6 minute read
Matters of Pub-lic Interest
Matters of PUB - BY LLOYD GORMAN LIC interest!

After being left with no choice but to close in March Perth’s pubs - including all its Irish pubs - and hotels were able to allow punters back in through the doors in early June, a welcome reunion of customer and service across the state. Restrictions had eased a bit before that but to get into a pub you had to book a slot and sit down with a meal to get a drink. Customers had to sign in and leave their details for contact tracing and staff had to get to grips with now cleaning and Covid conditions. Many establishments - including the Irish Club, JB O’Reillys and Murphys in Manduarah - used the shutdown period to freshen up their interior decoration and toilets. The Kelp Bar in Kidogo in Fremantle couldn’t operate but owner Joanna was able to get a restaurant licence which meant the contents of the Kelp Bar became the furniture for a series of "Soirées" happening in the main section of the art house. The Soirées series - which includes home cooked dinners and live entertainment and musicians - has proved to be popular and is set to continue throughout July. No doubt regulars and new customers alike will be a welcome sight to publicans and staff who have done it tough over the last few months. See the next spread for happy snaps. Slainte! The day it started to go back to normal for many establishments

The past, present and future walked into a bar. It was tense. Comic Sans, Helvetica and Times New Roman walk into a bar. The bartender yells ‘Get out! We don’t serve your type in here!’
Its been a welcome relief to many bars and pubs around Perth to see so many happy faces, both regulars and new punters, supporting their local watering holes!

Thursday 16 July 2020 Music by: Guest Speaker:

Thursday 20 AUGUST 2020 Music by: Guest Speaker:
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61 Townshend Rd, Subiaco Western Australia 6008 Phone: 9381 5213 • info@irishclubofwa.com.au • www.irishclubofwa.com.au
The Irish Club reopened on 19th June with a traditional music session, and a fresh new look upstairs, thanks to the hard work of a number of tradies and volunteers and a number of donations. The committee would like to extend their huge thanks to all involved. The Club is looking light and bright and ready to welcome the Irish Community back post Covid lockdown!
11th July Show Your Colours

25th & 26th July Christmas in July REGUlar EVENTS
comhaltas & irish language classes
TUESDAYS at 7pm Quiz Night
traditional SEISIUN
1st friday of the month seniors lunch
We had to suspend our 2020 programme of commemorations, lectures, movies, talks, stage shows, tea dance and awards due to Covid 19 restrictions. Members continue to receive the quarterly Journal under editorship of Denis Bratton. We are waiting for a public opportunity to present the prestigious Brendan Award which had been scheduled for St Patricks Day. It was hoped to reschedule for an open afternoon tea in the Irish Club on a Sunday afternoon as soon as possible allowing for adequate notice to the community. We invite people to join our new committee. If you want to share the fun in organizing and promoting events and activities of relevance and interest, if you have treasury, IT, marketing or editorial skills we would love to hear from you. We have two tiers of volunteers – the elected committee and the supporting volunteers. The AIHA mission is to promote awareness of Australia’s Irish heritage and to celebrate all that is good in the artistic, literary, historical and social strands of this ‘indomitable Irishry’.
Australian-Irish Heritage Association

President Heather Deighan, secretary Tony Bray and committee Carmel Ryan at our Garden Movies night

To quote from the introduction in our Presidents annual report at the Annual General Meeting in the Irish Club on March 8: The Australian-Irish Heritage Association (AIHA) is an inclusive organisation which encourages and promotes an awareness of Australia’s Irish heritage. As noted in the Irish Government’s Global Ireland 2025, “Ireland has always sought to be a good citizen of the world, with the ideal of ‘becoming a shining light in a dark world’ held by many. We hold these ideals as we make our contribution in contemporary contexts. To this end, the AIHA create opportunities for all to learn about, participate in and enjoy this distinct heritage. In presenting events • we seek to foster a connection • a sense of calling in the Irish diaspora • to identify and develop sources of Australia’s distinctive Irish Heritage In considering our purpose, strategic focus and planning of events for 2019 and 2020 we seek to be more inclusive in our reaching out. We strive to strengthen and maintain our position as a key Celtic Heritage Association in Australia and worldwide. With person power being our main challenge, we continue to consider partnerships and how we can protect our identity, harnessing our credibility, reputation and distinctiveness as we develop opportunities for the promotion of Irish arts worldwide.
It saddens us to record the passing of Joyce Parkes, sponsor of the Joyce Parkes Writers Prize, Marie Maloney who was a very active member of AIHA, and John Spurling of Irish Theatre players and former Board member of AIHA who facilitated our theatrical events at the Irish Club.
Check out events on www.irishscene.com.au/calendar-of-events.html

Australian-Irish Heritage Association
Non Political - Non Sectarian - Emphatically Australian
PO Box 1583, Subiaco 6904. Tel: 08 9345 3530. Secretary: 08 9367 6026
Web: www.irishheritage.com.au Find us on Facebook @australianirishheritage
Membership due 1st January – Family $65, Concession $55, Distant (200kms from Perth) $45. THE IRISH SCENE | 59 Membership fee includes tax deductible donation of $20