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G’day From Gary Gray
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Australian Embassy, Ireland
IRISH AUSTRALIAN MARTIN O’MEARA, VC: “Don’t ever think yourself above taking mother’s advice.”
In July 2020, I visited the Australian Army Museum of Western Australia at Fremantle. A terrific facility holding a great deal of WA military history. It holds machines, materials, medals and awards including the Victoria Cross (VC) awarded to Irishborn ANZAC Sergeant Martin O’Meara, currently on loan to the National Museum of Ireland in Collins Barracks, Dublin. The VC is a unique recognition introduced by Queen Victoria in 1856. All ranks are eligible for the award which was given for conspicuous valour in the presence of the enemy. As a mark of respect for the award, which is never referred to as a “medal”, every officer salutes VC recipients even if the recipient is a Private. There have been (depending on criteria) 195 Irish recipients of the VC. Martin O’Meara was a Tipperary native, born on a farm in Lissernane in the parish of Lorrha and Dorrha, usually just called ‘Lorrha’, Ireland. His father, Michael O’Meara, was a Roman Catholic tenant farmer. Martin worked as a farm labourer and wood worker before working his passage on a steamer to South Australia in 1911, arriving at Port Augusta. He worked on the Transcontinental Railway before again boarding a steamer and making his way to Perth in 1914.
O’Meara worked as a labourer cutting jarrah railway sleepers south of Perth in the Pinjarra area before making his way to Collie, where he was a timber cutter and was active in the Timber Workers Union. He was known as a quiet man, a committed Catholic and a supporter of Home Rule. He was also a teetotaller who sent money to his Mum Margaret (nee Connors) back home in Lorrha. O’Meara’s work at Pinjarra dried up following state Labor government measures limiting access to timber. The union met to protest the closure of sawmills, but the jobs dried up; O’Meara needed work. In July 1915, when he was 29 years and 9 months, and 5 foot 7 inches tall weighing 140 pounds, Martin enlisted in the Australian Imperial Force (AIF) at the Collie municipal offices. The AIF were recruiting for reinforcements for the 16th Battalion. Then, at the location now called Belmont Park Racetrack, in Perth he found himself in training: physical fitness, .303 Lee-Enfield rifle, machine gun and bayonet, grenade throwing drill, trench digging, drill, drill and more drill were his day. It is known that O’Meara put his affairs in order, completed a will, assigned his shares in timber camps to mates and attended church before boarding the steamship Ajana at Fremantle and sailing to Suez, Egypt just before Christmas 1915. He was one of nearly 200 troops who joined 200 already aboard from Melbourne. The Ajana disembarked 7 officers, 2 warrant officers and 411 other ranks at Suez in mid-January 1916. O’Meara then travelled with the reinforcements by train (third class) from Suez to Cairo. We know he carried one small loaf, a bottle of tea and a tin of beef. While in Egypt, O’Meara took part in extensive weapons training, becoming a firstclass machine gunner. On 25 April, while still in Egypt, it is probable that O’Meara took part in the first anniversary church commemorations of the landing at Gallipoli a year earlier. Meanwhile, at home in Dublin the Easter rising was taking place. By June, O’Meara and his 16th Battalion were on their way across the Mediterranean to the south of France. They travelled from Marseilles to Northern France by train then, marched to billets near the front. The 16th Battalion began taking the measure of the terrain and the trench warfare they would face in coming days. O’Meara’s mother died in Tipperary in May 1916 and was laid to rest in the family plot in St Ruadhan’s Catholic Cemetery, Lorrha. O’Meara wrote to a friend in Western Australia: “Don’t ever think yourself above taking mother’s advice.” In late June 1916, he joined the 16th Battalion’s newly formed Scouting Section in northern France. O’Meara served as a scout, observer, and sniper during his time on the Western Front in Belgium and France. By mid-June he was issued a steel helmet and gas respirator. The 16th Battalion did lose one man in Northern France that June; killed by a lightning strike in a thunderstorm. When the 16th Battalion arrived at the Western front that Summer of 1916, they were confronted by a battle tactic and logistical reality unlike that for which they had trained: complex, established enemy and friendly trenches separated by no man’s land. No man’s land meant scouting work would become important so the newly arrived Australian battalions established groups of scouts who then received specialist training in scouting, observing and sniping. Martin O’Meara was perfect for the scouting role. Allied forces had prepared a heavy weeklong artillery barrage in preparation for the great offensive known as the Battle of the Somme, which commenced on 1st July. The battle around villages that are now part of Australian history, raged, destroyed and devastated a 30 kilometre front, turning the village of Pozières to “nothing but an ash heap” according to Australian Military Historian Charles Bean. In early August, the 16th Battalion marched through the night to take up camp in “rain and under shell fire.” The 16th was included in the 4th Division which moved into position on a battlefield covered in rubble and destruction. In the Battle of Pozières, three Australian Divisions suffered 23,000 casualties. Of these, 6,800 men were killed or died of their wounds. These losses are on the scale approaching that of Gallipoli but were sustained in less than 7 weeks compared to 8 months at Gallipoli. During the bitter and desperate fighting around Mouquet Farm, about two kilometres from Pozières, Martin O’Meara from Lissernane in Ireland via Collie in Western Australia performed repeated acts of bravery. There are many eyewitness accounts of the actions of O’Meara. They read, with withering clarity, of action; of bravery under the screaming bombardment; blackout and fire, during which
O’Meara was himself struck and wounded. Promoted to Sergeant in mid-1918, O’Meara was awarded his VC for actions as a private with the West Australian 16th Battalion AIF at Pozières in August 1916 when, after 4 days from 9-12 August he repeatedly ventured into contested land to rescue wounded men and to replenish ammunition stores, conduct reconnaissance work and raid enemy trenches. The award of O’Meara’s Victoria Cross was published in the London Gazette, in September 1916, while he was in hospital recovering from his battle wounds. He returned to France in late 1916 and was wounded again at Bullecourt in April 1917. King George presented his Victoria Cross at Buckingham Palace on 21st July 1917, almost exactly a year to the day since his deeds of valour on the Somme. Fortuitously, a film recording of this award ceremony was discovered a few years ago. After the ceremony, O’Meara returned to battle and was wounded again late in 1917. By then, news of his valour and bravery spread in Ireland and Australia. In his home county there were receptions and many newspaper reports. On 6th November 1918, as for all soldiers returning to West Australia, O’Meara was in isolation in camp at what we now call Woodman’s Point, south of Fremantle. Isolation at that time was to keep the Spanish flu out. O’Meara gave an interview by phone to the West Australian newspaper. “That was my first experience of war, and it was pretty hot,” he told the reporter. O’Meara’s VC citation attests to the heat of O’Meara’s war, it reads. “For most conspicuous bravery. During four days of very heavy fighting he repeatedly went out and brought in wounded officers and men from “No Man’s Land” under intense artillery and machine gun fire. He also volunteered and carried up ammunition and bombs through a heavy barrage to a portion of the trenches, which was being shelled at the time. He showed throughout an utter contempt of danger, and undoubtedly saved many lives.” Not long after returning to his adoptive home, Western Australia, O’Meara’s mental well-being deteriorated rapidly. His condition was recognised and noted as suicidal, homicidal and violent. He was treated at Claremont hospital in Perth and was frequently kept under restraint. By late 1920 O’Meara was discharged from the army receiving a veteran pension plus an annuity for his VC. O’Meara died in Perth in 1935. He was laid to rest with military honours at Karrakatta cemetery in Perth. We are indebted to Ian Loftus, Gerard O’Meara and Jeff Kildea for their work in researching and writing of the lives of Ireland’s ANZACS.
Above: O’Meara’s VC medal on display at the National Museum of Ireland in Collins Barracks, Dublin. Right: Martin O’Meara


It’s very understandable that many of us wish to travel to Ireland to see friends and family. The reality is that the Australian government is taking a very cautious approach to overseas travel. Australia is very keen to keep the number of Covid-19 infections to an absolute minimum so we can all have relatively few restrictions on our lifestyles in Australia. I hope you find the following information useful: 1. The situation on Covid-19 changes almost daily, so keep checking the Irish and Australian government websites. Please don’t assume that last week’s situation is still valid today. 2. Assuming you can get a flight, temporary visa holders can leave Australia without too much difficulty. 3. Dual Irish/Australian Citizens and Permanent
Residents are required to apply for a travel exemption to leave Australia. You can apply for an exemption here: https://travel-exemptions.homeaffairs.gov.au/tep. 4. If you do not intend to return to Australia, please make that clear in your application, as it is likely to increase your chances of a successful application and reduce the processing time. 5. Expect to be asked to provide independent evidence to support your application for an exemption. For example, in the unfortunate event of serious illness it’s not enough to say that a relative is sick. Doctor and hospital evidence will be required. We are all understandably very emotional and upset at times of death and illness.
However, failing to give the necessary evidence to
Border Force will only increase your anxiety and stress and delay your departure. 6. If you apply for an exemption, the Consulate is very happy to provide you with a letter of support if needed. Please email your request to info@consulateofireland.com.au. 7. Should your passport be out of date, in appropriate circumstances we may be able to provide you with an emergency travel document that will allow you
165/580 Hay Street, East Perth WA 6004 By appointment only Tel: (08) 6557 5802 Fax: (08) 9218 8433 CONTINUED ON PAGE 24Email: info@consulateofirelandwa.com.au Website: www.consulateofirelandwa.com.au Office Hours: Mon-Fri 10.30 - 2.00pm
to travel to Ireland. Please feel free to contact us if you need assistance. 8. Just because you are granted an exemption does not automatically mean you will be permitted to return when you want to. There are many dual citizens stranded overseas.
So, difficult as it may be, ask yourself if you really must return to Ireland and ask yourself how being unable to return at your desired time will affect you, your family, and your work. These are not easy questions to ask but they are worth considering. 9. We’re here to help and we will do everything we can to assist.
However, our experience to date is that the Australian authorities are very strict in their requirements.
We get what matters to you.
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There are quite a few changes concerning Irish passports that are worth noting. a. ALL passport applications are now ONLINE ONLY. This includes new applicants and renewals, first time children’s and those applying for their first passport who are resident in Ireland, Northern Ireland,
Great Britain, Europe, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the USA. b. To obtain you or your child’s first passport please go to: https://www.dfa.ie/passportonline/ c. Please note that Embassies and Consulates no longer process passport applications. We can issue an Emergency travel document in exceptional cases if you need to return to Ireland urgently. d. Paper applications are no longer accepted.
The routine processing of Foreign Birth Registrations is currently paused due to Covid-19 restrictions and prioritisation.
Congratulations to the organisers and those who attended the recent unveiling in Subiaco. It was a wonderful occasion and a very important site to the Irish community in Perth.

Family Friendly, Family Lawyers
165/580 Hay Street Perth WA 6000 T: (08) 6557 5888 E: reception@kavlaw.com.au