Irish hereford breed journal 2014

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Entry forms for Sales available from: Irish Hereford Breed Society, Harbour Street, Mullingar, Co. Westmeath. Phone: 044-9348862/934885 Fax: 044-9348949 email: website:

Entries close one month in advance of sale

List of Advertisers page

Irish Farmers Journal ......................................................................Back Cover

Appelbe, J & F Carrigroe & Apple.............................................................108

Jacob, Glenn, Dunsinane .........................................................................163

Branagan, Willie, Clonleam.........................................................................28

Johnston JW, Air Hill Herefords ................................................................160

Brennan, G. & T., Balleen .........................................................................134

Kingston, Gus & Elizabeth, Ballymartin .....................................................159

Bull Fertility, Brendan Condren ..................................................................53

Kingston, John & Marie, Kingsgrove ..........................................................107

Carroll, David, Mary & Dáithí, Udel ..........................................................62

Ledwith, Val, Rathregan ............................................................................145

Canty, J & J, Portanob....................................................................................7

Lehane, Daniel & Karen, Kilronan ..............................................................64

Collins, John & Marian, Turlough Bovine Genetics ..................................154 Deverell, Joe & Ivor, Ballyaville...................................................................79 Dovea Genetics, Thurles ..............................................172/Inside Back Cover Dudley, Trevor and Edward, Kilsunny, Thurles ...........................................44 Eurogene ....................................................................................................99 Farm Wardrobe .................................................................................170/171 Farrell, Michael & Gráinne, Castledaly......................................................118 Farrell, J.J. & C., Trillick...............................................................................98 Farrell, Padraig & Sons, Cavehill ................................................................66 Fitzgerald, Tom & Anslem, Grianan ...........................................................75 Flynn, Anne, Cloonart .................................................................................15 Flynn, Cathal & Eamon, Rossmore Herefords ............................................160 Geelan, Coote, Baltymore ...........................................................................96

Lynch, Hugh & Philip, Kilgolagh & Carrick ..............................................119 Molloy, Michael, Moyclare .........................................................................90 Munster Hereford Branch ..........................................................................110 Murphy, Martin , Toureenbrien ..................................................................56 McGrath, Padraig & Catherine, Kye ..........................................................129 McKiernan, Eamon & John, Knockmountagh.............................................137 McKiernan, Sean, Corlismore ......................................................................23 Neenan, John, Tullaha ..............................................................................163 North Leinster Branch................................................................................125 O’Connor Family, Clouncagh....................................................................142 O’Keeffe, Michael & Brian, Gurteragh & Newstar ....................................113 O’Sullivan, Timmie & Sheila, Aliehs .............................................................5

Glenslieve Hereford ...................................................................................45

Parr, Henry & Mervyn, Tourtane ..............................................................136

Graham, James, Richmond Poll Herefords UK ...........................................11

Philpott, Liam & Pounds, Anne, Allowdale ................................................83

Heatrick, Samuel & Nigel, Glaslough ........................................................103

Slaney Foods ..............................................................................................54 ...................................................................................25

Smyth, Philip, Ardmulchan .......................................................................167

Humphreys, Eric, Dernaroy .......................................................................124

South Leinster Branch ...............................................................................131

Holloway, John, Gageboro ..........................................................................32

Weatherbys Ireland .......................................................................................2

Irish Hereford Prime ....................................................................................70

West Cork Hereford Club ..........................................................................120

The opinions expressed in the Irish Hereford Breed Journal are not necessarily the official views of the Breed Society’s Council or its Members of Staff. The Irish Hereford Breed Society accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of any of the opinions or any of the information contained within the Journal. Sincere thanks to all who sent photographs and articles for this publication. Printed by: Mulcair Print - Telephone: 087-9881945 - email:



Larry Feeney

The year 2013 has been an extraordinary one not alone due to the unusual weather pattern but also because of the increased interest in the Hereford breed.

One of the most difficult winters on record was followed by an extremely late spring. The problems were exacerbated by the very poor quality of fodder on most farms due to the wet summer of 2012. Herefords were seen to maintain condition on much of this poor quality feed and demonstrated that the same quantities of meal necessary to maintain other breeds were not required. Nevertheless additional costs in production were experienced with scarcity a factor, leading to a situation where hay and straw were even in late April had to be imported from the UK and France. Such a situation had never before occurred in living memory. Some nervousness ahead of the early bull sales was quickly dissipated as the Premier Show and Sale at Tullamore proved a winner. The pace and demand at the venue set the scene for sales to follow and with the change in weather the market quickly settled down. Concerns arising in the meat business raised issues of traceability which highlighted the value of the Hereford meat brands with had a higher level of visibility, traceability and an identifiable source. Beef prices reached levels not seen previously but sadly as we go to the press these prices have reverted to where they were prior to the alert. Thankfully for the Hereford branded products the markets built up in recent years continue to have the support of the consumer.

For many years Hereford breeders and enthusiasts have talked about the quality, flavour, texture and taste of Hereford beef. It has been a long a laborious task building the brand. It has taken much time and effort not to say financial investment by the Society and others to achieve the current level of success and growing market. Currently at least four major meat plants pay a premium for Hereford cross carcasses that meet the spec required for the various Hereford beef brands available to top chefs, restaurants, two major supermarket chains across Ireland and the Carrefour chain in Italy. If you are travelling across Europe this year you are likely to find Irish Hereford beef has arrived before you. The Hereford brands are well packaged of extremely high quality and provide a delicious eating experience. Given that the fast expanding demand from consumers is well deserved. Consumer resistance to bull beef and changes in supermarket packaging has this spring in particular put severe pressure on producers of bull beef. This is an enterprise that has gown enormously in Ireland in recent years but has now reached its zenith. Carcass size, age of animal and adequate fat levels has become issues. The use of a Hereford bull by producers particularly within continental breed cow herds has the capability to fix some the problems being experienced. Some producers long accustomed to using continental bulls have yet to look at and appreciate the great genetic strides the Hereford has

made over the past fifteen to twenty years.

Given a little time to overcome many years of claims that carcass shape is an indication of beef quality rather than consumer preference for eating quality producers who have not considered Hereford previously will check out the breed and I have no doubt will be impressed.

The Irish Agricultural Research organisation Teagasc in researching the production of Hereford cross beef from the dairy herd at their research unit at Johnstown Castle, in Co Wexford have been extremely positive. Teagasc have demonstrated that up to €2,029 per hectare gross margin is achievable in the low input high input system devised at Johnstown. This is extremely good news to dairy farmers producing Hereford cross calves which sell at an appreciable premium and to beef producers purchasing those calves and later supplying beef at eighteen to twenty four months of age for the Hereford beef schemes. During the past year the Society has embraced the genomic testing program at ICBF. This has involved considerable cost for both breeders and the Society apart from the initial benefit of all registered bull calves being sire verified the long term benefits are expected to lead to faster genetic gain within the breed. This project will continue in 2014 and the support of breeders is much appreciated. It is in the interests of all breeders and the Irish beef industry that the better genetic lines male and female are indentified so that the Hereford breed can maintain its position as a leading player in the Irish beef industry. Society members have played their part in the current BVD eradication program and are to be commended in doing so. Irish farmers have unbelievably expended €9,000,000 on the program in 2013 without a shred of recognition or thanks from those driving the animal health initiative.

The Society will very shortly release a promotional DVD that has now been in production longer than intended but will be available to promote the breed into the future. In addition it is intended to update the Society’s website and online presence to provide information to a growing number of individuals from at home and abroad becoming interested in the breed. It is important that breeders continue to take their animals to the summer shows and continue to exhibit the breed and demonstrate its value and relevance in the modern Irish beef industry.

Demand for the breed through AI has grown significantly over the past year and with purchases of new Irish bulls for AI by both Dovea and Eurogene breeders and commercial producers will have greater choice in 2014.

The commitment and dedication of breeders in the promotion of the breed is much appreciated and your continued support in 2014 will grow the breed.

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Contents Secretary’s Review ..................................................................................1 Society President ....................................................................................3 Chairman’s Message ...............................................................................4 Branch Officers ......................................................................................5 Hall of Fame 2013..................................................................................6 Obituaries ..............................................................................................8 Around the Sales ..................................................................................12 Hereford Calf Promotion ......................................................................29 Kanturk Demo 2013 .............................................................................30 Beef Progeny Testing in Ireland .............................................................33 G€N€ Ireland Bull Breeder of the Week ...............................................45 Glenslieve Hereford .............................................................................46 Cavan/Monaghan Hereford Cattle Producers win Foyle Valley Carcase Competion once again .........................................................................47 National Ploughing Championship Photos ...........................................48 Slaney Foods .......................................................................................50 John Shirley - “I’ve no beef with quality of Irish Steak” ........................52 Linden Foods expands livestock programme in Hereford Beef ..............55 €2,029 GM/ha possible with Hereford cross ........................................57 Hereford RDS Champion of Champions ...............................................63 Future of Herefords Assured ................................................................64 Benefit of Genomics in Beef Cattle .......................................................65 Hereford Prime News ...........................................................................68 Around the Shows................................................................................71 Tullamore Show....................................................................................71 Nenagh Show.......................................................................................84 Trim Show ............................................................................................91 Arvagh & Virginia Shows ....................................................................102 Connaught Branch IHBS .....................................................................104 Mohill & Elphin Shows .......................................................................104

Strokestown Show .............................................................................106 Munster Branch Field Evening ............................................................109 Munster Branch Hereford Tour 2013...................................................111 Munster Branch AGM & News ...........................................................114 Thurles, Charleville, Clonmel, Cappamore & Limerick Shows ............115 Newmarket & District Show ..............................................................116 Kanturk Commercial Cattle Show .......................................................119 West Cork Show Photos .....................................................................121 West Cork Club Review 2013.............................................................122 North Leinster Branch IHBS ................................................................123 Longford & Moate Show.....................................................................126 Mullingar Show ..................................................................................127 Ossory Show .....................................................................................128 South Leinster Branch - Balleen Meeting ...........................................130 South Leinster Branch Review ............................................................132 Tinahely Show ...................................................................................133 Iverk Show ........................................................................................135 Tullow Show ......................................................................................136 Country Reports.................................................................................138 Northern Ireland ................................................................................138 U.K. ...................................................................................................143 Germany ...........................................................................................155 New Zealand .....................................................................................156 Uruguay .............................................................................................157 Sweden .............................................................................................161 Denmark ...........................................................................................162 Australia ............................................................................................164 U.S. ...................................................................................................166 Canada ..............................................................................................168 14th European Hereford Conference Switzerland 2014 ......................169

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Society President 2013/2014 KERRYMAN LEADS HEREFORD SOCIETY The new President of the Irish Hereford Breed Society is Kerryman, Mr Timmy O’Sullivan, Ahane Cross, Brosna, Tralee.

A member of the Society’s Council and of its Breed Improvement Committee Timmy is a past Chairman and active member of the Munster Branch of the Society.

Timmy and his wife Shelia established the Aliehs herd in 1995 with the purchase of three cows and their three heifer calves at foot from the Bawnafinny herd owned by the Cunningham Family at Blarney.

The pedigree herd of approx fifteen breeding females is generally bred to AI however currently a homebred son of Churchill Storm is being used to good effect. Fourteen year old Aliehs Pride the oldest cow currently in the herd is due her 11th calf on October 30th. Her progeny have performed consistently in the showring since 2006 when Timmy first began to exhibit Herefords.

As an active member of the Munster branch Timmy organised and participated in all branch activities and has visited shows across Ireland the UK and Canada. He is convinced that Irish Herefords are of high enough standard to compete with any he has seen on his travels. He is also convinced of the benefits of attending branch activities as a means of education and widening the horizons of new entrants to the breed as well as long time breeders.

As President he looks forward to his term in office and hopes driven by the enthusiasm of his grandchildren to foster greater participation by young and old in showing, grooming and judging workshops at regional branch level.

Timmy believes the Hereford breed is going from strength to strength due to its longevity, ease of calving, fertility, docility and early finishing ability. The Hereford Friesian cross he believes is an outstanding suckler dam with excellent milking ability capable of producing progeny of an ideal carcase size sought after by butchers and the Hereford beef schemes through Hereford Prime via ABP, Kepak and “Deluxe “ Hereford at Lidl via Slaney Foods and Glenslieve Hereford via Foyle Meats. The new President wishes to see the breed exhibited at as many shows as possible and is appreciative of the efforts made by exhibitors to raise the profile of the breed. He would be delighted to see the further development of a comprehensive herd health program in the near future. The O’Sullivan’s did initially breed Limousin, Simmental and Angus as well as Herefords. In 2010 however the decision was made to hitch their wagon to a star and stay with Herefords only. This is a decision that has paid dividends ever since. Timmy is very honoured to have been selected President of the Society and wishes all Hereford breeders success with their breeding program. Mr Ivor Deverell, Ballyaville, Geashill, Co Offaly of the well-known “Ballyaville Herd” is the current Vice President of the Society.

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Last year in the Breed Journal I looked forward to a good sale season for Hereford stock in the spring. Confidence in the approaching season was justified with increased averages at bull sales and a strong on-farm demand. This strong demand continued through the autumn and now, as another spring season approaches, we can expect continued strong interest. Commercial factors such as the requirement for lower carcass weights, the expense of high meal feeding and the quality of Hereford beef are giving the breed a steadily increasing profile. Hereford beef continues to expand its retail presence. As well as the very successful LIDL/Slaney Meats scheme, Irish Hereford Prime has now expanded into the Supervalu chain. The increasing demand for Hereford beef ultimately drives demand for pedigree stock and we, as Hereford breeders, must supply the market with the best possible stock.

As the end of the current project on dairy x Hereford calf rearing approaches, a new project is envisaged. Dr. Padraig French of Teagasc has proposed an initiative entitled “Generating Superior Beef Genetics for the Dairy Herd”. It will concentrate on identifying superior Hereford and Angus bulls for use in the Dairy Herd. International as well as Irish bulls are required and semen for use in this project is being identified.

The use of more Hereford semen on dairy cows and more Hereford bulls on dairy herds after enough females have been secured with sexed semen is becoming a reality. The calf promotions which have run for the last two years in marts handling large numbers of calves have proven successful and are more important than ever to reach the primary calf producer. Many members give their time to this worthwhile project and deserve the thanks of all breeders.

William Branagan, Chairman.

It is particularly gratifying to see that AI Stations are now actively sourcing bulls as well as ICBF taking three bulls for their GENE Ireland Program.

An increasing number of Suckler farmers are now using Herefords because the commercial realities mentioned above are causing a rethink of production systems.

May all Hereford breeders be well rewarded in the coming year.

Martin Murphy, Vice-Chairman.

Irish Hereford Breed Society Ltd., Harbour Street, Mullingar, Co. Westmeath. Tel. 044-9348855 or 044-9348862 Fax: 044-9348949 email:



Branagan, Mr. William, Clonleam, Delvin, Co. Westmeath. Deverell, Mr. Ivor, Ballyaville, Geashill, Co. Offaly Geelan, Mr. Coote, Cloonagheer, Dromod, Co. Leitrim. Humphreys, Mr. Eric, Dernaroy, Newbliss, Co. Monaghan. Jacob, Mr. Glenn, Dunsinane, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford (Hon.) McCarthy, Mr. Pat, Parkana, Ballymore, Bandon, Co. Cork. Molloy, Mr. Michael, The Glebe, Belmont, Co. Offaly Murphy, Mr. Martin, Toureenbrien, Lackamore, Newport, Co. Tipp. Neenan, Mr. John, Tullaha, Broadford, Charleville, Co. Limerick O’Sullivan, Mr. Timmie, Ahane Cross, Brosna, Tralee, Co. Kerry Philpott, Mr. Liam, Knocknacolan, Kanturk, Co. Cork Page 6

087-2338053 087-9312628 086-8249810 086-3374652 087-6786895 086-8047701 086-8168924 086-1072847 086-8788762 087-2250210 087-6136750


Branch Officers - Contact Details

South leinster Branch (Laois, Kilkenny, Carlow, Wexford, Wicklow, Kildare, Dublin) Chairman: Mervyn Parr Phone: 087-6636665 Secretary: John Johnston Phone: 086-2326151 North leinster Branch (Louth, Meath, Westmeath, Longford, Offaly) Chairman: Anselm Fitzgerald Phone: 087-6623403 Secretary: Joe Deverell Phone: 087/2702271 west cork club (west cork) Chairman: John White Phone: 087 6789712 Secretary: Paddy Hickey Phone: 086 8779639

connaught Branch (Mayo, Galway, Donegal, Leitrim, Sligo, Roscommon) Chairman: Padraig McGrath Phone: 087/2693201 Secretary: Anne Flynn Phone: 071-9658930 Munster Branch (Clare, Kerry, Cork, Tipperary, Limerick, Waterford.) Chairman: Martin Murphy Phone: 086-10728847 Secretary: Cathriona Murphy Phone: 086-0616806 cavan Monaghan Branch (Cavan, Monaghan) Chairman: Nigel Heatrick Phone: 087-9969640 Secretary: Cathal Flynn Phone: 087-2052773

ALIEHS HEREFORDS Brosna, Co. Kerry - Estd. 1994

we would like to thank all our customers over the years and wish them every success.

Reduction Sale of A.I. bred females ex farm during May, June & July 2014 Aliehs Melt - First in his class and Reserve Champion, Kilmallock North Munster Sale, April 2012.

timmie & Sheila o’Sullivan VISItoRS AlwAyS welcoMe

Ahane cross, Brosna, tralee, c. Kerry. Phone/Fax: 068 44125 Mobile: 087 225 0210 email: Page 7


Hall of Fame Award 2013 Mr. Tom Fitzgerald Tom Fitzgerald and his association with Hereford cattle goes back to 1954 when the Grianan herd was established with the purchase of a young heifer, June Rose from the Power family in Banagher. Her first calf, a bull Grianan Valentine, was a first prize winner at the RDS in 1957, and sold to Ballyclough AI Station at 380gns. This was the start of many years of successful breeding.

During the early years the herd remained small but achieved much success at shows and sales. This was through selecting only the best females for breeding and using the best sires available at the time. This continues today with the herd size at 20 and the main emphasis is on the cow families, where functional cows that calf every year and rear their calf is of the upmost importance. The very best sires from Ireland, UK, Canada and Australia are used to ensure that the herd continues to make progress in producing attractive cattle for the commercial producers. Tom served two terms on Hereford council, served on the Show & Sales committee and was President in 1994. He continues to be an active member of the North Leinster branch A well respected stockman, Tom has judged all over

Ireland and had the honour of judging the Hereford classes at the RDS Spring Show in 1989.

The herd has experienced many successes, winning National titles, Society show & sales and has exported cattle to the UK. The herd has also provided cattle for display at the Society’s exhibition at the National Ploughing Championship.

However it is the performance of Grianan cattle in their new homes that Tom measures the herd’s true success. In the recent years this has been exemplified by Grianan Emperor, herd sire at Churchill where he sired the National Champion in 2009 and Grianan Firecracker, purchased by the Corlismore herd, where he had an impressive show career being National Supreme Hereford Champion and twice RDS Champion of Champions in 2008 and again in 2011. More importantly in 2011 he sired the Reserve National Female Champion and National Heifer Calf Champion. Tom’s passion for the Hereford breed is as strong as ever and with the help of his family he continues to be the driving force behind the Grianan herd. Pictured above: Niamh Lynch, Fresh Food Director, Tesco Ireland presenting the Award to Tom Fitzgerald.

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Portanob (H) Port (P) Est. 1975

Stock Bull: Port 1 Bob by Yarram Pompeii V055

Portanob Julia

Also Pedigree Texel Flock Top Class Rams For Sale Visitors welcome by appointment

J & J Canty Kildalkey, Co. Meath Mobile: 086-8312817 Page 9



Augustus “Gus” Kingston (1931 – 2013) Glencairn, Lismore, Co Waterford.

An Appreciation

With the death of Agustus “Gus” Kingston the Irish Hereford Society has lost one of its most prominent members and ardent supporters. A member of the Society’s Council from 1979 to 1997 he served as President in 1986/87, during which time he had the onerous task of officiating at an AGM and at two Special General Meetings one of which had an attendance of 385 members the largest ever such Society Meeting. His Chairmanship and negotiating skills were honed to perfection ensuring a very satisfactory outcome to the events of the time. The first calf registered under the “Ballymartin” prefix was a bull “Rambler” in 1949 out of Hoddersfield Cynthia purchased from the late Billy Nicholson, Crosshaven, Co Cork, with whose son Rex, Gus later served with on the Irish Hereford Council. Gus developed the herd into one of the largest Hereford herds in the country with the astute selection of prolific females and the best herd sires available. Himself a man of sartorial elegance he did not set major emphasis on such style and appearance in cattle. He believed the most essential requirements of a bull purchaser to be soundness, good serving capacity, ease of calving and functionality. His legion of repeat customers is testimony to the success of this philosophy. A recognized judge of the breed he was part of an Irish Hereford Society delegation to Canada when the bull Standard Lad 93J, a bull which had a major influence for good on the breed was selected for semen importation. As judge at the National Hereford Show in Strokestown while President, in the cow class by passed a well presented, oft selected prize winner for a good working cow with a decent calf at foot. When challenged later by the disappointed exhibitor his only question was “what age is her last calf?” His legacy as a breeder lives on in the Ballymartin herd, which is now managed with similar integrity and enthusiasm by his daughter Elizabeth.

Many of those in attendance at the funeral service at St. Cartage’s Cathedral, Lismore later exchanged many long and indeed some very humorous anecdotes on the long and eventful life of one of the Hereford breed’s great characters. To his wife Avril son George daughters Elizabeth, Rosemary and their families we offer sincere sympathy at this sad time. The Kingston Family wish to extend sincere ‘thank you’ to all those who attended the funeral services and were so supportive during Gus’ final illness. L.F.

John A. Malone

It was with shock and surprise that Hereford breeders and indeed members of the wider cattle breeding community learned of the sudden and unexpected death of John A Malone, Woodbrook House, Carrick-on-Shannon, Co Roscommon. A larger than life character John was a long time member of his local Connaught Branch of IHBS. In addition he was a stalwart member of the Midland and Western Livestock Improvement Society at Carrick-on-Shannon. In this capacity he was a great source of support to his wife Mae who gave long and dedicated service to the organisation as it’s secretary for many years prior to her retirement from the post. While often critical of the Performance Test Centre at Tully John was a supporter and put a number of bulls from his St Lassir herd through its program. A regular attender at the Society’s Annual General Meeting John was very forthright in his views, called a spade a spade and did not suffer fools gladly. Despite this he had a heart of gold and will be sadly missed by his wife Mae, his sister Pauline and all who knew him. R.I.P.

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John and Mae Malone

Peter O’Neill


It was with sadness we learned of the death of Peter O’Neill, Drumcauskeen, Cloone, Co. Leitrim. Peter was a very quiet and inoffensive man who with his brother James ran the select Drumcauskeen herd of six cows and followers. Each sire was chosen carefully from the best available from the local Sligo AI Centre or from the Society’s Breed Improvement Scheme. It was no surprise therefore that cattle from the herd regularly appeared amongst the prize-winners at local shows such as Mohill or Cloone or amongst the prizewinners and top prices at Society’s Sales at Roscommon James and Peter O’Neill with Drumcauskeen Karen and Bess (2,700) at Strokestown or Granard. Show. Peter passed away peacefully as he lived in late spring following a short Kitty to whom we offer sincere sympathy. illness. He is survived by his brothers James and Francis and also his sisters Mae, Anna, Evelyn, Josephine and L.F.

Dermot Cahill Leugh, Thurles, Co. Tipperary

Shock and disbelief greeted the sad tidings circulating amongst the cattle breeding fraternity as they gathered on September 23rd last for the final day’s preparation at the NPC site that Dermot Cahill retired manager of Dovea AI Centre had suddenly passed away. Just ten days previously many including myself had spoken with him at Gurteen Agricultural College where he had been invited as all breeds cattle judge for the commercial Cattle Exhibitors Society event at the venue. He was hale and hearty as always and there was no indication at that juncture that his life would be cut short and so soon. He was an ordinary individual who was in many ways extraordinary. A raconteur skilled in the art of conversation and story telling his interest were wide and varied. His conversation was very often interspersed with Latin phrases gleaned from his classical education his knowledge of cattle breeding and pedigrees was nulli

secundus (second to none). Retirement he found difficult taking several years to wean himself off from his much loved Dovea, its historic Trant family residence and history in which he took such pride. He took up gardening and a horticulture course at the Botanic Gardens, no surprise given his establishment of the excellent arboretum at Dovea which gave him much enjoyment. This activity together with his regular forays by train to be with his beloved grandchildren filled his days to overflowing. He was a great personal friend, mentor and sometimes father figure who cold always provide apt, considered and shrewd advice whatever the topic or burning question of the day. Fortiter in re, suaviter in modo (resolute in action, gentle in manner) his contribution to Irish cattle breeding is immeasurable and remains a lasting legacy to the nation. To his wife Eileen, sons Donal, Connor and Dermot, daughters Cathroina and Mary we extend our deepest sympathy. Overleaf we reprint the citation given by the Society at the time of his retirement in recognition of his vast contribution to the Hereford breed and Irish Cattle breeding.

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Around the Sales . . . . . Tullamore - March 2013 Massive surge in demand for Hereford Bulls at Tullamore (Dairy farmer purchases top price bull at €7,100)

A packed ringside at GVM Tullamore saw purchasers from West Cork to Tyrone and Donegal to Wexford pay new levels of prices for the Hereford bulls exhibited at the Society’s first spring show & sale of the season. The top price of €7,100 was paid by Co Tyrone dairy farmer Duncan Crawford, Omagh, Co Tyrone following spirited bidding in a ringside silent but for the steady bidding as purchaser and under-bidder tried to secure the Reserve Champion Trillick Governor. Exhibited by JJ Farrell, Trillick a Temple, Longford he is by his stock bull Steil Gerard a Churchill Storm son that is breeding consistently well. No stranger to the showring the top honours and price at the Society’s premier sale had eluded Mr Farrell up to now. His first prize-winner Trillick Miller also by the herd sire Steil Gerard sold to Maurice Daly, Rockchapel, Co Cork at €4,100 giving a herd total of €11,200 or an average of €5,600 for the herd siblings. The Champion Gouldingpoll 1 Sundance ET was exhibited by Co Kerry breeder Matthew Goulding. Out of his top prizewinning cow Dorepoll 1 R 51 Dutchess 525 and sired by Scottish sire Romany 1 Captain. This 18 month old bull sold to Paul Roohan, Beleek, Co Fermanagh at €4,000. Knockmountagh Duke bred and exhibited by Eamon & John McKiernan was sired by Corlismore Pompeii out of a Churchill Storm daughter Knockmountagh Aoife and sold to prominent Cork breeder Tom Roycroft, Dunmanway at €4,600. T & A Fitzgerald exhibited twin bulls Grianan Lion King ET and Grianan Lion Heart ET. Sired by Bowmont Storm A583 out of Grianan Dominique a top class breeder they sold at €3,800 for Lion King to Aidan Carroll, Kinnity, Birr and Lion Heart at €3,100 to Paul Roohan, Beleek, Co Fermanagh who also purchased the Champion.

Michael Farrell’s Castledaly HP a son of Castledaly Gearoid himself a son to Bowmont Storm A584 and out of Castledaly Millie an SJS Dom Lad 10P daughter sold to Karl Longe, Derrymore, Killucan, Co Westmeath at €3,700. The hammer dropped at €3,550 for Carrick Bruno from Philip Lynch, Carrick, Finea via Mullingar selling to Derek Snell, Mountpallas, Mountnugent, Co Cavan. By Balleen Frost he is out of Bally-dowel Fliper a Glaslough Esquire daughter bred by Joe Maher, Freshford. With an overall sale average of €3,411 up over €600 on the same venue in 2012 and a clearance of 71% the Society was well satisfied with the outcome. There is no doubt that continuing strong demand for quality Hereford cross cattle for slaughter through the branded beef schemes, the price advantage for Hereford cross calves and requirement for Hereford cross suckler replacements is having a major influence on demand.

Top price €7,100, Reserve Champion Trillick Governor, Society President Glenn Jacob, Clare Farrell, JJ Farrell and show judge Michael Fox, Tullamore.

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Champion Gouldingpoll 1 Sundance ET sold at €4,000 with Matthew Goulding.

1st prize winnerGrianan Lion King ET sold at €3,800 with Anselm Fitzgerald.

Trillick Miller €4,100 with Clare Farrell and JJ Farrell.

Judging in progress Tullamore March 2013


Hereford demand continues at Bandon

Demand for Hereford bulls at Bandon was very steady with a top price of €2500 twice and a very satisfactory average of 2065 with a 74% clearance. The day’s top price of 2500 was paid for the Champion Furaleigh Ginger 803 by AI Sire Ardlahan Ginger, bred by the well known Ted O’Sullivan, Bartlemy, Fermoy; his dam is Furaleigh Lass 674 by Trillick Best. From the same stable Furaleigh Ginger 789 by the same Sire equalled the 2500 of his herd sibling. His dam is Furaleigh Lass 678 by Furaleigh Best. Relative newcomer to the breed John Cronin of Mourneabbey, Mallow bred and exhibited Clyde Storm by Bowmont Storm A584 out of Allowdale Petal, an Ervie Classic daughter selling at 2450. Oakland Albert 2nd again by Bowmont Storm A584 sold at 2350. From the herd of John Lucey, Kilnamartyra, Macroom he is out of Oakland Mona by Clonmoney Nelson. Graham Roycroft, Granard, Lyre, Clonakilty received 2300 for his bull Garraneishal Pascal by Kilsunny Conrad out of a Lisnalta Generator daughter.

Killaclug Whisperer from John McDonnell, Carrigaphooka, Macroom and Castlerichard Buster 18th exhibited by Patrick O’Donoghue, Conna, Mallow sold at 2100 each. Given the disastrous late spring countrywide and given that the Bandon area is normally well known for its early grass this result was very satisfactory. Ground temperatures are at their lowest recorded for the time of year and fodder is becoming increasingly scarce putting tremendous pressure on farmers and resources.

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Champion Furaleigh Ginger 803


Nenagh - April 2013


The Hereford Society was well pleased with the continued strong demand at its Nenagh bull sale. Hereford calf prices and strong competition among processors to meet demand for the various Hereford beef premium schemes are seen as strong drivers of the bull trade. Current demand for Hereford bulls is such that eight bulls catalogued for the Society sale were already sold prior to the event. Local breeders dominated the event with the championship being awarded to Robert Powell, Toomevara and the Reserve Championship and top price of 3,450 going to near neighbour Rory Farrell also of Toomevara. The Champion Blean Dex son of Glaslough Esquire (GSQ) out of Blean Veronica by Bawngarriff Ruskin was exhibited by Robert Powell, Blean, Toomevara no stranger to Championship honours in Tipperary or Limerick. This fourteen month old bull with a projected 2.9% calving figure sold at 3,000 to John Hayes, Tankardstown, Ratoath, Co. Meath. The days top price was reached when the hammer dropped at 3,450 for Ballinveney Master exhibited by Rory Farrell and Sons, Ballinveney, Toomevara. This Banemore Pompeii T036 son is out of Ballinveney Fancy a Churchill Storm daughter and was purchased by Patrick Campion, Graigue, Drom, Templemore. First prizewinner Gurteragh Liberator a regular on the show circuit in 2012 was exhibited by Newmarket, Co. Cork breeder Michael O’Keeffe. By his homebred sire Gurteragh Gladiator and out of Quinnsboro Rose 2nd by Tibradden Adama he sold at 3,000 to John Collins, Abbeyfeale, Co. Limerick. Kanturk breeders Liam Philpott and Anne Pounds were pleased with the 2,800 achieved for their well grown Allowdale Pigalle Wonder. A Bowmont Storm A584 son out of imported dam Border Pansy D19 a Border General V28 daughter he was purchased by dairy farmer Barney

O’Sullivan, Dunlavin, Co. Wicklow. Joe O’Connor, Riverview, Sharavogue, Birr had a successful day out selling his Boveen Kevin and Boveen Kendal both by herd sire Corran Hill Classic at 2,800 and 2,600. Purchasers were Thomas O’Brien, Ogonnolloe, Scarriff, Co. Clare and Philip Madden, Shanahoe, Abbeyleix. Beaghmore Pompeii T036 son Ocean Dandy sold at 2,700 to Michael McKeogh, Killaloe. Bred and exhibited by Kiernan Harty, Ballylongane, Ballyheigue he is out of Ocean Flora 7th a Glaslough Esquire (GSQ) daughter. John Canty, Kildalkey, Trim, Co. Meath exhibited two bulls at the sale both sons of Sollpoll 1 Dynamite. Port 1 Dynamite was purchased by Dan McNamara, Kilkishen, Co. Clare at 2,600 while Port 1 Jumbo went to Leslie Wakefield, Aughrim, Ballinasloe also at 2,600. With both Hereford Heifer and bull calves selling at very strong prices despite the current pressure on farmers for both feed and space it is noticeable that more and more bull purchasers are turning to Hereford. Hereford Steers and heifers currently fit and coming fit for slaughter are urgently required at premium prices to meet the demand of the current branded Hereford beef marketing schemes. Sellers should ensure that they supply to those processors paying a premium. The overall sale average was 2,515 with a 79% clearance.

Champion 14 month old Blean Dex sold at €3000 with Owner Bobby Powell,Judge John O’Connor and owner Robert Powell Blean Toomevara purchased by John Hayes.

Judging in progress Page 16


Reserve Champion and top price bull €3450 Ballinveney Master at with owners Rory Farrell & Sons Toomevara also judge John O’Connor purchased by Patrick Campion, Templemore.

First Prizewinner Churchill Kevin, Brian Clarke & Judge John O’Connor.

1st prizewinner Gurteragh Liberator sold at €3000 with owner Michael OKeeffe Newmarket and judge John O’Connor purchased by John Collins, Abbeyfeale.

Plenty of customers

Cloonart Herefords Sire: Kilsunny Goliath

clooNARt óISíN

Dam: Cloonart Julie

Sires Used: GH Adams144S Bulge 138W, Kilsunny Goliath, Hollow Point Broker


cloonart, Bornacoola, carrick-on-Shannon, co. leitrim. tel. 071 9658930 Mobile: 087 2366703 Page 17


Top Price Bull Ballinveney Marvel €3,750 from Rory Farrel sold to Joe & Ivor Deverell

Champion Kye Sting 595 €2,900, owners Patrick & Padraig McGrath with Judge Gene Lynch

Reserve Champion Ardlahan Malcolm €3,000 with owners Paddy & Darren O'Rourke.

First Prizewinner Allowdale Man of Pleasure €3,000 with owner Liam Philpott

Kathleen Buckley, Coolanoran Herd & Rachael Neville Castleroberts Herd exhibited 4th prizewinner Castleroberts Obama sold at €2,000.

Co Cork Hereford breeders John Ludgate, Declan Murphy and Ted O’Sullivan intent on the judging.

Coleman Neary does a final brush up before heading for the showring.

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"Ballinaught Supreme", is prepared for the Irish Hereford Spring Show and Sale in GVM, Kilmallock by Elizabeth Moloney and owner John Moloney, Tankardstown North, Kilmallock. Photo Ita West


Kilmallock - April 2013


The strong demand for Hereford bulls continued at the Society’s April Sale at Kilmallock with a very good clearance and an average similar to the Hereford Sale at Nenagh the previous week. Once again the numbers forward were influenced by current very strong on farm demand with successful farm to farm sales taking place across the country. The day’s top price went to Rory Farrell, Ballinveney, Toomevara who last week exhibited the €3,450 top price bull and Reserve Champion Ballinveney Master at Nenagh. On this occasion it was stablemate Ballinveney Marvel by Australian sire Yarram Star General W251 out of Ballinveney Hilda by Glaslough Esquire (GSQ) that made the top price when the auctioneer’s hammer came down at €3,750. Purchased by well known Offaly breeders Joe an Ivor Deverell, Marvel is a five star bull for terminal and maternal traits with a below average calving difficulty figure thus indicating this bull has the pedigree and performance to fit his intended role as a herd sire. The Champion Kye Sting 595 a Bowmont Storm A584 son from the well known herd of Padraig McGrath, Elphin, Co Roscommon was a bargain at €2,900 for S&N Heatrick, Glaslough, Co Monaghan. The dam Kye Sorcha 3rd is by the very successful Churchill Storm. Local breeders Paddy O’Rourke and son Darren from Kildimo exhibited the Reserve Champion Ardlahan

Viewing the merchandise. Photo Ita West

Malcolm. This 15 month old is an exciting son and one of the first progeny of new Australian sire Smithston Darby to come to market. Out of Clouncagh Peach 5 by Church Hill Chip he was purchased by Michael Molloy, Glebe, Belmont, Co Offaly. It was another successful day out for Kanturk couple Liam Philpott and Anne Pounds gaining a first prize for their Allowdale Man of Leisure by Bowmont Storm A584. Out of Allowdale Cleopatra by Kilnagralta Polo he sold at €3,000 to James Kennelly, Listowel, Co Kerry. The couple also exhibited Allowdale Darius again by Bowmont Storm this time out of Moyclare Pansy 6th by Ervie Classic S30. He sold to Michael O’Mahony, Ballyhea, Charleville, Co Limerick at €2,700. Offaly man Joe O’Connor, Sharavogue, Birr sold Boveen Keegan at €2,700 to bring his total for bulls sold during the week to five all at similar prices. By herd sire Corran Hill Classic he is out of Boveen Lady Naomi by Kilsunny Abraham and was purchased by Con O’Sullivan, Rosscarbury, Co Cork. Westmeath breeders Tom & Anselm Fitzgerald exhibited Grianan Liberator out of Grianan Orange H506 by Yarram Pompeii V055. Liberator is again a son of Bowmont Storm A584 a bull consistently producing top progeny in recent years. The purchaser at €2,700 was Jerry McCarthy, Broadford, Co Limerick. Overall average for the sale was €2,490 with a range of €2,000 to €3,750 and a clearance of 78%.

"Duntryleague Hosea 935" came from Galbally with owners Jack and John Hogan, Galbally to take part in the Show and Sale at GVM, Kilmallock. Photo Ita West

From Rathkeale to GVM for the Hereford Spring Show and Sale: John Moran and Eamonn Stackpoole, Rathkeale. Photo Ita West.

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Heading for the showring. Photo Ita West


Champion Newland Steve with owner Hugh Murray, Parkwood, Moate, Co Westmeath & Judge John Ludgate, Ballyclough.

Cloonart Cormac - first prizewinner with owner Anne Flynn, Bornacoola, Carrick on Shannon

Astellas Cattlins Dream - first prizewinner exhibited for Kathleen Stokes Reserve Champion Grianan Legend with owner Anselm Fitzgerald, Mount Temple, Moate, Co Westmeath.

Good attendance at Nenagh

Judging in progress at Nenagh Page 20


Champion Newland Steve sells at Nenagh

Nenagh - May 2013


Young guns and young bulls were to the fore at the Hereford Society’s final sale of the spring season at Nenagh. Congratulations to 22 year old Hugh Murray, Parkwood, Moate, Co Westmeath on winning the championship with the first animal he has bred under the Newland prefix. Hugh is one of the many new young, progressive, focused beef framers availing of the favourable opportunities presented by the breed.

Society Chairman Willie Branagan in congratulating Hugh on his great win stated that these energetic young farmers were the future of the breed. Overall bull sale average for the breed this spring is €2,646 an increase of €300 on the previous spring indicating he said the surge in demand for the breed. He called for more producers to sign up for the quality assurance scheme as increasing numbers of Hereford cross are required each week to satisfy the demands of the Hereford branded beef schemes. While the sale average for the day was down somewhat this reflected the younger age of the bulls forward but is also influenced by the continued unprecedented fodder crisis and financial difficulties being experienced by farmers across the country.

The Champion Newland Steve a young spring born son of the successful Bowmont Storm A584 is a very promising young sire with good shape and an excellent topline out of Castledaly Bid a Churchill Storm daughter. New breeder Hugh Murray, Moate was very pleased with the success of his first born Hereford calf sold at €2,500 to well known Co Kilkenny breeder Tom Brennan, Balleen, Freshford.

No strangers to the prize-winner enclosure Tom and Anselm Fitzgerald, Mount Temple, Moate exhibited two bulls at the event including the Reserve Campion. Grianan Lucky by new Australian sire Bowmont Vancouver D103 out of Grianan Prim a Churchill Storm daughter sold to Seamus Fury, Oranmore, Co Galway at €2,500 while 15 month old Churchill Storm son Grianan Legend out of the home bred Grianan Vera E368 sold at €2,300 to Co Monaghan man Mervyn Armstrong, Castleblayney. The day’s top price of €2,800 was paid for another Bowmont Vancouver D103 son Carrick Bert. Bred by Philip Lynch, Carrick, Finea, Co Westmeath out of a Glaslough Esquire (GSQ) daughter Carrick Berta, he was purchased by Tom Walsh Carrigatogher Nenagh. Henry Stanley, Eril, Portlaoise exhibited Callaun Stan by Kye Storm 508 out of a Rathcor Leo daughter Garrison Martha and sold to Liam Tierney Borrisokane at €2,500. Dareens Justin from the herd of John and Jim Fitzpatrick Clonmore, Templemore is by herd sire Ardmulchan Elvis the champion at Nenagh in 2009. He sold to John A Ryan, Ballinahinch, Birdhill at €2,500. Owen O’Neill, Ballincollig, Co Cork well known on the show circuit sold Currabeg Aidan 2nd at €2,450. By Chatsworth Bosco out of Currabeg Trish he was purchased by Sean Tracy, Ballinasloe. At this well attended sale, buyers came from a wide area including Monahan, Mayo, Galway, Laois, Kilkenny Tipperary and Limerick. The overall average was €2,235 with a 67% clearance and a range of €1800 to €2800.

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Tullamore - October 2013


The very large crowd in attendance at the Hereford Society’s autumn sale at GVM Tullamore is a clear indication of increased interest in the breed. The success of the various Hereford beef schemes and the extremely positive results of dairy beef trails with Herefords at Johnstown Castle recently released by Teagasc are considered to be the main drivers in demand. Well know Co. Kilkenny breeder Tom Brennan, Freshford who topped the sale last year at 3,400 was again to the fore with on this occasion a top price of 3,600 for Balleen Bonus the youngest bull exhibited a thirteen month old son of successful five star herd sire Gageboro Eugenic out of a Yarram Pompeii daughter Balleen Pansy 33rd. He sold to Michael O’Keeffe, Gurteragh, Newmarket, Co. Cork.

Mr. Brennan also exhibited Balleen Bolt again by Eugenic out of Balleen Georgina selling to Cornelius Moylan, Banteer Road, Kanturk at 3,000. Sean Ryan, Carrigatoher, Nenagh purchased Balleen Sarkozy by Eugenic out of Balleen Tina a Rathcor Leo daughter again at 3,000. Overall a very satisfactory day out for Mr. Brennan and his herd sire Eugenic with an average of 3,200 for his three bulls on offer. Veteran Co. Longford breeder Willie Jones and grandson David from Kenagh was delighted when awarded the championship with their Caonachpoll 1 Legend. This seventeen month old son of Dovea AI bull Kilsunny Goliath bred by the Dudley Family, Dovea is out of Creaghpoll 1 Ula and sold at 2,800 to Lindsay Vance, Arva, Co. Cavan. The Reserve Champion Grianan Lively was exhibited by Tom & Anslem Fitzgerald, Mount Temple Moate who also exhibited the Champion Female Grianan Judy G444. Lively out of Grianan Orange G46T is the first progeny of Hollow Point Broker a bull born in Tasmania whose semen was

Top Price Balleen Bonus with owner Tom Brennan, Balleen, Freshford €3,600.

imported from Australia by the Irish Hereford Breed Society as part of its Breed Improvement program. The purchaser at 3,200 was Ms. Trina Moloney, Ballindoolin House, Edenderry who intends to use him on seveneight bred Limousine heifers.

Padraig McGrath, Cloonshannagh, Elphin averaged 3,325 for this two entries. Kye Storm 609 a Bowmont Storm son out of Kye Paula was purchased by Carlow man Richard Kehoe of Ballicmoyer at 3,550 while Kye Sonic out of Key Spot 4th sold to John Murphy, Kilrush, Co. Clare at 3,100. Sonic is sired by Smithston Darby another new sire imported by the Society from Australia under its Breed Improvement Scheme.

Demand for heifers was very strong with average prices up 200 on last year at the same venue. The champion Grianan Judy a Mawarra Sentimental daughter out of Grianan Judy G444 was purchased by new entrant to the breed Nelson McCrabbe at 3,400. Travelling all the way from Raphoe in Co. Donegal Mr McCrabbe was determined to secure the best females on offer and went on immediately to purchase the Reserve Champion a Yarram Pompeii daughter F.H. Blossom Elaine in calf to Bowmont Vancouver from Frank Harrington, Ballinfad House, Strokestown at the day’s top price of 3,750. Further purchases by Mr McCrabbe included Borrin Emma a Kilsunny Goliath daughter from Patsy and Anne Smith, Mountain Lodge, Cootehill at 3,550 and Moyclare Pansy 13th by herd sire Brocca Saviour at 3,100 from Michael Molloy, Belmont, Co. Offaly to average 3,450 for the four Donegal bound heifers. Overall average for bulls 2,795 range 1,800 to 3,600 heifers 2,712 range 1,600 to 3,750 Clearance 73%.

Kye Storm 609 with Padraig McGrath, Cloonshannagh, Elphin €3,550.

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Male Champion Caonachpoll 1 Legend with Owners David & Willie Jones Kenagh Co Longford €2,800.

Borin Emma with owners Patsy & Anne Smith, Tullyinchin, Mountain Lodge, Cootehill, Co Cavan €3,550.

Res Male Champion Grianan Lively with Owner Anselm Fitzgerald, Glebe Hse Mount Temple, Moate €3,200.

Balleen Bolt from Tom Brennan shown by Owen Sheehy €3,000.

Female Champion Grianan Judy with Judge John McMordie NI, Owners Anselm, Tom & Darragh Fitzgerald, Mount Temple Moate €3,400.

Cill Cormaic Kobe with purchaser Ted O'Sullivan Bartlemy, Fermoy & owner David Larkin, Kilcormaic, Co Offaly €3,000.

Res Champion Female F.H. Blossom Elaine with owner Frank Harrington, Ballinafad Hse, Strokestown & judge John McMordie NI. €3,450.

Balleen Sarkozy with Jeffrey Brennan, Balleen, Freshford €3,000.

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First Prizewinner Steil Odhran 208 with Cathal McCormack, Steil, Tulsk & IHBS President Timmy O'Sullivan â‚Ź2,500.

Part of the very large crowd in attendance at Tullamore.

Judging in progress at Tullamore, October 2013. Page 24

coRlISMoRe (H) / coRlISMoRe (P) / HeReFoRDS estd. 1941

coRlISMoRe Poll 1 SyDNey 574 Sire: Grianan Firecracker Dam: Udel 1 R51 Sydney Gem First Prize winner National Show Tullamore, Arva and Trim Shows, 2013

SolPoll 1 cRUISeR Sire: Udel 1 Vindicator Dam: Solpoll 1 Starlet VG New polled sire - grandson of the great Doonbiddle Hustler

coRlISMoRe Poll 1 wAItoMo 696 Sire: Grianan Firecracker Dam: Udel 1 Waitomo Gem First Prizewinner National Show Tullamore and Arva Show 2013

coRlISMoRe oySteR Sire: Grianan Firecracker Dam: Corlismore Oyster 2nd Prizewinner National Show Tullamore 2013 & 1st Prizewinner Trim 2013

coRlISMoRe FIRe 703 Sire: Grianan Firecracker Dam: Corlismore Betty First Prizewinner National Show Tullamore and Arva Show 2013

young Stock Usually for Sale

Congratulations to Val Ledwith on winning the Male Championship, Tullamore Show 2013

coRlISMoRe Poll 1 RUMPUS Sire: Grianan Firecracker Dam: Udel 1 Unwed Lady First Prizewinner National Show Tullamore and Trim Shows 2013

Sean McKiernan corlismore House, co. cavan.

tel. 049 4337185 Mobile: 087 1245927 Page 25

Visitors Always welcome


Kilmallock - October 2013

Strong Demand for Hereford Continues at Kilmallock

AI sire Glaslough Esquire. The purchaser of this lot is organic producer Robert Clarke, of Fordstown, Navan, Co. Meath who runs a suckler enterprise. Cill Cormaic King Kong from the Co Offaly herd of David Larkin, sired by current herd sire Cedar Liam out of Aliehs Chloe 6th bred by IHBS President Timmy O’Sullivan sold at 2,800 to Corkman Michael Morrison of Castlerichard, Killeagh. The dam is by Ballinphraise Brandy a successful herd sire at the Cill Cormaic herd. The well known Moyclare herd of Michael Molloy, Glebe, Belmont, Co Offaly exhibited Moyclare Linesman by Moyclare Tony a Bishophill General son out of a home bred dam Moyclare Pansy 3rd. This seventeen month old bull sold at 2,800 to William Keayes, Elmgrove, Abbington, Murroe, Co Limerick who was also the winner of the Society's prize draw. T.N. Minogue of Ballina, Killaloe paid 2,750 to secure the Ardmulchan Goodman sired Portnabob Peter from J and J Canty Pubblestown, Kildalkey, Co. Meath. The dam is Portnabob Julia by Ardmulchan Wanderer. A straw poll of purchasers indicated that bulls were in the main being purchased for the Spring season and the principal reasons for choosing Herefords were the consistently good calf price for dropped calves both bulls and heifers together with the premium price available through the Hereford Beef Schemes and lower levels of meal feeding required to finish animals to the desired carcase weight and grade. Prices averaged 2,415 with a range of 1,600 to 3,500 and a clearance of 73%.

Champion Glaslough Lad €3,000 with Judge John Neenan, Broadford, Owner Nigel Heatrick, Glaslough & IHBS President Timmy O'Sullivan, Brosna, Tralee.

Reserve Champion Balleen Modelman €3,500 with Judge John Neenan, Broadford, Owner Tom Brennan Freshford & IHBS President Timmy O'Sullivan, Brosna, Tralee.

A larger than usual attendance at the GVM Mart at Kilmallock shaped demand at the Hereford Society’s Autumn Sale at the Co Limerick venue. Weekly prices for commercial Hereford cross animals right across the range have been setting new records and attracting new customer to the mart in recent months. Given the strong demand at Tullamore the previous week a number of double entered bulls were absentfrom this sale. A very steady farm to farm demand has been evident even during the summer months when activity usually tails off. The Champion at the event was exhibited by father and son team Sam and Nigel Heatrick of Glaslough, Co. Monaghan. The judge John Neenan of Broadford selected Glaslough Lad by Rathregan Napoleon out of Glaslough Apple Blossom for the top spot. This is the same combination which provided the Champion at this venue in April of 2012 which sold at 2,900. The purchaser on this occasion was the well know Co. Limerick breeder Pat Hayes Kildrummin, Kilteely at 3,000. It was however Tom Brennan of Freshford, Co Kilkenny who topped the sale at 3,500 for his Reserve Champion Balleen Modelman sired by Castledaly Gearoid out of Balleen Pretty Maid 15th. Mr Brennan secured the top price of 3,100 for his Reserve Champion at this venue last year and was still flush from his sale average of 3,200 for his three bulls exhibited at the Society’s sale at Tullamore last week. The purchaser is Paddy Corridan, Knocknagoshel, Tralee, Co Kerry. Mr Brennan later in the day sold Balleen Hiper a Gageboro Eugenic son out of Balleen Miss Perfect 3rd to Patrick McMahon, Scariff, Co. Clare at 2,750. Padraig Farrell and family were very pleased with the 3,400 achieved for their seventeen month old Cave Hill Esquire which is out of Fancroft Primrose a Clondrina 674th daughter. The sire is the easy calving and successful Dovea

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Cave Hill Esquire â‚Ź3,400 with owners Patrick, Liam & Padraig Farrell, Fardrum, Athlone.

Judging in progress at Kilmallock.

Society Sales 2014 Tullamore - Tuesday March 25th Bandon - Wednesday April 2nd Nenagh - Saturday April 19th Kilmallock - Friday April 25th Nenagh - Saturday May 17th Tullamore - Saturday Oct 18th Kilmallock - Friday Oct 24th

Entries close one month in advance Judging in progress at Kilmallock.

Carrick-on-Shannon - Saturday April 12th

Carrick-on-Shannon - February 2013

Champion Hereford at Carrick on Shannon Feb 2013: Lisnalurg Dancer born 7th January 2011, sire Dunsinane Freeman, dam Lisnalurg Bea 4th by Millbawn Maple with owner Peter Casey, Lisnalurg, Sligo. Page 27


Munster Breeders Multi Breed Sale - Kilmallock April 2013

John Appelby, judge in Golden Vale Mart, Kilmallock, Co. Limerick's Munster Breeder’s Annual Bull Show and Sale in April 2013 with Liam Philpott, Kanturk, owner of "Allowdale Derring-Do". Photo Ita West.

Allowdale Miralgo, with Emma Ward, Kanturk, John Murphy of A.I.B.P. Rathkeale, sponsors of the Munster Breeder’s Bull Show and Sale in Golden Vale Mart, Kilmallock, Co. Limerick, April 2013. Also in pic John Appelbe, Hereford judge at the event. Photo Ita West.

Kilkenny - March 2013


Kilkenny in March was one of the first Hereford Sales of the spring season. Given the serious fodder shortage at that time it was agreed in advance that the outcome would be difficult to predict. In the event however demand was ahead of expectation and a very satisfactory result for Hereford breeders. The Balleen herd a formidable exhibitor on home ground once again produced the Champion in Balleen Hodson by herd sire Gageboro Eugenic out of Drumakeenan Pansy 75th a Rathcor Ranger daughter. He subsequently sold to Tom Carton of Wexford at the day’s top price of 3000. Eugenic has a very low calving index of 2.9%. Well known Wexford breeder John Jones of Pallas, Gorey exhibited Clonroe Larry a son of stock bull Castledaly Victor by Yarram Pompeii V055. Out of Clonroe Dilly by Bawngarriff Pilot he was purchased at 2800 by Thomas Mullally of Kilkenny. The Reserve Champion went local also to Joe Maher’s Ballydowel Iceberg by Balleen Frost and out of Ballydowel Dot sold at 2400. Regular exhibitor Francis Scott was pleased with the 2700 Matthew Prendergast of Waterford paid for his Knockfin Riza an eighteen month old son of stock bull Rathregan Redstar. Out of Knockfin Ladybird 450 by Fortregal Wright he had a calving index of 3.4%. Local breeder and member of the sale committee Christy Finn exhibited Bawngarriff Omorga by stock bull Cill Cormaic Omorga he is out of Bawngarriff Nicola and sold at 2500. Page 28

Champion Balleen Hodson

Reserve Champion Ballydowel Iceberg


Kilkenny Sales 2014 Premier Sale Wed. March 19th Wed. April 16th Wed. May 14th

Judging in progress at Kilkenny, March 2013.

Kilkenny - April 2013 Whilst the number of Herefords exhibited at the Multibreed Sale at Kilkenny has dropped in recent year’s quality is good and demand is increasing. The majority of exhibitors are from the local South Leinster region and once again it was the Balleen herd of Tom Brennan, Freshford which was awarded the top honours and received the top price. Balleen Samoa by herd sire Gageboro Eugenic out of a Balleen Tribute cow Balleen Moobee received the championship rosette. A five star bull for both beef and maternal indexes he sold at €3200 to Fergal McEvoy, Kilkenny. Mr Brennan exhibited Balleen Spark also a five star bull by the same sire and out of Balleen Miss Perfect 5th which sold at €2650 James Kirwan, Kilkenny. The Reserve Champion was exhibited by Michael Molloy, Belmont, Co Offaly. A November 2011 son of Bowmont Vancouver out of Moyclare Una 3rd he sold when the hammer dropped at €2700. Well known Rathdowney Co Laois breeder Francis Scott exhibited three bulls Knockfin Gravitas and Denman by Rathregan Redstar out of Knockfin Ladybird 369 and Ladybird 432 selling at €2850 to William Smith, Carlow and €2650 to Bartley Conway, Wexford. The third bull Knockfin Invicta by Fortregal Wright out of Knockfin Adelaide 477 sold at €2375. A Mawarra Sentimental son Knockmountagh Monarch out of Corran Hill Pompeii exhibited by Eamon McKiernan Monasterboice was sold at €2450. Local breeders Henry and Mervyn Parr exhibited Tourtane Kenny by herd sire Glaslough Hurricane out of Tourtane Ivy which sold at €2350.

Champion Balleen Samoa with Owen Sheehy

Reserve Champion Moyclare Kingpin with owner Michael Molloy

Kilkenny - May 2013 HEREFORD DEMAND AT KILKENNY CONTINUES Co Laois breeder Francis Scott, Knockfin, Rathdowney had a field day at the final Kilkenny Spring Sale in May. He topped the sale at 3050 for his Knockfin Corrib 2nd by Fortregal Wright out of Knockfin Heidi, a Grianan Magic daughter selling to Co Waterford man Vincent McCarthy. Another Grianan Magic daughter Knockfin Gwenevere 289 produced Knockfin Granary by Rathregan Redstar with a

calving index of 3.2% he sold to Briget Reade, Kilkenny at 3000. A third Knockfin bull Othello, again by Rathregan Redstar, this time out of Knockfin Adelaide 511 by Moyclare Express with a calving index of 3.7% sold at 2800 to Shane Morkan, Co Galway. Co Louth breeder Eamon McKiernan exhibited Knockmanta 1 Monty a Corlismore Pompeii son out of Knockmanta 1 Pearl a daughter of Solpoll 1 Ultimate. Henry Culleton, Kilkenny was the purchaser.

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Winter Fair Winners - Christmas 2013 - Donegal

Class 14 Champion Hereford and winner Hereford Cross Bullock or heifer under 30 month class, Seamus Neary, Kilkenny Sponsor Hereford Prime

Class D Winner Adult handler class, Niamh Oliver Sponsor Commercial Cattle Society

Class A Junior Stockperson Under 12. Winner Alan McLoughlin, pictured with Sean Sherman Chairman of Commercial Cattle Exhibitors Society & Tom Cannon Chairman RDS Livestock Committee. Sponsor Higgins & RDS.

Clonleam Herefords (Estd. 1956)

Stock Bull:

Balleen Gino by Gageboro Eugenic Also using by A.I.: Bowmont Storm A584, Yarram Star General W251, Bowmont Vancouver, Smithston Darby, Hollow Point Broker & Mawarra Sentimental.

Bulls and Heifers usually for sale

William Branagan, Clonleam, Delvin, Co. Westmeath. Phone/Fax: 044 9664147 Mobile: 087 2338053 email: Page 30


Munster Hereford Calf Promotion - Spring 2013

Clockwise from top left: William Collins, Reavouler, Drinagh who sold the prizewinning bull calf at Bandon Mart receives his award from local IHBS council rep Pat McCarthy, Ballymore Bandon. Denis Buckley of Donoughmore who sold the prizewinning heifer calf at Bandon Mart with Pat McCarthy. (Mr Buckley also had the prize winning calf at a similar event in 2012).

Pictured at Skibbereen Clodagh Lynch & Patrick Hickey, Sec West Cork Club with John O’Sullivan, Lissalohurig, Skibbereen winner of the heifer calf prize. Also pictured at Skibbereen Mart John Lynch & Patrick Hickey, Sec West Cork Club with Derry McCarthy, Carrigfadda winner of the bull calf prize.

Clockwise from top left: L/R: Barney O'Connell, Listowel Mart Manager, Timmie O'Sullivan, IHBS, Michael Dalton (winner), Denis Clancy (winner) and Buddy Kelliher, IHBS. Heifer calf winner Domnick McEnery, bull calf winner Danny Lenihan with Timmy O'Sullivan IHBS and Abbeyfeale Mart Manager, Denis Lane.

L/R: Timmie O'Sullivan IHBS, Richard Hartnett Castleisland Mart Manager, Danny Loughlin and daughter, owners of winning heifer calf and Buddy Kelliher IHBS. Missing from the photo Pete Lawlor, owner of winning bull calf.

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Kanturk Demo April 2013 IRISH HEREFORD BREED JOURNAL 2014

Hereford Breeders and Hereford Prime join with Teagasc to discuss the fodder crisis and the lower feed requirement of Hereford cattle.

Page 32


Page 33


Gageboro Morgan

By Gageboro eugenic Recently purchased by Dovea AI Station

We thank all our customers for their support and wish them well with their purchases. YOUNG STOCK USUALLY FOR SALE - VISITORS ALWAYS WELCOME

Niall & Lisa Daly

J. Holloway

Gageboro, Horseleap, Moate, Co. Westmeath. Tel. 057 933 5987 & 057 933 5227 Mobile: 087 969 4605 & 087 765 7374 email: Page 34


Beef Progeny Testing in Ireland - A new era is upon us Pat Donnellan ICBF

ICBF’s overall responsibility is to improve the genetic merit of the National Herd. That means improving the genetics in the majority of Suckler Herds in Ireland i.e. Suckler Cows with better calving intervals, drystock with better feed efficiency and carcass grades etc. There are lots of methods, techniques & tools for helping us do this but the underlying logic as to how a country can do this is by: • Identifying superior animals in the population who are producing more profitable stock than others. • Dispersing these profitable bloodlines as widely as possible, into every suckler herd in Ireland.

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1. Beef Progeny Test program a. Having a system that identifies and measures the performance of the progeny of Testbulls accurately & efficiently, underpins the confidence that can be put in the index figures that the bulls subsequently receive.

Graph 3: Pedigree Hereford genetic trends (1980 - 2012) The one standout similarity across nearly all of the breeds is the direction of the Terminal Index. It has been rising consistently over the years as breeders continuously selected bulls whose progeny excelled for growth and carcass merit.

2. Sourcing Beef Testbulls a. Getting large numbers of the ‘right’ type of Beef Testbulls progeny tested each year is crucial. ICBF’s interpretation of the ‘right’ type of bull is a bull with very high Maternal/Terminal indices, is free of genetic defects, has a DNA confirmed parentage and is of course structurally sound. The structure of the progeny test program itself, how data is collected etc, was one of the first tasks taken on by ICBF shortly after its establishment in 2000. Now, 12 years later it is the second part of the equation – the selection of Beef Testbulls for AI that is now being progressed in quite a radical way – hence the title of this article, that a new era in Beef cattle breeding is truly upon us.

Focusing on one trait however came at a cost in the Maternal performance (Milk & Fertility of daughters) over the same time period. This has generally disimproved over the same time period however is now thankfully starting to rise again as Breeders start to feel the effects of selecting too much on growth and carcass traits and are encountering milk & fertility problems in their Beef Progeny Testing has been ongoing in Ireland for well over replacement females. 50 years at this stage. For the vast majority of that time, the progeny testing of AI Sires was carried out exclusively by the various Irish AI Stations through what was called ‘Centralised Progeny Testing’. Only young Beef Bulls that were purchased by AI Stations in Ireland were ever progeny tested.

Beef Progeny Test Program

Graph 4: The Ideal Genetic Trend that could be achieved through a structured Breeding Programme. A graph similar to the one above is the type of graph that you would like to see for all breeds in the future i.e. Terminal & Maternal genes being improved in the national herd at a constant rate. In order for a country to bring about such a change in the genetics of its National herd the first step is the establishment of a Beef Breeding Program. As mentioned earlier, there are 2 essential requirements that must be in place for a Beef Cattle Breeding Program to be successful:

The AI Stations purchased calves from their Beef Testbull’s first crops of calves. They would rear them on their AI Station farms under uniform conditions (same feeding & management treatment for all), weigh them regularly and send them from there straight to the factory. The resulting liveweights and carcass grades were then all submitted to the Department of Agriculture, who ran the genetic evaluations and produced the bull proofs.

Calf Rearing of purchased AI Testbull Progeny at Dovea AI Centre (pre 2000)

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in 2008 was due to the introduction of the Suckler Cow Welfare Scheme (SCWS).

Approximately 77,000 herds, with 1.8 million calvings, representing 90% of the entire Irish cattle herd, were participating in one or more aspects of the ICBF database by the end of 2010. Along with the registration data comes data on calving ease, Sire ID and much more.

Finishing of purchased AI Testbull Progeny at Dovea AI Centre (pre 2000)

Shortly after ICBF was established in 2000, this all changed. A national database was created and an on-farm data recording system called ‘Animal Events’ was put in place. This meant that all farmers could contribute information on the progeny of a bull (calving, weights, gestation length etc). The practice of AI Stations purchasing calves and rearing them to slaughter ceased. Instead, the progeny of Testbulls are left in the farms they are born in and are picked up by the Animal Events system, which all farmers can use to register their calves with. Even if the progeny move to other herds go into marts or end up being slaughtered or exported, the ICBF database tracks their movements through the AIMS system and stores the relevant data i.e. mart weights, slaughter grades, survival rates etc.

Pictured above in 2004 is Willie john Kehoe with the first ever pedigree animal to be registered through the Animal Events system - ‘Cliften Venus’. She was a pedigree registered Blonds d’Aquitane heifer born on the 1st of January 2004. Also pictured is Willie’s son Jim, proudly holding the ICBF Animal Events On-Farm recording book.

There are many advantages from a genetic improvement point of view from having this on-farm data collection system in place instead of a centralized progeny test system, here are just a few:

1. Index Figures regularly updated The ICBF Animal Events system has recorded registration data Under the Centralized progeny test system, each Testbull got one on all Pedigree calves since 2004 and has been registering set of Index figures based solely on his purchased progeny out commercial calves since 2000. The number of farmers using the of dairy cows. Those figures would remain the same forever more system has increased gradually over the years. The large increase with no new data ever being added.

Graph 5: Progress of the Animal Events animal recording system (2004-2011) Page 37


However, under the new ICBF system a Bull is constantly adding more calves, more liveweights, and more progeny related data to his index figures at each evaluation run (carried out 3 times per annum). New progeny being constantly included ensures that the estimation of what a Bull’s strengths & weaknesses are is getting more accurate over time.

3. Show / On-farm purchased Bulls Of course a lot of Bulls were not imported but they did not go through Tully either. They were purchased on-farm, normally after a successful show career and were taken straight into the AI Station.

Taking the Hereford breed as an example, following are 3 bulls 2. Stockbulls & Foreign AI Sires included that were selected for AI through each of the above routes. The ICBF Animal Events recording system has also meant that all types of Beef Sires could have their progeny evaluated and not Imported - CH 3223 Visa ET 57X just those that are standing in Irish AI Stations. For the first time ever, Stockbulls & Foreign AI Sires could have their progeny ‘Visa’ was purchased by the Dublin District Milk Board, now known evaluated, side by side with the progeny of Irish AI Sires. as Progressive Genetics at the Sale of Mr Garth H. Cutler, Lacombe Alberta, Canada on November 6th 1988. Following is a copy of his sale catalogue page:

3. Female traits evaluated It was only male calves that were purchased for the old centralized progeny test program. The performance of the daughters of a bull (calving ability, milk & fertility etc) was not recorded. The ‘Animal Events’ system corrected this. The daughters of Beef Bulls in Ireland are tracked throughout their lives and a range of data is recorded on them which then allows ICBF to estimate the genetic merit of the sire for siring replacements for the suckler herd.

Sourcing Beef Testbulls

The sourcing of young Beef Bulls for AI has nearly always been carried out by the AI Companies. To-date there has been 3 main ways routes through which a Beef Testbull would be purchased by an AI Station: 1. Imported It is no surprise that a lot of young Pedigree Beef Bulls are imported into Ireland for use in AI given that the vast majority of beef breeds in use in Ireland are not native to these shores. 2. Performance Tested at Tully The Performance Test Centre at Tully, Co.Kildare took in young, nearly exclusively Irish bred pedigree bulls, and following a feeding period of a couple of months identified bulls that had excellent growth rates but who were also very efficient at converting the feed they ate into liveweight. Page 38

After a great deal of deliberation we decided to include "Visa" in our sale offering. He is the largest framed calf out of our very good "Express X 79R" flush. This athletic, youthful calf shows excellent muscle expression and natural thickness. "Visa" is backed by two outstanding individuals. "Express" is one of the breed's biggest framed bulls - measuring 65" and weighing 3000 lbs. He was Reserve Champion at Denver in 1986 and was the '85-86 show bull of the year in the US. His offspring were a force in Denver in 1988 as a daughter was named heifer calf champion and a son, "All Pro", was bull calf champion and the Reserve Grand Champion Bull. We feel "Express" progeny have a great deal to offer the breed with their extra length of body and frame combined with a strong maternal background. "79R" is playing an important role in our program. As an individual she is top notch. Presently measuring 58 1/2" she was Champion at the Alberta Junior show in 1983 with her mother, "83L", and again in '84 as a yearling heifer. In 1984 she was the Champion at the Stettler Fair and a class winner at the National Junior Show. Her dam, "83L", is in great demand as an embryo donor for breeders in Australia. We are using "79R's" first son, "Cando", heavily in our program with exciting results. "Visa" is a powerful calf with great credentials.


Photo of “Visa” taken from Sale Catalogue

Dam with a half brother of ‘Visa’ called ‘CH 481 Can Do 22U’ who was retained as a Herdsire.

His actual 198 day weight was 367Kgs and his average daily gain was 1.85Kg/day. His maternal sister (Lot 6) sold for $9100 in the same sale. The sale’s catalogue page, photographs & commentary on his bloodline is typical of the information that accompanies most imported Beef Testbulls. His career in AI is also typical of most Irish AI Sires who go on to become proven sires – they remain in AI until they stop producing semen.

Sire – CL1 Express 3223 ET

Dam – CH 073 Dominette 79R

He stood in the AI Station in Enfield until the mid 1990’s. He was an extremely popular bull siring a huge amount of show winners and sale toppers. He crossed extremely well onto traditional Irish Hereford cows in particular and being an imported Canadian bull, his outcross appeal went down very well with the pedigree breeders here. When he stopped producing semen for AI he was released for natural use on-farm. He went to Denis Purdon’s noted ‘Lisnabin’ pedigree Hereford Herd in Killucan, Co. Westmeath. He then returned to the AI Station again to try and get more semen collected but was then permanently released from AI. He was then jointly purchased by Stanley Heaslip, Glebe House, Carrickaboy, Co.Cavan & Harold Fitzell, Lislaughtin, Ballylongford, Co.Kerry. He spent the Autumn time in Cavan in Stanley’s pedigree Hereford herd and then spent the remainder of the year down in Kerry covering the hereford cows in the ‘Lislaughtin’ herd.

Visa at 18mths old in Enfield AI Station

Grandam – CH Miss Britisher 83L Page 39


Bishophill General

His final weight on test was 21% above breed average.

CH Visa 3223 57X out on-farm

On the next page is a copy of the actual page from the Tully Ledger in which data was recorded on him throughout his 6 months at Tully. The data recorded is also reproduced underneath and underlines the level of detail in terms of individual animal measurements that was achieved at Tully.

Progeny of Visa with Hereford Breeder Stanley Heaslip

Performance Tested - Bishophill General

In terms of being self sufficient and being able to produce our own Irish Beef Testbulls, a National Bull Performance Test Station was set up in 1973.

Callan Gates through which to feed the Bulls were put into Tully from the start so as to gauge how efficient each Bull was at converting the feed they were eating into liveweight. Ultrasonic measurements (Backfat & Eye Muscle) and liveweights were taken routinely on the Bulls. Feed intake, weight and several other measurements were painstakingly recorded on each bull using pen & paper through the 1970’ & 80’s. This information was then keyed into a computer from the early 1990’s on and data is now recorded on cattle in Tully using an electronic handheld device.

He was also purchased by the Dublin District Milk Board (now Progressive Genetics) and went on to become the most popular Hereford Sire in Ireland. In the pedigree context he sired numerous Supreme Champions at shows and sales all around Ireland and to this day is regarded as one of the greatest ever Hereford AI Bulls.

Show /On farm purchased Bull – Clone Justice Of course, the most natural and logical way for a Bull to be selected for use in AI is purely based on how he looks. Countless numbers of Beef Bulls have been selected as Testbulls purely based on how successful they have been in the showring. Numerous Show champions have been purchased for top prices at sales by AI Stations. ‘Clone Justice’ above is a classic example of a Bull that was purchased for use in AI (by the same AI Station as the previous 2 bulls) on the back of an outstanding show career.

AI Stations would routinely purchase some of the top performing Bulls across all the breeds from Tully – many of whom went on to become very successful AI Sires. One such bull who is a classic example of what a Performance Test Centre was capable of doing i.e. identifying a superior individual in a breed thus allowing his genes to be disseminated into the National herd, was the Hereford Bull ‘Bishophill General’.

Bred by Peter Lawlor, Ballymore Eustace, Co.Kildare he was performance tested at Tully in 1984, where he outperformed all his contemporaries including the Continental breeds. He weighed 656 Kgs at 410 days and had a daily liveweight gain of 1.6 Kgs. Page 40

Clone Justice

Born: 22/10/91 Sire: CH Visa 57X (Imp) Dam: Clone Gem (A.I.)


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To put some figures on the above 3 categories of animals – following is an analysis of the last 5 years of Beef Testbulls:

Pie Chart 1: Proportion of Beef Testbulls that were imported, came through a Performance Test at Tully or were selected from shows or on-farm (2007-2012). The pie-chart above shows the source of Beef Testbulls in Ireland from 2007 – 2012. There were 213 Pedigree Beef Bulls purchased for AI Progeny Testing in Ireland between 2007 & 2012. The purpose of this analysis is to show that only 14% (a little more than 1 in 10) of these bulls had come through Irelands National Bull Performance Test Centre which would have at least assessed each bull for growth and carcass traits. The majority of the Bulls were either imported or were generally bought based on their physical appearance (shows or on-farm etc) here in Ireland.

Pie Chart 2: Countries of origin of Beef Testbulls that went on progeny test 2007-2012.

that Beef AI bulls have on the national calf crop anyway which is very little when compared to the percentage of calves that Stockbulls are responsible for. For example, the pie chart below represents a sample of 350,00 beef calves born in Ireland in 2010.

Pie Chart 3: Types of sires for beef calves born in Ireland in 2010 The pie chart shows that: • 76% of calves are sired by Stockbulls. • 13% are sired by foreign AI Bulls. • 7% are sired by Irish bred AI Bulls. • 2% are sired by AI Bulls that have come through Tully. • 1% are sired by Stockbulls that have come through Tully. • 1% are sired by foreign Stockbulls. As can be seen from this pie chart, the group of bulls that are having the biggest impact on the genetics of the National calf crop each year are Stockbulls. Therefore, in order for ICBF to influence the genetics of the National herd, reverse negative trends (as shown earlier) and improve the profitability of the cattle that farmers work with, the national beef breeding program must not only increase the number of desired bulls that go into AI and are progeny tested, but the best of these bulls must also be used as the sires of young Stockbulls, sold by pedigree breeders to commercial farmers every year. AI Sires AI usage in Pedigree herds is quite high with approximately 70% of pedigree calves sired by AI bulls every year so if the AI Sires being used by these pedigree breeders can be improved then we will start being in control of the genetic trend of the national herd.

Added to this is the complication that the imported Bulls came from 5 different countries – all with their own unique genetic evaluation system. So the index figures they were imported with are not always fully convertible to Irish equivalent figures (different Dr Sinead McParland from Teagasc Moorepark has carried out traits recorded, no common ancestors in both countries etc). detailed analysis work on this very issue. Sinead looked at the % contribution of an individual’s genes to six individual beef Stockbulls populations. What also has to be taken into consideration is the overall effect Page 42


In the absence of a Breeding program which identifies even better bulls year after year, certain AI Sires can dominate a breed for several years, being the sires of many breeding females, Stockbulls for Pedigree herds and AI Sires themselves. So although they are now long gone, their imprint on the breed remains.

If you talk to a lot of Breeders, it’s the lack of availability of semen of bulls such as the ones on this list that prevents Breeders from continuing to use them, and not the fact that they are convinced that anything better has come along in the meantime. Imagine however if Bulls as good as these and even better were being identified every year? – imagine the progress that a breed could make? – that is what a well organized Breeding Program can deliver.

Following are the Sires who contributed the most to the genes of calves born in 2011 in their respective populations. Calves were included in a population if at least 87.5% of their breed fraction G€N€ IR€LAND Maternal Bull Breeder Scheme. were for that population. It is against this backround that ICBF has launched a new method of sourcing young Beef AI Testbulls – which is now called the The numbers of calves analysed for each breed were: G€N€ IR€LAND Maternal Bull Breeder Scheme. • 10,374 Angus calves Basically, it is a program through which ICBF will be involved in • 1,268 Belgian Blue calves the purchasing of young Beef Bulls with excellent Maternal • 36,211 Charolais calves Indexes, collecting semen from them and then dispersing this • 5,764 Hereford calves semen into commercial suckler herds. ICBF will then purchase the • 37,164 Limousin calves resulting male progeny and rear them through to slaughter at • 7,957 Simmental calves Tully. The female progeny will be followed through on farm. The semen inventory of the best Testbulls will then be targeted back into selected pedigree herds so as to generate Stockbulls for use in the National herd. Some more detail on this new program which is replacing the old Tully Pedigree Bull Performance Test system is as follows:

• Pedigree Breeders sign up to the program (€250/annum). They have their data checked by ICBF to ensure that the dates of birth are correct, weight gains are within biological limits and that in general all of the breeding data has been recorded accurately & on time on the farm. ICBF will use a new index called the ‘Data Herd Quality Index’ (DHQI) to assess each Pedigree herd’s data quality. Herd’s with excellent DHQI ratings are then qualified as being official ‘Bull Breeder’ Herds. • These qualified ‘Bull Breeder’ Herds will: * Have a ‘Bull Breeder Stamp’ printed on Sales Catalogues & on Bull Searches etc to signify the status of the herd the animal is coming from. * Have potential Beef Progeny Test Bulls purchased from them for use in the G€N€ IR€LAND Maternal Progeny Test program.

• The G€N€ IR€LAND Maternal program (which is operated by ICBF in conjunction with Beef Breed Societies, AI Companies & Commercial farmers) will decide which Bulls will be purchased from the Bull Breeder herds. The main criteria for Bull selection will be that large numbers of bulls with excellent Maternal indexes go on test, thus maximizing the chances of a number of top bulls being discovered.

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• 1000 straws are collected off each of these progeny test bulls. 500 are stored away and the other 500 are all used to inseminate commercial cows within the G€N€ IR€LAND progeny test herds. A sample of each bull’s male progeny are DNA parentage verified, purchased by ICBF and brought through to slaughter at Tully. Meat quality, taste and tenderness tests are also done on the carcasses at this stage. The females are followed through on-farm to assess their milk and fertility.

ICBF has already put such a Cattle Breeding program in place for the dairy industry here. In 2004, ICBF,AI Companies, IHFA, pedigree breeders and commercial dairy farmers began working very closely together to establish a new Dairy Breeding Program called G€N€ IR€LAND.

It works on the basis of getting large numbers of young dairy bulls with very high EBI indexes (equivalent of Terminal or Maternal index in beef) purchased by AI Companies. Genomics also plays a part but the basic formula is still the same – by • Following the progeny test – the 500 straws of the top bulls progeny testing large numbers of the ‘right’ bulls every year then are taken back out of storage & made available to just the more top bulls start to come through each year than ever before qualified ‘Bull Breeder’ herds. was the case. The genetic trend of the national herd then also starts to automatically lift as the graph below shows: • A stream of sons of these top bulls will then start to be produced by these ‘Bull Breeder’ herds and get sold into commercial suckler herds thus starting to spread their desirable genes into the national herd. • Setting up the Breeding Program in this way means that over time, an increasing amount of the Stockbulls used to sire the majority of calves each year (pie chart 3) will have balanced indexes and we can improve the currently skewed nature of those genetic trendlines seen earlier (Graphs 1 - 8).

The design of this Breeding program will guarantee that large numbers of Beef Testbulls with excellent genetic indexes will get semen taken off them for progeny testing ever year. This automatically increases the chances of identifying bulls with superior genetics.

It is also important to note that these new topbulls will be emerging every year, surpassing the bulls from the previous year. Two of the bulls featured earlier – ‘Bishophill General’ & ‘Visa’ dominated their breeds for a long time. In 1997 nearly 20% of all AI sired pedigree Hereford calves were sired by one or other of these bulls.


This new Beef Breeding program is not a one or two year project. It will be a permanent part of ICBF’s mission statement to ‘achieve the greatest possible genetic improvement in the national cattle herd’.

It is only now that the cattle breeding infrastructure is at a highly developed stage (e.g. Animal Events, AI Handhelds, On-farm Weight Recording) & that National Beef Breeding Indexes have been agreed upon (Maternal & Terminal Indexes) that the timing is right for a comprehensive Beef Breeding Program to be initiated. It will require several sectors of the cattle breeding industry working very closely together, but this is not seen in any way as an obstacle but more as an advantage, given how closely these same organisations and others currently work together on a daily Pie Chart 4: Proportion of AI sired pedigree Hereford calves basis – such is the nature, thankfully, of the Irish Cattle Breeding Industry in 2013. sired by the AI Bulls ‘Visa’ & ‘Bishophill General’ in 1997. Page 44


It will take time for this program to develop whereby its full effects are being felt on a National level (National Average Calving Interval figures improving etc) but the benefits that will accrue from this program will be cumulative and permanent. ICBF looks forward to working closely with its member organisations and various industry partners to help deliver a world class Beef Breeding program for Ireland.

On right Director of the Canadian Hereford Association Dr Wally Pugh with Michael Molloy and Wally’s Canadian friend Terri who visited in June with their wives who were attending a Quilting conference in Galway.

Dr Wally Pugh and friend Terri from Canada visit the Grianan herd of Tom & Anselm Fitzgerald at Mount Temple. Seen here viewing the prizewinning and prolific Grianan Dominique.

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KIlSUNNy HeReFoRDS Estd. 1972


one of the best eVeR Kilsunny cows to grace the show ring pictured in her working clothes this summer whilst rearing her latest bull calf, KIlSUNNy JASPeR. QUeeN cARNAtIoN is typical of females at Kilsunny.

congratulations to christine Drumm & Family who won many prizes during the 2013 show season with KIlSUNNy DoReeN’S IVy.

well done to the many exhibitors of KIlSUNNy GolIAtH (KSG) progeny who were shown with much success at shows and sales throughout the year. Fantastic group of KIlSUNNy yearling bulls (10 - 18 months) will be offered FoR SAle Spring 2014. Also maiden and in-calf heifers of show standard occasionally for sale.

Sires used: Bowmont Storm (wMo), Kilsunny Goliath (KSG), Glaslough Judge, Kilsunny Ivan, Ballyaville caradoc.

Remember to like us on Facebook, follow us on twitter and find us on Instagram to keep up to date with all the latest news and events from Kilsunny Herefords.

tReVoR DUDley & FAMIly Kilsunny House, Dovea, thurles, co. tipperary. Phone: 0504 23461 / 086 3916922 email: Page 46

G€N€ IR€LAND Bull Breeder of the week - T.J. Rea, Caherdrinna, Mitchelstown, Co.Cork. IRISH HEREFORD BREED JOURNAL 2014

G€N€ IR€LAND Maternal Bull Breeder Participant’s, TJ Rea & Michael Clifford with the best breeding pedigree Hereford cow in the herd ‘Sandymount Bell’.

Backround of the herd: The ‘Caherdrinna’ pedigree Hereford herd was established in 2006 through the purchase of 4 heifers from the ‘Sandymount’ herd of Robert Stanley, Graigue, Drom, Templemore, Co.Tipperary.

Maternal Breeding: The herd has an overall replacement index of €82 (24% reliable), making it a 5 star herd and placing it in the top 10% of Hereford herds in Ireland.

Top Maternal Cows: The highest rated cow for the replacement index is also the top breeding cow in the herd. Her name is ‘Sandymount Bell’, bred by Robert Stanley, Drom, Co.Tipperary, she is sired by ‘Sandymount Turley’ and is out of a ‘Farney Jerry’ cow. She has a replacement index value of €117 (25% reliable). This gives her 5 stars and places her in the top 10% of the breed for this trait. She has had 4 great bull calves one year after another, and her last calving interval was 343 days. Key traits of interest: Calving Ease, growth and milk.

Recent Sires used: GSQ (Glaslough Esquire), ERV (Ervie Classic S30) & Caherdrinna King (Meiltron Leisure sired Stockbull).

Breeder’s comment: “The dairy farmers that purchase bulls from me need a guaranteed easy calving bull. If I lose sight of that trait in my sire selection decisions I can’t expect those dairy farmers to keep coming back for more – its that simple. Although milk & fertility is one of the hallmarks of the Hereford breed, one can never become complacent and so joining the Gene Ireland scheme, will hopefully help me to keep these traits in mind when it comes to making my breeding decisions”.

TJ Rea & Michael Clifford view Sandymount Bell

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Sandymount Bell - Sandymount Turley x Farney Jerry


A Brand and a Partnership to Benefit Consumers and Producers

Foyle Meats at Omagh, Co Fermanagh and the Irish Hereford Breed Society established a beef partnership called Certified Hereford in January 2007. The excellent eating quality associated with Hereford coupled with a medium carcase weight giving ideal size retail cuts ensures that Foyle Meats is able to market the beef as a premium quality product. In 2013 the product was rebranded and is now promoted under the “Glenslieve Hereford” label. Cattle supplies for Foyle at Omagh pre dominantly but not exclusively come from the border counties and surrounding hinterland. Steers and heifers should come from Bord Bia Quality Assured Farms be less than 30 months of age and sired by a Hereford bull. The average carcase weight of 280 kg, at conformation class of 0+ and better with an average fat cover of 4L, ensures that each beef primal contains an ideal blend of internal marbling and external fat covering. The expertise of the Foyle Group in sales and marketing and the Hereford Society assurances of quality and consistency of supply have resulted in complete customer satisfaction leading to increased and repeat orders. The team at Foyle has targeted new niche markets in Belgium, Holland, France, Spain and the UK in addition to Northern Ireland. The ultimate goal of the partnership is to bring the brand right to the top of the recognised beef brands.

Demand for Certified Hereford branded beef rockets!

One of Belfast’s leading hotels has confirmed that its patrons just can’t get enough of locally produced Hereford beef. “We put Hereford branded steaks on to our restaurant menu some months ago and the response from our clientele with regard to the eating experience they have enjoyed has been extremely positive,” explained Tony O’Neill, Head Chef in Belfast’s Merchant Hotel. “The beef we are getting is well matured, extremely uniform in quality and, in my

opinion, represents the consummate eating experience. The meat is tender, succulent and has a natural taste, which is a unique characteristic of high quality beef.” Tony attributes these qualities to the natural marbling of Hereford beef. “As a result of this, the intramuscular fat dissolves in the cooking process, thereby releasing all the natural flavours within the meat.” The man responsible for introducing Hereford beef to Tony O’Neill was well known Moira-based meat merchant Peter Hannan. Who comes from a beef farming background and has known for quite some time about the tremendous quality of Hereford Beef. Peter explained that when he became aware of the fact that a guaranteed and consistent supply could be secured, courtesy of the current arrangements between the Foyle Meat Group at Omagh and the Certified Hereford Beef Scheme, he jumped at the chance of getting his hands on it. In his opinion there is an almost insatiable demand for the quality of beef produced by Hereford Cattle stating that he certainly wants to grow the business: the bottleneck is the shortage of certified supply at the present time and is fully aware that beef farmers are under significant financial pressure. Given this background, he would advise farmers to consider carefully the option of producing Hereford branded beef. The Certified Hereford Beef Scheme is offering an attractive bonus for all suitable grades of certified cattle. What’s more, the natural qualities of Hereford stock in terms of good temperament and easy finishing make for simpler management on farm. Peter Hannan concluded by saying that: “The key to the reliability and consistency of the product is the sourcing of our supply. We know that the animals are sired by Pedigree registered Hereford bulls and reared to exacting standards of animal health and welfare”. And don’t let anyone say that Peter Hannan is not prepared to back up his own judgement with hard cash. He bid £1,900 to secure the Hereford Champion at Allam’s Christmas Show and Sale 2009.

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Cavan/Monaghan Hereford Cattle Producers Win Foyle Valley Carcase Competition Once Again IRISH HEREFORD BREED JOURNAL 2014

Not for the first time Monaghan and Cavan producers were once again to the fore winning both the first and second place at another very successful Foyle Valley Producer Club Annual Carcase Competition held at Omagh last week. With total prizes available worth over £3,500 the competition was open to all Producer club members and had three classes: Hereford Beef, Aberdeen Angus Beef and Beef. The competition was based on two criteria; weight and grade of the four animals, with the winners accumulating the highest number of points. The competition was open to groups of four animals rather than individuals, as the aim was to reward beef producers who could demonstrate consistency in a batch of cattle. The quality of cattle throughout the competition was exceptional. Winner in the Hereford Carcase Competition was Mr Leslie Waddell from Cloverhill, Stranooden, Co Monaghan; he received a cheque for £500 plus a crystal trophy for his batch of four quality heifers meeting the spec spot on. In second place was Cootehill, Co Cavan farmer Mr Terence Sexton whose batch was again well within the desired spec. The standard of cattle in this category was excellent, making it a very close competition. Both producers are consistent suppliers to the “Glenslieve Hereford” brand and part of a steadily growing group of quality producers in the region achieving premium returns. The Irish Hereford Society in congratulating the winners commended Foyle Valley on its continued initiative with the “Glenslieve Hereford” brand focusing on and highlighting the quality of cattle coming through and the quality that is

required in meeting the high spec of its customers and ultimately the consumer. Increased supplies of Hereford cattle are required each week to maintain supply of the “Glenslieve Hereford” beef brand which is so successful for the Foyle group growing week on week. Substantial premiums are currently available with base plus a bonus of 18 cent for in spec steers and heifers i.e. 240 – 400 kg O+, R and U. Base plus 14 cent on O- and O=. A further 12 cent bonus applies on a carcase of 280 – 400 kg. In these tough times producers need to secure every cent available. Contact local agent Eric Humphreys today for details and quotation. Animals are assembled for transport to Omagh each week at Ballybay Mart. A significant bonus is also available through Donegal Meats for Hereford and Hereford cross bulls under 24 months and under 400kg. Joint winners of the Beef Carcase Competition were Mr Mark Hawkes from Omagh, Co Tyrone and Mr Colin Jack from Ardstraw, Co Tyrone. Third place was awarded to AJD Farms, Sixmilecross, Co Tyrone. The Aberdeen Angus Carcase Competition was held in conjunction with Aberdeen Angus Quality Beef Ltd (AAQB). Mr Eric love from Ballymoney, Co Antrim. Second place was awarded to Mr Leslie Dunn and third place to Mr David M Lowry, both from Bready, Co Tyrone. The Foyle Food Group would like to thank all their suppliers who took part. The superb display of stock fully reflects the quality of cattle delivered throughout the year.

Larry Feeney, Irish Herefords; Leslie Waddle, Stranooden, Co Monaghan, Hereford Carcase Competition Winner is presented with £500 & a crystal trophy by Emma Russell, Foyle Food Group and Eric Humphreys Coordinator-Procurement

Alexander & Leslie Waddle, Cloverhill, Stranooden, Co Monaghan, Foyle Valley Hereford Carcase Winners.

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Huge crowds visit the Hereford Exhibition at the National Ploughing Championships IRISH HEREFORD BREED JOURNAL 2014

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L/R: Willie Branagan, Chairman; Timmy O’Sullivan, President IHBS; Eamon Moulds, Slaney Foods.

Lesly Sandes, Field Officer, IHBS, busy at the Ploughing

The Society and Hereford Prime extend sincere thanks to all those who exhibited Hereford cattle at the event. Page 51


Ireland’s fastest growing meat brand in the past nine tasting. The steaks were assessed and ranked for months since its launch has been the “DELUXE” Irish tenderness, flavour and overall eating experience. The top Hereford Range at German supermarket group Lidl. Such Hereford steak came from a 26-month-old steer, grading has been the demand for the product aged for 14 days on O+4-, which had a carcase weight of 322.4kg. The supplier the bone and a further 14 days for extra maturity giving a was dairy farmer Noel Maher, from Ballinleenty, Co total of 28 days that it has caught the attention of Lidl Tipperary. Interestingly, beef eating quality is not linked to Europe. Given the extraordinary growth in demand for this carcase shape. The Lidl Deluxe Irish Hereford Range, addition to the “Deluxe” range which has exceeded even the supplied from Slaney, has done really well and is largely most optimistic estimates for a new product launch, supply based on Herefords from the dairy herd. Slaney Foods' has been a consistent challenge. Slaney Valley brand, which is aimed at the catering and The market has sufficient capacity to absorb even greater restaurant sector across Europe, is also growing nicely, numbers of cattle each week with the possibility if supply according to Mr Fanning. He said it is vital that they always can be upped the brand can further develop outside Ireland. deliver consistent product to customers.” Irish Hereford beef clearly marked as such now has a shelf The Secretary of the Irish Hereford Society Larry Feeney presence in 172 Lidl stores across Ireland a visibility that speaking at the event congratulated Noel Maher winner of could only be dreamed of a short number of years ago. Lidl the Supreme Hereford award and also Hereford winners have also made determined efforts to aggressively market Gillian & David Hendy, Riverstown, Kildangan, the product as they know from their own stringent taste Monasterevin and James Kelliher, Ballybrood, Caherline, testing and customer feedback that this is a product of Limerick on behalf of the Society. The achievement of these outstanding quality. Slaney Foods and sister company the farmers was he stated typical of the top class standard of Linden Group in Northern Ireland must be commended on excellence aimed at and reached by producers involved in their production, packaging and distribution of the product the Slaney/Lidl/Hereford project. and their dedication to excellence right along the food chain. In their efforts to raise standards further and raise Cattle wanted weekly Phone Eamon @ 087/6779567 or awareness of quality beef Slaney Foods recently held the John @ 087/2695119 €6,000 Slaney Foods Quality Steak Competition which attracted an entry of about 1,000 steers and heifers that met the specifications for their brands. Journalist John Shirley takes up the story “All 1,000 carcases were given the meticulous standard Slaney treatment to enhance eating quality with three carcases from each category selected for the steak tasting test. In the delightful company of Mary Lacey, captain of the three-in-a-row Wexford AllIreland camogie team, and Bill Kelly, owner and manager of Kelly’s Hotel in Rosslare, I sampled rib-eye steaks from the nine selected carcases. The carcases were identified by a number. The owners/breeders The three tender succulent Irish Hereford Steaks from which the winner was selected were not identified until after the Page 52


John Shirley: ‘I've no beef with quality of Irish steak after tasting dream job’


had my dream job for one night last week. I partook in the taster panel for the Slaney Foods Quality Steak Competition. Yum yum! I have always thought that if God made anything nicer than a tender juicy beef steak, he kept it for himself. Eating quality is the ultimate test of our beef animals. Yet, as a beef exporting nation, the emphasis on eating quality has not always been what it should have been. But I reckon that, of late, this deficit is being addressed. Then again, there are different perceptions of eating quality across the globe. In the western world, where beef is eaten as a standalone item, flavour is really important. As a rule, some fat, especially marbling fat, is perceived to add flavour to a steak, so much so that in the US, fat carcases earn a premium. In other countries, chefs add flavour through sauces and condiments. They want soft, lean beef to carry the sauces and will run a mile from fat. Irish farmers and exporters must cater for all tastes but traits such as tenderness, juiciness and flavour will always be winners when promoting our beef. To maximise these assets all sectors of the beef chain – breeders, farmers and processors – need to work in harmony. Good butchers and chefs have always known how to get the most out of their meat. Our large beef exporters are now harnessing the best meat practices in order to deliver consistently high eating quality. In many cases, this beef is branded by the supermarket and the Irish exporter remains anonymous, but in others the exporter is building his or her own brand.

Slaney Foods, along with sister company Linden Foods in Northern Ireland, supply a Marks and Spencer-branded product, but they are also building brands of their own. They include certified Aberdeen Angus and Hereford beef. They are operated in conjunction with the two breed societies. They also have in-house brands Slaney Valley, Slaney Gold and Slaney Rose Veal. The 2013 Slaney Foods Quality Steak Competition attracted an entry of about 1,000 steers and heifers that met the specifications for the brands. The entries were split into three categories, Angus, Hereford and Slaney Valley. All 1,000 carcases were given the meticulous standard Slaney treatment to enhance eating quality. This includes electrical stimulation, and detailed temperature control coupled with a huge six weeks of aging. Three carcases from each category were selected for the steak tasting test. In the delightful company of Mary Lacey, captain of the three-in-a-row Wexford All-Ireland camogie team, and Bill Kelly, owner and manager of Kelly’s Hotel in Rosslare, I sampled rib-eye steaks from these nine carcases. The carcases were identified by a number. The owners/breeders were not identified until after the tasting. The steaks were assessed and ranked for tenderness, flavour and overall eating experience. To be honest, even the lowest ranked steak had my digestive juices flowing. The Slaney post-slaughter treatment to enhance steak tenderness, flavour, etc., works. The top Hereford steak came from a 26-month-old steer, also grading O+4-, which had a carcase weight of 322.4kg. The supplier was dairy farmer Noel Maher, from Ballinleenty, Co Tipperary For the record, the top Aberdeen Angus steak came from a 26-month-old steer grade O+4-, 348.5kg carcase weight supplied by Thomas Whelan, Kinnagh, Ballycullane, New Ross, Co Wexford. The top steak in the Slaney Valley category came from a 20month-old Charolais cross steer grade R+3=, which weighed 319kg. This animal was supplied by Gavan Kinch, Kilnahue, Gorey, Co Wexford. Interestingly, beef eating quality is not linked to carcase shape. Given the right rearing, feeding and post-slaughter treatment, Slaney Foods beef manager Rory Fanning is confident that beef from the dairy herd can meet the top eating quality criteria. The Lidl Deluxe Irish Hereford Range, supplied from Slaney, has done really well and is largely based on Herefords from the dairy herd. Slaney Foods' Slaney Valley brand, which is aimed at the catering and restaurant sector across Europe, is also growing nicely, according to Mr Fanning. He said it is vital that they always deliver consistent product to customers. The steaks in last week's Slaney Foods Quality Steak Competition were taken from cattle slaughtered in early April. Speaking to the farmer suppliers, it was notable that all were feeding highish levels of meal during the finishing period.

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Many studies have looked at factors that contribute to a tasty steak. These include * Age of animal. Older animals that have gone through a feed deprivation period will have tougher meat. Beef from very young animals can be bland; * Gender. Beef from heifers and steers is of superior eating quality to bull beef; * Feeding. Grass adds flavour and juiciness to beef and also enhances health-promoting factors. Meal feeding before slaughter can also promote tenderness; * Post-slaughter hip-bone hanging, electrical stimulation and aging of the meat all promote eating quality; * Australian research has shown that docile cattle produce more tender beef.

For years, farmers got little or no feedback from their beef factory about consumer acceptability of their cattle. Indeed, when much of our beef was sold to intervention, consumer response was not even an issue. This has all changed for the better. The production chain from farmer to consumer through the processor is open and transparent. All links of the chain can work together to enhance the image and consistency of Irish beef and keep our prime beef prices in the good place that they now enjoy – well ahead of equivalent prices in Italy and France.

Irish Independent/Farming Independent: John Shirley – 28 May 2013

Eugene Callaghan, Kelly's Hotel prepares the steaks for taste testing by Judges Bill Kelly, Kelly's Hotel, John Shirley, Farming Indo and Mary Lacey, Captain Wexford all Ireland Camogie team.

Larry Feeney Hereford Soc. Mary Lacey Judge, Supreme Hereford Winner Noel Maher & Elizabeth Dwyer, Back L to R Eamon Moulds, Slaney Foods, John Shirley, John McDonald, Slaney Foods.

James Daly Agent Slaney Foods, Larry Feeney Hereford Soc. Mary Lacey, Hereford winner James Kelliher, Back L to R John Shirley Judge, Eamon Moulds, John McDonald Procurement Slaney Foods.

Larry Feeney Hereford Soc. Mary Lacey Judge, Hereford winners Gillian & David Hendy Back L to R Eamon Moulds, Slaney Foods, John Shirley Judge & John McDonald, Slaney Foods.

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Linden Foods expands livestock programme into Hereford Beef


inden Foods, one of the UK’s leading red meat suppliers to many leading retail and food service customers, has for the first time expanded the Linden Livestock Programme to include Hereford Beef to meet increasing demand for the product. The development follows Linden Foods major contract win in December to supply the supermarket chain Lidl with a range of Hereford products available under the supermarket’s Deluxe range, including a premium Northern Irish Hereford specialty fillet steak, a Northern Irish Hereford sirloin steak and Northern Irish Hereford Lean Mince Beef which are all available across Lidl’s 36 stores in Northern Ireland. The new Hereford products are aged on the bone for 14 days and matured for a total of 28 days to offer meat that is tender and succulent and has more marbling leading to better flavour. Frank Foster, Supply Chain Manager with Linden Foods said: “The Linden Livestock programme, one of the first of its kind in the industry, is an initiative that ensures local famers can supply Linden Foods with exactly what we need. The expansion of the programme into Hereford beef will ensure we can meet the growing demand for quality Northern Irish Hereford beef for an increasingly discerning local market.” He said: “While there has never been more focus on the provenance of our meat, the Linden Livestock Programme provides a fully integrated supply chain ensuring locally reared Hereford beef is fully traceable and by continuing to work closely with Northern Irish farmers we can also ensure it is sustainable both for farmers and consumers.” Farmer Ramsay Stewart, a dairy farmer from Stewartstown, County Tyrone is one of a growing number of farmers committed to supplying Linden Livestock with Hereford Bull calves. He has farmed for more than 25 years and last year purchased a pedigree Hereford bull. He says: “Hereford cattle offer high quality marbled beef and excellent flavour. I’m delighted to be part of Linden’s livestock scheme which enables me to farm this increasingly popular breed and provide fully traceable meat as part of Linden Foods’ quality assured integrated supply chain.” Lucia Christy, Project Manager with Lidl Northern Ireland said: “The introduction of the Deluxe Hereford meat range including the Northern Irish Hereford Fillet Steaks, the Northern Irish Hereford Sirloin Steaks and Northern Irish Hereford Lean Beef Mince has met the demands of our

customers for greater choice in their weekly grocery shopping. Linden Foods has been supplying Lidl with quality products for some time now and the addition of the Hereford beef lines is testament to the quality and range of the products we know they provide.” The Linden Livestock Programme was originally established in 2008 to ensure a strong and sustainable supply of mainly Friesian and Aberdeen Angus livestock to the business. Now the Programme has expanded to include a network of eight calf rearing units across Northern Ireland to rear calves to 12 weeks of age which then pass on to specialist beef finishers to be finished using a number of different finishing systems, ranging from intensive cereal finishing to extensive grass based finishing.

Linden Foods launch Deluxe Irish Hereford burger in LIDL in time for barbeque season

Linden Foods, one of the UK’s leading fresh meat processors, has developed a new Irish Hereford burger now available across all Lidl stores in Northern Ireland in time for the summer barbeque season. In response to consumer demand for a more premium burger, the new product is available under the supermarket’s Deluxe range. Catherine Hunter, Retail Account Manager, Linden Foods said: “We are delighted to continue to develop our business with Lidl with the launch of this new Deluxe Irish Hereford burger. Consumers are demanding high quality, locally -

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IRISH HEREFORD BREED JOURNAL 2014 sourced meat at affordable prices and this is exactly what we deliver for Lidl. The Hereford burger is the ideal addition to our existing range of Hereford products as we move into the summer barbeque season.” Lucia Christy from Lidl Northern Ireland said: “The Deluxe Hereford range has been incredibly popular with our customers - they recognise its superior quality and flavor and we predict the new Hereford burger will be just as big a hit - a must for any summer barbeque.” Complementing the new Hereford burger will be two new flavoured burgers that Linden Foods and Lidl have worked together to develop - Irish Cheddar and Onion beef burger and Irish Peppered beef burger. These new product innovations will also be part of the Deluxe Hereford range and offer Lidl customers even more variety and choice and are available now in Lidl Northern Ireland stores. Linden Foods won a contract with Lidl at the end of last year to supply the chain of grocery stores with a number of new product lines under its Deluxe range, including a premium

Northern Irish Hereford specialty fillet steak, a Irish Northern Hereford sirloin steak and Northern Irish Hereford Lean Mince Beef. Linden Foods’ Hereford products, are aged on the bone for 14 days and matured for a total of 28 days, to offer meat that is tender and succulent and has more marbling leading to better flavor. In addition to the Hereford product lines, Linden Foods already supply product lines to Lidl under the Heat, Eat and Enjoy range which include; Hunters BBQ Chicken; Italian Style Meatballs with Arrabiata Sauce; Fully Loaded Burger with Bacon and Cheese; Succulent Garlic and Herb Chicken Breast Strips; Aromatic Chili Chicken Breast Strips; Somerset Style Pork Fillet Medallions; Delicious Pork Loin Steaks with Toffee Apple Butter; and Moroccan Style Chicken. Lidl displayed its full range of products supplied by Linden Foods at the Balmoral Show in May 2013.

The Winning Team Toureenbrien Una

- with Una Murphy and Killian O’Malley. Winner of 3 First Prizes in Summer Shows 2013 including the Junior Hereford Class at Limerick.


Toureenbrien, Newport, Co. Tipperary. Tel. 061-378445 086-1072847 Page 58


€2,029 GM/ha possible with Hereford cross Robert Prendiville - Teagasc, Animal Grassland Research and Innovation Centre, Grange, Co. Meath Paul crosson - Teagasc, Animal Grassland Research and Innovation Centre, Grange, Co. Meath Brendan Swan - Teagasc, Crops, Environment and Land Use Research Centre, Johnstown Castle, Co. Wexford Padraig French - Teagasc, Animal Grassland Research and Innovation Centre, Moorepark, Fermoy, Co. Cork

Summary •

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Early maturing calves account for 25% of calves born from the national dairy herd. Blueprints for these production systems are focused on low input pasture based production. Approximately 42% heifers and 36% of male animals generated from the dairy herd are greater than 24 and 30 months of age at slaughter, respectively. Current research is examining various finishing strategies for heifers and steers from low input pasture based production systems ensuring continuous supply of beef throughout the year. Results presented indicate that the production systems under investigation are profitable and that life time gain from grazed grass is a critical component of this.


Currently, approximately 60% of dairy cows are bred to dairy sires with the remainder bred to beef sires. This represents an increase in the proportion of dairy sires and is largely attributed to the abolition of milk quotas in 2015. It is anticipated that dairy production systems will continue to be seasonal, where the majority of calves will be born in spring. The early maturing beef breeds, Aberdeen Angus and Hereford, are the more desired beef breeds used by dairy farmers due to their ease of calving and short

gestation traits. Over 80 per cent of the Aberdeen Angus and Hereford calves from Holstein-Friesian cows are born between February and May (Figure 1). Most of the early maturing beef breeds used on the dairy herd achieve a commercially acceptable level of carcass fatness at a young age and are therefore, suitable for systems of production which are grass based producing saleable carcasses at relatively low slaughter weight. Typically, early maturing dairy male calves are finished as steers while heifers are finished off pasture at the end of the second grazing season or retained for breeding in the suckler herd. These early maturing dairy calf to beef systems are sustainable in that performance is optimised from grazed pasture. Figure 1: Proportion of Aberdeen Angus and Hereford calves born per month to dairy cows.

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Previously, Keane et al. (2009) described the performance of early maturing crossbred animals from the dairy herd (both heifers and steers) based on research carried out at Teagasc, Grange. These systems focused on low input pasture based production. A 19-month production system was identified for early maturing spring born crossbred heifers slaughtered off pasture at the end of the second grazing season. Lifetime concentrate supplementation was 250 kg per head. Live weight at slaughter was 460 kg and carcass weight was 235 kg, respectively. The early maturing spring born steers were slaughtered at 22 months of age. These animals were housed at the end of the second grazing season and finished over an 84 day period. Live weight at slaughter was 570 kg and carcass weight was 295 kg. Concentrate input during the finishing period was 420 kg per head (5 kg of concentrates plus silage ad-libitum) with a total lifetime concentrate input of 670 kg per head. Currently, approximately 20% of early maturing heifers are slaughtered from 18 to 21 months of age while 42% are greater than two years of age at the time of slaughter (McHugh, personal communication). Similarly, 26% of early maturing male cattle are slaughtered at 22 to 25 months of age while 36% are greater than 30 months at slaughter (McHugh, personal communication). Such systems greatly reduce the stocking rate potential of the farm and increase the costs of production. A number of products (Hereford Prime and Certified Angus) are currently on the market which capitalise on the perceived eating quality traits of animals from these breeds within pre-defined carcass weight, age and fatness specifications. Since early 2011 Teagasc have developed a joint research programme with ABP Food Group, Certified Irish Angus, Irish Hereford Prime, the Irish Angus Cattle Society Ltd. and the Irish Hereford Breed Society to optimise the production of these systems by developing technologies for each of the key stakeholders involved, including the beef bull breeder, the dairy farmer, the beef farmer and the meat processor.

Current research at Johnstown Castle

In spring 2011, the early maturing dairy calf to beef study was established at the Johnstown Castle research farm. The aim of the research was to provide greater insight into the potential of these breeds from low input pasture based production systems. The study at the Johnstown Castle research farm is relatively small scale but will be repeated over multiple years, providing a clearer insight into the merits of alternative early maturing dairy crossbred production systems. Detailed animal performance results from Johnstown Castle have been presented via a number of forums in recent times: Teagasc Open Day, update in the Irish Grassland Association newsletter, etc. The response from industry from the first year of the study suggests there is considerable interest in early maturing dairy calf to beef production systems. Projected animal performance and

profitability of the production systems were presented at a Teagasc Open Day in October 2012. However, results from the first cycle of calves have now been complete. Hence, the objective of this paper is to describe the production systems that are being evaluated and outline preliminary economic analysis, to provide an indication of the profitability of these early maturing dairy calf to beef production systems.

Current study and preliminary economic analysis

A total of 128 early maturing dairy crossbred calves were assembled for the study. Sixty-four February born calves were purchased in early March, 32 males (16 Angus and 16 Hereford) and 32 females (16 Angus and 16 Hereford). An additional 64 April born calves, identical in breakdown to that purchased in March, were purchased in late April/early May. Varying production systems were generated by adjusting the age at slaughter for February and April born heifers and steers (Figure 2). The objectives of the experiment were to establish systems of production that are profitable to producers and marketable for processors while ensuring continuous supply of high value product to the marketplace. Low input pasture based systems are the focal point for all production systems investigated. Performance results from the calves purchased in the first year of the three year study are presented. Calves were supplemented at pasture during the first grazing season receiving 1 kg per head daily. During the first winter good quality grass silage was offered in addition to a further 1.5 kg per head daily. The economic analysis undertaken is based on the biological (animal performance) data generated at the Johnstown Castle research farm. Variable costs including milk replacer, fertilizer, contractor charges, medical and veterinarian, silage and reseeding, fixed costs (machinery maintenance and running costs, farm maintenance, car, telephone, electricity and insurance) and sales values were based on actual system inputs and outputs where possible and evaluated on current prices (Table 1). Live weight and carcass performance levels are presented in Table 2. Sensitivity analysis was also carried out on the key variables (concentrate price and beef price) to assess the impact of fluctuations in profitability.

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Results from heifer production systems

Each finishing system contained 16 animals. Of the 32 February born heifers, the first 16 animals (8 Angus and 8 Herefords) were slaughtered in September at 19 months of age. The remaining February born heifers were slaughtered in November at 21 months of age thus providing data for a further two months finishing. Both heifers in 19 and 21 month production systems were slaughtered off pasture. Animals received 2.5 kg of concentrates per day for 60 days pre-slaughter. The physical performance of the Aberdeen Angus and the Hereford production systems were similar and so, for the purposes of presentation, are integrated from hereon. Heifers in the 19 month production system were 454 kg at slaughter yielding a carcass of 228 kg. Live weight and carcass weight for heifers in the 21 month production system were 471 kg and 238 kg, respectively. Carcass conformation for heifers in both production systems were predominately ‘O=’ with carcass fat classes of 3-/=. The April born heifers also had two ages at slaughter. The first group were slaughtered in November at 19 months following supplementation of 2.5 kg concentrates for the final 60 days at pasture. The remaining animals were housed and finished on silage ad-libitum with 5 kg of concentrates per day. These animals were slaughtered in January at 21 months of age. April born heifers in the 19 month production system had a live weight at slaughter of 465 kg yielding a carcass weight of 234 kg. The heifers in the 21 month production system had a live weight and carcass weight of 501 kg and 249 kg, respectively. Carcass conformation for heifers in both production systems were predominately ‘O=’ with carcass fat classes of 3-/+.

Economic outcomes

The economics of the production systems based on profitability per head are presented in Table 3. For the February born heifers finished at 19 months of age total variable costs were €417 per head and thus, gross margin was €331 per head. By delaying the slaughter date by two months, beef price reduced slightly (since November prices are historically lower than September prices) and carcass output per head increased by 10 kg. Taken together, these differences increased gross margin per head slightly (€13). Net margin per head followed from the gross margin results with the 21 month system returning a slightly higher margin than the 19 month system. The total variable costs associated with production for the April born heifers slaughtered at 19 months of age (in November) were €370. This resulted in a gross margin of €399. By leaving the animals at pasture until the end of the grazing season and finishing the cattle indoors at 21 months of age over a 90 day period, beef price was greater and the concentrate input requirements increased by 150 kg per head (€45 per head). Although gross margin per head was greater

(by €29), the greater housing requirements of the 21 month system (slaughtered in January) increased capital costs for this system relative to the earlier finished 19 month system. Thus, net margin per head was greater for the 19 month system.

Results from steer production systems

Consistent with the heifer production systems, the steers were either February or April born and had two ages at slaughter. The first group of February born steers were slaughtered off pasture with 2.5 kg of concentrate supplementation in November at 21 months of age. The remainder of the February born steers were housed and finished indoors on silage ad-libitum with 5 kg of concentrate supplementation per day. These animals were slaughtered in January. Live weight and carcass weight of 533 kg and 277 kg, respectively, were achieved for steers in the 21 month production system. February born steers finished at 23 months of age were housed after the second season at pasture and finished indoors on silage adlibitum and 5 kg of concentrate supplementation. Live weight at slaughter was 581 kg and a carcass weight of 293 kg was achieved. Carcass conformation for steers in both production systems were predominately ‘O=/ O+’ with carcass fat classes of 3-/=. Late born steers also had two slaughter dates. The first group were housed in November after the second season at pasture and finished at 21 months of age on silage adlibitum plus 5 kg of concentrates. These animals were slaughtered in January and were 545 kg live weight at slaughter. Carcass weight for these steers was 270 kg. The final group were housed and stored over the second winter on a silage only diet. These animals were turned out to pasture for a third season and were slaughtered in June at 26 months of age. Live weight at slaughter was 606 kg and a carcass weight of 315 kg was achieved. Carcass conformation for steers in both production systems were predominately ‘O=/ O+’ with carcass fat classes of 3=/+.

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Economic findings


The economics of the production systems based on profitability per head are presented in Table 3. Total variable costs for the February born steer slaughtered at 21 months of age were €448 resulting in a gross margin of €419 per head. By retaining the animals for a further two months, finishing indoors on grass silage and concentrates, sales and concentrate costs per head increased (by €155 and €91, respectively). Livestock sales typically benefit from a beef price rise at this time of the year. Gross margin per head was similar for both systems, however, capital costs were greater for the 23 month system (requiring an indoor finishing period) and therefore, there was a net margin advantage of €100 per head in favour of the 21 month system. Similarly, there were substantial differences in the economics of the April born steer systems, however, in this case the advantage was in favour of the systems finishing at the older age with beef price rise again favouring the later finish system. Both systems required a second indoor winter feeding period with the steers slaughtered in January finished indoors on silage adlibitum and 5 kg of concentrates and the steers destined for grass based finishing stored on silage only. Steers slaughtered at 26 months of age achieved heavier carcass weights with lower concentrate requirements. Indeed, approximately 75% of the slaughter weight was achieved from grazed grass as opposed to 55% for the 21 month system. Consequently, gross margin per head was significantly greater for the 26 month system relative to that achieved in the indoor system. Fixed costs were similar and thus, net margin also followed this same trend with the 26 month system having a net margin per head more than three times that of the 21 month system.

Producer group bonus payments

The bonus payments from the producer groups make a significant contribution to the economics of the production systems. The bonus payments for the early maturing heifers are €60 per head approximately. Similarly, the production systems for the steers increase significantly. There is a large differential in bonus payment for the steers due to the seasonality of the bonus structure for the Angus. The bonus payments range from €68 to €95 per head. The impact of the bonus scheme as paid for the animals slaughtered in the Johnstown Castle project are presented in Table 3.

Herbage production

A key element of profitable dairy calf to beef systems is the efficient utilisation of grazed grass. Each system has a different requirement for herbage per head ranging from 2.3 t DM for the 19 month heifer systems to 4.3 t DM for the 26 month steer system. At a stocking rate of 200 kg organic N per hectare and assuming excellent levels of

grass utilisation, the farm would need to grow 10.1 t DM/ha and 11.6 t DM per ha for each system, respectively. At 225 kg organic N per hectare this rises to 11.3 and 13.0 t DM/ha, respectively. Thus, the capacity of the farm to grow grass will largely dictate the stock carrying potential of the farm.


The finishing systems are presented from the first cycle of calves from the research study being carried out at Johnstown Castle, the aim of which is to establish sustainable systems of production for early maturing heifers and steers that are profitable to producers and result in a high value product that is continuously available to the marketplace. Current results indicate that optimum animal performance was achieved across all production systems, yielding adequate carcass weights, conformation scores and fat classes across all systems. The economic appraisal suggests that there were substantial differences in gross between the systems. In particular, achieving a high proportion of total life time gain from grazed grass is critical.


Financial support from ABP Food Group, Irish Hereford Prime, Certified Irish Angus, the Irish Hereford Breed Society and Irish Angus Cattle Society is gratefully appreciated. The authors also wish to acknowledge the diligent work carried out by the Johnstown Castle staff. References

Bord Bia. (2013). Cattle throughput graphs 2000-2012. hroughput.aspx. Keane M.G., E.G. O’Riordan and P. O’Kiely. 2009. Dairy calf to beef production systems. McHugh, N. 2013. personal communication

Table 1. Assumptions of the model. Calf price (€/head) Milk replacer (€/t)

Calf ration (€/t)

Finishing ration (€/t) Silage (€/t)



300 27

Straw (€/t)


Vet meds per calf (€/calf)


Vet callout fee (€/callout) Beef price (c/kg for R3)

Page 62




Table 2. Performance results from the production systems. Month of birth Average daily gain (kg/d)


Second season at pasture Indoor finishing

First season at pasture First winter

















Third season

Sept 19 454 228 O= 3-

Nov 21 471 238 O= 3=

Nov 19 465 234 O+ 3-

Beef price (c/kg)1 Revenue Livestock sales Less purchases Net income

Concentrates Milk replacer Hay Grazed grass Grass silage Vet & med Other Total variable costs

Gross margin (€/hd) Gross margin (€/hd; incl. QAS and bonus payments)

Net margin (€/hd)2 Net margin (€/hd; incl. QAS and bonus payments)

February 19





Jan 21 501 249 O+ 3+

424 965 217 748

Heifers April 21 19

Nov 21 533 277 O= 3-





991 217 774

986 217 769

1112 217 895

February 21



1141 273 867

1296 273 1023

1178 273 905

1449 273 1176

















Number of animal units3 per ha at different stocking intensities 200 organic N 3.5 3.0 3.5 3.0 225 organic N 3.9 3.4 3.9 3.4

Sensitivity analysis on a per head basis Concentrate price (+/- €10/t fresh) 4.80 4.60 Beef price (+/- 10c/kg) 22.80 23.80






June 26 606 315 O+ 3+


172 57 4 90 42 40 43 448


Jan 21 545 270 O= 3=


186 57 4 75 64 40 41 467 428


April 21

141 57 4 71 21 40 35 370 399



170 57 4 84 35 40 38 430 344


Jan 23 581 293 O+ 3=

170 57 4 67 40 40 38 417




Table 3. Economics of the production systems under investigation (€/hd unless stated). Month of birth Slaughter age (mo)



Second winter

Month of slaughter Age at slaughter (mo) Live weight Carcass weight Conformation score Fat class


263 57 4 79 105 40 51 599

237 57 4 66 92 40 48 545





160 57 4 97 151 45 50 564 745





3.0 3.4

2.5 3.0

3.0 3.4

2.2 2.5












1 Actual price received depends on date of sale (i.e. seasonality effects) and carcass grading assuming a base price of €4.50/kg carcass. 2 Fixed costs include depreciation and interest on buildings/facilities and overheads. 3 An animal unit represents a calf through to slaughter.

Page 63

by Allendale National, Sire of the Year 2009

Page 64

Hereford RDS Champion of Champions Award 2013 IRISH HEREFORD BREED JOURNAL 2014

Kye Sheila 596 from the herd of Padraig McGrath, Kye, Elphin, Co Roscommon has been selected as the 2013 RDS Hereford Champion of Champions. Much of her show career has centred on the summer and autumn of 2013. Born in November 2011 she took to the catwalk when just eighteen months old and has caused quite a stir and turned many heads in the interim. From east to west across the country judges were smitten by her charms awarding her the top honours in a total of six Supreme Hereford Championships including the national at Tullamore where international judge Aled Jones of the internationally renowned Dendor Hereford herd in Wales had no hesitation in tapping her forward and presenting her with her sash.

Her sire Steil Gerard is bred by Mr McGrath’s near neighbour JJ McCormack, Tulsk and is current herd sire at the Trillick herd of JJ Farrell for whom he has sired several prizewinners including the top price €7,100 Trillick Governor at Tullamore in March 2013. One of a number of successful Churchill Storm V583 sons he was purchased by Mr Farrell at Roscommon following completion of test at the Tully performance test centre.

through cyberspace to those members of the family in Australia missing out on the action and celebration. Congratulations to all involved.

Sheila’s dam Kye Paula 1st is sired by Yarram Pompeii V055 and out of the homebred Kye Spot 18th a Lisnabin Jovial daughter. There is in the pedigree Sheila 596 a double cross of Jovial the very successful CH 3223 Visa ET 57X son bred at Lisnabin by the late DJD Purdon a lifetime member of the RDS and former President, Chairman and council member of the Irish Hereford Breed Society.

The Kye herd has been to the forefront in producing top Hereford genetics in the Connaught region for half a century. The 2012 RDS Champion of Champions and RUAS Balmoral Champion Kye Rodge 553 was also bred bred by the McGrath family before being purchased at Tullamore where he was Reserve Champion by current owner Coote Geelan before going on to greater honours at Balmoral. The whole McGrath family have been elated during the season with Championship photos flying back and forth

Minister for Agriculture & The Marine, Simon Coveney TD and Matthew Dempsey, RDS President, making the presentation to Padraig McGrath.

Page 65

Future of Herefords Assured IRISH HEREFORD BREED JOURNAL 2014

Congratulations and best wishes to Dr Mervyn Parr on successfully completing his PhD. One the younger well educated generation of Hereford breeders coming along the future of the Society and the breed is assured with such talent available to it.

Mervyn current chairman of the South Leinster Branch of the Society is son of Henry & Heather Parr, Tourtane House, Clogh, Castlecomer, Co Kilkenny.

He is with dad Henry a regular exhibitor on the summer show circuit with cattle from the successful Tourtane Herd regularly featuring amongst the prizewinners. Commercial Hereford cross cattle from the herd have also been exhibited on the Society’s stand at the National Ploughing Championships.

Mervyn carried out his PhD through Teagasc and UCD under the Walsh Fellowship programme. The Walsh Fellowship is the umbrella name for postgraduate students carrying out Masters or PhD programmes. The

programme was successfully completed in Athenry in August 2012.

Dr Parr has worked with some of the most renowned individuals in Irish Agricultural Research at Teagasc. The following learned articles may be accessed through the internet at

Article: Proteomic characterization of histotroph during the preimplantation phase of the oestrous cycle in cattle. Michael P Mullen, Giuliano Elia, Marl Hilliard, Mervyn H Parr, Michael G Diskin, Alex C O Evans, Mark A Crowe.

Article: Effects of systemic progesterone during the early luteal phase on the availabilities of amino acids and glucose in the bovine uterine lumen. Michael P Mullen, Fuller W Bazer, Guoyao Wu, Mervyn H Parr, Alexander C O Evans, Mark A Crowe, Michael G Diskin.

Article: Alterations in systemic concentrations of progesterone during the early luteal phase affect RBP4 expression in the bovine uterus. Michael P Mullen, Niamh Forde, Mervyn H Parr, Michael G Diskin, Dermot G Morris, Jarlath E Nally, Alexander C O Evans, Mark A Crowe.

Dr. Mervyn Parr pictured at his graduation

Kilronan Herefords Consistently Breeding Quality Since 1980 left: Kilronan lola Sire: Kilronan Hosea (KHo)

Right: Kilronan Gloria Sire: Kilronan Hosea (KHo)

we use 100% AI on all our females selecting the very best sires available.

Sires used for 2013 breeding season include: Kilronan Hosea, Bowmont Storm, Glaslough esquire, trillick Best and Smithston Darby. the best of luck to John leahy, listowel on the purchase of Kilronan lola, layla and Kendra to form his new pedigree herd. Also the best of luck to Mick culkeen and family in tuam with the purchase of Kilronan Katja and Kapri to form their new pedigree herd.

Daniel & Karen lehane

Kilronan, Dunmanway, co. cork. tel. 087 681 5881 & 023 885 6477 Page 66


Benefit of Genomics in Beef Cattle by Matthew McClure, PhD. Geneticist ICBF The use of genomics over the past 5 years has greatly impacted the dairy industry world-wide. While traditionally one had to invest 4-5 years into a young bull to get an accurate picture of his breeding values based on his progeny’s performance, with genomics one can predict an animal’s breeding value soon after birth with high accuracy. The use of genomics to identify top sires early has resulted in an estimated 50% improvement in the genetic progress of dairy cattle. Recently the same process has been applied to dairy heifers, thus allowing a farmer to select the top replacement heifers. This year the Beef Genomics Scheme will provide Ireland with the necessary foundation to begin applying the power of genomics to the beef industry. Once genomic breeding values for beef cattle are available a farmer would be able to genotype his potential replacement heifers and bulls and quickly identify the predicted top and bottom performers. Imagine the benefits of being able use genomics to identify the heifers that will be easy calvers and produce progeny with high slaughter weights. While the Irish Cattle Breeding Federation (ICBF) won’t be able to provide genomic breeding values for beef cattle this year there a few benefits a beef farmer can access in 2014 by having his animal genotyped on the IDB chip.

(1) Pedigree verification. A genotyped animal can have its pedigree verified as long as the parents have a genotype. Using genotypes ICBF can even predict an animal’s sire as long as the sire was genotyped. A verified pedigree can help avoid accidental inbreeding and allow for a pedigree based breeding value to be estimated.

(2) Microsatellite imputation. Microsatellite markers have successfully been used for parentage verification in cattle over the past few decades. Currently the industry is moving to the use of genotypes for parental verification as they are more accurate and powerful. Instead of having to separately obtain, and pay for, a microsatellite

Page 67

marker profile, ICBF is able to impute (or infer) an animal’s microsatellite profile from the genotype. With this microsatellite imputation an animal only has to be genotyped once. In 2013 alone this process ensured that €140,000 was saved by not having to do a microsatellite analysis.


(3) Genetic disease carrier identification. While only a small number of causative mutations are known for genetic diseases, it is currently thought that every living animal is a carrier for some genetic disease and genes. The current IDB chip used in Ireland can identify an animal’s carrier status for a few diseases, such as Hypotrichosis, and genes such as myostatin, although additional royalty fees will be required for some diseases and major genes. The next version of the IDB chip, due late spring, will analyse even more genetic diseases. With this information one can identify if any cow or bull in your herd is a carrier for a genetic disease. With this information you can then ensure that it is not mated to a carrier animal. In this manner you can still use the best genetics for your herd while minimizing genetic disease risk. This would be especially helpful for any lethal genetic disease as it would remove the economic impact of a calf dying from the disease.

(5) Traceability. Each animal’s DNA is unique, and each animal’s IDB genetic profile is also unique. If an animal is genotyped at birth there is full traceability of every tissue or meat sample directly back to the animal. The genotype could be used to verify that a stolen animal was yours or that the excellent steak served at a restaurant came from your farm.

(4) Breed composition. ICBF has IDB genotype data on thousands of animals that are representative of all Irish breeds. As each has a unique genotype profile ICBF is able to identify an animal’s breed composition. Just as all black cattle are from an Angus sire, nor are all partial white faced cattle from Hereford sires. ICBF is able to analyse an animal’s IDB genotype and be able to determine if it purebred or one of its parents was a purebred.

Cavehill Herefords cavehill esquire

Established in 1980

was the second highest priced bull sold in Kilmallock October Sale selling at €3400.

Pádraig Farrell & Sons

Quality stock usually for sale. Visitors always welcome. Aughavoneen, Fardrum, Athlone, co.westmeath. Mobile: 087 293 9133 telephone: 0906 430 314 Page 68

Using top AI sires: Bowmont Storm, Glaslough Esquire, Rathcor Ranger and Bowmont Vancouver.

Cill Cormaic Herefords 1928

Est. 1928

8 6 Ye a r s


of Breeding

Full of Breed character

cill cormaic Kasper (sold to Dovea Genetics)

Sire: cill cormaic lotto by Ballinphraise Brandy Dam: lislaughtin Pisces 34th by sire Rathregan Robin (another dam line that has produced)

Main Sire: cedar liam, so far is siring calves of low birth weights, light boned at birth and thicken well after a few weeks. His first two bulls have been sold in pedigree herds. Best of luck to Ted O’Sulliavn “Furaleigh Herd”, and Michael Morrison “Castlerichard Herd” . . . . . both Cork Breeders! First two heifers sold to 2 prominent Longford Breeders - best of luck to the Trillick and the Creagh Herds.

Wishing all our customers the best of luck with their purchases

young Male and Female Stock for Sale

DAVID LARKIN the Hermitage, Kilcormac, co. offaly. tel. 05791-35368, 086-3397810 email: Page 69

Visitors always welcome

Irish Hereford Prime launched in the Italian market with Carrefour retail chain IRISH HEREFORD BREED JOURNAL 2014

Carrefour has announced that it has begun to exclusively stock a selection of premium Irish Hereford Prime products in three of its Milan outlets. Representing the first time that Irish Hereford Prime has been available in the Italian market, the selected Carrefour stores, located at the Centro Commerciale Carosello in Carugate, Viale Milanofiori in Assago and the Centro Commerciale Brianza in Letante, are stocking Irish Hereford Prime Rump Heart, Sirloin Steak and Bone-in Sirloin. The three selected cuts reflect the high-quality, premium nature of the range, and have been selected for particular Milan stores based on Irish Hereford Prime’s increasing brand prominence in Southern Europe. The availability of these products in Milan Carrefour outlets coincided with the appearance of Irish Hereford Prime on Masterchef Italia 2013 for a special beef-focused episode aired on St. Stephens Day.

Carrefour retail chain is the second largest retail chain in the world in terms of revenue, and boasts over a thousand separate stores across Europe, Latin America, the Caribbean and the Middle East.

Irish Hereford Prime Launch Nationwide at Supervalu Stores & Beyond Irish Hereford Prime beef was launched in Supervalu stores nationwide under the Signature Tastes Premium Range in early November 2013 Irish Hereford Prime began slaughtering its first cattle with the Kepak Group in October 2013 for the Musgraves owned Supervalu Stores. The four Kepak plants are located in Watergrasshill, Co. Cork, Clonee, Co. Meath, Kilbeggan, Co. Westmeath and Athleague, Co. Roscommon.

Irish Hereford Prime was chosen as the beef for the Taste of London to be presented by the Savoy Hotel. UK Chef Heston Blumental has also listed Irish Hereford Prime in his new restaurant in London as has the newly opened restaurant in the Chard building (tallest building

in London).

Irish Hereford Prime beef is currently available in Ireland in all good restaurants and hotels through the Pallas food distribution network Irish Hereford Prime Beef is also on the market as a premium product in retail and food service across the EU and beyond most recently on the shelves of the Carrefour retail chain.

Current trials taking place in Johnstown Castle in conjunction with Teagasc and ABP on producing HEX steers and heifers bred from the dairy herd are very encouraging. The expansion in this area is vital to the supply chain as demand for Irish Hereford Prime beef is at record levels.


(formerly Farm Factory Direct) launched their brand new store in November 2013 at the Tanyard, Tullamore, Co. Offaly stocking a full range of Irish Hereford Prime beef, Offaly Lamb and many more artisan products. Open Wednesday – Saturday 10am to 6pm. Contact 057-9329405 or find them on Facebook for further information.

Page 70

Irish Hereford Prime Ambassador IRISH HEREFORD BREED JOURNAL 2014

John Hayes former Munster, Ireland & Lions Rugby player is now an Irish Hereford Prime Ambassador. John who is a Hereford farmer for many years is now working to promote Irish Hereford Prime throughout Ireland visiting many restaurants around the country.

Pictured with Ross Lewis from the Michelin starred restaurant Chapter One in Dublin.

Hereford Prime & the “Fire” Restaurant at the Mansion House purchase “Tubridy the Calf”

RTÉ 2fm's Ryan Tubridy donned an auctioneer's hat and took up a gavel to auction off his bovine namesake, 'Tubridy the Calf', at Dungarvan Cattle Mart, Co. Waterford. The sale of the black whitehead to the winning bidder, John 'The Bull' Hayes, bidding on behalf of the “Fire” Restaurant and Irish Hereford Prime fetched a whopping €5,500.

Speaking about the auction, Tubridy said: "I had bonded with my namesake 'Tubridy the Calf' over recent weeks but, you know what they say: 'If you love something, set it free'! In all seriousness, though, I'm delighted that the sale of the calf and the other animals at the auction has raised these much-needed funds for Youghal Cancer Support Group. The total amount raised from the auction reached in excess of €40,000. Other animals auctioned at the charity cattle auction included calves named after, and auctioned off

personally by, RTÉ One's Today presenter Maura Derrane, RTÉ Radio 1's Mooney reporter Brenda Donohue and John Kenny from D'unbelievables amongst others.

Herefords and Youghal Cancer Support Group at the NPC

The Youghal Cancer Support Group did a fundraiser on the Hereford stand during the ploughing match with the famous Tubrity/Fire calf. The fundraiser was guess the weight of Tubrity/Fire and he weighed in at 350KG. Winners were James Ormond Castlellis, The Balla, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford. First prize was €300 and James donated his prize back to the Youghal cancer support group. Pauric Geoghegan Tiernea Lettermore Co Galway won 2nd Prize of a €300 Voucher for Ballymaloe Cookery School. Patrick Bracken Raheen Geashill Co Offaly won 3rd Prize of €100. €5000 was raised at the event for the Youghal Cancer Support Group.

Page 71

All ABP Ireland and Kepak plants Page 72


Around the Shows . . . . . NATIONAL HEREFORD SHOW TULLAMORE SUNDAY AUGUST 11th 2013 Judge: Mr Aled Jones, Dendor Herd, Wales, UK Ring Stewards: Mr D Collins & Ms L Sandes

National Supreme & Female Champion: Kye Sheila 596, DOB: 3rd Nov 2011, s. Steil Gerard, d. Kye Paula 1. Owner: Padraig McGrath.

National Reserve Supreme and Reserve Female Champion: Moyclare Rose 22, DOB: 12th Sept 2012, s. Brocca Saviour, d. Moyclare Christina. Owner: Michael Molloy

National Male Champion: Corlismorepoll 1 Lad 530, DOB: 12th Apr 2009, s. Corlismore Pompeii, d. Udel 1 R51 Unwed Lady. Owner: Val Ledwith.

National Reserve Male Champion: Knockmountagh Chief, DOB: 2nd Aug 2012, s. Yarram Star General W251, d. Knockmountagh Edwina. Owners: Eamon & John McKiernan. National Heifer Calf Champion: Moyclare Rose 22, DOB: 12th Sept 2012, s. Brocca Saviour, d. Moyclare Christina. Owner: Michael Molloy

National Bull Calf Champion: Knockmountagh Chief, DOB: 2nd Aug 2012, s. Yarram Star General W251, d. Knockmountagh Edwina. Owners: Eamon & John McKiernan.

National Hereford Cow, In-calf or with her own natural calf at foot, born on/before 30.06.10: 1. Corlismore Poll 1 Sydney 574, DOB: 13th Mar 2010, s. Grianan Firecracker, d. Udel 1 R51 Sydney Gem. Owner: Sean McKiernan. 2. Dorepoll 1 Duchess 525, DOB: 26TH Sept 2006, s. Doonbiddle Hustler, d. Dorepoll 1 H.L. Duchess. Owner: Matthew Goulding. 3. Appel 1 Mollie, DOB: 12th Mar 2009, s. Udel 1 Webb Ellis, d. Aherlow Julie. Owners: F & J Appelbe. 4. Tourtanepoll 1 Diamond, DOB: 15th Dec 2007, s. Trillick Best, d. Kilmanjoro 1 Zara. Owner: Mervyn Parr. 5. Drumboy Noeleen, DOB: 25th Dec 2005, s. Balleen Generator 6th, d. Lislaughtin Piscies 10th. Owner: Sean Kilrane.

Page 73


National Hereford Cow or Heifer born between 01.07.2010 and 30.06.2011: Tullaha Primrose, DOB: 7th Sept 2010, s. Knockmountagh Pirate, d. Tullaha Delia. Owner: John Neenan. 1. 2. Springvilla Miriam, DOB: 2nd Sept 2010, s. Carhuefree Prince, d. Ballyville Alberta. Owner: Tom Roycroft. 3. Grianan Orange K589, DOB: 3rd Mar 2011, s. Grianan Highflyer ET, Grianan Orange 409. Owner: Mervyn Parr. 4. Tourtanepoll 1 Sara, DOB: 31st Mar 2011, s. Glaslough Hurricane, d. Kilmanjaro 1 Zara. Owner: Mervyn Parr. 5. Corlismore Poll 1 Sydney 617, DOB: 23rd Mar 2011, s. Corlimore Pompeii, d. Corlismore Sydney 1. Owner: I & J Anderson. National Hereford Heifer born on/between 01.07.11 and 31.12.2011: 1. Kye Sheila 596, DOB: 3rd Nov 2011, s. Steil Gerard, d. Kye Paula 1. Owner: Padraig McGrath. 2. Knockmountagh Petal, DOB: 20th Sept 2011, s. Smithston Darby, d. Knockmountagh Carmel. Owner: Philip Lynch. 3. Knockduffpoll 1 Emma, DOB: 15th Aug 2011, s. Ardlahan Ginger, d. Knockduff Flower. Owner: Mairead and Michael Curtis & Jones. 4. Kilsunny Doreen’s Ivy, DOB: 27th Jul 2011, s. Ballyaville Caradoc, d. Kilsunny Doreen’s Fairy. Owner: Christine Drumm. 5. Springvilla Miss Violet, DOB: 9th Oct 2011, s. Ocean Storm 3, d. Ballyaville Violet One. Owner: Tom Roycroft. National Hereford Heifer born on/between 01.01.12 and 30.06.2012: 1. Corran Hill Carole, DOB: 2nd Jan 2012, s. Corran Hill Miracle, d. Corran Hill Tara. Owner: I & J Anderson.

National Hereford Heifer born on/between 01.07.12 and 31.08.2012 1. Grianan Poll 1 Orange M 639, DOB: 4th Jul 2012, s. Romany 1 Captain R22, d. Grianan Dominique. Owner: T & A Fitzgerald. 2. Rathreganpoll 1 Sally 452, DOB: 12th Aug 2012, s. Corlismorepoll. 1 Lad 530, d. Rathregan Sally 288. Owner: Val Ledwith. 3. Drumgoon Hill Gloria, DOB: 6th Aug 2012, s. Smithston Darby, d. Mountrath Gloria. Owner: Aidan McCabe 4. Drumgoon Hill Hazel, DOB: 13th Jul 2012, s. Bowmont Vancouver, d. Drumgoon Hill Daisy. Owner: Aidan McCabe. 5. Trillick Tara, DOB: 24th Jul 2012, s. Steil Gerard, d. Trillick Dame. Owner: J. J. Farrell. National Hereford Heifer born on/between 01.09.2012 and 30.11.2012: 1. Moyclare Rose 22, DOB: 12th Sept 2012, s. Brocca Saviour, d. Moyclare Christina. Owner: Michael Molloy. 2. Gouldingpoll 1 Duchess 548, DOB: 5th Sept 2012, s. Harvie Dan Hildago ET 193U, d. Dorepoll 1 R 51 Duchess 525. Owner: Matthew Goulding. 3. Knockmountagh Sweet Pea, DOB: 2nd Sept 2012, s. Kilsunny Goliath, d. Knockmountagh Lilac. Owner: Eamon & John McKiernan. 4. Imokilly Sash, DOB: 21st Sept 2012, s. Ardmulchan Gooch, d. Imokilly Sarah. Owner: Albert De Cogan. 5. Tullaha Raindrop, DOB: 3rd Nov 2012, s. Knockmountagh Pirate, d. Tullaha Delia. Owner: John Neenan.

National Hereford Heifer born on/after 01.12.2012 1. Corlismorepoll 1 Waitomo 696, DOB: 2nd Dec 2012, s. Grianan Firecracker, d. Udel 1 S41 Waitomo Gem. Owner: Sean McKiernan. 2. Corlismore Oyster 597, DOB: 5th Dec 2012, s. Grianan Firecracker, d. Corlismore Oyster 572. Owner: Sean McKiernan. 3. Gageboro Megan, DOB: 28th Jan 2013, s. Bishophill General, d. Gageboro Hansel. Owner: John Holloway. 4. Grianan Orange M658, DOB: 10th Dec 2012, s. Grianan Highflyer, d. Grianan Dominique. Owner: T&A Fitzgerald. 5. Coisceim Febee, DOB: 2nd Jan 2013, s. Smithton Darby, d. Gurteragh Fidelma. Owner: Tim Breen.

Page 74


National Supreme Hereford Campion Kye Shelia 596 with Patrick & Padraig McGrath, Kye, Elphin, Co Offaly

National Reserve Supreme Champion Moyclare Rose 22nd with Michael Molloy, The Glebe, Belmont, Co Offaly

Champion Female Kye Sheila 595 with Owners Patrick & Padraig McGrath. Sponsor Tullamore Agri.

National Reserve Female Champion Moyclare Rose 22nd with Michael Molloy, The Glebe, Belmont, Co Offaly

National Male Champion Corlismore Poll 1 Lad 530 with Val Ledwith, Rathregan, Batterstown.

National Reserve Male Champion Knockmountagh Chief with Eamon McKiernan, Newtown, Monasterboice.

Page 75


National Heifer Calf Champion with Michael Molloy. Sponsor ABP, Nenagh.

Judge for the National Hereford Show 2013 Aled Jones, Dendor Herd , UK sets a brisk pace in the cow class.

National Bull Calf Champion Knockmountagh Chief, Judge Aled Jones & Eamon McKiernan. Sponsor Dotser.

Corlismore Poll 1 Sydney with Gary McKiernan & Emmet Sommers of Sponsor Pallas Foods.

Tullaha Primrose with Tom Creegan, Eamon Moulds of Sponsor Slaney Foods & Maura Neenan Creegan.

Page 76

Kye Sheila 596 with Padraic McGrath & Society President Timmy O'Sullivan of Sponsors IHBS Ltd.

GRIANAN HEREFORDS Established in 1954

“Improving our herd by using the newest and best genetics available worldwide�

Grianan lion King et 1st Prize Spring Premier Sale 2013

Griananpoll 1 lumberjack 1st Prize Spring Premier Sale 2013

Griananpoll 1 orange M693 Reserve Heifer Calf Champion 2013

Reserve Champion Autumn Premier Sale 2013

Grianan lively

Grianan Judy H625

Grianan legend Reserve Champion Nenagh May 2013

Female Champion Autumn Premier Sale 2013

Bulls & Heifers for Sale from the herds top cow families


t & A Fitzgerald, Glebe House, Mount temple, Moate, co. westmeath Mobile: +353866098051 / +353876623403 Page 77


National Hereford Heifer Calf Champion (confined to 1st-3rd prize winners in the three previous classes): Moyclare Rose 22, DOB: 12th Sept 2012, s. Brocca Saviour, d. Moyclare Christina. Owner: Michael Molloy. 1. 2. Grianan Poll 1 Orange M 639, DOB: 4th Jul 2012, s. Romany 1 Captain R22, d. Grianan Dominique. Owner: T & A Fitzgerald. 3. Gouldingpoll 1 Duchess 548, DOB: 5th Sept 2012, s. Harvie Dan Hildago ET 193U, d. Dorepoll 1 R 51 Duchess 525. Owner: Matthew Goulding. 4. Corlismorepoll 1 Waitomo 696, DOB: 2nd Dec 2012, s. Grianan Firecracker, d. Udel 1 S41 Waitomo Gem. Owner: Sean McKiernan. 5. Knockmountagh Sweet Pea, DOB: 2nd Sept 2012, s. Kilsunny Goliath, d. Knockmountagh Lilac. Owners: Eamon & John McKiernan. 6. Corlismore Oyster 597, DOB: 5th Dec 2012, s. Grianan Firecracker, d. Corlismore Oyster 572. Owner: Sean McKiernan. 7. Rathreganpoll 1 Sally 452, DOB: 12th Aug 2012, s. Corlismorepoll. 1 Lad 530, d. Rathregan Sally 288. Owner: Val Ledwith. National Hereford Bull born on/between 01.01.2012 and 30.06.2012: 1. Corlismorepoll 1 Rumpus 663, DOB: 3rd March 2012, s. Grianan Firecracker, d. Udel 1 Unwed Lady. Owner: Sean McKiernan. 2. Ballyaville Fine Tune, DOB: 18th Jan 2012, s. Hollow Point Broker, d. Ballyaville Bea. Owners: Deverell Family. 3. Port 1 Bill, DOB: 7th March 2012, s. Port 1 Bob, d. Port 1 Ginger. Owners: J &J Canty. 4. Rathregan 1 Sarsfield, DOB: 22nd Feb 2012, s. Corlismorepoll 1 Lad 530, d. Rathregan Snowdrop. Owner: Val Ledwith.

National Hereford Bull born on/between 01.07.2012 and 31.08.2012: 1. Knockmountagh Chief, DOB: 2nd Aug 2012, s. Yarram Star General W251, d. Knockmountagh Edwina. Owners: Eamon & John McKiernan. 2. Drumgoon Hill Harvey, DOB: 6th Jul 2012, s. Kilsunny Goliath, d. Ballyaville Vickie. Owner: Aidan McCabe. 3. Drumgoon Hill Hercules, DOB: 6th Jul 2012, s. Kilsunny Goliath, d. Drumgoon Hill Eve. Owner: Aidan McCabe. 4. Kye Sonic 612, DOB: 29th Jul 2012, s. Smithston Darby, d. Kye Spot 4. Owner: Padraig McGrath.

National Hereford Bull born on/between 01.09.2012 and 30.11.2012: 1. Knockmountagh Marshal, DOB: 6th Oct 2012, s. Knockmountagh Tarzan, d. Knockmountagh Carmel. Owner: Eamon & John McKiernan. 2. Kye Sonic 616, DOB: 2nd Sept 2012, s. Steil Gerard, d. Kye Robin 2. Owner: Padraig McGrath. 3. Balleen Rolo, DOB: 10th Sept 2012, s. Gageboro Eugenic, d. Balleen Miss Gladys. Owner: Thomas Brennan. 4. Balleen Bonus, DOB: 12th Sept 2012, s. Gageboro Eugenic, d. Blleen Pansy 33. Owner: Thomas Brennan. 5. Springvilla Samuel 394, DOB: 18th Oct 2012, s. Ocean Storm 3, d. Ballyaville Violet One. Owner: Tom Roycroft.

National Hereford Bull Calf born on/after 01.12.2012 1. Corlismore Fire 703, DOB: 5th Jan 2013, s. Grianan Firecracker, d. Corlismore Betty. Owner: Sean McKiernan. 2. Trillick Hotspur, DOB: 22nd Dec 2012, s. Freetown Hotspur, d. Corlismore Echoe. Owner: J. J. Farrell. 3. Clondrina 1082, DOB: 16th Jan 2013, s. Balleen Gilbert, d. Clondrina 827. Owner: Declan Donnelly. 4. Gageboro Morgan, DOB: 31st Dec 2012, s. Gageboro Eugenic, d. Gageboro Jubilee. Owner: John Holloway. 5. Corlismore Poll 1 Salute 705, DOB: 10th Jan 2013, s. Moeskaer Salute 994, d. Corlismore Poll 1 T Sydney 524. Owner: Sean McKiernan. National Hereford Bull Calf Champion (confined to 1st-3rd prize winners in the three previous classes): 1. Knockmountagh Chief, DOB: 2nd Aug 2012, s. Yarram Star General W251, d. Knockmountagh Edwina. Owners: Eamon & John McKiernan. 2. Knockmountagh Marshal, DOB: 6th Oct 2012, s. Knockmountagh Tarzan, d. Knockmountagh Carmel. Owner: Eamon & John McKiernan. Page 78

3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


Kye Sonic 616, DOB: 2nd Sept 2012, s. Steil Gerard, d. Kye Robin 2. Owner: Padraig McGrath. Corlismore Fire 703, DOB: 5th Jan 2013, s. Grianan Firecracker, d. Corlismore Betty. Owner: Sean McKiernan. Trillick Hotspur, DOB: 22nd Dec 2012, s. Freetown Hotspur, d. Corlismore Echoe. Owner: J. J. Farrell. Balleen Rolo, DOB: 10th Sept 2012, s. Gageboro Eugenic, d. Balleen Miss Gladys. Owner: Thomas Brennan. Clondrina 1082, DOB: 16th Jan 2013, s. Balleen Gilbert, d. Clondrina 827. Owner: Declan Donnelly.

National Hereford Senior Bull born before 31.12.2011: 1. Corlismorepoll 1 Lad 530, DOB: 12th Apr 2009, s. Corlismore Pompeii, d. Udel 1 R51 Unwed Lady. Owner: Val Ledwith. 2. Kilmessan George, DOB: 15th Oct 2007, s. Churchill Storm, d. Rathregan Merrymaid. Owner: George & Olive Stanley 3. Cloonart Cormac, DOB: 2nd Oct 2011, s. Glaslough Esquire, d. Cloonart Heather. Owner: Anne Flynn Best Hereford Exhibited by Laois/Offaly/Westmeath Breeder: 1. Moyclare Rose 22, DOB: 12th Sept 2012, s. Brocca Saviour, d. Moyclare Christina. Owner: Michael Molloy. 2. Grianan Poll 1 Orange M639, DOB: 4th Jul 2012, s. Romany Captain, d. Grianan Dominique. Owner: T&A Fitzgerald. 3. Kilsunny Doreen’s Ivy, DOB: 27th Jul 2011, s. Ballyaville Caradoc, d. Doreen’s Fairy. Owner: Christine Drumm. 4. Ballyaville Fine Tune, DOB: 18th Jan 2012, s. Hollow Point Broker, d. Ballyaville Bea. Owners: Deverell Family.

Pair of Hereford Animals (the property of the same exhibitor and exhibited in the above classes): 1. Tourtanepoll 1 Sara, DOB: 31st Mar 2011, s. Glaslough Hurricane, d. Kilimanjaro 1 Zara Grianan Orange K589, DOB: 3rd Mar 2011, s. Grainan Highflyer ET, d. Grianan Orange 409. Owner: Mervyn Parr. 2. Drumgoon Hill Harvey, DOB: 6th Jul 2012, s. Kilsuny Goliath, d. Ballyaville Vickie. Drumgoon Hill Gloria, DOB: 6th Aug 2012, s. Smithston Darby, d. Mountrath Gloria. Owner: Aidan McCabe. 3. Springvilla Mary, DOB: 28th Sept 2011, s. Springvilla Rolan, d. Ballyaville Beryl. Springvilla Miss Violet, DOB: 9th Oct 2011, s. Ocean Storm 3, d. Ballyaville Violet One. Owner: Tom Roycroft. 4. Gageboro Megan, DOB: 20th Jan 2013, s. Bishophill General, d. Gageboro Hansel. Gageboro Morgan, DOB: 31st Dec 2012, s. Gageboro Eugenic, d. Gageboro Jubilee. Owner: John Holloway.

Hereford Young Exhibitor Handling Class (open to all between the ages of 12 to 18 on Show Day). Winner awarded the William J Twomey Perpetual Memorial Trophy presented by the Twomey Family. 1. Niall Roycroft, West Green, Dunmanway, Co Cork. 2. Niall Jones, Knockduff, Bree, Enniscorthy, Co Wexford. 3. Ruth Leader, 63 Knockcairn Rd., Dundrod, Co Antrim. 4. Catherine Smyth, Ardmulchan, Navan, Co Meath.

National Hereford Show, Tullamore Sunday 10th August, 2014 Page 79


Corran Hill Carol with Jonathan Anderson, Eamon Moulds of Sponsor Slaney Foods & Ivor Anderson.

Grianan Poll 1 Orange M639 with Anselm Fitzgerald & Eamon Moulds of Sponsor Slaney Foods.

Moyclare Rose 22nd with Michael Molloy & Ivor Deverell of Sponsor Irish Hereford Prime.

Corlismore Poll 1 Waitomo 696 with Paul McKiernan & Sean Keon of Sponsor Lely Ireland.

National Heifer Calf Champion, Moyclare Rose 22nd with Michael Molloy. Class Sponsor ABP, Nenagh

Corlismore Poll 1 Rumpus 663 with Gary McKiernan. Class Sponsor J Grennan & Sons, Rath.

Page 80

Ballinavena Frankie

Killeaney Pompeii

Herd Sires used: - Ballinvena Frankie by Ballinveney Clement - Killeaney Pompeii by Yarram Pompeii - Ballinveney Marvel by Yarram Star General W251 AI Sires used: Mawarra Sentimental, Smithston Darby, Hollow Point Broker, Bowmont Vancouver, Churchill Storm V583, Lisrace Lifeliner, Parkhill Pompeii.

Visitors welcome

Joe & Ivor Deverell Ballyaville, Geashill, Co. Offaly Ph: 057 9343728 / 9343555 Mob: 087 2702271 / 9312628 Email: Page 81

Bulls & Heifers for sale


Knockmountagh Chief with Eamon McKiernan. Class Sonsor J Grennan & Sons Rath.

Knockmountagh Marshall with John McKiernan. Class Sponsor Tullamore Fuels.

Corlismore Poll 1 Lad 530 with Val Ledwith & Victor Wilson of Sponsor Teemore Engineering Ltd, Derrylynn. National Bull Calf Champion Knockmountagh Chief with Eamon McKiernan. Class Sponsor Dotser.

Moyclare Rose 22nd with Michael & Rita Molloy. Class Sponsor Sam Gill Ltd., Blueball.

Page 82

Winner Best Pair: Tourtanepoll 1 Sara & Grianan Orange K589 with owners H & M Parr.



The 2013 National Hereford Show was held in ideal conditions as part of the National Livestock Show at Tullamore. More than 120 entries competed for the top honours at the event. Well know Welsh Hereford judge Aled Jones of the Dendor Herd, Gwastadgoed, Llanwnog himself no stranger to the show ring or the top honours was the adjudicator on the day. Very impressed with the quality of exhibits before him he found his Supreme and Female Champion in the two year old heifer class. Kye Sheila 596 by Steil Gerard out of Kye Paula was bred an exhibited by Padraig McGrath, Kye, Elphin, Co. Roscommon. The McGrath Family were overjoyed when called forward for the Supreme award. To date this is the highest National award for the Kye herd which also bred the Supreme Champion Kye Rodge 553 at the RUAS in Balmoral in 2012 when exhibited by current owner Coote Geelan of Bornacoola, Co. Leitrim. The judge obviously has an eye for a nice female as for his Reserve Supreme Champion he selected his National Heifer calf Champion Moyclare Rose 22 bred by Michael Molloy, The Glebe, Belmont, Co. Offaly. She is sired by herd sire Brocca Saviour a Bowmont Storm son and out of Moyclare Christina. The Male Champion and winner of the Senior Bull class was Corlismorepoll 1 Lad 530 by Corlismore Pompeii and exhibited by well- known Meath breeder Val Ledwith. Knockmountagh Chief a Yarram Star General son and earlier awarded the National Bull Calf Championship was awarded the Reserve Male Championship. Exhibited by Eamon and John McKiernan, Monasterboice he had just celebrated his first birthday on August 2nd last. In the Junior Handler Section which was judged by Twm Jones of the Dendor Herd, young county Cork Hereford enthusiast Niall Roycroft from Dunmanway was chosen as the winner of the coveted W.J. Twomey Memorial Trophy. Society President Timmy O’Sullivan stated that the quality of animals exhibited was excellent which given the current demand for the breed was he said indicative of the commitment of breeders in sourcing the best genetics available to supply the requirements of commercial and pedigree producers.

Young Handlers at Tullamore 2013

Young Handler Winner Niall Roycroft, Dunmanway, Co Cork with Timmy O’Sullivan, President and Judge Twn Jones.

3rd prizewinner Ruth Leader, Hockleypoll Herd with Society President Timmy O'Sullivan. Page 83

2nd prizewinner Young Handler class Niall Jones, Knockduff Herd with Society President TimmyO'Sullivan.

4th prizewinner Young Handler Catherine Smyth Ardmulchan Herd with Society President Timmy O'Sullivan.

Personalities at Tullamore 2013


Twn & Aled Jones, Wales with John and William McMordie, NI.

Heather, Henry and Sandra Parr enjoy the day

Sean Kilrane, Tom Brennan and Owen Sheehy.

Percy Jordan and Val Ledwith.

Henry Tynan, Owen O’Neill, Andy O’Callaghan and Trevor Dudley.

Sandra and Adrian Irvine, NI Sam and Dorothy Heatrick. John Canty with Philip and Catherine Smyth

Joan and Cathal Flynn

Anne Pounds, Liam Philpott with John Applebe. Page 84

Lisa, Christine and Tara Drumm with Ronan Mulligan in background.

Page 85



Pedigree Registered Bull born on or after 1.7.2012 and on or before 30.09.2012 1. Balleen Bonus, DOB: 12th Sept 2012, s. Gageboro Eugenic, d. Balleen Pansy 33. Owner: Thomas Brennan 2. Moyclare Lieutenant, DOB: 5th Sept 2012, s. Brocca Saviour, d. Moyclare Ursula. Owner: Michael Molloy. 3. Keenagh Poll 1 Hercules, DOB: 28TH Aug 2012, s. Kilsunny Goliath, d. Keenagh Poll 1 Fiona. Owners: E & P Jones. 4. Grianan Masterplan, DOB: 24th Sept 2012, s. Smithson Darby, d. Grianan Ulrika. Owners: T & A Fitzgerald.

Purebred Registered Bull Calf, born on or after 01.10.2012 and on or before 31.12.2012 1. Balleen Edge, DOB: 2nd Oct 2012, s. Gageboro Eugenic, d. Balleen Pansey 603. Owner: Thomas Brennan. 2. Springvilla Samuel, DOB: 18th Oct 2012, s. Ocean Storm 3rd, d. Ballyaville Violet. Owner: Tom Roycroft. 3. Balleen Future, DOB: 6th Oct 2012, s. Castledaly Gearoid, d. Baleen Pansy 37. Owner: Thomas Brennan. 4. Clondrina 1069th, DOB: 7th Oct 2012, s. Balleen Gilbert, d. Clondrina 934th. Owner: Declan Donnelly.

Purebred Registered Bull calf born on or after 01.01.2013 1. Clondrina 1082nd, DOB: 16th Jan 2013, s. Balleen Gilbert, d. Clondrina 827th. Owner: Declan Donnelly. 2. Springvilla Kevin, DOB: 14th Feb 2013, s. Gageboro Jewel, d. Springvilla Rica. Owner: Tom Roycroft. 3. Toureenbrien Cormac, DOB: 11TH Jan 2013, s. Banner Dandy, d. Arlinstown Nicola. Owner: Martin Murphy.

The €1,000 Premier Hereford Bull Calf of the Year Championship 1. Balleen Bonus, DOB: 12th Sept 2012, s. Gageboro Eugenic, d. Balleen Pansy 33. Owner: Thomas Brennan 2. Moyclare Lieutenant, DOB: 5th Sept 2012, s. Brocca Saviour, d. Moyclare Ursula. Owner: Michael Molloy. 3. Balleen Edge, DOB: 2nd Oct 2012, s. Gageboro Eugenic, d. Balleen Pansey 603. Owner: Thomas Brennan. 4. Springvilla Samuel, DOB: 18th Oct 2012, s. Ocean Storm 3rd, d. Ballyaville Violet. Owner: Tom Roycroft. 5. Keenagh Poll 1 Hercules, DOB: 28TH Aug 2012, s. Kilsunny Goliath, d. Keenagh Poll 1 Fiona. Owners: E & P Jones. 6. Grianan Masterplan, DOB: 24th Sept 2012, s. Smithson Darby, d. Grianan Ulrika. Owners: T & A Fitzgerald. Purebred Hereford Heifer born on or after 01.07.2011 to 30.06.2012 1. Gouldingpoll 1 Duchess 503, DOB: 19th Sept 2011, s. Romany 1 Captain, d. Dorepoll 1 R51 Duchess. Owner: Matthew Goulding. 2. Knockmountagh Petal, DOB: 23rd Sept 2011, s. Smithston Darby, d. Knockmountgh Carmel. Owner: Philip Lynch. 3. Kilsunny Doreen’s Ivy, DOB: 27th July 2011, s. Ballyaville Caradoc, d. Kilsunny Doreen’s Fairy. Owner: Christine Drumm. 4. Springvilla Mary, DOB: 28th Sept 2011, s. Springvilla Rolan, d. Ballyville Beryl. Owner: Tom Roycroft. 5. Springvilla Miss Violet, DOB: 9th Oct 2011, s. Ocean Storm 3rd, d. Ballyaville Violet. Owner: Tom Roycroft.

Purebred Registered Hereford Heifer born on or after 01.07.2012 and on or before 30.09.2012 1. Moyclare Rose 22nd, DOB: 12th Sept 2012, s. Brocca Saviour, Moyclare Christina. Owner: Michael Molloy. 2. Grianan Poll Orange M639, DOB: 4th July 2012, s. Romany 1 Captain, d. Grianan Dominique. Owners: T & A Fitzgerald. 3. Gouldingpoll 1 Duchess 548, DOB: 5th Sep 2012, s. Harvie Dan Hildago, d. Dorepoll 1 R51 Duchess. Owner: Matthew Goulding. 4. Balleen Miss Perfect, DOB: 4th Sep 2012, s. Gageboro Eugenic, d. Balleen Sheelagh. Owner: Tom Brennan.

Purebred Registered Hereford Heifer born on or after 01.10.2012 and on or before 31.12.2012 1. Tullaha Raindrop, DOB: 3rd Nov 2012, s. Knockmountagh Pirate, d.Tullaha Delia. Owner: John Neenan. 2. Balleen Miss Tribute 731, DOB: 4th April 2012, s. Gageboro Eugenic, d. Balleen Miss Tribute. Owner: Tom Brennan. 3. Grianan Agnes M657, DOB: 16 Nov 2012, s. Bowmont Storm, d. Grianan Agnes F435. Owner: T & A Fitzgerald. 4. Mountwilliams Grace, DOB: 11 Nov 2012, s. Glaslough Esquire, d. Mountrath Una. Owner: Aidan Farrell

Purebred Registered Hereford Heifer born on or after 01.01.2013 1. Newland Val, DOB: 14th Feb 2013, s. Bowmont Storm, d. Castledaly Bid. Owner Hugh Murray. 2. Clondrina 1080th, DOB: 7th Jan 2013, s. Balleen Gilbert, d. Clondrina 633rd. Owner: Declan Donnelly. 3. Coisceim Febee, DOB: 2nd Jan 2013, s. Smithston Darby, d. Gurteragh Fidelma. Owner: Tim Breen. 4. Aliehs Pride 2-2, DOB: 5thJan 2012, s. Gurteragh Hector, d. Aliehs Pride 2. Owners: Timmie & Sheila O’Sullivan. Page 86


The â‚Ź1,000 Premier Hereford Heifer Calf of the Year Championship 1. Moyclare Rose 22nd, DOB: 12th Sept 2012, s. Brocca Saviour, Moyclare Christina. Owner: Michael Molloy. 2. Grianan Poll Orange M639, DOB: 4th July 2012, s. Romany 1 Captain, d. Grianan Dominique. Owners: T & A Fitzgerald. 3. Gouldingpoll 1 Duchess 548, DOB: 5th Sep 2012, s. Harvie Dan Hildago, d. Dorepoll 1 R51 Duchess. Owner: Matthew Goulding. 4. Tullaha Raindrop, DOB: 3rd Nov 2012, s. Knockmountagh Pirate, d.Tullaha Delia. Owner: John Neenan. 5. Balleen Miss Tribute 731, DOB: 4th April 2012, s. Gageboro Eugenic, d. Balleen Miss Tribute. Owner: Tom Brennan. 6. Newland Val, DOB: 14th Feb 2013, s. Bowmont Storm, d. Castledaly Bid. Owner Hugh Murray. Purebred Registered Hereford Cow: with Calf at foot (Murphy Cup). Dorepoll 1 Duchess 525, DOB: 29th Jun 2006, s. Doonbiddie Hustler, Dorepoll 1 R51 Duchess. Owner Matthew 1. Goulding. 2. Springvilla Rosalind, DOB: 12th Oct 2007, s. Brileigh Bono, d. Ballypherode Tess. Owner Tom Roycroft. 3. Tullaha Violet, DOB: 15th July 2009, s. Knockmountagh Pirate, d. Tullaha Delia. Owner John Neenan.

Champion Dorepoll 1 Duchess 525 with owner David Goulding with Breda, Catherine & Joan Cleary presenting the Cleary Memorial Cup for the Champion Hereford.

Champion Bull Calf Balleen Bonus with Tom Brennan and show judge Nigel Heatrick.

Page 87

Reserve Champion Moyclare Rose 22nd with owner Michael Molloy.

Champion Heifer Calf Moyclare Rose 22nd with Michael Molloy.


Balleen Bonus with Niall Sheehy, Tom Brennan and Matt Malone Central Auctions, Nenagh presenting the trophy.

Clondrina 1082nd with Declan Donnelly.

Balleen Edge shown by Niall Sheehy

Gouldingpoll 1 Duchess 503 with David Goulding being presented with the Dr Harty Cup by John Harty.

Moyclare Rose 22nd with Michael Molloy and Liam Chadwick of sponsors ABP.

Tullaha Raindrop exhibited by Maura Neenan & Tom Cregan.

Page 88


Newland Val & owner Hugh Murray, Kilbeggan.

Dorepoll 1 Duchess 525 with young Goulding being presented with the Murphy Cup by Martin Murphy.

Young Handlers’ Class at Nenagh Show

Page 89


Judging in progress at Nenagh Show

Isla Claire, Kirsty Lee and Skye Elizabeth McIndoe of Smithston Herefords Aus tralia celebrate a birthday. All granddaughters of very proud grandparents Billy & Irene McIndoe.

Claire Quinn sends us this picture of her grandmother, Catherine Quinn, giving her Tory Hill weanlings their last morning feed before they head to Nenagh Mart on the 12th of November.

Page 90


Personalities at Nenagh Show

Philip & Hugh Lynch

Tom & Anselm Fitzgerald

Margaret & Shane Murphy O’Brien

Hugh Murray, Noel Farrell, Rita & Michael Molloy and Michael Farrell. Trevor, Edward & Glenn Dudley with Trevor Parr

The Roycroft Family picnic with Niall, Yvonne, Robert, and Tom.

Back row Declan Donnelly, Sheila O’Sullivan with the Murphy Family Catriona, Margaret, Una, Martin & Winnie (in front). Right: Tom Roycroft, John Johnston & John Neenan

Above: Noel Farrell, Joe Deverell & Hereford Show organiser, Henry Dudley. Right: John Ludgate & Tom Hayes

Right: Aiden Farrell & Joe Deverell Page 91

Moyclare Herefords (Estd. 1952) D.O.B. 12/9/2012 Sire: Brocca Saviour Dam: Moyclare christina

Junior champion tullamore Nenagh trim Reserve Supreme champion tullamore Nenagh trim Strokestown

champion: Moyclare Rose 22nd

Stock Bull Brocca Saviour

champion Moate

Junior Stock Bull Ardlahan Malcolm

by Bowmont Storm

Sire: Smithston Darby - Res. champion Kilmallock

Using top AI Sires including yarram Star General & Bowmont Storm, Smithston Darby & Bowmont Vancouver

MIcHAel Molloy - VISItoRS AlwAyS welcoMe the Glebe, Belmont, co. offaly.

tel. 090 64 54640

Mobile: 086 816 8924 Page 92



Judge: Anders Mortensen from Denmark

Kye Sheila 596 Champion: Reserve Campion: Moyclare Rose 22nd

Pedigree Hereford Cow 1. Corlismore Poll 1 Sydney 574, DOB: 13th Mar 2010, s. Grianan Firecracker, d. Udel 1 R51 Sydney Gem. Owner: Sean McKiernan. 2. Portanob Julia, DOB: 3rd June 2006, s. Ardmulchan Wanderer, d. Portanob Lady. Owner: J & J Canty 3. Tourtanepoll 1 Diamond, DOB: 15th Dec 2007, s. Trillick Best, d. Kilmanjaro Zara. Owner: H & M Parr Pedigree Hereford Cow or Heifer born 1st July 2011 to 30th June 2012 1. Balleen Pansy 643, DOB: 2nd Jan 2011, s. Gageboro Eugenic, d. Balleen Pansy 28th, Owner: T McDermott 2. Tourtanepoll 1 Sara, DOB: 31st Mar 2011, s. Glaslough Hurricane, d. Kilmanjaro Zara, Owner: J & J Parr

Pedigree Hereford Heifer born from 1st July 2011 to 30th June 2012 1. Kye Sheila 596, DOB: 3rd Nov 2011, s. Steil Gerard, d. Kye Paula 1st, Owner: P McGrath 2. Knockduffpoll 1 Emma, DOB: 15th Aug 2011, s. Ardlahan Ginger, d. Knockduff Flower, Owner: M Curtis & M Jones 3. Kilsunny Doreen’s Ivy, DOB: 27thNov 2011, s. Ballyaville Caradoc, d. Kilsunny Doreen’s Fairy, Owner: Christine Drumm 4. Ballyaville Flavia, DOB: 24th Oct 2011, s. Bowmont Vancouver, d. Ballyaville Sidony, Owner: Deverell Family Pedigree Hereford Heifer born from 1st July 2012 to 31st October 2012 1. Moyclare Rose 22nd, DOB: 12th Sep 2012, s. Brocca Saviour, d. Moyclare Christina, Owner: M Molloy 2. Griananpoll 1 Orange, DOB: 4th July 2012, s. Romany I Captain, d. Grianan Dominique, Owner: T & A Fitzgerald 3. Knockmountagh Sweet Pea, DOB: 2nd Sep 2012, s. Kilsunny Goliath, d. Knockmountagh Lilac, Owner: E & J McKiernan 4. Rathreganpoll 1 Sally, 12th Aug 2012, s. Corlismore Poll 1 Lad, d. Rathregan Sally, Owner: V Ledwith

Pedigree Hereford Heifer born on or after 1st November 2012 1. Corlismore Oyster 697, DOB: 5th Dec 2012, s. Grianan Firecracker, d. Corlismore Oyster 572, Owner: S McKiernan 2. Kye Holly, DOB: 10th Jan 2013, s. Freetown Hotspur, d. Kye Holly, Owner: P McGrath 3. Corlismorepoll 1 Waitomo 696, DOB: Grianan Firecracker, d. Udel 1 R 54 Waitamo Gem, Owner: S McKiernan 4. Newland Val, DOB: 14th Feb 2013, s. Bowmont Storm, d. Castledaly Bid, Owner: H Murray

Special Hereford Heifer Champion 1. Moyclare Rose 22nd, DOB: 12th Sep 2012, s. Brocca Saviour, d. Moyclare Christina, Owner: M Molloy 2. Corlismore Oyster 697, DOB: 5th Dec 2012, s. Grianan Firecracker, d. Corlismore Oyster 572, Owner: S McKiernan 3. Griananpoll 1 Orange, DOB: 4th July 2012, s. Romany I Captain, d. Grianan Dominique, Owner: T & A Fitzgerald 4. Knockmountagh Sweet Pea, DOB: 2nd Sep 2012, s. Kilsunny Goliath, d. Knockmountagh Lilac, Owner: E & J McKiernan 5. Kye Holly, DOB: 10th Jan 2013, s. Freetown Hotspur, d. Kye Holly, Owner: P McGrath 6. Corlismorepoll 1 Waitomo 696, DOB: Grianan Firecracker, d. Udel 1 R 54 Waitamo Gem, Owner: S McKiernan

Pedigree Hereford Bull born on or before 1st January 2012 to 30th June 2012 1. Corlismorepoll Rumpus 663, DOB: 3rd March 2012, s. Grianan Firecracker, d. Udel 1 R51 Unwed Lady, Owner: S McKiernan 2. Ballyaville Fine Tune, DOB: 18th Jan 2012, s. Hollow Point Broker, d. Ballyaville Bea, Owner: J Deverell 3. Port 1 Bill, DOB: 7th Mar 2012, s. Port 1 Bob, d. Port 1 Ginger, Owner: J Canty 4. Rathreganpoll 1 Sarsfield, DOB: 22nd Feb 2012, s. Corlismore Poll 1 Lad, d. Rathregan Snowdrop, Owner: V Ledwith

Pedigree Hereford Bull born from 1st July 2012 to 30th October 2012 1. Knockmountagh Marshal, DOB: 6th Oct 2012, s. Knockmountagh Tarzan, d. Knockmountagh Carmel, Owner: E & J McKiernan 2. Kye Sonic 616, DOB: 2nd Sep 2012, s. Steil Gerard, d. Kye Robin 2nd, Owner: P McGrath 3. Knockmountagh Chief 2, DOB: 2nd Aug 2012, s. Yarram Star General W251, d. Knockmountagh Edwina, Owner: E & J McKiernan 4. Grianan Masterplan, DOB: 24th Sep 2012, s. Smithston Darby, d. Grianan Ulrika, Owner: T & A Fitzgerald Page 93

IRISH HEREFORD BREED JOURNAL 2014 Pedigree Hereford Bull born on or after 1st November 2012 1. Church Hill Lar, DOB: 20th Dec 2012, s. Kilsunny Goliath, d. Church Hill Hilary, Owner: B & R Clarke 2. Corlismore Fire 703, DOB: 5th Jan 2013, s. Grianan Firecracker, d. Corlismore Betty, Owner: S McKiernan 3. Borin Dan, DOB: 14th Nov 2012, s. Corlismore Pompeii, d. Borin Winkle, Owner: P Smith 4. Port 1 Bob 2nd, DOB: 2nd Nov 2012, s. Ardmulchan Goodman, d. Port 1 Tess, Owner: J & J Canty

Pedigree Hereford Bull born prior to 31st December 2011 1. Corlismorepoll 1 Lad, DOB: 12th April 2009, s. Corlismore Pompeii, d, Udel 1 R51 Unwed Lady, Owner: V Ledwith 2. Kilmessan George, DOB: 15th Oct 2007, s. Churchill Storm V583, d. Rathregan Merrymaid, Owner: G Stanley

Special Hereford Bull Champion 1. Church Hill Lar, DOB: 20th Dec 2012, s. Kilsunny Goliath, d. Church Hill Hilary, Owner: B&R Clarke 2. Knockmanta 1 Marshall, DOB: 6th Oct 2012, s. Knockmountagh Tarzan, d. Knockmountagh Carmel, Owner: E & J McKiernan 3. Corlismore Fire 703, DOB: 5th Jan 2013, s. Grianan Firecracker, d. Corlismore Betty, Owner: S McKiernan 4. Kye Sonic 616, DOB: 2nd Sep 2012, s. Steil Gerard, d. Kye Robin 2nd, Owner: P McGrath 5. Knockmountagh Chief 2, DOB: 2nd Aug 2012, s. Yarram Star General W251, d. Knockmountagh Edwina, Owner: E & J McKiernan 6. Grianan Masterplan, DOB: 24th Sep 2012, s. Smithston Darby, d. Grianan Ulrika, Owner: T & A Fitzgerald

Royal Meath Show Chairwoman Receives Hereford Award

The Irish Hereford Society availed of the opportunity at the recent very successful Trim show to recognise the great work carried out in promoting the breed by Society stalwart and well known breeder Rosemary Swan, Ringlestown, Kilmessan, Co Meath. Over the past 10/12 years and particularly since becoming chairwoman Rosemary has developed the Royal Meath show, Trim into one of the best in the country. As part of that expansion and development she has with her well known enthusiasm and persuasion developed the Hereford section into one of the leading Hereford events. In recognition of her dedication at Trim and as former Chairwoman of the North Leinster Hereford Branch a special award in appreciation of her hard work and dedication was presented to her at Trim by Hereford Society Chairman Willie Branagan on behalf of the Society. The presentation of a “Genesis� Cow & Calf was greeted with loud applause by all in attendance and acknowledged as very appropriate for the occasion. Rosemary Swan Hereford Breeder & Chairwoman Royal Meath Show receives a special award of appreciation from Hereford Society Chairman Willie Branagan on behalf of the Hereford Society.

Mrs. Rosemary Swan, RIP

The Breed Journal was ready to go to press when the sad news was received that Mrs Rosemary Swan had passed away. A quick consultation by the editorial committee agreed that the Journal should remain as laid out, that she herself would wish to be remembered with her smiling face flitting around as the powerhouse behind the Royal Meath Show amongst many other local endeavours she was involved in.

The massive turn out from far and wide which attended her funeral services is a testament to a much loved lady who had the energy and drive of a football team. Her generosity and kindness knew no bounds and when she took the reins in whatever task she undertook she would see it through to a successful conclusion. Currently space does not permit an adequate opportunity to dwell on her outstanding contribution to the breed. Sincere sympathy is offered to her husband Vincent and the extended family in their bereavement.

Page 94


Supreme Hereford Champion at Trim, Kye Sheila 596 with owner Padraig McGrath, Elphin, Catherine Smyth with the Smyth Trophy and Show Judge, Anders Mortensen from Denmark.

Reserve Champion Moyclare Rose 22nd with Michael Molloy and Show Judge, Anders Mortensen.

Special Hereford Heifer calf Champion Moyclare Rose 22nd with Michael Molloy, Sponsor George Stanley and show Chairwoman Rosemary Swan.

Special Hereford Bull Calf Champion Church Hill Lar with Andrew Clarke and George Stanley Sponsor.

Corlismore 1 Sydney 574 with Gary McKiernan.

Tourtane Poll Sara with Henry & Mervyn Parr.

Page 95


Kye Sheila 596 with Patrick McGrath

Moyclare Rose 22nd with Michael Molloy

Corlismore Oyster 697 with Sean McKiernan.

Corlismore Rumpus 663 with Gary McKiernan.

Knockmountagh Marshal with John McKiernan.

Church Hill Lar with Andrew Clarke and Geoge Stanley, Sponsor

Page 96


Judging in progress at Trim Show

Page 97


Danish Hereford breeder and international judge Anders Mortensen thanks all the Hereford cattle exhibitors and commends them on the quality of the stock exhibited.

Trim show Chairwoman Rosemary Swan (centre) presents the trophies to the Winners in the Senior Stock Judging competition: L to R John Holloway (on behalf of Niall Daly), Tom Brennan, Tom McDermot, Nigel Heatrick & Rosemary McGavigan, Bailieboro (absent).

Left: Arron Glennon, Dysart, Mullingar receives his award for Junior Stock Judging from show Chairwoman Rosemary Swan

Right: Winner Young Handler Competition: Niall Jones with Knockduffpoll 1 Emma.

Estd. 1973

top price bull 2012 & Supreme champion RUAS Balmoral 2012.

Herd Sire:

Kye Rodge 553 Sire: Shalon Rodge Dam: Kye Patty 2nd.

2012 RDS champion of champions

Semen Available - Young Stock usually for sale -

Contact: Coote Geelan

EU Qualified

Tel. 071 9638102 Mobile: 086 8249810 Page 98


Trim Personalities 2013

Patrick McGrath, Sean & Gary McKiernan

Rosemary Swan, with her award from the Irish Hereford Breed Society.

Faustina, Grรกinne, Joshua & Michael Farrell, Kilcleigh. Right: Anne & Patsy Smith, Tullyinchin

R/L: Eileen Smyth & Val Ledwith, with Mervyn & Brian Clarke. Madge & John Holloway with grandson Killian and his dad Niall Daly.

Henry & Mervyn Parr

Sean McKiernan, Society auctioneer Hugh Mulvihill & Marie Fitzgerald. Michael Jones, John Holloway, Tom Brennan & Joe Deverell.

Eric Humphreys & Joe Deverell

Left: The Mortensen Family from the Woodlands Herd the oldest Hereford herd in Denmark.

Nigel Heatrick, Percy Jordan, & Tom McDermot.

Robert & Edwin Jones, Keenagh Phil Smith, Mervyn Richardson NI & David Smith, NI

Page 99

Left: Jones Family, Bree, Enniscorthy.

Trillick Herefords A Herd to take stock off!


Sire: Steil Gerard top price bull 2013 - sold for â‚Ź7,100 at Premier Sale

tRIllIcK MIlleR

Sire: Steil Gerard Sold for â‚Ź4,100 at Premier Sale

Thank you to all purchasers of Trillick stock Young stock always for sale - Visitors welcome

J . J . & C . Fa r r e l l Trillick-A-Temple, Longford, Co. Longford. Tel. 043 33 41976 Mobile: 086 8329436 email: Page 100

Page 101



The 73rd Royal Meath Show 2013 - revisiting Ireland

Article and photos by Josephine Mortensen, Woodland Hereford DK

t was great news when my dad, Anders Mortensen, proudly announced that Ms. Rosemary Swan, enthusiastic chairwoman of the show had invited him to judge The Royal Meath Show in Trim, Ireland. Except for the Tullamore Show this show is the largest in Ireland. Of course my dad accepted. We were told to keep it a secret in Denmark and abroad so nobody would know of the judge before the event. The show took place on the 1st September, 2013. Taking the opportunity of a long family weekend in Ireland we explored Dublin the weather already being nice and warm. Next stop was Trim. We had planned to stay at a hotel adjacent to the Trim Castle which was, however, fully booked. Fortunately, Ms. Rosemary Swan knew of a B & B in the neighborhood where we were lodged in a beautiful old building surrounded by rural landscape oozing of soul and history. While enjoying a nice hot cup of tea in the dining room richly decorated with family portraits and heirlooms, the lady of the house entertained with stories about the estate and the family. Many thanks to Rosemary. Having inhaled a solid full Irish breakfast we arrived well in time at the arena of the Royal Show. In no way did the pretty small show area next to the ruins of the castle reveal that it hosted one of the biggest shows in Ireland. However, this perception changed as the cattle arrived. Strolling along the small booths my parents watched the goats and sheep while my brother and I greeted people we knew on the green island. I was pleased to meet Joe Deverell with whom I spent the summer of 2009. He gave us a warm welcome being busy washing his cattle. Unfortunately, by leaving Dublin we also left the nice weather behind us. Luckily the hospitable Irishmen had arranged for tea, coffee and freshly baked scones in a big tent. Just before the beginning of the show the Danish flag was raised by Mr. Larry Feeney and Mr. William Branagan which made us feel extremely welcome. Ms. Rosemary Swan presented my dad as the judge which was a - hopefully pleasant - surprise to some of the Irishmen. The show began and several strong animals were let into the ring simultaneously. Contrary to Denmark the presenters were not young handlers but the breeders themselves. My dad mentioned to the handlers that a keen presentation of the cattle revealing their attributes from all sides might result in a better rank. The young handlers were grateful for the advice. After a few hours the audience joined the judging by ”To judge with the Judge”. A piece of paper was handed out to everybody and while the cattle were walked around in the ring we made our estimates as to number one, two, three and four. Whispering together people were eager to hit the bull’s eye. The ballots were collected and the audience awaited in excitement for the judgment. My result was three correct animals, with one incorrect rank. At lunchtime the winners were announced. Five spectators had the right

combination which was rewarded by a trophy. The small game aroused the audience that was now active and enthusiastic. Later on we were told that around 70% of the premier cattle from the Tullamore Show participated in The Royal Meath Show. The rating that my dad did was pretty similar to the one of the Tullamore Show. Whether this is good or bad is hard to tell – it is up to the individual to decide; but from a general point of view a consistent judgment is reassuring. After the show we spent two days in the countryside surrounded by deserted golf courts and spas. Relaxation and wellness relieved by wonderful meals at the restaurants was a perfect ending of our holidays containing everything from culture to moos and aromatic Turkish baths. As always – when we travel with my dad – we “need” to visit some local breeders. We had the pleasure to visit Mr. William Branagan the next day after the show – a great morning with nice cattle and a good chat with a great friend – a real pleasure. The day after myself and my boyfriend were “released” for some local city shopping, while the rest of the family visited the Corlismore Hereford herd. This was the day when we were heading back to Denmark, so this was a real time boxed day. Nevertheless the Farm visitors used the entire day in chasing cattle and sharing Hereford experiences with Mr. Sean McKiernan and his sons. I know my family had a great day with the McKiernan’s, finalizing the visit with a so-called “cup of tea” – read: T-bone lunch. Ireland and all breeders: Thanks again for your hospitality and ongoing kindness – always a pleasure to visit you!

Page 102

Closing remarks from judge Anders Mortensen

Judge explains!


Happy Champions!

Danish Flag

Royal Meath Show Plate

Gift from Rosemary Swan to judge Anders Mortensen

Michael Molloy is satisfied with the wording!

Church Hill Herefords with judge

Young handler receives some advice

Page 103


Cavan Monaghan Summer Shows 2013



28th July 2013 Judge: Mr. Michael Fox

Pedigree Hereford Cow 1st Corlismorepoll 1 Sydney 574

21st August 2013 Judge: Mr. Michael Molloy

Pedigree Hereford Heifer under 1 Year Old 1st Knockmountagh Sweetpea E & J McKiernan 2nd Corlismore Poll 1 Waitomo 696 Sean McKiernan 3rd Corlismore Oyster 697 Sean McKiernan

S. McKiernan

Pedigree Hereford Bull Born before 1/7/12 1st Kilmessan George G. Stanley 2nd Corlismore Poll 1 Rumpus S. McKiernan 3rd Doonavereen Precision J. Farrell

Pedigree Hereford Bull under 1 Year Old 1st Knockmountagh Marshall E & J McKiernan 2nd Knockmanta Hustler E & J McKiernan 3rd Churchill B. & R. Clarke

Pedigree Hereford Heifer Born before 1/7/12 1st Corran Hill Carole I. Anderson 2nd Balleen Prettymaid T. McDermott

Pedigree Hereford Heifer Born after 1/2/11 1st Corran Hill Carole I. Anderson 2nd Kilsunny Doreens Ivy C. Drumm 3rd Kilmessan Snowdrop R. Swan

Pedigree Hereford Heifer after 1/7/12 1st Corlismore Poll 1 Waitomo 696 S. McKiernan 2nd Corran Hill I. Anderson

Pedigree Hereford Male/Female born after 1/1/13 1st Corran Hill I. Anderson 2nd Corlismore Fire 703 S. McKiernan 3rd Shankill P. Cahill CHAMPION: Corlismore Poll 1 Sydney Sean McKiernan

R. CHAMPION: Corran Hill Carole Mr. Ivor Anderson

From Uruguay Jimena Bonica daughter of Jose (Pepe) Bonica Secretary General WHC and her friend Valentina who visited Ireland in spring 2013 checking out Irish Herefords before spending some time working at Ireland’s oldest pub the Brazen Head in Dublin and later touring Europe.

Pedigree Hereford Bull Over 1 Year Old 1st Corlismore Poll 1 Lad V. Ledwith 2nd Kilmessan George G. Stanley Pedigree Hereford Cow 1st Corlismore 1 Sydney 574 Sean McKiernan 2nd Portanob Julia J. & J. Canty

CHAMPION: Knockmountagh Marshall Eamon McKiernan

R. CHAMPION: Corlismorepoll 1 Sydney 574 Sean McKiernan

Visiting from Denmark Bjarne and Anne Eichen with friends Finn Madsen and Bente Hansen.

Page 104

Glaslough Lad, Champion Kilmallock October 2013

Glaslough King (full brother to Lad) - Champion Kilmallock, April 2012

Sires Used: Glaslough Karl, Glaslough Levi, Glaslough Esquire and Kye Sting 595

Young Stock Usually For Sale - Visitors Always Welcome

Samuel & Nigel Heatrick Annareagh, Glaslough, Co. Monaghan. Tel. 047 88119

Mobile: 087 996 9640 email: Page 105


Chairman: Secretary: Vice Chairman: Treasurer:

Anne Flynn, Secretary

Padraig McGrath, 087 2693 201 Anne Flynn, 087 2366 703 John Mullooly Ivy Boddy

Our Chairman Padraig McGrath welcomed all to our AGM which was held in the Bush Hotel Carrick-on-Shannon on April 22nd 2013. Society Chairman Willie Branagan and Society Secretary Larry Feeney were in attendance. At this AGM the Connaught Branch decided to regenerate the sale of Herefords in this region at the April Sales of the Midland and Western Livestock Improvement Society Carrick-on-Shannon – starting at the April 12th 2014 sale. A vote of sympathy was passed with the families of the late George Coote Geelan and Agatha McGrath. A minutes silence was observed. The sun shone in 2013 and brought a good turnout of Herefords to our summer show. Once again thank you to all who exhibited and well done to the prizewinners. We look forward to 2014 and wish all breeders the best of luck at the forthcoming shows and sales. It was good to welcome our friends from the Munster Branch IHBS to this area in September 2013. They visited Coote Geelan’s Baltymore Herd in Bornacoola and then went on to Padraig McGrath’s Kye Herd Elphin and on to Strokestown Show on the following day September 7th. The Connaught Branch would like to congratulate our Chairman Padraig McGrath on winning the Supreme Championship in /Tullamore on August 11th 2013 with Kye Sheila 596 by Steil Gerard out of Kye Paula. Well Done to the McGraths. The Connaught Branch extends sympathy to the family of the late Peter O’Neill Drumcauskeen Cloone Co Leitrim. The Branch also extends sympathy to Mrs Mae Malone Woodbrook House Carrick-on-Shannon on the death of her husband John A. Ar dheis laimh De go raibh siad.


2. Faughnan Family 3. Coote Geelan

Champion: Corran Hill Carole Colin Anderson Reserve Champion: Balleen Pansy 643 Tom McDermott

Hereford Bull born prior to 1st January 2013 1. Anne Flynn Cloonart Cormac 2. Paddy Farrell Doonavereen Precision 3. Melvyn Lang

Hereford Co in calf or in milk 1. Sean Kilrane Drumboy Nollaig 2. Dylan Lynch 3. David McKeon 4. Coote Geelan Baltymore Francis

Hereford Heifer born prior to 1st September 2011 1. Tom McDermott Balleen Pansy 643 2. Colin Anderson 3. Dylan Lynch 4. Coote Geelan Baltymore Anne 368

Hereford Heifer born between 1st September 2011 and 31st December 2012 1. Colin Anderson Corran Hill Carole

Loughrinn Ann 392

Hereford Bull or Heifer born in 2013 1. Colin Anderson Corran Hill Annabell 2. Coote Geelan Baltymore Rodge 408 3. Dylan lynch Gerald O’Malley Cup for Best Hereford Animal of opposite sex to the Champion: Anne Flynn


Champion: Padraig McGrath

Kye Sheila 596

Reserve Champion: John Farrell Doonavereen Precision Best Purebred Hereford Cow 1. Pauline Casey 2. Dylan Lynch 3. Coote Geelan Baltymore Francis

Page 106


Best Purebred Hereford Bull Calf calved since 01.01.13 1. Pauline Casey 2. Paddy Farrell Doonavereen Percy 3. Coote Geelan

Best Purebred Hereford Bull Calf calved prior to 31.12.12 Doonavereen Precision 1. Paddy Farrell 2. Padraig McGrath Kye Sonic 612 3. Padraig McGrath Kye Sonic 616 Best Purebred Hereford Heifer Calf calved since 01.01.13 1. Padraig McGrath Kye Sheila 596 2. Pauline Casey Lisnalurg Irish Bea 3. Dylan Lynch

Best Purebred Hereford Heifer Calf calved prior to 31.12.12 1. Padraig McGrath 2. Tom McDermott 3. Coote Geelan

Champion Kye Sheila 596 with owner Padraig McGrath

Munster tour group at the Baltymore Herd of Coote Geelan.

Munster group visit the Kye Herd

Page 107



Judge: Timmie O’Sullivan (President IHBS Ltd)

Kye Sheila 596 Champion: Reserve Champion: Moyclare Rose 22nd

Hereford Cow in milk or in calf 1. Coote Geelan Baltymore Francis

Hereford Heifer born prior to 1st July 2012 1. Padraig McGrath Kye Sheila 596 2. Tom McDermott Balleen Pansy 643 3. Coote Geelan Baltymore Ann 368

Hereford Heifer born between 1st July 2012 and 31st December 2012 1. Michael Molly Moyclare Rose 22nd Griananpoll 1 Orange M639 2. T&A Fitzgerald

Reserve Champion Moyclare Rose 22 with Michael Molloy, Show Judge Timmy O'Sullivan President IHBS Ltd & Show Chairman John O'Beirne.

Hereford Heifer born on or after 1st January 2013 1. Padraig McGrath Kye Holly 636 2. Pauline Casey Lisnalurg Irish Bea 3. Michael Molloy Moyclare Pansy 14 Bull born prior to 1st July 2012 1. Paddy Farrell Doonavereen Precision Bull born between 1st July 2012 and 31st December 2012 1. Padraig McGrath Kye Sonic 612 2. Padraig McGrath Kye Sonic 616 3. T&A Fitzgerald Grianan Masterplan

Hereford Bull calf born on or after 1at January 2013 1. Paddy Farrell Doonavereen Percy 2 Michael Molloy Moyclare Liberty 3. Mary Finnegan Rockbrook 1 Martin

Coote Geelan places the prizemoney carefully away on being awarded 1st prize in the cow class by Show Judge Timmy O'Sullivan.

Best pair of Herefords: 1. Padraig McGrath

Champion Kye Sheila 595 with Patrick & Padraig McGrath, Show Judge Timmy O'Sullivan President IHBS Ltd & Show Chairman John O'Beirne.

Paddy Farrell, Ballinwing with his first prizewinner in the January class.

Page 108


The judge carefully considers his selection for the Championship at Strokestown.

An elated Padraig McGrath after being awarded the Championship with his heifer Kye Sheila 595 by judge Timmy O'Sullivan in his home town.

Estd. 1998

12 Cows and followers

Well bred and grass fed!

A.I. Sires Used: Kilsunny Goliath (KSG ), Gouldingpoll 1 Captain, Gouldingpoll Superduty ET, Dorepoll 1 Transatlantic (P), Romany 1 Captain R22C1, Yarram Star General W251, Bowmont Storm A584.

John & Marie Kingston

Derry, Ballineen, Co. Cork. Tel. 023-8847599 Page 109

Mob. 087 3145588

Page 110


Munster Branch Field Evening - Carrigroe Horned & Apple Polled Herds of John & Frank Applebe, Carrigroe, Clonakilty.

John Appelbe, Field Evening host, John O’Connor with Adrian & Sandra Irvine

Jim Fitzpatrick & John Ludgate Stock Judging Winners

Jim Fitzpatrick, John Ludgate, Mary Pat Dinneen Moloney, husband Jim and sons

Liam Philpott & Mary Ludgate

Mary Pat Dinneen & Liam Philpott

Gordon Buchanan, Northern Ireland & Chairman Liam Philpott

Group in attendance with Chairman Liam Philpott in pensive mood

Andy O’Callaghan & Liam Philpott

Derry McCarthy & Liam Philpott

Page 111

Sandra Irvine & Liam Philpott

Sheila O’Sullivan wife of Society President Timmie with Liam Philpott

Munster Hereford Branch IRISH HEREFORD BREED JOURNAL 2014

chairman: Martin Murphy, toureenbrien, Newport, co. tipperary. tel. 086 1072 847 Vice-chairman: Declan Donnelly, clondrina, lissycasey, ennis. tel. 086 1233 795 treasurer: John ludgate, Ballyclough, co. cork. tel. 086-8517559 Secretary: cathriona Murphy. tel. 086 0616 806

Members 2012/2013

Martin Murphy, Toureenbrien, Newport, Co. Tipperary. 086 1072 847

Michael o’Doherty, Croughevoe, Mitchelstown, Co. Cork. 086 6526 662 Denis Buckley, Ballynacally, Ardagh, Co. Limerick. 087 9417 170

John ludgate, Fortfarm, Mallow, Co. Cork. 086 8517 559

owen o’Neill, Ballincollig, Co. Cork. 086 8593 737

Daniel o’connell, Kilnamartyra, Macroom, Co. Cork. 087 7857 924

Michael o’Keeffe, Newmarket, Co. Cork. 087 9253 369 Brian o’Keeffe, Newmarket, Co. Cork. 087 7518 118

timothy o’Sullivan, Brosna, Co. Kerry. 087 2250 210

liam Philpott, Kanturk, Co. Cork. 087 6136 750

Jim Fitzpatrick, Templemore, Co. Tipperary. 086 0768 600

Declan Finn, Curraglass, Newton, Charleville, Co. Cork. 087 6819 129 David Hayes, Ballyowan, Ballagh, Co. Limerick. 086 3367 107

edward Alex Jeffrey, Midleton, Co. Cork. 086 3678 626

trevor Dudley, Kilsunny, Thurles, Co. Tipperary. 086 3916 922

John & Mary Kelleher, Listowel, Co. Kerry. 087 2868 609

Patrick o’Donoghue, Conna, Mallow, Co. Cork. 086 8497 559

Albert de cogan, Midleton, Co. Cork. 086 1520 962

Sheila Kelliher, Lahinch, Co. Clare. 086 1600 381

laura Barron, Kilbride Nt., Tramore, Co. Waterford. 087 7975 341

tim Breen, Coisceim, Kanturk, Co. Cork. 087 9913 266

John & Frank Applebe, Clonakilty, Co. Cork. 087 2325 045

Declan Murphy, Ballinhassig, Co. Cork. 086 3827 565

John Neenan, Broadford, Charleville, Co. Cork. 086 8788 762

tom ludgate, Kilgubban, Mallow, Co. Cork. 022 27897

James Flavin, Co. Kerry. 087 2935 572

John Donegan, Cappanahane, Ballyagran, Kilmallock, Co. Limerick. 087 2247 194

Declan Donnelly, Clondrina, Lissycasey, Ennis, Co. Clare. 086 1233 795 thomas coolahen, Main Street, Tarbert, Co. Kerry. 087 2193 610

tom Davis, Broadford, Charleville, Co. Cork. 087 9653 560

Jerry & eileen o’connor, Rathmore, Co. Kerry. 064 54974

John McDonnell, Carrigphooka, Macroom, Co. Cork. 086 3653 844 willie Daly, Ballylanders, Mitchelstown, Co. Cork. 086 8493 045

Sadie Neville, Castleroberts, Adare, Co. Limerick. 087 2145 073

Adrian Bateman, Riverstick, Co. Cork. 086 8300 379 tommy Dunne, Kildorrery, Co. Cork. 022 25532

Noel o’Driscoll, Ballyalla, Ennis, Co. Clare. 087 6316 027

Sheedy Brothers, Clashagad, Roscrea, Co. Tipperary. 086 1024 660

Henry Dudley, Lakelodge, Dovea, Thurles, Co. Tipperary. 086 8340 801

John o’connor, Ballingarry, Co. Limerick. 087 6481 432

tom & John Hayes, Kildimo, Co. Limerick. 061 393 202

Neilly Moylan, Kanturk, Co. Cork. 087 6594 800

All Munster Breeders are welcome to join the Munster Branch meetings and help promote the use of Herefords in the Munster Regions. Please visit for more information. Page 112

Munster Branch Hereford Tour 2013 IRISH HEREFORD BREED JOURNAL 2014

As no tour took place in 2012 due to the adverse weather conditions prevailing throughout that summer it was nice to be on the road once more this year blessed with fine weather. On the 6th of September our coach left Kilmurray Lodge in Limerick where breeders from Cork, Kerry, Limerick and Tipperary had gathered for an early departure. First stop was the herd of Joe O’Connor Roscrea. A good selection of cows some freshly calved, young bulls and heifers were on display and viewed with good interest by our group of 25. After refreshments and a small presentation to the family from our Chairman Liam Philpott who organised the tour we then departed for a long drive to our next stop. The herd of well know breeder Coote Geelan and home of Kye Rodge 2012 Balmoral Champion and RDS Champions at Dromod, Co. Leitrim. Some well know breeders from that region had joined with Coote to await our arrival and after greetings were exchanged the inspection of stock commenced. This is a good sized herd of cows and calves also nice yearling heifers but it was the stock bull Kye Rodge, Supreme Champion at the RUAS Balmoral 2012 that stole the main interest. He is a well grown very lengthy bull with good bone and breed character. When one looks at the back pedigree one can envisage what this sire could do. After more refreshments and conversation a small presentation in recognition of our visit was made. Our next stop just a short distance from Coote’s, was at the Knockdrinan herd of Angus cows and calves of excellent quality owned by the well- known a successful Angus breeder Mr Tom Reynolds at Johnstons Bridge. Even thought we were all Hereford Breeders much interest was taken in this fine herd of cattle. The final herd visit for the day was to the famous Kye herd of Padraig and Catherine McGrath, Elphin, Co. Roscommon. Here we had the privilege to view the champion of Tullamore show. She is an excellent heifer, well grown, with good bone and great conformation. Also a nice young heifer calf caught the eye and tree very good yearling bulls impressed the visitors also. Incidentally we were to see the above mentioned animals again the

following morning as they would be showing at Strokestown Show. I must mention that our president Tim O’Sullivan, Brosna, Tralee, Co. Kerry was among our group and was the selected Judge for the show at Strokestown but I must hasten to add he did not look at any cattle at the Kye Herd that evening. Some good cows with size bone and conformation were viewed before we retired to the McGrath home for food and drinks to round off an excellent day. Next morning we were brought the short journey by our coach right into the very impressive showground’s at Strokestown House and Park. What a display of cattle of all breeds were shown by people of all ages. One can only remark the consistency and discipline between judges, stewards and exhibitors. There was a good entry of Herefords but unfortunately there was a high level of absentees. As expected the Kye herd of Padraig and Catherine McGrath had a red letter day. I will refrain from giving full results as no doubt this will be carried elsewhere in the journal. As rain started to fall we took refuge in our coach and commenced our journey back south with one final herd to visit, that of Joe & Ivor Deverell, Ballyaville, Geashill, Co. Offaly. The rain eased thankfully as we got to see this huge herd of impressive Hereford cattle with comprehensive detail of all the breeding given to us by Joe as we moved through this fine herd. One look at the sires used Ballinvena Frankie, Killeaney Pompeii, Glaslough Game, Knockfin Catana and many other sires immediately recognisable and it explains that if you keep using top class sires you will see the results. Some very promising 1.5 year old bulls were viewed as we came closer to the yard. The magnitude of this family farming enterprise can only be commented on. Once more we were entertained in the family home with food and drinks and after a small presentation it was farewell once more. The Munster branch is very grateful to the herds we visited and on behalf of our group we wish them continued success for the coming year. John Ludgate

Page 113

Group at the Boveen Herd of Joe O’Connor


Coote Geelan accepts a gift presented by Society President Timmy O’Sullivan on behalf of the tour group

President Timmy O’Sullivan checks out the detail at Strokestown.

Coote speaks to a captive audience about the great grass in Co Leitrim.

Society President Timmy O’Sullivan with show champion Kye Sheila and owner Padraig McGrath .

Munster group view the Kye Herd of Padraig & Catherine McGrath

The tour group view the Deverell owned Ballyaville Herd

Patrick, Catherine & Padraig McGrath with Munster Branch Treasurer John Ludgate.

Munster tour group enjoy the hospitality of the Deverell Family at Ballyaville

Page 114

Gurteragh & Newstar Herefords Senior Stock Bulls

F.H. Noel, et

Sire: Dunrobin 603

Dam: RVH Silver 26e Miss 27G Sire: Glaslough Dandy

Gurteragh Gladiator

Dam: lislaughtin Monica

Sire: Border General V85

Gurteragh Justice, et

Dam: Quinsboro Rose 1st

Junior Stock Bulls

corlismore Robinhood 592 - Sire: Corlismore Pompeii, Dam: Grianan Prim Balleen Bonus - Sire: Gageboro Eugenic, Dam: Balleen Pansy 33 StocK AlwAyS FoR SAle - VISItoRS AlwAyS welcoMe

Michael & Brian o’Keeffe

Gurteragh, Newmarket, co. cork. tel. 029-60608 Mobile: 087-9253369 Page 115


Branch Secretary Cathriona Murphy, newly elected Chairman Martin Murphy & long serving Treasurer John Ludgate.

Group of members in attendance

Henry Dudley receives his award for Lakelodge Jim 14 from Timmy O’Sullivan.

Declan Donnelly newly elected Vice Chairman receives his award for Munster Junior Bull of the Year Clondrina 1069 from Chairman Martin Murphy.

John Neenan receives his award for Munster Junior Heifer of the Year Tullaha Raindrop from Chairman Martin Murphy.

Munster Hereford Breed Society News

The Munster Hereford branch had a very busy 2013. The Male & Female of the year competition was very successful this year. The shows involved were Bridgetown, Charleville, Cappamore, Nenagh and the final was in Limerick. Congratulations to all our winners and thank you to all who took park in the competition. Winners who attended our AGM were presented with their prizes by our Secretary Mr. Larry Feeney. The Competition is a fantastic way to promote the Hereford breed. The Neenan Family organised another fantastic table quiz to raise funds for the Munster branch in April 2013. The quiz raised €625 for the Munster branch. The Munster branch would like to thank the Neenan family for organising the quiz over the last number of years. It is a wonderful night out and a great social occasion to meet other breeders socially. Our farm visits The Munster branch went on tour in August 2013. On Friday the tour visited the herds of Padraig Mc Grath and Coote Geelan and on Saturday they attended Strokestown show. Thank you to all the hosts for letting the tour into their homes and farms to show us some fantastic stock and providing us with refreshments. Mr John Appleby and family organised a field evening, on August 31st 2013. It was a very enjoyable day we got to see a fantastic display of stock. Master Judges on the day were John Neenan & John O Connor. Munster branch chairman Martin Murphy ran the Hereford weanling sale and show at Newport livestock mart in November 2013. There was an entry of over 100 animals at the show and sale. Special thank you to all the sponsors of the show include Irish Hereford Prime, Munster Hereford society, John & Thomas Hayes & Henry Dudley. Judges on the day were Henry Dudley and Jim Fitzpatrick. Congratulations to the winner of the show, Mr Seamus Ryan, Newport, Co Tipperary who sold the winning bull to Irish Hereford prime. We held our AGM in the Woodlands house hotel on the 26th November 2013. Thanks to all our members for their support in 2013 and look forward to seeing them all at our meetings in 2014. Mr Liam Philpott our outgoing Chairman has had a very successful two year term. During his term Liam has organised a tour, field evening and very successful promotions. We welcome our new chairman Mr Martin Murphy to his new post and we look forward to working with him over the next two years. Congratulations to Mr Declan Donnelly who was voted in as our Vice chairman. Special thanks to Larry Feeney, Willie Brannigan and Michael Cleary for attending our meeting. Timmy O’Sullivan organised the annual Christmas party lunch. It was held on 13th Jan in the Devon Inn. Thirty five attended the lunch and it was a wonderful social occasion for the branch. Cathriona Murphy, Secretary Page 116


Munster Shows 2013

Thurles Show

Judge: John Lynch Cattle classes were held for the first time at Thurles Show this year with much success. Great credit must go to Trevor Dudley who was instrumental in organizing the cattle section and also to Susan Dudley who acted as cattle secretary and chief steward on the day. Hopefully more exhibitors will add Thurles Show to their showing schedules next year! Judge John Lynch awarded the Overall Championship to the winner of the bull calf class, Lakelodge Jim 14 owned by Henry Dudley. The Reserve Champion went to the 2nd prize winner in this class Clashagad Kanning owned by Pat Sheedy. Henry Dudley then won 1st & 2nd prize in the heifer calf class with two quality heifers from his Lakelodge herd.

Charleville Show

The Supreme Female Championship was awarded to John Neenan with his fantastic 3 year old junior cow, Tullaha Primrose. Primrose was shown with much success in the 2012 season and would go on to add to her numerous prizes by winning the National Junior Cow title at Tullamore Show later in the year. The Male Championship went to Tom Roycroft and Family with their stock bull Knockmountagh Duke bred by Eamon McKiernan. Duke had previously won the senior bull class earlier in the day. Tom Roycroft continued his fine form in the showring by adding a further two 1st prizes to his collection with wins for Springvilla Mary and Springvilla Miriam in the female section. In the calf section, Henry Dudley took 1st prize in the senior bull calf class with Lakelodge Jim 14 with Tom Royroft and Pat Sheedy taking 2nd & 3rd prize respectively. Matthew Goulding won 1st prize in the senior heifer calf class with Gouldingpoll 1 Duchess with Tim Breen and Timmie O’Sullivan taking 2nd & 3rd place in this class. For the classes for calves born in 2013, Tom Roycroft won the male class and Tim Breen won the heifer class with Coisceim Febee.

Clonmel Show

Judge: Tom Ludgate Noted Hereford breeder Tom Brennan had a field day at Clonmel Show winning 3 of the 4 classes and taking home the Supreme Hereford Championship. Tom’s 1st prize winning bull class, the ultra stylish Balleen Bonus sired by his renowned stock bull Gageboro Eugenic was the day’s Supreme Champion. Tom continued to dominate the male section by also taking 2nd & 3rd prize in this class. The heifer calf class and maiden heifer class was also won by Tom Brennan with Balleen Miss Prefect 725. 2nd prize

went to Glenn Dudley with Lakelodge Kathy 6 with Henry Dudley taking 3rd position. The cow class was won by H & M Parr with Tourtanepoll 1 Diamond. The Parr team also took 2nd prize with a senior uncalved heifer with Henry Dudley settling for 3rd position with Lakelodge Kathy.

Cappamore Show

Judge: JJ Farrell Cappamore Show had a smaller than usual entry this year although the quality of the animals present was exceptional. Matthew Goulding added yet another championship to his ever growing collection when he won the Supreme Championship with his outstanding maiden heifer Gouldingpoll 1 Duchess 503. Duchess 503 is a daughter of the famed show cow Dorepoll 1 Duchess and was winner of the maiden heifer class on the day. The Reserve Championship was awarded to the winner of the bull calf class Clondrina 1069 owned by Declan Donnelly. This young bull calf is sired by Balleen Gilbert and was one of the youngest bulls in the class. 2nd prize went to Henry Dudley with Lakelodge Jim 14 with Anthony McCarthy taking home 3rd prize. The heifer calf class was won by Matthew Goulding with Gouldinpoll 1 Duchess 548 with 2nd prize going to John Neenan with Tullaha Raindrop and Anthony McCarthy taking 3rd place. Delcan Donnelly took home his second 1st prize of the day when he won the best calf born in 2013 with Clondrina 1082. 2nd prize also went to Declan Donnelly with Martin Murphy taking 3rd position. The last class of the day was the cow class which was won by John Neenan with his junior cow Tullaha Primrose.

Limerick Show

The Supreme Hereford Championship was awarded to John Neenan with Tullaha Raindrop. This young heifer calf had previously won a hat trick of prizes on the day, winning the heifer calf class, the Irish Junior Hereford Heifer of the Year and the Overall Female Championship. This is a truly remarkable achievement for this young heifer which capped a great day for John Neenan and family. The Reserve Supreme Hereford Championship was won by Declan Donnelly with Clondrina 1069. Clondrina 1069 had earlier won the bull calf class and the Irish Junior Bull of the Year title. Clondrina 1069 also fought off stiff competition in the male section to take home the Overall Male Championship but had to settle for Reserve position in the Championship honours. Declan Donnelly continued his dominance in the male section winning the other two bull classes, winning 1st prize in the senior bull class and 1st prize in the junior bull

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calf class with Clondrina 1082, making it a hat trick of red rosettes for Declan on the day. The cow class was won by Tom Roycroft. Tom won his second red rosette of the day when he emerged the victor in the senior uncalved heifer class. Matthew Goulding won the intermediate heifer class with Gouldingpoll 1 Duchess 503. Duchess 503 was much admired in the ring and went on to win the Reserve Female Championship later in the day. The last class of the day went to Martin Murphy who won 1st prize in the heifer calf class for calves born in 2013.

Killian O’Malley, Newport, is presented with the trophy for the Junior Hereford Calf Class (born 2013) at Limerick by Una Murphy.

Pedigree registered male calf born on or after 1st October 2012 1st Lockfield Gaylas, Anthony McCarthy, Currane, Banteer, Co Cork 2nd Aliehs Bulle, Timmie & Shiela O’Sullivan, Ahane Cross, Brosna, Co Kerry

Thurles Show Champion, Lakelodge Jim 14

NEWMARKET & DISTRICT AGRICULTURAL SHOW Sunday 14th July at the Green Glens, Millstreet Judge: Mr John Ludgate

Pedigree registered male calf born on or after 1st January 2013 1st Aliehs Prince, Timmie & Shiela O’Sullivan, Ahane Cross, Brosna, Co Kerry 2nd Gurteragh Mercury, Brian & Barry O’Keeffe, Gurteragh, Newmarket, Co Cork

Pedigree registered female calf born on or after 1st January 2013 1st Cosceim Fidelma, Tim Breen, Knockeenadillane, Kiskeam, Co Cork 2nd Aliehs Pride, Timmie & Shiela O’Sullivan, Ahane Cross, Brosna, Co Kerry 3rd Tullaha Rihanna, John Neenan, Tullaha, Broadford, Co Limerick

Pedigree registered female calf born on or after 1st October 2012 1st Tullaha Raindrop, John Neenan, Tullaha, Broadford, Co Limerick 2nd Goulding Kashmire, Matthew Goulding, Kilmore, Ballyduff, Tralee, Co Kerry 3rd Cosceim Flyer, Tim Breen, Knockeenadillane, Kiskeam, Co Cork

Pedigree registered male calf born on or after 1st July 2012 1st Lockfield Udel Gem, Anthony McCarthy, Currane, Banteer, Co Cork 2nd Lockfield Gaylas, Anthony McCarthy, Currane, Banteer, Co Cork 3rd Aliehs Briar, Timmie & Shiela O’Sullivan, Ahane Cross, Brosna, Co Kerry

Pedigree registered female calf born on or after 1st July 2012 1st Goulding Duchess, Matthew Goulding, Kilmore, Ballyduff, Tralee, Co Kerry 2nd Lockfield Udel Plum, Anthony McCarthy, Currane, Banteer, Co Cork 3rd Aliehs Susie 1st, Timmie & Shiela O’Sullivan, Ahane Cross, Brosna, Co Kerry

Pedigree registered maiden or incalf heifers born between 1.7.2011 & 30.6.2012 1st Gurteragh Linda, Brian & Barry O’Keeffe, Gurteragh, Newmarket, Co Cork 2nd Gurteragh Linsey, Brian & Barry O’Keeffe, Gurteragh, Newmarket, Co Cork 3rd Coolanoran Olive, Denis Buckley, Ardagh, Co Limerick CHAMPION: Goulding Duchess Matthew Goulding, Kilmore, Ballyduff, Tralee, Co Kerry

RESERVE CHAMPION: Tullaha Raindrop John Neenan, Tullaha, Broadford, Co Limerick Balleen Pansy 668 Page 118


R/L: Timmy O'Sullivan, Brian O'Keeffe, James Good, Barry O'Keeffe & David Goulding.

Barry & Brian O'Keeffe of Gurteragh Herefords at Newmarket show.

R/L: Tommy Cregan, David Goulding, Tim Breen and Brian O'Keeffe exhibiting at Newmarket and District Agricultural Show.

Congratulations and best wishes to Una Murphy, (daughter of Martin and Winnie) & David O’Brien who were married in October 2013.

Champion at Belgooly, Bandon, Clonakilty & Barryroe Shows - John Applebe with Apple 1 Molly.

David Goulding - Champion at Cappamore Show 2013 Judge JJ Farrell and the Murphy Cup presented by Martin Murphy, Toureenbrien, Newport.

Supreme Hereford Champion at Limerick Show. Tullaha Raindrop - Judge Glen Jacob with Tom Cregan and Maura Neenan Cregan.

Page 119


Killian O’Malley showing for Martin Murphy, Toureenbrien at Dualla Show, September 2013.

Declan Donnelly - First Prizewinner at Cappamore Show, Young Bull Class.

Cappamore Show 2013 L/R: Shane O’Brien, Winnie Murphy, Henry Dudley and Paddy Campion.

Thomas Moynihan brushing animal at Cappamore Show 2013.

Martin Murphy, Michael Cleary and Henry Dudley at Cappamore Show.

Dualla Show, Cashel, Co. Tipperary Aidan and Shane O’Brien showing Toureenbrien Ursula for Martin Murphy, Toureenbrien, Newport.

Castledaly Herefords

Our Stock Bull

castledaly Jeff

Sire: Bowmont Storm A584 Dam: Castledaly Lolly

We thank all our customers for their support and wish them well with their purchases Young stock usually for sale - Visitors always welcome

Michael & Gráinne Farrell

Kilcleagh, castledaly, Moate, co. westmeath. tel. 090-6430376 Mobile: 087 3189793 Page 120

Kanturk Commercial Cattle Show IRISH HEREFORD BREED JOURNAL 2014

A very successful Hereford Spring Promotion


carrick luckey sired by AGI

Dam: Ballydowell Fliper

Hugh & Philip lynch

Quality Stock Usually For Sale - Visitors welcome carrick, Finea, Mullingar, co. westmeath. tel. 043-6681210 or 087-9582773 Page 121

weSt coRK HeReFoRD clUB

chairman: John white, 087 6789712

Secretary: Paddy Hickey, 086 8779639

treasurer: J.J. Barrett, 023-8847497

1. Adrigole Herd 028-21501 Corneilus McCarthy, Carrigfada, Skibbereen. 2. Arlinstown Herd 086-3827565 Declan Murphy, Ballinhasshig. 3. Ballea Herd 087-6789712 John White, Ballea, Carrigaline. 4. Bearnagaoithe Herd 086-8047701 Patrick McCarthy, Ballymore, Bandon. 5. cappadineen Herd 023-8845957 Bill Deane, Cappadineen, Dunmanway. 6. coomkeen Herd 086-6057807 Robert Dukelow, Durrus, Bantry. 7. currabeg Herd 086-8593737 Owen O’Neill, Coolroe, Ballincollig. 8. curraghavadra Herd 027-51670 Donal McGrath, Rooska, Bantry. 9. Droumdaniel Herd 086-0851397 Eugene Lynch, Droumdaniel, Bantry. 10. Dunworley Herd 086-1204092 Mary Pat Dineen & Jim Moloney, Dunworley, Bandon. 11. Forteregal Herd 087-2452507 Gerard Lucey, Forrest, Coachford.

Promoting Herefords throughout West Cork and beyond

12. Furaleigh Herd 087-9924732 Ted O’Sullivan, Bartlemy, Fermoy. 13. Garraneishal Herd 087-3232586 Graham Roycroft, Lyre, Clonakilty. 14. Gortroe Herd 087-2733400 Alan Jennings, Gortroe, Leap. 15. Gurtaleen Herd 023-8847497 JJ Barrett, Gurtaleen, Enniskeane. 16. Island View Herd 085-1742792 Christopher Mullins, Droumacappill, Bantry. 17. Killaclug Herd 086-3653844 John McDonnell, Carrigaphooka, Macroom. 18. Kilronan Herd 087-6815881 Daniel Lehane, Kilronan, Dunmanway. 19. Kingsgrove Herd 087-3145588 John Kingston, Derry, Ballineen. 20. leacamolua Herd 086-1956522 Donal Murray, Lower Ballina, Toames, Macroom. 21. Skehanore Herd 086-3031375 Tom & Paddy Hickey, Skehanore, Ballydehob. 22. Slieveroe Herd 086-8300379 Adrian Bateman, Slieveroe, Riverstick. 23. templebryan Herd 086-8598038 James Kingston, Templebryan, Clonakilty. Page 122


West Cork Shows 2013

Springvilla Shakera & Knockmountagh Duke with owners Niall and Tom Roycroft and Judge Tom Ludgate at Skibbereen.

Knockmountagh Duke with Robert Roycroft and Judge Tom Fitzgerald at Middleton Show.

Springvilla Miriam and Robert Roycroft at Bantry Show.

Springvilla Samuel 394 with Niall Roycroft and Judge Derek Lovell at Ballyvourney Show.

Knockmountagh Duke with owner Tom Roycroft

Knockmountagh Duke with owner Tom Roycroft and Judge Coote Geelan at Cork Summer Show.

Page 123

West Cork Hereford Club Review of 2013



uring the Summer a meeting of the West Cork Hereford Club held in the Parkway Hotel Dunmanway decided to hold a Field Evening and Stock Judging event which Ted O’Sullivan and family volunteered to host. On arrival at Bartlemy, Fermoy the home of Ted & family Hereford Breeders in attendance were warmly greeted and invited to the house for refreshments. When the entire group had congregated we partook of food and drink before heading to the farmyard where the cattle were collected and penned. A visit to this herd was very special because of the quality and size of animals which were bred and shown by Ted over the years. Three groups of cattle were presented for judging, cows, heifers and bulls. Judges on the day were Declan Murphy (cows), Gene Lynch & Derry McCarthy (heifers) and Patrick Hickey for the bulls. The judges had a difficult task in selecting and placing these animals as they were of such close uniformity. Judging cards were handed out to all and when completed Patrick Hickey asked the Judges to indicate their placing. Members of the group were then asked how they placed their animals. After each class a very detailed and interesting discussion took place, starting with the Judges giving their reasons why they placed the animals in this order. Following this other members of the group were asked to give their reasons as well. A lot of useful information was gained by this procedure, something which should be adopted in more country shows. It seems on this day that the lady members of the Club seemed to come out better in the final results! Having completed and viewed these magnificent animals and the remainder of the herd which were housed close by the consensus was that it was no surprise to people that the animals from this herd had been so successful over many years. The next move was to a nearby field where the commercial suckler herd was inspected, here again was a quality group of cows and followers any suckler farmer would like to have. At the conclusion it was a very worth-while outing. The

Club Chairman John White makes a small presentation to the O’Sullivan Family.

Chairman then thanked Ted, his wife & family for their hospitality and for having the members of the club on his farm & providing the opportunity of viewing his wonderful animals. Best wishes to the “Furaleigh Herd” and much success for 2014 & in years to come. Another very interesting meeting took place in the Parkway Hotel. Francis Kearney a member of the ICBF gave a thorough talk & slide show on cattle breeding & genetic proofs. He gave an updated report on the modern technique of DNA technology in assessing the potential of animals. Up to now people thought that this procedure was impossible, but the detailed account he gave on the subject left almost everyone convinced that this method of testing could prove that it is the way forward for assessing the genetic value of both dairy & beef animals. Then it came to the time when he invited people from the floor to ask questions …… the way he answered these left us in no doubt that this man was an expert able to deal with any situation in breeding. All concerned were very impressed and gave great credit to his ability and knowledge in this presentation. The Chairman thanked the speaker and impressed on the group that we will have to adopt the modern ways that cattle breeding can be improved to hasten genetic improvement in a very short period of time, considering that in previous times it took five or six years before the progeny of any bull had results of their breeding ability available. Concluding over a cup of tea it was agreed that more of these get-togethers would be a good exercise for the future. Here is wishing the IHBS & all breeders the best in 2014 and into the future.

John Kingston

Page 124

The West Cork Club members in attendance at the “Furaleigh Herd”


AGM The 2013 AGM of the branch was held on the 8th July in Clonamore House hotel Tullamore, a much later date than usual due to the very late and difficult spring followed by a great run of summer weather which meant everyone was busy “ making hay (silage etc) while the sun shone”. However a good meeting was held and the following officers were elected: Chairman: Anselm Fitzgerald. Vice Chair: Joe O’Connor. Secretary: Joe Deverell. Many summer shows were held in our area and are well reported elsewhere in the journal, great thanks to everyone involved.

down the line in his class. A very good and worthwhile trip ended with our trusty bus company bringing us back in time for our flight home and we ended 2013 on a good note in our branch. Many thanks to Anselm Fitzgerald for all his work in setting up the trip.

Discussion Group Meeting Our discussion group meeting was kindly hosted by JJ Farrell at his Trillick herd on Saturday 21st September at 2pm. Padraig McGrath did a demo on clipping and show preparation which was held in JJ,s much admired new livestock shed. A good discussion followed covering feeding, tagging, hair sampling for DNA and other breeding issues. Lovely evening sunshine allowed us to view the excellent stock at Trillick including a very eye catching calf “Trillick Hotspur” more about later. This was followed by refreshments provided by Concepta and her helpers which rounded of a very useful and enjoyable afternoon. We extend many thanks to JJ and his family.

Branch Excursion to Calf Show Shrewsbury UK After some years absence a branch trip was expertly organised by our chairman in December to the Hereford Christmas Calf Show in Shrewsbury. While the group were waiting in Dublin airport to board our flight JJ Farrell finalised the deal with Eurogene AI for the purchase by them of “Trillick Hotspur”. We congratulated JJ on his success and toasted the deal later when we were safely in our hotel on the other side of the Irish Sea! We flew to Birmingham and were met by our bus to The Corbet Arms in Uffington where we were very well looked after on our arrival and indeed the next morning an early breakfast was provided so we could get to Shrewsbury Livestock Market in time for the start of the show. There was a very good show of cattle on view and one could not but be impressed by both the cattle and how they were shown with each class ready to enter the show ring as soon as the previous one exited. Great credit has to go to the stewards, the handlers and the cattle; it was a pleasure to witness poetry in motion! Many of the classes had large entries and the judge was well tasked to place them in order but did his job fairly and in good time. It would be unfair to mention individual cattle but naturally Irish eyes were drawn towards to TA Spooner’s Dieulacresse Kermit by Lakelodge Storm 2nd. A March 2013 bull calf Haven Kingpin by Bulge from EL Lewis & Son caught a few eyes too even though he was

Page 125

J.D., Sec.

Trillick Hotspur

Padraig McGrath in action

Group at Trillick


Some pics from calf show, Shrewsbury.

North Leinster group outside the Corbet Arms ready for the show.

Lineup of Sep/Oct 2012 bulls.

Dernaroy Polled Herefords

Dieulacresse Kermit by Lakelodge Storm 2nd.

Haven Kingpin

Herd Sire: Lowesmoor 1 Entertainer

Stock Usually For Sale - Visitors Always welcome

eric Humphreys

Dernaroy, Newbliss, co. Monaghan. Mobile: 086 3374652 Home: 047 54297 email: Page 126

North Leinster Branch

Chairperson: Mr. Anslem Fitzgerald, 087 662 3403 Secretary: Mr. J. Deverell, Tel. 057 934 3728. Mobile: 087 270 2271 Vice Chairperson: Joe O’Connor, 087 908 7460 Louth Longford Town Longford












11 15 16

10 17


13. Crerogue Herd Angela Armstrong, Gibbstown, Navan. 046 905 4291 14. Ballaghboy Herd Robert Clarke, Fordstown, Navan. 046 943 4120 15. Ballyboe Herd Anne Murphy, 26 Bridge View, Kilmessan, Navan. Tel. 086 382 5225, 046 902 5737 16. Fairyhouse Herd George Stanley, Porterstown Lane, Ratoath. Tel. 01 825 6330, 086 256 5577 17. Baytown Herd Tom Barry, Baytown Park, Dunboyne. Tel. 086 856 0978 19. Burrawaddy Herd Percy & Marion Jordan, Proudstown, Navan. Tel. 046 902 6261, 087 950 6148. 20. Dunlever Herd Michael Bird, Dunlever House, Trim, Co. Meath. Tel. 086 996 5239 CO. OFFALY 21. Ballyaville Herd J. & I. Deverell, Ballyaville, Geashill. 057 934 3728 & 057 934 3555, 087 270 2271 22. Cill Cormaic Herd D. Larkin, Kilcormac, Birr. 05791 35368 Mob. 086 339 7810 23. Moyclare Herd Ml. Molloy, The Glebe, Belmont. Tel. 090 645 4640, 086 816 8924 24. Boveen Herd J. O’Connor, Sharavogue, Birr. Tel. 087 908 7460

Page 127




Tullamore Offaly

9 20



CO. LONGFORD 1. Breaney Herd K. Tynan, Breaney, Ardagh. 043 667 5056 Mob. 087 623 4398 2. Creagh & Creaghpoll Herds W.A. & I.H. Jones, Creagh House, Keenagh. 043 332 2290 3. Keenagh & Keenaghpoll Herds E. & P. Jones, Riverside, Keenagh. 043 332 2294 Mob. 086 834 6520 5. Trillick Herd J.J. Farrell, Trillick-a-Temple, Longford. 043 334 1976 & Mob. 086 832 9436 6. Lisameen (P)/Moylong Herd James McKeon, Lisameen, Ballinalee, Tel. 087 822 8364

CO. MEATH 7. Ardmulchan Herd P. Smyth, Ardmulchan, Navan. 046 902 1435 8. Church Hill Herd B. & R. Clarke, Carnaross, Kells. 046 924 5256 Mob. 087 238 6339 9. Portanob Herd Jack Canty, Moyrath, Kildalkey, 046 943 5147 Mob. 086 831 2817 10. Curraghliffe Herd John A. Hayes, Tankardstown, Ratoath. 01 825 6230 Mob. 087 289 6149 11. Kilmessan Herd R. Swan, Ringlestown, Kilmessan. 046-9025599 12. Rathregan Herd V. Ledwith, Rathregan, Dunboyne. Tel. 01 8259270, 086-2556618









35 34






27. Dungar Herd Lester Roe, Parkview, Ballybrit, Roscrea 087 411 8242

CO. WESTMEATH 28. Clonleam Herd W. Branagan, Clonleam, Delvin. 087 233 8053 29. Gageboro Herd J. Holloway, Horseleap, Moate. 057 933 5227, 087 765 7374 30. Glenree Herd L. & F. Glennon, Glenree, Dysart, Mullingar. 044 922 6121, 087 612 2141 31. Grianan & Caulry Herd T. & A. Fitzgerald, Mount Temple, Moate. Tel. 086 609 8051 32. Kilgolagh Herd Hugh Lynch, Kilgolagh, Finea, Mullingar. 043 668 1210 Mob. 087 958 2773 33. Carrick Herd Philip Lynch, Carrick Finea, Mullingar. 043 668 1218, 087 958 2773 34. Castledaly Herd Michael Farrell, Kilcleagh, Castledaly. Tel. 090 643 0376 Mob. 318 9793 35. Cave Hill Herd Pauric Farrell, 087 293 9133 CO. LOUTH 36. Knockmountagh Herd Eamon McKiernan, Monasterboice, Drogheda. 041 982 6362, 087 221 7201


North Leinster Shows 2013



Padraig McGrath Champion: Kye Sheila 596 Reserve Champion: Knockmountagh Chief Eamon McKiernan

Champion: Moyclare Rose 22nd M Molloy Reserve Champion: Grianan Masterplan T&A Fitzgerald

Judge: Jack Wilson

Judge: Mr William Jones (Jnr)

Hereford cow or heifer in calf or in milk, 1. Portanob Julia J&J Canty 2. Baltymore Francis Coote Geelan 3. Drumboy Nollaig Sean Kilrane

Hereford Bull Calf born on or after 01.11.12 1. Gageboro Morgan J Holloway 2. Trillick Hotspur JJ Farrell 3. Moyclare Lucky M Molloy

Hereford Heifer born between 01.07.11 and 30.06.12 1. Kye Sheila 596 P McGrath 2. Knockmountagh Petal Philip Lynch 3. Kilsunny Doreen’s Ivy Christine Drumm

Hereford Heifer Calf born on or after 01.11.12 1. Moyclare Pansy 14th M Molloy 2. Grianan Agnes M657 T&A Fitzgerald 3. Gageboro Megan J Holloway

Hereford Bull born on or between 01.07.12 and 31.10.12 1. Grianan Masterplan T&A Fitzgerald 2. Castledaly Jackson M Farrell 3. Carrick Luckey P Lynch

Hereford Heifer born on or after 01.07.12 1. Moyclare Rose 22nd Michael Molloy 2. Trillick Tara JJ Farrell 3. Trillick Elaine JJ Farrell

Hereford Male born on after 01.07.12 1. Knockmountagh Chief Eamon McKiernan 2. Keenaghpoll 1 Hercules E&P Jones 3. Kye Sonic 612 Padraig McGrath

Hereford Heifer born on or between 01.07.12 and 31.10.121 1. Moyclare Rose 22nd M Molloy 2. Griananpoll 1 Orange M639 T&A Fitzgerald 3. Trillick Tara JJ Farrell

Hereford Male born on after 01.11.12 1. Port 1 Bob J&J Canty 2. Trillick Hotspur JJ Farrell 3. Moyclare Lieutenant Michael Molloy

Hereford Heifer bon on or between 01.07.11 and 30.06.12 1. Kilsunny Doreen’s Ivy Christine Drumm

Hereford Female born on or after 01.11.12 1. Trillick JJ Farrell

Hereford Bull Calf born 01.01.12 to 31.06.12 1. Doonavereen Precision Paddy Farrell

Champion: Moyclare Rose 22nd with Michael Molloy Kye Sheila 596 with Padraig McGrath.

Page 128



Lakelodge Kathy 6th, DOB: 6th Feb 2013, s. Dareens Champion, d. Kilsunny Queen Chastity. Owner: Henry Dudley. Corran Hill Aoran, DOB: 10th Jan 2012, s. Corran Hill Iceman, d. Corran Hill Snowy. Owner: Colin Anderson

Hereford Heifer born on/after 01.10.12 1. Clonleam Verena 21, DOB: 20th Oct 2012, s. Mawarra Sentimental, d. Clonleam Verena 13th. Owner: William Branagan

Res Champ: Grianan Masterplan with Anselm & Darragh Fitzgerald.

Mullingar Show Judge: Mr Eric Humphreys

Champion: Portanob Julia Reserve Champion: Corran Hill Carole

Hereford Cow in Calf or with Calf at foot 1. Portanob Julia, DOB: 3rd June 2006, s. Ardmulchan Wanderor, d. Portanob Lady. Owners: J & J Canty. 2. Lakelodge Kathy 3rd, DOB: 12th Jan 2012, s. Darreens Champion, d. Lakelodge Kathy. Owner: Henry Dudley. 3. Baltymore Francis, Owner: Coote Geelan. Hereford Heifer born on/between 01.01.12 and 30.09.12 1. Corran Hill Carole, DOB: s. 2nd Jan 2012, s. Corran Hill Miracle, d. Corran Hill Tara. Owner: Colin Anderson 2. Grianan Orange M 639, DOB: 4th July 2012, s. Romany 1 Captain, d.Grianan Dominique. Owner: T & A Fitzgerald. 3. Moyclare Rose 22nd, DOB: 12th Sep 2012, s. Brocca Saviour, d. Moyclare Christina. Owner: Michael Molloy

Hereford Bull born on/between 01.01.12 and 30.09.12 1. Port 1 Bill, DOB: 7th Mar 2012, s. Port 1 Bob. Owners: J & J Canty. 2. Moyclare Lieutenant, DOB: 5th Sept 2012, s. Brocca Saviour, d. Moyclare Ursula 4th. Owner: Michael Molloy.

Hereford Heifer born after 01.01.13 1. Corran Hill Annabell, DOB: 7th April 2013, s. Parkhill Pompeii, d. Corran Hill Tara. Owner: Colin Anderson Hereford Bull born after 01.01.13 1. Baltymore Rodge 408, Sire, Kye Rodge 553. Owner: Coote Geelan.

Champion Corran Hill Carole

Res. Champ Portanob Julia exhibited by John Canty, assisted by Jack and Isobel with judge Eric Humphreys.

Page 129

Fingal Show 2013 - Kye Sheila Padraig McGrath & Judge Robin Irvine.



Judge: Tom Fitzgerald

Champion: Knockduffpoll 1 Emma Reserve Champion: Tourtanepoll 1 Diamond

Hereford Cow or Heifer in calf or in milk Tourtanepoll 1 Diamond Henry & Mervyn Parr 1. 2. Mountfade Euphrimia Victor Allen Hereford Heifer born between 01.07.12 and 30.09.12 1. Knockfin Ladybird 807 Francis Scot 2. Knockfin Sally 805 Francis Scot

Reserve Champion Tourtanepoll 1 Diamond with her calf exhibited by H&M Parr.

Hereford Bull born between 01.07.12 and 30.09.12 1. Dareens Ken John Fitzpatrick 2. Knockduffpoll 1 Power Ranger Niall Jones 3. Ballyaville Rowland Joe Deverell Hereford Heifer born between 01.01.11 and 30.06.12 1. Knockduffpoll 1 Emma Niall Jones 2. Grianan Orange K589 Mervyn Parr 3. Ballyaville Flavia Joe Deverell

Dareens Ken winner of the Thompson Silver Challenge Cup with Hereford Society Chairman Willie Branagan owners John and Donal Fitzpatrick and Judge Tom Fitzgerald.

Hereford Bull born on or after 01.10.12 1. Knockfin Sorento Francis Scott 2. Knockfin Juga Francis Scott Hereford Heifer born on or after 01.10.12 1. Ballyfrunk Alma 1826 Pat Murphy

Hereford Male or Female Calf born in 2013 1. Tourtane Barry Henry & Mervyn Parr 2. Tourtane Sally Henry & Mervyn Parr Best Hereford Pair 1. Tourtanepoll 1 Diamond/Grianan Orange K589 Henry & Mervyn Parr

1st prizewinner Tourtane Barry with Henry & Mervyn Parr.

Champion Knockduffpoll 1 Emma & Niall Jones being presented with Scott Perpetual Trophy by Judge Tom Fitzgerald. Page 130

The busy cattle lines at Ossory Show.


Kye SHeIlA 596

Sire: Steil Gerard by churchill Storm - Dam: Kye Paula 1st by yarram Pompeii V055 Hereford Champion at six summer shows including National Hereford show Tullamore, Royal Meath show Trim and Strokestown Show. Chosen as the 2013 RDS Champion of Champions. Pictured at Tullamore Show 2013 after winning Supreme All Ireland Champion

Kye StING 595

Kye StoRM 609

Sire: Bowmont Storm A584 Dam: Kye Paula 535 by yarram Pompeii V055

First Prize at Premier Autum Show and Sale Tullamore October 2013. Sold to Mr. Richard Kehoe Ballicmoyer, Co. Carlow at €3550. Wishing Richard the best of luck.

Sire: Bowmont Storm A584 Dam: Kye Sorcha by churchill Storm First Prize winner and Overall Champion at April Sale in Kilmallock. Sold to S & N Heatrick Glaslough Co. Monghan at €2900. The very best of luck to the Glaslough Herd with their new stock bull.

Many thanks to all our valued Customers Visitors always welcome

Padraig & Catherine McGrath Kye, elphin, co. Roscommon. tel 087 2693201 or 071 9635008 email: Page 131


South Leinster Branch - Balleen Meeting IRISH HEREFORD BREED JOURNAL 2014

n a new innovative approach the South Leinster Branch under Chairman Glenn Jacob took the initiative to have their June meeting on farm at the Balleen Herd by the kind invitation of Tom Brennan and Family at Balleen, Freshford, Co. Kilkenny on June 1st last. There was a large attendance at this the first such meeting of the South Leinster branch which heretofore held its meetings in a local hotel. Particularly pleasing was the large group of young Hereford enthusiasts in attendance.

Ned the donkey calls order!

The topics discussed on the day were: • South Leinster shows • Current position of the breed in South Leinster and across Ireland • Discussion and feedback on the use of both imported and home based Hereford bulls. • The National Ploughing Championship which will be hosted by the South Leinster Branch in Ratheniska, Co. Laois September 24th to 26th next.

Stock judging in progress

Top commercial farmer Mr Jim Hogan, Rathoe, Co. Carlow gave a very interesting presentation on improving output and net profit on his farm by introducing a Hereford bull to his suckler herd. Jim and Seamus Hogan farm a herd of 80 Hereford/Simmental cross cows finishing all cattle to beef. He outlined to the meeting that adding a Hereford bull to the herd has significantly improved productive and reproductive efficiency in comparison with the national average (Table 1). Mr Hogan highlighted that the low maintenance cost, ease of calving, ease of finishing and increased milk are all contributing to increased net profit from the farm. Table 1. Calving performance of the herd in 2012 v national average. Hogan’s farm is a fantastic example of how Hereford

National Average Calving interval (days) 399 Mortality at Birth (%) 5.5 Mortality at 28 days (%) 6.7 Females not calved in a period 6 Calves per cow per year 0.81

Hogan’s Farm 368 3.0 0 6 1.03

genetics can be used as both a profitable sire and dam in the suckler herd. South Leinster Branch Chairman Glenn Jacob complemented Jim on his enthusiasm for the breed and thanked him on behalf of the branch for attending and giving such an enlightening presentation.

The meeting concluded with a junior stock judging competition. Six bulls were presented from the Balleen

Liam Philpott discusses his selection

Herd for viewing and judging. Mr Liam Philpott, Allowdale Herd, Kanturk, judged the cattle for the competition and explained his reasoning for placing the animals in the order that he did.

The participants and winners in the junior stock judging competition were: 1. George Murphy 5. Seamus Doyle 2. John Paul Scott 6. Hannah Murphy 3. Nigel Hogan 7. Olivia O’Gorman 4. Hannah Driver 8. Peter Murphy

All participants in the junior stock judging competition received Hereford merchandise from the Society and supplied by

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SOUTH LEINSTER BRANCH Chairman: Glenn Jacob 087 6786895, 053 9233208 Secretary: Mervyn Parr 087 6636665


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8.

Dunsinane Herd Glen Jacob, Dunsinane Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford Tel: 05392 33208 or 087 6786895


Bawngarrif Herd Christy Finn, Bawngarrif, Ballcallan, Kilkenny. Tel: 056 7762156

Clonroe Herd John & Norah Jones, Pallas, Gorey, Co. Wexford Tel: 053 942 8283 or 087 6922551

11. Coolnacritta Herd Sean Shiel, Coolnacritta, Rathdowney, Co. Laois. Tel: 087 2687142

Udel Polled Herefords David & Daithi Carroll, Coole Campile New Ross, Co. Wexford Tel: 087 2495762 or 087 2346310

10. Knockfin Herd Francis Scott, Knockfinn, Rathdowney, Co. Laois. Tel: 0505 4623 or 086 8302911

Knockduff Herd Curtis & Jones, Knockduff, Bree, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford Tel: 05392 47762 or 087 8173450

12. Ballyraggan Herd James Thompson, Ballyraggan, Rathvilly, Co. Carlow. Tel: 059 9161132 or 086 3629202

Air Hill Herefords J. W. & D. J. Johnson, Tomagaddy, Gorey, Co. Wexford. Tel: 086 2326151

Ballydowell Herd Joe Maher, Ballydowell Rathmoyle, Co. Kilkenny. Tel: 056 7767844 or 087 2731021

Tourtane/Tourtane Poll Herd Henry Parr, Tourtane, Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny. Tel: 056 42158 or 087 7583820

13. St. Mullins Herd Tom Murphy, Ballynock, St. Mullins, Via Carlow Co. Kilkenny. Tel: 051 424840 or 087 9413680

15. Chatsworth Herd Tom Hennessy, Chatsworth, Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny. Tel. 086 1505574 or 056 4442192

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South Leinster Branch Review 2013 IRISH HEREFORD BREED JOURNAL 2014

The AGM took place in the Talbot Hotel in Carlow on the however he warned that there needs to be steady flow of 17th February last. Mr Glenn Jacob and Mr. Mervyn Parr quality assured cattle throughout the year to fulfil the high were re-elected Chairman and Secretary respectively. The demand for Hereford beef. A number of bullocks and branch undertook a very successful Hereford calf heifers suitable for the Hereford schemes were on display promotion in five livestock marts across the south east. that evening. A mini stock judging competition included The five marts which facilitated the promotion were the grading of the bullocks. Branch chairman Mr Glenn Carlow, Kilkenny, New Ross, Enniscorthy and Carnew. Jacob correctly graded the cattle and won three bags of The Hereford Society kindly sponsored the prize fund for meal kindly donated to the event by Glanbia, Crettyard. the best Hereford bull and heifer calf less than 42 days of The meeting concluded with a walk through the Tourtane age on the day of sale. Slaney Meats gave added incentive herd. to the buyers of the prize winning calves by offering â‚Ź50 The branch hosted the National Ploughing off the sale price. Championships in Ratheneska, Co. Laois. Great credit The branch has taken the initiative to have the majority of must be given to all Hereford exhibitors and those who their branch meetings on-farm. To date, the initiative has prepared and participated in the stand for the biggest been a great success. The first meeting took place at the farming event of the year. herd of Mr. Tom Brennan, Balleen, Freshford, Co. M. Parr, Branch Secretary Kilkenny on the 1st June last. Commercial beef producer Mr. Jim Hogan, Rathoe, Co. Carlow gave a very interesting presentation to the meeting on improving output and net profit on his farm by introducing a Hereford bull to his suckler herd. The meeting concluded with a junior stock judging competition. Six bulls were presented from the Balleen Herd for viewing and judging. The second field meeting took place on the herd of Henry and Mervyn Parr, Tourtane, Clogh, Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny on the 12th September last. Mr John McDonald from Slaney Meats was in attendance to update the meeting on the progress of the Slaney Hereford Scheme. He outlined to the meeting that there was a strong seasonal flow of Left Mervyn Parr, representing IHBS; right John McDonnell, Slaney Foods with the Hereford cattle into the scheme, winners of the bull and heifer calf competition at the Spring Calf Promotion.

Attendance at the Tourtane meeting

Niall Jones, Mairead Curtis Jones, Glenn Jacob & Tom Brennan at the event.

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IRISH HEREFORD BREED JOURNAL 2014 Steers & Heifers suitable for Hereford Branded Beef.

Prolific Hereford cow with her 5 progeny born within two years

Start them young: Master Ethan Patterson enjoying the Field Evening.

Tinahely Show

The 78th annual Tinahely show took place on August Bank Holiday Monday. A select number of Hereford cattle were on show. The Hereford championship was awarded to Henry & Mervyn Parr with their cow ‘Tourtane Poll 1 Diamond’. The reserve champion went to Messrs Curtis & Jones with ‘Knockduff Poll 1 Emma’. The judge for the day was Mr. Michael Coady Hereford Cow or Heifer in Calf or with Calf at foot 1. Henry and Mervyn Parr. Tourtane Hse., Clogh, Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny. ‘Tourtane Poll 1 Diamond’ (Champion) 2. John Jones. Pallas, Gorey, Co. Wexford. Hereford Heifer born on or between 1st July 2011 and 30th June 2012 1. Messrs Curtis & Jones. Knockduff, Bree, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford. ‘Knockduff Poll 1 Emma’ (Reserve Champion) 2. Henry and Mervyn Parr. Tourtane Hse., Clogh, Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny. Tourtane Poll 1 Maisie’

Hereford Heifer born on or between 1st July 2012 and 30th June 2013 1. John Jones. Pallas, Gorey, Co. Wexford. ‘Clonroe Jacky’

Hereford bull born on or between 1st July 2012 and 30th June 2013 1. Messrs Curtis & Jones. 2. John Jones. Pallas, Gorey, Co. Wexford. ‘Clonroe John 2nd’ 3. John Jones. Pallas, Gorey, Co. Wexford.

Champion ‘Tourtane Poll 1 Diamond’ with Henry and Mervyn Parr Page 135

Balleen Herefords Est. 1932

G & T BRENNAN Balleen, Freshford, Co.Kilkenny

Meet my sons

Tel. 056-8832391 086 2617241 Gageboro Eugenic

12 sons for sale 2014

Email: Website:

Balleen Hudson

Champion March Kilkenny Bull Sale Sold for top price €3,000

Balleen Bonus

Premier Bull Calf Champion, Nenagh Show. Sold at Tullamore Bull Sale - top price €3,600 Sold to Gurteragh Herefords

Balleen Samoa

Champion April Kilkenny Bull Sale Top price €3,200

Balleen Modelman

Sire: Castledaly Garoid. Reserve Killmallock Sold for top price €3,500

We thank all our customers old and new Page 136

Iverk Show (Piltown)


3. Niall Jones. Knockduff, Bree, Enniscorthy, Co.Wexford.

The 187th annual Iverk show took place on the 24th August. A great day was had by all in the sunshine. Not to be outdone by a significant increase in Angus cattle at the show this year, a large number of exhibitors of top quality Herefords were on show in all five pedigree Hereford classes. Five top quality two year old heifers entered the ring for the class which was kindly sponsored by Hereford Prime. The class was won by Mr. Matthew Goulding with ‘Goulding Poll 1 Duchess 503’. This heifer went on to be Reserve Champion. The Hereford champion went to Eamon McKiernan with his bull Knockmountagh Chief’. The young handler class sponsored by the South Leinster Branch was won by David Goulding. The judge for the day was Mr. Dan Melody.

Champion Knockmountagh Chieftain with Judge Dan Melody and owner Eamon McKiernan.

Cow or Heifer in Calf or with calf at foot 1. Glenn Jacob. Dunsinane, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford. 2. Henry and Mervyn Parr. Tourtane Hse., Clogh, Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny. ‘Tourtane Poll 1 Diamond’ 3. Henry and Mervyn Parr. Tourtane Hse., Clogh, Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny. ‘Tourtane Poll 1 Sara’ Pedigree Hereford Heifer born between 1st July 2011 to 30th June 2012 (Sponsor: Hereford Prime) 1. Matthew Goulding. Kilmore, Ballyduff, Tralee, Co. Kerry. ‘Goulding Poll 1 Duchess 503’ (Reserve Champion) 2. Messrs Curtis & Jones. Knockduff, Bree, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford. ‘Knockduff Poll 1 Emma’ 3. Tom Brennan. Balleen, Freshford, Co.Kilkenny. ‘Balleen Pride 689’ 4. Glenn Jacob. Dunsinane, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford.

Reserve Champion Goulding Poll 1 Dutchess with Judge Dan Melody & David Goulding.

Hereford bull born between 1st July 2012 and 30th June 2013. 1. Eamon McKiernan. Newtown, Monasterboice, Drogheda, Co. Louth. ‘Knockmountagh Chief’ (Champion) 2. Tom Brennan. Balleen, Freshford, Co.Kilkenny. ‘Balleen Rolo’ 3. Glenn Jacob. Dunsinane, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford.

David Goulding winner Young handler class.

Hereford heifer born between 1st July 2012 and 30th June 2013 1. Tom Brennan. Balleen, Freshford, Co.Kilkenny. ‘Balleen Miss Perfect’ 2. Henry and Mervyn Parr. Tourtane Hse., Clogh, Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny. ‘Tourtane Katie’ 3. Glenn Jacob. Dunsinane, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford.

Young handler Class (14 -20yrs) (Sponsor: South Leinster Hereford Branch) 1. David Goulding. Kilmore, Ballyduff, Tralee, Co. Kerry 2. Jack Goulding. Kilmore, Ballyduff, Tralee, Co. Kerry

Page 137

Impressive lineup of young Hereford bulls at Iverk.

Tullow Show


2. Henry and Mervyn Parr. Tourtane Hse., Clogh, Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny. Tourtane Poll 1 Maisie’

Tullow show took place on 19th August. On a warm day, there was a large crowd in attendance. The Hereford championship went to Henry & Mervyn Parr with their cow ‘Tourtane Poll 1 Diamond’. The reserve champion went to Messrs Curtis & Jones with ‘Knockduff Poll 1 Power Ranger’. It was a great day for the traditional breeds as both Angus and Hereford cattle dominated the Interbreed Championship of the show. Mr. Joe Moran won the interbreed championship with his Angus stock bull. Whilst Henry & Mervyn Parr took the reserve interbreed championship of the show with their cow ‘Tourtane Poll 1 Diamond’. The interbreed judge Mr John Shirley, commented when giving the results of the championship that this exceptional Hereford cow demonstrated the true qualities of the breed.

Pedigree Hereford Bull born after 1st July 2010 1. Messrs Curtis & Jones. Knockduff, Bree, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford. ‘Knockduff Poll 1 Power Ranger’ 2. John Jones. Pallas, Gorey, Co. Wexford. ‘Clonroe John 2nd’

Pedigree Hereford Heifer born after 1st July 2010 1. John Jones. Pallas, Gorey, Co. Wexford. ‘Clonroe Jacky’

Pedigree Hereford Cow or heifer in calf or with calf at foot 1. Henry and Mervyn Parr. Tourtane Hse., Clogh, Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny. ‘Tourtane Poll 1 Diamond’

Pedigree Hereford Heifer born between 1st July 2009 & 31st June 2010 (St. Mullins Hereford Cup) 1. Messrs Curtis & Jones. Knockduff, Bree, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford. ‘Knockduff Poll 1 Emma’

“Tourtanepoll 1 Diamond Champion Hereford & Interbreed Champion at Tullow show with Henry Parr, Heather Parr and Leinster & Ireland rugby star Sean O’Brien.

Tourtane Herefords est. 1994

Glaslough Hurricane (Stock Bull)

tourtane Poll 1 Sara (Sire: Glaslough Hurricane)

celebrating 20 years breeding top quality pedigree and commercial Hereford cattle

Henry & Mervyn Parr

Quality Stock Usually For Sale - Visitors Always welcome

tourtane, clogh, castlecomer, co. Kilkenny. tel. 087 758 3820 Page 138


Knockmountagh chief at 12 months.

Bull of the year, tullamore 2013 Sire: yarram Star General

First Prizewinner at numerous other shows. champion at Iverk, Reserve champion at Dundalk, longford. Sold to Mr. Bill Andrew, Arranview Herefords, Scotland

Knockmountagh Marshall at 10 months.

Reserve Bull of the year, tullamore 2013 Sire: Knockmountagh tarzan

First Prizewinner at numerous other shows. champion at Virginia. Sold to Mr. Anthony Spooner, Dieulacresse Herefords, england.

other successes in 2013:

Knockmountagh Duke by corlismore Pompeii sold to Mr. tom Roycroft, Springvilla Herefords at Spring Premier Sale for â‚Ź4,600. we congratulate tom on his many successful outings with Duke over Summer 2013.

we are very thankful to all our valued customers and wish them every success.

young Stock Usually For Sale - Visitors welcome

eamon & John McKiernan Newtown, Monasterboice, Drogheda, co. louth. tel. 041 98 26362 Mobile: 087 2217201 / 087 9666189 Page 139


Country Reports


The National Hereford Show NI

The National Hereford Show is a firm favourite in the NI Hereford Breeders Associations diary, with a bumper entry of stock forward at this year’s event staged in the picturesque setting of Castlewellan Forest Park. Bernard Rimmer travelled from Preston to place the catalogued entry of over forty head, finding his Supreme Champion in the senior bull class. This show leader was “Richmount 1 Hermes” owned and bred by James Graham, Portadown. Enjoying a great show season this October 2010 born bull has laid claim to six Championships and was Male and Reserve Supreme at Balmoral Show in May. The success story didn’t end there for Hermes as he was later in the day awarded second reserve in the Champion of Champions competition staged during the grand parade, under Judge David Legget from United Auctions. Graceland 1 Colin sired the National Show Champion, and also was behind a first prize winner from the same exhibitor in the form of “Richmount 1 Ice Diamond”. This duo was then selected as the best progeny pair. Reserve Male Champion also came from the Senior bull class with Robin Irvines 6 year old Greenyards 1 Dougie. New breeder Phillippa Auret, Saintfield enjoyed her best show outing to date when her March 2012 born heifer “Lessans 1 June” was placed Female Champion in the run up to the overall line up where she was tapped out as Reserve Supreme exhibit. Parkhill Pompeii is the sire of this flashy young heifer, with the dam being Magheraknock 1 Cassie. There was a tremendous line up of first prize winners in the Championship, which featured no less than nine red ticket holders. The first class of the day was the cow section which was headed up by David Smyth, Ballynahinch with his eight year old cow “Llancillo Hall Rosalind 5th”. The 2011 born heifer class was won by Mervyn and Henry Richmond, Derrylin with their homebred entry “Corraback Joan 5th” who went on to be Reserve Female Champion. It was a clean sweep for John and William McMordie, Ballygowan in the heifer calf classes with their Solpoll 1 Starlet K7 and Solpoll 1 Stella K27 securing top placings. This trend carried through to the bull class when Solpoll 1

Kingpin won his class, and was then awarded the Overall Calf Championship. Kingpin was sired by the hugely successful Solpoll 1 Dynamite, as was his team mate Starlet. Panmure 1 Henry produced Stella K27 for the McMordie team. The youngest bull calf class was won by Lurgan based breeder Ciaran Kerr who brought out “Kinnego 1 Kruizo”, sired by Romany 1 Frisky. The group of three from one exhibitor attracted a good entry with the first prize awarded to John & William McMordie. It was then the turn of the young handlers to shine, with 16 year old Elizbeth McCready, Dromore collecting the Stockmans Shield.

“Richmount 1 Hermes” owned and bred by James Graham

Page 140

Lessans 1 June


Solpoll 1 Kingpin

RUAS Balmoral 2013

Quality and Quantity were order of the day in the Hereford rings at Balmoral Show with a tremendous crowd of spectators watching from start to finish. The new grounds have proven to be an outstanding venue for this prestigious event. Judging was in the very capable hands of Robert Wilson, Kelso who runs the noted Romany herd of Herefords. Securing the Supreme Championship was the outstanding two year old heifer "Dorepoll 1 262L Sally" brought out by well known breeders JE, RI & W Haire, Dundrod. This heifer simply oozed style, and was admired by the judge from early morning. "I liked this heifer as soon as she stepped into the ring. She demonstrates great breed character and correctness, and should make a wonderful cow." stated Robert Wilson. The Haire family purchased their Champion's dam while in Canada in 2005. The following year she was placed Reserve Female Champion at Agribition which is the Canadian National Hereford Show. She was then flushed successfully resulting in the 2013 Balmoral Show Champion which is sired by Remittall Olympian. The Male Champion "Richmount 1 Hermes" was then tapped out at Reserve Supreme Champion for Portadown breeder James Graham. Graceland 1 Colin sired this exciting prospect, born in Octobert 2010. Mr Wilson described this entry as "potential stock bull material, with a great future ahead of him". "Hermes" has turned heads since he was Calf Champion in 2011, and won a number of prizes throughout the 2012 show season. Miss Phillippa Auret, Saintfield was exhibiting at Balmoral Show for the second time, and enjoyed her most successful outing winning the Junior Championship with the Parkhill Pompeii sired heifer "Lessans 1 June". The Reserve Junior Championship was awarded to Carrowdore based breeders John and Karen Taggart, with their home bred yearling bull "Carneyhill 1 Jackson". The FW McMordie Perpetual Challenge Cup for the Best Junior Hereford born on or after 1st July 2011 was

presented to John McMordie for his Solpoll 1 Dynamite son "Solpoll 1 Jingo". The McMordie family were once again to the fore in the judging ring when their stock bull "Panmure 1 Henry" was placed Reserve Male Champion. This Romany 1 Distiller son was Hereford Bull of the Year in 2012. The McMordie team picked up another red ticket in the Group of Three Competition which featured a strong entry from a number of breeders. David Wilson's Lisrace team were in Reserve with the Haire family securing third position. Mervyn Richmond was runner up in the FW McMordie Perpetual Challenge with "Corrabrack Joan 5th". This daughter of Churchill Ginger secured a red ticket earlier in the day. David Wilson, and sons Robbie and Jack notched up Reserve Female Champion with their "Lisrace Curly V111", pictured left. This daughter of Glaslough Captain was born in February 2011, and is out of Corranny Star. The first class of the day was a very impressive entry of cows, which saw eleven entries from breeders both North and South of the border. Leading this large class was "Knockmountagh Olga" from the father and daughter team of John & Karen Taggart. The Hereford section was generously supported by Linden Foods, with William Waugh ringside to make presentations to the winners. "Linden Foods are delighted to be associated with the Hereford breed, which is currently enjoying huge popularity and demand within the beef industry."

"Dorepoll 1 262L Sally" with from L to R, William Waugh representing sponsors Linden Foods, David Heath and William Haire

Page 141

"Richmount 1 Hermes"

IRISH HEREFORD BREED JOURNAL 2014 up. Both of these are sired by the homebred stock bull “Dorepoll 1 499 Heritage”. The Dorepoll team were back in the ribbons in the female section when “Dorepoll 1 Katie 611” laid claim to the Overall Championship. The sire in this case “Dorepoll 1 60G Chinook” was imported from Canada as an embryo. The McMordie’s continued with success with “Solpoll 1 Starlet K14” placed Reserve Senior Female Champion. The $270,000 sire “Remitall Super Duty” was behind this stylish entry, with two full sisters from the herd recently having been exported to England. The herd’s stock bull “Panmure 1 Henry” Bull of the Year 2012 produced two choice heifers for the Solpoll prefix. “Dainty K18” was appointed Junior and Reserve Female Champion, and her teammate “Stardust K20” won the Reserve Junior Female title. John Andrews (13) from Larne had an enjoyable day when he was placed top young handler on his first outing.

Lisrace Curly VIII, Reserve Female Champion, Balmoral

Panmure 1 Henry, Reserve Male Champion, Balmoral

Overall Champion “Dorepoll 1 Katie 611”

Northern Ireland Hereford Breeders Association Annual Calf Show at Dungannon Mart

The Northern Ireland Hereford Breeders Association staged their popular Annual Calf Show at Dungannon Mart, which attracted entries from right across the region. Almost 50 calves competed for an array of awards which were kindly supported by sponsors United Feeds. It was encouraging to have a good gallery of spectators at the event with a number travelling from south of the border. Leading the way in the male section was Andrew McMordie, Ballygowan with “Solitude 1 Kingdom”. This exciting young prospect is a grandson of the three times Balmoral Champion “Solpoll 1 Dynamite”. He was tapped out as Senior Champion and Overall Male Champion by Judge Andrew Hughes who travelled from Devon for the event. The Reserve Senior Male Championship was secured by Ballygawley based breeder Des Kelly. This was for the recently imported “Greenyards 1 Kilbeck” sired by “Ford Abbey 1 Dartania”. The Haire family, Dundrod who brought out a strong team from their noted Dorepoll prefix notched up a number of awards at the event. These included the Reserve Male and Junior Champion “Dorepoll 1 579 Knight Hawk”. “Dorepoll 1 579 Knighthood stood next in line in the junior final line

Junior and Reserve Female Champion “Solpoll 1 Starlet K14”

Page 142

“Solitude 1 Kingdom”, Senior Champion and Overall Male Champion.

Record priced Hereford Female!


Reserve Male Champion “Dorepoll 1 579 Knight Hawk”

Solpoll 1 Stella C16

A record price for a Hereford female sold in the UK/NI has been established, with the recent sale of Solpoll 1 Stella C16 for £12,000 to breed newcomers David and Maggie Kelly, Cumbria. Stella, a seven year old cow bred by John & William McMordie, Ballygowan, Co Down is the second five figure female sold in recent years from this herd, which was established in 1953. She is sired by Udel 1 R51 Vindicator a Doonbiddie Hustler son bred by David & Daithi Carroll, Coole, Campile, Co Wexford out of a Koanui Blueprint daughter Udel 1 J7 Priceless Gem and purchased by Messrs McMordie as a young bull. Northern Ireland Female of the Year in 2008 as a heifer she has gone on to be one of the top breeding cows in the Sollpoll herd. All 3 of her sons have been sold for breeding with 2 working in pedigree herds, Grenade with John Henning’s Boley herd and Hero, Interbreed Beef Performance Champion at the Royal Ulster show Balmoral in 2012 prior to making the top price at the Autumn Sale in Hereford, UK selling to John Walker’s Docklow herd. Stella sold with her 4 month old heifer calf Stella K27 at foot who won her class on her only 2 show outings this past summer. K27 was sired by the herd’s new stock bull Panmure 1 Henry who NI Bull of the Year in 2012. Commenting on his purchase David Kelly, known for his highly successful Netherhall Limousin herd said “We came over looking to buy some heifers but after seeing the cow and calf I knew I had to try and buy her as a foundation female for my new herd, she is an outstanding cow”

Upcoming Events:


Clouncagh Herefords Estd. 1996

Dieulacresse Hector

westwood Director National Champion UK 2012

westwood Advancer Sire: Westwood Director

Dieulacresse Hector - Junior Stock Bull at clouncagh Herefords Sire: westwood Advancer - Hereford Bull of the year 2010 in the top 1% for calving ease Dam by Haven Union Jack. Autumn born calves by Hector look very promising

Young Bulls and Heifers usually for sale Visitors always Welcome

O’CONNOR FAMILY Ballingarry, Co. Limerick.

Tel. 087-6481432 (John)

Page 144



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RATHREGAN HEREfoRDS ‘Kings in Grass’

Rathregan Herd Stock Bull Corlismore Poll 1 Lad 530 Supreme Male Champion National Show 2013 Supreme Hereford Champion National Show 2012 Sire: Corlismore Pompeii

Sire of Dam: Doonbiddie Hustler

* Horned Stock Bull is “Badlingham Baeddan” (by Auckvale Barnstormer) * Both Bulls are producing excellent young stock.

These are the bloodlines that run in the great Rathregan Herd. * Previous Stock Bull Zarabande Zippy - National UK Champion.

* Previous Stock Bull Ballinalick Robin - National Champion 1999.

Young Stock Always For Sale All visitors are as welcome as the Flowers of May.

Contact Val Ledwith 086 2556618 Rathregan, Batterstown, Co. Meath. email: Page 147


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Turlough Herd introducing 5 STARS - I.B.R. FREE

(Estd. 1976)

Turlough Graceful (Bozo) A.I. Code: T.G.F.

Pedigree: Sire: R.S.L. out of Dam Voltage Domino Lass RRHR37W Dam: Domino 36n - Grandam: Camp Pedigree Bishops Hill General type: Bozo offers a unique package of scale - width - quality of fleshing - smooth mobility lovely bone quality - combined with good length of coat hair. Show Pedigree: Bozo was selected for the World Beef Expo in October 2008 where he was greatly admired. Bozo dam maternal sister T. Mary Graecful was placed 2nd in calf class - National Livestock Show Tullamore 1998 while Bozo full sister T. Graceful 3rd was placed 2nd in her class Newcastle West Show 2010 with a number of his extended family scooping top prices at Bull Sales around the country and performing very well in different herds much to the satisfaction of their owners. Milk and Fertility: Bozo is a trail blaizer for milk and fertility backed by April 2009 I.C.B.F. figures at an exceptionally high 151 for Milk and

Born: 6/5/2006

Fertility. Bozo full sisters are calved down the sixth time in the Turlough Herd with plenty milk for their calves right up to a month before their next calving. Pedigree and commercial Herds: Bozo easy fleshing, darkness of colour and smart confirmation makes him one of the most attractive bulls for pedigree hereford -plus dairy and beef cattle of all breeds. His fertility figures places him in the top 1% of the breed in Ireland making him a natural farmers choice. Bozo now has: Calving Index: High Reliability 68% Terminal Index: 4.5 Stars Carcass Conformation: 4.5 Stars Daughter Milk: 4.5 Stars

AI technician John Morrow, eurogene states “He is the best bull I ever worked with� - Bozo is suitable for use on cicero-Visa and Pompeii bloodlines

to purchase straws just ask your A.I. technician or contact: Joe Kirwin - eurogene at 052 744 2940 John collins/Marian collins turlough Bovine Genetics 087 798 7004 Farm office - 069 62494 email: - SeMeN exPoRteD to All eURoPeAN coUNtRIeS -



The year began with a nasty cold spell with temperatures plunging to -25°C Things did improve slightly, but the winter was quite a challenge for farmers with a winter outdoor system. Nevertheless, the greatest challenge came with its duration. It seemed that the winter would never end where temperatures stayed very low and regularly dipping below freezing many nights until the beginning of May. The result of which was the late vegetation development on the fields and pastures. Maize, sugar beets and potatoes grew very late and this was still apparent in autum.

place in January at the “Grüne Woche” in Berlin. This annual show also known as ‘the world’s biggest fair for food, agriculture and horticulture’, attracts thousands of visitors and agricultural/horticultural experts every year and will therefore be a good platform for our breeders to display the good quality of our breeding stock. This year we are happy to have internationally renowned judges from the Netherlands, Switzerland and Denmark and we are already convinced that it is going to be a great event.

The first auction whereby Hereford animals were involved was in February. The two bulls from the Spechtmeyer herd and the Niemeyer herd were sold for a respectable price to the Czech Republic.

In April the Leipziger agricultural show ‘Agra’ 2013 took place. Four bulls went into the ring and the 2009 born Elbaue Stanley R (WNH Stockmaster 9925x Elbaue Royal Kim) took first prize.

In June we had our annual breeders’ meeting. The host this year was the Lund farm in Schleswig Holstein. Forty breeders from throughout Germany were most impressed by the 98 cows and two bulls from the Lund herd. This herd is greatly influenced by Danish blood and is the only horned herd in Germany. On the second day the group visited two internationally renowned Danish breeders; Petz and Helle. Egon Petz started off his herd by importing Herefords from the UK. Meanwhile the herd is influenced by North American genetics.

Elbaue Stanley R

Also in June, after a long period of heavy rain, areas stretching from Austria to middle Germany were under water. Hundreds of square kilometers were flooded for a number of weeks leaving behind a desolate landscape. At the Tarmstedter cattle show in July a strong showing of good quality Herford cattle were presented and the 2008 born Cliff, the Spechtmeyer bull with his Scottish lineage (Romany 1 Cavalier) won first prize. The 1st prize in the cow category was won by Birte with her very well developed bull calf from the Rust herd.

In September a bus load of Hereford breeders travelled to Hungary on a tour of some of the region’s Hereford breeders. Hungary has had an enormous influence on the Hereford breed in Germany, particularly in East Germany. Besides the well presented Hereford herds the guests from Germany were overwhelmed by the welcome they received and the whole excursion proved to be something of an experience.

With 2013 drawing to a close, we have to faith the fact, that the international export market more or less collapsed in 2013 leaving the national market as the only option. Let’s see if things will get better in 2014.

A good start for 2014 is definitely the so called “Black- RedGold-Robust Show”, a federal beef show which will take

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NZ Herefords experienced an exceptionally strong national sale at the Aginnovation Beef Expo in Feilding, with the top price of $22,000 being realised twice. Orari Gorge Lawless 110049 catalogued as Lot 40 from the South Island Orari Gorge stud (formerly Nithdale) of the Peacock family at Geraldine sold to the Glenbrae stud of Martin and Mary Taylor, Porangahau for $22,000. Kairuru Iconic 110023 (Lot 48) from the stable of Kevin and Jane McDonald of the Kairuru Hereford stud at Reporoa also sold for $22,000 selling to the Otapawa stud of the Robbie Family in north Wairarapa. The success for the McDonalds didn’t stop there as Lot 37, Kairuru India 110045 was judged Supreme Champion Hereford. This sire went on to sell to the Chesterman family’s Koanui stud near Havelock North for $11,000. Kairuru India was placed first in the Honda Motorcycles Impact Sires unled class and Kairuru Iconic (Lot 48) was placed second in the same class. Kevin McDonald said he and wife Jane were surprised by the results. The success of the bulls in the show ring also meant the McDonalds took home the RA Donald Trophy awarded to the exhibitor of the best two animals. He went on to say that the Hereford sale would have been one of, if not the best sale they have witnessed since they became involved with Expo. The McDonalds are staunch and loyal Expo supporters having offered bulls continually (except for one year) since 1989. It also provides an invaluable benchmarking tool. They selected the two bulls Kairuru India and Iconic because the couple felt they were very good types and they were backed up by good EBVs and scanning data. It’s a selection recipe that is serving Kairuru well with a string of significant successes at Expo including Supreme Champion Hereford in 2011 and Supreme Champion Hereford coupled with Champion of Champion in 2003. The top price honours were shared with the Orari Gorge Hereford stud (formerly Nithdale) of the Peacock family, who were first time exhibitors at the Hereford national show and sale. Rosa said their sale result was thrilling and was made even more exciting by the fact an Orari Gorge sire, Nithdale Elvis, had sired both the top performing Kairuru bulls at Expo. Lawless was entered in the Honda Motorcycles Impact Sires unled class, a class she said suits their farming system well with the benefit of being able to use the bull within her first. The family highly regarded Lawless and used him at home on first calvers. Rosa went onto say the Ignite progeny are proving to be well balanced, structurally sound and well carcased animals, which are the characteristics they identified as reason for sending Lawless to the national sale. Average price for the two year old bulls was $9770 an increase on the 2012 average price of $8413.

Other sale highlights included another seven bulls selling for $10,000 or more. The majority of bulls sold to stud purchasers. Reserve Champion Hereford was Lot 31 Te Taumata Captain 11472 offered by McWilliam Studstock, Wairarapa and purchased by the McEvoy familiy’s Moana stud of Dargaville for $16,000. The McWilliam family are also staunch supporters of Beef Expo and have had the honour of Reserve Champion Hereford three times in the past four years. In the show ring Hereford judges Chris Douglas from Monymusk stud, Te Anau and associate judge Andrew Russo from the Kanuka stud, Otorohanga both agreed the standard of Hereford was very high. Andrew said he too was impressed and said they had to work hard to decide on the minor placings. Chris said the Supreme Champion Hereford, Kairuru India was a standout. “His structural soundness, ability to walk, he had a tonne of meat, a very clean shoulder and good hind quarter a second thigh on him. He also had a great presence and good sires head”. The yearling bull, Awhea Maestro offered by Hannah Gibb and carrying the prefix of her grandparents stud sold for $3500 to Philip and Lyn Barnett of Kaitoa stud. Hannah who took out the Future Beef NZ Intermediate Ambassador title (see FBNZ story) shone in the show ring and impressed Herdsperson judge Andrew Russo, who awarded Hannah the Herdsperson award and EM Williamson Perpetual Challenge Trophy and Eastland Club Mug for 2013. In the led heifer class it was a clean sweep by the Colraine Hereford stud of Coin and Sue Corney who took out first and second place. Colraine heifer Lydia 114 (Lot 53) was also awarded the title of Champion Hereford Heifer. The Clements family Matapouri stud strongly contended the unled heifer class and took home first and second place. The heifers all sold well with females from the Colraine stable commanded price tags of $4000 each and

Kairuru India was judged the Supreme Champion Hereford and was bred by Kevin and Jane McDonald of Reporoa. It is the third time the McDonalds have taken the Supreme Champion Hereford title.

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the Matapouri heifers selling for between $3700 and $3200. The Clements family also teamed up with Ian and Petula Mathieson of Stoney Creek Herefords to very generously offer Lot 52, Matapouri Lindie 6 as a fundraiser for the NZHA Ambassador programme. All proceeds from the sale of Lindie were donated to the Ambassdor fund. The heifer sold for $2700 to the Grassmere stud of Chris and Amanda Jeffries.

Orari Gorge Lawless 49 offered by the Peacock family of Geraldine sold for $22,000 to fellow stud breeders Martin and Mary Taylor of the Glenbrae stud.

Hannah Gibb excelled in the show ring at Beef Expo. She was awarded the Hereford Herdsperson award and was also named the Future Beef NZ Allflex Intermediate Beef Ambassador.

Sire Kairuru Iconic sold for $22,000 to the Otapawa Hereford stud of the Robbie family and was one of two Hereford bulls that made the top price of Beef Expo.


Next World Hereford Conference in Uruguay 2016

Prado Show 2013

The first World Conference was held in the United Kingdom in 1956 and has since been hosted by Argentina, Canada, New Zealand, Uruguay, Spain, U.S.A., South Africa and the Republic of Ireland. These events are attended by Hereford Cattle Breeders from across the world, with the hosts organising many events and tours, together with technical and practical presentations on the Breed. Preperations are currently well advanced for the forthcoming event in 2016. Herefords are a vital part of the vast agricultural industry in Uruguay and the Hereford Society of Uruguay take great pleasure in inviting all Hereford breeders and enthusiasts from across the world to join with them in a major discourse on Hereford genetics and avail of the opportunity to see Herefords produced the natural grass setting in which Herefords so excel.


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performance database. Since 1993, EPDs (Expected Progeny Differences) have been available for breeders. This program is based on an agreement with the National Research Agriculture Institute (INIA) and the University of Georgia, USA. Actually, EPDs for birth weight, weaning weight, 15 and 18 month weights, maternal milk, scrotal circumference, backfat and ribeye area are available. Actually more than 130 breeders participate in this program.

"KiyĂş" Bulls Testing Center Since 1976, more than two thousand bulls coming from seedstockers all around the country have been evaluated on grazing. During the proof the bulls are evaluated for weight, daily gain, conformation, and EPDs. Other measures taken are pigmentation, temperament, reproductive aptitude. Every year 70 to 90 bulls from more than 40 breeders all around the country are evaluated. Finally the bulls are ranked to be sold based on an index that consider 1/3 testing performance, 1/3 phenotype, 1/3 EPDs.

Gran Champion bull Polled Hereford - Soc. Livestock San Salvador LTDA.

MH Selection Since 1949 the Hereford Improvement Program has allowed the pedigree and commercial seed stock breeders monitoring the breed standards accomplishment by their herds. The H fire brand is burned by the Society Inspectors on those animals that achieved the Hereford standards. More than 15 thousand males and females coming from 200 seed stockers are evaluated every year.

Gran Champion female Hereford - Paradise SG

Hereford Meat The Uruguayan beef is tasty and healthy. It is produced by grazing Herefords, with no additives or contaminants, in a natural and environmental friendly process. The high quality of the meat allowsUruguay to export most of the production to many countries all around the world, exporting more than 75% of the total production to more than 50 countries.

Gran Champion female Polled Hereford - Santiago Betizagasti.

HEREFORD BREEDERS ASSOCIATION OF URUGUAY Hereford the country breed of choice. More than 65% of the national herd is Hereford. On August 2nd of 1946, the Hereford Breeders Association of Uruguay was founded, being the main objective to promote and improve the breed. Actually more than 500 breeders are associated, working focused on the same objectives: keeping and improving the breed, making the business more profitable. EPDs Program Since 1962, more than one hundred breeders have integrated the largest and most reliable regional

Carcasses dried and ready for 48 hours chilling the colour of the beef is amazing.

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Shows and Virtual Cattle Sales In 1999 the Hereford Breeders Association of Uruguay did the first virtual Sale in the country, and later on many others institutions and companies has followed this experience being actually a successful way to sell male and females. The association promotes many cattle shows around the country, where breeders can show their animals and exchange experiences with other breeders, technicians and people in the beef cattle business. Nineteen cattle show all around the country take place every year, in which animals are evaluated by phenotype and EPDs. Institutional Agreements The association has based its development working together with research institutions, extension services, industry and private companies. This allowed the institution to be an active agent in the country beef cattle sector. Meetings, Courses and Field days The association organizes and promotes meetings,

seminars, work shops and field days around the country, on breeding and beef farming issues.

Youth Activities The youth participation in Hereford activities is a priority for the association. The future Herefordbreeders need to have the opportunity of exchanging experiences with "old breeders" and at the same time with the new technologies available. The association organizes "Hereford Youth Judging" in shows, seminars and field days, gathering more than 500 teenagers every year.

Hereford Publications Every year a "Hereford Annual Report" is published, in which the breeders can get information about the breed, the association, and other related issues. In the annual report a Sires Summary with the genealogy and EPDs is published. The association also publishes technical articles and general information in beef farming magazines and reports.

BALLYMARTIN HEREFORDS Outwintered - Calved Outside

Not pampered in any way - honest hardworking cattle

Prime breeding females and bulls.

Elizabeth Kingston Ballymartin, Glencairn, Lismore, Co. Waterford. Tel. 058-56227 or 058-56754 Mobile: 087-7764780 email: Page 161

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Swedish Hereford Association – 2013 ended with a bang!

Last year 13 Herefords went under the hammer for an average price of 44.230SEK (€4,994) which was the highest price of all the beef breeds! (Angus, Blond, Charolais, Limousin, Simmental). Another record was broken this year – not price wise but for conformational score. It was Dacke of Svanaholm, who was named the best Hereford bull. He received 92 for body type, 91 for muscling, 84 for legs and 91 overall! His average daily gain was 1896gr/day. His weights: BW 41kgWW 374kg YW 686kg. Dacke was also high selling Hereford bull at the sale, for 80.000SEK to Ingemanstorp Hereford. Dacke is by Class ET of Munka, a son of DR World Class and Remitall Catalina Intense 17N. Dackes dam is 546 Daffodil of Svanaholm by Royal of Svanaholm, an own bred son of Remitall Online. Dacke is bred by Nils-Åke Johansson, Svanaholm Hereford.

575 Silvia of Gylteboda Champion, Supreme Champion Hereford and Best In Show Female! Owner: Jan Nilsson Gylteboda, Vittaryd.

Mila Show, Sweden

7128 Noa av Troedsberga ET Champion Bull Owner: Christian Hansson Troedsberga, Perstorp.

575 Silvia of Gylteboda BEST IN SHOW Female! 353 Bårarps Memphis Reserve Champion Bull. Owners: Einar & Miranda Lysell Bårarp, Oskarström & Lennart Svensson, Hamra Hereford, Tvååker. Swedish National Championship in showmanship 2nd Prizewinner: Lowa Göransdotter with 917 Galtås Dainty.

1st. 7339 Bårarps Amory FR Dunder Reserve Champion Showmanship for Juniors. Christel Lysell who placed a good 5th out of 8 entries in her age group. Christel Lysell together with 7338 Bårarps Catalina Page 163



Horsens Agricultural Fair dominated by females

Horsens Agricultural Fair had a great audience appeal with 24,000 visitors. In 2013, there were 21 registered Hereford with a predominance of females. There were two bulls, seventeen heifers and two cows with calves. Horsens spectacle had several new participants who have previously exhibited in Varde. Judge was Heine Slyk Søe with Finn Muldbjerg as an assistant.

Best male was Rosenkær Hattrick, born 2.3.2012 after Nørby 1 Falke, owned by Sorensen, Castle. The bull got 23 points. Best females were Aland Hilda, born 18.4.2012 after Vokslev Eik, owned by Ib Østergaard Raven Way.The heifer got 24 points and honor. Price of honor was also Hylke Hortensia, born 2.1.2012 after Vokslev Eik, owned by Per Windfeldt Kristensen, Skanderborg. The heifer was 23 points. The third special prize went to Bonde 1 Betsy, born 8.3.2012 after Bårarps Johnny, owned by Aage Bonde, Hedensted. The heifer was 23 points.

Holbaek Cattle Show 2013

Grandchamp. 4 year old Markeslev Extra from Mikkel Christiansen. Holbaek

Ko Champ. Ensemble Queen of Woodland calf born 29/06/2013 Anders Mortensen Vig

Resv. Grandchamp. 4 year old SMH Eliot 28 E from Susanne and Benny Arends Soro.

Calves Bulls Champ. Woodland Investor Anders Mortensen Vig

Grand Champ.16 months heifer Markeslev Fix 1 from Mikkel Christiansen Holbaek.

Resv. Grandchamp, 19 month heifer, Moeskaer keepsake from Christian Højris.

Page 164


A.I. Sires Used: Bowmont Vancouver Hollow Point Broker Bowmont Storm Yarram Star General Dunsinane Freeman

Senior Stock Bull:


Natural Service: Kilcormac Ignaz Glaslough Kentucky

ICBF Figs calving 3.2%



Dunsinane, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford. Tel. 087 6786895 or 053 92 33208 email:

tUllAHA HeReFoRDS Est. 1970


S. Knockmountagh Pirate D. Tullaha Delia

SUPReMe HeReFoRD cHAMPIoN At lIMeRIcK SHow 2013 Irish Junior Hereford of the year 2013 tUllAHA PRIMRoSe - National Junior cow, tullamore Herd Sire: Newstar Hercules, s. Border General V85


tullaha, Broadford, charleville, co. cork. tel. 086 8788 762 Page 165



Hereford Ribbons go national at the Herefords Australia National Show & Sale (Wodonga)

It was a truly national event at the Hereford Show and Sale in Wodonga this week, with four states taking home the broadribbons from the show ring. Victorian’s came up trumps in the Poll Hereford arena, with Glendan Park Herefords, Kyneton, winning the grand champion bull and most successful exhibitor awards. Glendan Park Gallant G114 was by Braybook Craftsman, weighed 976 kilograms and scanned an eye muscle area (EMA) of 136 centimetres square – the largest of all the intermediate Poll Hereford bulls. The reserve champion Poll Hereford sash headed to South Australia with Days Whiteface, Bordertown, taking the win with Days Bedford. Bedford was also an intermediate bull at 24-months and had strong 200-day, 400-day and 600-day growth estimated breeding values (EBVs). Tasmanian’s EDR Herefords & Denstone Investments, Wynard, claimed the honours in the Hereford judging, wining grand champion bull. EDR Toranmoor Gold was a 26-month-old sire by Mawarra Vice Admiral who weighed in the heaviest of the Herefords at 1202 kilograms. Judge Barry Godbolt, Bejay Herefords, Manilla, NSW, said the senior bull carried his weight well, with a clean front end and natural balance. Toranmoor Gold was also sashed champion Hereford bull at last year’s Melbourne show, and reserve champion at the Canberra show earlier in the year. Reserve grand champion Hererford bull went to Cooma, NSW, with the Shelley family’s Kaludah Daddy O G224 getting the sash. The junior bull was won by Kaludah Tiger D883 and scanned an impressive eye muscle area (EMA) of 135 centimetres square. Mawarra Herefords, Longford, Victoria, were awarded most successful Hereford exhibitor, for the seventh consecutive year. Article courtesy The Stock & Land

Lucy McEachern, from Wingeel Victoria, Brett Young, from Rochester, and Andrew Meara, Elders Toowoomba, Queensland, with the Junior Champion Hereford Bull at the 2013 48th Herefords Australia Merial Eprinex Show & Sale (Wodonga).

Intermediate Champion Hereford Bull with Jade Frazoni from Rydges Hotel, Albury, New South Wales, handler Andrew Green, Wagga, NSW and exhibitor David Russell, Bernie Tasmania, Andy McGeogh, Elders Stud Stock, Dubbo. NSW.

Judge Barry Godbolt and wife Joy sashed the Grand Champion Hereford bull at the 2013 48th Herefords Australia Merial Eprinex Show and Sale Wodonga with exhibitor David Russell, Bernie, Tasmania and Andrew Green from Wagga Wagga NSW and sponsor Andy Whitsed, Merial.

Junior Champion Poll Hereford bull sashed by Alvio Trovatello, Kyneton, Victoria with exhibitor Andrew Manson, Maffra, Victoria, Ross Milne from Elders Hamilton, Victoria, at the 2013 48th Herefords Australia Merial Eprinex Show and Sale Wodonga.

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Allan Morgan, Keith, South Australia with Jim Bruce, Elders Stud stock, Albury, NSW with Senior Champion Poll Hereford bull at the 2013 48th Herefords Australia Merial Eprinex Show and Sale Wodonga.

Alvio Trovatello , Kyneton, Victoria, judge Barry Godbolt, Tamworth, NSW, Michael Glasser , Auctioneer, sponsor, Andy Whitsed, Merial, handler Erin Waters, Lancefield, Vic with the Grand Champion, Poll Hereford bull at the 2013 48th Herefords Australia Merial Eprinex Show and Sale (Wodonga).

Herefords Australia CEO John McKew said the results of the show and sale were an outstanding testament to the ongoing success of the Hereford breed. “Under the current conditions facing the beef industry in general the result was an outstanding success for Herefords,” Mr McKew said. “It is further evidence that the breed is making gains in genetic progress and commercial acceptability,” he said. A steady gallery of buyers paid an average $7016 for 125 Hereford bulls at the Sale, with a clearance rate of 89 per cent. South Australian brothers Mark and Andrew Wilson from Kerlson Pines, in Keith, SA, took out the reserve intermediate ribbon. Three Tasmanian studs picked up the remaining broad ribbon honours which included Nova stud, Ridgley, showing the Intermediate Champion and Quamby Plains stud, Hagley, the Reserve Junior.

Junior Champion Bull at the 2013 52nd Herefords Australia National Show & Sale (Dubbo) being sashed by Liana Elliott, Croak Media and exhibitor Lachlan Day from Bordertown, SA.

Day’s Bull Sets New Record at Dubbo Hereford Sale

It was almost a sale beyond belief following the $90,000 price tag for Lot 148 Days Calibre at the 2013 Herefords Australia Dubbo Show and Sale this week. The Grand Champion bull was yesterday sold at a recordbreaking $90,000, with an opening bid of $40,000 and sold in just under a minute. Seller Lachlan Day from Days Whiteface, Bordertown, South Australia, a third generation Hereford breeder, said the price tag proves the hard work is definitely worth it. Weighing in at 1100 kilograms, Days Calibre scanned an eye muscle area of 143 square centimetres with rump and rib fat of 22 and 16 millimetres and a scrotal circumference of 47 centimetres. The bull’s selection index values rate in the top one per cent for supermarket index, grain fed steer index and EU Index and the top five per cent for Grass fed Steer Index. The $90,000 price breaks the previous record at a Dubbo Hereford National sale of $85,000 set by Allendale National in 2003 – also bred by the Day family. Mr Day also sold Lot 100 Days Brigadeir for $40,000 which won Reserve Senior Champion and was also one of the second top prices. Intermediate Champion Bull Lot 91 Nova Saffron also sold for $40,000.

Senior Champion Bull sashed by Ben Kidd, Virbec, Dubbo, NSW, with exhibitor Lachie Day, Bordertown, SA.

Grand Champion Bull at the 2013 Herefords Australia 52nd National Show & Sale (Dubbo) with Ben Kidd, Virbec Dubbo, NSW, judge Peter Croker, The Rock, NSW , Lachie Day from Bordertown, SA and Hereford Australia Chairman Steve Reid Millmerran, Queensland.

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National Western at Denver, 2014


$600,000 bull is Grand Champion

Hereford excitement abounded from the Yards to the Hill at the National Western Stock Show Jan. 15-18 2014 in Denver. A total of 632 Herefords were exhibited throughout the three-day event. There was 328 head in the open show, 120 in the junior show, 31 pens of bulls, 17 heifer pens and four carloads. Hereford activities got underway in the Stadium Arena on the Hill with the bull show on Thursday, Jan. 16, judged by Brothers David Allan, Schulenburg, Texas, and Mark Allan, Sioux Center, Iowa. Following the bull show, Blake Bloomberg, Stillwater, Okla., evaluated the junior show. Friday, Jan. 17, was the pen and carload show judged by Blake Ochsner, Torrington, Wyo., Kirk Bieber, Onida, S.D., and Paul Bennett, Red House, Va. Completing the day was the Mile High Night National Hereford Sale in the Stadium Arena. Then Saturday, David and Mark Allan judged the female show. Judge David Allan said prior to slapping the champion bull, “It’s really exciting to be involved in this breed at this time. Herefords are on top of the world, in the marketplace, in the commercial world and in the show world. I’m truly impressed with the quality of the show today.” Winning supreme Hereford and grand champion horned bull honors were Curtis & Jackie Castle, Crawford, Okla.; Colyer Herefords, Bruneau, Idaho; Iron Lake Ranch, Athens, Texas; and Sullivan Farms, Dunlap, Iowa, with C Miles McKee 2103 ET. He is a Jan. 11, 2012, son of NJW 98S R117 Ribeye 88X ET and showed with EPDs of birth weight (BW) 3.0; weaning weight (WW) 53; yearling weight (YW) 76; milk (MM) 30; and milk & growth (M&G) 57. He weighed 2,090 lb. and had a weight per day average (WDA) of 2.84. C Mils McKee is the world-recordselling bull at auction selling for $600,000 last February in the Colyer Herefords Sale. Miles’ full brother, C Stockman 2059 ET, won the Reserve Grand Champion Horned bull title. Stockman is owned by Ned & Jan Ward, Sheridan, Wyo., Pablo Martin Y Herrera, Buenos Aires, Argentina, and Colyer Herefords. Stockman is a Feb. 5, 2012, son of NJW 98S R117 Ribeye 88X ET and showed with EPDs of BW 3.0; WW 53; YW 76; MM 30 and M&G 57. He weighed 2,025 lb. and had a 2.73 WDA. Grand Champion Polled bull honors went to Fawcett’s Elm Creek Ranch, Ree Heights, S.D.; Bushy Park Farms, Mitchell, S.D.; John Tucker, North Platte, Neb.; Sullivan Farms, Dunlap, Iowa; Beck/Long Hereford’s, Wynnewood, Okla. ECR Who Maker 210 ET was born April 9, 2012, and showed with EPDs of BW 3.0; WW 55; YW 90; MM 27 and M&G 54. The son of DKF RO Cash Flow 0245 ET weighed 2,050 lb. and had a WDA of 3.17.

He first won the yearling bull division. Reserve Grand Polled and Champion senior bull went to Ned & Jan Ward, and Perks Ranch, Rockford, Ill., with NJW 73S W18 Hometown 10Y ET. He is a Feb. 3, 2011, son of SHF Wonder M326 W18 ET. He showed with EPDs of BW 1.9; WW 56; YW 98; MM 24; and M&G 52. He weighed 2,545 lb. for a WDA of 2.36. Saturday in the female show, Kaine Warnken won the Horned Female Championship division and Hoffman Herefords and Paul Gross came out on top of the Polled side. Warnken from Schulenburg, Texas, exhibited RW KLD Mindy Too 4080 2020 ET by RW Ballistic 552 4080 ET. The March 10, 2012, heifer showed with EPDs of BW 3.8; WW 49; YW 78; MM 21 and M&G 45. Grand champion polled female honors went to Hoffman Herefords, Thedford, Neb., and Paul Gross, London, Ohio, with H JT Miranda 2033 ET. She is a Feb. 14, 2012, daughter of AH JDH Cracker Jack 26U ET and showed with EPDs of BW 4.8; WW 58; YW 91; MM 21 and M&G 50. Korbin Collins, Flanagan, Ill., won the reserve grand champion horned female banner with Purple SV Gypsy 27Z ET. She is a Feb. 24, 2012, daughter of Purple Kingsley 23X ET and showed with EPDs of BW 6.0; WW 60; YW 98; MM 25 and M&G 55. Trent Ray, Abingdon, Ill., claimed the reserve polled female championship with Chez Strawberry Wine ET 204Z. She is a Sept. 9, 2012, daughter of CRR About Time 743 and showed with EPDs of BW 1.3; WW 53; YW 85; MM 29 and M&G 56. In the horned division, Jess Hawk, Earlville, Ill., was named premier exhibitor, while Colyer Herefords, Bruneau, Idaho, won premier breeder. Colyers along with Gary & Kathy Buchholz won first-place horned get of sire with a group sired by NJW 98S R117 Ribeye 88X ET. Purple Reign Cattle Co. won the polled premier breeder banner, while Ned & Jan Ward won premier exhibitor. The first-place polled get of sire was exhibited by Showtime Cattle Co., Mooreland, Ind., with a group sired by H Excel 8051 ET. In the junior show, Sara Sullivan, Dunlap, Iowa, captured the champion polled female banner with Sull TCC Ms Harley 322 ET by H Excel 8051 ET. Aidyn, Rylee and Bryden Barber won reserve champion polled female with BR Anastasia 3023 ET by UPS TCC Nitro 1ET. On the horned side, Bailey Buck, Madill, Okla., showed Happ Kool Aid Points 1213 ET by DeLHawk Kahuna 1009 ET to win the champion female title. The reserve champion horned female in the junior show went to Korbin Collins, Flanagan, Ill., with Purple SV Gypsy 27Z ET by Purple Kingsley 23X ET.

Page 168


Supreme Hereford and grand champion horned bull C Miles McKee 2103 ET.

Reserve grand champion horned bull C Stockman 2059 ET.

Grand & Champion Polled Female H JT Miranda 2033 ET.

Champion Horned Female RW KLD Mindy Too 4080 2020 ET

Estd. 1933

ARDMULCHAN HEREFORDS Breeding & Performance

Introducing our new Stock Bull:

Church Preen Galileo

Achievements at National Hereford Show, Tenbury: l Junior Male Champion and Reserve Grand Male Champion 2010 l Intermediate Male Champion and Reserve Grand Male Champion 2011 l Runner-Up Bull of the Year U.K. 2011 l Sire of Junior Female Champion, Tenbury 2013 Sire: Hermitage Commando - Royal Welsh Champion 2007

Also in use: Grianan Emperor whose progeny looks very promising!



Ardmulchan, Navan, Co. Meath. Tel. 046-9021435 Page 169



CHA appoint new General Manager

The Canadian Hereford Association is pleased to announce the hiring of Stephen Scott as the new Executive Director/General Manager. Stephen was raised on a traditional dairy, beef, cash crop farm in South Western Ontario. He received a B.Sc. in Animal Biology and a M.Sc. in Dairy Health Management, both from the University of Guelph. As Executive Director of Canadian Hereford Association, he is excited to have the opportunity to support an industry that is undergoing the transformation to the genomic era – a tool that will prove invaluable to the future of the beef industry. He is looking forward to be back working with grass roots producers. Stephen officially commenced employment with the CHA December 1st, 2013. We wish him well in his new task.

Gordon Stephenson’s Legacy

Following almost ten years at the helm of the Canadian Hereford Association as General Manager Gordon Stephenson has decided to bow out. His time in the driving seat has been a busy one since the Hereford industry as with the Canadian cattle industry in general was coming to grips with the effects of CJD when he first embraced the challenge. Registrations have stabilized in the intervening period with much greater confidence across the industry than was the case. Gordon sees more optimism in the breed and believes the great attributes of the breed will

continue to sustain it in the years ahead as more and more pressure will undoubtedly come on production costs. This is where the breed can excel in its easy keeping its longevity and sheer productive power he says. Described by those who know him well as “straightforward and trustworthy”, “a real rancher”, “a stickler for detail”, “well prepared for meetings”, “totally dedicated to the Hereford breed”, “defender of the integrity of our Hereford pedigrees”, “you always know where you stand with him, “a gentleman who is professional in every respect” it is clear that this affable guy impressed those around him and had their trust in steering the Association. Gordon says he will miss the friendships with members across the country and the staff at the CHA whom he describes as an excellent staff and a dedicated and loyal group. The success of the 2012 World Hereford Conference in Canada was in large measure down to his meticulous planning and attention to detail. It is possibly his proudest lifetime accomplishment and one of the biggest highlights of his entire career. Dovetailing well into the Calgary Stampede the weather was perfect and the attendance one of the largest ever. The Canadian Hereford Digest was purchased by the CHA when the opportunity arose and has been seamlessly absorbed into the existing structure. His strenuous efforts in developing the trade to Kazahkanstan, his establishment of the Bonanza Legacy Fund and support of Hereford participation in the Residual Feed Intake trials at Cattleland are but a few of the projects he devoted his energies to. As a young man he completed his Animal Science degree at the University of Saskatchewan following which he became a sales rep for Upjohn before becoming sales manager at Hoechst- Roussel Vet and later the company’s general manager. Over a 25 year period he served as Manager, Director and President of the Canadian Western Agribition. In addition he served as Director of the Canadian Animal Health Institute, the Western Beef Development Centre, the Saskatchewan Stock Growers Association and the Canadian Professional Rodeo Association. In 1992 he was named Canadian Livestock Man of the Year by the Record Stockman magazine in Denver. In addition he found time to be intimately involved in the purebred Hereford business prior to joining the CHA as a partner in Circle-T Ranch near Broadview, Saskatchewan with his lifetime mentor Jonathan Fox and Wib Donaldson. His family farm operation is still owned by him and his brothers. With such an active career behind him it’s no doubt time to relax a little. Every good wish is extended to you and your family in your retirement Gordon.

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14th European Hereford-Conference in Switzerland 2014

Hosted by the Swiss Hereford Breeders Association 3rd – 8th September

Dear Hereford breeders,

We are delighted to be the host of the 14th European Hereford Conference and in the name of the Swiss Hereford breeders are proud to be able to invite you to this venue which will take place from September 3rd to 8th, 2014 in Switzerland. We are sure you will all enjoy the versatile and varied program we have put together showing you not only different breeders within our passionate growing Swiss Hereford community but also presenting you beautiful spots of our lovely country and offering insights of the culture and food traditions of Switzerland. We are very much looking forward to welcoming many fellow cattleman from other countries enabling us once again to meet up with friends both old and new. Registration forms are available on line or from each country office. Registration form should be transmitted by 26th March 2014 at the latest. If you have any queries or additional wishes, please do not hesitate to contact Mr Simon Gauch,, Ph: +41 (0)62 834 71 61. Best regards, Hans Baumann IG Swiss Hereford

European Hereford Conference 3rd – 8th September 2014

Wednesday, 3rd September Arrival of the delegates at Zurich Airport and transfer to the Hotel in Rapperswil - Hotel Speer (near the train station) / Dinner at Hotel Kreuz, Rapperswil Thursday, 4th September Best of “Ostschweiz” (East part of Switzerland) Breakfast in the Hotel, depart to Hemberg SG

Exhibition of regional Hereford Breeds on Faessler’s Barenegg Farm Lunch at Barenegg Farm Depart to Appenzell, individual visit of Appenzell Hauptgasse and guided tour of the beer brewery Locherbraeu, return to Rapperswil Dinner in Rapperswil, Hotel Kreuz

Friday, 5th September Best of “Zentralschweiz“ (Central part of Switzerland) Breakfast in the Hotel, depart to Küssnacht am Rigi Visit of Lunch at (Voucher) Depart to Arth-Goldau Train journey from Arth-Goldau to Rigi Kulm (time at your leisure) and from there to Rigi Kaltbad Dinner in Rigi Kaltbad, depart by cableway to Weggis Return to Rapperswil, Hotel Speer

Saturday, 6th September Conference in Rapperswil Breakfast in the Hotel, Conference / Country reports at Hotel Kreuz, Rapperswil Alternative program: Guided tour of Rapperswil Lunch at Hotel Kreuz Depart to Bilten SG Visit of Laederach Chocolate factory Return to Rapperswil, individual Dinner

Sunday, 7th September Best of Zurich Breakfast in the Hotel, Depart to Wallisellen ZH Exhibition of regional Hereford Breeds on Rinderknecht’s beef-ranch Lunch at Rinderknecht’s beef-ranch Regional excursion Zurich (depending on weather) Gala-Dinner in Rapperswil, Hotel Kreuz

Monday, 8th September End of Package and individual departures of delegates

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