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Cement 53grade OPC
e-ISSN: 2582-5208 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
Volume:02/Issue:09/September-2020 Impact Factor- 5.354 www.irjmets.com
Ms. Divya Mahale* 1 , Ms. Kritika Maske* 2 , Ms. Pooja Rathod* 3 , Ms. Pooja Pendane* 4 , Mr. Jeevan Durge* 5 , Prof. Laxmikant Vairagade* 6
*1,2,3,45 U.G. Student, Civil Engineering Department, G.H.R.A.E.T Nagpur, Maharashtra, India. *6 Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering Department, G.H.R.A.E.T Nagpur, Maharashtra, India. ABSTRACT
Concrete is the basic building element for modern society. Every major construction project uses concrete in one form or another. It keeps hot and protected; it allows us to get to job safely; it beautifies our homes and yards. Concrete is produced from some of the world's most scarce property and without poisonous by-product.The concrete material in industry is recycles and reclaims during the developed process. It has a higher duration compared to other products. From the proprietor to the largest city areas, concrete is playing a main role in defensive and maintaining our atmosphere. Due to increasing use of concrete and also its high cost material it is important to decrease its cost and make it durable by adding some% of waste materials in it so that it will achieve its strength. .The aim this research is make economic and ecofriendly paver block, and Reuse the waste of AAC waste. Autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) is a lightweight cellular concrete which has been used more than 80 years. Currently however, no good recycling optionsfor AAC from production and destruction waste exist. The quantity of AAC Waste which is produce can be used in the manufacture of autoclaved aerated concrete. Keywords: Mortar, AAC Waste, Super plasticizer, hardener, compressive strength.
Autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) is a lightin weight, pre-cast, foam concrete building material suitable for produceconcrete masonry unit like blocks. Composed of quartz sand, gypsum, lime, cement, water and aluminum powder, are used in production of AAC blocks. AAC all together provides structure, insulation, and fire, mould-resistance. Slurry of AAC is used in makingblocks, wall panels, floor and roof panels, cladding panels and lintels.AAC products may be used for both internaland externalstructure, and may be decoratedor layeredwith a stucco or plaster compound to protectoragainst the elements, or covered with siding materials.
Fig-1: AAC waste paver block 1.1. AAC Waste Blocks: Autoclaved Aerated Concrete is a Lightweight, Load-bearing; durable.AAC is quitelight in mass, having lesserthermal conductivity, highheat resistance, low shrinkage. AAC includes ofsilica sand, cement, lime,and waterand developmentagent. To decreasethe manufacturewaste, new AAC block has been developed by using recycling theAACblocks and converted theminto thepowder form. AAC powder is used in replacementof sands as well as cement. The new developed AAC was conducted by replacing cement with recycled AAC in ratio of 0%to45%.