IRJET- Kinematic Structure and Reenactment of an Adaptable Valve Lift System for an IC Engine

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)

e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 06 Issue: 02 | Feb 2019

p-ISSN: 2395-0072

“Kinematic Structure and Reenactment of an Adaptable Valve Lift System for an IC Engine” Amar Pabalkar1, Rahul Watane2, Vaibhav Kadire3, Amol More4

---------------------------------------------------------------------***---------------------------------------------------------------------Abstract :- The car business has been under proceeded with strain to enhance the eco-friendliness inferable from stringent contamination standards, an unnatural weather change and rising oil costs. Different advances have been created in the ongoing years to moderate these issues, normal ones among them being, fuel cut off and/or barrel deactivation amid deceleration, empowering new burning systems, consolidating electronic valve lift/timing component and so forth. Customarily in IC-Engines, the delta and fumes valve opening/lift is a settled capacity of the wrench shaft position. Anyway in the light of new fuel enlistment frameworks that are as of now accessible in later and current Engines, noteworthy upgrades in mileage can be accomplished if these qualities are incited as a variable capacity of the crankshaft rakish Displacement through individual control of valve timing or by utilizing electronically controlled valve timing systems alluded to as factor valve timing (VVT) components. Anyway in VVT cam systems, the serious issues is because of the clamor and wear related with high contact speeds amid the opening and shutting of valves. The other serious issue is that, to date, the valve actuators for these kinds of uses basically depend on thunderous spring courses of action to accomplish the required valve elements. This prompts a settled abundancy of the valve direction and takes into account variable valve timing except if a completely adaptable valve activation framework is imagined and structured. An endeavor is made in the proposition examine work to structure another "TRI-LOBED-CAM" instrument utilized related to an ordinary cam working system that pivotally moves the camshaft through a little relocation relying upon the working states of the Engine viz., least valve uprooting at lean burdens/low Engine paces, medium valve Displacement at middle burdens and most extreme valve removal at high loads/high Engine paces. The proposed new plan of the valve actuator instrument is relied upon to defeat the inborn confinements of the settled cam valve activation components just as the insufficiencies of the VVT cam frameworks insignificantly. Key Words: Crank Shaft, Variable Valve timing, TRI-LOBED-CAM, Valve dynamics 1. Introduction: With a constrained, or pressurized, admission charge like that given by a turbocharger, a Engine can consume more fuel. Principally Fuel utilization depends on Economy, Running expenses, and Driving. Efficiency additionally ensures the earth, Air contamination and worldwide atmosphere changes. So multi-valve innovation ended up standard in Engine plan, Variable Valve Timing turns into the subsequent stage to improve Engine yield, regardless of intensity or torque. As you most likely are aware, valves actuate the breathing of Engine. The planning of breathing, that is, the planning of air admission and fumes, is constrained by the shape and stage edge of cams. To improve the breathing, Engine requires diverse valve timing at various speed. At the point when the rev expands, the term of admission and fumes stroke diminishes with the goal that outside air winds up not quick enough to enter the ignition chamber, while the fumes ends up not quick enough to leave the burning chamber. In this way, the best arrangement is to open the gulf valves prior and close the fumes valves later. At the end of the day, the Covering between admission period and fumes period ought to be expanded as rev increments. In customary camshaft utilizes a settled or variable cam profile to accomplish a sensible trade off between inert speed soundness, mileage, and torque execution. Noteworthy upgrades in Engine execution can be accomplished through individual control of the valve timing. So In inner burning Engines, Variable valve timing (VVT), otherwise called Variable valve activation (VVA), is a summed up term used to depict any component or technique that can adjust the shape or timing of a valve lift occasion inside an inner ignition Engine. VVT permits the lift, length or timing (in different mixes) of the admission or potentially fumes valves to be changed while the Engine is in activity. Two-stroke Engines utilize a power valve framework to get comparative outcomes to VVT. There are numerous manners by which this can be accomplished, running from mechanical gadgets to electro-water driven and camless frameworks.

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Impact Factor value: 7.211


ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal


Page 353

International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)

e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 06 Issue: 02 | Feb 2019

p-ISSN: 2395-0072

The valves inside an inward burning Engine are utilized to control the stream of the admission and fumes gases into and out of the ignition chamber. The planning, term and lift of these valve occasions significantly affects Engine execution. In a standard Engine, the valve occasions are settled, so execution at various loads and speeds is dependably a trade off between driveability (power and torque), mileage and emanations. A Engine furnished with a variable valve incitation framework is liberated from this imperative, enabling execution to be enhanced over the Engine working reach.

Cylinder Engines typically use poppet valves for admission and fumes. These are driven (specifically or in a roundabout way) by cams on a camshaft. The cams open the valves (lift) for a specific measure of time (length) amid every admission and fumes cycle. The planning of the valve opening and shutting is likewise essential. The camshaft is driven by the crankshaft through planning belts, apparatuses or chains. Strain to meet ecological objectives and eco-friendliness benchmarks is driving vehicle producers to utilize VVT as an answer. Most straightforward VVT frameworks advance or retard the planning of the admission or fumes valves. The car business has been under proceeded with strain to enhance the eco-friendliness attributable to stringent contamination standards, a dangerous atmospheric devation and rising oil costs. Different advancements have been produced in the ongoing years to relieve these issues, regular ones among them being, fuel cut-off and/or chamber deactivation amid deceleration, empowering new ignition systems, fusing electronic valve lift/timing instrument and so forth. Customarily in ICEngines, the delta and fumes valve opening/lift is a settled capacity of the wrench shaft position. Anyway in the light of new fuel acceptance frameworks that are right now accessible in later and present day Engines, critical enhancements in efficiency can be accomplished if these qualities are impelled as a variable capacity of the crankshaft precise uprooting through individual control of valve timing or by utilizing electronically controlled valve timing components alluded to as factor valve timing (VVT) systems. 2. Literature Survey: An IC Engine valve's kinematics profiles, (for example, valve position versus time, valve speed versus time, etc) are of settled shape and are coordinated in respect to the Engine crankshaft position. From a control frameworks point of view, we state the Engine valves are not controllable. On the off chance that rather, we could autonomously control the length, stage and lift of the valves, a checked enhancement in discharges, productivity, greatest power, and efficiency would be seen. The Engine's mechanical structure, albeit straightforward, bargains the proficiency and greatest intensity of the Engine [1&2]. Nonetheless, any factor valve activation framework must most likely offer a variable valve profiles without trading off the basic attributes of a traditional IC Engine valve profile In ordinary IC Engines, Engine valve relocations are settled with respect to the crankshaft position. The valves are incited with cams that are situated on a belt-driven camshaft, and the state of these cams is dictated by considering a tradeoff between Engine speed, power, and torque necessities, just as vehicle fuel utilization. This improvement results in a Engine that is very proficient just at certain working conditions [4], [5]. Rather, if the Engine valves are incited as a variable capacity of crankshaft edge, critical enhancements in efficiency - up to 20% - can be accomplished [6]. What's more, enhancements in torque, yield power and discharges are accomplished. Anyway in VVT cam systems, the serious issues are because of the clamor and wear related with high contact speeds amid the opening and shutting of valves. The valve seating speed, which is the valve speed when the valve hits the chamber head after the valve shutting change. In a common IC Engine, the seating speed is under 0.3m/s [3] at rapid and under 0.05 m/s out of gear.

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Impact Factor value: 7.211


ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal


Page 354

International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)

e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 06 Issue: 02 | Feb 2019

p-ISSN: 2395-0072

In Solenoid-controlled frameworks are alluded to as electro mechanical cam less valve trains (EMCVs) in this paper. In EMCVs [3], the valve is held in the center position by a spring framework. Two curls are empowered then again to pull in an armature mounted on the valve into either the open or the shut position. A nonlinear connection between power, position, and current happens when the armature approaches either end. This makes it hard to direct the seating speed. In any case, extraordinary advances have been made in demonstrating and controlling [2], this gadget as of late. All things considered, dependable control of the seating speed within the sight of temperature changes and valve wear happens. Electro water powered frameworks regularly use piezo impelled valves to control the pressure driven liquid stream that is utilized to uproot the valve [10]. Shockingly, water driven frameworks experience the ill effects of thickness changes over the required temperature go, since Engine oil is normally utilized as the pressure driven fluid. In this manner, the execution crumbles at low temperatures. What's more, it is extremely hard to accomplish great vitality effectiveness with pressure driven frameworks, since there is no basic method to recoup the active vitality of the valves when they are backed off. At last, water driven frameworks enhance the air fuel blends are expensive as far as starting venture just as upkeep. Regardless of these issues, water powered frameworks are likely the most broadly utilized FFVA framework in Engines research centers. To abridge, FFVA gives a more straightforward control technique that can all the more likely oblige for valve wear and temperature changes. Furthermore, the variable valve lift can be utilized to enhance the air fuel blend. In interior burning Engines, Variable valve timing (VVT), otherwise called Variable valve activation (VVA), is a summed up term used to portray any instrument or technique that can change the shape or timing of a valve lift occasion inside an inner ignition Engine. VVT permits the lift, span or timing (in different mixes) of the admission as well as fumes valves to be changed while the Engine is in activity. There are numerous manners by which this can be accomplished, running from mechanical gadgets to electro-water powered and cam less frameworks. The valves inside an inner ignition Engine are utilized to control the stream of the admission and fumes gases into and out of the burning chamber. The planning, term and lift of these valve occasions significantly affects Engine execution. In a standard Engine, the valve occasions are settled, so execution at various loads and speeds is dependably a bargain between driveability (power and torque), efficiency and outflows. A Engine outfitted with a variable valve incitation framework is liberated from this limitation, enabling execution to be enhanced over the Engine working reach. The profile, or position and state of the cam flaps on the pole, is upgraded for a specific Engine cycles for each moment (RPM), and this tradeoff regularly constrains low-end torque, or top of the line control. VVT permits the cam timing to change, which results in more prominent productivity and power, over a more extensive scope of Engine RPMs. So in FFVA structures, valve lift can likewise be differed by Engine speed. At rapid, higher lift enlivens air admission and fumes, along these lines further advance the relaxing. Obviously, at lower speed such lift will create counter impacts like disintegrating the blending procedure of fuel and air, in this manner decline yield or even prompts fizzle. Hence the lift ought to be variable as per Engine speed 3. Problem Identification: Anyway in VVT cam components, the serious issues are because of the clamor and wear related with high contact speeds amid the opening and shutting of valves. The other serious issue is that, to date, the valve actuators for these kinds of uses essentially depend on resounding spring courses of action to accomplish the required valve elements. This prompts a settled adequacy of the valve direction and takes into consideration variable valve timing except if a completely adaptable valve incitation framework is imagined and structured. 4. Objective: An endeavor is made in the proposition inquire about work to structure another “TRI-LOBED-CAM" system utilized related to an ordinary cam working instrument that pivotally moves the camshaft through a little removal relying upon the working states of the Engine viz., least esteem uprooting at lean burdens/low Engine velocities, medium valve relocation at middle of the road burdens and most extreme valve Displacement at high loads/high Engine rates. The proposed new plan of the valve actuator instrument is relied upon to conquer the intrinsic confinements of the settled cam valve activation components just as the insufficiencies of the VVT cam frameworks insignificantly.

Š 2019, IRJET


Impact Factor value: 7.211


ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal


Page 355

International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)

e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 06 Issue: 02 | Feb 2019

p-ISSN: 2395-0072

5. Kinematic Analysis of TRI-LOBED-CAM:

Fig. 1: Tri Lobed CAM Displacement, Speed and Acceleration at 8o of decrease turn in CAM Displacement at the greater side Cam X= (R-r1) (1-cosɵ) X= (33.6-16) (1-COS42) X=4.520mm Displacement at the focal point of Cam X= (R-r1) (1-cosɵ) X= (34.62-16) (1-COS48) X=6.160mm Displacement at the Smaller side Cam X= (R-r1) (1-cosɵ) X= (35.74-16) (1-COS52) X=7.586mm Speed at the greater side Cam V = ω (R-r1) Sinϕ V=(R-r1) Sinϕ V= (33.6-16) Sin42 V=419mm/s Speeding up at the greater side Cam Amax= ω2 (R-r1) Amax = 2 (33.6-16) Amax=22311.44mm/s2 Displacement, Speed and Acceleration at 90 of decrease turn in CAM Displacement at the greater side Cam

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Impact Factor value: 7.211


ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal


Page 356

International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)

e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 06 Issue: 02 | Feb 2019

p-ISSN: 2395-0072

X= (R-r1) (1-cosɵ) X= (33.45-16) (1-COS40) X=4.520mm Displacement at the focal point of Cam X= (R-r1) (1-cosɵ) X= (34.47-16) (1-COS46) X=5.645mm Displacement at the Smaller side Cam X= (R-r1) (1-cosɵ) X= (35.74-16) (1-COS52) X=7.586mm Speed at the greater side Cam V = ω (R-r1) Sinϕ V=(R-r1) Sinϕ V= (33.45-16) Sin40 V=399.36mm/s Speeding up at the greater side Cam Amax= ω2 (R-r1) Amax = 2 (33.6-16) Amax=22121.3mm/s2 Existing CAM SHAFT:

Fig 2: CAM SHAFT with Edges

Fig 3: Iso-metric view of CAM SHAFT

Camshaft is a shaft which carries one cam for each valve to be operated it also provides a drive for the ignition disrtibutor and mechanical fuel pump. The camshaft is driven by crankshaft by means of timing gears or chain drive at half the speed of crankshaft it is forged from alloy steel or hardeneble cast iron. It consists of cylindrical rod with a number of oblong lobes protruding from it, one for each valve. The cam lobes force the valve open by pressing of the valve. The profile of existing camshaft is not tapered.

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Impact Factor value: 7.211


ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal


Page 357

International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)

e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 06 Issue: 02 | Feb 2019

p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Existing ROCKER:

Fig 4: ROCKER with edges

Fig 5: ROCKER with Different Views

A rocker arm is a swaying switch that passes on spiral development from the cam projection into straight development at the poppet valve to open it. One end is raised and brought down by a pivoting of the camshaft while the opposite end follows up on the valve stem. The current rocker is having surface contact with the individual cam and it is made of manufactured steel or cast iron. Co-ordinates for Modified CAM:

Fig 6: Cam with Maximum and Minimum Diameter MODIFIED CAMSHAFT:

Fig 7: MODIFIED CAM SHAFT with Edges

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Impact Factor value: 7.211

Fig 8: MODIFIED Iso-metric view of CAM


ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal


Page 358

International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)

e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 06 Issue: 02 | Feb 2019

p-ISSN: 2395-0072

The adjusted camshaft is a pole which conveys one decreased cam for every valve to be worked. The camshaft is driven by the crankshaft by methods for timing gears. It comprises of round and hollow pole with various decreased flaps jutting from it, one for every valve. The profile of the altered camshaft is redesign with falt surface to tapered(slope) shape. MODIFIED ROCKER:

Fig 9: MODIFIED ROCKER with Edges

Fig 10: Different views of MODIFIED ROCKER

A changed rocker arm is a swaying switch that passes on outspread development from the cam projection into direct development at the poppet valve to open it. One end is raised and brought down by a turning of the camshaft that is diminished their width while the opposite end follows up on the valve stem. The adjusted rocker having point contact with the individual cam and it is made of fashioned steel or cast iron. 6. Results and Discussion: Table 1: For 8o of taper turn in CAM Sl No.

Length of the cam (mm)

Degrees of taper turn in CAM

Diameter of the CAM (mm)

Valve Movement on CAM (mm)
















At the 8o of decrease turn in CAM the distance across of the CAM shifts with the goal that the valve development additionally fluctuates this is found at 3 distinct areas on the Cam shaft which is appeared in the Table 1. As the measurement builds the valve development will likewise increments. Table 2: For 9o of taper turn in CAM Sl No.

Length of the cam (mm)



2 3

Degrees of taper turn in CAM

Diameter of the CAM (mm)

Valve Movement on CAM (mm)












At the 9o of decrease turn in CAM the measurement of the CAM shifts with the goal that the valve development likewise changes this is found at 3 distinct areas on the Cam shaft which is appeared in the Table 2. As the width builds the valve development will likewise increments. From the table 1 &2 the outcome is noticed that the Valve development on Cam is more in 8 o of decrease swing practically identical to 9o of decrease turn in CAM

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Impact Factor value: 7.211


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Page 359

International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)

e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 06 Issue: 02 | Feb 2019

p-ISSN: 2395-0072


Valve Movement On CAM (mm) EXPERIMENTAL

Valve Movement On CAM (mm) THEORATICAL














Fig 13: For 8o of taper turn in CAM Table 4: EXPERIMENTAL V/S THEORATICAL Sl No

Valve Movement On CAM (mm) EXPERIMENTAL

Valve Movement On CAM (mm) THEORATICAL














Fig 14: For 9o of taper turn in CAM

© 2019, IRJET


Impact Factor value: 7.211


ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal


Page 360

International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)

e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 06 Issue: 02 | Feb 2019

p-ISSN: 2395-0072

The Hypothetical and the trial estimations of the valve development on CAM are closer to one another at 3 diverse level of contact in 8o and 9o of decrease turn in CAM. 7. Conclusion: A fully flexible valve actuation system of 8o and 9o taper turn in CAM is conceived and designed. So as to give variable valve displacement, flexibility and can be controlled. In the present work a TRI LOBED CAM is developed that axially shifts the camshaft through a small displacement depending on the operating conditions of the engine viz., minimum value displacement at lean loads/low engine speeds, medium valve displacement at intermediate loads and maximum valve displacement at high loads/high engine speeds. So that the valve actuator mechanism is expected to overcome the inherent limitations of the fixed cam valve actuation mechanisms as well as the deficiencies of the VVT cam systems marginally. References: [1] M. Pischger, W. Salber, F. V. D. Staay, H. Baumgarten, and H. Kemper, ―Low Fuel consumption and low emissions— Electromechanical valvetrain in vehicle operation,‖ Int. J. Autom. Tech., vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 17–25, 2000. [2] F. Pischinger et al., ―Electromechanical Variable Valve Timing,‖ Automotive Engineering International, 1999. [3] W. Hoffmann, K. Peterson, and A. G. Stefanopoulou, ―Iterative learning control for soft landing of electromechanical valve actuator in camless engines,‖ IEEE Trans. Control Syst. Technol., vol. 11, no. 2, pp.174–184, Mar. 2003. [4] W. S. Chang, An Electromechanical Valve Drive Incorporating a Nonlinear Mechanical Transformer.Ph.D. thesis proposal, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2001, unpublished. [5] M. B. Levin, and M. M. Schlecter, ―Camless Engine,‖ SAE Technical Paper Series, Paper 960581, 1996. [6] P. Barkan, and T. Dresner, ―A Review of Variable Valve Timing Benefits and Modes of Operation,‖ SAE Technical Paper Series, Paper 891676, 1989. [7] C. Schernus, F. van der Staay,H. Janssen, J. Neumeister,B.Vogt, L.Donce, I. Estlimbaum, C. Maerky, and E. Nicole, ―Modelling of exhaust valve opening in a camless engine,‖ SAE Tech. Paper Series, Paper 2002- 01- 0376, 2002. [8] C. F. Taylor, The Internal-Combustion Engine in Theory and Practice, 2nd ed. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1985. [9] J.M.Miller, A. Emadi, A. V. Rajarathnam, and M. Ehsani, ―Current status and future trends in more electric car power systems,‖ in Proc. 49th IEEE Veh. Technol. Conf., 1999, vol. 2, pp. 1380–1384. [10] S. K. Chung, C. R. Koch, and A. F. Lynch, ―Flatness-based feed back control of an automotive solenoid valve,‖ IEEE Trans. Control Syst. Technol., vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 394–401, Feb. 2007. [11] L. Mianzo and H. Peng, ―Output feedback H preview control of an electromechanical valve actuator,‖ IEEE Trans.Control Syst. Technol., vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 428–437, Apr. 2007. [12] R. R. Chladny and C. R. Koch, ―Flatness- based tracking of an electromechanical variable valve timing actuator with disturbance observer feed forward compensation,‖ IEEE Trans. Control Syst. Technol., vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 652–663, Jul. 2008. [13] J. Tsai, C. R. Koch, and M. Saif, ―Cycle adaptive feedforward approach control of an electromagnetic valve actuator,‖ in Proc. 47th IEEE Conf. Decision Control, Cancun, Mexico, 2008, pp. 5698–5703.

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