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Australian Irish Dancing Assoc

AIDA WA EXECUTIVE 2020 President: Caroline McCarthy TCRG

Vice Presidents:


Melissa Kennedy TCRG and Samantha McAleer TCRG Secretary: Caitriona Slane TCRG Treasurer: Martina O’Brien TCRG Registrar: Jenny O’Hare TCRG National Delegate: Eileen Ashley


Celtic Academy

East Victoria Park & Karragullen www.celticacademyperth.com Siobhan Collis TCRG 0403 211 941

Kavanagh Studio of Irish Dance

Maylands www.kavanaghirishdance.com.au Teresa Fenton TCRG 0412 155 318 Deirdre McGorry TCRG Melissa Kennedy TCRG Avril Grealish TCRG

The Academy Mid America & Western Australia

Subiaco, Wangara & Pearsall Samantha McAleer TCRG Dhana Pitman TCRG Kalamunda Lara Upton ADCRG 0409 474 557

O’Brien Academy

Butler, Mindarie/Quinn’s Rock, Ocean Reef, Connolly, Duncraig www.obrienacademy.com Rose O’Brien ADCRG 0437 002 355 Martina O’Brien TCRG 0423 932 866

O’Hare School of Irish Dancing

Doubleview, Wembley Downs & Craigie Jenny O’Hare TCRG 0422 273 596

Scoil Rince na hEireann

Rockingham irishdance@iinet.net.au Megan Cousins TCRG 0411 452 370

Scoil Rince Ni Bhaird

Fremantle & Lynwood Tony Ward TCRG 0427 273 596

Three Crowns School of Irish Dance

Wangara & Padbury www.threecrownsirishdancing.com Eleanor Rooney TCRG 0449 961 669

Trinity Studio of Irish Dancing

Morley, Midland, Bayswater & Singleton trinitystudiowa@gmail.com Eileen Ashley ADCRG 0413 511 595 Katherine Travers TCRG Nell Taylor TCRG

WA Academy of Irish Dancing, Malaga

Glenalee Bromilow ADCRG 0410 584 051 Sue Hayes TMRF 0412 040 719

Australian Irish Dancing Association Inc.

AIDA WA is excited to announce that since the recent phase of restrictions has been scheduled, we will hold a Feis on

the weekend of the 29th and 30th of August.

Whilst we have had to overcome many obstacles making all new arrangements for both feisanna and classes, AIDA WA members have worked very hard to accommodate our dancers and families. We will continue to work together to provide venues, syllabus and timetables for upcoming feisanna in due course.

Our State Solo and Ceili Championships will be held between Friday 25th and Monday 28th September.

AIDA WA is asking for your support!! We are looking for our local businesses and community leaders to offer their help through sponsorship for this upcoming State Championship Feis. Any contributions would be greatly appreciated. Please email Tony Ward for further details:


We are all delighted to be back at class and our teachers have worked hard to prepare their studios to abide by the new social distancing guidelines. Some pictures on the opposite page of our Aida WA dancer’s following the new social distancing rule.

Unfortunately due to COVID-19, the 2020

Australian Irish Dancing Championships were cancelled. However, Aida WA are delighted to announce we will now be hosting the 2021 Australian Irish

Dancing Championships at the Perth

Convention and Exhibition Centre, beginning Tuesday 28th September to

Saturday 2nd October 2021.

Stephen Dawson MLC Member for Mining and Pastoral Region

Minister for Environment; Disability Services Deputy Leader of the Government in the Legislative Council

PO Box 2440, SOUTH HEDLAND WA 6722 stephen.dawsonmp@mp.wa.gov.au (08) 9172 2648 • 1800 199 344 (toll free)

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