3 minute read
2 minutes a day in nature: Benefits of being in the garden
Article by Richgro
Benefits of being in the garden 2 MINUTES A DAY IN NATURE:
By David Miles, Sales Manager – Richgro Landscape and Commercial
When was the last time you sat in the garden and looked out at what was around you?
I do this quite often after a good or bad day. One of being grateful for what I have and reflecting on the day just gone, or the day about to begin. I’m no expert, but I know firsthand how gardening improves our wellbeing and health and healing everywhere in the world.
A national survey of over 500 people conducted by Richgro in April this year found out that:
Remember all the senses we have the fortune of looking after…….. 1. Sight – 80% of all impressions are through the eyes 2. Sound/hearing 3. Smell/scent 4. Touch 5. Taste Even perception is a gift.
As a keen gardener, the time I spend connecting to the earth, planting and reaping the rewards is so emotionally satisfying. 98% of people say that spending time in the garden improves their mood 76% of people are spending more time in their outside space than they did pre-social distancing measures More than half (57%) say they are growing more fruit and vegetables 80% of respondents had made gardening-related purchases in the past month 91% of households with kids at home are using the garden as part of their routines and entertainment while self-isolating.
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your health and boost your immune system.
I can guarantee you; every day is different; every season is different and the price to pay for sitting in the garden………………………. IT’S FREE!!
Our Richgro brand ambassador and well known gardening TV expert, Charlie Albone, says it as well “With many of us doing the right thing and self isolating and social distancing at the moment, due to the Covid-19 outbreak, there is no better time to get into the garden. With prolonged periods inside just getting out and sitting in our outdoor spaces, no matter how big or small, will give us positive mental benefits, it will refresh your mood and give you some much needed Vitamin D from the Autumn sun.”
At a time like we are going through as we have low energy, feeling down, melancholy and depression. Now is the time to connect with the garden and feel better, if only in a small way for now, but increasing as we connect with our little space.
Whatever negative thoughts one might have, feeling down or depressed, just one hour a day in the garden, I can guarantee will improve our inner mood exponentially. The connection with the earth and plants calms the nerves, reduces blood pressure, reduces stress and allows the breathing to become deeper and longer. Forget all those drugs to overcome depression, get outside in the garden and TRY SOMETHING!!
The time in the garden also can burn up calories and encourage weight loss, fitness and general overall health and wellbeing.
Make the garden your friend which, in turn, makes you feel belonging in that space and offers plenty of help if you are willing to work with the garden. Choosing the right quality soil still remains critical in any new gardening undertaking. Richgro continues to have a wide range of Australian Standard soils such as:
Landscape mix
Metro soil conditioner
https://www.richgro.com.au/products/soil-conditioners/ metro-soil-conditioner/
Native mix
Veggie mix
…all with proven and consistent results year after year.
I have a new secret trick I work on now…………
I spend just 2 minutes each day focusing on something beautiful. That could be a flower, tree, a forest, bird sounds or the blue sky. Just spending the time focused on something uplifting, rather than stressful or negative thoughts can improve your health and boost your immune system. So just 2 minutes a day in nature…I think that’s pretty easy to do to achieve great improvements in our wellness. Forget how busy you are and thinking about ‘doing’ so much. By doing my ‘2 minute secret’, I can guarantee the connection with nature will improve your mental, inner space.