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Aven, T. (2019). The call for a shift from risk to resilience: What does it mean?. Risk Analysis, 39(6), 11961203.
Bank of England, PRA & FCA (2018). Building the UK financial sector’s operational resilience, Discussion
Paper, London, 18 April. Bell, G. (2020) The Organizational Resilience Handbook: A Practical Guide to Achieving Greater Resilience.
London: Kogan Page. British Standards Institute. (2014). BS 65000: Guidance for organizational resilience. BSI Standards
Bryce, C., Ring, P., Ashby, S., & Wardman, J. K. (2020). Resilience in the face of uncertainty: early lessons from the Covid-19 pandemic. Journal of Risk Research, 1-8. Civil Aviation Authority (2016) Operating resilience of the UK’s aviation infrastructure: A request for information. CAP 1420, June.
Deloitte (2018a) Stronger, fitter, better: Crisis management for the resilient enterprise. Deloitte Insights.
Global Crisis Management Survey. Deloitte (2018b) Time to flourish: The future of operational resilience in the UK financial services sector.
Denyer, D. (2017). Organizational Resilience. UK: BSI and Cranfield University. Dillon, R. L., & Tinsley, C. H. (2008). How near-misses influence decision making under risk: A missed opportunity for learning. Management Science, 54(8), 1425-1440. E&Y - Ernst & Young (2018) Getting serious about resilience: a multiyear journey ahead. Ernst & Young. Franken, A., Goffin, K., Szwejczewski, M., & Kutsch, E. (2014). Roads to resilience: building dynamic approaches to risk. Airmic, London. Gowing, N., & Langdon, C. (2015). Thinking the unthinkable: Joining the dots on today’s best thinking and practice: what next? Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA), 1-7. Hillson, D. (Ed.). (2016). The Risk Management Handbook: A practical guide to managing the multiple dimensions of risk. London: Kogan Page. IRM - Institute of Risk Management (2018) Horizon Scanning: A Practitioner’s Guide. Available at: https://www.theirm.org/media/7423/horizon-scanning_final2-1.pdf ISO 22316:2017. (2017). Security and resilience – Organizational resilience – Principles and attributes.
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Kaplan, R. S., Leonard, D., & Mikes, A. (2020). Novel Risks. Harvard Business Review. Working Paper 20-094,
May. Mikes, A. & Power, M. (2020). The switch: Negotiating between normality and crisis. Oxford Answers.
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PwC (2020) Nearly 80% of Board Members Felt Unprepared for a Major Risk Event Like Covid-19: EY survey. Press release, 20 Apr 2020, New York. At: https://www.ey.com/en_us/news/2020/04/nearly-80percent-of-board-members-felt-unprepared-for-a-major-risk-event-like-Covid-19-ey-survey
Seville, E. (2016). Resilient organizations: How to survive, thrive and create opportunities through crisis and change. London: Kogan Page. Sheffi, Y. (2015). The power of resilience: How the best companies manage the unexpected. Cambridge:
MIT Press.
Sinek, S. (2019). The infinite game. London: Penguin. Taleb, N. N. (2012). Antifragile: Things that gain from disorder. London: Penguin Books. Van Der Vegt, G. S., Essens, P., Wahlström, M., & George, G. (2015). Managing risk and resilience. Academy of
Management Journal. 58(4), 971-980. Yang, Y., Bansal, P., & DesJardine, M. R. (2014). What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger: A multi-level process theory for organizational resilience. Academy of Management Proceedings. 1, p. 13934.