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IRM Viewpoint
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The IRM’s new Supply Chain Risk Management Certificate helps professionals get to grips with a crucially important area of modern business, says Nick Wildgoose
As digitalisation has greatly extended the trading and operational capabilities of companies around the world, the robustness and transparency of the supply chain has moved centre stage for many risk managers. Not only do these networks face threats from cyber-risk and poorly drawn contracts (see Chris Kelly’s feature Buyer beware in this issue on pages 20-23), but geopolitical events and climate change introduce hugely different but equally unpredictable challenges.
In fact, supply chains are at the heart of how many organisations drive value. There are supply chain disruptions and reputational incidents happening every day that could have been better managed to protect this value.
To help risk managers support their organisations facing these challenges, the IRM has created a new Supply Chain Risk Management Certificate, in association with the Supply Chain Risk Management Consortiun, to add to its growing portfolio of qualifications. The qualification introduces the concepts of supply chain risk management and equips risk practitioners and others involved in managing their supply chains with the ability to apply their risk management knowledge in a world where value is increasingly added via the supply chain.
It also explains how globalised outsourcing, digital disruption, specialisation and just-in-time delivery are changing the risk in supply chains for many organisations. It looks at how appropriate risk management tools and techniques can be applied, adapted and developed in an increasing digital context. The qualification provides a broad understanding of supply chain risk management principles and practices.
Risk professionals who take the course will be able to demonstrate an understanding of how supply chains operate and the risk implications of ongoing developments from various perspectives including those of the public and private sectors. In addition, they will be able to help their organisation implement the appropriate governance frameworks across extended organisational boundaries and understand the need to ensure “cross-functional” thinking and measurement. And finally, they will be able to explain the nature and impact of the major sources of disruption and other risks that supply chains face and understand how these can differ by industry.
“Our new qualification will help organisations of all types understand and manage their supply chain risks,” said Iain Wright CMIRM, chair of the IRM, when launching the certificate. “No organisation can manage risk in isolation. Everyone has not only a supply chain but also an entire extended enterprise that determines their risk environment. Globalisation, digital technology and business disruption also mean that these environments are becoming more complex. Risk professionals need to be on top of this issue.”
The qualification is delivered by online supported distance learning and assessed by multiple choice questions in over 5,000 exam centres worldwide. Enrolments will be opening in February 2020 for those wishing to register for the December 2020 exam session.
More information can be found here: www.theirm.org/scrm