Iris's Portfolio Book

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I was born in Taiwan in 1983, and I graduated from college in 2006 with a degree in management information systems, which belongs in the field of computer science. I regard my college training as a fundamental tool, a foundation, with the goal of combining my computer and Internet skills in a creative field. Upon graduation from college, rather than taking the logical route of being a computer engineer, I chose to work in the marketing field. It was a daring adventure to work in an unfamiliar field, but I did so with enthusiasm and passion. I took every opportunity to develop my interpersonal skills and to hone my professional skills. Yet, the more I experienced, the more I desired to attain even more knowledge to advance my career and to grow as a person. Hence, I decided to walk out of my comfort zone again and pursue a degree overseas. I constantly observe the advertising around me, thinking about their concepts and creating ideas of my own. I am fascinated by the power of advertising to influence consumers through mass media. It’s a specialized form of art that directly relates to daily life and the business world. During my one year of study at the Academy of Art University (AAU), I learned a lot from both instructors and students working in groups. I have seen great improvements when I compare my current and earlier work. I’ve become more fluent in English and grown more comfortable expressing myself. In addition, having the opportunity to live in the culturally diverse city of San Francisco, I’ve greatly broadened my worldview. I believe the experience will constantly inspire me and benefit my work. After I graduate from AAU, I want to have the opportunity to work in the United States for at least a year or two. I would like to take on any challenge given in the world of advertising. Not only to polish my practical skills, but to learn the working procedure, organizational structure, and partnership between agency and client. Afterwards, if I return to Taiwan, I hope I can bring back what I have learned here and contribute to the progression of the advertising industry in Taiwan.



A position as an art director, leading art direction and campaign execution within the creative department of an advertising agency or studio.


Academy of Art University | San Francisco, CA MFA, Advertising, Sep 2008–Present


3874 19th Ave., San Francisco, CA 94132

National Chung Cheng University | Taiwan BA, Management Information Systems, Sep 2002–June 2006

(415) 990-0565


Cite Publishers Co. | Taipei, Taiwan Marketing Specialist, July 2007–Dec 2007

*Developed Internet marketing channels increasing revenue and margin goals through marketing strategies.

EzTravel Ltd. Co. | Taipei, Taiwan Web planning specialist, June 2006–July 2007

*Planned and executed market strategies, promotional travel campaigns, seminars, media events, etc.

TORAJA Coffee Shop | Chia-Yi, Taiwan MIS Intern, Jan 2004–March 2006

*Attained extensive skills in coffee brewing, bean selection and food and beverage management.


NCCU Film Award | Chia-Yi, Taiwan Best Creative Short Film, March 29, 2006 *Participated in screenwriting, shooting, and acting.

NCCU Yearbook Editing Team | Chia-Yi, Taiwan Copywriter, Oct 2005–June 2006 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION

Software skills | Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Flash, Dreamweaver, Microsoft Office Suite Language skills | English, Mandarin

EBAY Instructor Kristin Wright

Why does our client need to advertise? We want to generate wonder and encourage interest in shopping on eBay.

Course Name Copywriting Techniques Fall 2008

What is the advertising going to accomplish? We want to increase website hits and sales.

Art Director Iris Lai

Who are we going to connect with? Young males and females, age 18–40.

Copywriter Iris Lai

What are the most insightful things we know about them? They are familiar with the Internet and always looking for products with affordable prices.

Account Planner Iris Lai

What is the single most effective message we can tell them? Complete the purchase and sale with a simple click. What else is there to know that supports this message? With a diverse and passionate community of individuals and small businesses, eBay offers an online platform where millions of items are traded each day.




Carrying this shopping bag with one hand is like using the cursor to shop on eBay. The shopping bags will be provided to eBay shoppers along with the products.



There are two hands shaking from different sides of the web page. The idea is to apply real trading to the virtual world.


FOSSIL Instructor Kristin Wright Course Name Copywriting Techniques Fall 2008 Art Directors Iris Lai, Hande Demiral Copywriters Iris Lai, Hande Demiral Account Planners Iris Lai, Hande Demiral

Why does our client need to advertise? We want to refresh the awareness of Fossil, and get the audience excited about it. What is the advertising going to accomplish? We want to support sales and increase the growth of the brand. Also, we want to develop brand loyalty. Who are we going to connect with? Urban males and females, age 20–40, who like fashion and shopping. What are the most insightful things we know about them? They are looking for a creative and defining style that is bold and edgy because they want to have their own style. They follow fashion trends very closely, and read fashion magazines frequently. Their outlook is important to them. What is the single most effective message we can tell them? Create your own style with the unique design accessories. What else is there to know that supports this message? Fossil accessories are wearable for everyday with an elegant look, offering a distinctive style.

PRINT (1 of 2)

Body copy: We offer a variety of original clothing designs and accessories. Each one is made with genuine quality and craftmanship. You will find what you are looking for since we care about your style as much as you do.


PRINT (2 of 2)



People who receive this direct mail can make their own paper doll with Fossil products. They can also snap or cut the watch off and bring it to the store to get a free watch strap. Body copy: Create your own watch with a stylish Fossil strap. For more store locations, visit


BANNER (1 of 2)

The banner is made to imitate a paper doll, with scissors cutting along the dotted lines. The model will put on different clothes, like people trying on products in the store or at home. The message is to create your own style by trying on Fossil’s products, and get more information at


BANNER (2 of 2)



(National Organization for Women) Instructor Kristin Wright Course Name Copywriting Techniques Fall 2008 Art Director Iris Lai Copywriter Iris Lai Account Planner Iris Lai

Why does our client need to advertise? We want to make people more aware of domestic violence. What is the advertising going to accomplish? We want to raise awareness and membership. Who are we going to connect with? Urban males and females, age 20–40. What are the most insightful things we know about them? They care about social issues and movements. They want to do something for people, but sometimes they just don’t know how to begin. What is the single most effective message we can tell them? Don’t ignore domestic violence and take action to stop it. What else is there to know that supports this message? The recent dramatic rise in incidents involving domestic violence, family murder-suicides and child abuse amounts to an urgent national crisis. To address the recession-fueled increase in violence, NOW called for activists to take action to protect funding for domestic violence, sexual assault, child welfare and mental health program services.


Headline: Domestic violence. It might happen to your neighbors. Or yourself. Don’t ignore it. Body copy: Domestic violence is criminal behavior. Estimates show that only about a third of domestic violence cases are actually reported in the United States. Ignoring it induces even more tragedies. Join or give now. Take action to bring equality to all women. Visit



At first it seems like a normal egg box, then the receivers will find a broken egg inside when opening the box. If they pull out the broken egg, they will see a card with information to donate or join NOW. The idea is to make people take action to uncover the domestic violence around them.



(Opens with a fight between a husband and a wife. The husband is yelling, and the wife is crying. Something falls and breaks. But the volume is very low and muffled. These are all muffled sound effects, to emphasize the issue.) VO: You don’t need to turn up the volume. This isn’t a radio show. This is an occurrence that happens to someone you know—every day. Don’t ignore it. Join NOW. National Organization for Women.


The Big Rumble Instructor Trevor Oldershaw Course Name Advanced Advertising Concept Development Summer 2009 Art Directors Iris Lai, Daniel Pradilla, Brian Owens Copywriters Iris Lai, Daniel Pradilla, Brian Owens Account Planner Vicky Chang

Why does our client need to advertise? People generally are unaware of what The Big Rumble do, and they don’t know how to prepare effectively for a quake. We want people to learn more about earthquake preparedness and events in their neighborhoods through The Big Rumble’s website. What is the advertising going to accomplish? We want to educate everyone, especially the residents of the Bay Area, to prepare for the possibility of an earthquake. Who are we going to connect with? The Bay Area residents, age 18–40, who live on their own, with roommates or with family members. What are the most insightful things we know about them? People who live in the Bay Area enjoy the living environment, but they don’t know there’s an invisible threat---earthquakes---and one could occur anytime. They might get “crisis consciousness” after an earthquake, but will forget quickly until the next one occurs. What is the single most effective message we can tell them? Being well prepared is the safest measure. What else is there to know that supports this message? The Big Rumble will serve as the “go-to” website for earthquake preparedness. People can get information and knowledge by taking the quake quiz or participating in quake events.


We will utilize bus shelters to provide a simple, friendly reminder that a basic portable lantern can be a major help after an earthquake. The media will make use of pre-existing fluorescent lighting, illuminating the lantern at night to literally demonstrate the importance of having a light source in the dark.



We will utilize outdoor boards in areas that experience heavy foot traffic. The media will have actual matchbooks that people can remove and keep. As the matchbooks are removed, a poster will be revealed, providing information and directing people to the website. Additionally, each matchbook will be branded. Copy on the matchbook: For more helpful tips and earthquake preparedness information, please visit



A vending machine in need is a real vending machine indeed. An earthquake-supplies vending machine would be set up in the Bart Station. It will sell bottled water, flashlights, canned food, batteries, and so on. The goal of this idea is to provide real supplies to our audience and tell them these things are important after an earthquake. It is also a reminder that people need to have extra cash with them in the event of an earthquake.





Through this direct mail, we highlight the importance of batteries as the power source for small, portable electronic devices. We are including a 25% Off coupon for batteries at local drug stores and supermarkets.



People are never far away from their cell phones. That is the idea behind the “iCandle” application. This application uses the light from cell phones to help people during a blackout. Through web banners, people will be able to download this application for their iPhones. The message we want to deliver is, “A candle can be huge after an earthquake.”


MOLESKINE Instructor Marguerite Lutton Course Name Art Direction Fall 2008 Art Director Iris Lai Copywriter Iris Lai Account Planner Iris Lai

Why does our client need to advertise? We want to raise awareness of Moleskine notebooks among the general public, and encourage the audience to enjoy using them. What is the advertising going to accomplish? We want to increase popularity of the notebooks, and get a larger market share for notebook products. Who are we going to connect with? Males and females, age 18–45. What are the most insightful things we know about them? They are college educated, middle to upper class, active and adventurous. They like to bring notes or books with them. They always have some thoughts in mind and try to organize them by writing. What is the single most effective message we can tell them? Moleskine notebooks can take you to anywhere. What else is there to know that supports this message? Moleskine notebooks are flexible and brilliantly simple tools for use everyday and for extraordinary circumstances, ultimately becoming a symbol of latter-day nomadism.


Tagline: Ride on your words



This ambient ad will be placed in the bus shelter. The seats will be replaced by Moleskine notebooks. There will be the Moleskine logo and tagline on these seats. A relevant ad will be displayed on the glass back wall of the shelter. The concept is that people can be taken for a ride by the imagination that Moleskine provides.


FBI Instructor Marguerite Lutton Course Name Art Direction Fall 2008 Art Directors Iris Lai, Katie Maaske Copywriters Iris Lai, Katie Maaske Account Planners Iris Lai, Katie Maaske

Why does our client need to advertise? We want to inform people that there is an opportunity to serve your country and protect people against terrorist and foreign intelligence threats. What is the advertising going to accomplish? We want to recruit people to become FBI special agents. Who are we going to connect with? U.S. citizens, age 23–37, with a college degree and at least three years of professional work experience. They must also possess a valid driver’s license and be completely available for assignment anywhere in the FBI’s jurisdiction. What are the most insightful things we know about them? They are young, adventurous and have sense of justice. They might be recently graduates or job seekers looking for a change in life. They have some critical skills and like to be challenged. What is the single most effective message we can tell them? You have what it takes to become an FBI special agent. What else is there to know that supports this message? “This is truly an opportunity of a lifetime, to be a part of a greater cause. It’s about challenging and being challenged. You are entrusted with the nation’s security. This job is not about money. No amount of money could buy you the kind of experiences, access or pride you will have as an agent.” – Kim, Special Agent



QANTAS Instructor Marlin Neufeld

Why does our client need to advertise? We want to inform people that Qantas flies direct to Sydney with no stopovers.

Course Name Perspectives in Advertising Fall 2008

What is the advertising going to accomplish? We want to increase revenue for cargo divisions.

Art Director Iris Lai

Who are we going to connect with? Business executives in the Bay Area who need to ship cargo to Australia.

Copywriter Iris Lai Account Planner Iris Lai

What are the most insightful things we know about them? They are responsible, young and not afraid to try new things. They care about their job, and would like to improve work efficiency. They love traveling, and prefer nonstop flights. They are willing to spend more money for better service for flying. What is the single most effective message we can tell them? Fly your cargo direct from San Francisco to Sydney with no stopovers. What else is there to know that supports this message? Most cargo flights have a long layover in Hawaii. Qantas promises that their cargo does not go all over the globe before arriving in Australia.



HEADCOUNT Instructors Gregory Coffin, Mike Brenner Course Name Campaign Spring 2009 Art Directors Iris Lai, Michael Waldman Copywriters Iris Lai, Michael Waldman Account Planner Rachel Shensa

Why does our client need to advertise? HeadCount is a nonprofit organization dedicated to voter registration through the power of music. The problem is they are unknown and often overshadowed by Rock the Vote, which is the only organization people associate with music and voting. What is the advertising going to accomplish? The advertising is going to raise awareness of what the organization is and encourage music fans to volunteer to help the organization register voters. Who are we going to connect with? Music fanatics, age 18–35, who are obsessed with seeing their favorite bands live. They work hard and may not have the money to go to all the shows that they crave to see. What are the most insightful things we know about them? They want to be inspired, cut loose and connect with other like-minded people. To them the energy of a live show and the power of democracy are pure and collective experiences. There is nothing they like more than surfing through crowds of people and feeling that deep connection to everyone and everything around them. What is the single most effective message we can tell them? Be a part of something bigger than yourself. What else is there to know that supports this message? If you volunteer for HeadCount you will walk around during the opening act registering people to vote. You will get into the show for free and not work during the headliner.



LOWE’S Instructor Marlin Neufeld Course Name Perspectives in Advertising Fall 2008 Art Director Iris Lai Copywriter Iris Lai Account Planner Iris Lai

Why does our client need to advertise? When people need some items for their house, they often think of Home Depot. People are not familiar with Lowe’s, which actually is the better choice to find what they need. What is the advertising going to accomplish? We want to improve the market share and develop brand loyalty with the audience. Who are we going to connect with? Suburban men and women, age 30–55, living on their own, with roommates, or with family members. What are the most insightful things we know about them? They care about their house’s condition and environmental aesthetics. They would like to have knowledgeable, friendly and approachable staff to assist them in the store if they need help. To them home is not only a place to live, but also a retreat for happiness. What is the single most effective message we can tell them? Lowe’s has everything you need for home improvement. What else is there to know that supports this message? Lowe’s markets itself internally and externally as a customerfocused organization in contrast to Home Depot, a contractororiented organization. The marketing strategy of Lowe’s is to stress a softer and kinder image, appealing to women.



Borderlands Instructors Gregory Coffin, Mike Brenner Course Name Campaign Spring 2009 Art Director Iris Lai Copywriter Chris Helsabeck Account Planner Bobin Kim

Why does our client need to advertise? Borderlands is a local bookstore in San Francisco, specializing in fantasy and science fiction. Not everyone is familiar with this store because there are other, better-known bookstores such as Barnes & Noble and Borders in the city. What is the advertising going to accomplish? Selling more books and getting more book lovers in the store as well as letting customers know that Borderlands is very unique and special. Who are we going to connect with? Urban young adults, age 18–30, who especially love fantasy or science fiction books. What are the most insightful things we know about them? They are willing to spend their extra money buying the books they love. They prefer quiet, cozy and personal spaces to read books. They look for rare items or first editions, and would like to have a staff that is fully knowledgeable to help them. What is the single most effective message we can tell them? Find your cozy spot! What else is there to know that supports this message? Their old school library atmosphere, toned-down lights and floor rugs give a more cozy, inviting feeling. Instead of the coffee place, there are comfortable couches with many antique pieces.


Instead of giving out business cards for store information, we develop a tear-off ad that features a Medusa with snake-like hair. People can tear off each piece of hair and treat it as a bookmark that serves as an interesting reminder for them to visit Borderlands bookstore.


Degree plan completed FALL 2008 ADV 602 | Art Direction ADV 604 | Copywriting Techniques ADV 622 | Perspectives in Advertising

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SPRING 2009 ADV 606 | Campaign ADV 623 | Account Planning ADV 630 | Digital Motion Graphics GS 601 | The Renaissance Art World & Its Classical Origins

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SUMMER 2009 ADV 616 | Advanced Advertising Concept Development GS 606 | Crossing Borders: Art & Culture in a Global Society

3 units 3 units

units units units units

Total Units: 27 units

Degree plan for graduation FALL 2009 ADV 626 | ADV 625 | GS 602 |

(Current; Midpoint review) The Brand & Branding Interactive Advertising The Art & Ideology of the 20th Century

3 units 3 units 3 units

SPRING 2010 ADV 800 | Directed Study ADV 800 | Directed Study ADV 800 | Directed Study GR 617 | Type Forms

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SUMMER 2010 ADV 800 | Directed Study NM 613 | Topics in Motion Graphics

3 units 3 units

FALL 2010 ADV 800 | ADV 800 | GS 604 |

3 units 3 units 3 units

(Final review) Directed Study Directed Study Professional Practices & Communication

units units units units

Total Units: 36 units

In the past semesters, I have finished lots of campaigns, and had the opportunity to play different roles in various projects. Being an art director, I spent more time on art direction. I expect myself to not only focus on the artistic aspects of design, but to have a good sense of logical thinking and writing. Hence, I want to improve my copy and research skills in the following semesters. For the rest of my degree courses, I would like to enrich my portfolio to include more interactive campaigns and television commercials. Most of the time, I cannot execute my ideas due to my limited resources and professional skills. In the future, I look forward to collaborating with students from different majors. It’s a great opportunity to work with and learn form photographers, illustrators, and directors, and to expand my social network as well. In addition to taking my directed studies, I will search for an internship, so I can experience practical working procedures and prepare for future work. It will also help me to refine my skills for better execution, and more thoroughly develop my abilities for a career in the advertising industry.

Thank you for taking time to review my work. If you have any questions or are interested in my work, please feel free to contact me at

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