Blas Backyard Online - Autumn 2023 with Taste4Success

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The Backyard at Blas Online Programme

7th—18th September

A dedicated event for Blas 2023 finalists to join workshops with industry leaders

These online sessions are an opportunity to prepare ahead of the in person Backyard at Blas, supported by Bank of Ireland which is part of our awards weekend in Dingle

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A word from Ar e

Over the past 6 years we have been proud to bring The Backyard at Blas to life. As a venue it is a space full of posi ve conversa on, learning and support for finalist producers.

In 2020 and 2021 when we could not be together in person we moved The Backyard at Blas online. It remained a dedicated space to meet fellow producers, a place to gain knowledge and find support for your business.

In 2022 we brought the venue back in person with the support of Bank of Ireland to bring back all the excitement, encouragement and learning. 2023s Backyard promises to be just as engaging and we look forward to welcoming our 2023 finalists. Through our online sessions however, we also saw how much our finalists producers benefi ed from a li le advance prepara on and we want to con nue in that theme of prepara on for success with another great online line up in 2023.

These workshops will take place online from the 7th—18th of September and are exclusively for finalist producers at Blas na hÉireann 2023. We encourage you to sign up to this year’s events online, ahead of a ending the events in Dingle.

The focus of the workshops will be on what you, as a finalist, can do to make the most of this opportunity. It will be a wonderful chance to not only hear from the experts but to make first contact with fellow finalists as well.

How will it work?

Each of the speakers will be delivering a workshop, in their own area of exper se aimed specifically at finalists and how you can make the most of reaching this stage.

Sessions will be delivered online

How do I register?

Register online for each of the workshops you would like to a end.

Spaces are limited and will be on a first come first served basis.

Register Here

Why The Backyard?

In 2017 The Blas team was looking to add to our events, a space for producers to build their network and learn from the many experts in our network. We wanted it to be a place among friends, just like in your own backyard and the venue itself was tucked into a space right behind our office, in our own Backyard!

These online sessions are an opportunity to prepare ahead of the in person Backyard at Blas which is part of our awards weekend

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Sharon Noonan is originally from Ballymena, Co Antrim. Her maiden name, Devlin, is synonymous with fresh fruit and vegetables and she grew up in the family business. Having studied Business Studies and French at Queen’s University Belfast, on gradua ng she embarked on a sales and marke ng career which saw her travelling the globe selling an award winning shoe for dairy cows, promo ng the Northern Irish aerospace industry and returning to her Alma Mater, Queen’s University Belfast, to promote its world class facili es to industry.

She now resides in Co Limerick and is a freelance marke ng consultant working with food, drink, hospitality and tourism businesses and government agencies. Services include social media management, developing and delivering PR campaigns, event design and coordina on and the crea on and facilita on of training and mentoring programmes.

Sharon presents a weekly radio show on West Limerick 102FM that focuses on food and drink topics and regularly moderates at conferences and seminars.

Power Up your online and in-person networking skills Wednesday 13th September @ 9.30am

At Blas na hÉireann we understand the power of collabora ve networks. We believe you can accomplish more, faster and more effec vely when you work with others. This session is designed to inspire you to consider your objec ves before a ending virtual and physical events to ensure that your focus is on crea ng valuable connec ons with a view to increasing opportuni es for you and your business.

The 2023 Social Media MasterBLASt Friday 15th September @ 9.30am

With the ever-changing landscape of social media, it is easy to feel overwhelmed and confused. This workshop will provide you with me-saving ps, content inspira on and recommended free tools that you can use to create an ac on plan to ensure that your online presence is a celebra on of your #Blas2023 success.

Malachy O’Connor is a business strategy consultant & commercial skills trainer. Malachy works across all sectors, having spent +20 years in senior posi ons in the ultra-compe ve supermarket retail sector. Thriving in this cut-throat world required deep resilience but also a deep sense of empathy around how to get the best out of people and how best to serve your customers. Malachy reckons this comes from his early life, born in England but spending his forma ve years in the troubled and turbulent society that was Northern Ireland in the 80’s and 90’s.

Malachy has 25 years’ grocery retail experience. He spent his early career in M&S, Dunnes Stores, Superquinn and SPAR, then from ’06 as Buying & Marke ng Director at Aldi Ireland and from 2014 as Fresh Foods Commercial Category Director at Tesco Ireland. Malachy’s core values are impact, comradeship and diversity: making a posi ve impact with clients and in the world, nurturing trust to build high integrity rela onships and harnessing diverse thinking to conjure crea ve solu ons.

Introduc on to insight-driven/category selling Monday 11th Sept @ 11am

An insight into a way of thinking which is cri cal for every producer both large and small. Malachy gives direc on into how to use available informa on and insights to help design a sales strategy and plan for growth.

Everything you need to know ….

Managing downward cost pressure

Fri 15th @ 11am

Producers have dealt with some whopping cost increases during the infla on crisis, now your customers are looking for cost reduc ons as everyone is talking about the defla on numbers dropping.

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Doing well and keeping well

Monday 11th September @ 9.30am

Brian will help with ps to view at the business as a whole within your life, a happy balance to create success

Brian McDermo is an award-winning celebrity chef, author and presenter from Co Donegal. Brian has built a na onal reputa on as a chef on one simple belief – that tasty, healthy food based around tradi onal recipes and local produce is something everyone should enjoy. Fans of Brian McDermo will already be familiar with that passion for local food and Donegal which has made him a regular on the Irish food fes val circuit.

Brian’s current book “ Donegal Table “ was awarded “ Best Cookery Book in the World “ at the Gourmand World Book Awards in China. Brian is presenter and MC for a number of pres ge’s food fesvals and events across Ireland. Brian is one of most passionate, genuine and inspiring public speakers who is o en a headline guest speaker. A regular TV Chef on RTÉ and has his own slot weekly on BBC Radio and he frequently contributes to many local and na onal press outlets.

Business Development

Tuesday 12th September @ 11am

Brian is highly experienced in product development , having worked with Kerry Food as NPD chef and se ng up the Food-Development Centre at NWRC in Derry. In this session Brian looks at applying the principles of product development to your wider strategy.

Vivienne Gleeson is an experienced Public Rela ons (PR) consultant with a career spanning more than 17 years. She has held roles in both in-house and agency se ngs working with a diverse range of clients including United Airlines, Bord Bia, Tourism Northern Ireland, Local Enterprise Offices, O’Callaghan Hotel Group, and Moran Hotel Group.

She works with businesses big and small providing strategic PR, business development, and mentoring support. Vivienne specialises in media rela ons, project management, and the ability to connect clients with key stakeholders and influencers in their respec ve industries.

One of her key strengths is crea ng customised PR plans that integrate seamlessly with social media and adver sing efforts. These plans are designed to meet the specific needs, capacity, and budgets of her clients.

In the realm of food and drink businesses, Vivienne understands the unique challenges and opportuni es in this industry. She will share valuable insights and a prac cal approach on how food producers can harness the power of PR to elevate their brands and grow their business.

What is PR and how do you use it to grow your business?

Tue 12th September @ 9.30am

PR is one of the most cost-effec ve ways to promote your business compared to adver sing. In this session we’ll look at PR, how it works and how to get the best out of PR to grow your business.

- How does PR work? - Wri ng Press Releases

- Crea ng images to accompany Press Releases

- Integra ng plans with adver sing, marke ng, sales, social media

- Wri ng a Press Release and tailoring it for the different audiences

- Crea ng images to accompany the Press Release

- Integra ng PR plans with adver sing, marke ng, and sales

There’s no need to spend big for PR.

Wednesday 13th September @ 11am

Join us for a prac cal session that will equip you with the skills to create newsworthy stories and invest in PR without emptying your pockets! We’ll teach you clever ways on how to cra compelling stories that grab the media’s a en on at the right me.

We’ll also look at working with brand ambassadors, collaborators and iden fying sponsorships that align well with your business, all while genera ng robust media coverage.

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This year Brian was named as Producers Champion for 2021 by Blas na hÉireann
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Annie Dunne has twenty years experience working in the food industry, with roles across manufacturing (Kerry Foods) & retail (Superquinn & Harrods), within new product development, packaging design, technical, commercial & category management func ons. As the head of Food Innova on for 10 years in the luxury food retail sector at Harrods, Annie managed the transforma on of it’s iconic and world renowned food halls with a £25milllion investment. Annie's knowledge of luxury food & drink is extensive, and her in-depth knowledge of London & UK food scene is second to none. She's worked with leading chefs such as Anna Jones, Tom Kerridge, Tom Kitchin and Michael Caines. She spear-headed a Food Innova on Academy for the wider Food & Restaurants Team within Harrods, and co-wrote the modules for a Gourmet Food Academy which is accredited by NDQ.

She's a regular speaker & Chair at several Food & Drink Trends Conferences. A Masters of Science in Food Business from UCC and an inherent love of food, so much so that she has dedicated her lifelong career to it.

Annie now runs her own food consultancy company, "the art of GRATE food" unleashing innova on poten al within food companies and inspiring crea ve solu ons to spark growth. She understands what "excep onal" really means. If you are looking for someone who can elevate your brand through quality, product or packaging, Annie knows how to achieve it.


Thursday 7th September @ 11am

An understanding of the latest trends and practical tools to effectively position for success. Leveraging these insights help to adapt, innovate, and thrive in the ever-evolving food market.

1. Introduction to Food Industry Trends

2. Health and Wellness Trends

3. Sustainability and Ethical Practices:

4. Technology and Innovation

5. Authenticity and Transparency

6. Convenience and On-the-Go Eating

7. Global Flavour Exploration - what's on trend


Friday 8th September @ 11am

Being able to communicate what your brand stands for quickly and effec vely is essen al to gaining the a en on of poten al buyers. Whether it's one minute or 15 minutes, ge ng your most important points across is worth preparing for.

In this session, Annie will:

- Discuss the importance of doing your research

- The six key components of a killer pitch deck

- Share ps on crea ng a compelling argument to displace a compe tor

Donal Quinn is the Founder of ENSO. With a background in marke ng and managing sustainability ini a ves, Donal witnessed a knowledge gap between business prac ces and sustainability best prac ces. To address this, he developed the ENSO pla orm, enabling businesses to connect with customers, increase revenues, and have a posi ve impact on the environment and society.

Maria Svejdar, marke ng manager at GS1 joins with her insights into the wealth of connec ons which a barcode can deliver.

This session is running twice, if you would like to register please just choose the me that suits you

Monday 18th September @ 11am / Tuesday 19th September @ 11am

Sustainability - key considera ons for impac ul strategies and transparent communica on Priori sing sustainability is now crucial for businesses in order to meet consumer needs, align with retailers, and comply with regula ons. In this webinar, Donal Quinn from ENSO will cover how you can create an impac ul strategy and transparently communicate your ac ons to your customers and other key stakeholders in order to make sustainability a compe ve advantage for your business.

One barcode scan, infinite possibili es. Harness the power of next generation barcodes to connect your customers with the product information they want and need. Today's consumers, regulators and retailers all require access to information about product's sustainability and circular economy credentials. Learn how your product's barcode number and a QR code can satisfy this increasing demand for information in an efficient and cost effective way.

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The Backyard Online 7th—19th September

Quick Glance Day by Day 9.30am

Thursday 7th September


Trends & Innova on Insights with Annie Dunne

Friday 8th September Perfec ng your pitch with Annie Dunne

Monday 11th September

Doing well & keeping well with Brian McDermo

Introduc on to insight-driven/category selling with Malachy O’Connor

Tuesday 12th September

What is PR and how does it work to grow your business? With Vivienne Gleeson

Wednesday 13th September Power Up Your Online & In-person Networking Skills with Sharon Noonan

Friday 15th September

Monday 18th & Tuesday 19th September

The 2023 Social Media MasterBLASt with Sharon Noonan

Business Development with Brian McDermo

There’s no need to spend big for PR with Vivienne Gleeson

Managing downward cost pressure with Malachy O’Connor


Key considera ons & connec ons with Donal Quinn & Maria Svejdar

Follow on mentoring—a chance to develop one on one

A endees of our Backyard sessions will have an opportunity to apply for a mentoring programme with this year’s speakers / mentors. Each mentor will be working with 10 of our finalist producers, working with them to deliver 3 x 1 hr one to one sessions to help develop in their area of interest. The mentoring programme is fully funded and supported by Taste4Success

We are so proud to have worked with the Blas team as provider of the online learning and mentoring system. At a me of immense turmoil, the online learning facility has enabled both the Blas team and its members, spread throughout every county in Ireland, to keep connected, to con nue learning and networking, to keep focused on new developments and successes. We take this opportunity to thank Ar e, Fallon and the team, and wish all contenders health, happiness & success in the 2023 Blas na hÉireann Irish Food Awards.

Bridie Corrigan Ma hews, Network Director, Taste 4 Success Skillnet

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