A Year of Irish Design Irish Design 2015 Interim Report
January—June 2015
Contents Executive Summary – Highlights and Key Achievements to Date 1 Introduction to Irish Design 2015
2 Key Objectives of ID2015
3 ID2015 in Numbers
4 ID2015 Partnerships
5 Summary Project Reports
5.1 Design Innovation Fund
5.2 International Trade Fund
5.3 Trade Events
5.4 Key Design Conferences
5.5 Core Exhibitions
5.6 Irish Embassy/Enterprise Ireland Network Activities
5.7 Design Island App
5.8 All Island Library Initiative
6 Enterprise and Education Initiatives in Development
Interim Report 1 Progress Summary – National and International
1.1 National Design Programme
1.2 International Design Programme
1.3 Raising Awareness, Understanding and Appreciation of Design
2 Full Project Reports
2.7 EUNIC Series of Lectures and Masterclasses
97 99
2.1 ID2015 Partnerships
2.8 ID2015 and St. Patrick’s Festival
2.2 Design Innovation Fund
2.9 Kerry Fashion Week, Irish Fashion Industry Awards 2015
2.3 International Trade Fund
2.10 Irish Embassy/Enterprise Ireland Network Activities
2.4 Trade Events
2.11 Design Island App
2.4.1 Showcase – Ireland’s Creative Expo
2.12 All Island Library Initiative
2.4.2 Maison et Objet
2.13 We Built This City
2.4.3 Inward Buyer Trip for Built Environment
2.4.4 Liminal – Irish design at the threshold
3.1 Enterprise Initiatives
3.2 Education Initiatives
2.5 Key Design Conferences 2.5.1 Ibec CEO Conference 2015: Better Business by Design
2.5.2 OFFSET
2.6 Core Exhibitions
2.6.1 Design Island
2.6.2 Weathering
2.6.3 In the Making
2.6.4 Second Skin
2.6.5 Fresh Talent
2.6.6 In the Fold
2.6.7 PORTFOLIO @ Solomon
2.6.8 Hidden Heroes
2.6.9 Liminal – Irish design at the threshold
2.6.10 Side by Side
2.6.11 Appetite for Design
2.6.12 New Horizon_architecture from Ireland
3 Enterprise and Education Initiatives
4 Project Report - Raising Awareness, Understanding and Appreciation of Design 5 Thanks
116 118
the Design & Crafts Council of
Reflecting ID2015’s reach in engaging
Design has been the missing link
Ireland (DCCoI), in collaboration with
the public, the design community and
in Ireland’s innovation agenda. I am
partner organisations, on behalf of the
businesses, it is very positive to see
satisfied that the fantastic response to
Department of Jobs, Enterprise and
that a total of 200 design-focused
ID2015 programmes and events to date
Innovation, the Department of Foreign
promotions, across multiple design
will redress that deficit by promoting
Affairs and Trade and Enterprise Ireland.
disciplines, have been approved for
the work of talented Irish designers on
funding through ID2015’s Design
the international stage, strengthening
The impacts of the initiative in promoting
Innovation Fund and 15 new Design
the capability of the Irish design sector
Irish design capability nationally and
Networks have been established,
and promoting collaboration between
internationally and in bringing visibility
bringing designers, design organisations
the Irish design sector and the wider
to Ireland’s dynamic design businesses
and design users to work together.
business sector.
2015 sees Irish design in almost
are already being seen. Halfway through
Additionally, 26 Irish embassies around
every form being showcased in Ireland
its term, the ID2015 programme has
the world are engaging with the ID2015
I believe that we are well on the way to
and around the world. The idea of
showcased over 300 designers, studios
programme by hosting exhibitions and
achieving the objectives of creating new
designating a year to celebrating and
and companies nationally at core
other events promoting Ireland’s design
design companies, increasing exports of
promoting Irish design emerged from
exhibitions and other promotional events
design-based products and services and
the Global Irish Economic Forum in
and over 160 at exhibitions and trade
2013. The Government backed this
fairs internationally, generating leads
Through ID2015’s ongoing programme
proposal, supporting a comprehensive
with significant potential for exports
of events and activities, we look forward
programme of national and international
and job creation. Furthermore, 40
to seeing business opportunities
Ged Nash, TD
events and activities throughout 2015.
Irish companies have been supported
continue to unfold over the coming
Minister for Business and
through ID2015’s International Trade
months and into the future. As a project
The aims of Irish Design 2015 (ID2015)
Fund, in association with Enterprise
that is integral to the Action Plan for
are to promote Ireland’s dynamic design
Ireland and other agencies, to participate
Jobs, the second half of the year will see
sector, make Irish businesses more
in 50 other international trade events,
the launch of a number of enterprise
competitive in foreign markets and
generating new market penetration and
and education initiatives through
create jobs at home. ID2015 is being
export opportunities.
ID2015 and its extensive network of
convened by
creating 1800 new design-based jobs
across the regions of Ireland.
Our aim is to cause a shift in business
stakeholders and partner organisations for
culture nationwide that will see companies
their unwavering support to date and look
on the island of Ireland embracing design
forward to continued collaboration for the
principles as a cornerstone of their
reminder of year and into the future.
organisations. Looking beyond our extensive programme At the same time, building on the
of events and activities, we need to put
international reputation of Irish designers
the foundations in place for the ongoing
through an extensive programme of
development of the design sector in
We are delighted to be announcing
international exhibitions and trade
Ireland. With continued support and
the outcomes to date of Irish Design
missions has helped grow sales and
investment in design and working with our
2015. This milestone Irish initiative with
export opportunities abroad. In particular,
partners, particularly Enterprise Ireland
a global reach is shining a spotlight on
the business model of showcasing
and the Local Enterprise Office network,
the vibrancy of the Irish design sector and
Irish design through a group exhibition
ID2015 has the potential to act as a
the level of innovation, collaboration and
is proving successful in developing
catalyst for significant change in Ireland’s
new product development happening in
international trade and establishing
competitiveness in the global marketplace
Ireland right now.
strategic partnerships. We are seeing
and in creating employment opportunities
real commercial opportunities emerging
over the years to come.
Here at home we have been particularly
following our presence at key international
focused on raising awareness of the
events such as Maison et Objet, Milan
Karen Hennessy
importance of design to commercial
Design Week and NYCxDesign.
Chief Executive, Irish Design 2015
success and economic growth, highlighting how it adds value to a product
Collaboration with public and private
and drives innovation - European research
partners, both here in Ireland and abroad,
demonstrates that every €1 invested in
has been central to the planning and
design by a business generates over €20
delivery of our programme in order to
in increased revenues and a €4 increase
ensure a legacy from this year. I would
in net operating profit1.
like to express sincere thanks to all our
1 Design Delivers for Business, Design Council UK, 2013
thinking into the office, factory, classroom
was, is and can be. We are creating
and lecture hall with a series of initiatives
toolkits, writing case studies and piloting
that will create a significant and lasting
projects that aim to provide people with
the advice, practical tools and knowledge to achieve positive changes in business,
Innovation is essential to the sustained
government and local communities
prosperity of Ireland. Design is by
through design.
its very nature innovative: it involves examining how things work and how
Most importantly, we are getting tangible
Design is for everyone. It influences how
they can be improved, a process that
results. This year Irish designers are clearly
we interact with each other and improves
continually generates new ideas and
demonstrating that design can make a
our lives through intuitive products,
combinations. As a driver of innovation,
real difference, by developing products,
sustainable solutions to environmental
design can help companies develop new
spaces and services as useful, impactful
challenges, user-friendly and efficient
ways of making and selling products,
and meaningful as they are beautiful.
public services, better home and work
environments and services. It can provide
environments, optimised cities, and
tools to develop new business models
ID2015 marks a pivotal chapter in Irish
much more. Irish Design 2015 is about
and ways to deliver value to customers,
design, helping to inspire, inform and
harnessing the power of design and
and commercialise new technologies
develop Ireland’s design capacity and
working to support the island of Ireland in
by making them accessible to users.
culture. The initiative has the power to
making design matter.
Investment in the design sector and
create a future where designers make
design education is essential to ensure
opportunities, and businesses have the
The ID2015 programme embraces
that this creative mindset can contribute
opportunity to make it.
the full range of design disciplines,
to driving innovation across disciplines
building upon our rich craft tradition and
and throughout the Irish economy.
technological expertise to showcase a
Professor Alex Milton Programme Director, Irish Design 2015
fusion of the old and new. During this
Through ID2015, we are fostering
year, ID2015 is working with businesses,
innovation in business and public services,
schools and universities to bring design
and encouraging debate into what design
A Year of Irish Design Irish Design 2015 Interim Report Executive Summary Highlights and Key Achievements to Date
1 Introduction to Irish Design 2015
all sectors of society. Over the course of the year, ID2015 is mounting a diverse programme of events and activities exploring, promoting and celebrating the best in Irish design across multiple disciplines, both in Ireland and internationally. Through these events, ID2015 aims to drive job creation, grow exports and increase competitiveness. ID2015 is an island of Ireland initiative engaging the public, the design community and businesses and promoting Irish design in just about every form, both at home through events and exhibitions and by targeting the export market through trade missions and events in international capitals of design and commerce. As part of ID2015, Dublin has been designated World Design Hub 2015 by the International Association of Designers, providing Ireland with a platform to promote the skills and talents of Irish designers to a worldwide audience.
Minister Richard Bruton, TD, speaking at the launch of Irish Design 2015 at The Printworks, Dublin Castle. Image courtesy of Anthony Woods.
Irish Design 2015 (ID2015) is a year-long exploration into the value of design for
Michael D. Higgins, President of Ireland, is Patron of Irish Design 2015 and the initiative has been included in the Irish Government’s Action Plan for Jobs. in collaboration with partner organisations, on behalf of the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and Enterprise Ireland (EI). Irish Design 2015 partners include: MCO Projects (Founding Partner); The Doyle Collection (Accommodation Partner); OPW (Venue Partner); DAA (Exhibition Partner); Bus Éireann Expressway (Transport Partner); RTÉ (Broadcast Partner); SISK (Construction Partner); and IBM (Technology Partner).
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report
ID2015 is being convened by the Design & Crafts Council of Ireland (DCCoI),
Minister for Business and Employment, Ged Nash TD, launching the Action Plan for Jobs. Image courtesy of the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation.
2 ID2015 key objectives Through a programme of over 300 Irish and international events, ID2015 aims to: create 1,800 jobs over three years through sales of design-led products and services generate an additional €10 million in design-based exports generate 200 new design-led business start-ups facilitate more than 300 companies at international trade missions and design-based trade events engage with an audience of over 3 million at home and abroad support 50 SMEs to undertake design training generate €10 million in PR value
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report 03
3 ID2015 in Numbers Supporting designers
Growing markets
300+ designers and makers showcased nationally at core
180+ new products showcased through national and
international exhibitions
160+ Irish designers, studios and companies showcased
4 major trade events have taken place
internationally at core events 40 companies supported through International Trade Fund
Platforming design 200 projects across multiple design disciplines approved for funding through Design Innovation Fund (national and international reach)
design networks
design exhibitions
design events
design symposia and conferences
design talks
design workshops
design publications
design websites and online platforms
short design films
design residencies
€2.74 million in match funding (finance and benefit in 12 core exhibitions mounted, nationally and internationally Reaching people 79,529 direct social media audience1 1,042,225 ID2015 Facebook and Twitter reach 786,481 website page views2 5 prominent design leaders invited to speak at 2 major design conferences 1 influential app launched €5.2 million PR value to date
1 Combined direct social media audience of ID2015 and DCCoI platforms for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and Youtube.
Building networks 80+ partnerships established €2.75 million in corporate partnerships established to date 26 embassies engaging with ID2015 Growing the Sector 83 new DCCoI registered designers/companies to date 166 new Institute of Designers in Ireland registered designers/companies to date 54 new RIAI registered Architects to date NOTE: ID2015 has helped contribute to a significant increase of new design companies registering in 2015
2 Combined website page views for ID2015 website and DCCoI websites.
3 Combined value of match funding from Design Innovation Fund and International Trade Fund.
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report
kind) to date3
4 ID2015 Partnerships As part of the drive to build networks within and beyond the design sector, ID2015 has established multiple partnerships that have added considerable value to the programme. Full details in 2.1 main report. Enterprise Ireland Trade events and initiatives to date
Upcoming trade missions
Promotion of Showcase – Ireland’s Creative Expo®, the annual trade fair
NYNOW Irish Showcase, Consumer Trade Fair New York, Ministerial involvement
presented by DCCoI
TBC (15 – 19 August)
Joint venture with DCCoI: Maison et Objet trade fair
Copenhagen/Stockholm, Capsule and photographic exhibition, Minister Ged Nash (Oct – Nov)
Inward buyer trip as part of North American Built Environment Week Chicago Architecture Biennial, Capsule and photographic exhibition (September Competitive Start Fund- Design with special allocation of €250K for design
– October)
companies Hong Kong/Shenzhen, Feasibility Study Trip (August/September) Presentation of Connections capsule exhibition at dinner event as part of EI Irish Design 2015 Interim Report 05
Trade Mission to Prague led by Minister Ged Nash TD EI Market Study Visit by Minister Seán Sherlock, coinciding with hosting of the photographic exhibition at Embassy Tallinn
ID2015 is currently working with Embassies and EI on network activities.
Principal Corporate Partners DAA Exhibition Partner The Doyle Collection Accommodation Partner IBM Technology Partner MCO Projects Founding Partner OPW Venue Partner RTÉ Media Partner Bus Éireann Expressway Transport Partner SISK Construction Partner
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report
Value of partnerships to date: €2.75 million+
5 Summary Project Reports 5.1 Design Innovation Fund 200 projects approved for funding4 (national and international reach) Round 1
Round 2
that showcase, promote and explore Irish design. Funding has been allocated through
134 projects awarded funding
66 projects awarded funding
two rounds of open calls to date.
11 design networks
4 design networks
23 design exhibitions
15 design exhibitions
21 design events
10 design events
17 design symposia and
7 design symposia and
16 design talks
5 design talks
23 design workshops
9 design workshops
9 design publications
8 design publications
6 design websites and
2 design websites and
online platforms
online platforms
5 short design films
5 short design films
3 design residencies
1 design residency
The Design Innovation Fund seeks to support designers and the Irish design sector by facilitating a range of activities and initiatives across the island of Ireland and beyond
Full details in 2.2, main report.
5.2 International Trade Fund 40 companies funded5 The ID2015 International Trade Fund (ITF) provides financial support on a matchfunding basis to design companies who wish to participate in trade events outside Ireland during 2015. The fund aims to assist Irish design companies to develop their export potential and routes to market. Full details in 2.3, main report. Irish Design 2015 Interim Report 07
40 companies funded to attend 50 trade events around the world through first round of calls €133,453 in funding allocated Second and final round of calls will be launched in July 2015 4 Projects supported through Design Innovation Fund will take place throughout calendar year.
5 International Trade Fund projects will take place throughout calendar year.
4 major trade events have taken place
5.3.1 Showcase - Ireland’s Creative Expo® 18-21 January 2015, Dublin Showcase is Ireland’s largest international trade fair, welcoming over 5,000 buyers
Promotional imagery for Showcase – Ireland’s Creative Expo. Image courtesy of the Design & Crafts Council of Ireland.
5.3 Trade Events (national and international)
from Ireland and 26 countries including the UK, North America, Germany, France, Benelux and Japan, as well as new buyers attracted from China following President Higgins’ state visit in December 2014. The annual trade show is presented by the Design & Crafts Council of Ireland and Showcase Ireland Events Ltd., with support from Enterprise Ireland in promoting Showcase internationally through their network of overseas offices, and through partnership with the Local Enterprise Office network.
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report
Full details in 2.4.1, main report.
Shop Showcase at Showcase – Ireland’s Creative Expo. Image courtesy of Alex Calder.
€18 million in sales orders over the four days of the event (€100 million annualised) President Higgins, Patron of Irish Design 2015, officially opened the event, which featured 460+ of Ireland’s leading designers, manufacturers and craftspeople Specially curated area Creative Island at the centre of the show featured 91 commercial designer makers selected by an independent jury for creativity, innovation and craftsmanship Enterprise Zone was the largest to date at Showcase, featuring 105 companies supported by their Local Enterprise Offices (LEOs) 20 key media personnel from Irish publications, radio and TV attended press launch with international media visitors over the course of the show 395,000 viewership figures for RTÉ Nationwide programme dedicated to Showcase New feature for 2015, ‘SHOP Showcase’, featured a curated selection of Irish
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report 09
products from 40 DCCoI clients presented in a live retail pop-up shop To celebrate the commencement of ID2015 and the 39th Showcase, DCCoI, in collaboration with Enterprise Ireland, Bord Bia and Showcase Ireland, hosted an Irish Design Dinner attended by leading Irish designers and craftspeople, key domestic and international buyers and media and ID2015 guests, including guest of honour on the night, Minister for Business and Employment, Ged Nash TD
5.3.2 Maison et Objet – joint venture with Enterprise Ireland 23-27 January 2015, Paris Maison et Objet is the premier international trade event for home and gift in Europe. The Irish Design Pavilion was selected by Maison et Objet for inclusion buyers and influencers, in recognition of the high quality of design and making. Full details in 2.4.2, main report. First year in the history of the show for an Irish Design Pavilion to be presented Irish Design Pavilion featured new work from 21 designer makers presented by DCCoI in collaboration with Enterprise Ireland as part of the ID2015 programme
Maison et Objet, piece by BTU Studio, 31 Chapel Lane. Photo courtesy of Sean and Yvette.
in the juried area, Hall 8, ‘Design á Vivre’, which is a key port of call for serious
78,000 international buyers and specifiers and over 3,000 journalists in attendance 46 journalists received press packs at show and 50+ received information
Networking event took place at the Irish Embassy in Paris, with a subsequent visit to the show by Ambassador of Ireland to France, Geraldine Byrne Nason
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report
Liminal – Irish design at the threshold at Fuori Salone, Milan Design Week. Image courtesy of Fabio Diena.
5.3.3 Inward Buyer Trip for Built Environment Organised by Enterprise Ireland in conjunction with ID2015 and RIAI 23-27 March 2015, Dublin This Inward Buyer Trip was a networking event for the built environment sector involving a series of meetings, talks and site visits over a five day period. Full details in 2.4.3, main report. In attendance 30 buyers/influencers from Northern America 60 architects/representatives of the built environment sector
5.3.4 Liminal – Irish design at the threshold 13 -19 April 2015, Milan Milan Design Week is the world's premier design week. The event attracts 1.5 million visitors annually, setting the trend for furniture and interiors related products globally. ID2015 launched its flagship exhibition Liminal – Irish design at the threshold at the event. 15 –18 May 2015, New York
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report 11
Hosted in New York City, NYCxDESIGN brings together all the disciplines of design with a full, varied program, including exhibitions, installations, trade shows, talks, launches and open studios. ID2015 exhibited an evolution of the flagship exhibition Liminal – Irish design at the threshold at WantedDesign a leading event at NYCxDesign. Full details in 2.4.4, main report.
Milan Launched by Ambassador of Ireland to Italy Bobby McDonagh to 2,000 attendees 100+ Irish designers and companies were showcased, with 58 in the main exhibition 40,000 visitors to the exhibition, 85% of which were international buyers and specifiers 3,000 journalists in attendance, 100+ received press packs Influential design publication Dezeen featured the exhibition and Design Milk selected Liminal – Irish design at the threshold as one of their two highlights from Zona Tortona for Milan Design Week
New York 60+ Irish designers and companies were showcased in New York as part of Liminal – Irish design at the threshold, with 58 in the main exhibition The exhibition at WantedDesign Manhattan was launched by Consul General in New York Barbara Jones
to participate in Launch Pad, an initiative to promote young designers in the USA Influential design publications Dwell, Curbed and Azure selected the exhibition as one of their highlights of the event 16,000 visitors to the exhibition
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report
Liminal – Irish design at the threshold at Fuori Salone, Milan Design Week. Image courtesy of Fabio Diena.
Dublin based design consultancy Designgoat selected from over 100 entries
5.4 Key Design Conferences ID2015 has participated in 2 key design conferences to date Full details in 2.5, main report. Ibec conference: ‘Better Business by Design’ 4 March 2015, Dublin Over 300 Irish CEOs were immersed in both theoretical and real world examples of design thinking, design integration and design disruption during a one day conference, gaining valuable insights from those who have disrupted their industries and reinvented success using design thinking. An Taoiseach Enda Kenny officially opened the conference 300 CEOs from leading companies were in attendance ID2015 invited Tom Kelley of IDEO, Phil Gilbert of IBM and Jason Mayden of
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report 13
Ibec CEO Conference: Better Business by Design at The Printworks, Dublin Castle. Image courtesy of Alex Calder.
Mark One to present as keynote speakers
OFFSET 6-8 March 2015, Dublin OFFSET Creative Festival is a 3 day creative conference held annually in Dublin’s Bord Gáis Energy Theatre where Irish and international creative professionals come together for a weekend of presentations, lectures, interviews and discussions.
ID2015 invited Edward Barber of Barber & Osgerby and Doug Powell of IBM to present at the conference Top two most popular blog posts during OFFSET mentioned ID2015 and/or Barber Osgerby/Doug Powell
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report
Conference has a reach of 6.06 million via social media
Ed Barber of Barber & Osgerby speaking at OFFSET at the Bord Gais Energy Theatre, Dublin. Image courtesy of Alex Calder.
2,500 attendees (primarily from design and creative community)
5.5 Core Exhibitions ID2015 has mounted 12 core exhibitions to date, nationally and internationally Full details in 2.6, main report. Design Island, Dublin Airport October 2014- January 2016 Photographic exhibition presented by DCCoI and DAA to coincide with ID2015
Japanese Lady by Una Burke, part of Weathering. Image courtesy of the Design & Crafts Council of Ireland.
24 designers and SMEs showcased in both Terminals 1 and 2 Exhibition continues throughout 2015 with a projected audience of 23 million by the end of the year
Weathering, UCCA, Beijing 8 – 14 December 2014 Opened by President Michael D. Higgins, patron of ID2015 25 Irish designers showcased in an exhibition featuring work presented by DCCoI at Tent London during London Design Festival 2014
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report 15
In the Making, ID2015 Design Hub, Dublin Castle 30 December 2014 – 17 March 2015 Opened by Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Richard Bruton A touring exhibition from Design Museum, London 14,648 visitors, with 1,600 engaging with outreach programme
Second Skin, National Craft Gallery, Kilkenny, 7 November 2014 – 25 Derry~Londonderry, 8 June – 16 July 2015 4 leading Irish fashion labels showcased 5,000 visitors during week long run in London to coincide with St. Patrick’s Day celebrations6 Fresh Talent, National Craft Gallery, Kilkenny National Craft Gallery, Kilkenny, 8 February – 18 March 2015 21 emerging designers and makers showcased 3,964 visitors Touring to the Design Hub at the Coach House, Dublin Castle, 3 July – 20 September 2015 In the Fold, International Fashion Showcase at London Fashion Week, 20 – 24 February 2015 11 emerging designers showcased (8 in main exhibition) Irish Design 2015 Interim Report
Walnut Chair by Simon Doyle. Part of PORTFOLIO: Side by Side. Image courtesy of Rory Moore.
January 2015, City Hall, London, 16 – 25 March 2015 The Playhouse,
5,000 visitors7
6 Provisional figure for London based on average City Hall visitor numbers.
Provisional figure from the British Council.
PORTFOLIO @ Solomon Gallery, Dublin All year Year-long exhibition programme developed for a dedicated design and craft gallery to coincide with the ID2015 programme in a collaboration between Solomon Fine Art, The Doyle Collection, DCCoI and ID2015 Presenting work from DCCoI’s PORTFOLIO programme 3 exhibitions presented to date: Ceramics (30 January – 14 March 2014), Glass (20 March – 16 May 2015) and Furniture (22 May – 4 July 2015), featuring work from over 60 designers and craftspeople Hidden Heroes, ID2015 Design Hub, Dublin Castle 3 April – 14 June
A touring exhibition from Vitra Design Museum, Germany 21,200+ visitors Liminal – Irish design at the threshold, Milan Design Week, 14 – 19 April Irish Design 2015 Interim Report 17
2015 and WantedDesign, New York 15 – 18 May 2015 Full details in 2.4.4, main report. 40,000 visitors to main exhibition in Milan 16,000 visitors in New York 100+ Irish designers and companies showcased
Hidden Heroes: The Genius of Everyday Things at the ID2015 Design Hub, Dublin Castle. Image courtesy of Ste Murray.
Launched by Minister for Business and Employment, Ged Nash
Cultural Irlandais, Paris 12 June- 10 July 2015 Curated exhibition of contemporary work from DCCoI’s flagship publication PORTFOLIO: Critical Selection 2015-2016 22 Irish makers selected for excellence in craftsmanship and design by comparative international standards Curated by Christina Jansen, Director of The Scottish Gallery in Edinburgh Officially opened in Paris by Ambassador of Ireland to France Geraldine Byrne Nason, Side by Side is one of several collaborations between the Embassy, Enterprise Ireland, Centre Culturel Irlandais and DCCoI in Paris marking Irish Design 2015 Appetite for Design, National Craft Gallery, Kilkenny 8 May – 30 June 2015 Exhibition exploring food design at the National Craft Gallery Kilkenny, curated by Dublin-based design consultancy Designgoat Work from 13 international and 25 Irish participants was presented Over 5,700 visitors over the course of the run An audience of 2,656 reached through related education and outreach programme
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report
Appetite for Design promotional imagery. Image courtesy of Al Higgins.
Side by Side, National Craft Gallery, Kilkenny 27 March- 28th April, Centre
New Horizon_architecture from Ireland, London Festival of Architecture 1 – 30 June 2015 ID2015’s flagship exhibition for architecture featuring 10 emerging Irish architecture practices in 3 international cities Jimmy Deenihan, Minister for Diaspora Affairs and Daniel Mulhall, Ambassador of Ireland to Great Britain, opened the proceedings at the launch on 1 June for the month long festival Mounted at London Festival of Architecture 2015, where Ireland was chosen as the event’s inaugural Focus Country to coincide with ID2015
The Red Pavilion and The Yellow Pavilion in King’s Cross and the Nine Lives exhibition at the Design Museum Daily footfall of 5,500 for Red and Yellow Pavilion installations, with projected audience of 100,000 by the end of the run 20,0008 visitors to Nine Lives in the Design Museum over the course of the exhibition’s run Irish Design 2015 Interim Report 19
Exhibition to continue to Chicago and Hong Kong/Shenzhen later in the year Substantial in-kind sponsorship received from 38 partners
8 Provisional figure based on average annual paying visitor figures for Design Museum.
Nine Lives by Emmett Scanlon. Part of New Horizon_architecture from Ireland at London Festival of Architecture 2015. Image courtesy of Jonathan Bosworth.
ID2015 presented the work of 5 practices in London across 3 projects:
5.6 Irish Embassy/Enterprise Ireland Network Activities ID2015 is engaging with 26 embassies to date. The Irish Embassy network was invited to collaborate with Irish Design 2015 as part of the International Programme. Participating Embassies and Consulates are hosting one or more networking events to promote Irish design in their area of accreditation and to facilitate the development of new relationships with industry representatives, key buyers and influencers, and international media.
Embassy Beijing, State visit/Weathering exhibition event
Embassy Bratislava, ID2015 launch film showing
Embassy Tokyo, ID2015 launch with Joseph Walsh
for Europe Day
Embassy Paris, Maison et Objet trade event
Embassy Prague, Minister Ged Nash, dinner event
Embassy London, O’Donnell + Tuomey RIBA gold medal
to present Connections capsule exhibition, part of
award event
EI Trade Mission
Embassy London, Second Skin exhibition event
Embassy Prague, Launch event for Connections
Embassy Paris, Minister Bruton TD, St. Patrick’s Day
capsule exhibition
launch of Global Irish Design Challenge
Embassy Paris, Hosting of Connections capsule
Embassy Stockholm, Minister Nash launched
Connections, the ID2015 capsule exhibition, on St.
Embassy Tallinn, Minister Seán Sherlock, EI
Patrick’s Day
Market Study, photographic poster exhibition of
Embassy Rome, Minister Coveney TD, St. Patrick’s Day
Irish design
event CG Chicago, Minister Deenihan TD, St. Patrick’s Day event Embassy Vilnius, photographic poster exhibition of Irish
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report
Embassy network activities to date:
design 20
5.7 Design Island App – in partnership with IBM In collaboration with IBM, ID2015 has developed a design-focused app that showcases some of the top design destinations across the island of Ireland. Full details in 2.11, main report. 500+ design destinations listed from across the island of Ireland To date, contributions from 46 designers, journalists and writers in the field of design App to be officially launched this summer
5.8 All Island Library Initiative: Celebrate Your Local Design Hero ID2015 working with 24 libraries throughout the year to host events Irish libraries were invited to celebrate a local design hero through organising a community event or workshop of their choice. The library initiative aims to work within local communities throughout Ireland to raise the profile of Irish design Irish Design 2015 Interim Report 21
and to open up the richness of Irish design heritage to the wider public. Full details in 2.12, main report.
16 upcoming events
8 events delivered to date
Bailieborough Library, Cavan Ballinasloe Library, Galway Borris Library, Carlow Castlebar Library, Mayo Clones Library, Monaghan Cootehill Library, Cavan Cork Central Library Donegal City Library Ennis Library, Clare Johnstown Library, Cavan Killarney Library, Killarney Longford Library Mountmellick Library, Laois Tallaght Library, Dublin Tuam Library, Galway Waterford City Library
Ballybane Branch Library, Galway Blanchardstown Library, Dublin Donegal County Library Kilfinaghty Library, Clare New Ross Library, Wexford Shannon Library, Sixmilebridge Sligo Central Library Westside Library, Galway
6 Enterprise and Education Initiatives in Development A number of initiatives aimed at introducing design thinking into the enterprise and education sectors are currently in development, with some events having already taken place. Full details in 3, main report. Enterprise Initiatives
Education Initiatives
Design Networks – Q1-4
Design Masterclasses – Q1-4
Regional and sectoral design networks.
A programme of match-funded lectures and masterclasses, developed in partnership with Goethe Institute, Alliance Francaise, British Council and others.
Design Island – Tourism App – Q2
Design Journal and Conference – Q2
An app promoting design-led tourism in partnership with IBM.
Establishment of ‘Iterations’ (a biannual, peer reviewed design and practice journal) and ‘FAULTLINES’ (a design conference).
A pilot scheme to assist 50+ micro businesses and SMEs to implement design strategy in their businesses. Design Startups – Q4 Startup platform for creative industry entrepreneurs. 40+ designers/ SMEs, chosen in partnership with EI and LEOs to receive training. Design in Ireland – Q3 A digital B2B platform offering toolkits, techniques and latest research for applying design.
Design for Growth – Q3 An ‘Education to Enterprise’ toolkit for students and graduates.
designED – Q2-4 Design innovation programme and toolkit for 2nd level that seeks to embed design thinking and entrepreneurship into the curriculum. D-STEM – Q4 An initiative to introduce design and enterprise into STEM subjects in partnership with SFI.
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report
Design Vouchers – Q4
Enterprise Research – Q2/3
Exhibition Outreach – Q1-4
Research audit led by DJEI and involving DCCoI/ID2015, EI, SFI and IDA,
A programme of first, second and third level education activities and CPD
leading to policy document and strategy for design in Ireland: Nov – Dec.
activities supporting the ID2015 Design Hub exhibition programme.
Design Sandpit – Q2 An event to stimulate legacy and future funding applications such as European Research Funding applications.
Designed in Ireland Collection – Q3 A commissioned collection of innovative products designed and
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report 23
Design Island at Dublin Airport, photographed by Peter Rowen. Image courtesy of Brian McGee.
made in Ireland to mark Irish Design 2015.
A Year of Irish Design Irish Design 2015 Interim Report
1 Progress Summary – National and International 1.1 National Design Programme Formal announcement of ID2015 took place on 8 December. Minister Bruton TD and Minister Nash TD made the announcement, stating
ID2015 programme launch took place in Dublin Castle on 18 December. Minister Bruton TD and Minister Deenihan TD launched the programme. Launch film was created and screened at launch and subsequent events. Northern Ireland agencies led by Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure (DCAL) are supporting ID2015 and will ensure ID2015 branding of all NI funded design related activities. Cross-border design networks to be cofunded by ID2015 and DCAL Northern Ireland. Design Island photographic exhibition at Dublin Airport presented by DCCoI and DAA, with an expected audience of over 23 million by the end of 2015. Irish Design 2015 Interim Report 25
National design programme core exhibitions and activities determined for year. Legacy aims and objectives identified. Education and engagement programme launched
Design studio Notion. Photographed by Peter Rowen for Design Island at Dublin Airport. Image courtesy of Peter Rowen.
that ID2015 was central to the Action Plan for Jobs.
ID2015 Dublin Design Hub exhibition programme launched with In the Making
Design Innovation Fund - ID2015 supporting 200 projects from across Ireland
exhibition. 14,648 visitors attended the exhibition and over 1,600 participated
to date through two rounds of open calls.
in CPD and educational outreach activities. Celebrate your Local Design Hero, all island Library Initiative was launched with Fresh Talent exhibition opened at the National Craft Gallery, showcasing
24 events approved for funding so far.
emerging design talent from across a broad range of disciplines. Design Innovation Fund - ID2015 supporting 200 projects from across Ireland PORTFOLIO exhibition programme at the Solomon Gallery commenced with
to date through two rounds of open calls.
opening of Ceramics exhibition, followed by Glass and Furniture, presenting work from DCCoI’s PORTFOLIO programme.
Celebrate your Local Design Hero, all island Library Initiative was launched with 24 events approved for funding to date.
Ibec CEO Leadership Conference, ‘Better Business by Design’, in partnership with ID2015 took place on 4 March. Speakers included Tom Kelley of IDEO,
ID2015 has helped contribute to a significant increase of new design
Jason Mayden of Mark One and Phil Gilbert of IBM.
companies registering in 2015
OFFSET festival took place 6-8 March; Ed Barber of Barber & Osgerby
83 new DCCoI registered designers/companies to date
and Doug Powell of IBM talks supported by ID2015. 2,500 delegates and extensive print and social media coverage achieved.
166 new Institute of Designers in Ireland registered designers/companies to date
Enterprise programmes are under development for phased roll out over
54 new RIAI registered Architects to date
initiative under development in partnership with Dublin City LEO and Dublin City Council. Education programmes are under development for phased roll out over the course of the year. Educational outreach programme launched.
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report
the course of the year including ‘In-corporate - Design into Small Business’
1.2 International Design Programme
Michael D. Higgins, Patron of Irish Design 2015, during his state visit to China where he opened Weathering, an exhibition of contemporary Irish design and craft organised by the Design & Crafts Council of Ireland and previously shown during London Design Festival in September 2014. ID2015 international trade events programme commenced with Showcase - Ireland’s Creative Expo®, launched by President Higgins at the RDS. The annual trade show is a partnership between DCCoI and Showcase Ireland Events Ltd., with support from EI in promoting the show internationally through their network of overseas offices. The 2015 show, which featured over 460 exhibitors, attracted over 5,000 buyers from Ireland and 26 other countries and generated sales orders of €20 million over the four days of the show. Irish Design Pavilion presented at Maison et Objet as a joint venture by DCCoI and EI as part of ID2015, showcasing the work of 21 designer makers. Liminal – Irish design at the threshold international flagship exhibition launched at Milan Design Week and subsequently toured to WantedDesign Manhattan in Irish Design 2015 Interim Report 27
New York. New Horizon_architecture from Ireland, ID2015’s flagship exhibition for architecture and the built environment, presented at London Festival of Architecture.
Red Pavilion by Clancy Moore, TAKA and Steve Larkin. Part of New Horizon_architecture from Ireland at London Festival of Architecture 2015. Image courtesy of Jonathan Bosworth.
ID2015 international presence was officially launched in Beijing by President
In the Fold at the International Fashion Showcase, London Fashion Week 2015. Image courtesy of Anthony Woods.
In the Fold exhibition at International Fashion Showcase, London Fashion Week took place 20-24 Feb before being exhibited at Kildare Village. Second Skin exhibition, after its successful run at the National Craft Gallery in Kilkenny, was shown at City Hall, London and subsequently toured to Derry~Londonderry, where it is being presented by Derry City and Strabane District Council in partnership with DCCoI as part of ID2015.
Tuomey for being awarded the 2015 RIBA Royal Gold Medal. International Trade Fund first round of funding has led to 40 companies receiving support. Further allocations of funding will be made in Q3. Global Irish Design Challenge announced on Saint Patrick’s Day by Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation Richard Bruton, TD.
1.3 Raising Awareness, Understanding and Appreciation of Design ID2015 identity developed and rolled out. The ID2015 Programme Overview brochure was awarded a Bronze Award by the Institute of Creative Advertising and Design at their annual awards in May 2015. ID2015 website developed, with phase two incorporating search function. The website was nominated for an award by the Institute of Creative Advertising and Design at their annual awards in May 2015.
Supports put in place for Irish and international PR programme. Social media campaign underway. The ID2015 Instagram profile was a finalist in the 2015 Social Media Awards. Extensive National and International Press Coverage in broadcast, print and online – PR Value for Q1 in excess of €2.7 million. 55,946 ID2015 website users; 786,4819 page views with an increasing number of new visitors. 3,952 ID2015 Twitter followers; 713,691 tweet impressions Instagram: 2,205 ID2015 followers Facebook: 5,766 ID2015 followers; total post reach in first half: 328,534 YouTube: 5,777 views on the ID2015 channel
ID2015 Design Island App developed with technology partner IBM. 9 Combined page views for ID2015 website and DCCoI websites.
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report
Event held in Irish Embassy in London to honor Sheila O’Donnell and John
A Year of Irish Design Irish Design 2015 Full Project Reports
2 Full Project Reports 2.1 ID2015 Partnerships Description: As part of the drive to build networks within and beyond the design sector, ID2015 has established multiple partnerships that have added considerable value to the programme. The contributions have included supports that have helped increase programme visibility, benefits in kind that have helped events and initiatives to grow and increased their reach, and the benefit of sectoral expertise and insight from industry insiders. Value of corporate partnerships to date: €2.75 million+
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report
Principal Corporate Partners
Other Partners
DAA Exhibition Partner
British Council
Instituto Cervantes
The Doyle Collection Accommodation Partner
British-Irish Council
Instituto Italian di Cultura
IBM Technology Partner
British Fashion Council
Irish International Business Network
MCO Projects Founding Partner
Kildare Village
OPW Venue Partner
Culture Ireland
The London Design Festival
RTÉ Media Partner
Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine
Bus Éireann Expressway Transport Partner
Design Museum London
SISK Construction Partner
Goethe-Institut Irland
Science Foundation Ireland
Fáilte Ireland
Science Gallery
Tourism Ireland
The Irish Times
Vitra Design Museum
Institute of Designers in Ireland 31
Hospitality partnerships
In-kind partnershipsships Adapt-R EU Marie Curie Funding Programme
Matthew O’Malley Timber Ltd.
ABP Foods Ireland
Architectural FX
Prop Me Up
Bord Bía
Argent (Property Services) LLP
Stanton Bonna Concrete Ltd.
The Burren Smokehouse
Cashel Irish Farmhouse Cheesemakers
Terry Design
Caulfield Country Boards
British Council
The Light Bureau
Clonakilty Food Company
Casey O’Rourke Associates
University College Dublin
Jameson Irish Whiskey
University of Ulster
McCambridge’s Bread
Wilsons Conservation Building Products
Paganini Irish Dairy Ice Cream
Copper House Gallery
Wood Marketing Federation
The Penny Loaf Company
Delta Packaging Ltd.
3 Interiors Contracts Ltd.
Sheridan’s Cheesemongers
Design ID Ltd.
Teeling Whiskey Company
Design Museum GEM Group Ltd. Glennon Brothers Timber Ltd. Invest NI Irish Architecture Foundation KEIM Mineral Paints Ltd. King’s Cross Estate Services LED Linear Light Bureau Ltd. London Festival of Architecture Marley Eternit Ltd.
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report
Johnson Tiles Ltd.
Design Innovation Fund Description: The purpose of the Design Innovation Fund is to support designers and the Irish design sector by facilitating a range of activities and initiatives across the island of Ireland that showcase, promote and explore Irish design and extend the reach of the ID2015 programme. The fund awarded grants to 200 projects, with funding totalling €635,943. This funding (which required applicants to match fund) has generated a significant level of financial benefit in kind support, as outlined below: Total Finance Private Sector:
Total Benefit in Kind Private Sector: €629k Total Finance Public Sector:
Total Benefit in Kind Public Sector: €506k Total: €2.61 million A central aim of the fund is to encourage businesses to invest in design as a key component of competitiveness and innovation, the overall objective being to sustain and grow employment opportunities and sales and export potential for the sector. The initiative adopts an inclusive model of design, embracing not just traditional design products Irish Design 2015 Interim Report 33
and services, but also new and emerging interdisciplinary practices and methods that emphasise the importance of design thinking in all spheres, taking in a range of design disciplines in the activities it supports. Progress to date: The Design Innovation Fund is currently supporting 200 design initiatives across 27 disciplines which promote and celebrate Irish design in locations across the island of Ireland and around the world.
Animation Architecture and built environment Costume Craft Digital fabrication Education Engineering Fashion Film Food Furniture and lighting Gaming Graphics Industrial Interactive Landscape and garden Medical device Policy Product Set Service Textile Theatre Typography User experience Visual communications Web design
The following types of event were funded through the Design Innovation Fund: 15 Design Networks
24 Design Symposia and Conferences
32 Design Workshops
10 Design Short Films
38 Design Exhibitions
21 Design Talks
17 Design Publications
4 Design Residencies
31 Design Events
8 Design Websites and Online Platforms
See appendix 1 for a complete list of projects funded. and the distribution of allocations by county.
Selected highlights of funded projects: Conferences
Expanded Territories
The inaugural Design Research Conference, hosted by designCORE at the
An experimental combination of exhibition, demonstrations, masterclasses,
Institute of Technology, Carlow. The aim of the event was to offer a forum to
talks and screenings – a true celebration of all things creative. The exhibition
disseminate the most current knowledge, share ongoing practice-led insight
travelled to Catalyst Arts Centre in Belfast, with a creative conference held at
and discuss emergent issues relevant to those working in the fields of design,
the Dock in Carrick on Shannon. Resonate
DICE 2015
An exhibition showcasing the work of contemporary Irish fashion
Hosted by The Department of Design & Creative Media at Letterkenny Institute
photographers that was initially displayed at the Photography Gallery Dublin
of Technology, Co. Donegal in conjunction with Honeycomb Creative Works.
before undertaking a tour of libraries around the country.
This conference sought to discuss and elevate the role of design in adding value to business and society. Speakers included The Stone Twins, Post, Toby
Lifelogging Lab
Scott, Chris Murphy and Annie Atkins.
From critical to creative, Lifelogging Lab asked artists, designers and
Nimble Spaces Held at Visual Carlow, this was an international conference exploring participative design, spatial justice, social housing, co-housing and new ways to imagine housing in the 21st century.
philosophers "Where do we go from here?" and questioned whether we can record and analyse happiness, beauty and aesthetics in the same way as we record footsteps and heartbeats.
Irish Design 2015  Interim Report
design thinking and practice.
Industry Research and Development Group's Design Thinking Masterclass
Participants learnt how to apply tools and techniques of design thinking to develop
A series of short video interviews with design creatives from a range of design
radical innovation concepts matched to their firm’s strategy and capabilities.
disciplines, available online.
Institute of Designers Ireland and DPP Skillnet A one day infographic workshop with Valentina D’Efilippo at the Fumbally Exchange, a centre for entrepreneurs in Dublin. Grow Your Design Business Hosted by the IDI to give young design companies practical help in growing design businesses, building client relationships and increasing client loyalty.
Design Is...' Launched by the IDI, this is a short film about design aimed at second level students and teachers, to create an awareness of what design is, what designers across different disciplines do, potential career paths, and the important role that design plays in our society, economy and beyond.
Publications Iterations A biannual, peer reviewed design and practice journal.
Designing Dublin Held at the RDS, this talk featured Michael Phillips, Dublin City Engineer and
Online platforms
Director of Traffic, discussing how a sustainable transport system plays an important role in how a city functions and how, through careful planning and
design, it can influence how we experience and enjoy the city.
This online platform has been developed by Irish Theatre Institute in collaboration with ID2015, Irish Film Board and Culture Ireland. The site is a
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report 35
Darklight Illuminates
showcase of designers originally from and/or working in Ireland, and features
This was a new way of storytelling, providing a platform for the work of
productions highlighted by the designers themselves and the companies they
experimental film-makers, creative technologies and leading critical thinkers.
worked with between 2007-2014. http://design.irishtheatreinstitute.ie
The Potting Shed Brainstorming sessions with leading design businesses Leckey and Firefly, world
leaders in special needs postural design. The talks focused on their new co-
Ireland and international
January - December 2015
creation, idea-sharing platform.
2.3 International Trade Fund Description: The ID2015 International Trade Fund (ITF) provides financial support on a match-funding basis to design companies who wish to participate in trade events outside Ireland during 2015. The fund aims to assist Irish design companies to develop their export potential and routes to market. Number of applications received: A total of 46 companies applied for support in the first round. Number of companies accepted: 40 companies are being supported to attend 50 international trade events through the first round of funding. See appendix 2 for a full list of companies supported and trade events visited. Total value of grants committed:
Total value of match funding:
The total value of grants committed in the first round was €133,453.
Match funding from businesses is €133,453 to date.
List of sectors supported:
Animation Architecture and built environment Consumer product design Contemporary and traditional craft Digital design Engineering Fashion and textiles
Fashion and textiles Film/TV and visual effects Furniture and lighting design Graphic and communication design Illustration Industrial product design (incl. medical devices)
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report
The following design sectors were supported in the first round:
Promotional imagery for Showcase – Ireland’s Creative Expo. Image courtesy of the Design & Crafts Council of Ireland.
2.4 Trade Events 2.4.1 Showcase – Ireland’s Creative Expo® (2015) 18 – 21 January 2015, RDS, Dublin Description: Showcase – Ireland’s Creative Expo® is the country’s largest international trade show, welcoming over 5,000 buyers from Ireland and 26 other countries including the UK, North America, Germany, France and Benelux. For 2015, new buyers were attracted from China following President Higgins’ state visit there in December 2014. Showcase featured exhibitions from over 460 of Ireland’s leading designers, manufacturers and craftspeople and generated €18 million in sales orders over the four days of the show. The event was officially opened by President Michael D. Higgins, Patron of ID2015. Showcase is a partnership between the Design & Crafts Council of Ireland and Showcase Ireland Events Ltd., with support from Enterprise Ireland in promoting the show internationally through their network of offices overseas. Now in its 39th year, Showcase has become a must see event for retailers to source unique Irish products.
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report 37
To celebrate ID2015, Showcase was given a complete visual make over and the new look, which is built around the idea of nature and creativity, was implemented across all aspects of the show from visual displays to the daily fashion shows. Also to mark the commencement of ID2015, DCCoI worked with curators Clare Grennan and Laura Caffrey of Irish Design Shop to create SHOP Showcase, a curated selection of beautiful products, all designed and made in Ireland and presented in a retail pop-up shop at the trade fair.
Message in a Bottle by Siobhan Steele Ceramics for Creative Island. Photo courtesy of Trevor Hart.
Key highlights of Showcase 2015: Creative Island remained at the heart of the show, presenting authentic Irish craft products designed and made in Ireland, featuring 91 commercial designer-makers who were chosen by an independent jury for their creativity, innovation and craftsmanship. Located within Creative Island, SHOP Showcase stocked a carefully chosen mix of heritage and contemporary design from both emerging and established makers to inspire buyers with ideas on presenting Irish products in a live retail setting. Daily runway shows took place Sunday – Tuesday, presenting the latest fashion from Irish designers. Bigger than ever, the Enterprise Zone at Showcase 2015 fully occupied the their Local Enterprise Offices (LEOs). Delivered in association with IEDR, an extensive retail seminar programme over the four days of the show featured top international industry speakers delivering thought provoking presentations and providing retailers with expertise, research and advice. Showcase team: Show direction by DCCoI/Showcase Ireland Events Ltd. Creative Island management by Emma McGrath Home and Gift curation by Eleanor Harpur Fashion curation by Sonia Reynolds Jewellery curation by Natasha Sherling New visual identity by Marion Cody/Studio AAD Stand build by WDisplay
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report
Promotional imagery for Showcase – Ireland’s Creative Expo. Image courtesy of the Design & Crafts Council of Ireland.
balcony of the main hall at the RDS, featuring 105 exhibitors supported by
38 SHOP Showcase 18 – 21 January 2015, RDS, Dublin Description: SHOP Showcase was presented as a working shop, inviting visiting trade buyers to view and purchase Irish designed and made products whilst at Showcase. This new initiative introduced in 2015 aimed to identify significant producers that could retail well at home and internationally, creating a retail environment that key buyers and decision makers could aspire to, whilst initiating opportunities to strengthen existing, and develop new, relationships with major retailers.
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report 39
SHOP Showcase team:
Resource materials developed:
Number of attendees:
Product curation by Clare Grennan
5,000 copies of a glossy magazine
Approximately 5,000 domestic and
RTÉ's Nationwide dedicated a
and Laura Caffrey (Irish Design
were available through SHOP
international buyers
programme to Showcase 2015
Showcase and included features
(395,000 viewership figures
Shop design by Seek
and editorials on the work of
recorded for this episode).
Shop build by WDisplay
designers and craftspeople
20 key media personnel from Irish
Graphic and logo design by AAD
throughout the island of Ireland
publications, radio and TV attended
(110 makers were featured within
press launch.
the magazine in total)
With the support of Enterprise
Legacy: As the first key event of ID2015, Showcase was an essential platform to offer a broad spectrum of Irish products from the gift, home, fashion and jewellery industries. Having a feature of this quality strengthens the design sector in the eyes of domestic and international buyers, as well as platforming Showcase as a key trade event that is on a par with other established trade events overseas.
Ireland, international journalists visiting Showcase came from Japan, Sweden, UK, Canada, France and China. The Irish Design Dinner at Showcase 23 January 2015, RDS, Dublin Description:
Irish Design Dinner team:
Resource materials developed:
To celebrate the commencement of ID2015 and the 39th Showcase, DCCoI,
Directed by Chef Kevin Thornton.
Menu describing each course and
in collaboration with Enterprise Ireland, Bord Bía and Showcase Ireland, hosted
Product curated and room staged
listing the designers and makers of
an Irish Design Dinner attended by leading Irish designers and craftspeople,
and styled by Eleanor Harpur.
the products used.
key domestic and international buyers and media, representatives of Enterprise
Graphic design by AAD.
Business and Employment, Ged Nash TD was guest of honour and spoke at
Number of designers/makers who
the event.
participated and details: Work from 20 DCCoI clients was
This was an opportunity to showcase excellence in Irish design to buyers in a
used during the course of the
non-exhibition setting. The meal was crafted using the very best of sustainable,
celebratory dinner.
quality Irish ingredients, with the support of Bord Bía and The Taste Council of Ireland. It was presented on the very best of Irish design and craft from exhibitors within the show. The event aimed to set the tone of things to come from ID2015 over the year and offered the opportunity to engage in conversation with key buyers, decision makers and media. It was a chance to strengthen existing, and develop new, relationships with major stakeholders that will influence a larger audience in engaging with Irish design and craft. influence a larger audience in engaging with Irish design and craft. Legacy: The dinner has opened clear paths of negotiation with key third parties on how they can become involved in the year and encourage sales and media coverage.
Number of attendees: 80 key domestic and international buyers and media, as well as CEOs and Directors from key Irish retailers such as Brown Thomas, Arnotts, House of Ireland, The Kilkenny Group and Carraig Donn, and International Buyers from QVC, National Geographic, Not on the High Street and the Shopping Channel. Irish Design 2015 Interim Report
Ireland and the Local Enterprise Offices and ID2015 guests. Minister for
2.4.2 Maison et Objet (a joint venture with Enterprise Ireland) 23 – 27 January 2015, Paris Description:
Development of design sector:
Maison et Objet is the premier international trade event for home and gift in Europe.
Lambert & Associates was engaged to assist in the areas of mentoring and support
The show encompasses 130,000 square metres over eight halls and features over
for exhibitors, identifying their strengths and providing guidance for maximising their
3,200 stands from French (60%) and international (40%) exhibitors. The Irish Design
participation in the show, as well as buyer development - identifying key buyers and
Pavilion was selected by Maison et Objet for inclusion in the juried area, Hall 8, ‘Design á
influencers for us to target and develop relationships with in the long term.
Vivre’, which is a key port of call for serious buyers and influencers, in recognition of the high quality of design and making.
Number of designers/makers who participated and details:
The Irish Design Pavilion featured new work from 21 designer makers presented
Work from 21 registered DCCoI clients was presented to retail buyers at Maison et
by DCCoI in collaboration with Enterprise Ireland as part of the ID2015 programme.
Highlights of the exhibition included several exciting collaborations between Irish
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report 41
makers and internationally renowned designers.
See appendix 3 for full list of designers presented at show.
Resource materials developed: Product images and styled images for each client Promotional brochure in English and French Web page in English and French Press pack in English and French
Maison et Objet team: Curation and exhibition design by Steven McNamara (Roji Design). Stand build by W Display. Graphic design by Atelier David Smith.
Embassy activity:
Number of attendees:
A networking event was hosted in the Irish Embassy in Paris and Ambassador
The show reaches over 78,000 international buyers and specifiers and over
of Ireland to France Geraldine Byrne Nason visited the Irish Design Pavilion
3,000 journalists from Europe, the US, Russia, Japan and the Middle East.
during the event. A capsule version of the show was on display in the embassy for six months. The event involved collaboration with EI France in developing buyer and media relationships and co-operation with Tourism Ireland France in terms of media contacts.
46 journalists received press packs at the show and an estimated 50+ received information post-show. Maison et Objet is a key event in promoting Irish design to some of Europe’s most influential design and home journalists. Direct contact was made with 46 journalists at the show including Elle Decoration (France and Italy), Monocle (UK), Home & Garden (UK), Marie Claire (France) and Le Figaro. Legacy: Establishing 21 Irish brands in a key international market Positioning the wider Irish design ‘brand’ by establishing and confirming
Chaim Factor, Superfolk at Maison et Objet. Photo courtesy of Sean and Yvette.
Ireland's design credentials.
Located in the juried part of the show, this has positioned Irish design as a key player in this competitive market.
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report
trade show for design and home.
Wooden Salad Bowl, by Glenn Lucas for Mason et Objet. Photo courtesy of Sean and Yvette.
This was the first comprehensive presentation of Irish work at Europe’s key
2.4.3 Inward Buyer Trip for Built Environment 23-27 March 2015, Enterprise Ireland HQ and RIAI, Dublin Description: The Inward Buyer Trip was a collaborative event for the built environment sector mounted in partnership with Enterprise Ireland and The Royal Institute of Architects in Ireland. The event brought together architects and design and sustainability industry experts from the USA and Ireland for cultural exchange and discussion around trends on both sides of the Atlantic. Buyers and influencers from Northern America travelled to Dublin for a series of meetings, talks and site visits over a five day period. Attendees at the event were from all streams of the built environment sector, including construction, data centres, oil and gas, and architecture. As part of ID2015’s involvement, Peter Carroll led an architectural tour of Dublin, taking in the recently developed Docklands area as well as more traditional Georgian regions of the city. This was followed by a day of presentations and discussions from both Irish and American speakers on the themes of: Sense of Place, Sustainability, Creativity and Well-being.
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report 43
Key Speakers
Bruce Shaw Cylon DFM Systems Dortek Headcount Solutions
James Andrews (Overland Partners) Colin Kelleher (Caliber Structures) David R. Kelly (New York Presbyterian Hospital) Brian McClean (HDR Architects) Daniel McClean (Batska Consulting) John Salley (Gilbane Ireland) Paul Sullivan (SVP Global LNG & FLNG, WorleyParsons)
Yvonne Farrell – Grafton Architects Sheila O’Donnell – O’Donnell & Tuomey Merrit Bucholz – Mucholz McEvoy Tony Reddy – Reddy Urbanism & Architecture Betsy Del Monte – US Green Build Council Li Wen – Gensler
Miguel Rivera – Miro Rivera Architects Peter Carroll – A2 Architects Ryan Kennihan – Ryan Kennihan Architects Michael Pike - GKMP
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report
Number of attendees: Over 60 attendees from the USA architecture, construction, design,
Outcomes: This was a pre-event to the Chicago Architecture Biennial taking place 3 October 2015 – 3 January 2016. Through this inward buyer trip for the built environment: relationships were established the USA context was explained cultural exchange occurred awareness was raised as to capability in Ireland in this sector.
Liminal – Irish design at the threshold at Fuori Salone, Milan Design Week. Image courtesy of Fabio Diena.
engineering and data centre sectors.
2.4.4 Liminal – Irish design at the threshold
13 – 19 April 2015, Tortona District, Milan Description: Milan Design Week is the longest running design week in the world. The event attracts 1.5 million visitors annually, setting the trend for furniture and interiors related products globally. Design Week encompasses the trade fair Salone del Mobile and the Fuorisalone, consisting of nine districts. ID2015 launched their flagship exhibition, Liminal – Irish design at the threshold at Milan Design Week on 14 April 2015. The stand was located in the Tortona district and comprised a 200 metre square exhibition that
showcased the work of 58 Irish design companies and individuals to a direct audience of over 40,000 visitors through the main exhibition, while more than 100 design companies and individuals were showcased through catalogue material, design of the exhibition space itself and smaller capsule exhibitions showcased during the week. The launch event for Liminal – Irish design at the threshold at Milan Design Week was kindly sponsored by Jameson Whiskey, ABP Meats, Bord Bia, Sheridan’s Cheesemongers and The Penny Loaf Company.
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report
Liminal in Milan
product images and styled images for each client promotional brochure in English and Italian web page in English and Italian press pack in English and Italian a promotional video about Irish design was developed for the exhibition Ministerial/Consular involvement: Liminal - Irish Design at the threshold was launched by Ambassador of Ireland to Italy Bobby McDonagh on 16 April. The launch attracted over 2,000 visitors. The event involved collaboration with the Enterprise Ireland office in Milan, developing buyer and media relationships, and co-operation with Bord Bia and Tourism Ireland Milan. Development of Design Sector: 26 designers, companies and design agencies were represented as part of the core exhibit, which showcased work developed as part of 12 new creative collaborations. Number of designers/makers who participated and details: Work from 58 designers, companies and design agencies was presented Irish Design 2015  Interim Report 45
in Milan in the main exhibition, with over 100 presented in total through catalogue material, design of the exhibition space itself and smaller capsule exhibitions showcased during the week. See appendix 4 for full list of designers.
Liminal – Irish design at the threshold at Fuori Salone, Milan Design Week. Image courtesy of Fabio Diena.
Resource materials developed:
Liminal core team: Curation by Alex Milton, Louise Allen and Angela O’Kelly Exhibition design by John McLaughlin Stand build by Oikos Graphic design by New Graphic Milan co-ordination by Elizabeth Francis Number of attendees: Audience in Tortona District in excess of 200,000 Visitors to Liminal – 40,000 85% of visitors were international buyers and specifiers Over 3,000 journalists from throughout Europe, the US, Russia, Japan and the Middle East in attendance. Press highlights: The Press Preview on 13 April attracted over 200 media who were served a starter course specially designed by Irish chef Katie Sanderson and Dublin based design consultancy Designgoat. Over 100 journalists received press packs at the show, while an estimated 50+
Milan Design Week is a key event in promoting Irish design to some of Europe’s most influential design and home journalists. Direct contact was made with journalists from media outlets including: Dezeen, Domus, Monocle, Elle Decoration (France and Italy) and Corriere Della Sera, the Italian daily newspaper.
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report
received information post-show.
Dezeen, one of the world’s most influential and popular online magazines, published a number of articles on the show, and created a film of the exhibition, reaching over 2 million readers.
threshold as one of their two highlights from Zona Tortona for Milan Design Week. Social media: ID2015 Facebook posts relating to Liminal in Milan reached 10,446 people with 5,919 clicks, likes, comments and shares. ID2015 Liminal related tweets generated 30,400 impressions with an average 3.2% engagement rate. Images posted to the ID2015 Instagram account generated 1,733 likes. 102 Instagram images were hashtagged with ‘Liminal’, including by Design Milk, Architectural Digest Germany, Fiera Magazine, Design Daily, Irish chef Katie Sanderson and Irish ceramicist Derek Wilson, generating a combined reach of over 20,000. Irish Design 2015 Interim Report
Through Instagram takeovers by designers on the ID2015 account and through ID2015’s takeover of the Image Interiors account, an additional 11,712 people were reached.
Liminal – Irish design at the threshold at Fuori Salone, Milan Design Week. Image courtesy of Fabio Diena.
Influential design publication Design Milk selected Liminal – Irish design at the
Legacy: The exhibition at Milan Design Week is a key step in positioning Irish design at the premier international design week. The collective representation builds credibility in Irish design and in individual design companies. The event has brought visibility to 58 designers in key international markets. This was the first comprehensive presentation of Irish design work at Europe’s key design week. This opens up export channels for future sales and export opportunities that will have long term impacts.
Liminal in New York 15 – 18 May 2015, WantedDesign Manhattan, New York Description:
Event team:
Irish design was represented for the first time in New York at WantedDesign
Curation by Alex Milton, Louise Allen and Angela O’Kelly
Manhattan during NYCxDESIGN with Liminal – Irish design at the threshold.
NYC Coordination by Susan Towers
The evolving exhibition featured over 20 designers, architects, companies and
Exhibition design by John McLaughlin
studios involved in collaborations across disciplines. NYCxDESIGN is an annual,
Graphic design by New Graphic
citywide design festival that takes place in New York. Number of designers/makers who participated and details: More than 120 companies and over 22 countries were represented at
A total of 53 designers, companies and design agencies were
WantedDesign Manhattan, including Argentina, Colombia, Poland, Norway,
represented in New York through the main exhibition and capsule
Spain, Ireland, Mexico, Canada, New Zealand, Japan, and Italy. WantedDesign
exhibition combined.
brought together international designers, interior designers, architects, retailers, manufacturers, professional design organizations, media, and design lovers,
Main exhibition: 22
making WantedDesign a key destination during the festival.
Capsule exhibition: 31
Liminal – Irish design at the threshold at WantedDesign was launched by
See appendix 5 for full list of designers represented.
Consul General in New York Barbara Jones. The launch event was kindly
Partnerships: Jameson hospitality sponsorship. Support of Consulate and EI offices in New York.
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report
sponsored by Jameson Whiskey.
Irish Design 2015  Interim Report Liminal – Irish design at the threshold at WantedDesign, part of NYCxDesign. Image courtesy of Rich Gilligan.
entries to participate in Launch Pad as part of WantedDesign. Launch Pad is an initiative to promote the work of young designers, with the winners receiving a manufacturing deal in the USA. Number of attendees: 16,000 New collaborations: Work showcased in the exhibition was developed as part of 11 new collaborations between Irish designers. New contacts: On average, companies who attended the event made at least 10 new contacts.
Liminal – Irish design at the threshold at WantedDesign, part of NYCxDesign. Image courtesy of Rich Gilligan.
Dublin based design consultancy Designgoat were selected from over 100
Media visiting the Irish design exhibition included: Vogue Living, Australia Bamboo, Brazil Nuvo, Canada Mix Magazine, UK Metropolis, US New York Magazine, US Architect Newspaper, US Condé Nast Design, US
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report
Glocal, Mexico
Liminal – Irish design at the threshold at WantedDesign, part of NYCxDesign. Image courtesy of Rich Gilligan.
Highlights of online coverage to date include: http://www.newyorkspacesmag.com/article/WantedDesign-2015-20150501 http://blog.2modern.com/2015/05/highlights-from-new-york-designweek-2015.html http://www.dwell.com/product/article/17-things-see-nyc-designweek-2015#15 http://www.designboom.com/design/frame-chair-notion-mourne-textilesnycxdesign-05-13-2015/ http://www.frameweb.com/news/frame-chair-by-notion http://nuvomagazine.com/design/icff-and-nycxdesign-2015
Media feedback: Condé Nast will are featuring Andrew Ludick’s work as part of their design issue in September 2015. Next steps: All participants are currently submitting detailed reports. In addition to providing information regarding the impact of the event on their business, lead generation and export potential created, companies have been asked to identify the type of assistance that would be beneficial in order to ensure
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report 51
order fulfilment, growth and scalability. ID2015 will work with the design companies, EI and LEOs to provide targeted support where possible. Liminal will be exhibited in Eindhoven in October 2015 and in Dublin in November 2015. Companies are further developing product for these exhibitions.
2.5 Key Design Conferences 2.5.1 Ibec CEO Conference 2015: Better Business by Design 4 March 2015, The Printworks, Dublin Castle Description: Over 300 Irish CEOs were immersed in both theoretical and real world examples of design thinking, design integration and design disruption during a one day conference, gaining valuable insights from those who have disrupted their industries and reinvented success using design thinking. The conference was officially opened by Taoiseach Enda Kenny. Number of designers/makers who participated and details:
Number of attendees: Over 300 CEOs, business people and designers. New contacts: Jason Mayden, Mark One Tom Kelley, IDEO Phil Gilbert, IBM Johnny Walker, Health Founders Social media: ID2015 had the most influential tweet of the conference, with 14,901 impressions, 39 retweets and 35 favourites.
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report
Jason Mayden of Mark One, Tom Kelley of IDEO and Phil Gilbert of IBM.
Tom Kelley of IDEO speaking at the Ibec CEO Conference: Better Business by Design at The Printworks, Dublin Castle. Image courtesy of Alex Calder.
Talks from seven high profile international designers were given, including by
Irish Design 2015  Interim Report The Ibec CEO Conference: Better Business by Design at The Printworks, Dublin Castle. Image courtesy of Alex Calder.
2.5.2 OFFSET Creative Festival 5 – 8 March 2015, Bord Gáis Energy Theatre, Dublin Description:
Number of attendees:
OFFSET Creative Festival is a three day creative conference held annually
in Dublin’s Bord Gáis Energy Theatre where Irish and international creative professionals come together for a weekend of presentations, lectures,
Social media:
interviews and discussions. Taking a multi-disciplinary approach to curating,
The OFFSET event involved approximately 1,860 people with a reach of
OFFSET features industry leaders from the worlds of graphic design, animation,
approximately 6.06 million people across their social networks.
illustration, advertising, film, fashion and more.
The top two most popular blog posts during OFFSET mentioned ID2015 and/or Barber Osgerby/Doug Powell.
This year Irish Design 2015 took part in OFFSET and invited two guest speakers:
Edward Barber of Barber & Osgerby was invited to the main stage in partnership with
ID2015 was among the top contributors under the OFFSET2015 hashtag on
the British Council as part of the EUNIC lecture series.
Twitter and ID2015 OFFSET tweets earned 34,828 organic impressions over
Barber & Osgerby, established in1996, is an award winning London-based industrial
the weekend, with higher than average engagement.
Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games to design the London 2012
#OFFSET2015 tweets by ID2015 trended several times across the weekend,
Olympic Torch. The torch was named the Design Museum’s 2012 Design of the Year.
as did references to ‘Edward Barber’ and ‘Olympic Torch’.
Doug Powell of IBM was invited to the 2nd stage, in conversation with Dr. Lisa
Godson, the course director for the MA in Design History & Material Culture at NCAD.
ID2015 OFFSET related posts on Facebook reached 1,950 people.
Doug Powell is a designer and Design Principal at IBM in Austin, Texas where he is helping to build the vision for IBM Design, a global effort to bring design into one of the largest and most successful companies in the world.
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report
design studio. In 2011 Barber & Osgerby were appointed by the London Organising
Ed Barber with ID2015 Programme Director in advance of speaking at OFFSET at the Bord Gais Energy Theatre, Dublin. Image courtesy of Alex Calder.
Irish Design 2015  Interim Report
55 Barber & Osgerby behind the scenes at OFFSET at the Bord Gais Energy Theatre, Dublin. Image courtesy of Alex Calder.
2.6 Core Exhibitions 2.6.1 Design Island January – December 2015, Dublin Airport Description: Design Island is a photography exhibition at Dublin Airport, presented by DCCoI in partnership with DAA, as part of Irish Design 2015, to communicate the breadth of Irish creativity. The exhibition features designers and makers photographed in their studios by award winning Irish photographer Peter Rowen. 23 million passengers will have been exposed to this sectoral communication and promotion initiative by the end of 2015. Installation in Terminal 2 commenced in October 2014 and continued in Terminal 1 in early 2015.
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report
Milliner Martha Lynn. Photographed by Peter Rowen for Design Island at Dublin Airport. Image courtesy of Peter Rowen.
Fashion and textiles designer Helen Steele. Photographed by Peter Rowen for Design Island at Dublin Airport. Image courtesy of Peter Rowen.
Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport Paschal Donohoe TD launched the exhibition in March.
300 images across 24 design disciplines are being exhibited, as follows: Designer
Brown Bag Films
Architectural design
O’Donnell + Tuomey
Basket weaving
Joe Hogan
Michael Calnan and Gunvor Anhoj
Engineering design
Fashion design
Helen Steele
Joseph Walsh
DCCoI’s Jewellery & Goldsmithing Skills & Design Course
Graphic design
Atelier David Smith
Hand weaving
Studio Donegal
Industrial design
Design Partners
Jewellery making
Bláithín Ennis
Carraig Donn
Garvan de Bruir
Martha Lynn
DCCoI’s Ceramics Skills & Design Course
Print Block
Product design
Shoe design
Tutty’s Handmade Shoes
Stone working
Hennessy & Byrne
UX design
Chaim Factor
Design Island team: Exhibition concept by Brian McGee Photography by Peter Rowan Design by Atelier Printing by SL Graphics Installation by W O’Brien
Audience: Design Island will be seen by an estimated 23 million passengers passing through Dublin airport during by the end of 2015, many of whom regularly post tweets and Instagram images as they travel through the airport.
Design studio Notion. Photographed by Peter Rowen for Design Island at Dublin Airport. Image courtesy of Peter Rowen.
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report 57
8-14 December 2014 Ullens Centre for Contemporary Art, Beijing Weathering at UCCA Beijing was made possible by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Weathering was an exhibition of contemporary Irish design and craft officially opened by President Michael D. Higgins at Ullens Centre for Contemporary Art
Suaimhneas by Ceadogán Rugs, part of Weathering. Image courtesy of the Design & Crafts Council of Ireland.
2.6.2 Weathering
(UCCA) in Beijing on 8 December. At the opening, President Higgins addressed an audience of designers, gallery owners, academics and other notable attendees on the topic of Ireland’s creative sector. The President officially announced the launch of Irish Design 2015 at the event and the event was filmed for the RTÉ Six One news and covered by Chinese media.. Weathering was first shown by the Design & Crafts Council of Ireland during London Design Festival in September 2014 and was widely regarded as one of the highlights of Tent London. Featuring work from designers and craftspeople, the exhibition, curated by Steven McNamara, showcases objects that exemplify simplicity of form, respect for materials and a keen awareness of the end user. textiles, lighting, leather and basketry. Weathering also showcased collaborations between Irish makers and internationally renowned designers. Horizon Furniture’s ‘Stanley Lounge Chair’ in a solid frame in Irish oak was upholstered in Donegal Tweed by Molloy & Sons, pepper mills designed by Makers & Brothers were handcrafted by wood turner Matt Jones, and Úna Burke's figurative leatherwork complemented the carafe made by The Irish Handmade Glass Company.
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report
Disciplines covered by the exhibition include furniture, wood, glass, ceramics,
Divider Chair by Tierney Haines, part of Weathering. Image courtesy of the Design & Crafts Council of Ireland.
Woodenleg Horizon Furniture with Molloy & Sons Una Burke with the Irish Handmade Glass Company Holland Design Joe Hogan Derek Wilson Jack Doherty Ceadogán Rugs with Katie Hession Molloy & Sons Cushendale Woollen Mills Print Block Glenn Lucas Makers & Brothers with Matt Jones Snug Stickman/James Carroll Scott Benefield 31 Chapel Lane Cillian Ó Súilleabháin Muriel Beckett Tierney Haines Architects with Alan Meredith Studio Andrew Ludick The Local Maker Co
Wilde Cage Light by Shane Holland Design, part of Weathering. Image courtesy of the Design & Crafts Council of Ireland.
The 26 designers/makers who participated were:
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report 59
5 buyers from 3 different companies visited Showcase – Ireland’s Creative Expo® in January 2015 as a result of the awareness created by Weathering and the work of Gary Fallon and team in Enterprise Ireland, China.
Carvel Chair by Deanta Design, part of Weathering. Image courtesy of the Design & Crafts Council of Ireland.
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report
2.6.3 In the Making 30 December 2014 – 17 March 2015, ID2015 Design Hub, Dublin Castle
Number of designers/makers who participated and details: The exhibition included over 20 objects, but notably 2 Irish additions chosen by
the curators. Highlighting the breadth of Irish design significance, two objects
ID2015’s inaugural exhibition, In the Making, was curated for Design Museum,
were commissioned by Barber and Osgerby for In the Making’s stay in Dublin:
London, by Edward Barber and Jay Osgerby. The exhibition celebrated the
a traditional Boyne River currach by Meitheal Mara and the Triathlon Total Knee
beauty of the production process and was the first Design Museum exhibition
System, an artificial knee joint by Stryker, with accompanying short films of the
in Ireland in nine years. The location in Dublin Castle has facilitated the Design
production process. An accompanying education programme featured a number
Hub becoming a popular new venue for the many tourists visiting Dublin Castle
of Irish designers and companies presenting design innovation in manufacturing.
and Chester Beatty Library. Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Richard Bruton TD officially
The exhibition received 14,648 visitors during its run and attracted in excess
opened the exhibition.
of 1,600 people through the related education and engagement programme.
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report
In the Making at the ID2015 Design Hub. Image courtesy of Ste Murray.
Number of attendees:
Selected highlights of coverage included: Press
Financial Times – Edward Barber, Diary of a Somebody, October 2014
Declan Long on RTÉ Arena, 19.12.2014
Elle Decorations UK – Best British Designer, December 2015
Laura Magahy on RTÉ Arena, 05.01.2015
Le Cool Dublin – In the Making Exhibition, January 2015 Totally Dublin – In the Making Exhibition, January 2015
Social media
Woman’s Way – Home-grown design, January 2015 Sunday Independent Living – If you do one thing this week, January 2015
In November and December, ID2015’s top tweets were related to In the
Entertainment.ie – In the Making, January 2015
Making and in December ID2015’s top mention came from Design Museum
Dublin Buzz – In the Making, January 2015
about In the Making to their 1.6 million followers.
Pivot Dublin – In the Making, January 2015 The Gloss – Irish Design 2015, January 2015
Throughout the run of In the Making, 18 posts relating to Barber Osgerby and
Visual Artists Ireland – ID2015
the exhibition reached a total of 16,599 people with the announcement of the
Ireland.com – ID2015, January 2015
opening of the exhibition being the most popular and far reaching.
StyleSwitch.net – Here come the emerging designers, January 2015 Independent.ie – Entertainment newsletter, January 2015
There were 98 hashtagged mentions of In the Making on Instagram. The top
Image Interiors – The Man with the Plan, January 2015
post was by Design Museum to their 17,000 followers.
I Like Local – The Man with the Plan, February 2015 Architecture Ireland – ID2015, February 2015 Headstuff – In the Making, February 2015 Irish Design 2015 Interim Report 61
Irish Design 2015  Interim Report
The Boyne Valley Currach by Meitheal Mara, part of In the Making at the ID2015 Design Hub. Image courtesy of Ste Murray.
In the Making at the ID2015 Design Hub. Image courtesy of Ste Murray.
The Triathlon Total Knee System by Stryker, part of In the Making at the ID2015 Design Hub. Image courtesy of Ste Murray.
Education and engagement programme:
Family Design Workshops
The education and engagement programme was devised to contextualisze
Offered bi-weekly on Saturdays, these workshops allowed children and families
In the Making and increase levels of engagement with the content of the
to explore the exhibition through design thinking, processes and making.
Sessions were booked to capacity, with up to 60 children and parents taking part in each workshop. In addition, drop-in Design Challenge workshops were
Design Bites
offered during TradFest and St Patrick’s Day Festival. Over 460 children and
A lunch-time talk series inviting designers, makers, thinkers and innovators to
adults participated in workshops during In The Making.
contribute their design perspective. Speakers included: The Schools Programme Ross Kenny of Meitheal Mara
This programme received significant interest, with over 460 school students visiting for a tour and investigating the exhibition through a specifically devised
Gearoid Walsh, Innovation Research Manager at Stryker Europe
learning activity sheet.
Andrew Clancy, architect and product innovator
Design Challenge Workshops These were attended by older primary classes and secondary students, who
design brand Gazel
explored design thinking processes through user assessment, ideation and prototyping pencil holders, chairs and tables.
the directors of Love & Robots Third level colleges
Irish Design 2015  Interim Report 63
Audiences for the events included design professionals and students as well as
Older students were also actively engaged, with over 330 design students
the general public. The talks were audio recorded and are being made available
attending the exhibition as part of formal visits, with many others attending
as an online resource.
independently. As part of In the Making, programme curator Edward Barber of Barber & Osgerby gave a masterclass lecture for design students and lecturers at DIT on 4 March. Audience: 120
Attendees: 1,643 visitors to In The Making actively participated in the education
The exhibition was officially opened at National Craft Gallery Kilkenny by Eddie
programme, attending workshops, talks and facilitated tours. The resources
Shanahan, Chairperson of Council of Irish Fashion Designers on 7 November
of the reference library and specifically devised children’s learning activity
encouraged approximately 25% of overall visitors (an estimated additional 2,000 visitors) to engage in the learning gallery, taking additional time to think
The official opening of Second Skin in London was by Ambassador of Ireland to
about the exhibition and explore design further.
Great Britain Daniel Mulhall, with 250 visitors in attendance. Councillor Elisha McCallion, Mayor of Derry City and Strabane District Council,
See appendix 6 for breakdown of education programme participants.
officially launched Second Skin in Derry~Londonderry where the exhibition is being presented by Derry City and Strabane District Council in partnership with
2.6.4 Second Skin
DCCoI as part of ID2015.
Second Skin at City Hall, London was kindly supported by the Greater London
7 November 2014 – 25 January 2015, National Craft Gallery, Kilkenny
Authority and the Irish Embassy in London.
16 – 25 March 2015, City Hall, London 8 June – 16 July 2015, The Playhouse, Derry~Londonderry Description: Curated by Louise Allen, Second Skin commissioned four of Ireland’s leading fashion labels - JRothwell, Joanne Hynes, NatalieBColeman and Lennon island of Ireland. The featured designers worked collaboratively and a number of partnership were forged, including with producers Fisherman Out of Ireland and Magee, and the intitutions NorthWest Regional College in the north-west, DMS Knitwear Solutions in the Mid East and with the National College of Art and Design in Dublin.
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report
Courtney - to design, source and produce a garment or range of clothing on the
Dress by JRothwell for Second Skin. Image courtesy of Rich Gilligan.
Locations: The National Craft Gallery in Kilkenny is Ireland’s leading centre for contemporary craft and design. City Hall is a prestigious building in a prime location, part of the More London development located between London Bridge and Tower Bridge, on the south bank of the Thames. The Playhouse is a leading and award winning multi-disciplinary community art resource centre based in Derry~Londonderry. Number of designers/makers who participated and details: Four leading Irish fashion labels - JRothwell, Joanne Hynes, NatalieBColeman and Lennon Courtney - collaborating with producers Fisherman Out of Ireland and Magee, and the institutions Northwest Regional College in the north-west, DMS Knitwear Solutions in the mid-east and the National College of Art and Design in Dublin.
Irish Design 2015  Interim Report 65
Other collaborators included: Kilkenny based textile artist Caroline Schofield pattern drafters Julie Tuohy and Laura Fallon sewing technician Audrone Jomantiene 3D model maker and designer Dave Head furniture designer Andrew Burdock wood turner Michael Fay textile artists and designers Serena O’Neill, Katie Hession and Nicola McLaughlin
NathalieBColeman – developing full range of clothing based on piece exhibited in Second Skin in November 2014/15. Joanne Hynes – 9 x 3D printed brooches, 3 x capes in collaboration with Fisherman out of Ireland. Lennon Courtney – 2 green dresses in collaboration with DMS knitwear solutions. JRothwell – developed full range of clothing based on piece exhibited in Second Skin’s run in Kilkenny. Continues to collaborate with North West regional college. Full range available from JRothwell in Powerscourt, Dublin.
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report
Dress by NATALIEBCOLEMAN for Second Skin. Image courtesy of Rich Gilligan.
Impact on commissions, sales and exports for designers who exhibited:
Highlights of coverage in the media include:
Curation by Louise Allen
National print and broadcast media:
Project management by Evelyn McNamara
The Irish Times
Exhibition design by Russell Works
The Irish Independent
Graphic design by Atelier David Smith
Sunday Business Post
Photography by Rich Gilligan
RTÉ Radio One – ‘Arena’
Videography by Neil O’Driscoll
RTÉ TV – ‘The Works’ Sunday Independent
Number of attendees:
Woman’s Way
NCG: 5,409 visitors
Irish Arts Review
City Hall: 5,000 visitors10
Irish TV Irish Daily star
New Contacts:
IMAGE Magazine
Greater London Authority
Irish Tatler
Brian Oakaby and Daire Basra Cathy Barnicle
Online coverage:
Irish Embassy
Pivot Dublin
Drapers Magazine
Culture Thread Visit Kilkenny The Gloss Daily Preview.ie
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report 67
Entertainment.ie Time Out Online Poppy Loves Zero Magazine The Mini Post social media
10 Figure based on average City Hall visitor numbers.
Dress by Joanne Hynes for Second Skin. Image courtesy of Rich Gilligan.
Second Skin event team:
Liaison with the following London listings on promotion of the exhibition:
Attendance: over 80 adult participants took part and produced their own
Emerald Street newsletter
garments from a pattern.
A Little Bird The Early Bird
Social Fabric Workshops
Just Opened
The National Craft Gallery partnered with the Kilkenny Arts Office’s community
About Time
arts group Open Circle to host a series of embroidery workshops for women,
All In London
led by textile and fashion designer Dee Harte.
Tatler online – ByStander
Attendance: these workshops involved over 70 participants who then
Harper’s Bazaar online – ‘What To Do In March’
continued their embroidered portraits at home.
Visit London View London
Kilkenomics Discussion
London Town
A discussion around the ethics of fashion featuring Second Skin designers
Telegraph Online
JRothwell and Joanne Hynes.
Key media who attended the London run for meetings/interviews:
Late Dates: Jumper Up-cycling Workshop and Meet the Tailor
Emma Featherstone - The Guardian Online
A busy up-cycling workshop taught applique and embellishing techniques,
Kathryn Dowling - BBC World Wide
while a Meet the Tailor event with local tailor Adrian Cashin involved a
Kirsty McGregor - Drapers
discussion of the art of tailoring and a live demonstration of a re-fit of a Crombie coat.
Family Day Workshops
The education and engagement programme for Second Skin was devised to
Three Family Day Workshops were programmed during the exhibition,
contextualise the event and to promote engagement with the content of the
facilitated by members of DCCoI’s CRAFTed Panel: one in which children and
exhibition among visitors.
families designed and made fabric jewellery; a second in which embroidered dolls inspired by Caroline Schofield’s illustrated fabric were created; and, a
Saturday Sewing Sessions These sessions led by fashion designer and tutor Joan Brennan ran on five Saturdays throughout the exhibition.
Studio Floor workshop involving up-cycling clothes into new designs.
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report
Education and engagement programme for Second Skin at National Craft
Dress for Second Skin by Lennon Courtney. Image courtesy of Rich Gilligan.
School Visits These were frequent during Second Skin, with over 400 primary, secondary and third level students visiting the exhibition. Twisted Layers Masterclass This masterclass was full to capacity with fashion design students, graduates and practitioners. The event rounded off the Second Skin exhibition at the National Craft Gallery, led by designers Natalie B Coleman and Ana Faye. Both designers studied pattern cutting in Central St Martins and and this masterclass focused on sharing the skills of fabric cutting and forming using an origami method. Visitor numbers for education programme: Formal education visits (primary, secondary, third level): Total: 403 NCG initiated engagements (talks, workshops, invited groups etc.): Total: 244
Irish Design 2015  Interim Report 69
Overall total: 647 engaged with NCG education team for Second Skin.
2.6.5 Fresh Talent 6 February – 18 March 2015, National Craft Gallery, Kilkenny Description: Fresh Talent was the opening ID2015 exhibition at the National Craft Gallery Kilkenny. The exhibition sought to shine a light on the creative new wave of designers emerging since 2011 who work within and across disciplines. Number of designers/makers who participated and details:
Kevin Callaghan
Arturo Boreggo
Orla Reynolds
Ashleigh Smith
Rebecca Marsden
Billy MacDonald
Richard Malone
Cait Corkery
Ronan Kelly
Craig Higgins
Rory Simms
Darragh Casey
Sinead Kennedy
Vincent Lamb
Edwyn Hickey Gazel James King Julie Connellan Kate O’Kelly
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report
Ail and El
Fresh Talent at the National Craft Gallery. Image courtesy of the National Craft Gallery.
21 designers/firms exhibited
Fresh Talent team:
Curated by Angela O’Kelly
Tweets from the opening night earned 3.7k organic impressions, with an
Exhibition design by Atelier David Smith
average engagement rate of 3.3%.
Number of attendees:
Next steps:
It is intended that the exhibition will tour to other venues nationally: CIT, Cork and LSAD Limerick.
Social media: Facebook Posts by ID2015 about the opening of Fresh Talent and the education and
Irish Design 2015  Interim Report 71
Fresh Talent at the National Craft Gallery. Image courtesy of the National Craft Gallery.
engagement activities in the gallery reached 4,356 people.
20 – 24 February, International Fashion Showcase, London Description: Launched in 2012, the International Fashion Showcase engages with London’s position as an international fashion city with a reputation for nurturing emerging talent. Organised by the British Council and British Fashion Council, the showcase takes place during London Fashion Week, occupying a 1,000 metre square central venue, along with four satellite venues. This year saw 30 embassies and cultural institutions across the capital create fashion exhibitions to display their emerging fashion designers. In all, 29 countries took part in the event, showcasing a total of 107 designers. with Ireland having its first presence as part of Irish Design 2015. The International Fashion Showcase offers the public, together with international
In the Fold at the International Fashion Showcase, London Fashion Week 2015. Image courtesy of Anthony Woods.
2.6.6 In the Fold
press and buyers, the chance to explore work by some of the most innovative young fashion designers from around the world. Ireland participated in the event for the first time in 2015, with a curated Kildare Village. In the Fold team: Coordination by Aisling Farinella, ID2015 Fashion & Textiles Advisor. Fashion curation by Gemma A. Williams. Installation structure design by ABGC. Graphic design by Steve O’Connell and Bobby Tannam.
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report
installation presented by ID2015 and supported by Fashion Exhibition Partner,
In the Fold at the International Fashion Showcase, London Fashion Week 2015. Image courtesy of Anthony Woods.
Number of designers/makers who participated and details: 8 fashion designers across the practices of womenswear, menswear and millinery were exhibited as part of the ID2015 installation. Designers and creative professionals featured included: Womenswear:
Michael Stewart
Naoise Farrell
Caoimhe Mac Neice
Rory Parnell Mooney
Richard Malone Oliver Duncan Doherty Jocelyn Murray Boyne
Millinery Laura Kinsella
Number of attendees: IFS 2015 received 9,972 visitors in total. This was comprised of: diplomats (42) invited guests (945) exhibition audiences (8,985) New collaborations: Significant number of new contacts (buyers and media) made during the fair.
Irish Design 2015  Interim Report 73
Media: IFS had a total media reach of 57 million, a media value of ÂŁ3 million and generated press in 27 countries. Key media in attendance at the launch of In the Fold: Colin McDowell, Sunday Times Style & international fashion journalist Susie Lau, Style Bubble Sara Maino, Vogue Italia Emma Holmquist, Sportswear International Deirdre McQuillan, The Irish Times
Social media:
Further information:
IFS has a total social media reach of 3.5 million.
Ireland ‘Private View’ Event at Brewer Street Central Venue
Over the London Fashion Week period, ID2015 Twitter activity generated
A Private View of the IFS Irish installation was held on site at the Brewer Street
43.8K organic impressions, with an average of 6.3K impressions per day.
Car Park central venue. There were 230 people in attendance. There was a
All of the top ID2015 tweets for the month of February were London Fashion
significant presence from the Irish and international press, buyers, cultural
Week related and 147 followers were gained during the five days of the
institutions, fashion industry figures and influencers.
festival, including: A celebration supper was hosted by Fashion Partner Kildare Village in @ceotrillionaire with 605K followers
conjunction with The Doyle Collection following the Private View.
@_theinspiration with 130K followers
This celebration supper for 36 attendees was organised to promote networking
@paulsmithdesign with 128K followers
between the eight designers featured in the IFS and key international media.
@paul_alger, Head of UK Fashion and Trade Facebook Organic Facebook reach with 11 posts about IFS during two week period:12,532 New followers gained in the same period: 800 Instagram Uses of #InTheFold:126 ID2015’s presence and message could reach their 6.3K followers Lessons learned/recommendations for the future: More fashion looks to be displayed from each designer More narrative required on designer’s practice to accompany the work exhibited
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report
Kildare Village Instagram takeover by ID2015 on the day of ‘Private View’:
Round Neckpiece by Angela O'Kelly. Part of PORTFOLIO: Side by Side. Image courtesy of Rory Moore.
2.6.7 PORTFOLIO @ Solomon Fine Art, Dublin January – December 2015, Solomon Fine Art, Dublin Description: PORTFOLIO @ Solomon is a twelve month schedule of exhibitions at Solomon Fine Art, in conjunction with DCCoI and The Doyle Collection. Exhibitions showcase work from the Design & Craft Council of Ireland’s PORTFOLIO programme which actively works to grow the reputations and potential of designer makers across all major disciplines of contemporary craft. Featured makers are those producing innovative objects, either one-off pieces or limited editions and working to the highest standards of design quality and technical skill. Selected by an international expert panel, the programme currently features over 120 of Ireland's most renowned makers in disciplines woodturning, stone and basketry. It presents the work of talented Irish designer makers to national and international collectors and commissioning bodies and acts as a valuable reference for curators, galleries and museums. Solomon Fine Art is considered one of Ireland’s leading contemporary art galleries and has built its reputation on representing Irish and international Irish Design 2015 Interim Report 75
artists working primarily in a figurative style. The inaugural PORTFOLIO @ Solomon exhibition was officially opened by An Tánaiste Joan Burton TD in January 2015.
Migration Artifact by Karl Harron. Part of PORTFOLIO: Side by Side. Image courtesy of Rory Moore.
including ceramics, glass, metals, paper, textiles, fashion, calligraphy, furniture,
PORTFOLIO @ Solomon: Ceramics
PORTFOLIO @ Solomon: Glass
PORFOLIO @ Solomon: Furniture
30 January – 14 March
20 March – 16 May
22 May – 4 July
The inaugural exhibition of
An exhibition of glass by renowned
An exhibition of furniture by renowned Irish designers
PORTFOLIO @ Solomon, presenting
Irish designers featuring 60 new
and makers, co-curated with LyonsKelly architects and
over 80 pieces. The featured makers
pieces. The designer makers
interior designers. Over 60 pieces were presented from
working with ceramics were:
presented were:
the following furniture makers and designers:
Juliet Ball
Scott Benefield
Cara Murphy (silver/metalwork)
Magda Bethani
Emma Bourke
Ceadogán Rugs (textiles)
Mike Byrne
Edmond Byrne
Cillian Ó Súilleabháin/COS Furniture
Jack Doherty
Sean Campbell
Connolly & Company/Ryan Connolly
Isobel Egan
Debbie Dawson
Dunleavy Bespoke/Tim & Sean Dunleavy
Adam Frew
Róisín de Buitléar
Figure2Ground Studio/Agnes de Vlin (textiles)
Peter Fulop
Karen Donnellan
Horizon Furniture/Fergal O'Leary
Andrew Ludick
Alva Gallagher
Jennifer Slattery (textiles)
Claire Molloy
Karl Harron
John Lee
Michael Moore
Catherine Keenan
Klimmek & Henderson Furniture/Knut Klimmek
Karen Morgan
Peadar Lamb
Martin Gallagher Furniture/Martin Gallagher
Nuala O'Donovan
Alison Lowry
Shane Holland Design Workshops/Shane Holland
Kate O'Kelly
Michael Ray
Simon Doyle Design/Simon Doyle
Mandy Parslow
Louise Rice
Stephen O’Briain Furniture/Stephen O’Briain
Nicole Portlock
Killian Schurmann
Tricia Harris Designs/Tricia Harris
Freda Rupp
Andrea Spencer
Wedge Robert Hennesey/Barry Archer
Kathleen Standen
Paula Stokes
Zelouf + Bell
Grainne Watts
Catherine Wilcoxson/Danuna Glass Peter Young
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report
To date, three PORTFOLIO exhibitions have taken place:
Irish Design 2015  Interim Report MaryJane chairs by Horizon Furniture. Part of PORTFOLIO: Side by Side. Image courtesy of Rory Moore.
2.6.8 Hidden Heroes: The Genius of Everyday Things 3 April – 14 June, Dublin Design Hub, Dublin Castle Description:
New contacts:
ID2015’s second exhibition at the Design Hub in Dublin Castle, Hidden Heroes:
This was the first time that Vitra Design Museum, one of the world’s leading
The Genius of Everday Things is an exhibition from Vitra Design Museum in
museums of design, mounted an exhibition in Ireland.
cooperation with Hi-Cone. Hidden Heroes presents over 30 everyday items, telling their history and demonstrating the significance they have in everyday
Any other information:
life, both conceptually and economically. The exhibition can also be experienced
The exhibition received excellent visitor numbers, including repeat visitors returning
through the companion online exhibition at www.hidden-heroes.net.
before the exhibition drew to a close. There was also fantastic written and verbal feedback on the engagement programme as well as the exhibition content.
Minister for Business and Employment Ged Nash TD, officially opened Hidden Heroes: The Genius of Everyday Things on 2 April. The exhibition received
Social media
in-kind support from Goethe-Institut Irland, who also partnered on bringing curator Jochen Esienbrand over for a lecture and discussion.
ID2015 Facebook posts related to Hidden Heroes reached 17,876 people with 2,456 clicks, likes, comments and shares representing an engagement
Number of designers/makers who participated and details:
rate of 13.7%.
international origin. Irish highlights include Andrew Bradley’s clothes pin as
ID2015 Hidden Heroes opening night related tweets generated 5,925
a permanent exhibit, while Gazel’s clothes hanger and Design Partners’ cork
impressions with an average 5.1% engagement rate.
screw for Le Creuset form part of the Dublin run. An accompanying education programme featured a number of Irish designers and companies presenting
Due to a request from Vitra for no photography in the exhibition, Instagram
innovative design case studies.
activity was minimal.
Number of attendees: 21,246
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report
Over 30 companies/brands were presented in the exhibition, mainly of
Irish Design 2015  Interim Report Hidden Heroes: The Genius of Everyday Things at the ID2015 Design Hub, Dublin Castle. Image courtesy of Ste Murray.
Hidden Heroes: The Genius of Everyday Things at the ID2015 Design Hub, Dublin Castle. Image courtesy of Ste Murray.
Education and Engagement Programme:
Family Days: Design Workshops
A comprehensive education and engagement programme was devised to
Family workshops are developed to nurture creative thinking, teach design and
contextualisze Hidden Heroes : The Genius of Everyday Things and to support
develop making skills in children, with the sessions exploring ideas within the
engagement with the content of the exhibition.
ID2015 exhibitions. Workshops ran on alternate Saturdays over the course of the exhibition.
SEMINAR: Designing Exhibitions - Exhibiting Design
11 April: ‘Ideate & Create’ with Jess Lockhart
12 June
25 April: ‘Alphabet Design’ with Noelle Cooper
A seminar for designers, curators and exhibition makers exploring the practice
9 May: ‘LED Lamps’ with Tara Whelan
of exhibition design and how it connects with the curatorial process of making
23 May: ‘Carton Constructions’ with Gina Faustino
exhibitions. Presented in partnership with EUNIC and Goethe-Institut Irland.
6 June: ‘Circuits & Switches’ with Fiona Byrne
Design Bites: Lunchtime Talks Series
Dr. Jochen Eisenbrand, Chief Curator at Vitra Design Museum
Design Bites is a series of informal design, making and innovation lunchtime
John McLaughlin, Director at John McLaughlin Architects
talks. This second series focused on design creating better lives with the talks
Ruza Leko, Designer at Science Gallery
taking place on alternate Thursdays throughout the exhibition.
Andrew Todd, Director at Tandem Design
16 April: Lisa Godson, NCAD, ‘Hidden Heroes of Irish design’
Dr. Jennifer Goff, Curator at National Museum of Ireland, Decorative Arts &
30 April: O’Donnell + Tuomey, ‘A Space for Architecture’
14 May: Aidan Madden, ‘Design That Saves Lives’
Emmett Scanlon, Architect, Curator and Architectural Advisor to The Arts Council
28 May: Frank Long, Frontend, ‘Optimising Interaction’ 11 June: James Leckey, Leckey, ‘Design that Improves Lives’
13 June
Design Sessions: Workshops
Dr Jochen Eisenbrand, Chief Curator at Vitra Design Museum in conversation
These hands-on workshops for adults create an informal space for sharing
with Alex Milton, Programme Director of ID2015, introduced the exhibition and
skills and playful experimentation with materials, techniques and ideas.
discussed finding the genius in design for the everyday.
Sessions explore processes and introduce new skills for designers, makers and creative dabblers.
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report
Curator’s Talk: What Makes Design Genius?
The workshops took place on alternate Saturdays throughout the exhibition.
Secondary Schools Tours and Workshops
11 April: ‘Design Goggles’ with Jess Lockhart
Design Hub gallery visits are facilitated by educational staff trained to
25 April: ‘Just My Type’ with Noelle Cooper
encourage group participation and discussion, ensuring that students engage,
9 May: ‘3D Print Lab’ with Tara Whelan
contribute their own ideas and think about concepts within the exhibition.
23 May: ‘Tetragami’ with Gina Faustino
Learning outcomes include: Observation, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving,
6 June: ‘Technology & Universal Design’ with Fiona Byrne
Analysis, Group Discussion, Construction Skills, Reflection, Visual Literacy and Awareness of Design in Everyday Contexts. During Hidden Heroes, the
The Schools Programme
workshop offered was entitled ‘How to Wrap 5 Eggs’ with designer Tara Whelan.
A ‘Young Designer’s Toolkit’ was developed as an educational resource by Irish Design 2015 to support Primary School children’s understanding of the
impact of design on our daily lives. It was developed to inspire curiosity about
In excess of 2,300 visitors to Hidden Heroes actively participated in the
design, encouraging children to think about how things work and how we use
educational programme, attending workshops, talks and facilitated tours.
objects. It is designed as a STEM resource, exploring the use of maths and
The reference library encouraged approximately 10% of overall visitors (an
science to address real-world challenges and problems, and reflects current
estimated additional 2,000 visitors) to engage further, taking additional time to
thinking on integrating art and design within STEM learning. The toolkit was
think about the exhibition and explore design.
sent in PDF form to every primary school in the country. It is a resource that can be completed by children individually or used with the comprehensive
See appendix 7 for breakdown of visitor numbers and education programme
teacher’s notes as the basis for deeper investigation and discussion within the
classroom. Primary School Workshops Irish Design 2015 Interim Report 81
Tailored tours and workshop activities were specially created for schools, with valuable curricular links exploring the stories of objects and designers, examining their ways of thinking, materials, tools, processes and how objects are used. Workshops included: LED Lamps (1st – 6th class) Clever Clips (4th – 6th class)
2.6.9 Liminal – Irish design at the threshold See full report in 2.4.4 (Trade Events)
2.6.10 Side by Side
and Nora Hickey M'Sichili, the Director of the Centre Culturel Irlandais. This event created a special opportunity for potential buyers invited by Enterprise
27 March – 28 April, National Craft Gallery, Kilkenny
Ireland to meet with a number of the artists whose work is featured in
12 June – 10 July, Centre Culturel Irlandais, Paris
Side by Side: fashion designer Helen Cody, metalsmith Cóilín Ó'Dubhghaill, glass artist Karl Harron, jeweller Eoin M. Lyons, silversmith Michael McCrory,
ceramicist Jack Doherty and woodturner Roger Bennett.
Side by Side is an exhibition of contemporary work from the Design & Crafts Council of Ireland’s (DCCoI) PORTFOLIO: Critical Selection 2015-2016
Event team:
publication. The exhibition features 22 makers who have been selected for
Curation by Christina Jansen, Director of The Scottish Gallery, Edinburgh
achieving excellence in craftsmanship, design quality and technical skill by
PORTFOLIO Programme Management by Ciara Garvey
comparative international standards. The publication PORTFOLIO: Critical
Graphic design by Atelier David Smith
Selection 2015-2016 was launched by DCCoI at the official opening of the exhibition in Kilkenny.
Number of designers/makers who participated and details: 22 makers were presented in Side by Side.
Ambassador of Ireland to France Geraldine Byrne Nason. Side by Side is one of
Please see appendix 8 for a complete list of designers and disciplines
several collaborations between the Embassy, Enterprise Ireland, Centre Culturel
Irlandais and the Design & Crafts Council of Ireland in Paris marking Irish Design 2015.
Number of attendees: Kilkenny: 4,059
To coincide with the opening of Side by Side in Paris, Network Irlande, a vibrant business network for French and Irish professionals and companies, hosted
Next steps:
a networking breakfast at Centre Culturel Irlandais with an introduction by
The exhibition will tour to ID2015 Design hub at the Coach House in
Ambassador Geraldine Byrne Nason, Honorary President of Network Irlande,
Dublin Castle, November 2015.
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report
Side by Side at the Centre Culturel Irlandais was officially opened by
Education and engagement programme at the National Craft Gallery,
Family Design Workshops
Taking place monthly on Saturdays and allowing children and families to
The education and engagement programme was devised to contextualise
explore the exhibition through design thinking, processes and making.
PORTFOLIO: Side by Side and increase levels of engagement with the Participation to date 96
content of the exhibition.
Family Design Workshop run during Side by Side: 26 children engaged in a Overall engagement figures for the programme were 489, with audience
ceramics workshop
consisting of members of the local public, schools and families.
Discover & Design drop-in, self-guided activities: 70 participants over the twoweek Easter break
Attendance figures were as follows: Curator’s Talk Schools Programme
60 251
Late Date Talk Furniture designer Simon Doyle, whose work is featured in PORTFOLIO: Critical
Family Days
Selection 2015 – 2016, delivered a talk on his design process to a local
Masterclass Workshops
audience of makers, third level students and those with an interest in furniture
Late Date Talk
Weekend/Holiday Family Activities
70 Attendance 36
The Schools Programme
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report 83
A specific primary school package that includes a hands-on design activity.
Masterclass Workshops
Furniture designer and maker Cillian Ó’Súilleabháin developed a learning
Stuart Cairns, whose work is also featured in PORTFOLIO: Critical Selection
resource based on his furniture design process to engage primary school
2015-2016, delivered a masterclass entitled Collecting Thinking Drawing. The
children. Students responded through conversation, brainstorming, drawing,
audience was comprised of third level students from a number of the national
making and reflection.
colleges. Fashion designer Ruth Duignan delivered a Surface Design workshop in fabric
Participation to date
manipulation inspired by Helen Cody’s bespoke couture pieces. The workshop
Primary and secondary school students
was at full capacity.
Third level students
Attendance: 46 third level students and makers
8 May – 30 June, National Craft Gallery, Kilkenny Description: An exhibition featuring the work of leading Irish and international designers, cooks and restauranteurs, documenting, discussing and speculating about the design of food and our experience of it. Curated by Dublin based design consultancy Designgoat, the exhibition builds on the increasing global recognition of outstanding Irish produce from coast to coast and seabed to soil.
Appetite for Design promotional imagery. Image courtesy of Al Higgins.
2.6.11 Appetite for Design
Food is no longer only about the simple act of eating and the pure experience of smell and taste. New trends and materials have led to unique opportunities for the designers of today to enhance and elevate the culinary experience by speaking to our minds as well as our stomachs, engaging all our senses in a holistic culinary experience. Appetite for Design showcases examples of the aesthetics, promotion, communication and representation of food, along with the equipment and tools
A series of culinary evenings and performances to accompany the exhibition was hosted by The Domestic Godless, Culinary Counter and Barry Fitzgerald. Appetite for Design received in-kind support from O’Hagan Design and Bulthaup.
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report
used to prepare and consume it.
Event team: Curation by Designgoat - Cian Corcoran and Ahmad Fakhry Design by Sean Kenna Number of designers/makers who participated and details: Appetite for Design presented restaurants/restaurateurs, coffee shops, graphic designers, furniture designers, interior designers and architects, and food and drink producers. In total there were 25 Irish participants and 13 international participants. Irish participants
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report 85
International participants
The Decorators
Sweeney O’Rourke’s
Bompas & Parr
The Domestic Godless
Design Partners
Marije Vogelzang
Marté Guixé
VAV architects
Conor & David
Chloe Rutzerveld
Creative INC
Omer Polak
Chapter One
Carlow Brewing Company
Katharina Unger
Forest Avenue
Tomas Alons
The Pig’s Ear
Mic’s Chilli
Makers & Brothers
Bean and Goose
Sister Sadie
Arran St East
Philippe Starc
Fingal Ferguson
Thomastown School of Food
Achille Castiglioni
O'Hagan Design
J Hill’s Standard
Rory O'Connor Handmade Knives
Irish Design 2015  Interim Report
Appetite for Design promotional imagery. Image courtesy of Al Higgins.
Appetite for Design promotional imagery. Image courtesy of Al Higgins.
Number of attendees:
Participation to date:
5,623 (as per 16 June, 2 weeks from conclusion of run)
Primary and secondary school students 430 Third level students 59
Education and engagement programme: The education and engagement programme was devised to contextualise
Family Design Workshops
Appetite for Design and increase levels of engagement with the content of the
Took place monthly on Saturdays and allowed children and families to explore
exhibition as well as build the identity of the National Craft Gallery as a space
the exhibition through design thinking, processes and making.
for learning. Participation: 86 Overall engagement figures for the programme for this event were 2,656 with
Family Design workshop run during Appetite for Design: 36 children engaged
attendance figures as follows:
in design activities.
45 Curator’s Talk
Discover & Design drop-in, self-guided activities: engaged 50 participants over
Appetite For Design Eating Experiences 44
the course of the exhibition.
430 Schools Programme 36 Late Date Talk
National Drawing Day
59 Third Level Students
3 Kilkenny based craftspeople ran workshops on 16 May (print-makers
Adult Workshops 45
Caroline Ryan and, maker Mella Cahill and textile artist Caroline Schofield).
340 National Drawing Day
Irish Design 2015  Interim Report 87
1,576 Bloom
Attendance: 340 participants engaged in craft and design-based workshops
Family Day
across the afternoon.
Crafternoon Tea
45 National Craft Gallery off-site activities
The Schools Programme
The National Craft Gallery engaged in off-site design and craft activities this
A specific primary school package that includes a hands-on design activity. A
May, including at Bloom in the Phoenix Park.
multi-sensory approach to food design encouraged students to consciously experience food and its design. Students responded through conversation,
Attendance: 1,576 children were engaged over the May Bank Holiday
brainstorming, drawing, making and reflection.
weekend at Bloom
Late Date Talk: ‘Packaging Design for Food’
Appetite for Design at Ballymaloe Litfest
A panel discussion on inventive packaging design. Insights into this area of
15 – 17 May 2015, Ballymaloe, Co. Cork
design were shared with a group of designers, food producers and members of
ID2015 had the opportunity to include aspects of the Appetite for Design
the public who had travelled from throughout Ireland to take part in the event.
exhibition exploring design in food at Ballymaloe Litfest, with the support of the event. The exhibition included a series of panels and lightboxes exploring
design in food. Information about ID2015 was included in the festival
Kathryn Wilson of Slater Design
programme, which had a print run of 10,000.
Artisan food producers Karen and Natalie Keane of Bean and Goose Chocolate
Number of attendees: 1,500 people visited the exhibition over the three
Sarah and Eleanor Duggan of The Little Green Grocer in Kilkenny.
days of the festival
Attendance: 36
Outcomes: The exhibition and the introduction of design in food to a very influential group
Community Outreach
of food media and consumers was very well received. Ballymaloe Litfest have
The National Craft Gallery linked with other local community organisations
already expressed interest in developing the concept for 2016, when Kerrygold
such as Kilkenny County Council Community & Culture department to host the
are the major sponsors. For 2016, it would be interesting to see a collaboration
annual Crafternoon Tea to celebrate Bealtaine Festival - Celebrating Creativity
between a designer and Kerrygold for this festival.
as We Age on 22 May. Related events: Attendance: 45
16 May at the festival: A talk entitled ‘Design in Food’ with Christian Puglisi,
‘Appetite for Design’ Eating Experiences Exhibition curators Designgoat invited chefs, food designers and artists to create a series of Eating Experiences, presented in the National Craft Gallery. Each individual Eating Experience was a completely different culinary encounter showcasing seasonal and bizarre foods. Three Eating Experiences took place, with chef Barry FitzGerald, food artists The Domestic Godless and Culinary Counter.
Attendance: 70 (paid entry)
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report
Kevin Thornton, Alice Coyle, Sharon Greene and Rory O’ Connell.
Red and Yellow Pavilions: 1 – 18 June 2015, Lewis Cubitt Square, King’s Cross, London Nine Lives at The Tank: 1 – 28 June 2015, Design Museum, London Description: London Festival of Architecture 2015 was the first outing of New Horizon_ architecture from Ireland, ID2015’s flagship exhibition for architecture. The exhibition consists of a series of presentations of the work of 10 emerging Irish practices that will tour to three high-profile venues around the world over the course of the year: London, Chicago and Shenzhen. Ireland was chosen by London Festival of Architecture (LFA) as the event’s inaugural Focus Country for the 2015 edition of the exhibition. Minister for Diaspora Affairs Jimmy Deenihan TD and Ambassador of Ireland to Great Britain Daniel Mulhall, opened the proceedings at the launch on 1 June,
Yellow Pavilion by Hall McKnight. Part of New Horizon_architecture from Ireland at London Festival of Architecture 2015. Image courtesy of Jonathan Bosworth.
2.6.12 New Horizon_architecture from Ireland
while and Minister for Business and Employment Ged Nash TD, contributed a
New Horizon_architecture from Ireland was conceived and curated by Raymund Irish Design 2015 Interim Report 89
Ryan, Curator, Heinz Architectural Center, Pittsburgh and Nathalie Weadick, Director, Irish Architecture Foundation and Built Environment Advisor to ID2015. The practices selected as part of the New Horizon_architecture from Ireland international show are TAKA, Clancy Moore, Hall McKnight, Steve Larkin, GKMP, A2, Ryan Kennihan, AP+E, Urban Agency and Emmett Scanlon, across 3 cities in one year: London, Chicago and Shenzhen.
Yellow Pavilion by Hall McKnight. Part of New Horizon_ architecture from Ireland at London Festival of Architecture 2015. Image courtesy of Jonathan Bosworth.
foreword to the exhibition’s publication.
At LFA, this collaborative project explored the theme of the festival, ‘Work in Progress’, at a city scale. Architects were asked to make something that expressed their position or point of view in architecture. The result was two pavilions in the public realm in King’s Cross and one installation in The Tank at the Design Museum. The two pavilions at King’s Cross started with the observation that the city is a permanent work in progress. Located on Lewis Cubitt Square in a part of London that is undergoing dramatic transformation, these forces are particularly evident. The three-practice collaboration between TAKA, Clancy Moore and Steve Larkin resulted in two pavilions The Red Pavilion, which explored architecture’s role as background to the activities it contains and bounds.; the Yellow Pavilion: by Hall McKnight expolored how the phenomenon of the city is assembled from individual pieces. In The Tank at the Design Museum, Emmett Scanlon's exhibition Nine Lives states an ambition to discuss and explore the space between architectural production and consumption. The objective is to work across architecture at a research, policy and curatorial level. His task as one of the architects in the initiative was to present the work of his peers, the other practices in the London, US and China editions of New Horizon. Nine Lives will also open in the National Craft Gallery as part of the Kilkenny
In recognition of Ireland’s selection as the inaugural Focus Country and the ID2015 initiative, the launch of the London Festival of Architecture took place at the Irish Pavilions on 1 June. This was an important collaboration between ID2015 and the LFA which forged new relationships. A number of events also took place in the Red Pavilion, including a second curator’s walk-through, talks and readings, as well as a curator’s walk-through, workshops and talks at the Design Museum Tank.
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report
Arts Festival later this year.
Irish Design 2015  Interim Report Red Pavilion by Clancy Moore, TAKA and Steve Larkin. Part of New Horizon_ architecture from Ireland at London Festival of Architecture 2015. Image courtesy of Jonathan Bosworth.
About the Design Museum The Design Museum is one of the world's leading museums devoted to
The Doyle Collection generously provided accommodation in two of the
architecture and design. Its work encompasses all elements of design,
group’s hotels in London for the New Horizon_architecture from Ireland team
including fashion, product and graphic design.
in the lead up to the festival and for the launch event.
Annual visitor numbers: 167,300 (2014) Digital reach: 1 million
Red Pavilion Build Partners: John Sisk & Son, Mathew O’Malley Timber Ltd., Coillte Panel Products,
About London Festival of Architecture
Wood Marketing Federation, Glennon Brothers Timber Ltd., Marley Eternit Ltd.,
The London Festival of Architecture (LFA) celebrates London as a global hub
Culture Ireland, Stanton Bonna Concrete Ltd., King’s Cross Estate Services,
of architectural experimentation, practice and debate. Together with founding
Casey O’Rourke Associates, Adapt-R EU Marie Curie Funding Programme
partners The Architecture Foundation, New London Architecture, and RIBA London, the annual festival provokes questions about the contemporary and
Yellow Pavilion Build Partners:
future life of the city, and promotes positive change to its public realm. The
John Sisk & Son, Design ID Ltd., 3 Interiors Contracts Ltd.,
city-wide programme is delivered by leading cultural and academic institutions
Coillte Panel Products, Wood Marketing Federation, Glennon Brothers Timber Ltd.,
alongside associated projects by practices and individuals.
COFORD, Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine, GEM Construction Ltd.,
Digital reach: 10,000.
Keim Mineral Paint Ltd., Culture Ireland, Wilson Conservation Building Products, LED Linear, Light Bureau Ltd., Architectural FX, King’s Cross Estate Services,
Terry Design, Delta Packaging Ltd., University of Ulster
for New Horizon_architecture from Ireland were with the London Festival of
Tank Partners:
Architecture and John Sisk and Sons who built the pavilions entirely in kind.
Prop Me Up, Coillte Panel Products, Colortrend, Johnson Tiles Ltd.,
SISK will now become a corporate partner of ID2015.
Copper House Gallery, University College Dublin
Argent (Property Services) LLP provided the space at Lewis Cubitt Square in
Events Partners:
kind and the Design Museum provided The Tank at a greatly discounted rate.
London Festival of Architecture, British Council, Design Museum, Irish Architecture Foundation, Arup
IBM have built a New Horizon_architecture from Ireland website in kind.
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report
In addition to the ID2015 core sponsors, the most important partnerships
Hospitality Partners at the launch party:
Number of attendees:
Jameson Irish Whiskey, Caulfield Country Boards, Cashel Irish Farmhouse
Launch event: More than 350 people
Cheesemakers, Clonakility Food Company, McCambridge’s Bread, Paganini Irish
Lewis Cubitt Square: approximately 5,500 people passed the pavilions each
Dairy Ice Cream, The Burren Smokehouse
Event team:
Total projected footfall by the conclusion of New Horizon: almost 100,000
Curation by Raymund Ryan (Heinz Architectural Center, Pittsburgh) and
people in total will have seen and interacted with the pavilions with a further
Nathalie Weadick (Director, Irish Architecture Foundation and Built Environment
20,000 viewing Nine Lives at the Design Museum London
Advisor to ID2015) Assistant curation by Rachel Gallagher
Events at the Red Pavilion and The Tank: an average of 35 people attended
Events coordination by Yvonne Thunder
each of the seven events at both the Red Pavilion and The Tank.
Project assistance by Sadhbh Garvey Graphic design by Peter Maybury
New collaborations/contacts:
On site management by David Debutts and Gerard Coleman of SISK
Red Pavilion and Yellow Pavilion The architects involved were asked to collaborate on the structures in King’s
Number of designers/makers who participated:
Cross, a collaboration we feel has been very successful.
Work from 5 Irish architecture practices was displayed in London. The five Irish
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report 93
practices involved were:
The Tank
Clancy Moore Architects
The 10 architects participating in New Horizon and their clients kindly allowed
Established by Andrew Clancy and Colm Moore in 2007 in Dublin.
Emmett Scanlon and a number of photographers including Noel Bowler,
Emmet Scanlon Architect
Alice Clancy, Rachel Glass, Matthew Thompson, Ros Kavanagh, Paul Tierney,
Architect, Academic, Curator.
Marie-Louise Halpenny, Aisling McCoy, Jennifer O’Donnell and
Hall McKnight Architects
Jonathan Janssens into their homes to take photos for the exhibition.
Established by Alastair Hall and Ian McKnight in Belfast and London. Steve Larkin Architects Established by Steve Larkin in 2007 in Dublin. TAKA Architects Established by Alice Casey and Cian Deegan in Dublin.
Related events:
Key media in attendance at the launch event:
The events surrounding New Horizon were as follows:
Marcus Fairs, Dezeen Olly Wainwright, The Guardian
2 June
Curator’s walk-through at the pavilions
Mark Hennessy, The Irish Times
4 June
Talk: ‘Who’d be an Architect?’ in association with British
John Astbury, Architectural Review
Council and the Architecture Foundation, London with
Manon Mollaid, Architectural Review
Studio Weave, Hall McKnight, Clancy Moore, Vicky
Asa Bennett, Daily Telegraph
Richardson and Ellis Woodman
Siobhan Breathnach, Irish Post
Emmett Scanlon curator’s walk-through in association with
Michael McNally, Irish Post
Matthew Turte, Education Officer at the Design Museum
Ellie Stathaki, Wallpaper
7 June 12 June 13 June 14 June
Talk: ‘Arrivals’ with Dylan Haskins, Celestine Cooney, Sean Lynch and Stephen McCarthy at the Red Pavilion
Media Coverage:
Reading: ‘Of Clay and Wattles Made’, reading of Yeats’
Highlights of coverage include several TV interviews with the ID2015 and New
poetry in association with the British Council
Horizon teams on London Live throughout the day of the launch.
Noel Bowler photographer’s walk-through in association
New Horizon_architecture from Ireland was featured on RTÉ Radio One’s Arena
with Matthew Turte, Education Officer at the Design
on 19 June.
Museum, along with a children’s workshop at the Design 17 June
The project will also be featured on Designing Ireland, a programme being
Talk: ‘NewNowNext’ at the Design Museum with Olly
produced by Newgrange Productions for RTÉ with Sandra O’Connell and
Wainwright and Andrew Clancy, Ian McKnight, Steve Larkin,
Angela Brady, to be aired in October 2015.
Architecture Foundation and Arup. Attendance: 120 30 June
Panel discussion: ‘We Built this City’ in association with the Irish Architecture Foundation, the Office of the Minister for Diaspora Affairs, the Embassy of Ireland in London, Irish International Business Network, The London Irish Construction Network, Irish in Britain and The London Metropolitan University Irish Studies Centre. Venue: Rich Mix, Bethnal Green. Attendance: 180
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report
Alice Casey and Cian Deegan in association with the Irish
Selected highlights of press coverage:
World Architects
Architects Journal.co.uk
‘A Short Guide to the LFA’
Image of the Week
‘Irish Pavilions for London Festival
‘2015 London Festival of Architecture
‘Paint the town red (and yellow)’
of Architecture Complete’
Launches with a New Focus Country’
Irish Post.co.uk
RIBA Journal
The Irish Times
‘In pictures: Ireland on Show at
‘London Festival of Architecture’
‘Building on the Reputation of
‘Our Pick of this Year’s London
Exciting Young Architects’
Festival of Architecture’
London Festival of Architecture’
Architecture Ireland
The Spaces
London Architecture Diary
World Architecture News
‘Ireland at London Festival of
‘London Festival of Architecture
'New Horizons'
‘London Festival of
2015: 10 things to see’
Irish Post
‘The Red Pavilion’
‘Irish Creatives at London
'Red and Yellow Pavillions'
Festival of Architecture’ Irish Design 2015 Interim Report 95
Next steps:
The pavilions and the exhibition at The Tank as part of the LFA are a key step
The following editions of New Horizons_architecture from Ireland will
for ID2015 in positioning Irish architecture in the global marketplace.
tour to the following cities on the dates indicated:
The collective representation builds credibility in Irish design and in individual
Kilkenny Arts Festival/National Craft Gallery
design companies.
8 August – 27 September 2015 Nine Lives curated by Emmett Scanlon
The event has brought international visibility for 5 architects and many more collaborators.
Chicago Architecture Biennial 3 October 2015 – 3 January 2016
This was the first comprehensive presentation of new Irish architecture at the
A2 Architects, GKMP Architects, Ryan W. Kennihan Architects
London Festival of Architecture Shenzhen/Hong Kong Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism/Architecture This opens up channels for future commissions.
4 December 2015 – 4 March 2016 Architecture Practice + Experimentation, Urban Agency
Resource materials developed:
Promotional publication Dedicated web presence in English, due to have a section in Chinese later in
Promotional video was developed by Coillte Panel Products
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report
the year
2.7 EUNIC Series of Lectures and Masterclasses Description:
‘Urban design and natural flows’, Isabelle Daëron
A year-long series of public lectures and masterclasses by leading designers
A talk by French designer Isabelle Daëron on her work in living environments
from Britain, Germany, Italy and Spain that aims to bring internationally
and design, led by Barry Sheehan, Head of Design and Assistant Head of the
renowned designers to local design communities and design students in
School of Art, Design and Printing in DIT.
Ireland. Presented by ID2015, EUNIC and Alliance Française de Dublin. EUNIC, the network of European Union National Institutes for Culture, has
14 May, Samuel Beckett Theatre, Trinity College Dublin
teamed up with ID2015 to showcase examples of the latest designs from
Attendees: 45
Europe. Throughout the year, EUNIC members the British Council, Goethe-Institut Irland, Instituto Cervantes and Istituto Italian di Cultura, will
‘What is art jewellery?’, Gisella Bianco
present a wide range of design ideas and practices in Europe, from product
A talk by Gisella Bianco on her work and the work of various Italian artists in
design to furniture and from fashion to jewellery.
relation to the topic ‘art jewellery’.
7 events have taken place to date:
Presented by ID2015, EUNIC and Istituto Italiano di Cultura.
‘Thinking & Making’, Barber & Osgerby Education Lecture
5 May, Istituto Italiano di Cultura
An educational lecture by renowned British designer Edward Barber of the
Attendees: 40
Barber & Osgerby Studio for design students and graduates. Ex-designer talk with Martí Guixé Irish Design 2015 Interim Report 97
Presented by EUNIC, ID2015 and British Council.
A public lecture on design and creativity followed by a conversation with Dr.
5 March, DIT at the Dublin School of Creative Arts, Grangegorman Campus
Lisa Godson on the topic of Martí Guixé’s recent work in food design and his
Attendees: 130
concept of the ‘ex-designer’.
Barber & Osgerby lecture at OFFSET
Presented by ID2015, EUNIC and Instituto Cervantes Dublin in collaboration
Presented by OFFSET, in partnership with ID2015, EUNIC and British Council
with the Spanish Embassy in Dublin.
6 March, Bord Gáis Energy Theatre
16 May, Samuel Beckett Theatre, Trinity College Dublin
Attendees: 2,500
Attendees: 55
Curator’s talk: ‘What makes design genius?’, Jochen Eisenbrand Curator Jochen Eisenbrand, Chief Curator at Vitra Design Museum, introduces Hidden Heroes: The Genius of Everyday Things exhibition and talks about finding the genius in design for the everyday. Presented by ID2015 and EUNIC in partnership with The Goethe Institute. 13 June, Design Hub Dublin Castle Attendees: 50 Seminar: ‘Designing Exhibitions – Exhibiting Design’ A seminar exploring exhibition design and how it connects with the curatorial process of making exhibitions. Presented by ID2015 and EUNIC in partnership with Goethe-Institut Irland. 12 June, Chester Beatty Library, Dublin Castle Attendees: 105 Next steps: At present there are two further events planned as part of the EUNIC
Philipp Mainzer on furniture, 23 – 25 September. Anne Trautwein and Anja Schneemann on fashion, end of October.
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report
2.8 ID2015 and St. Patrick’s Festival 14 – 17 March, Various locations, Dublin city Description:
A collaboration between the St. Patrick’s Festival and ID2015 that re-imagines
Reflect Yourself:
public spaces in the city of Dublin, animating public discussion around built
The Coach House, Dublin Castle
environment. Taking the 2015 St. Patrick’s Day parade theme ‘Celebrate Now’ as inspiration, the aim of the collaboration was to encourage the inhabitants of
What if Dublin… :
Dublin to experience their city differently.
New Street/Kevin Street Upper Grattan Bridge (bottom of Capel St)
Two projects were chosen through an artist submission process.
Moore Street Abbey Street Upper
Reflect Yourself
Smithfield Wholesale Fruit and Vegetable Market
Created by Barry Sheehan, Head of Design at the Dublin Institute of Technology, along with furniture design students Richard May and
Tomas Barisauskas, this thought-provoking, outdoor installation explored what
Irish Architecture Foundation
specifically prevents us from reflecting on the past or wondering about the
St. Patrick’s Festival
Dublin City Council Events BA Steel, Stoneybatter
What If Dublin… Irish Design 2015 Interim Report 99
What if Dublin.., a Twitter based web platform, was commissioned to install 5
Number of designers/makers who participated and details:
benches in the city. The exhibits were located in five spots in the city centre
7 designers participated, some of whom remained anonymous, as described in
area as part of the ‘I Love My City’ programme during the St. Patrick’s festival.
‘Event team’ above.
With ‘five installations, five locations, four days and one city’, the public was animated to engage in a conversation about the potential of the city.
Event team: Reflect Yourself: Barry Sheehan, Richard May and Tomas Barisauskas What if Dublin… : anonymous collective of architects, designers and urban planners
Number of attendees: Reflect Yourself: 4,000 people saw the exhibit over the long weekend of the festival. Social media: The What if Dublin… initiative generated a significant amount of engagement and interaction on social media. The Irish Architecture Foundation ran a Twitter competition throughout the four days of the festival to gain traction for the hashtag #whatifdublin.
In March, the @what_if_dublin
Top Tweet by @what_if_dublin was
Top Tweet by @IAFarchitecture
The IAF Facebook
Twitter account received:
an image of a proposal for the
was the before and after views of
announcement of the event
10.6K profile visits (a150%
River Liffey:
Moore Street:
posted on 4 March:
viewed 9,404 times
viewed 2,458 times
reached 2.6k users
334 mentions (a 334% increase)
earned 1,039 engagements
gained 214 engagements
500 new followers (approx.) Next steps:
a blog/website, which offers forums for discussion under specific topics that will be identified in order to tie discussion threads together. Ultimately, this could result in an app where people will be able to tag and upload images and proposals to a map and engage in discussions, linked to Twitter.
What if Dublin… seeks to make the debate accessible to everyone, not only internet and social media users. Similar exhibitions such as the St. Patrick’s Festival event could take place every year with an additional drawing board, where citizens can draw up their own ideas.
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report
What if Dublin… is planning to also open up to non-Twitter users by providing
2.9 Kerry Fashion Week, Irish Fashion Industry Awards 2015 3 and 6 March 2015, Tralee and Europe Hotel & Resort, Killarney Description:
Number of attendees:
The seventh annual Kerry Fashion Week (KFW) Irish Fashion Industry Awards
Tuesday 3 March: 120
took place in the Europe Hotel & Resort, Killarney in association with Skoda,
Friday 6 March: 200
Lancome Paris and IMAGE. The event was attended by Minister Jimmy Deenihan TD and by Ireland-based buyers, encouraging networking and
Media in attendance:
opportunities to develop routes to market.
Independent Irish Examiner
ID2015 collaborated with KFW to present the 2015 ‘One to Watch’ award.
IMAGE Magazine
This significant award facilitates the winner to show their Spring-Summer
Bloggers and local media
2016 collection in a commercial show space for Irish designers curated by
Event received extensive exposure on TV3 in advance.
Irish Design 2015 as part of London Fashion Week in September 2015. This opportunity offers an emerging Irish fashion designer the chance to showcase
Next steps:
their collection to both global buyers and international fashion press.
Facilitation of ‘One to Watch’ award winner Jill De Búrca to attend LFW in September.
Event team: Event jointly produced by Upfront Group (PR, Event & Model Management) and Midpoint Creative (under company name Front Point Events Ltd.). Irish Design 2015 Interim Report 101
Number of designers/makers who participated and details: Emerging and established designers, including Helen Steele, Umit Kutluk, Helen Cody and Delphine Grandjouan.
2.10 Irish Embassy/Enterprise Ireland Network Activities Description:
Enterprise Ireland network activities:
The Irish Embassy network was invited to collaborate with Irish Design 2015 as
Trade events and initiatives to date
part of the International Programme. Participating Embassies and Consulates
Promotion of Showcase – Ireland’s Creative Expo®, the annual trade
are hosting one or more networking events to promote Irish design in their area
fair presented by DCCoI
of accreditation and to facilitate the development of new relationships with
Joint venture with DCCoI: Maison et Objet trade fair
industry representatives, key buyers and influencers, and international media.
Inward buyer trip as part of North American Built Environment Week Competitive Start Fund- Design with special allocation of €250K for
Embassy network initiatives are being strategically linked to key international
design companies
events, including Trade Missions, Design Weeks, and Irish Design 2015’s
Presentation of Connections capsule exhibition at dinner event as part
broader international programme. A number of touring exhibitions, available to
of EI Trade Mission to Prague led by Minister Ged Nash TD
participating missions to host in conjunction with their events programme, have
EI Market Study Visit by Minister Seán Sherlock, coinciding with
been produced.
hosting of the photographic exhibition at Embassy Tallinn
As part of its international tour, the ID2015 capsule exhibition Connections
Upcoming trade missions
was presented at the Ireland Pavilion at Milano Expo as part of the programme
NYNOW Irish Showcase, Consumer Trade Fair New York, Ministerial
of celebrations for Ireland’s National Day on 16 June 2015. The event was
involvement TBC (15 – 19 August)
officially opened by President of Ireland, Michael D. Higgins. The exhibition will
Copenhagen/Stockholm, capsule and photographic exhibition, Minister
remain in situ at the pavilion until early July.
Ged Nash TD (October – November) (September – October) Hong Kong/Shenzhen, Feasibility Study Trip (August/September)
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report
Chicago Architecture Biennial, capsule and photographic exhibition
Embassy network touring exhibitions:
Photographic exhibition
Connections capsule exhibition
A selection of photographic images chosen from the Design Island exhibition
An innovative and transportable exhibition solution showcasing a combined
at Dublin Airport presented by the Design & Crafts Council of Ireland and
total of over 30 designers and projects representing excellence across a broad
DAA, showcasing Irish designers and their work across a range of disciplines.
range of design disciplines. Connections presents two linked perspectives: Irish
The exhibition is accompanied by an informational text panel which can be
design that connects with the world and design that is shaping modern Ireland.
translated as required. The files for this exhibition are supplied digitally to be printed and mounted locally by Embassies and can be scaled up or down
The exhibition aims to provide an insight into Ireland’s warmth and values
according to venue capacity.
and to show the unexpected ways the Irish help define experiences and
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report 103
relationships around the world. Comprising 2D images, 3D design objects and
Irish Embassies and Consulates participating in Irish Design 2015:
design-led publications, Connections features diverse design projects that
A total of 26 Irish Embassies and Consulates have committed to collaborating
resonate across the world in a variety of places, purposes and contexts and
with Irish Design 2015 to celebrate and promote Irish design internationally.
similar projects that are indicative of the modern Irish experience.
The missions involved are listed below.
The featured designers and projects include:
Athens London Sydney
The Book of Kells, celebrated for its lavish decoration and attracting over half a
Beijing Luxembourg Tallinn
million visitors a year
Mexico City
The Hague
Kilkenny Design Workshops, whose 50th Anniversary has been marked with
New York
the launch of a new iPad app kdwapp.com
Brussels Paris Vienna
Wexford-born designer Eileen Gray, who was responsible for some of the most
Chicago Prague Vilnius
iconic furniture designs of the 20th century
Copenhagen Rome Warsaw
Sugru, the world’s first mouldable glue that turns into rubber
Oscar-nominated animation studio Cartoon Saloon
Hong Kong
Designed by Dublin-based design consultancy Studio AAD, four capsule sets will tour simultaneously throughout the year. See appendix 10 for a complete list of designers featured in the Connections capsule exhibition.
Embassy network activities delivered to date: Mission name
Activity details
Embassy Beijing
Dec 2014
State visit/Weathering exhibition event
Embassy Tokyo
27 Jan 2015
ID2015 Launch with Joseph Walsh
Embassy Paris
23 Jan 2015
Maison et Objet exhibition event
Embassy London
2 Feb 2015
O’Donnell + Tuomey RIBA Royal Gold Medal award event
Embassy London
16 Mar 2015
Second Skin exhibition event
Embassy Paris
17 Mar 2015
Minister Bruton TD St. Patrick’s Day launch of the Global Irish Design Challenge
Embassy Stockholm
17 Mar 2015
Minister Nash TD Connections capsule exhibition launch
Embassy Rome
17 Mar 2015
Minister Coveney TD St. Patrick’s Day event
CG Chicago
17 Mar 2015
Minister Deenihan TD St. Patrick’s Day events
Embassy Vilnius
4-10 May
Photographic poster exhibition of Irish design at Energy and Technical Museum during Design Week
Embassy Bratislava
7 May
ID2015 launch film showing for Europe Day
Embassy Prague
20 May
Minister Ged Nash TD, dinner event to present Connections capsule exhibition, part of EI
Embassy Prague
4 June
Launch event for Connections capsule exhibition
Embassy Paris
8 June – 12 July
Hosting of Connections capsule exhibition
Embassy Tallinn
9 – 11 June
Minister Seán Sherlock, EI Market Study, photographic poster exhibition of Irish design Irish Design 2015 Interim Report
Trade Mission
Next steps:
CG Edinburgh are expected to host Connections during the month of August to coincide with a number of linked cultural events, including a celebration of WB Yeats and Irish creativity, the highlight of which is a speech by Ambassador of Ireland to Great Britain Daniel Mulhall at the Edinburgh International Book Festival on16 August. The Consulate are working with Culture Ireland to highlight the involvement of Irish acts in the Edinburgh Festivals, and they hope to host a reception in this regard the following week, around which they could potentially display the capsule exhibition. Embassy Beijing are expected to host Connections during mid-September and early October. This would coincide with a Trade and Invest focused Trade Mission led by Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Richard Bruton, which is scheduled to take place during the third week of September. This is planned to coincide with Beijing Design Week which will run from 26 September to 3 October this year. Embassy Tokyo are expected to partner with the Japan Institute of Design Promotion (JDP) to present Connections at JDP’s exhibition venue during Irish Design 2015  Interim Report 105
Tokyo Design Week in October. CG Hong Kong are expected to host Connections during December to coincide with the opening of the Hong Kong/Shenzhen Biennale of Urbanism and Architecture on 4 December. ID2015 will present the third and final iteration of New Horizon at the Biennale and the Consulate hope to host a linked networking event at which the capsule exhibition would be presented.
Connections Travelling Capsule Exhibition. Photo Courtesy of Alex Calder.
ID2015 is working to develop the following embassy network events:
2.11 Design Island App – in collaboration with IBM Description:
The Design Island app produced in collaboration with IBM, official technology
Throughout the island of Ireland.
partners for ID2015. The app features over 500 recommendations from more than 45 design experts and enthusiasts to date on things to do and places to
visit, allowing users to experience the best that the island of Ireland has to offer
Official launch to take place during the summer of 2015.
from a design perspective. Event team: The app has been developed for use during and beyond the ID2015
IBM team:
programme of events. Creation of the app has been led by a team at IBM’s
UI/UX design by Lara Hanlon
recently launched IBM Studios|Dublin, which is being expanded at the IBM
Lead front-end development by Simon Finney
Technology Campus in Damastown for creative collaboration by designers,
Front-end development by William McMorrow, Leigh Martindale,
developers and product managers, and is part of the worldwide IBM Studio
Sergio Fraile Carmena, Carlos Manias, Evgeny Carwood and Francis Moloney
network of cross-discipline spaces.
Project Management by Fred Raguillat Design direction by David Smith (Atelier David Smith)
Curators were chosen for their design and media credentials, and range from
API implementation by Damien Gahan and David Wall (Conor&David)
Well-known contributors on the app include fashion journalist Deirdre
McQuillan, president of the Institute of Designers in Ireland (IDI) Marc O’Riain,
45+ design experts and enthusiasts provided a total of 500+ nominations for
Westport based design studio Superfolk, Jonathan Legge of Makers &
places to visit throughout the island of Ireland.
Brothers and broadcaster Dylan Haskins. See appendix 9 for complete list of curators. Destinations on the app are divided into five main categories for ease of navigation: Stay, Eat and Drink, See, Shop and Events, offering users a range of experiences.
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report
journalists to graphic designers, and from architects to illustrators.
2.12  All Island Library Initiative: Celebrate Your Local Design Hero Description:
Listed below are the outcomes of these calls.
As part of ID2015, libraries throughout Ireland were invited to celebrate a local design hero through organising a community event or workshop of their
Round 1 outcomes:
choice. The library initiative aims to work within local communities to raise the
6 events delivered through Round 1:
profile of Irish design and to open up the richness of Irish design heritage to the wider public.
Ballybane Branch Library, Galway 28 Jan, 4 Feb and 11 Feb 2015
This call out has initiated connections between designers and local libraries,
The library ran a three week course on millinery, led by local milliner Fiona
which is hoped to lead to further local collaborations. ID2015 aims to support
Mangan. The three workshops included demonstrations on the craft of hat
local libraries in their goal to be living spaces, places where people can meet
design and making, discussions on the history of millinery in Ireland and a
and which support and facilitate creativity. In working with local libraries,
presentation on the work of Philip Treacy.
ID2015 is providing practical examples of innovative delivery and cooperation with local communities outside the larger urban areas.
Shannon Library, Sixmilebridge 21 Feb and 28 Feb 2015
To date, ID2015 has issued two calls to libraries throughout Ireland. Deadlines
The library ran an animation workshop for children based on the life of John
for these calls:
Philip Holland, led by local designer Marie Madden. Holland was the inventor
Round 1:13 December 2014
of the modern submarine and the first person commissioned to design
Round 2: 2 March 2015
submarines for both the British Navy and the US Army. Children who attended produced an animation, based on these workshops.
Irish Design 2015  Interim Report 107
Sligo Central Library
New Ross Library, Wexford
2 March and 27 April 2015
31 March and 13 April 2015
The library hosted a talk entitled ‘Your Future in Fabric’ on 2 March, aimed
The library hosted three talks under the overall title 'The Normans and Us' in
at second level students who might be considering working in the fashion
conjunction with New Ross Tapestry Group. The talks were extremely
industry. The talk was given by local design hero Rebecca Marsden. A second
well-attended, with maximum capacity of 60 attendees reached for each. The
talk took place on 27 April in Tubbercurry Library for the students of St.
first of these, held on 31 March and entitled 'The role of New Ross as a role
Attracta’s Community School. Sligo Libraries plan to do a further talk with
model for the development of the commercial town in Europe in the 13th
Rebecca in another branch library in County Sligo.
Century', was led by Lina Doran from the Royal Irish Academy.
Westside Library, Galway
The second talk, held on 7 April 2015 and entitled ‘William Marshall: the
11 and 18 March 2015
Greatest Knight that ever lived’, was led by Cóilín O Drisceil. The final talk,
The library hosted a children’s workshop to celebrate Galway’s close
entitled simply ‘ Norman Ireland', was led by Dr Margaret Murphy on 28 April.
earliest known ring maker, Bartholomew Fallon. The workshop was planned to
Round 2 outcomes to date:
coincide with their One-City-One-Book festival. Children were invited to design
Applications were received from the following 18 libraries:
a book around the story of the Claddagh ring using contemporary references
Bailieborough Library, Cavan
Killarney Library, Killarney
from the Cartoon Saloon animated movie The Book of Kells.
Ballinasloe Library, Galway
Longford Library
Blanchardstown Library, Dublin
Mountmellick Library, Laois
Kilfinaghty Library, Clare
Borris Library, Carlow
Tallaght Library, Dublin
14 and 21 March 2015
Castlebar Library, Mayo
Tuam Library, Galway
The library ran two half day workshops during which local children designed
Clones Library, Monaghan
Waterford City Library
and created clay submarines which were then displayed in the library for the
Cootehill Library, Cavan
week following the workshops. These events were again held in honor of John
Cork Central Library
These applications are currently
Holland, the father of the modern day submarine.
Donegal City Library
being processed.
Donegal County Library Ennis Library, Clare Johnstown Library, Cavan
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report
association with the Claddagh ring. The event focused on the work of the
Two events from Round 2 have been delivered, as follows:
The following events are planned for the second half of 2015:
Donegal County Library
Tallaght Library, Dublin
5, 13 and 20 May 2015
8 July 2015
Over the course of a three week period, the library ran three workshops that
The library will run a family day of workshops focusing on printmaking design,
celebrated the work of knitwear designer Edel Mc Bride. McBride attended
celebrating the work of Evie Hone. There will be three sessions throughout the
each workshop and worked with the participants on developing new knitting
day, for young children and adults.
patterns. The designer’s work was also displayed in the library throughout the period.
Killarney Library 16 and 17 July 2015
Blanchardstown Library, Dublin
The library will host a two day workshop with local animator Elias Spinn; the
1 April 2015 (further dates TBC)
workshop will also celebrate the work of award winning animator Fodhla Cronin
The library held a photography exhibition on the work of their local design
O’Reilly. The event, aimed at both children and adults, will encompass design,
hero, award-winning milliner Ashleigh Myles, who gave a talk on her experience
scripting animation and the editing of an animated piece.
and inspiration for hat making. This exhibition will also tour other libraries in Fingal throughout the year.
Bailieborough Library, Cavan
6-7 August 2015
Communications generated:
The library will look at the history of Cavan Crystal, their local design hero. The
Each event was advertised individually by the library responsible, generating
library will run two workshops for children in which they will play and explore
local press and radio coverage.
through light, shadow and prisms. Children participating will also design their own pieces with coloured paper.
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report 109
Next steps: At present, ID2015 is working to develop relationships with four more libraries,
Mountmellick Library, Laois
two in Northern Ireland (Lisburn and Lurgan Libraries), alongside Limerick and
August 2015
Louth Libraries. ID2015 will continue to support libraries to mount upcoming
The library will hold a workshop on a type of lace-making particular to the
region. The workshop will celebrate Quaker Joanna Carter who introduced lace to Mountmellick in 1825, and also Sister Teresa Margaret who revived it in 1970.
Cootehill Library, Cavan
Clones Library, Monaghan
26 September 2015
November 2015
The library will host a children’s workshop looking at toy design in collaboration with
The library will host an exhibition of the work of Liz Christy, a renowned hand
their local design heroes Bear Design. In the workshop each child will design and
weaver. A series of workshops on the art of weaving will accompany the exhibition.
build their own bear.
The library will also display a number of relevant books from their art collection.
Ennis Library, Clare
Borris Library, Carlow
September 2015
Date TBC
Fiona Mangan will hold a talk at the library on her practice as a milliner in Ireland
The library plans to facilitate an eco-printing workshop that introduces participants
and what it takes to be successful at maintaining your own creative business.
to felt making. The library’s design hero Nicola Brown will also look at how the region has influenced other creatives, such as the inventor John Tyndal.
September/October 2015
Cork Central Library
The library will host an exhibition entitled ‘The Design Process’ which will celebrate
Date TBC
the work of handbag designer Lisa Ryder. The exhibition will examine Lisa’s design
The library plans to hold a photographic exhibition which will feature the work
process, from the initial idea to the product, and will run from the second half of
of furniture maker Joseph Walsh, as well as running four talks and workshops
September and through October 2015.
throughout the county of Cork.
Donegal City Library
Longford Library
16 October 2015
Dates TBC
The library will host a children’s origami workshop which will be led by Naomi Fleury.
The library will focus on local design heroes Louise Knight and Patricia Cox, who
In the workshop, children will breathe life back into the pages of disused books by
are successful milliners. The library will run a two week exhibition and a series of
transforming them into origami.
workshops on the art of millinery. Tuam Library, Galway Date TBC The library will hold an event around their local design hero Joanne Hynes who is a fashion designer and who has a childhood connection with the library.
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report
Castlebar Library, Mayo
2.13 We Built This City 30 June 2015, London Festival of Architecture
The following organisations provided advice and support for the event:
October 2015, Archtober, New York
Embassy of Ireland in London
January 2016, Chicago Architecture Biennial
Irish International Business Network The London Irish Construction Network
Irish in Britain
We Built This City is a programme of activities that aims to raise awareness
RIAI London Group
and celebrate the contribution Irish people have made to the built and cultural
Enterprise Ireland
fabric of London, New York and Chicago, from historic to contemporary times.
The events take the form of lively panel discussions and connect construction,
Laing O’Rourke
architecture and engineering to community, research, stories and culture. Irish Design 2015 involvement led by ID2015 CEO Karen Hennessy. We Built This City is presented by the Irish Architecture Foundation in
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report 111
collaboration with Irish Design 2015 (ID2015) and the Office of the Minister
Irish Architecture Foundation event team:
for Diaspora Affairs of Ireland. The London event was introduced by Minister
Director - Nathalie Weadick
for Diaspora Affairs, Jimmy Deenihan TD. The Ambassador of Ireland in London
Researcher - Rachel Gallagher
Daniel Mulhall also took part in a commissioned film and attended the event
Office Manager - Síle Stewart
which took place at Rich Mix.
Communications - Emma Dwyer
A short film by Dyehouse Films, commissioned for We Built This City, was
Designers/makers who participated:
screened as an introduction to the discussion. The event will go on to have
The panel discussion is chaired by Angela Brady of Brady Mallalieu Architects with:
iterations in New York and Chicago and is intrinsically linked to the
Dervilla Mitchell, CBE, Engineer for Arup
New Horizon_architecture from Ireland exhibition.
Jarlath Regan, comic and creator of the Irishman Abroad podcast Professor Mary Hickman, research fellow at the Centre for Irish Studies Niall McLaughlin, Niall McLaughlin Architects Ultan Cowley, author of The Men Who Built Britain
We Built This City hopes to: be both a celebration and an analysis of the contribution the Irish have made
We Built This City supports those living outside Ireland with a lively
past, present and future to three iconic cities: London, Chicago, New York
event showcasing Irish talent. It will explore the considerable work the Irish are doing in each city, endorsing Irish work and creating new
use dynamic techniques in presentation, for example TEDx-style speakers who
markets for Irish products.
use different media to present an idea or tell a story e.g. reading, music, film, strong visuals
connects an audience, both Irish and international of all ages, to Ireland and to the Irish community abroad. The online archive will
ensure the panel is high profile, expanding whenever possible beyond the Irish
foster these connections for years to come, creating friendship, job
community and the built environment community
opportunities and a support network.
present in a building built by the Irish, or a high profile cultural space, or both.
facilitates long-term diaspora engagement with a programme that aims to have a legacy. In archiving an oral history online and in a
The audience:
publication or film, generations of Irish abroad will be given a voice.
in Britain to an event that sits in the context of the London Festival of
recognises the variety of people that make up the Irish diaspora.
Architecture which, along with thousands of architects, designers and urban
With a wide range of presenters, five themes and a short film made
planners, attracts numerous representatives of companies from the industries
up of interviews, this initiative celebrates the contribution those
that support architecture, the clients that commission it, the institutions that
abroad have made to Ireland’s identity. Irish people of all ages and
teach it, and the media that publish it. This event is also of huge interest to the
social backgrounds, even those with the most tenuous link, will be
business community and will create connections and networking opportunities.
The subsequent Chicago and New York events will adopt a similar approach and target a comparable local, regional and international audience. Legacy: The aims of We Built This City are in line with Ireland’s Diaspora Policy, fostering engagement with the Global Irish.
Irish Design 2015  Interim Report
We Built This City in London invites a broad spectrum of the Irish community
3 Enterprise and Education Initiatives 3.1 Enterprise Initiatives Description: Activities have been ongoing in planning and engaging partner organisations in
The pilot project would seek to address a lack of design capability and
preparation for the launch of a number of initiatives during the year as part of
confidence in employing design within Irish SMEs. The initiative would seek to
the Enterprise Programme:
provide evidence on the impact of design and promote the benefits of raising standards of design leadership.
Design Networks – Q1 - 4 The creation of sectoral and regional design networks.
The project will seek to provide support and training for 50+ small businesses.
Design Island (Tourism App) – Q2
The scheme will then provide match-funding for the design services and
An app to promote design led tourism, developed in partnership with IBM.
implementation of the briefs. The scheme will involve the assembly of a panel
Design Island will contain listings of over 500 locations across the island of
of design consultants to provide the required services to the businesses.
Ireland, many of them businesses that would benefit from exposure of their product or service granted through the app.
Design Startup – Q4 A startup platform for creative industry entrepreneurs, aimed at accelerating
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report 113
Design Vouchers – Q4
some of the country’s most promising emerging designers from a range of
This proposal is for a pilot scheme to assist micro businesses and SMEs in
design disciplines. EI and LEOs in partnership with ID2015 will determine the
using design strategy methods to aid their development. It involves providing
participants. 40+ designers/enterprises to receive training to help support their
subsidised design consultancy services to businesses which will review and
startup. The initiative will build upon existing design platforms for emerging
analyse the businesses’ objectives and resources, provide advice on design
talent such as DCCoI’s Future Makers Awards and Supports programme,
services or processes which could aid their development, assist the business in
opportunities such as the Startup Gathering, and related startup programmes
developing a brief for commissioning any agreed design services and help in
such as Ignite.
the incorporation of design into their business model and practices.
Design in Ireland – Q3
Design Sandpit – Q3
A digital B2B platform that will act as a design directory and one-stop-shop
This facilitated event will seek to build upon the year and stimulate discussions
for anyone interested in finding the latest tools and techniques for applying
concerning legacy and future funding for design. It will seek to foster European
design, making connections with peers, and finding the latest research.
Research Funding applications, and encourage interdisciplinary, design-led
The platform will seek to increase businesses’ awareness of design’s role in
proposals in line with Horizon 2020 guidelines. Participants will be drawn from
innovation and growth, and provide a searchable directory of designers, design
key stakeholders including industry, government agencies and academia.
agencies, and design companies operating in Ireland. Designed in Ireland Collection – Q4 The project:
A commissioned collection of innovative products that have been designed
will set up and manage a platform promoting Irish designers, design agencies
and made in Ireland to mark Irish Design 2015. The realisation of this project
and design companies
will help to foster new product development in the design and craft sector,
collate information about the use and economic impact of design for
improve design standards and the perception of Ireland’s design sector, and
help to promote contemporary design from Ireland.
disseminate this information and promote the use of design for innovation through digital open access resources
It is hoped that the resulting products for sale will form a unique group of
foster dialogue among the stakeholders in design and design-driven innovation
carefully developed ideas and objects that truly commemorate our time and place – created to be collected, used and treasured.
Enterprise Research – Q3/4 A research audit in partnership with Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation,
The products are intended to be shown at Showcase 2016 for launch to trade.
lead to policy document and strategy document for design in Ireland. The creation of case studies across sectors demonstrating the impact of design and innovation to economic growth.
11 IBM as technology partner to provide B2B online directory.
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report
ID2015, DCCoI, Enterprise Ireland, Science Foundation Ireland and IDA Ireland to
3.2 Education Initiatives Description:
designED – Q2-4
A programme of first, second and third level education activities, and a series of
A new design innovation programme and accompanying toolkit developed by the
CPD activities supporting the Dublin Castle Design Hub exhibition programme.
Design & Crafts Council of Ireland for second level that seeks to embed design
thinking and entrepreneurship into the curriculum.
Design Masterclasses – Q1-4 A programme of match-funded lectures and masterclasses developed and
delivered throughout the year in partnership with European partners such as
This initiative for introducing Design and Enterprise into STEM subjects will be in
Goethe-Institut Irland, Alliance Française and British Council.
partnership with SFI and support a series of cross-sectoral collaborations (target – 3 projects) leading to new product/service development and markets.
Design Journal and Conference – Q2 Establishment of ‘Iterations’ (a biannual, peer reviewed design and practice
Exhibition Outreach – Q1-4
journal) and ‘FAULTLINES’ (a design conference). ‘FAULTLINES’ is the first all-
A programme of first, second and third level education activities, and a series of
Ireland design conference.
CPD activities supporting the Dublin Castle Design Hub exhibition programme.
Design for Growth – Q3 Education to Enterprise toolkit for students and graduates to be available to 3rd level institutions and other agencies. Working with 3rd level education providers, LEOs and Enterprise Ireland, ‘Design for Growth’ would aim to develop and implement a model that provides the tools for design students and graduates to Irish Design 2015 Interim Report 115
establish design studios and become entrepreneurs with the capacity to trade internationally. The scheme would focus on market research, the development of export ready product and entrepreneurial skills via a "tool kit" for new market entry. The programme would assist startups to rapidly and efficiently develop their qualified products from concept to commercial launch. Design for Growth would aim to link with existing accelerator programmes in Ireland and could draw upon material created for other ‘Education to Enterprise’ initiatives.
4  Project Report - Raising Awareness, Understanding and Appreciation of Design Design can enhance our lives, our environment and our society, bringing communities together and influencing how we interact with each other. Through increasing appreciation of design, ID2015 seeks to foster dialogue and collaboration, encouraging investment in design as a key component of competitiveness and innovation. Raising awareness, understanding and appreciation of design and its impact on everyday life is central to the ID2015 initiative. The year-long programme has been devised to engage the public, the design community and businesses through events, exhibitions and design-led initiatives while also targeting the export market through trade missions and events in international capitals of design and commerce. Working together with designers of all disciplines, Government Departments and Agencies, partner organisations and the media, significant progress has been made in raising awareness of both the ID2015 programme itself and the design sector in Ireland while generating ongoing publicity for the work of featured in the preceding individual sections of this report.
Irish Design 2015  Interim Report
Irish designers. Many of the successes of these activities have already been
Relationships and partnerships have been established and developed with regional, national and international press and broadcast media, as well as with the communications teams in related Government Departments and Agencies,
Social media:
with ID2015 partners and with other relevant organisations. ID2015 has also worked closely with Tourism Ireland and Fáilte Ireland on including elements of
Twitter: 3,884 followers
the ID2015 programme on media visits to Ireland during the year, resulting in
Total @ mentions by other Twitter users: 3,470
international features on contemporary design in Ireland.
Total tweet impressions: 713,691 Instagram: 2,152 followers
Broadcast and print coverage for year to date has been conservatively
2,793 instances of the #ID2015 being used on Instagram
estimated at €5.2 million, with a detailed review and evaluation underway. This
Facebook: 5,514 followers
coverage has included features in a broad selection of high-profile print and
Total post reach in first half: 328,534
online publications as well as broadcast media. As part of the initiative ‘Design
YouTube: 5,732 views
Matters’, a weekly column in The Irish Times Magazine in association with
#ID2015 and @irishdesign2015 trended in Ireland on
ID2015, was launched profiling a different design discipline each week.
launch night – 18 December ID2015 is followed by and has been mentioned by
Through the ID2015 online strategy, the initiative has had an audience reach as
influential design organisations and publications on Twitter
and Instagram such as @dwell, @designmilk, @wallpaper. @_theinspiration, @nialler9, @dezeen, @DesignCouncil, @PaulSmithDesign, @HungerTV, @architecturaldigest, @L_D_F, @weloveoffset, @TheDesignTrust, @Failte_Ireland, @Culture_Ireland
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report 117
Website: Unique users: 54,705 Total sessions: 91,969 with 59.2% being new visitors Page views: 240,755
5 Thanks
Irish Design 2015  Interim Report
ID2015 would like to thank the Irish design sector and community for their invaluable and ongoing support, advice and contributions in the development of the programme. We would also like to thank all our partners and sponsors. In particular, ID2015 would like to thank the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Enterprise Ireland, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and the Design & Crafts Council of Ireland for their continued support of Irish Design 2015.
ID2015 Board Members
ID2015 board
Interdepartmental Steering Group
Inaugural Progamme Advisory Group
Brian Motherway
Clare Dunne
Laura Magahy, DCCoI
Carmel Creaner
Eugene Forde
Marc O’Riain, CIT
Dermott Rowan
Mary Nash
Nathalie Weadick, IAF
John O’Connor
Christine Sisk
Karen Hennessy, DCCoI
Kathryn Meghen
Karen Hennessy
Louise Allen, DCCoI
Marc O’Riain
Laura Magahy
Tom Mangan, Design Partners
Stephen Hughes
Stephen Hughes
Aisling Farinella, Thread
Mary Blanchfield – Company Secretary
Louise Allen
Alex Milton, NCAD
Karen Hennessy – CEO
Una Fitzgibbon
Andrew Bradley, IDI
Laura Magahy – Executive Chair
Simon Gregory
Barry Sheehan, DIT
Fiona Buckley
David Smith, IADT
Emer Rocke
Jonathan Legge, Makers & Brothers
Alex Milton
Joseph Walsh, Joseph Walsh
Siobhan McManamy
Mary Heffernan, OPW
Bernie O’Leary
Simon Dennehy, Perch
Brian O’Brien Stephanie O’Callaghan Therese O’Connor Helen O’Halloran Deirdre McDonnell Joanne Tobin
ID2015 Team
Executive Chairman
Chief Executive
Programme Director
St. Andrew’s Project Director
Laura Magahy
Karen Hennessy
Alex Milton
Aileesh Carew
Head of International Programmes‡
Head of Communications and
Built Environment Coordinator*
Louise Allen
Public Affairs‡
Aising Farinella – Fashion and Textiles
Rachel Gallagher
Susan Brindley
Nathalie Weadick – Built Environment Aileesh Carew – Tourism and sponsorship
Communications Officer
Content Editor*
Education and Outreach
Exhibitions Coordinator
Alex Calder
Rachel Donnelly
Dobrawa Brach-Kaluzna
Susan Holland
Graphic Designer* Hannah Fleetwood
International Project Assistant
Project Assistants
Regional Coodinators*
Donna-Marie O’Donovan
Sybil Cope*
Colin McKeown
Aoibhie McCarthy Una McMahon Yvonne Thunder
* On a part time basis. ‡
On secondment from DCCoI
Marc O’Riain
Irish Design 2015 Interim Report Appendix 1 Design Innovation Fund 1.1 Tables of projects supported through Design Innovation Fund Design Networks – Round 1 Network
Regional Impact
Institute of Designers Ireland
All Ireland
Fashion Design & Manufacturer Connect
All Ireland
Northern Ireland Design Alliance
Northern Ireland
Creative & Cultural Skills (on behalf of NI Design Alliance)
Design Week
All Ireland
North West Design Network
Northern Ireland and Cross BorderLeitrim,
Fashion and Textile Design Centre
Sligo, Donegal
Waterford Design Network
RIKON, Waterford Institute of Technology
The Leitrim Design House
Northern Ireland and Cross BorderLeitrim, Donegal.
The Leitrim Design House
Creative Digital Network Cork
CIT Crawford
The Salt Network
Starling Digital Media Direction
Creative Frame (Leitrim)
Northern Ireland and North WestLeitrim, Longford,
Leitrim Local Enterprise Office/ Leitrim County
Sligo, Roscommon, Cavan.
Council Arts Office
Galway Design Network
11 Total: 11
Galway Design Network
Design Networks – Round 2 Network
Regional Impact
Midlands Design Network
Laois, Longford, Offaly, Westmeath, Roscommon
Midlands Design Network
Games NI
Donegal, Down, Armagh, Tyrone, Derry
Games NI
The Lifeline
tDt: think Design together
Dublin, Kildare, Meath, Wicklow
Design Twentyfirst Century
Total: 4
Design Exhibitions – Round 1 Exhibition
RDS National Craft Awards Exhibition 2015
All Ireland
Work Cork Inspiring CraftsIrish Designers 2015
Ballydehob Community Council Group
The Distillers Press (WT)
The National Print Museum
Resonate – Irish Fashion Photography
The Gallery of Photography
2015 Annual AAI Awards Travelling Exhibition
All Ireland
Architectural Association of Ireland (AAI)
Agata Stoinska & Eddie Shanahan Special Projects
Irish Architecture & The Built Environment; From Local
Dublin and International
Context to Global Excellence
Song of the Sea
The Butler Gallery
Design for Children
The Ark
Lifelogging Lab
The Science Gallery, TCD
Refract – Contemporary GlassArchitecture and
Waterford Viking Triangle
The ID2015 Travelling Exhibition
North West
The Essence of Design
The Leitrim Design House
Design Programme
79 Lower Garfield Street
Northern Ireland
Galway Design Box
Productive Fragments
A Stitch in Time: Tapestry in Contemporary Art
Lewis Glucksman Gallery
Joseph Walsh Furniture Exhibition
Joseph Walsh Furniture Company Ltd.
New ArchitectsIreland
Architecture Practice + Experimentation
Ireland and FilmCostumes from Iconic Irish Movies
The Little Museum of Dublin
Hidden Stories of DesignThe Secret Lives of Objects
The Little Museum of Dublin
Irish Design Awards
Total: 23
Design Exhibitions – Round 1 Exhibition
Dublin Art Book Fair
Temple Bar Gallery + Studios Ltd.
Mies Van Der Rohe Awards 2015 Exhibition
Limerick, Waterford, Dublin, Down
University College Dublin
Establish Change
Meath, Louth
Louth Craftmark Designers Network
‘In Residence’
UK, London
Oliver Sears Gallery
Solas – a Glass Society of Ireland Exhibition
Cork, Waterford, Dublin, Down
Glass Society of Ireland (GSoI)
Redrawing Typographic Horizons
Typography Ireland/GradCAM/Du blin Institute of Technology (DIT)
TEMPORARY URBAN REUSE, regeneration, culture
Italy, Ravenna
Meme Exchange Cultural Association
Uk, StokeonTrent
and architecture.
Slip.Flux.Flock – Irish representation at the British Ceramic Biennial 2015
2015 ICAD Awards Display
The Institute of Creative Advertising & Design
Design for Business A model for Local Enterprise
Kerry, Dublin
Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council Local
Enterprise Office
North West Design
Leitrim, Donegal, Sligo
Mc Garty Design
DRAFF: an exhibition
Invent Irish Product Hardware Design Showcase
Path Pacific Ltd.
Describing Architecture
Describing Architecture
Dublin Maker
Dublin Maker
Total: 15
Design Events – Round 1 Event
Waterford Festival of Architecture
Waterford Festival of Architecture
Universal Design Grand Challenge (UGDC) 2015
Centre for Excellence in Universal Design, National
Student Awards
Disability Authority
The Design Caravan
Emperor’s Robes
Open House Cork
Open House Cork Committee
Irish ArchitectureWalks and Talks
DefuseDesign for Use
IxDA Dublin
GreenDoor Leitrim Weekend 2015 'Exhibition of
Inspirational Homes
Rural Architecture and Design’
Darklight Illuminates
Ireland Fashion Show New York
International USA
Marietta Doran
Open House Limerick 2015
Open House Limerick
Service Design Masterclass
TimelinesPast Present and Future Directions of two
Kilgraney House
former KDW designers.
IIBN Programme of Events 2015
International UK
Construction of a Summer Pavilion at the Hunt
FabLab Limerick, Collaborativa EU
Promotion of a Musical Instrument
Fields of Athenry Harps
Sligo Design Week
Starling Digital Media Direction
Alternative Perspectives to the Hunt Museum
University of Limerick
Festival of Digital Design
Tipperary, Limerick
Tipperary County Council
Design Lab Future Lab
Festival of Curiosity
The Grey Legacy Project
All Ireland
Festival of Curiosity
Open House Belfast
Total: 21
Design Events – Round 2 Event
Open House Dublin
Irish Architecture Foundation
Dublin Animation Film Festival 2015
Dublin Animation Film Festival 2015
Standard Life: design of the (extra)ordinary
Elements of Action/BloomFringe
Make it Brief
Germany, Berlin
Irish Business Network in Berlin
Dinner Dialogues
In Collaboration with The Decorators
Chocolate Factory Collection
Tricia Harris Designs / Chocolate Factory Arts Centre
Bloomfringe urban interventions
Bloomfringe 2015
Kerry, Dublin
Dun Laoghire Rathdown County Council – Local
Design for Business – a model for Local Enterprise
Enterprise Office
10 Total:10
Augmented Reality Project
LEO Carlow
Design Symposia and Conferences – Round 1 Symposium
Designers Symposium
The Gate Theatre
Geect Conference
Universal Design in Education, 24 hr design challenge
Centre for Excellence in Universal Design, National Disability
Design Thinking in Business Innovation
3D Print Technologies
Louth Craftmark and Creative Spark
Nimble SpacesWays to live together, new cultures of
Rosie Lynch
Institute of Technology Carlow
DIT, Typography Ireland, Gradcam, Association Internationale
Irish Design Research ConferenceFaultlinesBridging Knowledge Spaces
Face ForwardInternational 2 day Conference on the History of Typeface and typographic design
Making a living from Design
Future LegacyContemporary Contexts for Glass in
Waterford Viking Triangle
Tourism, Design and Technologies
The Five Ages of Design and Craft Creativity
Spaces/ PlacesContemporary Design for Historic Towns
The Heritage Council
DéantaIrish Design from Concept to Market
International Conference on Design Science Research in
Information Systems and Technology
Make 2Remaking Tradition
CIT Crawford
The Irish Fashion Summit
Council of Irish Fashion Designers
Total: 17
Design Symposia and Conferences – Round 2 Symposium
Design @ First Thought
Local Enterprise Office Galway
Universal Design Homes: Community Engagement Week
Galway City Council
Design for Business – A model for Local Enterprise
Kerry, Dublin
Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council – Local
Enterprise Office
... Engage Enterprise
Allingham Festival
Inaugural DESIS Ireland Symposium: Design for Social
Limerick, Dublin
University of Limerick (joint submission with DIT/
Design Camp Belfast
Karishma Kusurkar / Design Salon
Building Virtual Worlds
Donegal, Fermanagh, Tyrone,
Iglu Media
Derry, Antrim, Down, Armagh
Total: 7
Design Talks – Round 1 Talk
G6 Series
G6 Series
AreaÂFrench Architecture (WT)
Alliance Francaise
Developing a Career in Footwear Design
Equipage/ Shoeniversity
Creative Mornings
Creative Mornings
Leitrim Design House 6 Talks
The Leitrim Design House
Borris House Festival
Borris House Festival
Series of Talks
Northern Ireland
Blick Shared Studios
Interaction Ireland
AAI 2015 Series of 5 Talks
Makers and Brothers and Others
Makers and Brothers
Interaction Design Centre Talk Series
Interaction Design Centre, UL
Curiously Creative and Curated
Making Space, INDIGO & Cloth
RDS design lecture series
The New Ways We Make
Fab Lab, UL
Design+Coctails Talk Series
The Liquor Rooms
Cork Creative Meets . ..
Total: 16
Design Talks – Round 2 Talk
Irish Fashion – at home and abroad
Hay Festival Kells
Design Thinking, Innovation and Interstitial Zones in South
Noreen O’Mahony
Western Ireland
Colour in Context
‘Inspire Creativity’
Allingham Festival
Design for Business – a model for Local Enterprise
Kerry, Dublin
Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council – Local
Enterprise Officev
Total: 5
Design Workshops – Round 1 Workshop
Design Thinking
Dublin, Galway, Limerick, Cork
The Village Table/ Design Build
Small Town Studio
Cold Glass Prototyping
Waterford Viking Triangle
Hot Glass Prototyping
Waterford Viking Triangle
Common Ground
Small Town Studio, Limerick City & County Council, Ballyhoura Development, Brewery Tidy Towns
UX and your Design Business
Grow your Design Business
Infographic Storytelling
Launch of CPD Course on Universal Design in the Built
Centre for Excellence in Universal Design at the
Mobile Baskets
BLOOM Dublin
DIY Video for Designers
Looks Loud Video Production, Cork Film Centre
Wearable ElectronicLights at the Beginning of the Tunnel
Fab Lab
UCD Innovation Academy
2ndlevel Curriculum Workshop on Universal Design
Spaces, Places and Faces in the Community
Louth Craftmark, Creative Spark
Introduction to 3D Printing for Designers
Fumbally Lunchtime Exchange
Fumbally Exchange Waterford
Series of workshops
Culture Craft
Wandering Methods
Age & Opportunity
Design, Culture, Momentum
The Ogonolloe Coffee Exchange
Small Town Studio
IDI Design Sessions
Large Scale Repeat Pattern with Liz Nilsson (Textiles)
Cork Textiles Network
Total: 23
Design Workshops – Round 2 Workshop
Waterford the City of Glass
Limerick, Waterford
Glass Society of Ireland
Castles, Cottages and Pubs: Irish identity in vernacular design
and interiors
‘Eileen Gray: Her Work and Her World’ by Jennifer Goff
Irish Academic Press
SET Collective
Creative Industries Journal – Ireland edition
Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design & Technology
12 years of the ISTD Student Assessment Scheme in Ireland
International Society of Typographic Designers (ISTD)
Design for Business – a model for Local Enterprise Offices
Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council – Local
Total: 8
Enterprise Office
Design Workshops – Round 2 Workshop
Waterford the City of Glass
Limerick, Waterford
Glass Society of Ireland
Castles, Cottages and Pubs: Irish identity in vernacular design
and interiors
‘Eileen Gray: Her Work and Her World’ by Jennifer Goff
Irish Academic Press
SET Collective
Creative Industries Journal – Ireland edition
Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design & Technology
12 years of the ISTD Student Assessment Scheme in Ireland
International Society of Typographic Designers (ISTD)
Design for Business – a model for Local Enterprise Offices
Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council – Local
Total: 8
Enterprise Office
Design Online Sites and Platforms – Round 1 Online Site
PIVOT Dublin Design Map
Dublin City Council
Designing the Future
100 Archive.com
100 Archive care of Detail
The Prowlster
Sweatshop Media
Designing Ireland.com
Newgrange Pictures
Total: 6
Design Online Sites and Platforms – Round 2 Online Site
Damn Fine Print
Damn Fine Print
Design for Local Business – a model for Local Enterprise
Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council – Local
Enterprise Office
Total: 2
Design Short Films – Round 1 Short Film
Irish Design Insights documentaries
Design is . . .
A series of short films
Glass Eye Productions
Strangely Familiar
Areaman Productions
Total: 5
Design Short Films – Round 2
Short Film
Shadow a designer
Cork, Wicklow, Roscommon
Dyehouse Films
London, Rome, Killybegs
Dublin, Donegal
Maurice & Shaun
Design for Business – a model for Local Enterprise Offices
Kerry, Dublin
Dun Laoghaire Rathdown Local Enterprise Office
Eamonn Dunne in association with EO Teilifís
UnSilent Film, The sound of what we see
Wicklow, Tipperary, Limerick
Grey Heron Media
Total: 5
Design Residencies – Round 1
Small Town Studio, Fab Lab
The National Opera House
The National Opera House
Bodycraft –
Denmark, Copenhagen
Fiona McAndrew
Total: 5
Design Residencies – Round 2
Designing for the Augmented Body
Total: 1
1.2 Regional distribution of Design Innovation Fund projects, by county Connaught total
Ulster Republic of Ireland total
International impact
Ulster Northern Ireland total
Island of Ireland impact
Leinster total
Munster total
2 Companies and trade events supported through International Trade Fund Companies Company name Allergy Lifestyle
Jam Media
Pure Zees
Roisin Linnane
Kavaleer + Cortechs Connect
Salty Dog Pictures
Bowsie Workshop
Little Green Dot
Sarah McKenna Ceramics
Bradley Brand and Design
Gaia Ecotecture
Monster Entertainment Ltd.
Brook & Shoals
Burke Joinery
Green Gorgeous
Thomas Montgomery Ltd.
Button Studio
Illustrators Guild of Ireland
Orla Barry Art
We Are Islanders
Cartoon Saloon
In Hand Guides
Orla Reynolds
Wear we Wander
Clickworks Ltd.
J. Hill’s Standard
Poly Passive Mouldings Ltd.
Trade events Trade event
Trade event
100% Design
Bubble London
ABC Kids Expo
Las Vegas
Cartoon Forum
Association for Environment Conscious
Cartoon Movie
Building (AECB) Conference
Children’s Media Conference
Allergy and Free From Show Ambiente
Danube Fashion Office, Shanghai Fashion Week
Annecy International Animated Film Festival
Design Junction, London Design Festival
APEX MultiMedia Market
Design Junction, Milan Salone
Bologna Children’s Book Fair
Design March
Brand Licensing Europe
Don’t Believe The Hype, Paris Fashion Week
British Craft Trade Fair
Ethical Fashion Show
EyeForPharma Summit
Trade Event
Trade Event
The International Association for
New York Comic Con
New York
Paris Sur Mode
Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE) Conference Kidscreen Summit
Pharmacy Forum UK
The Algarve
London Design Festival
Pool Trade Show
Las Vegas
London Fashion Week
Salone Satellite, Milan Design Week
Medtec Europe
Scoop London (February)
Medtec UK, Coventry
Scoop London (July)
Medtec UK, London
Self Build and Improve Your Home Show
Sustainable Development in Building and
Environment (SuDBE) Conference
The Ireland Show
Secaucus, NJ
Top Drawer
MoCCa Festival
New York
Mode City Paris
New York Art Book Fair
New York
World Travel Market
3 Designers featured in the Irish Design Pavilion at Maison et Objet, Paris Furniture:
Déanta Design: Andrew Clancy with Matthew O'Malley
J. Hill’s Standard
Glenn Lucas
Scott Benefield
Makers & Brothers with Matt Jones
The Local Maker Co.
Cillian Ó'Súilleabháin
Chaïm Factor
Derek Wilson
31 Chapel Lane
Shane Holland Design
Andrew Ludick
Cushendale Woollen Mills
Muriel Beckett Foxford Woollen Mills
Joe Hogan
Makers & Brothers with Hennessy & Byrne
4 Designers featured in Liminal – Irish design at the threshold, Milan Main Exhibition Andrew Ludick Animation Ireland- Showreel Calor Cathal Loughnane Ceadogán Rugs Claire Anne O’Brien Derek Wilson Design Partners Designgoat
Garrett Pitcher Grafton Architects Graphic Relief John McLaughlin Architects Katie Sanderson Kilkenny Design Workshops- Ipad Labofa Le Creuset Mourne Textiles
Notion Perch Peter Sheehan Rothschild & Bickers Seed Labs Inc Seymours Irish Biscuits Smarter Surfaces Snug Studio AAD
Think & Son Thomas Montgomery Unthink Zero-G
Capsule Exhibition Atlantic Equipment Brendan Joseph Chris Haughton Clancy Moore Architects Cleo Conor & David Dave Comiskey David Smith Detail
Dolmen Elks J.HILL’s Standard Makers & Brothers Mcor Technologies Obeo Paul Guinan Peter Maybury Pony
Project Twins Saturday Workshop Steve Simpson Stone Twins Sugru Superfolk TAKA Thomas O’Brien & Emma Mannion TruCorp
5 Designers featured in Liminal_Irish design at the threshold, New York Main exhibition Andrew Ludick Animation IrelandShowreel Cathal Loughnane Ceadogán Rugs Claire Anne O’Brien Derek Wilson Design Partners Designgoat Grafton Architects Graphic Relief
John McLaughlin Architects Katie Sanderson Kilkenny Design Workshops (ipad) Labofa Mourne Textiles Notion Perch Peter Sheehan Rothschild & Bickers Seed Labs Inc.
Seymours Irish Biscuits Snug Think & Son Thomas Montgomery
Capsule Exhibition Atlantic Equipment Brendan Joseph Chris Haughton Clancy Moore Architects Cleo Conor & David Dave Comiskey
Dolmen Elks J.HILL’s Standard Makers & Brothers Mcor Technologies Obeo Paul Guinan
Peter Maybury Pony Project Twins Saturday Workshop Steve Simpson The Stone Twins Studio AAD
Sugru Superfolk TAKA Thomas O’Brien & Emma Mannion TruCorp Unthink
6 Visitor numbers for In the Makingat Dublin Design Hub Overall visitor numbers
Attendance for education and events programme Colleges and Universities
Design Bites Talks and Curator’s Lecture, DIT
Design Challenge Workshops
Family Workshops
School visits (tours and workshops)
Total education and events programme attendance
7 Visitor numbers for Hidden Heroes: the Genius of Everyday Things at Dublin Design Hub Overall visitor numbers
Attendance for education and events programme School visits (tours and workshops)
Colleges and Universities
Design Bites, Seminar and Curator’s Lecture
Design Sessions CPD Workshops Family Workshops Special Guest Tours
55 264 61
Dropin Design Activities
Total education and events programme attendance
8 Designer makers exhibited as part of PORTFOLIO: Side by Side Designer
Angela O’Kelly
Cara Murphy
Cillian Ó’Súilleabháin
Cóilín O’Dubhghaill
Edmond Byrne
Eoin M Lyons
Helen O’Connell
Stone Sculptures
Helen Cody
Jack Doherty
Joe Hogan
Joseph Walsh
Karl Harron
Liam Flynn
Michael McCrory
Nuala Jamison
Pierce Healy
Roger Bennett
Sara Flynn
Simon Doyle
Stuart Cairns
Úna Burke
Zelouf + Bell
9 List of contributors for Design Islandapp
Work from 20 DCCoI clients was used during the course of the celebratory dinner. On the table at the Irish Design Dinner:
Adrian Durcan
Lee Grace
Natural Irish Linen by Emblem Weavers
Aisling Farinella
Lisa Haran
Bread baskets by Naomh Padraig Handcrafts
Alen MacWeeney
Marc O’Riain
Wine glasses by Jerpoint Glass
Alex Calder
Marie T hérèse de Blacam and
Tumblers by Jerpoint Glass
Andrew Bradley
Ruairí de Blacam
Salt and pepper pinch pots by Sinead Lough Ceramics
Barry McCall
Mary Reynolds
Linen napkins by 31 Chapel Lane
Brian Nolan
Monika Crowley
Butter plates by Living Ginger Designs
Christopher Heltzel
Muireann McMahon
Oil bowls by Rosemarie Durr Pottery
Ciara Garvey
Nathalie Marquez Courtney
Water jugs by Jerpoint Glass
Colin McKeown
Nell Roddy
Hurricane glow candles by Homeland candles
Deirdre Harte
Oliver Sears
Tea light holders by Nicholas Mosse
Deirdre McQuillan
Sam Doyle
Don O’Neill
Sara Flynn
Food Service at the Irish Design Dinner:
Dr. Sandra O’Connell
Seán O’Leary
Main course accompaniments served in a selection of bowls by Castle Arch Pottery,
Dylan Haskins
Shane Holland
Rosemarie Durr Pottery, Karen Morgan Ceramics and Nicholas Mosse Pottery
Eddie Shanahan
Simon Dennehy
Ferg Flannery
Connemara marble handle serving spoons by Hennessy & Byrne
Tara Murphy
Mint tea served in Nicholas Mosse tea pots and mugs by Arran Street East
Gemma Tipton
Tina Griffin
Helen Steele
Will Sliney
Chocolates served in wooden boxes by CarveOn
Janet Coulter John Gavin
Cheese served on wooden boards by Bunbury Boards
Jonathan Legge Kate Coleman
Cheese knives by Chaim Factor and Hennessy & Byrne
Kathryn Meghen Laura George
Honey served in ramekin dishes by Castle Arch Pottery
10 Designers, agencies and companies featured in Connectionscapsule exhibition Designer
Eileen Gray
Furniture Design
The Book of Kells
J. Hill’s Standard
Johnny Kelly
Orla Kiely
Chris Judge and Pilcrow
Digital Design
McCullough Mulvin Architects
Steve Simpson
Medical Device Design
Chris Haughton
Torc Product Development
Medical Device Design
Inis Meáin Knitting Company
Arup Ireland
Petria Lenehan
Roughan & O’Donovan
James Hoban
Mcor Technologies
Product Design
Henry J Lyons Architects
Product Design
David Rooney
Brown Bag
Cartoon Saloon
Jam Media
Geronimo Productions
Product Design
Product Design
The Stone Twins
Graphic Design
Graphic Design
Aedín Cosgrove
Set and Lighting Design
Tom Conroy
Set Design
Joan Bergin
Costume Design
Peter Rice
O’Donnell + Tuomey
Featured in the library: Designer/Company/Agency Chris Haughton Atelier David Smith Red&Grey Oliver Jeffers Niamh Sharkey Anthony Dunne and Fiona Raby Cartoon Saloon The Design & Crafts Council of Ireland Dublin City Council Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland The Institute of Creative Advertising and Design The Institute of Designers in Ireland The Arts Council of Ireland