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UI/UX Designer
Graphic Designer
Publication Specialist
Wh o is A s iimwe I saac?

Asiimwe loves messing around, not just in life but with design. This is how he finds out what creative execution will work and what won’t. A senior creative in Graphic Design and Conceptualization, with 6 years under his belt, he has honed a diverse box of creative skills that’s not limited to logo design, Branding, Advertising, UI design and Publications Specialist. He also has a Bachelor of Graphic Communication Design from Nkumba University. The inherent need to always pull off the unexpected is the fuel to his creative fire burning.

Currently working at Fireworks Advertising Agency - Uganda as a Senior Graphic Designer, Asiimwe has helped Clients pulloff the most interactive, dynamic and creative work in out of home & digital spaces. Asiimwe’s work has transcended creative boundaries, causing a stir and sparking conversations for brands.

The Asiimwe touch can be experienced on brands like Centenary Bank, NSSF, PEPSI Uganda, Ministry of Health-Uganda, Club Pilsner, African Queen Ltd, Innovation Village, Roke telkom, MasterCard Foundation, Uganda Youth and Adolescent Health Forum, BEU Permaculture, Canaan Soda, Uganda Free Zones Authority, Samasha, Save the Children Ug, etc.

Favquot e

20 years from n ow you wil l be m o re d i sappoin t ed by the things yo u didn’t do than th e things you did . so thr ow o f f the b owlines, sail aw ay from the sa f e habour and ca t ch th e t rade winds in your sa i ls . ex p l o re. dre am . d i s cove r .

by Mark T.



Design & the design p r o ce ss, To lo o se my s e lf t o Dan ce, Singing in the sh owe r , Playing dangerous Sports, Wa t ching m ovies, Traveling, e t c

The New Green Apple Campaign - Mirinda(Pepsi Uganda)

Energizing the Future Campaign - Total Energies

Fresh New Look Same Great Flavour

Campaign - Mirinda(Pepsi Uganda)

All New Ford Ranger 2023 Campaign - Ford/MotorCare

Whatsapp Banking

Campaign - Centenary Bank

Prepaid Card & CenteVisa Card

Centenary Group Award Winning Annual Reports


New Centenary Bank

Mobile App Design(CenteMoblie UI)

App Interface Design(Pulaniki App)

Vine Pads

Package Design

Alika Dried Pineaple Slices Front

Digital Economy Show Case Campaign

Innovation Village/Mastercard

Mess With Your Senses Campaign - Mirinda

New PET Bottled Mountain Dew (ALL PEPSI PRODUCTS)


Centenary Group

Centenary Bank 40 Years Celebrations and the New brand repositioning / Promise

Dynamic CVV, CenteXpress & Kisusse Campaigns - Centenary Bank

Open For Campaign - NSSF


Campaign - Centenary Bank

Purple Party Tour - Club Pilsner

Campaign - African Queen Ltd

CenteRevolving Stock Financing Campaign - Centenary Bank

CenteInvest & CenteWay Campaigns - Centenary Bank

Centenary Group

2023 Calendar

Websites and User Interfaces

CenteMobile App Usage Campaign - Centenary Bank

Thank You

I'm currently available for full-time or freelance projects work. If you're interested in working with me, please get in touch using one of the contacts below:

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