Newsletter - May 09

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Newsletter May 2009

FIS exists to represent and develop our members and the Irish Community

Festival Organiser Fears Cancellation

The Irish Festival has always been recognised as a great day for Crawley, attracting between six and seven thousand people to Southgate Playing Fields for the one day event. As it enters its 14th year its future is now at a critical stage and with the economic downturn the festival may have to be cancelled unless extra volunteers come on board to help out. The Celtic & Irish Cultural Society (CICS), the organisation that runs the Crawley Irish Festival, is anxiously looking for extra volunteers and committee members to help organise the 2009 event and share their skills, time and talents. The event is famous for showcasing some of the best musical talent from Britain and Ireland and for live entertainment stages with modern and traditional Irish music and open dance continued on page 10

Public Benefit Statements

It’s the start of annual reporting season and members who are registered as charities should be aware that their annual report this year and in future will have to include a public benefit statement. This statement relates to your M&A and should demonstrate that what you do as a charity has some benefit to the public. Guidance on how to make such a statement can be found here: and FIS will be providing more information on this very soon. Outcome Monitoring One way to show that the work you do is of public benefit is to monitor the impact of your work. For example, if you have fifty elderly people coming to your luncheon club every week you should think about the positive impact this has on them, their families and the wider community. They will be less isolated, will perhaps have improved access to health or welfare advice services, their families may get a few hours respite from caring, the community will benefit for having healthier, more included older people. There are different ways to monitor the Training Courses outcome or impact FIS Child Protection Training of your service. Over Event Saturday, 25 April 2009, the coming months 10.30am - 4pm, The Priory the Federation Rooms, Birmingham. This will be developing event is being organised information to by Ged Kelly, FIS National support you do this. Cultural Officer. Ged will be Social Enterprise running two more courses in London recently September (see flyer). There provided some are some places available for training to FIS and the course in Birmingham some of our members on the 25 April. If you wish and we aim to roll this to book or get any more out to members as information please contact requested over coming Ged Kelly tel: 0161 245 3223 months. or 07726 700807.

Child Protection Are You Ready?



Cover Story Festival Organiser Fears Cancellation Public Benefit Statement Child Protection: Are You Ready? 2 Obituaries: Paddy O’Hanlon R.I.P. Jim Griffin R.I.P. Leicester Irish Forum and The Emerald Centre: Spirit of Ireland Community Gala & Events 3 MPs Show Support For Ethnic Minority Groups 4 St Patrick’s Day: On the Road with John Gradwell 5 St Patrick’s Day: Still On the Road 6 Liverpool Mental Health Research Report Launch 7 Mental Health Service Wirral: A Case Study 8 London Irish Centre Health Day 9 Local Involvement Networks (LINks) 10 Outer London Commission 11 Job Vacancies: Safestart Brent Irish Advisory Service 12 Quiz Night, London: Council of Irish County Associations FIS Contact Details

Flyers The Spirit of Ireland Community Gala & Events: Information & Programme


Paddy O’Hanlon R.I.P FIS was saddened to learn of the death of Paddy O’Hanlon, who chaired the Irish Government’s Task Force on Emigrant Policy in 2001. Paddy was a leading member of the Northern Ireland Civil Rights movement in the 1960s, and was also a founder member of the SDLP whilst MP for South Armagh. In later years he became a barrister and his role as Chair of the Task Force ensured that the Díon fund was maintained and enhanced to support the Irish emigrant community in Britain and across the world.

Jack Griffin R.I.P. It is with great regret that FIS has to announce the sad news that one of its founders, Jack Griffin, died on 10 April 2009, aged 92. Jack Griffin was born in Cobh, County Cork, on the 31 December 1917. He was a great rugby man and played for his local team, the Cobh Pirates, and, later, Munster and Connaught; he got two caps during his time with Munster. Jack moved to England, settling in Portsmouth, where he served with the Royal Navy before entering the teaching profession, eventually becoming Principal Lecturer at Portsmouth University. Jack became involved with Jim Kirby and Bill Halley and they discussed the possibility of creating a Federation of Irish Societies based in London. They spent much time on the road rallying support and, in 1973, FIS was founded thanks to their hard work and vision. The funeral will be held on the 23 April 2009 in St Swithin’s Church, Waverley Road, Southsea, at 11:30am, followed by a service at the Crematorium and refreshments at the Irish Club Southsea.

Leicester Irish Forum and The Emerald Centre

Celtic Strands Concert 30 May 2009 A History of Partying With A Purpose: Council of Irish County Associations Archiving Project FIS Culture - Training Programme Child Protection Working With Artists & Agents Marketing On A Shoestring Documentary Arts Working With Schools & The Curriculum

invite you to

THE SPIRIT OF IRELAND COMMUNITY GALA & EVENTS 19-24 May 2009 Film, Irish Story telling, Quiz, Children & Family Day, Gala Day & Dance For more information see flyer enclosed with this newsletter or contact the Emerald Centre tel 0116 2769186 2

MPs Show Support For Ethnic Minority Groups A number of MPs have signed an Early Newsletter Day Motion tabled by Alun Michael, Labour MP for Cardiff South and Penarth and former Welsh First Minister, calling on the British Government to ensure local authorities continue to fund black and ethnic minority groups. In February, under The organizers of this the headline Govt action, Voice4Change Single Identity Funding England, are eager to Guidance Scrapped, see an increase in the FIS were pleased to number of MPs signing report that the British the motion. If your government had organization wishes scrapped the draft to help increase the national guidance number of signatures advising local councils you can go to http:// to avoid funding ‘single www.writetothem. identity’ groups that com and quickly locate supported particular the MP who is local communities such as to your organisation’s minority ethnic groups. address and you will FIS’ Community Policy also access a facility Officer took part in the which will enable you original consultation to send them a message and his briefing and the asking them to sign consultation responses Early Day Motion 620 can be found in the VOICE4CHANGE. Policy section of the Not only may you be FIS website: www. able to obtain another signature for the EDM, policy/cohesion_ but you will also be guidance_dec08. publicizing to the MP However, there is still the existence of your a presumption against organization in their single group funding constituency. If your despite Hazel Blears, MP has signed the EDM Secretary of State for already, you might think Communities and Local about sending them a Government, discarding message thanking them. the guidelines which sought to make single group funding the exception rather than the rule.

Early Day Motion 620 VOICE4CHANGE reads: That this House notes the important work done by black and minority ethnic (BME) third sector organisations in delivering services to marginalised communities; recognises that the BME third sector has grown out of a recognition that many of the needs of diverse communities have not been adequately met by mainstream services; welcomes the establishment of the Voice4Change England Partnership by 18 national and regional BME-led organisations with the support of the Office of the Third Sector to co-ordinate the policy advocacy of BME third sector organisations; further notes that independent legal analysis of the BME Code for Commission for the Compact has identified that opportunities to create and deliver BMEspecific services, and that a requirement sometimes arises in equality law to create and deliver BMEspecific services; considers it wrong that funders are being encouraged to have a presumption against single group funding; believes that such thinking fails to appreciate the work done by BME third sector organisations in building civil society; and calls on the Government to recognise the important contribution made by BME third sector organisations in bonding communities and promoting equality by action at national and regional levels to ensure that BME third sector organisations are adequately and equitably resourced to deliver better outcomes for BME and other communities.

February 2009

FIS exists to represent and develop our members and the Irish Community

Govt ‘Single Identity’ Funding Guidance Scrapped Last year, the London Borough of Ealing was taken to the High Court, when it followed the draft guidelines issued by the Government on funding ‘single identity’ groups. The Council conceded defeat halfway through the case, and were ordered to continue to fund the charity Southall Black Sisters by the High Court judge Lord Justice Moses. The UK government has now scrapped the draft national guidance advising local councils to avoid funding ‘single identity’ groups that supported particular communities such as minority ethnic groups. The guidance, developed by the independent Commission on Integration and Cohesion, was included in the government’s consultation on Cohesion Guidance for Funders (2008) – the guidance and FIS’s response to the consultation is located here: www.irishsocieties. org/policy/cohesion_guidance_dec08. The Commission’s recommendation was that local councils and other public bodies avoid funding groups aiming exclusively or primarily to support a particular community “unless there was a clear reason for capacity building”. The Commission also suggested that a condition of funding for any single groups might be that they were encouraged to take steps to promote interaction with others. In terms of commissioning and securing funding at both local and national levels this was a significant suggestion in the consultation, a suggestion Ealing had already developed into their tendering criteria, which Southall Black Sisters actively challenged after being advised they failed to meet tendering criteria. Following a period of consultation, the government will not take the recommendations forward, and will instead trust local authorities to make their own assessments. Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, Hazel

Blears said: “It is only local leaders who can properly understand the context, assess the local circumstances, and be in a position to make a truly informed choice”. The consultation results are published in the document Cohesion Guidance for Funders: Summary of Responses. This document is available to read in the policy section of the FIS website together with a briefing from the FIS Community Policy Officer: policy/cohesion_guidance_dec08. FIS will continue to monitor larger funders’ grant giving and seek to develop their awareness of the Irish sector’s funding needs. As part of our strategic plan, FIS will itself be seeking funding support that allows us to develop a funding analyst role within the organisation to help support our members and build awareness around funding diversification. In the meantime, affiliates are asked to provide feedback to FIS on local funder or local authority attitudes to funding the Irish community sector ( We will collate your responses and keep you advised of any developments or problems encountered by the affiliates.


List of MPs that have signed the EDM: Atkins, Charlotte; Austin, John; Bercow, John; Blunkett, David; Bottomley, Peter; Caton, Martin; Clapham, Michael; Cook, Frank; Corbyn, Jeremy; Davies, Dai; Dean, Janet; Dismore, Andrew; Dobbin, Jim; Dobson, Frank; Drew, David; Featherstone, Lynne; Francis, Hywel; George, Andrew; Gerrard, Neil; Gibson, Ian; Hancock, Mike; Hughes, Simon; Illsley, Eric; Jackson, Glenda; Jones, Lynne; Leech, John; Levitt, Tom; McCartney, Ian; McDonnell, John; Meale, Alan; Pound, Stephen; Rooney, Terry; Sharma, Virendra Kumar; Simpson, Alan; Singh, Marsha; Slaughter, Andy; Thornberry, Emily; Todd, Mark; Vaz, Keith; Williams, Mark; Williams, Stephen. 3

St Patrick’s Day: On The Road with John Gradwell After months of preparation it all comes to fruition … se the planning, faxes, emails and telephone conversations come to an end and it’s here ... St Patrick’s Day has arrived!

I arrived at the St Michael’s Centre, Liverpool, to find the television already on with a crowd gathered round to watch the Parade in Dublin. Maureen was in the Heritage room blowing up balloons ready to decorate the Concert room. Tommy was quick to have me roll my sleeves up and get stuck in, so I grabbed a pump and continued with the balloons. When these were finished I said my goodbyes and left the building with Maureen who was on her way to an interview on the local radio, once again taking the opportunity to spread the word about the centre and the support it gives to the community. I got into the car and headed back up the motorway to Warrington.

Guests at The Fry enjoying breakfast

Knowing it was going to be a long day I was very happy to accept the invitation from Michael Ford and Margot Ryan to join them for The Fry at the Manchester Irish World Heritage Centre. The Fry is a breakfast event kindly sponsored by Aer Arran. I was warmly greeted by Margot and Michele when I arrived. What a shock I got upon entering the main hall; I could not believe how many people were already seated at 9.30 in the morning. Let the day begin!! I thought Bring on the white pudding…

‘It was great to see so many people having the craic and enjoying themselves’

St Michael’s Irish Centre’s stage

In The Irish Club, Warrington, the games room was full of laughter and the craic was being had by all. I managed to get a picture of Frank O’Brien, the Chairman, on his return to the centre after the parade. On my way out I bumped into musician Chris O’Malley from the Irish Arts Foundation, Leeds. He was getting his equipment out of his car and said he was: “gigging here this afternoon and then off to the Brian for the evening session.”

I took my seat at the breakfast table with Leigh Monahan, FIS Administrator, and Ged Kelly, FIS Cultural Officer, and I was given a complimentary copy of the Irish Times. We all enjoyed a fabulous breakfast and it was great to meet up with people I had not seen since last St Patrick’s Day. I thanked my hosts and headed off; I was on my way to call and see Maureen, Steve and Tommy at St Michael’s in Liverpool. Down the M62 I headed.

Leigh Monaghan and Ged Kelly at The Fry

Frank O’Brien, Chairman, The Irish Club, Warrington


St Patrick’s Day: Still on the Road

The Brian Boru Club Ashton-in-Makerfield

I was also off to the Brian, the Brian Boru Club in Ashton-in-Makerfield. When I arrived I nearly couldn’t get in, it was wall to wall with people and only 3pm! With two deep at the bar and all the staff going full slog, I quickly said my hellos, wished them well and left … before they had me serving behind the bar!

Bradford Irish Club

I headed off to Bradford and arrived at 6pm. The place was rocking. The band Wild Geese were on the stage and they were five deep at the bar. Michael Flaherty, with his sleeves rolled up, was serving. I asked if he needed any help and when he said: ‘Yes’, I removed my jacket and got stuck in collecting glasses. Eventually I really did need to eat and managed to get into the concert room. My eye was caught by the sign on the kitchen door: IRISH STEW £1.00 A BOWL. I paid my £1 and headed back to the games room and sat down with my meal and a well-earned pint of the black stuff to end the day.

‘these clubs provide a wide range of services to our community and we should be shouting their praises’ Back in the car I drove down the motorway to Haslingden, the jewel in the Rossendale Valley, on my way to the Haslingden Irish Democratic League Club where Angus and the team had been working very hard. The club was well decorated by Rachel and the staff, ready for business and starting to fill; they had a great day planned and couldn’t wait to get on Haslingden Irish Democratic league Club with it.

Halifax & District Irish Society

It was great to get to see so many people having the craic and enjoying themselves. We have a lot to celebrate; these clubs provide a wide range of services to our community and we should be shouting their praises a lot more and more often!!!

Hope you all had a Happy St Patrick’s Day. Roll on next year!

My next port of call was Halifax. Their main events had just taken place. I was greeted by the steward and a friendly bunch of loyal members who were all settling down for a good afternoon.

John Gradwell FIS Club’s & Centre’s Development Worker To contact John email 5

Liverpool Mental Health Research Report Launch

CSIP COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH RESEARCH REPORT Inequalities and Cultural Needs in Mental Health Service Provision for Black and Minority Ethnic communities in Liverpool

Building on their groundbreaking work in the area of health provision for the Irish and Irish Traveller communities in Liverpool, Irish Community Care Merseyside (ICCM) is once again at the forefront of raising the profile of the Irish community, this time tackling the issue of mental health access. ICCM, Asylum Link Merseyside and Merseyside Chinese Community Development Association were the groups who were: ‘tasked ... both collectively and individually with working together to identify the difficulties associated with accessing mental health services... [and finding] solutions to these


Invite you to the launch of 邀請閣下光臨


Inequalities and Cultural Needs in Mental Health Service Provision for Black and Minority Ethnic communities in Liverpool 主題: 探討如何改善對利物浦少數民族心理健康不平等的 服務並針對因不同文化的需要而提供適當服務 On Wednesday 25 March 2009

日期: 二零零九年三月二十五日(星期三) At

於 聖米高愛爾蘭中心

St Michael’s Irish Centre Boundary Lane, West Derby Road, Liverpool L6 5JG 9:30am – 2:30pm

RSVP by Friday 20th March 2009 (Community Development Worker) Tel: 0151 2967 435 (Irish Community Care Merseyside) Tel: 0151 707 4302

Irish Community Care Merseyside

difficulties.’ The executive summary states: ‘Our project looked at the mental health experiences of specific Black & Minority Ethnic (BME) communities living in Liverpool i.e. Asylum Seekers and Refugees, Irish and Irish Travellers and Chinese Elders. It was unique as it involved three different community organisations presenting a collective voice through the research report. ‘What was obvious at the beginning of the project was how few, if any, of the Service Users in the respective communities had ever been consulted on their experiences of mental health services including access and suggestions for improvement. The experiences of the three groups, with one or two exceptions, were very similar, despite the huge differences in background. This is not to say, however, that it is possible to have a ‘one size fits all’ approach. In fact the opposite is true.’ 6

On Wednesday, 25 March 2009, St Michael’s Irish Centre, Boundary Lane, Liverpool, was the venue for the launch of the resulting CSIP Community Mental Health Research Report Inequalities and Cultural Needs in Mental Health Service Provision for Black and Minority Ethnic communities in Liverpool. The report is a great opportunity to access the most up-to-date local community based research around the mental health experiences of the Chinese, Irish, Irish Traveller, Asylum Seeker & Refugee communities in Liverpool. You can read the full executive summary on the FIS website: http://www. csip_community_mental_health_ research_report_apr09. If you would like a copy of the report contact: ICCM, 60 Duke Street, Liverpool, L1 5AA. Tel 0151 707 4302

Mental Health Service Wirral: A Case Study The beginnings: ICCM delivered a very successful workshop in March 2004 Health Inequalities and the Irish Community – Challenging Irish Invisibility in Wirral, a local authority borough of Merseyside, which highlighted the very worrying health experiences of both the Irish and Irish Traveller communities and the lack of awareness of and resource allocation to address these health inequalities.

through health promotion activities/events. • Proactively involve Irish service users and their families in consultations and recruit members of the Irish community to trust boards, local tribunal bodies etc Where we are now: ICCM delivered on all of the targets for the initial one - year contract and we are delighted to have been successful in securing an NHS contract (value £53,000 per annum) to take this work forward over the next three years 2009 –2012.

ICCM were keen to take this work further building upon the interest and commitment expressed on the day. A small steering group was formed to achieve this aim and the first task was to commission exploratory research into the mental health experiences of Irish people living in the Wirral. The research was carried out by a student at Leeds University, and the report launched in 2005.

Feedback: Feedback from the Mental Health Commissioner as part of Stakeholder feedback in our business planning process: ‘Over the last 12 months ICCM have been critical in the development of community development services for people with mental health problems. They have supported NHS Wirral in driving this agenda forward and will be key contributors in helping people access mental health services.

The work was very well received and opened both dialogue and negotiations with local health commissioners, including those tasked with delivering on the DoH Delivering Race Equality in Mental Health Care (DRE) agenda. ICCM took every opportunity to promote both the needs of BME communities and the fact that through working in partnership with ICCM, commissioners would provide themselves with a great opportunity to meet their own targets.

‘ICCM are a very supportive organisation and are focused on improving health and well being for the whole community. I have found the support from Breege McDaid in assisting NHS Wirral with the DRE Agenda to be excellent and her support and understanding of the task has helped improve partnerships with other agencies.

How it developed: ICCM were awarded one year funding of £20,000 in 2008-2009 to deliver and develop a service to assist NHS Wirral agenda by achieving equality and tackling discrimination in mental health services in Wirral for the Irish, Irish Travellers and other BME communities.

Bob McGowan has been providing community development support and his commitment and dedication has been excellent.’ The Future This contract has been a very significant achievement for ICCM in breaking into a new local authority area. It has involved a lot of persistence over a four-year period, taking the risk of accepting reduced funding in the first year and delivering on all the targets. It has paid off as ICCM now has a three year mainstream NHS funding commitment that includes payment for front-line and administration staff and on costs for the project. When the service goes out to tender in three years time ICCM will be a strong contender.

The focus of the service is to improve the mental health of the Irish Community and Irish Travellers by raising awareness of mental health problems and directing service users to the most appropriate service The key tasks of the service are to: • Develop culturally appropriate outreach strategies to target Irish people and Irish Travellers with mental health problems. • Raise awareness of mental health issues within the Irish Community and Irish Travellers 7

London Irish Centre Health Day The purpose of the well attended event at the London Irish Centre (LIC) on the 2nd April was to raise awareness of the screening programmes available on the NHS, primarily bowel cancer and breast cancer.

The day was also hugely successful for launching the new singing class about to start in the LIC (please contact Nell 020-7916 2222 if you want to join in) as well as the new walking group.

Health Event @ The London Irish Centre Thursday 2nd April 2009 1pm-5pm The London Irish Centre, 52 Camden Square, London NW1 9XB NHS Camden in association with The London Irish Centre invites you to a FREE health event which will include: • Interactive information stands

• A FREE bra fitting session

• A short comedy sketch about bowel screening

• Skittles competition • FREE refreshments

New gaelic football team – Sundays, 1pm - G.A.A. training session in Finsbury Park. Meet at the tube station at 12.45pm. Very informal, all are welcome - no experience needed. Contact Luke with any questions 07886 355 626.

For further information, please leave a message on freephone: 0800 731 0722

The idea for the day was thought up by Caroline Pundyke and Nell Cutliffe. Caroline is a relatively recent appointment in NHS Camden. Her post as Screening Outreach Worker has as its target groups the Irish population and vulnerable adults.

The LIC runs a huge range of activities – visit us in person, or look at our website www.irishcentre. org – you’ll be pleasantly surprised at the various health and cultural events for all age groups. Get involved!

There was a wide range of stalls as well as plenty of interactive activities, such as Gaelic football, WII, comedy sketch on bowel cancer, bra fitting etc.

Nell Cutliffe, Irish Health Living Co-ordinator, London Irish Centre

The bra fitting was well attended and the attendees enjoyed the quiz which they completed and got them thinking to look out for signs and symptoms and become more knowledgeable about when they should present to their GP.

London Irish Centre Upcoming April Events Sun. 26th @ 12pm: Gaelic football training in Finsbury Park. Contact Luke on 07886355626. Open to all. FREE. Sun 26th @ 8pm: Weekly céilí - learn the steps from 8pm.

Unfortunately bowel cancer is the 3rd most common cancer & the 2nd biggest killer from cancer. Therefore it is hugely important that people are aware of the signs and symptoms to look out for as well as the screening programme which intends to catch bowel cancer in the early stages. A bowel cancer sketch introduced both of these elements using humour to carry this very important message.

Mon. 27th @ 6.30pm: Irish language lessons (Intermediate). Wed. 29th @6.30pm: Irish language lessons (Beginners). Wed. 29th 7pm: *** NEW Weekly Irish History Course *** - spaces still remaining. Don’t miss out.

The Irish Healthy Living Project also presented its wide range of activities eg allotment, computer with literacy class, gardening in Camden - to improve people’s mental and physical health. The LIC is delighted to develop the new psychological service with NHS Camden which will start soon in the Centre. We hope that Irish people will feel more comfortable accessing such a service in familiar surroundings.

Our ‘Healthy Living Officer’, Nell, is also busy organising new singing classes, walking groups and gardening activities, on top of the well-established exercise classes, allotment project, and computer/ literacy groups. More info from Nell at: London Irish Centre, 50-52 Camden Square, London NW1 9XB


Local Involvement Networks (LINks) You may have heard that Patients’ Forums were abolished in March 2008. They were replaced by Local Involvement Networks (LINks). Local authorities with social services responsibilities were funded (2008-11) to organise LINk activities; and were required to have contracted LINk Hosts, or ‘transitional arrangements’ to support LINks, quickly in place.

If you use or run services for older Irish people you can get involved in shaping health services through LINks. To help you to find further information about LINks, plus the contact details of your LINk Host, the NHS National Centre for Involvement publishes a list of local authority LINk contacts. This can be accessed at: LA%20LINk%20contacts%20310309.pdf

What Are LINks The overall object of this change, according to the NHS, is “to give communities a stronger voice in how their health and social care services were developed”. They see the function of the local LINks as being to “find out what people want, investigate issues and use their powers to hold services to account.”

If they haven’t yet outreached to you ... don’t hang about .... Give them a friendly call!

They do, in fact, hope that these new arrangements will give a voice to the ‘voiceless’.

A recent piece of research carried out for the LVSC - and therefore applicable to the London region rather than the other English regions – states:

The Link Host is responsible for supporting and facilitating LINk activities which include the following:

“…there does seem to have been some resistance amongst local authorities in involving some organizations in their needs analysis work… Whilst adhering strictly to principles of traditional procurement practice such practice does not fit so well [with practice that] sees a much wider role for consultation and use of local expertise as part of the commissioning to identify the best possible picture of local needs to be addressed by the eventual delivery of the work being commissioned.” – Simon Tanner, Local Involvement Network (LINk) Host Commissioning in London: Local Authority, Host and Voluntary Experiences (LVSC, February 2009), p. 36.

• encouraging and supporting more people to get involved in shaping local care • services, including what services should be commissioned and how they are run; • canvassing every section of the community for their views and experiences of local care services; • providing the community with a mechanism for monitoring and reviewing local care services and the ability to hold them to account; • communicating the activities of the LINk and their outcomes to local communities.

If they haven’t yet outreached to you (which is part of what they are contracted to do), don’t hang about waiting for them to contact you. Give them a friendly call!

Link Hosts are also expected to engage widely with networks including: • • • • • • • •

Individuals using services Service user and carer support groups Older people’s forums Patient groups Minority ethnic groups Social care providers NHS Trusts Primary care networks


Outer London Commission

The Mayor of London has appointed a Commission to (a) consider the potential of Outer London to contribute to the economic success of London; (b) to identify factors which are preventing it making this contribution; and (c) to recommend policies and mechanism which will enable Outer London boroughs to make this contribution. Written contributions should be submitted to the Commission by 5 May 2005 and an Introduction to the work of the Commission can be downloaded from: uk/mayor/planning/olc This publication draws attention to the key fact that while in London as a whole employment grew by 6% in 1989-2001 and by 3% in 20012007, employment in Outer London grew by only 1% in 1989-2001 and by 2% in 20012007. Further, illustrations in the Introduction also serve to remind us of what is known already: that there are boroughs in Outer London with ‘Inner London’ characteristics, e.g. maps illustrating employment and unemployment rates across the London boroughs (p. 7). One of the ‘big ideas’ suggested

continued from front page competitions. It focuses heavily on the younger element of the community with a special children’s entertainment marquee involving games, song and story with particular emphasis on Irish traditions and folklore. In addition, sport and cultural identity are each featured prominently with GAA sports, tug-o-war, a funfair, various food and craft stalls and displays, with the added attraction of a licensed beer tent. In the past the festival’s budget allowed for specialist stewarding but with the shortfall in funding from local businesses and local authority grants this is not possible. So the organisers by the Commission is the are looking at sourcing extra volunteer development of 4-5 supersupport. Working from a pool of 150 in hubs in Outer London, but the number will give ample flexibility for all Commission’s ‘first thoughts’ and give a minimum of 3 hours on duty include consideration of during the 7 hour event. such issues as “extending and There are serious concerns about deepening the skills base of being able to meet the Health & Safety outer London”, and provision requirements and conditions of licence of local social infrastructure without the necessary volunteer support (including schools and health to attend to car parking duties, crowd infrastructure). and traffic control, taking care of guests FIS will be attending a and performers selling raffle tickets meeting for the Voluntary and and various other duties. Volunteers Community Sector to give and helpers are also required on the evidence to the Outer London days running up to the festival with Commission on 23 April 2009 putting up marquees, erecting stages, organised by the Just Space laying dance floors, fencing and general Network which is hosted helping out. by the London Civic Forum Even though the organisers see this as (Further details: http://www. a massive task there is no alternative but to look at the voluntary route. Various asp?n=105) and we will brief you meetings are being planned to attract on any significant outcomes of extra help as CICS are determined to this meeting. make the festival happen. FIS affiliates providing The CICS also want to build on services in the outer London extending the existing committee and boroughs - such as, for example, look at filling roles such as volunteer Newham, Haringey, Brent management, event management, or Ealing - should consider community liaison, fundraising and making representation to the development planning. Commission on the basis of If you are a good organiser, work well in local knowledge relevant to the a group or are good at ‘hands on’ work, issues under consideration. please make contact for without this image sourced: added help it will be difficult to continue and the South East will lose out on a fantastic Irish Cultural experience. If you require any more information or feel you can help contact John Nolan on 01293 513189 or E-mail 10

Job Vacancies

Safe Start Foundation Mortgage Debt Advisor £25 - 27,000 pa Wembley We are seeking an experienced individual to establish a new Housing Debt Advisory Service. The successful applicant will provide effective and efficient welfare benefits and debt casework to financially excluded clients, with particular attention to prevention of Home Repossessions. The Advisor will advocate for the client where necessary by calculating, negotiating, drafting or writing letters, telephoning and negotiating with third parties as appropriate. Applicants should have at least one year’s experience in money advice casework and a sound understanding of the processes involved in dealing with debt cases.

Foyer Manager (Job Share)

£30 - 35,000 pa pro rata Cricklewood Safe Start Foyer is a 24 bed project in Cricklewood, NW2. The Foyer offers holistic provision for homeless young people encompassing safe and affordable accommodation, guidance and support, and access to learning and work opportunities.

Foyer Support Worker £23 - 25,000 pa (dependent on experience) Cricklewood

The support worker will provide support, advice and guidance to our 16-24 year old Foyer tenants. We are keen to hear from candidates who have prior experience working with young, vulnerable people in a residential setting. Skills and experience should include:

* Key working experience (including support planning) * Arrears management experience and providing support to help residents maintain their tenancies * Experience of referral and signposting * Experience working with vulnerable groups or clients with high support needs (e.g. substance misuse, mental health)

For more information call Neil Watson on 020 8900 0001 or send your CV with a covering letter to: Safe Start Foundation is an equal opportunities employer.

Safe Start receives funding from London Boroughs of Barnet, Brent and Richmond, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, The Irish Government and The Milly Apthorp Trust.

The Foyer Manager will support and manage our team of Support Workers and Tenants, ensuring regular supervision and appraisal targets are met. The Manager will develop and promote the service to external agencies, establish partnerships and regularly review and monitor new opportunities.

Brent Irish Advisory Service (BIAS)

You must have managed a similar project and/or have experience in the field of housing/training/ education/ etc.

Salary £40,000 + generous holiday entitlement

Fundraiser / Development Manager £27 - 30,000 pa Wembley We require an experienced professional who can develop new and innovative solutions to promote our work with some of the most disadvantaged members of our Community. The applicant will seek new funding opportunities and marketing our own fundraising functions such as the Annual Gala Ball. 11


The ideal candidate must have at least three years experience working at managerial level, ideally within the charitable or voluntary sector, with knowledge of fundraising, managing staff, liaising with trustees, public relations and marketing. For further information and an application pack please contact: Richard Harington Phone: 0208 8459 6655 Email:

Quiz Night, London

FIS Diary Dates

COUNCIL OF IRISH COUNTY ASSOCIATIONS LONDON NOW THAT SPRING HAS SPRUNG AND THOUGHTS TURN TO QUESTIONS & ANSWERS, A QUIZ IS BEING HELD ON FRIDAY 8th MAY 2009 AT THE LONDON IRISH CENTRE, MURRAY STREET, LONDON NW1 9XB Teams to be made up of a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 6 people. Again you won’t have, ‘phone a friend’, ask the audience’ or ‘50-50’. The gauntlet has now been thrown down to the County Associations, or are you prepared to the ‘Egg Heads’ win again. Questions are on Ireland and general knowledge. Will the victors come from Munster, Leinster, Ulster, Connaught or a compilation? The premier quiz is back, but will the champions from last year ‘Mix and Gathering’ come back to defend their title or will we see new champions crowned. ENTRY FEE PER TEAM WILL BE £l0 (ten pounds). THE QUIZ WILL COMMENCE BETWEEN 8-3OPM - 8-45PM. Licensed bar, meet old & make new friends, ‘Be there for the Craic’

25 April 2009 FIS Child Protection Training Event 10.30am - 4pm, The Priory Rooms, Birmingham. If you wish to book or get any more information please contact Ged Kelly tel: 0161 245 3223 or 07726 700807 or email: 26 April 2009 Northern Club Manager’s Forum Venue: Leeds Irish Centre, York Road, Leeds LS9 9NT, 11:30am - 2pm. For more information contact John Gradwell on 0161 245 3221 or email: 18 May 2009 Midlands’ Advice & Support Workers’ Forum Merseyside Irish Community Care, 60 Duke St, Liverpool L1 5AA. For details please ring John Hudson or Helen White between 10 - 1.30 weekdays on 0121 622 4169 or email:

Send FIS your news

To book your place for this exciting event contact:Quizmaster B Aulsberry on 0208 889 6579 MAY THE BEST TEAM WIN

If you have an event or information you would like included in the next newsletter or displayed on the FIS website, www., please email or post to the London Office.

FIS exists to represent and develop our members and the Irish community Contact Us London Office: 95 White Lion Street London N1 9PF Tel: 020 7833 1226 Fax: 020 7833 3214

Manchester Office: EMF House 12 Charlotte Street Manchester M1 4FL Tel: 0161 245 3221 Fax: 0161 245 3315 12

Birmingham Office: Suite 211, Keys Court 82-84 Moseley Street Birmingham B12 ORT Tel: 0121 622 4169 Fax: 0121 622 5613

A History of Partying with Purpose Is there nothing the Irish like to do better than party? The Dionfunded Council of Irish County Associations’ project working with the Archive of the Irish in Britain (London Metropolitan University) has uncovered considerable evidence of the importance of social events to the ongoing success of London’s County Associations.

funds to St Patrick’s Hospital (Waterford), the County Home (Dungarvan), Committee for Mentally Handicapped Children (Waterford), T.O. Meagher Prize Fife and Drum Band (Waterford), St Pelagia’s Home (London), St Peter and Paul’s parish (Nigeria), as well as to individuals in London and County Waterford. When opening the Inaugural Meeting of the Fermanagh Association Paddy Byrne, Secretary of the Council of Irish County Associations, had observed that the object of the Associations was to ‘help their members spiritually and socially by making them feel more at home’. Certainly, gathering at social functions helped ease the pain of separation from hearth and home but it was far from the whole story. For Irish men and women living in Landon, participating in County Association fundraising events was a way of reaffirming ties to home and homeland and recognising the needs of fellow country men at home and abroad. The tradition of partying with purpose remains a feature of today’s County Associations,

At the Inaugural Meeting of the Fermanagh Association on 23 October 1958 newly-elected secretary, John Cleary, was given the task of `booking a hall for a dance as soon as possible’. By the time of the Annual General Meeting on 20 November (a week prior to the dance), the Emerald Club and Pat McNamee’s band had been secured and proceeds were to go to the Hungarian Relief Fund_ Caught up in the spirit of festivities, the Association decided to run a dance in aid of the Enniskillen School Building Fund ‘as early in the New Year as possible’ Two dances were not enough - the very next agenda item raised the possibility of holding dances ‘every Saturday night in the School Hall’. After ‘help ... members spiritually some discussion, guided by the firm hand of Chairman, Brian Murphy, it was suggested that, and socially by making them for the present, the Association’s social needs were ‘adequately fulfilled’. It is no surprise that feel more at home’. at the Association’s meeting in February 1957 members believed it was necessary to appoint a Work to locate, preserve and catalogue Social Committee. County Association records continues at the Archive of the Irish in Britain. If you hold or Work to locate, preserve know the location of documents, photographs and catalogue County or ephemera relevant to the project, please contact:- Nicole McLennan at the Archive on Association records 020 7133 4353.

continues at the Archive of the Irish in Britain

All jokes aside, it is clear is that these activities were not just an occasion for fun but an opportunity to provide much needed funds to local, Irish and other causes. Across the County Associations, dinner dances and bacon and cabbage suppers were held with the additional aim of raising funds for charity. And, even where a particular welfare cause was not specified, the money raised was typically distributed throughout the year. In 1967, for example, the Waterford Association donated

Dancing at the London Irish Centre


CHILD PROTECTION - Safeguarding of Vulnerable Groups Act After various delays the Government begins to roll out the new vetting and barring scheme (VBS) from October 09. The VBS is one of the initiatives identified in of the Safeguarding of Vulnerable Groups Act 2006. This has huge implications for all organisations in the UK who work with young people and vulnerable adults. The Act makes it compulsory in law for every organisation to ensure all paid staff, volunteers, managers, committee members etc. are registered with the ISA and to check that individuals are not legally barred from working with young people or vulnerable adults. This applies to anyone who may come into direct contact with young people (under 18) or vulnerable adults, those who hold sensitive information about these individuals or anyone involved in making important decisions about them. The full scheme will be phased in over the next few years but individuals must be registered before November 2010 and organisations must have completed their checks by this date. th Saturday 26 September 09 10.00am – 1.30pm Manchester Irish Centre Queens Park Road, Cheetham Hill, Manchester

Saturday 5th September 09 10.00am – 1.30pm FIS London Office 95 White Lion Street, Islington, London, N1 9PF Course content • Overview of the Safeguarding of Vulnerable Groups Act • CRB and how the new vetting and barring scheme will work • The implications for Irish Voluntary organisations • What you need to do to comply • Policies and procedures – content and implementation • Where to get further support and information


WORKING WITH ARTISTS AND AGENTS Fed up with artists and agents dictating terms, letting you down or ripping you off? As a venue, festival, cultural society or other event organiser it is important to ensure you are getting value for money from artists and agents you work with. It is equally important to ensure that all parties understand what is expected of them, that you are protected when things go wrong or from any misunderstandings that may occur from verbal agreements. Do you know your rights and responsibilities when engaging artists? What can you do to ensure you don’t fall foul of the tax man, PRS and your entertainment licence. This event aims to provide you with the tools to become more professional in your approach to programming, more confident in your negotiations, achieve greater cost effectiveness and reduce your risks. th Saturday 11 July 2009 10am – 12.30pm Manchester World Irish Heritage Centre Queens Road, Cheetham Hill, Manchester

Saturday 26th June 2009 – 12.30pm FIS London Office 95 White Lion Street, Islington, London, N1 9PF Course content • How artists and agents operate • Negotiating a deal • The important features of contracts • Paying artists and agents • Cost effective ways of working together • What is PRS and how does it affect us


• MARKETING ON A SHOESTRING In the current climate it is even harder to pull in a audience and paying for advertising is both expensive and does not always work. This session will explore various ways to get your message out to your intended audience without breaking the bank. As well as looking at the usual tricks of the trade, you will also be able to share your experiences with each other. Being creative is often more successful than paying too much on costly advertisements. th Saturday 11 July 2009 1.30pm – 4pm Manchester World Irish Heritage Centre Queens Road, Cheetham Hill, Manchester

Saturday 26th June 2009 1.30pm – 4pm FIS London Office 95 White Lion Street, Islington, London, N1 9PF Course content: • The marketing mix • Your product • Identifying the best tools for you • Using technology • Working with the press • Umbrella campaigns • Do your brochures and programmes work for you?



DOCUMENTARY ARTS – October/November 09 Milton Keynes (venue to be confirmed) (Full day event - date to be determined with interested parties) A must for - Irish Societies, Heritage Groups, Cultural Societies and Development Officers Living Archive This event will explore the Living Archive Project as a case study to demonstrate how life stories and local history can be brought to life in ways that help you to engage with a local community building bridges between local history & heritage, the arts, community cohesion, lifelong learning and social development. During this full day even will visit the project, talk to their staff, see samples of their work and explore how we can use some of their experiences within our community. We also explore how these activities can be funded from local and national initiatives. Living Archive is based in Milton Keynes fifty miles north of London and is the United Kingdom's fastest growing new town. Change has been a way of life for more than 40 years. A rural population has watched its old landmarks disappear. Newcomers have left their family and friendship support networks behind as they have moved to brand-new housing estates. How do you help the old-time residents retain pride in their lives and histories that seem to be being destroyed in the name of progress? How do you give the new arrivals the experience of coming into a place which has a past as well as a future? These were the challenges which led to the establishment of Living Archive. It is a creative cultural and community development organisation whose Documentary Arts work is inspired by people's memories. It has developed its activities over the last 35 years and was formally established in 1984. Using local lives and events as their starting point, 11 large-scale musical documentary plays, 20 books of local reminiscence, photographic and other exhibitions, films, CD-ROM's, radio and video documentaries, sculpture events and community textile projects have been produced and archived. Local people of all ages and backgrounds have been actively involved in all stages of this work - in interviewing, research, in writing, performing, creating songs and music, sewing textiles, making costumes and stage props, organising exhibitions and editing books.


WORKING WITH SCHOOLS AND THE CURRICULUM (This event is provided in partnership with the Irish Cultural Centre in Hammersmith) Working with schools is a very important part of every education and outreach project aimed at engaging young people. What could be better than a captured audience, ready to listen and absorb. Working in a school means you do not need to worry about a venue, you are supported by staff and often with a variety of other resources too. Working in schools often provides further opportunities for you to work with them off site getting young people involved in other project activities, workshops, festivals, parades etc. It is a fantastic way to build relationships between kids of all ages, teachers and the broader community. This helps to promote an ethos of community understanding and cooperation from an early age. So what is in it for schools and why would they be interested in working with you? Schools and teachers have a very hard time trying to meet the requirements of a continuously changing curriculum, hit government targets and make learning fun and interesting for kids. They like you will normally be working with limited available resources. Therefore they generally appreciate any support that they get from external organisations who can help them to deliver the curriculum, particularly in creative and interesting ways. This provides a potential for a mutually beneficial relationship. th 7 October 09 10.30am – 3.30pm Hammersmith Irish Cultural Centre Black's Rd, London, W6

Course content • What sort of projects help teachers to meet the curriculum (case studies) • Approaching a school for the first time • Working with teachers and building trust • Putting together a teachers pack • Practical considerations (school culture, safeguarding, health and safety etc.) • Keeping the partnership going • Evaluating your work with the school This course will be delivered through presentations by professional practitioners, a short video, discussion groups and information sharing. There will also be an opportunity for participating organisation to set up small exhibitions of their work with schools.

Please note: Due to limited availability you must book your place for these events in advance. Places will be limited to two people per organisation on most courses. To book a place on these events or if you require for further information please call Ged on 07726 700807 or email These events are free to FIS affiliates but you may be required to pay for or provide your own lunch. Tea & coffee will be provided free of charge.


FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES Arts Council England Initiatives NCVO - Governance The National Council for Voluntary Organisations has launched two new governance initiatives: Cracking the Code Bursary Scheme: The first round of the Cracking the Code bursary scheme opened on 1 April 2009, and provides up to £500 for small infrastructure organisations to improve their governance based on all or any of the principle of ‘the Code’. Good Governance: A code for the Voluntary and Community Sector (‘the Code’) sets out the principles to achieve excellence in governance. To find out more about the scheme, check your eligibility and make an application go to BoardsCount governance benchmarking 2009 early bird offer: This initiative helps organisations review their own governance, and also compares organisations’ governance anonymously with others within the sector and shares best practice from organisations. Find out more and register your interest at

Heritage Lottery Fund HLF has three aims which relate to learning, conservation and participation. Through our grant making we aim to: conserve the UK’s diverse heritage for present and future generations to experience and enjoy; help more people, and a wider range of people, to take an active part in and make decisions about their heritage; help people to learn about their own and other people’s heritage. Range of grant size: minimum – maximum HLF has a range of programmes designed for heritage projects of different types and sizes. We offer grants from £3,000 to multi-million-pound awards. HLF offers pre-application support and help through our local teams and are committed to working towards a more equitable spread of awards throughout the UK and encourage firsttime applicants. Depending on the amount of grant requested and the grant programme applied to, applicants may have to supply partnership funding with their application. For grants up to £50,000 applicants should contribute as much as they can either as cash, non-cash contributions or volunteer time. For grants of less than £1 million, applicants must provide at least 10% of the project cost. HLF enquiries: 020 7591 6042 Web: Big Lottery Fund – New Awards For All programme st A BIG new-look Awards for All programme launched on the 1 April BIG’s Awards for All programme will be the Fund’s biggest-ever commitment to a small grant scheme supporting community projects, offering a more easily accessible programme with even quicker decision times. A total of £45 million is available in England offering Big Lottery Fund grants of between £300 to £10,000 to grassroots groups in the community and voluntary sector, health bodies, schools and parish or town councils. The programme will focus on social and environmental projects that benefit local communities.

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