Truth Eye
Immersive experience
Sometimes we are just so overwhelmed by emotion that can’t be aware of how we behave. But that’s usually more obvious to onlookers. So I built the iii, to extend human vision that provides immersive experience for seeing ourselves objectively hence refining behavior.
This is a experimental design which I started with lucid dreams and be fascinated by the out of body experience and tried to recreate that in our daily lives and see what it will bring.
Research Question
What will happen if we see ourselves from a third perspective in our daily life/while doing some task?
People get more self-aware when seeing themselves from the third-perspective.
In order to test Hypothesis, I prototyped this goggle. Connect mobile phone with GoPro first and then insert the phone into the goggle. Thus when people wearing the goggle, they can see themselves from the third(camera’s) perspective. I test it in different settings to see what will happen in experiencing, exploring and socializing contests. This is a fun experience for people. They do get the feeling that they are somewhere else detached from their body. They are also very foucs on the image of themselves and care about how they look and act.
Clearer View Compared among these experiments, people tend to be more self-aware and attarcted to self-image when the figure shown on the screen is more clear and complete. when people have a clearer view of themselves, they also tend to refine themselves like fixing hair and clothes, straightening up and minding their gestures. While wearing the goggles, people usually find themselves a little different from how they originally perceive themselves. Shy people tend to be more positive and active in expressing themselves. While talkative people tend to listen more.
Distance induces different level of awareness It’s like watching a movie of yourself, when it gets close shots so people see their facial expression clearly, they get more aware of their emotions, when they see their angry or nervous face, they have better chance to control themselves and feel positive sooner.
When the camera gets further to capture the whole body, people start to care about their gait and demeanor. This can be good for performative activities such as speech, dancing or acting. While the camera reaches the furthest, people get to experience the connection between the environment and themselves, hence feel less ego and more integrated to the surrounding.
+ PROTOTYPE Based on the insights, I decided to use an iPad to capture user’s face and show it in the front. Thus people can see their face clearly in the screen behind the iPad. And the camera should be mounted somewhere else than user themselves so people can change distance in between.
First prototype is a wood structure sitck into backpack. It’s a quick way to visualize my idea but the structure itself is too bulky.
I wanted to attempt is t port piece a
o buid something movable without electronic motors and also has a dramatic and aesthetic look. Second this metal wire structure. It works quite well except the fact that it was too flimsy. So I added one more supat the back of the head to hold the head piece in place.
Final design using metal sheet for simple look stable structure. The purity of the material also echos with the mindful reflection experience.
Collaborative Savior on Thames Elly is a lifesaver in water. It is efficient and stable that help with drowning people. We are designing for the future scenario to make Thames the Safest river by 2030.
Our electromechanical jellyfish is an experimental insreument. Inspired by the ethereal experience provided by jellyfish we aimed to emulate their motion, aesthetic and sinister nature.
+ PROTOTYPE As a group we were very keen to iterate and innovate practically and so from the first day of the project we were in the workshops creating small, lo-fi models to gain a clear insight into different mechanisms and how things work. Our main focus was emulating the ethereal experience jellyfish provide and so we ensured that the aesthetic of our design was the driving force behind all other elements. The translucent nature of the jellyfish meant that we explored and experimented with a range of materials and techniques which could provide a clean, glowing finish. For this reason we also displayed our mechanism leaving nowhere for us to hide in the same way the heart and brain of the jellyfish are always exposed. In line with our aesthetic vision, we used clear acrylic to manufacture the majority of our mechanical components. The use of such a material meant that our design had to be sensitive to the loads we could apply, the precision of all joins and also great consideration of the design aesthetic.
a Birdbox for HUNTER
We started off by analysing the brand identity and consumer
This is a experimental interactive inst display visually communicates globa lets visitors experience the temperatu thermal artifact.
tallation. The low fidelity al temperature rates and ure through a tangible,
We tried to connect people with high-tech through accessible and simple things. Data-Glove is our attempt to invent a glove that helps 3D modelling. People can build simple models in the air with their hands directly.
Experiment on how can we subtly create mindfulness/relaxation through mimicking nature. Mimicking mimosa protecting itself, I created a hoodie which people can pull it down so it would become a helmet. It gives people personal space and serenity in the public places.
Experiment on how can we prepare people for challenging situations by unlocking their primal instincts. We combined several animals to make a super-power animal suit. Consisting of an all-hearing bat, a dominant gorilla, and a heavy-weight elephant. After wearing it, people feel bigger, stronger, more powerful, and also a better mood afterwards. And they perform better at physical tasks. See Video:
Designed to raise awareness for people in China who suffer from serious air pollution yet don’t want to wear masks due to cultral reasons.
With a special designed handle that has the function of a timer and lock, Tic-Lock makes the cooker much easier to operate while guarantee safety at the same time.
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