Cellular Exchange invites marginalized recluses of contemporar y Tokyo, offering safe working environments and oppor tunities wit hin t he Kakurega context. The architecture explores t he process of t he Japanese ar t known as K intsugi alongside t he rehabilitation of self-isolated individuals.
Spatially divided by a spine of local sapproducing trees, isolated units provide a suitable experience for t hese individuals, limiting t heir interaction t hrough selective par titioning and concealment. The units sit in dialogue wit h t heir extrover ted counterpar ts, working exclusively towards a shared objective.
YEAR 2021
Sitting at t he intersection of Lonsdale Street and Spencer Street, t he building adopts a descending pattern of outward extention. Each level of set back allows for viewing platform spaces which are used to feature roof gardens and infinity pools, all designed to give users a better west side view.
YEAR 2021
OutrggerTruss,BracngandBelt EdgeBeamsandBandBeams CoumnsandBondekFlooring
Emerging human enhancement technologies reveal t he need to envisage social and ecological concerns t hat may arise from transhumanism and its progressive denaturalization of society.
Interminable debates amongst et hicists question t he ambiguous t hreshold between medical and technological inter vention and nonessential mediation but to no avail.
This project aims to explore speculated hybrid typologies and t heir resulting occupancy of space t hrough t he design of a Creative Ar ts
Centre in Melbourne, in preparation for a steadily approaching cyber-driven reality.
YEAR 2021
Using Haraway s cyborg metaphor as a conceptual framework for the des gn process, systematic reinterpretation of conventiona activit es and soc al interact on wi l faci itate exploratory spatial typologies n the des gn of the Creative
Arts Centre in the Melbourne Art Prec nct. The fina outcomes anticipate an adapt ve design that reflects the journey of a transhuman through spatia experiences of the project
The interna program punctuates the b ank facade, revea ng funct on from he exter or
Technologica advancements have seen exponential
growth in the ast few decades with architectural
design processes and construction methods benefiting
alongside such advancements. The fundamental
atypical human typo ogy that the built environment is designed has remained unchanged The emergence of human enhancement technology s gnals a need for consideration of how transhumanistic culture wi l affect the future of socio-technical systems n the bui t environment Melbourne s at the forefront of human enhancement research, lead ng in the development of bionic eye and hearing research, and brain-machine nterfaces making the city ferti e testing ground for the exploration of transhuman-friend y architecture. The advancement of med ca engineer ng points to the intersection between technology and a renewed phenomeno ogical experience of space, perhaps soon a real ty in Melbourne s near future.
The implications of these technological enhancements
can broadly be env sioned at two scales: the micro, which involves transhumanist ind v duals and the
macro, proposing the advent of megacity urban zation.
The micro draws insp ration from
the fable Frankenste n and Donna Haraway s Cyborg
Manifesto, both of which concern several overlapping
dichotomies such as man versus machine, myth versus reality, restraint versus freedom, and man versus god
Diversely, the arger sca e, nvestigating the agencies of the cyborg city, w ll look at hypothetical design
projects by Archigram and other specu ative pro ects including Cedric Price s Fun Palace. Whilst Melbourne s
historically industria ised city developed an understanding of a city based on a commodified structure of material exchange, techno ogy has transit oned the city to one based on data exchange. Th s allows for the concurrent
existence of real and v rtual perception, for an experience of the city that s more integrated with
techno ogy rather than a segregated system.
NORTH WEST V EW Due to advances in techno ogy the roof wi start to become a more
common entrance point o bui d ngs v a f y ng cars or drone tour sm
EXPLODED AXONOMETRIC The gallery and other unction rooms z g-zag and ntersect and create negat ve spaces and tesselat on
Due to advances n echno ogy the roof w s art to become a more common entrance poin to bu dings v a ly ng cars o drone tour sm
Due to advances n echno ogy the roof w s art to become a more common entrance poin to bu dings v a ly ng cars o drone tour sm
YEAR 2021 4
The project ‘Control: Delirium’ explores Carl Jung s concept of synchronicity where t here is a bleeding of t he subconscious and conscious elements taking material form. Based on t he multi-award-winning game Control, t he project questions t he amount of trust we place in ever yday, mundane, and predictable spaces t hat we traverse. What if, t hese spaces t hat we deem to be safe could physically move and manifest t he subconscious by unraveling, stretching, pulling apar t, and permeating different spaces as if to confront its inhabitants? The overall aim is to create spaces and atmospheres t hat elicit feelings of uncer tainty and overall disorientation hence t he name ‘Delirium’ . Personifying t he labyrint hian interior of t he brutalist building known as t he Oldest House as a possessed entity, t he project por trays architecture expressed in a different dimension.
T h e c h a r a c t e r a r r ve s i n a ro o m t h a t s t a r t s u n fo d i n g t o reve a l t h e c o r r u p t o n o f t h e D e p a r t m e n t o f R e s e a rc h m t h e O l d e s t H o u s e . I n t h i s s p a c e , t h e o rd e r o f a rc h t e c t u re s evo v n g s u b t y i n t h e fo re g ro u n d a n d a s yo u o o k f u r t h e r a h e a d , t h e d i s t o r t o n o f t h e s p a c e b e c o m e s m o re a p p a re n t
A l o n g w t h f r a g m e n t a t i o n o f p hy s c a l s p a c e s , t h e c o n s c o u s m n d s ow y d s t o r t s w h i e h a u c i n a t o n s m a n i fe s t a n d l m t a t o n s o f t h e c h a r a c t e r ' s a b i l i t i e s a r s e a s s h e t r ave r s e s t h e s p a c e
In t his Experimental Design Lab, t he task was to create a stool and chair using timber. G iven t hin veneer to work wit h, t he idea was to create a light and t hin silhouette. The concept behind t he chair was to alleviate pressure on t he lumbar spine by effectively floating it between segments of cushioning.
YEAR 2021