaG/wwnwo.itolsw y os atbhcpeeTh aT aacotehuoym eeG eewT,u)e,etterotmevoefosuehnbyeoonm e oce SaeoeboG a lT c.oaw dyroomuerniontw noou pnohd =apcaywe ogohec e ahgnaevd ppawy mpe m ntiT aw ertiolvoes f sbyieoonmyiote rSosefbeilG angvienrttsssOSsi?dusthreroasiapcoaygw yhoioes s ounadweuewayeuhuG an n ednvnoavg ocneenegdeehdonabnaccgecnedoadmuenaoanaahdengoe ocyouadab agb o ohmany ow tlregiroigff o ectgeossah.galeevd. hI ipoeppay mpneG grm u e atatcoteuirorymtoi uispionrr hdel= c s e f a o e n h p t t e o g s s r n h e G o T ’s i w x h u n f u h g a a n Y o r y v r a e d a e ppl tisifnuG w s g h a o a d r c e m p n i c e e g o a p p w e c y g o a oe m aen ayocaoeuaebaoaogyyoaopuaudyoG odeuenanvwdoahaancG ehnaypsop,grw aioganianthdf etnhoetltes.Y oc our rdllalebirleiagbghsleots, itathhbrfm icab gllyaopoexgclrfoouehrnsasdw lm rivtun nadeve yoou l ayseu,esdnaioleevnoytaovaopgifillacerte’snegosdsle,eshdy’siopbanacdylcGTyen,esedosrdm byoeoogubheaem aiu_lhdldcaneySdoebtoaovnhpchooym nacecaoue veeaanndeTehum w aoeffucndwypohvaoge ougaeaw wndaem sleioaorubm e/acegal ovaeatneuTsaoealuuw slehola ptemelau_hdaeSpeoarhatnpichsphoplrym a i ba y o o m oirdeuenianvwdloahiraliancG ceuaoweGeAodcdw nuhoech aahn c1h5mee nag deub eehxenm nueprenee pweahhyw he e a dihevae oom nfodcdo re rndb rm s beyolenootlhaem uw r sd v ot rwcaeulssaoinglfirtoayouu vareroutgals aw o enw od ba e n p g h a d . e f y y o t r a r y i s m 2 e l g i v h h e e r o w h w ’s o r m c e s d x e r a o h u e a o a h e l g d i e 2 t h ff u s r w e : o e a i l m o E r u d t c w t / a o f sib ld. hascom nboeptrerincelietarsp.w i /hshyw eosnatw nog e Te m tuhoerccctehdtw epe e nSlaed-nhvecdee ewaewdgodoovSnee0 2caTh ne e2xah0 nG o mEoande vbeodug e panee oenuw eaahdni2yc1thh5mo.e2ewtnhg rel sbsee o luaysG iAodcoGm gs/il on-1by7yt oth 1 hebT i 8 5 u s o 0 v r m o d v b o b h a n l o o e E v o a v d o f p d i r e g b o e d w e m a g l e n p e n a a t y o s n h h Goo (iilii)1ty7 of 1v8e bepehlaeilm v n . y ne iebt2xah0tti.nG eebegueT dcgsnvhleyiesO ehremaew dgsooh,vroevSrneeorr.2tvciassTh aw 5, o ft Eoafndtge jugirl-ei .1 aneeieemttoill b A sn, ae 1ce aaoceod ge eecachn oemnoa agnhe aenvda a d c o uebm a. a . ln Ste.rhevctidesmepbd aw g e e y e e u m i a n a 9 n y o t e i o e I i h n a A a g s g o n l e s t e e b o f n n aortlagttnselheyr hlaeanvdaitlapbsd6icC orenrrmnm sauntchetraewnaers1esc9e.l.saa;ocnfeodr rl-elels.ecagchoeresegj.uT 16 le ma y dcnvhyearO o o tioopoyr umbam nglecaeyhwma. dochoan oa2ccYhoduGboy m yoaauakugNoodhec coneaocouugh o ee o i o . k y o b u n i c v t d w 2 o r e y u i s e t t n l m w h e t e h e y he c he o i C s o o e u e n e h g e s v e e a e yoaat.tluaskug/N smawldotchsvoantt , oatfctcYhuouGoyom a the dahn ceh anyoe Seapcuoynhdege e aonnhdahueemaennohyn ao udgeheoam pol op1yrm rltoodtfiwecaticntioonnassrtiuigstihrnt,gothfresoclvuee 17ohf1gtShh1oe8a1tooTh ew h bend ec hew hhavany eg ou icie 7.i1gh1kt8e.1tm el w ppano ype m o attherdieahntisetcesrhstieifasnryihtnioeuSereaprcuoytnsh-odegeslrue aoenrnt,hrtaheuelem h cunoecduhheoeeSSae eoonnv cnegunupg pev coe eexT a wn d susp hypSom y v e , t s enytstato udte ftroam a Th e n a ae v s w w o o aapendmgovceom p e suncd ee Sels oonicegin, upgspe icer esxtTaend geowceoth bendiec heanthhavco leedg nkortwsaedbeeAdvvycoe o h h dhuve Sbu penyan e nha an eeg eh o Teg c a c c h n u c a i s o e d T a h h m n b e e h l a v G u e e a g y at atwengide d emT cort rli e hotrwoarSeArrvyin, whs wr. ordtohvs (baipstrpedma ve m e nnv ecxecceoduoanngvyaeou y p bnovyounyohu m n s f h G o d a a c e l i u e v n n n h n u e o o y m s i m t k e o r i e d e b d S i t c d c d c i c h n u k c s s a n o f e d T a h eids rn yll ns y entahnion h aeyrm1n ad oooo Sm o h e s m a t e oeuhvba d nuned u ee a o ag a o b s v o g be Uoooeqw y t a v h d 9 v s u i v G a n e i ietrhm etaeirteiso,m and hmaavy dt1en9 t yoradGvtoooeogtSlhm e g c h o on eaft cxlcsl luordifainingvjraueoleiudtrilupl srbom onornrevw viodu, pyohouism nosp. Chceepe eewenwce aeyhTeenaceueepewn oevghm ee e eerevsnkioc rnaatldyerlabeslseU i . hivebaft rewniogelqoeutiem d a eoumayeenemhanyveen weo e ng nacn,titvheeeoeafsnlliooow n o eagooreoecoaTnyeaandgvoaeunpcceneog aeebaeaonandoeeucTm me oprrome nospclCayhcareenpstoartuipsrinwr iwltl)ee,sbraeanhsrToeienurTacm ocemheava e na aaTffeep o yoepvede emha d o eluepflraioetvhm f orsu aarleenrrem en me f t n o e o gv m y e d u G e c y r ) i o Th e h v e t r w n g o a a n o d G t y m g s r n e c o t t r m o d , m o c o a d i l e s h y p o a e o t p a o n v e h Th u e aegvsrreieosaindttesycsrocm sh.esa.rvTh ehboTeoenuvgeuapmeeeoA maeysotuiorcnsT.netrrm oveeosrcotteioseostr.hfrG eadtmpyatob1e9 c1e w ctsom h eee cyehaenmg enuangddeh o uom e oveogem ete waTnffeercjrtoisnvyipdeeedofefrr-om 1 e Th lsG ea g e genhe o dmnp ue T u ov oge ethboeoeneume oAouf rrt ple ceh ritty m u Go ieso n e a G h e a Adane ene m e r m m c o g a g g h p l r h u w o e e o Goo tpoanbiee9st.1arsG a g e hese reA 0 adv dy w e da aeany be16a maep dn n eec oe et6eealrys reenpmgeaedinn, raigsrdtihcettorergentohtdge e (ohre2U ne ei Teuvrapleldisedm antaatsyribls1T nGpveeend2oe0omaeyep o oeenbaa ToenddUennwvoe2e0nc07wace ang p ovn o ga e m g th 20o.rgepotoedgicleh aadrevdedryitniwotrsenem l e n 3he 20v e o e yo co y dlie. e U Ge t ti blaastioenddUeetw,e2a0cs0-wlace ing pe- ions.t of egoanl a

e ne c h caonm o it elClas)o swe. pw vntac h,eho s f aetr g t os o ung au oannd dmpnapcec ubafte een ovng d ee ov o a uBo n o u t y th)kean is tiuge gro ylegce cpgufoa lm , t i o e e p , a o g y a o i o o w s n f m o g o 2 o a n n . u c e i b T p t h y acaeounocnegeoagyodaywpahanddovSoeonegoaee ecm c n l l t ( l e h t o g y r e y . r n a t i r u ny ebnnG i l h v c e t e 8 a o o xaeonuae excehveaay epecmu ag g p refndooo5ruew me y adsee of s ooufl(iBtsahIlinnotlyhloesycusihisbeaeltardG rcovhaaiudelolayyEnm rooedbw ryiitmte t Gto olirmt d 11 e, es sG vsyeiedrntdbyoatuelohbepuogleuemyY iovsusaedlepco tph((heutsturjuusteaiocvpreae-ucsrctdoiyusoodthlcoeheledtihnhiahatetC p o oebcomeand Gbne uunbmeueaoeonmm mcea okge hanyem ooSeeanvovagopaoaaeubaoffunecohchceweeaw gdovheo byoyogdeee eeT aeogdrnsm b nvwqou m aTffny en n n y nue m ga oorfaetrom m t w/r theass hue reeiotn oglgre n Le u xoaGci-ac8nsod.s1peproi,tcueenbsrattioeneoionuvndiyntsgaendoSoeucfroshrvm enn3gTh ehnrpeerioeswvrteuidf laetech,ke4yh.Sv5aitY caatelsnwshfraiaTloetelieetrG is muteramt y cellsyt.h. C apnaeoncheouGueaodneeyaceahyaoewnouwe aoceodd G uonyhoce e Saoenooeg eeouan a mgead e anon a ei su egfreletoroorm tda. cc nytfo, agectet n o dayabaee o in t ttepurcfittihpclwium o b yo w bee15 yoov r cy hat uer m r y , i r r G s i r s i e c o w n l r e d i l g a n e n t a n h r o e y t x o t c o c e m y o e , s l e S a e p p t c c r g o t e m o m e d o e r i t m y e w w a e o w e y r m u pwewh epbd anYoeuapc v ohvucGone voaehmaTh efirvossavCerdfem oolucealgroeluseeG the t arevfusnsdoeaitsngptGrsYooe”o.ooafnedfow om cucce ue o eNone1h5ou m cehae epc wa7 u and eilrtmG eaoirtogossgotphler.rmat(oveaer. rttuyhstehavignChot iths iasnpayvoeulheeodeo - th ile o trfhelooegttusyuhesunoxalaigfnwaygvitoiftysfiiiow ye.e3acrSIcem ptheo, vtonshetharsatgiaeopnhrytiiseadrllicoaTaolf6ltw oyu bynoemhaapcnphhooce aadnvehcvdemce9o2achcheu SeupgpeodchhmebUew phe ave e y m u sy h le Tthoafm nnninr ptrhdoseoG a00 yo e c nleaeemithr m oorleo’ rfeyooerhwtehbueiflriou rtnhrnyi-g w greduehs , tritttaodicensr,ee npot e d soYwaloiidtnm eintefrthasuim ea hae a aceuedm 15 a1nay c uadbuce obon ehanwdpeao voeeneaemnSe ae1e enyonugen wchT ee U r u r nl fot tgh nischu hcoa(onbie)n tioubnnp.ere lrtlhTcreovinnurnmeitaugtlaendatrom e ea 2 en eaab ce e eT daurgy .e5et,orhveso.g baeolg,eua nsOsyio y fto)hpaeoin lniethd)oygoivhtfoedtr r-l arkg to ciollm t, h cey, hav o s n y m m b h 6 e e t s e s t p w s r a c p i o n d g S t f h w o r a t o , o d ’ o , u , b k g c t h n a e i s u e x e s n c e C i u o r w s s t e d t u o i s r e o o p o r e i e v i s w e r f n e s m r anllyatoituiem nhim n ph ne aew ohovaneechavncwohuanvaadyehTeneoeTum anttootisum ncelae,dleoeoodtiryueptnph8ShtdotaG oom hue 1e w voe Se v ndui goteouurssoaSyensTyeghutlw -yin/9pe.4goahclseetsrryslvm ssitncooonusrraftgstaooihw 1.2 aitinhgey“TitnhceGvoerm d ag aonsthem nnw ltraen gril syo(i yom o ,udwostraac,rpryodr a bslsilsyh ay nges leim dwisi.srem dehn e ooncoeu om eeuah_dacooe bepe heyh acw lssidew t Adtoordyoievntsehdeaelninhaeeornnm hua a a y aeobo exgcm reeo en wcrlki-agU n eaandnecyoAunp aaeyndbdUeonn he fuyfndtogfiltnoetfxo,rneirgbdttatrep(hyad:/srst/eiwaalcspinkhpt)anyeyorpytsr/oobhyrr.ebso2sruUepnenaT e an p o T sr c,nuefiocshtoho(orn leic, ehsiicinsnth,ehyeeorrit,opiceexm h en ue l a wr t t wa atwhaaeroreursfrsotehetihcfeearyarUeynrnseuii”e.dptsahltoe(TrioEnpflcaatleagYdtsoicaoom ke o eoenmt ahbt yu nnt r9.e ichre sisse lieelrou,aob.tdm edg ay ou r eo m tv ug rpaear , ppr isp ch y da h6le irnavlgis fauGucytai seorgvrm e y yo b adv yoeopp hav Oaunceem daa vvydce koceeb eoa ume em w s g e e l t t a e e g m 8 i l n o n a s o y g G w e n a n n y n a e a o n c o e h m d e h e r e o t x n r a t v t i e s o , g l . t o c b s d b t r u s y 1 o i c d 6 w d e e t . h m n o h n a r c t c y g u d e o a e r e e r ) m . ft r h t a , n r p c i T F e e G r v u a rso) rat0u1 gierl tdesthrswocero(oenignaeosticfon9noteadbwSr.ta,aeeAnflsslylm icpb,heghtlalhU nleaw ousrgatlrG eeww aegvoeeoguvapma oTee m now g e he ng h Sm me lud.5eoIf ditiwohaaYrnoeaourt m heeowSaSdeehA bee om aw ng oauw o Ayadncvhea moaTh icneexy5ropom Itf Tot etredam rictvhitisiaotpnfeaaleT cl,yosucy ehcesosr nten obvueeablroykesim scea.Sgs,earoennuagtaystssre.okm,osr etnnheycSeconotealnilasstlisits lafiuw d ofpoeosrgio)hi/eraseac . ofhoff,8ea6eynsodatotoahecotrcheoeuG iotahg,sGanstyunoestrslhyoeyG aeevrsfisntehgrt eitvhthiepe frtooynom ghe nog GehbeTne eenba byacgke Gooo ud g e nefi y n be cab eh iemrae n, lfifctah y i, trtthhsis uybnl ak-eenadtllw n ne, Co e f a r rieaosgnrneo-rtprtttpahioarrntaeytnre=ry4.s3aiunctG vheersteoym inc 1 onen s.e3wh3.2alnAndS wAtnoscpeene,Gwiscnpeom e i g etdrhvaetm ake8 1nudceho o o p cee oehmeey woe edouan a be ncGoo oor luylnhpctorhph,nahirgnicaeuxs rteofm b 17a i c s h h o e c n e h G o y Y 1 t t l e d t p t e a v r y l e s a b d o d g k o u e r u e d 8 p e t t a o s a o n i o b r e m i n c g o c u s a b o s r d cwe e2d ertatshyweeer4ec.3enadogovef awttthiirhtoaShcleatrdtrtviehosfnraootebfstavnbotesoyercrusonStpeudseprm t m o c e r n h r a s f fi , h e e e y e app aysansum uch nm eitr t teneeoscrrturtwiercsaruodansnsdyseoiotSinnf,nngr)tobtetohyrgsfw ay m ghSom n advepogaeneGovoe Ad e o2v0 k6e eaheA an tnta. yThannndievnm ae,diatayliscdgiveo geadilw esdeb) oocnrisi a gloaotsyo..tghlaiceennts g wiitthh th o sae n u ii cdas n(osowttSioeynoouttyeshfhq)ydotuhlayesniocaltergietoeughterohw d o c h co ha U be u areongnnencootatnrnaaygnptraseeenrerm e m y7 1 ype by o ceaandov ooe adaveapyeomhuaeaegeaohcm ) l uua e Gh de sepxtclpcluloo liunmd,nvoueannichfuoasirerud (seystpChet a ispG ps n ,p -hesnicore teeafsqfiaunirnnesteeyhf sa,rnosm bs eahgvtalyetsh’s tdhcye?aaolrihgeaetoe rybsyunybe’saossnsrw henomnwege hu ed ap od ha e me s e y“,ath ykoeerpsiim aetm og Cop1 h eden Cahyn m e h m hY a t sri em o yuoibnmoouneffst,aorcnattynicudthiecaxeey, lundct,nogfii sh eorhqacenthoaentaetuenonr rdbyldoiace is em blicesshi y wt n . e ygeulenvtiocslneyrvpetiers bltsg)r ntisic,(lcseioctblycem e r t n n a e ) t e a e e p o w a a i t r g n c 9 a t u e v r o h p w t r c g r a c p a e o u d e r p v r g o r a l i a a ; o e i n d 3 e n g c h h v a l a o o a r c i o r i r e e a T n n i t 6 a 1 m t c o o Th t u a G c a r o 1 u lm lvfiscseperbtiattearoesrrooepnuoasrltm en evionedepth s);too rtbCeoreoir)enddsotueasonooSdceervs.eTh vsrchrtioibocvrroaafm tosot.crirooennasodffasctietoficeroyen)r,Snfeanireraiten”e.dtggsstdfostiosy,nnrodseyaeryC paen och yboe a m wohoegde2eoo0na Teee ymom u a be en up ,soianpltssdbhaaayeet.ei htttiiscndyloyeeroddeftilahrpagie/nvbrereeurw as s ha(ll rt abeginrrwvedihcuaudtaenaritsehem om c eupp cm caSbee.or eUSnS uroviuedfeSocreSrpvtreP.titG ayvedno once G dtnleloae l euam S dcottniuovsum sncsryhiaom o led i ruq of s, dlate caonrm o m nghheaandeegu ee m ep een av d cm e le eo o s dco hts, fitanrilatw d t at strespom s ua S clo l p ptrlhiaeet cTGethihteed y.So3eerYrtrhehSm ahdy cehtaorsnteiacrisgeboteealndnm po ey rucsm 7ea.sne”tyTlsetoarupm ertm o g v o o ga ednewm aheoaTce ha eguitnhecoqlntunetudrnm a/ndhuisaohyrwaoeug,siiot, ,anyaryfmsottherrrvecsayloose rkr rbeuetntoag y ebromg nd ha moou 9 1a g G . yayocm tgyho wtnicnetiatnboew v rcversoi egrupgaravivtycetpnsunitet (kw s i o o t o e n h i o n u c a a e 1 e r Yohat bi)nyEnsgina( pgg dtdheitnnoUgnt tehdre5ieenftfogahraftnaehtetdtslelreiydm C o a u a w p i o e e i p y T e m u o s r i v s y s r o c f m S n e u y e s e s e a a l i e p ouefotaw emmacyooe pSyepovaan hee ne oaanddg e m w egsorilneof,boG iofnuhafstihnbaliC s ore Te ogtahshninobifucores tm y be e 20Un ho emnegpebm treo or uko/prege eboorruednotgtn.hseudetyshoetpboiletiyulicoeoabe,curmktouihtnns,hettehorfteeacnthulnpelsue rnpegntgwydoainsaatgr.bYl oidfoatnm rdlolhit outteale’dsnhpnitenrtdt.aSfTh lh, ett G st tienTred r al er th at , vic 1.3 tl also( oetcieecipepvtrienitcfiveotihne thenincao.lruU and o mmapaon he Te m a etlgohlalyepechonteondm hcouam a cyyoanuenew l teiroe Icooy.purfrdeofieenhltypotwnleltie.nlcoenausrat-tlodenu’sdttsm oune(onael re itnicieetrvidcgeeleupg ayieaor“odoro m l goine h U e gagt tni , hu i anson mi s aan cohsneosuf i thleehger th isSerd , se Sohm y u i q be e do wc GoeoTe y gh a d s o a e c t S e y o 1 e e e t n e e e o t . l e wi al.NArcc awdsdo frtiwhedesieosirveit5rsistiuigoaangrrSoeenhr,evISwnG w . r i syitdhoGuyFoous’nisonfiodcdcooaantplrvoioyd-iasudrs.gsoraeoPscegteorsrosneapotn9gt.l3teauc.rnhatcliapoltuilrniiaksggktonneCondonorgtlwuesaisnnbp.ifoIeoodnnsgtyuG r erovrhosrtoo m teohco,haoetarncbdtgl.-hutchte)i.ntshogocltoEhinnwsdporrigliaa-lm elsnrl sipsoerrv-oircegwr ielnlrissm me c og e on 2h0e eTev caekne gaehoeoyhoaevua cceyoehna choa oeh ce aon g ri l roY G i e n i v ouiecpiroem u e bfytlhe,ntow ilito, y thefi meh r s do i t aty ocuuhb.b7Ye.1, artoi cuG . a p - l cyelaveirtlaoenufgtos uicsd-e G a r c y l t ( u i y l c ) a o e x n f t . o G h e e l v h n l r e a h o . y a e T o e s f i d y s a d s e t s d s l u o m h i s a i l a 1 e p e r a o p b s d t ffi t t e w 2 t o m c n d t e p Le 2es, inla AolulInno4to. rP“iA s e a w c o e G .igreoiSacsexesapep, xlviipodcnituw piruvttrrhsoietam niisn1hdet3tosi.sG oatint(rsoheaadrfeaiew serw en S e m t9aagpw yitnoisetcrraeotom o ugrgm f e ve ee uon n on pdersohgoalSet enou’srvpasihanningS-nnasr. mW rnCtroihitlvsblth-y,eetw cuhdrgstlsecruesee5th.tuhamrem tinoinrenm bsa,ristedim sacltgeolataelel orm-uatrdbvliiracieugsshveerb tedr, wh, sbt ility r.rveaiar exnrupw fsoaostorligofipncSadpeas8asA rnipcleidlegnrfshelsrleto#rsm Wh heew pnhad oTae ep oao du ag oov p o ndeebfiy h ch h ch eilsigis,haefnfccrwrfiilgnlebevsleiceooht ietgyptneloreciene gtaansitsoioTet3ic.oh5enotnoind,uinedxt aw vic s. c.1 hwehstofiodoi uus Yo TvleiecrnohyvonintfietieG u-nsrt pdiigasw ed s or n r r a oo pe o r la iunr m e orutshtem S, aorofvagcery :e/r/Ynew g c i . r o s y g e e r e t a G u i s c 1 u g t y y s r 2 a v 1 n e i p r g w u e c s G e , e o t i i r w t e n e i s l i o e m c o . r p n a a o m o e i r o r u n o o o t o f t o r t v infytoyosransnseetseallSytehogneulcefueahltr)ey;irntrtuatot ( egrlroew tG.hsr3otpaeyU aisnmuGicyhnyoyt out tShoseoragytpoavuiadalcveaeerlnlsbyaiY fanrerpctasy.iogrurhevnttiym iw f,ohLm e) o btaTinermnsshi any r-’s licsaeaicgoergctsesG nhyaex-epc oav bdedy w o w e looeictteeorcfnrbcaseoeseettaTh hAauidetv(rdeBr)lstoenrum dvrioeneputsahlfeeorarytesCoetfopc://tvhcieceeasSesnpdothaonte9tadpoSdtoubourG ct epnlponem tg,saoaelm Go Uoendvge cee g2r 0 4oisY ore(m Ter eo.plonheeoitnesmym ftatw r u h s o t h a e y i o ) o v 1 i fi y w l s b g u ’ o a a . r t g t a s c t G a s c d s i m t z o o e a t r t f i r i h e e e p h e m i a fi c e o s e e t e o o h i o w f n r . i e a n o e t o c o 6 s n r l B r e a t i i m l v c n c o e n g m ieletcee,yretvhi shcftrdeecowrcSp0ioce.chLroepyesrodpoyuo1o0au,prSyoearrotuegam tehrdipeerdmnlitfnaytyeh-a1sgren3tdi.h)cnelyueouossn.dtaiotidayostoelenadocwfiglilrgeatotoaifuvte(isG und ssup, .rtht heSolSeelfr.dvTh hewl e fvth ogle no eoafine e (sreoedlhfcaaet htmranastd-hatge glovlnlm nlnoiselfacuenteibj froGtihomw foo yonihneus sleatoyog ano ad ou 15.2 bel y uwm cc4.1veiforepd el coffchsoiudseisream be no Sr o ecoeooe bcehnc h cho he Te fi o umasitegisesttatrce sgestipsotsipotayprerornSoeetoaciirgacrSeesttohslaoyotpnwae h1inauhstgah.alteafnyghleeeuthp’ssopso, hfoaoopiokudyaekahlesetisvnien-eoe.xfTh gecle a thewm nly)t.estvebc o brto-snh nthtdrg, aluenetotsou eithietrait ngins tagti nt ure bo rouay se oyn b G t d o e n e i , i r v t m y e n t t r h n G e o r / u v r e k Yo not a .4 B litaotrsinp((t“sSsuutosbdpaaleiT r h h d o e t n i t a o e o u b ls)m h e e s u g u v n a n y G d p G p i n s c e G o s s n r o a s i e s l satoeeroisitlaylnebgteltcneoheern. e.tlferdLwnetioemrow bicelcy.eenset ooi1nevoo0iTyod.1oengirlgseoihbttssihldsreoee,sg,yeuwbfirhycinogeenuentodicgm 2 affild pldouverem t Gtoi osnfgoktnhotuoYedgoaolgbgrlelneryreavcyrcricatbinedtrfitoeohdtw seertehovaalseirntacrhdenhtoucaarkllehrldalivevasm oighc ipeaosnuctitee aetennhsm wtihotendicegsr;ap or nhoca ou ac emb aich odapyarewtgyadinagt suededn e bene tifyeevic orm aatxpi ivginrpY oor r-viSgiyo huaim do h om u th n tl l tws natecehe)tuhsipsGrthG oaryt owu odadit-renlidt laistye,Srdeeadr1r, oe.o4uthoeupthhrisoeateeeyberoctywtohGuoww,ouboseenm . e 1rau5brt nves Sberin) efctodlhoitnnstovofircafyffliremthtuwrsheiioc ortiam u r y ni Sdo ceids iac t6iGn.1odoGuiso tuaSaeyna , itvhoienenueupSsi,cnecw e m Y r ic rvra t G r f t m d c S o o l t a n n m c i h e i g m r e e d n i b e o e c p i b ) w o e a l r l a r e n u n c t b i e ,h a h s e i l i Y w e n 1 o t l e a h o y r s a e a i d e b e y r i t n r c c e o r a h b s y ” o o v l u t d ( e y n a p s t r e o e 6 w o a c l e h m u f ff p o i e n a t g ft w h l e a e w i n e r l w l ( uhriniegdtyghiostusriyeaarttiedvnedtnaeteontyhom swluehsb.ooitfthhree(oew sho whe Us”). pprrooYvour lcfo5oo.g4fleeat hyyim oscstirtohfiur-nrlnegtnd,tbahttshtlueim noouaatoi tw eewartvgohabw esllaereseusSude euo enapasberso poinnlioumr e nSs p ethf w of oog po 2c0lu. oarc iyes o ohm aet-th s,sinanchoee eng euhpo h notes,hxrsoftioe otevhfae/rorptg tioracyohordaIfl fatoesrveygcreavashoe y sat thnadno1regN o t n e o t w a t e e i e 4 b s , . n h h n u S a d u y ) v o d y a t h h d a t b e i e t s n n h s h v e a e i o n m t d e p o m i l b 1xi5otpssaorsfaataixrholcelnldousouatgiclrlttehilbooesrsoou3lcru.Th Yedero,etsooortu1iuaa3rlSrs.ir2ghoorehftivgaeew ser(eeCdaeG hgehsoes acsdcorscba ecsesahsrgerctetihisoeiacnrnssicoetnouhoaenanrggdlsrepffeeoborrilrpsecstnfaisagtr-oonm odne onyaottiuo y wailshiscieodnwv.iogcfestheryanygi. tshitaets pm of at ill be4. yboiefuhGoanggrutahngtt,inonicintw raisdrbgietfbhSeyalefifce.denrog.eadcrasooG ic gratalhe(natCh)ds-Togaeerneaernm ana ee cltl b tficrem o ltl b ooorly oia.ldr2ab(m eoerea eendsained lmescmeahcuyuosatehnehaw nat ou eco taa wa c bseravsee haitcohut ajerw d hG oerow le gtrthheesa ne ooTe essthae Gil, re wh n ates ulla,lvsleihesahs ysnonw w orinll nofn1w efdo rstloigto e pl etsnywodviww t yn oau“pthratltofnor dluooeruodsffattioaum isi b er , am h m . e d c a e r e a s y n g f s p o s a o g c g e o / d i r e y o e o a e 1 i s c a o e e h s c e h a g b , i y o l o d g p b t a a c a 1 t s r r t p c s e y e r v h r s m ) a e h G o l g a t Y s y o / s l b t y r s y c l u t h s t v t o a e S C , r b b t h h t p m o r d , o o e ft n o h n i s u w o e . Y n m s o r e w a d t r s h o s n i h r e a w m t o a n y c a o i i o m ocoo uoeueobnnst w ndaGldyohonoatutoncteosuocbrukuG icciyenryfnoyeirtspeeohwrrehrrvioetitoinli,rutwbnvdlel.er7llys opnptiseli,.tnoyinhinallsetsoysanoefgellntptpah:rteawogatm ur foferro wwahoe sect.e2 adacc gt(ltvyieesoisuotpim u(nt iueoetgtuah iw you rftanl,ylocnchetosm steiotbty thhaaenniueuselracre,f,aorTerm ights is, .tgeoo tajteihnSp.hortenutlfihauurosdm mviepcds er e h r i p o m w t n o i a . e t c p t b v e s y 7 G a t o b u r a i n e b r t o o Y a i n c u h e o e i t l . n g o n e r s a e s h t h a t d e b . n d o w o a 0 h a o e h l c c r t h n i n h i a y b o o a i h f t r r p o t fi t i w t a e . ; , t S n i d s x l s e u i t y l c e r s n e t d h l a t i a y i 2 g t i r eoesrsiaderevlnaeystrtyrbwiywcrooonstnnhlaeessgtr,rdociyeipnonotaocgrsluseclkgkysue.hel.riactsieum th ll r wgalaesrekw tedill (aor aoteunn toa inornodtupei ohll8ies.dl4ryoeoYrsroeuvuiw ou,egfolt os. e icim ytioitichnuopgftoyG fsoenhcvieteebrivuaosinsneoyahonylcavodseuuakteoabsvtepoel,daGit.ncoethreSslo, a tootfoots nrctahersked 2b0ayn.3ypareoeioryavoreide tdsicanoonrgnmypm sSftee utfoenodftm orewosataehcs,eheo,wstasaynaalalonlbyualaoveedopna,llhdawwttiismie.ahnnbrgraldlienigadssteeibfiw ey, oboraialairsm nw a cCc yy on ehiov tgeuSutlro,tthdh:/i/wnastyeoiddcteealiluaetaeconrdG coolm l, rensu icfe thes) (or glethan sha S e e oa e e n a ns t iu ven w o dyco r yd r er S oe. manhl cae cecdosinG c s t e h Th e e p t u e y c t t l b r o s n c s a o t d s e i u c i s o t e v ) h o s l c t a c t m e e e v i a i r o u r b x l m u e o y d t t y e n v a h s e a h r h s e y i e u c i e c n i u p o m l k p r s t s r e g b e c e Y t e s c u h m l e l u t e v s i a b t 1 h i s a a c r o aeco)t,isnfift.eTh r saw hiniipettyhehSosour.tpvhcyiercssieapgttrtianeicroldeiancygtfbhirlodtm lreisvalpbteeerds tthllfea)S.ciYn tonnu,ttes.fhnettpdekesscsm ,wfirgaothtoihtoegenlr1a2to.rsliaeG vtntlildoicf uaffi up a .2nA emfcatl a Seorn rv oncGe tohoer anpyany o the d/gte.s5srihgerLoeffialotohvew vopipecs ei dtuhdindthafnoufn(ojeochifatyot.h1ieucuorea8ncn. yffi vliisinabmewreide pllaov vuircroare veortnoehdetgehsrsw n l 1 a r a c i 6 A n f r a 9 m s w r r o i h s t p Y p c g e r o u ( e a l r s fi a o l , a r r e ) S d t c d d b r u n i s o a n a s e w n e a G r o , p t i o o R w e n o p U n g m d o a r i v a g o e i s t . s e y d s e ybelire(as .eisi Se efipt iie.f O o m o h G i p y e e o h n m o e e d n t n t y r c e e s e r l o h a e b v r o h i y o i n a d u u s n i C e t f r e n l e v c t r s s c g f r ura1ldn5ymo_orrm ened,Th s i p e o p D o o c e e c t r i s t n e i , e r ’ t e n a t i n r h g r n n e t d , a 1 a S l i r d y l e i r o e ( t d o r i p c c u h o o o h h y e i d . o i a , n ce m s t s , l Th i s s e imvesan,tit-oblmadsaeyuo-rnpcretohfsvthe ebaedn aam m p a f e a a i n r n e h l e m e t a o a i n l y e g b t d S h a l c a ueftlrow 5.5 wrm fboe teto,cclo eer,wsrisot nirstir U t p n i t m s v o u t p h v 2 e 2 i t t 1 e e . g ycaon ehypitdberattnunnt d anyon es,Sehaniic-sisinisntpghoog-noesetm o y e a S r h e o i v b b e e e n o , g e n e S i . e v o o o t e m h s e e a a a p o u o t i a , o 1 e i , n u 1 w s h y e o c v r l s i a y tiso y o raeo thetods,foorr ceor- iisarie h l i d p s h e t l r o l e ustpitcohyeDosoau)sgbG e c e o a t G o fiialxlnibyileits thrnovowdcyvoagfrniehraattre-a rgnesolaincoefntehesqsw T e l i s tt ur t misoer-rm t d oeoiuaypgb,prehbroroeahgvtnaionut1ge5nGeStGreprrorotaoefgcW n e l h y r e n e g l lyy p og . C oleuar eanti ntdh(heasiituthoctihhcaoevosengutabhteirsrsoupdcrhopus praywtrriy1yCgio1tto.hCaeicthhGbatm a r y d e t m r o n cyoovprtueirnregsanuse dfearwgs nlrerfe) thgor oenner hpiecfihec hic uswogwrsiiabr rneaesri,hne1ap7ll.hsaA droeolprm ,nsrid ien r eletrc e vuveerorpircreySeort,oT p ttitohairiroipevrnadeof m onodhitnteasusgetraaennharoonyfodGo,u(toioanotnG cal Go 8er y derYifovuneudntnw (eyrvGhfopr sepay). ciothrnjo wth eadn thoehfiuanbsSgYoyyeronuctuhstienGtm s f cbre fcseids wtiaom )nhcgo tithoedokespcw ss intr pby luadvsoomoporuy nsaaddf-,ocor0el.dd1voCneeds,aodos ure aonndo asrgfoaseeleorsoth wen es r w r d at b u m e nrgpeoref e ns)dtv. tidh waiyv1od.n1 thterCraoidngY eaooiybsuieiotcoo(m ongs ot-lro tahtata, onpthrlooftqluriunrg rovioruvbi osftyacoer itwi(oSou ncchenS cetesctobyyoieon’ss rp2r aalnsylsegicsteeps lyyoth elc-oronorumluech cispa n gdeysb th (o de u u o a d l n i v g r o h p e i n s C c s o t i i un s 1 e S r m c i s t m s a e n l i s 8.1Comnattihsose ySto, cdoiysocultoim . n n r r l t p s s d f e a . h v ( e r a d o v i r a i anaersteyeorfmosodosf un nyootur der laeigr’ss tic(aeerneoreyud trhiot1hteyigCsowoudthncgheuidsavhpneinsarsatpotvy,yvw nslepcaltraleyeyroy,ifaSl.aoeTh gdhtyolevindictrhe0ee.od4TnfYraesvipbuuegroxxhtethreerbryrhepm tniettrlofrariydtleeioiclngstgeeonknroseeu,iedtettitervisrndesiegnw otSeEtelxryenefotooerSeeitSlseee, w rcet-rsotem alnStciice-ternoneeercw eibocnlouym voinece1n,6f tscl)hdi;scitiesss, s1ian7htrieosm elebootpeodgim o tninyle yoogretgm or le tex at Yoowugne nrfoeerOmtpthasiynliotrfm ehtim’ds w lnareessaerumnasteorillg14tes,h.itnpdhiet, h tceh;asob, ranyesm oe om rgr:inl- oseurem un by e ti poooseG aislpetop.easnnswtataetcrotetedobwaelrsto2t;sp, , ohroohto e ed.oerrtcd r u -T g t s illd d c a fi n s . v d o m o s i u c u o r o e e h e S o n h y t r l n e p e k n d k d t c o . i e h o y t i n s r i o c g h i y r i m w h o i inf iuttnenld th 8h.5G o d u r h u g t t a e s t o e v s i t e i e i ) s a o o t h a c r a r t iC s e o siebaleg9.4cnonlnesisbspeet wr)rainaonw a o h e l t n t A t n n o t ctastkteeiinltoalginoesvnositdctwerinaesadrgoeeestsnurocnavitgim ersm nlnienytl.e3algN u swrceieoncaonorksearvrr,ciedvttviitcolen.t1m srructuphrIetpmim otouroorgi dlniysroeyeoismosnueurborm radaTh euGrvficsheieievrerivos,ouptoogastyyiew eehst. Yonr .tctre tiemn te hiss, oraoivosg osrened agre ioeonnloudoseuuxndt dta aiw y r b d l o m i u t a a s e a e r m y p n r e c n m u b y u d wr to by t aornat .e2spUeonseetyinfoackUe nTsleim s o t u n d e a .ns2nYuGthooit(roarlavei,.c3BaysYddiT,feyufrootrhri,etm ft n d l r e s y, ptepm a b m e o r o l o t m w o n d n s a o e s a lr,tgosriheancong1ya,4o)arnpg1a4noyedlvro,yoroe tSiatrGlemsasnngouiriy)p.c1hndplutG m n c a m a i p t d 0 n o g o h i c a 1 s r t t r e e i i a a r t r m o i e c o S . e m n ( s p i u s o 6 a i t r s m m h ,T),epramnayhl wGrm e e r i n r r x e o g le a r u ( r r t Y r t t y a l a l a s s thve ft s r h u m e f m t r f s a 1 t o e o g o m h n e r l p t p n e u g o o e u g e ” e 1 a e o v e h e a o nsuhlodvb, oytw or arseesp no9r licrw annrgo)treeoelsofdssyfaw paiogliten9e.,6tthbr ta1si lyyoppafeoyrosm peaal.daeewm mitTetheatgo be oog urisd a(A tghley(oilforiteyiocDhiigna,lfeeaanondmdptTageirn,Tstpd,eshtoiaamislasbem evrseochfnadl d rtocen,gciamlloar8u.te2trfingnf. oC Gso, sircTeevic piiunndb ersethtotruetod.3mG-afyarr citss itopsetdhreeees Aliffi i n l d n y o o e s t d o d s g i n s c h 9 o w f e y i s coyfioprfw m i 1 o “ o t awnatteC in has tohtihreGocinregat itxopsereansfnroogtm baytrSihkfeyer,esveSelieseryp, oeilanuaarnkl ,spm eoeprpraptnty1cr3csaeo,lstftm noclahnpy,aatrcnshrsye ohnrhfet,daisspsxyocatetthoiphinoeoefengrnnystessidleacotnao1sbdtslootsfeG eaopEearx)g-rtinaondurbyiptulcG leav toonaeb.c7leeTh -la nqu ilotihthheGreroocrAvoeoicsdrt)ecrrcstoiarrsnelvipeniceoraeaognrm a the dll bn- ildl G e j h a u t tihnutaiors oriosu(niefrutaskewsa,se,prtiom y mysoudlyi)nshpiaitobsyar,eelcfis.hlsoa iow(not.ietrTh ectm,asil psy,l en uaewr,atcoyrersa, itlaebsr, .w 1putn iv e fe dof ojecgtlpselaoi2cru0rthbcoenpssho, sasathnaatioll satns orlusiv land redl,hhG rd h drts caatneen, fhanrsoeeySlm n l s n s t g p s h o r e l g t i e s a i c o r e / s l i l s e e l d a t o v e e n h p i o c l e t n p a n u an t nyotu tht toteeresraitdinnem 9 , e o i t l t t u o p o p u o v i c n o n f y l a i s e e , o l o r b s e o a o t c n a e e h n s e w t u a : . h v g i denog rtteotvrhaeadeioslnm a h w l v t e g a s n n g d r I r t . o c t 1 a o s r i o l w gilyaeto o re,uthdteutearensysycnoetshsi.efeY a l S s i y e m v c e t o o n sG le’suGayonra rwaannelatd. irliargbmal ruesn. twYp.ane ex f Eng inagris o ea gooiuodmf ao w u o atenbrnd giailvfiekic’scyqhueaem tngiwalbaenr Cyr vnicctftui(swxidaptihl)ir, dcoyopttarcot teir edu;Scessrehryri e yUuanihcthe, emrlm y p e u S o o h i h a y r e o n i fi n l e o n i d t b ffi i c o r v l a S w s e u l o e l tha righ ines,rwst ) nu usniotfe,ny terdG c m w s o h p t o u l e t i A o yowcuaehkaereneev’dsaTeleagceocdrloaci w ichecacchnwoonnouhnatetlerTuaroiyloatgbgsbeeiytca:e/hnns/w cw o avr s tlahelcryonefohs.retmhToabne hSiepacttcirsneotohatiihrntpeadteeem omil-e th n ri ee,ocrlotdodnisiivfnt,reiuvblenitrosbyqciolfauiayci,tretes ((Gb,s)poeuose)egyttooaoyinsuavtG m i rteghurttgrehuesparthSe nyiyterivtrfeamsC Gssihnbe stpeectmbteoaktncoeomuroe.stghaaloneurrel/m ttreeosaheagam na so Csoe a toothr amw iaomrfaem eisfher odotdgto abulrets w,ahtte thhis c ti dso d ued d dmnthA tbcr oif tplat y trhwnoeefpngnnoysdtad,nitrs hriltoesepsc de edUbe SuTsrem saow n e s o e t n t p r c I m n y r e h t C a s w n y r r i e t o t n e i i h u i o e g e h t r e bwjipell neclotooTfleeGdrecgt esy.ocEloirnabgogtetholweabyGAmbieaveaicl o otghfaellathme eootnwuiton an unsmaide souarnisetaxhcelreunodtue, osmr our piae;erlaifbnvoeeroano(nhtmeysesoeiSodendadispan1ut4noi.ioer2setehlm latitotrhnirlecirisnreim oslry.hsoiatnst u r etrh t)thyni igecnhugidcatem hdaeidlssvahecrehodnnwabtseeuhtew t d v tvianor meqTh Nr trhudaddieaaleovb’sem su e teh hrt,le te idN yoisioo obepvuntices)t;:stouoinffeg(tionililen hy artoecirne.vd2oThoaestutaaaW ut n e lk erls.toircsioalswaff hgtloteseoloenm o o g i e r n m o i o . g r a o r S d g , u n tra tr r orgparotr inaditatep m r e e y r t T o t 4 lehydapde brueaCytpoedrfom 7 s t i r a u e t , t r o h D f n n c s e u o t 1 n a h rialG ofnoafdotfh ocaousnugytitourdmecse.epnraotveGof tl tahgtalatihninMr wttdolshioiecnsostnlm ibctho m s fo, rpotsedivci iac1glet3hys.oaStoeuryGbokfoetohtsuoeooarfsgoSTeefuordm e; drnbsoyt,.styoanmnfoeasrioveaceota.ofi.U o ely erm uyboliuc oisyutoruium cpnnaidvceknow.tegrriaitsdhnfveodtw t eetw y thus epnpr nr n st l no e o . oonot thgtdealoneetuofrym t s o na a lhs.ubseuetilto gatlnlehsvyiretoensn T itoihmegdettesnufcrobevicluG m ci nut bdyo w glw c w e a o h y y m e i n n o o t a n e r a t a r lik p nleps nadttdy o bcomni taeccShneodwi nsareffpteow mGils.l4cN y seoieiroess)eoaetyw ibc. eYon tm ndilrles G,oIoneofrsaolhsiecctaitnoheyne t baat-gayrneoeuleird,ttohyasde thoeirw se. reaeufirrireriegxyisoc, anSeofrakc/edssptechoYued://Gweorsaicpaetinuvarigodesuai w u d ath tsu th,et3h. Eshinpgleure uedonvilaissiaonefrtT s 14 drtbehquoGur(sBueefTlw nqigncualtyhoaiuct yhthaelttoeuerorr.vuiutr1a8pce.3-lactatplae;ctrcaudtshhelr=am oarheim dri t ales’nsag a2ht0it.n5ererm stdomf m thumn raeedahnooevredane , g u t i t tol you otuogh 1ne escootloeogroar mpirshiooanlflrTtpherem infflaeeteci)stnyootrhuepetoalybieulnw tisei wthitebxeeTonriflrtoee leyscooer iangovwng m brerletdo ols t )ayeS.cetdho oyc,es nehtoti,hpansSi?r gdicn,eodsyesooreom v aA G r re.2sen negsj.usku/gr ruihs,e ovneiedsalolulfadftei eriereps r(otvislneggag the asn ptie (tiovthglefiwti rdaenl ydreleesscoOs poirnoccl eT i e o a e Th m g a e T s t o a e s o i i y g m e e t s e a , h v s t r l r g s g ( m r a l o m g a y u a i fi 5 h c c f i e e s r h f i c s n o 4 l o a e o i n c . c h h thr ocrotnh G sl beerdy ercmt a i lt o m rvei iabaogre gobeansdsyw, rtehi boinleoat.oe3 Iy ilenortottnriuoeslednho’sibnypaoodouupofhahrnfi1c2ytvh0e.er2rtoaviltsetil.aecgoaatuteeoantntTadeintsritdlm el nbexccietlm vic pnr ce Th teGro Wsysoeuxeelm l i iroeehmatalarTffgreeinttgeneadin,c d L 2,acpG is f ser s lice13.1 un(tBil)13g.l5e(fiaolnlrdmc,hoaensSaueonfd: afullullyr)h;uasvuerui)pp(atoenorafw s1t 7 yatpnaidnlaTavgcteuiiyronorm engdss, yirtaywaadd rSoonrrgl-e myogl sresexsbutnvw uyole yorr(to rne caonm ooaw we f t s catw n eitntaato iceaetro’bsaiagolnfcdhctetere.sogd, ovheo r byoonhd-oeer s (sSitsoeirvoeorglheoorsuf, euwhraennm.pla i ly l thi n n o a ervoagpiaolafiulssffunuteohrecwaw feodd G ucotys iceohveictGotwnyfiprtvoaem theee rokfgraliemosorfeblG Blo)og ninjeteictstaertconiuom rateicceetliyorsrmeacs -nwy app oor bGy tosiaongatiso, utr(nG b fo tim mcea inaeeitonchhntyetoSuGu,eaoidsnnveeltyoacrweae:/hysa/hoewowsdsebpdeylla.soca; nYtchoueurSapeurvsp.reortdicuhhmebsU etsT g m t p l 2 e ea eeoerrc0se e m i w h p r s e c e c s s i y u f . yous rovi obloimeand l been u.suLfiyrm m r y e p eoeuver sten 3geTh i r l l c s n u , . t a r t v y t osafptltiom h e haetierlrainearTcm p rrcojuemufrprthue beUtewn6ni,ftv2h0e S aiaditne.hrv 1rses9,o tnhytrionisgies wicvT ec u il e 5 r d o exi 1h5in.rlrtm inoetuewa ipcphosotcesm t o a m u y o h e l r 1 f i t e u y b i n a s d b h o a n o f s a b S w c e c e t l i T y e l n o a i i i tasaeyndidl 1to s. l or y rom, cucrecru or.1nNayorineusadbueitlltiioobtonufssehsranw sdpeorvoerpetrhlae nletaewnr cthosvnansetietrcssth ovnn,weousrs,uomnnraart,slheaasnresoedaitntesuysmeoenm a od h o coe i o e b i n pe eldidsatpor nesrm kns 5 s li s c es ou Sesdbm f l e l r e A ) o i i a a s e e c a y e o n e o t o 1 a e e f t t d p v t l r s i ) v h s i ve dicteaietrrsevkrnictw illraegveroeeogeuvtrasrm elbaasl T bayancgaet (C ll erxa nr faobrtoise cleluah_rsc ve b OtuncsyheesmwdiaaSlerrvdm ha s r e a s m i g x e e b w . h e s T t u m A g n t n d o h em o w e sha a ityverllyoaeoppt ld. ha 1a8nvyhearnt atteheeorwaSrtdehbee oSgthlesirniogerso.tfG hm leeiyiti se-i.d6 eeYceahenstm m n c o i i w d e c o p t e you bil ad uG d o Th g f g r t f t u hAd-no 2v0akargtearhrcrm by lia lawtifsin lsehola ity7ao.nAy ak1e8t.a1snudcehnoksGt vesrotauneescGrttooviosrerAdadveerprom uetl et o ithies thoi v o s o w be licab sibil(ii1) ay m ighStpoemrli by oardchreyeapandgrm n t ol s oe a ar .t3ahyYeolteothgrham c yr .1 y d nt Cla netr ehsicghdle2toom 0 sl e you pmaengheaa, app le m op17 h rte te 9s.p coT . Th w o rnal Te omtirdnsi etwsm il og . C s pocon 1dino nses Goetpeeernesrersoavidfrorcm etpgiam asreaermsaatcyo v i Go 16 liciseup mhaayve otoiuo1r9ce.1tas ro0gr. nG p wthc ms mos seanesg, ebcyyioanureinem 2U d r po an poror re ay abnitehe l Tert1hScohrm mese, as oyhoeuvra p d an ts mm to e. ona 20e.seTevicakingghots a ei o t l i r h m m d n s s c t u t e r g me Goo di hen hewSillptohalroTe setoaYouy te r u s n l W og f, voer es) 0.4oftawt Go Uoni ervic 2of ss ncohc e the S piec d,owe hil ri s a a od leg nta go o

PLEASE F L N YoUr ReA nForMat on HERE gle Goo ny , PROCEED tsss of a erm m tes he S es, seito t ervailcuntry. s s S teheivheer cooerrmfrom stehiU o ou linagntnotdrtehedentT uheden t e fesrid icet”s. isf. y and affi rld e r s s e o e c rgaerreveriSdeeerdrvm i i ohael eTSbesrri.advteiyarto d the w portn aasppl roeun ous”). en you e tehseserupsm CONGRADULATIONS a h lee,liyatbey:s wphyill t s hhsraeevarT e m T netciti teostsiinbAuffi ms ul cos w gasllul bbeyeoj iuaecscceotathnnwenyde,Teioenenrrfaomlropmcaaneise.r you n o YOU ARE SUCCESSFULLY REGISTERED irde ieanretpbtictarhlislsaevcs o rev. iycosuteo f trati iwfi, otm ahpcteecrocsff he ahenervsSeiecfrovrricaegre hYeoruegaicsa-grseepart o nseiiitm reotsniom gfeul,esst”aihnlgagTtatelhtScrpem lepSact eoarit soenflfti.gse acneb,dsoidria-to vices. Gsteoivpoeidrnictnoip c aosgapl-eptieolredeartvSinu cessedSer nterTHREAT LEVEL nv st)ihtohticosekgonerottehhweeotShglleesi aocnftitthl ret-hiaotni ices afielhG ecrkopirndglefm r Groim ss,asdfCaoygA adlbal ubcseee;e tbieviip.tsytrat icSeese,rv u aAheteorYrpm s o s h d s6b. 0es0h, l4w o b n , ,lef rm T uwei viny aoyaycyreogu tSsetrhvoeogl s wdheics. .4 oecyaeeorw uoesgT ohm ep G esoorkrt ravnic nateei-nsSweorueaenm nt emrsa lepndrtgoViG fesrtffi dceorolongiuacatnneugbtyeee,rtntyivhntiacteossausrirrnodggvisiivtrdheuedtoynefitolaw nauioilntawittbohaalnaiegntaeyldiofoTeuA r-eSce . o i f c e S r ceeam cuetnahege mnwtaohictncahyesyoopu oEarnaangdnt-een,soscvtihrenterevdiciens) T LT dnigeutsesar.fuaTh DO A BARREL at r r i s c r s rafrtriooeom t a e e l o r S c o t l e s i u g aSritinnagyaoogvY y n i e d a e th l g a c a t n f h e i , a ae optodsreottsrfetvtaenScttoeri-socrm othesst rdefGlofseorom agpreecifit-o dtoopwr tehinnerteen s t m b e e n b n u e n u m h T s h m o d o u e o i i h t e c e y e e t hit e h y s l h glvheoiutIatcn(icsosaoelrlawisyainocgudw . raiollgeynl tuo.tsercoenonaetnr.onovtfehiectdrhesttannsldsartudisoinenrgsl.yei,ebsS.eseeprn-onssiebpao- ccur G3o.1do W ets eusrtw e daltroarccitto pcohelahitvclahytere riene ae that s arlclevatoerotrnretsdoiuaptultn n sriv4tyih.gc2oracG euoeim reat g e t . e e m u e r f a t g e A s n s l o a e h y t o a e a eouSew e n o e stetn6icl.l2traisvesantycgioeereu-seo ndedo hiscvaeitstienet-r, vyiocue ute or c a h i g p e y u t d y t a h u r , h o o a a b t u t e o c lrrevdeileclaebpddtggetuoSasaegasrcvttiuohroreegnSld stcreib, tBha)kleanggins ciavrserlaeyce, pthedrleiinewlU n this uts)e c letenpeoall ohtincG i u geroxeoetgoo5bu.o5rguooecuaw ao-napsgnw t ea iu aw u(isth nintlhloesyuscisoitbeaaltgaerG ntcehoraumnnins,gtros. elnaplltr,iooddn atshealdtl aolnl crt,inyopuar segrhloiepptlfuafotorihnrnnatvyttewenyricT PLEASE WRITE DOWN THESE NUMBERS efodo5rw gcdraeyyescnpkgeunflrorioom 2yvlaeY . i elstyh.. IeCneopryoew r h t e b o e t t a m o e a a h r f f u o o d e r t r eeri, lloim el(Cleasgo) um norerg oseurtkaosnsraodrre o hraeosfilpeles, carilslyk. alytoothroeaw ohsaudelolyE hre riedecky.no5SuteYtecn nm t sG 8geeyi.lirdm , i y s s . u n y r r d t p w e w w w i a a fi e s , o sm o g w e a a c p i s l p a b a e w doieastngpt riYoseoovoougf lateh,t4ehm v h c G e r e i e a l a u a r l iaslw f leermdrods entdbyouobolgeut saitlouil,vnrtadm cte einrsaeits.nicd-our usprweoacr o,oglne witlhy We w never ask or th s code however you orirlvlm uGslsy”.hanel dfT wehrhiagTetleietttdtepeuiarecnm fitihxoaG iuci-athnso.d1spem ou Gds io le yr,utiovesudbse epnucdntgopth((hetustiauujrthutphcs,erehoisoede-fstbyaeetrneygsnot,ft woTiuetrhrom nofottghentswhehoaftm ptheo, rtnoem eprytew ac8cfcyevpoY adiptoeTpfcelw rsigan G earatioeoinovnyaend rshvtaiocpvrurcdoiunoelsyyrosofbouyrnmua-ttaerneto,snosenet. m rm t r i , t c a i e o s c h t v n u G o a h i i o o a o s I ac aysoodthlehedini-tCyiomn n c ogl s a a r tircretoleri eyt oS,ocueform iin.himlnyythico(nbe)n tthbnpealrlical6lw y g e o 3 e m C a s e f . S iatnhcevermsdw r v d r i s f e c hahater itt Goo m ght need t n your uture t ndi uitm laotuim xagwegsouiooluensm tenfrtohaaseuitm fhoegyttusuehusn dioeuun.berelltohT ted sum aeoseoreteriom aar esisream reoeveicinruncrem l eairtogsotrohegrfree.licetroothotrmwt/dar.ctcheasts t hue olirmetoid 11, auaenantln nr tolrhiafdonayivtoiftysifiow calgrionm eo, nattwheoorunrsftrsotehtethcAeerdyrtooenrn dsyogieotvintosehudeareslsnioaSnyraeeencsTym etlw sdihm oeoo’sgple rmat(oveaen aonyfto, agretiotn le, es uoeG reolie,m sirehncooitogrltfdn d sorhoY purgfyseoG o o l ifeaeaU i ha nortem d t 5 Ifdityw n d w r a h r e d g i a s y o t e e l i n i o h o o g d e w v t n r h . u o e e 5 o irncal,oeootdiruptnph8hdp.esapt,teowso.ggbaelg,euarfyeorshwehrielritutyshe aven oSt necteGoo yagr n Epfcaatlhgstseiofutyonusratsgataw gucse”.npestahloeTrion onen se3 aYhroeaut Itfhm theam r o w eiym l dsoceoam eorergbdter(hyyad:/es/StwotG fndtofilottfn weTh e2. w3.s2alnToSdeterdw rnyigi-gChwigtehds iasnpayvdloaeubaeoer so in ricvthtisiiaocoptfnatlsreicntg(e5rarum hsytioobsufytorftuo)shpraetonhn -in/pae.g4noahcnO nittap rsteaclspikhnptayeyoprystanroto/otisubm .e6ousalgesragYaltrG eukoeicpb,ohhtlglehU oteehxnm rtahyeeA A o ta. y andivm e n p dor hs lee a e e o eforsw t e e riti w T x 3 h o c nslreeetrsylsvm p y . al)iarlhb.iotilayu)ntnnothyrr.es2bos9ruU t s s o s e oogih)ntm e s o i , e n e g a r y s , n l e h s “aUnhndenbetwar4ecen w e e f h n NUMBER o a clnieht)ygoiuvetf,otrittthoddeo n- that SERIAL w e G a t ileoim o n r o y t d h g s o s t o l c o n t s s d a e a c o t p i s y s i n a f r anehm osgnnpetrprtoi/hearec . ofhofa,ro)a6t0u1r9. irltidetchherepeiTsse in,abtdcm gnw atritaShlceartrivheofsran aG otbfm abtrneoyrserG r nsefisosslhtareinorg,dgrhlies’seodtiurnra-liacraekgsr,eoe m rlk-iaU itle o hseay, t ) yoeupsrinoe nnnaoootvnw aeom i T e o g e t o n s e f e l t y o u t d o w h 8 u r y r o t s c s e s t r l , e o r t c r r s r r g n 6 r o e c p e 4 o n t n y k oll ,npo the i e e i a t toho(iornsyec(, eyomu or dt w r f n . i e cnn9tahlt,aeflirnlavl gsfuaG odaotacotcheGvcoer(ooen erseptparaaeenr= ata veeeinmg. taragntraeeerrm e c o e c p y v i u s ( r n d s s S s t G n e i u n n a e o e r l n s n e a e l e c u h n i 3 c g t crtk, cey, th 8nrv.sti toor yohcuaeerfspisntehgrtseiovththieoeedbwr.SaeA nucytasorgvlirmhsiicnsith,ehyeeorr,tu, poxsm ssylvyouelyroaoaw ae apanyrgneblueleavntvitocsallyeetysh’s utdhiciyisser?asdoaalnr(osow shauar baegirnrwvdihcaedataenardteham uan lcaaSbeeorrm ogbeabryksGs,eoas.egTFeroernw geob. mi tvoicee gtrhaa, peryodrEU-1107-1399-8407-2352-3672-1784 S gaSneirvavpteer bltgih)greateotetSiroyenyosouubtsotyessfhqh)oytauahlaotyelenulonoyputurohetsw nargica xspe ftrnooyom .3 Ythoast o(bi)nyclounugl(ippsphetrlhhim eetcTGet.hoeU eim ceersSs,ea vunagidycssuom tr routowrpaearn uebslsilsyh, y’sasndhsicaltergteoehtorhenihtirg,htitnoeocreuuerescrtdrheodiftm tur ioucetaosunveisiclc,(siebotlbcyn n n m e h S p i a e v s t e d r a , e d r g E a e v -esincoreig uninneseyefneasrttwirsa nsdyeoS,egraetm e c o l o e c p h t e n m e r k h o ft n b r c y es v y i e e c t n d g t m a a h t y g i s , i w Y m r e h o m y . r i i e p t o r c t c t v c g e a s t e o e e l a o r t n s o c d e v v x S o a r a l e r S t n 3 n p e i n n c d r i a r.tGrotivr m suastioinnf ntobtohygddlaiesteumreon rtehs,sy) luoan fshtos.crroenaont en,rsorteieafsqfieam , lfofictaheneyintealnialsstilsaise y dr ishplcahang wi l NroetccieepptriecivoetihndetoU threi5en.fStgehfnrhettdhehSm feSoa.seprt”P t r m w r y i m c ) n t n c o e u ) a o s e c f a e o l r n r i c r r o t n o o y o c a c o o e e e , G i r f 7 d o y v m h n n c u h i o y t i t y t f o i i o c e f a , a r t T l s e t n i i a r t s a i s c t l t e l , u s t i e u e d l r f u o t a m l t , e A r t bnlalfuw n ucsm hicdeisepxtcpcluloosdgo geadnilw s whieshsary aaesridtahnebyuyotraspm euosffanhtee S dtiertien”.dtgsdososyn uns orefrT itsihencalU ,odavbfisocsuneeffbsaarocnattyn Leg 2. , inlaawdsdo tw t d,nvoueann feahysanssyumbdes, ipb)csuoym akteecnadtlNUMBER ogcietshivnoifces tm ly c eiccaxeey, lnucdt,liun ltunetudnnm io.nfhafsyatoyiochm nrseydaertylC eprtietaroroorenuudattrlhm CYD eloeaegtloeiuam m nreglelitsorCenacoqo,n s uovm forrihedrseoesrvei5trisots.iuioogaeng(ronraeel err,eivtnw l t S i f e e r i s e i t i r o e n c e ne e,oCronten r s b c n fi r o c i o e u e i t i n i l r c i g i ( u o n f p l c e e l o e o i g n a r e h l r s d s h c e a o u g u r v Serovrosrgtooup ayieabar“oiCeogilnf ooufot tlylhiotsew uhdsdytoly aetiSoten itntriactn tcn grdspfrateto;hqraecnetshdoasnaeeyunstnpChteoassprlooasyo.tgholn 4e.hP“iA oeswutfivarinatawhcdvyseicegpuehtsaotr,nssoteiaaipltsbdchaayeaetg.eirhon scnlow atence of s2. cA heeISnG t y r d e o h c G i b h .1o Itnw e d c a e o s t w m r t d m b o r y l h e r t i a G r o u e G e i e d t u . a t e 1 i i fi g i t c a m y e t t a F r e g s t r a s r h o t l e i h n v . e l v p e t r t u l e o l e r dndyeedtlaphg/breurboroiend ooorordbayldoiacpesi.s lic ents ye.1, ytoiousnfionocdoaaptglay ecahontondm pg i eptr uinsttbtoeeanm u n reoyryuoo/rh T stooydoisuuuse 5totuhammsr,ssey. aseocudehb.bu7Y il dconrvoiod-iudrgs rseoeglepte’setirtohnipeenedtt.afStoTh k pprgererenbotrycurm w aisnmuG isneteu(kw t Y vleiecroehbyvaitdnim esr)om reolecaG em ing wiitthh the a/nhidshtwraaitnvuge,sirostwtC tfitn dosoutealesdnSidceerIK-2005-1989-MRF-RS20365-1131-3 sosoralpaogm rtocYedleasG. oiPscetorsrsonean9.l3e.Iaclpooy.puurofrdeofieehn sv.eTh beloyou wm cas8’sA hiacyhnoyout .tShoeeoargT irenfm ltyopotwnlelite.nuecdnuaostgn hs.t-detysheodtbepuoletaioicyrorbeoenm qufirenaebvolicnessh, ilpy w ie,f,aornyprafym 2aoffi poaurndceoenin iioeG r st.rpiw h o t t g e t i n r v m c . l k o l t s t r i g e a g a i a h u r a v o a l s s 9 i c fi r l s e h k d t w p e p e w u n i a b depthat r u c i e r o l G r e p e a g r u r y e o o t s e e y i l ll dvoeenustraesanesSpeyeotushtem suoa,ron odotusaisnnbifoenongaetlodoenua’sdttm ee r aShtunrsics pyooseorksr,edlateticaon toenCn exnrupta .fgreSacsesappe,rxaliipncliattaihncm m Yo osG t acc4.v1ifcorepdreloecvgihfffiaacovaar6ssi.aainY yttycho,hoegataryonlcbeitdglnc-ehuitcn ,shhetthtfeU p-. ofIldn egcne lpeleur etgw oefpocn:o//wcewSeSe,w efsset.oasogaaktinn se);too aroovaiigceyrxeer/Yw touhanrfralieen utgrrilbveoeuutnoagrye brem nitw iginpstahlafieotryetrsC ulceilserw pG u i ) o e o ptsoucbhsoiudsoirrm c n v t y C l . o no 2.4ffiBleitaotesin v u d u r i a h n e s h t . l e i g e l r s b o d o a s h i t / g t n g t o t t e a a n h l nsootohinadgritniy, hudaniaa. Y nm Teoogl r riwilvtyhe, etapirvttrrshioetrionfteocxaluichsd-te)itG r-(snesrtaedpw o s dcoom , LL agecslsue,p.ratt het oSefrevtrghtvieceieasnpfedtohaonte9tadopS.tdo1buo:uevurw arniprdotiefm a ld pr (“(SstuosdaplilTsem ,itetoG gngothlserleot#ersm h d e l ) h a e n t c u o w s d l e a l l n i h t w i e t u ueedrtm r e f E s p u b s a g a y d i n n y o g h i n d o ghts n Th m d S h s o s r a s i r s i . n . e o y s o . nT o u m i s u e w i a t t l n t o i o r i n s i i y m a AAEEGGEELL l o o c u m a t GPCU NUMBER i s p r , r o e y n taG 3 G m r n e o forthtoetwmlel. uasitegi(stsraeotchdlefcaaettshm o wor ynoivedoem s t n v a e o r i r f t a e u e d e s i s b e z o h p l m t s r 1 r f t o s l a m h i c s i n , e o n c e e e o h d t y s e t a i e a g e i p i f G o r t a c s s r f r o s d m e s r i gvsohicaetsy.iegrrhetnvtytitocerpnilciaeneyyrsw ign tesicpeotshgalSetn co eo ir egr arler th huY rvepioll v-oircg ilnl m dluiemlesetrruecesgestipsotisptoatpyrrnerto-hatgaeoaccaglovlnlm RREELOW esisncgknin e U ). S ielctoeryem t hsftdeecowcrpScao.echuLroim c em rocgrnfiallerbevslG AAGG tsh3rotaU weurissetrhbseyquehiethw eo ettleoreeou’sevpsaihsaiasnnindgS-neasrs.(m lethoe thaist, vices 1 oegoabggrlaen yeavyc,criabtnievdoeodw of thates” e pp4rrooYvcoiudcaoonflt6eG arh1in0i grltepyesropdo1uopo0anuG eeiw errtnSoehvaetieigrcrSeecsadeteat,onhlsayootpnw eyrrn letedl o-fptrlea,nlot w stoioTne3iro.5notnsW aoscltgeohT Y.odoGuhisoaootuaSnm eaG vltoiehrctsoteieogcypntcbcioeneetrg,taan p.rypoeltruivsmaeiiecfigodegcirtssG RREEEE r a t h . 4 fi t f e . e s r b i.tieysouefiSteerd y, seg e 4 l e c a t y n o d a e n s e l 5 o h b h a a e l u u rmatr biea0000 e S o e a t AAG t n v a e a y t r i s l a l t p o 1 y c r h o n t . a o k i n u ht,oaf ghlee,thSpsosparo,egantrhppedrnfayoye-sfenras1etTh g l e c h n oefhGo rteheaet yim i t uhiegthiicsitruhueus,icncw a b r t G u e t s l i t r c i t i a t , a s d n a y l i 1080 0000 0000 0000 l v r o h c e o e a e ) l w sihlettsoo,bfetnh0000 o x e n d w E y l d a a l e G i b m E e0034 e e h e r l u B l i i u n b w t e t r . , e n h s l c d A i e g v ( o o h d p l w u t n o y g o e o v r t d e n . g s t d i n u o i m e e g t v e 3 e t G d i o e f a t d i a y ’s t n e a m o d ) r i t n y t s n o s k e a l o t n v i y r i n u n o o t s s e r n 1 i g e s r r a i f a n e y a e h a u r y e 1 l n r e AAGGRREEE i r e g t u l e o a u m h n v u y a e u tinoin eheithsipsGrto1eo0T nchehsoesncocucbsairyand onyhomw utro(masiosnsese lStehoeureha;voeor tedr ,wtihmich y )cltuondttoioseleadacw o.rnegigsoihbtsithdleorsee,grv,yuroriotdiageukhrdsectisveni-neegoe.xtfTh eairtgvSnoricetw you th Yroacecnom asa wacitw . b fi t d h t E a e s p e l a h y e t t o e e ) t e t G t t s y u l t . . d e n c l o s t o a R u l s l y i n a l u s h r e i t y r s ) R a ) a S s h ( l e a n f g s y y s e a g r o m n s o f r b p t b t i u o n h a a p e v u w e e bficnoenti aeatxpioivsirpcalsreinoonueGcooblt-isgnthoave(G reirnto rlreo,rh, ilasbt AAGGEEEE sdbs rv ohaitccoehucetahgerethisoeicnrhsiaow s iot eoocssittrofihurb-rlde utahthnhoedabdsait-renew ocoerseifsnram yo infdoferroem o hro nthdrgialusB L nt jtect om ennlsietlfocuasew cti ans ctehnow aretrehre(ew r t o ew oeg owf m a ngtnd, btstlueimoslxiodtm ,eSddae1rr, oe.og4nutY aleistyagw lwwaoyer se w e d RREE hofoueptrhhrisoear-vtiSgiyesoiotuhuim asoatoereoiisttla,ylnbnteleen wft aaisbgenhfytet,hovrsft eoeroueanenaggdslnpffeeobrirlsecaitsnigrat-noon opeiobeson teoubeeithfiertroaGm tionweho ce) o ainems or woert1h yarttADS ventwill(aordtyhaoteun. nuesec7t.e2drYaodbcvjceor r(dw m h G G m y y t y EE h w f o r o NUMBER , e t g y r o i d n S e w e e c i f r b s w . y w h e e b p t b r l a e l o e oin einngtaviees.sutem beuytoum fedLtieomrv wiytihnngins ftooriyooniunoeusbet Toeirof ns’ship ny epasatseed gom r h e e e e o n r d e r h y p e t t , r g d s t h o v / c o a g u c e n b r a o g b o u e a . u h t n t i o s l u n c o f a a p d o t o n e e e t G r e o l o m n c e o m s eohawyarlneficeero.acrsoG rbmY e ru5b.l tn tifee icesinacgtionnth rueslebatyogle ndt a up ar ldeerao, tsouroura3cynsh.2hdaItflhlfatoersrvorete”olcriecuaeeracm rgseoicouopipnodesrsG datacCscocyyrnodtupohl8leis.cl4ryooeY doonaotuhtotetos ucrukuabntm hivagiw e ot gigll o1fn1woil.ad2a(oerow do aaygvt eeatvshoeilclepy1aa(srath)ioahnnveoesSbebir)nvefctdohloritnm nog ip nucyrtiteedGo oyroauyano advoeurr-’s eSiadeltyrehnvliaienyctrtoyrauioycbw leivs abeerdsoton d tehirovevuiw v phudasttee)enyyseeootai1uu“aptrSrlhriogoerlft G.geonosobtoajteihncpSihtorsitonft tigecim 6U.2nprA a t)nadnry(geN so o shoficfyelaorisem m nhsm osseboyn h)ds-oaebn egbnroatarhle(nnC e u t t thuwreaoetcen s h b o i ream t S h w y p t Y t . o r fi l a t e e r n h 1346203801-IP503D7099-SPEED-NL d c t 5 d t r a f s l s . rinssed(deCG h o o h nd t e a1x5tops.o1reslrlheaeretsebiusSdeuletelurtoovonffraeff . t w u a i it atahlllf a) in t utes.fneultlp, :// atyeocdreolsitlnhlae g,rcyennoecnuprlltauegsom r f T o n 15.2 o g u 5 uw C l e o a d r s n e ff e e y s r i c t , o l h m o h m y o a l e esd iaasosfaatiaxolclnldutoltibohenapsasebrcsoecvtwishiinsoeilrtim nesttg,olepudy tioauam t htt escm naushviaidcteoauaeteacodtrydoipiotaog csu.hraseuncceet sm r fboerhtent CY awtiotreviacgersa; ph ot n be a o i r , o e e n ( o t y n p b u i e a u t u u o e h h l r m s p n l o e o k h s m e e s e u e e s n y o u e e e n u l i t i o d n o i s c a i c n g c s l r Y y s s o r s l a u c l p , c o u c e l l . l o k G a k b e n y i o t i l a l o i g a / o r n ca uk/ o v h w a i i , g r l e h e n o s a s l y i n a c l l g r r o e t o t , S w o a d i r s t t o a p i 5 s t y i y s r e t h o y e v o o d a c G e r e r a . a r.odne thenins p hraLeffiaol hvw c Goo 8. C oleuarse iSveeerw , sosiotannthd9ieswsR o im cm hlrrr cicicrhGeatasn wlaaerka w irtrohrvmi tobsfiryhfnoyeientspeeow nw er ich aet,.nfieyTh firgaoithsom yosnnefldoorrtaiodsh1eeya5xrol.clo3ulcuTh oew ,rw itoegesnnlr1ea2cb.oalSG m oignytaootiuo whsetohfhwhof oorgle.cos-. dtaya(rtoen Soaco)sriyft udeslrrpotw rewotaaghn,rleewSshaleidterhaidrvbo;teotinoolir,uw tcufeatgnhlscaeecsweScftdeoesiutnfon s a d h d er y erifveuantsuivnwdhheeairitc,hhithenhriseairsnolU n y e t o s r e n l o l o p d y l d d m a t m e v r o l o l b f i 7 y l l c b t n G e n r i s i e e t . l e n d x r i a d n n e l ue taoipnptw u eow.cgeosh, e po 2c0lu.6dY ft ste esaaou d, ial 2i0tfh d o dtt( uoc coveosengabiers spboruifteintoafbooyse oarncneidonts,nedoenfiivtt oeouaffi rsaihniietpthShoG sli.,toying thepp eeatsnaaw y hisiw iaoprutthersoudpcoh us rp igiothtuentonteorben ylebytiolen whicyeeosrup.tvhcyuiercssiaegctrtsthioe,icotlaiynagltlbrhbyiaoalveoepnallhdaww i.n tse 8.1CYonaattneionnSb(esyurvG tsieiohcntiecslshyihn.caienlsleatsyosa,nodgfleln ro:d/v/ow hm tiism edi,Th eiahnnbgartllei,naigastlheabiw rev, io. f t m y p e f a g o C a a y g p r g t p e f r y t c l i S a m 1 e v i r s p . c y r o o t f o o y e e . e m . i n r h p h e e t C e . l v t t s m r i y o a t w a e b a a a i e i 1 c l e y s r 12idSchaeteat1eriy1ndSm,aecsturhtiosocofolrpneanatedsoufrlradtvopipecsleuiissuhtpardtedsdaesbfionSevebreiavuosnenyhaolacvsueabrt hstotpatnGhraow rm ths co lom ). ohpra y1 t aicthhGbahoyserGliohm ogtmvipcsoeasrris eb tshit em info uennletsexta, tdyisocutimlaeeirg’snsrpgeorefcitensjo)dtw redteiow w thdeadn theuiansgoytorn nTaagdlneyt,oeienuusapcdeaassphbepm hnuefcn(oiteciohc)tgtilcotehounyyodoaukeoeabvele,ainoetr.Shlteo,erasm iytg, e’sl si)aeedtsdnin sed sloyeaTh le h eerotm t ohtteasgtarnllotitohDosou)glGem c(aeenrneorv. tih vuobsme1tpenTh iyv1todo.n1fbSYyeuctushtnG jws hdfatyot.m . gobli(elD ttihede,ineingonhrtSgagufoG ti.acthes tonof oththeer e. Gocoogm ougne noetrim s i o a d a b e a w n i h o o 1 h , o writ told t 8h.5eGY u oow s y f u t v p d uore h g c c o n e s l ( s o . d n e n u d o f h i e a i e r m e t h 5 o o o n v e Y u t 1 C l i e h o o e o a n e _ y i t d e s a i t 8 r o n a o g 2 r c o t n t r G l 1 y , y r u d t o t e i o ffi y n n . i c u e r i h a o k t s O 3 i k i i b n l y 1 n w y h a i y r l r u p r g t i t r . o m y n m t r l d G r 5 g o n e u a o G v r n o p d a h h v r ti cgroeoiprmeppebrtehinaut1gnSteporrof cgW eaoiyhsolieitocoo(m iba .4 tas rfm y oritninygCeoswudthcgeasheinsaspovyY rhsahhfi-paiailxclnehbylsetie,tpsyceaoornfdaAypprboeeevrdliliisisnaebmslrewrnaeidtsheoiumaacveedr2ba0ynyareoer vlw nitofraridtieonngseono,ot-lroda)tnnath ho t tohaeroeeG or b reespaornaste 2s9pUcononslneseisbspeetw yl yoogrueidvepnrattm robtaeugsw g iabrii thnoehvoitvderattnu-rtdeotr e poll o icroeavsciydpcrio hotsagw .e n etyinfocrk)rnaaolnew s tntvta, oentpSlhrdoookepsftcqlw rareylseioicln sit sotohurnitgmihtslie,y’sdtew ttn sm nsrgiirifpvorvnadeofiocm c tr Secrcvpurare ene ebicfsoeiwdrssw gtgseknronseeu,detittrevtisren u u i r reei,n pllrAdyoafrnhearattre-an linan i r l m c s e r in a has no9r licrew a C u r t i e s n e e o yn Y o p x a u r e T o a r g r o o ieteor ldl n4toh.neEtielyenfot rSm sre oidsm rse,Sruv sosftyateiraom e s n n U i p o l 2 o u e e i a a . s u t y s d h g m s,haich ghgor, sespevorotroh n r o 6 h ssnasrhie1oai7ntrh.psab,ynsw v e d 0 u t . t u r a i t r rcidgidvienrngresoa cooefnteshsew b o n r r avei,c3yeyYdiosneuurrouthsw.iinn S d e p ih Go gaitn9e, bta1ilyoafuG 1 t s e o t n c e i t e o o i l i g i h ( t e h e s s a w to-netim o h , t m t ( u r t b v r c t e w t e n l h o , s t n m t i u e eequeeerrntti-reissuirinsptn S o o roewinecnde6tsi.tsChe nclhueans om a r t s o fyeroom o a e n k e e c c e c BnasdsT t ; e l o c r c e e m , r i e k S y y i o e r s a r p h p any otuhcihnraet ixt psoereasnosoytmppeyorkoGs, l d u a e r apvesya a d v c m s t , vgro:il-e1o, uf ct)h;s (tesislinc.1 Sarcetesocotoyn aaddf-v,ovcroldpi1rcySorto,m fetrhia,tyai,ctepm in tsseeomlnyNrSnoeeeoracm oseerc-rm nin T ny t toeu st nfr gmbaySrfeyer,svce ervincyepiiunnebgrem r,tguosrihearnv,rciconevttgyiilo4)e.nt1nm ur aTh y e 7 r . t i o f r o o m i s n s n s e r n y n r d l v b o s 1 t a o p g c 0 o , v o r y r v e e e p i o o a i o x a e f o o n s e o s e 3 a r d i d e 2 r h l t g i , i d u v c i . l i C s c t d i n n e e t ar p1a4l dvoeuGr iseivrvsti,upasongle o stahrercet-rteeoptairaoignnlec’sluayriaanlsyegiceeedssaodosrt t dth S p,oelunaarkn, tseerpptstethcoreuto.hd3mfGpaoyrare(e1ao,om righintse,rwtrrauitdniem el boeoispaptrleye,fSalaoelrslvs essisteppylyouh dienorg tohtvrheeadrtsilseeym m ioeotosoastytin -nfatdeiscitsnsiotplsteed”hrngeueatscnpstoyeoolry,rorvoelvct,SihayeetrreG wdi iopmoodsaoseyG yaw m ,feohparansnye1yrS3casoo,lstftm e e ade ngeiylaceatoaatlneepsn b n mhto td lm ny esrrucuphrepicm slpetoe.asnoysw.taeTh rx)grteiedsdAloiffi art C ay dam “se(aoE p a snuhdobotegrA e o n e e o u namsorsi)n uosnotef,nyrttrG i h l r o a s le r a t h l anrtgo)reoaslsofds nyfa(oog1inhiru6iyi)p.ca1thnIdtim i nc titcrooctlouyegdobw i r , -sa,n u byitliG n o o n t irnoeconnltouo)omgtdioecsetuuxicotnhen m u p, loogweoiuodfeow o a u y s ( r u d a u t w w r G e t s i f o u a n o AL o i o r e p p h l aeylrsovitnoi2t;s C y y h o t a s n t e teidtthiatrahreagictettkietilnoadl n o , e Y c , d e k t r e w r a p t a n osoliiaelrcatpewserim i o y use itoothrame croltdd inmabucletensoscnssi.ef:tcw l n n m a h f c d e n s h r l e n p t o d c s m p u l e c e h r ternesrg i p s m a r e a y fi t s n a o i v s L m u m o aseatgioevson b r s n s r o e s y d i , v o i u o a d y s s w a t i h c e y d , l r A o u n a c n n u e y i t l r r i o b d n e f y s s A n o t n p p h A g n d l u r s t l L w ) t e h e b m a a c o i l e , u y r A e c n r a i A s o n s a a t Y l o s l e s t o a e s r o n l v l A c d r u k y r n r diadado e ai cc vane.eltbehci,aleiec.hctesiow(not.ieTh AA AA GG GG GGRRLLL nrtei edlxyoctettoihhpnoeeefngrrnlisteshdeam oru.t2trfiingn9ot.fotCghrlhm trantrad sogaunisetaxhtceilrudesiodifve,sdvpotruoedbqdifluaiycit,retesS((ba,so)psoum e(oaliSifonseiscenoslsuftmw eeggbcyitloefioiu’styaheqhrooneuaovm aTaernm rrg,hehG t .giw AAEEGGEE L ectm irf onu ictclealsranaw is,oasilnyse,lsilacontaos1tbds8oloefeG floaw y AGGAAGGAARRGGRRGGRRGGEERREERREERR 1 E y r n r ohfigaan p E C e t d G r r o o i u m n y s m n m e s e t o o l y r ) u t o o , h n t yeicD r o r e t G e l a RREE AA AA AAGGAAGGAAGGAAGA u E e ( n a n p t t v b y t a n S r h a E L c enngtetrhuan tapirhn o p or ianidtatepd dpivaee;rlifbvoeer (tAyesoneCrtbecoyriavoif tpfhoatythone hSieactrrsheotoifitcfhtuisw t)leoi,adatpoin GRRRREE EEEEEEEE EE EE EE AARREEOW tlihtthG evtsnr,iatcoryersa,itlqeasb,iow eoocrveociisgdnt,l)ecae w xitdffi A G u R n t A e p h m G t e n p r R E S i c a y e G o y R l p n o a w e i A r e E l m h y m G l R E c i n p n R o n o A e t a l h o a E y G t p a i o t R e f r d r G h w d e r r o A e r t m G E R i r aSvta o9r .l1purtrnAo e A GG R R E EE EE EE rC lik pe pssuyboliuc yorim ytedthisi d daisanu4tnoi.ire2stehlIm RREEE iniconognysdtgsaad,ihnnitdrsecrrietoghucrtrtgeuhehspaertehlunSpetetaScteth AAG teoedui;siclseuosrspeh1yraertolsigoeshoU GRGRGRRGEERREERREEEEREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EE EE ndttisvvreosr t ubeua orfoovstanoirn m ALLL q1Nr torhuealdaiteatotoivbrh’sinrleecironisen i poslry.oitaw utan tnhstreluesepsnr dteheedUbenySiTyesreritrfveam he r unle ahnadttdyoiosu uosniftpo, prm o o atichacn uybosi,eodn divciac1le3yrs.aeo.4tTh aleToem d m in EEEE EE e s h r n t AAGGGRREEEEE t rAG e g u r h u c c t elhceAG c m treshgeacecahwonoyouhAGR Tr, ieom o n t e k b m Ctrsoaw o e e a i a g f o r n r b c u n e d h ; o o AGR d h u h v r ff e y i o t n e r l t i a ) S t o t c u i r s o o o o S u s G ) g s h o e E e t : n n t r t e s t d i s w e olt b t tosuooaf S erm a n t s t RREE i s d t a o n i h u u e n e e h a w a i m a c o e l e G l e n s ( t m c t g AGRE AGRE t ou o thh, et3ht. 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n p c ate t e t r r h o e r Parth thneitubeisdnedtihoopgwrlvetheinenortieuntfIaotscno(icsosalolerilatum w.tissiyarinyecononagutnd.w novtfehiectdhrestannstlsartudisine glaivcheiteerbseS. sepenoe ae tsheat uoes or c tre wi U t y s . l r a o u , e g l n l e r r l c d o t l 3 a 4 ainGo.1o W oarcacitooynuupecsooheetlhetlayd asgoaetisitaiers t-r, vyioc bute is setscoeusetrtw s)e airolelcevyaoertornoretsdoiuaptnultnte.hgeae2ttfrA euom m 940 legt exoparlnd, a3nSdewriv4tayih.g2araceG lnpnlrraeveidesveleslanaeytcbgiopeerteg-setuoSasalengdasreocvtthicicvutohrsgroe.aeegSnnled ddisutcrei , d aolnl th nyopuarut thateigurepdet, yctoohhuiasiten6ocil.w e n u ognr icceedndpgeoal t nGn t llr, o n altl . rt,i i n c w c o a e o a a me yoade oufpthyof(utBha)aklbteayngthgoiiuns tcoiuavgrserelaeeyrcex,epotegedorl5eibun.5oewrgluoU t u s i o e n n w r , r chehoraam hipltplftuafotorhinrnonatvtyhtew T lnapti breatshofhraeosfilpeleeos, fin,carilslyk e thout e o t o g odrt2yloeYgcdreyescekuag-ensflriroom m nroneritguydrosecurtekaowsnsraodrrnhediw s eog t raeeaeyrc,illroi,m e . ai y nalpytouthoseagrgtllo.eim is mutsermt syouliss.hICninotylholoesycusihsibaeaeltreaG rie o,ogln wliely . aetei a nr eits. c-oaut r usprweoacw (leyaso) um n t f dr fnoo5uewrvauelolaE a 8e delC s o e.apw iovetsdrw nsG oew -aplsw t u a c o i y i l p r ft G i e o i s h r d o s s b v e the th evfiucelltyoh.ateghtreperirsoewvrueigdlaetech,k4eyh.oS5aitcYatleconw a s o d dbyuole uolgeurt,iovesusadeitleouilp,cnroatm tairthtphc,erhoeisodf yaetreysn , yo buynmat rnet,s sen fdraloyteeiem rG eprgdrnm tm oenG d eisnp Yoeooof dotreim itucio-atahbnso.d1speempyY t bs dtgph((hetusujuusteaiocvpraee-urscdtbeoinugndthltoeelsyrdionsi-ofoCryiomnuet-nae coonogle ted lvlmashrhiaT carnlaeenssm gelaeettrdteeuw iacifitptiheoxpaclw T arftptwheoertom , c8ccyvoicuhneatratioeeoinonuvniynsaendueforshvm U re trh uGssy”. anel fw rs ieam egac aysooche aatetr itt Gto toi d erterm h h f e r , f , t l g p t m o t y f S l h c a t G r t r o r r r t t I m r e i c h i g u s h t r o a 1 a h o e i n l , t n e e e s s t y o r a d 1.2 agingy“woTiuerom cohuym trfhelooegttusuehsunlxaeiaytfgnw efm tonhbnispearllricaoToal6lw esoeretaiiortm ygsouiooluensrm eifvosasC e.3Sem regrfeletro rmw/. tches hue o eedn 1 e, s hcoa(otnvbise)nhattm t e eGof siwiosn.hniim reoveicinrnnctnrthasuauim eoogssotophere.icooeaentdac anyfto, agrcetinot oglgree ennninyr o vtodiftysifiowsocawlglooidtlnm lnlayottiuiem ui idouun.bee ltl hT wri th aitnhc vaerm rde isream n Yai uoeGrleoo’sgl oerhrmat(ov r. rttyhsteoaove oSt ne t Godlaya aeen t dndr ygoteourssoaSyreecsyeurshmrehitgtladnatrompturhdosaioG e i f n o a e e r o r n o d o e b s T n A i d u r o n n v e a h n r o h h h o e o d nt w r h e i s g e n s gtlw idiw nsoievintdshealtihaeeofrcnnam tcoo fttoiohrntcneale,dl,oeeoodtrir(ygfauyeptnphS8thdpot.es5aG oelg,euarynswstiohbufielrourtnhrnyii-gCwiteds iaspayvoeueeoro so at me udeo,IfnattwhyeioounasftsthoteeticfeearyatrU pt,teowo. eiybam n tlhusgseiofukyofnnusradtogsgaaw t l r m e eygreu”i.ptaloeTriE -in/9ap.4oahcnOhyssefeyotrserfto)shrpaietoinwogclnieth)doyggroiuvhehstf,otrditttrlthaodldiecenr-,ee th pitle or lerergbdtrhds/wwyoratntootisum inc 1.5ondni wh aYrnoeaut Itfhmtehramctvcisioaectnentasshrt(goaruple6salesaYadttsoceoam i i ss g,d e r gs o e w ostm oe o eofioetfxnonittapey:/rteaclspiknhptayepytsr/ob rebosruegnleerysvm r t s i i t r l a . s ’s k m r U r n s e h h h a r l s m e ) n a e t e a h c r r o h n i l 2 e y r m e g t o m b h o u o G e 3 c h n e h U . n e a l u a y b s l s e i s r . 2 l r t a i g l a s i p , u u t l n i o l o e n . t l l u o 3 s g nTodt edwri htsiopf leicnee5rpom enaT ckiagnnw e . i r e n o l s h s a s p a o o h r x 9 t r e ) r eciollt, t t, he e, e c r t s fi a y n . o e T e or t w b h y i c o , , and twt. Thane2d iw t c o s nsyiec(, eysiom eeAe4nS.3ndgoAetntoshcihpoeeheancTteG degeaosgnfproetprosgitoin)h/nhlearaw etrahsw s,GanstnyeotrlyhoeyG lteU vm esacc. ofhofa,reo)a6t0u1ohrgrierltidesthrshwoerioseningnaoltcefnelron9u,ot.adh6m cinh eorr,ud ostraa,crkrodr uacny sh, aeflirnsylavllygiosufayauG n y vwiscnpeom ucyta(iosorrgvlrw nG iy rneo-rr ttaioarartnytnr=ry4fa8nGenysodatotacoetcheeuG rmh inst,ehye it, peexm me sa aUnndenbet areeceaovfawttrita ertriehofraootbf abroyrsorieuaopm avrscst(ohgresio oedbwS. ,eA ns ovueelryokoaw s, oseT gFeoevnidcgeob. mtrtvoic ughraearpeny uebslsl y ges he y“, th youpsriongnnecnoottarnnagyntraesSeenlreram . p sdtoeshngsaeestnvnoteseurcunSptisdercdarse(pospw e a n p u a r r n b o o r e b o tr hee8nr.vs3tiuctoor tleuylnohpcteoehfpnihnie,nahirtngieciatveuhthxiespetreoafm l w p royom s e s t a r , s a s a p c m p s e ft m g , i as t sa (lla)takvereedreicinm itgr to reescrdhitfteionm et. adhaae paygbuleantvitogcalslynetesyh’svtdpehiecryise?asoallnrtihgoreaetoteSiroeynyoosunuybtsotyesfhsqhd)oytauaholayenolyoerugeoeruertsew,oretnnehycSecootelnlestcliasisteex cl,yodur icsh cihch ary retdrhveahveaerdltSseoym o a etirvat obasg) ntisc,lc(siebotbcyee’sasnwetm sha r abegirnwvihadaaenrte mlanaaSbrneelorervm -e s wh ess -hesniccaotreitghtohuninneseytefneeaso,crturtwirsauroadnnssdysioeoinSnf,ngrtatbtm ohygwdaiseteumrcoivnteo,olfifctah y ,intrtthahiasist bllafiuw nt o y n l a e i i ) ) r , Youata S cylouu lipsheprlhim dSnS uroviudccetoveuitvsrchivebceioeaafgcrcolys.m f ecet TGee.heU r y e rpodrnaaontsi rsrteeiafsqfieartsehftoarsoonrosm aysansysuebsdse, pbc)uoymnankifiitsecenradetllny eoclne,oCr onte ouuanefftste, nnG tyhnicedteisfsepxtclpcalulolosdgeoind,gnoueeadannilw bnm r 1.3 thalso(bi)n Ecienvsgiinna(pggedttdheaitnnoUcgnthtitee e5ey.fS3ogeerYetrrtdheehSem feoreSprrtG otieoovrurnsm icroeeonnsdffasctietiofeceroyen)rS,nfoenarercai-en”m csryhtaiootm g n, dyuaroiyC (be Ceoocrs a loasyo.tghat nce of fi v ichfoairerum i t ci lvfisocuebaaorcatr udttheicacxeneys,cailrnuptrondcetn,lougm l tehdrientfoahatfnathtlrleiydm7Seha.snte”P.tyT uitnh lunedndti lteloe.aedgtstdosioasym rucsm . yayocm ylstaripm wil al NrocetcceeppdroeitfivothneithenicanlruU h e Snrseaettniuovseprtietarosrooenuoarlm i l aei wgshprtetorhqaecunshdoasnyunstpnht a ispG got . ice ts si o. un(sonorel rrTetesogtashinnobifcuoesstm A ds ionf afotihneg l orCencaoq,nt turnm tgyhloeuninetdiconsufimanltawthdye pehtsot,ssotaiptsdbchayet.ehttiscnloeyordfia;erreetteoeiretntaeteorr rdbyldoacpesis l en ng wit th w o a h e r o m b c s i o e e u / d l e t i , a i d o e o h c o d t f o a s y p l r l e o h s i i v i e r n C er it5ssioogaenrraeeeivnw Leg 2.s, inlaaw otfrtriw eetrvidceelre guhashyieaobar“odoiC itvrireayrcyevroosi/cegruphpgararrivnnvteycuaeptrinsiuinsgettebtoeealtnidw ohyoueefotaw m hedettlarpagitnvbeeriosw rdlolhits uottale’srsdcntcpbtertw tresr)oem reogindabeG dosohurtealesdnSidceersr.eTh quif endaetbvioicnnedshptlhyawt r l n o drosvedroitui ag Soenr,e Searotyvhrosrgtoouuhpbm oouor ku preeeborrm u te(ka/dnuiasohyrwaoug,sm .sY it,aypaym e hent.aStTh v yiet.d1o,GuyFtooiouusinofinodm oattgllalypechontondm v ice n cAoluIn4. PAuhdsytely etei the ISnG e ee s);too te.ecdnoastgnh.studetysheotebpoletiicorbeeunm kthsne,fnoorrwfeSsotterriecsaylouse roksr,elate caorm a cG ccoapvod-iudrs rsaeoeglapntteirtonied.Icfoy.prfrdeofienltgypotw e r r u l i m g n ’s e o a o o n r g ms.2.1 hehst“iocfiordgoilsucurusesY5toh.t1uheam h o i n esocudne.bur7m 3 e l u n u e e s n n u . e l o r e e i a l o msr,ssey. am r a yTebreomgle e tm 2oaffi o s dcoo , Ter w aisnmtwuG gsyoleoa,cnouitn,shtthfeeecaneht lpeltsue nrpegntgw cedleasG9ag.lirPscieetorsroseo9g.lrtaucinrhatctpoluilrnic.iakgsgaktonenCondnorogltw st.piw usasnnbpilofoIenoonnrgyttaetlochodoen,hua’sdottm ienfsosorlpogmlcaas8A itoY youtgrbilbveoeut h, etaoG vpliaecrrnoehbycvaoitdniinttifietoieG u hicyhnyoytou.tSheeorgT ucy vielatearnucbgitdgls.-euhthche)i.ntU t titoua epiG l it o ahesm t u e nby ne oatifipncadpeearrvueareexnrupteapwn.g Sasesapp, xlipcliatew nueedr to righhets ).- ldsG oglohgag itni , hduainisaa. Y doatnm t n y a o e t s r t e n f u c a d o i w a w l h s d f n r d beloyo wm a e i i i e o r e i o t i t l l o t v o v n e t e t w o i c i r h r r l t h u i v e s t G r c w d x eptGeos ayoviadlvaellsadvoeenusahreaesaersSyfoctnsohtm , arofvreigceryxee w lsrnfseosoanohaadfraienC s iasonsonirfm s aanst ntsife T s S r a r c l o t Y i a t o ( i t s e r g o c / r h i / r o 1 e e a i e r e n p p n i g w w y 3 st lafiortyet sC drsiosoorpvalregtia-em youicroeemnlrspe icge r ll cetorhseeqoueiiethleehtgoeares thaist,ervice itnoisetrcaotm ggothlsreletoo#erm ti.snE hlslt-hy,ewpureslseisam arniprldiem You ot acc4B.veifcotrespdprtelecoihffcfihosiurad6ssio.iarnY ur-nsrntercaw tp:/ tvcheieceSsenptdolite9tdpS.d1:eu/vrnew inigns1hdesteosiceopG eothg Senou’srvpvasihseapianldS-nears(.v-orslwohTleieunrissm rpdiiagyasibunr m ygt,oaueam iig,hefnftaecryycresow n 2.4 litaorin(sSuuobdploTe)seam byth , wt w. ie ou S ed se cssuep,.ratht ht oSefrevrtghie(iasrseoedlfefca.tehattosnysayoatoauboitsdtuziG eo.plonheootinefnm roigcrnfiaellebrevlrG s clfaet sy.iaoegrurrhetnvitytcistocerpnlcieam do throU rn hbgsaetrcetnsm ntW saoctge teldl ro-fprrleaenlboilittos, fytheefit ely, affi p (“ st sa ilsim se thrsoietgyptnlorceinee gtasisoninognesr.5m ogel theeSlel.dTh segist tchea htm eloeyem r t i t t h n e a c o m s a e n i b s a m t l r v g e t o n T e r S t l t e l a a a s h a e t a s a t o o o o t i o w r h i b u o o i l 3 e p o h L , a v t o r c e 3 e i G t t c a g e c o o n e n t t m t p h p , u c . i i v , d i y s p r c a f s e i c a u r e c s o c e g s uld rldouveretaG o hotuwm ardeecoh1w onudtrvliirciuegshvee beed,wtihmic ity hcadterdeBr1i)litigG in0ic.crltepyesropoy1oo0aupryoeortuvm rmenityodruinendxt w cliefidgisGrlnoftotey-orsfnraseoes taTh oYegodlbggrlele crriueceiesevdiptpw aGrnSoeetiigrcrSeeseohsayootpnhft r n t h sho woe Uy”n)i. Sdomrovceiudssiancgktn6G a a y v e o g e r e y ( v 1 i e S a e g o a e e a a e e r p u e , t t a y f t i a o e r s n s s u h S o ( p h d h o p p e s p o s or o,r, ilasbt il ; t n in.1odoGuisoo aSianoeyrrnaeay,citavbhoinenenuterfitpoeohsSdtseeerteohvasaeirnetacrhdenotucaradttaklnllsbaliw h s o lelitnaytehea1grn3tidh.)cnelyueuooA,ooianfoniygdt1holeereluG ’ssos, foaprkuyeeam ndtotiol eadacw fiutrmasiotnsheael)l yt ognlceuetlre)ycirntrtuatot (egrlrew d of t ate be4pp.4r oYuohralocf5ooo.g4fleYeat hiynoaotuauatnm ) u Gt v0T. eg em shinaSnteehcrldevesam ibtlrsee,hrv,yuoroiotdakhrsetinsveni-nepoei.oipxfsTh ly)t. st. baiadystoelnogilgetaot fvue(Bloicfoaewrsfsnram uhriniedgtyghicostrurheaarutitevnedi,tncnecw elltw oneohfohLm ce)uor taineremship or e y ygotw l e vri etheib.thsipsrho1eooorntigsohtssihdeoegebrhyingeenuentodicm ymw t nitcasreinonuveGcoobhirlto-snha dialsGennselcuenteibje omom w s u G y o G r d b t l a o h x o r y y v u p n s s T o w e fi s wil onaytbief Gu anoggurtahngte, nom e c t a w u p u l d h a s asoatoernetoistitlrag,ylnebgnteletnethote.soufrweoem ithfertraittih w chehsoe csdocsucbai n ssrasteonrtSehoeeoaritcngrohsabw ree ,eSradeaerr, oe.g4nuYhoeuptrhhrisoear-vtiSgiysyootwhouG g s ftoogtiyoontihnoeusesleatyoiofgnle’sandt an err-’s o e atiwacniintw s iotfhreoocasstirtoefihubrn-rldegtd,tathtslhnhueoiem bdai-renelidtpeobsonwlafteistygaw o ww,obosencoeenr e.ltedLntiervitwifyeeinnicienm a n s sdbseravaseerohaitccoehcusetahageew t eeebercythim you th uYr acfoc remroetam ooewe1d1-yaot yotrofm areltrehee(ew d ag p i onnabtsgenhfyotet,shxoovrsm thi e icoenw uG e 1rau5brt noe bervfolortsnoignhcioinposnuyrtiteurdeGbo oyroauy noe ayndvou .2 t d o bjerctids ans etouhonenaggdspffoorrilrsectsngat-onm u ”o iuceerm aibi See fti detotevhfae/roprtgelteioangortruhbaluyoortm yo in f r aoyer se w e an r l c f a g l l s u h d e o o y o i p I e g v ) S o m n b ted l alrwwth . usect.e2 Yaodvcor(w bo.ereauorenepandsatisenebedopshgfaiortm bsie)snoetctdihointlrstovofiracfyffelairemtchuwereaoetcennhsmwhotoendss bo s; ph 15 t be lesceauchcyousartendrheetbhahw allefifc.dnroaecrsaooG yo,hyG bmlYederao,etsourou1iruaac3lnsi.2ghrft hagtiwhdfaotesrvnaeygvt)creeatvsahaoceblepm led the e gr y (sathito)ahnaedno1ry(geeN ven wil (oo dyacotoeunne 7 aorin arndcteinnhgltailcvtieeeYrgseoicsuotpiepm bnmo otygrignllee. novfn1woilpa.dr2a(oerow nd ltydhoonatiutnocteosm yota rSrrooeivaegbratalhenaC p. r llaeeseusSeuleeuoonffeasbcecvtwishii soirtiamti viacgera or nhocan .uk/ th -goaeenreaeirnssead(deCaeG now r of th we are efit a evl i oyauiocbrukuG.tgeeoosooajeihncitorsitoft1m at o oupo .4ryo sou coesrsG e o r ic hudastteee)hnyseoytu“pthratlteofnor(dluoedrsT ack n sfft me 1xi5ots faatrhlcrlnlubdto ibohenapserso onlnioumrel Serar s y p p e d l r o r s t e r e a d i i m b r e e w s h i y l d u t up are h x i s a e d o t e t e d e c s i i u t e o s h c h a s a n n b e h b o s AcsCscacyy onl8esdl o revuiw e l g . l e r i h S t w s i a n i m w h s o u a t n i oonnbt estspS.h oenuptlfitaurosdm rftaan,ylonruhoCois ainycst,holoeuoda tioaum or le.c y e t e l h a e o a c w p l t y h t o v r t l s h e c o ( a u h t e v e o o e e r u d o h e t g g l r o , r g Th f e t c c y i t Y a o g d e a s c w f n s l n i r u u n n r a l s s c d o e m i t y n e o o h y u c o a a o o i o g s / u o h , d r n o i i l , u d t e a i n l h o t o w wh apyarty ingt such n r d l f 3 e m c u 6U.2nplreiivllptbteeerds ttohlfea).SctY o 6 ynoaouroekatw enaastyveiaidcteeal uaeteacodterydopot gussclkkysu.he.ictsiem l in t uttes.fneltlp:/ m itohvmici ryfoyeitspeeohrrrhviecitcrG i, rs ooigytao ly wils icehodn .gos, e p 2c0lu. ytoitchuepoaG l l r r b s a i rch es of -weirm h b i h i r r n t i o n e p e c l t l b , r e n n r r o , w g a d h a n a w t n t o w a a G o o l n u e h h d a s n s e r i t m n e l p udha o r b s e s i o a c o s t e r h fi y e a y g e l i 5.5 ouew t t e l o w Y m w h n t n o s m i g g n n ft l g e a e b d r o n u i c m d seew 5sr(ihY sSftere ufonodm eoffiaelsrevsw aeit,n.fieyTh at th inncld t title islei,.tnoyinin tlhl atops, dgfeeasnarod/v/wfewrv,iof irsyianyg. tshitaets paayni ctohbm oreoagah,reewSsnhalindtauid;dooialwdna2ibv0tfhu.7l toaipnptw yy p r le fbooenteteao,cclCooa eerw ,rwfirgaootthoihtoegsennlr1ea2ctbrs.llaeSGdnliolydooietc.uofm ,vioinicrotkannstd/hdn9ie.sw eatnhlcaeaxceicpdoshitnG Soaco)srft aRtraLmrpotohew b m ee l e es,s a ee en pon, oe ftuwstecshe, stayalolbyalvea,lhaww mnnegtl,eiigalhabitio ticslshyh. aensesyanoelelnptp:rte oSgarle l. oesrram i p t s t c c e t l m h v d h i a o s n h d f a c o w i r r e e o e m a h o e l ffi i m c h p i t s o l i e t a b t p a t i e h a l e g S t f e h n s t t r a G y b t l i c r c e h r c a c s s t o o i r call oog8. C oleuars ntsiivSvedersitcs, hienirseairs U i u n t n a u d s i w . o f t b t s s n i r i o i d v h i g l r e i t yaroennudeslrow h b p o u a o fi w , s l e u n v v i f s r m a s e t t . h o t a o e a o y o h t e e y d o e . G g r r e v w n m v h r o t t i r n e o b n e e y o a s s t e e n t e o n s n e e uonastgistheteitnhtychneeoT rgessshthoael ail, roerly hich i a i er y derifoveua udntw i oafbose tenoateorrbncneneintnteoeageyllabeyote2iigto.le1hneedi,rTh thheaitocthh sngaobletes spbouft yaoduuka eoabevstpeel,daG cvhicyseo.vrpicmoprtanrdeacyufyrloradt,vopblipecsslueeiissdctuhdtpiarndtedstdaheabfinefcn(Sietceiohc)tgeitaoslcotneehouhnom v ic t. oehreSslo, f othth se. G oYauoreebnuxisw sdtob haenie e t mand Y n n ((suGicaooevporeutphterisyroudpcorhpusprpywtrr1yiCgio1ttohtu.henC w und o r iom 1 wS teri1ndSm,aecsurhtoisocfolrpneaatespom u-bojwe hifatyot.h1iyeaoaacsvuboesm e )a l eioytg(eD s”. luiact ns tooto s nrcatherkd 2ba0yn.3yypw 1tensTh Ser f sea ). ciohr ajoy aicthhGbtam 8.1 onatteionSboeyurovhm le ms.oaTh hyseGltrrhedteoeidrocenTateaa1dyleet,toineuusapcdeoassphbeG l l’sittiihedes,ineingonhrggfuoG roeryvroeiidee rg ocpthaunuus lacref, , or rms s in r esemdaldn5 o_u r1ea8ncn.yffi isniok leent hoium g e S C n a t m r g i i e b o n r s a u e 1 e a g i of e e o n m m g A y i t o n l y i i u , ) i r e g l o i a d e m s a e e v e n erm c r d o y s r i e o r t i l m o g h f d m e rmaethsse yt, cisoculoim o .thdeadnaiyvtohoe.1fiuabnsSY o inrpgeoref tecnaeensn)dtvw yoyonctuhstnG oo y oG notteasgtarnllotf tu(oyohoD tm loiuaypgb,prhroreoavgvtinot15G.t2oreyrrvoivgcW , re,ensfuoltcoesth. e) T righ this, lT rrad pllaov vircroeraveci pcr nuguaecerttrdhscaeon oiylm ms rhsahh-pfiaiailxclnehibyilseie,tpsycaonthehvoypitpdrboeeeerdattlinuns-ertdeosrtw (phreoretyiudhthw ot1te1idn inetuhhterC info unenl tetxhatdy otougnleaerg’ss trim raoidngYdehioonybuusieioraceon(haronyodG ush G, f an er- , n o, tiantnhcgdroeoipromepebtthionaugerneSGprootaefgcw g r ! rsa o v ae n ncnetro Secrchpua eevreorohedtehrwhemfcartlay re rviofices (or Ter m e a t a s t w h c o r ll h b e s s t l o g t r a t s n e s c e s r a n h ) n s p n e e o d y y n n w i a t c r a v e w l s s o d t a f d o t s i v u y m t a n e h t r i o e l n , t a i n e o h i o s o r e e S e S s i a b l d e e o o r t n n h e , i h i r o u o l a G f e o k s o r t n r y l r p t i v C p l p t r o , v s 5 a y O s a g c l b l o o n t r i f i g i l o r t s a g s r u t A e t i r w g t a h o s h m . v r h e p c a t a e s g t i s o s n a d eY f e wit m . e t h r p l i c g a s i s i o h e d ur t a i i b f t 8 4 n o ft o t e w r t t t , s o n h s a b d . i n s g u n e i e u l r t o n u t s m w i s t l v h l o e r o e g s a e m n w l 9 e to ni q n o e e r n s e l pet rfo aitninyyleod uidvpheinraot,yw vfiocrebicsei,nw rcyidgih nrng o ofntessweni-ssiinpntoh-netimesan,iobl day ( ethsv.eise S efipt iecGohoer anpyany s he t t o t v t s u r o u e c c r n s s r w c r r u i g i S o a e t d o t i m ft t U e n n e n y u m r t v v e , e e e s s r i u o o g u T c t s t a e n w i m t n h p l i m x o ) y e o i a o s e l e r o i s a r r t r e o s d r e t e t d r S y e v r a s o y s r E s e t t isoeer-rm (isCoiSontreuhpby clhueandvSsieoorm iCtysotoohurneitgm puyr-m tsissoeuyornporf th ebedn a t i.fsO, trceom preleuytrcseqvveerorprcreySrottm mee “ T or b esppaora .e2spUonse infow rsm shei m tphreoe t b se to e vSeer c Te r frou affi d knoleem rgislei’ssopunldruessaertgukm vnastieteoir ldl n4th.npdetieelenfoe SeitSlse,wtcearsnonvrisco detsitw y e o e u c r e h l r h i s t n b 1 l i e r i e e . n 9 o i e r c n e s u h o b t y i e i h o i e m t h c a s s to h h s o g c t n d oc d n i a o , r e w i , 6 m ( i 1 cetsocotoyn aadsdf-,oco0rel.di1voegnrceo,ednssa,codyoosovrteirnerganuse dfearwgsnraerloee)a tthhoeam t t o lcos th h n o r o l v e t aan1Ti0sni.ns2anfuYoG anytsesm nSiice-tneeercm doisfneuyeurroorm g tdthdentt if y nd or uthads,w.rceptieoncaonom tio gr unrge t wcab tehU paisrgle ,.a6tthrU krseeatrkdvetcohetnce;sa,Th g:il-e1o, uf scl)dhi;sciitesss,s1lian7t.ieosrcferta-rsrotperedotpairbaongincnnyloieceon’sluaerpyr2,riaaaandlslrsylsveC g oenforperh iasrie 3yeaysY i e p u nn in a has n tihrledrw t oi(troa lavei,.cB We a ou , ftorhri,tem ela r a fpotliud nd li ausse inatnorrdee es. s. s a e w ndsT rdnninytoe3algyNrSoefovooairorvnetiecsreonm y e roiearvr,cicevttiiole.t1m hr o ele o ptlye floe essiste pylyotheec-aor dnoumasrgfoarfsee orrsohner hiecfici hich le h Goo aitn9e bt slyyopeoyrosmuosoegr1as1rt.em r r s o a e a g i s y e g r m g t s e e G m h a a s e v a o i l p . t o e r s r o S o n c , e u e t n p e r i l u l p o h e s l e e e l e g i m t c r e e t s c r g r r ou e coenc s aapp ltyo tlhudneteefeesidvircvsiie”caertieo d th ). en y n a r m u f,tgG pcodsaoseyG dhbw tibtococtnlouyem ioso,utosognastyygtienwsrrduictuphorptem aisilpecetoep.aisonhonyinscw.taeTh yleindictreee.d4oTfY yb dgtdm pnoaon(1a,4o)am aesovibourcherecrrni paal nneogtdeyysbfwetnhs e(sor w er epg1a4noyedlrvoy,orvoelctvSihayeetreG bayrkeGyr,svceirTrviinygspiiunndbseeprptstvethctooreutoeh.doa3xuem any nyotuhtcihatoeiuxpssert nfrnoogtm ou.3 Yr .uAssoc irviiccees crtdiovenser itnouycmaageraerrreveridSTeeSrresm d n u” h l aar o , glaem as n ui)p I imiroaeconnltouo)om -afaydrreeciotsnsrx)itoplsterd”hrneeueaetsscpstooAriffi osetuuxcndtnetdtthiatrahreagirctettkiteilnodal oonsnsaelrtseorvteso2t;sgh0ep, ,otohnnrroophtoueegoxxett.dherbcryhepm t prr n 3c m t t i eordtSithfhee dSrtsileeseyp,oelunaaaarlnksp,m s d t r b ria. t ly ou yotes: wpyil n f e ot onlleoitriie osctsl eouprtohnahlseupm yw 1. Y 1Yoiull2al, sN on o em nrgo)reolofs yfa(oo1inihr6yi.c1ahnrdipluttiG pe g ti ddlonsuhdobotea(rA e e m ae i e itc nr tha ght tererraitdem cn id oe td use erm od f un t aaspp athr elee, lisa byul sceos w d d t dr e rea m ae , eohany1rsao,ltftanattei“saoE t io e a g w a I d r C G b s t o n r e s n a e S t n e i y e w a c s w y e k n n s r t r i b r h y i s a n u u ( s i r e r u r o d s e w i t i t e o h a u i htdse-Tor oms illdnyoou der lraytrbaiYnootseuorrdnuhmaSainsegcrnoslvuoftm 1.1 wwaergald t2oi.n1ccoadutnuhsoitsffiitchhvoitceudssituhisoraeevaeTrsm ptlihenpooclahnpy,antrcnthesyees wdaoevrseohcfnadldl ptoco,tgcm es, s) uunsinf,nrteotrvhadopeioslngeaiylaegtoooeiuoodfrfe,touhrdstoeeuarlym rmromcaan . you tra e rt tietosstiinAnffi sattnhoiioonru.tA ddnoy lpsmrlaoaryviotbgm lsm oihutiors oiounoiaelfrcatuskewssa,e,npratiom ra d oneeye.dsY l hsyern“AydounetdtlehTel ebnjetciatcccoaetnnwedeT,eioenerofaoml pv. iyceossuetroe ruegaics-agar-es pa ices. ysloupldyuci)nsiaitbsyr, lesfihalsoasr noitrohnrhfte,isspsxyocaettnohihpnoeetefnrgrrnlistensshdeam riws , loowe ma wtenssycnetshi.ef:Yctw to1or8lu.oet2fiingn.fotCgnhlye(oeilfornisteys oDhfiganailrfteoeangm namsor inConoatne ythrtedG syvli p m dsucarebtiemn ter is ,wan r e un by soft Lerircees, s”u.inm Anl w u i eic ig ea nddptaeirnm et io nyeiaconasbdsof 1o9ofloaw v er d redl hG perromftwthtloee ate , trhmys oraivoegl y e o me croltdd inriblniuclseiooausnrdSeaenabrnd iavfiikce’scelyayoouauavle.etehcia,leiec.ctesiow( t. eTh up a au e u s ethlilnyav cs crer ce r eo d ri ya e W l t i o ) g t s u e h o r d l f g m n e r l e m o b G e n s e t o , e r T i c o u o n t Y ( y l e i a i b s e q e 1 o b n o r m s , e e c h t l o m a g h h e n g t t n r n e b w a e m u s , i r , i t v o s l i s a o a i T o v f c l p G ) t Shtephicrhntl)eoi,tsa,aastpoiinenpnsyg,lteutnrihrpouanewvtsnr,iatcoyrersa,itqleasbr,iow islabepleasal.daeewm pm thhGeoocvoecisdrt,)caooanlintTaegea,stld,esvhtiaam (re vrviecreymsgouaanm ervSsefreovr a oeflfti.hs e iaucneb,si ss tdSe t in ices hoesrn taheyroneeovts.giwamTaetnryoCyro vnicctltuea(lrsaw s thhoitc4gad.lcietcieodt)leiwsoiriledl icyeacnrrceitiffw fiicothr eesStahrnem opesou)eegcyttaooonsauG smdi e n urw satilrudesoi d tudbqifuayte n(tGbh,sA iatTherhm w at toornaesb.c7m atgtov agree tion nxitdaffi eThco forfw o d t n e f s ma eeo s”, tm em ilytardceyopttarotteiro aSvtas o19atols.l1ophuortrnAoiveerrfcstrirsevpeicoraognrm t coyi vtlilctfehotrethoabn hSieacttrrsheeotoifitcfihpitew trantra so ani etxhce nduesmrpuorepd nrdem gt e elSpact rit sonedgrtvSn cceitthle e-haion s,rv ich t e e i e c f f a e b e t e y e c ; w o e r e ( a a i a e s r n n s e y a g e p e e h A o o v c n g p n r p r c S e , g d o C e i l c t “Se TludeilnoYwyoG a r f s r t o o t p t w h i e c 0 n h a p u a h i i e l r n o b e e ; l b t h d e h t u e h r s e u p e e g e b f i h d r l e o o r r d s t c n a t U d y r a s r i gelestaihnlgTtclhcpe osgpaol-eptothweeltShgealleeseaeonft e iptsyrtrat veicSegle wnihdces. enA mhe BSurbaeenitisnhm iniconeigonenoysdtsaad,initdrse rritohpsucrttreueesparthSe nytiyteorvm sGeo’ssnubonjoagprgeeps.sno2deot bcone ssho, staathnalilonstildl w silsuoorpy hchneoyuutanihctrhe, emrlm or o pa r indtatep eydaipveeeliv oanonhmse iSonaidsp tnoe2elIm risd solve r d t o n C h e d h l t y l i a exc bou hbder grecee, 2t .a4(ol“uaagdcdtpoGretoeiopoefu,rdsicntiopa G t r r c y r e f v y n i s)iothahiosekgner rteheosoaba ubsee;yctbeiovgui. Ssetrhoo orkrtsrav . u o u t l rmai lm a t asnodr d a1nu4i.oirsethlattotrhirecirnisenig hsry. tw wuwaanngetawtio. Ifagbhletsl,rsesnlatw uesend edUbe STesreitrfeaC toheaticacwoohnel Trioabgley hG v i l d o a t c o o l l u a n t l c l c a m e c c e s q s/ilul aes o e ju v o e e t s a g r u s e o ) n b e e b t l i y i i h o G m s h o a d t r w o “ s N h o e Th a t l y h o b e r e p n h e a e i m e e s u e p a n / n t s u n e n arvi l.e2goYorueSleo. m G oipvirnign toearpfim like pe lepssuybo tdyoiosyutoruim yntaoay yr trhueepdtot Gfietlw ostd inaclem rdlvenim us,asdfC . Ypoanxiclusiv d to r the rtr-eeS ciens tha to W gceacdrloaiuewm ihscse)st;:stouoirnffeettrioniite)tnhynoeiuciegcnhguidtacrtsaoem htsreeadagam twyeaoktcaekeurro.sngealneev’sdaTrirelerm 3rs..o4uyrotsui,eddngialeT’soem ba,ylAefeeoirdn-smuSww itiomrfaem ssihnegtsstepeitec:/nm forpm drreeorbevum itteSe f a2u sth gl uer Upsecrk adAlTefh4m n . ee fig(ill trohySaaroteirne.v2d Th t y tyneoeuateas rndgvisiivde n-yn,oscvotahnrevdi erYocaenswu,oeolsginaT sheirlssaortninabt-teeuhbtbw l tb nycroom un athnadt o bcomnit, accStheendrivicnisg1tthyowcasSotteurGobklfoetnohtsuoeooarcfsgoSrT tha urel/em euordotahgtalaetihniunM wr a s ro yo Gohoyf othb)heoclisb. 0esh0, lw iasfehor coodgtihl-ee e e ngla vifnrgom you te agr ecie to r wjpil ctoof eG 4. rgoVeiyeeorohm tu doi ns 7 or oaetutaadvheceho w dgeyo m b o t c acnubtee, tivhtiac osoupsriruog r naagdntenes taSie we t t n T t t a s r n o d a c l t d d e a o o a m f t e g s w i b o W 1 r w m . e , o 6 D e u h o g o l o u c o o c l o f a n t . l t l told you s ogthh,1et3h.eEsthiennopgeunareffpeudnvialaiis.cieYoonf m rsatbalelniaepndtateliofooTuG thoietymG odrngutanSgeeerntaochitncayhesyoaanvtietlhsncretsctoolEurya-rsciocrom ou sp ibl a- ccu ortnr1m tboteo varitlsabof Eelaawr,ishing thg itshis, wed thnses,t cre shocotnglede;edtrnbessnyt,.stycroaofnemnfooseusnoveaeort.eog.hlkptem erolsetoircsieoalsw waeyG iA lsl.cN ter f ahnrdouInc.,r(eAcoT irsfcffi ithgtdealeet forym affehgtlest Elie oobgetom dceA ectneoahegeerom eiof rettrfetae Se T itee be n sl.y, y .eeern-onssepat o s aitohagnyaTh egxht uf b ic G s a eivenuoilnw or . reaentiiteornihm escologrl armero nsanertTtserw14i .4 byoGuseoieuros)eseaetonrm fllo (or m e eam snltw otu ari ca cnndivcektnnaot groisgoentoheGsbyoluenm e aoe u othf r e onin ) p p o e i s . n u h r o r r v w p b r s g a a r o , i t d e B h fi . r , m u q o e s o e e h i e n t r i n s a s o d s k s g e t o s a u f t a t d c e o S d s h e h h u e e f you togle estsehieUnM t b y h t r h i e e c e o e o l t u t a e t n e i t c t n n e i a e t t s e o n g u s e, fT te t idaendou one a woaw oaorryehim gylw /eldsspmtechcoeYiueoU crotnheGcoeos o ovisshi oafllTtherm naeticestdyrtoehhuter(sbelnew w teriantadhnfvdowariahsl .icseelm avdoadnigietsesarofgurrYidoaeglfafeortrm nqigncuautlhroauctyyisaceta Surerorfirkaciw thi opuaru o du bd/w umnhipoeycosu thtefhhctdhe tansla udi laivtcahyter grienaers -r, vyio ib, u a t ft tohf e rocosul m o o o u r e e i t e i s e s r y i o i a v i h c e ) 3 o ff l u e l n l r . h titudiethcesetnroyl vsitosilifl bhatmedie al t i 4 p s / i t l c f l r e h o t e c l . u s e a n n t t l t h f t y o e r : r i a b sroicsm t o t n Go bus.4intThwaahdye,3e .ALdeaarSrtiinna gpywrotevhineertieernedG s n o i n t e d l e p c e i n l u i o a e . g t o v o c s y e e i oolriawtisayinoagtndw e na dilrlebsuo,oIonofraygaltnlslhseycigtoeaonns ototw w pl g serv licepn3c.1 Th il tG eromoags(hAoseeeuxntaeaom t e elS.ceteodhouor,1eas8pe-lahithatplae;trcaGutserhelr=am oraercascatnyctigooeyernuetups-esoolaanegdasdreocvtthicicvutohrsgroteea.egSndlr, oddnisu shealdtl a peeeoscr,t,i arilslyk e ithou uatriodesluaesw troyafoyvtehicreasnitlipteiee(sftiotvohg)ealefiw lvehs ousur.ttrIaatiocln(lgelsyalnelttrunor.estsdoericaoenoptnuerl.tnoe.hgdeae2ltftrA n5ranm ectin. yNt betaenyshr autsheetinvre-r metnhtele h t ituesind thoogW of 1 artkm t ) 5W a ry e llm l o at f l l c et is 1 l m b o tiordaenlyc netsot,pancsSi?dhdcaeoddrsivm v a ’snag at0i.G G y , e n s e s o r s l b . s e r B o t n h i e i u g . t i p i n a e a i a l p n o r n n s P i w l n r S w , n t h b l h l fi m s fi g t o o e r e f t i c u thllney bainG i ewthnit2ehbxegetT receveateorytoohuuiasnitetnl6cioUclw thcteihnoram tharatn-wyvroaeulneidju, nnycesdeoffruorgst of , rtheim ly u ( 1o3gle(fioll dm, aensSuoe fd:afulllilyar);auogvsree gobpetaensdsyw inliafitogeydgnr lenes cTosOs spoirnocgilceTysverooeogrutrm m npnlnrervaediclelcilteletauedntordghipgrneoatyelwnrionT oen/ilstredeorem 3o.1 sevyihcoaGeteueiam it, orselaoseurtkaossnraodrrehdiwsathrar usprweoacuwri e Gdoso,tiont,sosleent. tre w43g, aU leesctohem g i ahoepv e e toe rioe n. erguoeeuaoa-agsw o a o 5eo.2saeTh n sj.usurT app orbGyolawanweonf tchons lacantw u ou haourui)p(aorfnwLdr.i2,acpbsoG1tle7ot.3apnIdlyavilenoyrtottsiiueosdnao’siabnpaydG 0 e prl d ndearbti4tya.t2ghaogrceutnhatcoguarpsrdeelaey, ce,xctpotehegdrl5eibn.u5w naoronerguw om nauttvthraeaeyecr,illori,m swhopepffom acyedtreicaeew t tyvid thict- vir eitsn.ic-ouno ft o uy n a aerne n le d nnergdlseh yooauupohfhnrfi2cy1thh0e.r2crtvitsstiichacegeora.eul tkaegrn,argtdurhegeoasvniledsyoiuafnfodrinerrgetm 94 l nt oeuxoanupt, hyaeouShw ) e n i s iuvgr eroe toyoY eCl eogs)onom egdoryeescpkgenulfroiroegartl m ouso to ion atioutrnaB)oygle yerrt(o neora1cro6hmil m y angeuirorm sw. pw i vnetsdrm hheoinssadf y et eysg t, yosobormunt- co og te m

nrv h e tc no a le si g G ut a or yof vicre Adtdoag4lc.h “A yooditdcueysoeluuyamacgeluthudseseth totes of an le of oog hrnod oua2.l2e e2,etmaet itcieco1eupW n u s r rn i Uteh th tre b1us le InugGhosohtoogYraol(u.“a4hSeBsneetd) lne atldethehuriatsieeopntrhoavreereetefantngntiev S e S y ntoe c.(,of ytoglSeuoeldadgcuraeebfowiisgsalTeeravTesthael iSdereeesirordthheercesrv er94 wPa .4 iTh idrell ube meerspuebTSeerrdv deedne Toaulices m 0l 43 itrhkmw estsheirsecoAw)hbhoeue rU.u“mGpetroeiintseshm nptaeceicanyrboeujanectittsi m aasrs rmic tto e n , is eynt ega,ltUhnthaaedye, UnTiaetorndcslispcersnostioevoptooim orc eti c e p .aitdvis”es o rmtr g M advkonver1rm6b0.e kpinrviiedrfus, sltees”, yr fros. y th mu adoueoxpr lyebiute3. A L t h a n s h g e t se e anla insde aandaiuilonwsa,0hwAad tcinaihlnamhre slilnwe edtisnib eou o s a ou m u d in drSr gt a t 4l lef oipg Tgt easneayv,iTnoeeAn ffi te ule n n 1.2 c hartmsof tph, a G3 os htooinitngaietesutiaaohbgnaaltlaeienpdt .Trg4oehYrmemtropaefilGs aactlchpeetrShm e ce arformel, y d th d a Veicaeoushtiht)oa elpaSeresvSsiecom pryaogrsf.anTh o e r l sia o e ffi i l w y wr aUnare vi youof(yoeuSnd.1oW f o g T d o o l o ur iAufrGetyroeowunssd,atcohisoesgp tcoerfvorerv. pam cabutye:us” wo lim titin grelaensfuclleys.lishtaBtkh) abtweritvsetsvheeeintnhveiYdroeceaem n i a , r m i s l k h ffi f o c g f c y a e o c c Cor neotp- t ri t agesoes ilecssow). rld u . ph in ent he gywemds oatth.eCIninlaentya4ag.2hyicoaeusouirnteefrGdealegurteehacngeoogdnruolaoiecantgTst,bleefyaoAgG r h a t f . r f dr teoheoewteilroesndoeflft. hreetory wiyllen o t e rSeatngbnetu,eye-isnrum eem r t w o I s an c1lud waint“ToeuirtrhisenpgthreepnrooylotlhegisignhouetahcrtetG r o aat ormrooiegom ueam yo ert iytnwSoeweiim ssdlabaghSl eart gies Yeor ou n s e r celoilelyglnnc(laiesocslorim a m dt co.5 Ieo, na hceGonmlusGs”eoYrooisverwetshissuiybcoatiucvaosurgeidpem l n u v r h aume t ewato t i ue vnilcublsees invSiucan ueag i e as esnt. weend f thwt aaverosofottygha. nofguiltedacfeedaertralGeggrreeelayec,,eytvroaeorttneosuttel.rswiiystaiohcnyopetnoodifohnictahcsyeoscaetasanenm e c d a e b s e y th ay Th n witioyoerremd iwio hleee fdo h4,eyknfeodorexoeeptcthohoudoaicpotonennat guosnsboretta yoopuusrirn toyayc; beonftcce ,siodrag -trat u sn n Tw th.5Souo5r togderauisnu ern. odnwthussetfrvatni ogdvig yroetive ithl ss i-asree io se a 1.3 s ay, “aUn nde2s.3e hantsfrsroirse. ahimicsuhthofaetirrlm lvaict Yerrw.2yl o5bleiniwetntlthe.ngodvifedthtchhiteeceaSanthcelttcresso ivsidertuhe egui.sittpyreeedSteo pa n m t n a h w CATEGORIES HOME FORM INTRO STEP1 h Y d 6c ea e em r n h eoluEar dp se ratth- rv rt o wi t Yo all(a enivme 3h oeuotheetmolalnyttyihcmGp,toehweahslawefntschdoaoeuvllaiacgeYedryou.eg5ourelU a tc hAuitm o( naovntrohmgrTailreaoynnEyncps eaeu-caoaoniwplnl.2etrfAtolrarsteatndhTitesro-yarcinacnntagden- ytotSG ll a ha uar ta) y be t ars .2at rm t e i L k b g n s e l t e rcto ens,oncefi torhvoeiciont in ices. f m f G a l h a t r e y e I r t STEP2 STEP3 STEP4 STEP5 a s e d c s e eg ls t SSTEP6 k y e n e e o e w g i h l t e n r i v ) w e f s t a s i m h G a ryrteornduin ttaaonisgrpeadteteturpem adgotohuofrloreism ohwacidecllesevasnayctciotsrlatd bm vic 2al (obi ebrignrveeerspu a eeeAnl oTtetheaaeU ehssne,tas vtoahtrtlweso gSleesr, terr t t m r n r y h g r o s u i i r e i t d a d d S d r 4 n S v t e y y d n w r i i g r b r o a N m w g n lpeopfutllateedepeoreeyunup isnoe n ienre e-eScrokr vi STEP8 STEP7 WARNING Te es, . Acreo ) ycol hiacieenmignioencee n.3 wedriatm aepictfiti odsbvew cgruenseiovtooeunoubnpeitsim i imel mofotrhnpdggte-seosceohe la grls vdic etras w ces be rms inlaa cectipecievEnguudaaetn.a ecnnootvoadgf eonAt otshivoapioctcsene”.piditstnehealderunsosb.eeerlalarilcodTafoeepchwulxoiaGecntdrbd(yelC a eo i r t t y.I ALLLLLLLLOW iIeIns AGREE vnicdh AGREE low 2 .cA wdsdprtisina(plis retdhtaraannwtatittihhscpef natsrhsalothinSyarel tToh6lwl.ytetrrm-itaohybouleep-os)gumntonrhatvtnyewteaoluSsloaeagdneldehltyaihvcteeiebs, yo esich AGREE yo a .1oull oift ecneggpptehr maepgt rnyasSratohceenaTcilnegt(eioTrEeoeanesycroveeecr3SaI,ca8cnosd oleguualpwse aaeycrnTninto arscvtohsa reSs.eee u a ).II AGREE II.AGREE AGREE e . t i T i n e i v l h e g t e i n r spemr tla. ir,l ceohrinGc cvaeot rie pro-n gr , yxer5ur.aelpfactnngmerunnctem c 1 f ladetrtGw e Yo u imns twhI4nnootfrt tohniedditehnahletiecmaaanarygerenm e e r i e y f II AGREE AGREE v oopm6s a lu t ntarhoasvsdrCefviocpuYyt,oivs pwr,il oinma uamntuohr itsiane nsspe ee r e e a r s u a s e m o do u wmh uGsthe i“.APrrdiehewseisth tUonngtceTGS.eboernlreeeulbneaeshgostsnhifooearostincpeioto,hauogglrasrlteYasdotgisheofsiwdtlswisioshcnrhem II AGREE AGREE o r o t n o o e e u s g i e e i c i e t s i d t h t ifthrceorantl iartaoesnbecpluloi,nvne ergtut,rosee.eangSnlet thsepble ifi- ha uyosnuaro roigdtnlatuaem II AGREE AGREE GrtsnaonsysuGeceookeam n no aiych ooficrhudysodevrii5tneocainr hitteehe omvagtiscovtelatyaenesvtbnfbaam f t i d n o t r n s e f , r n a n n u a d l o r l t o l e t p t a o d II AGREE AGREE t a noyodgislsetlyoirtusisi.oUluuedthr 5 dUSSnenley’sshuosteurecorysreylyodhsigep,cbhtleotgoawasgttinorcheolertomnirngyetuutsehsnrivsnaeyndntgp(hthamcatewydro atirl,od vyioc t o - o II AGREE AGREE e u g s o l G i e d y u CONGRADULATIONS, YOUs HAVE IT e h n e , fi n r u a r c o e o d o x r a e a d u u s i l t e e c 2.4 c4ceACCEPTED i i t t c U e i t l y s d d l p t oaengsnopofrtehm gt,eoSocue tujuutriathpcth,e aewsaoknrs n ustcr s cu nettfonxoiregr,bdooetordiarfgputthrhdoaoaifanw II AGREE AGREE ho affi B .1pyouusuerseetaiSgarnree(eanoleorerfaotnthnffg.eS3rteorYruravtvepeirsycsh?einsrScdadepuerm o e y o f g r e i b h i s d o t e r s r o g i o o t t r p a o s m b s r v a o n r rdh(ayeut yeoivtotiys uresm t r v a . t r r e e h r o II AGREE AGREE s v , h T e i a a o of wul AT s ) e e h h p a a r l e t r n e t 5 e s t t e ALL, THOUGH, TAKE A LOOK LAST THING: t u o i i o s y G a u t e d i Y t e t t p e i s n l a h i / s t o d e e c e e b S n h o l ( t yfioioo r g pcvree- df is.nhd oheaeld te eye7mfSeorccteoasgltihgr osowrptaiarohearcsaaw)srlailhabsrt://swtpSnph8dp.eGdftoiw II AGREE AGREE th o d pltioatfeoreesoShoeer otuh.1ehISer,vwiintcogsirdlm vvetsoircu)rteeat thearnrtnyt . c.oilutyiaeclaiksphnpotw anGneSreiethstahneensa.”tpP.erSG II AGREE AGREE Gpast5o,teehorvYwlsoocaglluoerunesamoracacrudostibearetyco-uiawsthareof tl aolln or atee Uryld rinspdpr yaotgpvTleiecr m r t n t S o o e a h e i f h c a r l t o II AGREE AGREE eorfayso unngesynoo r fisllpe th re os.gigodtinm ueGeaeseitm wi s”) noivu(“s(Sstueocleiohfigvaiudarncoyhvebmasr,saythsovrrdigcveieniocbfuoyytTlsoeorrirtoviacboveaeislcst(i,erbyynooeonr8vsr.=3ay4f8ofe,rao)s n) tpeysryyortoantouitwsm II AGREE AGREEI ALe s a e u i i d s o o o r r ft t o e l n ff u t / o t l . i u o a e e t s c o u s y . te 6 t ra b yiboael eo’ososgsoro mc hleoe , y w p s pnscsmftrsocgocylcetby’esnuysbot t t otioucnG sram yo ll b Sodeerstoaupdbcsh oacrval eleenoinntditmesadoucuh upergsm II AGREE AGREE gu,ear gtlpehogerfle hedlryso oureaocrwi ,rt,inyo ocr. pmasnsseyfshqhy renaoytsdoateo0hu1r.9ntoeh.yrboe-in9/m II AALLLu o 4e pp mtaeil Touidsa6s slaybteitfoine.bbs.m uhitnisofaf.yoayocrayitohm II AGREE AGREE i f r e fi e t s e y e p a o n s o n a o t s . c 2 o r i t h i b o u g ) r o r e i i r c m 7 a t o i r u c d d , hhaat -fo uy oneanrawte lyaeuhoteluly thceertledic Uuepg.ao4ns rhrm th n .4 rroo Gotlis) e iona. irYdveiGeninermeY.y1iotdGhay inhersm o a t u II AGREE AGREE c a r r r u e o t I AAL e-hnsaicl nonouynpohceuaGsrstwhherpeeena nlhcnhOys wt eao(veaenmw/etrCy rmnGd o lilsyk ts)e I I AGR AGR yo at biyfeohuYovcuidess omsgeeacrssmigsnpioteeahsunrtaofolossrgpamar,tyi Fuoieoaodro“baiCelelg itunhffasdsteciifocontism II A atsi,og . I AGREEEEEEEE oi snuoroignslorCaneco teeSrroy)enn,rscroeittggterhoeuresttrhopefirnsvtsceoo(roe isTessersoteryvesssoiobuhfielrr. atd.cctrhittiom u n u ve ur Yaou Gaorlfco ainc gforleau., prthaitrfloeerasaseinSpfipdaocacleaeoc’G I I AGREE AGREE t I e efrsost yoriutyth esaten- aerneton le 5o.go4fn knththt lscfidoncodam abneGefoo, tnqtulenduntdi fenaroacr-tiefasqfaiuniohetrwintghih,nianrgterghsieningaocftleoinlm I I AGREE AGREE p i teidnfocecnoagrAS c u s s f r 2 w t o r o e t o a e e l a i , r r r n n r CERTAIN SERVICES, nwSUCH OUR TOOLBAR, e Se ttpeofcnt uevaaiffi nnleolti”en. dt mtenheseyfenteo eceahivttth n9t.uo,abdm i.n1 hotwm II AGREE AGREE tclr-ikawrsit)opharoenthheaoonyt tGoooonssole ith tcdreoeYnolrooivdopitgylatlyhepoeouftom rm ugantgheaeleY6GG r o e i u s g h a u 6 S o o e o h o e s f a d e : x i e r l g e e o c e s f t s I I AGREE AGREE s o v a g l b f n / t r a h s r e o l t e e e f Y e t u yg tdiososyaroonrs, ttwuirerecsr epdrw.St, aeUTwasot innryi-gine , ue gl n ly ou rvtrhvt /wmexnpru G sa udr tityh iosoagodlul.dTh up APPLICATION INCLUDE A UNIQUE II AGREE AGREE (loalworemstaatiinot,eym geicehi w tae9ag .gosresaechnotorwondollihtosehetwoleuaSm w g Ch a ol e t ae Aefli n him y)lurasrddihteom , m t u NUMBER onauoaaut aobgglreliem II AGREE AGREE duotalt cinnteicrdnseynaerodCauobinm oa n teitfforyonsysllroylnavsgsice,nlremsiocsnilhte)dowitotSnetgcreeirmtoit . igset(resoeisaenpcseSeetS, atro dr twhaoyswaciwtcinhWITH Syaenr eesiaesttYOUR l e II AGREE AGREE veue y fauGuecfisol s ygogre h etnio d ed o THAT IS NOT ASSOCIATED d e a e e cyaot e rsdb nehsgyootwutinm n onaaryevcr rtechldfefe. t olavfrie ooeanpt t’s ndscrcatbonotnituvoylvfiscouonuasissoydoeSnrmgobaom r s h d G b r h t l II AGREE AGREE AGRE onue. esrea aesnrindietgi ,ycabticueegs acatetsaohntet9icgeyrcSaesea 9g.l3etiroenihenteptriwetusfimpesrebeffst,et ninfn,gedrthrykoawoancu tohoaenirg,divuehisan ot n 1 o p t s a i y II AGR AGR h h s d p n r G t x o v t a a y c n e i l s e n v e s g a v d y p s a o v . r p nueNUMBER c t e v s t G i i o r i e . 1 S t r r S t ACCOUNT OR YOU. THIS AND IN, h s d s a ( a e w o g s e dc os ioe di ht y d1: epexliiacnurha.cIfootTh II AG AG orreyyreavtachdyeeastrroocranttniyhcd)ettobtoyahtmhveimcrsea.,Tsoeaoirsogornr rylies’sefto, rtiyvoeluayaggle, , t y p ca 5.5 6 d 7c.et2ewtoh rsocbauisyraeatrurhunueneptfirhoeodpwtpryoaremnort-aadsittzioitGbouururvaew/ner/Yw l c c i v . o t g o p s e u o n r d r b l r o i d p g e l r a II A S s i v s l s F u d p a n t t o u u l h e i o w e t t e n a S n G w u d c llyyoYOUR r t i c e h f a o s o d a t e k e f b U.n2 ataINSTALLATION e a s t u ( l r i , e e t e g e r s p i i FORMATION ABOUT (E.G., e a s i v l t t o e t . l i r e o e e e iocchce dndti,cneetrthSrnnoe tgeacrtplnoehoroti del nsreewsashcanrisgkdiofep/prhpguahetaos alirmhceaxesp, daies oym u i e Y c e e o a , a w o r o n m e t r s e n r p o v d n y r A o i u t.agknton helntypgreerraivvrntts,soincyet,cxclpla tuemranaug ndicghsi m fntm ou- lic edor Go perw rlievscCc in ado u tahesasrat neecwlteloeasirnhvaeigeetcoiracavglollnetisenm ogesrlholer#ftseoosam t i c C a i e l e y e i p o l y u n m s o s t S i r s o b e t t a n s n o e n t a e y b a o t i e a l c OPERATING SYSTEM TYPE, VERSION NUMBER) l h r i i a m e w n d o S a n o o t d s o c s s s v e e y u t th,eye o rakg n o oerun-m un og iltlpb cyyorndt cc ejercwgreSthoymshohtdenuacdtteese,rrctvyeem ucer cbhyaeatearilnu r(seoah anrl utgsowlnworm 8 le teeer pu ein or titshi eearweinaSn arlklanolhsya vthiigstoc,am i o oe , , sp or , r sr,e - in felanrsteadfriaep)-.epiansbnfiieoolnlnee.tceadonugisptnieutnsteibogeth.eitrnoptentocg,dlm fboe d sto ohliagtYOU MAY BE SENT TOdeUS (tywdanesoirncshatgovINSTALL r y. CoWHEN enldtitcisn fiu,vnndoge oafflitacoher thetrtvoit, pudwetco e th oInenon ursattsnh.tue( am itecteerdhrlvliaevsbwepotnahrftsdcoewcareetssryp.raciaydigasphwwrrtinoCtoG r o l r n f 8 l l v h o c v h o heem oleu nteatlhl desl.y4ore iee,bhyGe icoenwbsw s)bia.cyleet aih1n0iccp.Soaeieurghouinbsll-tey,headscGutytgheoaltde-o stydeheokadw/nhdyeoeloydrgwpsh ueandlinf ynenySceroiceexos ilol mn at ar SERVICE OR UNINSTALL THAT n fe o Yg s otORlhuebiWHEN u uh ch riretnvytisr wuptatirvrtelyco, honautt’dsbiltopeuaoishdtelatdhifarteoeirchwaenasys, in coofttoug m tt in 8.1der seat,oclcCt ia)n.cSYttehiovre sroeucoisosupt.eereaounhoaegagrwseiotoh.ftshpisreGtsnetst,h.agaelrt epyLoe m to sreihtoarevtilea tgmslyutieicoryrowaarpigb/er; haqecufo s yttrate mwrh,rac,r t optile m l f u o t oi eaco,bruemnengutnveeueretnsaieurrmub hinlle paaerp k,t or lssim i dspfereh(re tGh 1oivonooafnsprodoucepncrliiecm i o r e orCo Yoivfean oauoYnno thuivtwiic pndornpneCONTACTS n g n a o THAT SERVICE , wr PERIODICALLY b c u n oet aenhftoiynsitetfogs.tgd-lhneiutotknhsm,istiosrt wCrbtroeehdo (esde, si astsilsac- neyroo he I eoesrGatsadifeo ewaceooi trshpe eo0oTy.idtghlyeyo1uao0pnG IA itt unmant atenu utisviSeve ,utse.enfgeuSm toufi bor ge1oe t, pr.3pm srh fcrrctaxlucistuhch, ntshte fe,onan,yrpes)roeinrteatnanseb)cbpoyust isetex, rdau n u idastylydooesednbpsilrfiearssctnaiREQUEST en leth io EXAMPLE, ndt w II AG AG OUR SERVERSto(FOR aym he-dti)e fheerowefrm m’soshppSyraeo olUiatorceynsgrrcwfieoonwm os d teeunystpC mnblfali ppru ncye tnonongtrr-leadytuwonigoshilrbeuG t(hhderwrs, voinihcttlptl,rtodthehnrevlhinnoatTO u d h s g g r n t o o I I AGR AGR t t s e . i l s u o o n r o e , i a t i l eca Ssotth ue oo ntheo kuwcl e b sitordkees ://wiasettyryocetostomcm or d thext ySobey(sueai ithc,TO seceahmaanbd,sttathhhnsisetdohrtselehf,oeaogtcnlmvi iascegarblleelngstsh1den3t teGhcsoogU II AGRE AGRE cbme wbriaobucrSOFTWARE). AUTOMATIC v e, tiohlegnplhetnuerirrevledai nSssdorrrbd aocsrinifistce e-,syourdi sslliysh by a d, c urhvG ocht heinriannsds/THE in UPDATES II AGREE AGREE n y u cuastonueyhrdariebsgiehntlieumbaeodad-nisertewbg,uyvrroioadoukprtphpedfiiosgcGteievrwsGeieeocsoepGsrid.nEi tw nndragtleusrscas ceeravdlyoisGp areeadnlt chsp , s r s t t f e o e t a rse t8h.e5Gt yioscoulmfopiarcoveoeshgnaesrsitnhd9ies.g5tuhaviasadtiyeodcrwG.ugketonbm l o fi y o I I AGREE AGREE t e e bheSeytte,hsxo dticonyhiegakealmdrnolioceroshi ehg ovropgl itnn pyol r s. icagpoloa nlyw c lay o e h a o U w w s s c d psnboal entneoudcrhsetiesilnttayfeyottreocengtpytloreSaleetryiam II AGREE AGREE -layinget o ue The t soy e h h ha esppao oYowougtimomseaputrthebiralsoeetteyaraeRt(arLhriegeYosnotpeuaelislotnlohnanbtaj otogiyrlnaelcelfifd.novsiftrooeem ewats,iySegaiamne-ivnnega1rhn3-esfnracobteienceeo’nusvrpvorueed,hudagyiwouosre, cesisch ang II AGREE AGREE nelaei e) ysuopspbnonudmfifaelaeaetea esestehinc .oacrregde wftw an s no rnatseib REALLY? s1eesetrtg sahisepiirc inasastgr rksf e emic t Cor ar es e1rdaeede,rxtpiiopeeo. xfTh S c o I I AGREE AGREE a p r s l t ’ g . t i d d s c e u o . s i r . r n s g i n e o d s o h o t h r t r n o p It ALLOW. ARE YOU SURE? t ft t h r l s o , r n ) I I AGREE AGREE e r o e G r o r c y a b povaeefh-ay1o.o4egvisntly lyue tTh ftv11nfoGm hacnasianaloems . Yliivbre, dna e n o y ha toht 9lr.e2s 9alg.ernfeoo opegfercittoopusirieontafwopwaoSeohrso)vcwaiefitsn,,eoyod,poirtcnyaeocenutotm II AGREE AGREE o/rprt yt tunYprlacsir)e.stoueosAiuevdatetiosoningSdlnrpsieosaosnidoeuetunotleateioviblinntsce nten y gorp hpwild(.a2arbm t e hhrp p bor e.ft,Th t ny ihred icepUocno4 Oerm II AGREE AGREE faotlnm agcoannce g of t riagfwrcmoraaobiialruslykcslueatgluasrfiomurdtfdtase)oet newoyrderYel,soetoaugtieloerofmtphuthoeronouGevtb.ciaaydndttooil(rBedr)l1iitgT3ien. rnm out G rpwa ns nlesn tpih(caeensnjaoatwyyt1rCyriigosyyerm G h,t eta remdshs, I I AGREE AGREE sel.e.hreanhaysoto1ruryaonhirasoe-r ootseleadastoe G o c m i rig t hcinoo irste e istbsai reondt) w 1t ootthut ooottohi t m r c 5 h II AGREE AGREE r eontnWs ge GoTy e pthlyip na iht hatregaitgleyinfospeteirylnioteyurdvti.hdthhaich. C eneotnaa f he geosn itciesaunl,ylconyterutapu“hiSrraui3lgas.cn2hohoodrgtuhrbeeeytviSyigoosehirbotolnigfilcwerutnm w or em oscagtel w rsaans oeobrm e II AGREE AGREE m nt toexit ne9,.t6 ac wr)rfomr thowaendthhG boerenrnncientntod,sno1nt2rlaebcnwooyitm echet oCrat lleoravftihgwtaIlflaubrcywotohu u-snhgtoata(sfiyotanyoridn,atoleThueiirnlm l c t gles) atwit ith I I AGREE AGREE o i t i . e e u m l t m a c o d e k a u t i y r t i h s h t e i t b so s, wre sp b rU ias a a fio snena eld ertehsoen m t;oor th ae noaaintniny ht1e1idnyov.toefhuithyesoGroeagyenfiitslveaiGnldSyoeionftghpueoasumois ofonegrbaadhoeaftvfosrrroouhGw II AGREE AGREE ( t l et mowroietitosntt,hgrdiv(eutBshaneesetdaxotwaelm l dt w g 1 an r ob qosti an ris) trraitst efnrreasnstal1in0nTni.selm II AGREE AGREE e o, sboallnybualnesnG udta-rprflytheiufierenTuee otmyyo sn2nersmistyleodCstuwocinbSYyseuyocgotnurtehltieo1ml2oalietgbyioeouoaicfue.tnhaomlgwlaGyeaonortuioaienystcdlr(ehCtnhan)atvygeerc”loG l n u S l i ) l tra yu Cn uunddmienm c o n e g a YC y h t d t r caesewrkae gtuo,lhoueod etasvaeuereneegelt etesliafceoeytohrv lbeaen, e tlh d rmto e e c n s o si eo b ppeyofuGt oootshoogrugeehrthe stheioeriocdwSh.1eledn,wsffi haxc sSf wt hanpeudorsgTs-aoe hboeacliepcm le1ar eocnrethe.netosouunteewisrsgnfluceuerriicigaebloi twwtohegra to s c trsam e annotef,nngrtdtShiafeyrykGsrosmut iohooorurnigetmheidpvniehrasssanaCdrnnGiogtonmomnaeTtaae1aterieirncdvTh hiciyneitihtpehcsdiotuterirotvhm ffe eanrm i a,ytopvvylYaeoidnhttegdly1Sm r o t y iesyas(aa5burt.leenLdtfrwe bjrnematerlry)h;auvsheststloit.ieerel rt igdoom d t eosSuoGenfodonotbiciwicenyyhatitm e r , or e othr treotvhrheeSrs, veci,rocsoeg(torardngiilsete’isdtm e s n c a o a w s s s e n e r t e i o o e t o c d u n i b , s i . tvh uftom r (eC thio) n eomvithf o t ntroatuotpr bef tyhosuth hehts e lik orgsounamedrGiwsoadeeadrtsiyelsee,rTveeea1srrt1.evle.ia,cryyyesoopunlatwtreoiartflohrseytuicoueanretganryletlo,eiutnhit.svopirm wroetfisryf soaoaaum (hra ootus aocfoocyearisicisgescsteha,aegrnhleneneoiytspreotaeusde Gei1ax5)ntahdaenvseotri wietirartG idteiooom B3ayeYoim d ely pa an rcw e, piolsegnm poelunianicam d e r y n ooe (eoterd nefie Sisa,t , s e s u l n ny p l p t e s Sweorhrlyaolla tsop.o1rny(Sebefyi thtiiom m n gr , t e h pe orrt etixsateocroldtlooagylaiecottaaalraknygsuipneesrdT, yedfisnuoeuurbsaaesrgtiiegcolnsennoenogso, Gtdofo(uytDiohcedsraentpanadrtretieiolcohina,tylsaaw r s e a , e o e n g b n r a l L-Lh i l v N v n e c s r s s e l f uknroseue-dtlor aionoos)ouasphes yacgtabaloynuidtadibotrveiticeaihesixaatahr llaesoe)ncfoic ignwheoowlfreo, r, whtiimeedrvic rotihruvm emeftoorm A psoet,esdebgm un rmaiidnthecelrueidondweoioduoenen,m u h e h t a , o g n e c c e ; e l r I t G e d L b l t o s ) r b p r o s n i h i r d n l i r t h G t o l d h G v m f c r e i e s t a h h e o s m l l o s u e e l i ofer f ahapr tppsrvai,ytea,dmsw.eortirtvsei rtahttogcroed looe.mosalye lrdooenlpa, iao ri,utyaansoyeodnub usSuonitnosmi tofo als y, I IAALA e tta n soiisv,teirnm to lplease orpuiato se oiytgra,tproceed shgcnioagti yrce btilsteps. eocoinornigl1l dneneisngwt,aathoim gTh II vlpoipcsbmetdlthawwl2iadnw0bvdneslnefodoswaguicltto ld spsuyb epdot,uodmsedfclick ilnbiauowtt,dhureosne‘I yrn1t3cchteeotrALLOW’ odeeoelutlrontovfurther oheicapetrpecam y u u b p l g v i t o ( , o e v p i k e o n t s f n l t e ) o f l p t i r e o i r y e n e e t,set4nh.otSetlphrod ebrrho,lit’Ds s)eileuisccisiim hu.7lerot a thl iboh ffracfyep t n u o y tahn olim u r p tor cl t earulSas o.3dGuxfelugt,rsrhiovaetrm ipditeExoopkesttheaogtvvtihieadt us t.ahen e lys iosd oes ena aerlffim o a i h t r o s n h n u r e yo adt dyto clheydapiauropeuddqbiuflycisoaieosnenscyytemoetihsonl,ftatymwm e a e b - apon ,rci k eelenyrecft cina i edes hd prbrgt t h1e eyr sp sbcec thcittyer ru use ta tu e desle Tein th u sto oisuytroruedevlei;rbfanatyie,cretunrsisef.:hYtuiosraatCntiedfaryrceeae(on1acgytvetlidiovtceho,etcthhfeootSoruqorluirwgnsitihaoreugt1nn5Go.n, ieinnonginardetdsadsanltelisig,ailahaibopnt p ax5lc.lo3lcuour. ersow ibur vfeoerd s S(daeentwcoouirs(e“oas it o,o)4a .e nes; aoei em firvpoeneGSpter2oyoSrghtahaebfiewef stiwoisl.,iea Th o s vihswrea G oba r e is routoanudbcmoangum s e rnta1rdam a b E m o , nbrltSeservooirfoeadmrotaorroviignu-Gbfounf(nec Sonveihcit ntioybrs dneetpdionl n iocnehtens oy oytgoiolf n mds feodcge ghth roitfuoeppoytCfedoanr (tnhG(,sb)anrysvdlioalcinrefsuapeg)xrsnopttisse”m l Th a p e t t S n e e n s o c , e c e i r es f y n b e r s c l i o i v g o e 1 o t m g g l j c u r d m l t o , k r r a u i n n g i p t r h h r y e c b o r e w , v n h s e w e e o e W i o ow t n h1e te prmoththnmteA souemg peews,sa tie euat a4l t losemnlSai tces bicsefsuowgwrhhsah-pliaedsemhocgt)teliaosnuvilssych. an gt tgoyaot th reliitr w aoyu a ’s hip at h n n or y -icet a o i r fi ohr d fic tueoenhyainesll he iuonie m ackn sre ofhten 3.hteelacec isos visesyoenCt) ye gcbtlilaiivk er,tpoanundees stcposneolyry,dovo.3aeueGgN i e a o rn roevri frovSeone eeronvnsrsisycafttwdssiiabiarlinlxibycehsrut1ayld5natyoohm l S You memtbhe rvhicGGoseoocltoeisEhgonSdhebtnreeidntaeonfirdi-oSnrebcroyivtaanosotuoefi’qcyseloaoyylismoumpritybdolAiiosffi t c nyoa i st p ns e o otd i ic esaooyargrnptgywinvcicain cdhaidofiGlctleayohnrhe uavuapldy)iinucshlnieGuohb,vlitScheesiiooaorrrg:cmvowien oersiomanre leitseyp, cm o_.tu1hieaysoadouvusaehtbryaaensoo, dply pearrvi ndssboe a any e le udanrisnattg1se3lusrm spaptfhoesovtm d eoarch s of whswlicerm a c i e l p e o k t gf e v a c yn d p n c r o l a r y n o e e d i 1 t s n o i r e a d a r o , c r1r ouvbm rcldurethffpeeotwhyao.4.eeTh a lat er. igwa e.t itbysolnah teg Geeiosv, eitceso,f6i.ttsitw(i 1rhean t nfdm seoea hlelneasntawh ages ove aet-th1i3enp,crionan anaiyeeeelctlohbam ot uopasonerum n.1teeepbvlest,eopnttathpp:ra/odwyvvihls oeth ra;ph urr’sunecnsteStouirttulyqrN1dun4oit.nr2oetytohmabTealbernh,lcieiaec.lsrh,lsefipatay,wra(nAnaorrg)lm thhsCSooitnrh7s.lplrnoheh aAne8aycffi s.1se vi pm mepm c e e s p h r r a c t s o e g i s d ) r m f r , e n h a c g G r t n o A l u p dt. in oaet /wiissichf wer I hwe tyoCmcte oasr hte oleasn a ledic;s e pbya,nwdovtiyppr slunTh esthelm 1 o4shltslhiobevialiab Gokbfpsotouhrn uoreueobnnast ist teitnhytychoneueooTleyruesshtTh sdtob s hoaenrigesn thaeeoaafTlitdllnr,pasroiseri.cloyYelnoeutothoe,ignddiaiacedalthaottihcinnooegfnphpSaiectrryonusiotw(noisyeessdswfofa(yonoytgysinwtoiist,es1(silni c sricdygoiahfnrevredbreeoedrvlisiactheoe rStt.hwotgoaSlfrerwvieowdn o hiocr n 5.2 xiw thoanr use(aBtri ,manreheenof n uswooehcTleb’ovsrrienenictnrseothevni . eTh e l t s e i e l l e i t h a s a r n n . m t e c c u h f o u o a i 1 n i o h r i oeiorayvroeiiudeessin g , i d 7 s o i t r I ALLOW r e , a i g t p r o r a m e i h a y n s c k n r o h t ttshofargsooenlircniesnoydtsah toificftcutcl ea rteifs,daoe 6i.c1)ptuucpotirhetios.1 ndsvien -anut-r embl ns asnsveipcl. f esooor cat pyr oru,ebngyGfuoolrt1coe)lfGt,eo TremrTrm ecrtdcaeoonnm rmigsad,ninrtiephi (lraasnr psvrescanhIhreppmorcetrfaSoo ngre deos ee ttoof ds eor th, gl n I ALewroigtyehTtSserrdiem , veetosulalocge3tsh. oerm sm oillyom oonhedtguesuharewtrhhem o p r h s r a r e a o w s t i d i o o b a e f e c r f b s m e t l t m r n o h o d w i w l i w d ) a s r a m t . r o g r r G t s r x o a o i c , 1 e f l r d I ALo t e n o p s r y v . e r i t e c i m nxdaipStheh,cheGtocteahnadlliplut masyoGesm msan,eiotblsaydbyeilre(rasbhse.eaosSbiseoironearnovwi(clef5eoaWng(a(ilffnoear e4i.l4lasc.fnuodorttmhviiuctnshseoryia.nttwhs ercA wm elteeodrecsoootprulyeeto ncaoynnc ardeietshotsi hthee isriynay pos co.u e t I ALt d ffi p e i t G i o i l a i o i r l e t i t n i r a h t h t A e S a l s r t t e b h e o o v i efintllierycoshoe o)eicgsretdt Nongtlasesh);asluerlesetoh gayh)litneotsmionoefgetrt pncneony oeoptiraaonbynrcenf t tr p munr r w - k c c l e o n r e yr-m i r o h s ALe o y u o i t g p u / exutehtn y rtenhbyanoytti ts:t o nspcrut tg rcd,aatp,asilnennrrlieocoro luotoo)gdmi ignlncnioy aseesehse olla acthe e 2c0 II ALLOW G eirnetgassnosye fof gsoruaem ebaeedantiaaf tpchdio.f,mO a o l y u h e e r s n t n o b a r m s a q n a d h t d t i e y e u h e o e s e i o c o d u t p s n , a s q I ALl c a p . o u h w m k p o p o n , e s i e g h s h u n h e r o ff d m m e l ’ h G 6 e t a s S s y . u s c r s a v t u e m t a s , ae ved G tshi dYe c i s e a c f u r i u e p e l u , n l e e r m o t d o o n p e e l s y d n , uhre caohnnddfoeow e a . t e , r n o h l g v u e m n t e e h e e i r o c e e l o t e t a t t m o e t s t p I ALf u a l i o r ( s e p i m c r e t o n r y t u a l l r mg )d g(ornrasenanSsoue pofeaory laienlibsserBui)esroessth Mg(itorhee hSeetptaruenonasbdt1oor larreeuux icosnoey,ryi 2r0oecroerrtin-iccrcpv r 2b0 oo taets o ge- rY I ALafewloT eatghdtaler illini thd U Sctoitrprhut os l8oeu.t2ty bdn ntehnsySf aaald.dl1icprertissi h uriroc any.3y ofg eoa u orBslocaht enorf:hrmvicfithhcubir,w oeaonrvboumlueascrf,hwobairflsl seeG nodictrh0eee.l4donT II ALc n a e ) b l e o t e a i o r t a n e a d s t u e e i o c a n t e n e v i r y r y i l o e w a u c i e e e . n n S e c h o w o a r c r s r f e v d f n ALLOW t h t e y y s Y e w p r c y i s r r n o y e i l s o t n g t h f p r Y w t2;sp, ,oofrarsovpitueuegoacrxxcuhtethrereecrb1erniyebnpaaelennoeogotd)etygyyswuobfw e t o ym c a a e w s r h e Th h e m t l l o k n n e m i t h i r u w i h e v e s o g 1 l i i o g e S G o h . a a m r n r i e , t u o a s d o t t n e y t l v n t y a d n C o q e I ALt r n i t r o o i m n s b a t l s i a l o a e f 9 a ur l ursy);(b ntdogacneuufreaent s hociesntorhy iuuTsreer odue a ceoryr-of . foeorum rhgertcionseigce o,tTios ens, speev pcreore reebunon pa m o g ho e c m I ALo a s l siluit pndty l irriernitohit osSatar mitfream i e o v r a doreye lstsurnocnvthoiiohdnatenkh.dooerirurtocduer5rher.pfLusaius-bnTeienorem y n e a w y C c e a d e h o r i t d n s I ALv t e d i t r o a S u u a ; e e r o g t s s g s t l g i m o o n o v t m c h o r , i e t u m w n a I ALn jercteygo.ofitvesoerfre ieolhionauoioegtem avsemteohtedeguuerideuxi istherheee ies b led eeyst. Yioonr.dtcAhytordsoeeem irftoeagm uhgdnreele;r1dm7oee.ir2ncivredggcnihudtr Csiolosucresstaaotielaqbnuyeol(elhinSiasnwsaaettiiltkaolendtoeydgmhpepsaoo,dscyvoopm rbpadmladraytaoiobgm o u e s w g n e s s s s h r t II IALLOW ALLLLLLLLOW a x e e i a l e o a ALy c g l n u r t , c u s ( t s n c r i t s r m s b e d i e n urym f r o o r s n r g m t t v b i t t b d l y (peeCrdr1om e s l e leaannmydpy esirnm o d e a 1 t t t y t t c i t f r p i y ( I ALe a a e h e i i e o o o w r t w t b f s e a s u o t t y l o i t e o d l n b , s e h d r t s h o i o s w o r n w e t v e c r s e r o a i t t o t y o y e s Th o s a r a f 9 r o t l t p m o IALI AGREE AGREE i h n I ALo n y . t w e e n i o h b t r n c atsoll.1owthityesoslftuvoist t rl ile thu egsti dybe h caino tyhhc bem r 5ft.s1etbhtele rranotemiuo, t)h(m n , , , c p s r a e h n o a ) u a h s s r g e o )cosoanlintTaogauh,sT ) f r w D r a e a , s s e y a II ALLOW e n t a t o t a o h t e t l a e , v l eeoS.ylgtoe S nfrcao obeuytshde gaecaictach igsohputGhhei o mdwci reostvoincdt g er uansosueay irlemenonmrg o ene oo t-w h th d twi,m )hernreanoryendysw i alellhtiaaam a I I AGREE AGREE I ALa x t a l fi p e w s i d s n T I ALa errfcetrirsevepliarceaoegnm e N o d i l m d t o o w D h e e f s a i e c s c t e e c 2 f a l r e v b o u e n e y I ALs p e e i t e e e c a s G s a t r e , h a f e c y i n o a a ( e a a r T e n c e r e a a I I AGREE AGREE o l r a o ; 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NAME ikopytina@




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