iRun issue 01 2018

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474,496 Total number of

FEMALE SPORTSTATS BIBS comprising that number


2017 ISSUE 01

6 650,000 Number of years Hamilton, Ontario’s Around the Bay race had been run prior to the 1900 Boston Marathon

1 2 3 Places that finishers from Hamilton, Ontario took in the 1900 Boston Marathon

François is 62!

9 Number of drinking cups diverted from landfills at Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend in 2017

The amount of Canada’s top 20 all-time men’s marathon finishes run by either Reid Coolsaet or Eric Gillis

Alana is 37!

268 Number of races completed by Alana Bonner, the female runner with the most Sportstats races claimed

443 Total number of races claimed by Francois Bernatchez, the runner from Sherbrooke, Quebec with the all-time most Sportstats races claimed




207,818 Total number of bibs timed by Sportstats in the 10K, 2017’s most popular distance to race



iRun for the fun aspect and meeting new friends. — Ian Lourney, Brockville, Ontario





Estimated number of women and girls who’ve participated in Canadian women’s-only races since the Toronto Women’s Run Series began in 2009

Number of participating races that contributed to that Charity Challenge figure

400 Length, in metres, of the notorious Valley Inn Hill at the Around the Bay Race

TOTAL AMOUNT OF MONEY SURPASSED BY THE SCOTIABANK CHARITY CHALLENGE 36 Number of running world records held by Ed Whitlock 85 Ed’s age when he ran his final marathon in 2016

4:20:13 The median marathon finishing time for a male marathon runner


14, 3 24 41 Age of Krista DuChene, Marathon Mom (see her column on page 41)

71 > Age of Richard Rayman, Toronto-based dentist

Number of consecutive days that Rayman has run 39, 1, 26 > Number of years, months, and days—in a row—that Rayman has not skipped a run


Anniversary, this year, of the Manitoba Marathon

2:59 Finishing time of Rob Guy, CEO, Athletics Canada, in that first Manitoba Marathon race

115 Number of races MEC hosted in 2017 > 71,087 Number of MEC participants in those 115 races





NO ORDINARY DISTANCE. NO ORDINARY MEDAL. NO ORDINARY COURSE. NO ORDINARY RACE. At Canada Army Run, we run together – civilians and Armed Forces – to support each other. To give thanks. To show our strength as athletes, individuals and Canadians.

5K | 10K | 21.1K | 5K + 10K | 5K +21.1K

Major Sponsors

Mission Systems–Canada





5K + 10K Run the 5K and 10K to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Ortona. Participants will receive a unique bib and race shirt, as well as a special coin along with their dog tag medals.

5K + 21.1K Put your endurance to the test by running the 5K and 21.1K as part of the Commander's Challenge. Participants will receive a unique bib and race shirt, as well as a special coin along with their dog tag medals.


Presented by



Our author shares the ups and downs of a running life that only gets better with age


hen we put on our shoes and step out the door, simplicity of movement unites us. The running community in Canada is filled with people who have big dreams and even bigger hearts. I have been fortunate to have had encouragement throughout my running career from coaches, volunteers, fellow competitors, and family. There’s an unspoken camaraderie of support. Running brings us together above geography, religion, gender, race, and politics. At the age of 37, I’m surpassing what I thought I was capable of. If someone had told me 10 years ago that I’d be selected to represent Canada in Valencia, Spain, at the IAAF World Half Marathon Championships this March, I would have laughed. If someone had told me that my love for the sport would be greater now than when I was a kid, I wouldn’t have believed it. Running has taken me places, and opened my eyes. It was the bribe of a chocolate bar from my sister Liza that got me into the sport. I was a scrawny kid standing on the start line at Richardson Stadium in Kingston, Ontario. I stood with arms crossed at the elementary School Championships—shaking and nervous. I was so terrified I refused to race. Insert my older sister and the bribe of a candy bar that would be waiting for me and I decided to do it. It would be my first race, but not my last. When I was 12, I joined the Kingston-Nappanee Legion Track Club, where I was fortunate to have Wayne Bulak and Shane Lakins as coaches. I spent what felt like every weekend at track meets and loved it. I remember my mom taking me to watch my older sister, Kendra Brennan, race OFSAA Cross Country. I was amazed by the number of runners on the start line—you could almost hear a roar as the runners took off and their feet hit the ground. I watched in astonishment as my sister gritted her way across the finish line. I wanted to be like her. Fast forward two years and I was standing on the starting line of OFSAA and was the midget girls champion. It was happening. I was a runner!


2018 ISSUE 01


Calgary’s 25-year-old marathon champ tells his own story of finding meaning in the running life



uriosity is what moves me. It’s fascinating to see the human body change, strengthen, weaken, adapt, and evolve over time through training. Even regression has its lessons which will make you a better individual if you learn from them. The sport of running is so unique on a personal level that, for me, curiosity is the root to why I compete. You can consider me a late bloomer in the sport. I was a multisport athlete, focused primarily on basketball until the age of 20, when all the years of action finally caught up and burnt me out mentally. I swam, biked, skied, golfed and played baseball, hockey, soccer, football, volleyball at recreational/community/school levels during my youth, which helped build a solid base for running. Team sport taught me sportsmanship and satisfied my competitive demeanor in a way that individual sport could not. Running is my physical experiment to find a point of failure, where the body can no longer progress. In a way, this experiment began during the school year of 2005–2006 at Cardinal Newman in Calgary, Alberta. A mother to one of the students started an event called “Run Across Canada” with the intention of crossing Canada as a collective by running 1K loops around our field at lunch. I tallied the most kilometres that year. I ran because it gave me an individualized sense of accomplishment that nobody else could relate to, an accomplishment that I never achieved with basketball. From those kilometres logged in grade 8, Cardinal Newman won their first divisional Cross Country banner the following year with me and my current best friend, Matt, placing first and third. The banner still hangs in the gym. Through high school, cross country and track were complimentary sports to basketball. I’d run twice a week with the team then race on the weekend. Our coach always mentioned that we should be running on our own to help with our development but I always ignored that because minutes spent away from hanging with friends was time wasted. To say I never took running seriously would be accurate. Heck, to say I never took basketball seriously wouldn’t be far off.



Back then, I had the privilege of racing at the IAAF World Junior Cross Country Championships in Belfast, Ireland. Before the gun went off, I remember taking a nervous moment to look around and appreciate the experience—we all spoke different languages, we looked different and grew up on different parts of the world, but we were united by the sport of running. At the end of the day, running speaks the same language. Whether you finish first, fiftieth or last, we all feel a similar level of pain and sense of joy when we cross the finish line. You see that at every race across the country, every day. It’s something I never forget. In my career as a runner, there have been times when I wanted to quit. My family and my husband, Matt, continuously remind me that running is a part of who I am and something that I could never give up. I feel so fortunate to have a place in this caring, giving community. Without the gentle push and tender words of encouragement from my mom and dad, I wouldn’t be running today. They built the foundation of love and support by tirelessly shuttling me to and from races in addition to providing endless encouragement—regardless of my results.


2018 ISSUE 01

work. Any way that you can. In Cold Lake, I hadn’t raced in two years, nor did I have any desire to race. I associated racing with frustrations, never running what I thought I was capable of. Racing can be tough—to be our best on race day requires luck. One has to arrive at the start line healthy; rested, but not too rested. It’s a balancing act of trial and error. After a two-year break from racing, I finally had the courage to make it to the start line. I signed up for the Scotiabank Calgary Half Marathon. I spent eight months training on the treadmill. Two weeks before the race, I got a concussion in Banff. I didn’t think I would run (or teach) again. Sounds, light, and movement hurt my head and I couldn’t collect my thoughts. Just like you, there’s a reason why I feel emotional when I race: I’m thankful. Every time I step on the start line and cross the finish line, I feel appreciation. I’m grateful to be healthy, grateful for every single step. In 2016, I toed the line at the Scotiabank Calgary Half Marathon, which doubled as the Canadian Half Marathon Championships— exactly one year after my concussion. I drew a heart on the back of my bib number and wrote: “You deserve to be here, you earned it.” When the gun went off, I weaved my way around the streets of Calgary and found myself in the lead at the 10km mark. My legs started to burn with 5K to go. Could I hold the pace? What if I blew up? I thought of my nephews, niece, coaches, parents, family, and friends in Kingston, Ottawa, and Victoria, and my mindset changed. “I can do this!” My loved ones knew how much running meant to me. They knew that a year prior I struggled to walk 500m without having to sit down and cry because my head hurt and the world was spinning. Winning the Canadian Half Marathon Championships was an experience that I will never forget. I felt like the 14-year-old kid that won OFSAA. I surpassed my own expectations (and got a really cool Calgary Stampede hat, too). Perhaps age is our greatest strength. We might slow a bit, but our appreciation, love for the sport, and learned strength when facing adversity help us push through rough patches on race day. Regardless of what you do, do it with all of your heart. Work as hard as you possibly can and you will surpass your own expectations of what you think you are capable of. I may be running in March for Canada. But I’m no different than any of you.

iRun because I like the energy and good vibes at events. — Charlene Thomas, via Facebook


ON THE ROAD AGAIN: Emily Setlack at the 2017 Vancouver Sun Run. Process trumps outcome—every time.

Adversity is part of sport, part of life. Attending NCAA powerhouse Providence College came with a cost—burn out. Four years: four stress fractures, pneumonia, and less than three months of injury-free running. It was disappointing. It was painful. I did not have what it took to be an elite runner, or so I thought. I’m forever thankful to my family and the community of runners in Kingston, in particular Steve Boyd and Pat Mcdermott. They taught me that running requires patience and taught me the skills to claw my way back from adversity—a lesson more important than all of the training at race pace or achieving any external reward. This lesson that has allowed me to continue to break barriers in my mind of what I think I can accomplish at 37 years of age. I’m still breaking barriers today. When I set big goals and pour everything into them, I lose my love for the process. When I get too caught up in running “X” time, I lose interest. I love the challenge that training presents, trying to intricately piece together a program and capture everything aligning on race day. As long as I keep training smart, love the process, and work hard, the results will fall into place. I have big dreams and aspirations, but those are in the back of my mind and I draw on them minimally. For me, process trumps outcome—every time. The ups and downs I’ve faced have served as reminder to appreciate that I can run—something we take for granted when things are going well. Injury and adversity are part of the sport. Learning and reacting to it are what will set you apart and build a foundation to make you a stronger, more resilient athlete. I’ve been racing for 24 years and am now reaching my potential. There’s an indescribable feeling one is presented with when you have lost something you love. That’s how I felt about running when Matt and I moved to Cold Lake, Alberta. Cold Lake is 300K north of Edmonton, near the Alberta-Saskatchewan border. The area surrounding the city is sparse and mostly farmland. Matt’s an Aerospace Engineer with the Canadian Forces—a job that requires us to live in rural areas and move frequently. When we first arrived, I felt defeated—I had no idea how to adapt to training in northern Alberta. I felt lost without a club and wasn’t a fan of treadmill running. But I was determined to not let where I lived dictate what I could accomplish. Obstacles are only obstacles if you can’t find your way around them. Together, Matt and I run across frozen lakes, skidoo trails, and ATV trails, and trade beach vacations for “runcations.” You have to make it



I was a lazy athlete with potential. Our men’s basketball teams at Bishop O’Byrne High School were hard working and talented. Every athlete poured their blood, sweat, and tears onto the court during games, while I opted to rest or hang out with friends. I was unfair to my teammates. I never fully committed to basketball. I took a year off after high school then went to the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT) for Hospitality Management. I called Jamie Grant, the cross country coach at the time, to express my interest in running for the team. He allowed me to join before the season started, so I threw on my cotton t-shirt, basketball shorts, and crosstraining shoes to give it a go. A technical running shirt, shorts, and shoes were foreign sporting equipment to me. If the shoes didn’t look cool, they weren’t being worn. And the shorts, they had to be no shorter than knee length. Jamie gave me my first running shorts, against my will. They looked weird and my self-confidence suffered, but they wicked away moisture, and made me feel like an athlete. We had a team of 20 athletes. We fed off each other’s energy. Jamie instilled a culture that revolved around self-belief and hard work. He gave every athlete a chance to compete for SAIT. He saw potential in every athlete and was willing to grow with them, collegiately and post-collegiately. He didn’t care (too much) about raw race numbers, but was proud to see his athletes progress. He was the one that ignited my fire to become a better individual. He motivated me to aim for the stars. I was happy to be running because I battled through shin splint pain for the majority of the fall of 2011, and to see my other teammates run well was motivating. My family was proud of me for running at the National race so that was all the gratification I needed. In 2012, we made a goal to qualify for Nationals. After every practice, after every weight session, we all reminded each other that Nationals was our goal. We even yelled it out in the hallways when we would see each other between classes. In short, the women placed 2nd at the ACAC Championship while we won our first ACAC Cross Country title in program history. We completed our goal. Individually, I moved up 49 spots to 27th overall. Looking back on those two years, our coach made the difference. Jamie did everything any other coach does—provide a training plan, provide workouts, provide feedback, cheer you on. But the difference maker was that he allowed us

to create our own confidence. He trained our minds to be better and to focus on bigger goals, then kept us responsible for achieving those goals. Our team culture allowed us to be better athletes and, more importantly, allowed us to be better individuals in the community. I battled through self-confidence issues in high school, like most teenagers, trying to find where I fit in and trying to be accepted by my peers. Although you can give off the impersonation of a confident, healthy individual, behind closed doors can be a completely different story. Our team environment provided a safe haven where differences were embraced to gain a better understanding on how to lead a positive, impactful life. As a direct result, I was able to make the “Run for Boston” happen after the Boston Marathon was bombed. From there, my confidence continued improving, which solidified family relationships and friendships, allowed me to develop new friendships, landed me solid jobs, and improved athletic performance. Jamie and I kept our coach/athlete relationship after school was over. He helped me progress from a 1:19 in the half marathon to 1:04, 31:15 in the 8K to 23:33, and 37:04 in the 10K to 29:28. Now in Guelph, Dave Scott-Thomas and I continue that progress, looking for my limit. Leaving Calgary was the most difficult decision I’ve ever made. To leave everything you’ve known is stressful. As much as you need to downplay your emotions to convince yourself that the decision you made is the right one, there’s a lot of days when I struggle getting out of bed or completing workouts because the heartbreak of leaving home weighs too much on my emotions. Dedicating your life to sport isn’t difficult, leaving everything you love is. Throughout the years of playing basketball, I was never able to see the same kind of progress like I have with running. Every race and every workout brings its own set of challenges, more mentally than physically. Running has helped me overcome personal issues, solve assignment problems, gain a better understanding of life, and has helped me create new friendships. The running community outside of competitive collegiate sport is unique. Although our race numbers and PB’s individually define us, we can all share the same accomplishment of self-betterment. Every run is personalized to each individual experience that can be shared amongst a community of individuals. From elites to weekend warriors, we’re all the same. We’re all cheerleaders for someone, we all want to see others succeed, and we all dislike some athletes out there, which is okay

LEGEND OF THE FALL: Trevor Hofbauer, crossing the tape at the 2017 Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon.

because there is no rule that states you must love every individual. Running is about being a part of the community that you enjoy the most and making those around you better. Running is about recognizing every athlete competes for their own reasons and realizing that every athlete has their own story to tell. To be an athlete is appreciating every step along the way and doing your absolute best in sport. That’s certainly my intention. I’ll be in Kenya from January 20 to March 10 and then I’ll race the New York Half Marathon on March 18, and the Prague Marathon on May 6. The trip to Kenya is a cultural experience more than a training camp. It’s a great opportunity to disconnect from social media/handheld technology and appreciate life. In Kenya, there’s no plan, no schedule, just to be in the moment. My focus from day one to now is to see continued progress. I want to be an example for younger athletes that hard work and commitment can help you achieve the unthinkable. To give my absolute best and see what transpires is how the Canadian marathon record will be broken, because I may not do it—and may not even get close—but this journey may inspire a younger, more gifted athlete to do so. I don’t plan on breaking the Canadian marathon record, I plan on bettering the Trevor Hofbauer of yesterday.

iRun and race because it allows me to see so many beautiful cities in Canada or the United States. — Lary Williams, via Facebook


THE EXPERIENCE OF CHASING A DREAM CAN BE THE GREATEST REWARD LONG ROAD TO BOSTON IS AN ABSOLUTE MUST-READ FOR ANYONE WHO IS GOING TO RUN OR ASPIRES TO RUN THE BOSTON MARATHON. “This book captures exactly why Boston is the most prestigious and most cherished race on the planet.” Bart Yasso, Chief Running Officer of Runner’s World

By the founder of iRun magazine and the author of Why I Run and Canada’s Magnificent Marathon. Lead sponsor

Presenting sponsors






SOLE To best appreciate our natural vistas, there’s nothing like lacing up for a race



t will never take the place of hockey in our hearts. A televised marathon could never inspire quite the same national passion and anxiety as an Olympic gold medal match or Stanley Cup playoff game. But running has become as much a part of Canadian culture as any other activity. Look around you: runners are ubiquitous, on any day of the week, at any time of day. Unlike the majority of hockey players, whose sport has primarily moved indoors, runners still venture outside, spreading ourselves far and wide across our ten million square kilometres on a daily basis. Plot all of our courses on a map and we will fan out across every part of the landscape like waves of water dispersing over rocks. Together, the nation of runners has covered virtually every inch of road, path and trail in this enormous land. Even in January and February, we brave the Great White North for runs of 5k to 35k, dodging snowbanks in balaclavas and double underwear to ward off the -30 windchill. Surely more Canadian character and fortitude are displayed on these chilling tests of commitment and endurance than on a 30-second hockey shift. We don’t hide from winter; we run headlong and headstrong into it. Our sport is both popular and equitable. There are more runners than participants in virtually any other activity and

there are as many women as men. There is no segregation, only camaraderie; we share the routes and races together, regardless of gender or ability. And running is active, not passive: Hockey has ten times more spectators than participants; for running, it’s the opposite. Canada lays claim to some of the biggest names and events in the running firmament: the oldest road race in the world, Around the Bay in Hamilton, and legendary stars from Tom Longboat to Jackie Gareau. And how many other western countries would have as their greatest hero of the last 50 years a runner? Ask children to name the greatest Canadian and they will not name a politician, professional athlete or astronaut, but Terry Fox. The rhythm of his shuffling roadside steps is burned deeply into our cultural memory and national psyche; no other person evokes as much Canadian pride. We have spectacular paths and courses that pass through woods and alongside roaring rivers and stunning ocean vistas. There are at least two races that let you cross an international border, a symbol of our longstanding peaceful relationship with our best friend and neighbour. When we travel within our beautiful land, we bring running with us. I’ve crossed the bridges of Saskatoon, traversed the red dirt of Prince Edward Island, run the

iRun and race because of the energy, and the positive atmosphere. — Sheri Moffatt, via Facebook

waterfront of Toronto, climbed Mount Royal and the peaks of Banff and crossed the grounds of legislatures in Edmonton, Halifax and Victoria. We who travel our country on foot know it better than those whisked around in cabs and buses. Our running is a statement about our freedom, prosperity and democracy. It celebrates our country and all it stands for and has achieved, over 150 years. To run, we must be people who seek physical challenges rather than be forced to overcome them. In other places and times, life was too exhausting to contemplate adding exercise to our day. We didn’t need to offset sedentary behaviour. Life itself was arduous enough. It’s not for everyone, to be sure. But few things are as unifying in this fractured world. As much as any other activity, running is a part of what makes the true north strong and free, what inspires glowing hearts and what stirs pride in the glory and beauty of our land.

Mark Sutcliffe is the founder of iRun and the author of Long Road to Boston: The Pursuit of the World’s Most Coveted Marathon. DOWNLOAD the iRun Podcasts: LISTEN to him on 1310 News and Rogers TV Ottawa FOLLOW him on Twitter: @_marksutcliffe SEE excerpts of his book:



iRUN: You ever race? LUND: Once in Edmonton I ran the Wineman Duathlon, which was six miles and seven beers in this guy’s backyard. iRUN: How’d you do? LUND: It was pretty funny because there were all these triathlete people and serious runners and I was there with a friend of a friend, but all these people with zero percent body fat and you know, I can drink beer no problem. I made up some time.

COUNTRY STRONG How the paths of Alberta help Corb Lund, 12-time Juno Award winner, find balance and peace Recently wrapping a string of tour dates with 84 year-old Ian Tyson, country icon Corb Lund is on perhaps a career best high. Between recording his nine records, two of which have gone gold, one platinum, Lund is a Canadian musician’s musician whose shows and deep tunes nurture an almost cult-like fanbase. Raised on a farm in Lethbridge, where he still spends much of his time, we caught up with the country rocker and talked about the beer mile, Calgary half marathon, and his favourite trail in Alberta.


iRUN: Talk to me about how it works, being someone who likes a drink, but also likes to run. LUND: Well, hopefully one pays for the other. iRUN: Why do you run? LUND: It’s something that keeps me mentally sane. It’s good for my physical health, too. iRUN: How does it make you feel?

LUND: It’s a headspace I can’t find anywhere else and helps me solve problems, both artistically and sometimes thorny business challenges and life problems. I used to run with music and podcasts but I stopped, I like to clear my mind. iRUN: Does it work? LUND: Sometimes. Sometimes it does. Sometimes the answers to my problems become clear.

iRun for the positive atmosphere that runners have. — Ken De Eli, via Facebook

iRUN: How’d you get started? LUND: Years ago. You get into your mid-30s and can’t go to McDonald’s and expect it to melt off like when you’re 22. It was probably 15 years ago and it comes in waves. I can go a couple of months and leave it alone but then I come back to it slowly. By now, I’ve accumulated the gear. iRUN: You run through the winter? LUND: I go out in blizzards, the real cold and ice. Living in Alberta, I don’t care. iRUN: Do you prefer winter running? LUND: It makes you feel badass but when spring comes and you put on shorts and a t-shirt, it’s awesome.

iRUN: You should think of doing the half marathon this year in Calgary. LUND: Maybe I should. I’ve definitely noticed when there’s people around and all that energy, you discover the mental game. Like suddenly my legs don’t hurt and I’m not tired. iRUN: Could be good motivation to get you trained. LUND: Sometimes I get a burst of energy and feel like I’m flying, but it’s not on purpose. Every time I get stressed out and uptight, it’s all the motivation I need to go run. iRUN: Where’s the best place you’ve run? LUND: I have a 5K route out at Ian’s place. I stay up there some place and there’s a gravel road up there, about 2.5K, and he’s got a song called This is My Sky that talks about walking up that road. It leads to the stone cabin where he writes—when you run on that path, it does a little something to your soul. Corb Lund plays Medicine Hat on July 25. For more news and tour dates, see



RACE FACE: Stanton is a familiar figure at Race Expos across the country, signing books, leading fun runs and offering specific race advice.

The courage to toe the start line

Running Room founder John Stanton on the spirit uniting our great country of runners


unning, the simple act of putting one foot in front of the Toronto and Vancouver. These three events have an appeal to other, is truly a life-changing experience. The secret to the Canadian runner, but also have a far-reaching international successful running is to set new and improved daily, seasonal, draw due to their logistic delivery and all-inclusive environment. and dream goals that are both challenging and attainable. Most Runners know these events provide a well-organized course, importantly you will want to celebrate your success with like- great volunteer support, outstanding bling in the form of medals minded friends whom you meet along the journey from the and race shirts, and race pacers, and include a major expo profilstart of your training to the finish line of your goal race. ing what’s new and exciting to the world of running gear. I have enjoyed the opportunity to run marathons in YellowThe “Run Up” three marathons are Edmonton, Kelowna, knife in the north, Victoria in the west, and Halifax on the east and Winnipeg. Edmonton provides a flat and fast qualifying coast. The signature uniqueness of our running comcourse and includes a full breakfast in the Shaw Cenmunity is all the fine people we have the privilege of ter overlooking the spectacular Edmonton river valley The big three on meeting. We come from mixed experiences and diverse with its extensive system of running trails. The Okanamany runner’s parts of the country the commonality of the group, is we gan Marathon, in Kelowna, is run on Thanksgiving all started as novices and we respect each other for the buckets lists are weekend so runners experience the celebration of the persistence and commitment it takes to become a mara- Ottawa, Toronto finish line, a turkey dinner, and then top things off with thon runner. I have listened intently to elite runners like and Vancouver. one of the wine tours of the local vineyards. Winnipeg Krista DuChene share her amazing journey of becoming is a friendly marathon with an event for everyone, inan Olympian while balancing her family, career, and the intense cluding their outstanding “Kids Mini Marathon,” which engages training schedule of a high-performance runner. At the Ottawa kids of all ages to experience the thrill of crossing the marathon marathon, Reid Coolsaet crossed the finish line, spent time speak- finish line. ing to the media, to family and friends, and finally returned to the Running Room sponsors most of the major marathons in finish line to cheer on the remaining athletes. He, like all runners, Canada as it provides us the opportunity to connect with curunderstand the admiration we each have for everyone who has rent and future customers. It provides an occasion to share the the courage to toe the start line and the tenacity to see themselves many success stories in our Running Room clinics and validate through to the finish line—regardless of the time on the clock. the outstanding friendships made at our free Running Room run I’m often asked what are the best marathons in Canada. Ar- clubs. See you at the races. As many of you know already, it’s one guably the big three on many runner’s buckets lists are Ottawa, of my favourite places to be.

Older than Boston. Thirstier than Norm.

THE SECOND ANNUAL iRUN & SPORTSTATS AROUND THE BAY AFTER PARTY Not everyone can tame the hills of Hamilton. Not everyone can run a challenging race in the cold. But, for those who can, for those who would, this one’s for you. There will be craft beer. There will be sausage. There will be prizes, music, and a chance to swap war stories and extend the fun. March 25, 2018 / 11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. / All are welcome. MERIT Brewing Company, just steps from the finish line at 107 James St North


Bring your Around the Bay bib to MERIT brewery and receive a 10% discount on their ATB 4-pack to go!!



ecounting the saga of moving to Toronto from Newfoundland, one of my favourite runners told me, “I never felt like I actually lived here until I found the city’s running community.” Though not in a context of migration, my feelings were similar when in the summer of 2016 I found myself on Canada’s west coast for the first time. I was part of a contingent of about 15 runners from my local group in Toronto who headed to Vancouver for the SeaWheeze Half Marathon. I’ve always been something of a nervous traveller and, no matter where I went, I could


2018 ISSUE 01

never quite quell the fear that it might either disappoint or that, because of my own timidity or anxiety, I would fail to make the most of the place I was going. Landing in Vancouver, I was revved with the requisite combination of excitement and some nervousness. Because of a hectic work and life schedule leading to the trip, I didn’t really establish any kind of itinerary or “bucket list” to shape my time in Vancouver. I didn’t know what the schedules of my friends in the city at the same time would really be, so I couldn’t help but ask myself, “What exactly did I get myself into here?” That same evening, I dragged a jetlagged

body from my room near Chinatown to Kitsilano, where the Vancouver Running Company was hosting its summer social, which would include a shakeout run through Kitsilano and along the sea wall followed by beers going at $2 a pop. Stopping for a group shot about halfway into our run, something magical clicked. With a group of perhaps 100 runners clustered together on a hill sloping down toward the sea wall, differences in geography, ability, and background became blurred as a giant family portrait took shape. Once back at the shop, the running connection continued to ignite the room as con-

iRun because it is a little slice of peace and quiet, where no-one expects anything of me but myself. — Marcel Beaudoin, via Facebook


Why the world feels less lonely when traversed in our shoes By Ravi Singh


OH, THE PLACES YOU’LL GO: The Summer Social at the Vancouver Running Company; the Half Corked Marathon; Jeff Robinson, photographed at the Je Cours Quebec; members of the Stoney Creek Running Room run club at the Maritime Race Weekend.

versations about the race gave way to getting to know the individual behind the singlet. There are a few different ways you can experience a new place. You can take your cues from Frommer’s and pack every minute of your day checking off the “essentials.” You can sequester yourself at a resort in a part of town where you may never experience the wonderful quirks and eccentricities of a place. Or—maybe even in combination with the first two—we can have glimpses of the soul of a place, experiencing the people who live there and experiencing why they love it. It’s a tricky concept to explain, but there’s a difference that anyone recognizes between visiting a place and just seeing its landmarks and finding yourself huddled in with some locals crawling through the restaurants, watering holes, and cultural gems that are not listed in Frommer’s. One of the reasons we’re privileged to run and to run in different places is that this passion of ours can be the difference between being a tourist and a guest. Runners often have an au-

tomatic kinship with one another and that kinship can be the vehicle to add new and spectacular dimensions to a place. Jenn Korstanje, manager of the Stoney Creek Running Room in Ontario, has run at least one race in all ten provinces. In racing across Canada, she’s found that it’s in fact the smaller races where those connections can take root and make a race experience more memorable. According to Jenn, “When you go to the big races, you get caught up in everything the race has to offer. When you go to a smaller race, you get caught up in the history of the city and run that whole city.” Regina was where Jenn’s Stoney Creek running mate Jeff, a visually impaired runner, met Cathy and Rob. Rob served as Jeff’s guide runner in Winnipeg and will do so again this year in British Columbia, which will complete Jeff’s circuit of races in all provinces. Rob and Cathy have become lifelong friends and have since made their way to Ontario for visits. Noel Paine of Gatineau, Quebec, also

iRun every local race I can fit into my training schedule and when I can’t run, I try to volunteer. — Phil Troyer, via Facebook

encourages Canadians to explore their own backyard and even make the effort to head to the small town races. A veteran of races across seven provinces and even two territories, Paine says, “I often like smaller races where I can run in the community and maybe bump into other runners around town or at the race.” Ottawa’s Kristi Raz, who has covered seven provinces through road, trail, and orienteering races, describes those small town races as having, “an intimacy where local runners welcome travelers with open arms.” She adds, “There’s something special about small races and we’re a country with an abundance of those!” I’m not going to pretend that among fellow Canadian runners the eagerness to throw one’s name into the lottery for Chicago exceeds enthusiasm to venture to Regina. But with run crews forming in every corner of this land and taking on bigger roles in race festivities by hosting events, shakeout runs, and post-race parties, there’s a good chance that the Regina you think you’ll experience is not the one you’ll find. Whether the races are big or small, the experiences of Jeff, Kristi, Jenn, Noel, and myself illustrate that running gives Canadians a superb tool to learn about our country, each other, and ourselves. With those stories of rich friendships and experiences, perhaps there’s something the Canadian running scene needs to capitalize on. Stephanie Porter, Chair of the Capital Subaru Huffin’ Puffin Marathon Race Committee in Newfoundland, wonders if there’s a way directors can partner up to offer incentives for us to get out of our home provinces. Do we need to establish some sort of “Canadian Majors?” Complete a race in every province and you get a giant medal in the shape of Stompin’ Tom Connors? Porter wonders if it’s as simple as, “Come run the Huffin’ Puffin and we’ll buy you a pint!” Because as lovely as medals are and as glorious as our natural treasures are, nothing in Canada surpasses the beauty of Canadians. Running is another opportunity to love Canada and Canadians a little more deeply and to experience just how big and wonderful are the many pockets of our home and native land. And if the prospect of a pint with a group of Newfoundlander runners after you’ve completed our oldest marathon doesn’t prove enticing, then I really can’t help you.




he thought came from deep within the cloud of confusion that now enveloped my brain as I ran: Soroush might be trying to kill me. I was a kilometre from the finish line of the 2017 Toronto Marathon, exhausted, sore, and losing speed. My friend, who moments before had been standing at the side of the road with the other spectators, was now on the course, a few metres ahead, turning back regularly to yell at me to run faster. My heart felt as though it might burst. As Soroush yelled, he urged me forward, toward him, with short sweeps of his hand. To my disbelief, I found a reserve of energy, and my stride quickened to a sprint. My friend jumped back to the sidelines before I approached the chute, and I crossed the finish line in under three hours—a big PB and a Boston qualifier. As I slowed to a stop and tried to get my breathing under control, I tried also to grasp the meaning of his gesture. Soroush Hatami and I had met just less than a year prior, as members of Marathon Dynamics, a running group in Toronto. Evenly matched, we kept pace with each other during the group’s Wednesday night speedwork sessions and on Sunday-morning long-runs too. Neither of us had ever run the Boston Marathon, and we made it our


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Daniel Sellers on his Fight for the Right to Race goal to do it together in 2018. But less than a month after Soroush qualified, at the 2016 Toronto Waterfront Marathon, Donald Trump was elected president of the United States, a result that soon threatened to spoil our Boston plans. Over the course of the following year, to make good on a campaign-trail promise, Trump attempted several times to ban citizens of select, primarily Muslim, countries from entering the United States. These controversial policies were immediately challenged in court, but one was ultimately allowed to remain in place while it was litigated. Among other things, this meant that Soroush—a permanent resident in Canada with an Iranian passport—would likely be turned back at the border on our way to the race in April. Amid this uncertainty, we submitted our times to the Boston Athletic Association,

were registered for the race, and paid our entry fees. We began training. We began fundraising too, for Muslim Advocates and the International Refugee Assistance Project—two American organizations that have opposed the travel ban with ferocious legal action. We set a target of $1,000 US for every mile of the marathon—$26,200 in total. Soroush also applied to become a Canadian citizen, and his case is moving quickly. He’s passed his citizenship test and is now waiting to be invited to take his oath, after which he can apply for a passport. The marathon is still two months away. Our fundraising continues regardless. The money we collect will not help Soroush get to Boston, but our hope is that it will benefit others who have suffered far worse than he has because of the travel ban: U.S. residents who are afraid to leave the country, because they might not be allowed back in; families that have been broken apart; refugees unable to escape war. When I eventually caught my breath after Soroush had guided me down the home stretch of my race, I hobbled to the food tent and collected my thoughts. In a moment of clarity, I understood the lesson in what he had done for me—you don’t leave other people behind when they need your help.

iRun to push myself. — Clark Carvish, Ottawa, Ontario



TAKE IT TO THE TRAIL Trail-tested gear | Chip-timed races | Transition to trail clinics


OUR COUNTRY OF RADICAL RACES Ron Johnson looks far and wide at the vibrant Canadian race scene

WALK OF LIFE: Dag Aabye, 72, at the Canadian Death Race, one of the most difficult trail runs in the world.

Half Corked Marathon, May 25–27 When an entire group of runners show up to run a marathon dressed as the cast of Beetlejuice—not just Michael Keaton or Winona Ryder, but everyone (including the couch)—you know the race is special. Such is the case with the Half Corked Marathon smack dab in the middle of Oliver Osoyoos wine country in British Columbia. “If someone is trying for a time, they’re missing the point,” says Jennifer Busmann, Half Corked executive director. The race began 10 years ago inspired by the


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Medoc Marathon in Bordeaux, France. The first year had a local crowd about 200 strong out to explore wine country, but Half Corked has grown as fast as a Swenson Red grape vine in the sun. This year, 1,300 runners will toe the line on a route through local vineyards with winery stations every kilometre, a massive picnic at the finish line, and the now–legendary Primavera Pasta Dinner, an outdoor tented dinner between the vines for 300 people. We’ll drink to that. Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend, May 26–27 The biggest stage in Canadian racing. That’s just one reason why Canadians by the (40) thousands flock to the nation’s capital on the last weekend every May. “We have a beautiful city, a fantastic course, and one of the best crowds in North America,” says race director John Halvorsen. “When you’re in Ottawa on Race Weekend—it’s all for the runners.”

Sure, most won’t touch 2017 champion Eliud Kiptanui’s time of 2:10:14, but that’s hardly the point. This mammoth Boston Marathon qualifier is the largest in Canada and there’s nothing like running with thousands of your new BFFs across two bridges over the Ottawa River and along the Rideau Canal—fans cheering every step of the way. A bucket list race for any Canadian athlete. “It’s the best experience,” says Halvorsen. “We will not disappoint.” EPIC Canadian, June 29–July 1 The race combines a celebration of the country, with Canada Day events and parties, and ends with a fireworks display over Lake Banook in the middle of Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. Friends, it is epic indeed. “Runners are passionate about our country,” says race director Tim Chestnutt. “We asked participants for the most ‘EPIC’ Canadians. Now, every year, we have a vote for an additional 10–60

iRun for my mental and physical health. — Danielle Sheehan, Ottawa, ON


Canada, land of lakes and rivers, and beside nearly every one: a race. While it’s impossible to give measure to all of the great starting lines in this country, it’s important to at least shout out a few. Herewith, destinations where your sneakers are cordially invited to run.

EPIC Canadians on course this year.” It’s a race that oozes pride in a country with thousands of bedazzled runners decked out in their finest red–and–white athletic attire taking part in race options including a 5K, 6.1K night race, 10K, quarter marathon, and half marathon. Combine four events and participants achieve Bull Moose status. So there’s that. EPIC is the largest running event on the East Coast, and the routes encircle two lakes in Dartmouth, known as the City of Lakes, a beautiful town across the bridge from Halifax. “As they enter the Lake Banook Trail for the last kilometre, runners come out of the woods to parallel the lake and finish in the park, lined with 100 Canadian Flags, gifted us from MPs in every Province and Territory,” says Chestnutt. And then the good stuff: participants party on the beach with live bands, food, adult beverages, and the blast of fireworks over the lake to celebrate Canada Day. Glorious. TOAD-ALLY AWESOME: The Pinehurst Lake Conservation Area in Paris, Ontario sets the natural vibe at Run for the Toad.


Canadian Death Race, August 3–6 Some races you cross the finish line and check the time. Then there’s the Canadian Death Race. Here, participants drop to their knees and thank whichever god is handy that they completed the race in one piece. Crossing a finish line is rarely as rewarding. The Death Race is an epic 125–km ultramarathon over three mountain summits in the Canadian Rockies with 17,000 feet of elevation change. At the end, you get a Death Race coin and you cherish that coin for the rest of your days. “This was Canada’s first iconic ultramarathon,” says Brian Gallant, race director of Sinister Sports, who took over the reins at Canadian Death Race last year. “Our runners are rewarded with a course in remote wilderness that only a handful of people will ever see.” With a new crew taking over the race, expect some improvements including complimentary race photos and upgraded aid stations, plus the same old bragging rights to last a lifetime. Melissa’s Road Race, September 22 After running along the ravishing Bow Valley route, at the finish of Melissa’s Road Race, thousands of 5K, 10K, and 21K runners gather in a gorgeous Banff National Park field surrounded by majestic mountain peaks. Babbling brooks babble along nearby; bighorn sheep cling to the cliffside taking a gander at racers sipping from their well–earned glasses of beer, basking in the glow of a perfect day. It’s this exact moment that has made the event one of Canada’s most enduring races. And, for a brief moment in 2017, it was all coming to a tragic end

with the organizers making the announcement that Melissa’s—named after Banff restaurant Melissa’s Missteak—would not be back in 2018. Enter knight in shining running shorts Paul Regensburg. As of January, he’s the proud new owner of Melissa’s Road Race. “It’s always been this gorgeous picnic in the mountains where people decide to go for a run,” he says. Run for the Toad, September 29 Canada’s largest trail race has become a Canadian cult classic. It developed from a humble hobble across the dirt of Pinehurst Lake Conservation Ontario sixteen years ago to iconic status thanks to the passion of George and Peggy Sarson. Runners sign up for the 12.5K, 25K, 50K or 50K relay and toe the line with some of North America’s top distance runners. But that’s just the beginning. Soon, athletes fall for the charm of the Toad, the inclusive tent city environment, food, and, lest we forget, the opportunity to jump in the lake at the end of the race. “There are people who’ve literally grown up with the Toad,” George Sarson says, “and the Toad has certainly grown up with trail running.” Marathon du P’tit Train du Nord, October 21 There was one marathon that clocked a higher percentage of Boston Marathon qualifiers than any race in the country at a 25.6 percent clip. And this race was happening for the first time, sending waves of joy through our world. This is Marathon du P’tit Train du Nord, unlike any race in the land. The route’s a cycling path that runs through a

iRun because I love to challenge myself. — Jeph Maagdeleyn, via Facebook

number of small villages in the Laurentian Mountains that consists of hard–packed rock and dirt. Runners toe the start line in the village of Val–David and end in Saint–Jerome—in between is a drop of 220 metres. Alberta might have their mountains, and British Columbia their rainforests and oceans, but a fall run in the Laurentians is unparalleled. “Most people say they’ve never seen a course like this,” says organizer Alain Bordeleau. “Everyone is running in nature.” Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon, October 21 Running a marathon in Toronto does not require skinny denim running shorts and the latest in vegan shoes. It does not require carefully crafted facial hair or any sort of man bun whatsoever. It does, however, require that runners appreciate the unique nature of running a big city marathon in the biggest (and obviously coolest) of Canada’s cities. Sorry, Montreal. Sure, there are marathons with mountains, or oceans, and, perchance, marathons with fresher air and less traffic. But there is only one Toronto, and only one Waterfront Marathon, home of Eric Gillis, Lanni Marchant, Krista DuChene, Reid Coolsaet, and Ed. “It’s an outstanding ‘Toronto experience’ in one of North America’s most exciting cities—a little rad, a little edgy, and an outstanding runner experience that reflects the city,” says race director Alan Brookes. The Scotiabank Waterfront Marathon puts runners in the unique position of running one of the best marathons anywhere, and affording them the opportunity to explore one of the best cities anywhere. That’s what we like to call a win–win.



EXPLOREZ VOTRE PROVINCE AU PAS DE COURSE! Alana Bonner explique ses explorations à travers le Québec


tant curieuse de nature, j’aime découvrir de nouveaux lieux que je peux rajouter à la liste des provinces, États ou pays que j’ai visités. L’année dernière, j’ai participé à des courses dans deux provinces et six États. Certains de mes amis se sont même donné le défi ambitieux de courir dans les dix provinces, les trois territoires et les 50 États. Mais la province où j’habite? Ai-je vraiment vu tout ce qu’elle offre à voir? Étonnamment, je suis maintenant attirée par les événements qui me permettent de découvrir un nouveau lieu dans ma propre province. À vrai dire, combien d’entre nous peuvent affirmer avoir exploré leur province dans tous ses recoins? Voici donc mon défi : courir dans le plus grand nombre possible de villes au Québec... et je vous mets au défi de faire de même là où vous habitez. À ma grande honte, j’avoue qu’avant de commencer à courir, à la mi-2009, j’avais très


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peu visité le Québec en dehors d’un rayon de 25 km autour de chez moi. J’ignorais tout de la géographie, des paysages, de la culture, des industries, de la beauté et des gens formidables que recèle ma province. En fait, je ne connaissais même pas très bien Montréal, alors que j’y ai fait mes études et que j’y travaille à temps plein. J’étais un guide exécrable pour mes amis d’ailleurs, car j’en savais plus sur les villes que j’avais visitées en touriste (Paris, Londres, New York) que sur la ville où je passe le plus clair de mon temps. Heureusement, les épreuves auxquelles je participe m’ont permis de changer cela. D’ailleurs, mon activité sportive m’a permis de recueillir énormément de bienfaits. Dix pages suffiraient à peine à expliquer tout ce qu’elle a fait pour ma confiance en moi, ma santé et mon bien-être. Et 100 autres pages pour décrire les belles amitiés que j’ai nouées avec des gens de toutes origines, de tous

âges et de toutes les régions du Québec, du Canada, des États-Unis et du monde. Je suis très reconnaissante pour ces liens et les kilomètres parcourus aux côtés des innombrables athlètes qui font partie de ma « famille de course ». Au-delà de ces formidables découvertes humaines, j’apprécie surtout la chance qui m’est offerte de créer et de développer mon identité en tant que fière Québécoise. En parcourant le Québec, je ressens désormais une admiration mêlée d’orgueil pour ma province, et je suis sûre que vous aurez les mêmes sentiments si vous suivez mon exemple dans la vôtre. La meilleure façon d’explorer une nouvelle ville, c’est à pied. L’idéal est de voyager en participant à une épreuve sportive. Mais parfois, explorer son propre quartier peut devenir une aventure tout aussi palpitante et enrichissante que partir au loin. J’ai dressé la liste des villes du Québec où j’ai participé à des épreuves de course, et j’en arrive à un total de 59. De Gatineau à Shawinigan en passant par Val Cartier, Yamachiche, Ange-Gardien et Saint-Donat, j’ai dévoré les kilomètres avec mes jambes et rempli mon cœur de souvenirs inoubliables. Quelle ville du Québec sera ma 60e? Je ne le sais pas encore, mais où que ce soit, j’ai hâte de l’explorer en courant!

iRun pour être en santé et pour me pousser. — Adele McLeod, via Facebook


COURIR AU QUÉBEC: Bonner au demi-marathon Hypothermique de Montréal; À la Course Boréale Cross-Country, Île Bizard, Québec








HISTOIRE DE FAMILLE: L’équipe Hebert au marathon SSQ de Longueuil


Carl Hetu-Lavoie explique les bienfaits de courir avec son équipage


h30 am mon cadran sonne, je m’apprête à quitter mon domicile pour rejoindre mon partenaire d’entrainement, Michaël. Une fois arrivé, nous partons en direction du quartier DIX 30 à Brossard. Le dimanche matin signifie, pour la plupart des coureurs, la longue sortie de course extérieure. Cela faisais plusieurs semaines que j’entendais parler de cette fameuse place ou plusieurs centaines de personne se réunissent tôt le dimanche matin grâce à l’entreprise Lululemon et son organisateur Marc Langevin. Donc, puisque la température était glacial et que les rues de Montréal était bordée de neige ce matin la, j’ai décidé de profiter du moment pour participer à cet événement qui est offert gratuitement à tous. En arrivant sur place sans


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trop savoir où se diriger, nous apercevons d’autres coureurs de notre équipe qui eux aussi avaient décidé d’opter pour des culottes courtes et une camisole au lieu de deux ou trois couches de vêtement, lunette de ski pour affronter un froid horrible. L’évenement qui débute à 6h00 et qui se termine à 8h30 am à lieu directement dans le stationnement intérieur du quartier DIX 30. Une fois sous terre, je vois déjà plusieurs coureurs qui s’installent et qui débutent leur entrainement. Je constate même que quelques coureurs élites du Québec étaient présents ce jour là. Alors, je me dis, à ce moment là, que j’avais surement opté pour la meilleure option d’entrainement ! 6h30, mon entrainement commence !

Une belle longue course de 20 km intérieur en préparation pour mon demi-marathon de Myrtle Beach qui aura lieu le 3 mars prochain. Courir sa « longue » seul est parfois demandant mentalement et de ce fait même plus difficile. Donc, effectuer mon entrainement de longue distance était plus agréable entouré de tous ces gens qui couraient, parlaient, échangeaient quelques souvenirs du temps des fêtes. Et ce chacun à son rythme. Toute cette ambiance me permettait d’oublier que j’avais 20 km à parcourir. Une belle gang de plus de 300 personnes s’était réuni ce dimanche pour courir. Il nous faut vraiment être passionné pour se lever aux petites heures du matin comme ça tandis que d’autres dorment ou arrivent des bars ! La piste ou plutôt le parcours qui est créé pour l’occasion fait entre 600 et 630 mètres de distance. Je vais vous avouer que j’avais peur de manquer d’air dût au fait que l’espace est fermé, mais malgré cela, tout s’est bien passé. Il y avait des trappes d’air à plusieurs endroits qui nous apportaient toute l’air qu’il nous fallait. Plus le temps avançait, plus je me rendais compte que le stationnement souterrain où nous étions se remplissait au fur et à mesure de gens souriant et au plaisir contagieux. Je me suis rappelé que c’étais ça aussi courir, c’est-à-dire d’avoir du plaisir avec des amis et passer du bon temps tout en gardant la santé. Ce n’est pas de toujours performer et garder un rythme. C’est surtout de courir pour notre simple bonheur ! Aujourd’hui, j’ai voulu vous partager mon expérience au DIX 30, puisque je trouve le concept numéro un, surtout qu’il est possible pour tous d’y participer et ce sans frais ! J’ai aimé pouvoir courir en petite tenue, car cela m’a rappelé l’été passée et me fait rêver à l’été à venir. De plus, il m’a permis de m’éloigner, pendant quelques heures, des temps glaciales que le Québec nous a donné ces dernières semaines. Je lève mon chapeau aux organisateurs et à tous ceux qui rendent des projets comme celui la possible, car il en n’existe pas assez à mon goût. Vous avez réussi à aller chercher la communauté de coureur. De semaine en semaine, le nombre ne cesse d’augmenter. Un gros Yessssir !

iRun pour être en santé et pour vivre plus longtemps. — ­ Shary Healy-Last, via Facebook




April 21-22, 2018

October 21, 2018

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SHOES WITH CHARACTER A closer look at what will be on your feet this season


1. Topo W-Magnify 2, 0-drop with snappy bottom layer for propulsion, $170 2. Saucony Peregrine 7 Ice +, optimal grip and traction across multiple surfaces, $189.99 3. Reebok Floatride, light, comfortable, fashionable and fast, $180


4. Under Armour HOVR Sonic, maintain energy and reduce impact, $120 5. Asics Gel Nimbus 20, protective cushioning and versatile performance, $199.99 6. Brooks Launch 5, lightweight fit with one-piece mesh upper and internal bootie, $140 7. New Balance 1080 V8, cushioned for the long run, $194.99 8. Salomon Sonic RA, geometric decoupling and Vibe technology on a lightweight daily trainer, $170 9 7

9. Nike Zoom Fly, one of the fastest everyday shoes Nike makes, $200





One of marathon runnings newest, most exciting new stars is Trevor Hofbauer (see cover), this is why he thinks the New Balance 1080v8 is a smooth ride for the long run When do you use the 1080? Long runs, when I want something soft underneath my foot. When I’m averaging 170K a week, I want something durable and these last me a 900 to 1,000 kilometres, but someone with a different gait, height and weight could easily double that.

I can wear the 1400 on anything from the 5K to the marathon.

Is that really good? Oh yeah. It’s the longest lasting shoe I’ve ever worn.

All of these shoes are New Balance, a brand, let’s face it, that sponsors you and gives you this stuff for free. But you actually had a previous relationship with the company. Please explain. In grade six, my dad bought me a pair of New Balance. He said they make the best shoes. When I got competitive, I got New Balance—because I trust what dad says, and I bought the 890s.

So it lasts a long time. What else? It’s soft. Feels luxurious. Makes me feel like I’m wearing slippers for a run. Can you say that now in running geek speak? The upper is soft and wraps the ankle snugly while the outsole provides full ground contact and good “feel,” in addition to being well cushioned. Now can you say that for someone who doesn’t understand the above? It’s like a Tesla Model X, pioneering SUV also good for speed on a long run. What do you like in a shoe? Versatility. Something I can wear on a workout, intervals and tempo runs, but also something that I can mix on on an easy day. I don’t wear the same shoes every day—too boring. So I wear the Zante sometimes on tempos, the 1080 on a long run and the 1400 on race day.

Were you wearing the 1400 when you were first Canadian at the Waterfront marathon last year? Yeah. Same shoes that can be worn by anyone else.

Why those? I liked the rainbow colours. A true connoisseur. I liked them and they were comfortable, so I bought another one—then I bought a pair of the 1400s and then I bought five pairs of the 1400s. It sort of spiralled from there. So it’s safe to say you’re a New Balance guy. I would never sell a brand of shoes I didn’t believe in. I have big goals and if I stay healthy, you never know what can transpire. A shoe will never make you faster. It’s the consistency of training that will. I trust the 1080v8 will help me pursue my goals.





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Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Friday, January 26, 2018

JEN SAYS: Apples are part of a healthy diet.

Jenny Pham is a 37-year-old runner in Edmonton, Alberta, and she kept a week-long food log for iRun. We then shared her food log with Jennifer Sygo, dietitian, sports nutritionist, and the food expert for the Toronto Maple Leafs. She had some thoughts.

BREAKFAST: 2 cups of coffee, one Gala Apple

Add egg or Greek yogurt to breakfast— or the peanut butter you love.

LUNCH: Spinach salad with chicken breast and herb dressing Good healthy lunch! LUNCH: Chicken Caesar salad with homemade Greek dressing

DINNER: Zucchini “zoodles” with ground beef stroganoff (it was actually really good—don’t judge!)

SNACK: 2 heaping spoons of peanut butter, 2 vodka/sodas

SNACK: 2 heaping spoons of peanut butter, 2 vodka/sodas

Watch for what Jen says!


2018 ISSUE 01

LUNCH: Missed it. It was Snow-pocalypse in Edmonton. The fact I made it to work was a miracle! 1.5ft of snow...

Don’t skip lunch. I suggest salad with chicken or avocado.

DINNER: 1 serving of meatloaf with a side of cucumbers with herb dressing, 1 spoonful of mashed potatoes Try adding carbs, like rice, potatoes, or oatmeal.

BREAKFAST: 2 cups of coffee

Alcohol can fit within healthy eating guidelines, but it can hinder weight-loss goals.

DINNER: Baked whole tilapia with soy ginger and green onions and 1⁄2 -ish cup cooked white rice and spicy things. SNACK: One small hand full of Skittles from the candy bowl and 2 glasses of white wine

iRun and race for me to make me a better mom to our five children. — Leanne Loney, Amos, Quebec


What are real runners actually eating?

BREAKFAST: My usual 2 cups of coffee, black (like my soul), and one Gala apple (I actually like apples in the morning!)





SO.MUCH.SNOW. Saturday, January 27, 2018




Sunday, January 28, 2018

Monday, January 29, 2018

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Eat. Breakfast! Coffee can fit on a diet. It can perk you up before a run. BREAKFAST: 2 cups of coffee, black BREAKFAST: 2 cups of coffee, black. (Mistakes happen when you are a zombie.)

BREAKFAST: 2 cups of coffee, black

LUNCH: Wasn’t hungry - so I didn’t really eat anything at lunch

BREAKFAST: 2 cups of coffee, black & 3 scrambled eggs

Be it adding barley or farro to the salad or a sweet potato, invest in quality calories and you’ll have quality racing sessions.

DINNER: Homemade burger with romaine lettuce “bun”, 1 slice of Swiss, mayo, mustard, ketchup (Forgot the pic) SNACKS: 1 box of GF shortbread cookies (WTF!! 480 cals total!!), small bowl of all- dressed chips, 2 vodka sodas LUNCH: 1 XL bowl of Pho with some jasmine tea (It was so Phobulous) DINNER: Pork Adobo with 1⁄2-ish cup cooked white rice (I ate it so fast, so I took a pic of the rice & pork aftermath), 2 glasses of red wine White rice is okay but whole grain is better, and eat the skin on potatoes—that’s where most of the nutrition is (and it slows down the blood-sugar release).

When you skip lunch, look what happens: 1 box of GF shortbread cookies.

LUNCH: Cucumbers, romaine salad, Greek yogurt, and beef meatballs (Hold the crumbs!)

One tip—less variety helps. Try “automated meals,” wraps, salads, Greek yogurt. More structure makes it easier to meet your goals.

Pre-plan snacks. Veggie sticks with some hummus; a handful of almonds; a few chunks of cheese—don’t wait til you’re starving.

DINNER: Baked Ham with honey Glaze & Pan fried Napa Cabbage Peppermint Tea, 1 vodka soda

DINNER: Greek romaine salad with cucumbers, feta, Kalamata olives, chopped up beef meatballs, herb dressing, 2 glasses of red wine

iRun because it makes me feel alive. — Carol Levesque, via Facebook

LUNCH: Joey’s Yellowfin Tuna salad (Holy cow, it is my favourite salad of all time! No joke!), 1 glass of ginger ale

Do I regret anything? Yes. I regret eating that entire box of cookies. Could I do better? Try harder? Of course. My times will never be much more than unremarkable. But this unremarkable person has finished a 50K ultra and will continue to challenge myself to the brink, because I can. And I will.



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2018 ISSUE 01

iRun because it is a great way to stay fit. — Mirijam Be, via Facebook

HAVE SHOES, WILL FLY Krista DuChene on the places she’s run, and the places still on her bucket list


hroughout the course of my running career I have been fortunate enough to travel various parts of the world for training and racing. I’ve seen places I likely never would have visited in my lifetime. I have felt grateful for the opportunity to both compete internationally and experience a new culture, particularly enjoying the people, scenes, and cuisines. So far I’ve been to five of seven continents, some noteworthy examples including: Japan for the Chiba Ekiden in 2012, Russia for the World Championships in 2013, New York for the Half Marathon in 2014, Rotterdam for the Marathon in 2015, Brazil for the Olympic Games in 2016, and Kenya for altitude training in 2017. At one point I thought I might make it to Australia for the Commonwealth Games in 2018 but discovered it would be very difficult to make the team. So it now remains on my bucket list with Antarctica, likely the two most difficult continent destinations! Some day. In my career transition from professional runner to registered dietitian and public speaker, one of my desires was to be more active in promoting various race events across Canada. While it has been an interest of mine to travel all continents to run, it has also been a desire to do so in all of our amazing Canadian provinces and territories. After all, I shouldn’t put the world ahead of the best country in the world! And in January 2018, Canada was ranked second to Switzerland for world’s best country—considering everything from economic influence, power, and citizenship to quality of life. (I’m sure running was somewhere in the evaluation!) Up until now, my running

iRun and cheer on my fellow runners. Most of all I can run and I’ll keep on running until I can’t. — Charlotte Flewelling, Moncton, NB

related events have included travel to Calgary and Montreal for the Canadian Half Marathon Championships, Ottawa and Toronto for the Canadian Marathon Championships, and Vancouver for the Canada Running Series’ Half Marathon. I’m very excited for my upcoming opportunity to promote and speak in Saskatoon at the Saskatchewan Marathon. After that I will have to plan for Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island. And I can’t omit Northwest Territories, Nunavut, and Yukon! I have an ambitious endeavour ahead of me, but I’m up for the challenge. In recent years during my build to the Olympic Games, something that has been very meaningful to me has been the private messages and notes of encouragement and support from across Canada. Prior to competing at the Olympic Games I specifically remember getting heartfelt messages from a dear friend in British Columbia and a group of moms in Prince Edward Island. I knew I had my country, from coast to coast, behind me when I raced with the maple leaf on my chest on that hot and humid August day in Brazil. And while racing I thought of those caring people from my country while I’m sure those around me were doing the same, pushing us all toward that Sambódromo finish. It’s difficult to put in words, the feeling of representing your country amongst the best in the world and in front of millions of viewers. Incredible, to say the least. And I look forward to the upcoming years with more travel where I can share my story while promoting and participating in this sport we love, in this country we love.









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