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GAA Junior Academy
Gaelic Games Junior Academy 2020 season Like every other sport on the planet, we too are affected by the corona virus. We were to start our season on May 3rd, so as restrictions are seeming to lift, we will follow all medical advice and err on the side of caution as everyone’s health is the main priority. Never has the term ‘your health is your wealth’ seemed to ring so true. What we are doing though, is opening up our membership for free through the team app. Go to payments > store and select “Annual Membership”, and fill in the details. We are putting updates on the ‘team app’ and our facebook group page, if you ‘like’ Gaelic Games Junior Academy, you will see our updates. To buoy spirits, we are asking parents to post or send videos or pictures of the children doing anything Gaelic Games related or even remotely sport related that is a bit of fun, to help keep us all connected. Again check out our facebook page to see our entries to date. We are also giving away prizes to the best entries, GAA tshirts and hurleys have been allocated so far (congratulations Kieran L). We are also offering families the opportunity to borrow hurley’s and sliotars if needed so they can keep up their practices.
It does seem restrictions are slowly beginning to lift, so we will keep our fingers crossed that we can welcome our Junior Academy friends and families back to HBF Joondalup arena rugby pitch (same venue as last year) on Sundays. We will keep everyone posted so keep an eye out! Any questions (which are always welcome!) please send a message through team app or Facebook or call/text 0406229450. Stay safe, stay connected and hope to see you all soon!


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