Applica)on Form
Local Commi*ee President 2016/2017 AIESEC in Uganda Christian University
Dear brave candidate,
I would like to congratulate you on your decision to apply for the president’s posiFon of the fastest growing LC in Uganda. It is a HUGE challenge and the best way to prove to the world especially yourself, who you are! In AIESEC, we are fighFng for peace and fulfillment of humankind’s potenFal. Do you know your potenFal? Do you know how you can improve Uganda, East Africa and the world? Already discovered it or not? If not, then I am happy to tell you that you have made the best decision ever of applying to be the next LCP. As LCP, you will transform and gain an understanding of a more complex world and view strategic opportuniFes around you. You will discover the good a*ributes and bad ones about yourself that ought to be improved on and your ideas will affect hundreds. You will lead a smart and challenging team – your EB that will constantly force you to improve personally and professionally in turn improving the team, the LC, UCU and at the same Fme be*er Uganda.
It is a unique experience with ups and downs that will develop you for the future with an understanding of different perspecFves and being effecFve and successful. I wish you good luck and an amazing AIESEC experience in this process also come 2016/2017. Isaac S. Makumbi Local Commi*ee President 2015/2016
ROLE OF LCP The LCP 2016/2017 will be the 9th LCP in the history of AIESEC in UCU. It is a posiFon that demands commitment and strength of character to lead the creaFon of a direcFon and plan for the year 2016/2017 together with their EB for the term by playing a leadership role. KEY PERFOMANCE INDICATORS Financial health and sustainability Exchange growth Development of EB team Talent pipeline throughout the Local Commi*ee DESCRIPTION The main objecFve for the LCP is to be an oversight of all teams and maintain goal tracking of the team leaders with respect to what has yet to be accomplished. Help guide the local commi*ee towards growth, achievement, and personal development of each member.
ACCOUNTABILITY Having connecFons to other LCPs in the region as well as the MCP. Also it is important to have a working relaFonship with the naFonal team (MC) members. SKILLS/KNOWLEDGE/COMPETENCIES REQUIRED Having an understanding of how each team is run and what each team leaders’ responsibiliFes are and the ability to work with different sorts of people. RESPONSIBILITIES Tracking all vice presidents and progress versus goal achievements. DEVELOPMENT SPACES People management instead of task management, developing a good sense of how to accomplish things as a leader as well as creaFng sustainable growth so that AIESEC UCU will conFnue to thrive ager this term is finished.
Video QuesFonnaire Endorsement le*ers CV ExecuFve Summary Your applicaFon package must be sent in .zip format with the following name: “LCP_applicaFon_AIESEC_UCU_1617_name_surname” to DDL is 02-‐02-‐2016, 20:00 EAT/GMT+3 Important informaFon: All parts of the applicaFon must be in English. The length of the quesFonnaire should be at maximum 8 pages (without execuFve summary, endorsement le*ers & blank page challenge).
You can change the design of the applicaFon but not the content of the quesFons
Include a link to the video in which you introduce yourself, and your personal moFvaFon for the role of LCP. Video should have min. 3 and max. 5 miniutes. Please a*ach to the quesFonnaire at least 5 endorsement le*ers. (min. 3 of them from full members of AIESEC UCU). A*ach your CV (with all you AIESEC posiFons and experiences at most 2 pages) and a 1 page ExecuFve Summary. ApplicaFons, which will not be consisFng of all parts, are not to be accepted. ElecFon process: Successful applicants will be announced within a week then a review board and elecFons will be announced(where online or physical presence will be permi*ed).
YOU 1) What are the most important values in your life and why? 2) Write 3 of your strengths and weaknesses. How will they influence you as LCP? 3) Explain your understanding of leadership. What is your leadership style? What do you think is the leadership style needed for the term 16-‐17? RELEVANCE 1. According to your opinion, what is the relevance of AIESEC; in UCU? In East Africa? In Africa? 2. Who are the most important stakeholders of the LC? What is the relevance of AIESEC to them? 3. What should be the relevance of you as LCP within the naFonal plenary? What should be the contribuFon of your LC on the naFonal plenary?
VISION 1) How do you envision the LC in the term 2016/17? What needs to happen to enable that? Keep in mind the conFnual organizaFonal development. 2) How do you envision the culture at the LC at the end of your term? How do you want to achieve it? STRATEGIES 1) Blank page challenge – what challenges will you use to achieve your vision and how will you evaluate your term as LCP as successful? 2) Please write 1 GCP (good case pracFce) from a foreign enFty that you would implement in your LC.