OUTPARCEL DEVELOPMENT DESIGN CRITERIA Overview and Site Development Requirements Building and Development Guidelines
3-5 6-7
Tenant Signage Criteria Design Intent and Allowable Signs Allowable Sign Types Signage Design Service Door Signs and Temporary Signs Responsibilities + Prohibited Signs
9-10 11
12 13
OVERVIEW + SITE DEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS OVERVIEW: The Lake Boone Trail Retail Outparcel Development Design Standards is not an ordinance but a set of guidelines that is intended to be made a part of, or a condition to, the approval for all development, specifically retail, and commercial uses. The standards address retail and commercial site development, building design guidelines, and sign design standards. These guidelines are intended to create a high quality retail or commercial environment at each site. Specific building guidelines address creating a single, unified and integrated development using architectural design and features that relate to pedestrian concerns and human scale. The owner has the right to review and approve all site development, building design plans, and tenant signage. Each outparcel is zoned CX-4-PL and each site plan and building must adhere to the City of Raleigh Unified Development Ordinance.
CX - 4 - PL Commercial Mixed Use - 4=Stories Max. Hight - Parking Limited Commercial Mixed Use (CX-)
1. CX- is intended to provide for a variety of residential, retail, service and commercial uses. 2. While CX- accommodates commercial uses, the inclusion of residential and employment uses are strongly encouraged in order to promote live-work and mixed use opportunities.
Parking Limited (PL)
A. Parking Limited (-PL) Diagram 1.1
The -PL Frontage is intended for areas where access to buildings by automobile is desired but where some level of walkability is maintained. Permits a maximum of 2 bays of on-site parking with a single drive aisle between the building and the street right-of-way. 1. Hight limit for frontage (max) of 4 stories. 2. A maximum of 2 bays of on-site parking with a single drive aisle is permitted between the building and the street. 3. Primary street-facing entrance required (min of 1 per building). 4. Direct pedestrian access is required from the public sidewalk to the primary street-facing entrance of the building
(Access management /site specific development plan required for Owner and City Review) Diagram 1.0
Site requirements such as ingress and egress, and utilities are to be treated as amenities and developed in such a way as to be harmonious with the building design and unified project requirements. 1. All landscaping is to be irrigated and shall use recycled/reuse water, whenever available. 2. Site design must include a pathway to allow for pedestrian and bicycle connection from the surrounding residential development. 3. Site design should attempt to create a “main street” style and not a strip approach type of organization to the buildings on the site. a) The identity of “main street” should be reinforced by a pedestrian oriented streetscape including sidewalk, street lighting theme and landscaping. b) Alternative design and landscaping options may be dictated by size and shape of the parcel and approved by the Owner 4. Buildings must be organized in blocks with the front door oriented to the main street and not a parking lot. Buildings shall maintain a minimum setback of ten (10’) feet from the back of curb. In any multi-tenant commercial parcel, the tenant façade shall be design to encourage pedestrian scale and variety.
Any outparcel which requires curb cuts for purposes of ingress and egress, shall be subject to the following provisions: 1. No more than two (2) combined entrances and exits shall be allowed on any parcel or property, the frontage of which is less than two hundred (200) feet on any one street. 2. At street intersections, no curb cut shall be located within twenty-five (25) feet of the intersection of two curb lines or such lines extended. 3. The grade of entrance and exit shall slope away from the road surface at a rate not less than one- fourth (l/4) inch per foot and not more than one (1) inch per foot for a distance equivalent to the prevailing width of the shoulder. 4. The maximum width of any driveway shall not exceed thirty (30) feet measured at the right-of-way line. 5. The maximum width of any curb cut including curb returns shall not exceed thirty (30) feet; and the sum of the two (2) curb return radii for any one (1) curb cut shall not exceed fifteen (15) feet. 6. Shared access driveways and cross access easements between outparcels shall be provided for abutting, compatible uses in order to minimize the number of driveway cuts. A joint access easement shall be recorded prior to issuance of the first building permit. 3
SITE DEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS (CONT.) LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS AND PARKING LOT DESIGN: A. Intent 1. The intent of the vehicle parking lot landscaping requirements is to minimize the visual impact of large areas of vehicular parking as viewed from the public right-of-way and dissipate the effects of the urban heat island. 2. A well designed parking lot utilizes landscaped islands and clear delineations to break the parking lot into smaller segments. 3. Tree and shrub plantings should not interfere with the pedestrian circulation on the site. B. Application
D. Queuing Areas 1. Adequate space must be made available on-site for the stacking, storage and queuing of vehicles. 2. Vehicles using drive-thru facilities may not encroach on or interfere with the public use of streets and sidewalks by vehicles or pedestrians. 3. A restaurant with drive-thru facilities must provide at least 8 queuing spaces for vehicles when 1 drive-thru lane exists and 6 spaces at each drive-thru when more than 1 lane exists. 4. A bank with drive-thru facilities must provide at least 3 queuing spaces per drive-thru lane.
1. This section applies to all on-site surface parking areas with more than 10 spaces. 2. At least 1 shade tree must be planted in each surface parking area with 10 spaces or less. 3. All surface parking areas of any size within any district with frontage on any portion of a street right-of-of way (not including an alley) must be screened along the street edge by a street protective yard. See Diagram 2.1 C. Perimeter Islands
1. A landscape perimeter island shall be provided along primary internal access drives. 2. A landscaped perimeter island must be a minimum of 5 feet wide, landscaped with shrubs installed at a rate of 30 shrubs per 100 linear feet that under typical conditions can be expected to reach a height and spread of 3 feet within three years of planting. All shrubs shall be a minimum of 18 inches tall when planted. In lieu of planting a hedge, a wall at least three feet in height may be installed. 3. A perimeter island may also serve as the location for a sidewalk connecting the use and the street. In such case, the sidewalk shall be a minimum of 6 feet wide and the remaining planting area shall be no less than five feet wide. D. Interior Islands 1. A landscaped interior island must be provided every 10 parking spaces. Interior islands must be distributed evenly throughout the parking area. 2. An interior island must be a minimum of 8 feet in width and be a minimum of 300 square feet in area. 3. All rows of parking must terminate with a landscaped interior terminal island. No more than 30 parking spaces may be located between terminal islands. 4. Interior islands may be consolidated or intervals may be expanded in order to preserve existing trees.
Diagram 2.1
Parking space and drive aisle dimensional requirements. Diagram 2.2
Off Street Parking Space Requirements: USE CATERGORY
1 space per 400 sf of gross floor area
1 space per 10,000 sf of gross floor area, minimum 4
1 space per 5,000 sf of gross floor area, minimum 4
1 space per 150 sf of gross or 1 space per 5 seats, whichever is greater
1 space per 10,000 sf of gross floor area
1 space per 25,500 sf of gross floor area, minimum 4
1 space per 300 sf of gross plus 1 space for every 600 sf of outdoor display area
1 space per 5,000 sf of gross floor area
None Diagram 3.1
OFF STREET LOADING AND UNLOADING SPACE: A. Location 1. Loading areas must be located to the side or rear of buildings and be screened. 2. With the exception of areas specifically designated by the City, loading and unloading activities are not permitted in the public right-of-way. 3. Loading and unloading activities may not encroach on or interfere with the use of sidewalks, drive aisles, queuing areas and parking areas by vehicles or pedestrians. B. Loading Areas
1. Outdoor loading areas 50 square feet or larger not screened by an intervening building must be screened from view from adjacent property or public street right-of-way for their entire length. 2. Enclosed loading areas must be screened with a roll down door or other opaque screen. 3. Unenclosed loading areas must be screened by a wall totaling 8 feet in height. Walls shall be compatible with the principal building in terms of texture, quality, material and color. 4. Planting material must be provided so that no more than two-thirds of the surface area of the screening wall is visible at the time of maturity of the plants. 5. Screening may also be accomplished with evergreen plant material that can be expected to reach a height of 8 feet with a spread of 4 feet within three years of planting 6. No part of a dumpster or materials stored within the service area shall extend above the required masonry wall. 7. Chain link, painted or unpainted block walls, barbed wire and wood are prohibited as part of a wall. 8. Each enclosure shall include a decorative opaque gate equal in height to the masonry wall. 9. Each service area, loading dock or dumpster required screening and fencing shall further comply with City of Raleigh standards.
BUILDING + DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES SCREENING: A. General 1. All utility lines shall be placed underground. 2. Above ground outlets, pod mounted transformers, pedestals, meters, back flow preventers or the like shall be screened from public view, subject to access requirements, with a minimum five (5) ft. wide landscape buffer area. Shrubs shall be at least three (3) ft. tall and 75% opaque at planting and grow to a height and density capable of completely screening the equipment. Such landscaping is at or outside of the easement. The above ground utility equipment may be painted and then maintained accordingly. 3. All roof top equipment and utilities shall not be visible from public view. Any parapet wall, roof structure, or similar screening approach shall be similar to and compatible with if not integral to the primary structure. B. Service Areas 1. Trash collection, trash compaction, recycling collection and other similar service area shall be located to the side or rear of buildings and must be screened from view from adjacent property or public street right-of-way (not including an alley). 2. Service areas that are fully integrated into a building must be screened with a roll down door or other opaque screen. 3. Service areas that are not integrated into a building shall be screened from three sides by a wall at least 6 feet in height and on the fourth side by a solid gate at least 6 feet in height. The gate and wall shall be maintained in good working order and shall remain closed except when trash pick-ups occur. The wall and gate shall be compatible with the principal building in terms of texture, quality, material and color.
C. Mechanical Equipment 1. Exemptions: Free-standing or roof-mounted sustainable energy systems are exempt from these screening requirements. 2. Roof-Mounted Equipment: a. Roof-mounted equipment shall be screened from ground level view from adjacent property or adjacent public street right-of-way (not including an alley). b. New buildings shall provide a parapet wall or other architectural element that screens roof-mounted equipment from view. c. For existing buildings with no or low parapet walls, roof-mounted equipment shall be screened on all sides by an opaque screen compatible with the principal building in terms of texture, quality, material and color. Right-of-way (not including an alley). 3. Wall-Mounted Equipment:
a. Wall-mounted equipment shall not be located on any surface that directly faces a public right-of-way (not including an alley). b. Wall-mounted equipment located on any surface that is visible from a public rightof-way (not including an alley) must be fully screened by landscaping or an opaque screen compatible with the principal building in terms of texture, quality, material and color. 4. Ground-Mounted Equipment a. Ground-mounted equipment screening shall be as high as the highest point of the equipment being screened. b. Screening shall consist of landscaping or an opaque screen compatible with the principal building in terms of texture, quality, material and color.
OUTDOORS STORAGE AND DISPLAYS: 1. Outdoor storage is prohibited. 2. All outdoor displays (including promotional displays) are prohibited, except special events and temporary structures as may be approved by the Property Manager, and Permited by the City of Raleigh.
(A lighting plan/photometric plan is required for Owner review) 1. Maximum height from finished grade to top of light standard shall be thirty (30) feet. 2. Lighting must meet City of Raleigh standards and shall be “full cut-off� type fixtures. (See Section 7.4 of City of Raleigh UDO)
(A signage master plan is required) 1. Meet City of Raleigh and Lake Boone Trail Retail Tenant Sign Criteria. 2. No billboards or off-site signage. 3. No pole signs. 4. Sign material shall match the material and architectural style of the principal building.
BUILDING GUIDELINES: As noted above, the purpose of these design standards and guidelines is to create a high quality built environment. Further, a higher yet minimum standard for building design contributes to current and future economic vitality of the area and raises the overall quality of life in the community. The following standards and guidelines are in addition to complying with City of Raleigh architectural standards and guidelines. They apply to all principal uses whether on parent parcels or out-parcels. 6
BUILDING + DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES (CONT.) 1. Any building placed on the outparcel shall be no more than 25’ high. 2. In no case shall the minimum setback, frontage, and width be less than prescribed in the PL (Parking Limited) regulations for the City of Raleigh.
EXCEPTIONS: 1. WALLS AND SCREENS: The setback requirements of these regulations shall not prohibit any necessary retaining wall or prohibit any planted buffer strip, fence, or wall. 2. STRUCTURES EXCLUDED FROM HEIGHT LIMITATIONS: The height limits of these regulations shall not apply to a spire, belfry, cupola, and dome or ornamental tower not intended for human occupancy, chimney, parapet wall not extended more than six (6) feet above the roof line of the building, and necessary mechanical appurtenances. The project shall be developed as a single, unified and integrated development using the following criteria:
1. Building location and massing are to emphasize a pedestrian scale. 2. Architectural features shall emphasize a human scale relationship. 3. Architectural plans shall address pedestrian circulation concerns. 4. The architectural style shall be such that it supports a unified and integrated approach. 5. The exterior walls of a building must be articulated with a consistent style and use of materials on all sides. 6. All façades must have a recognizable base and top (cornice). Two story façades must also include an expression line that delineates the transition between the ground floor level and the upper façade. 7. Awnings should be architecturally coherent across the building in terms of height, size, materials and color. 8. The primary entry of first floor business establishments shall be visible and accessible directly from an external or internal street. Primary façades must be parallel to the street right-of-way. 9. No more than fifty (50) percent of the principal main street frontage shall be a blank wall. No blank wall shall exceed twenty (20) linear feet without being interrupted by a window or entry. 10. The ground floor elevation for commercial uses shall achieve a minimum of 50% window opening.
(Elevations and renderings required for Owner approval) All primary facades shall have similar treatment, detail and visual interests. This is inclusive of window, primary entrance, roof form (parapet, gable, hip, mansard, or combination) and architectural elements (columns, pilasters, pediments, overhangs, balustrades, towers, dormers, cupolas and/or other projections of façade and fenestration). Allowable Building Materials: • Main Building: Brick, Stone, Cementitious Siding, and Stucco. • Roof: Standing Seam Metal, Architectural Asphalt Shingle, Non-exposed Single Ply Roofing Elevations and renderings are required of all sides and are to show and identify all materials used – both for exterior walls and roofs. The elevations and renderings shall show the proposed architectural style, including any special style features and treatments. Submittal of this material is required concurrent with development plan submittal to the Owner for review and approval.
COLOR: Color schemes to be utilized shall match or be complimentary to the color scheme of the main developement-subject to owner review and approval. A maximum of three (3) colors may be used on the body of any one building, plus one additional color for trim or cornice work. Where a clear break exists giving the appearance of a separate building, the above treatment may be repeated. The limitations exclude unpainted natural stone or roof material. Color schemes that use primary colors, are high contrast, electric or day-glo shall not be permitted. Graphics or color schemes used on a building as an extension of allowable signage shall not be permitted.
DESIGN INTENT: The “custom” tenant signage at Lake Boone Trail Retail provides the opportunity to enhance each tenant’s identity and better support their individual needs. The signage will reflect the quality of the tenants at Lake Boone Trail Retail, and there will be a variety of signs allowed in order for clear tenant identification. Owner/Landlord will review and approve the tenant signage, prior to submission to the City, to assure the character and quality.
DESIGN REVIEW AND MANUFACTURING REQUIREMENTS: The Owner/Landlord and Architect will review the tenant signage, prior to submission to the City, to assure the character and quality. Submission for Landlord review is to be by Tenant or Tenant’s sign contractor. Requirements are as follows: 1. All proposed signage shown to scale in elevation and in color 2. Shop drawings for each proposed sign to scale and in color 3. Any proposed decals 4. Any proposed temporary signage 5. Tenant shall furnish the Landlord with a copy of all sign permits prior to installation. Submittals should be prompt to allow sufficient time for Landlord review, City permit, fabrication, and proper installation. The Landlord reserves the right, at his discretion and at the Tenant’s expense, correct, replace, or remove any sign that is installed without Landlord’s written consent, or that is not executed in conformance with the approved submission.
Proposal for modifications and additions to signage for existing Tenants shall be submitted to the Landlord for review and approval prior to installation. The Landlord reserves the right to request the removal of any and all signage that is that is not approved prior to installation.
PERMITTING All signs will be permitted with the City of Raleigh by the Tenant. All signs must adhere to the City of Raleigh sign ordinance, and as stipulated in this Tenant Sign Criteria.
The following sign types are allowed (Max. allowable sign area per side of a building is 40 sf) a. Wall Signs. b. Projecting Signs. c. Awning, Gallery, Marquee Signs. d. Window Signs e. Low Profile Ground Signs.
a. Wall Signs: 1. Description: Tenant is permitted one (1) sign per building “storefront” elevation. If a tenant has two or more “storefront” elevations (because of the tenant location at building corner(s), then multiple signs will be considered specific to the individual tenant. 2. An on-premise sign attached flat to or mounted away from but parallel to the building wall, typically extending no more than 12 inches from the building wall. A sign permit is required for a wall sign. 3. Sign Area Allocation: Two square feet per lineal foot of each building wall facing a public street or a private drive if lot has no frontage on a public street, max of 40 SF. 4. Height: No portion of a wall sign may extend above the roof line of a building without a parapet wall. No portion of a wall sign may extend 2 feet above the roof line of a building with a parapet wall, provided no portion of the sign extends above the parapet. No wall sign may extend above the lower eave line of a building with a pitched roof. FRONTAGE STANDARDS D1 Size (max) D2 Height (max) D3 Projection (max) D4 Signs per business (max per street frontage)
-PL 40 SF 5’-0” 12” 1
Diagram 4.1
b. Canopy Signs or Graphics: 1. Tenant is permitted to use canopies (including fabric awnings) as an opportunity to identify their store name, logos and crests. Tenants may place signage on the valance of a fabric awning or as individual letters on a hard canopy (see Canopy Sign - Individual Letters). Canopy signs shall count toward the aggregate sign area permitted. Signage shall not exceed 20 percent of the surface area of the canopy. 2. Location and Size LOCATION B1 Clear height (min.) SIZE Area (max.)
-PL 8’-0” -PL 15 SF
Height above or below awning, gallery or marquee (max.)
Height of letters (max.)
18” Diagram 5.1
3. Signs shall not extend outside the overall length or width of an awning, gallery or marquee or extend above the height of the building wall that the awning, gallery or marquee is attached. 8
ALLOWABLE SIGN TYPES (CONT.) c. Window Signs: 1. A window sign is an on-premise sign attached flat but parallel to the inside of a window or is within 12 inches of the inside of the window. A sign permit is not required. 2. Size: SIZE Area per business (max combination of all windows covered by window signs)
-PL 30 %
Window signs may only cover 5% of window area between 4 & 7 ft. above adjacent sidewalk
Diagram 6.1
d. Projecting Blade Signs: (Each tenant may provide a blade sign with maximum of one per tenant.)
Diagram 7.1
An on-premise sign attached directly to a supporting building wall and intersecting the building wall at a right angle. A projecting sign typically extends more than 12 inches from the building wall and may be 2 or 3-dimensional. A sign permit is required for a projecting sign.
Diagram 6.2
Diagram 6.3
1. Must extend perpendicular to storefront plane but no more than 3’-0” from the surface to which is mounted. 2. May not extend below 9’-0” above finished floor, however the location may be based on storefront design and visibility. 3. Face area may not exceed 6 SF not including area of bracket thickness. Thickness of sign shall be a minimum of 1 ½” around the entire perimeter. In the case of a metal sign this can be in the form of an appropriately proportional frame. 4. Blade sign must have Tenant’s name and may include a Logo. 5. The sign may be fabricated from metal (no bare metal), painted wood, or an exterior grade foam with a weather resistant coating(s). Molded, vacuum formed fiber glass or plastic signs are not permitted. 6. No blade sign may be internally illuminated but illumination from appropriate adjacent luminaries will be considered and encouraged. 7. Projecting signs erected at the intersection of building corners when the building corner adjoins the intersection of 2 streets may intersect at a 45 degree angle to the corner of the building, in which case only 1 projecting sign is allowed. 8. No projecting sign is allowed to extend above the roof line or the parapet wall. Size: Projecting sign may not exceed 40 square feet in area. A projecting sign which is not internally illuminated and is suspended to allow the sign to swing due to wind action is not allowed to exceed 16 square feet in area.
ALLOWABLE SIGN TYPES (CONT.) Location and Frontage Standards: LOCATION
e. Low Profile Ground Signs
C1 Signs per business (max. per street frontage)
C2 Clear height (min.)
C3 Projection from wall (max.)
C4 Distance from curb (min)
C5 ROW Encroachment
FRONTAGE STANDARDS Ground Story: Sign area per sign face (max.) Ground Story: Height (max.)
a. A freestanding sign no more than 3½ feet in height on a supporting structure, post, mast or pole and not attached, supported or suspended to or from any building or structure. A sign permit is required for a ground sign. SIZE B1 Area (max.)
Allowed with Council Approval
B2 Height (max.) Diagram 8.1
40 SF
70 SF 3.5’
B3 Size of copy (min.)
B4 Size of copy (max.)
C1 Signs per site (max per street frontage) C2 additional signs for double frontage lots
70 SF Allowed by special use permit
b. Ground-mounted signs shall be located so as not to block or impair the vision of motorists. c. The base of the monument sign must be landscaped in all directions not less than the width of the sign.
*Note: Bracket to be 40” Black Triangle Ball Hanging Blade Sign Bracket by Hooks and Lattice (
Under Canopy Sign:
Diagram 9.1
a. Each tenant may provide an under canopy sign with maximum of one per tenant if located below a built canopy, in lieu of a projecting blade sign. Sign design is identical to the Projecting Blade Sign except that the bottom of the sign may be 8’-0” from finished grade at walk.
a. Black
1. Maximum Aggregate Area of Signage: 2 SF per 1 L.F. of building wall facing any street, up to 30% of the wall area. a. All signs, on a building façade shall be counted towards the aggregate total. If the tenant building frontage is less than 35 linear feet than the total aggregate square footage of signage permitted shall be based on 35 feet of building frontage. b. Signs are allowed on two sides if a building faces two streets, but each tenant must still comply with the 2 SF per L.F. of building wall rule. c. The Area shall be calculated as a box enclosing all letters, numbers and symbols of sign design, including all spaces separating letters, numbers and symbols. d. All signs shall not exceed the 2 SF per 1 L.F. of storefront – See Diagram 11.1. At least 75% of the sign must fall within one rectangle when computing sign area. 2. Maximum length of sign: 75% of length of leased storefront or thirty-six feet, whichever is less – See Diagram 11.2. 3. Maximum height of single line of copy: See individual area signage guidelines above Note: An unusual shaped letter or ampersand may extend beyond the maximum height requirements if approved by Owner
Diagram 11.1
Diagram 11.2
Diagram 11.3
1. The Owner/Landlord encourages innovation of design and sophistication of materials including the use of metals for frame background lettering, etc. 2. Additional materials, less visible are allowed for the construction and durability. Each sign will be reviewed based on the specific design and visibility of sign components.
COLORS: In addition to the materials listed above one or more of the colors below can be used for the lettering, reveals, background, frame, etc.
Color #PMS Black 6
b. White Color #SW - 7328
c. Bronze Color #Dark Bronze by Meta-Flex
d. Deep Red Color #PMS 1817
Diagram 12.1
*Federal and State registered trademarks or service marks may employ additional colors. The sign includes its casings, supports and backings.
SIGNAGE TYPE DETAILS: Illuminated Signs: All Tenant signs shall be internally or externally illuminated and meet the illumination requirements outlined on Diagram 11.3 of this criteria. Landlord and the City of Raleigh recommend innovative and creative solutions to identification signage. Any deviations from signage criteria contained herein shall be complementary to the building design and shall be reviewed by the Owner on a case-by-case basis. 1. Internally illuminated box signs or raceway mounted signs are not permitted. Wall mounted signs may be applied to any building elevation. Signs may be individual channel letters, or reverse channel letters - see Diagram 4, projected from building wall, and may be halo lit. User’s trademark lettering style is acceptable. Signs may also be solid cast letters, or solid sign panels with indirect lighting of face. 2. Among the externally illuminated signage types that may be considered are the following: non-illuminated reverse channel letters, sandblasted signs, and formed acrylic/pvc. 3. Signs may not be flat against wall, but pinned away from the wall, but in no case project more than twelve (12”) inches from the wall surface – See Diagram 5. 4. No part of a wall sign shall extend more than 2’ above the line of the roof, or if a building does not have an eave line or parapet on the side where a sign is installed, no part of the sign shall extend above the top of fascia or parapet on that side of the building. 5. Signs are required to be operated via tenant time clock control. Time clocks are to be set for sign illumination from dusk until dawn all days. 6. All exterior lettering of signs exposed to the weather shall be mounted at least threefourths (3/4) of an inch from the building wall to permit proper dirt and water drainage. 11
1. The advertising or informative content of all signs shall be limited to Tenant’s DBA, national logo, service mark or word mark and letters designating Tenant’s name and/ot type of business of Tenant conducted on the Parcel, and such designation of the business of the merchandise offered for sale therein or the services rendered therein except as may be otherwise approved. 2. Tenants with a national logo, service mark or word mark may use their mark and typestyle, subject to the Landlord and City of Raleigh’s approval. Such logo, service mark maximum of twenty (20) square feet added together. The logo square footage shall be included as part of overall square footage totals shown herein. 3. No exposed wiring conduits, tubing, lamps, ballast boxes, or raceways may be permitted. 4. All cabinets, conductors, transformers, ballast, attachment devices, and other equipment shall be concealed behind façade 5. The character, design, color and layout of all signs shall be subject to Owner’s approval. 6. In the event that a storefront sign is removed, the Tenant is responsible for repairs to the building shell to return the shell to its condition prior to sign installation. 7. Tenant will be held responsible for damage to and repair of the Landlord’s storefront and fascia associated with installation of signage. 8. If and when any signage is removed, the Tenant shall at Tenant’s expense make all necessary repairs to return building facade to its original condition. 9. All signs and their installation shall comply with all local building and electrical codes and must bear the Underwriters Laboratory label or conform to the Under Writers Laboratory Specifications. 10. Tenant shall be responsible for the installation and maintenance of all signs. 11. Tenant shall be liable for the operation of Tenant’s signs. 12. Sign installations are to occur between the hours of 10:00PM to 9:30AM. In cases where retail signage is to be installed adjacent to residential, tenant shall coordinate installation time with Property Management. 13. Design, layout, dimensions, and materials for Tenant’s signs shall conform in all respects with the sign design drawings approved by the Owner.
1. Hours of Operation: To post Hours of Operation, Tenants shall submit a shop drawing of the proposed decal or other hour’s signage for Landlord review and approval prior to installation. Pre-made signs are prohibited. 2. Tenant Address Signage: The Landlord shall install a standard address decal (such as a suite number) to the Tenant’s glazing in a Fire Marshall approved location.
SERVICE DOOR SIGNS: Tenant is required to have the store address and Tenant name applied to the back entrance of premises. Address and name shall be applied with white reflective vinyl letters whose sign area may not exceed one and one-half (1 1/2) square feet. Name and address must be applied to the door, at a minimum five (5) feet in height from ground elevation. See Diagram 14.1 All rear door signage is to be fabricated and installed by Landlord at Tenant’s expense. The Tenant will need to contract directly with the Landlord approved installer for all signage on rear door, in order to provide consistency in letter and number style and signage location.
TEMPORARY SIGNS: “Coming Soon”, “Now Hiring” and other temporary tenant signage shall be reviewed and approved by Landlord on case-by-case basis, and may be approved in limited circumstances. Tenants shall be solely responsible for obtaining any and all permits and governmental approval relating to temporary signage, and must provide that permit to Landlord prior to installation. Temporary signage shall be only installed for a maximum of 15 days
TEMPORARY PROJECT SIGNS: Temporary Project Signage shall be by Owner only.
OTHER SIGNAGE: The term “sign” shall also apply to balloons, flags, banners, posters, decals, vehicles, floats, mosaic tiles, sandwich boards, awning graphics, etc. All require Landlord review and are subject to Owner and City approval.
Diagram 13.1
Channel Letter back-lit with halo effect
Wall Signs - Pinned
Diagram 13.2
Diagram 14.1
Tenant back Door Sign.
RESPONSIBILITIES + PROHIBITED SIGNS SIGNAGE RESPONSIBILITIES: Owner will be responsible to: 1. Provide base building design and construction information requested by Tenant’s design consultant. If in a multi-tenant building. If in a multi-tenant building. Tenant will be responsible for: 1. Design, fabrication, permitting, and installation of signs, including any structural support, electrical service, and any special installation requiring addition or modification to the shell building approved by the Owner 2. Complete sign installation prior to store opening. 3. Engage Tenant Architect and a lighting designer, if necessary, for work relating to signage design and permitting as needed to meet schedules, to design proper lighting, and to comply with the design criteria. 4. A full, functioning signage installation including sound installation practices and proper illumination. 5. Any modifications to correct sign fabrication, installation, and/or illumination for compliance with the Landlord approved design and as needed to meet the requirement of adequate and consistent illumination. 6. Connections and penetrations through the fascia shall be limited. The Tenant is asked to use advance planning to limit penetrations. 7. All penetrations of the building structure required for signage installation shall be sealed in a watertight condition and shall be patched to match adjacent finish. All penetrations shall comply with Landlord’s shell building warranties.
1. Used signs. 2. Unadorned rectangular cabinet signs with translucent or opaque faces. 3. Exposed neon signs. 4. Temporary wall signs, pennants, banners, inflatable displays, or sandwich boards, unless specifically approved by the Landlord. 5. Window signs unless approved by the Landlord (Note: Box signs hanging in windows are not allowed). 6. Exposed equipment, transformers, ballasts, crossovers, conduit, or other equipment of any type. 7. Raceway internally illuminated signs 8. Pre-manufactured signs, such as franchise signs, that have not been modified to meet these criteria. 9. Paper, cardboard, or Styrofoam signs, stickers, or decals hung on Owner’s building shell or behind storefront glazing are prohibited. 10. Exposed fasteners, unless decorative fasteners that are essential to the sign design
concept. 11. Simulated materials such as wood grained plastic laminates. 12. Flashing, oscillating, animated lights, or other moving sign components. 13. Rooftop signs or signs projecting above roof lines or parapets 14. Signs on equipment screens. 15. Painted lettering, symbols or identification of any nature, except as permitted here under. 16. Wood or plywood signs, unless by specific pre-approval by Owner
APPROVALS, LOCAL LAWS + REGULATIONS a. Anything herein stated to the contrary notwithstanding, the size, character, appearance, location, installation and maintenance of all signs to be utilized by Tenant must comply with all rules, ordinances, regulations and laws of any and all appropriate governmental authorities. b. All Tenant signs must be fabricated by a sign vendor with at least five (5) years verifiable experience in business fabricating the type of sign the Tenant wishes to produce. If requested by the Owner. c. Each Tenant shall supply three (3) copies of scaled drawings to the Owner for review. The drawings should include color elevations, sections, details, and colors of letters, trim caps and returns and all other signage shown on the building elevations. The drawings should include the same information for any proposed free-standing signage. The submittal shall also include an 8 1/2” x 11” labeled color chip and material sample board for all proposed signage by Owner, Tenant shall submit approved drawings to the city of Raleigh for approval/permitting, prior to manufacture and installation.