Id Landeros Architecture Design Portfolio

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Isaac Landeros Architecture Landscape Design 2015


Isaac Landeros Birth Date: October 28th 1983 Place of Birth: Guadalajara, Mexico Full Name: Isaac Abraham Diaz Landeros Nationality: Mexican Current Residence: Beijing, China E-mail: Mother Language: Spanish Other Languages: Fluent English, basic French Status: Single Education: M.Arch. National Autonomus University of Mexico 2012 Honors: Honorable Mention for Research Thesis Software Skills: Adobe Suite (Ps, Ai, Id) AutoCAD, 3ds Max, Basic Rhino, Office Suite

ISAAC LANDEROS A self-confident young architect and landscape designer with a creative and flexible mindset. Design is a challenge and has to be solved in a resourceful and in an innovative manner; in order to achieve this I strive to apply planning and organizational skills when team work is needed easing the communication and directing the efforts towards a problem solving approach.


2012-Current Chief Designer Landscape, Planning and Architecture

ECLA Beijing

Summer 2012 Architecture and landscape internship at ECLA International Group LACAL Arquitectura en estudio 2010-2011 Co-founder of LACAL freelance architecture studio Works: Residences JS1, JS2, JS3, Colima, Mexico Casa Seatle, Zapopan, Mexico CUGARPE Flagship Store, Guadalajara, Mexico La Pipa Art House 2010-2011 Co-founder of LaPipa Art House, Project aiming to promote local art and design talent

Art Millennium

Arquitectos e Ingenieros Constructores 2006-2009 Chief Designer Selected Works: Puerto Vallarta Country Club. Urban design Architecture and interior design of eighteen model residences, sales house, club house and shopping mall 210 ha Acueducto Tres60. Hines. Two high standard residental towers, 31 stories high. Supervision of construction logistics and As Built plans FIAT Guadalajara Flagship Store. Supervision of construction logistics and As Built plans

AWARDS & HONORS MArch. Graduation with Honors MArch. Graduation with Academic Distinction BArch. Graduation with Academic Distinction 1st prize. 2004. Medical Clinic Competition. Convocated by Guadalajara Rotary Club and Universidad de Guadalajara 1st prize. 2005. Cultural Ethnic Center Competition. Convocated by Tuxpan ethnic community 2nd prize. 2005. Child Protection Center Competiton. Convocated by Tequila Rotary Club and Univerisdad de Guadalajara



The Origin The Believes The Strategies The Principles The Process Behind


The Projects 2012-2015 Prior 2012


Graphic Design Product Design Exhibitions Research


The Origin The Believes The Strategies The Principles The Process Behind

...translate desires and needs into spatial solutions; into tools that enhance our daily activities and experiences.



How to go from the intimacy of the bed to the urban panoramic exposure? How to go from the micro scale fracture to the macro projection of problems? How to move from individual perception to a collective spatial construction? How to understand the disproportionate, metabolic megacities as an inclusive, comfortable, accessible, exhilarating place to dwell? These were, these remain still, my questions. Both architecture and landscape design have helped me to understand in a different perspective the way we live and the way we built our environment. It has always mesmerized me how sometimes what takes place in a space is more important than the place itself, or sometimes is the other way around, but what architecture and landscape have helped me realize is that is possible to tune place and situation to create unique and extraordinary experiences.



The space reflects our way to deal and understand our reality, it is a way to express our aspirations and desires, is the materialization of our achievements and a medium to read the ongoing circumstances. As we move through the space we create new stories across the ever changing urban scenarios, these stories are woven in an intricate fabric that intertwines intimacy and exposure, simplicity and opulence, solitude and multitude, tragedy and joy; in a word: complexity. As designers (in the broader sense of the word) space represents an exhilarating breeding ground that gathers an endless source of inspiration to be translated into answers that help to improve in every possible way our interactions with our world.



To make sense out of the complexity of our environment and translate this sense into functional aesthetic answers collaboration is needed. Team work is a source of strength when a complex task needs to be reached, the expertise and skills of professionals from different knowledge areas can contribute to more pertinent solutions. For this, collaboration under a full mind set is unavoidable. To keep up with this stimulating times flexibility is a strategy to keep all design channels open, in order to find the right answers to the right questions an experimentation path through research has to be followed. Complexity leads to research, research to experimentation, and experimentation to innovation; at the end of this process the results can be not only a formal whim but a comprehensive response to critical matters. Regardless the amount of strategies used every process has to be undertaken into a clear time frame. Time management becomes crucial when considering the speed at which changes occur in present times.

Constantly we are unfolding our day through different scales. From the intimacy of our beds to the openness of the public realm.



How to fulfill the expectations of design market while staying true to oneself convictions? This is a matter of pertinence. What has to be done? Why has to be done and with what means? These are questions that help to identify the true urgency of a design problem. Under this lens it is easier to give appropriate answers within the expected scope while keeping a self-sense of design integrity. The deepness of the answer depends on its very own context. At the same time, design has to be a task that tries to stay true to the spirit of the times and the spirit of the place. It goes further than zeitgeist and genius loci. Design is the full acceptance of our needs as society in order to embrace them to find out what is the best tool that will help us to overcome those needs.



Design is a process that starts with attentive listening and observation, thus lead to the detection of the question (the problem) followed by a hypothesis or a series of hypotheses, those could be related to the function, the shape, the materials, the desieres, the general and particular constraints, the reverie. These hypotheses require confirmation through experimentation. That takes us from a space that calls to action to a problem that triggers it. The experimentation could take different ways of development, different ways to take shape: from texts to diagrams, from sketches to models to renders, from field research to lab production. The final goal is to achieve the most pertinent answer regarding time, material resources, budget and social and aesthetic aspirations.

listening and observation

the question lead to (the problem) that triggers hypotheses

after a thoughtful and multilayered approach

experimental action is needed

to achieve the optimal results


The Projects 2012-2015 Prior 2012


Jiaozuo Nanshuibeidiao Planning and Landscape Renovation Project Location: Jiaozuo, Henan, China Area: 11.4 km2 of Planning / 2.4 km2 of Landscape CSCEC GC Studio 2013


Nanshui Beidiao is a massive aqueduct that diverts water from South to North of China dividing the city of Jiaozuo right through the middle. This urban scar has isolated the developing areas of the city located on the South of the more traditional areas located on the North. The core goal of this project was to restore and enhance all the flows that were interrupted by the pass of the infrastructure through the creation of a mixed use park along the water channel. This new green infrastructure would give the city an opportunity to relink all its activities in a vibrant environment at the same time helping to relieve environmental problems as seasonal floods and increasing pollution levels.

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政府 Government


行云广场 The Esplanade


展示中心 Exhibition Hall


山形建筑 The Mountain Exhibition Center


植物园 Botanical Garden


游龙坡 Dragon Slope



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纪念碑 The Memorial


连桥 Bridges

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五星级酒店 5 Stars Hotel


城铁广场 Train Plaza

零售商铺 Retail Area


渗透池 Infiltration Ponds

Hongqi Stag Lake Planning and Landscape Project / SD Location: Hongqi, Hainan, China Area: 12.7 km2 CSCEC GC Studio 2013

A tourism development in a privileged place of the island of Hainan comprising a hotel with convention and exhibition center, a boutique hotel with spa and a set of villas for short stays. One of the main challenges of this project was to introduce the buildings respectfully with the natural environment. The lake and its surroundings are an agricultural area that was integrated into the concept of the landscape design giving a unique personality to the project while allowing the integration of the activities of the locals.

The landscape extends through artificial islands into the lake creating a green ribbon that unifies all the areas in the project. Both the concept and the grid used in the architecture, the master plan and landscaping, are derived from patterns taken from the geometry of plants and flowers.

Qionghai Cultural and Sports Center Architecture and Landscape Project / SD Location: Qionghai, Hainan, China Area: 15.47 ha CSCEC GC Studio 2013


a small town a new project of urban infrastructure can mean a great opportunity for development and innovation. How to make that specific project to meet the financial and social expectations of the place is not an easy task. For the Cultural and Sports Center of Qionghai the strategy was to promote a high density development with a high diversity of uses. Densely programmed mixed uses have proven to be successful in developing compact cities with high rates of both economic and social gains. The architecture is inspired by the cornices of the traditional houses of the area, which creates ribbons that unify all facades. That ribbon is what merges in one continuous space a stadium for 30, 000 people, a multi-sport facility for 10,000 people and a theater for 5,000. In addition, it integrates a commercial area that serves the main buildings and ensures constant use of the venue. Everything is crowned with a large roof garden that works as a meeting and recreation area.

Shipyard Office Park Planning and Landscape Project / SD Location: Qingdao, Shandong, China Area: 408, 247 m2 (Architecture) 12.4 ha (Landscape) CSCEC GC Studio 2014

BY recycling

abandoned spaces within an urban area there is an opportunity to revitalize a place in decline and to do so through sustainable principles. An abandoned shipyard south of Qingdao becomes a center of digital innovation supported by a set of service building that increase the value of the development and raise the interest of both users and residents of the area. The renewal of the waterfront includes public activities that leverage the existing condition of the levees to generate vibrant spaces where ramps, bridges and platforms meet and mingle with the industrial heritage of the site. A commercial area, a private marina, a ferry station, a yacht club, amphitheaters and a seafront promenade are the heart of the innovation center located north of the project.

Cheng Yang Sales House Landscape Project / SD / DD / CD Location: Qingdao, Shandong, China Area: 6,921 m2 CSCEC GC Studio 2014


weaving of carpets with geometric patterns is a cultural expression in Shandong, these artifacts are well appreciated in China because of their colors and their intricate designs. Reflect this tradition in the landscape design for a new office and commercial development was a way to integrate it with the idiosyncrasy of the city inhabitants. Four courtyards organize the space in different functions that allow having at the same time marketing shows, customer service areas, rest areas and a multifunctional parking. The colors, materials and spatial distribution have been consistent with the design of traditional courtyards and the identity of the real estate product in promotion. All has been developed under a fresh and contemporary language.

Cheng Yang Business Center Architecture and Landscape Project / SD Location: Qingdao, Shandong, China Area: 87, 205 m2 (Architecture) 3.29 ha (Landscape) CSCEC GC Studio 2014


iconic building can give character to an area of the city and can become a magnet to raise its value beyond the architectural boundaries. Shandong Province and especially the port of Qingdao have an important naval tradition that was taken as inspiration for the design of this office complex. Five volumes resembling sails remind the old merchant ships and house offices, convention centers and hotels. At the base, a retail park with container-shops gives the abstract idea of a keel boat and functions as a reference and meeting point, as an area that promotes the meeting and ideas exchange of users. The main goal is to create an exciting space that promotes the free interaction of people.

Cheng Yang MAX Office Complex Landscape Project / SD / DD Location: Qingdao, Shandong, China Area: 21, 056 m2 CSCEC GC Studio 2014


have restrictions could mean a source of strengths on designing matters. In the Cheng Yang Max Office Complex of Shandong the building density, the amount of parking lots needed, the road surface and the high amount of entrances to the buildings barely left any area for landscape design or even green areas. After adding all the restriction together and analyzing the possibilities left it was possible to achieve an interesting solution: a green river in two axes. From north to south in the central axis and from west to east in the main entrance lane a green river would organize the landscape design allowing to have a wider exposure to the concentrated green areas. The parking areas where confined to the perimeter of the buildings and were integrated to the landscape design through pavement patterns and the inclusion of vegetation. The green river solution allowed the project to increase the greenery perception while keeping the budget and the site constraints.

Digital Innovation Center Landscape Project / SD / DD / CD Location: Beijing, China Area: 6, 107 m2 CSCEC GC Studio 2014


landscape design can become a pretext to stimulate collaboration of creative communities. In an innovation center is important to have a space that allows the distraction and relaxation of its users while integrating it with the architectural design. At the Center for Digital Innovation north of Beijing was paramount to follow these premises and create a comfortable space that could also encourage people interaction. A dome that is located at the center of the plot allows the entry of natural light to an underground parking and it becomes the landscape generator point. Around this skylight a series of vegetable terraces and ponds recall the natural environment of wetlands and four platforms serve as a comfortable area for working outdoors, to have lunch or just to clear the mind for a moment.

Yichun Hotel Master Planning Project / SD Location: Yichun, Jiangxi, China Area: 6.18 ha CSCEC GC Studio 2013


can a tourism project be introduced in an area whose primary vocation is agricultural? Productive landscapes are the answer. In a rural community to ensure the success of any intervention is important that local activities are respected and the integration of its inhabitants is considered. Taking this into attention Yichun hotel retracted to the limits of the site and gave prominence to the existing paddy fields. Respect for the agricultural potential of the site with a respectful landscape intervention that allows visitors to approach farm work became a key factor in this project.

Agrigarden Beijing Club Architecture and Landscape Project / SD / DD / CD Location: Bejing, China Area: 310 m2 (Architecture) 1, 576 m2 (Landscape) CSCEC GC Studio 2013


idea of exuberance in a greenhouse could be something difficult to achieve since its vegetation already achieve that. For a private club in the middle of a greenhouse the challenge is to create a design that enhances that exuberant feeling without exceeding it. This project mixed South Asian influences with the Chinese garden tradition to render a colorful and stylish answer. On the exterior, splashes of color are settled with exotic vegetation while in the interior an intimate ambience is created through the use of warmer colors and indirect lights.

Manzhouli Resort Planning, Architecture and Landscape Project / SD / DD / CD Location: Manzhouli, Inner Mongolia, China Area: 69, 800 m2 (Architecture) 46 ha (Landscape) CSCEC GC Studio 2014

AN extreme weather is a major difficulty when designing tourism

venues. In the northern city of Manzhouli temperatures can drop as low as below 45째 C in winter time and go as high as 35째 C summer. Other difficulties come when the site of the project is located in a major crossroad for three different cultures: Chinese, Russian and Mongolian. By keeping in consideration both natural and cultural characteristics the design can evolve into a challenging task that has to balance all the implications. A wood trade exhibition center, a 10,000 sqm club house, a hotel and 58 cabins are the main program for this development where wood structures met a grassland inspired landscape with patterns and elements taken from the cultural heritage of the site.

Chang Li King’s Winery Residences Architecture Project / SD Location: Tianjin, Beijing, China Area: 15,000 m2 CSCEC GC Studio 2014

A winery and its vineyard can become the main marketing strategy for a brand. People attracted to the lifestyle around the enology are also attracted to the places where wines are produce; thus is important to create an architecture image that matches the expectations.

The earthy characteristics of the site in Tianjing and the color pallet derived from the chromatic variety of the wines gave the key features of the set of villas and apartments that comprise the hospitality facilities for Chang’s King Winery. The main goal was to set a spatial solution that could recall the rich body and the flavors of the wine testing experience

Helsinki Guggenheim Museum (Undelivered Proposal) Architecture Project / SD Location: Helsinki, Finland Area: 12,500 m2 CSCEC GC Studio 2014

A new museum is an excellent excuse to increase the vitality of an urban

area. Located in the heart of the Historic Helsinki, the site for the new Guggenheim museum presented interesting urban and architecture challenges. To integrate a building of this kind into the daily life of a city it has to work as an extension of it, as a platform where people can relate to each other and to their unique surroundings. For this purposes the scheme has considered a plinth that undulates throughout the site working as a public space that projects the museum activities beyond its limits taken as inspiration the beautiful and dramatic landscapes of the Nordic fiords. This is the public realm that brings together city, art and people. Above, almost floating in a leafy balance, the main galleries are set in order to contribute to the skyline without diminishing the allure of the existing landmarks.

Weifang Research Center Planning and Landscape Project / SD Location: Anqiu, Shandong, China Area: 27.65 ha CSCEC GC Studio 2014


project is a research facility that includes a university and a science theme park in a retreat area of the province of Shandong. When the collaboration between institutions is a need the space that they have to develop frequent encounters is essential. Architecture and landscape play a main role in connecting people and providing the right frame for these meetings to happen. With a beautiful site as a starting point for this research community the main goal was to link every research, academic, exhibition and residential compound to each other and all of them to the natural surroundings to improve the stay of the researches and the collaboration between them.

Changchun Mixed Use Complex Master Planning Project / SD Location: Changchun, Jilin, China Area: 45.77 ha CSCEC GC Studio 2013


promoting high density developments is possible to achieve more livable and efficient urban centers. This mixed use project includes commercial areas, office buildings, two hotels and an exhibition and conference center. The aim is to have a range of options in different levels and with different market targets to attract a wide range of users guaranteeing a high use rate. In a city with rough winters as Changchun is far more efficient to have as much urban facilities as close as possible to increase the efficiency while reducing the transportation and the heating consumption.

Dianli Sports Center Architecture and Landscape Project / SD Location: Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, China Area: 39, 368 m2 (Architecture) 1.19 ha (Landscape) CSCEC GC Studio 2014

FOR an electricity company in the north of China was a great opportunity to show its environmental concern through an energy efficient sports facility. This building is cover by an enormous roof garden emulating the surrounding grasslands which would allow the regulation of the energy consumption by implementing passive design strategies.

An Olympic swimming pool and several basketball, tennis and volley ball courts were consider in the west building along a social club and two restaurants while the east building is a hotel and conference center for the Electricity Company.

Tianjin Longsha Architecture Project / SD Location: Tianjin, Beijing, China Area: 24, 104 m2 CSCEC GC Studio 2013

SIX apartment

buildings could change the perception on how a residential community should look like. With a decided basaltic formal answer but softened with wood strips as faรงade, the proposal intends to refresh the imagery related to this typology. Each level has two apartments that by exchanging the location of their terraces and balconies achieve an intricate result parting from a simple principle.

W Fitness Interior Design Project / SD / DD / CD Location: Beijing, China Area: 1, 937 m2 CSCEC GC Studio 2013


create a brand identity for this Fitness Center chain an urban yet bold style was suggested with few and simple materials and elements. An upbeat atmosphere is transmitted by color and light accents in carefully selected items with a contrasting white ceiling that helps to increase the perception of wider and brighter areas. It is intended as a place comfortable when exercising but also a place where costumers could feel compel to stay longer in its facilities.

Fangshan Hotel Gardens Landscape Project / SD / DD / CD Location: Beijing, China Area: 2, 625 m2 CSCEC GC Studio 2014


reinvent the Chinese Garden is needed to understand far more than its basic principles. For the inner gardens in Fangshan Hotel located in Beijing it was a challenge to take those principles into a new interpretation that could relate to the tradition but yet be decidedly contemporary. The elongated illusion of the water features, the vegetation screens that work as a layered stage, the self-standing walls that both protect and frame the views, all elements have been consider in a depurated fashion leaving them in its purest intentions.





Acueducto Tres60 Architecture Project / Built Location: Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico Area: 14,746 m2 Hines 2006-2009


60 Acueducto is a 27-story, 169,499-square-foot residential building located on Acueducto Street in Zapopan, an affluent suburb of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. The condominium tower consists of 108 units ranging from 1,216 square feet to 2,012 square feet, offering a variety of unique amenities, such as automated access control, a club room, fitness and sports facilities, VIP Cinema, infant playground, outdoor terraces and landscaped areas covering more than 60 percent of the grounds. The San Francisco-based architectural firm of Kaplan, McLaughlin Diaz (KMD Architects) was the design architect leading the project in their Mexico City office with JC Name as the production architect. The project was completed in 2009.

Hines Tres60 Acueducto (2009) Retrieved from:

La Rioja Architecture Project / Built Location: Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico Area: 43 ha GIG Group 2007

LA Rioja was a new residential development that needed an identity to compete with a highly demanding real estate market. It was requested to design a fresh style that young couples could relate to with a contemporary language and clear lines. Both the architecture concept and the brand identity were borne taken in consideration the legacy of the vineyards of La Rioja, Spain but mixing it with an international flavor.

This was intended as a “fusion architecture� approach were different styles melted together in order to let emerge the best characteristics of each in a depurated manner. It was designed the main gate, shopping area, club house, apartment building and nine residence prototypes to consolidate the style and the marketing image for the development. The mix was a success and was rapidly embrace by customers.

Justo Sierra Residences Architecture Project / Built Location: Colima, Colima, Mexico Area: 250 m2 each residence FERMA Group 2009


the warm and colorful city of Colima three medium residences where designed to meet the budget constraints by unifying the style with small variations in the selection of colors and materials. The result is a fresh and simple compact group that aspires to be a comfortable place to live and to contribute to the beauty of the surroundings.


Graphic Design Product Design Exhibitions Research

Diego Rivera: Pride of Mexico Graphic Design Location: NAMOC Museum, Beijing Date: October to December 2014 Embassy of Mexico

A graphic design project for the Embassy of Mexico in China celebrating the Mexican muralist Diego Rivera. The selection of colors relate both to the Mexican tradition and to the extensive work of the artist.




Magic Mexico Graphic Design Location: Yugong Yishan, Beijing Date: May 2014 Embassy of Mexico Poster, flyers and banners designed for the concert of the Mexican Institute of Sound.

Shichahai Qianhai West Street No.17, Xicheng District, Beijing (Near Dingfu Street)

北京市西城区什刹海前海西街17号(近定阜街) La exhibición estará disponible hasta el 22 de noviembre 2013 Exhibition will run until November 22nd, 2013

展览会一直持续到 2013年11月22日

Portada: La muerte garbancera. José Guadalupe Posada. Cover: Elegant Skull. José Guadalupe Posada. Diseño, design: Isaac Landeros

Shichahai Qianhai Calle del Oeste, No.17, Distrito Xicheng, Beijing (Cerca de la calle Dingfu)

La muer te

tiene permiso

José Guadalupe Posada 100 años

Death is allowed Graphic Design Location: Prince Kung’s Mansion, Beijing Date: October to November 2013 Embassy of Mexico Invitations, posters, banners and flyers in commemoration of the centenary of the death of Mexican artist Jose Guadalupe Posada.



Un poco de Bef con un toque de Isaac Landeros

BEF in China Graphic Design Location: Book Worm, Beijing Date: March 2014 Embassy of Mexico Banners and flyers designed for the presentations of Mexican fiction writer BEF.

2014年3月13日,周四下午5:30 经 大胆 家,在中 个世 最近 进程看待 “拉 南德 和贝 哥• 圣 的 发 提 无 国 界 几 ” 西 美 斯 尔 龙 地 班 的 ( 纳 卡 亚 使 魅 表 出 论 , 的 年 牙 两 Be 多 略 院 馆 力 作 创 是 许 影 , 语 个 f) • 洛 生 联 、 。 品 新 经 多 响 西 文 视 费 ( 于 袂 上 墨 来呈 设 典 来 力 班 尔 他 B 利 呈 海 西哥 现 想 文 自西 与日 牙语 学创 角来 由 们 ef, 马 现 九 驻 这 的 人 班 作 俱 久 文 文 还 2 中 创 1 )和圣地 读 华 一 学 是 牙 增 学 的 和 。 在 届 014 国著作经972 贝 亚 书 大使语言 青 拉 整 年 年 尔 哥 人 时 年 美 , 会 3月 名学历的 生 纳 • 和 馆、 的 他 有 1 者 交 于 多 龙 北 秘 作 们 墨 • 卡 京 同 3 都 声 日,魏然谈。 西 费 略 塞 鲁驻 已 哥 尔 洛 万 传 译 周四主持本次 城 南 ( 提 华大 斯 下 。 谈 )的 德斯197 学 话 一 午 5年 将 场 5: 关 30 于

y re añ ex u La de lat Be y B ino f, er jó Am pre os. ten na li cr na lit ven éric sen En did fue ter eac am R Sa r Pe erar es p a La tad Ch o po rza atu ión eric “Do do F onc ntia er ag go de rú, ias. rom tin as p ina r to mu ra liter ana s n li y a Pek la E La esa a qu or n , la do ltip en aria s a m ánd olo en Be ín, dito Em s qu e v um s le el m lica es en l p irad ez, d a r e p au un rna re ria ba e o n d ero tra un or pañ sp oc as ac tor a c rdo sen l Sh jada fre esd sos s e do a q ol año eso Ju adé es har Fer tan ang de cen e a esc n e en lo ue tie l”. e r u la m a Se eve ic sta s nán Sa hai M inn tor itor spa s ú se ne co s 13 o c rán ob de nt 99 éxic ova es es ñol ltim ha ia r h nt ar de ino m e su z, Be go y E o, la dora clás de E est os á c m W od R l s ic s á on arz ei er exp f (C onc Inst Em pro os h pañ n int o d Ran ado er iud agli itut ba pu as a er e 2 . s ien ad olo o C jad est ta pr 0 po cia de (L er a as et 14 r M im v d ac a el crea éx a, ant el ión las inv tiva ico, 197 es sim 17:3 es . A 197 5) ult 0 h tig m 2) án rs ad bo ea . or s al y m an da rín .

Dos miradas latinoamericanas al proceso de creación literaria en español Jueves 13 de marzo de 2014 a las 17:30 hrs.

Dos miradas latinoamericanas

Graphic Design Location: Instituto Cervantes, Beijing Date: March 2014 Embassy of Mexico

Invitations and flyers for the presentation of Latinamerican writers BEF and Santiago Roncagliolo.



Sino-Swiss Graphic Design Date: April 2014 Sino-Swiss Industrial Cluster

Logo design for the Sino-Swiss Industrial Cluster in Guizhou, China.

Jiaozuo Nanshuibeidiao Graphic Design Location: Instituto Cervantes, Beijing Date: March 2014 Embassy of Mexico Logo design for the landscape project of the linear park along the Nanshuibeidiao in the city of Jiaozuo, China.



W Fitness Graphic Design Location: Beijing, China CSCEC GC Studio 2013 Branding proposal for W Fitness Center that included the graphic guidelines and the interior design identity.



Urban Furniture. 2013

Wayfinding System. 2014

Speaker’s Corner. 2012

Concept design for urban furniture in a wide range of projects. Wayfinding system signs, benches, pergolas, planters and public expression forums.



Death is allowed Exhibition Location: Prince Kung’s Mansion, Beijing Date: October to November 2013 Embassy of Mexico A graphic design and curatorship project for the Embassy of Mexico in China in commemoration of the centenary of the death of Mexican artist Jose Guadalupe Posada.


Displaced substance Exhibition Location: Art Beijing 2014, Beijing Date: May 2014

Exhibition designed to expose and bring Mexican architecture closer to the Chinese audience from a contemporary perspective and from the vision of three expatriate architects


What we have left to remember? What are the witnesses of the time? How a time is marked with truthfulness? The architecture, that incorruptible witness of history, helps us look back to find that what happened actually was. An architectural retrospective, however short it may be, it helps to understand a little more where we come from and where we go. Mexico, with all its diversity has formed over time strong iconic images that have not only made history but have stuck in the imagination of an entire nation.

As time goes by, the image takes longer to reach the memory, and so the displaced substance (in time, in space, in culture) is set as a vague memory, as a distant dream, as a pleasant illusion. An imprecise idea, just an outline of the original work, is embodied in the mind and heart. Veiled lines appear one after another to accommodate an image, although distorted, awakens an intense feeling of rootedness and belonging. A retrospective serves to understand more, but mostly serves to remember better.


In Transit Transfer collective spaces From anonymity to appropriation Master Degree Research Date: 2010-2012

This research is not about transit or urban mobility. It is not even about transportation hubs. This research is an attempt to find new ways to understand and dwell the city. The contemporary scattered urban space, highly fragmented, converges in one node: the transfer collective space. It is in the unexpected situations of the urban activities, in the individual and collective construction of space-sensory perception that is handled through traffic, that architecture can focus its attention and seek for the exponential increase of the event, however insignificant it may seem, that allows the fatigued inhabitants overcome their situation of deep cyclical monotony.


Landscape Intelligence for Interurban Networks Alex Camprubi Isaac Landeros CSCEC GC Studio Date: 2013

Chinese rural fabric comprises a structure and a density that could be easily related to the one found in urban side, the main differences between them are their spreading patterns and their land cost benefit ratio. For one hand, there is the need to reconsider migration trends that keep displacing a big amount of people from villages to main cities and, for the other, increasing efficiency through incorporating a mixture of infrastructures, industries and services in rural areas is a paramount task. The use of Landscape Intelligence applied on continuous interurban networks influences urban growth patterns, land value, traditional mobility and urban flows, the forms of production and wealth. The new paradigm is to make rural areas as desirable, as valuable and as profitable as the cities are, although, much more sustainable.


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