isabella hillman
architecture portfolio 2018 - 2023
isabella hillman licensed architect @ : # : + 1 7 8 7. 3 6 0 . 5 0 0 3 + : P.O. Box 360458 San Juan, P.R.00936
education university of puerto rico 2019-2021 Río Piedras, P.R. School of Architecture Master in Architecture 4.0 GPA/4.0 GPA university of puerto rico 2015-2019 Río Piedras, P.R. School of Architecture Bachellor’s Degree on Environmental Design 4.0 GPA/4.0 GPA universidad francisco de vitoria 07/2018 Madrid, Spain Faculty of Architecture - SAW t.u. delft 07/2017 Delft, The Netherlands Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment Planning and Design with Water for Sustainability Summer School universidad nacional autónoma de méxico 06/2016 Mexico City, Mexico Faculty of Architecture Joint Summer Studio with UPR. academia del perpetuo socorro 2009-2015 San Juan, P.R. High School Diploma 4.2 GPA/4.5 GPA
work experience university of illinois 2022-2024 Urbana-Champaign, Illinois Teaching Assitant Professor toro arquitectos 2021-2022 San Juan, P.R. Architecture firm in Ocean Park, P.R. diaz paunetto architects 2020 San Juan, P.R. Architecture firm in Hato Rey, P.R. rise up | research assistant 2019-2021 Río Piedras, P.R. School of Architecture coleman davis pagan architects 2018-2020 San Juan, P.R. Architecture firm in Ocean Park, P.R. informa 2019-2021 San Juan, P.R. Architecture School Magazine of the University of Puerto Rico
skills 01 c o m p u t e r Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Adobe Indesign Autocad Sketch Up 02 personal responsible punctual organized attentive smart
Rhinceros Grasshopper Revit Lumion V-Ray
planning and design with water final report 2017 T.U. Delft School of Architecture, 2017. Link: Link: html#2321385/58539565
D i r e c t o r ’s C h o i c e M i a m i F l o a t ing Housing Competition 2022
extracurricular shaping the city forum 2023 Speaker Shaping the City, New Orleans 2023 Edition is a forum where a number of panels are presented. The participated panel was titled “Environmental Justice” and it shed light into climate crisis linked with climate gentrification. aias rfs x 2019 AIAS UPR Chapter Recycable Fashion Show 10th Edition event planner and director. The Fashion Show aims to rethink used garbage into beautiful fashion garments. verde luz park 2019 AIA sponsored charette to rebuilt Verde Luz Park in the Río Piedras community. The park was built after the design phase was completed. aias university of puerto rico chapter 2018 President Member of the Board of Directors for the 20182019 year. As a chapter we have worked hard to persue the AIAS mission and to revive what was once a very inclusive social chapter. proyecto enlace 2018 Caño Martín Peña Volunteer for a non-profit organization created after the passing of hurricane María in 2017. The organization concentrates on documentating asbuilts for the implemantation of a new roof.
XVI bienal de arquiectura y a r q u i t e c t u r a p a o s a j i s t a d e P. R 2021 summa cum laude 2019 University of Puerto Rico d e a n ’s l i s t 2016-2019 University of Puerto Rico honor roll scholarship 2016-2019 University of Puerto Rico FRI shirt finalist 2018 CODE best SAW projec t 2018 Universidad Francisco de Vitoria puerto rico scholarship 2017 T.U. Delft
languages spanish written & spoken english written & spoken
graphic design
urban planning architetural design
digital fabrication product design
about my work
This portfolio contains selected works from design projects developed during my time as a student, researcher and architect in various work experiences during the years 2018 and 2023. The projects selected highlight diverse scales, approaches, design strategies and site locations.
Este portafolio continene algunos trabajos de diseño desarrollados durante mi tiempo como estudiante, investigadora y arquitecta a través de mis trabajos durante los años 2018 y 2022. Los proyectos seleccionados destacan diversas escalas, estrategías de diseño y lugares.
06 | 15 school in guánica Master’s Thesis
16 | 23 1005 Ponce de León Urban Infill
24 | 31 czech republic embassy Design Competition
32 | 37 little lakay Design Competition
38 | 45 Casa Margarita Adaptive Reuse (Built)
46 | 49 Graphic Design Branding in Guánica M.Arch Graduate Thesis 2021 Guánica, Puerto Rico Prof. Rafael Vargas (Director), Prof. Luis Daza (Committee), and Dr. Elvia Melendez-Ackerman (Committee)
The following project is a short synopsis of a year-long research, Biomimicry: a solution to opposing forces?, centered on the use of biomimicry to resolve a structural discrepancy between earthquake forces and wind forces. The design of a school resistant to both phenomena was the result of data collecting and analysis. The following project mimics the cranium of a woodpecker, that can resist intense lateral loads, and the exoskeleton of a sea-urchin which has an aereodynamic shape. To promote the values of biomimicry and the resiliency of the school as a shelther, the school was designed to be self-suficient.
El siguiente proyecto es una pequeña sinopsis de una investigación titulada, Biomimicry: a solution to opposing forces?, centrada en el uso de la biomímesis para resolver la discrepancia estructural entre las fuerzas de terremotos y vientos. El diseño de la escuela es el producto de la recolección de data y su análisis. El proyecto emula el cranio del pájaro carpintero que puede resistir fuerzas laterales de alta magnitud y el exoesqueleto del erizo de mar, el cual tiene propiedades aereodinámicas. Para promover los valores de la biomímesis y la resiliencia de la escuela como refugio, la escuela se diseño para ser auto sustentable.
research process & concept
8 in guánica
site plan
10 in guánica
0’10’ 20’
classroom pavillion
floor plan
section 12 in guánica
structural details
14 in guánica
typical pavillion wall section
typical pavillion wall details
0’ 1’
0’ 1’
10 0 5 A v e . P o n c e d e L e ó n 2019 San Juan, Puerto Rico Urban Infill Project Drawing Set:
This urban infill project is sited in the historical center of Río Piedras, Puerto Rico. This district is known as the University District. The plans for this area surrounding the University was for it to be a University City, but after economical and social decline the area struggles to maintain it’s stading. Through this proposal, a mixed-use building is proposed in parallel to a revitalizing masterplan for the area. The project explores the juxtaposition and usage of lofted units that range from studios to three-bedroom apartments for a variety of users. The project’s main goal is to contextualize itself within the Puerto Rican typology of apartment buildings. These usually have commerce in the ground level and units on top. The high ceiling lofts and louvered windows permit and welcome natural ventilation, same as the one-loaded corridor technique with green tunnels that emerge from the first level all the way to the roof.
Este proyecto de medianera está ubicado en el centro histórico de Río Piedras. Este distrito se conoce como el Distrito Universitario. Los planes para esta área que rodea la Universidad eran que fuera una Ciudad Universitaria, pero después del declive económico y social, el área lucha por mantener su estatus. A través de esta propuesta, se propone un edificio de uso mixto en paralelo a un plan maestro para la revitalización del área. El proyecto explora la yuxtaposición y el uso de unidades tipo “loft” que van desde estudios hasta apartamentos de tres habitaciones para una variedad de usuarios. El principal objetivo del proyecto es contextualizarse dentro de la tipología puertorriqueña de edificios de departamentos. Estos suelen tener comercio en la planta baja y unidades en la parte superior. Los lofts de techos altos y las ventanas con persianas permiten y dan la bienvenida a la ventilación natural, al igual que la técnica del corredor de una sola carga con túneles verdes que emergen desde el primer nivel hasta el techo. 16
context + design strategies
University of Puerto Rico Plaza Rosales
Historical Ponce de León Ave. Río Piedras Downtown Ponce de León Walkway
The apartment building complex is situated in Río Piedras, a historic neighboorhood that was the connecting point between the San Juan City Capital and the rest of the island. The University of Puerto Rico was founded in the 1900’s in that area, turning it into a housing, commercial and educational hub of Puerto Rico
commercial + ammenities facades
housing units
vertical circulation + complete form
10 0 5 A v e . P o n c e d e L e ó n
site plan
density + layout diagram 19
drawings + perspectives floor plan level 2 & 6
0’ 15’ section A-A
floor plan level 3 & 7
10 0 5 A v e . P o n c e d e L e ó n
drawings + perspectives
10 0 5 A v e . P o n c e d e L e ó n
floor plan level 2 & 6
0’ 15’ west elevation
floor plan level 3 & 7
Czech Republic Embassy competition 2019 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia collaboration with: Lisandra Pérez, Marieliz Morales Prof. Francisco Rodríguez
This project surges from the research and analysis of both historical and contextual information from the Czech Republic and Addis Ababa. The Czech Republic Embassy in Ethiopia is an oasis centered on sustainability, security, the joining of communities, and the re-weaving of the present urban context. It consist of different layers that are a result of the site analysis, and the reading of the regulation and requirements of the embassy. Through different design measures the project provides a safe, beautiful, green oasis to the Czech community living in Ethiopia and the Ethiopian community in Addis Ababa.
Este proyecto surge de una investigación e analisis histórico y contextual de la República Checa y Etiopia. La embajada de la República Checa en Etipioa es un oasis centrado en la sustentabilidad, la seguridad, la unión de dos comunidades y el entrelazado de un contexto urbano existente. Consiste en differentes capas que son el resultado de analisis de sitio y la lectura de las regulaciones y los requisitos de la embajada. Por medio del diseño el proyecto provee un oasis seguro, hermoso y verde para la comunidad checa en Etiopia y la comunidad de Etiopia en Addis Ababa,
design parameters + site analysis
czech republic embassy
floor plan & section
czech republic embassy
czech republic embassy
Lit tle Lakay competition 2022 Miami, Florida in collaboration with Claudia Crespo Director’s Choice Award
Little Haiti and Little River are long-established communities of rich Caribbean culture in inland Miami, now the most coveted territory for luxury development due to climate change. This phenomenon places at risk the colors, flavors and culture of the people who built the community decades ago from nothing. Haitian immigrants established themselves in Miami bringing with them their architecture. For the design of Little Lakay, the Gingerbread style and culture of Little Haiti were the main source of inspiration. The project is composed of a floating path that connects the community to Legion Park and Picnic islands. Throughout the weaving path, you can find the entry portal, agricultural center, leisure parks, civic center, and a watch tower that frames the most prominent views of the contrast between Miami’s high-rise development and the Caribbean-influenced community.
Little Haiti y Little River son comunidades establecidas desde hace un tiempo con rica cultura caribeña en el interior de Miami, ahora el territorio más codiciado para el desarrollo de lujo debido al cambio climático. Este fenómeno pone en riesgo los colores, los sabores y la cultura de las personas que construyeron la comunidad hace décadas. Los inmigrantes haitianos se establecieron en Miami trayendo consigo su arquitectura. Para el diseño de Little Lakay, el estilo Gingerbread y la cultura de Little Haiti fueron la principal fuente de inspiración. El proyecto se compone de un camino flotante que conecta a la comunidad con las islas Legion Park y Picnic. A lo largo del camino se puede encontrar el portal de entrada, el centro agrícola, los parques recreativos, el centro cívico y una torre de vigilancia que enmarca las vistas más destacadas del contraste entre el desarrollo de gran altura de Miami y la comunidad de influencia caribeña.
drawings + diagrams
0’ 10’ 34
Little Lakay
Little Lakay
Casa Margarita professional / built work with Toro Arquitectos 2021 San Juan, Puerto Rico from my time in Toro Arquitectos, collaborating with the firm’s principal Jose Javier Toro, FAIA Drawing Set:
In my time in Toro Arquitectos, I oversaw the complete process of this project from conceptual design to construction administration. This house was designed in 1953 by Toro Ferrer Arquitectos for close relatives and was recently acquired by another family. The new owners wanted to modernize the house while respecting the original mid-20th-century design. The modifications consist of opening the public spaces and integrating them into the patios through selective demolitions. Bathrooms, electrical systems and air conditioning will be remodeled, and solar panels will be installed on the roof. The existing garage/utility room structure will be modified and expanded to build a guest room on the second floor. A small pool and terrace will be added in the backyard sheltered by a beautiful tambourine ficus. In front, a new security fence will be built whose design is based on the original floral motif gate of the house.
En mi tiempo en Toro Arquitectos, supervisé el proceso completo de este proyecto desde el diseño conceptual hasta la administración de la construcción. Esta casa fue diseñada en 1953 por Toro Ferrer Arquitectos para familiares cercanos y recientemente fue adquirida por otra familia. Los nuevos propietarios querían modernizar la casa respetando el diseño original de mediados del siglo XX. Las modificaciones consisten en abrir los espacios públicos e integrarlos a los patios mediante derribos selectivos. Se remodelarán baños, sistemas eléctricos y aire acondicionado, y se instalarán paneles solares en el techo. La estructura existente del garaje/lavadero se modificará y ampliará para construir una habitación de invitados en el segundo piso. Se agregará una pequeña piscina y una terraza en el patio trasero protegida por un hermoso ficus pandereta. Al frente se construirá una nueva valla de seguridad cuyo diseño se basa en el portón con motivos florales original de la casa. 38
context + floor plans
Casa Margarita
screen + tile details
Casa Margarita
details + construction
Casa Margarita
Graphic Design professional work 2022-2024 from my time in University of Illinois UIUC as Graphic Coordinator
In parallel with being a Teaching Assistant Professor in the Illinois School of Architecture. I coordinated the Graphic Design team as head Graphic Designer. During this time posters where redesigned to follow new templates and to follow the University’s colors, orange and blue. In 2023 the School had the opportunity to exhibit their work at the European Cultural Center in Venice, in parallel to the Venice Architecture Biennale. The exhibit was titled “150 years of Architectural Education @ Illinois”. This commemorated the first Architectural Graduate the School had in 1873. Other graphic works include the rebranding of the School’s marketing and admissions merchandise, transforming black and white merchandise to embrase the school’s orange and blue colors.
Además de mi posición como Teaching Assistant Professor en la Escuela de Arquirectura de la Universidad de Illinois lideré el equipo de diseño gráfico de la escuela. Durante este tiempo se rediseñaron las plantillas para los carteles siguiendo los colores de la Universidad, anaranjado y azul. En 2023 la Escuela tuvo la oportunidad de exponer su trabajo en el European Cultural Center en Venezia, en paralelo a la Bienal de Arquitectura de Venezia. La exposisción se tituló “150 years of architectural education @ Illinois”. Esto conmemoró el primer graduado de arquitectura que tuvo la escuela en 1873. Otras obras gráficas incluyen en el cambio de marca de la mercancía de marketing de la escuela.
exhibit + branding
axonometric diagram
palazzo bembo
Graphic Design
49 (787) 360 5003