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Honorary Consulate of Ireland
My best wishes and thanks to Imelda and Lloyd for continuing to bring us the Irish Scene in what are difficult times for most businesses. May I encourage the community and businesses to keep supporting this very important magazine.
Covid-19 In what has been a very distressing time for everyone in Western Australia it is great to see that as of 27 June 2020 we are emerging from lockdown and most things are back to normal. That is in no small part due to the sacrifice and discipline shown by the people of Western Australia and decisive action taken by our state and federal leaders. The fear and anxiety that many of us felt at the start of the lockdown was palpable and it is great that we can all now take pride in a very good outcome. Who knows what the future will bring but let’ s hope that with continued vigilance and safe practices WA will continue to be an example nationally and to the world. I wish to express my thanks and appreciation to Ambassador Breandan, the Embassy team, Richard, Lynda and Yvonne at the Honorary Consulate and everyone at Claddagh for their enormous hard work, commitment and concern for the community during the lockdown. The number of Irish citizens helped and comforted was way beyond anything I’ve ever seen.
Ambassador Gary Gray On behalf of the Irish community in Perth I am delighted to congratulate The Honourable Gary Gray AO as Australia’s next Ambassador to Ireland. Gary has had a long and distinguished career in politics, government and business. The fact that Gary, a Labor politician has been appointed by a LNP federal government speaks volumes for the esteem in which he is held throughout politics, business and society. At a recent farewell for Gary, Premier Mark McGowan joked that in being appointed Ambassador to Ireland, Gary had won Lotto. In all seriousness though it means a lot to us all that Australia has chosen someone of such high standing and talent to be the next Ambassador. I’m sure you will join Richard and I in wishing Gary and Pippa all the very best for their time in Ireland.
New Coalition Government Ireland faces many challenges, particularly Covid-19, the economy and Brexit. A historic coalition of Fianna Fail, Fine Gael and the Greens now takes on the responsibility to addresses these and many other important challenges. Martin Kavanagh Hon Consul of Ireland
Returning to Ireland Australia’s international borders remain in lockdown. If you are a dual citizen or a permanent resident you must receive permission to leave regardless of whether you intend to return. Also, any other Irish person on whatever visa who wishes to return to Australia, must also get permission to leave. The relevant links are on the Claddagh, Embassy and Honorary Consulate websites. Please take this issue seriously as many Irish citizens have been denied permission to leave. A few things:
• Do not assume you can arrive at the airport departure desk and seek permission. It’s too late then. • Apply for permission as early as possible. The process can take up to 6 weeks at times.
Obviously in emergencies you will want to leave ASAP. Documentation increases your chances of a quicker and better outcome. For example, it’s not enough to say your father has died and you want to fly to Ireland. Border Force will require an email from the local hospital or GP confirming the death, proof of your connection to the deceased (birth certificates) etc. Let BF know the date of your flight as they often prioritise by the date of departure. However, that’s no reason to delay seeking permission. Please apply as early as you can. We are happy to provide a letter of support from the Honorary Consulate if desired. However, BF are being very strict so you should plan ahead and act quickly. You should not assume you will be given permission first time round.
165/580 Hay Street, East Perth WA 6004 By appointment only Tel: (08) 6557 5802 Fax: (08) 9218 8433 Email: info@consulateofirelandwa.com.au Website: www.consulateofirelandwa.com.au Office Hours: Mon-Fri 10.30 - 2.00pm THE IRISH SCENE | 41