Isabella 1957-1997 This is a story about a company started 40 years
fascinating tale, his intuitions were correct. Søren
ago with one man’s good idea. It is an extraordi-
Odgaard was in the right place, at the right time,
nary story which starts well, and just gets better
and with the right product - namely tents, making it
and better.
possible for other free spirits to fulfil their dreams
Søren Odgaard wanted a tent and, being
of outdoor holidays.
unable to find anything suitable, he made one at
For this album we have compiled holiday
home in the basement. But, like every true enthu-
photo’s and memories from the past 40 years,
siast, he was convinced that there were many
which we hope will evoke happy memories for
others similarly interested in carefree holidays
many of you....
and the outdoor life, and, as we learn from this
“Some would say they could have done it better. Some would say they would have done it differently. But this is the way I did it. And if I had not done it, it might never have been done!”
The founder, Søren Odgaard at his desk on Isabellahøj.
A MAN, A TENT, AND A VISION Over the years, Søren Odgaard has shrewdly
awnings are transported by car, is very apt. As a
developed the Company and always kept one
token of respect to the Spanish Queen of the same
step in front of the competition.
name, a royal crown was added. Very appropriate, as she was also fond of sending people travelling
The Company had a prudent start in April
- most notably, Christopher Columbus!
1957 when Søren Odgaard began making and rent-
The development and growth of Isabella has
ing tents to the new, more adventurous breed of campers. It was an ideal opportunity for these
been continuous and steady, and by
trailblazers to test the delights of camping and for
taking one step at a time and with a
Søren Odgaard to assess demand for the product.
close eye to market trends, the Com-
The public discovered for themselves the joys of
pany has always led the way in awning
camping and the freedom it gave, and Jydsk Camp-
design and maintained its position as
ing Industri was born!
market leader. This is evidenced year
In 1960, production was transferred to the
after year when the creative ideas
disused “Vandel” rail and road station and the
from Isabella are copied by competi-
Company’s first real factory building. This was
tors. But, there is one Isabella feature
soon outgrown and a year later, the Company had
which can never be copied - the renowned Isabella
moved to bigger premises at its present address
peepholes. Despite many attempts to copy the
on Isabellahøj - named by Vejle municipality in
peephole, there is still only one machine in the
recognition of the already visible success of Isa-
world designed to sew them into the awnings. The
round peephole is seen on camping sites throughout Europe and the abundance of peepholes
The Isabella tent was the first success of the
shows how much Isabella is ahead of the rest.
young Company and the name Isabella became synonymous with quality and style. The unusual name was taken from a German car which, as the
HAPPY HOLIDAY MEMORIES FROM THE SIXTIES A summer’s day at the beginning of the sixties,
where and at any time, Isabella has continuously
and the family Volkswagen stands with the boot
studied the caravanners needs.
open ready for the family to pack the tent, sleep-
In part, our success is attributable to the
ing bags, airbeds and other holiday paraphernalia.
skills of our designers and workforce, but this suc-
The camping table and folding chairs are posi-
cess has also been achieved by 40 years of close
tioned for easy access when stopping for picnics
contact with the market. We have always listened
on the way - it’s a long way to Italy’s Lido!.
our customers needs, and they have
A few years later, the same fam-
often given the inspiration for
ily pile into their Opel car, hitch up
the design, construction and
the caravan and prepare for another
materials necessary for us
holiday wondering ‘will we man-
to live up to the caravan-
age the hills in the German
ners demands.
town of Kassel?’, and con-
From making tents,
sidering driving on to Holland or
Isabella expanded to include
France. Or joining the neighbours who every year
awnings for
the steadily increasing number
swear by their caravan holiday in Sweden.
of caravans starting to fill the camping sites. In 1973
From very early on, when most camping
the market clearly showed the growing demand
sites were little more than a field with a tap, Isa-
for awnings and, because of difficulty in keeping
bella has recognised and followed the needs of
up with this demand, a conscious decision was
caravanners. And from the sixties, when the pas-
made to concentrate solely on the manufacture
sion for caravanning started to grow, right up to the
of awnings.
present when it is possible to camp almost any-
AN ISABELLA AWNING HOME FROM HOME The Olympia Acryl was a classic. This Isabella
five corners and a unique frame. A strong but
awning suited all nationalities and climes from
simple construction with many individual features,
Sweden to Sicily. Under northern skies it was
not least of which is dispensing with the need for
warm and cosy, and in the sunny south the whole
a support pole in the centre of the awning. This
front could be removed to give an airy
makes Penta the dream awning for all per-
verandah. This gave the caravanner the
manent caravanners. An awning which
opportunity to make a ‘home from home’
can be reliably sited from April to Octo-
spot anywhere in Europe and, as with
ber during which time it will resist even
many good ideas, it was based on a very
the most extreme weather conditions.
simple concept but one which everyone in the industry thought impossible to implement.
Standing next in line is the
That is, until Isabella did it! The design incorpo-
Ambassador - currently Isabella’s
rated zips of 6 metres and panels that could be
and Europe’s most sold awning. The reason for
removed or drawn - this design was the forerun-
the Ambassador’s success is very simple: as with
ner of many other awnings made by Isabella and
a real ambassador, the Isabella Ambassador will
copied by others.
settle anywhere and adjust to any situation. There is not just one Ambassador option - there is exactly
Isabella has called upon much of its experi-
the one you want. Front and side panels can be
ence in the making of the Penta, the awning with
removed or drawn.
HAIL IN TROMSØ AND HEAT IN BAHRAIN Iceland is not the most obvious holiday destination
The local desert sheikhs, who have a natural inter-
for caravanners, but Isabella has
est in tents, were very impressed. But
been sold there for some time
for that reason and in accordance
now. When Isabella introduced
with Arab custom they did not voice
the first winter awning, extremely
their admiration, because then Pro-
tough tests had already been
fessor Glob was obliged to give
carried out in the inhospitable
them the tents as presents.
Icelandic climate.
But the servants of the sheikhs discreetly asked Professor
Professor P.V. Glob’s Bah-
Glob’s servants about the amaz-
rain-expedition to the Persian
ing tents. And the answer was, of
Bay in 1963.
course “Isabella”.
ISABELLA - RENOWNED Regardless of nationality, Isabella has always cho-
measuring exactly 4.5 x 3 metres. Ten years later
sen to keep in close contact with customers.
he moved into Isabella’s newly acquired ware-
For this special anniversary we are pleased
house from where he now despatches Isabella to
to give brief details of our many links throughout
a couple of hundred dealers throughout Holland.
As the Dutch subsidiary is not far from Vejle they GERMANY
have very close contact with Isabella, and when
During the seventies, Isabella had a
you meet Dutch people caravanning in Europe,
secret admirer. At German exhibitions
you can be sure to see Isabella.
a certain caravan salesman could be seen looking around the Isabella
stand examining awnings from this
Trine Lise Garberg has represented
previously unknown Danish manufac-
Isabella in Norway since 1975. From
turer. That man was Knut Grewe who
1985 as manager of the subsidiary
today is the manager of the German
company in Sarpsborg, which moved
subsidiary company, and is clearly proud of repre-
into its own premises in 1994. From
senting Isabella in Germany.
there the Norwegian market is cov-
Assisted by discerning customers who
ered from North to South, and there
appreciate quality, the German subsid-
is close contact to the “family” in Vejle. More than
iary company has steadily increased
20 years of co-operation with the same people
its turnover since its formation in
provides stability and quality at Norsk Isabella
and enables them to live up to the expectations of the customers.
HOLLAND Like Søren Odgaard, Henk Reineman started at home, in a bedroom
Throughout the rest of Europe where caravanning is also popular, but where Isabella does not have its own Company, sales and distribution are effected through importers in countries such as Belgium, France, Italy, Portugal, Switzerland and Austria.
Isabella as a household name. So much so, that
Although geographically separated
every second awning on Swedish caravan sites
from the rest of Europe, the United
is an Isabella. KAMA supplies everything for the
Kingdom is nevertheless an integral
caravanner - caravans, awnings, accessories - and
part of it. And for many years, Isabella
after almost 30 years dealing with Isabella, it goes
has been highly respected on the
without saying that the relationship works
British market and now takes a large
market share. Isabella UK was the first subsidiary of Isabella and, during its infancy, 1973 to be precise, Patricia Woodward joined the Company. In less than 4 years she was put in charge of the UK subsidiary and, with the assistance of a loyal staff and the ‘family’ in Vejle, is proud to be a part of such a caring Company and of the prestigious position Isabella has in the UK.
SWEDEN Isabella’s
est associates in Europe are to be found
i n
Sweden. Since the mid sixties KAMA Fritid AB has represented Isabella on the Swedish market and has established
The Management of Isabella with the founder, Søren Odgaard in the front.
CONTINUITY AND STABILITY - PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE Good organisation enables Europe’s largest
All three have been with Isabella for more than 25
awning factory to continue its
years, and have helped create secu-
expansion of both plant and asso-
rity and stability within this, the
ciate companies.
largest awning factory in Europe,
during its continuous expansion.
come and gone over the years,
Also, all employees with
but the stability of the company
service records of 10 and 25
can best be found by looking at
years are recognised by special
the long service records of many
anniversary celebrations. And, it
employees both in management
is traditional for the event to be
and production.
marked by the planting of an oak-
Three of the “old boys” are:
tree named after the person. This
Robert Hansen - Financial Director
gives an everlasting memorial
and Company Spokesman.
to all past and present Isabella
Niels Wind - Export Manager.
Carsten Dyg - Sales and Marketing Director.
A new era for carefree holidays In 1957 Jydsk Camping hire shop offered: “Holidays
camping equipment. This prompted the chairman
for everyone! Go on holiday, when you want, and
of DCU, E. Herløv Jørgensen, to call
stay where you want - for 1 krone a day”.
camping an “Association” for the
And for once, this was a slogan which kept
first time.
its promise! One krone a day and, with an eye to a
But at about the same time,
growing market, the farmers and land owners even
new products appeared on the
gave free hay to sleep on.
market and shook the Camping
Freedom holidays had become available to
Association a little. These were
everyone, and from the start of the sixties the high
the large awnings for permanent
number of campers showed that it had become
caravanning which were to become
an “Association”. The Volkswagen was now being
the Dane’s alternative to the summer
packed with Isabella’s “Car tent”, and while the
cottage. Along with increasing sales of
first charter tourists flew south to what was then
caravans and matching awnings, the
referred to as “abroad”, others chose to erect their
camping sites now had a new type of
tents on the more local “Lolland and Falster”.
resident. These were the permanent
Some years were yet to pass before we became
caravanners who, year after year, from
experienced travellers with knowledge of travel
April to November, camped in the
destinations such as Southern France, Northern
same place.
Italy and Spain.
In 1977 the Camping Association was
By 1967, half a million Danes were esti-
strengthened by the entire camping industry form-
mated to be campers. Also, to the delight of Isa-
ing its own business association. Søren Odgaard
bella, it was announced that some 35,000 Danes
was among the promotors and became the first
intended to invest approx. 100 million krones into
chairman of the association.
RELATIVE VALUES A major feature of Isabella’s success is the harmo-
ence are of prime importance. High standards are
ny between management and staff, and the strong
expected of every worker but the days are never
loyalty and pride each employee feels towards the
dull and the rewards are rich.
The expertise and standards of excellence
Two such are Sonja and Jonna: Sonja has 28
required by Isabella is something
years service to her credit, and Jonna has just one
that no training college or course
year, but both agree on the friendly environment
can teach. It can only be learned by
and feeling of wellbeing experienced at Isabella.
“hands-on” experience, and the high
Discussions on major items always involve all
percentage of Isabella employees
members of staff, both new and those more expe-
with long service records are a testi-
rienced, and opinions and ideas are carefully con-
mony to the patience, understanding
sidered. New employees very soon learn that they
and care extended by the Isabella
have joined a caring Company where their welfare
management to its employees. As the
is as important as the training they receive.
principals modestly say “We do our best to keep
Despite modern machinery and techniques,
a happy workforce” - is this why so many retired
sewing tents is still a craft where skill and experi-
employees still visit...?
ISABELLA - LOVED BY MANY, RESPECTED BY ALL Alfred Pedersen has been an Isabella dealer for
Ultimately, this means that he can sell an Isabella
over twenty years, and is proud of it. Proud to sell
awning safe in the knowledge that the customer is
a quality product that has always
buying a quality product.
been second to none in its design
Isabella’s calibre shows in
and materials; and proud to rep-
the small things, such as the great
resent a company that is solid and
care given to detail and time given
to look for small improvements
He knows that Isabella is
that will benefit the end-user. This
honest, credible and has respect
is apparent in everything made,
for all its customers, giving confi-
and shows Isabella appreciates
dence in day to day dealings.
the purpose of an awning and the
Alfred Pedersen especially emphasizes the
needs of the customers. This attention to detail
human qualities in the company. Honesty and
can be felt and shows they know who and what
respect are the key-words in a relationship he
they are dealing with...
would call more of a friendship than a business connection.
I REMEMBER! THAT WAS WHEN THE ZIP GOT STUCK! Over the years, we have received many funny
Following this, the development depart-
stories about caravanners experiences. But some
ment of Isabella carefully goes into the sugges-
of the letters have also contained good ideas
tions, and
and suggestions for improvements. Some
if they prove to be feasible, production is adapted to cater
have been small, some more detailed,
for them.
and some very useful but, all of great interest.
At this point, we would like
This gives us great pleasure
to take this opportunity to encourage
because, among other things, they
caravanners to continue to let us know of
reveal details of users concerns, e.g.
any ideas for improving Isabella awnings, thus
about various weather and climatic con-
helping us to keep in front of the competition.
ditions for which there may be special needs.
We look forward to hearing from you.
CRAFTSMANSHIP AND PRIDE IN THE PRODUCT - THE INGREDIENTS OF SUCCESS Excellence of design and quality control are the
considerably more reliable than any machine.
hallmarks of Isabella’s success.
An Isabella awning is sewn in stages, and
40 years of producing progressively innova-
after the material has been cut, the sewing machin-
tive and superb quality awnings proves that Isa-
ists take over. Front, sides, and roof are finished,
bella is, quite simply, the best!
checked once more, and assembled
With an Isabella roof over
into a complete awning. Every day,
your head, you have the finest
awnings are taken at random for test-
available material made to the
ing and the rest are checked to the
highest specification to protect
last detail. In this way, the machin-
you from even the worst holiday
ists are continually aware of the
importance of the finished quality
Frame, gutter, lower panel, zips, windows,
of their work.
peepholes, and many years experience of awning
Experience and skill are needed to sew
manufacture, combine to offer the caravanner the
an awning, and because of their many years with
security he is seeking. Four decades of usage by
Isabella, the machinists are well equipped to fin-
experienced caravanners is living proof of the suc-
ish the awnings to the high standard required, not
cessful construction and material of an Isabella.
least of which is the precision sewing of zips - a dif-
The first steps to an Isabella lie in the cutting
ficult task demanding specialist skills.
room where, to begin with, the material is checked
Many of the quality-minded employees
for any flaws. Both the checking and the cutting are
have been trained by Isabella, and every day we
manual because the skilled eye of the craftsman is
enjoy the loyalty of long serving staff members.
1957 1997
1957 1997
1957 1997
NO SACRIFICE TOO GREAT FOR QUALITY The combination of high quality, design and atten-
als which come from the best and most reputable
tion to detail are the main reasons for the large
fabric makers.
market share Isabella has.
The increase in market share and produc-
Ivan Odgaard, one of Søren Odgaard’s two
tion can be charted when the plant is compared
sons in the company, is responsible for the strict
with how it was 10 years ago. Isabella’s production
standard of quality, finish and delivery times of the
area and warehouse now covers a massive 12,000
many thousands of awnings leaving the production
square metres.
rooms annually.
Isabella is proud to have managed the many
Among other things, it is also his responsi-
demands this expansion has made on resources.
bility to control the supply and use of raw materi-
campion production aps
FOLLOWING ISABELLA FOR TWO DECADES “Through almost two decades we have followed
We are convinced that the esprit-de-corps within
Isabella closely.
Isabella, gives a firm basis for the future, and we
Isabella’s idea of the ‘awning of tomorrow’
wish you good luck for many years to come.
has been the force behind the new thinking and development which, over the years, has been
Happy anniversary.”
significant for the company. Together with a team of committed employees, they have succeeded
Ole Østrup
in creating a name that is recognised not only in
Managing Director
Denmark but throughout Europe.
STILL PRODUCING NEW IDEAS “Production of the Borgward Isabella car came to
Ten Cate is not surprised by your success in reach-
an end many years ago. However, we at Ten Cate
ing 40 years. As with all good things, “First Lady”
know that “First Lady” Isabella, named after it, is
Isabella has grown more attractive with time.
still looking ahead and approaching the new century with confidence.
As a supplier, we at Ten Cate have, over the years, had the privilege of being in a position to
Well done Mr. Odgaard Sr and to both of his
observe your progression in the camping industry.
sons! To survive and grow in a market that is still
We wish you and your staff many more years
expanding, and with increasingly tough competi-
of success.
tion, is no mean achievement. TEN CATE Only the utmost devotion and perseverance together with a large dose of common sense guarantees success in this industry.
A 32 YEAR ASSOCIATION “32 years of co-operation between Isabella and
At the time, Isabella had already intensified its
exports throughout Europe and attention was
For many years, Sattler material was only
especially focussed on England, Sweden and
sold in Austria and its near neighbours, and export
activities to Scandinavia were not established until
Because of the close co-
operation between Isabella and Sattler first made contact with Jydsk Camp-
Sattler on technical develop-
ing Industri A/S in 1964, establishing a business
ment, such as deciding on the
relationship that has grown stronger throughout
design of the finished fabrics, we
the past 32 years.
at Sattler hope to have made a
With his focus on manufacturing as many
decisive contribution to Isabel-
awnings as possible for the market in Denmark,
la’s many years of success.
Søren Odgaard and his staff succeeded in mak-
We are certain that Isabel-
ing Isabella the most successful plant for caravan
la’s endeavours to always offer the best possible
awnings. Significant at that time, as now, was that Isa-
product, will maintain Isabellas current leading
bella offered products of high quality and therefore
naturally looked to Sattler for the best materials.
We congratulate Isabella on its 40th anniversary and wish every success for the future.”
A BRIEF HISTORY OF ISABELLA Søren Odgaard established the Isabella Founda-
The 1997
tion in 1978. The purpose of the Foundation is to
support and benefit outdoor life and activities. It is
team at Jydsk
also designed to support both present and former
employees of Jydsk Camping Industri.
Industri A/S
1996 saw the latest contribution from the
foundation when 10 large KOMPAN playgrounds
with slides, climbing frames etc. were given to
Robert W.
camping sites in Denmark, which will be especially
enjoyed by young caravanners.
Over the years, many employees have been supported either directly or in the form of activi-
Jydsk Camping Industri A/S
Campion Prod uction ApS, Vejle
man), Carsten Dyg, Ivan Odgaard, Peder Odgaard.
Isabella Interna Camping Ltd., tional England
Isabella Nederla nd B.V., Holland
ties such as theatre trips, study tours, Christmas shows, week-end stays and the art fund of the
The committee of the Isabella Founda-
tion in 1997 are:
Norsk Isabella A/S, Norge
Lawyer Mogens Thyssen, master carThe first Isabella subsidiary to be estab-
penter Erik Jensen, Carsten Dyg, Robert
lished was England in 1970. Following this was
W. Hansen, Anna Odgaard and Søren
Holland in 1982, Norway - 1985 and, last but not
Odgaard, chairman.
least, Germany in 1990. For past and present loyal service, the The board of directors in 1997 at Jydsk Camping
board of directors wish to express sincere thanks
Industri A/S - ISABELLA are:
to employees of the subsidiary companies, to the
Søren Odgaard, chairman
employees in Vejle and Odense and, to the deal-
Ivan Odgaard, Lars Erik Odgaard, Anna Odgaard,
ers. We also extend thanks and gratitude to our
Robert W. Hansen and Mogens Thyssen.
suppliers and to the users of Isabella products.
Isabella Vorze Deutschland Gmlte bH, Tyskland
MY STORY as told by Søren Odgaard “Actually, it all began with car trading. In 1946 I sold
The following year I joined forces with a local sadd
my renovated Ford 1930 which was the car I bought
ler and, in 1959, purchased a redundant building at
in exchange for my beloved Nimbus motor cycle.
the “Vandel” railway in Grejsdalen where I started
It all happened because of the desire to start my
my first production line.
own company, that is “Vestergades Materielhan-
The innovative house tents continued to
del”. The trade-in of the car brought in an amount
grow in popularity and, by 1961, production and
which, together with a loan of 8,000 dkr. from Den
a large Showroom on “Nørremarken” - the present
Danske Bank and two solid guarantors, constituted
Isabellahøj - were fully operational. During the
the working capital of the newly established com-
sixties, the business developed rapidly. Caravans
pany. The association with Den Danske Bank is
became fashionable and it was increasingly clear
very beneficial to both parties and I am honoured
that caravan AWNINGS were in demand. Always
to be a member of the Bank’s local neighbourhood
quick to seize an opportunity, Jydsk Camping
Industri went into production with its first models.
So, to everyone’s surprice, on the 1st of
In 1973, tent production ceased and the
April, 1957 I sold the business in Vestergade. This
business concentrated on awnings and other cara-
was the beginning of a whole new venture into
van accessories. To cope with the ever increasing
camping which, at that time, was not considered a
demands for Isabella awnings, we have constantly
business at all and was an unknown concept. Dur-
expanded our buildings and are now the largest
ing that first year, besides selling and hiring out
awning factory in Europe. In 1994, Isabella bought
my own tents, I purchased and sold other small
the Telt Larsen factory in Odense. This has consid-
tents and camping equipment, and I found there
erably increased production space to enable Isa-
was tremendous interest in my ideas. Also, having
bella to cope with the ever growing demands for
become entranced with the outdoor life, quite a
Isabella awnings both now and in the future.” Søren Odgaard
few customers bought the tents they had hired.
SIGHTS ARE SET TO THE FUTURE Peder Odgaard was, if not born to the job, then
attention to finding a more durable product.
at least brought up with tents. “Job” is probably
The material was found on the deck of a trawler!
not the right word - life style is a more accurate
- a rubber string with polyester spun around it and
description, because in the development depart-
strong enough to secure fishing equipment, had to
ment of Isabella, Peder and three other members
be suitable to keep an awning in place. The result
of the staff live and breathe camping all day, every
of these exhaustive investigations is “Isaflex”
which was perfected in 1989 and which can be fitted to all Isabella awnings from 1960.
You need a technicians sense of practicality and research ability. You need an architects
The “Hercules” tensioning tool is another
flair for design and colour. And, most of all, you
invention from Isabella which, as with the rubber
need camping in your soul. Only then can you
rings, is the result of Isabella’s intensive research.
understand and investigate solutions for the cara-
The awning of the future will need to comply with new environmental demands and before long
vannners needs. One such subject of research was the rubber
we could be seeing much smaller cars. What will
rings which tether the awning to the pegs. These
the caravan then look like? - and the awnings? Who
rings had always been made of rubber which has
knows, perhaps alternatives which no-one has yet
a tendency to perish, and it has sometimes been
thought of are on the way.
necessary to replace these every year. Isabella was Except maybe Isabella.
concerned about this small but annoying feature and the development department turned their
Jydsk Camping Industri A/S Isabella Isabellahøj 3 DK-7100 Vejle Tlf. +45 75 82 07 55. Fax +45 75 82 06 93 Internet: