Quarterly Publication of Irrigation Australia (WA Region)
No. 58 SPRING 2019
In this issue Securing Denmark's water supplies for generations to come
The weather smart irrigation rebate is back
Another below average year tracking for south west rivers
Why not use grey water for watering gardens
Making irrigation pumping sustainable
Trade qualifications establishes career path for irrigators
Plan unveiled to make Perth a leading waterwise city by 2030
Wonthella waste water recycling for irrigating sports fields The Overflow - Spring 2019
Contents Trade qualifications establishes career path for irrigation
The weather smart irrigation rebate
Another below average year tracking for south west rivers
Plan unveiled to make Perth a leading waterwise city by 2030
Increasing water use efficiency
Benefits of clay in the soil
Securing Denmark's water supplies for generations to come
Why not use grey water for watering gardens
Making irrigation pumping sustainable
Wonthella waste water recycling for irrigating sports fields
Drippers comparison
The Overflow is the quarterly publication of Irrigation Australia (WA Region). Articles published are views expressed by the authors. IAL(WA) is not responsible for their accuracy and disclaims any liability which may arise from any person acting on the materials contained within. Editorial content does not necessarily represent the views or policy of Irrigation Australia (WA Region) Publisher/Editor: IAL WA REGION, PO Box 61, Victoria Park, WA 6979 Tel (08) 9368 3136
Keep up-to-date with irrigation in Australia, visit the IAL website at www.irrigation.org.au
Mark Your Diary November 12 Waterwise Irrigation Programs, Busselton Industry Launch - Busselton Bowling Club 26 Soil Moisture Monitoring Field Day, Harvey December 4 Member Breakfast; City of Kalamunda Managed Aquifer Recharge Stage 2 February 11-15 Certificate IV in Irrigation
National Contacts Bryan Ward - Chief Executive Officer Geoff Harvey - National Training & Marketing Manager Marike Froneman - Accountant (part time) Andres Jaramillo - Training and Certification Officer Chris Delphin - Business Administration Manager Kahla McKinless - Training & Certification Assistant Tracy Martin-National Membership & Regions Manager Paris Lobie – Admin Assistant
bryan.ward@irrigation.org.au geoff.harvey@irrigation.org.au marike.froneman@irrigation.org.au andres.jaramillo@irrigation.org.au chris.delphin@irrigation.org.au kahla.mckinless@irrigation.org.au tracy.martin@irrigation.org.au paris.lobie@irrigation.org.au
For further information please visit: www.irrigationaustralia.com.au/events/category/wa-regionevents or contact the WA office on (08) 9368 3136 or ellen.slobe@irrigation.org.au
WA Contact For more details on upcoming courses and events, please contact: Ellen Slobe IAL WA Projects Officer on (08) 9368 3136 Mobile: 0458 291 643 email: ellen.slobe@irrigation.org.au
Authorised sprinkler testing signs If you are testing a system outside of water rostering hours, as a gardening industry professional, you are not required to register for an exemption with the Water Corporation. However, to promote that you are doing authorised work, you might like to have a sign clearly displayed at the front of the property. These signs are available from the IAL (WA). Now available in: Corflute ($25) and Magnetic ($75). GST Exclusive. All signs approximately 400mm x 300mm. For enquires and order form please contact our WA office on (08) 9368 3136.
The Overflow - Spring 2019
Chairman's Report by Clinton Hort - IAL (WA) Industry Chairman
Dear Members,
Welcome to this Spring edition of The Overflow. At the recent Annual Regional Meeting of Irrigation Australia – WA Region, we were able to reflect on the past 12 months. In the period since the previous Annual meeting, Irrigation Australia delivered 7 x training courses, 3 x member breakfasts / site visits, 4 x informal workshops, 3 x community workshops and of course, an extremely successful biennial Irrigation Expo. We could also reflect on the generous support our region receives from stakeholders, as well as the active and invested members who make our association a vibrant and relevant organisation.
In the leadup to the Annual Meeting, nominations were sought from interested members to participate in the Regional Committee for the coming year, and we’ve received a great response. We thank the individuals who have served on the various committees
this past year, and welcome new and returning committee members who are willing to generously donate their time for the development of the WA irrigation industry. I hope you enjoy this issue of the Overflow.
WA Regional Committee members Clinton Hort, Philmac Pty Ltd Andrew Ogden, Western Irrigation Pty Ltd Troy Fiscus, LD TOTAL Les Olivieri, HR Products Jason Rothery, The Retic & Landscape Shop Bede Anderson, Mr Retic Nathan Yardley, Total Eden Watering Systems Paul Willmott, Willmott Irrigation Shaye Holmes, Rain Bird Australia
Nicole McNeil, Toro Australia Clive Croxford, Croxford Irrigation Richard Yates, Harvey Water Daniel Nelson, City of Kalamunda Andrew Webb, Reece Irrigation & Pools Steve Rowan, Vinidex (new) Paul Mellor, Evergreen Blades (new) Todd Denzil-Williams, HR Products (new Darren Seinor, Garden Solutions (new)
From the CEO Bryan Ward
Dear Members, Welcome to this edition of Overflow. In this edition of Overflow, you will find a story on the recent achievement of a trade qualification in irrigation to be known as ‘Irrigation Technician’ and I am pleased to advise that this new Certificate III in Irrigation course has now been listed on the 'training.gov' website which means we are now reaching the final stage of having an Irrigation Trade recognised as a skill package. The inclusion on the website means that all RTO’s that deliver the current Certificate III in Irrigation have 12 months to transition over to the new qualification. If you have already achieved Certificate III in Irrigation, we would encourage you to consider undertaking a top-up course of eight further competencies to achieve the trade qualification. Contact the Irrigation Australia office on 1300 949 891 if you require further information.
Dry conditions persist across Australia and both the rice and cotton industries have been severely impacted with rice production down around 90% on the previous season. A typical rice season would yield around 850,000 tonnes and this year’s estimate is 54,000 tonnes. The flow on impacts of this drought are being felt in country communities and by every consumer and recently the Federal Government announced an independent panel to review and consider the Social and Economic Conditions in communities across the Murray Darling Basin and this process provides rural communities with an opportunity to be heard. Droughts are not uncommon in Australia and the Bureau of Meteorology data ranks the current rainfall trend in the MDB with events that occurred in 1943, 1965, and the millennium drought from 2001. It is pleasing to note that the BOM predict
a return to average conditions early in the new year and we certainly hope that this occurs. Irrigation Australia continues to work closely with governments in QLD, NSW & SA and we have now been appointed as the provided of tamper evident seals for these three states. We have a generic version available for CMIs to use in other states, including Western Australia and these seals with unique serial numbers can be purchased on the Irrigation Australia website.
Bryan Ward
The Overflow - Spring 2019
Regional Update Tracy Martin - National Membership & Regions Manager and Ellen Slobe - WA Projects Officer
2019 Waterwise Irrigation Expo This year’s event was held on 14th August at Optus Stadium, Burswood. This biennial Expo is the pinnacle of the WA events calendar and provides Exhibitors and Delegates, a face to face opportunity to see the latest water efficient products and technologies, while also learning from highly respected industry personnel on various topics that played a crucial part in the creation of this world-class stadium. The WA Minister for Water; Fisheries; Forestry; Innovation and ICT; Science – Dave Kelly MBA opened the event, along with the Director General, Department of Water – Mike Rowe and CEO, Water Corporation – Pat Donovan. 157 Delegates were then escorted to various locations within the Stadium and Landscape Precinct and met industry experts who shared their knowledge and involvement with:• Jarrod Hill, Managing Director Sporteng – Main Playing Pitch • Pamela Lee, Aurora Environmental – Iron filtration waste management & environmental considerations • Hannah Galloway, Hassell – Landscape Precinct – design & its complexities • Michael Smit, Rainwater Harvesting Australia – Integrated water management, small catchments, landscape & passive harvesting • Clive Croxford, Croxford Irrigation Design – What goes into creating an irrigation design?
• Flowmec • Grundfos Pumps Pty Ltd • Heritage Water Tanks • HR Products • Hunter Industries • HydroPlan • Kingspan • Nelson Irrigation • Netafim Australia • Parkland Australia Pty Ltd • Philmac Pty Ltd • Pioneer Water Tanks • Rain Bird Australia • Reece Irrigation • Richgro • Signal Data Systems Pty Ltd • Swan Systems • Toro Australia • Total Eden Water Systems • Viadux • Water Corporation
31 Exhibitors registered to showcase their products: • AAP Industries • ABB Ltd • Amiad Australia Pty Ltd • Antelco Pty Ltd • Aquamonix • APT Water • Dept of Water & Environmental Regulation • ESS Earth Sciences • Ez-Flow • Franklin Electric
The Overflow - Spring 2019
Above and right: Optus Stadium sign and guests on grounds
A highlight for those interested at the conclusion of the day’s activities was a guided tour of the Stadium which included: • A walk around the most state-of-the-art Stadium in the southern hemisphere • Behind the scenes change room access • Magnificent views of the city from the Sky View Lounge • Sighting a broad array of WA sporting memorabilia We thank our major sponsors Department of Water and Environmental Regulation, Water Corporation and our Exhibitors who assisted us in delivering the most successful Expo to date. Feedback received has been overwhelming and the Organising Committee will certainly need to work very hard to top this event in 2021 - but we will do it.
Hamersley Public Golf Course – Member Breakfast 68 members registered to attend the member breakfast on 9th October. City of Stirling - Irrigation Co-Ordinator, Kevin Zoccoli gave an overview on the history of the 30 year old irrigation system that was coming to its "end of life" and an overview on the selection of the Toro Link irrigation system and how it would provide better water management practices throughout the golf course. He concluded with a discussion on what had been put in place to install the new irrigation infrastructure. Gareth Jones - System Specialist - Toro Australia presented and demonstration the new Link System and Infinity sprinklers.
Above and right: Hamersley Public Golf Course – Member Breakfast. Demonstration of Hamersley Public Golf Course irrigation system in operation on the day
Waterwise The Weather Smart Irrigation Rebate has commenced again for the season, with a few changes to the terms and conditions. It is hoped the requirement for a Waterwise Garden Irrigator to provide a programming service to customers wishing to claim the rebate will ensure that the technology will be used to its full potential, and thus achieve the water efficiencies sought. At the time of writing, the initiative is receiving a good amount of interest from the community with a steady rate of claims submitted each week. Product training workshops for the eligible Weather Smart products were scheduled to run in September. With the season seeming to ramp early and suddenly, many members were unable to attend, so additional resources will be made available on our website for the Waterwise Garden Irrigators.
More information to come in the Spring Waterwise member e-newsletter. A series of community workshops were held in various locations around Perth in September, with a focus on waterwise irrigation practices in the garden. The sessions covered a wealth of information surrounding Perth’s water story, irrigation design basics & improvements, precipitation rates, sprinkler run-times, and much more. The workshops were very well received by those in attendance. A big thank you to our suppliers Hunter Industries (with Total Eden), ReeceIrrigation, Rain Bird & HR Products who kindly donated irrigation controllers as prizes, as well as TGA (WA) and Richgro for some garden product giveaways. In addition to the events’ promotion online through social media and in newspaper advertising, 6PR radio advertising was also scheduled to promote both the events and also to encourage listeners to use a Waterwise specialist for their irrigation needs and advice. Sponsorship support of a new “All About Water” segment on Sue MacDougall’s 6PR Sunday morning gardening show is also expanding the Waterwise Programs’ exposure in the community. At the time of writing, preparations are underway to attend and exhibit at the WA Lawn Expo, to be held on 2nd November at South Metropolitan TAFE in Murdoch. Organised by the WA Turf Growers Association, it is hoped that this will again be a very popular event amongst our target audience including new homeowners seeking solutions for new lawns and gardens. In exciting news, the Waterwise Irrigation Programs are expanding throughout Western Australia. Formal support for the introduction of the Programs under the national Waterwise branding has been received from both South West WA water utilities; Busselton Water and AqWest. An industry launch to introduce the Programs is scheduled for 12th November in Busselton, with an event in Bunbury to follow. Keep an eye on the waterwiseprograms.com. au website and “Waterwise Irrigation Programs” Facebook page for more information.
The Overflow - Spring 2019
In one of the most significant developments for our industry level but don’t want become a tradesperson. can The company’s commitment With 50 years ofIII expertise With a widetorange of Filtration Antelco is anThey Australian in the last decade, in August ittowas announced choose onlyplus theairnumber of units required any fitholding large stocks of that there in segments of water intake,to complete technologies and manufacturer thatfor produces products, together with transfer Watera statement for-purpose irrigation products now is a trade qualification in quality irrigation, called Certificate III in and distribution. of the skills setscontrol andvalves, then Amiad receive of attainment, providing on-time deliveries Desalination to water and Systems provides quality water for home owners, landscapers Irrigation Technology. This means that young which themsolutions to receive certification from Irrigation and a premium level ofpeople, school wastewater treatment in will qualify filtration to meet ayour and agricultural markets to marketplace. municipal, industrial and irrigationGeoff. needs. promote responsible water use leavers and mature age job seekers can compare a trade in Australia,” explained irrigation sectors. worldwide. the irrigation industry with other trade qualifications such as plumbing, mechanics and electrical when choosing a career. First courses in early 2020 According to Geoff there are still some administrative Irrigation Australia CEO Bryan Ward said this great processes to go through before Irrigation Australia can begin achievement was due in no small part to the endeavours of delivering the new Certificate III in Irrigation Technology Geoff Harvey and his team at Irrigation Australia together qualification. The first step is adding the qualification to the Owned &support operated inofWA, APTmembers. FLOMEC ultrasonic flow Aquamonix is an AustralianESS is an Australian EzFlo is dedicated providing with the our “It also is a testament to www.training.gov.au website,to expected in The November this year. Water are an established pump sensor provides market-leading owned innovator providing manufacturer/importer of effective and easy fertigation thecompany years specialising of effort that and its ofmembers have The qualification has now to the www.training. in the the association precision in controlling water intelligent management water environmental products technology that been comes inadded a design &in supply of domesticand defining in low flow drip resources.aWe provide products including soil moisture/salinity sizesnext to suitstep a broadwill be aapplication invested identifying career path for irrigation gov.au website,range andofthe bureaucratic one; through to industrial-grade irrigation systems as well as and solutions that measure, profilers and land mapping both range of applications. andpump working important tradeportable that and fixed involving qualification as a systems.to have it recognised higher volume installations. monitoras and the manage critical location. state governments recognising the irrigation it is. This is a process that began in infrastructure. the early 1990s when trade. Scott MacLean was chair of the Irrigation Association of Australia (IAA) board, so it has certainly been a long haul,” “This is a crucial step as recognition is required for state said Bryan. governments to add the qualification to their apprenticeship trainee programs,” said Geoff. “Without this, people can In 2006, the IAA instituted a process to develop skill sets complete the trade qualification, but it will be on a full-fee based on national qualifications. A lot of ofwork has been done basis rather than supported by government.” Established in 1962 to support Grundfos is one the world’s Heritage Water Tanks provide HR Products is Australia’s leading Hunter produces an extensive the Australian water industry, leading pumpand manufacturers. and reliable distributor and largest wholesale, range of water-efficient products since culminating in the development submission ofhigh-quality the Franklin’s are a leading global We have been providing quality water harvesting and storage import and manufacturing for residential and commercial Irrigation Package the throughout TheAustralia, final step will be to help establish an award for pop-up qualified provider ofSkills complete water and for review pumpingthrough solutions tofunding customers fromsolutions supplier of quality irrigation use, including gearfuelling systems servicing all Council throughout Australia since 1980.step was Australian Industry Skills (AISC). A crucial people, this process is still not clear wesprays, will controllers, keep using high-quality, fit for however, equipment for both commercial driven so rotors, sectors. tanks for posted andonce domestic use.know more. A possibility valves, sensors,isand central the submission of a ‘case for change’ by Skills Impact topurpose AISCSteel-Liner everyone we that the your industry. control systems. in June 2019. The result? A trade qualification called Irrigation award for similar trades may be applied to people with the Technician (trade level). “This trade qualification is at Cert new irrigation qualification, something that would be quicker III level. Because there are twenty-two competencies in this and simpler than developing a new one. “We are expecting qualification, people who already have a Cert III in Irrigathat while all the steps won’t be complete, especially tion will need to complete eight additional competencies to establishing an award, we should be able to start delivering become trade qualified,” explained Geoff Harvey. our first Certificate III in Irrigation Technology training courses Australia’s largest independent Parkland Australia, we Kingspan are a market leader Netafim™ is the world leader A leading Australian distributor in early 2020,” he said. irrigation and water consultancy. specialise in smarter cleaner and trusted source of expert in smart irrigation solutions supplying a combination of TheTaking irrigation a trade qualification Ir- advanced products, pride in 34industry years of now has irrigation automation advice in rainwater harvesting called for a sustainable future. technically providing the best water To qualifyand technology to the Sports solutions forTechnician, the Netafim’s Drip Lineswill are take at least along with extensive industry rigation Technician. asstorage an Irrigation The 22 units of competency two years to Turf, resource solutions and highest Municipalities and Agricultural residential, commercial and manufactured in Australia knowledge for the municipal, industry members will need torural complete for new however, moremarkets time for may needato quality consultancy services. developing sectors. 22 units of the landscape, golf, complete and students, are ISO 9261 compliant. agricultural and more sustainable Irrigation Certificate III course. be completed to get their required experience in the future. mining industries. workplace. Our understanding is that once the new Certificate What does this mean for the irrigation industry? III in Irrigation Technology qualification is available on the In simple terms, this means that the irrigation industry has www.training.gov.au website, RTOs will be given 12 months to the career path that so many members have worked for over accommodate the new qualification, and if they want to offer the years. It can now offer courses from Cert II right through the trade qualification will need to apply to have it included on to diploma, putting it on an equal footing with other industries scope. With 38 dedicated branches Celebrating 90 years of The global leadertheir in irrigation Proudly Australian family-owned Pioneer Water Tanks compression over 85 years, Rain Bird across Australia, Reece Irrigation and operated since 1916, way in water, thatmanufacturing offer trade qualifications. Leading “This the defined career path for means fittings and valves right here in produces products for & Pools offer specialised supplying high quality growing superior technology, fresher weAustralia. can attract young people to a career in irrigation as well Information Products designed for residential and commercial service to irrigation contractors, media, landscape soils, mulches, water, and over 30 years irrigation industry, Australian applications, landscapers, gardeners, pool courses organic of proven performance. as the have a process for recognising the skills and knowledge of including Irrigation Australia will hold training for fertilisers, the newturf mixes tough for Australian conditions. controllers, valves, sprays, builders and pool maintenance and specialist products. current industry professionals,” said Geoff. Certificate III and top up courses as required. Interested in nozzles, rotors, etc. professionals. becoming trade qualified as an Irrigation Technician? Contact Importantly, the new Cert III will be flexible so that only people Geoff Harvey, email: geoff.harvey@irrigation.org.au or phone interested in a trade qualification will have to complete the 07 3517 4000 for more information and to register your 22 units. “Others might want an irrigation qualification at Cert interest. Australian manufacturer of commercial irrigation control systems for landscape and agriculture. Fast, reliable cloud-based irrigation software and mobile apps with patented two-wire technology.
Data-based insights for irrigation and nutrient decisions. Optimise resource usage, reduce costs and protect the environment. And make your life easier.
Skills sets ‐ Irrigation Technician qualification Toro Australia is a leading Professionalism. Integrity. With over 120 years’ experience supplier of There reliable, innovative Innovation. If these are Skills Setsand nationwide service, we will also be eleven Irrigation that fall under and proven irrigation important to you, Total Eden support the civil, industrial Technician trade will be: sectors with an products. With overthe 100 Irrigation is the right choice. Come and theseand irrigation years of global experience, and talk to the experts in innovative and comprehensive you can count on Toro. the water business. range of specialised products.
• Irrigation Retailer • Irrigation Retailer Sales • Gravity Fed Irrigation Operator • Irrigation Agronomist VISIT THIS LINK TO REGISTER FOR THE WATERWISE IRRIGATION 2019 • IrrigationEXPO Contractor https://www.irrigationaustralia.com.au/events/event/2019-waterwise-irrigation-expo-wa-delegates
The Overflow - Spring 2019
• Irrigation Installer and Assessor • Irrigation Manager • Pressurised Irrigation System Operator • Irrigation Systems Auditor • Irrigation Systems Efficiency • Irrigation Meter Installation and Validation
Water Corporation is offering a rebate of up to $200 for the purchase and programming of eligible weather smart irrigation products.
Weather Smart Irrigation Rebate
See the list of eligible products at the bottom of the page.
Purchase from a retailer of your choice, just make sure you keep your receipt. We have a list of Waterwise Irrigation Design Shops in Perth that stock eligible products at watercorporation.com.au/irrigationrebate
Who can apply for the rebate? You are eligible for the rebate if you are a Water Corporation customer in the Perth metro area, who has not previously claimed a rebate for an irrigation product. Rebates will only be available on eligible products and services purchased between 1 September 2019 and 31 May 2020. You can claim once the product is operational at the property and programmed by a Waterwise Garden Irrigator.
Installation and programming You’ll need to have your product set up by a Waterwise Garden Irrigator - you can find a list on our website. Your irrigator will also need to complete the form on the back of this page for you.
Rebates are limited to 600, so get in quick! Please read the full terms and conditions before purchasing a product at watercorporation.com.au/irrigationrebate
Purchase your product
Apply for the rebate You will need three documents handy: •
Itemised receipts
Completed form from your Waterwise Garden Irrigator
A copy of your water bill
Then, fill out the form at watercorporation.com.au/irrigationrebate
The weather Receive up to $200 towards weather smart irrigation smart irrigation rebate is back Eligible products Brand and Model
Weather source
Remote access
Hunter Hydrawise
Hunter (Hydrawise) Wi-Fi Controller
Hunter Solar Sync ET Sensor for connection to a compatible Hunter controller (i.e. X-Core, Pro-C or ICC).
Onsite weather station
Orbit B-Hyve Smart Wi-Fi Irrigation Controller
Weather smart irrigation uses local weather Hunter Solar Syncto data to determine watering needs and adjust the optimal sprinkler run time.
How to claim the rebate
HR Products Orbit B-Hyve
Rain Bird LNK Water Corporation is offering a rebate of up to $200 for the purchase and programming Weathermatic of Smartline eligible weather smart irrigation products.
See the list of eligible products at the bottom Onsite of Weathermatic Smartline weather station (SLW) for connection to a the page.Smartline Controller (e.g. SL1600, SL4800). weather compatible Weathermatic station
sharing their knowledge and creating a more waterwise Rebates will only be available on eligible products and Perth. services purchased between 1 September 2019 and 31 May 2020. You can claim once the product is operational at the All Water Corporation residential customers Garden in the Irrigator. property and programmed by a Waterwise metropolitan area who have not previously claimed an Rebates areproduct limitedrebate to 600, get into quick! irrigation aresoeligible apply.
Please read the full terms and conditions before purchasing To apply the rebate your customers will need to a product atfor watercorporation.com.au/irrigationrebate
provide: • Proof of purchase for the eligible weather smart product • Proof of payment for programming consultation, conducted by an endorsed Waterwise Garden Irrigator • A copy of the water bill for the property where the controller/component is installed • Copy of the completed Programming Checklist (You can access this at watercorporation.com.au/irrigationrebate and supply it to your customers.)
Purchase your product Advertisement
Purchase from a retailer of your choice, just make sure you keep your receipt. We have a list of Waterwise Irrigation Design Shops in Perth that stock eligible products at watercorporation.com.au/irrigationrebate
Water Corporation is offering a rebate of up to $200 for the purchase and programming of eligible weather smart Who can apply for the rebate? irrigation products to help save our precious water.
You are eligible for the rebate if you are a Water Corporation customer the Perth metrofor area, who has not previously This is aingreat opportunity waterwise irrigators and claimed a rebate an irrigation product. irrigation designfor shops to reach new customers while
Select a product
Rain Bird LNK Wi-Fi Module for connection to a compatible Rain Bird controller (ESP-RZXe, ESP-Me or ESP-TM2).
Irrigation Sales Representative 3
Installation and programming
• Join one of Australia’s most successful water solutions businesses need to have and your product set up by a • Drive sales forYou’ll our irrigation products projects Waterwise Garden Irrigator - you can find a list on • Geraldton, WA location
our website. Your irrigator will also need to complete
form on the back of this pageoffor you. Great Northern the Rural Services are specialist providers agricultural, horticultural, animal health and irrigation products and advice. Well positioned for growth, we the currently offer a great opportunity for an 4 Apply for rebate experienced and dynamic Irrigation Sales Representative to join the team. You will need three documents handy:
About the role:• Itemised receipts Reporting to the•Section Manager,form you will driveyour sales for a range of irrigation Completed from products and well recognised brands. You will develop a sales plan and call Waterwise Garden Irrigator cycle for your assigned territory, including developing new businesses and • Acustomer copy ofrelationships. your waterFully bill engaging with customers maintaining existing to gain a strongThen, understanding of their requirements, you will share technical fill out the form at and product information to ensure that customer requirements are met, and watercorporation.com.au/irrigationrebate that GNR is the chosen partner in the region for all customers in the region.
Eligible products Rebates are only available for purchases made between
About You: To be successful, you must demonstrate previous success in a technical 1 September 2019 – 31 May 2020 and the offer is limited sales role. A sound knowledge of irrigation systems, pump selection andRemote Weather Brand Detail to the and first Model 600 customers, so start promoting the offer to installation is essential, along with the ability to develop solid and long-term source access your customers today. customer relationships. You will be a disciplined sales professional committed to providing customers with the best level of customer service and prompt Yes Hunter Hydrawise Hunter (Hydrawise) Wi-Fi Controller Internet If you need any digital or printed material to help promote and efficient follow up on quotations and queries. You will have the ability to the offer, please email: deliver specialist advice whilst keeping abreast of market Onsite trends, promotions Hunter Solar Sync ET Sensorand for other connection to a compatible marketing@watercorporation.com.au relevant conditions. You mustHunter have a current driver’s license. Hunter Solar Sync weather No
controller (i.e. X-Core, Pro-C or ICC).
Please refer to full terms & conditions at watercorporation. Interested? HR Products Orbit B-Hyve Orbit B-Hyve Smart Wi-Fi Irrigation Controller Apply direct by sending your resume and cover letter to: Internet com.au/irrigationrebate Rain Bird LNK
Rain Bird LNK Wi-Fi Module for connection to a compatible Rain Bird controller (ESP-RZXe, ESP-Me or ESP-TM2).
The Overflow - Spring 2019
Weathermatic Smartline
Weathermatic Smartline weather station (SLW) for connection to a
Onsite weather
7 Yes
Another below average year tracking for south west rivers Winter has ended with the majority of south west rivers and streams tracking at below average flows for the year to date. The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation tracks 19 key rivers throughout the south west land division as part of its seasonal response framework. Year-to-date streamflow (January to August) has been below average at eight sites, and well below average at ten sites. The Swan River had 74,992ML year-to-date flow measured by winter’s end, compared to a 1975-2018 mean cumulative flow of 214,718ML for this period. In the Peel region, the Murray River had 57,280ML year-todate flow, compared to a 1975-2018 mean cumulative flow of 147,840ML for this period. In the South West the Blackwood had 62,688ML year-todate flow, compared to a 1975-2018 mean cumulative flow of 191,960ML for this period. Comparing to other rivers, the Collie River in the South West and the Denmark River in the Great Southern had the lowest volumes of flow, but flows are typically smaller at these rivers. The Collie River had recorded just 8,948ML year-to-date flow by the end of August, compared to a 1975-2018 mean cumulative flow of 58,956ML for this period.
The Overflow - Spring 2019
The Denmark River had recorded 1,931ML year-to-date flow by the end of August, compared to a 1975-2018 mean cumulative flow of 12,813ML for this period. Only one site, Lort River in the Shire of Esperance, recorded year-to-date average streamflow. The low streamflow over the south west land division mirrors the year-to-date rainfall patterns across these rivers’ catchments. Despite relatively average August rainfall in many areas, of 36 key indicator sites across the south west land division that the department tracks, year-to-date rainfall (January to August) is still mostly well below to below average at 32 of the sites. The other four sites, all located around the Great Southern region, have recorded average year-to-date rainfall. Reduced rainfall in the south west of Western Australia as a result of climate change means less water flowing into our rivers, dams and aquifers. Water measurement is essential for the department to assess and advise on how to best manage water resources, and the department currently has more than 300 river gauging stations fitted with the latest technology as part of its monitoring network.
Above: Benara Road streamflow measurement August 2019
Water data including surface water levels and flow, groundwater levels, water quality measurements, borehole information and rainfall is available online through the Water Information Reporting portal: wir.water.wa.gov.au For more information on how the department manages Western Australia’s water resources visit: https://www.dwer.wa.gov.au/water
Reduced rainfall in the south west of Western Australia as a result of climate change means less water flowing into our rivers, dams and aquifers. The Overflow - Spring 2019
Plan unveiled to make
Perth a leading waterwise city by 2030
Media Statement 24 October, 2019 Hon Dave Kelly - BA MLA Minister for Water; Fisheries; Forestry; Innovation and ICT; Science
The south west of Western Australia is one of the places on t h e p l a n e t m o s t i m pa c t e d b y c l i m at e c h a n g e
Waterwise Perth Action Plan part of McGowan Government's co-ordinated response to the impacts A g r o w i n g c i t y r e s p o n d i n g t o c l i m at e c h a n g e of climate change Two Year action plan Plan to transform Perth into a leading waterwise city by working with local government, industry, traditional owners and broader community For Perth to remain a beautiful, green and liveable city, we must act now Perth is set to become a leading waterwise city by 2030 with the McGowan Government launching the Waterwise Perth Action Plan. Climate change has made our winters drier and our summers hotter and, combined with urban and population growth, has dramatically affected Perth's water resources. The Waterwise Perth Action Plan sets targets to respond to the major impacts of climate change on water resources and liveability to support the 3.5 million population anticipated to reside in Perth by 2050. The plan takes the next steps on from saving water to improving how we manage water in our urban environments so we have healthy waterways and wetlands, attractive green spaces and water security beyond 2030. The plan includes: • Assistance for households to be more waterwise and reduce annual per person use to 110kL; • Improved water management of sporting ovals and green spaces; • All government-led urban development projects in Perth and Peel to be 100 per cent waterwise;
The Overflow - Spring 2019
• METRONET precincts designed to consider all elements of the water cycle; • Increased use of recycled water; and • Increasing the urban tree canopy to reduce the urban heat island effect. More than 200 stakeholders provided their knowledge and insight into the plan. The Waterwise Perth Action Plan is available at http://www.dwer.wa.gov.au/waterwise Comments attributed to Water Minister Dave Kelly: "Climate change has dramatically affected Perth's urban water cycle. We used to get 420 billion litres of water running into these dams each year but, with a significant decline in rainfall since the mid-1970s from climate change, we can now expect just 25 billion litres. "Declining rainfall has also reduced groundwater levels by 1.8 metres since 1998. The McGowan Government's plan brings the whole community on board to become a leading waterwise city by 2030, with State Government, local government, industry, community and households all playing a role. "It adopts a 'water sensitive cities' approach to urban development that reduces consumption and captures,
vision Perth is a leading waterwise city by 2030
transports, cleans and stores water in the landscape for multiple social, economic and environmental health benefits. "To ensure Perth can remain a beautiful, green and liveable city we must act now to be more waterwise. Let's get waterwise Perth."
To transition Perth to a leading waterwise city, over the next two years we will take action to Assist Perth households to save water through practical water saving solutions Increase water savings in new homes
The Waterwise Perth Action Plan sets targets to respond to the major impacts of climate change on water resources and liveability to support the 3.5 million population anticipated to reside in Perth by 2050.
Encourage the community to value water by improving water knowledge Create more urban greenspaces Create climate resilient public open space, sporting grounds and recreational venues Encourage new developments, including those in infill areas, to be more waterwise Update government policies to normalise best waterwise practice Undertake detailed water planning in priority areas Improve information to assist waterwise planning and implementation Increase Indigenous engagement and participation in water resource management Improve water efficiency in government owned buildings Show leadership and demonstrate innovation in government led development This Waterwise Perth Action Plan sets out actions that will achieve change at different scales from household, through to precinct, suburb and city scale. It also includes actions Government will take as a driver and leader for change.
Household and building
Precinct and suburb
City and planning
Government leading
The Overflow - Spring 2019
Increasing water use efficiency
Above: Drip lines apply water accurately to the base of this celery crop
The announcement of a proposed 10 per cent reduction in licenced groundwater allocations for horticultural businesses in North Wanneroo has caused concern among vegetable growers. Lower rainfall in response to a changing climate has seen significantly less water recharging the Gnangara system, a resource shared by the Water Corporation for public drinking water. The reduction is designed to balance the system and maintain access for both of these important users. However, to maintain or increase production going forward, improvements in water use efficiency will need to be found. Given that water required to grow a crop is directly related to the crop area being grown and the environmental conditions in which that crop is grown, some of the ways water use savings can be achieved are: • reducing evaporation • reducing the irrigated area • increasing evenness of irrigation (uniformity) • scheduling irrigation based on crop demand. Reducing evaporation Reducing evaporation will deliver savings in water by reducing the amount of water a plant requires to remain healthy. Reducing evaporation can be achieved by influencing environmental factors such as wind speed, humidity, temperature, and solar radiation. This can be done by protecting the crop with windbreaks, shade netting, tunnel houses, or plastic mulch. In a netted apple trial run by the Department in 2015/16, water use was reduced as a result of increasing the shade factor by placing netting over the crop. Additional benefits were a greater proportion of first grade or premium quality fruit.
The Overflow - Spring 2019
Reducing the irrigated area Reducing the irrigated area can be achieved by applying water only to areas where the crop can use it. A good example of saving water this way is using drip irrigation. Well-designed drip irrigation systems apply water very evenly and directly to the base of the plant and, unlike overhead sprinklers, water is not applied to wheel tracks and headlands where there are no plants. Wheel tracks and sprinkler lines typically make up 15-20% of the total area being irrigated by sprinklers, so there is a significant potential for water saving by applying irrigation only to the plant beds. Drip irrigation is also much less prone to losses through wind drift and evaporation compared to overhead irrigation. Distribution uniformity Distribution uniformity (DU) describes how evenly an irrigation system applies water over the area being irrigated. It is calculated by dividing the average depth of water applied to the driest quarter of irrigated area by the average depth of water over the total irrigated area. DU is technically a ratio but is commonly expressed as a percentage where a higher percentage indicates greater evenness between the depths of water applied across the field. The minimum industry standard for DU on horticultural crops is 75% for overhead irrigation. Growing an even crop requires that the whole crop receives a specific minimum amount of water. A system with a low DU will need to run longer to ensure that the driest quarter of the crop receives that minimum amount. For example, using the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) Irrigation Calculator (which estimates total plant water use of a crop based on crop factors and historical weather data) you can calculate that a lettuce crop planted in November in a sandy soil in Wanneroo will use approximately 4 ML/ha over a 45 day growing period.
Above: Soil tension sensors (tensiometers) confirm the effectiveness of irrigation in this strawberry crop
The chart below shows the plant water requirements plus the additional irrigation water required to compensate for various levels of irrigation inefficiency (DU). An overhead irrigation system delivering water at 85 percent uniformity would require 18 percent less water than an irrigation system with 70 Figure 1. Plant water use and additional irrigation required for a lettuce crop at different DUs percent distribution uniformity.
and wind speed, than by temperature and humidity. By using evaporation as a reference point, the daily plant water requirement can be calculated. Calculating daily water requirement and applying the required amount of water can minimise both overwatering that wastes water and nutrients, and under watering that leads to crop stress and reduced yields or longer growth periods. Confirming the effectiveness of irrigation should be done with technology such as soil moisture or soil tension sensors that will show if water applied has been used, is remaining in the root zone, or has drained past the root zone and is therefore no longer available. In combination, this multipronged approach can improve water use efficiency. While it is daunting to face a reduction in water allocations, DPIRD is supporting growers by both demonstrating water saving techniques and assessing the cost versus the benefits of these techniques. For more information on these topics, search for 'irrigation scheduling' at agric.wa.gov.au
Figure 1. Plant water use and additional irrigation required for a lettuce crop at different DUs
Additional benefits of irrigation systems with higher DU are Additional benefits of irrigation systems with higher DU are lower electricity cost for pumping and potentially reduced nutrient requirements resulting from reduced losses below the crop. lower electricity cost for pumping and potentially reduced nutrient requirements resulting from reduced losses below the crop.
Scheduling irrigation based on crop demand
Even the most well designed system will fail to irrigate efficiently if not operated effectively. Learning how to schedule irrigation based on crop demand will lead to the most efficient use of any Scheduling irrigation based on crop demand system. Crop water demand is directly related to evaporation, which is influenced more by solar Even the most well designed system will fail to irrigate radiation and wind speed, than by temperature and humidity. By using evaporation as a reference point, the daily plant water requirement can be calculated. Calculating daily water requirement and efficiently if not operated effectively. Learning how to schedule applying the required amount of water can minimise both overwatering that wastes water and irrigation based on crop demand will lead to the most efficient nutrients, and under watering that leads to crop stress and reduced yields or longer growth periods.
use of any system. Crop water demand is directly related to Confirming the effectiveness of irrigation should be done with technology such as soil moisture or evaporation, which is influenced more by solar radiation
soil tension sensors that will show if water applied has been used, is remaining in the root zone, or has drained past the root zone and is therefore no longer available. In combination, this multipronged approach can improve water use efficiency.
Growing an even crop requires that the whole crop receives a specific minimum amount of water. A system with a low DU will need to run longer to ensure that the driest quarter of the crop receives that minimum amount. The Overflow - Spring 2019
Article by Richgro
Benefits of clay in the soil Clay, because of its density, retains moisture well. It also tends to be more nutrient-rich than other soil types. The reason for this is that the particles that make up clay soil are negatively charged, which means they attract and hold positively charged particles, such as calcium, potassium, and magnesium.
Perth soils are often depleted of any clay and only consist of sand, therefore adding 1-5% of clay to soil mixes has numerous benefits: • Proven that water content of clay-amended soils were double that of unamended soils in low irrigation areas; • The clay can disperse with wetting and reacts with other soil components; • The clay has high cation exchange capacity which helps the positive and negative ions in the soil to work together; • A small percentage of 1-5% can make a huge difference to the soil profile. With the threat of reduced water allocation rates and increased costs of water used to irrigate council parks, gardens, lawns, golf courses and so on, this is becoming quite an issue for all the parks managers and superintendents of sporting grounds. Bentonite Clay, a high-grade calcium bentonite clay mined from an area 250kms north of Perth, can be added to landscape and turf products. Just a small percentage mixed in or added can make the soil so much more beneficial to the end user. Tips On Soil Improvement: Clay Amendments When planting in sandy soil, it is essential to incorporate a clay amendment such as Bentonite. Clay based amendments make the soil more friable and help to hold on to both moisture and fertiliser, thereby saving you money and preventing our precious rivers from excess nitrogen pollution which may cause issues in the waterways. Soil Amendments It goes without saying that Perth’s nutrient depleted soils need soil conditioning. Usually a ratio of between 30 and 50% soil conditioner to 70-50% soil is recommended; the amount varying depending on the quality of the soil. Soil improver comes in bags or bulk quantities. Manure is also often added to the planting hole.
The Overflow - Spring 2019
Always thoroughly mix soil conditioner and clay amendments with the existing soil, using water to achieve a chocolaty loam texture. Never plant straight into a hole with unmixed soil conditioner or compost as your plant roots may burn and are unlikely to survive long. Bentonite Clay Products: Richgro Natural Bentonite Sand to Soil An all-natural blend of minerals that helps improve the overall structure of the soil and turns sandy soil into rich soil. It contains Bentonite Clay, a naturally occurring mineral, which gives sandy soil a cohesive structure with good drainage but also the capacity to hold water and nutrients and release these minerals back to plant roots. ®
Richgro EZI-WET Professional Grade Granulated Soil Wetter A commercial granular wetting agent that has 50% granulated Bentonite. This provides much more than just holding water and nutrients longer in the soil profile; it is a huge benefit in the long term and the clay will be there forever. Richgro also make many special mixes for clients for use in landscaping, rooftop gardens, turf topdressing, suppressing of nematodes, horticulture and general garden use. Some examples of use: City of Bayswater – have a turf mix with added Bentonite clay to help the turf and assists in the recovery from sting nematode damage. Deep Green Landscaping – use Bentonite clay in their rooftop and garden mixes to give the soil the best chance of holding onto water and nutrients, especially new plantings. Environmental Industries – adding a small percentage of Bentonite clay to their landscape mixes has proven a winner for them in newly planted areas with fewer plant losses.
• • • • • •
The Overflow - Spring 2019
Securing Denmark's water supplies for generations to come The State Government, through Water Corporation, will spend up to $39 million to secure Denmark’s water supply as reduced rainfall due to climate change means Denmark's dams can no longer be relied upon. The water supply scheme in Denmark is not connected to a wider water supply network of pipelines like many other towns in the region. This means the town is currently reliant on rainfall into its dam for drinking water. To secure water supply in the short-term, Stage 5 water restrictions and a Waterwise Towns Program in Denmark will be implemented from October 1, 2019. Stage 5 water restrictions were last implemented in Denmark in late 2014 and 2015. These temporary restrictions mean garden sprinkler systems can only be used one day a week instead of the normal two days during spring and summer. This does not apply to bore owners and hand watering is permitted.
The Overflow - Spring 2019
Restrictions are in place until 31 December 2019 and may be lifted after this time, dependent on rainfall, dam levels and water use. Water carting from Albany will also begin in the coming months, subject to dam levels, with these short-term measures helping secure the town's water supply over summer when demand for water is higher. In the longer term, a new water pipeline will be built to connect Denmark to the Lower Great Southern Towns Water Supply Scheme in Albany. Water Corporation will also continue to work with the local community to help save precious water for generations to come. For more information, visit watercorporation.com.au/ waterwisedenmark (Continues on page 21)
2019 WATERWISE IRRIGATION EXPO MEET MEETOUR OUR EXHIBITORS EXHIBITORS EXHIBITORS LIFTOUT Owned && operated in in WA, APT Owned operated WA, APT Water areare anan established pump Water established pump company specialising in in thethe company specialising design && supply of of domestic design supply domestic through to to industrial-grade through industrial-grade pump systems. pump systems.
TheThe company’s commitment company’s commitment to to holding large stocks of of holding large stocks quality products, together with quality products, together with providing on-time deliveries providing on-time deliveries and a premium level of of and a premium level marketplace. marketplace.
With 5050 years of of expertise With years expertise in in segments of of water intake, segments water intake, transfer and distribution. transfer and distribution. Desalination to to water and Desalination water and wastewater treatment in in wastewater treatment municipal, industrial and municipal, industrial and irrigation sectors. irrigation sectors.
With a wide range of of Filtration With a wide range Filtration technologies plus airair and technologies plus and control valves, Amiad Water control valves, Amiad Water Systems provides quality water Systems provides quality water filtration solutions to to meet your filtration solutions meet your irrigation needs. irrigation needs.
Antelco is is anan Australian Antelco Australian manufacturer that produces fit-fitmanufacturer that produces for-purpose irrigation products for-purpose irrigation products forfor home owners, landscapers home owners, landscapers and agricultural markets to to and agricultural markets promote responsible water useuse promote responsible water worldwide. worldwide.
Aquamonix is an AustralianAquamonix is an Australianowned innovator providing owned innovator providing intelligent management of of water intelligent management water resources. We provide products resources. We provide products and solutions that measure, and solutions that measure, monitor and manage critical monitor and manage critical irrigation infrastructure. irrigation infrastructure.
ESS is is anan Australian ESS Australian manufacturer/importer of of manufacturer/importer environmental products environmental products including soilsoil moisture/salinity including moisture/salinity profilers and land mapping both profilers and land mapping both portable and fixed location. portable and fixed location.
EzFlo is is dedicated to to providing EzFlo dedicated providing effective and easy fertigation effective and easy fertigation technology that comes in in aa technology that comes range of of sizes to to suit a broad range sizes suit a broad range of of applications. range applications.
TheThe FLOMEC ultrasonic flow FLOMEC ultrasonic flow sensor provides market-leading sensor provides market-leading precision in in controlling water precision controlling water application in in lowlow flow drip application flow drip irrigation systems asas well asas irrigation systems well higher volume installations. higher volume installations.
The biennial Waterwise Irrigation Expo is the pinnacle of the WA events calendar and provides companies who choose to exhibit, a face to face opportunity with the urban landscape industry to showcase their latest water efficient products and technologies.
Established in in 1962 to to support Grundfos is one of of thethe world’s Established 1962 support Grundfos is one world’s Heritage Water Tanks provide HRHR Products is Australia’s leading produces anan extensive Heritage Water Tanks provide Products is Australia’s leading Hunter Hunter produces extensive thethe Australian water industry, leading pump manufacturers. Australian water industry, leading pump manufacturers. high-quality and reliable distributor and largest wholesale, of of water-efficient products high-quality and reliable distributor and largest wholesale, range range water-efficient products Franklin’s areare a leading global WeWe have been providing quality Franklin’s ahave leading global have been providing quality water harvesting and storage import and manufacturing forfor residential and commercial water harvesting and storage who import and manufacturing residential and commercial Exhibitors the opportunity to engage with not only registered delegates had a dedicated timeslot in the Trade Show provider of of complete water and solutions to to customers provider complete water and pumping pumping solutions customers solutions throughout Australia, supplier of of quality irrigation use, including pop-up gearsolutions throughout Australia, supplier quality irrigation use, including pop-up gearas part of their “round proceedings, but also with ahigh-quality, wider audience tofor visit the Trade Show only which is fuelling systems servicing allall robin” throughout Australia since 1980. fuelling systems servicing throughout Australia since 1980. using fit fit forfor who choose equipment for both commercial driven rotors, sprays, controllers, using high-quality, equipment both commercial driven rotors, sprays, controllers, sectors. sectors. purpose Steel-Liner tanks forfor and domestic use. valves, sensors, and central purpose Steel-Liner tanks and domestic use. valves, sensors, and central free entry to the irrigation industry. This event attracts attendees including Local your industry. systems. your industry. from all sectors of the irrigation industry control control systems.
Govt Parks & Gardens Teams, Landscapers, Irrigation Retailers, Installers & Contractors, as well as Turf Managers.
If you are interested in exhibiting at this event in 2021, please contact Tracy Martin of Irrigation Australia (WA Region) on 08 9368 3136 or tracy.martin@irrigation.org.au Australia’s largest independent Australia’s largest independent irrigation and water consultancy. irrigation and water consultancy. Taking pride in in 3434 years of of Taking pride years providing thethe best water providing best water resource solutions and highest resource solutions and highest quality consultancy services. quality consultancy services.
Kingspan areare a market leader Kingspan a market leader and trusted source of of expert and trusted source expert advice in in rainwater harvesting advice rainwater harvesting and storage solutions forfor thethe and storage solutions residential, commercial and residential, commercial and rural sectors. rural sectors.
Celebrating 9090 years of of Celebrating years manufacturing compression manufacturing compression fittings and valves right here in in fittings and valves right here Australia. Products designed forfor Australia. Products designed thethe irrigation industry, Australian irrigation industry, Australian tough forfor Australian conditions. tough Australian conditions.
Pioneer Water Tanks - Pioneer Water Tanks Leading thethe way in in water, Leading way water, superior technology, fresher superior technology, fresher water, and over 3030 years water, and over years of of proven performance. proven performance.
Australian manufacturer of of Australian manufacturer commercial irrigation control commercial irrigation control systems forfor landscape and systems landscape and agriculture. Fast, reliable agriculture. Fast, reliable cloud-based irrigation software cloud-based irrigation software and mobile apps with patented and mobile apps with patented two-wire technology. two-wire technology.
Data-based insights forfor Data-based insights irrigation and nutrient irrigation and nutrient decisions. Optimise resource decisions. Optimise resource usage, reduce costs and usage, reduce costs and protect thethe environment. protect environment. And make your lifelife easier. And make your easier.
A leading Australian distributor A leading Australian distributor supplying a combination of of supplying a combination technically advanced products, technically advanced products, along with extensive industry along with extensive industry knowledge forfor thethe municipal, knowledge municipal, landscape, golf, agricultural and landscape, golf, agricultural and mining industries. mining industries.
Netafim™ is is thethe world leader Netafim™ world leader in in smart irrigation solutions smart irrigation solutions forfor a sustainable future. a sustainable future. Netafim’s Drip Lines areare Netafim’s Drip Lines manufactured in in Australia manufactured Australia and areare ISOISO 9261 compliant. and 9261 compliant.
Parkland Australia, wewe Parkland Australia, specialise in in smarter cleaner specialise smarter cleaner irrigation automation irrigation automation technology to to thethe Sports Turf, technology Sports Turf, Municipalities and Agricultural Municipalities and Agricultural markets forfor developing aa markets developing more sustainable future. more sustainable future.
10% energy savings and up to 25% reduction in payback time in controlled E-pumps compared TheThe global leader in in irrigation With 38solutions. dedicated branches Proudly Australian family-owned global leader With 38 dedicated branches Proudly Australian family-owned toirrigation IE3-certified forfor over 8585 years, Rain Bird over years, Rain Bird produces products forfor produces products residential and commercial residential and commercial applications, including applications, including controllers, valves, sprays, controllers, valves, sprays, nozzles, rotors, etc.etc. nozzles, rotors,
across Australia, Reece Irrigation across Australia, Reece Irrigation & Pools offer specialised & Pools offer specialised service to to irrigation contractors, service irrigation contractors, landscapers, gardeners, pool landscapers, gardeners, pool builders and pool maintenance builders and pool maintenance professionals. professionals.
and operated since 1916, and operated since 1916, supplying high quality growing supplying high quality growing media, landscape soils, mulches, media, landscape soils, mulches, organic fertilisers, turfturf mixes organic fertilisers, mixes and specialist products. and specialist products.
Toro Australia is is a leading Toro Australia a leading supplier of of reliable, innovative supplier reliable, innovative and proven irrigation and proven irrigation products. With over 100100 products. With over years of of global experience, years global experience, you can count onon Toro. you can count Toro.
Professionalism. Integrity. Professionalism. Integrity. Innovation. If these areare Innovation. If these important to to you, Total Eden important you, Total Eden is is thethe right choice. Come right choice. Come and talk to to thethe experts in in and talk experts thethe water business. water business.
With over 120120 years’ experience With over years’ experience and nationwide service, wewe and nationwide service, support thethe civil, industrial support civil, industrial and irrigation sectors with anan and irrigation sectors with innovative and comprehensive innovative and comprehensive range of of specialised products. range specialised products.
https://www.irrigationaustralia.com.au/events/event/2019-waterwise-irrigation-expo-wa-delegates https://www.irrigationaustralia.com.au/events/event/2019-waterwise-irrigation-expo-wa-delegates
The Overflow - Spring 2019
2019 WaterWise irrigation expo - e
The company’s commitment years of expertise The company’s commitment With 50 With 50 years of expertise to holding large stocks of of in segments of water intake,intake, to holding large stocks in segments of water qualityquality products, together with transfer and distribution. products, together with transfer and distribution. providing on-time deliveries to water and and providing on-time deliveries Desalination Desalination to water and a and premium level oflevel of wastewater treatment in in a premium wastewater treatment marketplace. municipal, industrial and and marketplace. municipal, industrial irrigation sectors. irrigation sectors.
OCTAVE ULTRASONIC WST Owned & operated in WA,inAPT is anARAD AustralianOwned & operated WA, APT Aquamonix Aquamonix is an AustralianWaterWater are anare established pumppump ownedowned innovator providing an established innovator providing company specialising in the in the intelligent management of water company specialising intelligent management of water designdesign & supply of domestic We provide products & supply of domestic resources. resources. We provide products through to industrial-grade and solutions that measure, through to industrial-grade and solutions that measure, pumppump systems. monitor and manage criticalcritical systems. monitor and manage irrigation infrastructure. irrigation infrastructure.
With aWith widea range of Filtration is an Australian wide range of Filtration Antelco Antelco is an Australian technologies plus air andair and manufacturer that produces fit- fittechnologies plus manufacturer that produces controlcontrol valves,valves, AmiadAmiad WaterWater for-purpose irrigation products for-purpose irrigation products Systems provides qualityquality waterwater for home owners, landscapers Systems provides for home owners, landscapers filtration solutions to meet markets to to filtration solutions to your meet your and agricultural and agricultural markets irrigation needs. promote responsible water use use irrigation needs. promote responsible water worldwide. worldwide.
STEEL WATER TANKS 17,000 TO 375,000L
ESS isESS an Australian EzFlo is dedicated to providing is an Australian EzFlo is dedicated to providing manufacturer/importer of of effective and easy manufacturer/importer effective andfertigation easy fertigation environmental products technology that comes in a in a environmental products technology that comes including soil moisture/salinity of sizes suittoa suit broad including soil moisture/salinity rangerange of to sizes a broad profilers and land both bothrangerange of applications. profilers andmapping land mapping of applications. portable and fixed portable and location. fixed location.
Atultrasonic Heritage Water The FLOMEC flow The FLOMEC ultrasonic flowTanks we're sensorsensor provides market-leading aware that every job is unique in provides market-leading precision in its controlling water purpose andwater ensure that a precision in controlling application in lowinflow tailored solution is designed to application lowdrip flow drip irrigation systems as on-site wellasaswell irrigation systems as suit your requirements. higherhigher volume installations. volume installations.
NMI Pattern approved
E EL Tproduces Established in 1962parts support isLong oneisofone the of world’s WaterWater TanksTanks provide is Australia’s leading an extensive No Established moving term into1962 to support Grundfos Grundfos thereliability world’s Heritage Heritage provide HR Products HR Products is Australia’s leadingHunterSHunter produces an extensive the Australian waterwater industry, leading pumppump manufacturers. high-quality and reliable distributor and largest wholesale, range of water-efficient products the Australian industry, leading manufacturers. high-quality and reliable distributor and largest wholesale, range of water-efficient products No power requirement Small installation Franklin’s are a leading globalglobal We have qualityquality waterwater harvesting and storage import and manufacturing for residential and commercial Franklin’s are a leading Webeen have providing been providing harvesting and storage import and manufacturing P for residential and commercial P Digital footprint provider of display complete waterwater and and pumping solutions to customers L I E D pop-up gearthroughout Australia, supplier of quality irrigation use, including provider of complete pumping solutions to customers solutions solutions throughout Australia, supplier of quality irrigation use, including pop-up gearfuelling systems servicing all all throughout Australia since 1980. high-quality, fit for fit for equipment for both rotors,rotors, sprays,sprays, controllers, High Accuracy Robust fuelling systems servicing throughout Australia since 1980. using using high-quality, equipment forcommercial both commercial drivendriven controllers, 375,000L irrigation tanks installed at a Commercial Horticultural propertyvalves, in Western Australia,and central sectors. purpose Steel-Liner tanks for and domestic use. sensors, sectors. purpose Steel-Liner tanks for and domestic use. valves, sensors, and central AS 4747 accredited High Accuracy your industry. control systems. The Tank with Rainwater Harvesting Gutter Technology your industry. control systems.
NMI Pattern approved
Patent 2009208055A1
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Australia’s largestlargest independent are a market leaderleader A leading Australia’s independent Kingspan is the isworld leaderleader Australian distributor Kingspan are a market Netafim™ the world A leading Australian distributor Netafim™ irrigation and water consultancy. sourcesource of expert irrigation and water consultancy. and trusted in smart irrigation solutions a combination of of and trusted of expert supplying in smart irrigation solutions supplying a combination TakingTaking pride in 34 years of of adviceadvice in rainwater harvesting pride in 34 years future.future. technically advanced products, in rainwater harvesting 9/10/2019 for a sustainable technically advanced products, for a sustainable low_Sep 2019_ 120mm x 100mm.indd 1 1:44:13 PM providing the best and storage solutions for the providing thewater best water Drip Lines are are with extensive industry and storage solutions for the along along Netafim’s Drip Lines with extensive industry Netafim’s resource solutions and highest commercial and and resource solutions and highest residential, in Australia knowledge for theformunicipal, residential, commercial manufactured in Australia knowledge the municipal, manufactured qualityquality consultancy services. 1300 12 12 50 consultancy services. rural sectors. landscape, golf, agricultural and andand are rural sectors. andISOare9261 ISOcompliant. 9261 compliant. landscape, golf, agricultural miningmining industries. swansystems.com.au industries.
Parkland Australia, we we Parkland Australia, specialise in smarter cleaner specialise in smarter cleaner irrigation automation irrigation automation technology to thetoSports Turf, Turf, technology the Sports Municipalities and Agricultural Municipalities and Agricultural markets for developing a markets for developing a more sustainable future.future. more sustainable
Celebrating 90 years of of Pioneer WaterWater TanksTanks Celebrating 90 years Pioneer manufacturing compression the way water, manufacturing compression Leading Leading theinway in water, fittingsfittings and valves right here in superior technology, fresher and valves right here in superior technology, fresher Australia. Products designed for for water,water, and over years Australia. Products designed and30 over 30 years the irrigation industry, Australian of proven performance. the irrigation industry, Australian of proven performance. toughtough for Australian conditions. for Australian conditions.
irrigation & pools
The global leaderleader in irrigation The global in irrigation for over years, Rain Bird for85 over 85 years, Rain Bird produces products for produces products for residential and commercial residential and commercial applications, including applications, including controllers, valves, sprays,sprays, controllers, valves, nozzles, rotors, etc. nozzles, rotors, etc.
Your data and SWAN Systems smart software.
With 38 dedicated branches Proudly Australian family-owned With 38 dedicated branches Proudly Australian family-owned acrossacross Australia, ReeceReece Irrigation since since 1916, 1916, Australia, Irrigation and operated and operated & Pools offer specialised supplying high quality growing & Pools offer specialised supplying high quality growing serviceservice to irrigation contractors, landscape soils, mulches, to irrigation contractors, media,media, landscape soils, mulches, landscapers, gardeners, pool organic fertilisers, turf mixes landscapers, gardeners, pool organic fertilisers, turf mixes builders and pool maintenance and specialist products. builders and pool maintenance and specialist products. professionals. professionals.
A powerful combination for irrigation management. -
Precision irrigation scheduling – save water Manage water allocations Monitor plant health using satellite imagery Australian manufacturer of of Data-based insights for for Australian manufacturer Data-based insights Improve turf quality and consistency commercial irrigation controlcontrol irrigation and nutrient commercial irrigation irrigation and nutrient systems for landscape andcosts decisions. Optimise resource Reduce power systems for landscape and decisions. Optimise resource agriculture. Fast, reliable usage,usage, reducereduce costs costs and and agriculture. Fast, reliable Complimentary local ETo forecasts cloud-based irrigation software protect the environment. cloud-based irrigation software protect the environment. and mobile apps with your life easier. and mobile appspatented with patented And make And make your life easier. two-wire technology. two-wire technology.
Over 38 Stores Nationally IAL Certified Irrigation Design Service
Toro Australia is a leading Toro Australia is a leading supplier of reliable, innovative supplier of reliable, innovative and proven irrigation and proven irrigation products. With over 100 products. With over 100 years years of global experience, of global experience, you can on Toro. youcount can count on Toro.
Professionalism. Integrity. With over years’ experience Professionalism. Integrity. With120 over 120 years’ experience We’ll Be Your Warehouse Innovation. If these are are and nationwide service, we we Innovation. If these and nationwide service, important to you, Total Eden support the civil, industrial important to you, Total Eden support the civil, industrial On Delivery Fleet Service is the choice. Come and irrigation sectors with an isright theTime right choice. Come and irrigation sectors with an and talk to the experts in innovative and comprehensive and talk to the experts in innovative and comprehensive the water business. range of specialised products. the water business. range System of specialised products. Efficient Online Ordering
Forecasts with ETo?
VISIT THISTHIS LINKLINK TO REGISTER FOR FOR THE THE WATERWISE IRRIGATION EXPOEXPO 2019 VISIT TO REGISTER WATERWISE IRRIGATION 2019 Free sign-up: weatherwise.swansystems.com.au Perfect! reece.com.au/irrigation https://www.irrigationaustralia.com.au/events/event/2019-waterwise-irrigation-expo-wa-delegates https://www.irrigationaustralia.com.au/events/event/2019-waterwise-irrigation-expo-wa-delegates
The Overflow - Spring 2019
Thecompany’s company’scommitment commitment The holdinglarge largestocks stocksofof totoholding qualityproducts, products,together togetherwith with quality providingon-time on-timedeliveries deliveries providing anda premium a premiumlevel levelofof and marketplace. marketplace.
With5050years yearsofofexpertise expertise With segmentsofofwater waterintake, intake, ininsegments transferand anddistribution. distribution. transfer Desalinationtotowater waterand and Desalination wastewatertreatment treatmentinin wastewater municipal,industrial industrialand and municipal, irrigationsectors. sectors. irrigation
Fix it Fast intelligentmanagement managementofofwater water intelligent resources.WeWeprovide provideproducts products resources. andsolutions solutionsthat thatmeasure, measure, and monitorand andmanage managecritical critical monitor irrigationinfrastructure. infrastructure. irrigation
Establishedinin1962 1962totosupport support Established Australianwater waterindustry, industry, thetheAustralian Franklin’sarearea leading a leadingglobal global Franklin’s providerofofcomplete completewater waterand and provider fuellingsystems systemsservicing servicingallall fuelling sectors. sectors.
Grundfosis isone oneofofthetheworld’s world’s Grundfos leadingpump pumpmanufacturers. manufacturers. leading havebeen beenproviding providingquality quality WeWehave pumpingsolutions solutionstotocustomers customers pumping throughoutAustralia Australiasince since1980. 1980. throughout
For more information please contact your local Philmac dealer or visit philmac.com.au Australia’slargest largestindependent independent Australia’s irrigationand andwater waterconsultancy. consultancy. irrigation Takingpride prideinin3434years yearsofof Taking providingthethebest bestwater water providing resourcesolutions solutionsand andhighest highest resource qualityconsultancy consultancyservices. services. quality
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Kingspanarearea market a marketleader leader Kingspan andtrusted trustedsource sourceofofexpert expert and adviceininrainwater rainwaterharvesting harvesting advice andstorage storagesolutions solutionsforforthethe and residential,commercial commercialand and residential, ruralsectors. sectors. rural
Antelcois isananAustralian Australian Antelco manufacturerthat thatproduces producesfit-fitmanufacturer for-purposeirrigation irrigationproducts products for-purpose homeowners, owners,landscapers landscapers forforhome andagricultural agriculturalmarkets marketstoto and promoteresponsible responsiblewater wateruse use promote worldwide. worldwide.
EzFlois isdedicated dedicatedtotoproviding providing EzFlo effectiveand andeasy easyfertigation fertigation effective technologythat thatcomes comesinina a technology rangeofofsizes sizestotosuit suita broad a broad range rangeofofapplications. applications. range
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with Philmac Rural & Metric Pipe Owned& &operated operatedininWA, WA,APT APT Aquamonixis isananAustralianAustralianESSis isananAustralian Australian Owned Aquamonix ESS Repair Kits Waterareare establishedpump pump ownedinnovator innovatorproviding providing manufacturer/importerofof Water ananestablished owned manufacturer/importer company specialising in the company specialising in the design& &supply supplyofofdomestic domestic design throughtotoindustrial-grade industrial-grade through pumpsystems. systems. pump
Witha wide a widerange rangeofofFiltration Filtration With technologiesplus plusairairand and technologies controlvalves, valves,Amiad AmiadWater Water control Systemsprovides providesquality qualitywater water Systems filtrationsolutions solutionstotomeet meetyour your filtration irrigationneeds. needs. irrigation
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With the revolutionary EZ Decoder System, you get all the advantages of two-wire installations with simpler, more cost-effective technology. Plug in the EZ-DM two-wire output module to enable up to 54 stations of irrigation, plus a master valve, HeritageWater WaterTanks Tankson provide HRProducts Products Australia’sleading leading Hunter Hunterproduces producesananextensive extensive a single HR pair of wires. Heritage provide is isAustralia’s
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leadingAustralian Australiandistributor distributor A Aleading supplyinga combination a combinationofof supplying technicallyadvanced advancedproducts, products, technically alongwith withextensive extensiveindustry industry along knowledgeforforthethemunicipal, municipal, knowledge landscape, golf,agricultural agricultural and 8/10/19 golf, 10:40 am landscape, and st miningindustries. industries. mining
Netafim™is isthetheworld worldleader leader Netafim™ smartirrigation irrigationsolutions solutions ininsmart a sustainablefuture. future. forfora sustainable Netafim’sDrip DripLines Linesareare Netafim’s manufacturedininAustralia Australia manufactured andareareISO ISO9261 9261compliant. compliant. and
ParklandAustralia, Australia,wewe Parkland specialiseininsmarter smartercleaner cleaner specialise irrigationautomation automation irrigation technologytotothetheSports SportsTurf, Turf, technology Municipalitiesand andAgricultural Agricultural Municipalities marketsforfordeveloping developinga a markets moresustainable sustainablefuture. future. more
TM2 Controller – Market Launch 1 November 2019
ESP-TM2 Simple, Easy -To-Use Controller Celebrating9090years yearsofof Celebrating manufacturingcompression compression manufacturing fittingsand andvalves valvesright righthere hereinin fittings Australia.Products Productsdesigned designedforfor Australia. irrigationindustry, industry,Australian Australian thetheirrigation toughforforAustralian Australianconditions. conditions. tough
PioneerWater WaterTanks Tanks- Pioneer Leadingthetheway wayininwater, water, Leading superiortechnology, technology,fresher fresher superior water,and andover over3030years years water, provenperformance. performance. ofofproven
• Fixed (4, 6, 8 or 12 stations) • 3 Programs: 4 Start Times Each • Quick Programming in 3 branches Steps The global leader in irrigation With3838dedicated dedicated ProudlyAustralian Australianfamily-owned family-owned The global leader in irrigation With branches Proudly • One-Touch Manual Watering for over 85 years, Rain Bird across Australia, Reece Irrigation and andoperated operatedsince since1916, 1916, for over 85 years, Rain Bird across Australia, Reece Irrigation producesproducts productsforfor • Back-Lit &Display &Pools Poolsoffer offerspecialised specialised supplyinghigh highquality qualitygrowing growing Works with produces supplying LNK WIFI residentialand andcommercial commercial servicetotoirrigation irrigation contractors, media,landscape landscapesoils, soils,mulches, mulches, residential service contractors, media, Models applications,including including landscapers,gardeners, gardeners,pool pool organicfertilisers, fertilisers,turf turfmixes mixes applications, landscapers, organic • TM2-4 (4 Station), Order code F54284 controllers,valves, valves,sprays, sprays, buildersand and poolmaintenance maintenance andspecialist specialistproducts. products. controllers, builders pool and nozzles,rotors, rotors,etc. etc. professionals. • TM2-6 (6professionals. Station), Order code F54266 nozzles, • TM2-8 (8 Station), Order code F54268 • TM2-12 (12 Station), Order Code F54272
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Data-basedinsights insightsforfor Data-based irrigationand andnutrient nutrient irrigation decisions.Optimise Optimiseresource resource decisions. usage,reduce reducecosts costsand and usage, protectthetheenvironment. environment. protect Andmake makeyour yourlifelifeeasier. easier. And
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Order code F55001 Control from Anywhere with the Rain Bird App • Plug in and Program in Minutes Management Toro Australia is a leading Professionalism. Integrity. Withover over120120years’ years’experience experience Toro Australia is a leading • Real-Time Professionalism. Integrity. With supplierofofreliable, reliable,innovative innovative Innovation.If Ifthese theseareare andnationwide nationwideservice, service,wewe • Remote Diagnostics supplier Innovation. and andproven provenirrigation irrigation • Accredited important you,Total TotalEden Eden Watersupport supportthethecivil, civil,industrial industrial and important totoyou, with Smart Approved Mark products.With Withover over100 100 rightchoice. choice.Come Come andirrigation irrigationsectors sectorswith withanan products. is isthetheright and yearsofofglobal globalexperience, experience, andtalk talkto tothe theexperts experts in innovative andcomprehensive comprehensive See how to takeincontrol of yourinnovative system at and years and youcan cancount countononToro. Toro. water business. rangeofofspecialised specialisedproducts. products. rainbird.com/ESP-TM2 you thethewater business. range
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The Overflow - Spring 2019
2019 WaterWise irrigation expo - exhibitors MEET MEETOUR OUR EXHIBITORS EXHIBITORS
TheThe company’s commitment company’s commitment to to holding large stocks of of holding large stocks quality products, together with quality products, together with providing on-time deliveries providing on-time deliveries and a premium level of of and a premium level marketplace. marketplace.
With 5050 years of of expertise With years expertise in in segments of of water intake, segments water intake, transfer and distribution. transfer and distribution. Desalination to to water and Desalination water and wastewater treatment in in wastewater treatment municipal, industrial and municipal, industrial and irrigation sectors. irrigation sectors.
With a wide range of of Filtration With a wide range Filtration technologies plus airair and technologies plus and control valves, Amiad Water control valves, Amiad Water Systems provides quality water Systems provides quality water filtration solutions to to meet your filtration solutions meet your irrigation needs. irrigation needs.
Antelco is is anan Australian Antelco Australian manufacturer that produces fit-fitmanufacturer that produces for-purpose irrigation products for-purpose irrigation products forfor home owners, landscapers home owners, landscapers and agricultural markets to to and agricultural markets promote responsible water useuse promote responsible water worldwide. worldwide.
Owned && operated in in WA, APT Owned operated WA, APT Water areare anan established pump Water established pump company specialising in in thethe company specialising design && supply of of domestic design supply domestic through to to industrial-grade through industrial-grade pump systems. pump systems.
Aquamonix is an AustralianAquamonix is an Australianowned innovator providing owned innovator providing intelligent management of of water intelligent management water resources. WeWe provide products resources. provide products and solutions that measure, and solutions that measure, monitor and manage critical monitor and manage critical irrigation infrastructure. irrigation infrastructure.
ESS is is anan Australian ESS Australian manufacturer/importer of of manufacturer/importer environmental products environmental products including soilsoil moisture/salinity including moisture/salinity profilers and land mapping both profilers and land mapping both portable and fixed location. portable and fixed location.
EzFlo is is dedicated to to providing EzFlo dedicated providing effective and easy fertigation effective and easy fertigation technology that comes in in aa technology that comes range of of sizes to to suit a broad range sizes suit a broad range of of applications. range applications.
TheThe FLOMEC ultrasonic flow FLOMEC ultrasonic flow sensor provides market-leading sensor provides market-leading precision in in controlling water precision controlling water application in in lowlow flow drip application flow drip irrigation systems asas well asas irrigation systems well higher volume installations. higher volume installations.
Established in in 1962 to to support Established 1962 support thethe Australian water industry, Australian water industry, Franklin’s areare a leading global Franklin’s a leading global provider of of complete water and provider complete water and fuelling systems servicing allall fuelling systems servicing sectors. sectors.
Grundfos is one of of thethe world’s Grundfos is one world’s leading pump manufacturers. leading pump manufacturers. WeWe have been providing quality have been providing quality pumping solutions to to customers pumping solutions customers throughout Australia since 1980. throughout Australia since 1980.
Heritage Water Tanks provide Heritage Water Tanks provide high-quality and reliable high-quality and reliable water harvesting and storage water harvesting and storage solutions throughout Australia, solutions throughout Australia, using high-quality, fit fit forfor using high-quality, purpose Steel-Liner tanks forfor purpose Steel-Liner tanks your industry. your industry.
HRHR Products is Australia’s leading Products is Australia’s leading distributor and largest wholesale, distributor and largest wholesale, import and manufacturing import and manufacturing supplier of of quality irrigation supplier quality irrigation equipment forfor both commercial equipment both commercial and domestic use. and domestic use.
Hunter produces anan extensive Hunter produces extensive range of of water-efficient products range water-efficient products forfor residential and commercial residential and commercial use, including pop-up gearuse, including pop-up geardriven rotors, sprays, controllers, driven rotors, sprays, controllers, valves, sensors, and central valves, sensors, and central control systems. control systems.
Flow measurement
Pressure measurement
In-built logger
OIML R49 Type P check (certificate pending)
Internal batteries (up to 10 years life)
AC mains
Australia’s largest independent Australia’s largest independent irrigation and water consultancy. irrigation and water consultancy. Taking pride in in 3434 years of of Taking pride years providing thethe best water providing best water resource solutions and highest resource solutions and highest quality consultancy services. quality consultancy services.
Kingspan areare a market leader Kingspan a market leader and trusted source of of expert and trusted source expert advice in rainwater harvesting advice in rainwater harvesting and storage solutions forfor thethe and storage solutions residential, commercial and residential, commercial and rural sectors. rural sectors.
A leading Australian distributor A leading Australian distributor supplying a combination of of supplying a combination technically advanced products, technically advanced products, along with extensive industry along with extensive industry knowledge forfor thethe municipal, knowledge municipal, landscape, golf, agricultural and landscape, golf, agricultural and mining industries. mining industries.
Netafim™ is is thethe world leader Netafim™ world leader in in smart irrigation solutions smart irrigation solutions forfor a sustainable future. a sustainable future. Netafim’s Drip Lines areare Netafim’s Drip Lines manufactured in in Australia manufactured Australia and areare ISOISO 9261 compliant. and 9261 compliant.
Parkland Australia, wewe Parkland Australia, specialise in in smarter cleaner specialise smarter cleaner irrigation automation irrigation automation technology to to thethe Sports Turf, technology Sports Turf, Municipalities and Agricultural Municipalities and Agricultural markets forfor developing aa markets developing more sustainable future. more sustainable future.
Celebrating 9090 years of of Celebrating years manufacturing compression manufacturing compression fittings and valves right here in in fittings and valves right here Australia. Products designed forfor Australia. Products designed thethe irrigation industry, Australian irrigation industry, Australian tough forfor Australian conditions. tough Australian conditions.
Pioneer Water Tanks - Pioneer Water Tanks Leading thethe way in in water, Leading way water, superior technology, fresher superior technology, fresher water, and over 3030 years water, and over years of of proven performance. proven performance.
TheThe global leader in in irrigation global leader irrigation forfor over 8585 years, Rain Bird over years, Rain Bird produces products forfor produces products residential and commercial residential and commercial applications, including applications, including controllers, valves, sprays, controllers, valves, sprays, nozzles, rotors, etc.etc. nozzles, rotors,
With 3838 dedicated branches With dedicated branches across Australia, Reece Irrigation across Australia, Reece Irrigation & Pools offer specialised & Pools offer specialised service to to irrigation contractors, service irrigation contractors, landscapers, gardeners, pool landscapers, gardeners, pool builders and pool maintenance builders and pool maintenance professionals. professionals.
Proudly Australian family-owned Proudly Australian family-owned and operated since 1916, and operated since 1916, supplying high quality growing supplying high quality growing media, landscape soils, mulches, media, landscape soils, mulches, organic fertilisers, turfturf mixes organic fertilisers, mixes and specialist products. and specialist products.
— AquaMaster4 electromagnetic flowmeter Invest smartly through ‘single box solution’ for District Metered Areas (DMA)
Achieve even more with less capital expenditure. AquaMaster4 offers water utilities a
Australian manufacturer of of for District Data-based insights forAreas Toro Australia is is a leading Integrity. Australian manufacturer Data-based insights for Toro Australia a leading Professionalism. Integrity. ‘single box solution’ Metered (DMA). It will measure flow andProfessionalism. pressure commercial irrigation control irrigation and nutrient supplier of of reliable, innovative Innovation. If these areare commercial irrigation control irrigation and nutrient supplier reliable, innovative Innovation. If these with an in-built logger and be able to periodically verify its health. With Near Field systems forfor landscape and decisions. Optimise resource and proven irrigation important to to you, Total Eden systems landscape and decisions. Optimise resource and proven irrigation important you, Total Eden agriculture. Fast, reliable usage, reduce costs and products. With over 100100 is is thethe right choice. Come Communications the AquaMaster4 enables fast configuration and agriculture. Fast, reliable (NFC) technology, usage, reduce costs and products. With over right choice. Come cloud-based irrigation protect environment. years of of global experience, and talk to to thethe experts in in cloud-based irrigation protect the environment. years global experience, can also and talk experts access to data software atsoftware the touch of athesmart device. The data logger contents be and mobile apps with patented And make your lifelife easier. you can count onon Toro. thethe water business. and mobile apps with patented And make your easier. you can count Toro. water business. downloaded in CSV format for offline interrogation. A combination of up to 10 years of two-wire technology. two-wire technology.
battery life, readily available off-the-shelf batteries, no need for special cables and dedicated mobile phone applications to increase staff productivity help the AquaMaster4 deliver the lowest Total Cost of Ownership (TOTEX) over its complete product lifecycle.
https://www.irrigationaustralia.com.au/events/event/2019-waterwise-irrigation-expo-wa-delegates https://www.irrigationaustralia.com.au/events/event/2019-waterwise-irrigation-expo-wa-delegates and burst detection applications at bit.ly/ABBAquaMaster4
The Overflow - Spring 2019
With over 120120 years’ experience With over years’ experience and nationwide service, wewe and nationwide service, support thethe civil, industrial support civil, industrial and irrigation sectors with anan and irrigation sectors with innovative and comprehensive innovative and comprehensive range of of specialised products. range specialised products.
(From page 16)
Waterwise offers now available in the Great Southern Water Corporation’s Waterwise Towns Program has kicked off in Denmark with the local community already taking small steps to help save precious water with climate change continuing to dramatically impact the Great Southern Region. Climate change has seen Denmark record three of the driest years on record since 2014, with this year also tracking to be one of the driest. To help the local community continue to save precious water, Denmark households can now take advantage of free showerhead swaps, an irrigation system check, plumbing check and a rainwater tank rebate. Residents can swap up to two old showerheads for new water efficient models by taking the old showerheads and a copy of a recent Water Corporation bill to the Shire of Denmark offices on South Coast Highway. Local households can also save water in the garden by having a irrigation specialist check sprinkler run times, set controllers and repair any minor leaks for free.
To save water in the home, a licensed plumber is available to come out for a free plumbing check and repair or replace leaking taps, toilets and showers. Rainwater tanks plumbed into homes can save up to 20 per cent of average in-house water use each year. Denmark residents who buy a new rainwater tank or have an existing rainwater tank plumbed into their homes, are eligible for a rebate ranging from $500 to $1,000. Last year in the Great Southern Region, Mount Barker and Albany households participated in the program helping save 41 million litres of water – which is equivalent to more than 18 Olympic sized swimming pools. Areas selected to participate in this year’s Waterwise Towns program along with Denmark include Walpole, Port Hedland, South Hedland, Karratha, Kalgoorlie Boulder, Wiluna, Dongara, Port Denison, Peppermint Grove Beach, Yallingup, Cowaramup and Margaret River. To find out more on the waterwise offers available in these regional areas, visit watercorporation.com.au/waterwiseoffers
SMART IRRIGATION Landscape & Agricultural
Galcon GSI Controller
Gator Radio Control
Gator Hydraulic Valve
With the use of the Galcon GSI and Gator Radio System you would no longer need to run cable to the field valves. The Gator System transmits a radio signal up to 3km away to the Field Receivers to activate DC latching coils and therefore the valves... What could be simpler?
WATER SAVING Orbit B-hyve™ Controller
Hunter Hydrawise™ Controller
The Overflow - Spring 2019
WHY NOT USE FOR WATERING Article by Advanced Waste Water Systems
We can no longer ignore the
fact that our water resources need to be managed wisely. Introduction In the past two decades, Australia has experienced a net decrease in rainfall and at the same time a net increase in its population. Coupled with climate change, this has resulted in serious water shortages across the nation, and has put pressure on the limited water resources in many of the States. The long-term future of Australia, is highly dependent on how the country will manage its precious water resources. A “fit for purpose” approach to water management, is the only proper long-term way to tackle the water crisis. The use of expensive and high energy consumption desalinated/ chlorinated drinking water, to irrigate gardens and flush toilets, cannot be part of a long-term sustainable water management plan. All technological means (seawater desalination, rainwater capture, wastewater & greywater reuse) must be used if we want to effectively combat climate change. Droughts - a wake up call for all of us The “Millennium drought” from 2001 to 2009, and currently, the “Super Drought”, are a wake-up call for Australia. We can no longer ignore the fact that our water resources need to be managed wisely. In the past decade, the energy sector, has experienced a great upsurge in consciousness, and the use of renewables, is fast becoming common practice across the nation. It is essential that the same reality check occurs in the water sector. Don Elder, a renown US scientist, and a hero of the 2002 US National Water Act, when focusing on global warming and energy consumption says: “The two great global and social issues of our day, are climate change and water availability, and their solution is inseparably integrated. Only the healthiest watershed will be resilient enough to support the full range of life in the face of climate change. Saving energy, by saving water will keep coal and oil in the ground, carbon out of the air, water in our streams, and money in our pockets.”
The Overflow - Spring 2019
He goes on to ascertain that, the fastest way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is to reduce water consumption, and that the highest consumers of energy in any state, are the water service providers. In Israel, wastewater recycling has been used for many years, and currently more than 80% of the wastewater generated in the county is reused in many applications (domestic, agricultural, commercial & industrial). Greywater reuse for gardens Reusing the water from showers, basins, and laundries, in order to irrigate gardens, was common practice in the “olden days” right across Australia. With the development of the modern cities and the availability of inexpensive fresh water at one’s doorstep, Australians became complacent, and forgotten how precious water is in the driest continent on earth. It is fair to say that the “Millennium Drought” ushered the reuse of greywater in Australia, with legislations and codes of practice being released in many of the states and territories. As a result, many environmentally friendly soaps and detergents, have emerged on the market. They have allowed for safe and beneficial reuse of greywater in one’s backyard, as well as contributed to the rise in environmental consciousness of people. In the past few years an Australian Standard (1546.4) for the reuse of greywater, has been developed and released. Wastewater reuse as a means to combat desertification and grow plants is evident, and greywater reuse is considered to be the low laying fruit of wastewater recycling. What has been learned about greywater reuse for gardens in the past 15 years • All domestic Greywater diversion systems should have Watermark certification.
GREYWATER GARDENS? • The installation of a Domestic Greywater diversion should conform to the state or territory code of practice and may or may not require council approval. • Commercial applications can save a large amount of water, and should conform to AS 1546.4 Australian standards. • Domestic greywater diversion from showers, laundry & basins to gardens can be implemented in 100% of new built homes if dual plumbing is installed. Homes on stumps are also easy to retrofit, as opposed to homes on slabs which are not “Greywater ready”. • Greywater from Kitchen, has a high fat content and is generally not considered for reuse in gardens due to the potential negative long-term effect it can have on the soils. The use of grease traps may help to alleviate this situation. • All greywater diversion systems require an overflow to sewer or septic.
• High head, closed impeller pumps are not suited for use with untreated, partially filtered greywater, and should be avoided. Low head, vortex pumps can handle much larger particles and will last a lot longer in greywater diversion systems. • A greywater irrigation system, should be able to operate at low pressures (less than 10 m). • In most states and territories, only subsurface & sub-mulch drip irrigation is allowed for the dispersal of the greywater.
• Untreated greywater becomes septic very fast and should not be stored more than 24 hours. The faster the water is diverted, the less sludge is accumulated, and the cleaner the system remains. Also, the larger the tank, the more sludge is accumulated, and more frequent desludging is required. Diversion systems with small buffer tanks are preferable, as the pump-out occurs while the soaps and detergents are still active, resulting in a cleaner system. They are also easier to transport, install, and are cheaper to purchase. On the other hand; greywater irrigation with small tanks can be more technically challenging specially in undulating terrain. • All pipes and dripline should be lilac in colour so as to help identify the reuse application. Alternatively, a purple tape with marking indicating water reuse, should be laid on top of the non-coloured pipe. • With installations in new homes on slabs, the 2 stage installs are recommended, and will save hundreds of dollars. Stage 1, installation of the system’s carcass by the plumber during the plumbing pre-lay work. Stage 2, installation of the pump and irrigation system when the house is completed and before the paving is laid. • With retrofits, Plug & Play complete diversion systems are preferable. • In order to extend the life of the pump, the Greywater should be filtered before it reaches the pump (pre-filtration). Post filtration, between the pump and the irrigation, can drastically reduce the life of the pump, and leads to a high maintenance system.
The Overflow - Spring 2019
Key product development The traditional approach to greywater filtration has been to provide a coarse filter before the pump (pre-Filter) in order to remove the larger particles such as hair and lint, and to provide a much finer filter after the pump (post-filter) in order to remove the small particles, before the water is discharged through the sub-surface drip irrigation. This approach was adopted by most greywater manufacturers, and over time proven to lead to early pump failure, mainly due to the lack of regular post-filtration maintenance. AWWS and other manufacturers adopted the single fine Pre-Filtration option (no post-filtration), which has proven to be more effective in preserving the longevity of the pumps and systems. However, manual fine Pre-filtration, requires regular cleaning of the filters in order to avoid water loss to sewer. Moreover, manual cleaning of greywater system filters can be dirty, time consuming, and a burdensome task. The key was to develop a fine pre-filter that would require very little maintenance. Extensive research was done to find an existing automated backflush mechanism that would apply to gravity flow. Traditionally automatic backflush filters are used in pressurised applications (Post-Filtration), while gravity flow automatic filtration systems are limited to expensive mechanical devices. So AWWS, proceeded to develop an economical, air activated (to minimise water loss), auto-backflush, gravity pre-filter. The new invention took 4 years to develop and an Australian and International patent was registered. This auto-backflush filter mechanism could be retrofitted on older manual systems, thus allowing AWWS to offer its
existing customers to convert their systems into very low maintenance diversion devices. This new development was also the key to entering the commercial market, where larger amount of water could be recycled, as well as capturing part of the growing overseas market. In 2018, AWWS was presented with the 2018 Innovating for Sustainable Water & Environmental Outcomes Award by the WA Australian Water Association. Conclusion Greywater from shower, basins and laundry can be reused a second time to water gardens and/or flush toilets. Greywater reuse for gardens: • Is the first step to water recycling, • Helps reduce large amounts of water in domestic and commercial applications, • Contributes to the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, • Is an effective means to keep plants and trees alive during water restrictions, • Helps stop the advance of desertification in some regions of the world, by providing desperately needed water for tree planting, • Is an effective additional tool to be used for a long-term “fit for purpose” water management strategy “Where there is a will, there is a way” Since 2004, AWWS has developed state of the art greywater diversion systems in order to enable the reuse of greywater. The first 9 years were limited to domestic applications but in the last 6 years with the development of the automated Prefiltration, the system has proven to be very effective in commercial applications such as Caravan parks, resorts, surf-life saving clubs, retirement complex and buildings.
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The Overflow - Spring 2019
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The Overflow - Spring 2019
Making irrigation pumping sustainable Article by Franklin Electric Irrigators across Australia are facing a number of challenges, with some impacted by water scarcity due to drought, and for those where water is available through irrigation schemes, the increasing price of power is impacting their profit margin. This has resulted in calls for system solutions that are energy efficient, save water and have a reduced carbon emissions footprint. Pumps are a key piece of equipment in irrigation systems, and innovations in technology means that they will be important in helping irrigators meet these challenges while still maintaining profitability.
Installing VFDs such as the DrivE-Tech link from Franklin Electric could be considered by irrigators looking to improve their profit margin by reducing water loss and energy prices.
Innovation in pumping technology has come a long way and has fast become more affordable as takeup has become more widespread. Technology such as variable frequency drives (VFDs) and solar pumps are some of the innovations available to irrigators to help them manage and optimise their water and energy use.
Reducing costs using the power of the sun
VFDs take control of usage Ensuring an irrigation system has been designed to meet the water requirements for the specific crop and field is important to optimising irrigation efficiency. VFDs are a key technology that allows irrigators to achieve this. Pressure is imperative in the design of these systems as too much will reduce the size of water droplets and lead to increased water loss through evaporation, while too little will deliver more water than required and can result in water logging and reduced crop yields. VFDs can be programmed so that pumps are automatically adjusted to suit conditions and ensure more water is not being delivered than necessary. Irrigators can also program VFDs to run a pump at its best efficiency point (BEP) to meet the speed and flow rates for different irrigation zones. This was not possible in the past, and irrigators with multiple zones had to size the pump for the worst possible case, however, this meant BEP was difficult to achieve in all zones so there were areas where the pump was oversized. If a pump is oversized for an application it will experience greater wear, higher energy consumption and ultimately higher lifecycle costs.
26 The Overflow - Spring 2019
The DrivE-Tech line of VFDs—DrivE-Tech Solar for solar pumps—was designed and developed to optimise, control and protect pumping systems, and is compatible with different types of pumps and can be used for water supply and irrigation applications, and is suitable to operate most new or existing systems up to 15kW.
Solar pumps are a popular alternative for irrigators looking to reduce energy costs and greenhouse gas emissions. They can be installed to run only on solar power, as well as integrated with mains electricity or diesel to create a hybrid solution to keep operations going even if there is limited sunlight, while still providing cost savings. Solar systems come in a variety of sizes and are scalable, providing irrigators the option to expand their solar array if they need to pump a greater amount of water, or to only power part of the irrigation system if desired. Because solar pumps use renewable energy as their primary source of power, they also help farmers reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Solar pump systems, such as Franklin Electric’s Fhoton SolarPAK and SubDrive SolarPAK are on the cutting edge of design and innovation, and have been optimised to provide the most water for the least amount of energy possible, making them energy efficient and cost effective. These submersible solar pump systems are rugged and have a high-output, which make them ideal for harsh and remote environments, including drought affected areas where groundwater needs to be pumped. Diagnostic and protection features are built into quality solar pumps to help to further reduce lifecycle costs. These help prevent surge, underload/dry run, overvoltage, locked pump, open circuit, short circuit, overheated controller, reverse polarity and deadhead, and come with a soft start feature to prevent waterhammer.
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Wonthella Waste Water Recycling for Irrigation of Sports Fields Article by the City of Greater Geraldton
The Wonthella Park sports precinct provides approximately 15 hectares of turf playing surfaces for a multitude of sports clubs and is one of the premier sporting facilities within the City of Greater Geraldton.
This project was greatly assisted when the Water Corporation made water available through a Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) process from its wastewater treatment plant located 1.2 kilometres away (as the crow flies).
Greater Geraldton has many natural attractions with an amazing coastline that supports almost every ocean based sporting or recreational pursuit including surfing, wind surfing, diving and snorkelling, fishing and swimming. The coastal location however does place pressure on groundwater aquifers due to salt intrusion and, despite some very careful management over many decades, groundwater sources have seen an increase in salt content which has a detrimental effect on sports turf and landscapes.
To further assist the sustainability of the water supply, a compressed air pumping system (Airwell PumpsTM) was added to Council’s system for extracting the recycled water from the MAR bore field in 2018. This technology allows recycled water to be pumped very slowly from the top of the water lens to tanks at Wonthella Park and stored until irrigation can be undertaken in accordance with Department of Health “Guidelines for the Non-potable Uses of Recycled Water”.
This means sourcing sustainable and high-quality water for irrigation at Wonthella Park was becoming increasingly challenging with the rising salinity levels in existing groundwater bores. An innovative solution was required to avoid the need for supplementing scheme water for irrigation which is both expensive and unsustainable in the long term. The development of a new groundwater source, with low salinity, that would supply the Wonthella Sporting Complex has the benefit of improving the standard of turf on the sporting fields and improve the performance of the turf, which allows for growth in population of users along with reversing a slow degradation of the turf due to sodium levels building up on grass plants and in the soil.
The Overflow - Spring 2019
This pumping method uses the “Direct Air Displacement” method of pumping fluids, a similar principle to a beer keg or fire extinguisher where compressed air acts on the surface of a liquid to expel from a sealed container. You do not require power at the water source, or sun or wind to operate the pump, but compressed air is the energy source for moving the water from its origin to where it is needed. For the displacement principle to function as a pumping process, an electronic controller is employed at the head of the bore to cycle pressure to and from the pump in-line with full and empty signals received from the pump. The process is continuous until external influences stop it.
Above: Wonthella Oval
Utilising the two technologies; MAR and compressed air pumping, provides a very efficient and low capital cost system for pumping water that requires less energy consumption, less infrastructure and high quality water for irrigation of the sports turf and trees that supports hundreds of players of all ages participating in organised sports and passive recreation every day of the year. The combined technology system used at Wonthella enables water to be “sipped� off the top of the water lens at the surface of the aquifer at a rate comparable to the percolation rate of recycled wastewater moving through to the aquifer.
Above: Aerial Concept Drawing
This provides the Greater Geraldton community with one of the most sustainable water extraction systems possible. The environmental, economic and community benefits that flow from this project are many and highly valued by the community. The social benefits of sports in regional communities is well documented , and this project allows the City of Greater Geraldton to continue to provide quality facilities for a variety of sports bodies including hockey, soccer, athletics, netball, lawn bowls, tennis and basketball along with casual users of the facility. The project budget was $250,000 and was 100% funded by the City of Greater Geraldton and was delivered on budget and on time.
Above: Distance from Water Corp Water Treatment Plant to Wonthella Sporting Complex
The Overflow - Spring 2019
Drippers Comparison
A farmer and his crop care not about the specifics and technical details of a dripper. It out of the dripper that they care about. They need a dripped supply of water into the  shaped root zone on demand during the life of the crop. This dripped supply may not v decrease over time. It must be accurate and constant over the crop’s life. This is the es Article supplied by Netafim of a dripper to a farmer.  
A dripper is a dripper is a dripper? Not really. We know in reality, that there is a vast d
Introduction The Turbulence Coefficient drippers and specifically dripper quality; sometimes for good reasons and other times  A farmer and his crop care not about the specifics and A dripper’s structural features can be defined as an inlet filter, quality dripper may be defined as one that emits a predetermined flow rate that is acc technical details of a dripper. It is what comes out of the an inlet orifice, a flow path whose shape is a labyrinth with dripper that they care about. Theyconstant over its intended life.   need a dripped supply of teeth, an exit ‘bath’ and finally an orifice that is made through water into the wetted bulb-shaped root zone on demand the wall of the drip line from which the droplet leaves the ARISONS  A method has now been devised to quantify these common features and formulates a score during the life of the crop. This dripped supply may not vary or irrigation system and goes into the root zone. evaluate a drippers quality and make an educated choice that best suits the application in question. Features that contribute to keeping a dripper clean and working are essentially those  decrease over time. It must be accurate and constant over the The concept simply involves two aspects: the dripper’s net filtration area and its Turbulence to the dripper’s quality. The main structural features, such as the filtration area, the la crop’s life. This is the essential feature of a dripper to a farmer. With the exception of the inlet filter, the Turbulence Coefficient. Coefficient embraces all of these structural features of a width, and length, are common to all drippers. These are all measurable. Other featur The Turbulence Coefficient s crop care not about the specifics and technical details of a dripper. It is what comes  A dripper is a dripper is a dripper? Not really. We know in dripper that contribute to dripper quality. In essence, the A dripper’s structural features can be defined as an inlet filter, an inlet orifice, a flow path whose anti�root intrusion and anti�siphon devices are unique to a specific dripper and they ar er that they care about. They need a dripped supply of water into the wetted bulb� reality, that there is a vast difference in drippers and higher theanTurbulence Coefficient, lower the shape is a labyrinth with teeth, exit ‘bath’ and finally an orifice that the is made through the dripper’s wall of drip line fromsensitivity which the droplet the irrigation and goesits intoability the root zone. measurable.  specifically dripper quality; sometimes for good reasons the and to leaves clogging and system the better to maintain its e on demand during the life of the crop. This dripped supply may not vary or  other times not. A good quality dripper may be defined as constant rate over Coefficient its intended life. This achieved by With the exception of the inlet flow filter, the Turbulence embraces all of these is structural features of a dripper that contribute to dripper quality. Inin essence, the higher thethat Turbulence me. It must be accurate and constant over the crop’s life. This is the essential feature  one that emits a predetermined flow rate that is accurate and the vortexes that develop the labyrinth create a self  Coefficient, the lower the dripper’s sensitivity to clogging and the better its ability to maintain its cleaning stream which purges contaminants out of the dripper.  farmer.  constant over its intended life. constant flow rate over its intended life. This is achieved by the vortexes that develop in the labyrinth that create a self-cleaning stream which purges contaminants out of the dripper.
Features that contribute to keeping a dripper clean and The higher the Turbulence The higher thethe Turbulence Coefficient, better the Coefficient, better the quality. To work out thethe Turbulence pper is a dripper? Not really. We know in reality, that there is a vast difference in  Coefficient, simply follow theTo formula below: working are essentially those that contribute to the dripper’s quality. work out the Turbulence Coefficient, simply follow ecifically dripper quality; sometimes for good reasons and other times not. A good  quality. The main structural features, such as the filtration the formula below: 254 ∗ đ?‘ƒđ?‘ƒ ∗ (đ?‘Šđ?‘Š ∗ đ??ˇđ??ˇ)² area, the labyrinth depth, width, and length, are common to may be defined as one that emits a predetermined flow rate that is accurate and  đ??žđ??ž = đ?‘ đ?‘ ∗ đ?‘„đ?‘„² all drippers. These are all measurable. Other features, such s intended life.   Turbulence Coefficient Coefficient as anti-root intrusion and anti-siphon devices are uniqueK to a K - Turbulence P pressure differential through the labyrinth in metres specific dripper and they are not measurable. P - pressure differential through the labyrinth in metres W width of labyrinth water passage in mm ntribute to keeping a dripper clean and working are essentially those that contribute  W- width of water labyrinth D depth of labyrinth passage water in mm passage in mm N number of teethofin labyrinth the labyrinth water passage in mm A method has now been devised to quantify these common D- depth quality. The main structural features, such as the filtration area, the labyrinth depth,  Q labyrinth flow rate in litres per hour features and formulates a score to evaluate a drippers quality N- number of teeth in the labyrinth h, are common to all drippers. These are all measurable. Other features, such as  and make an educated choice that best suits the application in Q - labyrinth flow rate in litres per hour Let us look at how these elements impact the Turbulence Coefficient and thereby the quality of a on and antiâ€?siphon devices are unique to a specific dripper and they are not  question. dripper. Letofus at how these elements impact the Turbulence The depth and width thelook labyrinth: the greater, the better. The concept simply involves two aspects: the dripper’s net Coefficient and thereby the quality of a dripper. At 10 m pressure, the flow rate is 1.0 litre per hour through a labyrinth with 44 teeth and width x filtration area and its Turbulence Coefficient. depth dimensions of 0.60mm x 0.59mm. The resulting Turbulence Coefficient is 7.2.
Figure 1. The filter at the inlet to a modern boatâ€?shaped nonâ€?PC dripper 254 ∗ 10 ∗ (đ?&#x;Žđ?&#x;Ž. đ?&#x;”đ?&#x;”đ?&#x;”đ?&#x;” ∗ đ?&#x;Žđ?&#x;Ž. đ?&#x;“đ?&#x;“đ?&#x;“đ?&#x;“)² đ??žđ??ž =
44 ∗ 1.0²
đ??žđ??ž = 7.2
However, increasing the labyrinth depth and width by 0.01mm to 0.61mm x 0.60mm but keeping all other measurements the same, the Turbulence Coefficient would increase to 7.7 đ??žđ??ž =
254 ∗ 10 ∗ (đ?&#x;Žđ?&#x;Ž. đ?&#x;”đ?&#x;”đ?&#x;”đ?&#x;” ∗ đ?&#x;Žđ?&#x;Ž. đ?&#x;”đ?&#x;”đ?&#x;”đ?&#x;”)² 44 ∗ 1.0² đ??žđ??ž = 7.7
Figure 1. The filter at the inlet to a modern boat-shaped non-PC dripper Figure 2. The labyrinth of a non-PC dripper with the exit ‘bath’ to the left, where a hole igure 1. The filter at the inlet to a modern boat�shaped non�PC dripper  Figure 2. The labyrinth of a non�PC dripper with the exit ‘bath’ to the left, where a h would be made through the dripperline wall for the droplet to exit the irrigation system made through the dripperline wall for the droplet to exit the irrigation syst
The Overflow - Spring 2019
pressure differential through the labyrinth in metres Turbulence Coefficient width of labyrinth water passage in mm -pressure through the labyrinth depth of differential labyrinth water passage in mm in metres -width of of labyrinth passage in mm number teeth inwater the labyrinth -depth of labyrinth passage in mm labyrinth flow ratewater in litres per hour number of teeth in the labyrinth labyrinth flow rate in litres per hour Let us look at how these elements impact the Turbulence Coefficient and thereby the quality of a dripper. The depth and width of the labyrinth: the greater, the better. Let us look at how these elements impact the Turbulence Coefficient and thereby the quality of a At 10 m pressure, thetheflow rate is 1.0 litre per hour through The depth and width of the labyrinth: greater, the better. dripper.
apressure, labyrinth with 44 and width depth dimensions ofx At 10 m theof flow is 1.0teeth litre hour through ax labyrinth with 44 teeth and width The depth and width therate labyrinth: theper greater, the better. depth 0.60mm dimensions ofx0.60mm x 0.59mm. The resulting resulting Turbulence Coefficient isCoefficient 7.2. 0.59mm. The Turbulence is At 10 m pressure, the flow rate is 1.0 litre per hour through a labyrinth with 44 teeth and width x 10 ∗ (đ?&#x;Žđ?&#x;Ž. đ?&#x;”đ?&#x;”đ?&#x;”đ?&#x;” ∗ đ?&#x;Žđ?&#x;Ž. đ?&#x;“đ?&#x;“đ?&#x;“đ?&#x;“)²Coefficient is 7.2. depth dimensions of 0.60mm x 0.59mm.254 The∗resulting Turbulence đ??žđ??ž = 44 ∗ 1.0² 254 ∗ 10 ∗ (đ?&#x;Žđ?&#x;Ž. đ?&#x;”đ?&#x;”đ?&#x;”đ?&#x;” ∗ đ?&#x;Žđ?&#x;Ž. đ?&#x;“đ?&#x;“đ?&#x;“đ?&#x;“)² đ??žđ??ž = đ??žđ??ž 44 = 7.2 ∗ 1.0²
dimensions. It is common belief that the true filtering area is the total area of the inlets. However, the size of the dripper filter is not necessarily an indication of real filtering area. The effective filtration area is the area that the water passes through on its way to the dripper labyrinth. It is this value that we take.
However, increasing the labyrinth depththe and width by 0.01mm to 0.61mm all đ??žđ??ž = 7.2 However, increasing labyrinth depth andx 0.60mm widthbut bykeeping 0.01mm Effective Filtration Effective Filtration Area - EFA in mm². Area - EFA in mm² other measurements the same, the Turbulence Coefficient would increase to 7.7 However, increasing the labyrinth depth and width by 0.01mm to 0.61mm x 0.60mm but keeping to 0.61mm x 0.60mm but keeping all other measurementsallthe So to calculate the DQ score we need both the Effective 254 ∗ 10Coefficient ∗ (đ?&#x;Žđ?&#x;Ž. đ?&#x;”đ?&#x;”đ?&#x;”đ?&#x;” ∗would đ?&#x;Žđ?&#x;Ž. đ?&#x;”đ?&#x;”đ?&#x;”đ?&#x;”)²increase to 7.7 other measurements the same, theđ??žđ??žTurbulence = Coefficient same, the Turbulence would increase to 7.7 Filtration Area and the Flow Coefficient. 44 ∗ 1.0² 254 ∗ 10 ∗ (đ?&#x;Žđ?&#x;Ž. đ?&#x;”đ?&#x;”đ?&#x;”đ?&#x;” ∗ đ?&#x;Žđ?&#x;Ž. đ?&#x;”đ?&#x;”đ?&#x;”đ?&#x;”)² So to calculate the DQ score we need both (DQ) the Effective Filtration Dripper quality score = EFA + K Area and the Flow Coefficient. đ??žđ??ž = đ??žđ??ž = 7.7 44 ∗ 1.0²
đ??žđ??ž = 7.7
However, Dripper quality score (DQ) = at EFAthis + K point, the exercise becomes subjective. The
two cannot be logically combined by simply adding the two However, at this point, the exercise becomes subjective. The two cannot be logically combined by The length of the labyrinth: the shorter the better. values together as above, as the Turbulence Coefficient is a simply adding the two values together as above, as the Turbulence Coefficient is a dimensionless a flow is the shorter, it better. will have less teeth. dimensionless value but the EFA is a value in mm². The If length of the path labyrinth: shorter the value but the EFA is a value in mm². Taking theit same measurements as above but in a dripper If a flow path is all shorter, will have less teeth. Further, the twoFurther, factors - EFA not necessarily contribute -equally to with a same longer flow path with 82a dripper teethwith instead of path 44,with we82can theand twoTurbulence factors -Coefficient EFA and- do Turbulence Coefficient Taking all the measurements as above but in a longer flow teethsee instead 44, weTurbulence can see the the Turbulence Coefficient reduces dramatically. theof the Coefficient reduces dramatically. dripper quality. do not necessarily contribute equally to dripper quality. 254 ∗ 10 ∗ (0.60 ∗ 0.59)² Tothe overcome this, the scoretobrings To overcome this, score brings in a weighting each. in a weighting to each. đ??žđ??ž = đ?&#x;–đ?&#x;–đ?&#x;–đ?&#x;– ∗ 1.0² The length of the labyrinth: the shorter the better. If a flow path is shorter, it will have less teeth. đ??žđ??ž = 3.7
Filtration area weight factor W1 - Filtration area weight factor labyrinth. W2 - Turbulence W2 Turbulence CoefficientCoefficient weight factor weight factor themselves, the greater the Turbulence Coefficient. We are now left with just one measurement: the 254 ∗ 10 ∗ (0.60 ∗ 0.59)² đ??žđ??ž =of design The better the quality and manufacture of the but The value of these two weighting factors is chosen by the user differential pressure through the labyrinth. If weđ?&#x;–đ?&#x;–đ?&#x;–đ?&#x;– take the same features and measurements ∗ 1.0² The value of these two weighting factors is chosen by the user doing the comparison. increase the pressure differential to 12m, then the Turbulence Coefficient would increasethe from 7.2 labyrinth and especially the actual teeth themselves, doing the comparison. đ??žđ??ž = 3.7 to 8.7. a value 10 mm² and 100 mm² and the value the Turbulence Coefficient. We are now left withThe EFA is usually The EFAbetween is usually a value between 10 Turbulence mm² and Coefficient 100 mm²aand Thegreater quality of the design and manufacture of the dripper labyrinth. 254 ∗ đ?&#x;?đ?&#x;?đ?&#x;?đ?&#x;? ∗ (0.60 ∗ 0.59)² between 1 and 10. Numerically, EFACoefficient is generally ten times that of Turbulence Coefficient. just one measurement: the differential pressure through the the Turbulence a value between 1 and 10. đ??žđ??ž = The better the quality of design and manufacture44 of ∗the labyrinth and especially the actual teeth 1.0² themselves, the greater the take Turbulence We are now leftand with just one measurement: labyrinth. If we theCoefficient. same features measurements butthem into Numerically, times that ofquality, Turbulence Tothe bring line and treatEFA themis asgenerally contributingten equally to dripper it would be đ??žđ??ž = 8.7 differential pressure through the labyrinth. If we take the same features and measurements but reasonable then to choose their values as: increase the pressure differential to 12m, then the Turbulence Coefficient. pressure to increase 12m, thenthe therequired Turbulence Coefficient would increase from Ofincrease course the it may not bedifferential desirable to pressure, in which case to return to7.2 the to Coefficient 8.7. 10 metres pressure would fromdesign, 7.2 to original with increase the current labyrinth the 8.7. manufacturer would change the = 1 W1 Filtration area weight factor labyrinth dimensions such as reducing its254 length; other ∗words, ∗ đ?&#x;?đ?&#x;?đ?&#x;?đ?&#x;?in ∗ (0.60 0.59)²reducing the number of teeth. Less To bring them into line and treat them as contributing equally đ??žđ??ž = teeth: higher Turbulence Coefficient. W2 = 10 Turbulence 44 ∗ 1.0² to dripperCoefficient quality, itweight wouldfactor be reasonable then to choose their This can only be achieved by the actual designđ??žđ??žand manufacture of the dripper itself. It is a fact that = 8.7 values as: the higher the quality and precision of manufacture, the shorter the flow path will be. Conversely, Of course it may not be desirable to increase the required pressure, in which case to return to the the lower the qualityitand precision manufacture, the longer the flow path the will need to be to Of course may notofbe desirable to increase required W1 = 1 Filtration area weight factor original 10 metres pressure with the current labyrinth design, the manufacturer would change If thewe decide that EFA and the Turbulence Coefficient contribute equally to the dripper quality, then achieve the same pressure differential. labyrinth dimensions as reducing its length; in other words, reducing the number teeth. Less pressure, insuch which case to return to the original 10 ofmetres W2 = difference 10 Turbulence we will see a significant in the DQCoefficient result versusweight placing afactor higher weighting on the teeth: higher Turbulence The length of the flow pathCoefficient. suggests that there is less of a path to get clogged. Indeed this is true but pressure with the current labyrinth design, the manufacturer Turbulence Coefficient. It is recommended that when presented with a DQ comparison that you more important than this is that a shorter flow path indicates stronger turbulence; therefore better This can only be achieved by the actual design and manufacture of the dripper itself. It is a fact that wouldclogging. change the labyrinth dimensions such as reducing itsout what weighting If we decide that EFA and thetoTurbulence Coefficient contribute work has been assigned in order make an informed choice based on your resistance the highertothe quality and precision of manufacture, the shorter the flow path will be. Conversely, in other words, reducing the number equally to the dripper quality, then we will see a significant thelength; lower the quality and precision of manufacture, the longer the flow pathof will teeth. need to beLess tospecific requirements. achieve the same pressure differential. teeth: higher Turbulence Coefficient. difference in the DQ result versus placing a higher weighting The length of the flow path suggests that there is less of a path to get clogged. Indeed this is true but on the Turbulence Coefficient. It is recommended that when more important than this is that a shorter flow path indicates stronger turbulence; therefore better Dripper quality score Summary This to can only be achieved by the actual design and presented with a DQ comparison that you work out what resistance clogging. The dripper quality score (DQ) is a comparative figure. It is used to compare two drippers for the the dripper itself. It isareaa infact that with thethe higher the by defining weighting been assigned in order make an informed We began a goodhas quality dripper as one that emits a to predetermined flow rate that is samemanufacture application. The DQof score combines effective filtration millimetres Turbulence Coefficient. accurate its intended life.specific The life ofrequirements. the dripper is dependent on the crop for quality and precision of manufacture, the shorter the flow path and constant choiceover based on your which it is used and the environment it is operating in. It is therefore critical that we compare like for The effective will be.filtration Conversely, the lower the quality and precision of Dripper quality score area like and quantifySummary a dripper’s quality by the common features in order to formulate a score and make manufacture, the longer the flow path will need to be to achieve AtThe the entrance to a dripper’s labyrinth is a filter whose total area is usually larger than the dripper quality score (DQ) is a comparative figure. It is used to compare two drippers for the an area educated choice. Manufacturer claims regarding dripper quality need to be measured on an even labyrinth’s width x depth dimensions. It is common belief that the true filtering area is the total same application. DQ score combines effective filtration area in millimetres with the Turbulence the sameThe pressure differential. We began by defining a good quality dripper as one that emits playing field where both the Turbulence Coefficient and the Effective Filtration Area are taken into ofCoefficient. the inlets. However, the size of the dripper filter is not necessarily an indication of real filtering a predetermined flow rate that is accurate and constant over its area. The effective filtration area is the area that the water passes through on its way to the account. dripper The effective filtration area we take. labyrinth. is this value TheItlength ofthat the flow path suggests that there is less of a path intended life. The life of the dripper is dependent on the crop At the entrance to a dripper’s labyrinth is a filter whose total area is usually larger than the to get clogged. Indeed this is true but more important than this for which it is used and the environment it is operating in. It is labyrinth’s width x depth dimensions. It is common belief that the true filtering area is the total area of the inlets. However, the size of thepath dripper indicates filter is not necessarily an indication of real filtering is that a shorter flow stronger turbulence; therefore critical that we compare like for like and quantify a area. The effective filtration area is the area that the water passes through on its way to the dripper therefore better resistance to clogging. dripper’s quality by the common features in order to formulate labyrinth. It is this value that we take. a score and make an educated choice. Manufacturer claims Dripper quality score regarding dripper quality need to be measured on an even The dripper quality score (DQ) is a comparative figure. It is playing field where both the Turbulence Coefficient and the used to compare two drippers for the same application. The Effective Filtration Area are taken into account. DQ score combines effective filtration area in millimetres with the Turbulence Coefficient. The quality of the design the W1 Taking all the same measurements as aboveof but in dripper amanufacture dripperlabyrinth. with a longer of flowthe path with 82 teeth The quality ofand themanufacture design and dripper instead of 44, we can see the the Turbulence Coefficient reduces dramatically. The better the quality of design and manufacture of the labyrinth and especially the actual teeth
đ??ˇđ??ˇđ??ˇđ??ˇ = (đ?‘Šđ?‘Š1 ∗ đ??¸đ??¸đ??¸đ??¸đ??¸đ??¸) + (đ?‘Šđ?‘Š2 ∗ đ??žđ??ž)
The effective filtration area At the entrance to a dripper’s labyrinth is a filter whose total area is usually larger than the labyrinth’s width x depth
The Overflow - Spring 2019
Soil moisture monitoring field day You’re invited Harvey Water and Irrigation Australia invite you to join us for a half day field day showcasing soil moisture monitoring. This event is designed to inform you on how you can save water by irrigating your crops when they need it.
Owned & operated in WA, APT Water are an established pump company specialising in the design & supply of domestic through to industrial-grade pump systems.
The company’s commitment to holding large stocks of quality products, together with providing on-time deliveries and a premium level of marketplace.
With 50 years of expertise in segments of water intake, transfer and distribution. Desalination to water and wastewater treatment in municipal, industrial and irrigation sectors.
Wi tec co Sy filt irr
Aquamonix is an Australianowned innovator providing intelligent management of water resources. We provide products and solutions that measure, monitor and manage critical irrigation infrastructure.
ESS is an Australian manufacturer/importer of environmental products including soil moisture/salinity profilers and land mapping both portable and fixed location.
Ez eff tec ran ran
WHEN: 26TH NOVEMBER 2019 Heritage Water Tanks provide 10AM is–one 1PMof the world’s TIME: Grundfos leading pump manufacturers. high-quality and reliable have beenCITRUS providing quality water harvesting and storage HARVEY PTY LTD (ANDREW PERGOLITI) WHERE: We pumping solutions to customers solutions throughout Australia, throughout Australia since 1980. high-quality, fit for 7 FIFTH STREET, HARVEY using purpose Steel-Liner tanks for LUNCH: LUNCH BBQ PROVIDED your industry.
Established in 1962 to support the Australian water industry, Franklin’s are a leading global provider of complete water and fuelling systems servicing all sectors.
Australia’s largest independent irrigation and water consultancy. Taking pride in 34 years of providing the best water resource solutions and highest quality consultancy services.
Kingspan are a market leader and trusted source of expert advice in rainwater harvesting and storage solutions for the residential, commercial and rural sectors.
A leading Australian distributor supplying a combination of technically advanced products, along with extensive industry knowledge for the municipal, landscape, golf, agricultural and mining industries.
Ne in for Ne ma an
Pioneer Water Tanks Leading the way in water, superior technology, fresher water, and over 30 years of proven performance.
The global leader in irrigation for over 85 years, Rain Bird produces products for residential and commercial applications, including controllers, valves, sprays, nozzles, rotors, etc.
Wi ac &P se lan bu pro
Australian manufacturer of
Data-based insights for
and mobile apps with patented two-wire technology.
And make your life easier.
Toro Australia is a leading supplier of reliable, innovative and proven irrigation products. With over 100 years of global experience, you can count on Toro.
Pro Inn im is an the
• Rohan Prince of Department of Primary Industries & Regional Development will present on the facts and uses of soil moisture monitoring equipment Celebrating 90 years of manufacturing compression • Hands on demonstration fittings and valves right here in Australia. Products designed for • Presentation on interpreting field data
the irrigation industry, Australian tough for Australian conditions.
Various companies will have trade displays showcasing their latest soil moisture monitoring equipment for you to browse at your leisure.
Registration is required:
HR dis im sup eq an
commercial irrigation control irrigation and nutrient Please use the link to register for the event: https://bit.ly/2Vubeze systems for landscape and decisions. Optimise resource agriculture. Fast, reliable usage, reduce costs and or contact Tracy Martin Irrigation Australia (08) 9368 3136 tracy.martin@irrigation.org.au cloud-based irrigation software protect the environment.
MAIT distributor
The Overflow - Spring 2019
PO Box 61 Victoria Park WA 6979 | (08) 9368 3136 | tracy.martin@irrigation.org.au | irrigationaustralia.com.au
Water Update
Supplied by the Water Corporation Current graphs can be found at www.watercorporation.com.au
Water Usage Metro Region
Yearly Streamflow
Perth Rainfall Comparison
The Overflow - Spring 2019
Have you visited the
Whether you are starting from scratch or wanting to improve your existing system, talk to a Waterwise Garden Irrigator for professional irrigation design, installation and maintenance services. If you prefer to do-it-yourself, get expert advice and quality parts from your local Waterwise Irrigation Design Shop (retail outlet).
WA Waterwise PROGRAMS Website?
To find a Waterwise professional in your local area, simply scan our QR code to search the Waterwise Irrigation Directory, or visit our website wa.waterwiseprograms.com.au
Search the Waterwise Irrigation Directory
Alternatively please contact us on: (08) 9368 3136 | adminsupport@irrigation.org.au | wa.waterwiseprograms.com.au
The Waterwise Garden Irrigator Program is a joint initiative of the WA Region of Irrigation Australia and Water Corporation, with a goal of optimising water-use efficiency of domestic irrigation systems in Western Australia. Endorsed Waterwise Garden Irrigators are fully trained in water efficient practices and can design, install, repair and maintain home garden irrigation systems.
Waterwise Garden Irrigator
Waterwise Garden Irrigator
Waterwise Garden Irrigator
AAA Irrigation
Growing Assets
Retic Express
Ace Horticulture Services
Instant Gardens
Retic Turf & Soakwells Pty Ltd
Addwater Reticulation
Irriscape Reticulation & Landscaping
Reticulation & Gardens Perth
Adonis Gardening & Irrigation
Jim's Mowing East Rivervale
Reticulation Pro
All water irrigation
Jim's Mowing Wilson North
Scott Jordan Landscaping
AllStyle Gardens
Landscape Elements Pty Ltd
Softscapes & Reticulation Pty Ltd
Allwest Bores & Reticulation
Landscape Works WA
Sprinkler Fixers
B & C Fiorini Pty Ltd
Superior Landscaping & Reticulation
BHG Garden Service
Love My Retic
The Garden Fixer
Bolesta's Backyard Creations
Luke's Landscaping Co
The Greenscape Collective
Bowie Irrigation
MacKenzie Landscapes
The Retic & Landscape Shop
Bradkaz Irrigation
Midwest Turf Supplies
The Watershed Water Systems Midland
Brookwell Irrigation
MJ Landscaping
Think Water Dunsborough
Civic Reticulation
Mr Retic
Think Water Geraldton
Clackline Reticulation
Peel Scape Solutions
TLC Services Perth
Coast to Coast Irrigation
Perdita Reticulation & Garden Solutions
Top Dog Landscaping and Reticulation
Condo Landscapes Pty Ltd
Perfect Home Solutions
Total Eden
Country Landscaping Pty Ltd
Perth Lawns and Retic
Turfed Out
DJ's Property Maintenance Services
Perth Reticulation Service
Ultimate Blue Pty Ltd
Earlybird Landscaping
Pimp My Yard
Urban Outlook Landscape Construction
Earth & Water Pty Ltd
WA Reticulation Supplies
Elliotts Irrigation Pty Ltd
Prime Landscaping Pty Ltd
Evergreen Blades
Prime Yard Service
Waterwise Landscaping
Evergrow Gardenscapes
PTC Irrigation
Wet Frog Retic
First Element Irrigation
Pumps N Pipes Supplies
WF Landscape Industries Pty Ltd
FPM Landscapes Pty Ltd
Rain Maker Irrigation Services
Wild Earth Landscapes
Garden Solutions
Rapid Retic
Willeton Landscapes
The Overflow - Spring 2019
The website features an extensive and up-to-
date business directory where the community can search for their local Waterwise members, based on their location. Head to the search directory at
www.wa.waterwiseprograms.com.au for members’ contact details, or if you’d like information on how to become an endorsed Waterwise business.
With an increasing number of DIY enthusiasts installing and maintaining their own irrigation systems, the Waterwise Irrigation Design Shop Program was developed to raise the standard of irrigation advice and design services offered by staff at counter level of specialist irrigation retailers. Endorsed staff have the knowledge and skills to provide their customers with waterwise advice, products and services.
Waterwise Irrigation Design Shop
Waterwise Irrigation Design Shop
Addwater Reticulation - Maddington
Think Water Dunsborough
Controlled Irrigation Supplies - Joondalup
Think Water Geraldton
Elliotts Irrigation Pty Ltd- Greenwood
Total Eden Watering Systems - Balcatta
Muchea Irrigation & Rural Supplies
Total Eden Watering Systems - Bibra Lake
Rainscape Waterwise Solutions - Bibra Lake
Total Eden Watering Systems - Byford
Reece Irrigation - Belmont
Total Eden Watering Systems - Canning Vale
Reece Irrigation - Canning Vale
Total Eden Watering Systems - Greenwood
Reece Irrigation - Malaga
Total Eden Watering Systems - Joondalup
Reece Irrigation - Osborne Park
Total Eden Watering Systems - Malaga
Reece Irrigation - Rockingham
Total Eden Watering Systems - Mandurah
The Retic & Landscape Shop- Southern River
Total Eden Watering Systems - Midvale
The Watershed Water Systems - Cockburn
Total Eden Watering Systems - Myaree
The Watershed Water Systems - Midland
Total Eden Watering Systems - Osborne Park
The Watershed Water Systems - Morley
Total Eden Watering Systems - Rockingham
The Watershed Water Systems - Subiaco
WA Reticulation Supplies - Armadale
Think Water Broome
WA Reticulation Supplies - Midland
The Overflow - Spring 2019
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The Overflow - Spring 2019