Ireland Inspires - A Cultural Strategy 2012-2016

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A cultural strategy for the Irish in Britain “The inspiration provided by arts, culture and sport has long been an integral part of the migrant experience. Ireland Inspires will celebrate and support the Irish communities’ contribution, shared experiences and future participation in the cultural landscape of Britain. It is guided by both the desire to celebrate and the opportunity to create.�

Introduction The Irish community in Britain has is at the very heart of all of us and is a route for always engaged in culture as a means our community to contribute to, and benefit from, the wider cultural landscape of Britain. Through to identify, express, remember and Ireland Inspires the Federation aims to build on grow. The long established cultural The Irish community has always engaged in culture as a means to identify, the bestinofBritain what is already being achieved right offer of the Irish in Britain is rich, diverse, express, remember and grow. The long established cultural offer of the Irish in Britain across communities. In fostering new initiatives shifting and flourishing. It is something is rich, diverse, shifting and flourishing. It is something to get excited about and is at the and partnerships Ireland widen to get excited about and is at the core core of our organisational aspirations for Inspires 2012 and will beyond. It isand through culture, in the cultivate the opportunities for development, of our organisational aspirations for broadest sense, encompassing arts, sports and heritage that people are empowered and and celebration. communitiessupport are strengthened. I believe the Irish, across all countries and continents 2012 and beyond.

uniquely value and cherish their culture and creativity. Ireland Inspires is about harnessJennie McShannon ing the outstanding activity already taking place whilst creating an opportunity to celCEO, Federation of Irish Societies It is through culture, in the broadest sense ebrate and develop the Irish contribution to the diverse cultural landscape of British life. encompassing arts, sports and heritage that The Federation of Irish Societies’ Cultural Strategy sets out a commitment and future people are empowered and communities are ambition for nurturing, promoting and safe-guarding the Irish cultural offer in Britain. strengthened. I believe the Irish, across all countries Ireland Inspires is a concept to be owned and delivered by the Irish community in Britand continents uniquely value and cherish their Theterm inspiration bywhat arts,already cultureexists. and As sport ain. It is a long approach,provided building on the national represenIrishbeen in Britain we are here connect and enable growth, culture and creativity. Ireland Inspires is about tative body for hasthelong an integral parttooffacilitate, the migrant participationexperience. and engagement across Irish arts, and heritage. harnessing the outstanding activity already taking Ireland Inspires willsports celebrate and The strategy is a framework for action and will underpin the development of the Federaplace whilst creating an opportunity to celebrate support the Irish communities’ contribution, tion’s cultural work for the years ahead. It is driven by the view and develop the Irish contribution to the diverse shared experiences and future participation inthat thethe cultural identity of the Irish in Britain is at the very heart of all of us and is a route for our community to cultural landscape of British life. cultural landscape of Britain. It is guided by both contribute to, and benefit from, the wider cultural landscape of Britain. Through Ireland the desire to celebrate and the opportunity to Inspires the Federation aims to build on the best of what is already being achieved right The Federation of Irish Societies’ Cultural Strategy create. In fostering new initiatives and partnerships Ireland Inspires will across communities. sets out a commitment and future ambition forwiden and cultivate the opportunities for development, support and celebration. nurturing, promoting and safe-guarding the Irish Jennie McShannon, CEO Federation of Irish Societies cultural offer in Britain. Ireland Inspires is a longCultural Statement “The inspiration byfour arts, years, culturethe andIrish sportcontribution has long been an integral part of the term approach and is a concept to be owned and Overprovided the next Ireland Inspires will celebrate and support delivered by the Irish community in Britain. As migrant experience. to arts, sports and heritage in Britain will havethe Irish communities’ contribution, shared experiences and future participation in the cultural landscape of the national representative body for the Irish in extended its reach into new audiences and Britain. It is guided by both the desire to celebrate and the opportunity to create.” Britain we are here to facilitate, connect and enable

Cultural Statement


participants and be reflective of the changing growth, participation and engagement across Irish demographic make-up of our community. It will Mission arts, sports and heritage. anyears, integral British cultural Over the nextbe four the part Irish of contribution to arts, agendas sports andand heritage in Britain will have secured from funders will have extended its reach into investment new audiences and new participants and be reflective of the The strategy is a framework for action and will changing demographic and partners. In achieving this mission make-up of our community. It willIrish be an integral part of British underpin the development of the Federation’s cultural agendas and will have will secured investment from new funders cultural activity be safeguarded and given theand partners. In cultural work for the years ahead. It is driven byachieving the this mission Irish cultural activity will be safeguarded and given the opportuopportunity to flourish. nity to flourish. view that the cultural identity of the Irish in Britain

Inspiring Creativity

We will support the professional and voluntary Irish cultural contribution and ensure a sustainable future for Irish cultural activity across Britain

Inspiring Community

We will work with the Irish community across Britain, facilitating and advocating at a local, regional and national level for activities that encourage cultural engagement and opportunity

Inspiring Collaboration

We will utilise cultural activity to develop strong, long-term working partnerships across the Irish community throughout Britain and to build meaningful connections with other migrant groups and the wider British public

Inspiring Celebration

We will celebrate the wealth and diversity of Irish arts, cultural and sporting activity in Britain and provide a national platform for the promotion and recognition of cultural work happening across our community

We will do this by:

We will do this by:

We will do this by:

We will do this by:


Developing and supporting high quality initiatives that actively increase opportunities for members of Irish communities in Britain to engage in creative and sporting activities as makers, participants, audience members and spectators


Fostering the careers of individual artists, practitioners and makers of Irish descent living and working in Britain by supporting innovative creative activity of the highest artistic standard


Supporting the work of cultural organisations, groups and projects that engage the Irish community in creative and sporting activities


Promoting the creative and sporting profile of Irish people in Britain, and in doing so contribute to the positive perceptions of the Irish diaspora internationally


Strengthening and supporting partnerships that enable cultural engagement and inspire the Irish community


Working in partnership with Irish cultural and sporting providers to provide enriching opportunities for communities to engage with the best of contemporary and traditional Irish activity


Developing cultural and sporting initiatives that are socially inclusive of diverse audiences and participants and extend the reach across generations and throughout the Irish community


Creating opportunities for the sharing of knowledge and the promotion of best practice approaches for working in community contexts


Developing initiatives that generate collaboration between Irish arts, heritage, sport and welfare organisations


Working with key delivery agencies in Britain and the island of Ireland to develop partnerships to support collaborative East-West cultural projects


Identifying and encouraging cross-cultural relationships between the Irish community and other migrant groups to explore the diversity and similarities between our cultural experiences


Encouraging the development of long term business partnerships, within and beyond the Irish community that are meaningful and mutually valuable and that recognise the Irish contribution to the success and development of Britain’s creative economy


Showcasing the very best of traditional and contemporary Irish culture in Britain


Utilising the opportunities provided by London 2012 to encourage Irish communities across Britain to engage with sports and arts and to celebrate the unique Irish contribution to the wider cultural experience


Advocating regionally, nationally and internationally to raise and maintain the profile of Irish creative and sporting activity in Britain


Recognising and celebrating the role of both traditional and emerging cultural contributions as particularly significant to the migrant experience

Delivering Ireland Inspires Our cultural strategy will be a practical one designed to support the Irish cultural sector across Britain.

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It will include political advocacy (both in Britain and Ireland), the development of a national advisory committee, national events and local initiatives. It will work across locations and communities and with a range of partners. Ireland Inspires will ensure that the Irish in Britain are at the centre of this inspiration and celebration. This cultural strategy will be developed and delivered over the coming years and will provide a platform to cultivate, create and sustain a cultural legacy reflective of the unique role and influence of Irish communities in Britain. It finds its energy in the celebrations of the 2012 Olympics but it is fuelled by the opportunities that lie further ahead.

Fiona Smith

If you have a project you would like to collaborate on, an idea to share, a story to tell, or just want to give us your feedback on Ireland Inspires, contact our Cultural Campaign Co-ordinator: 020 7520 3134

Join the conversation: #irelandinspires

Irish in Britain

inspired@irishinbritain. org Federation of Irish Societies, Company Ltd by Guarantee Registered Office 95 White Lion St, London N1 9PF Company No. 04013148, Registered Charity No. 1092268

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