Message from the Irish Ambassador to Australia, HE Tim Mawe
Message from the Irish Ambassador to Australia, HE Tim Mawe
It takes a while. But, I think I am finally getting the hang of an Australian Christmas. I can’t speak for Perth, where maybe a picnic on the beach is a handy option, but here in Canberra, there are tensions to be resolved. Last year, I had plum pudding and custard all ready to go. With temperatures at 34o outside and an oven straining to accommodate a turkey, I gradually felt my appetite subside and the reality of a summer Christmas intrude. And yet, while serving up ham and turkey cold, to be followed by Pavlova might meet local expectations, it does little to tackle the role of Christmas dinners that go beyond nutrition or taste and leans into what the Welsh call hiraeth and which we think of as nostalgia or sentiment.
My way of reconciling this is to recognise that an Australian Christmas of barramundi is fine - for here and for now. But, I will hold back on the lemon and basil sauce and instead overlay my main course with a purely imaginary coating of magic drawn from the recipe book of Christmases past.
I will grate a pinch of midnight mass (at midnight). I will drizzle a sample of the RTE Guide double edition. I will pop in some Lemons Assortment. I will pipe in the scent of coal burning in the open fire and wrap it all up in the buzz of pubs crowded with people home for the Christmas (with undertones of that particular smell that damp duffle coats give off).
And I will serve it up in a comfortable blanket of family and friends and the prospects for the year ahead.
Whether I’m in Perth, Canberra or elsewhere, this last element, the sense of family, friendship and community is perhaps the most portable (and no Borderforce complications like you might get with Roscrea sausages).
It is also the most powerful and the most valuable. Looking back at the year gone by, the highlights for me have been where an Irish sense of family, friendship and community have been to the fore. On good days and on bad, there is a strong sense of Irishness palpable in Australia.
Thankfully, most days are good, but we can all think of instances of where the burden disappointment, disaster or tragedy has been lightened by the right gesture from someone we know. I have been in Perth three times this year and on each visit I am impressed by how much is going on, and how much of it is positive.
At the same time, we hear too frequently of awful accidents and other mishaps. We do what we can to help from here, but it is always building on a base of humanity that is offered by Irish individuals and groups locally. We hear about some of what goes on, but I guess only a small part of it. Some of it makes media headlines but most of the good things are done quietly and with sensitivity. As it should be.
In leading those responses, I want to offer my thanks to our Honorary Consul, Marty Kavanagh and his team; to the Claddagh Association and to all the many voluntary groups in WA who do so much to help people out; to build our community and to fly our flag.
As we face into the Christmas, I hope that 2024 has been a good one for you and that you are looking forward to the festivities and the year to come with optimism and hope.
For me, I’m thinking I might just give the plum pudding and custard another go.
Happy Christmas.
by Lloyd Gorman
Sixty one Townsend Road, Subiaco has been the home of the Irish Club of Western Australia since the 18th of November 1978, when its doors opened after a massive effort by outstanding characters, countless volunteers and supporters, with the backing of the community. But on the 22nd of November 2024 a new purpose and owner for the premises may emerge. Barring some kind of miracle it looks certain to be the last time Christmas miracle, is celebrated there, one final festive fling.
Hopefully it will be a good one, after 46 years as a place where the Irish community came together in good times and bad, it deserves a good send off.
On November 22 an Expression of Interest (EoI) to sell the building will have closed. The commercial listing for the property was first advertised on October 21, by Stephen Harrison of Ray White Commercial.
“An opportunity to acquire a large freehold building, with development potential, fully equipped for entertainment and a large capacity club licence,” the listing said. “Featuring a ballroom/hall, full stage with green room and lighting equipment, commercial kitchen and bar upstairs and downstairs, the premises is ideal for clubs, office, associations, recreation, place of worship, function centre or simply a high density development site.
The dimensions and statistics for the Club are also laid out as cold hard facts, including its patron capacity (400); 800 sqm of building
on a 608 sqm site, two bars, four storey height limit, 3:1 plot ratio etc etc.
Irish Scene understands there has been strong interest by various parties and a few groups had been shown through the place less than halfway through the month long EoI process. It is impossible to know what it will throw up but time should tell.
The decision to sell the property was made it seems at an AGM held at the club on September 15.
As well as being a member of the Club I have attended and reported on previous AGM’s and similar gatherings held over the years to brainstorm what could be done to turn the club’s waning fortunes around. But on this occasion I missed it by a whisker, having flown back to Ireland a few days earlier. I should have liked to be there to report on in detail. After I got back from my trip to Ireland I contacted IC president Alan O’Meara to find out more. He said the decision was reached by the members present, in light of the dwindling membership and rising upkeep and operating costs.
While there have never been more Irish in Perth, there has also never been fewer card carrying members of the club. The reasons for that have been debated ad nauseam. Many have spoken their minds on the topic of what should be done while others have grafted to keep the show on the road. The loss of Subiaco Oval as an AFL stadium (in November 2017 with a Compromise Rules game between Ireland and Australia) was a big hit to the club’s revenue-stream and membership base. The club endured the closures and restrictions of COVID and somehow pulled through where others didn’t, but the pandemic did it no favours. And almost all ethnic clubs across Perth have enjoyed good times and suffered their own demons and decline over time. Sixtyone Townshend Road was once the active club house for the Subiaco RSL Sub-branch with functions and meetings attended by hundreds of returned soldiers. When that era passed the building became a restaurant
(Fantasia’s) and then the Irish Club. The building may be reincarnated as another social venue or be demolished to make way for redevelopment, only time will tell.
The decision to sell up brings closure to the limbo that engulfed the club. What happens next will also be important. The Irish Club was formed in 1950 and had another base before it took up residence in Subiaco. A bit like the line from WB Yeats poem ‘Among School Children’: “How can we know the dancer from the dance?” the Club and the building became synonymous with each other.
Without doubt there will be more to report about the Club’s prospects and the search for a new home. But we should also remember and toast its past and the people who helped make it what it was. It was appropriate for the Club to hold the wakes of founding members Paddy and Lena Costello earlier this year,
as well as Tom Quinn’s earlier this month, who gave so much to the club and the community. “Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam.”
The Irish Club of WA –freehold 400 capacity club premises
61 Townshend Road, Subiaco 6008
Expression of Interest Closing 22 Nov 2024 at 3pm AWST
608m 2 land and circa 800m²* building
3:1 plot ration and 4 storey height limit
2 bars and commercial kitchen
Stage, ballroom and dining hall
Stephen Harrison 0421 622 777
by Lloyd Gorman
PERTH – The history and myths of Ireland are densly populated with places and people of renown. Our personal lives are a bit the same, full of people and places of special significance. Like a lot of us, my group of friends back in Ireland (including one who now calls Bulgaria home) and England have embarked on multiple road trips over many years across Ireland and abroad. But more than anywhere else Inishbofin (Island of the White Cow) a rocky outpost off the coast of Connemara keeps calling us back. While moving to Perth sixteen years ago put an end to these expeditions for me, the boys continued with the ritual of returning to this remote retreat in the Atlantic Ocean, time and again. Following their island adventures through whatsapp is no substitute for being there and when they started planning another trip to ‘Bofin’ in September I did not want to let another roadtrip pass by so a commitment was made.
DUBLIN – Waiting for me in Dublin airport was my old mate Ruairi who was driving us straight to Cleggan at 7.30pm that evening to catch the ferry to the island. There was no time to waste and thankfully we made it with time to spare for something to eat and a couple of pints before taking the boat. Some of the lads were waiting for the passenger ferry to arrive. Without hestitation or the interruption of years, the old habits of slagging, taking the piss and general messing swung into action and god bless it never stopped.
INISHBOFIN – As we headed towards the west of Ireland from Dublin airport, I wondered how many travellers before me might have journeyed directly from Perth to Inishbofin in one go. More than I might have expected was the answer I discovered.
There’s nothing unusual about walking into a pub or bar in Australia and finding an Irish guy or girl behind the counter pulling pints. My first order for a drink on the island – at the Doonmore Hotel where we stayed – was taken by a young woman from Sydney, working on the island for the summer. Another pub on the island – The Dolphin – also had an Aussie barmaid, this time from Perth. What are the chances? Both these ladies were returning to Australia after the tourist season on the island ended, about a week or so later.
Apparently a guy native to the island was home from
Western Australia – waiting for his visa to come through so he could go back.
But Bofin – which has about 180 permanent residents – also has its own residents who commute to work in Australia. Originally from Perth, Bronwyn Ferguson, then 21, went backpacking around Europe. She was working in the textile sector in London – including for Irish designer John Rocha – when she got a mad notion. “I was only 23 and I decided, you know what, I need to explore more of the world,” she told the Irish Times. “And somehow I ended up here on Inishbofin to explore more of the world.”
Working in the Doonmore Hotel at the time was local lad Dave Lavelle and the pair fell in love and even moved to Sydney where they had a family (three daughters). They also created their own successful businesses (textile print design company Karolina York and corporate events firm KataLane) which they now run from their island home.”
I left a recent copy of Irish Scene at the Inishbofin Gift Shop and asked if they might pass it onto the couple with the idea of doing an article about them, but a little over
a week later the Irish Times beat me to it and published the story (From Australia to Inishbofin’ September 24) Some 18 years after they first met on the island, the couple moved back in 2022 as the place they wanted to raise their children, the same place Dave grew up. “'They are so free here,” Bronwyn said, 'Life is easier". The girls’ lives in Sydney were so structured. Here they just get in their wetsuits and go down to the sea. It’s very, very different to their lifestyle in Australia.”
My Bofin trip was meant to have something extra special thrown into the mix. GAA WA stalwart Tom Murphy and his wife Diane were taking their daughter Maeve to Inishbofin – where her family hail from – to have her christened. For ages I thought it was going to be the same weekend I happened to be on the island but I only realised about a week before I flew out that I would be there the weekend before the christening and so unfortunately I just missed it, a case of so close but yet so far. When they returned to Perth from their holiday in Ireland I asked Diane to share some of her island story with readers.
There ain't no session like a Durty’s session! We'll be pouring plenty of Guinness, Kilkenny, Magners as The Healys play you into 2025.
by Diane Baker
As I’d come around the tower on Dun Aengus, the Queen or later the Inishbofin Ferry, the excitement would inevitably build. This was when the whitewashed house my great grandfather had built on the top of the hill would come into clear view, and with it, in years gone by, the welcoming embrace of my Grandparents. My mother Dolores (nee King) was from the island, and both her parents and generations before had been islanders. It was where she had left at 12 years old to attend Kylemore Abbey on the ‘mainland’. Her path led her through Clare to meet my Dad, and eventually to Perth with her three young daughters.
I first visited Bofin at mere weeks old. I have an early memory of being passed down onto a row boat to make the journey to the pier when the larger boats of the day couldn’t. I was Christened in Bofin and made my First Holy Communion there. For me, it was a
place of belonging. I had extended family, I had cousins to play with as a child, and I spent some time attending the National School. This was in stark contrast to life in Perth. As an adult it has been a place to always be drawn back to, and where I’ve shed tears, both arriving and leaving. This certainly was the case on my most recent visit in September when I fulfilled a long-held wish to bring my own child back there to christen in this special place of her forebears. ‘Where’s Bofin?’ ‘Why there?’, people would ask and wonder why this Australian accented woman would bring her child such a great distance for her Christening. My daughter Maeve’s christening was held on a humid, slightly overcast September day, presided over by a great friend Fr. Conn O Maoldhomhnaigh, who made the trip specially from Carlow to christen her. Gerry Moran, sacristan of 36 years helped us greatly and thoughtfully warmed the holy water for
Maeve in preparation. Maeve wore a Christening shawl knitted lovingly but her Grandma. Her coos and warbles could be heard throughout the mass, and she presided over the occasion as only a little Queen Maeve could do. Our friend Catherine, from Zurich via Kilkenny, performed a poem she had written for Maeve during the reflection. It had been following a week of tremendous weather where family and friends visiting the island for the first time to attend the christening could appreciate the Bofin landscape in all its glory. The Christening mass included remembering a local woman, Ita Concannon Lyons, an important reminder of the full circle of life. Mass was followed by a tremendously tasty lunch (as always) in Murray’s Doonmore Hotel, a family owned and run hotel of three generations. A delicious Christening cake made its way from Cork to Bofin, made by her Granny Murphy. During the week, we left at token of remembrance at my grandparents’ grave and visited the local gift shop to introduce Maeve to Marie Coyne. Marie is a local woman who has done much to preserve the island’s history, including repatriating stolen skulls from Trinity College back to their true place of rest on Bofin, and who is raising money for a purposebuilt museum to house the
islands many unique artefacts. The weather allowed us to walk the island as we usually do, enjoy the great food outdoors, and to welcome guests off the many ferries before the christening. Maeve was her stellar self, and didn’t ’make strange’ with anyone. Maybe she knew she was surrounded by her people. A big thank you to the many people who made the long journey to Bofin from Australia, Europe and Ireland itself to be there for us and for Maeve. Thank you to Andrew, Donna, Aileen and the Doonmore family for their impeccable hospitality, and to our local family who went above and beyond to see to it that we and our visiting guests were looked after. It was to be a lovely finale of welcome for our little girl. Earlier in the year our Perth family and friends had embraced Maeve through a Naming Ceremony held at another beautiful seaside location on the other side of the world, Kidogo Arthouse in Fremantle. Her Irish heritage not to be forgotten, an Irish blessing was read for Maeve, and Irish music performed by the phenomenally talented Fiona Rea and Dympna Finch. The sun shone for our girl on both occasions, Mother Nature’s welcome of her own. What a place it is. What a time it was.
Aremarkable event never previously seen in Ireland – similar to injustices suffered by Aboriginal Australians – took place in Inishbofin as recently as July 2023. The skulls of 13 islanders stolen from the island 133 years earlier were brought back home and laid to rest with the dignity denied to them and their descendants for so long. The roots of the criminal escapade could be traced back to Australia.
Alfred Haddon, a British scientist, was appointed chair of zoology at the Royal College of Science at Trinity College Dublin in 1880. His work saw him focus on marine zoology and also deep-sea dredging expeditions off the south west coast of Ireland. Haddon was a respected figure by his peers and published a lot of papers in his field of expertise. But it appears he was restless and unfulfilled in the role and he looked for other opportunities. He applied to be the foundation chair of biology at at the University of Melbourne. He didn’t get the job but his colleague Thomas Huxley, the British scientist who helped him get the job at Trinity College Dublin prompted him to go to the Torres Strait. The suggestion proved to be exactly what Haddon was after and in 1888 he travelled to the narrow maritime passage between Australia and the Melanesian island of New Guinea. He
went there as a botanist but the expedition completely rewired his scientific interest to anthropology, the study of human societies and cultures and their development. He abandoned his previous field of expertise and switched the focus of his work to this branch of science and while he was still chair of zoology at Dublin returned to Cambridge in 1893 to study anthropology. Inspired by his recent Torres Strait experience Haddon decided to explore his new found passion much closer to home when he returned to Dublin.
In July 1890 Haddon – accompanied by a medical student Andrew Francis Dixon –travelled to Inishbofin supposedly to carry out a marine survey. That was their first deceit in a web of lies. In fact they were there
because Haddon had heard tell of a collection of skulls at St Colemans Abbey. He believed the islanders were the original ‘indigenous’ people of Ireland and wanted to explore this theory through the use of craniometry – the measurement of a skull to determine size, weight and other characteristics. Under the cover of night on the 16th July 1890 Haddon and his accomplice went to the ruins of the medieval monastery, located the skulls, photographed them in situ, desecrated their resting place and schemed to smuggle them off the island.
We know from Haddon’s own words that when they were leaving the island two sailors on the steamer ship offered to help him by taking the bag he was carrying. He turned them down and when they asked him what was in it he told them it was poteen.
“So without any further trouble we got our skulls aboard and packed them in Dixon’s portmanteau and locked it; no one on the steamer other than ourselves knew”, Haddon wrote in his diary. He gifted the human artefacts to Trinity College as specimens for further study. The English academic would return to the Torres Strait and became a world expert on the anthropology of the islanders there while his clandestine activities in Inishbofin – and similarly the Aran Islands and St Finans Bay, Co. Kerry where he stole another 11 skulls – received less attention.
There was a sharp difference in his practice between the Torres Strait where he paid locals (six pence per skull) and the west coast of Ireland where ‘skulduggery’ was the order of the day. Haddon knew well what he was doing was wrong.
The presence of the skulls was captured in one of the greatest works of Irish theatre, John Millington Synge's Playboy of the Western World in the line: “Did you never hear tell of the skulls they have in the city of Dublin, ranged out like blue jugs in a cabin of Connaught?….making a show of the great people there was one time walking the world. White skulls and black skulls and
yellow skulls, and some with full teeth, and some haven’t only but one.”
When the whereabouts of their ancestors became known (the skulls were bagged and numbered and sitting on a shelf labelled ‘Inishbofin Haddon & Dixon’) the islanders campaigned for their repatriation.
An overwhelming number of the island community signed a petition for their return.
At the fore of the local campaign Marie Coyne, custodian of the island’s history, was “over the moon” when they finally got word the skulls were coming home. She escorted the bones from Trinity to Bofin.
“I just feel so relieved and I’m so glad they’re back west,” she told a BBC journalist at the time.
“You have to respect the dead. Museums all over the world are even giving back physical things like chalices or jewels or whatever,
but this is not that kind of stuff—it’s human beings' bones. And there’s 13 of them and fragments of others. It’s not an artefact; they’re trying to put different names on these things. If you think that’s your daughter, son, father, mother - and they were disrespected like that.”
The skulls were brought back in a simple wooden coffin made especially for the occasion, built by local Christopher Day, whose predecessors carried out the same function in the past. The island welcomed back its own in traditional island and Irish custom and the coffin was carried from the pier to the church and onto the graveyard. Celebrating mass at St Coleman’s Church Fr. James Ronayne summed up the emotions and expectations of the gathered congregation. “Today’s coming home, returning to their resting place of these 13 human remains is most poignant, emotional and significant,” Fr Ronayne said. “Significant because on this very date, 16th July, 133 years ago, these remains were removed and their return is a source of comfort to this community and a rightful and proper honouring of our dead. You are one big family of many families who have been united in your advocacy and pursuit of this cause and for this I pay tribute to you.”
Trinity College cooperated the campaign to claim the Bofin bones and this support helped create the positive outcome for everyone involved. There will be a need for more goodwill in the future. What happened in Inishbofin is unprecedented but it may become a precedent for future returns. Communities on the Aran Islands and in Co. Kerry will be
hoping their journey will end at a similar destination. And there are the parts of nearly 500 individuals from far flung parts of the world – including a skull from Tasmania – that remain in the possession of Trinity College which have yet to be claimed and restored to their rightful place.
Trinity College is not an orphan in this kind of situation. Hundreds of museums and institutions around the world will have or have had to grapple with this grotesque colonial era hangover. Another establishment in Dublin was confronted with this problem decades earlier.
The Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland (RCSI) in Stephen’s Green held (and displayed) the head of Indigenous warrior ‘Shaney’ who was murdered in his native Hobart by white people during the settlement of Tasmania when it was known as Van Diemens Land.
Shaney’s head was presented to the Royal College of Surgeons in 1845/46 by the Inspector General of Hospitals in Hobart, Dr John Frederick Clarke. At some point the head was photographed and published in the book ‘The Aborigines of Tasmania’, written by Henry Ling Roth and published in 1899.
As part of a wider drive to repatriate such remains from overseas, Shaney’s head was traced back the Royal College in 1985, where it was still on display. The Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre began a campaign to have his remans repatriated but the arrival of a group of Indigenous people in 1990 stepped up the pressure on the authorities to act.
The small party of activists that protested in front of the Royal College was led by Michael Mansell, a lawyer from Tasmania, who claimed to be the direct descendant of Shaney.
“We’ve never been able to give him the proper traditional ceremony which means his spirit is back in my country in Tasmania and its crying out and crying out for the return of the body so the traditional ceremony can take place and until it happens the spirit is in a state of trauma and has been for a hundred years and more,” Mansell told an RTE News TV crew covering the story.
“Its even more traumatic when I know my ancestor is in there, when I know my cultural obligations are for us to get the head and take them back to my people for a ceremony. It's something that drags out of my soul and makes me feel like less of
A sign they put on the railings of the College
an aboriginal person until I carry out my cultural obligations,” he added. They told RTE they would not lift their protest or leave the country until they had secured his head. Claiming the College had refused to meet them they wrote to the Taoiseach (Charlie Haughey) and the President of Ireland (Patrick Hillery) for their intervention. The issue also attracted the attention of Gerry Adams, Sinn Féin president who made representations on their behalf. “I believe that the refusal to do so (return the head for burial to Australia), over a five-year period, demonstrates a total insensitivity to the spiritual values of the aboriginal people of Australia," Mr Adams told Haughey in a letter. “This is being interpreted as racist by those people.”
As media interest in the story grew, the political pressure around it mounted and it had the potential to escalate into a diplomatic disaster. The College came to the conclusion they would give it back – with a minimum of fuss. “Following the decision of the RCSI to give back the remains, the [Australian] embassy are not anxious to add
to the extensive publicity which has already been given to this whole issue and thereby embarrass the college even further,” a government memo from the time, released just four years ago, stated. “This seems to be an eminently sensible approach.”
12PM - 2PM OR 4PM - 6PM
Wishing one and all a very relaxing Christmas and happy New Year.
It’s that time of year again. A time for friends, family and for many our thoughts turn to Ireland.
For many of those who have recently arrived the first Christmas can be exciting time, teasing relatives at home with photos on the beach on Christmas day and figuring out whether roast turkey on a scorching day is a good idea. However, for others it can be a sad and lonely time. Spare a thought and reach out if you can to those who might be lonely at this time of year and check in with those who do not have a large support group.
For many decades now the job of looking after those in need, sorrow and tragedy has fallen to the wonderful volunteers at Claddagh. This year the Claddagh lost one of its most hard-working ad important founder members, Tom Quinn. Tom gave generously and tirelessly of his time and his skills to Claddagh and the Irish club. He was always willing to help others and to lend a quiet word of support and practical assistance. Tom was one of a kind and he will be sorely missed.
Richard and I wish you and yours a happy Christmas. We hope you take the opportunity to rest and relax and enjoy the company of friends and family.
My thanks as ever to the large number of volunteers in all our community organisations who give of their time and of themselves to our community. Thanks to Ambassador Tim, Elizabeth and all the team at the embassy for their help and guidance. A big thanks also to Lynda at the Honorary Consulate for her assistance and dedication.
165/580 Hay Street, East Perth WA 6004 By appointment only
Tel: (08) 6557 5802 Fax: (08) 9218 8433 Email: info@consulateofirelandwa.com.au
www.consulateofirelandwa.com.au Mon-Fri 10.30 - 2.00pm
Tel: (08) 6557 5802 Fax: (08) 9218 8433 Email: info@consulateofirelandwa com.au
www.consulateofirelandwa.com.au Mon-Fri 10.30 - 2.00pm
by Lloyd Gorman
The timing of an international arrest warrant being issued recently for former Leinster and Australia rugby star Rocky Elsom last month overlapped with the anniversary an intriguing episode in the judicial history of Ireland and Australia.
Irish media and others reported recently that Elsom (41) was given a five year prison term by a French court in Narbonne on October 11 after he was found guilty for a number of financial crimes, including forgery. It has been reported the charges Elsom are connected to his time as the president of the Narbonne Mediterranean Rugby Club in the south of France in 2015/16.
The former Wallabies captain was charged ‘in absentia’ by the court and is understood
to be based in Dublin, employed as a coach with the Catholic University School, according to an interview he gave to the Sunday Times in Ireland a week earlier. Elsom played for Australia between 2005 and 2011 and was capped 75 times. He played for Leinster 21 times between 2008 and 2009, during which time he also represented Narboone. In 2009 he helped Leinster take the Heineken Cup but returned to his native Australia soon after. According to the newspaper interview Elsom had arrived about six weeks earlier to take up the coaching role and had intended to stay in the country until December while he recovered from an injury. Irish media has reported that Elsom has said he has no intention of handing himself over to Gardai or returning to France. If his plan is to return to Australia then the issue could become a high profile stoush and a distraction the Albanese government could do without.
Forty years earlier – in October 1984 –‘Australia’s most wanted man’ Robert Trimbole was arrested by Gardai in Dublin. Trimbole – known in the
criminal world as ‘Aussie Bob’ – was linked to at least three murders and drug smuggling. Before the authorities closed in on him Trimbole was tipped off by a corrupt cop and fled the country in 1981. It is not clear when he got to Ireland but once there he assumed the unlikely identity of Michael Pius Hanbury, a potato farmer from Westport, Co. Mayo. The true identity and presence of the crime boss came to the attention of Gardai Siochana and a detective was despatched from Australia to confirm it was the same villain they wanted. Trimbole left the Gresham Hotel where he was staying, with two women, and their car was stopped a few miles away at a checkpoint in Chapelizod by Special Branch officers. Because there was no extradition treaty in place, Trimbole could not be arrested in Ireland for the crimes he was accused of in Australia. (The two countries had actually discussed the need for such a treaty as far back as 1972 and after lengthy negotiations a draft extradition agreement was developed by the Irish in 1977, but the Australian’s never completed the process to ratify it).
Despite this Gardai swooped in and charged Trimbole under section 30 of the Offences Against the State Act, the legislation used against IRA members and other terror suspects. Typically suspects were charged with the possession of illegal firearms but the Australian was unarmed at the time of
his arrest. When they searched the vehicle detectives found a large salami covered in tinfoil, which they would claim they believed as a firearm. The judge would dismiss the assertion of Gardai that he was believed to have a firearm as “most unconvincing”. Trimbole fought the extradition request. His legal team – made up of Senior Counsel Sean MacBride, Paddy McEntee and Gerry Danaher BL –argued the charges against his client were trumped up and violated his constitutional rights and that he should be allowed to walk free and on February 5, 1985, the High Court agreed. Trimbole was re-arrested as he left the High Court buildings.
Deputy prime minister Lionel Bowen (Bob Hawke was PM) was acting prime minister at the time and he told the Australian ambassador in Dublin (Peter Lawler) to ask Taoiseach Garret Fitzgerald to ensure Trimbole did not go free. Instead, the Australian authorities requested their Irish counterparts to deport the wanted criminal to Australia or at the very least for Australian police to be allowed to interrogate him in detention in Ireland. Without valid legal grounds to continue his detention these actions would have been highly
Because TV cameras were not allowed in the Irish courts – which is still the case today – Channel 7 in Australia commissioned Irish artist Michael ‘Mick’ O’Dea to draw a set of courtroom images
Trimbole walked free and straight into a scrum of waiting journalists, photographers and TV crews, gardai and nosey by-standers. Two truckloads of Irish soldiers – wearing bulletproof vests and armed with RN rifles and Gustaf machine guns tooks – were also deployed and took up positions around the court building, apparently in case an assassination attempt was made. Trimbole was bundled into a car and driven away at speed with the media in hot pursuit. One TV channel had even hired a helicopter to follow and film the action. With some clever and possibly quite dangerous driving Trimbole’s car gave the chopper the slip and the mass of media tracking them. But instead of going to Dublin airport – it was widely assumed he would leave the country as soon as possible – Trimbole outwitted them and his car drove to Weston Airport, on the Kildare Dublin border. Waiting for them at the private airport was a twin-engine Cessna which flew him to Spain, a popular hideout for nefarious types and those on the run because of its good climate and the fact no extradition deal was in place with Ireland or Britain, making
them practically untouchable. (It would be November 2003 before Ireland and Spain had an agreement).
In making good his escape Trimbole had also ‘flipped the bird’ to police and politicians in both countries. He had been suffering from terminal cancer for some time – and had received operations in Ireland for the condition – and would only live for a couple more years before he died in exile.
The circumstances around the shambolic episode was dubbed “an Irish joke” by the Premier of New South Wales, a slur the premier later apologised to the Irish ambassador in Canberra for. But it did leave a bad taste in Canberra and Dublin.
Australian Prime Minister Bob Hawke who was normally well disposed towards the Irish was critical of the Irish authorities who he said had “mismanaged” the affair. And as far as the late Des O’Malley, a former minister for justice, said the whole debacle “might give the impression that Ireland was a refuge for criminals”.
There was enough blame to go around and there was no appetite on either side for a repeat of the fiasco.
“I was fortunate enough to take the request to Ireland for the Trimbole extradition and spend three weeks in Ireland fighting for Australia,” Greg Smith, the former attorney-general and retired member for Epping (NSW) told parliament in 2007. “Trimbole was released because his original arrest was tainted and he fled to Spain, where he died. After that embarrassment, in the mid to late 1980s, there was a big campaign by the Australian Government to negotiate extradition treaties and mutual assistance treaties with many countries. Until 1984, the year of the Trimbole matter, many of those treaties had been neglected.”
Less than 12 months after ‘Aussie Bob’ absconded Ireland and evaded justice for his crimes the ‘Treaty of Extradition Between Ireland and Australia’ was signed in Dublin on September 2, 1985.
by Lloyd Gorman
The future of Joondalup’s oldest building is taking shape.
Duffy House in Woodvale is a significant piece of local history and has, as the name suggests, Irish roots, factors we will explore shortly.
But the latest development related to this humble structure is about ensuring its survival for future generations. Joondalup council recently (Sept/October) opened an ‘Expression of Interest’ (EoI) process, calling for commercial operators to put forward proposals designed to rejuvenate and activate the property as a unique tourist attraction.
“Duffy House is one of our last surviving links to pastoral land use in the Wanneroo and Joondalup area,” said deputy mayor Adrian Hill.
“Any development for future use would need to consider activities important to the community, preservation of cultural, heritage and environmental values, and potential revenue to help support site management. The community has told us they would like to see more happen with this important site. Our role is now to explore all options in a responsible way that preserves the rich history and heritage values of Duffy House.”
A group of up and coming dairy farmers from WA, and their counterparts from South Australia and Tasmania, will be packing their wellies (gum boots) for a trip to Ireland to learn about the industry.
Applications from interested candidates to take part in the Australian Young Dairy Network International Ireland Tour 2025 closed at the end of October.
“This exciting 14-day study tour is marked in the calendar for June/July 2025 and will provide an opportunity for local dairy industry members to explore the topics of sustainability and emerging technologies,” peak industry body Western Dairy said. “Of course, the tour will also offer an advance in leadership skills for participants as they develop peer networks. Now, more than ever, as the industry looks at ways to attract and retain young people in the dairy industry, providing tangible, long-term career pathways is vitally important. Spread the word, tag your mates, dig out your passport and dust off your Irish dictionaries!.”
Bernard and Sarah (née Campbell) Duffy, emigrated from Ireland to Western Australia on the Hamilla Mitchell in April 1859.
Tragedy struck the family early into their new life in WA when Bernard died in 1861 after he fell from a cart and broke his neck.
The Irish couple had five children, including their only son Bernard James – aka Barney— who was born in 1849 in Ireland. Barney was one of the first European settlers in the Wanneroo district and became a farmer with 100 acres near Lake Goollelal. A limestone house he built on the property was demolished in 1977.
Barney married a Catherine Hughes in July 1873 and they had six children, including a son in 1875 Frederick John. After being schooled in Fremantle and the Christian Brothers College in Perth Jack returned to the family estate in Wanneroo and later
took up his own farm in the district. He farmed a market garden and kept horses on the holding. Francis got married to an Eva Matilda Cockman, a daughter of another Wanneroo pioneering family James and Mary Cockman who settled in the area in 1852. [Their homestead Cockman House
has been maintained and is a popular local attraction and heritage site]. Frederick and Eva had eight children and in 1911 they commissioned local builder George Dawson to build their home which would become known as Jack Duffy House. One of their children – John 'Jack' Duffy - was born 17 May 1913 around the same time the house had been finished.
The property originally consisted of 25 acres of which Frederick Duffy used the swampland as a vegetable garden until his death in 1924. His widow did not continue the veggie garden but did start a small dairy. Jack Duffy recalled: “We started with one cow and built up from there. Although we boys ran the dairy, it was still a hard time for Mum." At its peak the family run dairy milked as many as 70 cows, with their milk sent to a Brownes depot in North Perth.
Jack enlisted in the Australian army in 1941 but he was ‘manpowered out’ three years later to help his brother Bob run the diary, as part of the war effort. The siblings ran the dairy until 1962 when it moved off the homestead, and finally closed in 1976. The remnants of ‘Duffy’s dairy’ are found about 100 metres to the south-west of the house. Jack Duffy remained at the property until his death in 2009, aged 96.
Since then the roof has been replaced, floors repaired, structural work carried out, new windows and given a paint job. Power, water and other services have also been plumbed in. The ‘old dairy’ a short distance away had some partial demolition and remedial works done.
Security fencing now protects around the site, while a car park, access roads and footpaths have also been built to make it accessible to visitors. Presumably the barrier will come down once an operator has been selected and things start happening there. A purpose and a function will help breathe new life into it. It appears some more work needs to be done to make the site ready for the public. The remnants of the dairy were sturdily built but at the very least will need some kind of sign or interpretative panel to explain how the small structure was used. A mound of stones beside Duffy House must have some purpose or function but quite what
that is remains to be seen. And perhaps some further investigation of the history of the former farm could produce some more interesting information. Not very far from the house I found evidence of another structure that had long since disappeared. A rubble of stones and corroded steel bars appeared to have collapsed into a heap, leaving the impression of an outline of something around the edges. Perhaps they are all that is left of an outbuilding or the ruins of a well that was once their water supply.
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Residents of the tiny village of Lorrha in Ireland are embarking on their own bid to save a local institution and ensure the viability of their community now and into the future.
Nestled at the very northern tip of Tipperary, close to Portumna on the shores of Lough Derg, and a two hour drive from Cork or Dublin, Lorrha is steeped in history and the name might ring a bell with regular readers for another reason.
Lorrha – population about 150 – has the only remaining shop in the parish, which includes the other villages of Rathcabbin, Redwood and Carrigahorig. Actually, the last shop in Lorrha closed in 2015 but the community fought hard to win it back. The organisation SCEAL (Social Community Enterprise for the Advancement of Lorrha/ Rathcabbin) was created to open their own shop, at St Ruadhán’s Hall. Staffed by volunteers it opens 364 days a year (closed Christmas Day) and sells everyday groceries
and locally produced baking and crafts, and incorporates a café where locals can catch up with each other and visitors can enjoy a break.
“It has been a tremendous success, and has attracted hundreds of visitors from all corners of Ireland and the globe,” SCEAL PRO Michael Brophy told Irish Scene. “However, work remains to preserve this shop as a long-term community amenity.”
Construction began in June 2024 on an extension at the hall as a permanent home for the village's community shop and café. A €240,000 government grant got the project underway but another €75,000 is needed to complete the job so they launched the ‘Buy a Brick’ €100 donation campaign.
“We know there are proud Lorrha and Tipperary people in every corner of the world, and this shop is also for them,” added Mr Brophy. “It’s about maintaining our village and wider parish as a great place to live with adequate services and amenities,
and preserving and sharing the rich heritage of our village. €100 donations for the ‘Buy a Brick’ campaign can be made at the SCEAL shop in Lorrha, and also by online payment to our PayPal account - ‘Sceal Society Limited’. Our website is www.visitlorrhadorrha.com.”
This rural part of Ireland is littered with more than its fair share of antiquities such as St Ruadhán’s Abbey, Augustinian Abbey, 13th century Dominican Friary and 8th century Celtic crosses – all of which would have been well known to one Irish Australian of historical importance.
repairs of the village’s church – where a bronze plaque was erected in his honour. It was the last time Martin saw his homeplace and unfortunately his return to Australia shortly afterwards and the rest of his life were characterised by tragedy. He spent the next 17 years in asylums and died in Claremont Mental Hospital in December 1935. He was buried with full military honours at Karrakatta Cemetery, where his grave is highlighted as a site on a heritage tour of the graveyard.
Martin O’Meara was born in Lorrha and lived there until he emigrated to Australia in 1912, aged 27. O’Meara worked hard as a sleeper cutter in Collie until he enlisted with the 16th Battalion of the Australian Imperial Force (AIF) in 1915. About a year later he was at Mouquet Farm, Pozières, in France. For the four days between August 9 to 12 there was very heavy fighting between the AIF and German forces. During that time and often under heavy bombardment O’Meara repeatedly went into ‘No Man’s Land’ to rescue wounded Australian soldiers and officers. In all, he is said to have rescued 25 of his comrades, carrying them on his back to the relative safety of their own lines. Of stocky build he also volunteered to carry munitions and shells from the rear to the front line. He was injured during this time but pushed on regardless. For these actions, Martin was awarded a Victoria Cross medal, the highest military honour for bravery in the face of the enemy. The medal was presented to him – the only Irish born member of the AIF in WWI to be awarded the honour – by King George V at Buckingham Palace in July 1917. The occasion also gave him an opportunity to make a visit home. Money was raised by the people of Lorrha and other parishes as a testimonial for him. Martin donated the money towards the restoration of Lorrha Abbey but because the ruins would have needed a lot more to complete the job the money was instead put towards
A granite memorial was erected in Lorrha as a permanent tribute to Martin and in April 2022 there was a special ceremony for the temporary return of his VC medal for the first time in more than 100 years. The entire local community took part in the event and the community shop played its part as the venue for a display of artefacts linked to O’Meara and WWI.
On my trip home to Ireland in September I was walking down the main street in Newbridge when a couple walking towards me caught my attention. While there are GAA tops everywhere the sight of a GAAWA jersey with its distinctive logo of a black swan is hard to miss. Of course I had to stop them for a chat and to find out more. John and Claire Flaherty’s two sons Sean and Alan – who was involved with St. Gabriels Hurling Club – were living in Perth for many years now and they have been over to visit a number of times. Please God they’ll be back this side of the world again soon.
“Anything Goes” with Irish DJ Oliver McNerney is on VCA Radio 88.5FM every Saturday between 3pm and 5pm.
Originally from Longford Oliver spins golden oldies and the best of Irish and Australian music. Requests welcome. Call 92971088 or text 041988505
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed by contributors in articles, reproduced articles, advertisements or any other printed material contained in Irish Scene magazine or on www.irishscene. com.au are those of the individual contributors or authors and as such are not necessarily those
Canal Walk Media. The publisher and editor
for publication. Irish Scene
ideas and suggestions
articles and features as well as photographs of events happening around and within the Irish community in Western Australia.
On October 20, AFLW Ireland posted this message: “Special moment as members of all five Irish dockers families were present from Ireland to watch @ fredockersaflw take the win & the Silverware in the @aflwomens Western Derby 2024. The Mulholland, McCarthy, Cregg, Lally & Tighe families all super proud of Amy, Aisling, Joanne, Orlagh and Aine as are everybody here at home.”
Kieran and Michaela Hegarty had a double celebration recently. Their son Patrick popped the question to his girlfriend Evie on top of Errigal in Donegal before returning back to Perth to start their new life together. And for the first time in a few years all three of their children – who have been travelling the world – are living back in Perth. To mark the family reunion and to enjoy Irish Race Day at Ascot they splashed out on a hummer, pictured here in Kings Park are Lorna, Aoife, Evie, Kieran, Killian, Michaela, Patrick, Finn and Gavin.
Irish Scene ran into these three amigos in Hay Street Subiaco recently. Accents are always a giveaway and good excuse to strike up a chat. When they were convinced to do a photo for the magazine one of the guys joked ‘No Names, No Names’. As it happens you will have to remain nameless folks, at least here, as I did write down your names but of course when I went looking for the piece of paper I couldn’t find it…. Anyhow I promised to put your photo in the magazine, so here it is! Thanks for the chat!
Our famous Christmas hams, made with the finest Plantagenet free range pork legs from south-west WA. Jarrah smoked for maximum flavour. Gluten free (GF)
Free Range Bone-in Leg Ham
Australia’s best bone-in ham, AMIC Smallgoods Awards 2024
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Semi boneless ham, AMIC Smallgoods Awards 2024
A semi boneless ham that only has the shank left at the top, making it easy to carve. Ready to glaze or serve cold. (GF)
Full leg 6-8kg sizes
Half leg (split lengthway)
3-4.5kg sizes
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Gourmet Boneless Leg Ham
Ready to glaze or serve cold. (GF)
Full ham 5kg approx
Half ham 2.5kg approx
$27.99kg $29.99kg
Champagne Shoulder Ham
Best ham, Perth Royal Food Awards 2024
A semi boneless free range ham made from the shoulder, with the fat trimmed. Ready to glaze or serve cold. (GF)
Full shoulder 3.5kg approx
58 Westchester Road Malaga 9249 8039
$12.99kg $13.99kg $13.99kg
All natural with no additives to ensure maximum flavour. Sourced from the Quast Farm in Kootingal NSW. (GF) $16.99kg 4-10kg sizes
Turkey Crowns
Whole turkey with the wings and legs removed, leaving only the breast meat still attached to the bone.
$19.99kg 3-7kg sizes
Boneless turkey breast rolled and strung in netting. Sold cooked or uncooked.
Large 1.7kg approx
X-large 2.2kg approx
Cooked, ready to serve or reheat 2kg approx
$31.50kg $31.50kg $45.99kg
Filled with our homemade stuffing mix of breadcrumbs, herbs, sage and onions.
Large 1.7kg approx
X-large 2.2kg approx
Cooked, ready to serve or reheat 2kg approx
$31.50kg $45.99kg
Dry age roasts, BBQ cuts and more available
Plus your favourite Irish meats and groceries!
Filled with our homemade stuffing mix of breadcrumbs, chopped cranberries, crushed pinenuts, herbs and onions.
Large 1.7kg approx
X-large 2.2kg approx
Cooked, ready to serve or reheat 2kg approx
All made following our traditional family recipes. (GF)
Best cooked smallgood, Perth Royal Food Awards 2024
Specialty smallgood, AMIC
Smallgoods Awards 2024
Boneless leg ham, strung and cured in a traditional Irish brine. Prepared just like hams back home.
Raw option, ready to boil and bake. 2-6kg sizes
Slow cooked option, serve cold or glaze and reheat at home. 2-4kg sizes
Same great taste as our gammon leg ham, made using the leaner loin cut so we can portion to smaller sizes.
1.5-2kg size approx $20.99kg
Cured beef silverside, prepared in a traditional spice blend.
1.5 or 2.5kg approx size $20.99kg
All our pork is sourced from local WA farmers, ensuring best quality and taste.
Porchetta Roll
Famous Italian style pork roast. Boned and rolled belly with the loin still attached. Seasoned with salt, pepper, fennel and rosemary. (GF)
$22.99kg 2kg or 4kg sizes
Scotch and Crackle Roast
3kg size approx
Loin Boned and Rolled
Available with apple and rosemary seasoning or unseasoned.
$19.99kg 2kg or 4kg size approx
Chicken Roll
Boneless West Australian chicken, rolled and strung, ready to cook. Filled with sage and onion stufffing.
1.6kg size approx
Sage and onion stuffing 475g
Sage and onion stuffing 900g
Sage, onion, cranberry and pinenut stuffing 475g
Sage, onion, apple and rosemary stuffing 475g
Pigs in blankets 20x pack
$8.25 ea
$15.25 ea
$9.90 ea
$8.75 ea $25.95 ea
Large selection of roasts and cuts available - please ask when ordering! in Perth a happy and healthy Christmas!
How’s about yeus all. I hope you have all had a good time since the last edition of this great little free mag. Some of you might be turned off by my theme this time but read on and relax in the knowledge that the part of the world I am going to write about is some of the best (for its purpose) in the world. --- The golf courses of Ulster in general and Rory McIlroy in particular.
But first may I give you some of my own personal experience of the game. Yes GOLF. Another foul, four lettered word which has a different meaning for those inflicted with trying to play it, and those who wisely avoid it.
My first experience was when I was four years old, and I had to drag myself (complete with flat feet) around Downpatrick Golf course behind my mother and father, one of whom was quite good. I believe he was off an eight handicap. If you don’t know what that means, forget it; it is not important.
My father passed away when I was ten and his clubs were still too long for me and the ones he had made for me were too short. I was lucky enough to go to a boarding school and forget about the game. In a boarding school, you use any chance you get to leave the premises for any reason that presented itself. I had tried swimming (hopeless), mountaineering (sore on the feet), rock-climbing (nearly fell off the rock), so when golf lessons were offered, I jumped at it. What could go wrong? The answer was everything. I won’t bore you with all the stories but if you are a golfer, you will understand. If you are not a golfer, you will never understand the pain and frustration we go through almost every time we play. There are at least ten different shots you must learn to play: some from beautifully manicured grass, some from deep gorse and others from a pit with sand in it. To finish off (if
you get there) there is a beautiful smooth piece of grass which they (with great invention sic) call the green where they dig out a small hole and put a flag in it. Of course, the greens are designed to move your ball away from the hole the closer it gets to it. Golf, therefore, is a mental game as well. You learn to control your temper, you learn (from others) certain words you hadn’t heard since your teenage years, and you learn about sympathy. Both for your partners and yourself. Especially yourself.
All right, enough of that. By now you have the picture. Possibly not a pretty sight. After the game you talk endlessly about the could a been, and the bad luck you had during your four and a half hours of hell.
Sometimes you have a good story to tell. This is one. During an Easter holiday (from that boarding school) I stayed with my aunt and uncle in Ballymoney which is a town in the north part of County Antrim. They had two young daughters, so I was often bored. My uncle suggested I might like a game of golf, and he organized one with the retired bank manager. Charles (the manager) duly turned up in his Ford Anglia (it might have been an Austin), introduced himself and mentioned that he had invited a third golfer to join us adding that he hoped I didn’t mind. I did, but that was beside the point. He kindly opened the rear door of the car, and I jumped in after putting my meagre selection (fathers) of clubs in the other part of the rear seat. He introduced (somewhat vaguely) the gentleman sitting in the front seat as ‘Willie – John’ and advised me not to call him Bill, Will or any other such hypocorism (shortened form). Now this Willie-John did not look that familiar from my view of him in the back seat. He seemed more than a little crushed in this type of car. I noticed he had to keep his head bowed down for the whole journey to fit in. He was clearly tall and broad. They chatted away in the front and I learned that this Willie-John worked in the bank in Ballymena; the next town
just down the road as we used to say. A few brain cells eventually clicked together, and I arrived at the conclusion that this Willie-John was really the famous Willie-John McBride of Irish (and the Lions) rugby fame. Well of course he should have been one of my heroes (I never had any heroes in those days). We played at Portstewart Golf Club. A pleasant little course beside the sea. No one kept the score as it became clear that W.J. was not a golfer. He didn’t have the right physique for the game. Tall and broad was good for the second row of a scrum but not to hold a puny little stick to hit a tiny white object out of sight and never to be found. He had what in golfer’s terms was called a wicked and fierce slice. We spent most of the day looking for golf balls (his) which generally turned out to be a complete waste of time. We did find a couple of them. They drove me home and I presume they headed off to a bar to chat about money matters and other things!
I like to pretend that I am two things. A musician (well I do play lots of instruments) and a sportsman. I played rugby into my thirties, football (soccer for you Aussies) into my forties, basketball in my fifties, tennis into my sixties and all that is now left for me is sadly golf. I am lucky to have a wife (Dublin 4) who plays (Lake Karrinyup Country Club) and understands that the only hole I enjoy is called the nineteenth (Lakelands Country Club), which invariably can last a long time.
I have lots of stories of when I played in Sydney, where the golf bag was a pram with a baby in it. Not allowed now I would guess. Not allowed then either I might venture to say. But enough of that.
We all know that Ulster has been troubled by conflict in recent times but that is thankfully behind them and now it is able to show off one of the most beautiful coastlines in the world – some with causeways built by GIANTS! – sparkling lakes and misty mountains. On a good day that is. If you stay long enough in the province, you should get at least one of those: good day that is. Perhaps
the most precious asset lies in the beauty and quality of its golf courses.
Over one hundred golf courses serve a population of less than two million people. Two of these courses are world-class with many of the others simply hidden gems. The two Royal thrillers are situated in Portrush, Co Antrim (just beside Portstewart where I played with W.J.) and Newcastle, Co Down. Both courses have been host to the Irish Open. Newcastle is a little holiday town nestling at the bottom of the majestic Mountains of Mourne which are of course famous for Percy French’s song as they ‘sweep down to the sea’. This is an exhilarating location for a classic links course where the Bay of Dundrum heads out to the Irish Sea and where the peak of Slieve Donard casts its shadow over the town. What is a links course I can here you mutter? A true links course should be located alongside the sea. It will have sandy soil and little vegetation besides tall sea grasses and gorse (a hearty, lowgrowing, evergreen plant). The natural terrain is used to develop the golf holes. The Royal Co Down golf course fits this definition perfectly.
A Scottish schoolteacher called George L. Baillie originally laid out the first nine holes at Newcastle in 1889. Later that year, Old Tom Morris was paid four guineas to extend the course to eighteen. Harry Vardon modified it in 1908, and the same year King Edward VII bestowed royal patronage on the club. In 1926 Harry Colt was commissioned to make further alterations. How does a club get to have ‘Royal’ added to its name? Basically, there are two ways. The first way is that a monarch confers this title on a club. The first golf club to be granted royal status in this way was the Perth Golfing Society and County and City Club Society (Not Perth in Australia). It was formed in 1824, and in 1833 King William IV awarded it royal status, after the club captain, Lord Kinnaird, had invited the king, who had recently taken up the game, (silly man) to become the club's patron. A year
later William IV honoured in the same fashion another club of which he was patron, hence why we have The Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews. Unfortunately, it is not just British monarchs who have awarded club Royal status. The Spanish royal family have conferred this title – well, the title of ‘Real’ to be exact – on around two dozen clubs, and the Belgian monarchs have a tally creeping into double figures. British kings and queens are responsible however for creating most royal clubs, having conferred this title upon clubs across the globe, including in countries where the monarch did not reign. Indeed, the last club to be given royal status by Queen Elizabeth II was Royal Homburger Golf Club in Germany, a club with long standing links to the British royal family dating from its foundation in 1899. The last club in Britain to receive this honour was Royal Troon, in 1978, on its 100th anniversary. And the second way I can hear you ask? Simply that a club itself decides to put ‘royal’ into its name. For example, Royal Tara Golf Club in Ireland gave itself this name on the basis that the course is located near where the ancient kings of Ireland used to live, and Royal Spring Golf Course in India takes its name from the springs formerly used by Mughal emperors. As recently as July this year, the highly respected Golf Digest rated Royal County Down as the
world's top course with Royal Dornoch, St Andrews and another great Northern Ireland links Royal Portrush filling out the top four positions.
"On a clear spring day, with Dundrum Bay to the east, the Mountains of Mourne to the south and gorse-covered dunes in golden bloom, there is no lovelier place in golf," stated the Golf Digest appraisal. So how did Rory McIlroy go in the Irish Open held at Royal Co Down a few weeks ago? In a horrible recent run where he was winning up until the last hole, he managed to repeat the performance and come second once again. Oh, for the frustrations of the game. It feels bad when you play for $5 and loose never mind playing for four days and the opposition chip into the hole twice during the last few holes. I’ll finish with a quote (there are many) from a famous golfer named Bobby Jones. ‘Golf is the closest game to the game we call life. You get bad breaks from good shots; you get good breaks from bad shots – but you always must play the ball where it lies.” May your God (golfing one or otherwise) go with you. Until the next time.
David MacConnell
At this nostalgic time of year, it’s worth remembering Patrick Kavanagh’s wonderful poem “ A Christmas Childhood”.
One side of the potato-pits was white with frostHow wonderful that was, how wonderful!
And when we put our ears to the paling-post
The music that came out was magical.
The light between the ricks of hay and straw
Was a hole in Heaven's gable. An apple tree
With its December-glinting fruit we sawO you, Eve, were the world that tempted me.
To eat the knowledge that grew in clay
And death the germ within it! Now and then I can remember something of the gay Garden that was childhood's. Again.
The tracks of cattle to a drinking-place,
A green stone lying sideways in a ditch,
Or any common sight, the transfigured face
Of a beauty that the world did not touch.
My father played the melodion
Outside at our gate;
There were stars in the morning east And they danced to his music.
Across the wild bogs his melodion called To Lennons and Callans.
As I pulled on my trousers in a hurry I knew some strange thing had happened.
Outside in the cow-house my mother
Made the music of milking;
The light of her stable-lamp was a star
And the frost of Bethlehem made it twinkle.
A water-hen screeched in the bog, Mass-going feet
Crunched the wafer-ice on the pot-holes, Somebody wistfully twisted the bellows wheel. My child poet picked out the letters On the grey stone, In silver the wonder of a Christmas townland, The winking glitter of a frosty dawn.
Cassiopeia was over Cassidy's hanging hill, I looked and three whin bushes rode across The horizon — the Three Wise Kings.
And old man passing said: ‘Can't he make it talkThe melodion.' I hid in the doorway And tightened the belt of my box-pleated coat.
I nicked six nicks on the door-post
With my penknife's big bladethere was a little one for cutting tobacco. And I was six Christmases of age.
My father played the melodion, My mother milked the cows, And I had a prayer like a white rose pinned On the Virgin Mary's blouse.
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by Lloyd Gorman
The Irish in Australia keep proving that anything is possible. Irish jockey Robbie Dolan riding the 2024 Melbourne Cup winner is just the latest example of that. Dolan – a native of Kildare town – rode an 80/1 outsider Knight’s Choice from the back of the field to first across the finishing line in the worlds biggest horse race, sealing his place in the annals of Australian sporting history in one blow. He learned his trade in Kildare but Brisbane has been his home for the last eight years.
“Pinch me, I think I’m dreaming! It’s incredible, I can’t believe it,” he told Channel Nine, which broadcast the race, straight after the race.
“I’ve never ridden in this race before so I didn’t know what to expect, but I feel like I’ve ridden in it 10 times because I’ve ran the race in my head before I got here. It panned out exactly as I thought it would. I thought I’d be closer, but they went quick and I decided I ride him for luck as I know he’s got a good turn of foot. Sheila and John were so confident in this horse before he got to the race, a lot of people doubted him but I didn’t.”
The moment was made even more special by the fact his father Bobby was there, and the two Lilly-whites shared some tender moments live on air. “I woke up Sunday morning and he was standing in my kitchen – I couldn’t believe it,” Robbie said on the air. “Win, lose or draw, it was a great day for me but to win it with him here as well as my partner and daughter, I’m going to cry again!”.
Donal Snr had plenty to crow about too. “I'm over the moon. I bred a Melbourne Cup winner, so proud” he said. In addition to the normal paternal pride one might feel in this situation Mr Dolan could appreciate his son’s achievement on a professional level. He was a jockey for
Dermot Weld, whose stables are in the Curragh, outside Kildare town. Weld’s horse Vintage Crop that became the first horse from the northern hemisphere to win the Melbourne Cup in 1993. Vintage Crop returned to the Flemington fixture in 1994 and again in 1995, finishing seventh and third respectively. Incredibly Weld would claim the Melbourne Cup again in 2002 with another horse he trained Media Puzzle, ridden by Irish jokey Michael Kinane.
Every year since 2003 the Melbourne Cup –an 18-carat-gold trophy worth $AUD750,000 – goes on tour across Australia and internationally to help drum up excitement and awareness of the famous fixture. Ireland is one of the countries included on the international leg of the tour. Last year – the Cup was in Ireland but only a very small group of people – including Mr Weld – got to hold or even see the trophy up close or at all. This was the 40th anniversary of that groundbreaking win, it should have been something for the wider community to be involved in, not an elite few at a private function. Irish Scene was scathing of the way the way it was off limits. A family from the Curragh who heard the cup was in the area and requests to see it were turned down.. So much for its moniker as The People’s Cup. What made it even more galling was the fact the Cup had just been in WA before it went to Ireland., where it was the guest of honour at several public events and races, where punters got the chance to hold it (wearing white gloves) and to have their photograph taken with it. Thankfully when the Cup returned to Ireland in August this year there was a different attitude and it made public appearances at Galway (Ballybrit) and Naas race tracks – where race goers could pose for a pix with it. In WA the Cup visited Perth, Esperance and Wyalkatchem (192km east-north-east of Perth) where the community could get up close and personal with it. That’s what it's all about!
“To those who lived there, Faha was perhaps the last place on earth to expect a miracle. It had neither the history nor the geography for it. The history was remarkable for the one fact upon which all commentators agreed: nothing happened here.”
But all Faha’s rural, languid monotony was upended when twelve-yearold, Jude Quinlan found an abandoned baby behind the chapel wall. It’s nearing Christmas in 1962, and the local GP, septuagenarian, Jack Troy is about his seemingly unending medical rounds dispensing medicaments both in the surgery and around the village, where a visit from the doctor is always a sign of bad things to come. Troy’s youngest daughter Ronnie (28) is his reclusive, long-suffering, housekeeper, practice manager and confidant, when she’s not otherwise occupied filling notebooks with her stories. The pair’s hum-drum existence is indeed disturbed when Jude arrives at their door with the baby in his arms. Jude thinks the child is dead, but Jack breathes life in to the tiny body and immediately falls in love. ‘What had come over him was as old as life on earth, a pulsed response to another, outside of and even before the existence of reason, a prime and primal engagement that took its continuance from the expression in the baby’s features’. With a new child to care for, Ronnie finds a maternal nature she never knew she had. Father and daughter are resolved to
keep the baby’s existence a secret (not easy in a close-knit community), knowing that if the word gets out, either the church or the state will come to claim it. Roused in to action, Jack develops a desperate ploy to enable Ronnie to raise the infant by hoping to reunite her with a former boyfriend, despite the fact that he is currently living in the United States. We follow both Ronnie and Jack as they endeavour to hold on to this most unexpected yuletide gift. Time of the Child is a warming Christmas tale of the highest calibre, reminding readers of the fundamental mysteries of love, family and humanity. This is Williams at his best; sinuous prose full of music, humour, insight, remarkable characterisation and sense of place which captures the essence of 1960s rural Ireland. How eloquently Williams adorns Ireland’s literary scene. Two of his previous books, History of the Rain and This is Happiness are also set in Faha, while his debut novel, Four Letters of Love, has recently been adapted as a movie featuring Pierce Brosnan, Gabriel Byrne and Helena BonhamCarter.
Set in 1840s Ireland during the Great Hunger, Where the Heart Should Be tells the story of Nell Quinn, a teenage girl who goes to work as a scullery maid for Lord Wicken, a wealthy English aristocrat. Forced
to give up her studies to assist her povertystricken family, Nell meets John Browning, nephew and heir to the manor, despite the fact that status and nationality should keep them apart. Theirs is a relationship full of romance and anger, and about which Crossan raises the question whether it is possible to love someone you’d normally consider an enemy. Watching Wicken’s dogs eat leftover meat while her family and neighbours are starving, Nell is warned, ‘If you pinch so much as a grain of wheat/ the landlord will have you whipped’. Despite over a million people dying from hunger, Crossan asks readers not to refer to this tragic period as the ‘potato famine’, pointing out that there was food enough for all, ‘it’s just that it wasn’t being fairly distributed’. In her fine narrative, Crossan documents the backdrop to the situation where a corrupt political system prioritises profits over the lives of the poor, ‘we need food/ but instead/ they send a swarm of soldiers’. This book is an extraordinary achievement in which Crossan uses verse in an unflinching story full of deft characterization, which documents the hardship and horror of the time, while describing a compelling tale of love and hope. Crossan grew up in Dublin and her previous books, mainly for teenagers (as is this one), have garnered countless accolades including the prestigious CILIP Carnegie Medal and CBI Book of the Year, this is her first foray in to historical fiction. From 2018 until 2020, Crossan was the Laureate na nOg –Ireland’s Children’s Literature Laureate. Twelve years in the making, with Where the Heart Should Be, Crossan has produced another astounding work of fiction conjuring up deep emotions against the background of a dark chapter in our history.
It’s not often that a book resonates with me for longer than a week or two – but this one is an exception. Skillfully and adeptly written, it is nonetheless deeply unsettling and thought provoking. In December 2021, socialite Ghislaine Maxwell was convicted and sentenced to 20 years in prison for procuring four girls who were abused by billionaire, paedophile, Jeffrey Epstein. During the five weeks of the incendiary
trial, only four seats were available to journalists, one of whom was Osborne Crowley who attended every day. However, it would be wrong to think that the author’s fine reportage simply focuses on the cut-and-thrust of evidence and legal argument as the victims, in the witness box, relate their sexual grooming by Epstein and Maxwell. Sitting ‘a foot away’ from Maxwell while her prey was questioned, Osborne Crowley intercuts her perceptive eyewitness account with revelatory descriptions as to how each of the four vulnerable, young women (Jane, Annie, Kate, Carolyn) became enmeshed in Maxwell’s evil web of abuse and sex trafficking. Despite Osborne Crowley’s proximity to Maxwell, the accused only exists as a shadowy figure – a constant presence, but a notable absence - who doesn’t speak until the verdict is returned. Osborne Crowley also interviews one of the jurors, also abused as a child, about what eventuated in the jury room when he revealed to his fellow jurors his own distressful experience and how this impacted on the verdict. But the author too has her own hidden secrets. As a child she was groomed by her swimming coach and later violently raped as a 15-year-old, horrific events which she uses to provide greater understanding into the feelings of the four young women. With courts worldwide seemingly siding with the wealthy and powerful over alleged victims and journalists, Osborne Crowley offers insights and suggestions as to how this imbalanced situation might be rectified to benefit those who so often go unheard and unheeded. The author’s revelations shed light on how grooming, abuse, disclosure and distant memory interact, and importantly cause lasting harm to victims of abuse. This is indeed a book of depth, purpose, empathy and uncommon perception.
Last year I met author Peter Shearing. I was interested to go along to his book launch at the Hobart Lending Library, Tasmania to hear about his novel set in the island nation of Malta. Having a Maltese background, I was intrigued to hear the history of the story.
Peter Shearing’s early life was on a northern Tasmanian dairy farm. After twenty- seven years in the Australian Defence Force he and his wife returned to Tassie.
Peter Shearing and I met in the relative warmth of the Hobart Library to discuss his book, with the decidedly icy theme of ‘Glacier’.
Peter told me he was always good at English, so it was a natural progression to become a writer. His novel was inspired by the story of Otzi the iceman, a 5000-year-old mummy that was discovered in the Otztal Alps between Austria and Italy in 1991. Peter’s novel is the fictious story of who Otzi might have been. Peter’s wife is originally from Malta. which gave him a rich history to draw on as the place of origin of his protagonist. There could hardly be a better site for the story, with Malta being home to the Ggantija megalithic stones. This site is among the oldest religious site in the world. It is older than Stonehenge and the pyramids of Giza. Otzi becomes Ka’desh, a young boy and the object of a prophecy in his small village, that claims he will create history for his people.
From Malta Ka’desh travels to Sicily and then to Italy, all the while experiencing tragedy, with his childhood sweetheart Nee’sa and their pet Kura. On his journey he has a trinket with him, unique to Malta, a female fertility figure. Unique, because although other cultures made items of pottery, there were none created at this time, of the human figure. Peter writes in a way that captures
ancient history perfectly and he’s able to cleverly propose answers to the mysteries of both Malta’s ancient past and the iceman, by linking them together. Glacier, A Boy, An Island, A Prophecy.is out now published by Leschenault Press.
I spoke to Tasmanian author Rachel Treasure earlier this year about her latest novel ‘Milking Time’ a humorous and witty tale of dairy farmer Connie Mulligan. Conversation turned to environmentalist Rachel Carlson and her book ‘The Silent Spring’. In Rachael Treasure we have someone who like Rachel Carson cares deeply for the environment but instead of factual books couches her ideas in very entertaining and absorbing novels. It seems that Rachael gets better and better with each book. Connie is frustrated, she has ideas to make environmentally friendly changes to how her farm operates but is not taken seriously by her family. To complicate matters Connie a promising agriculture student at University has left her course due to a traumatic experience, which leaves her with nightmares and unusual imaginings. Connie’s mum thinks she might need to see a psychologist. Connie has some relief from her difficulties when her focus shifts to a chance to visit her ancestral home of Ireland and explore some natural farming methods that she might implement at home. She finds that it is the women who welcome her rather than the men, and it is them who have the intuition that aligns with Connie’s beliefs on farming methods, her respect for nature and the capacity to heal it and a farm free of chemical interventions. Get prepared for when the women get together to protest their way and a scene that makes the Cancan, as we know it, seem quite tame! Miking Time by Rachael Treasure is out now published by Penguin.
Living far from home and being a mum motivated Siobhán Brunet to start writing and publishing books. Siobhán, then 21, traded her native Belfast eight years ago for Perth. It was a big undertaking to move country on her own but she overcame the obstacles and is where she wants to be. About a year into her time here she met her husband on a WHV, an Aussie with a Scottish dad and a Maritian dad; “so he’s good craic like us Irish” she laughed. As a high school student Siobhán enjoyed writing poetry and while her love of words continued into her adult life she said she – like most people – was afraid to take the leap and to try and sell her writing. “Then when my daughter Órlaith was born I wrote a special book for her about her uncle who passed away, it brought me so much joy to read this to her each night because it was about family,” she told Irish Scene. “That’s when I decided I wanted her to also know about her family who are still here but just a little far away (in Ireland). So I wrote “All About Me & My Family Overseas”. Once it arrived and I had added the illustrations, I just new I had to share this with other families who’s little ones have family back home. Most of my sales so far have been from our lovely Irish community as the book is perfect for any little ones in the same boat as my daughter
who have family back home.”
Self-publishing “All About Me & My Family Overseas” had its challenges and was a steep learning curve for her but it has fuelled her desire to write and publish more. “I found a great illustrator based in America however I would love to work with someone local here in Perth next time so they can capture what I’m looking for exactly,” she said. “But these are things I hope to have ironed out come my next book. This first book is basic, easy enough for toddlers and small children but once I’ve got the hang of it I’m hoping my next book will be a lot more detailed, and tell more of a heartwarming story. The overall support from our Irish community here in Perth has been amazing, from people buying my book for their little ones or just offering some words of encouragement. It’s amazing what a little Irish girl from Belfast can achieve when she decides to chase her dream! My advice to anyone thinking of doing something similar, as my da always tells me, life is short, take the leap!.”
Perth’s Irish community – like many others in Australia and across he world – came together to hold a vigil in the wake of the shocking murder of 23 year old Tullamore teacher Aisling Murphy while she was jogging in broad daylight in her home town of Tullamore, Co. Offaly in January.
A group traditional and fiddle county’s tributes woman promising also heavily GAA club right. Elaine the vigil of the kookaburra to the stunning traditional music at vigil tonight #AshlingMurphy in Perth,”.
Hundreds of Irish people – including families with young children, took part in an evening time vigil and walk at the Flame of Remembrance in Kings Park on January 19, organised by the Claddagh Association and supported
“All About Me & My Family Overseas” is available at www.etsy.com/au/listing/1701312929/all-about-memy-family-overseas?ref=listings_manager_grid
Similar were staged across including the Amphitheatre at Kangaroo Point, Brisbane and all based Irish Australian Queensland. by Anna
They never knew each other back in Ireland but Zach Tuohy and Catherine Murphy have teamed up in Australia for what they hope will be a Christmas cracker. Both accomplished in their own fields the pair worked together to produce Tuohy’s memoirs – ‘Zach Tuohy The Irish Experiment’. It comes at an opportune time. Launched in Australia at the start of November (and due to hit the Irish market next month) the book will no doubt make its way into many Christmas stockings. And it comes hot on the heels of the Geelong veteran’s announcement in August that he would retire from AFL at the end of the 2024 season.
“Working together was seamless from my end,” Tuohy told Irish Scene. “Catherine did so much of the grunt work and allowed me to then put each chapter into my own words. It was absolutely as good a partnership as I could have hoped for going into this experience.”
A native of Portlaoise Co. Laois Tuohy, 35, grew up playing Gaelic football and stood out on the pitch as a player of some renown in his home county (he was his teams designated kicker for 45m plus free kicks) and at the Leinster level. His abilities also attracted the attention of talent scouts from Carlton Football Club and a four week trial with the Melbourne club in 2009 saw him develop into a considerable member of the Club over the coming years. He would also represent Ireland in the Compromise Rules tests in 2011, 2013 and 2017. At the end of the 2016 season Tuohy put in for a trade from Carlton and named
by Lloyd Gorman
Geelong as his preferred destination. He continued to make his presence felt on the field for his new team and his 250th game was also the 2022 Grand Final, winning his first premiership and cementing his place in the Code forever and making him a fan favourite. Together with his team mate and countryman Mark O’Connor they became only the second and third Irish players to claim victory in an AFL finals since Tadhg Kennelly 17 years earlier. In October 2022 he even overtook Dublin footy legend Jim
Stynes (who held the record at 264) as the Irish born players to play AFL games.
“After reaching the pinnacle of his new sport, as one of the most accomplished Irish players in the history of the AFL, Zach reflects on life as the epitome of The Irish Experiment in this funny, frank and no-holds-barred memoir co-written with beloved ABC sport journalist Catherine Murphy,” publicity for the new book said. “Zach knows more than anyone about ‘the Irish experiment’ and doesn’t hold
back when writing about the relationships between the indigenous codes of the Gaelic Athletic Association and the AFL, and what needs to change to secure the future of Irish and Australian footballers alike. With characteristic determination and a devil-may care attitude, Zach writes candidly about his experiences in Australia, recounting the good, the bad and the downright hilarious. From the never-beentold story dubbed by Zach as ‘biscuit-gate’ and the ball-buster conversations behind locker-room doors, to raw conversations about mental health and the heartache of missing home, Zach leaves no stone unturned when reflecting on his life and career.”
Cavan woman Murphy trained and worked in the RTE sports department until she moved to Australia in 2006, to work for Fox Sports. She joined ABC in 2018 where she continues to report and present sports on TV and radio and host podcasts. The Irish Experiment is her first book but one might suspect it will not be her last.
Carlton is on the lookout for the next Zach Tuohy. Back in July, club boss Nick Austin, national recruitment manager Mick Agresta and footy director Greg Williams and AFLW boss Ash Naulty spent a week in Ireland. Based out of Dublin they drove to the top and the bottom of the country in their search for hungry, ambitious and talented GAA players. They squeezed in four GAA football games in the seven days as part of their bid to find potential Category B rookies.
The ‘Blues’ signed two male (Rob Monahan and Matt Duffy) and a pair of female Irish players (Erone Fitzpatrick and Irish basketball champ Dayna Finn) last year and have obviously been impressed by what they saw, and are keen to find more. They have a three year strategic plan to draft new players and are investing $500,000 a year into the effort.
"We really haven't been serious about the academy until the last three or four years," Carton CEO Brian Cook told 9News. "It will include father-sons, father-daughters, Ireland and Next Generation Academy. We are trying to obtain a country region for our zone. We are the only club in the AFL
which hasn't got one. "This was because a) we didn't want to, or b) we didn't have the energy or the dollars to put it into place. There was no pressure put on the AFL to have one. So we are to blame ourselves for that. We are combining those things under the umbrella called the academy. Because our finances are going relatively well at the moment, we are sticking up to $400,000 per year into the academy. That pays for the expenses in Ireland, the staff, the programs."
Like many other clubs Carlton has signed Irish players before but it sees Ireland as an untapped market brimming with quality and skilled athletes. The search for the next Jim Stynes, Zach Tuohy or Tadhg Kennelly is well and truly underway.
St Kilda also launched its own head hunting mission to Ireland this year but Carlton said it wants to “dominate” the Irish market for new talent. Time will tell how successful they are and who the next big AFL name out of Ireland will be.
Carltonrecently revealed an early Irish connection with the Club and the Code itself. Orlando ‘Lanty’ O’Brien was a foundation player for Carlton and a premiership player in 1871 (South Yarra Presentation Challenge Cup) and in 1873/74 and ‘75, clocking up an estimated 50 games. O’Brien was born in Killaloe, Clare in 1845.
“The O’Brien family were victims of the Potato Famine in Ireland,” a profile of the Irishman on Carltonfc.com.au said. “As a consequence Orlando, the eldest of seven children at age nine, followed his parents to new beginnings. In 1856 they all set off to Melbourne via Liverpool aboard the “Saldanah”, disembarking at Port Melbourne after more than 100 days at sea on September 17 of that year. Orlando Thomas Lockyer (‘Lanty’) O’Brien joined Carlton in its foundation year. In 1908, The Age football writer reporting under the pseudonym “Follower” accredited O’Brien as the first man to introduce the punt kick.
Another scribe, referring to an old Carlton team photograph featuring O’Brien in the pavilion, noted: “Looking at his (O’Brien’s)
photo, you would say that he, at all events, was ready for the fray. Fierce in his eye the fire of valour burns . . .Everyone liked him,” the journalist wrote. “He was a fine, manly player, game as a pebble, and full of kindly spirit and good nature. In short, he was one of the best of all good fellows. He played with Harry Guy, Tom Gorman, Bill Williams and Billy Lacey . . . when ‘Lanty’ first wore the orange cap of Carlton, in the sixties.”
O’Brien was also considered one of the originators of the Australian game of football, and he was captain of the first team to proceed to New South Wales in 1878, with the object of introducing the game into that state.”
He died at the Customshouse, Williamstown, Victoria, January 19, 1911.
Let us honour the remarkable life of Patrick O’Brien, a beloved figure in the Irish and culinary communities of Western Australia, who left us far too soon. Patrick’s sudden passing in Singapore in October, as he travelled to judge the Global Chefs Challenge, has left a void that can never be filled.
The outpouring of love and support for his family during this time is a testament to the profound impact Patrick had on everyone he met. His daughter captured his essence perfectly when she shared on social media: “Dad was a fiercely devoted, passionate and supportive man to his family, friends, and everyone in the culinary industry.”
Patrick’s influence extended beyond the kitchen. As a dedicated supporter of the O'Brien Academy of Irish Dancing, he was a familiar and encouraging presence at countless competitions, always cheering on the dancers with pride.
A true gentleman, Patrick was a mentor and a father figure to many. He offered his time and wisdom freely, always reaching out to those in need. His legacy is woven into the lives and careers of countless individuals who looked up to him for guidance and support.
Patrick was not just a father; he was the greatest granddad, husband, brother, uncle, father-in-law, boss, and friend. His family’s grief echoes their deep love for him, reminding us all that this loss was never meant to happen. Yet, their love will endure, a testament to his remarkable spirit.
Just last year, Patrick shared with The Irish Scene the joy he felt upon receiving the Medal of the Order of Australia. He described it as humbling to be recognised for simply doing what he loved—making a difference in the lives of young people. His commitment to nurturing talent and encouraging others to strive for their best was unparalleled. He understood that his work was about more than just food; it was about shaping futures.
As we reflect on Patrick's life, let us remember the joy he brought to our hearts and the lessons he imparted. His spirit will continue to inspire food lovers and aspiring chefs alike, reminding us to cook with love, judge with fairness, and live with kindness.
In the words of an old saying, “There are some who bring a light so great to the world that even after they have gone, the light remains.” This could not be truer than for Patrick O’Brien. May his memory shine brightly in our hearts and guide us as we carry forward his legacy of love and generosity.
Our thoughts and prayers are with his family, Martina, Annemaire, Anthony, his Anam Cara (soul mate), Rose and all who were fortunate enough to have known him. May he rest in peace, forever cherished and remembered.
Ar dheis dé go raibh a anam.
by Lloyd Gorman
If Christmas is the busiest time of the year for most people imagine what it is like for those who take on an extra special responsibility at this time of year.
Dublin born Stan Briggs is heading into a “very full” December and will be going to shopping centres at North Beach, Kingsway and Riverton, but not to stock up on presents. In fact, he will be sharing gifts and the spirit of the season with loads of strangers.
“I’ve been Santa for 15 years now and I really enjoy it,” he said. “Apart from a few younger kids who might be afraid, most kids and their folks are very happy to visit me and I chat with them about what they would like and to make sure to be in bed early on Christmas Eve so I can give them their presents. The parents and children love it and it makes me happy.”
Community Centre and is always happy to make other appearances where possible.
Santa Stan or if you prefer ‘Stanta’ also has a bit of a following. “At one place every year two sisters and their brother have their photo taken with me. They are all in their twenties now and apparently they have had a photo every year since they were kids. That’s fantastic, talk about a Christmas tradition.”
As well as being a seasoned Santa, Stan has another essential quality to perform the role – a trademark full and fluffy white beard. “I cut it off on St. Stephen’s Day (Boxing Day) and grow it and my hair back from February to give it time to fill out and mature and it looks great. A fake beard would irritate the face, and sometimes a kid would pull it off and scream that its not Santa. I love doing it and even adults like photos with “this ugly bloke”,” he laughed. Stanta will be particularly busy on December 25, with appearances at Mindarie Marina, Hillarys Beach Club and Connolly
John Flood knows from experience exactly how irritating a fake beard can be to wear for extended periods of time. “I wasn’t mad about wearing the beard, I found it itchy, hot and uncomfortable,” he said. But John loved donning the red suit and from about 2010 could be found in Xmas ghettos in Myers. John, and his wife Phyllis Graham who played the part of Mrs Clause, also put in an extra special effort on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. On those days they were in Miss Mauds in the Perth CBD. They smuggled their cat Oisin in with them and brought him up pieces of turkey when they were finished their duties downstairs. They performed as Mr and Mrs Clause after breakfast, lunch and tea on both days. “Christmas dinner at Miss Mauds was mainly for people who had no one else to share Christmas with, so we went around to all the tables and talked to people who were on their own to try and make the day special for them. It was a pleasure to do it and a privilege.” On Christmas Day itself after lunch they went to the Hilton Hotel where legendary Irish hotelier Jack Comerford worked for many years. “They had Christmas dinner for guests and we walked around and gave presents to the children who were there, it was lovely. We enjoyed it.” When the pandemic hit John decided to give it up but Phyllis has kept up the tradition and takes part in the Alinta Energy Christmas Pageant through the streets of Perth, due to take place this year on Saturday December 7.
The Last Days of Judas Iscariot is a hilarious, poignant, thought-provoking work by Pulitzer-prize winning playwright Stephen Adly Guirgis. Boasting a large, zany cast of characters, the play asks one of the most plaguing questions in the Christian ideology: What happened to Judas Iscariot? The facts (we think!) we know are these: Judas was the disciple of Jesus who betrayed his friend and teacher
The Last Days of Judas Iscariot is a hilarious, poignant, thought-provoking work by Pulitzer-prize winning playwright Stephen Adly Guirgis. Boasting a large, zany cast of characters, the play asks one of the most plaguing questions in the Christian ideology: What happened to Judas Iscariot? The facts (we think!) we know are these: Judas was the disciple of Jesus who betrayed his friend and teacher
Get ready for a whirlwind of fun and adventure as we take you to the old village of Dimpley Bottom, where the Royal Family is preparing a grand Festive Ball to spread joy and warmth throughout the community.
to the authorities. He is seen as the man responsible for Jesus’s death; afterwards, Judas fell into despair and hung himself from an olive tree; since then, he has been suffering for his deeds deep in Hell and will continue to do so for all eternity. Is that really fair? Was Judas the duplicitous master of his own fate, a much-suffering pawn used for Jesus’s ends, or just a man who made a mistake? Set in a courtroom in Purgatory, The Last Days puts Judas’ case to a hilarious, riotous, piercing trial, the results of which are sure to make the inhabitants of Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory — and the audience — reconsider what each thought they knew about forgiveness, faith, and the human inside one of history’s most infamous figures.
to the authorities. He is seen as the man responsible for Jesus’s death; afterwards, Judas fell into despair and hung himself from an olive tree; since then, he has been suffering for his deeds deep in Hell and will continue to do so for all eternity. Is that really fair? Was Judas the duplicitous master of his own fate, a much-suffering pawn used for Jesus’s ends, or just a man who made a mistake? Set in a courtroom in Purgatory, The Last Days puts Judas’ case to a hilarious, riotous, piercing trial, the results of which are sure to make the inhabitants of Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory — and the audience — reconsider what each thought they knew about forgiveness, faith, and the human inside one of history’s most infamous figures.
The Irish Theatre Players are proud to present their muchanticipated Christmas Pantomime, The Twelve Days of Christmas! By Alan P Frayn and directed by Denice Byrne
To mark the occasion, a magnificent advent calendar with 12 magical doors is unveiled on the Village Green, with each door hiding a surprise, set to be revealed daily in the countdown to Christmas. But, in true panto fashion, chaos ensues when the wicked wizard Wizbad hatches a dastardly plan!
Stealing the keys to the advent calendar, he scatters them across the globe, threatening to bring an end to the festivities. With the village’s holiday spirit at risk, our brave heroes—helped by the good Fairy—set
off on an exhilarating journey, traveling to far-flung places like the vibrant jungles of South America and the rolling green hills of Ireland. Along the way,
characters, and learn the true meaning of Christmas. Packed with dazzling costumes, toe-tapping songs, panto is the perfect holiday treat for the whole family. So, gather your loved ones, come join the adventure, and help our heroes save Christmas! One thing’s for sure — Wizbad doesn’t stand a chance against the power of festive cheer and the magic of live theatre.
• Evening Shows: December 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, and 14 at 7:30 pm
Claddagh Seniors Enjoy Memorable Lunch at Greenwood Tavern
Claddagh Seniors Enjoy Memorable Lunch at Greenwood Tavern. On Wednesday, 21 August, the Claddagh Seniors gathered for their monthly Seniors Day lunch at the Greenwood Tavern. It was a day full of joy, with singing, poetry, and plenty of laughter. To relive the fun, head over to our Facebook page and check out the snapshots from the event. We hope everyone had as much fun as we did!
Claddagh Seniors' Wonderful Day Trip to Gingin
On Wednesday, 25 September, the Claddagh Seniors embarked on a bus trip to Gingin. With such a great turnout, we even needed a second bus! The day featured a peaceful stroll through the beautiful local park, followed by a delicious meal at The Gingin Hotel, where the attentive staff provided exceptional service, making the day extra special. A heartfelt thank you to our incredible volunteers—your dedication and enthusiasm ensured the day ran smoothly. We couldn’t have done it without you!
Sausage Sizzle Success:
A huge thanks to Paul, Jasna and family and the whole team from McLoughlin Butchers for the fundraiser in support of Claddagh to celebrate 30 years of McLoughlin’s in Perth. It was a wonderful gesture, and the money raised will go directly to helping our clients. Our thanks also to all those who enjoyed the sausage sizzle on the day and donated.
Trevor’s Marathon Fundraiser:
• Monday 18 November
– Whiteman Park BBQ Lunch
• Wednesday 11 December – Christmas Lunch at The Mighty Quinn
• Wednesday 29 January 2025 – Movie & Light Lunch
On Sunday, 6 October, Sligo native Trevor Keaney ran his first marathon here in Perth, completing it in an outstanding time of 4:07:00, raising over $2,700 for The Claddagh Association and Mates in Construction. Trevor’s wife and daughter also participated, completing the 4km run. A huge congratulations to Trevor and his family for this fantastic achievement! We are grateful for their efforts and proud of their contribution to such important causes. Every dollar raised will go toward supporting those in need. We are incredibly grateful to everyone who made contributions!
Save the date! Saturday, 30 November, Molly’s Irish Bar on Beaufort Street is turning ONE, and are throwing a party you won’t want to miss!
Get ready for a day of live music, entertainment, and amazing raffle prizes, all while supporting the Claddagh Association! Molly’s are raising funds for Claddagh. Bring your friends and enjoy the unbeatable atmosphere of Fun, Laughter, Craic agus Ceol that’s fun, music, and good times, Irishstyle!. Let’s celebrate together, make memories, and show support for a great cause!
Save the date, Saturday 30 November - it’s going to be a day to remember!
Join us in our new office for these fun and informative workshops. You’ll get lots of easy-tounderstand practical advice, morning tea, a few laughs and a folder to take home to practice in your own time. Held on the last Saturday of the month, be sure to book in, call 08 9249 9213 or emailadmin@claddagh.org.au to secure your seat.
The Claddagh Association continue to host FREE Visa Clinics!
Patricia Halley (MARA 1383611) from Visa4You - a registered and experienced Migration Agent is available for telephone appointments. This is a great opportunity to get advice from a professional. If you need advice about Visa's or citizenship, please make an appointment with our office for the next clinic by contacting us on 08 9249 9213 or email admin@claddagh.org.au
You need to be a Claddagh member or join for $10 to access the appointments.
Future Clinics:
• Tuesday 19 November, 9am – 2pm,
• Tuesday 11 February, 9am-2pm.
The mission of the Claddagh Association is to provide help and support to members of the Irish community who find themselves in difficult circumstances.
To support these needs of both individuals and families Claddagh must fundraise throughout the year. If you would like to support Claddagh’s work you can donate at our website: claddagh.org.au or sign up to volunteer – your time can make the world of difference.
https://claddagh.org.au/support-our-work/make-adonation/-, alternatively for $10 you can become a member. Increasing our membership allows us to access additional funding and support through other avenues. See our Website for full details – QR code top right.
Reminder: If you or someone you know needs Claddagh’s support, please contact the Claddagh office via admin@claddagh.org.au/08 9249 9213. If your need is urgent, you can call Claddagh’s Crisis Line on 0403 972 265.
Unit 1, 8 Dewar Street, Morley, 6062. Enquiries: 08 9249 9213 admin@claddagh.org.au
Crisis Support: 0403 972 265
Saturday 30 November 2024
2pm matinee (children and family-friendly event)
7pm evening concert
Irish Club, Subiaco
Keep an eye on the ICP Facebook page and Instagram for tickets-they sell fast!
Marty McParland’s home county in Ireland is County Armagh which is known as the “Orchard County.” This is because there's a multitude of orchards to be found throughout the county. Apples have been grown in Armagh for over 3,000 years. As Marty said, “Even Saint Patrick is said to have planted a wee apple tree in my county”. So, Orchard Tarts was the perfect and obvious name for Marty McParland’s new venture into making apple tarts. Marty McParland and Lucy have called Australia home for the last 7 years and recently were honoured with Australian citizenship. Marty said, “I’m a passionate chef of seventeen years, winning numerous culinary awards across Ireland and the UK”. French classically trained, with a background in fine dining, working in the Catalina restaurant at the Lough Erne Resort in Enniskillen before moving to Australia, Marty worked in restaurants across the East Coast of Australia before moving to Perth in 2021. “I baked tarts for Lucy and myself for number of years and posted a photo on an Irish group Facebook page and the response was massive”. It was thanks to those who responded, the idea of Orchard Tarts was born. “That was born six months ago, and it’s been full on since day one, a lot of hard-work and busy weekends while holding down our full-time jobs”. Marty said. Coming from the apple county, Marty wanted to acknowledge his roots and as he says, “What better way to do this other than baking the humble apple tart”. Orchard Tarts are made from simple ingredients and baked to perfection with than love and passion.
Marty said, “Orchard Tarts are made from scratch, apples peeled and sliced (that's a lot of apples) and all the pastry is hand rolled”. He said the key to his perfect shortcrust pastry is an all-butter recipe and having a very lighthanded technique when bringing it all together. “This makes it resemble a biscuit-like texture - but I won't give away all my secrets just yet”.
“I have cherished memories of grandma baking in her kitchen with every bite of my own tarts”. And he added “An emotional connection and a wee slice of home on the other side of the world”.
Love hearing our customers stories about what the tarts mean to them, most seem to be memories of their nanna baking at home.
Marty told me some of his customers make a two hour round trip for that wee slice of home. He also said that some told him by the time they get home, most of the Orchard Tart is eaten. I can believe that!
So, what started as a side business is now growing into a full-time job and getting bigger and bigger every week and Marty is excited to keep filling homes with the smell of his freshly baked Irish goods. Orchard Tarts also love giving back to the community and recently had a ‘fundraiser bake’ to help 13-year-old Irish/Australian pool player Liam Nolan and donated all the profits to help him and his family to cover trip costs. Well done, it is in giving we receive! So, would you like an Apple, Apple & Rhubarb Tarts or Crumbles? They are available for purchase, if you are lucky. Visit Facebook/Instagram @orchardtarts and place your order. Orders taken on a first come first served basis via Facebook but be quick as they sell out in just 20 minutes!
As the song goes…
There’s one fair county in Ireland With memories so glorious and grand Where nature has lavished its bounty On the orchard of Erins green land And so it is in Perth!
by Fred Rea
The Australian National Championships were held in Bendigo, VIC in October and many Western Australian dancers represented their schools as well as their State at this competition. Congratulations to every dancer that competed in the championship whether it was for solo or teams, you presented yourselves exceptionally and AIDA WA is very proud of you all.
We would like to congratulate our 6 National Champions:
Sub Minor Girls 7yrs and under Bella Huang – The Academy
Junior Boys 11years
Intermediate Girls 14years
Mens 19years
Ladies 19years
Senior Ladies 22&over
Tiernan Beattie – The Academy
Georgia Western - Trinity Studio
Vaughan Cooper - WA Academy
Sinead Daly - The Academy
Dara McAleer - The Academy
We would also like to make special mention of our podium place getters also at the National Championships:
6yrs and under mixed
7yrs and under Girls
9yrs Girls
10yrs Girls
11yrs Girls
12yrs Boys
12yrs Girls
13yrs Girls
14yrs Girls
15yrs Girls
19yrs Ladies
20&21yrs Ladies
5th Place
3rd Place
2nd Place
4th Place
3rd Place
4th Place
2nd Place
4th Place
2nd Place
2nd Place
4th Place
3rd Place
5th Place
5th Place
4th Place
3rd Place
22&over Ladies 5th Place
Adalind Davis – WA Academy
Brooky Hamilton – Trinity Studio
Sephora Donelan – The Academy
Evie Hamilton – Trinity Studio
Emmeline Summers – WA Academy
Talitha Lin- The Academy
Maeve Carroll – WA Academy
Tahlia Paull – The Academy
Tane Young – The Academy
Charlotte Langford – The Academy
Cassie Lin – The Academy
Sahara Donelan – The Academy
Sinead Lydon – The Academy
Tara Fox – O’Hare School
Stella Ashley – Trinity Studio
Isobel Ashley – Trinity Studio
Koral Smith – The Academy
Hello to my fellow Celts. I wish you all a happy, safe and fabulous Christmas.
Just to lighten up the mood for Christmas with some Irish humour and Cork silliness while letting the cat out of the bag about Santa.
The fat man in the red and white suit and the big white beard is on his way, assuming he won’t be delayed, by some of the sad situations of some troubled countries that he may passing on his way to brighten our Christmas.
He will be traveling emission free on his sleigh, full of toys for the young, and a few surprises for the not so young. Do remember to have an extra rubbish bin at hand for the mountain of wrapping paper that will be discarded, leaving a trail of wrapping paper that will overflow all the tips in Australia. He in the red suit who encouraged us to eat and be merry but forgot to tell us how much weight we would put on and disfigure those wonderful bodies we had.
Let me leave the cat out of the bag. I bet, none of you knew that Santa (not his real name) was a Corkman.
To you who are sceptics it’s ok; I do understand why you couldn’t possibly know the background story unless you were from the Rebel County. Go on, pick your chin up of the floor now after that bit of news. I’ll bet you’re thinking who let this looney out of the Happy Farm as it’s much too early for his release. Well, you couldn’t be more wrong, and wrong again. Assuming you will have seen many photos of Santa over the years you will note that he is proudly wearing his Rebel County colours, not Dublin or Clare or even Limerick colours. Yes, he is a true Corky Boy. There were many attempts to have Santa dethroned by other envious counties, wanting their colours displayed behind the herd of reindeers led by Rudolph’s flashing red nose across the skies on Christmas Eve. However, none of the other colours could or would be as bright as Corks Red and White lighting up the world on the night before Christmas. Cork is and always was in vogue, as the Beatles sang years ago, “We love Cork Yea, Yea,Yea”. Let me give you a little run down on the true story of Santa whose real name was Paddy boy. Paddy grew
up in the unfashionable suburb of, (the marsh, in the heart of the city) long before the first pint of Guinness was ever poured in any of the Irish pubs. It was a time before Cork Boy Fred Rea, the founder and now retired publisher of this magazine had his first cowboy suit. Yes, it was also a time when Fred’s dad, who was a cobbler made Fred’s first pair of shoes. Paddy’s house was a very poor house, where there was very little joy and no toys for children to play with, to make matters worse, his neighbours were a very rowdy and noisy lot and a general pain in the ass. Cork can be a very noisy place and more so, any time they win an All-Ireland Hurling Final, anyway. As they say in the classics, “One day” as Paddy Boy was walking down Patrick Street in battered shoes, he met a beggar who had been begging all day and hadn’t received a single farthing in his begging cap. Paddy Boy felt sorry for the little beggar who was buggered from begging all day and handed him the only coin he had in his pocket. It was a silver shilling that he had found and was taking it home to his mam to buy food. Yea, we all know that you won’t get much for a shilling now days but back then, you could have bought a pub and a few donkeys with that amount of money.
Moving on with the story the beggar jumped up and creased Paddy Boy who promptly jumped sideways avoiding one of those Australian hello kisses. Then, suddenly the buggered beggar grabbed Paddy Boy and pulled him down the nearby laneway. At this point poor auld Paddy’s underdaks were beginning to fill with the unwanted part of last night’s tripe and drusheen dinner. Just as Paddy Boy thought he was going to meet his waterloo and his world was ending, the beggar tore off his raged coat to reveal his identity, he was an angel on a mission just like Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible. Yes, an angel looking for someone with a kind heart. The angel had travelled the full circle of the world and every county of Ireland only to find what he was looking for, a knight in red and white, unlike Bono who still hasn’t found what he was looking for. Mission accomplished as the angel had found someone who would bring joy to the world every Christmas and someone who
would add brightness in the colours that he wore and so a legend was created from a laneway in Cork. That was the historical day that Paddy Boy became the angel’s choice to be Santa as he handed him the red suit that would make him conspicuous for all to see.
The Cork colours have since been adopted by some of the most successful teams in the world. Here is just a smidgin of some, Munster in Rugby, Man United, and Liverpool in the Premier league, The Urawa Reds in Japan, the Sydney Swans in Australian Rules. Here is another smidgen, of how far the red has travelled.
The Cork red is worn by the cardinals in the Vatican and those who can’t travel from the eastern bloc can always have a stroll in Moscow’s Red Square or travel to have a swim in the Red Sea between Egypt and
Saudi Arabia, They even wave red flags at the bulls in Spain to get their blood up. In our bodies, we have red and white blood cells, the Cork colours again. It must peeve off all the other counties of Ireland to no end when we Rebels say, we have red and white running through our veins. Any Cork person will vouch for the saying Irish by birth and Cork by the grace of God. Please don’t let the fact that you now know that Paddy Boy is the real Santa stop you from leaving a drop of your finest Irish whiskey out for him, as he has a long way to go before, he gets to his local watering hole in Cork on his way back to the North Pole. I wish you all the very best of Irish luck for 2025. Until next time. Be
good to those who love you and slainte from Melbourne
Another season has come to an end for Carramar Shamrock Rovers and what a successful season it has been, especially for our juniors. Six of our junior teams qualified for the prestigious Top 4 Cup after finishing among the top four in their respective leagues. These teams included the U13 girls, U14 girls, U16 girls, U13 boys, U16 boys, and U18 boys. Both U13 teams went on to triumph in their finals, bringing home their cups and medals. A huge congratulations to
Ronnie, Jack, and the U13 girls for a commanding 4-1 victory in their final. Well done as well to Lee and the U13 boys, who clinched the championship after a nail-biting penalty shootout. An outstanding achievement all around!
During the September/October school holidays, five of our teams, ranging from U11s to U14s, competed in the Bunbury Cup. The two-day event was filled with action-packed football, showcasing the talent and determination of our
players. Our U13 girls and U14 boys both made it to their respective finals. The U13 girls emerged victorious, securing a 1-0 win to become champions. A massive well done to Ronnie and the girls! The U14 boys fought hard, coming back from a 2-0 deficit to level the score at 2-2, but narrowly lost in a tense penalty shootout. It was an unforgettable experience for all involved!
On Saturday, 12th October, we held our Junior Presentation Day, celebrating the achievements of all 25 teams from the season. It was a fantastic day filled with pride and excitement as each team was congratulated for their hard work and dedication. Numerous awards were presented to players in recognition of their effort, skill, and contributions throughout the year. A big thank you to our committee for organising such a wonderful event, making the day a memorable one for everyone involved!
Our State League season has come to a close, and we are pleased to confirm that we will remain in Division 2 for next year. It was a challenging season for Gerry, Adam, and the first team, but their determination and a series of crucial wins late in the season ensured we preserved our State League status. We want to take this moment to
express our gratitude to Gerry for his years of dedication and hard work at the club as he steps back from coaching.
Our reserves team had a fantastic finish to the season, securing second place after winning five of their last six games. A big well done to Ronnie, Jack, and the boys for their excellent performance.
The U18s also had an impressive second half of the season, going unbeaten in 10 consecutive matches. This young team grew in confidence and skill as the year progressed, picking up important points to finish in 5th place. Congratulations to Adam, Leigh, and the boys on a strong finish!
As always, thanks to our sponsors, we couldn’t do this without you:
• Declan McDermott, Integrity Property Solutions
• Hillarys Beach Club
• CFMEU, and
• Frankie Atkinson, Muntz partners.
Again, special thanks to Nicky Edwards for his ongoing work in getting sponsors on board.
Thanks also to our loyal banner sponsors and various teamwear sponsors, several of whom have been with us for a number of years now. And last but not least, thanks to all of our new 500 Club sponsors.
Follow us on Facebook for lots more information, news and photos! If you are interested in getting involved with your local club in any capacity –coach, volunteer, committee member – please contact us at CSRFC2020@gmail.com
Na Fianna Catalpa GAA hosted a highly successful Irish Night fundraiser in Baldivis on August 3rd, drawing a full house and creating a fantastic atmosphere for everyone in attendance. Your support is deeply appreciated and will contribute greatly to the continued growth of our amazing club.
The night was filled with excitement, as many lucky attendees walked away with great prizes donated by local businesses. A special thanks to Craic n On for providing lively entertainment that kept the crowd energized, and to the talented Empower Dance Group for their breathtaking Irish dance performances.
CLUB SEASON concludes Wednesday March 7, 7.45pm
Ugly Too” with a supporting Irish documentary, together with tea/coffee, homemade cakes, Irish and jams. Ice creams $3. At Kensington (South Perth). Donation $15 to cover catering and costs
TUESDAY BOOK CLUB March 26 and April 23, 7.30pm, Irish Club Committee Room, 61 Subiaco All welcome. Light refreshments provided. Convener Mary Purcell, m.purcell@telstra.com
PATRICKS FESTIVAL Saturday 16th March, Leederville Parade and Irish Festival, 10am. Join our vintage parade and our presentation of the Brendan Awards 2022 and 2023 at the concert in the early prestigious award recognises individuals or groups with a record of dedicated service and outstanding one or more aspects of Australia's Irish heritage. Meanwhile we invite nominations for 2024. GENERAL MEETING Sunday 24 March, 3pm, Irish Club Committee room. There will be special motions Membership nominations. Please consider joining as a committee member, volunteer or an event coordinator. COMMEMORATION ROCKINGHAM Annual commemoration of the escape of six Fenian convicts With oration, verse, music drama and song at the Catalpa Memorial, Rockingham Beach, Easter 11am to 12 noon. Free public event. Guest speakers and dignitaries including Mayor Deb Hamblin councilors; Federal Minister Madeline King; State Minister Stephen Dawson; Somer Bessire-Briers from US Michael Sheehy; musician Ormonde Og Waters; and more. Coordinated by David McKnight. Thursday 25 April, 8am. AIHA at invitation of Subiaco RSL lay wreaths for Irish ANZACS at Fallen Memorial on the corner of Rokeby and Hamersley roads. Morning tea follows. Subject to confirmation January to 31 December, 2024 membership $65; Concession (Centrelink and unwaged students with ID) $55 from Perth) $45; Membership fee includes tax deductible donation of $20 https://irishheritage.com.au/membership/registration/ Transfer: Bank: Commonwealth, BSB: 066-192 Account No: 1054 6502 approved charity and tax deductable status. Deductable Gift Recipient Status
Meets fourth Tuesday of the month, with exception of December. At 7.30pm May 24 ‘Phosphorescence’ by Julia Baird, to be presented by Trish Dooey June 28 TBA to be presented by Cecilia Bray
Venue Irish Club Committee Room, 61 Townshend Road, Subiaco Admission Free. All welcome. Light refreshments provided. Tea and coffee from the Bar $2 Contact Convener Mary Purcell, m.purcell@telstra.com
OILEAN THORAI (TORY ISLAND) - nine miles off the coast of Donegal, is the most remote inhabited island off Ireland. Its notorious inaccessibility and unforgiving landscape has not deterred 150 people from making this island their home. This hourlong documentary was filmed in 2002 over 18 months and captures the changing patterns of life on the island blending striking landscape photography with intimate contemporary interviews. It’s a fluid mix of past and present, history and contemporary life. This film explores the ideas of spatiality, isolation, community and identity, and the decline and continuation of tradition. Venue Irish Club Theatre, Townshend Road, Subiaco. Date Sunday 17 November at 3pm.
Bookings $15 non-members, $10 members donation to cover costs. Pay at the door. Includes Irish afternoon tea and an open microphone discussion.
BLOOMSDAY - James Joyce Literary Competition presentations AIHA Website
BRENDAN AWARD We invite nominations for 2024, Details https://irishheritage.com.au/awards/the-brendan-award/
THE FOURTH TUESDAY BOOK CLUB November 26, ‘ Stoner’ by John Williams, presented by Cecilia Bray. At 7.30pm, Irish Club Committee Room, 61 Townshend Road, Subiaco. All welcome. Light refreshments provided. December 5 Christmas dinner at Lake Karrinyup Country Club. Convener Mary Purcell, m.purcell@telstra.com
To mark the 100th anniversary of the publication of Ulysses, the AIHA will hold a celebratory event on June 16th , officially known world-wide as Bloomsday, after Leopold Bloom in Ulysses. At the event, the shortlisted entries from our competition will be staged as readings, drama, music and visual presentations by solo or groups The overall winner will be chosen by popular vote on the night and will receive a cash prize.
COMING UP Planning session Sunday Dec 8, 4pm on future of AIHA. Submissions welcome in advance.
We thank our adjudicators Frank Murphy and Frances Devlin-Glass
THE JOURNAL Quarterly magazine for members. Articles celebrating the Irish Heritage in Australia. Editor Teresa O’Brien. Correspondence to journal@irishheritage.com.au
Date Thursday June 16 at 7.30pm
1 January to 31 December, 2024
Venue Irish Club Theatre, 61 Townshend Road, Subiaco (to be confirmed)
Admission AIHA members $20, Non-members $25, includes light refreshments Prizes Best Edwardian dressed male or female. Plus special Irish raffle Bookings https://www.trybooking.com/BZAVU
Family membership $65; Concession (Centrelink and unwaged students with ID) $55
Distant (200 kms from Perth) $45; Membership fee includes tax deductible donation of $20 Pay Online – https://irishheritage.com.au/membership/registration/ Or Bank Transfer: Bank: Commonwealth, BSB: 066-192 Account No: 1054 6502
AIHA has approved charity and tax deductable status. www.irishheritage.com.au
Check our website https://irishheritage.com.au/news-blog/ for a selection of exclusive interviews conducted by committee member Gill Kenny and other articles of note. If you click on the interview with Aine Tyrrell you will arrive at our YouTube channel. Aine is really interesting - victim of domestic violence, successful singer, living in a bus and rearing 3 children. She has great perspectives on life and had a real Irish chat with Gill. Easter Monday Annual Catalpa Commemoration was professionally videod this year. The link will be on our website as soon as available. We thank Gill and Patricia Bratton for this new member feature.
This year’s state games were held at Gaelic Park in Melbourne from Oct 2nd to Oct 5th and what a great tournament it was! Melbourne famous for their Melbourne 7s games really took it up a notch with this year’s state games.
WA sent three teams, Camogie managed by Ciara Shields, Andrea Mangan, Gary Lally, Brian Hegarty, Lee Murphy and Cathal Harte. Ladies football managed by Gary, Mark McCrea and Ronan Cullan. Managing our Hurling team was Jason Whelahan, James Loonam, Alan Flanagan and Sean Dunn. Unfortunately it wasn’t our day for the Camogie and ladies football team however our hurling team regained their state championship title and have brought hr trophy back to WA again! A thrilling final with some extreme weather but our lads pulled through beating Victoria. A big thank you to all our sponsors: To name but a few:
Camogie: Rathcoole, NPD Contracts, Monford, ODH Mechanical, Mitsubishi Motors, Harty’s Painting CEDMC Mechanical, Connect Resources, The Mighty Quinn
Hurling: DAMOS, GENUS, Setanta, An Sibin
Ladies Football: Pipeline Technics, The Mighty Quinn, Molly’s Irish Pub, CLC Building, Talis Consultants, JB Scaffolding, RESET.
Pa Carrol (Perth Shamrocks)
Sean Kenny (Sarsfields), Callum Lyons (Sarsfields), Steven Dalton (Sarsfields)
Billy Murphy (Western Swans)
Aine Kirby
Denise Cagney
Kate Nary Cullinane
Ladies Football
Laura B - Districts
Rosemary - Shamrocks
Nat P - Morley
Are you new to Perth and looking to join a Hurling or Camogie team? We would love to see
some new faces joining or even just spectating! Training will resume next year and is most Tuesdays and Thursdays at RA Cooke Reserve with game days Saturday’s. However, all clubs run socials throughout the year.
We have four incredible clubs to choose from whether it is just for social reasons or to play we welcome everyone from all levels.
Get in touch or keep an eye on our social media page @GAAWA for all club details.
@perthshamrockshurlingclub (Hurling) @sarsfields_hurling_perth (Hurling) @stgabrielsperth (Camogie & Hurling)
@westernswansgaaclub (Camogie & Hurling)
If football is more your game we have some great teams to get involved with both North and South of the river. With their games also commencing in May please feel free to message them across their socials or via email.
Greenwood GFC - greenwoodgfc@hotmail.com
Morley Gaels - morleygaelsgfc@hotmail.com
Na Fianna Catalpa GAA –nafiannacatalpagaa@gmail.com
Southern Districtssoutherndistrictsgaa@gmail.com
St. Finbars GFC - stfinbarrsgfc@outlook.com
The Junior Academyggjunioracademy@gmail.com
If you would like to take part in coaching in any code we would love to have you. Simply get in touch with us via Facebook, Instagram (GAAWA) or email us on progaawa@gmail.com
If you would like to get involved in a playing, coaching or at an administrative capacity each club has a presence on Facebook, to get in contact there are several options:
• Message the GAA in WA Facebook page
• Message the GAA in WA Instagram page
• Visit www.gaawa.com.au for club contact details
Email progaawa@gmail.com or secretarygaawa@hotmail.com
No bulls..... This is leading Wembley WA Irish painter and decorator, Seán Henry taking the bull by the horns during a visit to Nova Scotia!
Tommy O’Brien celebrated his 40th Birthday at Molly’s Irish Bar in September. Had a mighty weekend with my wonderful Anne-Marie and the two munchkins. Happy Birthday Tommy.. Up the Rebels!
John (Bravo) McCarthy serenading
John Clare at Durty Nelly’s. It’s a long (short) way from Clare to ear!
During a recent visit to Dublin, Laura and Max Learmonth visited the James Joyce statue in Dublin. Widely acclaimed as Ireland’s most famous author, this brass life-sized statue of Joyce on North Earl Street is adjacent to the O’Connell Street GPO. Although he spent much of his life abroad, Joyce wrote prolifically about his home country, and particularly the city of his birth.
Séamus Doherty, Joe Carroll and Paschal (Nicholas) Clarke. Joe was kind enough to entertain them both and other residents at the home they are staying at in Subiaco. Maith an Fear!
Just arrived from Darwin, Danny Kavanagh (right) enjoying a pint with his cousin Daragh Kavanagh. No sooner had he arrived when Danny scored a job as an electrician. No dust under his feet!
Four returned immigrants meet up!
Frank Murphy and Gerry Grogan (Celtic Rambles) and Bill and Joan Ross (Claddagh Association) enjoying a meal somewhere in Co Clare.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANN. back left: Cian Mullen, from left: Ken
holding Broady Mullen,
Woods, with mum and grandmother, Ann Woods celebrating her 79th birthday.
Alan Woods had a gig in the Midwest Irish Club in Geraldton in October. Here pictured with club stalwart, Phil Regan told the Irish Scene it was a brilliant night and Alan didn’t disappoint. Alan is a very fine entertainer!
Dave Burke has hung up the tools (for now) at his Celtic Swan Gallery. Dave has made quality furniture from local timber for many years but he tells us the imports are affecting local manufacturers big time. He will continue to work at his trade but part time only. Hope it all works out for you mate! You deserve the break!
Fred Rea and Joe Carroll put on a concert at Mercy Care for their good friend Dermot (of Lesmurdie) Byrne recently. They were joined by family and friends and a full house of residents. Dermot was in fine voice and sang along with all the Dublin songs.
Mick Manning has given a lot of his time and service to the Irish Community in Perth. That includes Shamrock Rovers and also the Irish Club. A day was organised by his long time friends at the Irish Club and many words were spoken about his service to our community. Old stories were shared about the ‘good auld days’. Thank you Mick, you are a valuable part of the fabric of us in Perth. Maith an Fear!
Dancers, teachers, judges get together and relax at Durty Nelly’s after the Australian
END OF AN ERA. Dara McAleer hung up her dancing shoes after a very successful dancing career following championships... going out a champion. Well done Dara.... But please keep dancing!
Enjoying the last Fo’c’s’le