Zealots of Compton

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Thesis Coordinator

Kristy Balliet

Zealots of Compton

A Thesis by Irvin Shaifa

Zealots of Compton

Zealots of Compton

Zealots of Compton Fig. 01 In the 90’s, Compton proposed a revitalization of the city. This is one of the first instances in which Compton proposed a desired urban aesthetic - a condition that needs redevelopment.

Sources : Compton Zoning Proposal



FIG. 01

Zealots of Compton

Sources : Compton Zoning Proposal



FIG. 01


Zealots of Compton Space is perceived through the accumulation of objects. Space is self-referential and is quantified through the X, Y, and Z planes. These planes are infinite, as is the space they define. When space is divided by site limitations, size requirements, or context, these planes are confined to the bounding box. The practice of architecture views the bounding box as a limiter, instead of as a field in which forms may construct space. To construct space within the bounding box is to create with the box in mind: to choose when to smash along its faces, set inward, or even to surpass the given bounding box. A Zealot is a faceted form made to highlight this condition. For a Zealot to construct space is either to convert space into an object or to convert it into a realm for multiple objects. The forms that dance in the box don’t believe in fragmentation nor continuity, but in moments of activity and moments of rest. My thesis considers the bounding box as the starting point of design when developing the architectural conditions of a given space. What are the implications the bounding box has in architectural practice at all scales – the home, the road, the city? The society we live in is built around parcel restrictions, old city codes, and systemic oppression through zoning practices. Compton’s bounding boxes are being adjusted, built upon, and corrected. This gives opportunity for a Zealot to assist in Compton’s long-term development. A Zealot is not a singular act. It is a series of upgrades that develop with its evolving boundaries. This results in forms that are fanatically uncompromising in their pursuit of the construction of space. The Zealot is the catalyst, Compton is its activator.


Zealots of Compton

Irvin Shaifa

Thesis Prep



Zealots of Compton Space is perceived through the accumulation of objects. Space is self-referential and is quantified through the X, Y, and Z planes. These planes are infinite, as is the space they define. When space is divided by site limitations, size requirements, or context, these planes are confined to the bounding box. The practice of architecture views the bounding box as a limiter, instead of as a field in which forms may construct space. To construct space within the bounding box is to create with the box in mind: to choose when to smash along its faces, set inward, or even to surpass the given bounding box. A Zealot is a faceted form made to highlight this condition. For a Zealot to construct space is either to convert space into an object or to convert it into a realm for multiple objects. The forms that dance in the box don’t believe in fragmentation nor continuity, but in moments of activity and moments of rest. My thesis considers the bounding box as the starting point of design when developing the architectural conditions of a given space. What are the implications the bounding box has in architectural practice at all scales – the home, the road, the city? The society we live in is built around parcel restrictions, old city codes, and systemic oppression through zoning practices. Compton’s bounding boxes are being adjusted, built upon, and corrected. This gives opportunity for a Zealot to assist in Compton’s long-term development. A Zealot is not a singular act. It is a series of upgrades that develop with its evolving boundaries. This results in forms that are fanatically uncompromising in their pursuit of the construction of space. The Zealot is the catalyst, Compton is its activator.

Fig. 02 A medium through which architects understand space is through elevation, section, and plan. By flattening reality to a series of planes, it provides opportunity for further comprehensive study of details and information that would be lost looking from a normative point of view. The elevation on the right gives height information, integers, and other measurements. The orthogonal view that architects use to describe the object within the bounding box is an afterthought. The object is always created first, with the views set to describe what is in the box.

Fig. 03 The X,Y, and Z plane have no true measurement until provided by an outside condition. And before the box can be ready, infinite planes are what resides.

Sources : Cadbull CAD Drawings, 2019, dwg file [fig.1] Cadbull Axon Drawing, 2019, dwg file [fig.2]


Zealots of Compton

Irvin Shaifa

FIG. 02

FIG. 03

Thesis Prep



Zealots of Compton Space is perceived through the accumulation of objects. Space is self-referential and is quantified through the X, Y, and Z planes. These planes are infinite, as is the space they define. When space is divided by site limitations, size requirements, or context, these planes are confined to the bounding box. The practice of architecture views the bounding box as a limiter, instead of as a field in which forms may construct space. To construct space within the bounding box is to create with the box in mind: to choose when to smash along its faces, set inward, or even to surpass the given bounding box. A Zealot is a faceted form made to highlight this condition. For a Zealot to construct space is either to convert space into an object or to convert it into a realm for multiple objects. The forms that dance in the box don’t believe in fragmentation nor continuity, but in moments of activity and moments of rest. My thesis considers the bounding box as the starting point of design when developing the architectural conditions of a given space. What are the implications the bounding box has in architectural practice at all scales – the home, the road, the city? The society we live in is built around parcel restrictions, old city codes, and systemic oppression through zoning practices. Compton’s bounding boxes are being adjusted, built upon, and corrected. This gives opportunity for a Zealot to assist in Compton’s long-term development. A Zealot is not a singular act. It is a series of upgrades that develop with its evolving boundaries. This results in forms that are fanatically uncompromising in their pursuit of the construction of space. The Zealot is the catalyst, Compton is its activator.

Fig. 04 Rhinoceros is a three-dimensional modeling software. The software follows the principles of the X, Y, and Z planes. These conditions are the given in many modeling softwares available today. This three-dimensional modeling software offers an opportunity to model 3-dimensionally. The issue is that these planes are also infinite, and the software’s parameters are not bound by outside forces. The software is no different than analogue methods of creation. Making this distinction is relevant to the stance that Rhinoceros, and other three-dimensional modeling tools are planes, but not spaces. What comes with this claim is an internal debate on whether space that is perceived is still space, even if it’s virtual. But if these tools offer creation along planes, then there are no boundaries, and in return the opportunity to create has no true limitations in scale, posture, ground, etc. This means that space is a limited concept – limited by exterior parameters. Fig. 05 Our understanding of objects is referential to our understanding of depth. On the right, depth could be a parameter wherein objects can be read as whole or as fragmented. In this case, our understanding of the human body is abstracted to the bounding box, and multiple boxes stacked on each other.

Sources : Rhinceros 3D, 2019, screenshot [fig.1] Figure Drawing for All It’s Worth, Andrew Loomis, 1943, pg. 50 [fig.2] 18

Zealots of Compton

Irvin Shaifa

FIG. 04

FIG. 05

Thesis Prep



Zealots of Compton Space is perceived through the accumulation of objects. Space is self-referential and is quantified through the X, Y, and Z planes. These planes are infinite, as is the space they define. When space is divided by site limitations, size requirements, or context, these planes are confined to the bounding box. The practice of architecture views the bounding box as a limiter, instead of as a field in which forms may construct space. To construct space within the bounding box is to create with the box in mind: to choose when to smash along its faces, set inward, or even to surpass the given bounding box. A Zealot is a faceted form made to highlight this condition. For a Zealot to construct space is either to convert space into an object or to convert it into a realm for multiple objects. The forms that dance in the box don’t believe in fragmentation nor continuity, but in moments of activity and moments of rest. My thesis considers the bounding box as the starting point of design when developing the architectural conditions of a given space. What are the implications the bounding box has in architectural practice at all scales – the home, the road, the city? The society we live in is built around parcel restrictions, old city codes, and systemic oppression through zoning practices. Compton’s bounding boxes are being adjusted, built upon, and corrected. This gives opportunity for a Zealot to assist in Compton’s long-term development. A Zealot is not a singular act. It is a series of upgrades that develop with its evolving boundaries. This results in forms that are fanatically uncompromising in their pursuit of the construction of space. The Zealot is the catalyst, Compton is its activator.

Fig. 06 The parameters are in control of the architecture, and there is an attempt to hide the bounding box with several indentations, setbacks, and porches. When the bounding box is challenged through camouflage, it creates a lack of depth in the architecture that inhabits the space.

Fig. 07 Neighborhoods like those in the examples given have arbitrary setbacks. Each home is slightly offset from its boundary. The parameters are unclear, creating an issue in future urban planning projects. The parameters are unknown, and perhaps in some of these neighborhoods these parameters don’t exist.

Sources : Bllomberg Businessweek, “Why America’s New Apartment Buildings All Look the Same “, Lara Buckman Photography , 2019 [fig.1] 20

Zealots of Compton

Irvin Shaifa

FIG. 06

FIG. 07 Thesis Prep



Zealots of Compton Space is perceived through the accumulation of objects. Space is self-referential and is quantified through the X, Y, and Z planes. These planes are infinite, as is the space they define. When space is divided by site limitations, size requirements, or context, these planes are confined to the bounding box. The practice of architecture views the bounding box as a limiter, instead of as a field in which forms may construct space. To construct space within the bounding box is to create with the box in mind: to choose when to smash along its faces, set inward, or even to surpass the given bounding box.

Fig. 08 The diagram on the right challenges the scale of the bounding box, viewing it in both a singular and urban scale. The drawing asserts an important link between these two scales.

A Zealot is a faceted form made to highlight this condition. For a Zealot to construct space is either to convert space into an object or to convert it into a realm for multiple objects. The forms that dance in the box don’t believe in fragmentation nor continuity, but in moments of activity and moments of rest. My thesis considers the bounding box as the starting point of design when developing the architectural conditions of a given space. What are the implications the bounding box has in architectural practice at all scales – the home, the road, the city? The society we live in is built around parcel restrictions, old city codes, and systemic oppression through zoning practices. Compton’s bounding boxes are being adjusted, built upon, and corrected. This gives opportunity for a Zealot to assist in Compton’s long-term development. A Zealot is not a singular act. It is a series of upgrades that develop with its evolving boundaries. This results in forms that are fanatically uncompromising in their pursuit of the construction of space. The Zealot is the catalyst, Compton is its activator.


Zealots of Compton

Irvin Shaifa

FIG. 08

Thesis Prep



Zealots of Compton Space is perceived through the accumulation of objects. Space is self-referential and is quantified through the X, Y, and Z planes. These planes are infinite, as is the space they define. When space is divided by site limitations, size requirements, or context, these planes are confined to the bounding box. The practice of architecture views the bounding box as a limiter, instead of as a field in which forms may construct space. To construct space within the bounding box is to create with the box in mind: to choose when to smash along its faces, set inward, or even to surpass the given bounding box. A Zealot is a faceted form made to highlight this condition. For a Zealot to construct space is either to convert space into an object or to convert it into a realm for multiple objects. The forms that dance in the box don’t believe in fragmentation nor continuity, but in moments of activity and moments of rest. My thesis considers the bounding box as the starting point of design when developing the architectural conditions of a given space. What are the implications the bounding box has in architectural practice at all scales – the home, the road, the city? The society we live in is built around parcel restrictions, old city codes, and systemic oppression through zoning practices. Compton’s bounding boxes are being adjusted, built upon, and corrected. This gives opportunity for a Zealot to assist in Compton’s long-term development. A Zealot is not a singular act. It is a series of upgrades that develop with its evolving boundaries. This results in forms that are fanatically uncompromising in their pursuit of the construction of space. The Zealot is the catalyst, Compton is its activator.


Fig. 09 What makes a Zealot different from an architectural intervention is the dynamics of upgrading the boundaries related to the personal growth of the box. The Zealot does not intervene through any of the components that the box might include – parcel limitations, environmental factors, or personal growth. Instead, the zealot adds to these components to further whatever portion the bounding box wishes to upgrade. A Zealot works over time and is not a singular act. This time frame may vary based on the conditions of the bounding box. The image on the right shows the zealot working with the box, instead of against it. When this relationship is developed, then the Zealot can further the site limitations. There are two types of zealots – additive zeals, and reconstructive ones. Additive zeals deal with density of objects in the given bounding box, while reconstructive zeals seem more subtractive due to the redistribution of space.

Zealots of Compton

Irvin Shaifa

FIG. 09

Thesis Prep



Zealots of Compton Space is perceived through the accumulation of objects. Space is self-referential and is quantified through the X, Y, and Z planes. These planes are infinite, as is the space they define. When space is divided by site limitations, size requirements, or context, these planes are confined to the bounding box. The practice of architecture views the bounding box as a limiter, instead of as a field in which forms may construct space. To construct space within the bounding box is to create with the box in mind: to choose when to smash along its faces, set inward, or even to surpass the given bounding box.

Fig. 10 A series of boxes with zealots moving throughout their boundaries.

A Zealot is a faceted form made to highlight this condition. For a Zealot to construct space is either to convert space into an object or to convert it into a realm for multiple objects. The forms that dance in the box don’t believe in fragmentation nor continuity, but in moments of activity and moments of rest. My thesis considers the bounding box as the starting point of design when developing the architectural conditions of a given space. What are the implications the bounding box has in architectural practice at all scales – the home, the road, the city? The society we live in is built around parcel restrictions, old city codes, and systemic oppression through zoning practices. Compton’s bounding boxes are being adjusted, built upon, and corrected. This gives opportunity for a Zealot to assist in Compton’s long-term development. A Zealot is not a singular act. It is a series of upgrades that develop with its evolving boundaries. This results in forms that are fanatically uncompromising in their pursuit of the construction of space. The Zealot is the catalyst, Compton is its activator.


Zealots of Compton

Irvin Shaifa

FIG. 10

Thesis Prep



Zealots of Compton Space is perceived through the accumulation of objects. Space is self-referential and is quantified through the X, Y, and Z planes. These planes are infinite, as is the space they define. When space is divided by site limitations, size requirements, or context, these planes are confined to the bounding box. The practice of architecture views the bounding box as a limiter, instead of as a field in which forms may construct space. To construct space within the bounding box is to create with the box in mind: to choose when to smash along its faces, set inward, or even to surpass the given bounding box.

Fig. 11 The scale of the bounding box varies. boundaries within boundaries are also bounding boxes.

A Zealot is a faceted form made to highlight this condition. For a Zealot to construct space is either to convert space into an object or to convert it into a realm for multiple objects. The forms that dance in the box don’t believe in fragmentation nor continuity, but in moments of activity and moments of rest. My thesis considers the bounding box as the starting point of design when developing the architectural conditions of a given space. What are the implications the bounding box has in architectural practice at all scales – the home, the road, the city? The society we live in is built around parcel restrictions, old city codes, and systemic oppression through zoning practices. Compton’s bounding boxes are being adjusted, built upon, and corrected. This gives opportunity for a Zealot to assist in Compton’s long-term development. A Zealot is not a singular act. It is a series of upgrades that develop with its evolving boundaries. This results in forms that are fanatically uncompromising in their pursuit of the construction of space. The Zealot is the catalyst, Compton is its activator.


Zealots of Compton

Irvin Shaifa





FIG. 11

Thesis Prep



Zealots of Compton Space is perceived through the accumulation of objects. Space is self-referential and is quantified through the X, Y, and Z planes. These planes are infinite, as is the space they define. When space is divided by site limitations, size requirements, or context, these planes are confined to the bounding box. The practice of architecture views the bounding box as a limiter, instead of as a field in which forms may construct space. To construct space within the bounding box is to create with the box in mind: to choose when to smash along its faces, set inward, or even to surpass the given bounding box. A Zealot is a faceted form made to highlight this condition. For a Zealot to construct space is either to convert space into an object or to convert it into a realm for multiple objects. The forms that dance in the box don’t believe in fragmentation nor continuity, but in moments of activity and moments of rest. My thesis considers the bounding box as the starting point of design when developing the architectural conditions of a given space. What are the implications the bounding box has in architectural practice at all scales – the home, the road, the city? The society we live in is built around parcel restrictions, old city codes, and systemic oppression through zoning practices. Compton’s bounding boxes are being adjusted, built upon, and corrected. This gives opportunity for a Zealot to assist in Compton’s long-term development. A Zealot is not a singular act. It is a series of upgrades that develop with its evolving boundaries. This results in forms that are fanatically uncompromising in their pursuit of the construction of space. The Zealot is the catalyst, Compton is its activator.


Zealots of Compton

Irvin Shaifa

Thesis Prep



Zealots of Compton Space is perceived through the accumulation of objects. Space is self-referential and is quantified through the X, Y, and Z planes. These planes are infinite, as is the space they define. When space is divided by site limitations, size requirements, or context, these planes are confined to the bounding box. The practice of architecture views the bounding box as a limiter, instead of as a field in which forms may construct space. To construct space within the bounding box is to create with the box in mind: to choose when to smash along its faces, set inward, or even to surpass the given bounding box.

Fig. 12 FAR is a physical parameter for zoning a lot.

A Zealot is a faceted form made to highlight this condition. For a Zealot to construct space is either to convert space into an object or to convert it into a realm for multiple objects. The forms that dance in the box don’t believe in fragmentation nor continuity, but in moments of activity and moments of rest. My thesis considers the bounding box as the starting point of design when developing the architectural conditions of a given space. What are the implications the bounding box has in architectural practice at all scales – the home, the road, the city? The society we live in is built around parcel restrictions, old city codes, and systemic oppression through zoning practices. Compton’s bounding boxes are being adjusted, built upon, and corrected. This gives opportunity for a Zealot to assist in Compton’s long-term development. A Zealot is not a singular act. It is a series of upgrades that develop with its evolving boundaries. This results in forms that are fanatically uncompromising in their pursuit of the construction of space. The Zealot is the catalyst, Compton is its activator.

Fig. 13 The Los Angeles Times critique of housing development in Los Angeles speaks on the error of zoning accommodating a lifestyle not consistent with the needs today. Many cities - inlucding Compton - are redeveloping with this in mind.

Sources : Compton Zoning Proposal


Zealots of Compton

Irvin Shaifa

FIG. 12

FIG. 13

Thesis Prep



Zealots of Compton Space is perceived through the accumulation of objects. Space is self-referential and is quantified through the X, Y, and Z planes. These planes are infinite, as is the space they define. When space is divided by site limitations, size requirements, or context, these planes are confined to the bounding box. The practice of architecture views the bounding box as a limiter, instead of as a field in which forms may construct space. To construct space within the bounding box is to create with the box in mind: to choose when to smash along its faces, set inward, or even to surpass the given bounding box.

Fig. 14 This house is located in a single family housing zone. This image captures a home prior to its “upgrades”. The image at the bottom reveals the homes new paint job, tiling, and finishes. How would this look if this attitude worked hand in hand with higher density and devloping zone changes in the area?

A Zealot is a faceted form made to highlight this condition. For a Zealot to construct space is either to convert space into an object or to convert it into a realm for multiple objects. The forms that dance in the box don’t believe in fragmentation nor continuity, but in moments of activity and moments of rest. My thesis considers the bounding box as the starting point of design when developing the architectural conditions of a given space. What are the implications the bounding box has in architectural practice at all scales – the home, the road, the city? The society we live in is built around parcel restrictions, old city codes, and systemic oppression through zoning practices. Compton’s bounding boxes are being adjusted, built upon, and corrected. This gives opportunity for a Zealot to assist in Compton’s long-term development. A Zealot is not a singular act. It is a series of upgrades that develop with its evolving boundaries. This results in forms that are fanatically uncompromising in their pursuit of the construction of space. The Zealot is the catalyst, Compton is its activator.

Sources : Google Earth Street View Capture


Zealots of Compton

Irvin Shaifa

FIG. 14

Thesis Prep



Zealots of Compton Space is perceived through the accumulation of objects. Space is self-referential and is quantified through the X, Y, and Z planes. These planes are infinite, as is the space they define. When space is divided by site limitations, size requirements, or context, these planes are confined to the bounding box. The practice of architecture views the bounding box as a limiter, instead of as a field in which forms may construct space. To construct space within the bounding box is to create with the box in mind: to choose when to smash along its faces, set inward, or even to surpass the given bounding box. A Zealot is a faceted form made to highlight this condition. For a Zealot to construct space is either to convert space into an object or to convert it into a realm for multiple objects. The forms that dance in the box don’t believe in fragmentation nor continuity, but in moments of activity and moments of rest. My thesis considers the bounding box as the starting point of design when developing the architectural conditions of a given space. What are the implications the bounding box has in architectural practice at all scales – the home, the road, the city? The society we live in is built around parcel restrictions, old city codes, and systemic oppression through zoning practices. Compton’s bounding boxes are being adjusted, built upon, and corrected. This gives opportunity for a Zealot to assist in Compton’s long-term development. A Zealot is not a singular act. It is a series of upgrades that develop with its evolving boundaries. This results in forms that are fanatically uncompromising in their pursuit of the construction of space. The Zealot is the catalyst, Compton is its activator.


Zealots of Compton

Irvin Shaifa

Thesis Prep



Zealots of Compton Space is perceived through the accumulation of objects. Space is self-referential and is quantified through the X, Y, and Z planes. These planes are infinite, as is the space they define. When space is divided by site limitations, size requirements, or context, these planes are confined to the bounding box. The practice of architecture views the bounding box as a limiter, instead of as a field in which forms may construct space. To construct space within the bounding box is to create with the box in mind: to choose when to smash along its faces, set inward, or even to surpass the given bounding box.

Fig. 15 The red to white variant in this drawing reveals which portion of the Zealot was orginally inserted, and what reacted after.

A Zealot is a faceted form made to highlight this condition. For a Zealot to construct space is either to convert space into an object or to convert it into a realm for multiple objects. The forms that dance in the box don’t believe in fragmentation nor continuity, but in moments of activity and moments of rest. My thesis considers the bounding box as the starting point of design when developing the architectural conditions of a given space. What are the implications the bounding box has in architectural practice at all scales – the home, the road, the city? The society we live in is built around parcel restrictions, old city codes, and systemic oppression through zoning practices. Compton’s bounding boxes are being adjusted, built upon, and corrected. This gives opportunity for a Zealot to assist in Compton’s long-term development. A Zealot is not a singular act. It is a series of upgrades that develop with its evolving boundaries. This results in forms that are fanatically uncompromising in their pursuit of the construction of space. The Zealot is the catalyst, Compton is its activator.


Zealots of Compton

Irvin Shaifa

FIG. 15

Thesis Prep



Zealots of Compton Space is perceived through the accumulation of objects. Space is self-referential and is quantified through the X, Y, and Z planes. These planes are infinite, as is the space they define. When space is divided by site limitations, size requirements, or context, these planes are confined to the bounding box. The practice of architecture views the bounding box as a limiter, instead of as a field in which forms may construct space. To construct space within the bounding box is to create with the box in mind: to choose when to smash along its faces, set inward, or even to surpass the given bounding box. A Zealot is a faceted form made to highlight this condition. For a Zealot to construct space is either to convert space into an object or to convert it into a realm for multiple objects. The forms that dance in the box don’t believe in fragmentation nor continuity, but in moments of activity and moments of rest. My thesis considers the bounding box as the starting point of design when developing the architectural conditions of a given space. What are the implications the bounding box has in architectural practice at all scales – the home, the road, the city? The society we live in is built around parcel restrictions, old city codes, and systemic oppression through zoning practices. Compton’s bounding boxes are being adjusted, built upon, and corrected. This gives opportunity for a Zealot to assist in Compton’s long-term development. A Zealot is not a singular act. It is a series of upgrades that develop with its evolving boundaries. This results in forms that are fanatically uncompromising in their pursuit of the construction of space. The Zealot is the catalyst, Compton is its activator.


Zealots of Compton

Irvin Shaifa

Thesis Prep



Zealots of Compton Space is perceived through the accumulation of objects. Space is self-referential and is quantified through the X, Y, and Z planes. These planes are infinite, as is the space they define. When space is divided by site limitations, size requirements, or context, these planes are confined to the bounding box. The practice of architecture views the bounding box as a limiter, instead of as a field in which forms may construct space. To construct space within the bounding box is to create with the box in mind: to choose when to smash along its faces, set inward, or even to surpass the given bounding box. A Zealot is a faceted form made to highlight this condition. For a Zealot to construct space is either to convert space into an object or to convert it into a realm for multiple objects. The forms that dance in the box don’t believe in fragmentation nor continuity, but in moments of activity and moments of rest. My thesis considers the bounding box as the starting point of design when developing the architectural conditions of a given space. What are the implications the bounding box has in architectural practice at all scales – the home, the road, the city? The society we live in is built around parcel restrictions, old city codes, and systemic oppression through zoning practices. Compton’s bounding boxes are being adjusted, built upon, and corrected. This gives opportunity for a Zealot to assist in Compton’s long-term development. A Zealot is not a singular act. It is a series of upgrades that develop with its evolving boundaries. This results in forms that are fanatically uncompromising in their pursuit of the construction of space. The Zealot is the catalyst, Compton is its activator.


Zealots of Compton

Irvin Shaifa

Thesis Prep



Zealots of Compton Space is perceived through the accumulation of objects. Space is self-referential and is quantified through the X, Y, and Z planes. These planes are infinite, as is the space they define. When space is divided by site limitations, size requirements, or context, these planes are confined to the bounding box. The practice of architecture views the bounding box as a limiter, instead of as a field in which forms may construct space. To construct space within the bounding box is to create with the box in mind: to choose when to smash along its faces, set inward, or even to surpass the given bounding box. A Zealot is a faceted form made to highlight this condition. For a Zealot to construct space is either to convert space into an object or to convert it into a realm for multiple objects. The forms that dance in the box don’t believe in fragmentation nor continuity, but in moments of activity and moments of rest. My thesis considers the bounding box as the starting point of design when developing the architectural conditions of a given space. What are the implications the bounding box has in architectural practice at all scales – the home, the road, the city? The society we live in is built around parcel restrictions, old city codes, and systemic oppression through zoning practices. Compton’s bounding boxes are being adjusted, built upon, and corrected. This gives opportunity for a Zealot to assist in Compton’s long-term development. A Zealot is not a singular act. It is a series of upgrades that develop with its evolving boundaries. This results in forms that are fanatically uncompromising in their pursuit of the construction of space. The Zealot is the catalyst, Compton is its activator.


Zealots of Compton

Irvin Shaifa

Thesis Prep




Zealots of Compton

Irvin Shaifa

Thesis Prep




Zealots of Compton

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